#I’m so beyond happy y’all enjoy my Disney style stuff so here’s more!
ohno-wallace · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s to only them
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Cruising for a bruising, Part 2 (Branjie) - Q-Tip & TheDane
Authors note:
We’re back, back, back again! Thank you to everyone for the attention to the first chapter of this story. It’s currently at 80+ notes, and we’re so happy with the love and the talks we have gotten with you guys! Q-tip and I have worked hard on this next chapter, and we hope you will enjoy Nina dragging Brooke out of his comfort zone, Vanjie going to the pool and a mystery guest appearing from the shadows! Please come find us at @ArtificialQtip and @TheArtificialDane or ask for our Discords! Beyond this planet grateful to VeronicaSanders who has once again risked her sanity by betaing. We own you the world and so many thanks for your time and your expertise!
“Stop tryina make me feel pressed hos, I ain’t no fucking panini.”
Brooke had imagined there wouldn’t be an ocean of options onboard the cruise, and boy had he been wrong. The entire deck was littered with stores, and Brooke felt overwhelmed right away, not even sure where they would start, but thankfully he had Nina with him, and if there was one thing his friend always had - it was a plan. Nina picking a smaller shop, properly for Brooke’s benefit, the space filled with graphic t-shirts, drag queens and slogans littered across oceans of fabric.  
Nina’s brows were set in a determined half-frown as he surveyed the options before them, biting his lip in concentration as he pulled Brooke from rack to rack, humming a jazzy tune to himself.
Every now and then Nina took a shirt from the racks, holding it up against Brooke’s body, Brooke holding out his arms like he used to do with his mom as a kid.
“No. I think you need a little more pizazz. How do you feel about blue?”
“As long as I’m comfy.”
“Wrong answer.”
Brooke laughed, and he knew he had picked right, Nina’s easy joy and the warm glow that always surrounded him keeping Brooke’s anxiety in check
They made their way through the store, some the shirts ending back on the rack, but most made it to the ever growing pile on Nina’s arm, his sister holding onto them for safe keeping.
Brooke kept an eye out for anything plain. He knew Nina would force him out of his comfort zone, his friend dressing like a Disney Channel uncle, the fun kookiness of her style something Brooke was sure he could make work. At least until they were back on land. If all went wrong, he would just call it cruise craziness, and attempt to forget all about it just like the time he figured he’d try growing out his hair.
It’s was simple, a black piece, with Atlantis in tiny white lettering square on the chest. Brooke looked it over, pulling at it to test the elasticity. The fabric was nice. Surely cotton, maybe a little polyester. Brooke turned it inside out, searching for the label.
“You’re not getting married to it Brooke.”
“Give me a minute.” Brooke found the label, turning it into the light so he could read it.
“You took less time checking out Vanjie!”
“I know true quality when I see it.”
Nina rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face before he made a beeline for the shorts, Brooke briefly considering if he should have given Nina a budget.
“Can I help you with something sir?”
Brooke jumped, quickly turning the t-shirt back out. “Sorry.” He turned towards the voice, realising that it was the shop assistant, a tall, blonde man who looked to be in his mid twenties, his hair falling around his face. “Sorry. Just looking.”
“Are you Canadian?”
“Is my accent that strong?”
“No one else on this boat would say sorry two times.” The man smiled, and Brooke couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sorry aboot that.” Brooke turned to the rack, about to put the shirt back when he was interrupted.
“No! Don’t.”
“Am I putting it in the wrong place?”
“No, just.. I think you’d look really nice in it.”
“Oh.” Brooke looked at the shirt again, putting it over his arm. “Well, thanks.” Brooke was about to leave, when he realised he recognised the other man’s face. He had seen him somewhere on the boat before, but where? “Wait, didn’t I see you at the bar?”
“I do everything around here.” The man smiled, holding his hand out and Brooke took it, their hands meeting in a firm and brief handshake. “I’m Justin.”
“We’re kinda understaffed for the summer. New management fired off two thirds of our budget on Drag Queens.”
“And you don’t watch Drag Queens?”
“Sometimes.” Justin smiled. “I bartended that nature documentary. Did you see it?”
Brooke snorted out a laugh. “Yes. Yes I did.” It had been a stroke of genius from Silky to suggest Vanjie narrated a documentary live. It had started off as a joke on Twitter, Silky filming Vanjie on their trip to Hawaii fighting with a bird over their breakfast, and the clip had gone viral. “It was.. Something.” Brooke was pretty sure he had almost broken a rib, his abs hurting from how much he had laughed at Vanjie narrating a penguin march.
