#I'm bringing two sweaters so he can change into one of mine and be comfy when we pick him up
sunkingwrites · 1 year
Aaahhhhh, getting ready to go to the airport,, I'M GUNNA MAKE A SMOOTHIIEE FOR THE DRIIVVEE!! :D
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raving--ravenclaw · 4 years
Christmas With... The Longbottoms! - Neville x Reader
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A/N: welcome to part two of my Harry Potter Christmas series! Neville is my absolute favorite character so I really enjoyed writing this for him. I hope you enjoy reading it!
Warnings: None
Words: 2,500
I nearly fell to the ground as Neville and I landed our apparition at his house. Him and I have been best friends pretty much since the first day of our first year at Hogwarts and every year we spend Christmas together. We alternate whose house we spend it at every year. Since we were at my house for Christmas last year we'd be spending it at his house this year.
His house was tall, three stories to be exact, and boxy. The siding is darkly colored and it seemed as if it was leaning forward. There wasn't much character to it unless you count the feeling of gloom it gave to anyone within sight of it. One thing about the house was off though… there were no Christmas decorations up.
"Neville, in the six years that we have been spending Christmas together I have never seen your house sans decorations."
"With the rise of he who shall not be named Gran didn't want to decorate. Said it didn't feel very Christmassy this year."
"That's rubbish."
"I s'pose you're going to gripe about it aren't you?"
"You know me too well. The only reason it doesn't feel like Christmas is because you don't have any decorations up! Voldemort didn't cancel Christmas!"
Neville flinched at the mention of the name and I turned to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout it."
"S'alright. Just wasn't expecting it is all."
I gave him a hug and held him tightly. Neville and I were always very touchy. I'm not quite sure what the reasoning was behind his touchiness but mine came from the constant want to be close to him. I would easily admit it to anyone that asked but no one really seemed to notice my liking for him, including him.
Neville pulled away from our hug,"you're still wearing my scarf."
"I need it right now too, it's freezing out here."
"We could go inside if you want. It is cold."
"It is. Let's go."
We jogged inside and pulled the door closed quickly behind us. The warmth hit me like a nice cozy wall. The inside of Neville's house was always dimly lit and you could tell that his gran had decorated. That's not to say it wasn't cozy though. I always felt welcome at Neville's. However, I have to admit that his gran is not my favorite person in the World because of the way she treats him sometimes.
Neville shed his coat and then turned and offered to take mine. I peeled my coat off and set it gently in his hands.
"Gran, we're home," he bellowed after hanging up the coats in the entry way closet.
His gran came shuffling out of the kitchen door at the end of the narrow hallway that led to the rest of the house.
"Welcome, y/n. Merry Christmas."
"Thank you, Ms. Longbottom. Merry Christmas."
"It's late. Shouldn't you be preparing for bed?"
"We just got in Gran."
She huffed, "well I'm going to bed. You know where the blankets are Neville."
"Night Gran."
"Goodnight," I added as she began to climb the stairs.
Neville and I watched in silence as she disappeared at the the top of the stairs. She was awfully abrasive tonight. Don't get me wrong she was often grumpy but not usually entirely unpleasant. I assumed it was voldemort's recent re-appearance that probably had her on edge.
"Shall we go up then," Neville asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I went to grab my bag but Neville got to it first.
"Let me y/n."
"You don't have to do that, really, I can get it."
"Y/n, I'd carry you up if you let me," Neville said starting up the stairs.
"You're too sweet, Neville," I said following.
Neville's bedroom was on the top floor of the house and down a long haul. I wasn't in the best shape and I hate to admit but I would be put of breath by the time we got to his room. Once, when we were younger, we got an old slab of wood out of the attic and sled down the stairs over and over again until his gran caught us. I swear we never sat still as kids.
Reaching his room, Neville dramatically kicked the door open, having both of his hands full with my suitcase. I laughed at his overdramatic way of opening the door. Every year we spent Christmas at his house we always just slept in his room together. I was surprised that this hadn't changed as we grew older.
"Y'know, either your gran really trusts us or she hasn't really thought this whole thing through," I chuckled.
"I think she just doubts my abilities."
"Your abilities‽" I laughed.
He struggled to try and explain what he meant and was stuttering all over the place. He finally settled on saying, "you know what I mean."
"I really don't," I said pulling blankets down out of his closet and setting them on the window seat.
"Gran sees it as how I tend to be bad at everythin'," he said coming over to make the window seat up for a bed.
"You are not Nev." I cupped his cheek and turned his head to look at me. "Sure you used to be a bit clumsy but first of all there's nothing wrong with that and second of all you've grown out of it."
His eyes were so gentle. I could truly sit and stare into them hour after hour. "It's hard to shake, y'know? That view of myself."
I guided his forehead to mine and practically nuzzles into him. "It's not hard for me. I see my best friend everyday and realize that he's turned into this amazing, gorgeous, young man and we're only sixteen. You've still got growing left to do. I'm not going to be able to handle you by next year." He chuckled. "And I'm so luck to have you. Honestly I'm jealous too, I wanna look this good." We both laughed. "Never doubt yourself Neville, you have no reason too."
"For the record, I think you look better."
I finally let go of his face and he continued to make up a bed with a big smile.
"Why don't you sleep in your bed and I'll take the window seat this time."
"But the window seat's not very comfy. I don't mind sleeping there for you."
I had to take a deep breath and clear my mind before speaking. He was so sweet sometimes that it was hard to not just tell him how much I love him. He's just so good to me. How could I not love him? It's a bit overwhelming but in the best way.
"I'll take it Neville, it's okay."
"If you want to switch just let me know, okay?"
