#I'm just a bitter lit student don't mind me
biromanticbookbabe · 2 years
I know it’s been a few days since I posted about this but I’m still kind of mad about the inaccuracies about the new Emily Bronte movie (2022). I know it’s “an alternative take” but so many people won’t get that and think it’s true. 
I have researched about the Brontë's, especially Anne Bronte for the grad level paper I’m writing. So I know most of they’re going to claim in the movie isn’t true. Basically, Anne is going to be overshadowed by one of her sisters again. But in such an offensive way because they take the love of Anne’s life away from her (there’s evidence for this!!) and gives him to Emily instead (why?). Emily can be an empowered and powerful woman without an obvious love interest- I don’t understand why they are trying to make her more conventional than she actually was. 
So in light of all that, I started writing an Anne Bronte/Bronte siblings novel on top of all the other things I’m already working on because I don’t know how to limit myself when it comes to writing projects (this will be the fifth I pick up that I’m currently working on). That movie concept just pissed me off so much. And I did the research already so- why not?
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aisclosed · 1 year
Missed the Mark ➶- y. jungwon x reader (TEASER)
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SYNOPSIS: Everyone has a mark, of which the color and design is unique to only you and your soulmate. In the age of global connection where everyone employs every method possible to show off their mark in hopes of finding their soulmate, no one can understand why you keep yours under wraps. Jungwon doesn't need to see your mark to be convinced that you're meant to be his, but you're certain he's missed the mark.
GENRE: Soulmate! AU, ANGST plsplspls don't be fooled by the banner + some fluff bc it's me, how can I resist
PAIRING: non idol! Yang Jungwon x college student! reader
WARNINGS: mentions of death, mild cursing and suggestive language, guys i'm so serious this is angst pls don't be blindsided by the banner and expect only fluff
TEASER WORD COUNT: 1.3k EST. WORD COUNT: 10k? maybe shorter...
RELEASE DATE: to be announced!
TAGLIST: open! form here or send an ask to be added <3
a/n: surprise! I know everyone was expecting Slice of You but this has not been able to leave my mind so we shifted the schedule around a bit hehe hope no one's too disappointed <3.
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Jungwon’s not sure if the pounding in his head is from the echo of the bass that reverberates in the crowded room or from the strain of his eyes as he scans the sea of students through the dusky haze. Each glimpse of what he thinks is your smile or the familiar movement of your hair sparks a flicker of anticipation which is snuffed as quickly as it’s lit. It’s easier to hide his frustration behind the rim of his plastic cup, the bitter aroma of beer flooding his senses.
This time Jungwon tips back his cup to find it emptied, a teasing two drops landing on his tongue, doing little to wash down the disappointment that lingers in his throat. “Gonna get another drink,” Jungwon mumbles to no one in particular, receiving a few murmurs of assent and curious glances thrown his way.
It’s unusual for him to even drink, much less at his own discretion without any pressure from his friends, but today Jungwon had nursed several drinks in his quest to locate you amongst the hordes of people. It shows in the way that he stumbles slightly, a warm buzzing under his skin that is definitely from more than just his headache.
The relentless booming of the music and the masses of bodies that press and brush against him is beginning to feel like too much. Jungwon decides to put a momentary pause in his search for you, weaving through the crowd until the backyard is in view.
Pushing through the patio door, the night greets him with a cool wind that nips at his cheeks, soothing Jungwon’s frayed nerves. The sounds of music and laughter fade into a muffled hum and he finally feels as if there’s enough air to fill his lungs.
Jungwon takes a precursory scan of the backyard, surveying the quiet groups and couples scattered across the lawn. His eyes are drawn to a solitary figure, widening as he realizes the very person he had been searching for had simply been sitting atop the grass the whole time.
Feeling the weight of someone’s gaze, you look up from your phone, locking eyes with Jungwon. You take in his stiff demeanor, stifling a laugh at his blown out expression, and Jungwon waves, meekly offering up an awkward smile.