“I have to go.” Brooke pointed over his shoulder, Nina standing at entrance to the dressing room with his hands full, clearly ready for Brooke to start actually trying on everything he had found for his makeover.
“Come by the bar sometimes? Ocean 8, best drinks on the ship! I’ll give make you a Tropical orgasm? On the house.”
Brooke smiled. “Thanks, that’s really nice of you.”
“Brooke!” Nina called again.
“I’m coming!”
Brooke walked over, not noticing that Justin was watching him walk away.
Vanjie had looked all over for Brooke, and he was starting to get real fucking pissed. He had been left hanging like an ugly Grindr hookup at breakfast, and now his man was nowhere in sight. Vanjie had tried to be the bigger person, settling down when he saw Brooke make a beeline for Nina without a word, the two old friends, and Vanjie could understand it. Sometimes you just needed your good Judy, and he got that. He really did, but that didn’t mean that he had to like it when he looked fine as fuck. Vanjie had put on his best pair of speedos, the little red number making his ass look like a ripe peach ready for the eating.He was an exclusive buffet, and the guest of honor hadn’t even shown up. Brooke should be here, with his sexy smile and his plate in hand, ready to taste the goods.
“Why you walking ‘round like that sis?” A’keria was laying on a sunchair, sunglasses on his face, his shorts so low you could almost see his peas and beans. “You’re making me seasick.”
“Shut up.” Vanjie dumped down by the pool, dangling his toes in the water. Silky was in the pool, bopping around like a cork, and under normal circumstances Vanjie would have jumped right in. He was even wearing a brand new pair of speedos, but where was the fun in strutting his stuff when the one he wanted to strut it for wasn���t even there?
“Any of you seen Brooke? Bitch been gone since breakfast.”
“Nah, haven’t seen her,” A’keria answered, though he did push his sunglasses into his hair, Silky swimming to the edge of the pool. Vanjie could sense the other guests sneaking glances at him, but he had gotten used to it. “She finally made a run for it?”
Vanjie hadn’t even considered that possibility, her blood running cold.
“She probably out fucking some other bitch,” Silky laughed, kicking his feet as he hung on, a wide smile on his face. “You seen the trade on board this ship.”
“Oh honey, I tasted the trade on board this ship, and it’s good.”
“Stop tryina make me feel pressed hos, I ain’t no fucking panini.”
Both Silky and A’keria laughed, and Vanjie wanted to join them. He really did, but he had seen the trade, and maybe they were right. They were on a gay cruise, of course there were hot guys everywhere. That was part of the reason why people went on these boats, to get drunk, fuck for 10 days and then go home without ever having to see anyone ever again. Everyone was flirty, it was in the air, or maybe even the water, and while Vanjie had no problem fighting off the attention he received, the same couldn’t be said about Brooke. Vanjie knew he was fucking gorgeous so of course people wanted a piece of him. Right now he could feel the eyes of several men checking him out, his red speedo chosen for that exact purpose, but he was looking to catch a very different fish. Vanjie shot one of the men a dirty look, the other back off immediately, and Vanjie smiled, feeling very satisfied.
“She gone found herself a better deal.” Silky smirked, pushing the water so it splashed on her friend.
“Someone way less psychotic than your crazy ass.”
Vanjie had seen the trade talk to Brooke. Had seen his kind, tall, disgustingly handsome asshole of a man laugh at their jokes, reply to compliments with thanks and smiles, and even say sorry if someone bumped into him to grab a feel of his junk or trunk. Vanjie wasn’t proud of that part of him. He was a jealous bitch, and he couldn’t help it. If he could, he would gouge out the eyes of anyone who dared look twice at what was very much his, but he was trying to be mature, and Vanjie knew Brooke hadn’t no idea someone was flirting with him 99% of the time, Vanjie having to practically shout in his face that he found him hot to get him to make out with him the first time.
“Y’all ain’t no fucking help,” Vanjie whined, dumping down on the hot stones of the poolside, looking up into the sun, his mind racing away with his internal catalog of every man he had seen getting close to Brooke for the last three days.
“Relax, girl,” Silky chuckled, touching his knee and shaking it to calm him down. “She’s probably tightening up that bod with Kameron. Getting her pump on.”
Vanjie lit up. Of course. Of course. Vanjie sat back up, taking a deep breath of relief. There was a gym on board, and with Kameron there, there was no way Brooke wasn’t using this time off as a chance to get a workout in. After all, there was no other place Brooke would willingly hang out on the ship, at least not without Vanjie at his side.
“How are you doing in there?”
“I’m doing.”
