#I'm not entirely sure which mods are at play here tbh.
puppetstringed · 7 months
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The Temple of the Divines in Solitude
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polaesims · 11 months
Get to know you - Sims Style
Thank you @puffkins2000 for the tag! 💕
What’s your favorite Sims death?
Tbh I'm not big on killing my sims (boring, boooo) so I'd say good ol' old age, especially cause bitches be dying at the wildest moments. But if you want me to be more fancy, I love drowning specifically in floor.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match all the way!!! I only use alpha or alpha-ish cc when I can't find MM alternative.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Nah, never and frankly I never had to... like my sims just stay one weight their entire life unless I play with a gym freak.
Do you move objects?
Always. The grid is my enemy, moo is my saviour.
Favorite Mod?
Consort Age Mod, cause I love generational gameplay and seeing my sims slowly go gray is so nostalgic to me, and Zodiac Sings Mod, cause I was tired of twins getting different zodiac signs...
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
For TS2 I got a lot of them at once cause they were hand-me-downs from my mum's friend's daughter. For TS3 it was Late Night, I remember it vividly cause my dad thought the lady in a bikini on the cover was inappropriate.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Neither, cause I play in my native language (it's way more memable), but if I had to choose LIVing speaks to me more.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Long story, strap in. So when I was still in highschool, I created a joke save to share with my friends and I made this elderly man whom I named Andrzej and he was a menace. He was a womaniser alchemist, who had like 20 children (5 of which I kept in household, and they were as chaotic as their father) and then became a kung fu master, married a werewolf and finally impersonated a Goth family member and stole their fortune. I love him. Andrzej forever in my heart.
Have you made a simself?
Yep!! I posted her!! She's way prettier though cause girlie's symmetrical. I usually just drop myself and my bf into my world and see what story progression does with me. (as of now I have 3 kids as a kids hater ;-;)
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
The black one I guess... I rarely use the presets cause they're ugly af.
Favorite EA hair?
The one from Island Paradise, the updo with strands framing the face.
Favorite life stage?
Young Adult or teens. I like teens more when I make mischievous bastards.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I can't build to save my life, but I love to decorate!! I'm mostly for the gameplay though (and making sims).
Are you a CC creator?
Yep! I'm new to this but I hope I'll keep getting better.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Not yet, I'm still figuring out Tumblr in general, but I have some mutuals, I hope to become friends with 😊!
Do you have any sims merch?
Nah, I never found anything subtle enough, cause I don't do on the nose merch very often (except band tees).
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I used to use an UNGODLY amount of cheats...mostly cause I was a kid, but I would make a pretty sim with loads of CC, then play for a few months with that one sim (mostly being a hoe) and get bored eventually. Nowadays I'm a big generational player and I can play with one family for several years. Just a couple months ago I finally finished playing with a family I started 4 years ago.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
@sim-songs, @twinsimming, @pixelfrogslegs, @aroundthesims, @bioniczombie, @nectar-cellar, @nightospheresims, @rollo-rolls, @faerielandsims.
How long have you had Simblr?
Literally not even a month, but I felt instantly welcomed to this amazing community!!
How do you edit your pictures?
I use Procreate and then PicsArt on my iPad.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite?
I just play TS3 nowadays so for that I will say Generations for sure!! I also can't live without University and Seasons. They are my big three.
I don’t know who to tag tbh... I feel like most of my mutuals already did that plus I'm new here so I'm kinda shy but let's say that I tag anyone that is interested in doing this and hadn't been tagged. Like you can say I tagged you!!
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condensedpigeonmilk · 6 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
This tag game popped up in my recommended as one of @deatherella's posts and looked super fun, so here we go! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
What’s your favorite Sims death?
When they get squished by a satellite while cloud or stargazing, although getting eaten by a cowplant is the runner up.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I have no coherent style. If it's pretty and I like it, I use it. I typically like to keep it more cartoony and away from the uncanny photoskinned stuff, though. That legitimately scares me. ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა
Do you cheat your sims weight?
