#I'd shoot the woman
sky-is-the-limit · 8 months
My red flag is that I'm CONVINCED that if I was in the tlou2 universe, Abby would realise that she likes women and leave Owen for me. Yes, I need therapy.
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angel-archivist · 9 months
It's so interesting and so exceedingly frustrating how agab is being utilized now within the queer community as a way to isolate and sort nonbinary and genderqueer folks into binary boxes that determine their moral purity levels, and their authority to do and write and exist.
The way nonbinary writers are being put under accusation of fetishizing gay men while their AGAB is continually brought up in a way that feels like queer-space-approved misgendering.
The way feminist circles that are supposedly trans-inclusive will use the word AFAB in a way that implicitly but intentionally isolates nonbinary people who aren't AFAB from joining. It's for women*.
The way the language is already flawed and leaves out intersex folks from the conversations while focusing on a binary of sex that isn't truthful.
The constant obsessing over whether someone is AFAB or AMAB and whether or not that gives them the privilege to join, do, write, or be present in certain spaces really really concerns me. How are we supposed to dismantle a binary system of gender if we can't even move past forcibly assigning and focusing on people's genders assigned at birth?
#and yes i understand! that agab language can in some circumstances be helpful in inclusive language and in the medical world but ultimately#is misgendering and unnecessary it should be up to the person to disclose their agab not an expectation of them to give up freely#I think that inclusive language shouldnt be misgendering in nature and agab as far as i can tell should only be used in select discussions#and certainly not as a way to frame a nonbinary writer as a “biological woman” but in a way where the queer community will nod along and sa#“oh they have a point” because you used the word AFAB instead#honestly afab is the term i see used most frequently and most harmfully towards other nonbinary people who don't identify w the label#to exclude trans women and amab nonbinary people#to frame nonbinary people as “still women” because of their assigned gender at birth#also i understand its not as simple as “not using” these terms bc they still serve a purpose and are important#but as they leave the queer community and as they enter the hands of cis queer people they become weapons#i wish i could like manifest my thoughts super clearly but i really cant bc its a difficult situation#its just another example of misogyny and bio-essentialism creeping into the queer community#because the patriarchy impacts all things including our discussions of trans oppression and gender we need to stop viewing it#as a strict binary of male female and oh sometimes we'll mention nonbinary people but we're all afab and amabs at the end of the day <3#like flames literal flames#if you wanna like chip into the conversation just shoot me an ask or respond to the post i'd love to hear other peoples perspectives#im not infalliable so if i said anything you view as incorrect especially in regards to intersex folks and how you all would like to be#included in these discussions as im not intersex but am aware of how agab is a subject that leans into the idea of a binary of sex#so yeah rant over <3#retro.bullshit#rant
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gumgumvibecheck · 5 months
lily was the first native person to ever get a nom for a leading role ever and yall have spent the whole goddamn day melting down cause a white woman wasn't nom'd for a toy commercial. get serious good lord
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that-wildwolf · 8 months
"you write garrus POV so well!!" thanks it's because like garrus i too am unhealthily in love with shepard
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see-arcane · 6 months
Mina's incredible (and underrated) detective prowess would be very useful I bet. Put her on the helm Integra, Van Helsing praised her brains as being above everyone's including himself for a reason.
I honestly can't guess what the chemistry between Integra and Mina would be. Integra doesn't really click with me as a classically heroic character, for all that she does focus on saving humanity from the undead via Alucard and her forces, being the Boss Lady etc etc. She's miles away from being as insidious as an Amanda Waller, but...
The hotel. The fucking hotel will never leave me.
Yes, the order went directly against 'soldiers of the enemy,' but those soldiers had been lied to about who and what they were charging into. Which was obvious even without being a fly on the wall to know their higher-ups had fed them some BS to march them into death and win their own power grab from Millennium. She didn't tell Alucard to 'make it quick' or even just to 'neutralize.' She told him to search and destroy. Folding to Alucard's egging and negging to seem like a Worthy War Commander in the grand scheme~ of the plot
She's not heartless, exactly, but she is arctic and surprisingly quick to breeze past the loss of lives that aren't under her direct care/command. While she might respect Mina's abilities and investigative skills--I wouldn't be surprised if Mina could intuit Millennium's endgame well before the climax could happen--Integra inherited none of her ancestor's warm regard, supposing Abraham van Hel(l)sing had any of the original's tenderness in him (50/50 considering this takes place in aggro horror territory). We can't even say if this universe's Mina played any big role in cornering Dracula; she might just have been a targeted damsel.
All that said, I think Integra would see Mina as another time-displaced bleeding heart with a few useful skills, same as Jonathan. Someone to be an ally at best, a liability at worst. So I don't see her handing over any reins or offering to be co-girlbosses any time soon :c
#Integra is a good character#but not my favorite#Hirano let her look cool a lot and stand imposingly and smoke cigars#she got to shoot a few bad guys including the Major himself!#but the lion's share of development and interesting actions were all Alucard's and occasionally Seras'#I think the story kind of fumbled a lot of her potential to be more than Boss Lady who has cooler/more powerful people do stuff AROUND her#rather than let her really do anything herself without somebody else being the driving muscle/energy#Mina by contrast is ACTIVE#even working within the constraints of being a young woman in the Victorian era#she is hauling ass and making connections and paving the road to victory against Dracula himself#all while having a massively open heart that takes in so many people#like the rest of the original Drac Attack Pack it isn't just the loss of Lucy that drives them#she and Jonathan and Van Helsing and the Suitors all lock down on Thwarting Dracula#because if they just sit back and do nothing then He Wins and Humanity Loses--they became the OG Vampire Hunter Gang out of necessity#and goodwill#whereas Integra kind of just inherits Hellsing and its mission with the same vibe as someone inheriting Dad's job#maybe if we'd gotten scenes where it shows how she's handling the toll of running things; the sacrifices made in blood and its effects#I'd see more chemistry in potentia between her and someone as dynamic as Mina#but as it stands#I think Mina would just be another new accessory#anyway#integra hellsing#mina harker#dracula#hellsing
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birdmenmanga · 6 months
holy shit I just went back 2 dig up an old project at my mutual's request and by god. we served so much cunt on that oral history project
#just thinking thoughts...#THE WAY WE ENDED IT...?!#at the time I thought what we did was mediocre. I TRULY thought it was mediocre.#but our history teacher was like 'hey y'know we've seen students interview this guy year after year'#'and you guys really knocked it out of the park'#and I had no clue what he was talking about then but I get it now. the serve. what the fuck.#I really really hope the guy who has the original video file didn't delete it holy shit. I'd love to watch it again.#the project was interviewing someone who'd 'lived through a historical event'#like 9/11 or the holocaust for example#and we interviewed this vietnam war vet who ended up doing a bunch of anti-war protests after he came back from the war#and the video was essentially formatted like#attitude towards the war before going there -> what it was like in vietnam -> what made him change his ideology#-> what kind of protests did he do -> and then that time the FBI tried to assassinate you for that huh?#and basically they sent a woman to be his girlfriend and they did drugs and everything#and then after a while she and her friends shot him! and then claimed self-defense#but because A. he lived and B. there was contradicting physical evidence ('shooting in self-defense' INTO SOMEONE'S BACK ?)#the court ruled him as not being guilty. but then nothing happened to the agents.#and we ended on that.#'the jury recommended that the agent be indicted for attempted murder— and nothing happened to them.'#and then it faded slowly to black. and then everyone had to sit with that. nothing happened them.
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jademight · 11 months
I love when the ‘grounded and gritty’ show ends in an all out CG fight with a gazillion superpowers
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iscahmckrae · 1 year
Had a nightmare this morning that went from hanging out with friends while one of them read aloud, being adorable, to being chased by a serial killer who had probably just killed my parents, and I'm in a country where I don't know the number to call the police.
That escalated quickly.
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gentlethorns · 7 months
applying to grad school. my mind is a hellscape rn 🫶
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uss-edsall · 8 months
I read a very interesting article recently.
Hiroo Onoda is a famous name among WWII history buff circles. He was the soldier who disappeared into the Philippine jungle at the end of the war with three other soldiers, and ended up being the last to surrender after 29 years fighting a "guerilla war" until he surrendered in 1974. For at least twenty years he fought with one other, Kinshichi Kozuka; who was killed by police in 1972.
The article was about one woman named Mia Stewart, a Filipino-Australian, who's trying to get the funding to finish a documentary she's been working on for about 20 years.
The documentary she's making is trying to shed a little more light than the fascinating "lone samurai" legend that has been built up around Onoda. It very pointedly asks one thing -- what is this "guerilla war" he was fighting for 29 years? Who were his opponents? Who was he fighting?
Onoda (and Kozuka until his death) were killing, sometimes in very gruesome ways, almost exclusively Filipino civilians. Innocent people who were just living their normal lives -- who couldn't fight back. One of their victims was Mia Stewart's great uncle, when she was barely two years old.
The article essentially asks, "war hero or serial killer?"
Those civilians he stalked and killed or stole from for nearly thirty years weren't ever asked their opinion before the Filipino president gave a blanket pardon, Onoda was welcomed home a hero, and he gained worldwide fame. Their side of the story entirely forgotten as some nebulous force he was fighting "guerilla warfare" against.
It was genuinely kind of enlightening because even I have kind of looked at the Onoda story as a, "wow that's crazy" and never really gave it more thought of "who exactly was he fighting?" I figured he was shooting at cops, if anything. But no, it was nothing as simple as that.
