#Idia got triggered by the last question
justamegafan · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #10
Child’s Curiosity
Grim: Why’s the sky blue?
Idia: Oh that’s a good question! When light enters the earths atmosphere blue waves scatter the most, so that’s what we see
Grim: And why does the moon have all those spots?
Idia: Aw, because of craters and volcanic planes
Grim: Where do we go when we die?
Idia (Awkward): …Oh, uhm… well-
Grim: And why do bad things happen to good people?
Idia: Uhh-
Grim: And also, why do you wear the same thing all the time?
Idia: What? (Looks at his outfit) I don’t- Uhh-
Grim: -Do you ever go outside?
Idia: U-Uhh yes, I-I do-
Grim: Why is it so dusty in here?
Idia: It is? What-?
Grim: Do you ever notice you walk REALLY weird?
Idia: W-what?
Grim: Why’s your head on fire?
Idia: Uhm-
Grim: Why do you buy things and never use them?
Idia: Okay, look-!
Grim: Why do you stay up so late?
Idia: Listen-
Grim: Why do you order food all the time?
Idia: Hey-
Grim: Can’t you cook? Y/N at least knows how to make some good grub
Idia: Hold on-!
Grim: Why aren’t you married yet?
Idia (Throws Grim out of his room):
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 6 months
What if the overblot boys were somehow affected by the blot, and they can turn into those forms(while still being in control of themselves). It’s not harming them its just the lot literally now a part of them after well, you can’t just go into an overblot and reverting back without some uhhh repercussions.(imagine Riddle accidentally triggers it cause his lack of sleep and accidentally scares Ace and Deuce with it. Or Jamil accidentally got his snake hair from overblot form hissing at a bunch of people)
Ps, imagine the previous overblot just fighting current overblot in the main story(Riddle using overblot form to beat Leona’s overblot, and than Overblot Leona beats up Azul’s overblot, and than Azul’s beats Jamil’s, etc etc. I think the only exception to that case would be Idia’s overblot where literally it’s all the overblot boys at the time fighting Overblot Idia)
Ya know... I did debate that a few times. :v
I had Blot change au and king of the blots au going on in this territory and debating the idea, for the sole purpose that it would be an epic af fight. :v
Well for starters, there have to be some criteria that is checking when this new form is triggered:
The overBlot boy is fully stuck in this form for a few days post being defeated at first, mostly so that it can settle in the new transformation
The transformation is triggered by extreme emotions or high levels of fatigue, where our Boi in question is either held at gunpoint or is so tired, his eyebags could rival prada's. :P
Once triggered, the transformation lasts until the Boi in question rests down properly.
During the transformation, the magic pen can turn at will into a complementary weapon
Also during the transformation, our Boi has more highened senses and much more stamina.
Now with those out of the way, on with the blots:
Our first victim is, of course, none other than Riddle. Imagine poor boy waking up, absolutely confused, only to be punched in the face by Ace, who didn't know at that time that Riddle was fully sane and aware again. Ya know... To make sure. :'3
Apparently he was still in the overBlot form, which yes, he is absolutely scared by his new appearance. Trey is quick to take him and try to calm him down because everything was literally so hectic and everyone was so confused that it did not help anyone that Riddle was crying his eyes out when everything daunted over him.
For a few days, Riddle had a medical pass to cover for his absence at lessons. Trey, Cater or even Adeuce did drop by his room to check on him. Riddle allowed them in, but it was pretty awkward.
Until Ace decides that enough is enough and decides to have the ✨talk✨ with Riddle. Basically telling him straight on his face how everything is absolutely ridiculous and naturally everyone is scared, but this also is up to Riddle's capacity to better himself. Like put sum effort in understanding the other one, not simply following some ridiculous rules to justify for being an ass. He is still salty for the whole tart refusal, so he still expects Riddle to make him a nice tart as compensation for the hell he was put through.
This seems to make Riddle smile, which was a new one lately, and slowly, he turns back to normal as he accepts to serve to Ace a nice big tart as a compensation.
They are buddies now. :3
After that, we have chapter 2, where we get Riddle fuming worse than a firework on the verge of bursting out. That, of course, when Ruggie steals his magic pen.
That's when we see the overBlot form come back, much to the surprise of everyone. But Riddle still was Sande, there was no Phanthom, no floating ominously and apparently Ruggie was slowed down when Riddle's pen turned into a rapier, which gave Riddle enough time to catch up and get Ruggie, much to the horror of the poor hyena Boi, who had 0 idea that this was how Riddle's overBlot looked like. :'D
Cue overBlot Leona occurring later down the line and an epic fight in between Overblots. Riddle should pick up fencing.
