#My crush is vacating my mind currently ouch
ohno-wallace · 1 year
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Happy Valentine’s to only them
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sixx02 · 3 years
Jaune Arc was currently incredibly absolutely totally embarrassed.  He could only watch in shock and horror as his mother was currently gushing over his perfect, wonderful, amazing, splendid, stunning, fantastic friend.  Quite possibly his best friend if he was being honest.  Of course Lie and Nora were his best friends too!  But they were family.  Pyrrha though?  She was something else.  She brought forth a side of him he could never really understand.  Sure he sometimes felt inferior but honestly that wasn’t really a her thing, and he swore he was getting better at it.  Even if he did feel like he was lagging behind all of his family.  
Right he was getting off topic, anyways, as he said horror absolute and utter horror.  His mother was currently grilling Pyrrha for all the details of their current lives.  “Oh my goodness!  You’re absolutely gorgeous!”  He watched as Pyrrha’s alabaster skin tinged pink as his mother picked her up pulling the younger girl into a grizzly like hug.  Jaune felt so many emotions in his chest, one of them had been a surprisingly large amount of sudden relief.  Good his mother liked her, that… that was important he felt.  But then there were so many more emotions!  He hadn’t expected any of this, and even with Pyrrha’s arrival he couldn’t help but eye Oscar.  The poor boy, his heart hurt just thinking of what he must have gone through.
Just like with Nora and Lie, he felt an overwhelming amount of brotherly feelings.  Just thinking that there was another child who lost their family, ‘I need to be stronger’.  He couldn’t help but think to himself, think that he had to help anyone he could.  Snapping out of his daze he watched as his mother was practically strangling Pyrrha.  “Uhm ma.”  There was no answer as she continued to hug the young girl, “Ma!”  He practically shouted at her, causing her to snap out of her child like glee.  
“Oh woopsie!  I’m sorry dearie, I just adore children.”  Understatement of the century, Jaune thought to himself as he heard the footsteps of his other sisters off in the distance.  “Well then, why don’t you all introduce her to me?”  Jaune took center, he didn’t want to give Nora the chance to embarrass him.  He could see the mischievous glee, though he knew that she only had his best interest in heart.  But… but he didn’t want her to do anything till he was sure that he himself felt that way about Pyrrha.  
“Uhm, she’s Pyrrha, Pyrrha Nikos.  She goes to school with us.”  He took a step next to her, one that he knew his mother noticed.  “She’s also our best friend.”  
“She’s Jaune’s bestest friend though.”  Nora said in a matter of factly kind of way.  He knew she didn’t mean any harm, but he saw the way his mother’s eyes shined.  “Oh oh!”  Nora suddenly pounced on Pyrrha, “But she’s my battle sister!”  Jaune eyed his sister and his… his crush yeah.  He could see the curves of her lips tilt upwards.  He loved Nora, she really did know how to bring out the brightest of the room.  
When Nora let Pyrrha go, his mother made a humming sound.  As Lie took his place near them she couldn’t help but smile.  “I’m glad you all are doing well.”  She took a breath, “I assume that you’re here to spend the night?”  
Pyrrha nodded meekly, “Yes ma’am, Jaune invited me over.”  It was obvious his friend worried about making a good impression.  But when she said his name, Jaune just knew that his mother was going to look at him.  And look at him she did.
“Oh, did he really now?”  The smile on her face told him everything he needed to know.  And, well, he nodded.  When her smile shifted to a warmer one he felt his heart calm down.  “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you deary.”  
“Thank you.”  Pyrrha gave his mother a nice bow.  
Once everything had finished, Jaune didn’t miss the looks he was getting from his other sisters who were peaking around the corners.  It was painfully obvious to everyone else, even if he didn’t quite get it yet.  No, he was just fooling himself, Pyrrha was amazing and well… his heart beat rapidly whenever they were close.  
“Why don’t you all go up stairs and enjoy yourselves?”  Nora who was practically bouncing up and down on her heels turned towards Oscar.
“Would you like to join us Oscar?”  Her brilliant smile was nearly blinding, and as her older brother Jaune didn’t feel like he was being biased whatsoever.  The young boy seemed hesitant, but Nora just had a way with kids.  She approached him slowly and smiled warmly, allowing him to let his guard down.  “We’d love to get to know you more.”  
Jaune could see how much she saw her and Lie in him.  Jaune only nodded approvingly, he would also like to get to know their newest little brother.  Though, as they were about to head up, he felt his mother’s hand touch his shoulder.  “Uhm, you guys can go ahead, I’ll catch up.”  Nora and Lie got the hint, heading up first followed by Oscar who decided to join them after all.  
Pyrrha on the other hand watched him worriedly, he simply gave her a warm smile.  Once she seemed satisfied she followed after the trio, dragging her bag alongside her.  Though he didn’t miss the few times that she glanced back at him.  
“Ahem.”  His mother cleared her throat, this was the signal for everyone else to vacate the room.  Which they did, no one crossed their mother.  Jaune turned towards her, their eyes met and he felt a warmth travel across him.  “She is a very pretty girl.”  
He nearly gasped for air, but he knew that this was where the conversation was going to head to.  Still… it didn’t stop him from being anxious, “She… she is.”  He felt his heart thump loudly, his ears beating like drums.  His pulse grew fast as he continued to keep his eyes deadlocked with his mothers.  
“Do you like her?”  And there it was, the question he was dreading.  He just… he wasn’t sure.  He… he wasn’t good at these kinds of things.  Especially with someone as amazing as Pyrrha.  He didn’t deserve… no that wasn’t the right word.  That was… it was stupid thinking right?  At least that’s what he tried to tell himself.  He felt inferior.  Not just to her mind you, but to everyone.  Memories of his past… no Pyrrha wasn’t like her.  She wasn’t like Flanna, she could never be like her. 
“I… I’m not…”  He heard the tapping of her foot on the wooden floor.  She wasn’t going to take half truths.  “I don’t know… I’m just… mom…”  His lip quivered and his throat grew dry.  He just, he did, he did like Pyrrha.  But he wasn’t… he couldn’t, would she even be happy with him?  He knew, he really did that it didn’t matter if he was worthy or not.  That was stupid thinking!  It was stupid thinking, and he was an idiot.  “I… would she even…”  
He stiffened as she pressed her palm against his shoulder.  Her hand tightened around him, “Oh sweetie.  You’re amazing, and I’m not saying that just cause you’re my son.”  His gaze drifted downwards as he shifted awkwardly.  “Honey, I’ve never met anyone who puts half the effort you do into improving yourself.  If you make a mistake you try to correct it, I know… that things hadn’t been easy for you.  Especially with… that incident.  But darling.”  She pulled him into a tight hug.  “You’ll never know if you don’t try to ask.”  
She was right, she really was.  “If you don’t ask, you could miss out on something amazing.  And if you do, and it doesn’t work out?  You could always remain friends.  I know it’s scary, gods know that I panicked when asking out your father.”  
His head snapped back to her, his eyebrow cocking slightly.  “Yes I was the one to ask him, bloody hell, he would never have summed up the courage to ask me.”  A mirthful chuckle escaped her lips as she continued to hold him close.  “Sweetie, I think you’ll be fine.  I’m a good judge of character, and I can see that she’s different.”  
Jaune felt his breath hitch in his chest as he wrapped his arms around his mothers back, his fingers dug into her clothing as he held her tightly.  He was scared, he really was.  But… but Pyrrha wouldn’t mock him, she wouldn’t toy with his feelings.  He… he didn’t need to be worthy of anything other than her own affection.  And if she didn’t see him that way, then it was simply not meant to be.  