No, but fitness is important to me personally IRL due to mental health benefits, so I like to keep them healthy too.
Do you move objects?
Totally, all the rugs, curtains and blinds have to be perfectly centered.
Favorite Mod?
My favorite gameplay mod is this one but the one that has saved my sanity is this one. I don't use any adult-oriented mods, I even leave the censors on TBH- I have no desire to see pixel butt.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
My first game was The Sims 2 base game! The big one, with the four discs. I still have it, actually.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I'm a big D&D nerd, so I made one of my characters as a sim. He's a dryad and his name is Wisteria Vines. I'll be re-uploading him soon. :3
Have you made a simself?
Yes, she is always friends with all of her neighbors, but I'm going to be doing a legacy with her for the first time soon since I've never done that. ^^;'
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Blond, it's so pretty!
Favorite EA hair?
I really love the vampire/countess hair from NIghtlife, but I use a mod/replacement to remove the headpiece. Before that, it was the hair that Angela and Lilith start the game with.
Favorite life stage?
Toddlers, I love kids! I'd have some real ones if I could.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I love building and giving the houses as much detail as possible with just Maxis items, but I really love the raising multiple generations aspect too, so both.
Are you a CC creator?
Yes, but only recently. I prefer making Sims characters for other people to play with but I also really enjoy making eyes, I just love eyes in general. They are the windows to the soul, after all!
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I have a couple of Sims friends! I actually met my longtime online friend @littleballerina through The Sims 2 when we were in middle school. We've been friends for 16 years this year. @furbyq is pretty cool, too! I'm up for making more Sims friends as long as they don't act creepy. :P
Do you have any sims merch?
Nope. I'm hoping to change that, but I don't want people to think I like The Sims 4 LOL. Gross!
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Err, kinda? I plan to just put a bunch of game-related (Animal Crossing, Life is Strange, Sally Face, Undertale, yada, yada...) junk on it. I plan to make Jaydee-esque Sims music videos over the winter because it'll be freezing this year. I haven't posted anything yet, though. T^T
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Just a little bit, I went from entirely out-of-the-box-vanilla to vanilla with sprinkles and now my Sims look kinda like they're from Silent Hill 2 or something. I'm pretty sure James Sunderland is actually running around in the townie pool somewhere.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Hoo, boy. I have so many! Let's just go with top five, or we'll both be here for awhile.
How long have you had Simblr?
The end of 2017, I think? Probably better to just go with 2018. Life whacked me over the head with the responsibilities stick so I was just recently able to come back after 3.5 years.
How do you edit your pictures?
I don't, really? Aside from resizing them and brightening them a little, I mean. I just use the default photos app that comes with my computer.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
My favorite expansion pack is totally The Sims 2: Pets. I can finally live out my dream of being a crazy cat lady!
╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ
I tag: @furbyq, @horusmenhosetix, @pooklet, @berrynooboos, @polygonbeach, @nervoussubject9000 and whoever else wants to play (feel free to ignore, if you want)!
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retphienix · 10 months
Update on my "I'm trying some different mods and also trying to play outside of Louisville for fun" random guy!
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He's been in intense pain for like 4 days! Nausea coming and going! Severe pain and all the negative thoughts!
The reasons for this are pretty simple- he got hurt, it got infected (not zombie), and the trait mod I'm messing with makes Prone to Illness and Slow Healer WAY more impactful lol
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Prone to Illness has my guy thinking his infection is zombification, which gives him some nausea moodles, which fucks his health more.
Slow Healer straight up lowers my health more and more as I'm damaged and uh. I gotta be honest, I'm not quite sure how I was supposed to counter that lol
It became a feedback loop. I got ONE scratch and it IMMEDIATELY infected, maybe due to prone to illness. That infection FUCKED my moodles and health and then Slow Healer compounded that by lowering my health more and making the infection/scratch last longer.