The documentary is not out yet (she doesn't have the funding to finish it, the article was essentially one long ad to go "and if you can donate please do so") but there is a nine minute extended trailer from two years ago
On some level I think if I'd just given it any ounce of thought I'd have gone, "who was he fighting actually?" But instead I just assumed he spent nearly thirty years fighting cops… not doing what the IJA did best and mutilating helpless civilians. But I bought the popular narrative entirely and didn't give an ounce of a think at the question of who was he fighting in this 'guerilla war.'
"Actively fighting a war… against who?" is a question that just straight up never came to my mind.
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wahbegan · 11 months
God it would be so much easier if we still lived in SMALL FUCKING TRIBES LIKE WE'RE SUPPOSED TO you can't say shit nowadays without a trillion implications you did not fucking mean to make went to make a post about how sometimes i think we take sanctity of life a bit too seriously and stopped myself when i realized that y'know out of my little utopia fantasy land, here in the real world, only very scary people say shit like that
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bloodyshadow1 · 14 days
i feel like the only person destined to be the next true principal of Aguefort adventuring academy is Adaine. I just feel like she gets his vibe even if she doesn't want to. on one hand she is a very serious studious young woman who loves magic loves learning spells and all types of spells, not just her school of magic. On the other hand, she is feral and crazy in a unique way that not even the other bad kids are. She's the type of person that rolls her eyes at people being jealous of a dead parents backstory and wonders why Kipperlily didn't just kill her parents to get a more interesting backstory. The type of woman who will argue with any form of government and will question them vigorously if they don't fit her standards. The type of person who will slug her sister in the face in the middle of a wizard duel when her cantrips would be more effective.
I think she will have to kill him* in a duel for the school, I think she'll shoot him instead of using magic. It will prove to him that she isn't just a wizard, she is a bloodthirsty adventurer willing to do anything to win. His perfect successor. She turns it into Abernant's adventuring academy, or o'shaughnessey's adventuring academy.
I think the Bad kids would join up as teachers there to back her up, and to run the school however they want. I'd like to think that it goes horribly at first, but eventually smooths out.
*after the duel they bring him back of course, but she still needs to have his blood on her hands to take the job
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quaddmgd · 1 year
i'm back sorry i got lost in the spectral realm
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authorhjk1 · 5 months
Kwon Eunbi X Park Jihyo X Yu Jimin X Male Reader
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Stay here."
Jihyo can't tear her eyes off the screen.
"B-But you could die."
Twice's leader sees a smug grin on your face.
"I'd rather die than see you leave."
Her eyes grow wide as she watches you exit the room.
"Don't go!"
Tzuyu is sitting next to Jihyo. As if you could hear her shout.
Jihyo's heart aches. How could they put you into this dangerous situation?
She unconsciously bites her nails as you close the door behind you. You lock it, letting the key fall into the fish tank next to it.
"He is gonna die."
Chaeyoung is the third Twice member, who is sitting on their couch.
"Don't jinx it."
Jihyo tries to hit her, without looking away.
You let out a heavy sigh, the sad OST adding fuel to the three girls' emotional fire.
Shouts can be heard in the background. Footsteps are coming closer.
You take the pistol out of your belt. The Japanese soldiers can be seen, running through the wooden inn.
"Please, please, please."
Tzuyu mumbles to herself, praying that you are gonna survive. You are the main lead. You have to!
You cock your Mauser C96, before placing your left hand on the steel door.
"Stay alive."
You whisper. Your eyes are watery, the chance of staying alive slim.
"No! Chu-soo!"
The woman behind the door rattles at it, trying to get to you.
Taking a deep breath, you step towards the stairs, ready to go up into the saloon.
Jihyo sighs, hoping you would stay safe. Where is the backup the old guy promised?
The first soldier appears on the top of the stairs. Just as he sees you, your pistol fires. His limb body falls down the stairs, coming to a halt right before you.
"He is gonna do it!"
Chaeyoung exclaims, her voice louder in excitement.
Another dead Japanese soldier falls down the stairs. You jump over both of the dead bodies, taking two steps at once.
Stepping into the saloon, you shoot a third soldier in the head.
Seo Yeji bangs against the door in the basement.
Tears flow down her face. She tries to open the door, but you locked it.
A single shot can be heard from upstairs. The screen turns black. The episode is over.
Jihyo slumps back into the cushions, groaning in frustration.
Tzuyu and Chaeyoung are equally disappointed. How could they just let it end this way?
"One more minute!"
Karina groans in annoyance, wanting to scream at the person behind the door.
She tries to collect herself. With a low moan, she let's her fingers slip out of her warm core.
There is no way she is gonna get off now. How long has it been? At least two weeks. Maybe even longer. The last time she was with a guy? She can only roll her eyes. Even if she would have time for that, who is she supposed to approach? Some are just not attractive in her eyes. And most behave like boys. It doesn't matter to Karina if they do it on stage or off stage or both. She isn't into boys.
Fixing the lower half of her outfit, Karina makes sure she is presentable again. As she stands up, she looks herself up and down in the big mirror on the wall.
Her eyes fall onto the white top she is wearing.
Karina mumbles, seeing the dark spot on the white fabric.
"Not again."
She sighs, unbuttoning her blouse. This has happened a lot the last couple of weeks. Luckily, she has something else to change into.
After getting rid off her blouse, Karina sees that her bra is stained as well.
The first time this happened, she was really concerned. What the fuck was going on? But after some research, she found out that this can happen due to stress. Especially to women with larger breasts.
Most of the time, Karina doesn't have a problem with them. Hers are on the bigger side, which her fans seem to like. But in moments like these, she wished that she would have a smaller chest.
Changing into a new bra as well, Karina ponders on how she can get rid of this problem. Occasionally lactating isn't great. Especially if you are on stage. It hasn't happened yet, but it could anytime.
The stress is getting to her, which makes the problem even worse. How can she get rid of this?
"Are you alright?"
The woman's eyes are fixated on the idol in front of her.
It takes Kwon Eunbi more than just a moment to realize that she was staring.
Once she gets caught, she starts to blush heavily. She tries to hide it, but the woman she is eating with gets the hint.
"Who is it?"
Eunbi shakes her head, embarrassed.
"It's nothing. I-I just have a lot on my mind."
Her manager chuckles, knowing Eunbi quite well by now. If she blushes this hard, it means she has seen a very attractive person.
She turns around, trying to find out whom Eunbi could've stared at.
"Stop it. You food is getting cold."
Eunbi is trying to stop her manager from looking around.
"If you are not gonna tell me..."
She sighs before she keeps eating her scrambled eggs.
Eunbi looks over her manager's shoulders, looking at the man who is getting a serving of the food in the company's cafeteria.
There is no way she could tell anyone whom she is looking at. You are eight years younger than her after all.
She watches how you walk closer, her cheeks slowly turning red. She watched the new episode that aired today.
You never really caught her eye before, even though the two of you are in the same company. But your current lead role in this new drama has Eunbi swooning.
Especially this last episode. Since it takes place right before the second World War, Joseon is occupied by the Japanese. After your fierce fight, you took a bath in the river nearby.
It was a replacement for the cliche shower scene a lot of k dramas have.
Up until that moment, Eunbi always enjoyed seeing your handsome face in the cafeteria and on screen. Despite the scar on your right cheek. She thinks it makes you look even rougher.
But after she's seen you half naked, she can't get her thoughts into their proper order. Eunbi expected you to be fit. Probably even slim. But she didn't expect your well defined abs. The way the water made it's way through the valleys of your muscles....
Eunbi almost chokes on her food as you now stand in front of her table.
It's not like the two of you know each other very well, but there aren't a lot of empty table left.
You greet both women politely, before starting to enjoy your food.
Kwon Eunbi's head rests on the soft material behind her. The sofa in her empty waiting room was just a too good of a chance to pass up on.
She is a very comfort loving woman, which means she has to feel safe and secure to indulge into her more carnal desires. But lately, Eunbi seems to become horny almost all the time. Especially while watching your drama or seeing you in the cafeteria.
She is currently attending a music show. While waiting for her time to shine, Eunbi decided she could try to get off real quick. It's not like she is missing inspiration.
Your face crosses her mind. Your abs, your broad back, your muscular arms...
Eunbi sighs heavily. If this drama is gonna have a sex scene, she is gonna die sooner rather than later.
Her cheeks flush red. But not just because of how good she feels. Shame is part of the reason as well. She can't believe she is crushing so hard on somebody who is younger than her. By eight years. Maybe this taboo adds to her heightened state of arousal.
When Eunbi hears the door open, her pleasure shatters into pieces. More shameful red colors her cheeks, her legs instinctively closing around her hand as she opens her eyes. They are full of fear now.
Two women stand in the door, both shocked at seeing Eunbi lying half naked on the sofa.
In her lust filled state, Eunbi's mind takes a moment to recognize the two people standing in the door. Park Jihyo and Yu Jimin.
"Seems like you have the same problem as us."
Jihyo's words embarrass Eunbi even further. How could this happen?
"We were looking for a quiet room to talk in."
The two women step inside. The older of the three still very aware that she is half naked.
"T-To talk about what?"
A quick glance at the coffee table makes Eunbi's heart sink even further. Her phone is still on. She tossed it away as her pleasure started to get the best of her. A picture of you in that river is lighting up the screen. Please...
