#It wasn't until late that I decided 'maybe a little relaxed-?' and it's like. Wait now. This is nice. I'm going to keep it
runefactorynonsense · 8 months
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Cozytober - Day 12 - Sweater
See? I told you it'd look good!
16 notes · View notes
wholoveseggs · 3 months
hello gorgeous! i got another idea! How about reader going through a divorce where the husband is really an arrogant asshole, permanently making fun of her etc. And then she meets Elijah, and they start getting close and he helps her gain her confidence back and shows her how she should be treated. And maybe a few months later, after the divorce, she meets the ex-husband somewhere again and he tries to humiliate her again but Elijah is there and he puts him in his place. Smut is very much welcomed. 🫶🏻
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I hate Antoinette, but they were hot together
18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
Your marriage causes you to feel trapped and worthless. Until you meet a handsome stranger at a café and he shows you how much more you can be.
♡♡ Thanks for the request lovely @msveronicag, I hope you enjoy it! ♡♡
5.8k words - Warnings: angsty, smutty, reader has low self-esteem, husband is verbally & financially abusive, cheating, car sex, Elijah being a bit of a rascal.
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When you first got together with John, he was just so charming and you couldn't help but fall for him. It was hard to say no to him, and you were in a haze of love for a long time. He was such an extrovert, loud and funny, and you felt like you couldn't live without him.
But over the course of your marriage things started to change, his mask slipping and showing the real John underneath. At first it was just a comment here and there, you told yourself he was just having a bad day, but then it just kept getting worse.
The day you stopped loving him, was the day he had a bad day at work and decided to take it out on you. You cooked his favorite dinner, trying to make him feel better, and when he came home, he told you to order takeout instead. You were in the middle of making it, so you just told him it would be done soon, and tried to ignore him.
He took the food and threw it in the sink, and started yelling. You were so stunned, you just stood there and let him. He said the most terrible things, telling you how worthless and pathetic you were, that no one would ever want you if they knew you were like this.
A part of you started to believe him, because no matter how hard you tried to be a good wife, you just weren't. John was so kind and charming to everyone else, so it clearly had to be your fault.
You slowly stopped talking to your friends and family, you were probably annoying them anyways.
John eventually cheated on you, and then you found out he was cheating with multiple women. He would disappear for days at a time, off with someone else. You didn't even care, you didn't love him anymore.
Abuse is insidious like that, you become numb to it all, your brain normalizes it to help you cope, until you don't realize that you are being abused. Until you think it's your fault...
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You woke to the sound of yelling, your usual alarm clock these days. John was a loud and obnoxious man, and he had no problem screaming at you whenever the mood struck him.
Today's argument was over you sleeping in. You wanted to stay in bed for a little longer, and John couldn't stand to wait another moment. So he went ahead and had to make his own breakfast, and then came upstairs to berate you.
"You really are a lazy slob! I bet you didn't do any of the laundry either. Get up and clean the house!"
You slowly got out of bed, lately your coping mechanism was ignoring him. If you didn't say anything perhaps he wouldn't yell at you. It wasn't a great coping mechanism, but it was the only thing keeping you sane.
"Are you fucking stupid? Answer me!" John yelled as you walked into the bathroom, closing the door in his face.
That didn't stop him, he yelled through the door, and you turned on the shower. Perhaps you would stand there for an hour, just to piss him off.
Just when you started to relax under the warm water he started banging on the door.
"You've been in there too long, wasting the water I pay for. Get out!"
You didn't have a job, because John told you he would take care of you. You were young and naive, you learned the hard way that being financially beholden to any man was a bad idea.
You finally turned off the shower and dried off. You put on a baggy shirt and sweats, and opened the door. He was gone, probably downstairs watching tv.
You got dressed and headed to your craft room, you spent a lot of time in there. You enjoyed painting intricate scenes on canvases, it was the only thing that gave you joy anymore.
When you painted, your mind would go completely blank, and you would lose yourself in the art. Sometimes you would paint for hours and not even notice.
You put on some music and started working on a landscape. You didn't realize how much time passed until the door opened.
John must of had a day off work because he was still home, he usually left by this time. He stood there and watched you for a moment.
"I'm bored and hungry. Make me lunch."
"I'm not your maid. Make it yourself," you mumbled, not taking your eyes off the canvas.
"Why the fuck do you even waste your time with that? Do you think anyone cares about your mediocre shit?" He snapped.
He's right, no one would care about your paintings, even if you shared them. You weren't that talented, it was purely a form of escape. But a small part of you dreamed of being able to sell your artwork and live off the income.
You set down your paintbrush and sighed.
"I don't do it to show off, I do it because I enjoy it. It calms my mind and makes me happy," you answered.
He laughed, a cruel and mocking sound. He had no appreciation for art or culture, he only cared about money and power. He stepped forward and ripped the canvas off the easel, and started tearing it to pieces.
"How's that for making you happy? Do you still want to paint? Be a famous artist? Real Picasso you are!" He sneered, laughing at his own joke.
You didn't want him to see you cry, so you just got up, grabbed your things and walked out of the house. You felt so weak, such a pushover, unable to defend yourself against his cruelty. A little voice in your head told you that you deserved it, no one knew you better than John, so if he said you were worthless and pathetic, then you must be.
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There was a cafe near your house, you always went there when John was being too much for you to handle. It was a cute little spot that doubled as a vintage book store. Dark wooden bookshelves that went from floor to ceiling, plants in every corner and a cozy seating area with large comfortable couches and chairs. It also displayed paintings from local artists on its walls, you enjoyed the ambiance of the place, it made you feel at peace. You would buy a coffee and sit in there for hours reading.
You had seen the same man there a couple times, and his striking appearance caught your eye. His dark hair was perfectly styled, his brown eyes piercing, and his strong jawline was covered in stubble. There was something about him that drew you in, but you were far too shy to ever approach him. What would you even say to a man like that? Hey, I think you a stupidity beautiful? Is the book you're reading good? What do you do for fun? It all sounded so pathetic in your head, so you stayed away.
You noticed that he was always nice and polite to the waitresses and he tipped generously. You wondered if he was like John, that it was all just a facade and that he was secretly cruel underneath his mask of civility. But his face was always soft, his voice gentle, and the way he held the door open for other people gave you hope that he was a genuinely nice man.
You would never see him in anything other than a three piece suit, which was unusual for this neighborhood. His dark blue, or sometimes black suits, fit him so well and complemented his skin tone. He wore crisp white shirts and you could tell he was muscular underneath, not bulky, but lean.
You would sip on your coffee, reading, and stealing glances of him out of the corner of your eye. It was probably pathetic, but the way he looked and carried himself made you feel good, so you let yourself.
One day as you were reading your book, you noticed him reading the same book. Perhaps it was the extra espresso shot you added to your coffee or the fact that it was the first sunny day in weeks, but you found the courage to get up and introduce yourself.
"Hey, uh, I see you have excellent taste in books," you smiled at him, your heart fluttering when he made eye contact. You fought the urge to run away, his gaze was intense, but not harsh.
"It seems you do as well," he returned the smile, his voice was like velvet. He gestured to the seat across from him. "Please, join me."
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you sat down, trying your best to maintain eye contact and not blush.
"What made you choose this particular book?" He asked, gesturing at it.
"Honestly, the cover. The art style is really appealing," you told him, blushing a bit. The way he was looking at you made your breath catch in your throat.
"Interesting, I thought the same thing." He chuckled, closing his book and holding out his hand. "I'm Elijah, by the way."
"Y/N," you introduced yourself, taking his hand and shaking it.
"What do you think of it?" He asked, leaning back in his armchair, your gaze lingered on his arms as he crossed them.
"What?" You said, feeling your cheeks heating up. Why did you have to be so stupid all the time?
"The book, what do you think of the book?" He chuckled, tilting his head and smiling.
You talked about the book, the writing, the characters, and how you thought it was going to end. You ended up talking for hours, he was easy to talk to. You found yourself getting more and more relaxed around him.
Elijah had this aura about him, an air of confidence that was oddly comforting. He was polite and charming, with only a hint of a mysterious accent that intrigued you.
"I can't believe we've been sitting here for so long," you laughed. "I didn't mean to keep you, I'm sure you have other places to be."
"No, I have nowhere I need to be, I'm enjoying your company," he said softly. You noticed his gaze lingered on your lips.
You glanced down at your watch and saw that it was nearly 11pm. "Wow, I should go, my husband is probably wondering where I am." You got up and dug around in your purse to pay the bill.
"I would love to see you again," Elijah said as you pulled out your wallet. "Here, let me." He pulled out his own wallet and handed the waitress some cash.
A giddy, almost school girlish, smile spread across your face. "Oh, okay. Thank you, that would be great." You stuttered a bit, blushing and putting your wallet away.
"Have a lovely night," he said softly, getting up and kissing the back of your hand.
Your heart fluttered, and you couldn't wipe the silly grin off of your face as you left. You hadn't felt this feeling in so long, and the thought of seeing him again filled you with joy.
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The next few weeks felt like a dream, every day you would go to the cafe and read. You would sit in Elijah's section, and after a while he would show up and sit across from you, drinking his coffee.
"I hope I'm not interrupting," he said the first time. "I just enjoy your company."
"You're not interrupting," you blushed, putting your book down. "I enjoy your company as well."
As time went on, the conversations got more and more personal. He asked about your job, your life, and your husband. You didn't want to talk about John, it was hard to admit you had been in a bad marriage for so long. You told him a little, about how you both fell out of love, and were basically roommates.
Elijah would listen intently, and would always ask the right questions. He was very good at drawing information out of you. But whenever he got too close to the truth you would change the subject.
It was obvious that he was a good listener and had a kind heart. You wondered why he bothered with you, a nobody, when he was clearly such a sophisticated man. He could have anyone, and yet he was sitting with you.
One day he brought you a gift, it was a tiny ornamental bird, painted a beautiful shade of green. It was just like the one in the first book you both read, and you had told him how much you liked it. You were speechless, it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you.
You decided to make him a gift, and spent all day working on it. It was a bookmark with an image of a forest painted on it. You used a mix of acrylic and watercolor, the greens and browns blending together.
John walked in on you finishing up, and sneered at your painting. "Are you trying to impress somebody with that? No one's gonna want that ugly thing." He said, scoffing.
Your heart sank and you felt tears pricking the corners of your eyes. He was right, who would want it? It was nothing special.
You were going to give it to Elijah anyways, but you kept second guessing yourself. He wouldn't want it, it was a stupid idea.
He came into the cafe a little later that day, and greeted you with his usual warm smile. Your stomach twisted into knots, and you felt your palms starting to sweat.
"Hey," you said, trying to sound normal. "How are you today?"
"I'm well, how are you?" He replied, sitting across from you.
"I'm good, thank you," you nodded. You decided it was now or never. "So, I made this for you," you blurted out, holding out the bookmark. Your face was hot, and you wished you could hide under the table.
Elijah's face lit up, and he gave a wide crooked smile. "This is wonderful, thank you," he said.
You watched as he picked it up, admiring the artwork. He traced the pattern of trees with his finger and he seemed completely enamored with it.
"You are very talented, do you sell these?," he asked. He looked up and saw the expression on your face.
“Oh god no, I don't know about that, I mean, I just do it for fun, and..."
You were interrupted by your phone ringing, it was John.
"Sorry, one moment," you said, answering the call.
"Where the hell are you? It's past 8pm, and I'm starving, come home and cook dinner," he growled.
You felt your cheeks heat up under Elijah's gaze, shame and embarrassment washed over you.
"Yes, of course, I'm sorry, I'll be right home," you whispered, you felt so small.
"Hurry up, lazy ass," John snapped before hanging up.
You put your phone away, and forced a smile.
"I'm sorry, I have to go, I forgot my husband was cooking dinner," you lied.
Elijah nodded, his brow furrowing a bit. "Alright, have a lovely night," he said.
"You too," you mumbled as you quickly grabbed your things and left.
You cried all the way home, feeling like a such a loser, a complete failure. Why couldn't you have someone like Elijah in your life? Someone who listened, someone who cared, someone who didn't berate you every second of the day.
You wondered what Elijah thought of you, did he see you as pathetic and weak? A fool that let her husband walk all over her?
It didn't matter, he was so out of your league, you were just a stupid, fat nobody. He would never want you, no one would.
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When you showed up to the cafe the next day you noticed a fancy sports car with tinted windows parked out front. It looked very out of place on your street, the only people around who had cars like that were old rich people, and the occasional drug dealer.
Before you reached the door you heard your name being called, and turned around. You saw Elijah waving at you from the driver's seat of the car.
You approached the passenger seat window, and he smiled, beckoning you to get in. You sat down and he handed you a cup of coffee, you smiled at the gesture, he knew your order.
"Thank you," you said, taking a sip.
"I want to show you something," he said, pulling on to the street.
"What is it?" You asked.
"It's a surprise," he said, smirking.
You had no idea where he was taking you, but you didn't mind. You were excited to spend some more time with him.
When he pulled up to the local community centre you were very confused. You couldn't imagine why Elijah wanted to bring you here, maybe it was part of the surprise.
You both got out of the car and entered the building. Inside there was a craft show going on, local artists had set up tables displaying their wares.
His thoughtfulness touched you deeply, he had taken the time to bring you here because he knew you loved art.
The next couple hours were spent perusing the aisles and admiring the paintings, sculptures and crafts. Elijah seemed to have an interest in all of it, asking lots of questions and complimenting the artists. He had a way of making everyone feel comfortable, it's something you admired about him.
"You could get a booth here, sell your art if you wanted," he suggested.
"Oh, I don't know about that, this is just a hobby," you said, brushing off his idea.
"Why not?" He pressed.
"I...well, no one would want my stuff, I mean, they're just little paintings," you sighed
"I would, I think you're very talented," he said softly.
Your heart swelled at his words.
"Thanks," you smiled.
After the craft show, he drove you home, you made him park at the end of the street. You knew how jealous John could get, and the last thing you wanted was for him to see you getting dropped off by a handsome stranger.
"Thank you, Elijah, this was fun," you said.
"The pleasure was all mine," he replied.
"You can't tell anyone about this, I mean, if John finds out, he'll..." You trailed off, feeling stupid.
"He will what?" Elijah's eyes were full of concern.
"Oh, he just, gets jealous easily," you said, fumbling over your words.
"Are you not allowed to have friends?" His brow furrowed, and his eyes hardened a bit.
"No, I mean, I can have friends, I'm just not, uh, supposed to have guy friends," you admitted.
"That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship," Elijah said, his voice sounding slightly deeper than usual. "How about business partners?"
"What?" You were confused.
"If I could help you with your art career, get you a booth at the craft fair, promote your work, would that be allowed?"
"Uh, I guess so," you said.
"Excellent, let's meet tomorrow, discuss what needs to be done," he smiled.
"Okay," you smiled, a warm feeling spreading through your body.
When you got home you decided not to tell John, the last thing you wanted was an argument. Maybe if you were successful and sold a lot, then he would be happy for you, but that was just wishful thinking.
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You and Elijah had been meeting up once a week for two months, discussing your art, and ways to improve your sales. He was an expert at marketing, and had already gotten you some commissions.
It was nice to have something else to focus on, instead of constantly being reminded that you were a failure. And for the first time in your life you were making your own money, it felt good.
You started to feel more confident in yourself, Elijah was always saying how talented and special you were, and it was beginning to stick.
Today was the craft fair, and you were nervous, what if no one bought anything? What if they all hated it and thought it was ugly?
Elijah pulled up in his fancy car, and greeted you with his usual warm smile. You both had gotten so much closer in the last couple months, and he had become your best friend. He was the only person in your life that made you feel like you mattered.
Your feelings for him were beyond friendship, but you couldn't risk losing him. It was better to have him as a friend, than nothing at all.
The craft fair was going well, you had already sold two pieces, and were chatting with some customers.
"Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous," one of the customers, an older woman, exclaimed.
"Thank you," you beamed.
"How long have you and your husband been selling these?" She asked, gesturing to you and Elijah.
"Oh, uh, we're not married," you blushed.
"Sorry, I just assumed, your ring..." she trailed off.
You glanced down at your hand and saw your wedding band, the simple gold band John had given you so many years ago.
"I am married, just not to him, we are just business partners," you smiled awkwardly.
"Oh, my mistake," the woman said, returning your smile, her gaze lingering on Elijah.
"It's okay," you blushed, trying to busy yourself by wrapping the painting she had purchased.
"You'd make a lovely couple," the woman said, handing you her credit card.
Your face burned, and your palms began to sweat. You had tried your best to not think of him that way, it wasn't fair to him, or to John. But the thought was always in the back of your mind.
"Thank you, have a nice day," you managed, handing her the wrapped painting.
"You too dear," she said, winking.
You sold out quickly, and decided to celebrate with a drink at a nearby bar.