I think each trait might be fair on their own? But the combo of the two became a feedback loop where one forces infections and the other drains your health to 0 over the course of a few days if you stay infected- which it makes you stay infected because it's a HUGE healing speed debuff (I mean, it's slow healer, duh).
I was disinfecting, re-bandaging, staying clean, eating good- all the stuff. This duo of traits FUCKED ME UP lol
And so.
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He didn't wake up.
His health went up to like half, and then when he was about to wake up the Slow Healer health debuff kicked in and he dropped to 0 and died. Note how he's not a zombie as well, straight up just feedback looped by slow healing a false zombie infection, oof.
This is a touch disappointing tbh. I *think* I like this trait mod.
So many trait mods are superfluous in my opinion. I know how that sounds because I just used the word "superfluous" but I mean it's straight up just the truth lol
I've tried So Many trait packs, all the popular ones, a million you've never tried- so many of them are like "Here's a +1 trait for every skill in the game, here's 15 traits that do nearly nothing or give you a starting item, here's- for some reason- like 4 perks that Break The Entire Fucking Game (We're talking perks that triple your carrying capacity, perks that make a notoriously durable weapon [crowbars] do like 30x the damage so they become the BEST item in the game, we're talking recovering ammo as you shoot it, like, yeah no).
my favorites are the ones that actually add interesting options- for both positive and negative traits- and then don't fuck it up by adding 300 more on top of that.
Also a fan of the "I wanted to give occupations more identity" mods, Occupation expertise does pretty well at that.
Anyways this mod does a pretty good amount- it tries to make "some" occupations have some identity via unique traits applied to them and only them- the fact it's just "some" kinda makes it a lot less interesting but fair play fair play-
it also tries to make negatives more impactful and less "free" and positives more impactful and less "worthless why would you choose this". I LOVE those decisions.
But IDK if I LOVE the mod yet. Like I genuinely like that this combo of traits was so impactful to my play- but I'm not so stoked to see that I basically got locked into a fail state with very little I could do because I got SCRATCHED ONCE while having 2 traits.
Mayhaps it was the working out- but my workout was not affecting me when I died, so seems doubtful. I mean my soreness went away like 1 hour into sleeping and a new soreness was not on the way- if anything I should have had a LOT more wiggle-room for health- not less.
On to the next character lol, I think I'll make another with this same mod pack and just run over to my corpse to continue. Not sure just yet.
Actually you know what probably sealed this. I was trying to ween off cigs. I bet the duo of traits wouldn't have fully killed me if I just cracked and smoked a bit.
So skill issue.
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hauntthenarrative · 11 months
I know it’s probably too late, but can I still make a last-minute pitch to have Mia Fey be the Ace Attorney narrative-haunter representative instead of Gregory Edgeworth? She just fits the trope so much better:
- She is quoted in basically every Ace Attorney game (“always believe in your client”)
- Her beloved plant, which she bought when she got her first office, sits in the corner of the office in every game, and most characters will mention her if you click on it
- Her actions and rivalries are the driving force for the entire plot of Trials and Tribulations, so much so that they needed to do a flashback to when she was still alive for the plot to make sense
Gregory Edgeworth is great and all, but he was relevant for like, three games, two of which are spin-offs. If you’re gonna have an Ace Attoney character who haunts the narrative, it should 100% be Mia instead.
Okay, I considered answering this when the other mod is awake to discuss my response with, but I think I'm the more qualified one to answer (having played AAI2, where Gregory makes his one and only true appearance) so I'm going for it alone. If the other mod wakes up, reads this, and wants to reconsider Mia that's fine, but we have discussed Ace Attorney's inclusion in this tournament, so I'm pretty sure I'm good to go in that respect.
Tl;dr: We will not be replacing Gregory Edgeworth, and have (unfortunately) long since disqualified Mia, despite her getting more submissions than Gregory did. See this post here.