He turned his head down one more time and nodded, “Okay.”  Looking back at his mom he felt her hold him close once more.  
“Good luck son.”  Her warm and motherly voice filled him with confidence.  He knew it was odd to get dating advice from his mother, but she has had a long marriage as well as a ton of kids.  If his parents’ relationship was still going well then she must have known something.  
Every step he made up to their shared room was daunting, each step felt closer to his execution.  He could practically feel his heart throbbing in his chest.  Finally he reached the door, his legs locked in place as he felt his breathing become heavy.  He could feel his palms grow sweaty, he couldn’t do this.  He just couldn't. There was no way this would wo-  
His entire world fell to a halt as the door opened before he could even knock.  “Oh hello!”  Pyrrha was in front of him with her hair untied, he’d only ever seen it in a ponytail.  He felt his heart stop and his breathing stilled.  Apparently she noticed the shift in his disposition, “Jaune, are you alright?”  
“Oh uhm!”  He felt the words caught at the edge of his lips.  His tongue twisted as he tried to gather his courage.  Then he caught Nora out of the corner of his eye.  She was smiling brightly, her thumbs lifted up as if to encourage him.  Lie was doing something similar, a soft smile on his face while Oscar sat there confused.  
“Yes Jaune?”  The way she tilted her head slightly to the right sent little jolts of joy to his heart.  Oh gosh, he really was going to do this!  He needed to calm himself down, but even as his heart pounded loudly in the middle of his chest, thumping over and over.  He still couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy and excitement.
“Can I uhm. Ouch!”  He bit his tongue slightly.  
“Are you okay?!”  The panic in his voice was oddly endearing.  Placing his hand in front of him he nodded.
“Yeah, I’m fine… I’m sorry I just… can we talk alone?”  The following silence was agonizing, the way she examined hima s if trying to get a beat on what he was asking.  
Finally she nodded.  
He heard a loud whoop coming from the room as she closed the door behind him.  He needed a good place to ask, taking a slow step he made his way towards the guest room.  The soft thumps of Pyrrha’s steps behind him sent powerful jolts through his mind.  His panic was reaching an all time high as his blood pulsed and beat rapidly in his veins.  He was terrified, but there was now ay that he wasn’t going to do this.  He had to resolve himself, he couldn’t chicken out now.  
Finally they reached the room, opening it so she could go in first he made sure no one was following him.  Thankfully after a few seconds of inspection he didn’t see any of his siblings.  Taking one last deep breath before entering after her, he closed the door.  
“Yes Jaune?”  Oh gosh, she was just so amazing.  Even a simple question caused his heart to thump wildly.  
“Pyrrha, we’ve been friends for a few months now, and uhm… you’re… you’re honestly amazing.”  
“Oh!”  Even he could catch the blush off of her porcelain like skin.  His own face grew warm as he tried to calm himself.
“Right, uhm… Pyrrha I…”  Oh god he was getting tongue tied, he felt his eyes flutter as his pulse grew out of control.  He was starting to shake and break out into a cold sweat.  He couldn’t… he couldn’t…
“Jaune?”  He felt a hand wrap around his, his eyes drew upwards catching her gorgeous emeralds.  “Jaune, I’m… I’m not sure what’s going on.”  He didn’t believe that, “But… but… no matter what.  I’m here for you okay?”  Her grip around his hand tightened.  
Right he didn’t need to worry.  “Pyrrha I like you.”  He hadn’t meant for it to come out so… so naturally?  But it had, there was no doubt in his mind that he felt for her, or what he felt for her. “I like you a lot, not in the same way I like Nora or Lie…  I… I really like you.”  
He expected an awkward silence, what he got was him suddenly being pulled into a tight and bone crunching hug.  Air left his lungs as she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him close.   “Sniff~”  There was a soft sniffle coming from her as she pressed her head into the crick of his neck.  
“Py-Pyrrha?”   Had he done something wrong?!
“I was so worried!”  Her grip tightened around him as she tightened them closer.  “I was so worried you didn’t feel the same.”  
“O...oh!”  OH!  She… she felt the same… she felt the same!  He didn’t, he couldn’t… he wasn’t able to think.  Instead he did all he could think of, his own arms reached around her back pulling her close to one another.  The two of them held one another close for a near 30 minutes, neither wanting to part.  He had placed his own head against hers, delight and joy filled his heart.  And for the first time for as long as he could remember, he felt quite alright.  No, he was better than alright.  He was absolutely happy, ecstatic, joyous even!  
“I’m so happy…”
He wasn’t sure which one of them said it, but it didn’t matter.  Everything felt… it felt like everything would be alright.
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Chapter 20: Sander & Sonia
Sebastian heaved a sigh as he sat in a circle with his beloved and her best friend. So it turned out that Joss Parker was Gemini and apparently, that was how Angel had gotten into this mess – she had received a pearl-necklace from Sonia Gold during a photo-shoot and got to activate it when Joss and Angel got involved in an... attack, at Liddell's Sweets. Which was quite peculiar.
“I received the bookmark from Sander”, noted Sander, his arms crossed.
“How... Why would...”, started Joss and shook his head in confusion. “No, no. That's impossible. Why would Sander and Sonia have... two of the pearls? And hand them out like that? I can't...”
“You, what, can't believe your crush would be involved with space-aliens trapped in marbles like they're Pokémon?”, drawled Sebastian dryly, looking over at Angel. “Can't imagine what that must be like, at all. Look. Whatever is going on, this can't be a coincident.”
Joss sighed and tilted his head to avoid looking at them. It wasn't that Sebastian didn't feel for him, really. Joss was one of Sebastian's very few friends. And he knew just how long Joss had been fostering that crush on Sander. The idea that Sander may be involved in something shady – because honestly, why would they have those gems, for so long, and then hand them out like this?
“I will talk to them tomorrow”, declared Joss seriously. “But none of that now.”
“Okay and what would you request now...?”, asked Sebastian suspiciously.
“We're complete, as complete as it can get so it's time for you two to meet the rest of the team.”
“What does as complete as it can get mean, Joss?”, asked Sebastian warily.
“One gem, the Libra, is... in the hands of the enemy”, sighed Joss. “Now come.”
“Where are we going?”, wanted Sebastian to know.
“Where the majority of our team lives”, replied Joss.
 Jamie was laying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. The room was so nice and so large. He loved living here. The entire mansion – oh, the kitchen was a dream, he may actually be in love with it. The pool and all the other ridiculous rooms were nice too. But the kitchen? It made his knees weak.
“I just still can't believe they're Cancer and Sagittarius”, muttered Jamie.
He had known that for a few short weeks now, but knowing it and actually accepting it...? They had gone on missions together now too. Jamie had come to rely on them in battle and he was living with them; the pub was still being renovated, it had been burned down and damaged too much for an easy fix and Jamie couldn't put into words just how grateful he was that not just him but also Ally and Andy had found a place to live here. The thought of Ally and Andy being homeless again had hurt Jamie even more so than the loss of his life's savings and pride and joy.
“Why not?”, asked Leo confused, pawing the pillow next to Jamie.
“They were... supposed to be safe”, whispered Jamie. “A safe crush. A billionaire and his fiance. Not in a billion years would anything come of it, would I be more than... the cook in their favorite diner. Now... Now I'm living with them, fighting alongside them... growing close to them.”
“Isn't that better?”, asked Leo, seemingly even more confused now. “Now you can have them!”
“No”, grunted Jamie and rolled his eyes. “And now it's an even worse idea than ever, because I rely on their generosity to live here and... we fight together, the literal fate of the world... rests on our shoulders, I have no use for any romantic distractions, Leo. It'd only mess with the team and the team is already fragile enough as it is because we're too many and too different in personality.”
