#I’m trying out a cuter chibi style
glamourooze · 1 year
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Gave them my clothes for the day 💅
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jamscandraw · 1 year
hi there, i was wondering what drew you to the character of steve... i ask because i haven't seen the show itself but in screenshots its hard to understand based on the quite chibi-ish art style. (not trying to be mean! i'm genuinely curious) is it like... the voice acting or the character design itself? anyway, your art of him is really cute tbh when i saw the screenshots of the cartoon self i was like... oh jams version is much cuter.
the short answer is: I just think he's neat!!
if you haven't seen the show and only know who Steve is through me, I should make something clear: he is not even remotely a main character. He shows up for a few background gags throughout seasons 1-2, then gets one absolute banger of an episode where he has a heart-to-heart with a main character and does his face reveal, and then he's there in the back for a little bit but has no other influence on the plot. He does not speak at all in S3 and has maybe 3 minutes of screentime total. So many of my friends started watching TOH because of me and were VERY confused by the lack of Steve because they assumed I'd latched onto a protagonist instead of Background Boy #32 (their mistake, I have a track record for doing this)
as for what drew me to him, it was mostly the character design to start with. It might sound insane but the second he took his mask off and I saw his crooked nose and his wonky smile I went !!!! Because that’s how I draw noses and honestly his whole design just bangs in general. One horn, cool jacket, dumb haircut, shirt with his own fucking name on it, all excellent decisions. He’s so fun to draw. Because he’s such an underused character there’s basically no canon lore for him, and one thing I love to do with underdeveloped characters is extrapolate outwards and try and work out what they and their life could be like outside of their limited screen time. And based on what little we know about him, his family, and what life as a coven scout must have been like, there’s a ton of potential to build a really interesting backstory. 90% of the stuff you see me say about Steve on this blog like it’s objective fact is my own headcanon, I have written so much about this guy’s life I feel like I’m related to him. PLUS it’s canon that he’s a lovely guy who talks openly about his feelings and regularly goes to therapy, and he’s got that “I’m definitely not cishet” energy that bewitches and intrigues me. What’s not to love
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Can- can you make a scenario where reader plays fnaf ar but the animatronics are real and when they like successfully get them they turn into little chibi animatronics that stay with the reader— I just need some teeth rotting fluff please 🥺
Omg that’s actually an ADORABLE concept. I’d like to think you could switch the animatronics between normal and chibi modes (bc you can’t send the poor things out to salvage when they’re all tiny ;w;)
I’ll make one for Golden Freddy bc I’ve tried fighting him and he is absolute PAIN so this teeth-rotting fluff will help me too <3
Of all the animatronics you’ve encounter thus far, nothing could’ve prepared you for the one called “Golden Freddy”. 
You figured it was just another shiny skin for the iconic bear, given that you didn’t receive any email on how to properly defeat him.
But oh dear....were you horribly, horribly wrong.
The encounter ended up being a nightmare. Not only did he corrupt your phone with ominous “it’s me” messages, but he could also apparently alternate between three different attack mechanics--ones used by previous animatronics. And you quickly learned that you had to successfully counter him in all three stages.
Fortunately you recognized the patterns and managed to subdue him as he charged at you for the last time. But as the electric sparks finally disappeared, you were stunned to see that Golden Freddy had turned into a...smaller and cuter version of himself. 
All the animatronics acquired that feature in the recent update--which allowed them to mimic the “chibi” style you often saw in art and anime--and the apparent reason was that users complained about the designs being too “creepy” and not “kid-friendly”.
There wasn’t anything kid-friendly about these murderous robots to begin with, but you didn’t mind the update.
“Huh..so it affects you, too, huh?” You chuckled, smiling as you scooped the golden bear up and looked at him. “I can just stick you in my bag no problem, haha.” 
He just stared back at you, trying to speak, but all he could emit was garbled static. Though you can tell he didn’t like being held--nor what you said--so you put him on your nightstand. “I’m kidding, but..welcome to the family.”
You blinked in surprise, hearing him speak more clearly, though you nodded. “Yes. Your new family is--”
"̸H̵o̵w̵ ̷a̵d̴o̵r̶a̴b̶l̵e̷.̶.I c̵o̵u̵l̵d̸ ju̷s̵t̷ ̷e̴at y̸o̷u̷ u̴p̶, y̷o̷u̶ litt̵l̷e̵ ̵s̷h̵i̴n̶y̴ ̵th̵i̴n̶g̵..”
Recognizing the raspy voice, you saw Jack o’ Chica return, holding a mod she managed to salvage. You gasped dramatically and shielded Golden Freddy from her view. “Absolutely NOT!! I’ll turn you back into a chibi, too, if you come any closer.”
“...I̵'̴d̷ rat̵h̶e̴r k̶eep̶ ̸m̵y d̴i̴g̶n̶ity̴.” She huffed, giving you the mod before briefly glancing at the bear. Then she left without another word, thank goodness.
You got her from the Halloween event, but...she managed to stay scary even during Christmastime. 
After hearing more warped garble, you turned back around and sighed, gently booping Golden Freddy’s nose. “It’s okay, you’re safe with me.” You took note of how jerky his movements were. 
No normal animatronic was capable of moving like he did, so it was unusual, indeed. Something must’ve happened while he was being added to the service. It was probably just another glitch they’ll happily ignore.
But you’ll be sure to take good care of him from here on out.