As for my PERSONAL and over-long opinion. Ace Attorney Investigations 2 spoilers are kept as vague as I possibly can, but full spoilers for the first game:
Like we said in the post about it linked above, Mia is LITERALLY haunting the games, but she's not haunting THE NARRATIVE as much as Gregory is. I love her dearly, obviously, and her shadow falls over Phoenix and Maya especially, but she's also literally there as a ghost, which is not what this tournament is about. Yes, I'm aware she's an edge case like some others we accepted (for better or for worse, as we're only human) but her PRESENCE the narrative is there.
(In addition, the narrative doesn't give her weight as much depth, BECAUSE spirit channeling is a thing. I don't think this is a bad thing, but regardless, I personally see it as taking away from her influence on The Narrative.)
Gregory, on the other hand? He's NOT here. His death was the catalyst for the ENTIRE FIRST GAME, and it caused Misty to leave which rippled through the Fey family, eventually causing MIA'S death, and of course everything that happened to Miles Edgeworth after Gregory's death being caused by von Karma's hatred for Gregory.
Mia's flashbacks in T&T are significant, obviously, but she's a ghost, and gets to give her advice right here and now!!
Meanwhile in AAI2, we get a significant flashback case involving Gregory and get to play from his point of view, but the real meat of the case is in the present day over a decade later, dealing with what he left behind. That's HAUNTING THE NARRATIVE very directly since he's still affecting his son, the person he mentored, and more. I don't think brushing off AAI2 as "just a spinoff" is good when Gregory has such a strong influence on both AA1 and AAI2, but also I'm a huge AAI2 fan so take my opinion here with a grain of salt. I'm aware most people haven't actually PLAYED AAI2, so they might brush off Gregory's influence, which is fine tbh, I'll live as long as they're nice about it.
As for your arguments about her being mentioned, that isn't very strong to me, I'm sorry... I think someone needs a more important influence on the plot other than being just mentioned, though the thematic through-line of "always believe in your client" IS haunting the narrative imo, so you have me there. But Mia's real influence is limited to the 3 trilogy games even if she's mentioned afterwards, and Gregory's to AA1 and AAI2 (I'm not sure if you think he has some influence on the first Investigations game, because he doesn't really, unless his son being the protagonist counts?) which is only one number off from each other.
So in my opinion, though Mia may be an edge case who could've gotten in with other circumstances, her being a literal ghost for 3/3 of the games she's important for disqualifies her compared to Gregory, whose influence and death is HUGELY important for two games.
(Also shout out to all the other AA characters who got submitted, especially the ones like Thalassa who we also disqualified ^^ I love them all but obviously spots were limited lol)
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
would you be able to list some ttrpg systems that are best for specific things? or just some that you would recommend with a short little reason or something?
I'm like abt to go backnto bed lol so i dont wanna think out a huge list but here's 3 off the top of my head and ill add more later possibly
1. FATE is my go to reccomendation. It is essentially the open source software of ttrpgs. As long as you have a setting you can pretty much just drop fate into it and have a fun time. And it blends combat well with the rest of the game as opposed to having an entirely separate set of combat mechanics. And it allows for character creation that is flexible to any kind kf concelpt willbwork.
It has a few issues but its so extremely moddable that you can fix those if they bother you. I was even writing my own magic system for it back when i still had ppl to play ttrpgs with lol. But even without modding it's a ton of fun. Oh and also other ppl have written mods for kt you can use.
2. Blades in the Dark is a personal favorite of mine. I often find PBTA-based systems to be lazy but that is not the case here (if u dont know powered by the apocalypse dw about it).
The premise is you play a group of some variety of outlaw (smuggler? Assassin, cultist, etc.) uh idk what id call the setting. Like bloodborne but with ghosts instead of blood. Close to Sunless Sea, if you know that. And the gameplay loop consists of 'planning' heists or other jobs (but ill use heists going forward) going on them, and then working to expand your groups influence and goals in downtime.