"I'm very proud of you," Elijah smiled. "You have a natural gift."
"Thanks," you said, feeling yourself blush.
He leaned in close and took your hand, tracing your wedding band. "This doesn't suit you," he said.
"Excuse me?" You squeaked, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering madly.
He ignored your reaction and just grinned, his fingers intertwining with yours. You stared at your hands, his thumb lightly caressing your knuckles. Your heart was pounding so loud you were sure he could hear it.
"Can I ask you a personal question?" He said, his gaze fixed on your face.
"Sure," you whispered, unable to take your eyes off of him.
"Why didn't John show up to support you?" His voice was barely a whisper.
Your heart sank. You had purposefully not told John, not wanting to hear him complain about it, or belittle you.
"Well, um, I didn't really invite him," you confessed.
"Why not?"
"Because, I knew he wouldn't care," you sighed. "And I don't want him to know I'm earning my own money,"
"Because you plan on leaving him." It wasn't a question.
"Y-yeah, eventually," you stammered.
He leaned forward and kissed the back of your hand. "Good, you deserve better," he murmured, his lips still grazing your skin.
You didn't know what to say, your head was spinning and you felt hot all over.
"You never talk about him, but I can tell you are unhappy," he said, sitting back.
"It's complicated," you whispered.
"You can talk to me," he said.
You paused for a moment, trying to collect your thoughts. You had never talked to anyone about your feelings for John, it was too difficult.
"Well, we used to be happy, when we first got married, but now he's not the same," you said, trying to keep the emotion out of your voice.
"How so?"
"He's controlling and possessive, and he yells a lot. He doesn't love me anymore, and I'm not sure he ever did," you admitted, tears welling up in your eyes. "He cheats on me regularly and controls the finances. Selling my art is the first opportunity I've had to earn money of my own, and I'm terrified of what he'll do if he finds out."
You felt yourself begin to cry, and tried to wipe the tears away, ashamed that your life had turned out this way.
"You hold all of this pain inside, it's not healthy," Elijah said, his face was unreadable.
"I know," you sobbed. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying, it's so stupid."
"It's not stupid, you're not stupid," he said, wiping away a tear with his thumb.
You looked into his eyes, his face full of concern. He cared about you, and it was a relief to finally have someone to confide in. You feared that Elijah would reject you, see you as pathetic, but he didn't. He stayed by your side, listening and offering comfort.
"If you ever decide to leave him, you are more than welcome to stay with me," he said.
"You'd do that for me?"
"Of course, you're my friend," he smiled.
You threw your arms around him and buried your face in his neck. "Thank you," you mumbled.
He froze for a moment, before wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close. You inhaled his scent, a mixture of cologne and whiskey. He was solid and warm, and you felt safe in his embrace.
"Thank you, for everything," you repeated, beginning to pull away, but he held you in place.
You felt something stir deep inside, something primal and raw. The heat from his body, the way his strong arms felt around you, and the closeness of his face was overwhelming.
He kissed your cheek as you pulled back, and his lips lingered there for a moment. Your skin tingled where his lips had touched, and you could feel the warmth from his breath.
You sat back and looked at him, his eyes were dark and full of desire, your fingers intertwined with his. The air was thick with tension, and the electricity between the two of you was undeniable.
"I should get home," you said softly, not really wanting to leave.
"Of course," he said, his voice was deep and raspy, his grip on your hand tightening.
You paid the bill, and walked out to the parking lot. Elijah stood close beside you, and his hand brushed yours a few times as you walked to his car.  
Before you could open the passenger side door you felt his hands on your hips. He spun you around and pressed you against the car, his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss. You gasped as his tongue slipped into your mouth, exploring and tasting you.
Your arms snaked around his neck, and your fingers ran through his hair. His hands slid down your hips and grabbed your ass, pulling you flush against his body.
His kiss was passionate and needy, and he moaned softly into your mouth. The sound sent a wave of heat through your body, and you felt your panties getting wet.
After a few moments, he pulled back and rested his forehead on yours, both of you panting.
"Right, okay," he said, his breathing heavy.
"Yeah," you breathed, not really sure what to say.
He pulled away and went to open the passenger door for you, but you stopped him. You felt bold and daring, and the alcohol gave you a confidence boost. You motioned to the back door, and he smirked, pushing you up against the car and kissing you again before opening the door.
You climbed in and he followed, his hands grabbing your waist as his lips found yours again. You moaned into the kiss, the heat between your legs intensifying.
The windows fogged up as you undressed, you were grateful for the tinted windows. You moved onto his lap in just your bra and panties, running your fingers through his hair. He kissed your neck and whispered your name.
"We shouldn't do this," you murmured, closing your eyes and tilting your head back.
"I know," he replied, his lips brushing against your ear.
Elijah placed feather-light kisses down your throat, his hands running up and down your back.
"Tell me to stop," he said, his voice thick with desire
"No," you breathed, clutching him tightly.
He reached around your waist and unclasped your bra, gently removing it and tossing it into the front seat. He ran his tongue across your breasts, circling each nipple before taking them into his mouth, sucking gently.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his hands running up and down your back, cupping your ass and pulling you closer.
You blushed, your heated skin flush against his, feeling his hard cock between your legs.
"So are you," you breathed, kissing his neck and grinding against him.
Elijah groaned, his hand coming down to grip your hip and help guide your movements. You were so turned on, it had been so long since you had sex, and John was never a generous lover. You wanted Elijah so badly, you felt like you were going to combust.
His lips found yours, and you kissed him with everything you had. The heat between the two of you turning into a raging fire.
Suddenly the moment was interrupted by the sound of your phone ringing. You both tried to ignore it, but it just rang again, and again, and again.
You broke the kiss and grabbed your phone, seeing it was your husband calling. "Fuck," you cursed, and you answered it.
"Why haven't you been answering your phone?!" He demanded.
"I've been busy," you replied. Elijah began kissing your neck again, a smirk on his lips as he listened. You suppressed a moan as he began to guide your hips, helping you grind against his hard cock.
"Busy doing what?! Who are you with?!" John shouted.
"I'm just with some friends, don't worry about it," you gasped.
"You don't have any friends," he spat.
"I do," you insisted, trying not to moan as Elijah's hand dipped into your panties.
"What are their names?" John questioned angrily.
"Elijah," you moaned as his thumb brushed your clit.
"The fuck!" John yelled, going completely into a rage. The kind that always frightened you, he always had a short temper.
Elijah could see the fear on your face and took the phone from you, tucking it under his neck as he continued to pleasure you.
"John, is it?" He asked, his voice cool and calm. "This is Elijah, I'm going to need you to calm down, you are scaring your wife," he said.
"Listen, whoever the fuck you are, don't think I won't track you down and fucking kill you," John spat, his anger reaching a boiling point.
Elijah chuckled, slipping a finger inside you and making you moan, you quickly covered your mouth, but Elijah moved your hand away and gave you a wicked grin, still speaking into the phone.
"That's a little violent, don't you think?" He murmured, his eyes never leaving yours. "Besides, I'd love to see you try," he smirked.
John went silent, you could hear his ragged breathing.
"Why do you pretend like you care John? She told me you fuck other people, I mean, who would blame her for finding a real man?" Elijah goaded.
You were shocked by his words, but couldn't deny how hot it was, or how aroused they were making you.
"Listen here motherfucker," John snarled, "she's mine, and I will not allow her to be touched by anyone el-"
Elijah hung up the call and discarded your phone, his eyes dark with lust as he stared at you.
"Now, where were we?" He asked, pulling you closer and kissing you deeply.
"I can't believe that just happened," you said, panting as his lips trailed down your neck.
"You don't need to worry about him anymore," he growled. "You are mine now."
You giggled, rolling your eyes at his possessiveness. But a part of you liked it, it made you feel desired, wanted.
"And I am yours," he added, his lips finding yours again, a deep and passionate kiss.
It started to rain, you could hear the droplets hitting the roof of the car. Making everything seem more intimate, as if it were just the two of you in the entire world.
You reached down and fumbled with the zipper of his pants, he lifted his hips and helped you get them down, his cock springing free. You wrapped a hand around it and began stroking him, his moans sending a thrill through your body.
"You don't ever have to go back to him," he whispered.
"I won't," you promised, your lips finding his once more.
He guided your hips, his cock teasing your entrance, and then you slowly eased down into him. He felt so good, a rush of pleasure coursed through your body. You moaned into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck and rocking against him.
The fire between you grew, the windows completely fogged up now. Your skin slick with sweat as you rode him slowly. Foreheads pressed together, you moved in perfect unison, a steady rhythm of passion.
You knew this would change everything, and that things were about to get very complicated. But in that moment, none of that mattered. All you cared about was being with Elijah, the only man who had ever made you feel loved and worthy.
John had taken everything from you, and had made your life miserable for the last ten years. You were trapped and made to feel it was what you deserved. But not anymore.
Elijah had shown you that you were worth more, that you deserved to be loved and cherished. He gave you the tools you needed to leave John, and the strength to do it. You would have never left him without Elijah.
And as you looked into his eyes, your bodies moving together in perfect harmony, you knew this was right, what love was supposed to feel like. You could see the emotions reflected in his eyes, the intensity of his feelings for you, the same intensity you felt.
You felt his muscles tense and knew he was close, his cock swelling inside you. You moved faster, chasing your own orgasm, wanting to come together. You couldn't tear your eyes away from his, and when the waves of pleasure finally crashed over you, it was intense, and he came with you.
The sounds of your moans and heavy breathing filled the car, the rain pattering against the windows. You clung to each other, hearts racing, trying to catch your breath.
As the high slowly faded, you both started laughing, giddy and sated. You pressed a soft kiss to his lips, and he returned it, a smile playing at his mouth.
"I love you," he breathed.
"I love you too," you replied, kissing him again.
He held you tight, his lips finding yours in the darkness. You were finally free, and the world was yours for the taking.
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d6volution · 7 months
Ok, so reader (somehow) gets her hands on a cute bunny lingerie. It's got fishnet tights and a headband and a cute little cotton tail. What better use for it than to tease Jax with it? Surely he won't pin her down and fuck her into next Wednesday, right?
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ive decided to combine these two asks, 🤭 hopefully that is okay. enjoy.
tags: pregnancy, pregnant!reader, miscommunication, dry humping, lingerie, jax in heat
minors dni.
It's strange, ever since you got pregnant with Jax's kits he's.. been avoiding you, well. Not necessarily but he's been trying not to overwhelm you? Yes, maybe that's it. You really couldn't tell, he acted strange around you as of late. Trying to keep his distance but, still caring for you tooth and nail. You couldn't help but feel like your swelling tummy and changing body was becoming.. unattractive for him? You weren't that far along.. you tummy only just began to sprout a small baby bump.
His touches no longer lingered and his body language was the opposite of what it used to be. Maybe he was a bit distressed about .. becoming a father? You felt like you needed to calm him down, help him relax like he's been helping you.
You decided to take things into your own hands, you wanted to feel sexy for him again. And you had an idea.
Knock, knock knock.
Ragatha opened the door and you stood there timdly, "Hi.. is this a bad time?"
"What, no no— Of course not, come in y/n." She ushered you inside with a kind smile and you both got comfortable in her room. You explained your situation and like the good friend she was, the doll completely understood.
"Give me a day or two, and it'll be done alright? Don't think too much, Jax... can be very confusing sometimes." She reassured you, and you exited her room soon after. Running into Jax just outside of the hall.
"H.. Hey, doll, how ya feelin'?" He asked, avoiding eye contact and rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm fine, are you alright Jax..? You've seemed.. distant—"
"Hang on doll, I'll get right back to ya." He spotted Kinger and used this as a means to escape your questioning.. and that confirmed that you weren't imagining his strange behavior.
The days went by, and soon your 'package' from ragatha was ready. It was a bunny themed lingerie set. You were flustered when she delivered it but thanked her all the same.
Today would be the day you'd capture Jax's attention, one way or another.
You waited until it was late enough, late enough that Jax would return to your room soon. It became a routine to make sure you were okay and had everything you needed before bed. During this time you slipped into the lingerie.. it hugged your body, your curves and put them on display deliciously. You felt your heart race, was this too much..? No you couldn't back down now.
You heard footsteps and quickly shuffled to get onto the bed, assuming a suggestive pose.
Jax walked in.
"Hey babe just checkin' in—  .... on... you.." His voice trailed off and his eyes were glued to your form. He swallowed and quickly shut the door behind him, "What's all this toots..?" He sounded, nervous. It wasn't like him. He gripped his own wrist as if to hold himself back and you subtly noticed this..
"I.. I wanted to surprise you.." You stuttered out nervously. "I wanted your attention and you seemed to be.. avoiding me.."
Jax was silent, his compsure was slipping. Seeing you in this outfit, your legs your tummy .. your neck your entire body. He couldn't do it. He was doing so well before but this? It was too much. The man nearly pounced on you. In the blink of the eye he was pinning you down, his breathing heavy.
"You don't understand, doll. I've been doin' this for your own sake.. look at you." He breathed, holding your wrists down and gently squeezing them. "Walkin' around in those tight little shorts all day now this? Heh.. you must want me to [censor] another set of kits into you." He nearly growled, his knee pushing your legs open so he could close the space between you both and rut against your crotch.
He was throbbing, his dick straining against his clothes painfully.
"I haven't been avoiding you on purpose doll, my heat came back.. I didn't.. want to overwhelm you, but if ya think im gonna hold back after this your dead wrong." He whispered into your ear.
"T.. Take me Jax, please.. I need you," You whimpered, arms wrapping around him.
"The things you do to me.. hng.." He was already losing himself just dry humping your crotch, he had been holding himself back for a while now. "J.. Just stay still, doll—" His hand caressed your stomach. His ego swelling when he felt the curve of your baby bump beneath his fingertips. Jax grunted, his face more flushed than yours now. You felt the warmth between your legs grow even more. He came in his pants...
"J.. Jax.." you whined, squriming beneath him in need.
"I know, babe.. I know.. Im gettin there." He was trembling , removing his overalls.
"Let's pump you full some more, yeah?"
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d34dlysinner · 2 months
So this is my first time asking a request. So can you doo mc want a baby
Sorry for the late reply! Hope you like the drabbles!!
You were looking at the king you love. About to break the silence with your words: "... I want to have a baby."
You said as you waited for the King's response.
Satan looked back at you, stopping what he was doing before letting out one if his signature loud laughs.
He didn't waste any time dragging you to the bedroom. Closing the door behind him and almost ripping of the clothes you were wearing.
"It's about time you said something.", was all he said before he pushed you down on the bed.
"It'll be a long night, stay awake for all of it."
Mammon was thinking about it. He would never refuse to give you something he can give you, especially if it means starting a family with him. But he was thinking if you were ready to take him multiple times in a short period.
"Are you prepared?", was all he asked. Waiting for you to nod before picking you up and placing you somewhere more comfortable.
He knew how much he can be and all he wanted was for you to be comfortable. So all he did the majority of the time was preparing you and praising you. At the end he decided to push himself into you.
Leviathan looked almost annoyed at you. He wasn't annoyed at the request, but he was thinking of the responsibilities he'd have as a parent and how raising a child would benefit him at that moment.
"... Go and do something useful", was all he'd say as some excuse to think of a proper answer.
If Leviathan were to become a father he would want to give his kid to live as relaxed as they can be. At the same time his jealousy would probably stop him from giving his child special treatment since he couldn't live his own childhood properly.
Deciding on it would be conflicting for him, but eventually he'd want to become a father and give children opportunities he didn't have before.
Beelzebub would stare at you with worry present on his features.
He was thinking of the amount of times he'd have to leave you and the possible future child behind. Not just because of his lifestyle, but also because of how dangerous it could be around him.
"... Are you sure?", he'd ask almost asking for you to be joking.
Eventually he'd want to have a child, but maybe at a time where it's more safe than it is now. And the thought of having a little him version running around seemed cute to him.
Lucifer blinked and stood up. Guiding you to the nearest bed. Brushing your hair away from your face and giving you a soft kiss.
He didn't say much but his actions did. At that moment you'd think he would easily start a family with you until he he opened his mouth to say these words: "I won't give you one unless you cry for it."
You'd think he was joking, but the way he said it so calmly, combined with him looking at you expressionless, sent a shiver down your spine.
You didn't know how to start crying in a situation like this, but Lucifer had no problems in helping you.
"If you want it so badly, you should show me how much... but I can help.", was all he said, almost pushing his frame against you and holding your chin to look up at him.
There was yet again no expression on his face apart from a mischievous glint in his eyes.
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Hello hello hello!!! This was born because I needed more Nando being besotted and Lance getting some deserved rest, no other reasons. Thank you for reading. Enjoy 💜.
Fernando was starting to feel some not so vague sense of annoyance at himself.