You wave back teasingly, tilting your head in silent invitation and Jungwon finds himself already crossing the distance to sit down gingerly by your side. “Hey,” you greet him warmly, “how’s the party, you having fun? Certainly looks like it.”
For once, Jungwon’s grateful for the drinks that Jake presses into his hands at the start of every party. The alcohol can take the blame for his flushed cheeks, the way his tongue feels entirely too thick in his mouth and the way he stumbles slightly as he takes his seat. After all, he can’t exactly admit the reason for his flustered state is you.
“Party’s nice, just needed a little breather. It was getting to be a bit stuffy. What about you? What are you doing out here all alone?” Jungwon peers at you, trying his best not to come off as too invested.
“Wasn’t really feeling the whole dancing and socializing today, I really only came to appease Yizhou,” you chuckle, drawing your legs up to your chest and resting your chin on your knees. “I’m not exactly doing anything particularly interesting so don’t feel like you have to stay, but I definitely wouldn’t mind the company.”
You turn to look at Jungwon, the moonlight casting a soft halo on your head and his breath catches in his throat. “No, yeah I’ll stay. I like the company out here much better than inside anyways,” he replies breathily and you chuckle in response, shooting him a grateful smile.
A comfortable silence descends between the two of you, you watch your surroundings quietly and Jungwon watches you. He watches the way your eyes crinkle and dilate at the antics of your friends, the way your hair is blown gently by the wind, free strands dancing with the breeze to caress the contours of your face. Jungwon watches you in a daze, wondering if you also feel the same magnetic pull that tugs at his core whenever he’s in your vicinity.
The thought has his gaze automatically flickering down to your arm, the same familiar tan bandage affixed to your wrist. It’s almost torturous to know that a thin layer of fabric is all that prevents the confirmation that Jungwon wasn’t insane for the way his heart jumped at the thought of you, that you were his other half.
“You can ask, you know. I don’t bite.”
Jungwon jolts, looking up from where he was transfixed onto your skin and meeting your amused glance. “Oh- I wasn’t. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to stare.” Jungwon babbles, his cheeks heating at being caught in the act.
You merely laugh, bumping shoulders with him, “Seriously Jungwon it’s okay. We’ve been friends for a bit and you’ve never been nosy or pushy. If anything I’m surprised you haven’t asked sooner.”
“I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Jungwon rubs at his neck sheepishly but you roll your eyes, nodding at him encouragingly to ask. “Why do you cover your soulmate mark?”
You hum in satisfaction, “When you first meet someone, especially someone around your age, what do you do?”
Jungwon pauses, tilting his head in contemplation,” I usually check for their soulmate mark,” he responds slowly.
“Exactly, before anyone even thinks to ask for my name, what they check for first is my mark. That’s enough for them to make their judgment on whether or not I’m worth their time. And trust me I don’t fault them, I get it, everyone wants to find their soulmate, but I just want people to look at me and see me, not my mark.” You give a sharp laugh, hands raking through your hair, “I guess it’s kind of back firing, because everyone cares too much about me covering it, but at least it's a talking point.”
“No, that makes a lot of sense, but I get why people are curious too, people are usually dying to get their mark out there, it’s odd to have someone be doing the opposite. Just last week I had someone in my econ class pay hundreds of dollars to promote his instagram post to find his soulmate.”
“People are ridiculous,” you snort with a shake of your head. Jungwon nods in agreement but internally he thinks he would gladly empty his bank account if it meant he could guarantee he found his soulmate.
“Y/N?” Jungwon starts hesitantly and you look at him expectantly, urging him to continue. “Are you not worried about missing your soulmate? What if you meet them one day and they don't realize it's you because your mark’s covered?”
The bright grin on your face falters for a split second and Jungwon curses his big fat mouth; maybe he had crossed the line, he should’ve stopped while he was ahead.