I say plan in quotes because you do not in fact plan heists, mostly, though you can prepare for them. Instead bitd has a system i love where you can spend a resource to have 'flashbacks' to your preparation to the heist. So, instead of saying ohh ill bring this and that and this and that and do this beforehand you can be like. Okay flashback we agreed beforehand to have a signal for when ppl were coming. Or flashback i brought my wire cjtters along. It allows flr a heist to work without having to actually successfully plan a heist ahead of time wjich is uh. Basically not really possible to do in ttrpgs and still have an interesting heist. And if the system sound unbalanced trust me there are factors to mitigate abusing it.
Beyond that i do also just find the skill and rolling system fantastic. If you have zero idea what to do but fate sounds dauting to run i think this is rhe way to go
3. Finally this isnt the same vein as dnd but as someone who loves storytelling rpgs i strongly reccomend The Quiet Year. It's a small rpg (one 4 hour session). You take turns essentially simulating and progresding the story of along a small civilization which has been hit hard and is on the brink of collapse. It is very open as well to the point where you end up having created an entirely new setting when you're done with it. There's also games like Microscope but i havent ever actually gotten to play those with ppl lol.
Beyond those if you want a good place to find things Drivethrurpg.com is my go to source. Spend some time clicking around on there and u might find something. Bcuz tbh the real lesson i want to impart when i say dont play dnd isnt 'play this instead'. It's 'there are so many ttrpgs out there, don't just play only one' it's kind of like only playing one video game or board game. Sure you like it but theres so many to try.
Hope this helps! Like i said ill probably add more later.
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neekaxiv · 2 years
A long time ago I used to really enjoy posting on Tumblr, either with my own content or reblogs for character aesthetics.
I loved answering asks and interacting with folks, I met a lot of people who I cherish and consider close friends in the beginning of my Tumblr escapades.
I loved early morning scrolling to find perfect 'Just Neeka Things' to add to my queue. I loved tagging people in things that reminded me of their characters and I smiled like an idiot anytime someone tagged me.
I loved taking the time to be clever with emotes to find a great pose for a screenshot and pair it with a dope ass song.
Hell I even loved the early days of modding I really enjoyed, being able to enhance my character or find a cute / badass outfit.
I even at the drive to extend that joy into my other characters too...Midnight, Nyloree, hell even my ttrpg cleric Mardove.
But all that love started to erode piece by piece.
Even before the mass exodus, I found it increasingly difficult to interact as time went on. More times than not a person who showed interest in RP was only after a quickie release with some ERP and/or they were extremely problematic with their attitude and their characters.
These days, I don't recognize half of the characters I see in screenshots. (Now this is mostly from Twitter but with folks poking their heads back here I'm sure it'll end up being the same) I'll never tell anyone how to play or find enjoyment.... But when your character doesn't even look like it belongs in the setting you're in, then what even is the point?
Why try to be clever with /gpose when a program will do everything for you including any number of poses or drastic body modifications?
I'm a firm believer that modding should be an enhancement of limitations set in character creation, not an entirely different character creation rule set. But again, to each their own.
Even if I had the time and energy to try to get back into my character (which I don't because full time career, grad school, buying my first home, and just generally getting older and being choosy with how my limited free time is spent) I don't think I could ever enjoy it like I used to because of any and all things listed above.
It's a sad thing to come to terms with tbh, but putting it into words does feel like it lifts some of that sadness off my shoulders.