He and Lance were supposed to go on a date, the first one in a while, because their lives were chaotic and busy as hell.
They were both in Canada, Lance staying home, relaxing after a rough start of the season and some previous commitments, while Fernando was there for some sponsor event that absolutely required his presence, not at all having begged for something to do in Canada, granting him an excuse to be near the other man.
But he must have prayed a little too hard, because not only the event had run later than programmed, but it was followed by a long wait in the car due to the heavy traffic.
While he was sitting in the car, he started making a mental list of all the things he would have to do to make it up to Lance.
The young man had been so happy about finally having some time off together. Despite being visibly tired, he had made some plans, and the promise of more to come once they were back home.
It was strange to think about a manor in a forest as a home for Fernando, but it wasn't home, not really, just like his own house in Monaco wasn't. It was Lance that made every single building that they were in a home.
But right now, he had to think on how to apologise, because Lance must have been mad as hell.
Usually, when Fernando was late, Lance would write him a text every 10 minutes until he arrived. It was his way of annoying him and still making sure he knew he cared.
Now, it had been radio silence the whole evening. He prayed Lance would let him in, even if just to take a change of clothes.
When he finally arrived, he parked the car and went to the front door.
It was strange, because it was getting dark, but he couldn't see any of the lights on.
He started feeling worried. What if Lance was so mad he left? What if he fell and knocked himself out?
He took a deep breath and opened the door.
First things first, he turned on the lights, and he was going to scream Lance's name, when he finally saw the Canadian.
He was lying on his very comfy sofa, asleep and without his shirt on, because on his chest was napping a peaceful looking blonde baby, thumb in her mouth, wrapped in a blanket, that he recognised as Lance's favourite, and protected by Lance's arm around her. Her cheek rested on his naked skin, seeking his warmth and lulled by his heart beat.
This tender moment, the softness of niece and uncle bundled together and asleep in the safety of a house Lance promptly opened to Fernando, it was getting to him.
He could almost see Lance with another baby, their hair brown as their eyes, grins mischievous and big smiles, crawling slowly on this same parquet, then running on some sandy beach, speaking fast English then Spanish then French then Italian, their pale skin easily turned red by the sun.
He could see them starting karting, or playing hockey, or maybe wanting nothing to do with sports.
He could see them graduating, moving out, having a family of their own, while he and Lance grew old and grey, happy and satisfied and together.
Together. It seemed impossible, but maybe it wasn't, after all.
The thoughts of a home somewhere quiet, a ring and a child filled his mind, and he softly smiled at a future now lying sleeping on a couch.
At that exact moment, the baby girl started waking up, moving her little arms and softly whining.
He could see Lance starting to wake up as well and decided to intervene. He smiled at the baby, picking her up and gently rocking her. He bent over his lover, and left a kiss in his hairline.
"Keep sleeping cariño, I got her" he whispered, melting at the sight of Lance relaxing once more and mumbling something along the lines of "safe with you".
He rose up and walked to the kitchen. There was already a bag for the baby full of clothes and diapers and baby bottles.
"Are you hungry, mi amor, or you didn't agree with waking up, uh? Your uncle is the same, don't worry" he said, while waiting to understand what she needed: that was pretty clear when she put her whole fist in her mouth.
"Hungry it is. Just give me five minutes, and don't eat your hand" he laughed softly, before sitting her on the high chair Lance had stressed over while buying.
He quickly heated up the milk, making sure it wasn't too hot before feeding it to the girl.  She hungrily took it, and made her way through it, almost finishing it all, before pulling away.
Fernando took her up, and started walking, gently tapping her back until she burped. He then cleaned her up, and returned to the living room.
The moment her eyes were on Lance, the baby tried to reach for him.
Fernando giggled and re-wrapped her in the blanket, depositing her once again on his chest.
Instinctively, Lance put his arm around the baby, and their breaths soon synchronised.
Fernando was left once again the only one awake. He decided to wait for Lance to wake up, sitting on the armchair near his head, just at touching distance. He started passing his hand through the younger man's hair, and was rewarded by a deep sigh of happiness.
Date night could wait, when they had a baby to take care of and some well deserved rest to look forward to.
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woahiwrite · 8 months
I like your writing so far ! Wish you good continuation ! Can I ask for how would Bi-han confess his love and how eventually ask for marriage? Thank u ❤
Bi-Han Confession/Asking for Marriage HCs
Warnings: None that I can think of, went on autopilot and wrote a lot, Gender Neutral Reader!
Hello Anon, thanks for enjoying my writing! Hope you have a good day/night ❤.
• Bi-Han seems like the type of guy to me to not really pursue love unless it was already arranged, he just has too much on his plate
• Especially the closer you get towards the actual story, between wanting the Lin Kuei to get more powerful and the more personal stuff he's got clinging to him, he is not really worried about love from anybody, just loyalty
• But I will try my best to do something different, perhaps the childhood friend route?
• Bi-Han simply won't immediately fall head over heels, he feels like he'd just be really confused with how to handle his feelings
• Once he realizes he is starting to feel...different, around you, he might start off giving a cold shoulder, only interacting with you just so he can make sure that you're alright
• Kuai Liang and Tomas realize this quite quickly
• Honestly you should thank Kuai Liang because he often was the one to encourage Bi-Han to actually put some effort into pursuing you
▪︎ "You shouldn't always turn them away, brother. A strong marriage would benefit both you and the Lin Kuei."
• Like Bi-Han didn't know that
• But marriage, the both of you? Impossible
• Real talk, the big reason for the disconnect was that he didn't know what he was supposed to do
• He didn't want to hurt you, or completely turn you away from him, so he just decided not interacting was the best option
• A neutral ground, so to speak
• Honestly, Bi-Han thought it would continue like this for the rest of time, the thought exhausted him
• Like he wasn't the main reason for his own exhaustion
• He couldn't even tell if he really liked you or not
• At least he couldn't until he had gone on a mission that had gone out of hand, being gone from the compound for a little over a month without communication
• He didn't realize it at first, but whenever he had a moment to think, all he could think about was you
• And all he could recall was your more solemn expressions when around him, because what did he give you lately that was worth smiling about?
• Even like that, though, even saddened by the situation with your friendship, Bi-Han found himself thinking you were beautiful
• You held yourself as he thought you should, you knew your strengths, knew your weaknesses, and you were loyal
• Even as Bi-Han gave you nothing to work with, nothing to look forward to, you remained by his side, always greeting him when he returned from missions and always there to wish him farewell when he was to leave
• Those thoughts were what drove him to think, maybe I should put more effort into this
• When he finally returns, he is almost shocked to see how genuinely shaken you looked
• How your hands fail to remain steady as you clasp them together, your eyes running over his form searching for any injury that might be causing him serious harm
• His brother waited diligently by your side, and Bi-Han doesn't miss the way Kuai Liang also seems to relax upon seeing him
• Bi-Han didn't suffer anything serious, but he still requests
▪︎"Join me at the healers?"
• You don't decline
• The check-up was quick, and Bi-Han could see how much steadier you are after seeing that he really was unharmed
• You think maybe you've overstayed your time with him, but Bi-Han doesn't seem to want you to leave his side
▪︎ "Accompany me to check in with everything?"
▪︎ "Watch over the new recruits with me?"
▪︎ "Join me for a walk?"
• It wasn't for a little while longer, but Bi-Han finally got the feeling that he could confess his love for you
• You smiled more often around him, you opened up to him, and you only got more beautiful than you already had been to him. Like a flower that had bloomed to grace his drab world with color
• The confession would happen on a walk
• He'd stop and softly call your name, drawing your attention to him
▪︎ "Bi-Han, what's wrong?"
▪︎ "I haven't been the friend I should be. I found that, that is because I want to be more."
• You are clearly confused, if the furrow of your brows and slight squint didn't say enough
• Bi-Han almost grows nervous, but instead he reaches forward to take your hands into his
▪︎ "I turned you away because I couldn't understand my own feelings. I like you, more than just a friend."
• Your silence nearly kills him, but at least you didn't look confused anymore
• He could feel himself growing tense as he looked at you, awaiting your response with bated breath
▪︎ "I had thought you hated me."
▪︎ "Obviously you know now that that is not the case."
▪︎ "Yes, obviously."
• You smile at him, not turned away by his bluntness, and Bi-Han felt himself relax
▪︎ "Well, I like you too."
• Things are easier after that
• Bi-Han doesn't openly show his affection for you, but it is easy to notice he isn't going out of his way to avoid contact either
• He just isn't one to make his love life public
• Go on walks with him, he might hold your hand, but more likely he'll walk so close to you that your arms brush together with every step
• He'll spar with you, not just to spend time with you whilst also being productive but so that he knows you can protect yourself
• Marriage crosses his mind faster than he had been able to come to terms with his feelings
• He trusted you, after all
• You had been friends with him your whole lives, even when he had began to turn you away you didn't leave his side
• Don't get me wrong, though, it still took him a bit to ask for your hand in marriage
• Like, three to four years
• He was just so busy, especially since, during that time, he had been given even more responsibilities
• The tournament was drawing near, the candidates would need to be recruited soon
• That meant the Lin Kuei had to train even harder in preparation to defend from a possible Outworld attack if Earthrealm were to lose
• Still, he found time for you
• Despite not being wed, it was often you shared his bed, not for anything explicit in nature, but because he found comfort being beside you
• Especially during such a stressful time
• He would probably confess during the night, after a long day of Grandmaster duties
• Nothing fancy would be set up, it would just be he and you enjoying tea you had made to help him relax
• It would be silent, save for the sounds of nature and the clink of the tea cups against the table
• I don't see Bi-Han as one to make some long speech, like, I really think he's more of a 'show don't tell' kind of person
• (He's not the best with words I'm living by this)
• So it'd come out of almost nowhere when he just
▪︎ "Will you be by my side forever?"
▪︎ "Of course."
▪︎ "Then, would you allow me to have your hand in marriage?"
• Very simple
• But he's trying his best
• He makes sure his voice sounds softer when he asks, just to show that
• He may not say it often himself, but Bi-Han really, truly does love you
• It shows in everything he does
• He'll hold you close when you sleep, protecting you from the dangers of the world around you
• You won't be left without a kiss on the head before he leaves in the morning, or before he falls asleep at night
• Calls you "my wife"/ "my husband"/ "beloved"
• You are the reason he finds himself being less irritable earlier in the day
• When this man loves he loves with his whole self, he will not do wrong by you
• That, you are always sure of
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
A Tempting Offer
As promised, I'm doing daily chat scenes while requests are still closed. This one happened because I just really wanted to write some comfort fluff and Asmodeus has been on my mind lately. He's such a sweetheart, in my opinion. Hopefully he's not to OOC here. I also really want to write something ~spicy~ with the daily chat of his called Gloss Mark, but I'll save that for another time lol.
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GN!MC x Asmodeus
Warnings: none!
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ASMODEUS Hey, would you be interested in skipping school with me today? I was out all night partying, so I overslept. I've decided to just write the day off and spend it lounging around in my room. What do you say?
MC A little break couldn't hurt.
ASMODEUS I knew you'd understand!
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I'll be waiting in my room!
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You waited until you were sure that everyone else had already left for RAD. You knew that if you got caught, you and Asmo would be dealing with a lecture from Lucifer at the very least.
When you had received Asmo's text earlier that morning, you had to think about it. Was there anything important happening at school that you couldn't afford to miss? But you knew there wasn't. You also knew that any of the brothers would lend you their notes if you asked.
If it really came down to it, you could always say you simply weren't feeling well. It was just a coincidence that Asmo didn't go to school that day, too. Nobody could prove you were lying, right? Well, okay, maybe Lord Diavolo would be able to tell, but you weren't likely to see him if you stayed in the House of Lamentation. And to be honest, you didn't think he'd give you away even if he was around.
So the moment you sensed the house was quiet, that you were sure everyone had already left for the day, you crept out of your own room and down the hall.
Considering Asmo said he overslept and was planning to just lounge in his room all day, you hadn't bothered to get fully dressed. You were clothed, but you were comfortable.
You knocked on Asmo's door and heard him call you inside.
You were relieved to see that Asmo himself had put on a pair silky pink pajamas. You knew he preferred to sleep nude, so you were anticipating that you may have to deal with that upon entering his room. Not that you would have entirely minded, of course…
You didn't have time to linger on that thought as Asmo came over and put an arm around your shoulders.
"Oh, MC," he said. "I'm so happy you decided to stay home with me today. I'm just so overtired. I would be useless even if I went to school. And now I get to have you all to myself all day!"
You let out a soft sigh. Just being here in his room made you feel calm. There was something about the soft pinks, the roses, the floral scent. There was something about the weight of his arm around your shoulders.
You leaned into him a little bit. "I didn't realize how much I needed a day off until you asked."
Asmo frowned and steered you over to his bed where he sat down with you. You felt yourself sink slightly into the soft mattress. "MC, you've been overworking yourself. You know you don't need to do that. We already have Lucifer to deal with, we don't need you running yourself ragged, too."
You laughed. "I'm nowhere near as bad as Lucifer. It's just that sometimes I forget to take breaks, you know?"
Asmo tightened his hold on you, pulling you a little closer into himself. "Of course I know! Why do you think I asked you to stay home with me today?"
"You said you were out all night partying," you said.
"And I was! I truly did oversleep," Asmo said. "Which was the perfect opportunity for me to ask you to come relax for the day."
You laughed and shook your head a little. You put your arms around his waist and leaned your head on his shoulder. His arm tightened around you and his other hand came up to stroke your hair.
"You always know what I need," you said softly into his neck.
"Oh, darling," he murmured against your head. "Of course I do. You're the only one I pay attention to more than myself. If something's not right, I know about it. And I've seen how hard you've been working lately. So just let me pamper you for a bit today, okay?"
You snuggled closer to him. "Okay."
You weren't about to protest. You were so comfortable there in his arms, you couldn't imagine ever being anywhere else.
"What can I do for you, then, hmm? Do you want me to paint your nails? Give you a massage?" he asked.
You considered the questions, thinking about what you could really use right then. "Can we take a nap first?" you asked. "I'm just… very tired. And it sounds like you could use a little extra sleep, too. You can paint my nails later."
Asmo kissed your forehead. "Of course."
Asmo let go of you enough to scoot back on his bed, pulling you along with him. He slipped under the covers and laid back against the pillows. He tugged on your hands and you got in next to him. You were facing each other and Asmo wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you into his chest.
You were surrounded by his sweet scent, the warmth of his body, the softness of his blankets. It was the most comfortable you had ever been and you felt yourself relax, letting go of all the tension you had been unknowingly holding.
You re-positioned your head to find Asmo's pink-gold eyes looking at you with an expression you couldn't read. Before you could ask about it, he leaned forward to kiss you gently. His lips were so soft and as you returned the kiss, it felt as though your body was melting away and you were floating among the clouds.
Asmo pulled away, reaching up to caress your cheek before settling himself back into the pillows. "Get some sleep now, MC. When we wake up, I'll make your nails absolutely beautiful."
As Asmodeus's breathing slowed, your heavy eyelids closed. You felt safe and warm beside him. It wasn't long before both of you were asleep.
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others in this series:
Mammon | Barbatos | Solomon | Lucifer | Simeon
Leviathan | Diavolo | Beelzebub | Belphegor | Satan
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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in-hav3n · 7 months
So I have a request. I saw the post you did of Y/N taking Care of James after he got his arm burned. I was wondering if you could reverse the rolls? Like Y/N is a part of Metallica (like a second bassist of guitarist), is James’s girlfriend, and instead of James not being able to live away from the fire in time Y/N is the one who can’t. So in other words what it would be like if the burn happened to Y/N instead and how James would react.
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WARNINGS : mentions of pyro accident
Sat on the waiting room of the Montreal hospital, head into his hands, James tried to recover from the previous hours events. In just a few seconds, the worst happened. Something they could never ever imagined happened, making his own world falling apart.
"Do you want a coffee, man?", Lars asked, placing a gentle and comfort hand on his friend's shoulder. James slowly moved his body to face the drummer and simply nodded. He wasn't thirsty but a hot coffee would maybe help him to relax a little. Lars nodded back and disappeared into the double doors, going straight to the cafeteria.
Since two hours now James was waiting in this depressing corridor for some news of you and he slowly started to go crazy. He was waiting to see this damn white door getting opened on a doc or nurse to tell him you were safe...
or not...
He sighed at this idea and rested his head against the wall behind him, his palms nervously rubbing his thighs. They were sweaty and he didn't like it. He closed his eyes and tried to take deep breaths but it was impossible to relax. Pictures of the accident immediately crossed his mind and made him shivered.
He could still pictured you on the stage, him on a side, you on the other. You were both rocking hard, playing "Holier than thou" and performing probably one of the best show of your career and life until you stood at the wrong place at the wrong time...