It's like you can detect the regret rolling off of Jungwon in waves, so your expression forcibly lightens, but your smile doesn't quite reach your eyes the way they did before.
“Well if that ever were to happen, I’d hope that my soulmate would still get a feeling about me,” you say softly, before shifting to a playful tone. “After all, if they’re truly meant to be my other half, they wouldn't be one hundred percent reliant on a mark, yeah? Surely there's a little bit more to like.”
“Yeah of course, there’s tons to like,” Jungwon says quietly, looking away with flushed cheeks when you look at him in amusement. You were right, if your soulmate really was the one person in the world who was meant to be perfect for you, there would undoubtedly be more of a sign than just the mark on their wrist.
With your knees knocking gently into his own, and the subtle heat of your body radiating into his side, Jungwon can’t help but think that maybe the feeling swirling in the pit of his stomach is evidence enough.
a/n: this teaser is from the middle of the story which is a bit odd but hopefully not too confusing dsjahdj . lmk what u think!!
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taglist: open! form here or send an ask to be added <3
perm tl: @lacimolela @ttalgi @cieluna @ahnneyong @luvlee1313 @meowmeowhoon @llama-lyna @dmoki
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kannymaei · 8 months
The Perfect Girl - Chapter 16 (Kamisato Ayato x Reader)
Author’s Note: All characters are OOC! Please be reminded that this fanfic is Modern! AU and Highschool! AU and none of this are canons to the actual lore of Genshin Impact. I do not own Genshin Impact or the characters in the game!
Synopsis: You were a graduating high school student who somehow got involved in unfortunate events and transferred to Teyvat International School. Due to your “complicated” physical features, you became the main target of the school’s “bully”, Kamisato Ayato! Together with his friends, Diluc Ragnvindr, Tartaglia, and Arataki Itto.
WC: 2.8k
Next Chapter -> Chapter 17
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Bitter taste left your mouth as the two of you were sharing each other's saliva. You could definitely tell that Ayato has been drinking alcohol before being locked up here but has somehow sobered up. 
Ayato's fingers ran through your hair until he noticed something and pulled away from your kiss to say something.
"You're wearing the accessories that I gave you back then" He said and you felt his forehead pressing against your. 
"Yeah~" You said. You tried to adjust a little from your position and felt something very hard. 
"So that's where you're going" He said before kissing you passionately again. 
Your hands traveled on his chest and began to unbutton his shirt hastily. 
"Y-Y/N!" He whimpered under you. 
"Y-yeah?" You said and continued with what you're doing.
"We can't do this- I just can't… Maybe not right now…" Ayato pleaded and you got up immediately.
"S-sorry- L-let's not speak of this again." You said fixing your hair and your clothes. 
"I'm gonna go text my sister that I'm with you so they don't worry about us…" Ayato pulled out his phone and began texting but there's no signal and he sighed. 
"What do you mean Ayato is also missing?!" Al Haitham angrily said. 
"L-look! We're trying to search for my brother too, you know!" Ayaka replied. 
"You sound like you're lying." Al Haitham looked Ayaka into her eyes and frightened her a little bit. 
"W-why would I lie about searching for my brother?!" Ayaka defended, cold sweat ran on her cheeks since it was her idea to lock the two of you in a tight dark room. 
Coincidentally, a message was sent to Ayaka's phone. 
"S-see! He just messaged me! It seems someone locked him up in a room…" She said and scrolled down further.
"And Y/N is with him!" Ayaka added. 
Everyone's face lit up and they all followed Ayaka to your location. 
It took 30 minutes before Ayaka received the text from Ayato and you found yourself sleeping on top of him as he stroked your hair. 
"Ayato, don't leave me again" you mumbled. 
"I won't, my lady." He smiled. 
When the door suddenly opened, everyone saw that you were curled up with no care of your clothes. 
"Y-you little-!" Al Haitham immediately charged in and grabbed Ayato by his collar. 
"He didn't do anything to me"
He let go as soon as he heard your sweet voice. 