The two girls don't seem to notice yet.
"About our needs."
Eunbi looks down on herself at Jimin's words.
"We never have time for, you know..."
The youngest seems a little embarrassed as well.
"There is no need to be shy."
Jihyo takes the lead, probably because she is used to it.
"The three of us are all visibly in need of some action. Am I wrong?"
The other two shake their heads.
"So we need something that can help us out."
"Or rather someone."
Jimin's comment makes Eunbi immediately think of you.
"Are you saying, the three of us should..."
Afraid to finish her sentence on her own, Eunbi looks at the two leaders of Twice and Aespa.
Jihyo nods.
"It would be a hassle to find three guys for all of us. One might be enough."
Eunbi shudders at the thought. She never even had a threesome before. How is she gonna share a man with these two women? Although, it might be a good experience. There aren't really any cons, are there?
"So, are you in?"
Eunbi slowly nods at Jihyo's question.
Jimin closes the door behind the two as they both step fully inside the room.
"Any suggestions?"
Jihyo's question makes the older woman glance at her phone. Jimin seems to have caught it. She steps closer, before Eunbi can hide the display.
"Wow, unnie. He looks handsome. Who is he?"
Jihyo takes a closer look as well. Biting her lip, she feels her body reacting to your picture. She tried the same thing Eunbi had tried a couple of moments ago. But sharing a house with eight girls made it impossible.
"(Y/n) really is a great candidate."
Jimin heard that name before, but it takes her moment, since you haven't been really popular so far.
"You mean Lee (y/n)? The actor?"
Jihyo nods.
"He is the main lead in 'Death's fate'."
"He really looks hot."
Jimin takes another look at the picture.
"He is."
Jihyo sighs dreamily.
"I don't even remember how often I imagined myself riding his cock, while my hands glide over his abs..."
Jihyo shakes her head, coming back to reality. Her cheeks a little red.
"But how are we gonna ask him?"
Jimin's question makes Eunbi think.
"I might have an idea."
Now that her time has come, Eunbi is almost too scared to act. There you are, on screen, currently reading out something on your cue card. You became a substitute host for someone else for one of the music shows.
Eunbi is standing in her waiting room, waiting for you to finish. Your deep voice makes her feel comfortable whenever she hears it. As if it consists of warm honey. Sweet and soothing. But strong and powerful.
The stylist gave you a completely different look compared to yours in the drama. Gone is the handsome, rugged rebel.
The scar on your cheek doesn't stand out as much and you hair is showing curls in the front.
Eunbi leaves her room as soon as you get off stage. She walks in the direction you have to come from, ready to follow through with the three women's plan.
"Hello, sunbaenim."
You bow respectfully as you see Eunbi walking towards you. It's hard to not stare at her. Especially since she is smaller than you. Which currently enables you to have a good look at her inviting cleavage.
She captured your attention for the first time, when you saw her performances during the water bomb festival. You never really saw her as a sexy, mature woman. More like a friendly and sweet senior. But more than enough pictures of her voluptuous chest started to draw you towards her.
Today she is wearing an all pink outfit. The sides of her waist are exposed and her shoulders are only covered by the straps of her top. Her tits look as good as they always do.
You have to stop yourself from staring at them. Instead, you look at her gorgeous face.
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Her cheeks seem to be tinted slightly more pink than usual.
"Hello, (y/n)."
She greets you with a seductive smile.
At least you think it is one. Or rather, you hope so.
"I wish you good luck for your performance. Can't wait to watch it."
It feels like your words are kinda awkward, but you can't help it. Eunbi just takes your breath away.
"Thank you. I hope you enjoy them."
You are puzzled for a moment. She only has one performance. What does she mean?
"Are you attending the year-end party by the way?"
"What party?"
Her question draws your attention away from her suggestive comment a moment ago.
"Oh, please don't tell me I forgot to invite you!"
Eunbi pretends to be truly embarrassed, hoping you swallow the bait.
"I-It's okay. I do have a lot of stuff to do anyway."
"No way."
Eunbi dramatically shakes her head.
"You have to join us now. I can't believe I forgot to invite you."
"Really, it's no big problem."
Eunbi takes your hand in hers.
"Please join us. The party takes place at a rented house at the beach. I will send you the address."
You nod hesitantly, still trying to get used to this new life. You were never popular before. And you never expected a famous and gorgeous person like Kwon Eunbi to invite you to her party.
"S-Sure. I will be there."
She flashes a great smile your way.
"But is there a dress code I have to worry about?"
Eunbi chuckles.
"It's just a party to celebrate the end of the year."
You nod in understanding.
"But if you want to shoot your shot with one of the guests, I suggest you bring your A game."
The confused look on your face makes her chuckle once again.
"You look cute like this. Bye."
She gives you a quick hug, before having to hurry towards the stage. Your heart is still pounding away. She just hugged you. Kwon Eunbi! And she told you you are cute!
You are only able to properly comprehend what she said now. Is she trying to set you up with someone? Or is she telling you to hit on her? No way. Eunbi is eight years older than you. She surely wouldn't want to be with a boy like you.
Karina realizes that her sheets are wet as she wakes up. Her dream was more than just a lustful dream. She couldn't help herself after she saw your picture, so she watched all of the episodes of your drama.
Her dream was about you. And her. And how you fuck her from behind, pushing her head into the mattress. How you squeeze her tits with one hand, while the other holds onto her neck. How you cum on her chest afterwards, covering her tits with your thick load.
Karina still feels so horny after this dream, but she can't get herself off now. She has to change the sheets without her members finding out. And their schedule starts soon as well.
She groans in annoyance. Cuming in her sleep isn't as satisfying as consciously getting herself off.
Karina glances at her alarm clock, which shows the current date. Two more days to go. Two more days until she can make her dreams reality.
You always hated being unprepared. Just like right now. Looking at the house Eunbi mentioned, you have a weird feeling in your stomach.
Except for the address, she didn't tell you anything else. How many people are attending? And who? Does she have any particular events in mind? Or just drinking?
You were never a heavy drinker, but you brought a nice bottle of wine with you. A gift for Eunbi to say thank you for the invite.
The door opens a couple of moments after you rung the bell. You are surprised to say the least. In front of you is standing Park Jihyo.
You've never met her in person before. But you know she is a very nice and mature woman. And beautiful as hell too.
It's obvious that she had prior schedules. She is wearing a white crop top that shows off her shoulders and tummy. Her blue pants are held up by a turquoise belt. The small waist chain is highlighting her small waist. Her blue extensions make her look young and exciting.
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"Hi (y/n). We have been waiting for you."
"Hello. I'm not late, am I?"
Jihyo shakes her head.
"No, no. Please, come in."
She steps aside to let you in, closing the door behind you.
"Make yourself comfortable. I have to change into something nicer. The others should be in the kitchen."
"I doubt there is a nicer outfit than this."
You only realize you said those words after Jihyo playfully hits your arm.
What the hell, dude? As an actor you should be able to control your thoughts better.
You watch her walk up the stairs. Unable to look away, you see Jihyo's butt slightly sway from left to right, tightly hugged by the light blue fabric of her jeans.
You are in for more surprises when you reach the kitchen. Food is filling almost every surface. Tteobokki, noodles, pork belly, kimchi fried rice, chicken and more. Who is supposed to eat all of this? How many people are coming here? A hundred?
The woman who is standing with her back to you looks familiar. But you can't say for sure if this is Eunbi or not.
Her black dress shows off her back, only slightly covering it with a few bands. Her hair is resting on her naked skin, while it's neatly tugged behind her ear on the left side. Her dress isn't really highlighting her curves, at least not from the back. But you do notice that it's quite short. You would just need to hike it up a little and...
You stop yourself from continuing your thought.
"Good evening."
You make your presence known.
Turns out it really is Eunbi. You immediately recognize her beautiful face when she turns around.
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"Hello, (y/n). How have you been?"
"I'm doing alright."
"Did you bring this for us?"
She points at the bottle of wine you almost forgot you are holding.
"Yeah. I hope you enjoy it."
Eunbi takes the bottle out of your hands.
"Thank you very much."
"I tried to buy a good one, but all the older ones were gone already."
She shruggs her shoulders.
"Don't worry. I usually like younger stuff anyway."
She winks at you before turning back around. You feel your cheeks getting a little hot. You can't help but feel like Eunbi is flirting with you. But that would be crazy. Or not?
"Why don't you get comfortable in the living room? The table is already set."
It is? You are surprised. There is still more food? Did Eunbi clear out a whole grocery store or something? As you step into the living room you realize it's more like two grocery stores.
Karina let's her hand wander underneath her skirt. She can't help it. She has come to enjoy the sound of your soothing voice and the way you speak. Your scent slowly starts to make it's way towards her. A mix of wood and rain.
A moan almost escapes her lips, her pussy dripping wet. She is excited. She waited so long for this. To have someone to satisfy her needs.
You eyes fall onto the woman sitting at the table. Aespa's Karina? No way. You can't believe that those three women are at the same party as you.
Karina's outfit is all white, which reminds you of the snow outside. Her tits threaten to spill out of her top. It seems like the zipper is barely holding on. Her neckline is decorated with a pearl necklace, making her neck look a little longer. Her fuzy skirt looks kinda interesting.