James realized too late where you were and when the fire started, he could just heard your screams throughout the riffs, saw your body stepping back and falling on the stage. He didn't think twice. His instinct told him to react quickly.
James pulled off his guitar that fell on the ground and ran over you. Kirk and Lars didn’t see what happened and wondered why their friend stopped playing until they noticed you. They joined James and some staff members who came to see what's going on. But soon enough they decided to talk to the audience who was wondering too what was happening.
James fell on his knees next to you, not caring about the pain he could fell, and grabbed your face. You were pale, big drops of sweat were running along your forehead as you were whining off pain. Your arm was completely burned and James could see your arm's flesh burned and red. He tried to not look frightened or scare cause it wasn't the time to falter. But it was so difficult...
"Stay with me baby...", he kept whispering, your eyes watered by your tears of pain and your mouth tensed up by the pain. He saw you moving your eyes to look up at him but you were like paralyzed by the pain and the fear, you couldn't even speak.
"Everything will be alright...". He heard his own voice cracking under the emotions and tried to remain calm. But he knew how much a burn could be serious...
Suddenly, two medics arrived and proceeded to take you to the nearest hospital. James heard them babbling about how serious this was and tried to keep a cool head. He saw the panic in your eyes when they grabbed you by your head and feet to place you on the stretcher.
"It's okay love, they're gonna save you. I won't leave you I promise", he grabbed your hand and held it until they walked out of the stage to put you in the ambulance. He didn't leave you a single minute, hearing the audience and his band mates voice vanishing slowly...
This image would be stuck in his mind forever. No doubt. He sighed again and started to shake his leg nervously. Damn, we arrived 2 hours ago, how many hours do they need to save her? . He felt a urge to smoke or to drink, he couldn't tell but right now, he needed anything that would make him forget the fact he was waiting desperately for a single new of you. But it wasn't the time to leave the place. He was ready to stay here forever if he had to...
The door opened again but not the one he had hoped. It was Lars coming back with two coffee cups. He thanked him and grabbed the cup he was handing to him. The hot liquid comfort him a little, as he expected but not for long...
"Still nothing?", the drummer asked his friend, blowing out over his coffee cup. James shook his head and leaned his elbows on his thighs.
"Nothing...and it's been 2 fucking hours".
"Easy James...I'm sure they do the best they can. She'll be there soon", Lars said to comfort his friend, knowing his temper. He was surprised James didn't make a scene or didn't break everything in the hospital yet.
James sighed loudly and ran a hand into his long hair. "I'm going fucking crazy. My mind is showing me horrible images of tonight, I-...", he shut himself and though carefully of the words he was using. "I wouldn't survive if she...", he couldn't say it loud and heard his own voice cracked.
"Hey....", Lars said with a soft voice, grabbing his friend's shoulder to squeeze it. "She's a strong girl. She won't leave you that easily man. You know her. She will overcome this, she'll be alright". James nodded and hoped his friend was alright...He had lost his best friend and brother a few years ago, he could't face another loss.
Like if Lars' words had been magical, the double white doors brusquely opened on a doctor. He walked over them, taking off his surgery's gloves. James quickly got up and gulped when he saw the blood on those gloves he was pulling it off. He tried to read the doctor's face to have an answer. Was he mad? Was he sad? Was he content? He couldn't tell.
"Mr Hetfield?", he asked with his serious voice as he stopped in front of the frontman.
"How is she doc ? Is she alright ? Can I see her?", James immediately asked.
"Easy James...", Lars repeated as he grabbed his friend's arm to make him stop harassing the doc with questions.
"Yes she's alright. Your girlfriend is safe now. We could treated her burns but she'd need to stay here for a while. She needs a specific medication", he started to explain but James was only hearing "she is safe".
He nodded at everything the doc said and sighed loud of relief when he left, telling them they were preparing you to go to a private room where James could meet you.
"See, I told you she was a strong girl!", Lars said as he happily hugged James, wearing a big smile on his face. James hugged his friend back, his smile hurting his cheeks. His heart could beat at a normal pace now.
"Wow...what a relief! I can't wait to see her", he said as clapped his hands together, feeling more than ready to see you. He had so many things to say but he already knew that the first thing he'd say to you was how much he loved you...cause with these 2 hours of waiting, he realized even more how much you meant to him.
A/N : OMG this idea is absolutely perfect ! James and girlfriend being in the same band, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Hope you'll like it <3
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whumpshaped · 8 months
drained for your bingo?
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masterlist bingo card
tw vampire whumper, noncon biting (like my guy is unconscious, its fucken vampire somno), home invasion, invasion of privacy, violating bodily autonomy big time, dehumanisation
In a moment of gross selfishness, Beck decided to crawl under the covers before Helle arrived. He didn't feel like waiting any longer. It was already late, he had work tomorrow, and he was exhausted. All he wanted was some rest.
He closed his eyes and let out a pleased little sigh, almost unable to believe that he was alone in the apartment. It was so peaceful. The buzzing of electronics and the noise of the street below began to fade rapidly, and he soon drifted off into a relaxing sleep.
His eyes fluttered open a single moment before Helle bit down. He let out a startled yelp and tried to push them off, but he couldn't even do as much in his half-asleep daze as he usually could — which already wasn't a lot.
They didn't even wake him before feeding. They just waltzed in and helped themself to a generous serving of his blood without him even being conscious. Maybe this was his fault for having fallen asleep before they arrived, but holy shit, this was a new level of terrifying.
He let them have their fill while he stared at the ceiling, only illuminated by the faint moonlight from the living room. He couldn't help it when he began to cry softly. He had no idea why he thought Helle would be considerate enough to let him rest. It was stupid. He was stupid. He should've known better, he should've known that sleeping away his problems wouldn't work if the problem was nocturnal.
Helle licked the wounds closed, then rolled over to the other side of the bed like a cat that got the cream. The low hum of contentment they let out was almost a purr, and he couldn't understand, he couldn't imagine being this comfortable with violating someone's living space and body.
"You went to sleep early," they whispered.
"Y-yeah." He was still shaking from the experience, and his brain was screaming at him to go and clean out the fresh wounds. He couldn't. He'd thought he was drained when he got home from work, but... Helle always found a way to make him feel just a lick more empty. "Could you... could you wake me next time?"
"Mmm, but I liked you like that. Calm, peaceful... unaware."
His desperate plea hung in the air between them, and the knowledge that he was the only one so distressed by the situation weighed heavy on his heart. It made sense, of course. Helle wasn't the one whose autonomy was being ripped away. But he hoped they would at least understand. Sympathise?
"Is it scary?" they asked quietly, and Beck realised it wasn't even that they didn't care; they loved making him uncomfortable.
"Yeah... It's... it's very scary."
"Would you stay up for me every night, just so this could never happen to you again?"
Beck swallowed. "I... I don't want t-to..."
"Would you? If I began visiting well after midnight, would you deprive yourself of precious sleep to put your mind at ease? I wonder how many nights it would take until you fell asleep anyway. I wonder if you would be exhausted enough not to wake while I drank from you."
He choked out a sob, curling up into a little ball of terror and misery. "P-please... I just– I just want to be awake for it, is– is that too much to ask for..? I d-don't want to wake up to this... I don't want t-to wake up with– with new wounds... I just... I just want to be awake..."
Helle let him cry, and he felt like they enjoyed the sound of it. They must've, they had no other reason to mock and taunt him to the point of tears. Still, he wished they would at least answer him, and assure him that this was a one-off.
No such assurances were given. Beck couldn't sleep for more than five consecutive minutes for the rest of the night.
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries
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sunandflame · 8 months
Shards of Glass, Chapter 2
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Summary: Kyojuro Rengoku, History Teacher on the Kimetsu Academy, is constantly having strange dreams about a Slayer who looks exactly like him. He thinks nothing of it until he recognizes a very specific person from these dreams and feels a very unique connection to her.
Pairing: History Teacher Kyojuro x Teacher Fem!Reader
Trope: Reincarnation / Sequel to Flame and Water (can be stand-alone)
Word Count: 1280
Pinterest Board of Shards of Glass
Crossposted on AO3
Masterlist of Shards of Glass
“Hello, my name is Y/N and I’m looking forward to working with you.”
She bowed politely and some of the colleagues got up to greet her properly and get to know her. Not everyone though, as Kyojuro still seemed to be planted in his seat. He watched her with attentive eyes as his whole world came to a halt. Her name and her face, he knew her, but he was not sure from where. And it was not like this regular deja vu feeling, no. It was like something inside him snapped open. An unknown Pandora’s box, he never knew he had, had been opened inside him.
The history teacher tried to look away to not make it so obvious, but it was impossible for him. Everything about her seemed so familiar, and he tried his hardest to remember - but he couldn’t, so he simply watched her. He noticed that she seemed a little bit nervous even if her face was not giving away anything. Wait, how would he know that? He had just met her minutes ago? But the way how close she was standing next to Tomioka, as she searched for his reassurance, gave it away.
Suddenly her gaze switched from the raven-haired to the blond and their eyes met. It was just a split second, but the young man could feel in that moment how strong his heart was beating as it tried to tell him something. There was something about her that he couldn’t quite explain and it felt like she was feeling it too.
“Hey buddy, the new teacher is cute. Do you know her?” The art teacher seated himself down next to the blond after introducing himself to her.
Kyojuro was so lost in his thoughts that he answered him late by shaking his head. “No, I don’t know her.” Liar, you do know her… It came in a whisper from inside him and he had to swallow as their eyes met several times until she gave him a shy smile. “It seems like she knows Tomioka well.” 
Tengen seemed surprised by his friend's changed demeanor and by his question. His eyebrow rose as he also observed how close Y/N and Giyuu seemed. “Oh, you're right. He seems really relaxed, maybe they are lovers?” And as he said that he wiggled his eyebrows and furtively watched his friend's reaction but they were interrupted.
“No, they are relatives. Cousins to be exact.” Gyomei’s voice was so deep it echoed and silenced all the other conversations. Even the one between Giyuu and Y/N. 
Now that was unexpected. Nobody knew much about the P.E. teacher because he was very much an introvert and preferred to spend his lunch break on the fire escape instead of talking to his colleagues. He explained one time that he simply doesn’t like to talk while having his mouth full, but Sanemi and Obanai were simply theorizing that he just avoided everyone because he thought himself to be better than others. That's why it wasn't surprising that everyone stared at the two of them until Sanemi broke the silence.
“Oh, a relative? So you did not spawn from hell?” Everyone’s gaze turned now onto the white haired math teacher, while giving him a mocking smile.
Y/N seemed visibly confused. “Why should he be-” She shook her head and turned her head back to Giyuu. “It seems like you are not very popular among your colleagues. Could it be because of your poor communication skills?” She gave him a slight teasing smile and Kyojuro felt his heart beat faster at the sight.
“I am not… disliked.” Giyuu gave her a deadpan look.
Another awkward silence occurred and everyone in the staff room was probably thinking the same thing at that moment, but Y/N decided to wave it off with a smile. She turned to the other female and asked Kanae which desk she could maybe use before the next lesson began.
“Oh, the desk next to me is still free, you can make yourself comfortable there.”
"Thank you." Y/N gave her a smile as she sat down and inspected her new desk, putting her belongings into the drawers.
The history teacher observed the interaction between the two young women and how they chatted in a friendly manner. Only now did he realize that he hadn't introduced himself to her. Even the woman-phobic Obanai had introduced himself, albeit briefly, while Kyojuro had simply stared dumbfounded at her. He got up to get this rudeness out of the world as quickly as possible, but the school bell announced the next class and Y/N had already rushed to the door to not be late.
The blonde man was about to reach out and call out to her, but stopped himself in time. He shook his head to himself. What would that have looked like? He too gathered his things for class and rushed out of the staff room.
~ ~ ~
With a feeling of regret, he headed home. His day had been so busy that he hadn't had time to exchange a single word with her. He was disappointed in himself and what impression he had probably left on her. She probably thought the worst about him, since he did not even get up to say a single hello. But maybe she didn't even waste a single thought about him, who knows. He sighed. His thoughts had been circling all around the new English teacher and it was not helping that she was also sitting directly across from him.
So absorbed in his thoughts, he suddenly found himself standing in front of his parents' house. It wasn't long ago that he had moved out from there. Some boxes were still waiting to be unpacked, but he never got the opportunity for it.
He was about to turn away and go to his new apartment when he heard the rumbling of his stomach and saw his loving mother at the window. He decided otherwise because he knew that his family would be happy to have him visit.
And that's the way it was. Kyojuro was warmly welcomed by his family and especially his little brother who threw himself into his arms, telling him that he missed him even if he saw him everyday in school. The food was delicious and his mother had packed something for him that he could eat the next day. In all those happy moments with his family, he had finally managed not to think about her, only to have her haunt his dreams late at night.
It was a different era where they all carried swords and wore the same uniform, and yet they had not been equal. Not in this part of his memory. Was that what it is? A memory and not a dream? He couldn't follow the thought when he suddenly saw Y/N in front of him. He smiled and was about to open his mouth when her face contorted in terror and panic before she fled from him. He reached out his hand to stop her from running and woke up with his arm outstretched in the air.
Sitting up in his bed, Kyojuro looked at the clock. It was 4:34 am in the morning again and therefore shortly before sunrise. He exhaled heavily, should he try to go back to sleep? No, his thoughts were far too troubled for that. Especially after seeing that terrified look on her face. That didn't bode well, because if these weren't dreams but memories from somewhere, then he had done something bad to her.
And he didn’t think he could live with that.
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
𝓓𝓪𝔂 15 - A Bit Late For Work || Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x fem!reader
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Summary: In most cases, it's you who makes Bradley late to work, except when his mission is to make you feel relaxed following a stressful day.
Warnings: smut (oral - f receiving)
Word count: 1510
Author: Rouge
A/N: the prompt for today is: Oral Sex
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You threw your car keys on the kitchen table and sighed loudly as you opened the refrigerator.
Bradley raised an eyebrow at you as he lowered the newspaper, tipping his glasses in the process.
You had no idea why he wore them. And yet, that small glint off the end when he was staring down at you from between his legs, ah. You shook off the thought, retrieved a water bottle, and sat at the table next to your boyfriend. The idea was nice, but you knew Rooster had work soon, and while you were normally very willing to make him late, you couldn't work up your usual libido.
Bradley could tell something was bothering his lover, and he tilted his head as you sat next to him. He set the paper down, removing his glasses as well, and placing them in his shirt pocket. "Would you like to talk about it?"
You shook your head. "Not particularly," you shrugged, taking a swig from the bottle. "You usually feel better when you do," he pointed out.
It was a valid point he made. Nevertheless, you decided it wasn't worth mentioning how much you wanted to change career paths again. All the time you bragged about not being completely satisfied with what you were doing but felt that it was too late to change anything. Even so, you didn't want to go to university any more, and felt like dropping your engineering studies. Your new goal was to become an artist. You were proficient at it too, about as good as you were at university, but pursuing it seemed like a dead dream.
Bradshaw watched you turn your head over. He waited for you to collect your thoughts, and eventually, once you had, he watched you sigh and shrug once more.
"Same thoughts as always, I'm tired of everything."
"You're doing a rather great job with your studies," Bradley pointed out.
You shot him a glare. "Sorry, sorry. I know."
You groaned, cocking your eyebrow.
“It’s about a lifestyle, my bad,” he corrected himself, sending you a soft grin.
"Close enough," you mumbled. But he wasn't wrong this time either. You sighed again, took another swig of water, and then put your forehead down on the table. "Maybe I'm just tired of it, I don't know. I don't feel sick of it though, I love learning and making friends. Maybe I just need a break?"
In response to your words, Bradley slowly rose and walked over to stand behind you. When he reached down, he gently pulled you by your shoulders until you were sitting up straight. He worked at the knots that had inevitably formed there by rubbing his fingers gingerly into the flesh of yours. "You think too much," he remarked with a low chuckle, being a little rougher about the massage. But you could handle it. In fact, Rooster knew just how much his little baby girl could truly handle.
The thought went straight to his groin, and he suddenly had an idea.
As you leaned into his touch, you teased, "Maybe you think too little." 
While you didn't expect the massage to last much longer, you were grateful that Rooster remembered little gestures of kindness so often, especially after the self-doubt you had been dealing with. 
When you suddenly felt his lips on your neck, you let out a quiet moan. You grinned a bit at the warmth of his mouth, but you weren't about to complain. If he had something a little more involved than the massage in mind, you weren't going to stop him obviously.
As his fingers slipped from over your shirt to under it, he stretched the collar just a bit so he was gripping mostly flesh. Like warming oil, his touch bit pleasantly into your shoulders and throughout your body. When you felt Rooster's hand reach down to your breast, you sighed and tensed slightly. He paused there for a moment, and when you leaned into his touch, he reached further down, cupping your entire breast in his hand. Your breath caught in Bradley's ears, and he grinned wider. The beast that resided within his heart loved being able to please you like this. 