Leo hummed, though he seemed no less confused than before. Well, human emotions were kind of complex and weird, it figured that Leo didn't quite have a grasp for it. Heaving a sigh, Jamie got off the bed and got changed for the day. Not that he had a whole lot to do. The bar was still being renovated, the kids were going to school, Matt and Mike went to work... Jamie was mostly alone during the day. He liked to clean up, read in the library, cook – lots of cooking. Jamie didn't do too well just sitting around with no actual work to do. He was a doer.
“He—ey there. Figured you'd be going out of your mind by now. I let myself in.”
“You shouldn't break into other people's houses, Babs”, sighed Jamie fondly.
Babs shrugged where she was sprawled out in the sitting room. “Eh. I'm sure they don't mind.”
“What are you doing here?”, sighed Jamie as he continued his way toward the kitchen.
Babs got up to follow him into the kitchen. She sat down at the table, watching how Jamie got everything out to bake bread. He loved fresh, warm bread. It just... It made everything a little better.
“We need a game plan”, stated Babs. “I mean, it's all fun and games, running around, collecting little marbles when we actually manage to beat one of the symbiotes. But it's hardly a plan.”
“We're already gathering all the intel we can. Without an in with the... enemy... how are we supposed to catch a break? There is nothing to plan”, argued Jamie pointedly.
“Sure. Sure”, agreed Babs. “But, you know... there's gotta be something.”
“If you just came here to bitch and moan because you're bored... go study.”
“Ouch. Why would you hurt me like that”, huffed Babs offended.
“At least come and help me”, sighed Jamie, a small amused smile on his lips.
 Canceling date-night was definitely not something Lizzy wanted to do. Rick deserved better. Alas, it was inevitable. Apparently, they were having an impromptu meeting with the team now, over at the di Girasole villa. She peppered Rick's face with kisses and left him some tarts that she bought specifically for him on her way back from work. That should appease him.
“Okay, I'd love for us to wrap this up quickly so I can get back to my boyfriend, because we had plans. As in, a reservation at my favorite restaurant. And I'm hungry. Don't make me hangry.”
“Right, so... let's make this quick”, agreed Mike as he side-eyed her. “I've seen her hangry.”
“It is not pretty”, agreed Jessie. “So, Angel, Basty, welcome to the team, good to have you, bye?”
No one looked impressed by that and Basty cleared his throat. “The thing we need to talk about is that Angel and I received our jewels differently than you guys did.”
“What. They didn't just pop up in your pockets?”, drawled Babs. “Bizarre.”
“Please refrain from unnecessary comments, cousin”, requested Basty unimpressed. “No, they didn't just show up at random. I was handed this bookmark, specifically. By Sander Hancock.”
“Doesn't ring a bell”, noted Mike, face scrunched up.
“He's the CEO of Gold Standard”, supplied Matt.
“And the other one, this pearl-necklace here, I got from Sonia Gold herself”, supplied Angel.
“...Okay that's suspicious”, agreed Matt with a serious look on his face. “For them to have not one but two of the gems... and hand them out to someone capable of using them, at that.”
“What do we do with that?”, asked Mel, eyebrows furrowed. “We can assume they're on our side, since they chose... well. And not an enemy. But...”
“I think not all of us should go and confront them”, offered Basty.
“No kidding. I'm not to keen on revealing my secret superhero identity to my boss”, agreed Lizzy. “And it'd be seriously risky to just entrust her with that...”
“Angel, me and Joss are going alone”, stated Basty. “To confront them.”
“As good a plan as we could get”, shrugged Jessie. “But... be careful.”
“Also, while we're all together like this. I do think we should... plan ahead more”, threw Jamie in. “Ever since we became one team, thinks had been... more chaotic.”
“Agreed. I propose we go back to the... teams we fought in before. At least for minor missions.”
“Matt's got a point. Maybe we should. Less stepping on each other's toes”, agreed Tanya.
“We got each other's contacts. We can call for backup if something more serious is attacking, but generally, one or two of them... we can take care of in a smaller group”, agreed Mel.
“Gre—eat. So it's decided, we're done, I can go and still make date-night?”, asked Lizzy.
While speaking, she had already gotten up and grabbed her coat. Whistling once, she summoned Jessie to her side – still living with Rick and Lizzy, Jessie did rely on her as a ride. Before anyone could start another history lesson and rehashing of everything they knew – both Mel and Tanya seemed to really love doing that and considering that they now had two shiny newbies to catch up on, this meeting may just take another four hours. No, thanks.
“How are you holding up, Liz?”, asked Jessie softly as they got in the car.
“Peachy. Real fine. So good”, muttered Lizzy.
“C'mon. I know this is exhausting. Babs, Jamie and I have the current advantage of being out of work so we can patrol the city during day-time. But you're juggling your new superhero identity, your very time-consuming job, your boyfriend – and your friends. I know Nox and Alina are worrying about you. So did Joss, well, until he learned the truth and joined our merry band of... whatevers. It's okay to run on fumes, Liz.”
“It's not. I'm fine”, muttered Lizzy dismissively. “I'm an expert at shouldering a lot.”
“...I... know you're strong, Liz. You're like the strongest non-Jamie person I know”, whispered Jessie gently, reaching out for her best friend. “The thing is you don't have to be strong at all times.”
Lizzy smiled, just a little bit, and shook her head. “I just... I just need a vacation, you know? No work, no world-dominating aliens, just Rick and me, going home to New Orleans, visiting my parents – eating my dad's cooking again.”
“Sounds like a good plan”, hummed Jessie, voice soft. “Send me a post-card then, mh?”
 They had decided to do this the next day, since their meeting ran late. It gave Joss another couple hours to brace herself. Still, even as she brushed her hair in the morning, looking into the mirror, she didn't feel ready for this. Sonia was... she was more than just a friend. She was Joss' idol, when Joss had had no one else, Sonia had been there. She had been a guiding force like the older sister Joss never had. And in the face of having lost her family – well, not literally but sometimes this felt worse than if her parents had died – she had found solitude and warmth at Sonia's home.
The thought that Sonia could be scheming in any capacity, be involved with all of this in anything but a stellar way... the thought broke Joss' heart. She took a deep breath and braced herself for the meeting to come. All day during work, she had already avoided Sonia and Sander.
The ringing of her doorbell alerted her that it was time. Taking a deep breath, Joss left, being greeted by Angel and Basty at the car. They exchanged a look and drove in silence, until they reached the villa. It loomed in the distance, even minutes before they reached it.
It was a beautiful, modern building. Strange architecture, white structure with many windows. The villa stood at a cliff overseeing the ocean. The view was beautiful, Joss knew that. She sighed.
“I'm sure this is going to be fine”, whispered Angel, reaching out to take Joss' hand. “They... chose us. So... their intentions must be good, right? They... must.”
Joss hummed, hoping those words to be true. They reached the gate and, once they identified themselves, they were led in. The drive up to the house seemed to stretch forever, but when they did park the car, Sonia and Sander were already standing in the driveway. They looked so... regal, at all times. Sonia was like a queen, her suits like uniforms.
“Joss, my dear. And you bring... friends”, noted Sonia slowly.
One perfect eyebrow was raised at them. Sander rolled his eyes fondly but offered them a welcoming smile and opened the door to welcome the three in.
“Are we making up for book-club...? But without Melanie?”, inquired Sander.
“We're here to talk about your... gifts”, stated Joss in a monotone voice.
“Ah, that's a conversation best held over a glass of wine.”