“You know, Brooke,” Nina sighed, leaning against the side of the fitting room, barely catching it as Brooke threw yet another shirt back in his face. “You don’t have to change yourself. You know that right? Clothes are a way to express yourself. Show off your personality with a wham bam.”
“If I strangle you with my shoelace, does that count as expressing myself through clothing?”
“Uh, no,” Nina laughed heartily. “But maybe your personality is just.. You know… Laid back and chill?”
Brooke poked his head out from behind the curtain, Nina passing yet another shirt to Brooke.
“I’m all for this change, but it feels pretty sudden. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yearh, I’m fine..” Brooke accepted the shirt, although he was sure the frown never left his face. “It’s just.. I never realised I didn’t look…”
Brooke walked out of the dressing room, wearing a tight pair of floral shorts and a white tank top.
“Hmm.” Nina looked him up and down, tapping his lower lip. “I feel like you need a little more oompfh. Maybe more flowers?”
“I’m not wearing enough?” Brooke gestured to his shorts.
“You can never wear enough flowers.” Nina followed Brooke’s hand, his eyes first going wide, then squeezing shut, his blue eyes nothing more than slits. “But you definitely need those shorts a size up.”
Brooke looks down, eyeing his own body in the offending garment, a flush rising in his cheeks. “Oh, fuck off.”
Brooke opened the door to his cabin, peeking inside, a rush of relief washing over him when Vanjie wasn’t there. He was alone for a few minutes, and that was all he needed. Brooke had paid way too much money for it, but he had a thick stack of clothes in his hand, Nina - smart as a whip as always - had told him to not get a bag, so Brooke just dumped everything into his suitcase before he shoved the receipts to the very bottom of their trash can. He was considering cutting the labels out of the shirts, trying to decide if that was crazy or not and seriously debating if he should call someone about it, when the key card beeped and Vanjie walked in.
“Oh thank fuck ho, I thought you had gone thrown yourself into the ocean.”
“Hi.” Brooke quickly sat down on the bed, turning against Vanjie, trying his best to pretend he hadn’t just been moments away from calling home just so he could FaceTime his cats to relax. “Still here, still alive.”
“I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Vanjie locked the door behind him, and Brooke felt a flush his cheeks, fully taking in Vanjie’s appearance for the first time. His boyfriend was almost naked, his tan skin slick with tanning oil, his strong legs and his perfect stomach on full display in the filthiest little red speedo Brooke had ever seen.
“Yeah, sorry..” Brooke broke his gaze away, catching Vanjie’s eyes, the other clearly noticing his staring. “Nina had an emergency.” Brooke smiled, hoping his face didn’t betray the fact that he was obviously lying.
“She okay?” Vanjie’s voice was low and soft. “She need anything?”
Brooke felt his heart melt a little, Vanjies immediate concern for one of his best drag friends so sweet he almost forgot he was technically lying. “She’s fine.”
“Good.” Vanjie smiled. “Cause now I don’t need to feel nothing for doing this.”
Brooke couldn’t tear his eyes away, Vanjie walking painfully slowly towards him, his bare feet poised as he pranced, clearly putting on a show before he lowered himself onto Brooke’s lap, his arms snaking around his neck, Brooke’s mouth dry, his dick instantly hard and interested. Vanjie smelled like sun and sea, the thick scent of oil playing just beneath his natural sweat.
“We missed you at the pool.” Vanjie’s hand snaked into his hair, Brooke leaning back into the touch.
“Who’s we?”
“Oh so you a detective now bitch?” Vanjie laughed, his hand tightening, forcing Brooke’s face so close to his their lips were only inches apart. “Fine, it was just me. I missed you.”
Brooke wanted to leave forward, but Vanjies hand kept him in place. “Sorry.” Brooke felt like he couldn’t breathe, Vanjie controlling him so easily.
“You better be.”
Vanjie smiled, tightened his knees, digging into the side of Brooke’s thighs, their chests pressed together, Vanjie’s weight forcing Brooke to put his hands behind him, supporting them both, Brooke’s new shirt open just like the shop assistant had told him looked good right before he had left. Brooke almost whined, the sound on the tip of his tongue. Vanjie still hadn’t kissed him, and he felt like he was starving.
“I didn’t even have no one to put sunscreen on my tush.”