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Something is going on. This is weird to you. As the four of you eat dinner, you wonder what's going on. Jihyo said that everyone else cancelled. It sounds unbelievable, but why would she lie?
And what's with these outfits? Sure, they all want to look nice. But you can't help but think that they all look a little too sexy.
Eunbi keeps wiping her mouth with her thumb after every spoon of Tteobokki. Which wouldn't have caught your attention if she wouldn't keep staring at you while she does it.
Jihyo's fit makes her look elegant, but you can't help but notice how big her chest looks. You have seen more than enough of her to know that she is wearing a push up bra. Her cleavage tries to seduce you whenever she reaches over the table to try new food. Which seems to happen quite often.
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After two bottles of wine, you start to relax a little more. The three women look like they are enjoying themselves as well. Your thoughts about their ulterior motives slowly fall into the back of your mind.
Once all of you are completely full, you offer Eunbi to help clean the table, but she insists on you staying seated. Karina excuses herself to go upstairs, while you and Jihyo talk some more.
"And dou have anything else planned?"
You shake your head at her question.
"I didn't get any new offers yet. But I'm positive. The current drama still has a couple of episodes that are going to air."
"I would love to see you in many more to come. I really enjoy your acting."
You can't help but smile at Jihyo's compliment.
You see her looking outside.
"I haven't even noticed that this house a hot tub."
Looking outside as well, you suddenly feel Jihyo tugging at the sleeve of your shirt.
"You wanna relax a little?"
"Isn't it like really cold outside? It's snowing."
Jihyo gets up and dismisses your worries with a wave of her hand.
"It's name is 'hot tub' for reason, right?"
You get up as well as Jihyo opens the glass door leading into the backyard.
Only now you realize that you don't have swimming trunks with you. Who could blame you though? You never expected to go for a swim tonight.
"Are you not coming?"
You are already standing in the door, while Jihyo is standing next to the hot tub, turning the heat on.
"Well, I don't have anyt swim trunks with me."
You see her chuckle.
You don't know how to continue.
"We are just here to relax. Don't bother."
And with that you see Jihyo starting to get rid off her dress.
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You bite your lip as you see it drop to the floor. It turns out that you were wrong. Jihyo isn't wearing a push up bra. In fact, she isn't wearing a bra at all. Only a black high rise thong.
As if it's a normal thing to do for her, Jihyo slowly steps into the pool. You have to do your best to not stare at her. Her tits look as good as you imagined them.
Once she sits down, she motions you to join her with one finger. A seductive smile on her face.
You start to get rid off your clothes as well. When you reach your boxers, you glance at Jihyo. You are hard. There is no way you can fix that now. But this might be your golden opportunity.
You let your boxers fall to the ground. This time, Jihyo is the one staring. She already had her eyes on your abs. But your cock is demanding all of her attention now.
She smiles, realizing that she underestimated you. Not just your boldness, but also your size.
Stepping into the water, you sit down across from her. Jihyo's tits are underwater, blocking the view at her lower body. Not that you mind though. They are good enough on their own.
"You were right, it is a little cold."
You only realize that you were staring as you hear her speak up. The goosebumps on her skin make you feel cold as well.
"But I know just the thing to make us hot."
Your eyes must be wide open as you watch her coming closer. Her eyes are locked on yours as Jihyo stands in front of you. Now, the water is only reaching her waist. She looks down at you, a soft smile on her face.
"It's time for dessert, don't you think?"
Without waiting for your response, Jihyo starts to lower herself.
You can't believe that this is actually happening.
You feel her folds slowly grazing your tip underwater. Her tits are now exactly at the right height for you to bury your face in them.
Jihyo seems to have the same thoughts. One of her hands wanders to the back of your head, slowly pushing you forward.
You start kissing Jihyo's tits as you feel her taking your cock into her pussy.
Jihyo doesn't seem to care much about foreplay.
She already starts to moan as she feels how you fill her up. She didn't have cock in her for months. Her tits are sensitive as she feels your lips dance on her skin.
Jihyo has to place both of her hands on your shoulders, needing stability. Her legs are already becoming weak and she has to use your body as leverage to push herself up and down.
As she slowly starts to ride your cock, you take one of Jihyo's nipples into your mouth. Your hand cups the other breast as you suck on this one.
"God, yes."
Jihyo sighs, finally able to enjoy the thing she longed for for month. Even if the other girls had other plans, she just couldn't pass up on this opportunity.
Her body starts to move faster, the pleasure in your groin increasing. Jihyo's pussy is warming your hard cock, hugging it tightly so you don't feel too cold.
"Fuck. Your cock feels so good."
Another moan as she impales herself on your shaft, the water making splashing noises as she moves up and down.
"Suck on my tits, baby."
You are already doing exactly that. And you don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Her full mounds keep pressing against your face as she occasionally rocks back and forth in your lap.
As Jihyo's pleasure increases, you start to taste something else besides her skin. The sweet taste of her milk floods your mouth. It's nothing more than a small dribble, but it's enough for you to become even harder.
You already thought you were at your limit, Jihyo as well. But she can feel how you stiffen inside of her, parting her walls even further.
"Fuck, yes. Suck on mommy's tits, baby."
You are surprised for a moment, but you are not complaining. Jihyo always gave you mommy vibes anyway.
"That's a good boy."
She keeps praising you as she fucks herself on your cock. Both of her tits are releasing a little milk by now. You make sure to not waste a drop, enjoying the sweet taste.
Until now, Jihyo's riding was quite slow, her main focus on making you suck her tits. But as you empty her tits further and further, her desire to roughly bounce on you increases.
"I wanna fucking cum on your cock."
She starts to increase her pace, making it harder for you to stay attached to her nipples.
"Mommy wants your cock in her pussy so bad."
She moans and sighs, the built up tension in her body needs to be released. She can't even remember the last time she felt this good.
No members she has to take care of, no fans, no managers, no appointments or interviews or shoots.
Just your cock in her pussy, hitting her g-spot everytime she fully sinks into your lap.
Jihyo starts to lose her rhythm. The pleasure washes over her like the waves she is creating in the hot tub. Her hands have moved by now, both of them on the back of your head.
She hugs you tightly, pushing your head into her chest.
"Good boy. You are doing so well."
Jihyo keeps moaning as her pleasure increases.
Your hands are folded on her wet back, making sure that she is not able to fall off. For a moment, you wonder where her panties have gone, but this situation is almost too much for you to be thinking about anything else.
Unbeknownst to you, Jihyo's thong is still lazily swimming around her left ankle. It's slightly sticking to her skin as she keeps bouncing in your lap.
"Mommy is gonna cum on your cock, baby!"
Days and weeks of pent up pleasure are starting to make their way towards Jihyo's core. They hit her dam repeatedly, trying to break out of her.
"Harder, baby! Make me take your cock!"
You switch from just holding her, to pulling her body into your lap. The added force makes Jihyo lose control.
A couple of moments later, the dam inside her body breaks open. Waves after waves of pleasure rock her body as her juices mix with the water in the hot tub.
You feel Jihyo's tight pussy contracting around you, trying to make you cum as well. Doing your best to hold on, you don't want to cum too early.
You want to pleasure Jihyo for longer, now knowing that she has too much sexual tension in her body. You are more than willing to release all of it.
"Oh Goood!"
She moans loudly, her head rolling back, her eyes closed.
Jihyo's orgasm is even more powerful that she expected herself. It feels like hours for the both of you, until her body starts to calm down.
"Your cock fills my pussy so well, baby."
Jihyo starts grinding on you once again. It's obvious that one orgasm just isn't enough to satisfy her needs.
"Be a good boy and suck on mommy's tits."
She has come back to her slow, sensual riding, which enables you to capture her nipples with your mouth again.
Just like before, Jihyo starts to ride you faster, the longer you suck on her tits.
"Holy fuck."
She sighs feeling you attacking her chest as she keeps grinding against you. The woman on top of you feels that she is pushing you towards your orgasm. But she isn't satisfied yet.
Jihyo slows down once again. Her grinding isn't enough for you to cum, but it almost feels like torture. You are close, but not close enough. Instead, her pussy keeps pushing you towards the edge, only for you to hang on by a thread.
Meanwhile, you bring Jihyo closer towards her second orgasm. Your work on her tits doesn't stay unnoticed.
"Good boy."
Her praises make you work harder, earning more moans from her.
Another deep moan and Jihyo cums for a second time. It's less violent this time, but you can still feel how some of the build up tension leaves her body.
"So good..."
She coos as she cums down from her high. Her pussy almost painfully tight by now.
"I think it's time for your reward, baby."
Jihyo increases her pace once more. Because she has kept you near the edge of your orgasm, it doesn't take long for you to feel the familiar pull in your groin.
"Gonna cum."
You groan, unable to say much more.
Only now do you realize that you are having unprotected sex with Park Jihyo. The realization hits you like a truck, almost making your orgasm immediately. The fact that you are balls deep inside Twice's leader is already hard enough to compensate. But you are actually inside of her without any protection. Is she even taking the pill?
If she is not...
The heat of the moment made you forget about the risks. But now it somewhat turns you on. What would happen if you breed Park Jihyo?
"You can't cum inside."
She moans, making you realize that she isn't on the pill. And that you are not wearing a condom. Which means...
"Naughty boy. Thinking you could breed me."
Despite her words, Jihyo keeps fucking herself onto your cock. She doesn't stop.
"What would the public say if you cum deep inside my pussy?"