Sonia casually led them toward the balcony, getting the wine on the way. Joss didn't quite feel like drinking wine. Alcohol clouded the mind. She wanted and needed to stay sharp on this one.
“No games, please. You know what they were. And you know why you gave them to Sebastian and Angelique, specifically”, stated Joss, eyes sharp as she stared at her old friend.
The smile on Sonia's lips was playful as she sipped on her wine. Basty and Angel were sitting slightly uncomfortable, shifting and focusing on their wine for now. Joss appreciated that they let her lead this conversation for now. It was the look on Sander's face that wrecked her though; so open and genuine and... friendly. Oh, she knew why she had fallen for him...
“Fair enough, my dear”, agreed Sonia after a moment. “Phoenix, sweetie, come out.”
She twirled the bracelet on her wrist. Golden, like all her jewelry, but with a salmon-colored round jewel in the center. A warm glow emitted from the jewel, just like Joss had seen countless times by now from her own and from those of the others. And just like she was used to, a creature was summoned. A bird, soft pink in color, warm, with a golden glow to the feathers. At Joss' skeptical look, Sonia offered her wrist so Joss could take a closer look at the bracelet.
“I wouldn't know what animal to associate with Libra, so... is this it?”, inquired Basty fascinated.
“No, it is not. Libra is a dog. And this isn't the symbol of Libra either. A dot within a circle, that's... that's the symbol of the sun?”, observed Joss confused. “What is the meaning of this?”
“This is Phoenix. She is not a Zodiac. She's a constellation, but one of three very special ones, linked with... celestial bodies”, replied Sonia. “Phoenix is the guardian of the sun.”
“Lepus”, called Sander out.
There was a brooch attached to Sander's suit-jacket, one that Joss had noticed quite a couple weeks ago but never really gave much thought to. The brooch, a silver crescent-moon with a brown jewel sat at the tip, started glowing. Angel made the most delighted sound and immediately lunged forward to pet the bunny. A dark-brown bunny with a lighter fluff around his neck and mighty wings growing from its back. Silver dotted its fur in star-patterns.
“Oh, you are simply gorgeous”, cooed Angel excitedly.
“This is Lepus, he is linked to the moon”, explained Sander.
“But... and correct me if I'm wrong, the constellations are the enemy?”, asked Basty.
“That's a very black and white way of looking at it”, chided Sonia unimpressed. “Not all constellations side with Serpentarius. Especially not Phoenix, Lepus and Lupus.”
“I'll bite: Why's that?”, asked Joss slowly.
She was startled when their companions decided to join them after all, the glowing mix of blue, green and pink was obnoxious to the eye, but when the fish, capricorn and owl all bowed down to the phoenix and the bunny, Joss officially did not know what to make of this anymore.
“Because we're their bosses”, replied Phoenix, her voice silky and serious. “The three guardians are the supervisors of the Zodiacs. We landed here first. We attracted them. That is why they all landed in the same place; because we were there. Those that had not been picked up, Sonia took.”
“We spent months searching for someone fit, not just the birth-date but also the duty”, explained Sonia. “The irony, I did want to give one to you, Joss.”
“Why... didn't you seek us out earlier?”, asked Joss, not entirely convinced.
“We are not supposed to intervene. Not that early. They're supposed to form, without intervention”, stated Lepus, nose twitching in that admittedly adorable bunny-way. “However, having lost Libra has forced our hand. And Serpentarius seems to grow impatient.”
“Can you... tell us what they're planning?”, asked Angel hopefully.
“That is not...”, started Phoenix and shook herself, spreading her impressive wings. “Serpentarius had been bonded with a human... and it's the human's motivation that is driving them. We don't know the human, so we can't tell. Serpentarius' gain in this is to take over this planet; the human vessel however... without knowing all pieces, we can't know the full picture.”
“So, how do we find that out?”, inquired Basty. “Is there a way...?”
“So far, it seemed that Serpentarius' intend was to unite you. To mock and provoke. Those small attacks seemed intended to lure you out. Now that you are complete...”, mused Lepus.
“Except we're not”, noted Joss. “We're missing Libra.”
“Libra is Carroll Lewis”, stated Sonia like she was reading them the weather.
“Wait. Wait, that... the billionaire?”, squeaked Angel. “The scary redhead?”
“The scary redhead”, confirmed Sonia, gritting her teeth. “I saw the jewel on her during a meeting the other week. I tried taking it from her, but... that didn't work. She is too clever to just let it be stolen, she knows how valuable it truly is.”
“Okay... a billionaire with high-end security is... not necessarily the ideal enemy”, grunted Basty.
“There's more of you than her and you now know where she is. You have the element of surprise.”
“Sander, that is a horrible idea”, chided Sonia seriously. “She's going to have multiple unattached constellations there and surely people to use them on. Even the element of surprise won't be a guarantee for a win. They're going to risk too much with a direct confrontation; they're not ready for that. You've seen the news. Not even half the team are properly trained.”
“That is a fair assessment, but with every passing day, more people get hurt, things get destroyed, Serpentarius has more time to plan”, argued Sander seriously.
Joss leaned back and stared at the glass of wine in consideration now. Both Sander and Sonia made good points there. Attacking with the element of surprise may be their best bet to get the gem from Libra, however they really were not exactly... well-trained. Despite Joss' best efforts.
“We definitely need to regroup and form a plan of attack. And put more training hours in”, stated Joss seriously. “You two in particular. You haven't had any training.”
“Oh no. No, no, I don't... I will not do any fighting”, grunted Basty, shaking his head. “Books are my weapon. Not whatever this is going to be; physical fights. No. Not happening.”
“I told you not to pick this one”, sighed Sonia disappointed.
“He would be better suited for Gemini than fun-loving Capricorn, but he is still an asset”, argued Sander with a strict frown. “Every team needs its brains.”
Sonia rolled her eyes at him and refilled her glass. Reluctantly, Joss took her glass after all.
“The constellations, they can bond just like our companions? I thought they could only... take over”, whispered Joss, eyes on Lepus and Phoenix. “All, or just the three of you...?”
“Oh, all. Just like your companions, they too can change your physical form. It all depends on how we manifest, what our intention is”, explained Phoenix.
All Joss could do was nod and take a slow drink from her wine. Sonia was talking to Angel now, while Basty seemed rather fascinated by the five talking animals, asking them a ton of questions. It gave Joss the chance to lean back, for just a moment, to concentrate.
“How... are you doing, Joss? I apologize for keeping this from you, though we were not sure you were one of the chosen ones. We could have supported you, had we known.”
Looking up, she saw Sander sitting down next to her, a concerned expression on his face. She shook her head. What was she supposed to say to that? For months, she had fought alone. Now she had this... team. Now she learned she could have been working together with her crush for so long. Her phone in her pocket buzzed and when she checked to see if it was important, the message blinking on her screen was from Savitri – long shift, tired. Thinking of you. It made her smile, very gently.
“I'm doing fine. And I have all the support I need”, whispered Joss softly.
Read here on AO3!
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lesbiansassemble · 6 years
tag game
Tagged by @tomsfireheart - ilysm <3
Drink: cola cao with soy milk (it’s a spanish hot chocolate)
Phone call: my doctor
Text Message: ouch relatable
Song you listened to: girlfriend - icona pop
Time you cried: a couple of days ago
Dated someone twice: no
Kissed someone and regretted it: yes
Been cheated on: yes
Lost someone special: yes
Been depressed: yes
Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
Fave colours: red, white and pink
in the last year have you
Made new friends: yeah:)
Fallen out of love: no
Laughed until you cried: all the time
Found out someone was talking about you: yes
Met someone who changed you: yeah
Found out who your friends are: yeah
Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: no
How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: all of them
Do you have any pets: yes, two dogs!