I settled down into the window seat and Neville in his bed. Out the large circle window I could see the moonlight glinting off the snow below. One thing I loved about Neville's room is how at night it filled with moonlight because of this window. It made you feel calm and on a full moon you didn't need any artificial light to see. His room in general was calm, just like his presence. It's funny how someone so riddled with nerves and anxiety could always make others feel so relaxed and safe. I guess he didn't want anyone else to go through what he was going through. I looked across the room to see him gently fiddling with a plant on his nightstand. I always did my best to make him feel calm too. He's been through so much his whole life. A lot of it right here in this house.
"Hey, y/n, do you want to decorate for Christmas tomorrow? You were right, it feels wrong without it."
"I would love to."
"Can't wait. Good night, y/n, sleep well."
"Good night Neville."
"If you need anything, I'm right here."
I rolled over and dozed off quickly feeling safe and excited for the next day.
In the morning I quickly hopped up out of bed, excited to decorate and get in the Christmas spirit. I ran across the room and flopped onto Neville's bed causing him to bolt upright and exclaim.
"Good morning sleepy head."
"You really scared me there!"
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright. I'm excited too. Just let me get dressed."
He tucked himself away in his closet to get dressed and didn't come out until I had told him I was fully clothed.
"You look so festive!" He was referring to my Christmas sweater that had little lights all over it.
"Thank you! You look very cozy."
He and I rushed downstairs to have a quick breakfast before getting to decorating. During which, his gran told us how it was wrong to celebrate when such dark things were going on in the World. Which is exactly why I thought we needed to decorate, it would surely bring some light to that darkness. We asked her for help with decorating since we weren't allowed to use magic outside of school yet and wouldn't have any way to hang the lights. She declined though and we realized we would have to do things the muggle way.
Once up in his attic we struggled to find the string lights and everything we would need to hang them but eventually we found everything. Getting the lights up one the house was certainly going to be the hardest part.
"So we have to use the muggle device," I stared at the tall triangle with spaced out stairs that was folded up and leaned against the wall.
"I think we can figure it out alright," he picked up the odd thing.
We grabbed all of our decorations and the muggle device and lugged all of it to his front yard.
"Where do we start?"
"If you'll hold the ladder, I'll climb up and hang the lights," I offered.
"That's dangerous. What if you fall?"
"Make sure you catch me," I winked at him and giggled as he turned bright red. "I'd trust you with my life any day Neville."
"That makes one of us," he said, leaning the ladder against the house. "Please be careful."
"I will be, try not to worry." 
I climbed the ladder with a bundle of lights and looked back down at Neville. Goodness it WAS high up and we're not even to the top of the house yet.
"You alright?"
"Yeah I'm okay, Neville," I shouted down.
He was holding the ladder steady and I'm pretty sure if I was down there I could see his knuckles turning white from how tight he was gripping it. I was very careful to keep my balance as I hung the lights across the eave. I leaned back, keeping a tight hold on the ladder, to see if I had the lights even. When I was satisfied with the way they looked I began to back down the ladder. I stepped down to the third ring from the top and my foot slipped off. Everything was a blur as I fell toward the ground rapidly. I heard a grunt as I landed that I was sure wasn't mind and the ground felt much softer than it ought to.
"Does this count as catching you," Neville groaned from underneath me.
"I'd say so," I groaned, propping myself up on my hands.
"You alright?" He smiled up at me.
"Yes, thanks to you," I wiped a strand of hair out of his face.
We stayed there on top of each other. It was mildly awkward but somehow not at the same time and eventually we burst into laughter.
"I suppose I should get off you now."
"I s'pose."
"You're so warm though," I laughed getting up.
"If you're cold we could go in and warm up," he got up off the ground.
I told him that I was fine and we continued on with the lights. We each took turns going up on the ladder to hang them. Neither of us made the mistake of falling off again. Not only did we hang up lights on the house but we put lights in his front bushes and candy canes along the front path. By nightfall we had his house looking more festive than ever before. 
We sat inside now, in his room. With everything going on out in the World right now this was surprisingly shaping up to be one of my favorite Christmases with him. I don't know what it is but I feel closer to him than ever.
"I'm still cold from being out all day. Are you," I asked Neville who sat across the room on his bed.
"Little bit. I had fun though."
He got up and walked over to the window seat and sat down across from me. He grabbed the top layer of his clothes and pulled the sweater off and handed it to me.
"Thanks," I said slipping it on. "I'm beginning to think I'll be cold forever."
Across the seat the Christmas lights shone in the window casting a light glow of color onto Neville. He looked so handsome, he always did. 
He held his arms open for me, "if you're still cold I could help."
I scooted across the bench to lean into him. His arms wrapped around me and I nuzzled into him. We sat like that for a long while, talking about anything and everything, laughing and carrying on. The whole time we've been sitting like this I've been considering telling him how I feel. It would be so easy too. There was nothing stopping me. Well, except for the fact that he can be so shy and if I told him he might just curl up into a ball and never speak again. But maybe it was worth a shot.
"I really like you. Like a lot."
"I thought we had established that already," he laughed.
"Wait, you knew I have feelings for you?" I turned around in his arms to look at him.
"You have feelings for me‽"
"That's what I meant when I said I like you a lot!"
"Oh….," He stared off into space as if to contemplate this deeply.
"You know if you don't have feelings for me too that's okay," I said, hopeful that he wouldn't confirm what I had just said.
"No! No! I just didn't want to tell you. I really love having you around and I didn't want that to change."
"Well, I'd like to be around more, if you're okay with that."
"I don't think that's possible," he laughed.
"Even so," I chuckled.
I kissed him on the cheek and settled back down into his arms and as he nuzzled his head into the back of mine everything was as it should be.
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