Putting one hand on your breast, he slipped his fingers under the lacy fabric of your bra and squeezed your nipple sharply. In response to your breath catching again, he stopped massaging your shoulder with his left hand. In addition, he squeezed your soft nipple and traced his hand down your shoulder blade. Your nipple was squeezed again, causing you to moan, and then he rubbed your shoulder blade with his fingers. The two sensations made a louder moan fall from your lips, and you gripped the chair you were sitting in tightly to keep steady. As his voice filled with hellish lust, Rooster commanded, "Touch yourself." His eyes had changed to all-black; the influence you had on him was indescribable.
The fact that you listened nearly without hesitation made Bradley harder than he thought possible. But he was content to please you this time. After all, you needed the stress relief. He watched through his darkened eyes as your right hand reached between your legs, rubbing lightly before undoing your pants, and pushing them down. Then you reached into your lacy white panties and began moving your hand to the same rhythm Bradley was squeezing your nipple and rubbing your shoulders.
You let out a louder moan as all three sensations collided in the pit of your stomach. Rooster began to move faster, and so did you, until you began to feel your orgasm build. You tensed then, letting out several sharp moans as you came, back arched.
After a few moments, you relaxed, sinking into the chair. You were about to say something, but Rooster was suddenly in front of you, hands on either side of the chair. You  felt a shiver of anticipation roll down your spine when you looked into his darkened eyes, and then he was kissing you deeply. You wrapped your arms around him, but the kiss was cut short as Bradley moved to grab your thighs and pull you to him. You giggled a bit, then moaned when you felt his lips clasp onto your nipple.             
After a few seconds of teasing, Rooster trailed his lips languidly down your body, and then all the way down between your legs. He grinned as he touched your wet panties and pressed his fingers against your pussy, causing you to moan lightly again. "Take these off,” he demanded within a dark voice of his.
You did as you were told, quickly slipping off the lacy panties.
Shortly after, he wrapped your legs around his shoulders. In one swift movement, Bradley's tongue was pressed against you, causing you to cry out in pleasure as you gripped the chair. He grinned against your wetness and moved the tip of his tongue in little circles across your clit. You were already shivering, and soon as he kissed and licked and began sucking on your clit, he reached under his chin, and easily slipped two fingers into your needy pussy. Having his fingers strangle you properly, your pussy immediately engulfed his digits in its juice, causing you to moan in a low tone. To make your head spin, Rooster pressed his whole tongue to your clit and slowly moved it up and down, eventually reaching your entrance as he briefly spat on the fingers he pulled halfway out of your pussy, just to make them wetter than before. Soon, his digits returned to your pussy, and he curled them deep inside of you, massaging your very sensitive spot.
"Fuck!" You cried, pushing into him as he slowly began to pump his fingers. You moaned again, reaching one hand up to grip onto his hair as you felt another orgasm about to overtake your body. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" You cut yourself off and rolled your head back as a loud moan fell from your chest. Your legs tightened around his head as your orgasm hit, your legs shaking, your chest heaving.
Bradley held on for the ride, grinning wickedly as you came right into his mouth. He moaned too, rock hard and lustful, but satisfied in your pleasure. He leaned up after allowing you a few moments to breathe.
You sighed contentedly into the kiss, and then Rooster was pulling away, grin wide, eyes back to the normal color you were so fond of. He looked so wicked with the expression his face held though. 
You smiled all the same before looking at the clock on the wall. "You're going to be late, Rooster."
"Fuck," Bradshaw hissed, then laughed, running around to collect his things before heading out. Then he turned, as if recalling something, and was surprised to see you standing in the doorway waiting for him. After you tapped your lips briefly with your index finger, he smiled and kissed you again. "Right."
As your boyfriend ran out, you yelled, "Don't forget your meeting with Mitchell today!"
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levirgil420 · 1 year
Your beautiful smile (Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal x male reader fluff)
Request: I saw your Pedro fic and I wanted to request one as well, if you want to obviously. Could you make a fic where he has a bad day at work and he comes home and just wants to be in your arms?? male reader please!!
Pairings: Jose Pedro Balmaceda Pascal x male reader 
Synopsis: When it's your duty to make your husband smile again.
Tw: Fluff, "angsty", comfort, cuddles, Pedro's amazing smile
Note: Heey ! I hope you will like it. Thanks again for requesting it, it was fun to write this :)
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Y/N: Honey, I'm home !
Maybe it was cliché but it was always like this when one of you come back from work: telling each other that you're home and waiting for one of yours or Pedro's respond. So you did exactly that but this time you were only embraced with silence. It was strange because Pedro normally were home before you at the end of the week. You checked your smartphone for any messages from him and see that he didn't. "Maybe he had more work than he expected and his phone ran out of battery." you think to yourself.
With a tired sigh, you took off your coat and hung it up, then took off your shoes and went into the kitchen to get yourself something to drink. You then decide to head to your sofa and let yourself fall in. Finally the day was over and you could relax. Turning on the TV, "How to train your dragon" was on so you didn't change the channel and closed your eyes for a while, lulled by the music of John Powell.
While enjoying the film, you were still a little worried about your husband's absence. You decided to call him but he did not answer, making you a little more anxious. However, you trust Pedro with you heart and know that he wouldn't come home late without any reason.
It was time to make dinner so you went to the kitchen and you started cooking something simple, still accompanied with the sound of the TV which was now playing Jazz music. Dancing in the kitchen while stirring in the cupboards for the ingredients you need, you didn't hear the door to your house open or the heavy footsteps coming towards you. It wasn't until you felt two arms around your stomach and the hair on your neck that you realised what was happening: Pedro had finally returned from his day's work.
You stopped what you were doing so you could return the same affection he was giving you. His arms tightened but no sound came out of him, so you waited until he was ready. The times when Pedro really needed a lot of affection was either when you're both on the red carpet to reassure him or when he's had a shit day at work. You leaned more towards the second option contained in the circumstances.
Y/N: Rough day ?
You felt Pedro nod slowly with a tired grunt. With a little difficulty, Pedro's arms not helping much, you managed to turn around to face him. Your own arms came to rest on his shoulders, playing with his hair to relax him a little. Pedro pulled you closer to him and you did the same to show him that you were there for him.Slowly you rocked back and forth, whispering reassuring words. You stayed like that for about ten minutes, the dinner completely forgotten. Gently, you loosened your tone just a little and Pedro did the same, lifting his head to look into your eyes.
You didn't like the sad expression on your husband's face: red eyes about to cry, but especially the fact that his beautiful smile was gone. It's his thing, his smile, so comforting and adorable, and to see it now without it made you want it to bring it back no matter what. You took his face in your hands and smiled tenderly. Rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs, you saw that this movement soothed him and continued quietly, always whispering anything and everything to try to change his mind.
Y/N: Let's go to the bedroom ? I'm sure it's more comfortable for cuddles don't you think ?
Pedro: Yeah.
Gently taking his hand, you gave it a gentle squeeze before leading him to your room. Arriving there in record time, you quickly pulled out things for him and yourself and handed him what he needed.
Y/N: If you want, you can go change and do what you need to do and then join me or we can totally have a nice hot bath together, using the products you got for your birthday?
Pedro: I'm sorry love, I'm so tired that going to bed is going to be the best thing about this shitty day.
Y/N: Don't apologize for that darling, take all the time you want, I'll prepare everything.
Normally Pedro would never refuse to take a bath with you, which means you have to work hard to get his smile back. While Pedro was changing, you quickly got dressed in your pyjamas and started looking for the things you needed. You took out lots of blankets and put them on the bed to make it comfortable, turning off the light, lighting some scented candles and finally taking his favourite snacks, putting them on the bedside table.
Pedro came out of the bathroom and his eyes filled with admiration when he saw what you had done for him. He couldn't help the little smile that appeared on his face when he saw you, illuminated by candlelight, wearing one of his shirts as pyjamas.
Pedro: You're handsome, you know.
Y/N: For you and only you my love. Now come on, the bed is cold and it's waiting for you to warm it up.
Pedro: Because it's the bed that needs warmth ?
Y/N: Absolutely.
You smile at him with your arms wide open. He laughed a little before joining you, placing himself directly in your arms, his head on your chest and his arms again around your stomach. You gently play with his hair, massaging it, knowing that Pedro can't resist it. Soon you feel, through the movement of his moustache, that Pedro is relaxing and a slight smile is working its way across his face. Knowing that you had succeeded in your mission; you continued your movements with care and Pedro tightened his grip and you did the same around his shoulders. You stayed like that for a few minutes before changing to a more comfortable position: little spoon and big spoon. Pedro being the little spoon, you hold him with all the love you have, kissing the top of his head softly and taking his hands while rugging your thumbs over them.
Pedro: I didn't know what happened today, my acting was not the same, that's why we needed to remake some scenes, even Bella saw it. You know I hate coming home like this and i'm sorry
Y/N: Don't apologize, it's not you fault. We all have those days when things don't go as planned. You are only human don't forget that.
Pedro: Thank you so much for everyting...I'm so grateful for having you in my life as my husband, I love yu so much...Thank you my love.
Y/N: Don't thanks me. I love you, I love your beautiful smile and how everyday you make me smile too. You're perfect honey and I'm so glad too to have you in my life as my husband.
Pedro turned his head to see you with a smile and a tender gaze. He gave you the best smile he could muster, making you laugh and him too. After this little moment, you looked at each other fondly before leaning in to share a sweet kiss. Pedro smiling into it, making you do it too, knowing that the smile you had missed so much had returned thanks to your and Pedro's love.
Thank you so much for reading this ! I hope you enjoyed this story !
Comments and reblogs are highly appriciated !
Sorry for my mistakes, english is not my first language :)
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schuministyles · 2 years
Overprotective. (MS47)
Word count: 1022.
Warnings: None. Sorry if my English isn't perfect it's not my first language.
Mick moved around pretty anxious since she promised she would be there at the Haas garage supporting him, but even after the third practice session there were still no signs of her anywhere.
She wouldn't let him down, it was so out of character of her just the fact of showing up late that it made him want to throw up, his overthinker mind was already making up the worst scenarios.
He took his phone from the table where it was charging and stared at the pic of them he had set as his homescreen, he smiling looking to the camera with pure joy in his eyes while she kissed his cheek, the only picture they had from their first date.
Without thinking it any more he dealed her number, frowning he waited patiently for her to pick up, nothing, after three rings she sent him to voicemail.
The blonde took a deep breath really confused about all, it didn't make any sense that suddenly she wasn't interested anymore, not when they had worked so hard to keep their secret, or maybe that was the problem, she was tired of everything.
He wasn't even thinking anymore about qualifying, his mind was in agony thinking of her and what he felt was the most real love he had ever experienced.
"Mick" the voice of one of his mechanics made him look away from his phone. "There is some girl in Ferrari merch saying that you need her here" he stated looking a little bit annoyed.
"Let her in, please" the driver told him with an apologetic look, he was embarrassed to make people do more than what they were supposed to, the mechanic just nodded and left to the front.
Few moments later she was hugging him by the waist super tight with her face hidden in his chest saying 'sorry' repetitively in a soft voice.
He couldn't feel mad, the moment he had her in his arms was the definition of relief, the blonde cupped his girls face giving some distance between them and softly pecked her lips, she looked at him with big eyes.
"You have to be kidding me" a manly voice interrupted in the couple's love bubble.
Both of their faces turned pale when they recognized the voice, the girl turned around to see her brothers looking at her.
Lorenzo with an eyebrow arched, Charles that was the one who interrupted frowning and Arthur saying sorry with his eyes feeling really guilty.
" Care to explain? " the older of the Leclerc's asked trying to make sure she knew that this was a big deal.
" Oh no, she has to explain herself" Charles interrupted " Y/N I feel really betrayed".
Some salty tears started to form in the girl eyes, this wasn't the way she wanted her older brothers to found out, her eyes then went to her younger brother, she couldn't process how he decided that it was the moment to tell them.
" I'm sorry " Arthur mumbled like he could read her mind he started explaining everything to the couple " They made me bring them where you really where when Charlotte told Charles that you wanted to leave Ferrari's garage during FP3"
The Haas driver felt like the worst human on earth when he saw how hurted she looked, Arthur wasn't the one to blame when they were the ones that made him keep their secret until they were ready.
" Charles, Lorenzo, it's not that big of a deal" he started speaking pulling out all of his courage to try and make the situation at least a little bit better.
"Charles I love him" the girl stated all of the sudden making the german shut his mouth while he looked her with adoration in his eyes feeling his heart beating hard against his chest.
Arthur smiled from ear to ear, he had been the first supporter of that relationship been the one that helped them sneaking out, it was amazing to hear that his sister had fallen in love.
The other two softened their clenched jaws making Mick able to take a deep breath relaxing a little bit.
The german took the opportunity and hugged the girl from behind, holding her between his arms.
" And I love her" he said completely sure about his feelings.
Lorenzo putted then a grin in his face and patted Charles in the shoulder.
" The qualifications are in less than half an hour" the oldest finally spoke calmly " we will discuss this further during dinner ".
The Ferrari driver looked at his sister with the softer eyes they always gave each other and nodded, then he followed his big brother out of the Haas garage and pulling Arthur with him.
Now was the turn of the girl to let out a sight, she was holding her breath and didn't even notice until now.
" That was.. "
"Yeah" the blonde agreeded resting his head on his girls shoulder.
" You break her heart and I break you damn legs, is that clear Schumacher? " Charles told his colleague once they were both off the cars and walking in the pit lane.
The German nodded while his friend Esteban laughted a little by the sudden threat between the other two drivers..
" Good, and don't you dare been all touchy with her when I am looking or I will throw up"
When Charles said the last part Pierre that was walking next to them couldn't help but turn his attention to the conversation raising an eyebrow.
"So the rumors were true? " the French man asked.
"What rumors?" Charles asked back in confusion.
"Oh, Yuki told me that he saw them kissing"
"And you didn't tell me!" The Ferrari driver shouted to his best friend.
"I forgot" he smiled to wink at Mick "if I was you I would be glad that is Mick it could be worst, think about this, your sister and Lando"
Leclerc made a face in disgust of just the idea.
" I will take that as a compliment" the blonde german stated.
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x--ghost--x · 1 year
Hello! I have randomly come across your place and I LOVE IT! Could you do rise turtles x yokai reader where the reader is wandering through the forest but gets caught in a trap and (said turtle) finds them and helps them out of the trap? The rest is up to you! If this makes you uncomfortable in any way, you don't have to write this. I didn't get many presents for my birthday and my birthday was on January 25th. This would be a nice late Bday present. thanks! Bye!
Hi! Thank you for the request
That's a really cool idea, ofc I can to that! I hope you don't mind I did that more like headcanons
And sorry for the wait but I wanted to do a little surprise for you too ;)
Happy (late) Birthday!(≧∇≦)/
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• that was supposed to be normal weekend, going with family on a little trip, camping and exploring the forest
• nothing crazy, right? well yes but no
• not when your dangling from the tree, caught in a net which you could also consider very ironic being a hare yokai, and who would even set up a trap in the no-hunting zone anyway? you didn't know but if you find out you'll be definitely getting your revenge (which may or may not contain putting that person in the trap themselves)
• and it wasn't like you were far away from the camp or anything, actually, you were just taking care of your siblings, lifting some of the burden of your parents shoulders while they were putting to sleep a few of the youngest of their children (why they wanted so many kinds you will never know)
• and being the oldest one here (two or your older siblings happened to be to busy to come with you) ment, that for the rest of your small family vacation, you were going to play babysitter cousing to have less time for yourself
• but what can you do when there is several big-eared brats hopping around and annoying the living shit out of you (don't get me wrong, they're your siblings, you love them, but sometimes they're just to much for one person to handle)
• so deciding to be smart, you proposed to play hide-and-seek - perfect game if you want to have a minute of peace, and, if you're feeling extra exhausted, you could offer a little prize for the one who will be the last one to find
• kids will get way to competitive and will stay hidden longer
• however, while pretending to search for them, you took a small stroll which happened to not be such a good idea because that caused you to fall into a trap
• and the kids didn't want to come out and help you (they probably thought your yelling was some kind of a test to lure them out)
You're wriggling in a cramped space of a net trying to bite down through the rope which, unfortunately, isn't very successful despite your sharp teeth. You tried everything you could, from yelling for help to swinging yourself trying to reach one of the bransches. Luck is not on your side today apparently.
Giving up you on your attempts on freeing yourself, you relaxed your body, deciding to take the opportunity to rest. If anyone would want something from you then they first need to help you get down.
Suddenly you heard a soft rustle, your ears twitched and pointed in the sounds direction.
"Hello? Somebody there?" you snapped hoping anyone to hear you. Maybe that wasn't the smartest idea bearing in mind that it could be someone or something dangerous, but you really wanted to get down. Such high places aren't for you.