Do you want to change your name: no, i used to, but not anymore
What did you do for your last birthday: nothing:(
What were you doing at midnight last night: saying good night to everyone on the discord chat and eating like a whole packet of biscuits
What is something you can’t wait for: to meet @faandral in person :)
What are you listening to right now: royals - lorde
Have you ever talked to a person named tom: yeah, loads haha
Something that gets on your nerves: eating loudly
Most visited website: surely everyone on here is going to say tumblr? lmao, anyway, yeah it’s tumblr
Hair colour: light brown/dark blonde (natural), platinum blonde (dyed)
Long or short hair: medium atm, but i’m having it cut to its original shoulder length in a couple of days
Do you have a crush on someone: does it count if i’m dating them? if so, then yes
What do you like about yourself: my....resilience?
Want any piercings: yes, i want to re-do my second lobe piercings at some point, because they got ruined:(
Blood type: O+
Nicknames: nessie/ness/noonie/keki 
Relationship status: in a relationship
Zodiac: sagittarius
Pronouns: she/her
Fave tv shows:  voltron, the good place, the office, full metal alchemist, game of thrones, jane the virgin, daredevil, fleabag, gilmore girls, misfits, the IT crowd, 30 rock, supernatural, doctor who....there’s some others but i can’t remember them right now 
Tattoos: none
Right or left handed: right
Ever had surgery: no, but i will in a few days
Piercings: just one on each ear
Sport: skiing and bodyboarding. i used to play basketball and be on the athletics team too, but not anymore...rip
Vacation: currently in madrid
more general
Eating: as in that last thing i ate? uhh...roast chicken and potatoes
Drinking: right now? water
About to watch: voltron
Waiting for: to see andy
Want: to see andy lmao, to meet my tumblr friends in person, and to pass this year at uni, and to get a part time job
Get married: yeah
Career: i’m currently a student, but i guess maybe i’d like to work in the film industry, but i’m open to ideas
which is better
Hugs or and kisses
Lips or eyes:
Shorter or taller:
Older or younger: 
Nice arms or stomach: i don’t mind
Hookup or relationship:
Troublemaker or hesitant: i mean like....it depends lmao
have you ever
Kissed a stranger: yes
Drunk hard liquor: yes
Lost glasses: i mean...sunglasses yeah. but i don’t have any actual glasses to lose
Turned someone down: yes
Sex on first date: no
Broken someone’s heart: yes
Had your heart broken: no
Been arrested: no
Cried when someone died: i think i did, i can’t remember
Fallen for a friend: yeah, andy lmao
do you believe in
Yourself: yeah
Miracles: sometimes
Love at first sight: i think so
Santa claus: no
Kiss on a first date: usually
Angels: no
Best friend’s name: andy
Eye colour: dark brown
Fave movie:  the lord of the rings, thor: ragnarok, toy story, mulan, back to the future....i don’t know there are loads!
Fave actors: Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr, Zoe Saldana, David Tennant, Samuel L Jackson, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Lena Headey, Ryan Reynolds, Leonardo DiCaprio, Melissa McCarthy, Octavia Spencer, Rachel McAdams, Anne Hathaway, Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Brolin, there’s loads more but i can’t remember them
tagging // the #msuperfamily: @faandral @sapphic-wanda @tonystarrks @lokirevenger @piccolaromana @brckenwhiteboi @biandmighty @quake-spierfeld-canary @asgrdians @scarletwicht @buckeed @effyeahbuckybarnes @quidchamp @lokibrodinson @thewienersoidier @ttaikas and anyone else in the family xx
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secondsofhappiness · 6 years
85 questions meme
i was tagged by the ever lovely @sugdensquad :)
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— what was your last…
1. drink: green tea with lemon 2. phone call: at work, been on the phone all damn day 3. text message: one of my best friends about the cinema 4. song you listened to: janelle monae - make me feel 5. time you cried: when I was in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome
— have you ever… 
6. dated someone twice: never dated someone 7. kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed someone 8. been cheated on: nope 9. lost someone special: yes, too many 10. been depressed: sadly, yes, but I came out of the other side 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: very nearly but I’ve never been THAT drunk before
— fave colours
12. candy pink 13. yellow or mustard 14. bold orange
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: oh yes, quite a few which is lovely 16. fallen out of love: never been in love 17. laughed until you cried: oh god yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: nope, i leave all that nonsense back in the playground 19. met someone who changed you: yes, definitely 20. found out who your friends are: yes, that always continues to happen as you get older, i think 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: never kissed someone
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: I don’t think there’s one I don’t know in some capacity 23. do you have any pets: my mudog, Hettie, who I call Horse! 24. do you want to change your name: sometimes I want to change my surname but I like my first and middle names 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out for a meal with friends, went to London Pride and spent time with my mum in the Lake District 26. what time did you wake up today: 7:30am, first day back at work for ages, ouch 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: awake messing about on my phone, i think  28. what is something you can’t wait for: Munich in a few days, my next solo trip, being bridesmaid at the wedding of two of my best friends, more theatre 30. what are you listening to right now: Hozier - In a Week 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Haha, erm, probably. I think at Uni maybe
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: my poorly heels
33. most visited website: tumblr, instagram and lots of theatre blogs 34. hair colour: depends on the time of year but currently, dark brown 35. long or short hair: medium length with fringe
36. do you have a crush on someone: that’s a rarity for me, so no 
37. what do you like about yourself: I can spend time alone happily and easily, I am strong because of my life experiences, I like to think I’m a caring person even if I get nothing in return of the same kind, I am always up for adventures 38. want any piercings: I have ALWAYS wanted my nose pierced, maybe I’ll do it one day 39. blood type: I actually haven’t a clye 40. nicknames: Meg, Megatron, Meggie, Megs, Megasaurus... the list is endless 41. relationship status: happily single 42. sign: cancer 43. pronouns: she/her 44. fave tv show: at the moment, the good place or superstore - I’m a sucker for a workplace comedy 45. tattoos: none 46. right or left handed: right handed 47: ever had surgery: unless tooth surgery counts 48. piercings: ears 49. sport: I’m not really a sporty person 50. vacation: I’m off to Munich in a few days and then I’m planning to visit Paris later this year 51. trainers: skechers - always. I don’t care what anyone says. I have poorly heels and they are magical.
— more general
52. eating: mango 53. drinking: Evian water, always 54. i’m about to watch: more episodes of superstore before bed 55. waiting for: thursday evening when I get to see my friend Andrew
56. want: to get fit again after a few medical problems 57. get married: marriage isn’t for me, it’s not something I want 58. career: I quite enjoy my job currently and who knows what will happen in the future
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: cuddles with dogs or from my mum or with my friends 60. lips or eyes: always eyes 61. shorter or taller: all of my friends are either my height or taller and I’m tall so I can’t say which I prefer 62. older or younger: does it matter to me as I have good friends of varying ages 63. nice arms or stomach: not fussed at all, we’re all different shapes 64. hookup or relationships: yeah, neither are something I’m after 65. troublemaker or hesitant: if this is about me then I’m right in the middle aka “do no harm but take no shit” etc.