"W-what's everyone's doing here?" You asked. 
"We were looking for you Y/N! I'm glad you're safe!" Lumine said. 
" 'Yato, take me home, I'm tired," You said. 
Ayato got up carrying you in a bridal manner with your arms wrapped around his neck and shoulder. 
Ayato's face turned red and attempted to lower his head to hide a little of it. 
"Look, I'll go to the afterparty in Childe's home. I'm just going to take Y/N home safely." He said. 
"Aren't you intoxicated? Do you want me to drive you both home?" Diluc suggested.
"No, I sobered up earlier." Ayato replied. 
"W-well take care!" Lumine said. 
"Thank you." Ayato said quietly and walked through the crowd silently as soon as he got in the parking lot. 
"Well what are we gonna do?" Itto asked the group. 
"Prepare for the after party, what else?" Childe replied annoyingly to Itto. 
Somehow, Al Haitham was also dragged into the same event but he didn't mind it. 
"Al Haitham, it's okay if you don't feel comfortable with us." Ayaka said to him. 
"No, no, no, its okay, I don't want to decline" Al Haitham frantically replied because he knew he's a new student therefore he needs to get along with other people. 
Ayato was fixin you in the backseat so you can sleep soundly since he didn't notice you were awake the entire time and took this chance to wrap your arms to his neck and pull him towards you. 
"Y-Y/N! What are you doing-?!" He stopped as soon as you smashed your lips against his for the second time again.
Ayato fought back and said "Y-Y/N, the car's door is open, s-someone is going to see us!" 
"Then let them!" You naughtily answered back and kissed him again. 
You stopped and looked at his Eyes and opened your mouth widely and he happily accepted as he used his tongue exploring your mouth once again and you can't help it but let out muffled moans. 
"You like that?" He asked and you nodded happily.
And that's where he teased you and he got up and immediately closed the door and went to the driver's seat. 
"A-ayato?! Why did you do that?" You angrily said. 
"I promised everyone I'd get you home so I can't get you delaying us before they see us here in the parking lot" He said as he's driving away. 
"Isn't that Ayato's car? Didn't he leave like 30 minutes ago or am I hallucinating?" Lumine said as soon as they got there as well. 
"You're probably hallucinating Ms. Lumine." Al Haitham said. 
"Aw, spare me the formalities." Lumine said and laughed.
After a while, Ayato parked inside his residence.
"Well, I'm ordering you to carry me to my bedroom, for leaving me out like that!" You said. 
"Whatever you want, my lady." He carried you. 
"Do you think you're going to get away with what you did earlier? Did you know how it felt to drive with a boner distracting me while you looked so breedable in the backseat? Did you know how much it took a lot out of me?" Ayato whispered in your ear and carried you in a way that your legs were wrapped against his waist. 
"Ooh~ where are we going?" You seductively asked.
"To my bedroom, what else?" He said and your eyes widened as soon as you realized you're not in your home. 
"W-why am I not home?!" You frantically asked. 
"Isn't this also your home my lady?" He jokingly said and stopped you from saying anything else by giving you a passionate kiss again. 
He smashed you in the wall of his bedroom, kissing you over and over again. 
As he assures that you'd feel his boner at the entrance of your woman hood. 
"This is what you did to me" Ayato said but he didn't let you reply back to him. 
For a brief moment, Ayato stopped and rethinked his life choices. 
He knew he couldn't do this with you. 
He wanted to get married first before engaging in sexual activities with you because he wanted to make you feel that he really loves you and he wasn't just using your body for fun. 
"Y/N… we really can't do this…" He whimpered. 
You unzipped your dress and pressed your chest onto him.
"N-no…" Ayato sat down on his bed with you on top. 
"This is the farthest we can go… I can't do this to you… I respect you so much, my heart just can't handle it…" He spoke softly. 
"Okay… I understand" You said. 
The two of you continued kissing and caressing each other's body parts for a while. 