Hearing another sound you scanned the area under you catching sight of dark silhouette sneaking between the trees.
"Hey, you! Can you help me?" the person started to look around trying to find the source of the voice. "Up here! I got caught in a trap."
The turtle, you noticed by the shell on his back, haistly looked up finally noticing you. You caught glimpse of the red marks under his blue bandana and, wait, is thAT A SWORD-
For the next ten seconds both of you were just staring at each other awkwardly, until the red-eared turtle erupted with loud laughter needing to squat down. His shoulders shook as one of his tree-fingered hands covered his face.
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He tried to ease his chuckle, which wasn't very successful, and after a moment of calming himself down he spoke up.
"Nothing, really! It's just funny seeing a bunny caught in a net, hanging from the tree." he explained, you could almost physically see the smug smile on his face.
"I'm a hare, dumbass, there's a difference." you rolled your eyes. "Could you help me or not?"
"Sure! Can't leave you hanging, can I?"
You groaned in annoyance, however, a small smile found it's way on your lips. No way you're going to laugh out loud though.
"Prepare yourself, Conejito*!"
"Prepare for wha-" you weren't able to finish your question when a sharp object flew over you head, cutting the ropes. Not having anything to hold on, you started limply falling towards the hard ground, your speed increasing with every second.
Frightened yell came out of you as you closed your eyes waiting for the pain. After several seconds, however, when your body still hadn't made a contact with the ground, you opened your eyes. You've been meet with beaming face of your turtle savior, him safely holding you in his arms. Wait, why did it suddenly got hot?
"Ohoho, look at that! When have only met and you're already falling for-" and the moment was ruined by red-eared turtle opening his mouth.
"If you're gonna make a joke about me falling for you, I swear I will strangle you." you threatened haistly cutting him off to which he only chuckled.
"You would laugh, I know I'm funny."
"No, I wouldn't."
"Yeah, sure."
"I'm serious!"
"So!" he exclaimed abruptly putting you on your feet. "I think I should introduce myself. I'm the greatest ninja in the world, Leonardo Hamato, but you can call me your knight in shining armor. Or Leo, if you prefer something shorter."
Leo extended his gloved hand, light smirk on his lips. You peered at his palm and then at his face, repeating the motion two more times, and finally putting your own hand in his giving it a small shake.
"Well, nice to meet you, the oh so great ninja. I very much appreciate you rescuing me." you said dramatically, rolling your eyes. "But I need to go. My parents are surely worried."
You walked past the turtle, heading to the campsite. You still needed to find your siblings too.
"Hey, wait! What's your name?" he quickly catches up to you and stood on your way. "I gave you mine, so you can at least tell me yours."
"My mom told me not to tell my name to strangers." the teen rolled his eyes at that. "But... I guess we can hang out later. Maybe here, tomorrow evening?"
A genuine smile appeared on his face, small giggle leaving his lips.
"Sure, Conejito."
*hare in Spanish (at least that's what translator said)
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• after sitting all day in your secret lair (aka your room) your parents decided that you need to go out and breathe some fresh air
• you complained that's not the best time, that you're to tired, but after some threatening to throw out your weird trinkets you like to collect, you finally stepped out of the door
• fortunately, there was a nice and dark forest near your house with designed walking paths, you liked to go there when you were just a little racoon
• you need to admit, the stroll was nice
• until you fell into a hole
• so now you're laying on the bottom of what apparently was some sort of a trap, totally shocked, with a long gash in your arm
• yeah, not cool at all, man
You slowly started to sit up, gasping your bleeding arm with your hand. When you looked at the wound, you saw that it wasn't very deep which, unfortunately, didn't make it less painful.
Groane came out of you as you started to look for the way out. The ground around you was to smooth to climb on, there wasn't any branches or roots to hoist yourself up and you didn't have your phone with you (your parents took it, saying you need to rest without it).
So, in short, you were doomed till someone will find you. Or you bleed out.
Leaning on the wall you curled your striped tail around you and peered at the sky mostly covered by the green tree crowns. Your head started spinning, the strength was slowly leaving your body.
"Shit..." was the last thing you said before your consciousness slipped away into darkness.
Warmth surrounded you making you lean into it further. You focused on the sound of soft clicking and footsteps- wait, footsteps? Slowly you tried to open your eyes but the bright light blind you causing you to close them again with a groan.
"Oh, you're already awake?" an unfamiliar voice spoke up beside you making you sit up suddenly. "Don't move to much, you're still hurt from the fall."
"Ugh, you sayin'?" you hissed at the instant pain that erupted through your whole body.
After a while your eyes adjusted to the brightness allowing you to inspect your surroundings. The room you were in remind you of insides of those science fiction space ships you always saw in films and, noticing the steering wheel, you started to believe you were in one. Looking around you finally spotted the owner of the unknown voice.
Tall, yokai (or mutant, you couldn't tell) turtle stood before a console panel typing something you couldn't understand. The rectangular spots on his body were partly covered by fingerless socks and gloves, knee and elbow pads as well as belt with matching pouches, all those in deep purple color. On top of his head covered by bandana he had silver pair of asymmetric goggles.
This guy must have really like purple.
"I found you pass out in the trap somewhere in the forest. I will not ask nor do I want to know how you fell into that, but I guess I need to inform you to be more careful." the turtle started while tinkering with colorful wires. "I patched you up but I recommend resting for a little longer."
Humming in acknowledgement you slowly stood up hissing when you propped yourself up with the injured arm.
"Well, thanks for the rescue." you responded walking up to one of the tables, many identified machines scattered across on it. "Sooo, what's your name?"
After brief silence he answered.
"Donatello." without even looking at you he added quickly. "Do not touch anything."
You stiffed, hand hovering over some glowing purple square. Small disappointed 'aw' came out of you.
"I understand your urge to touch everything new you see but you could blow us up. And I just polished the tank."
"We are in a tank?!" you hastily turned to face the turtle.
"Yes, we are in a Turtle Tank that I designed myself-"
"YOU DID IT YOURSELF?! WHAT'S SO COOL!" you gawked around with amazement.
Proud smile appeared on his face. His ego is probably bursting through the roof at your awestruck expression. The sheer astonishment and genuine wonder in your eyes told him that they weren't just some empty praises.
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"Hey, what's that?" you pointed excitedly at probably one of his constructions.
"Oh, it's just one of my newest inventions."
"Oooooo, what does it do?"
"I don't think you want to listen to me rabling about things you probably don't fully understand." he hesitated.
"If I didn't, why would I ask?" you teased.
"...Well, the very idea of ​​constructing this came from-"
Fun fact! Raccoons wet their food to gather more sensory information, and moistening the food helps raccoons further understand what they are eating. That's because by their sense of touch they get to know the world surrounding them.
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• being the youngest sibling may be a blessing and a curse at the same time
• on the one hand, having two older brothers is scaring the bullies away and giving you two older friends who like including you in stuff, but on the other, sometimes they're in a mood to play pranks on you
• and you can't do anything about it because you're younger
• it didn't even started any suspicious, they asked you if you wanted to go with them on a trip to fly through the woods, spread your wings a little
• after spending all day in your Batcave (literally bat-cave), bored out of your mind, you decided it was a good idea
• you never would have guessed that it will end in you stuck in a cage in the middle of the forest
• you know you shouldn't have eaten alone all those cookies your grandma made but isn't it too much?
• what's worse, you didn't brought your glasses with you and, yeah, maybe you had a thing called echolocation but it was pretty difficult to locate the lock of the cage while being trapped in it
• you thought about calling your parents but turned out your phone was dead
• so now you're just sitting and waiting for your brothers to decide it's enough of your punishment
"Hey, I'm serious, guys! I said I'm sorry already!" you shouted in the indefinite direction.
The only answer you heard was silence.
With an irritated sigh you banged at the crate, hoping it will help you somehow. It wasn't really effective, though, and the only thing it caused was a loud annoying sound. The cage was small, almost claustrophobic, which made you nervous. Usually you didn't mind being in closed spaces but right now you weren't even able to move to much.
"Huh, what's that sound? HELLO?! SOMEONE THERE?!"
Your ears perked up at the sound of an unknown voice. You kicked the cage again.
"Woah, who locked you in a cage, dude?" the person stood beside the trap."Wait up, I'll take you out!"
Rang of metal echoed above you making you cover your big ears with a wince. After a while the cage was opened, allowing you to stand up and jump out of it. You started stretching out with content sigh, spreading your wings to the sides.
"Wow, sick wings, dude! Are you like a bat mutant or something?" mysterious person gasped in amazement checking you out while cyrcling you around.
Startled yelp left your lips.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" you shouted covering yourself with wings.
"Oh, sorry! I just didn't saw mutant like you before." he said while scratching the back of his neck (or at least that's what you thought by looking at the blurred figure).
"Well, I'm not a mutant, I'm yokai." you explained relaxing a little. "By the way, who are you?"
"My name's Michelangelo but you can call be Mikey! Or Angelo, that's what D calls me. Or whatever you want, really." Mikey extended his hand, you squinted your eyes at him.
"No, I meant, what are you?" tilting your head to the side, you walked up to him trying to make anything from the unclear green and orange shapes. "I, uh, have a really bad eyesight, if you couldn't tell."
Another gasp left him, this time because of the sudden realization.
"Oh, I get it! Now, when I think about it, Donnie said something about bats having bad eyesight but good hearing. Yeah, that would make sense with the bats in the library..." Mikey trailed off lost somewhere in his head. "Anyway, I'm a box turtle! Got a shell and all that. And I'm a ninja!"
"Ninja?" you muttered to yourself. "Well, thank you Mikey. I thought I would spend the rest of the night in there."
"What happened anyway? Did someone tried to hurt you?!"
"What- No, no, nothing like that!" you expressed hastily, shaking your head. "Just my older brothers doing a prank."
"Ah, I know what you mean. I have older brothers too."
You both laughed lightly, enjoying some kind of 'younger siblings' solidarity between you. You talked for some time, starting with the topic of older siblings to what are the best toppings for pizza, how to do cool tricks on a skateboard (he even offered to teach you) and much more. Time flew by and you just now realized how late it was.
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"Thank you again, Mikey. For the rescue. But I probably should go home right now." you said, sound of your voice bouncing of the surrounding you objects.
"You want me to walk you home?" he asked with excitement in his voice, then added quickly. "So you will, you know, have someone to save you again! And we can talk some more..."
You looked away, smile creeping it's way on your face.
"Sure, I'd love that."
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• you knew damn well that playing wannabe hero was a bad idea
• but you are to stubborn and you did it anyway
• you were just walking around in the forest, minding your own business, when suddenly you spotted a group of really fishy individuals who definitely weren't there for a field trip
• you recognized that mostly because of many trash bags they had with them, probably to throw them away in the forest, and everyone knows to not trash environment like that (but they apparently didn't know that or willingly decided on being idiots)
• that weird pang of justice pushed you to take an action and report this unacceptable behavior to someone who wouldn't immediately get beat up by two buff rhinos (don't get me wrong, you were really strong for a tiger yokai, but those guys looked like they could pick up someone's car if it was on their parking lot)
• so the most logical course of action you could think of was taking a pictures of the whole situation
• however, you didn't saw the small branch right under your feet until it was to late and both yokai noticed you
• you never ran faster in your entire life (also, you were scared shitless but you'll never admit it out loud, that would be to much for your pride)
You had a good stamina, really. But after running on full speed for fifteen minutes straight your lungs started to feel like they were on fire. Breathing heavily you looked behind you to see if the two furious yokai were still chasing you, probably with intent to kill you (or that's just how they looked like). At least you knew where you were. You often like to take strolls in this forest, but usually it was more peaceful than that.
Not seeing or hearing the rhinos anymore you started to slow down, wiping the sweat that formed on your forehead. Closing your eyes, you stepped few more times forward enjoying the cold breeze smoothing your fur.
You shouldn't have done that.
The next thing your brain could register was hanging upside down on the rope tied around your ankles.
"What the-!?"
After your shock wore off, bending your body, you tried to reach the rope to untie it, but your attempts were unsuccessful.
"You've got to be kidding me, damnit." you muttered angrily under your breath. "And those guys will get away with it too..."
"You mean those yoki that were throwin' trash in the forest? You don't need to worry about them, I took care of it-"
Your head darted to the side, scared scream leaving your mouth. The owner of the unfamiliar voice jumped back in surprise with a yelp of his own.
"Woah, chill out there, tiger! I'm sorry for scaring ya." the turtle, as you noticed after calming down, defensively raised his arms trying to show you that he doesn't hold any ill intentions.
That didn't, however, covered the fact that his body and his shell was covered in sharp spikes, in some places the scales were covered in red color. The same color was a mask covering half of his face with two long swaying in wind tails. You also noticed, reminding you of an alligator, spiny tail reaching to the ground writhing around his leg.
And even with how scared you were, your pride would never let you admit that in fact he did scare you.
"What- I wasn't scared!" you denied quickly. "Just surprised!"
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The reptile chuckled lightly scratching the back of his head.
"Sure you weren't." he tilted his head to the side before speaking again. "Ya need some help maybe?"
"Uh..." you embarrassedly looked to the side, nodding your head. "Yeah, I guess I could use some assistance..."
You didn't have time to react when the rope suddenly snapped. You prepared yourself to feel the pain but it never came and the only thing you felt was the cold of two arm wrapped around you. The turtle gently set you down on your feet and just then you perked up from your daze.
"There ya go! Ya okay, by the way? I saw you gettin' chased down by those rhino dudes." he asked concerned.
"I'm good, thanks." you muttered. "What about them, though?"
"Don't worry about them! I took care of it, I'm a ninja."
"Ninja?" you raised your eyebrow.
"Yup! I'm Raph. Come on, I'll walk ya home." Raph smiled at you, a sharp tooth protruding from the right side of his upper jaw.
Your cheeks heated up getting embarrassed another time this day. Turning on your heel you started walking ahead.
"I'm okay. But you can do whatever you want." you thrown over your shoulder.
The big snapping turtle happily strided to your side.
Fun fact! Rhinos are known for their keen sense of smell and hearing, but they have really bad eyesight.
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Well, I hope you liked the illustrations I made! Just wanted to make more effort bc you said u had a bday and all,,
Have a nice day/night ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
- ghost
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billthedrake · 1 year
Story idea by and collaboration with top son Turner ([email protected]).
The holidays were tough. Thanksgiving meant family time for Scott. Shannon was back home and Scott took time off to spend with his wife and daugher. He even canceled our Tuesday session that week.
I had a full couple of days of training sessions to preemptively make up for the holiday. Wednesday afternoon, I made the drive an hour to my Mom's aunt's place where we always spent the holiday, at least since my parents' divorce. It was my first time visiting since I'd come out to them, and I was a little nervous. They acted like nothing was different though. Maybe nothing was different. I was still little Austin in their eyes, and nothing too much had changed.
I texted Scott throughout the day, like I did pretty much every day now. We used a different app to be discreet. By midday though his texts stopped, so I decided to give him a break and let him enjoy family time.
December also meant not as much Scott Delahunt time as I wanted. The man had some work obligations - corporate holiday parties, fundraisers, attending social events from his and his wife's circle of friends. By mid-December, too, Shannon was back home.
Scott seemed apologetic. One evening after our sessions, we were back at my place for a quickie. I used to love quickie sex, and I still did, but that's all we had time for lately. Still, Scott made a show of stripping down for me and getting on his knees in my living room. "Let me take care of you buddy," he hissed.
I still occasionally blew Scott, but it was rare now. And when time was short we went for the basics. His mouth on my cock.
I'd been worked up, and I lasted no more than a minute and a half. Scott greedily gulped my seed. He didn't even pull back to taste the cum, he just let his throat milk me. He'd gotten real good at relaxing his throat.
My prick plopped out of his lips with a smack. Scott had a proud satisfied look on his face as he slowly stroked the lower part of my rod. "Sorry I've not had much time for you, man," he said.
"You don't have to apologize, Scott," I said. "Your family comes first. I mean that."
He looked at me, a little emotional. "Wish I didn't have to choose," he admitted.
"You don't," I said. "But can I get a kiss before you head out?"
"Definitely," he grinned as he stood up. Even with a quick suck, he'd managed to cum in his fist, and I saw his spike still pulsing.
"MMMhhh," he moaned as our bodies connected, then our lips.
"Something to tide me over," he said dreamily as we pulled back.
I had been sincere about wanting Scott to enjoy his family time. But I also knew Christmas would be another tough stretch. Scott and I had no definite plans, but I'd bought him a nice golf-attire zip-up and some expensive golf balls. I wasn't sure when I'd have a chance to give them to him.
Turns out the Saturday before Christmas I got a private message from Scott. Around 7 AM, but I didn't get it until closer to 8, when I woke up.