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honeycrisp-tales · 4 years
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Art Practice! I’m trying to get back into the swing of drawing babus for my big commissions I’m starting and so I’m doing a few study pieces of some very old Honeycrisp Tales entries - (and a few older pieces of art of her from other people, from before her style was developed to the degree that it is now - thank you @scisetdiary / @adgerelli for suggesting the top row images!) - and I figure why not share with y’all, so that the blog gets a good dusting off from time-to-time, a lot of you are concerned I’m stopping the blog and no, Honeycrisp is my Emotional Support OC™, I’m just dealing with a lot in my personal life and trying to keep afloat.
It’s helpful for shaking off the cobwebs to this style, these studies, and it also helps me feel more confident! I mean, look at the improvement! It’s hard to notice when you don’t go back and look at your old work often (which I don’t) - All this improvement in what I’m told is a short amount of time, I wouldn’t know, time is fake and also chaos imo. 
I am glad I keep at this whole art thing, and I enjoy the journey of improving what I can do, and revisiting where I was! :) ... Also boy-oh-boy, do I adore this tiny pink apple. Anyway! Rambling about art under the cut!
1.) + 2.) I’m super excited that I can draw near-Adge level now - I used to dream of making my completed pieces have as much charm and energy as these sketches have, and I think I did them justice! I also still steal how you used to shade Adge, and I don’t regret it.
3.) I felt so guilty drawing her so sad! It was a fun exercise though, in regards to stretching her expressions and learning how hands work - the 2020 version is how the 2017 version looked in my head, and I didn’t know how to execute that - I was also focused more on making her cute, so I didn’t want to stretch her face and distort it. Now I’m... less... hung up on that. I think she looks sadder and cuter for it! More like a real character! Plus, I love how she grasps her hair now, as opposed to, y’know, awkwardly pressing it to her chest. 
4.) Still not entirely sure about how I draw male characters, I try, but my skillset is very skewed toward cutesy chibi-esque figures... which is very much not Big Macintosh over here. I don’t know if he’s exactly how I imagine him in my brain, if I can manage that, but at least he looks correct to my eyes in regards to a male figure, which is a start! I’ve also suddenly learned side profile, honestly just a few months ago, and they actually look like proper faces now, rather than melted lollipop heads as before. And my posing improved a great deal as well, she has a lot more character now that I’ve started breaking my self-imposed ‘Cute Above All Else’ principles. She’s got a lot more life to her now, and never does she not look cute, but now she looks much more the version of her that exists in my head and hopefully I can expand her character going forward, now that I don’t fear as much stepping out of my comfort zone with her appearance.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Comic buff with a thought, I notice the P5MM art and composition is more striking and closer to p5's art and style than the other manga, which is fine, but kinda... flat. (I find myself thinking there's something missing when I read it, then I look back at P5MM and I notice how there's more clever paneling, imagery, and stylistic choices akin to the games in it (like that one goro panel ya had a rant about) and I realize what's missing) That could be why P5MM is brought up more, just a guess. I dunno how you feel about all that though, I'm curious.
Under the cut cause it gets long cause of pictures:
I am very big on art style and visual presentation. I do actually judge a book by it's cover (manga, game, movie, show, yadda). If I find something pleasing to my eye I'll read it.....even if the contents are trash. Domestic Girlfriend is one, horrible manga (didn't finish, was holding out for Momo, aka best girl, and getting closure for her....then I bounced). Didn't watch the anime (didn't need to I was way ahead in the manga I think), but I know that opening is wasted on it. ldskfjaf Don't invest your time into it, it's not worth it, you would probably learn better morals from P5.......probably. But yeah I found the art style pleasing enough to try it out (I's not amazing by any means, but I like looking at it....or did.....that writing man....dat was bad ;w;).... *waves hands vaguely in air* yeah.
Fun fact, it's why I got into Persona. I happened across an ad for P4 on the PS2 in the Gameinformer magazine, it showed a screenshot from an animated cutscene plus one of the fully body art for the chars and I was like "Yes this is my jam!" (which only doubled down when I read what it was about, and it was a murder mystery and the article also talked up "the mystery of the glasses" which fakldjsalkfs yeah). So yeah it really clicked for me.
Tbh it's why I'm probably going to get back into freaking Bleach, and it's why I got into it and Naruto over One Piece (I don't think I'll ever read ON I'm sorry). Tite Kubo has sexy art what can I say? Can't trust a thing that man writes now but eh. It's also the reason I read a lot of Shojo (and now Yuri) manga, cause their art style is usually what I find very appealing (even if I've read the same gd shojo love story just by a different name for the 1000th time, give me the flowers and sparkly eyes! they are my life blood!)
And I've mentioned I really like Saito's art style. I've (attempted) to color some of his pieces on top of animate some manga frames (most of which I haven't actually published......I...I should....get around to finishing those up....haha...aha....haaaa). I really like his art, it's pleasant. But even with good art, I can still see past it and see what BS it's peddling and it can hamper my enjoyment of it. If I don't look at the context of the scene or the words on the page, I can be down with it. But when I'm reading.......I get annoyed. I balk at anything with Goro. I guffaw whenever Makoto's on screen (cause Saito nails her from P5, she acts useful but really she's useless but the narrative views her as useful it ironically makes her useless......it's the weirdest thing I've ever witnessed >.>). Like Saito really.....gets P5 it seems, down to it's flaws even (tho he can actually make the good parts of P5 shine, or at least parts that P5 failed to execute....execute in a way). But he also makes the flaws.....shine that much harder for me.
Now the Reg manga? it's nothing special art style wise, in fact it starts off VERY wonky, and while still wonky, has gotten a lot....better/cuter (esp Ryu). Not like shojo cute just.......I wanna squish their wittle faces cute (at times when it's not serious).