You now rest on top of him, on his chest while he brushes your hair. 
"Do you want to go get cleaned up?" He asked and you nodded. 
He guided you through his bathroom and told you where the shampoo, soaps, and other stuff is located. 
As soon as you locked the door, you pressed your back against the wall and began to recall what you were doing with him. 
You unzipped your dress and threw it in the laundry bin and looked at yourself in the mirror. 
You began unclipping your bra and noticed how hard your nipples had turned. It was begging to be sucked and played by his mouth, and only his mouth. 
You also pulled down your panty and saw how a transparent string has been sticking in your womanhood. 
Maybe… it wouldn't hurt to play with yourself right? 
Meanwhile, Ayato sat on his study desk and stared at his member who still hasn't calmed down yet, well he knew there is one way to fast forward things up. 
"L-lumine! What are you doing here?" Childe was shocked when he found Lumine climbing up stairs to his bedroom. 
"I don't know~ Y/N isn't here~ I really don't know what else to do." Lumine pressed her body against him. 
"H-hey, stop right there-" Lumine immediately pulled his head for a kiss, Childe could completely smell that she was reeking of alcohol and wasn't being herself.
He pulled her away as his cheeks began to heat up. 
"You're not being yourself, you're doing things you don't want to do and most importantly, things you don't want to remember-" He was stopped again when Lumine pulled him for a kiss again. 
She held him tightly which left Childe with no choice but to accept and savor the moment. 
(They say people say the most honest thoughts when they’re drunk due to the fact that they don’t have that mouth filter on) Childe thought to himself while Lumine continued to press herself onto him.
You wore the new bathrobe that Ayato lended you, you could tell that most of their items in the house hold the crest of the Kamisato Family. You wrapped your arms around yourself and admired yourself in the mirror before going outside in the bathroom.
Ayato was stunned to see you in the robe as soon as you stepped out in the bathroom, his cheeks heated up to the fact that you were wearing something that belongs to his family. He had a vision of you being the first lady of the Kamisato Family, it truly suited you.
You were shocked how he is also wearing the same bathrobe, wasn’t he in his outside clothes roughly thirty minutes ago?
“Oh, you must be wondering why I looked like I just finished taking a bath?” He softly said and smiled at you, he did not attempt to hide his blushes from your site.
His robe was a little sloppy and open in the middle which revealed a part of his toned chest.
“Where are you staring at?” He looked at your eyes and saw that you were fixated on his opened chest.
“Oh…” He blushed a little.
“Well, don’t worry my lady, this belongs all to you.” He said and you snapped back to reality.
“I’m not looking at you! I was going to ask where you took a bath!” You crossed your arms and looked away from him.
“I asked one of the maids to prepare the bath in another room since I don’t want to bother you and I don’t think…” He said and proceeded to mumble something. (I don’t think I can handle being in the same shower room with you)
“What?” You glared at him.
“N-nothing!” He said in his defense.
You sat on the mirror table.
“Um… Can I sit here to comb and dry my hair?” You asked.
“Have you recalled earlier in the car that I said that this is also your home? Of course I’d love to have you making yourself comfortable here.” Ayato laughed a little and grinned.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and began combing and drying your hair, you saw Ayato in the mirror that he was going towards you.
“You have an awful haircut, if I recall, this is due to my immature doings.” He said.
“Gee, no wonder why I have an awful haircut!” You pouted.
“I’m sorry my lady, allow me to make it up for you, let me take you to a parlor” Ayato confirmed.
“I- I think it’s not proper for us to sleep in one bed-” You said out of nowhere.
“Who said about us sleeping in one bed?” Ayato said in a very teasing way.
“RIGHT! Of course I’ll sleep on the couch, why did I ask about that- I mean- This is your bedroom and your house and all-” You said in a frantic phase.
