#I’m a good cook
justamegafan · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Incorrect Quote #10
Child’s Curiosity
Grim: Why’s the sky blue?
Idia: Oh that’s a good question! When light enters the earths atmosphere blue waves scatter the most, so that’s what we see
Grim: And why does the moon have all those spots?
Idia: Aw, because of craters and volcanic planes
Grim: Where do we go when we die?
Idia (Awkward): …Oh, uhm… well-
Grim: And why do bad things happen to good people?
Idia: Uhh-
Grim: And also, why do you wear the same thing all the time?
Idia: What? (Looks at his outfit) I don’t- Uhh-
Grim: -Do you ever go outside?
Idia: U-Uhh yes, I-I do-
Grim: Why is it so dusty in here?
Idia: It is? What-?
Grim: Do you ever notice you walk REALLY weird?
Idia: W-what?
Grim: Why’s your head on fire?
Idia: Uhm-
Grim: Why do you buy things and never use them?
Idia: Okay, look-!
Grim: Why do you stay up so late?
Idia: Listen-
Grim: Why do you order food all the time?
Idia: Hey-
Grim: Can’t you cook? Y/N at least knows how to make some good grub
Idia: Hold on-!
Grim: Why aren’t you married yet?
Idia (Throws Grim out of his room):
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luanneclatterbuck · 1 year
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Bre’fes turned out pretty ok
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lesbiciousbeginnings · 3 months
When you’ve been cooking for long enough, you stop making recipes and start making “shit in a skillet” and “whatever soup”
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r-aindr0p · 9 months
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✨Bon appétit ✨
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your Jeremy seems like the kinda guy that, when he first sees scoop'd Michael, just goes "yooo sick dude!"
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YOU GET IT… I’M GLAD y’all get and like Jeremy,,
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spicyet · 4 months
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Not done with the page or fic, but here’s a lil peek
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littler0b1n · 2 months
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Some submas doodles to show that I’m still in fact alive and that these silly train men are still invading every train of thought
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nottheeconomy · 6 months
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Let him cook!!!
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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Please excuse my attempt at being funny
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blended-ice · 5 months
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Katsudon Piroshki!
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caelanglang · 1 year
when they started to fall, it never stopped : skk
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ozzgin · 20 days
Ozz :(
I haven't eat in 18+ hours. Can you hand feed me your favourite dish? You have to or else I refuse to eat at all ;-;
I got you anon, don’t worry. Ignore the fire trucks outside, they must be doing some training drills.
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luanneclatterbuck · 2 years
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I made myself pad Thai tonight. I forgot to scramble the egg into it so I just fried one in chili oil.
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amethystsoda · 3 months
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Let’s goooooooo!!! 😤🍙
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my best onigiri attempt yet! They held together this time bc I got the right short grain rice and let it cool down properly!
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I also did a quick homemade pickle with watermelon radishes (the color is all natural from the radish!)
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robbed-ghost · 2 years
Bruce can’t cook for shit but for the last 30+ years he’s perfected the art of secretly seasoning Alfred’s bland British food from right under his nose.
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kissnpunch · 6 months
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we have new hints of q!roier after all these days, i’m gonna share what i can see after clearing a little bit the photos (photos from roier’s twitter btw), he wants us to know something more about his situation but not too much to find the real answer.
first, this is before the kidnap because his physical state is pretty good, q!roier said he was building something, doing something to find answers and find the islanders who were left in the egg island, that’s what the antenna is for. then there is some details i like to include but maybe is not the big deal, for example; q!roier view like what were you watching? the floor or a computer? because he’s sitting there in a black base, q!roier has experience with technology, we know this because he knew sofia and cucuruchito, this is part of something more that maybe got him in trouble.
and of course, the bad weather is a symbol on the quesadilla island for something bad is going to happen.
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i don’t know if the place is something important, or the perspective, after all if someone caught him doing that then they have to destroy any evidence to avoid any probability to another islander find this. this is not like the federation photos because this perspective is too close, these photos are for the spectators.
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