Now we have Leona too in the group. Suffer, I guess. :3
Leona's overBlot return comes in book 3, when Azul also overblots. His weapon of choice was a spear. :D
Now Azul, who was absolutely overwhelmed by the situation, he has spontaneous transformations. And being so embarrassed, he usually runs off to hide and calm down. More than a few times Azul fell on the floor due to the tentacles. :'3
His weapon at least, it's a trident. Which is a pretty cool looking. :3
When Jamil occurs and everyone is dokkaned, we also have Azul in his own overBlot form which is why he is also swimming on his own, or more like latching onto the twins to be dragged as well.
Unlike Azul, Jamil has very few moments when he actually involuntarily transforms. Kalim always has on hand sum snacks for the snake in Jamil's hair and the reptiles came to take a liking on Kalim much to Jamil's dismay. 'No, we are supposed to not like this guy'. His weapon is a staff.
Dealing with Vil was pretty easy when you had overBlot Jamil dokkaning Vil in a wall. :'3
Vil tho, has very little time to even comprehend the situation before book 6 comes crashing on everyone. But he likes his weapon: a pretty hand knife. Ya know to be discret. :3
Now for Idia... Hohoho... Idia is a whole other can of worms since you have 5 Overblots fighting him. :3
And also he stays a few days post that in STIX, mostly to rebuild Ortho, deal with the overBlot form and also deal with his parents nagging him. (imagine Mrs Shroud nagging an overBlot Idia and Ortho next to him, both with their head down and embarrassed)
Idia also follows Azul in the category of spontaneous transformations. And even worse for him, his weapon is a sword, which means he has to learn how to use it, which implies that Idia will have to do sum PE :'3
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Routes
So, I’m really indecisive about who Tsukiko’s love interest should be so I came up with this in order to solve my problem
Introducing. . .
Character Routes!
Yes, routes like in dating sim games. But first I want to say, this whole route system isn’t supposed to be the focus of Tsukiko’s story. The actual game story comes first and the romance aspect is more of a background thing, and only changes some aspects of the main storyline
General Route & Routes
Before the routes start, there’s the general route. This is the Prologue and it ends before Book 5 starts
So what moment triggers the story to deviate into routes?
Well, after Jack rejects Tsukiko (Seen in this post) Tsukiko goes to someone to talk out their problems. The person they go to talk to is typically the same as the route they’re on but there are exceptions:
For Jack’s route, Tsukiko talks to the other First Years
For Idia’s route, Tsukiko talks to Ortho
I also want to add that not all routes are romantic! There are actually a few platonic routes
Ortho’s route is about Tsukiko becoming like another older sibling to him
Lilia’s route is about Tsukiko finding a mentor/father figure that shows them that actually split their attention between his kids
And then there’s the non-character specific route, which I like to call the NRC Route
This route focuses on building friendships with not only the other students, but the staff as well. In this route, after Tsukiko gets rejected, they talk to the staff and Grim who notice that they’ve been feeling down and doing bad in their classes. The staff then help Tsukiko build better friendships and connections while helping them get over their heartbreak
All routes have to come to an end. But there are 2 types of endings. Dramatic and Romantic
All endings start the same. Tsukiko finds a way home and the day before they’re set to leave, they talk to the person whose route they’re on. And then the day they’re supposed to leave, everyone gathers around to say their goodbyes
The Dramatic End happens if Tsukiko decides to go back to their home. The Romantic happens if Tsukiko decides last minute to not go home and instead, chooses to stay in Twisted Wonderland (Also a note, in platonic routes, Romantic Ending turns into Friendship Ending) 
The routes also have after endings!
In the Dramatic After Ending, Tsukiko is at their home in their home world. They hear the voice of the person whose route they’re on calling out to them. They follow their voice when suddenly they once again see the horse-drawn carriage that got them to Twisted Wonderland the first time. They close their eyes and when they open them again, they’re back at NRC
In the Romantic/Friendship After Ending, with the help of the person whose route they’re on plus their friends, Tsukiko finds a way to jump between worlds
The after endings take place more than a few months after the ending
This is all the information I have on the routes concept so far! This may be updated later on while more story is released, but for now, this is it
If you have any questions of wanna hear about a character’s route in more detail, send me an ask!