The thought brings you towards the edge. If your orgasm is a cliff, you would be standing on the edge with one foot hanging in the air. One more step...
"We can't have that."
Jihyo's tone and words make you lose your hold on the edge of this cliff.
"It's gonna be much safer if I swallow that load of yours."
Your hands have moved to her wide hips by now. You keep pulling her into your lap, taking control of her pace.
"I'm gonna have a belly full of cum either way."
The thought of filling Jihyo's tummy makes you groan, slamming into her from underneath her.
"Besides, we have the whole night. Maybe I would be willing to let you breed me at one point.."
Your body malfunctions. While your hands try to lift Jihyo off your cock, your hips try to thrust upwards as high as possible. You don't want to cum inside, the risks too high, and yet you want to feel her pussy, milking your cock.
Jihyo gets off your cock right before you explode.
"Paint my throat, baby."
She glides into the water, opening her mouth. As you start to see stars, Jihyo wraps her lips around your cock.
You groan as you finally orgasm. The long build up makes you shoot a bigger load than you expected. You fill Jihyo's throat within seconds. Your warm cum fills her completely as she tries to gulp it down. It's sticky consistency makes it harder to do so.
You feel Jihyo's throat tighten around you as she coughs up some of your cum, letting it spill out of her mouth.
It takes her a couple of moments to swallow all of it. Once she is done, Jihyo opens her mouth, showing that her mouth is empty.
"You cum tastes amazing."
"Thank you."
You don't know what else to say. You never expected to hear a compliment like that from her. Or any compliment for that matter.
"You should go upstairs. The bathrooms have towels."
You get what she means. You think that she is trying to hide this from the other girls.
"What about you?"
Jihyo chuckles and motions for you to leave.
"I'm gonna enjoy myself a little longer."
As you slide open the glass door, Jihyo calls for you again.
"There should be condoms in one of the bathrooms. Take them. You're gonna need them."
She gives you a seductive smile as you step back inside.
You hear that Eunbi is still in the kitchen. What is taking her so long? It sounds like she is using the hand blender. But for what? You already had dinner. And no one said anything about dessert. At least not for now.
But you don't complain if it means that Eunbi won't be in your path.
Reaching the top of the stairs, you look around. Aware that you are still naked, you want to make a decision quickly. There are two bedrooms, both of them have bathrooms. But which one is empty? You remember Karina coming up here for a little privacy earlier. She got a call from someone, if you remember correctly.
But you don't hear anything right now.
You decide to just go for it. Opening the door on the right, you seem to be lucky. Karina isn't in this one.
You drop your clothes on the bed and walk towards the bathroom. Seems like this is the one Jihyo mentioned. You find four boxes of different sizes on the dresser. Why did Jihyo buy so many condoms? Even if she didn't know your size, why a whole box? And why didn't she know which bathroom they were in? She must have put them here earlier. Or...
It feels like someone just opened your eyes. How can you be so dumb?
Eunbi's rushed invitation, the fact that you are alone with the three of them, their outfits, their flirting. How didn't you pick up on all of that?
You stand there in the bathroom. Towel in one hand, a box of condoms in the other. How is this even real?
"Seems like you found them."
Karina is standing the doorframe, her eyes glancing at your half erect cock, before moving back to yours.
"Wanna put them to good use?"
Still too surprised at what is actually going on, you are unable to answer.
Karina chuckles at the face you're making.
"What? Is this really so unbelievable?"
You slowly nod.
"Well, let me spell it out for you."
Karina steps inside the bathroom.
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You watch her hand wandering in the direction of her zipper. Painfully slow, she starts to open her top.
"The three of us are horny. Desperate even."
She reveals more of her cleavage as she keeps talking.
"I need a man who can suck on my tits and make me feel good."
Only a second later and her tits are gonna spill out. Karina stops right before that happens. To your disappointment.
Instead, she steps forward.
"And I need a man who can rail me into the mattress. Make me scream."
Her hand finds your cock and she lazily starts to stroke it.
Only now do you realize how ridiculously short her skirt is. You have a good view of her tits now. She doesn't even have to open her top fully.
"Are you in?"
After just having Jihyo use you for her pleasure, you have the need to take out your own on someone else. Your fingers itch for you to just push Karina into the wall and fuck her brains out.
But you hold back for now.
"Of course I am."
She takes the box of condoms out of your hand, opening it and taking out a pack of one.
"Let's go then."
Her other hand takes yours as she leads you back into the bedroom.
"I need you to get hard enough first."
Karina motions for you to sit on the bed. As you move your clothes out of the way and sit on the edge, Karina kneels down in front of you. You watch as she finally opens her top completely. She isn't wearing a bra either.
Her tits bounce a little as they are freed, almost hypnotizing you. She takes both of them into her hands.
"You like them?"
You nod, licking your lips. The taste of Jihyo's still lingers inside your mouth.
But instead of letting you suck on them, Karina wraps them around your cock.
Her soft flesh slowly makes you hard. The warmth of her body adds to the sensation as she starts to move.
Slowly. Up and down. Up and down. You've never received a boobjob before. But it feels great. Better than you expected. Almost as if you are fucking her pussy.
Your groan makes Karina smile as she watches your tip glide in and out of her cleavage. The condom is lying on the ground next to her, forgotten for now.
"I can't wait to be filled by this."
She nods towards your cock, before spitting into her cleavage. The lewd action makes you even harder as you feel her warm saliva. It starts to coat your cock as she keeps bouncing her tits around it.
You are almost fully hard by now. If it weren't for Jihyo earlier, you would probably be on the edge of orgasm already.
"This feels good."
"Of course it does. This is what they are made for."
You see Karina shifting a little, indicating that she really can't wait much longer.
"You are hard enough now."
She let's go of her tits, making your cock lie against her cleavage without any friction around it.
Picking up the condom, Karina opens the package.
"I hope this fits you. I don't know if we have bigger ones."
You expected her to put it on herself, or just to give it to you. But you never expected this.
Karina pust the condom in her mouth, right between her teeth. As if she is showing off a round candy. She leans down and you feel her lips on your cock.
Slowly, Karina starts to pull the condom over your dick, giving you head in the process.
It takes two tries, but she eventually reaches your base. Her tight throat massages your cock and you can see what's written on the package that's ripped open and lying on the ground once again. Extra thin.
Of course.
Being needy herself, Karina doesn't waste much time. Her blowjob only lasts for a couple of moments, before she lifts her head off your cock.
"I didn't have anything in my pussy for ages."
She gets off her knees.
"You want me to go slow."
Your interpretation proofs itself wrong.
"No. I want you to use my hole like a fleshlight. Destroy my pussy."
That is something you would never say no to.
Getting up as well, you turn Karina around. She expects you to bend her over the edge of the bed. Instead, you make both of you spin around, before pushing her to her knees once more.
With her head pressed against the carpet, Karina can't see what you are doing, but she can feel how you make her raise her ass.
"Fuck, yes."
She moans as you put her into the perfect position. Her skirt slides off by itself and is now bunched up around her waist.
Without much build up you insert your cock into her pussy.
"God, yes."
Karina's moan is louder this time.
Since you just fucked Jihyo, you can't help but compare the two. Karina is definitely tighter. There is no reason to doubt that, although you think that Jihyo was wetter. Or maybe that was just the water in the hot tub.
Either way, you start to thrust into Karina. Her right cheek gets pushed further into the carpet as you bottom out inside of her in one stroke.
She feels your weight on top of her as you almost stand above her.
Half standing, half kneeling you start to fuck Karina. You don't start slow. Just like she wanted, you use her pussy for your own pleasure as soon as you thrust inside of her for a second time.
Karina mewls into the carpet. She didn't expect you to go this hard immediately.
She can't hold back a shout as she feels you hitting her cervix.
Meanwhile, Eunbi uses the hand blender incorrectly. Instead of making food, she uses it to get herself off. She couldn't help it. She got turned on by you during dinner, but she is too shy to make the first move.
Sitting on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor, Eunbi has the blender stuffed inside her needy pussy. It's obviously not as good as your cock. But it definitely satisfies her enough for now.
The moans she hears from upstairs inform her of the fact that you are currently busy with fucking Karina's pussy. The younger woman's moans echo through the whole house.
Eunbi's mind is floating off into the dreamworld. Her improvised vibrator turns into your cock. Her hand in her black hair turns into yours.
With a quiet, almost shy shout, Eunbi cums around the vibrator. Her slick stains the steel, making it slippery. Some of her juices stain the tiles.
The sounds of you fucking Karina don't just attract Eunbi's attention.
By now, Jihyo has made her way up to the first floor. She is leaning against the wall of the room you are in, right next to the door. Her fingers are buried knuckle deep inside her pussy.
"Harder! Please!"
Karina's earlier dominance is gone by now. Just like her dignity. It's not like she can still save face now. With her head pressed against the floor and her ass high in the air. Her pussy being used by you while Karina is only able to moan and shout.
After Jihyo called herself mommy, you want to experience something similar with Karina.
"Tell me how good my cock feels, baby girl."
You grunt, making Karina shudder.
She asked Eunbi and Jihyo for a man, not a boy. Although she was sceptical at first, because of your age, she agreed to give you a shoot.
And right now, Karina feels a lot of things. And regret isn't one of them.
She loves how you treat her. Like a wet hole to jerk off your cock with. Like a toy, it's only use to make you cum.