Like when it comes to Reg Manga these are the two pieces that have appeared in it that I feel kinda hit the P5 mark in terms of style:
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(look at Mona, coming into this world like the pustule that he is 8U)
Which isn't much, but it's something. At least Reg's AOA is better looking than the anime. 8U
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But I dunno, as the chapters go on, the Mangaka allows for more cuter expressions, and I just like their neat:
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(btw I colored that page)
I dunno, it's not as overtly cutsey as Saito:
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But they are still charming in a more simple way (without out having them go full chibi), it subtle but it gives it flavor. "Silly why are most, if not all those pics of Ryu and Anne?" I dunno guys maybe you should ask them how their backs are doing, cause they're the ones who are carrying the Reg manga when it comes to this! 8U
Tho I do think the first ch or two of Reg does a better job capturing P5's feel than the rest of the chapters, I think the mangaka is just.....bogged down by exposition and the game's BS that a lot of text on their pages so it almost reads like a novel:
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ALots of text, not the most dynamic of framing with the panels. It's kinda eh. I haven't really read the manga past the 2nd dungeon tbh (I mean......as the residential #1 Makoto hater, I think that's fair.....that I'd start to zone out during my least fav dungeon....and then continue zoning out during my 2nd least fav dungeon askfdjaflk)
But during the first two dungeon arcs, I liked how.....bad the PT were at thieving, I liked how green they were. It was obviously a learning process. I also like some of the fight choreo (Saito did the best hand to hand one in the series in P4U's Yu vs Sho....which I actually animated....spoiler.....no I have no released that...my dumbass wants to tempt fate and see if I can redo it in color even tho it took me 4 days non stop to get that animated in just black and white.....but I am a fool so alas 8U). I mean it's not mind blowing, but it was simple and decently thought out, which is more than I feel like we usually get (esp with the anime shows....or at least P4/5's).
But I think what draws me in is....it's lack of P5 style. P5 style has them being still oh so cool despite being new at everything. It's tired me out. P5's how identity is style. It's....style over substance (gonna rile some feathers with that....Cvit(?) vid title). But P5 is overtly stylish, to the point it......weighs on me. Drags me down. Tires me out. I don't think they're cool, I'm bored with it. Ironically, Reg manga lacks that, which......def would make someone (and me usually) give it much of a passing glance. It's very basic I guess. But.....consider me, being in P5 hell, surrounded by all it's nausea inducing stylishness, sees a small break in the hellish hurricane to see.......normalcy. It kinda makes me connect better with the kids (kinda, it's still P5).
They feel like normal kids, trying to do their thing (sometimes trying to look/act cool and failing), and.....it's just the absolute antitheses to P5's brand......and I think that's why I like it. KLFJDSAFLKJA;
Anyway, who knows, maybe when I catch up on Reg in english and re-read MM with the official translation I might change my mind about a few things, or at least how I rank them. But for post length sake, and my sanity sake, I think I should keep the anime and mangas out of the "Which entry do you hate least" post......because I should just make another post where I go into both mangas as well as compare and contrast the anime! :D I'm just delaying some insanity for later haha....
Wait.........I just remember Day Breakers exists......and I liked it....still do....don't have much issue with it. Well shit, that is probably the one entry I hate the least. fklsdjfalkjdfkla;jsL;FJljsfdlskafaj *sobs* nO NO, I committed, and that's just a sad loophole. fdklsajflakfj *sobs* I still need to the game thing, cause let's be honest, the games are where it counts.
So right now my ranking for manga/anime is:
Daybreakers>Reg manga> MM>>>>>>>>>>TV Show Anime and it's OVAs (may the burn in the hell fire from which they spawned)
Oh, one last thing, forgot to put it in but I dunno where to put it now. I like how the manga tones down the pervyness some:
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I mean Ryu is a fellow monkey. u_u .......but it's for the best I don't have to see his ape expression. ;w; (iirc the pyramid scene was a lot shorter/faster, but that's by the grace of reading and books rather than animation I suppose).
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(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 7
part 6 here
Hello everyone and welcome back to this quasi-watchalong of Magia Record season 1! Last time, Iroha met a magical girl mercenary called Felicia, and the two ended up caught in the Rumor of the Lucky Owl Water. When our girls went to erase it, a cult group of weirdos called The Wings of the Magius stood in their way and got Felicia to join them promising the extinction of all witches.
Who are these weirdos? What are they up to protecting the Rumors? Is what they promised Felicia true? Et cetera, et cetera. Let's just go to the episode to find out already.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record S1 episode 7
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O-oh... what a way to start an episode, huh.
We get a look into what led to Felicia becoming a magical girl and, like most magical girl backstories, it's tragic. This is the reason why Felicia's obsessed with destroying all witches.
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Continuing from the previous episode, Felicia was taken to a subterranean waterway, that might be their hideout. Wait, didn't Kaede say something about a rumor of a giant underground empire some time back? She might've been right after all hahaha
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After walking a while, Felicia is met by Tsukasa and Tsukuyo Amane, two of the, uh, generals I guess I could say, of The Wings of the Magius.
The weirdo twins explain that their organization's objective is fulfilling the wishes of the Magius, whose objective is the salvation of all magical girls. See, so they are the ones behind the salvation propaganda.
The twins say their objective cannot be completed without the eradication of witches, which... well, is not a lie. Without the witchfication, there would be no witches. It's all fine until there, but then they're also protecting Rumors, who kidnap people, so... yeah.
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...uh, hey, Kyoko? What are you doing here?
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Back to Iroha's group, Iroha is worried about just letting Felicia go like that, to which Yachiyo answers it's fine because she planted a GPS on her... sasuga, Yachiyo. Why in the heck did you have that?
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"Am I being tracked too...?”
Yachiyo says this much is normal (no it's not), since she didn't trust Felicia to begin with, but Iroha just feels bad knowing Felicia's circumstances.