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Oooh I saw requests are opened and first thing I see is Hu Tao and I'm ballistic rn, but can I request Idia with a s/o that acts like paimon
Lol emergency food >:333
But seriously, iconic.
Just loves food, a supportive person (?), tbh pretty good insult names, VERY honest, bubbly and outgoing!
You can sometimes be very naive, and can come across as rude.
Anyways, for that description, hope you enjoy ^^
TWST Bubbly but Blunt Companion, s/o (Paimon)
Idia Shroud
I like how your personality,
comes with side 
to be in contrast with Idia’s shut in and unsociable personality.
Two completely different people,
but you know what they say,
opposites attract, right?
I like to think you’re very straight forward in criticizing Idia’s way of living.
“Your room looks like my Uncle’s garage, there’s literally garbage everywhere-”
And he may feel personally attacked-
but he also understands.
Now looking at his room, it kinda is in a mess-
b r u h-
And you’re constant bubbly attitude to encourage him and “constructive” criticism,
helps him to get out of his comfort zone.
In a good way.
He’s got a better and healthier environment,
he knows how to manage his time with Ortho,
he’s even got to know how to MAKE BREAKFAST FOR ONCE.
You think he’ll cook while roasting the bacon with his hair?
Technically IS fire, right???-
U M-
Idia is pretty grateful for that as he reflects.
You are really adorable, you know? <3
Ace Trappola
They dynamic
of a rival ship.
Your blunt and straightforward insults,
leads to Ace becoming irritated by you,
much like how you’re irritated by his “ass” attitude.
So much is going on between you two.
But honestly,
no matter how annoyed he is with you,
he’s always beside you,
much like how you remain his companion 
along with Deuce and Grim.
But even when those two aren’t around to cool you both down,
you are both just stuck together like glue,
never leaving the other’s company.
Your constant bickering is something he realized makes his day a little more vibrant,
while you admit the constant troubles he stirs and drag you in, 
makes your day a lot more thrilling
maybe a little traumatic-
but either way,
he can’t let go of your company.
He can’t let go of you.
And when the time comes,
he’ll one day have the guts to admit he likes you more than just his friendly companion. <3
Riddle Rosehearts
Oh god-
You thought Ace was annoyed?
Riddle is 
by your blunt self-
B r u h-
You insult him
Intentionally or unintentionally,
it really cuts his ego as a dorm leader, a student, and a person at the best.
And he wouldn’t accept that.
Not until after his overblot events.
That he started to be a little more forgiving,
he sees that you encourage him to keep persisting,
and carry on his hard work to becoming a better dorm leader,
and have a better sense of character.
And you told him constantly,
though more like nagging-
that it’s okay to spoil himself every once in a while.
And to be honest,
he never expected that from you.
He thought you were as salty as Ace rude much-
But, he’s glad.
He’s glad he found someone like you to change him, and support him. <3
Trey Clover (I CAN’T LEAVE HIM OUT-)
You’re very blunt as you can see-
You commented very bluntly,
“Why are you taking orders from a guy (Riddle) like him? Isn’t that really submissive of you?? (sub Trey?? I mean- impossible, but 0-0)
Trey was...
a little taken aback by your comment.
He wasn’t expecting to hear that from you.
But, most of your blunt comments,
made him reflect on himself.
A... baking maniac????
let’s exclude the last one-
he reflects and ponders if that’s what other people think of him.
I guess you can say,
you’ve sort of shape his attitude.
He still obeys what Riddle says,
but if he sees that if it’s unsafe,
he won’t hesitate to question Riddle (politely-)
or like his work,
he would admit how he truly feels,
most of it to you.
And you eat so much of his pastries tbh I would too-
And you openly support him and comfort him, like the true companion you are.
Honestly, without you, he wouldn’t have been feeling so much better.
Please stay with him. <3 YES SIR-
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lovee-infected · 3 years
This is a weird thought, but what do you think the state of mental health treatment is in the TWST universe. We joke about Yuu being the school counselor, but the fact there isn't one at the school always struck me as odd. Not only that, some of the characters show some signs of mental health issues. Leona shows signs of depression. Idia might have an anxiety disorder. Jamil shows signs of PTSD-C. Silver has Narcolepsy. That's not the half of it. p1
Tumblr media
Now this is a very interesting idea to discuss anon! I've seen this discussion regarding twst guys' mental health being brought up before so I'd like to get into the details. I guess I'd better use some real life references as well to clear my point!