"Short notice, buddy, but you have any free time today?"
My morning wood jerked even harder. "Yeah, absolutely," I wrote. "When is good?" Saturday usually meant a morning workout and afternoons cleaning up the apartment. But I knew I'd rearrange my schedule to his.
"Kelly and Shannon are going shopping late morning. Wanna meet at my office? Should be quiet there."
We set up a tentative plan. Which two hours later became less tentative. I was able to fit my workout in and shower, then drove straight to his work building right from the gym. Traffic was heavy with the run-up to Christmas, but I still made it on time. It was the first time I'd ever been to Scott's work. He did a great job of keeping me separate from his regular life. I think he thought I'd be offended by that, but I had experience dating married men. Maybe too much.
He was waiting at the entrance. It was cold out, and he had a knee-length camel-colored winter coat on and a plaid scarf that set off his handsome features and silvery temples. "Hey," he smiled as he took his hands out of his pocket and offered his hand for a shake.
It felt weird to shake his hand, but we were in public and this was Scott in his business mode. He was even wearing a suit.
"What's going on?" I asked, chuckling some.
Scott had an impish grin. "I thought we'd have a private Christmas celebration. Just you and me."
"Here?" I asked.
"Here, buddy," he said with a wink. "Come on."
I followed him and I felt nervous. Mostly because it felt like we were risking something by walking into his office building together, even on a Saturday.
It was deserted of course, except for the security guard. "Good day, Mr. Delahunt..." the older African-American man greeted. "Another working weekend?"
"Fraid so," Scott said. "Have some project materials to give Matt here..." he lied.
The man waved us on and soon we were taking the elevator up, way up. I think I had a fantasy idea of what a C-suite office would look like. Scott Delahunt's corner office lived up to that fantasy. Spacious, amazing view, modern furnishings, big desk.
He shut the door behind us and took off his overcoat. He wore one of his pinstripe suits, along with a banker-striped shirt and patterned tie.
I set down the shopping bag I carried, one with his presents. "I brought you your Christmas gifts," I said, excited for him to open it.
He seemed pleased and said, "I have one for you, too, buddy.... but first things first... why don't you have a seat.... over in my chair."
"You mean?"
He nodded. "It's your fantasy, right?"
I'd told him about this one all right. Turns out Scott was determined to make it a reality. I'd barely sat down in his plush leather swivel chair when the middle-aged exec undid his coat button and knelt down on the floor in front of me, almost half under his own desk. He reached out and ran his hands up my jeans and then undid my fly.
I was rock hard within seconds. Particularly as his fingers pulled down my boxer briefs and freed me for his inspection.
"How does your fantasy go?" he asked as he gave my hard tool soft gentle strokes.
"Pretty much like this," I gulped. "The big boss servicing me at his desk."
He took his eyes off my cock and looked up at me. So frickin handsome in his suit and tie. "You like being the big boss for a change, huh?"
"Oh god," I grunted and nodded. Amazed he was indulging my turns on so effortlessly.
"Well, sit back and enjoy," he hissed. Then he took me into his mouth. He was slower than normal. Almost torturously sly. I could tell he wanted me to relish this scene. I'd dreamed of it, and here Scott was, delivering it on a silver platter. His hot executive mouth working me up and down. His suit bunching up some as he hunched his shoulders to brace his upper body on my thighs.
Soon those slow strokes were going deep. All the way to my pubes. "Ah FUCK!" I hissed. Looking around the walls and out the window. Amazed I could enjoy this professional space of his as our private sexual space. "Suck my cock, boss!" I hissed.
My hand rested on his head and now pushed him down on me with each deep swallow. Just enough roughness to turn me on, but not so much as to freak Scott out. He seemed to sense my need and one hand left my thigh to take my wrist to guide it to his head.
I pumped his throat now, lifting my hips off that chair to fuck into his hot mouth. I tested his gag reflex, once but only once. Amazingly he took it for the twenty or thirty seconds it took me to work toward my cum. I looked out the window once more, then back down on his reddened face, a tear forming from the corner of his eye. My hot cocksucking dad.
I blasted. Thankfully I let up my grip when I did, and Scott pulled off for a quick gasp of air as I painted my belly with come. Until his mouth took me in to suck the rest. When I was done Scott pulled off and started licking the sperm from my abdomen. Sucking it all up.
I could tell he was hard in his suit when he pulled back. "Merry Christmas, stud."
"Maybe I can return the favor." Like I said, I rarely offered to blow Scott these days. But I didn't like how his wife sometimes cut him off, and this was the holidays...
I knew I'd said the right thing. "Yeah?" He stood up and reached down to unzip. "I know you're into being the top... but it's been so long since I've had a good blow job buddy. And you were the one to give it to me."
His spike popped out, leaking and ready. I wheeled the chair in and started licking him. I knew it wouldn't take long to suck him off. I decided to enjoy this, feeling that spike fill my mouth and the soft gentle in and out motions as I bobbed on him.
"Getting there, man," he warned, spreading his legs. Then I felt that dick jerk in my mouth and flood my craw with his daddy seed. I suckled a little as I swallowed then pulled off.
"I don't do that for you enough," I muttered. Torn between my fantasy of dad-fucking sex and the reality of being grateful for Scott Delahunt and what he meant to me.
Scott nodded as he tucked back in. "You do prefer to be serviced," he observed.
"Pretty much," I blushed.
He looked at me thoughtfully then leaned down for a soft kiss. He patted my shoulder as he leaned back up. "I love making you happy, Austin. You know that. But maybe, you think, on occasion, we can find a way for that?"
"Yeah," I conceded. "You must think I'm an asshole."
He reached in his coat pocket. "Here's how much of an asshole I consider you," he smirked. "A little early Christmas present."
"I think I know what it is," I said as I opened the card. There were two Titans tickets and a gift card for TopGolf.
"I know you're not a regular golfer, but I figured it would be fun if you wanted to go some time. You know, when the weather's warm."
"That'd be awesome," I said. I then looked at the inscription of the card.
"Merry Christmas, Austin.... Thank you for making me a new man. Love, Scott."
I bit my lip then looked up at the man, who was looking at me with such openness. "You like making me emotional, don't ya?" I laughed.
"It's a good look on you," he smiled.
"Well, I have some gifts for you, too," I said. "You can read the card later, if you like."
Scott rooted in the bag and pulled out the card. "I can't read it now?"
"You can," I said. "But it's corny."
"I like corny," he winked and undid the envelope flap. It was another one of my heartfelt letters inside. Talking about how I never got along with my dad, but I considered Scott to be the kind of dad I wished I'd had.
He looked up at me. "Oh, buddy."
"Too much?" I asked.
"Not at all," he said. "I'm honored. Truly."
I blushed. I wasn't used to being this vulnerable with another guy. "Just a warning: the gifts are kinda 'dad' gifts."
Scott laughed and pulled out the small box, the golf balls. "Nice," he said. Then looking up at me. "You ever think about playing? For real?"
"I'd need a hell of a lot of practice," I said. "Or maybe lessons."
"That could be arranged," he smiled. He looked me up and down. "You got the strength and athletic ability to do real well."
I thanked him then nodded to the bigger box. "Open the other one."
He seemed genuinely wowed by the golf top. "It's perfect, man," he said. Then leaned forward for a kiss. "Listen, I got about an hour and a half before I gotta be back. What do you think of grabbing some lunch somewhere?"
It wasn't fancy or anything. Just a regular burger lunch spot. But in my eyes Scott and I had our Christmas meal together there. It would become our tradition, actually.
"Come on, it'll be fun," I said to my daughter. "We've done Europe three summers in a row."
"Your father has gotten on one of his mid-life kicks," Kelly explained.
"We both have," I reminded her. I wasn't the one who'd signed up for baking classes.
Shannon giggled. As much as I sometimes griped to Austin about my spoiled daughter, it was still always great to see her. She was young and happy and her happiness was infectious. "I just can't believe you've been using Austin as your trainer."
Kelly sidled up to the kitchen island with a wine glass in hand. She liked to let loose over the holidays. "I think Austin has some extra business because of him," he put her arms around my shoulder. "My girlfriends all have pestered their husbands to go to him."
I blushed. Maybe I was a grade-A heel for acting like everything was normal. Like I wasn't having sex with Austin a couple of times a week. But I'd been open about developing a close friendship with my trainer. It was kind of in an "I always did like that kid" kind of tone.
But this was more. I had told Kelly and Shannon my dream of hiking Glacier National Park and was upfront this was something Austin was helping me train for. We'd be doing spring hikes in Tennessee and aim for a July trip out west. Austin and I would do the hike and then we'd meet in some resort.
"Linda Price says Jackson Hole is overrated," Kelly chimed in. "She says the smaller resorts are the real deal and much nicer."
"Can I bring Bryan?" Shannon asked. Her boyfriend of the moment.
"Of course," I said. "And some friends if you like." Maybe I figured that this would help sell the trip. But also, I knew it would be awkward to seem like I saw making Shannon's ex the only other person there.
"How come you didn't ask me to do the hike, Dad?" Shannon teased. She could get in her "girl boss" mode sometimes.
I shrugged. "You strike me as more the glamping type."
She laughed. "Maybe. Yeah."
I really worked Scott hard that Tuesday.
"You should have pity on an old man," he teased as we walked out to our cars. It was February and plenty dark out at 8.
"I know what I'm doing," I asserted. "I specialize in training older guys, remember."
"I remember," he said. Then, quietly, Scott asked. "Have there been others? Besides me?"
He didn't spell it out but I knew what he meant. "You serious?" I asked.
"That’s not a no," he said.
"No one else," I assured him. "Yeah, sure, sometimes it's fun to look but you're the one exception to my business-only rule."
He liked that answer. I liked that he liked it. "Hell of an exception, buddy.'
I laughed. "Got time to come back to my place?" Sometimes he didn't but this was as close to routine as we'd get.
"You bet."
He was surprised when he walked in. I had a massage table set up in my living room.
"What's this?" he laughed. "Starting a side business?"
I'm not licensed," I explained. "But we did sports massage some in Kinesiology at UT."
He looked at me. "For me?"
I grinned. "I can't afford a fancy gift, but you have a birthday this week." I pointed to the table. "Come on, strip down and I'll help you relax."
He grinned and started taking off his workout sweats. I enjoyed seeing him hard. But I urged him to lie face down first.
I took my time. I applied massage oil to his daddy muscle and slowly worked it in. Like a lot of exec types, Scott was tense as hell, and our workout hadn't helped. But he moaned and shut his eyes softly as I worked him.
I did what I knew how, but there was a lot of improvising. And some more sensual, sexual stimulation, up the insides of his thighs, and along his ass.
“Turn over,” I instructed. There was his rigid spike again, leaking on his belly. But I didn't touch it. I started with his temples, then down his neck and shoulders. I could sense the tension leave him, even if I wasn't an expert.
Or else the tension was going straight to his prick. I went to the other end. I started with the calves and worked up the legs, one then the other. Finally I grabbed hold of his hardon with my oiled hand and pumped.
I didn't have any special technique here, either, but I was mimicking a tug motion, like milking a cow's udder. Scott was so worked up. He opened his eyes. Hungrily feasting on my shirtless body.
"Austin!" he hissed. And like that sperm flew out, over my first and up onto his chest.
His body tensed in aftershocks, then he reached out to touch my own tented crotch. "Let me do you," he urged. I'd been ready to make this a special Scott day. But I wasn't gonna turn down a blow job. I pulled my sweats down and let my hard cock just toward his face.
Scott twisted his position and took me into his mouth. He'd gotten so good at this. Rapidly he worked his head and up and down while I took in the vision of his naked body. Older, beautiful, just having had its own release.
I pulled out. My prick spurted on Scott's tongue which got him to open wide for the rest of my load. Some of it hit his chin and dribbled down but the man caught most of it before circling his lips back on me to suck it all down.
"You've never done that," he remarked when he finally sat up.
"Yeah, I wanted to see the cum," I explained.
"Was hot," he said as he leaned in for a kiss.
I let him shower the oil off. "I'm gonna sleep well," he said as he came in fully dressed again. Ready to head back home.
"I'm glad. Happy early birthday, Scott."
"I won't be able to spend any time with you this weekend," he explained.
"I get it," I assured him. "For real."
He gave me a nod. I could see some conflicted emotions but stoically he walked out of my pace and into the February cold.
Two years ago I would have hated a place like this. But it was a warm March day and I was hanging out with Austin at TopGolf. It was a blast. He had a competitive streak and though I was a better hitter, he had some power in his drives. He got into keeping tally of our scores.
"Good thing it's not a putt putt challenge," he said. "My Dad would always take us when we were in Gatlinburg. I got pretty good."
"How long ago was that?" I asked as I sipped my beer.
"A while," he admitted. "But a few of my buddies and I would actually go play when we were in college. We'd get hammered then make bets on who'd get the best score."
I laughed. "Sounds like a country club," I deadpanned. "Only the drinks would cost more."
"How's the trip planning going?" Austin asked after his turn. He was responsible for the hike planning for Montana, but I was arranging flights, hotels, transportation, park reservations, the rest of it.
"All booked," I said. "You're gonna have to put up with Shannon and her friends."
"It'll be fine," Austin grinned. "I'm a charming guy." He was a little tipsy, I could tell. "Just tell me we're gonna have some alone time, Mr. D."
I smiled. "A week backpacking's not enough alone time?"
"I mean after," he said. "I'm greedy that way."
"We gotta be careful," I cautioned him. "But you have a way of getting me to do things for you, Mr. White."
"How you doing?" I asked as we entered a steeper stretch. I had tried to give myself more of the weight, but Scott insisted on carrying an equal load in our packs.
"Doing good," he said, a little out of breath and very much breaking a sweat, but not making a show of it. "I have a personal trainer who's whipped me into shape."
I laughed. "The gym's different from the trail," I reminded him.
Scott was never short with me, but he was getting short now. "I told you I wanted a challenge, buddy, and I meant it. I'm good."
I was used to type-A corporate types in my job, and it was times like this that I remembered Scott Delahunt was one of them.
The first day was the longest and hardest, and when we got to our first spot to set up, Scott was quiet, almost moody. "Can we rest for a sec?" he asked as we plopped down on a rock. He looked out over the landscape. Parts of the Smokies weren't dramatic. This was dramatic. But contemplation of the scenery was the last thing on Scott's mind. "Glad we beat the thunderstorm," he said as he pulled out his water bottle and took a good swig.
I let him be frustrated. I'd gotten real good at reading Scott's moods. I took a good swig of water myself and enjoyed just being up in the mountains again. Then I got up and gently squeezed Scott's shoulder and walked over to unpack the tent.
He was actually really efficient at helping put it up. "You learn those knots in Scouts?" I asked.
"Probably," he smiled. I was glad to see his humor return. "But I forgot them. I studied up before coming."
I fixed the last of the tiers to the poles. "Looks like that thunderstorm is coming," I said as I looked up to the sky, feeling the breeze pick up just as the clouds were really darkening.
We got the bags inside the tent. I had the foresight to take a tarp and stretch it over some exposed rock dirt and secure it with rocks. We'd want somewhere dry to cook and eat.
The drops came, a few of them, then a lot. I got in the tent first, and Scott ducked in a second after.
"Welcome to the Smokies," I said.
"Love it," came his reply. We plopped down on the tent floor. Scott unfurled his sleeping bag as I did mine.
"I hope we're only using one of these bags," I teased.
Scott looked over, a playful look in his eyes. "Tight fit," he said. Already he was untucking his shirt. "But maybe we can test it out."
I was matching his moves. "I'm a little sweaty," I said.
"So am I," Scott replied. "The hike leader is a real slavedriver."
He managed to get naked first and I saw that beautiful dad spike sticking out of his crotch. I loved every hardon Scott threw for me, with me and around me.
We scooted toward one another. The tent wasn't that big anyway. "We can take our time, right?" I asked.
The rain was coming down. It felt magical. The right time with the right man. The two of us alone in nature.
We kissed and humped against one another. His body was warm and clammy. He gripped my own sweaty muscle. It felt like how men should have sex.
Apparently that's what Scott thought. He pulled back and ran his hands along my arm muscle, from my forearm to my biceps and triceps and then back. "It's nice being with a man," he said, thoughtfully. "Sometimes, I still can't believe it."
I looked into his face. Just that older, dad-like handsomeness was enough to make me and keep me rock hard. The lines around his eyes, and the salt and pepper hair, now grayer than when I first met him. "I've always been too scared to ask you, but you ever get weirded out by it?"
That caught him by surprise. "Why are you afraid to ask?" he hissed then kissed along my chin. I liked this private version of Scott a lot. Sensual as much as sexual.
"I dunno," I said. "Maybe a part of me is always afraid you'll go back to being straight."
He looked at me, taking in my words. "It's not about words for me, Austin. I can't explain."