The trio heads towards Felicia's position and find the entrance to the waterway. Waiting for them there was...
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Chibi Kyuubei. For as adorable as he is, he manages to look even more suspicious than the original. And he only shows up when there's a rumor around, too! I don't trust him.
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Back at the underground waterway, Kyoko and Felicia are having a little chat. According to her, Kyoko only just ran into them too. She says that as long as she has Grief Seeds, food and a place to sleep, the rest doesn't matter, but she also seems to be aware that the WoM are fishy. Felicia agrees uneasily, but hearing that they might be behind the witches gathering in Kamihama seems to already have put doubts in her mind.
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The two have a meeting with the Amane twins inside the Rumor's barrier.
The twins explain the logic behind the Lucky Owl Water once again, and Kyoko says this
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There it is! This series' core. Funny hearing that from Kyoko, since I think she doesn't even know how right she is yet.
Kyoko rejects the Water and lays out her terms: as long as she can keep gathering Grief Seeds, she's fine with anything. However, the twins affirm that those are not necessary in Kamihama. Normally, I'd say these two are bonkers, but... well, we saw what happened to Iroha and Kaede. These two must know about that too. At this moment, a black feather comes in and interrupts their little show.
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Iroha's group was making their way through the waterway when the Amane twins block their way and, together with them, Kyoko and Felicia.
The Amane twins tell Iroha to do what they say if she doesn't want to be swallowed by bad luck and Iroha asks them why would they create that Rumor, to which the twins once more say it's for the sake of the Magius and their salvation. See, cult.
Yachiyo cuts to the chase and confirms they're here to battle, and the twins pull out something strange on them.
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So, yeah. There's pocket monsters, and now we have pocket witches too, apparently.
The twins called a witch upon our girls, which, according to them, they are controlling with magic. As the girls begin fighting against their familiars, Yachiyo asks the twins if they have any idea of what exactly they're doing. Tsukasa apologizes, but affirms that witches will be gone if they can realize their plans. The twins (literally) pull the rug on Yachiyo and Tsuruno and chase after them, leaving the (weak) Iroha to Kyoko and Felicia.
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Iroha gets whacked by the familiars and Felicia comes in to help. Iroha then once again dashes in her direction and they do a connect. Upon further thought, I think Iroha's assist is a booster in a more literal sense, since it turned Felicia's hammer into a rocket-hammer. My theory is that it's the same propulsion magic that makes her crossbow work.
Felicia's hammer causes a quake and one of the twins asks what's going on. Well, what did you think would happen if you released a witch in front of someone who notoriously goes berserk when they see witches? The twins might not be very smart.
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Damn, I missed a number.
Kyoko bounces too. She wasn't very convinced with the twins' vague talk of "salvation".
After transforming, Kyoko does her good act of the day, busting a hole in the barrier and telling Iroha to go on ahead. Iroha hesitates to leave her friends behind but obeys when Yachiyo tells her to go.
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With Kyoko guarding her back Iroha manages to make it out of the witch's p*kéball and into the Rumor's barrier. Like it's said, out of the frying pan into the fire. Oh and there's 7-6. I'm really missing numbers left and right today.
No Iroha, don't go chase the Kyuubei towards the light...! Just kidding. Iroha gets out of the tunnel and finds the Rumor's main body. She confirms with her tutorial mascot if she only has to break that, readies her crossbow and... gets swarmed by owls. C'mon Iroha, did you really think it'd be that easy?
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While Iroha's busy sucking at battles, Felicia's not having a better time with her reckless style either. Kyoko saves her ass and tells her she's not winning like that.
This whole sequence is just great in terms of animation, shame I can't really screenshot that T-T
As someone on a similar spot, Kyoko gives Felicia some advice, telling her she's a magical girl for her own sake; that's how it should be when she's betting her own life.
The two cooperate on destroying the witches, with Felicia bonking the whole barrier to smithereens. Nice job, rocket-hammer!
The girls go back to the waterway and the twins' Soul Gem is quite drained. Tsuruno tells them to stop already, but these two weirdos say that's just what they wanted.
Saying that they'll be able to show that Kamihama is a place of salvation, the two do the same thing Iroha and Kaede had done.
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Uhhh... if the salvation that the Magius is preaching is spewing out a witch from your body, that's already super fishy. There's no way there's no downside to this. This is Madoka we are talking about... right...?
While Yachiyo's group learns a shocking and disturbing truth, Iroha's busy getting her ass kicked. Poor Iroha
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and oh god, I don't think anyone would ever catch this number if they weren't pausing as much as I am to write this.
Iroha keeps getting wrecked by the owls, miraculously escaping unscathed thanks to the Lucky Owl Water. As the numbers keep counting down, Iroha starts questioning what happened to her back in the Seance Shrine. Uh, Iroha, is this really the best time to be introspecting?
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No matter how many times I see it, this scene still creeps me out.
While Iroha gets another round of spawning a witch, Yachiyo's group fight the twins', to no avail. Back to Iroha...
Oh no the witch talks now? Eek... oh, wait wait is this still Iroha's voice?
Not that the first thing it said is wrong, but Yachiyo's words really remained in a negative manner, huh? First in the Seance Shrine and now this. Iroha, don't go getting yourself killed trying to become stronger, ok?
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A-at least it's a bit cuter now... if you can call a witch that... rather, why did it change?
Iroha's thing makes short work of the Rumor and the Chibi Kyuubei peaces out. As if it wasn't suspicous enough, it turns into freaking water. Goddammit Chibi Kyuubei.
Iroha just lies there tired.
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Uhh... yeah, sure, if you count an eldritch abomination coming out of you as part of yourself, then yeah you did.