First off, about the school counselor, do they even exist? Well although there was nothing mentioned about NRC having a counselor, I'd say that they most likely do because there's one in almost any school, and NRC as well is a famous and well-known school so lack of crucial school facilities such as having a counselor is far from mind. But the problem is, having a counselor isn't going to change everything.
Let me give you an example, during school and middle school I got to see plenty of other students having mental illnesses, serious issues, anxiety and enormous traumas. But not all of them had their way to the counselor's office, dare to say most of them didn't even try to talk to anyone including the counselor. And that's why having a counselor isn't enough; there's no point in there being a counselor if the students themselve don't go to them.
Now let's talk about the boys' mental state itself. We all agree that not all of them are in a pleasant mental status, from the severe results of their past lifes and hard childhoods to their unhealthy personality and manners. Some of them are dangerously manipulative (ex: Jade, Rook), some can be quite heartless and sadistic at the time (ex: Azul, Riddle, Leona), some are known for openly sadistic, causing troubles and injuring the rest if the students (ex: Ruggie) and some are found to be in pain because of their unwanted past and childhood traumas last. (ex: Leona, Idia, Azul) and lots of more cases you can name.
The biggest problem with such severe cases is how they seem to be totally unaware of their unhealthy acts. They've got a villainous nature too in general, so even if they feel like there's something wrong with what they're doing they won't necessary go to a counselor or ask for help in general. This is something quite common in real life as well because most of those who're struggling with mental issues are either unaware of it or unwilling to let anyone help them with it.
But since it's twst and NOT the real world which we're talking about...we should keep this in mind thaf they weren't supposed to be good in the first place!
I mean- just think of the game's official quote: "Welcome to Villains world", they were presented as students who have souls of the villains from the very beginning what else shouldd we expect to get-? LOL. Incomplete characters, not totally pure souls and dirty deeds are a totally expected concept to be found in the game, so we can't really question their unhealthiness because...this is how they were supposed to be all this time! Unhealthy just like villains but with more plot this time.
Well let's not forget that technically, all of the students in NRC are partly evil, otherwise they would've been sorted in other schools like RSA (Kalim and Lilia are the exceptions here, Kalim's father's money enabled him to enter NRC and Lilia technically came to NRC for Malleus, not that he needed to learn anything in NRC though).
The main thing that is making these twisted villains interesting is how they are being presented as students going to a school just like a normal teenager, the ability to make the audience relate and feel like they've been in character's shoes before makes it way more enjoyable than a gave which just throws some handsome villains with far from imagination background and unbelievable stories.
Idia would be a perfect example for this point, his design is legitimately showing what most of the teenagers look like these days. From wearing hoodies all the time and spending most of their time online to lack of real life communicating and having a low self-esteem.
We aren't going to talk about Idia now but that's basically what is happening with him, you can hear many fans saying: "I like Idia! He's such a mood" or "Man I couldn't relate to Idia anymore... He's just me" and many other compliments that show how this ability to relate to Idia and understand what it feels like to be him has made him considerably popular!
Same goes for other characters, most of them are designed to have belivable backgrounds and stories therefore which makes it very easy to relate to them. Most of them had to go through a hard time back in childhood, and so did many of us humans. From being bullied to having family issues, twst is trying to attach fans by showing how the characters have gone through the same pain as them. They aren't trying to hide that dark and unhealthy side, they want us fans to see it and feel what the characters feel.
They are indeed twisted villains because they aren't just designed to be evil; the most important part of their design is their personality and character development, they used something more than hot appearances and charming designs to make people all over the world fall for twst, they wanted the fans to feel genuinely and mentally attached to the characters as well.
Imagine going through the same trauma as Azul: being bullied as a child. It's a very common thing to happen during one's childhood yet the damage would remain for years, so when characters like Azul are being focused on, the audience can feel much better to see how that unfairness and cruelty isn't being shallowed anymore. None of our twst characters boys are perfect, and that imperfection is the main purpose of this game!
They aren't going to tell lies and give us some picture-perfect villains and all, they're going to tell us the story of the evil souls who were once pure; just as people say: “No one is born evil.” Humans can relate to the pain way more than they can relate to thr happiness, and this is what makes Twst brilliant. They aren't scared to show us that imperfection and incompleteness and once again, remind us all that no body is perfect.
Twst has used irl triggers and traumas in its character design, they crested twisted villains whom you can relate to, understand, feel attached to and love!
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