"It feels so good! Fuck me, (y/n)!"
You chuckle as you take a step forward. You push Karina's lower body forward, while her upper body stays in place. The girl's weight is held up by her head, not her legs or arms.
Karina feels the blood in her system rush towards her head.
"Call me properly."
You give her right ass cheek a slap, making it jiggle a little.
"Oh god, daddy!"
Karina immediately knows what you want to hear. Her own preferences coming to light as you keep fucking her into the floor.
"Your cock is so big. You tearing my little pussy open!"
You take another step forward.
Karina feels how her feet are being lifted off the ground. She instinctively wraps her legs around your waist. She is almost doing a handstand by now.
Unbeknownst to you, Jihyo rests her head against the wall behind her as she cums around her fingers. Karina's loud moans made her orgasm once more. Her pussy dripping wet while she only thinks about being able to fuck you again very soon. She is slowly sliding down the wall, until she is sitting on the ground, needing to take a breather.
Karina is unable to take a break though. Her hair is a mess already as she is almost floating in the air. You keep her body steady as you keep fucking her.
Her shout signals her incoming orgasm.
With another loud shriek, Karina falls over the edge. Her pussy squeezes your cock. Moan after moan escapes her mouth as her body shakes.
You keep her in position, not caring if she needs a breather or not. It doesn't matter to you if she needs to calm down. You are too far gone by now.
You grip on Karina's hips tighter as you keep thrusting inside of her. You are standing directly above her by now.
"Daddy! Daddy! I'm gonna cum again!"
Karina didn't expect herself to be this needy. To be this sensitive. You keep wracking her pussy in this unconventional position.
It makes her orgasm for a second time. Another shriek leaves her mouth as she cums around your cock. Her pussy becomes a little tighter, while her body starts to become lifeless.
She is too tired to continue. And yet, she can't force herself to ask you to stop. The opposite is actually the case.
"Harder, daddy!"
She can't stop asking for more as you have your way with her pussy.
Karina cums for a third time, when you completely pull out of her pussy. The lack of your cock makes her orgasm around thin air, making her even more desperate for your cock.
You spin her body around, wanting to be able to look at her face while you fuck her.
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You fold Karina in half, leaning on her legs as you thrust back inside.
"Fuck yes, daddy!"
Her eyes are wide open as she looks up at you. Your cock is drilling into her pussy hitting her cervix with every thrust.
You sling your right arm around her leg, reaching for her clit.
Karina tries to shake her head. But she can only feel the back of her head rub against the carpet.
Your thumb works her clit while you keep thrusting into Karina from above.
"Cum again, baby girl."
Karina is unable to answer. How is she supposed to cum for a forth time? Her body is completely spend. Completely wrecked.
And yet, her pussy craves more. It gladly takes your pounding as you reach forward with your left hand and take a fistful of Karina's hair. Her legs are being held in place by your own body.
"I told you to cum."
As if her body only waited for your permission, Karina orgasms one more time.
Her eyes roll to the back of her head. Her pussy tightens and you feel some of her slick leave her pussy. Her lips are glistening with her juices.
Karina stares up at you as she tries to recover from her forth orgasm. She is breathing heavily as you finally start to slow down.
There is still one thing she wanted you to do to her.
Using your current position, you lift your weight off Karina's legs and force yourself between them. You grab her waist with both hands.
She moans as you start to change your position, your cock still deep inside her pussy.
You slowly pick her up. Karina's body lifts off the floor as you start to carry her. Her legs wrap around your body, trying to keep her balance.
Karina's hands hold onto your neck as you start to thrust into her again.
"Fuck, daddy."
She sighs, too tired to scream right now. Her pussy feels used. She feels sore. It's an unfamiliar feeling, but Karina is able to enjoy it. After months of no sex, she is finally getting her pussy fucked properly.
You impale Karina on your cock as you stand in the middle of the room. Your hands have found her ass by now, squeezing her cheeks as you lift her up and down.
You aren't fucking her fast, which means that Karina can relax a little. She is getting used to this new position as you slowly move in and out of her.
"Your cock is so good, daddy."
Another sigh of hers makes you lean your head down.
You haven't given her tits any attention so far at all. Her soft skin tastes a little salty as you start to drag your tongue across her chest.
"That's it. Suck your baby girl's tits, daddy."
Karina moans as she arches her back, giving you a better angle at her chest.
You start to suck on her tits as you make her slowly bounce on your cock. The pace is too slow for you to cum, but it's almost the perfect pace for Karina.
The slow fucking turns her on as you carry her as if she isn't weighing anything at all. It enables you to enjoy her tits fully, while cleaning her skin of her sweat.
Another deep sigh escapes Karina's lips as she feels how you slowly push her towards another orgasm. It feels a little different this time. As if it's starts from her tits and it's slowly making it's way towards her core. Your cock in her pussy makes Karina clench around it as you keep sucking on her tits.
She is unable to say more, her body too weak to do much more but enjoy the pleasure she is receiving.
You let your tongue flick against her nipples as you keep squeezing Karina's ass cheeks. Her soft flesh in your hands makes you want to pound her harder again. But you are currently focusing on her tits, trying to make her cum again
Karina is unable to open her mouth as she cums for a fifth time. Her nipples are covered in your spit as her pussy contracts around your cock. Her body becomes stiff for a moment, before she becomes a lifeless weight in your arms.
You keep up your lazy thrusting while you start to explore more of her body. You lick the salty sweat off Karina's skin, while you wait for her to recover.
Your tongue glides over her collarbone and her neck until it finally finds its way inside her mouth. Karina can taste her own sweat as you keep fucking her slowly.
"Make yourself cum, daddy."
She mumbles into your mouth.
"Use me."
Without a word, you squeeze her cheeks harder to have a better grip.
Your eyes meet and Karina feels a shiver run down her spine.
You give her one deep thrust, pulling her onto your cock while you push forward.
Karina's eyes roll to the back of her head as she feels you filling her completely.
"I'm gonna use your body, baby girl."
You kiss her one last time, before you pick up your pace.
"Do it, daddy! It's yours!"
Karina moans loudly as you start to destroy her pussy once again. Just like she wanted. You use her tight cavern as a fleshlight, pulling her onto your cock, whenever your thrust into her. She is helpless, unable to do anything but take your cock.
Not that she is complaining, really. Karina can't remember the last time she felt this good.
You drive yourself towards your own orgasm, using Karina's body as a tool. Her pussy's tight grip makes it hard not to pull out completely, which means you are always halfway inside of her.
Karina's head rocks back and forth as you keep fucking her, reaching your orgasm eventually.
You groan her name, trying to tell her you are about to cum.
"I want to feel it."
She sighs into your ear, her voice to weak to produce a proper moan.
"Feel it on my body. On my face."
It only takes you a couple of more thrusts, before you finally have to pull out. Karina almost falls to the ground, her legs too weak to hold onto your hips.
You make sure she doesn't hurt herself, dropping her on the bed. She slides off the edge, half kneeling, half lying on the floor.
Karina's face is dripping with sweat. Her hair sticks to her skin. She opens her mouth, her eyes wide open.
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You don't even have to do anything anymore. Only aiming your cock at her, after pulling off your condom, you start to unload on Karina's face.
Thick ropes of your cum hit the bridge of her nose, her cheeks and her mouth. Some gets into her left eye, making her flinch as she feels it.
"So much, daddy."
Karina sighs as you smear the last drops of your cum on her red lips. She kisses your cock, starting to clean it as you take a fistful of her hair.
You admire your work, making Karina look up at you as she sucks your cock.
You still can't believe your luck. And this isn't even the end. There is still one more person waiting for you.
You planned on making your move on Eunbi after you came on Karina's face. But you didn't get very far. Jihyo intercepted you in the hallway. Not that you really mind though.
"That's a good boy."
She smiles up at you as you keep fucking her tits. The hot water of the shower hits both of your bodies as you are standing in front of a kneeling Jihyo.
She has wrapped her tits around your cock, while she occasionally catches your tip with her mouth.
"Be a good boy for mommy. Cum on mommy's tits."
She can feel how close you are. Despite just having fucked Karina, the combination of Jihyo's blowjob and now her boobjob pushes you closer towards your next orgasm.
You groan as you start to unload. The warm water hits your chest as you cum all over Jihyo's. Her cleavage is painted by your thick semen.
Jihyo coos as she scoops up some of your cum. Most of its slowly gets washed away by the water. She sucks her finger clean, looking up at you.
You almost choke on the fortune cookie in your mouth. After taking a shower with Jihyo, the four of you started to eat some ice cream. All servings are decorated with a fortune cookie.
The reason for your new near death experience? Karina purposefully letting some of her vanilla ice cream fall into her cleavage.
She had to take a shower as well and is now wearing one of the white bathrobes. Jihyo and you both have your old clothes on.
Jihyo can't help but grin at Karina's antics, knowing what the younger girl is up to. You glance at Eunbi, her cheeks a little red once more as she watches the youngest girl's bold actions.
Eunbi walks into the kitchen, holding two empty bowls. She asked if you could help clean the dishes and of course you said yes. She watches you for a moment as you clean the two bowls you brought in yourself.
Eunbi catches herself staring at your broad back as you turn around.
"Give them to me."
You reach out to her with both hands.
Because of the lack of another person's touch and all the things she heard over the last hour, Eunbi almost pushes her chest forward, instead of handing you the bowls.