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: never kissed someone 67. drank hard liquor: yes, gin counts as hard liquor right? but yes, various kinds 68. turned someone down: yes, when I was 16 69. sex on first date: I haven’t been on an actual date but go for it if it’s for you 70: broken someone’s heart: apparently when I was 16, yes, sadly 71. had your heart broken: I think I’d call it heartbreak when I was around 20, maybe but I think it was mild. I’ve had by heart broken non-romantically though, without a doubt 72. been arrested: hahahaha nope. Daughter of an ex cop here 73. cried when someone died: oh god, countless times, sadly 74. fallen for a friend: kind of but not in any significant way or the way others do
— do you believe in
75. yourself: in some ways, definitely, in others, not at all! 76. miracles: no, I really don’t 77. love at first sight: not at all 78. santa claus: I believe in the idea of time, the legend 79. angels: nope
— misc
80. eye colour: brown 81. best friend’s name: I have too many very close friends to name but Welsh, Hattie, Beckie, Dan, Andrew, Craig, Hannah and Hayley 82. favourite movie: Mary Poppins or Father of the Bride  83. favourite actor: oh god the list is endless but Keira Knightley, Colin Firth, Timothee Chalamet blew my mind recently, Sam Rockwell, Dominic West, Hayley Atwell, Emma Thompson, Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys, Emily Blunt... lots really. That’s not even counting TV actors etc. There are too many to name. 
84. favourite cartoon:  I’m really not a cartoon person but I’d say Tangled and Frozen - not a huge disney person but I like the human disney movies! 85. favourite teacher’s name: johanna 
i’m tagging @memorieswarm @sugdingles (when she returns), @scrapyardboyfriends @hoodiesandelbowpatches @tonyspegasus @thisdamndesire (and anyone else who fancies it!)
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Thank you queen for tagging me @chirpchirpstanley
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
1. Last Drink: Water
2. Last Phone Call: Mom
3. Last Text Message: A link to a spotify playlist I made for my friend
4. Last Song You Listened To: Technically Heroes by Peter Gabriel but currently Shelter by Dermot Kennedy
5. Last Time You Cried: January 13th (specific lamo but I wrote about it in my journal.)
6. Dated Someone Twice?: I’ve. Never. Dated. Anyone. I’m a lonely bitch.
7. Kissed Someone and Regretted It?: I wouldn’t know
8. Been Cheated On?: Not yet, hopefully never
9. Lost Someone Special?: :/
10. Been Depressed?: Mh-hmm
11. Gotten Drunk and Thrown Up?: I’m an innocent baby until proven not
Favorite Colors
12. Neon Blue
13. Red (And pink, but like neon pink)
14. Orange
In the Last Year Have You…
15. Made New Friends?: Yes, they’re my everything
16. Fallen Out of Love?: I wish I had but.....
17. Laughed Until You Cried?: ALL THE GODDAMN TIME
18. Found Out Someone Was Talking About You?: No, but there’s people who probably talk about me
19. Met Someone Who Changed You?: Sadly
20. Found Out Who Your Friends Are?: For the most part
21. Kissed Someone on Your Facebook Friends List?: I never had FB
22. How Many of Your Facebook Friends Do You Know IRL?: Prev. Question
23. Do You Have Any Pets?: Nope
24. Do You Want to Change Your Name?: Not at all (Okay, but I went through a phase where I wanted everyone to call me Megan, specifically for the reason because I had a huge ass crush on Megan Fox)
25. What Did You Do for Your Last Birthday?: I had a small kickback with a couple of friends
26. What Time Did You Wake Up Today?: 7:20 for bitch ass school
27. What Were You Doing at Midnight Last Night?: Going through the Spencer x Derek tag (nkcjdsnckjdsn jcdn kjd)
28. What Is Something You Can’t Wait For?: To have someone tell me they love me more than a friend (don’t mind me, just a lonely bitch over here)
30. What Are You Listening To Right Now?: High Enough by K. Flay (OKAY BUT LISTEN TO THIS BANGER I TOTALLY VIBE WITH IT IT’S SO GOOD)
31. Have You Ever Talked To A Person Named Tom?: Nah
32. Something That Gets On Your Nerves?: This boy who stares at me during one of my classes but has me blocked on every form of social media (A loooooong story)
33. Most Visited Website: This hellsite
34. Hair Color: Black
35. Long or Short Hair: Like,,,Medium length
36. Do You Have A Crush On Someone: NJKCFNDKJNDSKA I hate him, his existance makes me wanna gag but I have a small ass heart attack when he breathes around me god damn it
37. What Do You Like About Yourself: I sing decently
38. Want Any Piercings?: Not really
39. Blood Type: I have no idea
40. Nicknames: Aves, Satan (I hate my friends)
41. Relationship Status: Single pringle ready to mingle. Desperately
42. Zodiac: Sagittarius
43. Pronouns: She/Her
44. Fave TV Shows: Criminal Minds, Stranger Things, Luke Cage, The Get Down, New Girl, Key & Peele, Broad City
45. Tattoos: No
46. Right or Left Handed: Right
47. Ever Had Surgery: Nope
48. Piercings: Two
49. Sport: LMFAOOOOO I use to *play* volleyball and run track. The darkest days.
50. Vacation: I’ve been to disney world once and I wanna go again
51. Trainers: This question is confusing me
More General
52. Eating: Air
53. Drinking: H2O
54. I’m About to Watch: Criminal Minds
55. Waiting For: SoMEonE tO lOVe Me!!!
56. Want: To talk to the dumbass boy I have crush on ncjdsnckjds
57. Get Married: Nope. nOpe. yes, NOPE
58. Career: I don’t know yet. (okay but maybe a tv show producer or a movie director)
Which is Better
59. Hugs or Kisses: I guess hugs, a bitch wouldn’t know what kissing feels like
60. Lips or Eyes: Eyes. Eyes all the fucking way. WHen you catch them staring at something and they have a glint in their eyes, f u CK
61. Shorter or Taller: Taller.
62. Older or Younger: I don’t know
63. Nice Arms or Stomach: Arms. Like bro. Arm veins. Bro.
64. Hookup or Relationship: The farther I get the more I realize how lonely I am
65. Troublemaker or Hesitant: GAHAHHAHAHA. Everyone who knows me IRL knows hesitant isn’t in my vocabulary
Have You Ever
66. Kissed a Stranger: I would for money
67. Drank Hard Liquor: It’s on my bucket list
68. Lost Glasses: I sat on them once and broke them
69. Turned Someone Down: Yeah. The dude was a creep and just very offensive to literally everything I loved
70. Sex on First Date: Can’t hate it if you’ve never tried it
71. Broken Someone’s Heart: Not yet. I never want to.
72. Had Your Heart Broken: ouch
73. Been Arrested: No
74. Cried When Someone Died: Yep
75. Fallen For a Friend: Who hasn’t
Do You Believe In
76. Yourself: On some occasions
77. Miracles: Tricky. Tricky, tricky, tricky, tricky
78. Love at First Sight: I’m gonna say no but know I’m a huge ass hypocrite
79. Santa Claus: Would be played by The Rock if I made a movie
80. Kiss On a First Date: I wouldn’t know
81. Angels: Sure
82. Best Friend’s Name: Kate
83. Eye Colour: Brown
84. Fave Movie: Man Of Steel. I can quote it
85. Fave Actor: Timothee Chalamet, Noomi Rapace, Finn Wolfhard, Idris Elba, Will Smith, Chadwick Boseman
I tag whoever wants to do it!