“Pff! My lady, I wouldn’t allow my lady to sleep in an uncomfortable bed. Of course I’m the one who’s going to sleep on the couch so you can sleep comfortably and soundly in my bed.” Ayato said and grabbed the comb from your hand and began combing your hair.
“My lady, I’d always be in your service” He whispered in your ear and it reddened your cheeks.
“What the fuck is going on?” Diluc nonchalantly said in the group celebrating.
“What do you mean what’s going on Diluc?” Ayaka asked as she sipped on her fruit juice.
“I believe he meant how Childe and Lumine are missing, how Ayato probably passed out in their house and went to sleep after taking Miss L/N home.” Al Haitham said.
“Y-you know! I’m so jealous of you how you can remain calm after drinking that much alcohol-!” Kaveh started and grabbed Al Haitham hard from his shoulder.
“Please don’t grab me on my shoulder like that.” Al Haitham hissed and showed his annoyance towards Kaveh.
“Why are you so mean, Ms. Ayaka, he’s so mean!” Kaveh cried out to Ayaka and she consoled him.
“What do you feel about this Ayato and Y/N situation?” Ayaka asked Al Haitham, she thought this was a good chance to ask him without you, her brother, and lumine around.
“I don’t think Ms. L/N is that easy to get. I wouldn’t give up Ms. L/N easily, I believe your brother wouldn’t give up on her especially how things turned out after your family’s celebration. I suppose whoever’s the best between us would win Ms. L/N’s heart.” Al Haitham started and ate an olive from the snacks.
“That’s very interesting, I think so too. I just wish for Y/N’s happiness, she’s gone through a lot” Ayaka added.
Ayato has lended you some of Ayaka’s spare clothes for you to wear tonight.
“It’s quite… fit me…” You said as you were struggling to be comfortable with the shirt.
“Do you want a larger shirt?” He asked, and he understood that you wanted it because you looked like you wanted a comfier shirt to wear in bed.
“Okay, I’ll give you one of mine. Ayaka is quite small compared to you so I understand it might be a little fit and uncomfortable.” He added as he was going through his wardrobe.
He gave you his shirt and you went to the bathroom to change.
After a few minutes, you come out of the bathroom again to see Ayato has been making himself comfortable on the couch.
“Y-you know… We can just sleep on the same bed, just- let’s just not face each other.” You offered.
“Would you allow that? Can I really do that?” He pleaded.
“Well, I can’t bear to see you tormenting yourself on a couch shorter than you.” You said in a very shy way.
“So you do care for me!” Ayato giggled and began fixing the bed for the two of you to sleep on separately.
The two of you sat on the opposite side of the bed as if you were waiting who would sleep first.
“Since you’re so shy my lady, I’m going to rest now. I’m very tired today, I need to find out who threw us in that tight cell in the school tomorrow.” He said and rested.
You also followed and slept, at first you were having troubles since Ayato was next to you, you were overthinking if you snore or whatnot but your tiredness got the best of you and you finally fell asleep.
Kamisato Ayato encountered a female figure who he thought he’d never meet again.
“M-miko! What are you doing here?!” He asked.
“A-ayato!” She ran towards him to hug him and cried on his chest.
“Miko! Stop.” He pushed her away.
“Ayato! I thought I’d never see you again!” She cried out.
“Didn’t I tell you to never show your face near me again? After all of the things that you and your family did to hurt me? To hurt Y/N?! I have so little pity left for you before I send you to jail!” He angrily said.
“Ayato please- Just this once-”
“Good evening Lady L/N, it seemed that it was seen in public that the head of the Kamisato Family was seen with a rather… familiar figure. Some have stated that it was the girl from the Guuji family due to her distinct pink hair color.” You heard as soon as you answered an unknown number in your phone. 
You ended the call and dropped the glass you have in your hand.
(It can’t be… He can’t do that to me) You thought to yourself, slowly kneeling to the floor and keeping your tears in your eyes.
“I love you Y/N, I’d destroy everything in the world so I can hold you dear in my life.”
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