scaralvr · 1 year
hehe gonna go to an escape room w my friends to celebrate our friend’s bday😈😈💯
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anonymouscheeses · 9 days
ERIKA HENNINGSEN COMFIRMING MORE EMILY AND CHARLIE INTERACTIONS IN AN INTERVIEW! EEEEE!! I know it's obvious they would meet again but I love that it was confirmed! Let me have this!
RARAR aaaanddd that she's an important role in Charlie's development 😈😈 chaggily confirmed 🗿🗿 /j I'm delusional.... I jsy want jt to be canon soooo bad. And now that it's confirmed Emily will 100% be back..... THERE WILL BE MORE CHAGGILY INTERACTIONS!! maybe not with Vaggie... but I'll be dreaming ☹️ hopefully vaggie will likely be apart of that since she's almost always by Charlie's side. Unless the situation calls for Charlie to be alone somehow Vaggie is there 24/7....... SO....... CHAGGILY CONTENT. THEN I WILL HAVE MORE STUFF TO FEAST ON YESSSS
The interview is by collider ladies night on yt if u wanna watch it its a very fun interview and vivzie has her own on the same channel too! :>
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ryonello · 5 months
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a shrimp fried this rice :3
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hiphopcherrrypop · 8 days
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hai zenji + hi tokyo debunker fandom
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robotlcangel · 23 days
(Link to og post)
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Cant say I like starscream being the villain I really was hoping that the main conflict of season two would be the mia autobots and newly released cons struggling to assimilate with humans and the non mia autobots, like there’s a real big disconnect between the two groups, and the Terrans are just in the middle of it, especially if the mia autobots sympathize with the decepticons and have an aversion to the active autobots, I really thought we would finally have a tf piece of media that would finally stop the “starscream is always destined for being evil” especially with how he has a connection with hashtag and genuinely cares for her, but no starscream is a probably gonna be a mid villain, the ONLY role where it would be interesting if star was the villain is if his schemes are against the autobots and especially megatron how how heavily persecuted the cons are and that they had to fight to barely survive especially if they didn’t want to be in jail, I just hope they do something interesting, like humans having civil unrest because cons are being “accepted” in to society and them protesting it, I would be even better if this persecution and fear mongering affected the autobots and Terrans. Also it literally make no sense for them to be attacking the maltos THEY LITERALLY JUST HELPED THEM FIGHT MANDROID, maybe starscream is having a manic episode or megatron did something to really piss him off
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But if the evildoings of the cons is just them doing childish bs then I’ll gladly watch that
Also nightshade is not mentioned once all the rest of the malto kids are but not them
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which if their by the wayside that will be really disappointing because imo they are like the most interesting Terran and the one who has the most opportunity for character growth, especially with how open minded they are, this either mean they become a minor character (which would just be bad writing and a wasted opportunity) or the become a decepticon, AND THEY TOTALLY SHOULD IT WOULD BE SO INTERESTING IF THEY WERE ISOLATED EVEN MORE FROM THEIR FAMILY BECAUSE THEY ARE A DECEPTCON, please con nightshade 🙏🙏🙏
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(This will be them in season two)
Also also this seems like a very hashtag heavy season which I am very excited about especially because she’s has cool ass powers and she’s my second fav (nightshade will always be my number one ☝️☝️☝️🔥🔥🦅🦅) and I think why it’s hashtag centric season is because starscream is the main villain, and she’s one of like 5? People he likes and seeing someone she’s close too be all evil and shit will probably fuck her up even more.
So in conclusion all I wish for is for lesbian and decepticon nightshades, windblade(PLEASE), and for starscreams motivations to be interesting
The only thing I can do is be hopeful 🙏🙏
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edenfire · 3 months
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🔪❤️ jokers enraged! I kind of like it ❤️🔪
I have a limited amount of new 5x7 shuake prints up in my etsy if you'd like to nab them👀🌸
they're both holographic, so they're nice and sparkly!!🌟
also, if you would like the corners rounded on your prints, just leave a note when you place your order! ( ^ v ^)/💗
> my shop <
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scopophobia-polaris · 2 months
To be fair, I am not sure whether or not Tiny will have a closer association with that keaton mask (honestly I've been worried about encroaching too much on Timie's vibe) but, well, hopefully you don't mind him in your inbox. Timie is delightful by the way!