Like last time, Iroha's Soul Gem is pristine clean now.
Back to the twins, thanks to the floating water falling they realize that the Rumor's been defeated , then start panicking.
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"Someone", whose voice we're already familiar with, comes in to check on the situation and the twins apologize for their failure.
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Whelp, this is awkward. Hello there, Mifuyu. So you joined a cult.
Tsuruno gets really emotional. She runs up and hugs Mifuyu. who stops the Black Feathers from attacking her. Tsuruno's really glad that she's back and says they'll have to make a "Welcome Back Party" at her family's restaurant, but Mifuyu says she's not going back, because she's part of the cult The Wings of the Magius now. (couldn't they choose a shorter name for their group? Geez)
Mifuyu shifts her attention to Yachiyo and says she's happy that they went even to Seance Shrine to search for her; Yachiyo says it's thanks to the Kamihama Rumor Files (the notebook Yachiyo carries around) that she left behind.
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Yachiyo asks but Mifuyu implies she's the one that was left behind.
Mifuyu invites Yachiyo to join the cult but Yachiyo, obviously, can't agree with their methods. She questions if Mifuyu hadn't resolved herself as a magical girl but Mifuyu, like we saw in the flashback, really wants to be saved. Yachiyo's the only one who's strong like that.
Yachiyo says she'll stop her by force if she has to and they prepare to battle again, but Mifuyu uses her magic and has her group leave.
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Iroha's group leave the underground waterway (seems Kyoko has gone her way already too). Felicia tries to leave too and says she has nowhere to go back to when Iroha stops her and asks, so Iroha tells her to come over to her place.
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Felicia says she doesn't have to do that for her, but Iroha says she's doing this for herself, that she needs Felicia's strenght. Felicia argues that Iroha will get in trouble again if she's around and all the girls chip in saying they'll help her learn to hold herself back. (I'm not sure what this far framing is doing but I do like how it lets us see the body expression of all the girls at once.)
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Huh, weird, why is the screen so blurry? I can't type like this...
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Iroha apologizes for what they said and insists on having Felicia over, even if just for the day. Yachiyo comes in and tells them to stay over at her place instead.
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*sobs* so beautiful ;-; I wish I knew the name of the ost track here it's really pretty too.
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It really is Kyoko, it really is.
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At Yachiyo's place, Iroha's on the phone with her parents while the others wait for her to eat. It seems like her parents finally decided on where she's going to be moving to, and whatever they said was a surprise.
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There goes the last number! The Rumor's gone so this has to be purely for the sake of finishing the countdown, but I have long given up on trying to find the ones I'm missing in this episode.
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And there's the title card. Don't leave the episode yet, though, as there's still an after credits scene.
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To absolutely no one's surprise besides Iroha's, the place her parents decided on is Mikadzuki Villa, Yachiyo's place. Now, I did say that last number must be purely illustrative, but I'm inclined to agree with Iroha here on it being thanks to the Lucky Owl Water since there is no other way I can rationalize Iroha's parents, from overseas, managing to find the phone number of Mikadzuki Villa, that's not even doing boarding anymore, calling while Yachiyo's around to respond, making an agreement to let Iroha live there, and Yachiyo not even telling Iroha her parents called. So yeah, I say it was the Lucky Owl Water.
Felicia comes with Tsuruno and reveals she's also been living in Yachiyo's place. She's happy she'll be freed from living alone with Yachiyo and her "nagging" and Yachiyo tells her to clean up; Iroha says she's glad to see them getting along.
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“When did I turn into a mom?“
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That's a new type of bishie sparkles alright. Can all models do this? Is it like some special ability like Gabs' censor light rays? We'll never know.
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After the various types of ad, now we have spam too. Magia Record is actually warning us about the dangers of the internet.
...In all seriousness though, that's some mysterious text. How do they, whoever "they" are, know that Iroha's a magical girl? And most of all, how do they have her number? Guess this is going to be the mystery for the next episode. (Also, I never noticed this before but you can hear a veeeery quiet chime when the messages come in. Nice detail!).
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Aaaand with that, we have concluded episode 7! This one also ran on longer than I expected and, surprisingly, managed to surpass the number of screenshots of all others at about 43 images. sugoi
I couldn't catch all the numbers this time, but the ones I did were: 13-12 with Iroha on the bridge; 10-9 when Kyoko "betrays" the WoM; 7-6 when Iroha finds the Rumor; 6 through 1 happen while Iroha's fighting the Rumor and the last 1-0 was in Yachiyo's magazine. With that, I'm missing 12-11; 11-10; 9-8 and 8-7, which I have no idea where they are. Oh well.
I realized partway through that it kinda seems like I'm dissing Iroha every chance I get, but I assure you I don't hate her. In fact, she's my favorite character! This is coming purely from a place of affection, and a bit of frustration at what the anime did to her character, so don't mind me, it's aaall good.
With that out of the way, this was episode 7! We are now over halfway through, with a buckload of mysteries and barely any progress being made towards finding Iroha's younger sister. Poor Ui, if you even existed. Tomorrow, we'll be watching episode 8, so I hope you'll read me again then. Have a great morning/afternoon/evening and see you later!
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zorasublime · 4 years
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Saw a post about someone wanting a chibi JLI fancomic, decided to try my hand at drawing more than just two at a time in a cuter style. It’s a super quick, rough sketch, and I’ve only drawn about four of these characters ever so I’m clearly still learning how to do the others, but I think I’m kinda proud of how this turned out (especially Canary — I’ve never drawn a girl in this style before).