Once she does, you wink at her, before resuming your cleaning.
"Come on. This is not so hard."
Eunbi tries to tell herself that. But for some reason, she can't help it.
"C-Can you s-suck my...?"
Her cheeks are the deepest of red as you turn around.
"Can you suck m-my tits?"
You chuckle.
Eunbi tries to hide her face behind her hands. What was she thinking?
But you grab her wrists, putting them down on her sides.
"I was waiting for you to ask."
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Her eyes grow wide as you reach behind her, looking for the tie that's securing her dress. She feels your chest press against her face as you need to lean down a little.
Eunbi inhales your scent, closing her eyes. This is really happening.
She feels how you slowly unwrap the back of her dress as if she is a present. The front becomes loose as well and finally you pull down the black fabric.
You're met with a black bra that is holding up her beautiful pair of tits. Unable to take your hands off Eunbi, you let them wonder over her tight tummy, before cupping her mounds over her bra.
The oldest of the three women lets out a shaky breath.
"Are they alright?"
You almost laugh at her question.
"Alright? They are the best I've ever seen."
You hesitate for a second, before you add the last part of your sentence.
You see goosebumps forming on her skin as you call Eunbi that. She doesn't seem to be dominant, but she strikes you as a rather caring older woman.
Opening her bra, you free her tits.
Eunbi watches you closely, biting her lip, while you lean down to kiss her chest.
Another shaky breath of hers makes you smile.
"You are so hot, mommy."
You're turned on by the fact that Eunbi is nearly a decade older than you.
"Please suck on them."
She sighs in pleasure as she feels your lips tracing all over skin.
You finally capture one of her nipples with your mouth, eliciting a moan from her. Another one quickly follows as you cup her other breast.
You feel her hand in your hair on the back of your head. She pushes you further into her chest, silently asking for more.
You pinch her nipple with your fingers, making her flinch.
"Yes, baby."
She murmurs, unable to hide her arousal.
It doesn't take long until Eunbi starts to lactate. She is more sensitive than Jihyo and soon, you are able to taste her milk. It's also a little sweeter. Almost as sweet as the ice cream you just had.
You are almost able to drink from her tits as she keeps lactating. Switching sides occasionally, you try to get as much as you can.
Eunbi is a mumbling mess by now as she leans against the kitchen counter behind her.
"Good boy."
She purrs as you keep sucking on her tits.
The constant rise of her arousal pushes Eunbi closer towards her orgasm. She never expected this to happen. She never even thought it could be possible that she lactates and cums at the same time.
But she does so now. A mewl escapes her lips as she ruins her panties. She has to keep herself steady against the counter, while you keep sucking her tits.
"How does this feel so good?"
Eunbi moans. She never had someone worshipping her tits like you do right now. And who can blame you? They are perfect in every way.
A second orgasm follows shortly after the first. Eunbi's legs quiver as she cums once more. This time, some of her slick starts to run down her thighs.
As much as you like sucking on Eunbi's tits and enjoying her milk, you also have the desire to orgasm eventually.
At one point, that desire becomes too strong to resist.
While you keep sucking her right tit, you fish another condom out of your pocket. You spin the two of you around, so that Eunbi is standing in front of you. You turn her around, making her back face you. Bending her over, you can see how her dress stretches over her ass.
"Fuck, mommy."
You can't help but squeeze Eunbi's cheeks over the fabric.
"Oh yes, baby. Give it to me."
It feels like Eunbi is slowly losing her shyness.
You reach between her legs, feeling the soft skin of her cum covered thighs. Quickly pulling down her black panties, you can feel how drenched they are.
"Mommy is so wet for you, baby."
You are happy to hear that Eunbi is starting to call herself that.
Sliding up the hem of her dress, you admire Eunbi's backside.
"Put in please."
You quickly put on the condom, before aligning your cock with Eunbi's snatch.
"Oh my god."
She moans as you push inside. You feel her walls parting as you penetrate her pussy for the first time. It's almost on a similar level than Karina's, although it's much wetter. You are actually surprised that Eunbi doesn't seem to be a squirter. Or maybe she needs to warm up first? You decide to find out.
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Eunbi's head sinks onto the electric stove. Her black hair is sprawled out all over the glass.
"More please."
She moans, not satisfied with how slow you are thrusting.
Slowly picking up the pace, you make Eunbi's head rub against the black surface.
You can't believe that you are fucking a woman like her. In the kitchen. With her head on the stove.
This still feels like a fantasy to you.
"Give mommy that cock."
Another sigh from her makes you fuck her even faster. Your hips meet hers with every thrust.
Reaching out, you take a hold of both her arms and place them behind her back. Your free hand moves to remove the hair out of Eunbi's face.
"Oh my!"
She yelps as you pull her up by her arms, while you pound her harder.
Her upper body is now hanging in midair as you take her from behind. The moans she is producing can probably be heard throughout the whole house as her volume increases.
"Yes! Yes! Yes!"
Instead of lying on the stove, her hair is now getting dragged across it over and over again with every thrust into her tight cunt.
More slick is running down her legs as you enjoy Eunbi's pussy to the fullest.
After some time, Eunbi's body finally proves too much for you. You try to fight your impending orgasm, but it's no use. You know you are going to cum sooner than later.
Eunbi can feel how your cock grows a little more. How it becomes a little stiffer.
"Oh yes, baby."
Her eyes are glued to the window. Because it's dark outside, it's almost as good as a mirror, reflecting the lewd scene that's going on inside the kitchen.
Her next sentence surprises you completely.
"Please breed me, baby. Cum in my pussy."
She sighs needily as you keep fucking a bend over Eunbi.
Is she for real? You already fucked Jihyo raw. So where could be the harm in fucking Eunbi without a condom, too?
But she is asking you to cum in her.
"Fill my pussy up. Shoot your load inside of me."
Her wide eyes make you think that she is just as surprised as you at her words.
"A-Are you safe?"
It feels like time is slowing down. Eunbi shakes her head no as her hair flies in all directions. Your orgasm reaches you faster than you thought it would. You only have a moment to decide.
"Please. Breed my needy pussy."
Eunbi moans deeply.
Her words push you over the edge. But you don't do as she says. Instead, you cum inside the condom.
Despite being disappointed, Eunbi can feel your cock twitch inside of her. She can feel the warmth of your cum inside her pussy.
"That was so good."
Her breath is as heavy as yours as she leans over the stove.
You check your watch. It's almost midnight.
Eunbi is lying in front of you on the dinner table. Her legs are wrapped around your waist, not letting you go. She is completely naked by now.
Karina is kneeling on one of the chairs, sucking on Eunbi's tits. By the way her eyes are closed, you can see how much she enjoys drinking the older girl's milk.
Jihyo is standing next to you, her hand running along Eunbi's left leg.
You have been taking turns, fucking the three of them throughout the whole night. You can't even count how many orgasms you had and you can't remember how often the girls came already.
The whole house smells like sex after you've fucked the three of them for hours.
"Fuck her faster."
Jihyo eggs you on, just like she did earlier, when you were using Karina's mouth as if it was just another wet hole.
The sight of Eunbi lying on the table is already enough for your eyes. But the evidence of your torture makes you fuck her even harder.
After finding out about her breeding kink, you and the two other women started to tease Eunbi.
You are currently wearing the last of the condoms that Jihyo bought in your size. The used ones? They are all spread out over Eunbi's body. One is placed on her shoulder, another one is in her right hand. Two are decorating her stomach.
They are all still full with your cum, painting one of the dirtiest pictures of Eunbi you could've ever thought of.
The last orgasm you had, made you shoot your load right onto her pussy. Not inside. But right above her clit, staining her neatly trimmed pubic hair.
Eunbi whines, still hoping for you to cum in her.
"Cream pie me, baby. Breed mommy's pussy."
Her words become dirtier by the second.
Jihyo joins in as well.
"Cum in her tight pussy. Put a baby in her."
You are fully aware that you could get Eunbi pregnant if you cum in her. And it seems like she knows it too. Or rather, she doesn't anymore. As if her mind is too focused on you breeding her. She doesn't even think about the risks anymore.
"Please! Paint my pussy!"
Eunbi mewls as her cunt contracts around you. Another mini orgasm rushing through her system. How many already washed through her, she doesn't know. The number too high for her to keep track of.
One more minute, until the time strikes midnight. One more minute until the year 2024 begins. And hopefully one more minute of you, pounding Eunbi's pussy into oblivion.
"She would look so good with your baby in her belly."
Karina joins the two other women, trying to convince you.
Jihyo whispers into your ear.
"Impregnate that slutty pussy."
You groan her name, still not entirely sure on what to do. Do you really give in to all of them? Or should you do what's safe?
Eunbi whines, begging for a cream pie.
"Cum inside. Fill me with that delicious cum."
The clock shows that it's midnight as you pull out of Kwon Eunbi's pussy. As if time is slowing down, you pull off the condom.
One last time, you thrust inside of her. You can't believe you are actually doing this.
Your load fills Eunbi's pussy, making her orgasm once again. Her pussy milks you dry, trying to make herself pregnant. Your cum floods her belly, turning her insides into a sticky mess.
The night is a complete success. Instead of just satisfying the three older women and fulfilling your wildest fantasies, you do breed Keon Eunbi.
And not just once. Until the sun rises and the new day of the new year starts, you breed Eunbi again and again. Pumping her pussy full with your cum, almost drowning her in it.