I have finally lured you into my ask box to publicly ask you more about him
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lyrakanefanatic · 2 months
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It’s so obvious it’s “cut to the grayson section immediately”
btw is she saying cut some lyra dialogue/whatever she’s cutting from lyras pov to get to hers and graysons dialogue bc gray doesn’t have a povvvv 🤭🤭🤭
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gio-cosmo · 24 days
Guess who just bought a keychain of the Jin-eating-burger photo that I won’t stfu about!!!
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superbellsubways · 27 days
ok im Crazy. Assorted things i've thouvht abt the past couple of weeks....
coppy slowly beginning to grow accustomed to clippy's family and then oscillo gets brought into the mix, and since he doesn't trust oscillo alone Ever and he doesn't wanna hire a babysitter because Oscillo would kill them so he's forced to take oscillo with him. he gives him a tiny prep talk beforehand like. little man i need you to do this for me Please don't make them Hate me and hes like Ok Whatever ....
oscillo would gey overwhelmed i imagine bc he'd be able to keep up The act of being a helpless kid in fromt of one or two people but clippy's family Including coppy .. and also just being around a lot of people he doesnt know in general. He'd shutdown and hide behind coppy the whole time but eventually gets curious abt clippy's siblings. #Autism
i 'm drawing new refs for them btw !!! so that'll be fun and theyre both cute so i wannw try and draw them more but ANYWAYS i think they'd be friends. kevin would take him out to the nearby liquor store and stephanie would like. give him her old stuffies and they'd watch movies together. Also regarding the two siblings I think they'd generallt be on good terms with eachother?? OFC W THE classic sibling tropes such as. Hating eachother. stealing their food. and i. idk i'm an only child but i think thats pretty much it. ..
also enjoying milk probably runs in the family. being annoying too. they all probably yap so much. ..
also clippy's the oldest obvs... stephanie is the middle child and kevin's the youngest 😁😁 they both would love oscillo i think despite his Quirks and hes all happy bc he's never really interacted w other kids who weren't kind of fucked over by other viruses so hes all smiley and warm and I imagine he purrs like a cat and like. vibrates. idk oscillo is cat coded to me Meeooww meeoow m
also Yk hiw they have those toy guns at liquor stores. i feel like kevin would buy them for him and oscillo and EPIC PRANK CLIPPY !!!!! SHOOT THE FREAK SHOOT THE FREAK SHO
kevin and oscillo both like annoying ppl too they'd be insufferable together. kevin is also probably a bad influence LOL but he'd try his best to not. idk. Get oscillo into smoking 😭😭
also kevin sleeps w his hat on OKAY BYE THATS IT BYE AAAHHH AAHH AAHH!!!!!!
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OK finally getting to this i was smiling so so wide reading through this last night btw AUUUUU 🥹🥹
everything is soooo freaking cutes,😭😭😭😭😭😭 do you want me to explode.. 😭 oscillo finally making friends via clippys family ill die. smile 🥹ALSO the comic u added EEP!!!!!!! i cant even formulate proper sentences rn sorry i wanna scream and run aroumd 😭 i heart them so bad❤️ OKAYYY!!!!!!!!!
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fleshdyke · 9 months
i think i have a pretty good chance at getting this job… im so excited
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cynical-cemeteries · 1 month
ahilam solas better look good i’ve heard so much about her 😭😭😭 I WANNA KNOWWW
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c6jpg · 2 months
4.6 yes 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
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yxstxrdrxxm · 5 months
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I guess I can say that I've missed a lot XD (again?! ;; why do I leave at the worst times ever??? lmaoo)
Honestly, you missed probably a few things than the boss 😔 but it's okay Shiro, pat pat on the head. You're doing great man.
(tbh there's also portraits for Cupid and Eros. I haven't shown them off yet, but I plan on it soon lol)
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iloveuok · 29 days
kendrick is fucking great. I've been listening to him for a few years now and I'm obsessed with his delivery.
i love him sm, i listened through DAMN a few months ago because i really liked DNA and humble and then finally today i was like yeah alright ill listen to the diss tracks and fucking.
euphoria is CRAZY. and then following that up with meet the grahams and not like us??????
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onlyhuis · 1 month
just took my last final i'm officially done w the semester everybody cheered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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