Bonus! (Really Old) Digital Circles:
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captainswanbigbang · 7 years
CSBB Artist Spotlight: cocohook38
Today’s Captain Swan Big Bang Spotlight features @cocohook38​!
What kinds of artwork do you make?
Mostly chibis (paper and digital) and some kind of realistic-comic style? (more on digital). Generally for fanfics or crossovers.
What's your favorite thing about creating artwork?
Be able to put on paper what's on my mind! But also for the reaction of the people after, it's always amazing to bring smile and happiness on people face.
What's one of your greatest strengths when it comes to creating artwork?
I think my speed? I'm always told that i'm pretty fast.
What's something you've always wanted to try your hand at, but haven't had a chance yet?
The digital drawing but directly on the tablet!! Also drawing on paper in realistic style but just with colored pencils!
If you participated in the first Captain Swan Big Bang, what was the experience like for you? What are you looking forward to this time around?
Well last year I've proposed myself to help someone who hadn't artist anymore. And it was really fun !! So this time I'm definitely looking for more fun thanks to the more time I'll have to read and do fanart for the fic!
First Artwork: http://tonys38.deviantart.com/art/Hook-OUAT-434552271
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Pretty proud of it as it's a giant poster made 3 years ago, 1m60x1m04 so it was quite a challenge to do! And well it's always great to have a dashing pirate looking at you when you're laying on your bed...
Second Artwork: http://cocohook38.tumblr.com/post/117716823206/cshp-au-ready-for-the-fight-swan
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I'm a big fan of CS!movie crossovers. And this one is my very first attempt of writing based on something i've draw so this little HarryPotter!au hold a special place in my heart.
Third Artwork: http://cocohook38.tumblr.com/post/153478521956/the-tinyhooks-tennant-the-tigger-real-life
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The problem when you do too many artwork, you have a LOT of fav...but for this last one I'm going to pic one of the TinyHook RealLifeAdventures. Making chibis and put them in real life was really great! (Even more when your pc is down...). And you know what people say, the tinier they are, the cuter they will become!
Check out cocohook38 on Tumblr - DeviantArt
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thenichibro · 7 years
Spring 2017 Anime First Impressions
This season doesn’t really seem to have a posterchild show like last season, which had both a new KyoAni work and Konosuba’s follow-up. However, there’s some good slice-of-life and top-tier fanservice, so as usual there will be ups and downs, weighted towards the latter of course. (This paragraph is short because I had a huge rant here about Anime Strike and its effect on consumers/businesses, but I’m pretty sure no-one who follows me gives a shit about actual discussion of the industry, so I’ll spare you.)
With MAL links, and original shows marked:
Alice to Zouroku (MAL) Starting off we have a hefty 40-minute episode, which follows Sana, a girl with supernatural powers, escaping from a reserach lab. She is chased by the organization's other power-users, and snares the other main character, Kashimura, in a bad-CG-filled car chase. I like Kashimura as that sort of grizzled old man type moreso than a generic teenage protag in this sense. His no-nonsense attitude contrasts well with the haughty-yet-childish one of Sana. In addition, I like the subtle humor near the end of the episode that contrasts what you think Kashimura's line of work is with what it actually is. The animation looks somewhat plain, and the CG is honestly just bad. The entire sequence could have used hand-drawn, but for a solid 2-3 minutes it was hard to look at. Other than that there isn't anything especially new here - reality-warping powers, dangerous medical research - we've seen it before. I don't really think this needed a 40-minute episode, but we'll see where it goes.
Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records (MAL) Any show with a school uniform that highlights midriffs gets points in my book. Starting off, we have the eccentric (in this case lazy) teacher, Glenn, starting at a magic school. There's the haughty noble girl, Sistine, oft-embarrased by the teacher's antics, and her quieter sister Rumia. While setting itself up as a comedy in episode 1, episode 2 has everything from a shouting match culminating in a slap to military thugs sexually assaulting Sistine - so I'm honestly not sure which way this is going. The boastful-but-easily-embarrased Sistine contrasts well with the smooth-with-nothing-to-back-it-up Glenn. We have the brewings of a wider plot, with why Glenn was assigned to the school if he's a bum and Sistine having a goal of discovering secrets of a floating island. The animation overall is still quite good, which helps in a magic-casting show. Helps the fanservice out too. I don't have high expectations for this show, but the lower the bar the easier this show will impress.  I just hope it focuses on a single direction in the plot instead of trying to have comedic episodes and dark episodes.
[Original] Sakura Quest (MAL) Starting with a bubbly OP (and ending with a similarly fantastic ED), we have the first slice-of-lie this season. I love the genre, I love the country locale, I love the art, and I loved Shirobako. I have high hopes. Our main girl Koharu wants to get out of the country and get a job in Tokyo, but the job she gets (by mistake, even) is back in the country at a tourism board. Sakura Quest puts an interesting spin on the country locale, setting Manoyama up as both tranquil yet struggling - and I like it. It brings a sense of realism to an oft-idealized setting. The language of taxes, grants, and the real strategy of creating "mini independent states" to boost local tourism echoes Shirobako in its depiction of life, and that's good. Koharu is plucky, insistent, and overall just a joy to watch. I'm refreshed any time a show does something about not high-school students or teenagers in general. Focusing the story on adults that have established lives (or even better, that are trying to establish their lives) gives the slice of life genre, well, new life. Showing the smooth transition between the comedic and the sentimental, with background music to match, the tonal shifts are nothing abrupt, a the first episode flowed well. P.A. Works certainly has a hit-or-miss record with original shows, and Sakura Quest thus far is more Shirobako and less Glasslip. I'm looking at an AOTS contender already.