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That post about Artrise is bullshit man, to join the server you just needed a name you wanted to be called (not full name wtf?) and just a profile to prevent bots and spammers (like your dA profile seeing as most people were coming from dA) which is pretty normal in community servers at least ones I've been in
They didn't lose 1k members in a few days that's also a lie, they lost 1k members over a like 9 month hiatus after one of their main staff members (I'm p fuckin sure) straight up died and others lost jobs/homes during the start of the pandemic before there was support available and shit
I saw the shit constant was saying and it was absolutely just fucking trolling the shit out of the page and they were blocked because they were naming and shaming users in the server calling them rude shit, which I'll be honest, if I was an admin, I'd do the same thing because it'd be my priority to protect the users not have people shitting on them publically
They were sat there obsessively commenting on the page just CONSTANTLY while whining that people didn't want to be their friends in the server when they were like openly anti Muslim and "anti progressive" and a covid skeptic that refused to accept that there's gonna be a lot of people who don't wanna deal with someone who's like that
The staff were pretty good at trying to get people to drop topics that caused people to argue and shit but when they did that this guy just complains about being censored, at the same time if the mods didn't step in he'd complain about the mods being useless lol, it's like they can't do shit right by his books
Idk which one of them it was but one of them was also bragging about trolling the artrise page before they got blocked from (and then deleted after so they could play the whiny baby victim card)
Also one of them was threatening to lewd the mascot like it's gonna be a big problem they'd cencor them about which is funny as fuck because I remember a bunch of the staff have joked about how they've been waiting since the begging for someone to horny post canvas lmaoooooooooooooo
They've been super open to criticism, someone lied abt them censoring something about the old design *that they're not even using* (the messages are legit... Still fucking there dudes just use your eyes)
Anyway, last post? Entirely bullshit apart from the minimodding member, but you get that everywhere let's be real, ik the staff have actively discouraged people from engaging with the trolls and shit and I get that. Tbh the server while it was open was pretty decent. Like bits of drama here and there but it was way nicer than a bunch of the other servers I've been in, staff were helpful, members were mostly nice enough past the ones that came in to intentionally stir shit
Mod: Next time submit a post and not an ask novel.
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scriptflorist · 4 years
Hi! I'm looking for information on everything that goes on behind the scenes at a flower exhibtion? Like making backup plans (because things certainly go wrong) and how much time would be needed for every step. Time is also highly essential to my story.
You’reright there is a lot going on there but not necessarily excitingthings. Unless your character is someone directly involved in thecreation process.
Ifthe exhibition is a garden exhibition with lots of planted flowersthe most important thing is to have all the plants ready for theopening ceremony. For safekeeping purposes, a lot of those plants willhave been grown in greenhouses till they were planted in theexhibition fields. At which point they are at the mercy of the region’s climate. So knowing what kind of weather to expect for theweek might certainly be helpful.
Generallyevery good gardener or florist should plan each exhibition piece witha small number of backup plants in mind. Something can always happen,people can also do so much to help nature along. That being said the worst-case scenario might be that parts of the exhibition simplywon’t happen or have to completely replaced with something else onshort notice. Supply and demand don’t always work in favour of thepeople who need it. Your characters may be lucky and find a suitable replacement, but it’snot a given.
Ifit’s a floristic exhibition (which might be combined with a gardenexhibition, they’re often both at once tbh) the same rules applyfor your characters but there might be a little more leeway. Theywill have to plan with a small backup because even the most skilledflorists can break a flower on accident. What I mean by there is moreleeway here is however that florists technically can easier opt forreplacements. Not always and it’s also a matter of whether or notthey were given requirements. But generally, if they don’t need toreplace whole arrangements they can surely wing it. Every goodflorist should be able to knock out some intentions about theirarrangements no matter if they had any in the first place. Peoplejust like to give art meaning and bouquets aren’t exempt from that.
Generallywhat goes on behind the scenes is a lot of creating which takes hoursat a time and may be exciting for some even when all they can do iswatch while others find it boring. That entirely depends on thecharacters involved.
What could possibly happen if the flowers are supplied by the people holding exhibition is that some of them are bruised or otherwise damaged or both. Other than that there might be people who aren’t following the rules of the competition or generally.Making arrangements is a very quiet concentrated process during competitions because everyone is busy focusing on their work.
Here’s our tag about floristic championships that you mightfind interesting since they generally end with exhibitions.
Sincetime is of the essence in your story, how much time do yourcharacters have? Hours, days? Weeks? It does play a role in how wellthey will be able to fix what went wrong.
– ModJana
Thisblog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods arenot responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences ofusing this advice for real world situations or in any way that saidadvice was not intended.
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