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You’re My What?! Ch. 11: What Should Have Been [Slow Updates]
Alright so 1.)This chapter is a huge departure from what it has been so far. It's a lot more serious then the other chapters, but I am hopping you guys will still love it! Also forewarning it is pretty long too >.<
“Tony? Tony wake up…Tony!” “Ugh…sleeping, leave me alone…”Having been slightly pulled out of his sleep by Pepper, Tony instantly became annoyed and tried to ignore her attempts at shaking him awake. “Anthony Edward Stark! You wake up right now!” Being a bit more alert now, his eyes still closed, the billionaire took instant notice that the voice that spoke to him wasn’t Pepper’s voice. Scrunching his brows together in confusion, the stranger’s next words had the man shooting into a straight up sitting position on his bed. “Tony, wake up! I think my water just broke!” Whipping his head to his left, Tony found himself face to face with a distressed looking Latin woman. As he continued to stare at her, Tony quickly realized that he was looking at none other then.. “Milagros?”the name came out as a confused mutter, his mind racing to understand what was going on. “What? Tony this no time to be fucking around! Call the Midwife already, before I end up giving birth right here on the bed!!” shaking his head somewhat clear, Tony looked down to his ex’s stomach, and indeed he saw that it was significantly enlarged. “Oh..Oh!! Uh…Wha-what do I do? Where, how?!” Realizing what was happening, the man became overwhelmed as he was never good at dealing with these kinds of situations. “Tony? Tony, look at me!” Tony froze, as a pair of hands suddenly took hold of his face, forcing him to look at the raven before him. “Tony, you need to be the calm one here, alright? I am the one who is in pain, so get your head on straight, and just call the midwife so we can have our baby already. Alright?” he didn’t know why or how he found himself in this moment, but at Milagros words and soft tone, Tony found himself doing as he was told without question, Grabbing the phone from his nightstand, Tony found that his body seemed to be on autopilot as it seemed to know what number to call and where to go to get everything set up for a Home Birth in his old childhood mansion. As his body raced around, his mind looked around in utter confusion. However, as soon as the voice of an exhausted sounding Rhodey came from the other line, Tony’s mind seemed to lose all previous confusion, as he suddenly seemed to know what was going on and what to do. “What do you want, Tony..It’s like four in the morning, you know that?” “Hang on, give me a second..” Completely ignoring his best friends complaint, Tony called out to JARVIS “JARVIS, get Linda up and get her to come up here now!” “Linda is already on her way up sir. She is currently gathering up the last of the items for the birth.” Nodding his head, Tony suddenly remembered his friend and got back on the phone. “What is going on, Tony?” “You need to get down here now, Milagros is going into active labor!” At Tony’s words, he could hear his friend falling off of his bed in what seemed like a rush on his part. “What?! Like..now?!” “Yes now! Get over here as fast as you can, Rhodey, I’ll have my pilot come get you!” “Alright man, I‘ll get there as soon as I can.” As soon as Tony sent out his privet jet to go get Rhodey from his mansion in Malabo, he hurried up and got the tub ready for the birth. Going back to a highly stressed Milagros, Tony saw that Linda the Midwife was already with her. Going over to them, he helped get Milagros to the room where the birth would be held. Once in the room, all that was left to do, was to wait until Milagros was fully dilated. “Ahh! You did this to me, asshole!” as Milagros yelled this at Tony, he could do nothing but laugh at her lightly and apologize for the umpteenth time. “I said sorry already, alright honey, but it wasn’t all my fault. Remember, it takes two to tango…Ouch! Alright, alright I deserved that..” for his smart comment, Tony had received a nice slap to the back of the head.                                              ~Twelve hours later~ “Alright, Milagros just a few more pushes! Come on, just a little more sweetheart!” “Ahhhh!! I can’t! I-I just c-can’t anymore.” “come on Milagros, you can do this!” even with both Happy and Rhodes trying their best to encourage her to keep going, the young mother to be had appeared to loose the will to keep trying. Milagros had been pacing around for ten hours in pain, before she was finally dilated enough to begin pushing. Sense then two hours had passed with no progress, as the birth became complicated just like her entire pregnancy had been. Seeing Milagros in pain and defeated, Tony knew he had to do or say something. anything to get her to keep going. Thinking quickly, he leaned forward and took her chin into his free left hand, making her look at him as he spoke. “I know you’re hurting, honey, but you have to keep trying. You’ve made it this far into the pregnancy, and beside that you made it this far with me. If you can handle me, then you can handle this, so just give it another few tries, alright? For me and for the baby.” as Tony had been speaking, everyone in the room had gone silent, not just to see if his words would work but because it was so rare for Anthony Stark to get so serious and vulnerable. Knowing this, Milagros closed her eyes for a second, as Tony gave her an encouraging kiss on the hand. Taking a deep breath, she opened her tired eyes and nodded her head signaling that she was ready to try again, “Mmmmmhhmmm!!” clamping her jaw shut, Milagro’s muffled screeches of pain nearly drove Tony over the edge, as he continued to hold her hand and encourage her along with everyone else. Finally, after three more pushes, Linda saw that the baby was beginning to crown. “Oh! Oh she’s crowning Milagros! One more push sweetheart, just one more big push and you’ll be all done!” Hearing the news, Tony became excited, and Milagros became determined to give birth to their child once and for all. “AAAHHHH!!!!” Letting out a loud screech of pain as she pushed for the last time, Tony had to hold back his own scream of pain as he felt his hand being crushed far worse then before. Finally, finally after all the struggling and pain, a sudden popping sound was heard along with a chain of events. As soon as the noise was heard, Milagros instantly fell back against the tub and let out the longest sigh of relief mixed with a small sob. However, Tony was only able to have his attention on her for a second, before the sound of a little screech could be heard to his right. Turning, he felt his entire world suddenly stop and everything and everyone, besides Milagros disappear, as his mind zeroed in on the baby that was crying in the arms of the Midwife. Stunned, he watched as the baby was handed over to a sobbing Milagros, completely forgetting that he had had someone privately hired to take photos of the entire labor and post labor. “Tony, l-look, it’s our b-baby. Isn’t she b-beautiful? I thought w-we could name her Isabella, and I wa-wanted to have her middle name be Maria after your m-mother.” Looking to the woman that had just given birth not even five minutes ago, and his wife, Tony felt like he was looking at two angels, and he realized that tears had began to sting at his eyes. For once, he could care less, as he nuzzled the young mother’s head with his and looked at their child. “She’s perfect. You did great, Milagros.” Smiling tiredly at him, Milagros nuzzled her head in the cork of his neck as they both looked at their child. Taking the small blanket, Tony placed it over the baby, and then he took her into his arms. “Look at you, baby girl. Look, you already got your old man wrapped around your tiny finger, huh? You’re going to be my little trouble maker aren‘t you? I promise, I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”                                                 ~Le little Montague~   After Isabella was born, Tony had Rhodey become her Godfather, and Milagros had Linda become Bella’s Godmother as they had become close during the pregnancy. Tony had agreed to raise their daughter in his old childhood home, but they would all still go back to the Malabo home during holidays, vacations, and summer. Time seemed to go unusually fast after Isabella was born, as she went through all the stages of growing up as a Stark. She graduated high school at thirteen, went straight to college after that and graduated at seventeen like her father had from MIT. Though she was beyond smart, Tony always made sure that he didn’t push his daughter too far, and allowed her to grow up as normally as he could help her do so. Sure, they had their disagreements, some even being really bad fights, but as Tony had said to Isabella when she was born, she had him wrapped around her finger from moment he found out Milagros was pregnant, After his kidnapping, Isabella had been the one to help a lot with the search and rescue of her father, and had been right there when he announced that the company would no longer be dabbling in