Clockwork Planet (MAL) Starting off with an impressively boring action sequence, we have our heroes led by a (I'm sure incredibly powerful) kid defeat a bunch of automatons. A world created entirely of clocks, and a main character (Naoto) obsessed with tinkering with them. My primary conception from the summary was more apocalyptic, with the main character being a wandering junker who finds an automaton (Imagining the world looking sort of like Gargantia, with less water). Maybe I'm just standoffish because instead we got a high school kid with an annoying voice that finds a girl who proceeds to call him "Master." This is of course after the fact that despite Naoto being unable to fix a single clock, he easily opens and fixes the girl, one of the most top-of-the-line automatons created. Naturally. As far as the "clockwork" aesthetic goes, instead of a rusty, machinic society the world looks exactly like any other city, except with random gears everywhere. At one point it shows a character driving an otherwise normal car, but in the door of the car there are gears that look like they aren't connected to anything, just there to remind you of the title. Regarding the animations, they're not great, echoing the facial style of something like Baka to Test or Kore wa Zombie Desu Ka? - only this show is airing in 2017. Also, a shot shows a bunch of gears falling from a guy's hand feels the need be CG. Ugh. Shoved-in fanservice on top of all of this makes this a show I already regret starting. Avoid.
Eromanga-Sensei (MAL) Next up, we have the second original series from the famed creator of "It's Okay to Fuck Your Sister if She Likes Porn," This one uniquely titled "It's Okay to Fuck Your Sister if She Draws Porn." Sibling bonding over erotic fiction/art. Wew. Nothing else to expect from OreImo's creator, but similar themes do not a similar plot make. I hope. The first episode is the reunion, where Masamune finds his shut-in sister Sagiri is Eromanga-sensei, his LN ero-artist. I'll give it this - Sagiri is leagues cuter than Kirino. Man, fuck Kirino. Naturally the art is similar to OreImo, especially Masamune, only I think his hair's a bit greener. Other than that, though, the animation is smooth. Eromanga-Sensei starts off on a much more sentimental note, with discussions of dreams, mourning parents, etc. Other than one main fanservice-y scene and the fact that they connect over erotic art, the sentimental is certainly preferable. ClariS return for the ED of ep1, and it's fantastic as ever. I mean, seriously, Nexus as the OP for OreImo was the best part of the show. Judging from the key art this may well become a harem, but we'll see. So far it beats OreImo, but that's a low bar.
Sakurada/Sagrada Reset (MAL) I don't know why the changed the romanization to "Sagrada," but then again I don't know Japanese in the first place. Sakurada Reset follows Kei and Haruki, with the powers of recalling the past perfectly and being able to reset time, respectively. The town of Sakurada gives people the powers for basically no reason, but on the other hand that's not really the point - the assumption is that this is normal. Set up to be friends by Soma, the enigmatic class rep, Kei aims to get Haruki to help him help people, using their powers. Haruki is adamantly opposed, for fear Kei could exploit her, as she herself doesn't remember anything after resetting. Sakurada Reset certainly doesn't set itself up as a comedy, but rather a series of sobering investigations undertaken by Kei and Haruki. There's a lot of pseudo-philosophical bullshit off the bat ("You're unable to believe your own righteousness, yet you continue to be righteous."), and yet the show isn't interesting enough for me to look any deeper. Add to that a surprisingly dark first investigation topic, and I'm already kind of tired of this. If you like HaruChika (which I didn't) with darker themes, then give this a watch. Otherwise, I'd avoid.
Hinako Note (MAL) Back on the slice of life train, Hinako Note follows, well, Hinako, a girl who sucks at speaking, moving to Tokyo to go to high school and get better via the theater club. She moves into a bookstore-cafe combo, living with Kuu, who likes books so much she eats them, and Mayu, the short girl who dresses like a maid. Also introduced is Aki, the quiet landlady and a theater troupe leader on the side. The only conflict is that the theater club is shut down, and so Aki suggests Hinako simply form a troupe with the rest of the girls. The OP/ED show we'll meet a fifth girl, so I expect that soon. Speaking of the OP/ED, they're both incredibly fast paced, sung by the cast, and remind me of Teekyuu's OP style, if you like that. The animation is pretty good, though the show really likes going into chibi-style a lot. Probably more a style choice than budgetary problem, and I don't mind it. Overall, it seems like the theater setup could produce a wealth of interesting scenarios, and the girls are cute. Not much else I need.
[Original] Tsuki ga Kirei (MAL) Last on the slice-of-life roster, we have an self-described slow paced school story, and an original from feel. studios to boot. I'm excited. Starting in the third-year of middle school is interesting, because that means all the relationship-forming is already done. (To be done away with when they get to high-school though, I'm sure). Akane is a sincere, shy girl on the track team, while Kotarou is a similarly shy novice writer and spends club time as the school's librarian. They share off glances at each other, leading to a nervous, stammering meeting at a family restaurant where not much else happens. "Slow-paced," to be sure. The animation matches the shows sort of muted tone, with no massive eyes (or tits), no multicolored hair, etc. It's clear Tsuki ga Kirei aims to tell a more-or-less realistic love story. One thing I did notice, mostly in the beginning of the episode, was the crowd shots combined with CG. Honestly, just do closer shots so you can avoid CG-ing people. It never looks good. The first episode sort of confirmed my feeling that this show will be a nice way to decompress each week, as we watch Akane and Kotarou grow slowly closer. If the title's any indication, their relationship will have its awkward moments, but there's nothing more essentially youth than that, right? Unlike many original works, this show doesn't look like it will go in any strange direction, and that consistency is relaxing. Give this a watch.