(Additional scene)
Happy new years everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the last story of my December special. I really liked writing the four requests you all voted for. If the opportunity presents itself again, I will definitely do this again.
But because I have a lot going on in my life during the beginning of 2024, I will barely have time to write. The next fics I want to write are: the next chapter for "Take what you can", the second chapter of Sana's small series (on Tumblr) and the first part of another small series.
It's gonna take a while, until I will be able to upload them, but I hope you stick around until then.
I also want to thank everyone one of you for supporting my writing. I can't believe that I only started writing on Tumblr seven months ago and I already got this many followers.
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1665 is an incredible number. Thank you so so much.
I wish you all a great start into the new year. Stay healthy and enjoy the next 12 months of your life.
Happy new years! Thank you for reading!
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fallofcyber · 7 months
Basically Each Doctor
I love doing these so I thought I'd do another one.
First: Grandpa will throw hands and kidnap girls that look like his granddaughter.
Second: Hobo and his boyfriend achieve mischief, until hobo's parents return to send him to the mega gay zone.
Third: Rebellious child is sent to time out, and he takes over local military organization. Becomes a superhero and car dad.
Fourth: Man with teeth that could blot out the sun accidentally starts the biggest war ever.
Fifth: Man who is always out of his depth tries to keep his gaggle of children alive while they drag their leashes in 20 different directions.
Sixth: Sweetest man in the universe pretends to be a dick, and flashbangs people with his shear audacious style.
Seventh: 200iq giga-brain becomes the ultimate 5D chess-master to kill gods, and gets shot as soon as he steps foot into America.
Eighth: The happiest little rambunctious puppy gets repeatedly kicked in the stomach till he gives up via the pavlovian response.
War: "We don't talk about granddad warcrimes"
Ninth: Man comes back from war and becomes a PTSD ridden uber hippie.
Tenth: The most vain man in the universe kisses everyone and is unable to get over his ex.
Eleventh: Ancient demigod looks 25 and is going to make it everyone else's problem, especially for his in-laws.
Twelfth: Your college professor casually mentions all the cool shit he did in the 70s, all while saying ACAB and dismantling capitalism.
Thirteenth: Woman shoots longing glances at another woman for three seasons, all while lying about how much everyone else is contributing.
Fugitive: Woman's appearance completely breaks established canon, but honestly worth it because she's that cool.
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cosmiiwrites · 3 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ enemies to lovers
.ೃ࿐ adam x fem!reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which you and adam find out you don't hate each other as much as you think you do cw: NSFW, fem!reader, p in v, oral (fem recieving), creampie, adam (he's his own warning), hair pulling, semi-public sex, cussing a/n: FINALLY DONE !! first smut fic though, so apologies if some things dont make sense :(
you hated adam. you hated his cocky attitude and his fuckboy persona. and most of all, you hated how everyone stayed quiet about it. him being the first man didn't mean jack shit to you. if he was being an egotistical asshole? you won't hesitate to put him in his place. even if that meant starting an argument in front of the promenade, putting your hatred for one another on display.
adam, on the other hand, loved someone who could match his abrasive attitude. and it meant more that you went out of your way to shout insults at him every chance you got. to be honest? it turned him on. but he would rather die then admit that. during meetings, you two would bicker non-stop, shooting daggers at each other from across the table. so yes, everyone and their mothers knew about you and adam's ongoing feud. what did everyone also know? the unspoken sexual tension between you two. the tension so thick it was tangible. the tension everyone knew about except the two idiots who claimed they hated each other. even lute was getting sick of it. "what a bitch, am i right?" "yes, sir." "she's just salty because i'd never go for a cunt like her," "mhm, sir." "maybe i sho-" "you know what i just remembered? sera saying she had something to discuss with me. ill be leaving now, sir." adam shot her a confused look. it wasnt like lute to walk out on a conversation so abruptly. (spoiler alert, she just didnt want to hear adam talk about you for the millionth time today) "well, uh, shit, okay." upon leaving, adam bumped into a familiar face. "well, well, well, if it isn't-" you slid right past him, ignoring any advance he'd tried making towards you. "what the fuck?" adam's face grew warm from embarrassment. did you just ignore him? he planted himself in front of you, hoping to make a statement. his tall figure hovered over yours. "ignoring me, hm? is that any way to treat the first man?" he teased. you sighed and rubbed your forehead in annoyance before answering, "if by 'first man' you mean 'overly-confident egomaniac' then yes." that's what adam liked about you; you didnt kiss his ass 24/7 like all the other angels. you didnt crave his approval. "i seriously don't understand how people can tolerate being around you," you groaned.
"oh fuck off, the ladies love me," he grinned. "especially in be-" you threw your hand to cover his mouth. "ugh, spare me the details, you gross fuck." your statement only widened his shit-eating grin. "why, jealous?" he teased, dragging on the s. "fuck, no! i feel bad for all the women you've slept with, they've probably faked all their orgasms as to not hurt your fragile ego." you retorted. adam's smirk dropped. he couldn’t BELIEVE you thought he was incapable of pleasuring a woman. luckily for you, his anger quickly turned to interest as an idea popped up in adam's head. he leaned into your ear, voice low and husky, "you wanna bet on that?"
taken aback from his sudden offer , you backed up until your back hit the wall of the alley you two were in. “what,” you breathed, “are you on about?”
“if i can make you cum,” adam started, “you have to admit that one; im the dick-fuckin’-master, and two; i AM capable of pleasuring a woman. deal?” adam's said a ton of dumb shit, but this? you let out a boisterous laugh. “are you serious?” but after a few beats of unearthly silence, thats when you knew he was. “well, shit.” you did want a chance at proving him wrong and taking down his ego. to be fair, no one’s made you cum in a long, long time. and you were always up for a challenge.
you grabbed adam by the collar and dragged him down to your level.
thats how you found yourself up against a wall, being eaten out by the first man, the first soul in heaven, and your well-known rival.
you didnt want to admit it, but god, this man was good with his tongue. not to mention his hands.
he gripped your thighs tightly, spreading them apart and smirking up at you. your flustered face drove him mad, only fueling his desire for you. its not his fault you looked so fuckin’ cute. maybe he should get you like this more often…
adam shamelessly licked up and down your entrance, earning small involuntary whimpers from you. he dragged his hand down your thigh to rub circles on your clit, making you twitch under his touch. “taste so fuckin’ good,” he growled. wanting more, you tugged at his hair, forcing his tongue to prod at your cunt. “impatient, are we? and to think you hated me.”
it was like he was waiting for this exact moment; for adam ate like a man starved. like he hadn’t eaten in days, and you were the only thing that could nourish him.
suddenly, he sunk his long tongue into your clit, “shit, adam!” he smirked against your cunt. “enjoying y’self, babe?” “f-fuck—haah—you!” was all you can manage, before he sunk his tongue deeper into you, fingers now circling your clit twice as fast. “dont worry, tits, you’ll be doing that in a bit.”
it wasnt long before you had cum all over his tongue and face, panting like a maniac. you had already lost the bet, but you didnt care. nor had any of you two mentioned it. lost in a drunken haze, all you wanted was his cock buried inside of you.
you quickly recovered from your high and grinded against his painfully hard erection. “s-shit, babe, didn’t take you for a desperate whore,” adams words were slurred, his need for you fogging his brain. “s-shut up,” you retorted “looks like you can still talk back,” he grinned. “i’ll fuck that bratty attitude out of you.” “youve yet to do so,” you teased. “you bluffing, dickmaster?” oh, now you’ve got him in a chokehold.
those would be your famous last words, before adam would recklessly pound into you.
adam quickly undid his boxers, revealing his hard cock, precum already spilling from his tip. you thought he was joking when he called himself the ‘dickmaster.’ you silently wondered how that would fit inside of you. “see how fuckin’ worked up you get me, tits?” adam babbled.
he bent you over, your wrists just above your head.
you were about to reply with a snarky comeback when he pushed his cock into you, no warning beforehand.
“i fuckin’ knew it,” he said. “tight as shit. bet no one’s fucked you as good as im about to, huh?” you wanted to respond, to deny his accusations, but the only sounds that left your mouth were desperate moans and whimpers. it was like music to his ears, fueling him to fuck you brainless.
his large size stung, but pain quickly turned to pleasure when he began to move.
he picked up his pace, pounding into you brutally. it was oh, so sinful. but adam would go to hell anyday if that meant he could have your tight little cunt all to himself.
adam took a fistful of your hair, forcing your back to arch. when you didnt protest, adam threw a line of praise at you. “there we go, good fuckin’ girl, just like that…” the position you were in was a bit uncomfortable, but you quickly stopped paying attention to that when adam thrusted into you sharply. “s-so good f’me,” he babbled.
you knew he was almost at his peak when his thrusts grew sloppy. “shit, almost there, fuck!” he groaned. “m-me too, adam, fuck,”
in one deep thrust, he buried himself inside of you, spilling his cum. you felt your stomach grow warm, full of adam’s seed.
adam was still inside of you, even after you both had came. there were no sounds other than your pants and his huffs. thank god this was an empty street.
finally, he pulled out of you. you whined at the loss of contact, earning you a cheeky grin.
“so,” he said, breaking the silence. “how was that for pleasuring a woman, hmmm?” adam smirked. “still hate me?”
“always, just a little less now.”
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