“Did you get burned?” Brooke tried to keep an even head, but he felt hot all over, Vanjie’s voice as low as it would go without him whispering, his skin burning from the suspense. Vanjie’s eyes were sparkling, satisfaction radiating from him as he had Brooke under his thumb. If he had been at the pool, would Vanjie have made him lotion him up? Brooke couldn’t help but imagine his palms sliding over Vanjie’s broad back, making sure every inch was protected. Brooke looked down, barely keeping a gulp in at the thought of pushing down Vanjie’s speedo, spreading the liquid there without being able to sneak a slick finger in between his cheeks, everyone around them-
“Why don’t you check for yourself?”
Brooke was snapped out of his fantasy, Vanjie’s voice pulling him back to the moment.
“Please.” Vanjie laughed, tipping them over, their lips crashing together and Brooke felt like he was flying even though they landed in the blankets, Vanjie already rocking against his stomach as they made out. The control of the kiss switched back and forth, back and forth until Vanjie bit Brooke, Brooke breaking the kiss with a groan, his lip sore, the pain causing a fizzle of pleasure to run through his body.  
“Let me see.” Brooke flipped them over, Vanjie still clinging to him, a hand on his lip and a final kiss turning Vanjie over so he was lying on his stomach. Vanjie’s back was lined with muscles, Brooke’s fingers on Vanjie’s hip tightening without a thought as he leaned down, gently kissing the skin, breathing in the sun, salt and water. Brooke hooked his thumb in Vanjie’s speedos, pulling them down and over the perfect globe of Vanjie’s ass, his kisses following as he sat back on his knees, watching his boyfriend’s body, Vanjie’s hips working against the mattress. Brooke landed a slap on Vanjie’s left cheek, right above his beauty mark, the smack loud in the room, Vanjie’s gasp even louder.
“What the fuc-”
Brooke laughed. “Seems like you pass inspection.” Brooke pushed his shorts down, his dick springing free before he lowered himself down, his chest pressed against Vanjies skin, Brooke’s weight pushing Vanjie into the mattress.
“What you do that for?”
“Didn’t you ask me to check if you were burned?”
“That don’t mean you can slap my ass.” Vanjie laughed, the sound slightly breathless.
“I ain’t no fucking prize at the counter fair.”
Brooke chuckled, considered if he should correct Vanjie since he had never heard of counter fairs, only county fairs, but it didn’t really matter. Brooke pressed a kiss behind Vanjie’s ear. “Of course not.”
“You bitc-“
Brooke moved his leg, hooking it on the outside of Vanjie’s hip.
“Hi.” Brooke smiled, his arms on either side of Vanjie’s head, the new bend of his knee giving him the leverage to push forward, his cock sliding between Vanjie’s cheeks. They hadn’t had time to prepare, but Brooke loved this too, the spontaneity and the intimacy of just rutting against each other.
“Fuuuuuck.” Vanjie moaned, his body going slack, and Brooke smiled, kissing Vanjie’s neck as he started thrusting. “Keep going.”
Brooke wasn’t much of a talker, but Vanjie was, filth spilling from his boyfriend’s lips as Brooke rutted against him in the firm, long and hard strokes he knew Vanjie preferred.
Brooke groaned, pressing his lips to Vanjie’s jaw as he whispered. “You’re so sexy.”
“Say it again!”
Brooke blushed, the demand in Vanjie’s voice making his entire body tingle. “You’re so fucking sexy.”
Vanjie was withering, his smaller body fighting to move, to do anything to the desire building inside of him, but it was a futile effort, Brooke easily holding him down, their bodies sliding together, slick with sweat, Vanjie’s hard nipples rubbing against the sheet. Brooke was in complete control, everything he did serving Vanjie in the best way he could, Vanjie’s desperation growing and growing.
“Please, Brock, I- Shit, I’m gonna, please-“
Brooke grabbed Vanjie’s hands, his body resting on his elbow and knee, forcing Vanjies hands above his head, stretching his arms out over his body, Vanjie crying out as he was pulled taut.
“Say it.”
“Please, I-.” Brooke smiled, Vanjie’s voice high and desperate.
“Ask nicely.”
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
Brooke bit down, his teeth closing on Vanjie’s neck, a hard thrust and the edge of pain pulling Vanjie over the edge as he came, soaking the sheets, his body shaking with it.
“There you go.”
Vanjie moaned, overstimulated and hot, but Brooke knew exactly what he wanted. He upped his speed, rutting against Vanjies body, whimpers of oversensitivity taking over as Brooke fucked hard and fast, his hips pistoling until he came too, a loud groan spilling from his lips as he emptied himself, hips only stopping after he had rode out the last of his aftershocks.
Brooke rolled over, taking Vanjie with him easily, the two settling away from the wet spot, their bodies intertwined, filthy, lazy open mouthed kisses traded over Vanjie’s shoulder as they laid together.
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