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho (MAL) Furry Berserk, I guess? ZeroSho follows the unnamed beastman "Mercenary" and Zero, a mage, as they search for Zero's Grimoire, the basis of all magic. The show follows a typical fantasy setting, with mages at war with a ruling empire, and beastmen subjugated by everyone. Interestingly, "sorcery" differs from "magic" - the former requires a summoning circle, long casts, etc., while the latter is quick and far more deadly. More interesting is the fact that Zero wrote the book on magic. I normally enjoy overpowered characters, and in this case that power is packed into a cute, ahoge-sporting mage loli. Definitely a plus. Something else the struck me as unique was the comedic moments throughout the episode. Thus far Mercenary and Zero play off each other quite well, and I'm interested to see where it goes. There's the standard background of discrimination against beastmen/witches and Mercenary's war-torn past, but at least if it's been signposted now it won't be jarring later. This show surprised and impressed, and I'm interested to see how it goes. And man, Zero's cute.
Anonymous Noise (MAL) For whatever reason, I've been waiting for this to come out for a while. I'm not sure why, but when there were any cast announcements or key visuals, etc. I always recognized the name. Anyway, Anonymous Noise sees Nino Arisugawa - "Alice," a loner singer starting high school reunite with her childhood singing friend Kanade Yuzuriha - "Yuzu." Right from the start, this show is very, very shoujo. The eyes, the immediate drama, everything is very shoujo. Not necessarily a problem, but be aware that's what this is. Amazing how a dramatic reunion could immediately turn to "Never talk to me again," but that's the genre I guess. Regarding the music, as this is a musical show, there was one main performance, and if I'm honest I thought Alice's voice was quite rough. The music per se isn't a problem - the sound echoes Scandal or Stereopony, bands that do some harder rock that I both love. The vocals, at least in the song they played, weren't to my liking. I was unaware of just how shoujo this show is, and I hope it doesn't become any more overbearing than it already has. I have low expectations on that front. From the insert song and the ED, I know I like the sound, so if the vocals keep up and the shoujo stays down, this won’t be bad. On the other hand, I can't say I expect both of those things to happen.
Sin Nanatsu no Taizai (MAL) Best for last, amirite? Aka “Seven Mortal Sins,” SinNNT is unabashed, unapologetic fanservice. As a quick note, make sure to skip the HorribleSubs release on this one, only because their release is censored. Censored like Shinmai Maou no Testament censored (and that's bad). Anyway, the story involves Lucifer falling first to Earth and then to Hell, where after a short sexual assault by Leviathan (Envy) she proceeds to challenge the other sins for control. Back on Earth, the nun Lucifer passed as she fell to hell (as well as giving her some blood) is having her own daily life. (Don't worry, there's still groping between her and her friend). There's over-the-top transformation sequences, grandiose music, and plenty of inane sexual situations. I honestly have no idea where this show is going - whether it's going to be in Hell, on Earth - but let's be real, no-one really cares. The animation budget is actually pretty great for this show, and that means the fanservice is top tier. As if I need to write anything about this show - it's distilled fanservice. Watch it, or don't.
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irl-futaba-sakura · 5 years
and tbh yeah i got a problem with PF as the hot new option and im gonna be opinionated on main tonight bc fuck it
their site is not really ready for heavy load right now, it’s obvious, but more worrying is how VAGUE they are with their terms and service, policy AND the fact that they say they allow NSFW but their service provider does not. i know they said they’re looking for alternatives but  people are still posting it and it can get the site shut down. i’m on another site right now who’s service provider decided it didn't like some of the more risque art being posts so in the span of 6 fuckign hours the mods backed it up and removed it.
the difference here is, as you may or may not know about the current PF dramas, the site im on actually messaged EVERYONE about it wether they were affected or not, opened a thread about it for discussion on what should be allowed further to keep the site from being shut down, and has been completely transparent about everything going on.
on the flip side you got PF mods taking ppls art down, not telling them, deactivating them (they got their account back by now) and then being very vague about further restrictions.
i’m NOT here to talk about the legality or morality of the content in question, but rather the mods actions, and ESPECIALLY how fucking vague they have been and how terribly they try to cover themselves up DESPITE both technically allowing the content via their terms and policy AND after the whole issue they still didnt add it to their terms but will threaten people who post things realted to said content.
the other issue is about how they’re saying they wanna screen that content. they said it’s not up to canon info on a character or anything like that, but solely the discretion of the reviewer. and as people have pointed out (and set alarm bells ringing in my head as well) this has 1) the ability to be abused by people reporting content in ill-faith and 2) opens up people who’s art styles is not completely american comic book styled adults to be mistakenly flagged and removed. people pointed out that many people draw humans as slightly “cuter” or more simple than they are in real life, and people drawing in a style can be targets for this in particular. not to be personal about it, but i have a friend who draws like... entirely in chibi-kemono style bc he thinks its cute, and it is! all of his characters are adults, have been shown doing adult things like holding jobs, drinking and, yes, having sex. because of his style he could very well be removed from PF without the chance to “explain” himself and his art style because the process is up to the ideals and viewpoint of the reviewer.
AGAIN i wanna be clear, i am neither defending nor condemning the content because this is NOT about that. 
this is entirely about how vague they are, how they havnt even changed their TOS, how they dont seem to realize that this can cause problems at all
it’s exactly “give them an inch” in practice as well
idc if you wanna defend or condemn the specific content in question, but please PLEASE realize that this opens up people to be wrongly accused, and in style of “give them an inch” there WILL be more issues to come regarding the morality of... idfk is it okay to give kids proper sex ed in high school or not??? wouldnt that be GGROSS and IMMORAL and WEIRD ????? 
i’m just saying
mark my fuckign words
and if you now think im suddenly gross or whatever like... sorry? :U
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