weapons manufacturing and when he agreed to join The Avenger‘s Initiative, It had been hard to grow up under the constant view of the world, and at times Milagros would keep Isabella back at the mansion while Tony had to go back to New York or Malabo for work, which was often, Eventually, Milagros got sick and fainted while she was preparing dinner, and Bella had to be the one to call Tony to come to the hospital. Once there, he had her flown to his house in Malabo, where he had JARIVS check her out, as the hospital had claimed nothing was wrong. JARVIS confirmed that Milagros was in the late stages of brain cancer. Shortly after the discovery, Milagros died two weeks before Milagros nineteenth birthday. At this time, all the other Avengers had befriended the entire Stark family, and were there for Stark and his daughter. Suddenly, time froze again a year after Milagros had passed away, and Tony found himself in the living room with all the Avengers and Isabella. As he noticed this, he felt once more confused as he watched Isabella jumping up and down like she had won something. “Tony, you alright?” Turning, the older Stark looked at his friend Bruce. “Sure he is! He’s just upset because he didn’t catch me! So now he can‘t say he won Hide and Seek like he wanted to!” Blinking, Tony looked at Isabella and then at everyone else. “Wait dad…are you actually alright?” Shaking his head clear, just so he wouldn’t worry his daughter, Tony quickly composed himself as best he could. “Me? Of course I’m fine, and I just let you wi, kiddo.” Rolling her eyes, Isabella scoffed and went back to celebrating her victory. “Yea sure you did, dad.” Everyone still noticed how Tony seemed to be a bit out of it, including Bella, but they all just chalked it up to his random moments of sadness he would get when thinking of Milagros at moments like this. However, Bruce kept his hand on Tony’s shoulders, as everyone and everything around them seemed to freeze for no apparent reason. Keeping a sad yet understanding smile, the eerily calm male spoke in a soft tone. “This is what should have been. Don’t worry though, you might not be able to get all the lost years and important moments back, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go ahead and make new ones with her. Isabella still needs a father just as much as she did before. You got Tony…Now wake up…” Towards the end, Bruce’s voice became more and more faint, turning into a whisper by the time he instructed the billionaire to wake up. Feeling confused, Tony was about to ask what he meant, when suddenly he was thrown into darkness, where he heard a faint yet worried voice calling out to him. Assuming it to be Milagros, Tony shoot up in bed, looking around for his wife, only to find a very worried Pepper sitting up in bed beside him. Realizing that everything that had just happened was only a dream, Tony let out a light gasp of shock and overwhelmed feelings as he tried to shake his head clear. “Tony, are you alright? What happened?” Looking to Pepper, he cleared his throat before getting out of bed. “Uh, nothing I’m fine..Uhm I need to go check on Isabella. I’m fine though, just a…weird dream.” after hurriedly putting on a shirt and pants, Tony quickly gave Pepper a peck on her forehead before rushing out to go find Bella. He was about to go to her room, but then realized that she would likely be awake and in the living/bar room by now. As soon as he entered the room, Tony paid no mind to everyone in the room, and walked straight towards his daughter, leaving everyone perplexed and worried as they all got to their feet. “Tony? Are you alright?” wincing slightly as the young female spoke his name instead of dad, Anthony looked at his daughter as the question that came out of his mouth just came out like a flood. “Isabella, I need to speak with your mother, what is her number? What his Milagros number?” As soon as Tony asked this, Isabella dropped the spatula that she had been using to make breakfast for everyone, a gasp escaping her mouth and her eyes instantly watering up.
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joshuaseggtarteu · 7 years
92 Truths Tag
Tagged by @beachjoon thank you love <3 rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people 
NAME: Nalini 
AGE: 18 (I’ll be 19 in two months)
BIRTH DATE: June 15 (I share it with Hoshi <3)
1. drink: Water
2. phone call: My grandmother
3. text: My cousin
4. song you listened to: View - Shinee
5. time you cried: Umm sometime last week?
6. dated someone twice: Nope, never dated
7. been cheated on: ^ Nope ^
8. kissed someone and regretted it: Yes, my first and only kiss too. Ouch
9. lost someone special: Yeah.. (refer to 3) but I refuse to let him go so easily
10. been depressed: It comes and goes or maybe never leaves idk
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope, I got a high tolerance :)
12. Purple
13. Black
14: Navy blue
15. made new friends: Yeup, and I love them all <3
16. fallen out of love: Was never in love to begin with
17. laughed until you cried: Probably yeah (I get hiccups when I laugh a lot lol)
18. found out someone was talking about you: Someones yes, and when I did I cut them out of my life and never looked back #BullshitFreeZone 
19. met someone who changed you: I don’t think there’s anyone in my life who hasn’t had some effect on me
20. found out who your true friends are: Yeah I guess so
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Yes
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Like majority of them (I accept friends of friends too)
23. do you have any pets: Nope
24. do you want to change your name: Nah I like it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Is it bad that I can’t remember? I’m sure there was cake though 
26. what time did you wake up: 9:20am cause my dad decided to charge his phone in my room and it rang
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Either watching Youtube videos or reading fanfic
28. name something you cannot wait for: Tacos and Tequilla for my friend’s birthday (it’s not until August :’(
29. when was the last time you saw your mother: about an hour ago when we were watching a movie
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Myself, there’s no one thing in particular, it’s just me
31. what are you listening to right now: Cheer Up - Twice
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I used to have a neighbour named Tom so yeah
33. something that is getting on your nerves: The constant arguing in my house
34. most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube 
35. elementary: Is like ancient history
36. high School: Happily finished
37. college: Just finished my first year and I’m off for the summer
38. hair color: Black and brown, I need to recolour it
39. long or short hair: Midlength
40. do you have a crush on someone: Nope
41. what do you like about yourself: My eyes, they’re big 
42. piercings: One ear piercing 
43. blood type: AB+
44. nickname: Nal, Nali, Nini, Nana and some others
45. relationship status: Single
46. zodiac sign: Gemini
47. pronouns: She/her
48. favorite tv show: Boy Meets World
49. tattoos: I want a couple, but later
50. right or left hand: Right
51. surgery: Has yet to take place
52. piercing: Ears
54. sport: I too clumsy for sports 
55. vacation: Guyana when I was 1
56. pair of trainers: Training wheels on my bike
57. eating: I like pasta
58. drinking: Tea
59. i’m about to: Continue a fic I’ve been working on
61. waiting for: someone to consider me for a job
62. want: To stop feeling so shitty all the time
62. want kids?: I really do
63. get married: If I find someone sure
64. career: Well I’m studying business, aiming for financial aid, but we’ll see
65. hugs or kisses: HUG ME
66. lips or eyes: Eyes
67. shorter or taller: Tall but I’m not opposed to short
68. older or younger: Older but again not opposed to younger
69. romantic or spontaneous?: Both
70. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice personality but I’m not against a nice bicep
71. sensitive or loud: Umm doesn’t matter
72. hook up or relationship: Preferably a relationship but..
73. troublemaker or hesitant: Not sure, maybe either
74. kissed a stranger?: No
75. drank hard liquor?: Yes, and straight too
76. lost glasses contact/lenses?: Nope
77. turned someone down?: Yeah
78. sex on first date?: No thanks
79. broken someone’s heart?: I don’t think so, but if I did I’m sorry 
80. had your heart broken?: How bout badly injured
81. been arrested?: No
82. cried when someone died?: Yes, but I forced myself to cause I thought there was something wrong with me
83. fallen for a friend?: It’s always a friend
84. yourself?: Barely
85. miracles?: I guess so
86. love at first sight?: I’ll believe it when it happens
87. santa Claus?: Not anymore
88. kiss on the first date?: Depends on how the date goes
89. angels?: Yeah
90. current best friend’s name: Tanisha, Sophia, Jessie, Elizabeth, Rafa
91. eye color: Dark brown
92. favourite movie: Perks of Being a Wallflower is what comes to mind atm
Okay, I tag @unimportantweirdo @baekyone @xxsweetangelcxx and @gwiyomi-kihyunie
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