"You don't have to," I said. "Some things can be put into words anyway."
He nodded. "Maybe. Still, I don't want you afraid to ask me anything. Ever."
"OK," I said. I rolled over on top of him. Just this position got me going. I held my body up above him and felt his hands explore my lats and sides as we looked into each other's eyes. "Do you love me, Scott?"
He didn't hesitate. "I do." I could feel his heart pump through the connection of our dicks. "I don't want to lead you on, Austin. Maybe I can't give you what you need. But I love you."
I smiled. "You give me plenty, sir."
"Sir?" he laughed.
I blushed. But gently thrust my cock against his. "My parents taught me to respect my elders." Kind of teasing, but also suggesting to Scott what was on my mind.
I could see the wheels turning in his head. "I've been afraid to ask you things, too."
"Like what?" I asked.
"Are you looking for a daddy?"
I raised my eyebrow. "You've been studying up on the gays," I teased.
"I gotta keep up with you somehow, Austin," he said sincerely. "But you didn't answer my question."
"I have a daddy already," I said directly, getting the courage to look him in the eye as I described my fantasy, my kink. "I guess I'm looking for a dad."
His fingers now lazily traced circles along my flank. "Sorry. You're gonna have to explain."
I scooted off him, taking the chance to run my hand along his chest and furry abs. He'd slimmed down a lot over the last month, and I could see knotted ridges of his abs now. "A daddy is any older guy I'm with. But a dad.... well, I get turned on by the incest fantasy."
I examined his face for a hostile reaction. Or a positive one. Instead I saw pure curiosity as Scott reached over and wrapped his hand around my cock. "You're rock hard just talking about it."
I nodded. "We don't have to explore this," I assured him. "But I think about it when we have sex. A lot."
"You think of your father instead of me?" I could tell he was a little hurt by that idea.
"Fuck no," I interjected. "I dream of you being my dad. And being with you that way... Sorry if that freaks you out."
He shook his head and removed his hand from my dick. "Doesn't freak me out. It's a new idea to me. A little weird. But I like seeing you turned on." He turned over and I got an amazing view of his backside as Scott rifled through his backpack. I'll just say his back and leg workouts were paying real dividends.
When he turned back he had some lubricant in his hand. "It's been too long," he said. "You wanna?"
I nodded. There would be no rim job this time nor any extended foreplay, but it turns out we were both worked up. The thunderstorm had passed, but the rain still pattered on our tent. Scott scooted in place beneath me and let me place his legs on my shoulders. I decided I like this position, a lot. The ability to see Scott's handsome face as I penetrated him.
"I'm not ready for the 'dad' talk," he said. "But if you wanna think it..." he urged.
Just that permission felt wild. I pumped Scott slow and deep. And he became Dad as I fucked. My hunky, wonderful Dad who let his son have his way far too often. Like now. Scott's eyes looked up at me, knew what I was thinking, his hands urging me to enjoy this fuck.
He was enjoying it, too, his own fist working his spike slowly with each steady pump of my cock inside him. His body enjoying that connection between his p-spot and his dick.
I had an idea though. I nudged his hand aside with my own. Grabbing his cock like a handle, I took over stroking him. Focusing a little less on my own immediate need, though after so long Scott's ass felt amazing on my bare cock.
"You like this?" I asked. Eyes on his as I fucked.
He nodded excitedly, amazed at feeling a different hand than his as we mated. "God yes."
"Keep your hands to the side, OK?" I asked and more than a little commanded. "I wanna get you off."
His eyes were pure excitement as he let his body take over. I was getting real close to nutting myself but I wanted to see if this would work first. I knew Scott loved seeing me get my pleasure and the telltale look on my face was tripping his triggers.
"Keep your hands off!" I urged, louder now.
Scott nodded eagerly, already on the climb toward orgasm.
Just at that moment I let go and put all the power into my thrusts. By instinct Scott's hand went up but I intercepted. And like that, I was watching Scott Delahunt have his first hands-free orgasm. That spike spurting high globs of semen onto his furry front as his body jerked and his deep voice cried out.
"Yes," I hissed and like that I was shooting my wad deep into the man.
The man fell back onto the sleeping bag, head limp as he caught his breath. I slowly pulled out and let his legs come down from my shoulders.
"That was SO hot, Scott," I said as I leaned down to kiss him, his spermy body connecting with my sweaty muscle.
"I'm glad," Scott muttered as he pulled my hard body to his. "I still can't think," he laughed. "You fucked it all out of me."
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gossipsnake · 3 months
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PARTIES: @the-lil-exorcist and @gossipsnake TIME: Current WHERE: A bar Downtown SUMMARY:  Sometimes two lesbians just deserve a fun night out. WARNINGS: None!
Lil was quite done with the town, her entire body seemingly tired and fed up with the utter chaos that seemed to follow her around. She couldn’t even say that most of it was caused by her, something that was even more annoying to her. She liked helping people, even when it came at the expense of her own safety, but it felt like she was taking karmic hits for things she didn’t do. She couldn’t even run from it either, stuck in the town for better and probably worse. 
So she did the only thing she really knew how to do when she couldn’t run from her problems, she decided she was going to go sit in a bar and sip on whatever and pretend they weren’t there for a few hours. While it probably wasn’t a high list on what a therapist would recommend, Lil was having fun laughing with some of the regulars in the bar, and overall forgetting the weight and pain for a moment. 
After a bit she sensed a shift next to her at the bar and without thinking about it she turned to greet the new person who was sitting down much more open then she usually was. After all, right now she wasn’t the Reaper, she was a late twenty something year old in a bar. 
“Come here often?” Lil said with a smile giving away a laugh behind her eyes knowing that it was rather lame but feeling bold enough to do so anyway. “That was incredibly stupid, let me get you a drink to make up for that. - Hey you look familiar, do I know you?” Lil registering that the other’s face looked familiar, but not quite placing where or when. Honestly she was just hoping it wasn’t a friend of an ex or something like that. She really didn’t need it. 
Even though she had only been in town for a few years, Anita had already established herself as a regular at nearly every bar in town. They all seemed to offer something unique so where she ended up spending her nights depended on what she was looking for. Some places were good for a true escape - cheap drinks and bartenders who didn't cut people off until last call. Other places were good hunting grounds, either for a meal or for some fun. 
That night in particular, however, Anita was just in the mood for a lively crowd. Despite having been mostly on her own since she left home for college, she was really feeling the absence of her former housemate in the past weeks. 
The bar was busy when she arrived,  but there were a few scattered empty stools to choose from. One was off to the corner next to a couple that looked like they were on a first date and the other was next to a beautiful woman. It wasn't a difficult choice on which spot to take. What she hadn't been expecting, however, was that the woman was going to initiate a conversation with her before she even had the chance to order a drink. Anita smirked, maybe this was going to be a fun night after all. 
”Not stupid at all, but I'd never say no to a free drink from a beautiful woman.“ Anita met a lot of people but was usually pretty good at remembering faces. It took her a second to place it but she got there eventually. ”Bakery girl, yeah? Lilian?“ Damn. Her online profile hardly did her justice. 
Lil was more relaxed then she had been after coming back home. It was easy to let things go at the moment, although she knew that they kept looming over her shoulders ready to snatch whatever type of peace she made for herself. 
Still, at the end of the day she was alive and that made her want to shed the bits of her life that made her feel like she was just haunting the living, and the fact the other smiled at her made that a little easier to do. That and the whiskeys and cokes she’d managed to down so far. 
“Glad to know that’s not just me,” Lil said with a chuckle waiting for the Bartender to notice her so she could get the other a drink. At the connection Lil nodded and continued, “ Yes but I go by Lil. Lilian kinda sounds like a grandma's name right? Oh! Are you the professor? The one that was looking for the beatles? Anita? Or I’m sorry should I call you Doc?” She giggled a little at the notion.  
It had taken her a moment, but she couldn’t forget a pretty face either and she had found the Professor pretty. Lil had been somewhat shy though worried that she would put her foot in her mouth. Mostly, she didn’t think she was particularly smart enough to keep the other’s attention for long. Still, it was nice to match a person online to what they looked like in person. “I hope you found them.” 
There was something about the environment of a dimly lit bar that felt intoxicating even before any liquor passed her lips. It was as if simply showing up to the place unlocked a cage, releasing people that were usually restrained by thoughts of what one should do and not of what one wanted to do. It was an environment that encouraged release. Anita lived the entirety of her live in that state which was maybe why she liked being in places that brought others to her level. 
When the bartender approached Anita made eye contact and there was a nod of recognition. “Hola papi,” she hummed, her already present accent amplified by switching to her native Spanish for those few words. “Dragones Resposado,” she held two fingers up and tilted her head towards Lil. “Put some tonic and a splash of lime juice in it for us, yeah?” 
“It may be an older name… but nothing about you seems like a grandmother. I’m glad you remembered me as being a professor, most people go with ‘weird bug lady’.” In a way, she preferred the latter. She liked her eccentricities. The Doc comment made her laugh and she shook her head, “if you think Lilian sounds like a grandmother then Doc surely makes me sound like a graying old man! If that’s what you’re into you can call me Doc… otherwise Anita is perfect.” 
“I found most of them, a few managed to slip away. Hopefully off into the woods surrounded by nature and not on the bottom of someone's shoe.” It didn’t take too long for their drinks to arrive and Anita cupped one of the cool glasses in her right hand while she slid the other drink across the bar towards Lil, “If you don’t think this is better than what you’ve been drinking, I’ll buy drinks the rest of the night.” 
Lil realized that Anita probably came here often, which she also noted in her head, still sipping on her own drink when she realized the other was ordering for the both of them. She hadn’t expected it, but she was perfectly happy by it anyway finishing the drink she had in her hand. After all, if she couldn’t run away from this town again she could at least have a few moments with someone else that made her feel like she had. 
At the mention that she didn’t look like a grandmother  Lil laughed and said, “I mean I knit but that’s probably the only thing. Although hey, anyone can rock this aesthetic if they wanted to.” She had, rather young, decided to dress punk-ish  at first to annoy her father but more so when she realized it suited her. While she’d taken out some of her piercings over the years, mostly she just grew more into it. At the comment of people calling her weird Lil raised her eyebrow a little shocked, “Yeah no you seem really cool. I wouldn’t think of calling you weird. People really have too much time on their hands.” 
At the comment Lil chuckled, raising her hands a little and going, “No no - can’t say I am and I don’t think that matches you at all now that you’ve put that image in my head. Anita it is then. It’s a pretty name and I think it suits you.” At the fate of the beetles Lil sighed and nodded, “Hopefully so. I wouldn’t want to think that they met that fate.” 
As the other slid the drink towards her Lil caught it and laughed, “ You know, it probably will be but sure I’ll take the bet anyway. Cheers.”  Lil raised her glass to clink with the other, hoping it wasn’t too cheesy. 
“Cool and weird aren’t mutually exclusive,” Anita chimed back with a grin. “But I’ll take the compliment anyway.” Maybe it was because for so much of her life, in nearly every aspect of her life, she felt like the odd man out that Anita had grown to view being weird or different as a positive thing. It set her apart from the ordinary. “I’d rather be called weird than boring, ya know.” 
There was another compliment tucked into Lil’s next statement as well. That mixed with the statement that she wasn’t into graying old men was enough for Anita to decide to graduate from light flirting to a more direct approach. “Thank you, it means graceful. I like to think I live up to that.” As they clinked their glasses together her eyes remained fixed on the other as they each took a sip, studying the gentle lines of her face as she let the tequila pour down her throat. 
“What’s the verdict?” She suspected that she knew the answer already, but there was always room for surprises in life. “And feel free to lie to me, if you want,” Anita teased with a smirk, lowering her voice slightly, “Cause I’d be happy to buy you a few more rounds even though we both know that was better than the usual offerings here.” 
Lil nodded, trying not to chuckle at the idea, “You’re right, they aren’t, but I’ll still hold on to the fact I don't think you’re weird. Then again, I don’t have a super great track record of being called not-weird. Also  for the record, you don’t seem boring either.” It was true at the very least, the girl who could see ghosts was never going to be welcomed with open arms - despite the Wicked’s Rest community’s habit of wanting to be a horror zone. She always figured it was the closeness with death people got uncomfortable with, but she decided not to dwell on that - instead smiling to the other. After all, Anita didn’t seem to find her that odd, and that was enough. 
“You certainly are,” Lil said with a light laugh, drinking the tequila sliding down a lot smoother than what she usually drank.  It wasn’t hard, to be fair. Lil for most of her life was a traveling exorcist, and she had gotten used to staying in dive bars until four am drinking whatever they offered. 
So while she wouldn’t have minded lying to not pay for drinks she couldn’t help shaking her head and replying, “No no you won the bet on that one. It’s a lot smoother than what I usually have, and I can’t deny your victory.” Lil said, putting the glass back down. 
“I will get another round if you want one too - probably not a shot or the floor and I am going to be great friends,” Lil said with a chuckle looking back at Anita. “And while I think I’m pretty adorable sitting here, I promise you I won’t be then.” 
Anita grinned softly when the other woman implied that she, too, seemed to have experience with being a bit weird, a bit eclectic - different. “When I first moved to the States, my English was horrible, I was experiencing intense culture shock, and I was very gay and very very into insects. I didn’t have a great track record with being called not-weird for several consecutive years of my life.” 
“A woman of honor, how noble,” she teased, given that Lil didn’t deny the obvious outcome of their little bet. “I do love a little victory, even if I was sure of the outcome before I even made the bet.” Anita signaled over to the bartender, who was finishing up a round of drinks for another group of customers. 
Turning her attention back, Anita smiled widely at the compliment Lil had given herself. “I love that. I love when women aren’t afraid to compliment themselves. Cause you do look absolutely adorable sitting there. And while I think you would look equally adorable laying down,” she paused for just a moment, her eyes dropped down to the other woman's lips briefly before returning to her gaze, “we’ll certainly avoid any more shots tonight.”
“Do you wanna order this round?” Anita asked once the bartender returned to where they were sitting to take their order. “Or should I? I don’t mind taking the lead.” 
Lil nodded at the explanation thinking that was a way to get called weird. Not knowing how much the others knew about ghosts she just shrugged and said, “Dressed like this most of my life, got in a lot of fights and my family is pretty- uh -  notorious around here.” It might have been enough of a hint about the ghosts that seemed to haunt her, and was light enough that it wasn’t dragging down the talk. “I speak a lot of languages too - but haven’t managed to learn Spanish. Maybe you could help?” Lil said a little teasing.
She chuckled at the idea of being honorable but still gave a little bow in her seat. “What can I say, I might bullshit a lot, but not with an obvious win.” That, and it was just nice to agree with Anita. 
Lil couldn’t help the blush that filled her face as the other doubled down on her own compliment to herself, her eyes widening slightly. She was only glad she didn’t stutter and kept Anita’s gaze replying, “Glad you agree. Would be a shame if you didn’t.” Lil’s smile grew as she started to hide her own blush behind light joking,“ Good on you to think of my relationship with the floor.”  
Turning to look at the bartender with a nod  and back to Anita, Lil shook her head and said, “No it seems like you’ve got the better taste with drinks. Go ahead.” 
“Oh yeah? You mentioned a brother, if I recall. You two get into too much trouble around town as kids or something?” Anita declined to note the similarity between their families as being somewhat notorious in their hometown. She had no desire for the night to be derailed by too many family details. “A lot of languages? I’m impressed. What languages? Well, I am an excellent teacher. If you ever want a private lesson… yo te doy una clase privada, mi amor.” 
“I’m a very conscientious person. Always gotta think about your relationship with the floor. And any other flat surfaces, of course.” With all the utter bullshit that had been happening lately, Anita felt so relieved that the possibility of a simple normal night was still an occasional option. There were no crystal monsters, nobody trying to kill her roommate - just two beautiful women sharing a drink at a bar.
“Two paloma’s.” She ordered from the bartender. “Thing about having good taste is you just have to try things sometimes, push yourself out of your comfort zone.” When the drinks arrived, Anita held hears up to cheers, “To… being a bit weird and trying new things.” She smirked slightly before putting the glass to her lips and taking a long, slow drink. “If you ever do want Spanish lessons, I could also teach you how to make some mean cocktails. Always a real crowd pleaser at parties.” 
“Nah it was almost always me,” Lil said with a bit of a grin at the idea that Jonas would get in trouble for anything. While it wasn’t true that he was a goody two shoes or any other such markers - he didn’t like making people upset. He was quiet, and kind. “Yes - I mean I can list them if you want, but it’ll probably get boring,” Lil said looking at Anita with a smile. At the idea of her being her teacher one of Lil’s eyebrows went up, finding her switching to Spanish very attractive, “I would like that.” 
Lil laughed and continued, “Oh of course. I also think we should make sure it’s comfortable. Wouldn’t want any more bruises than necessary. I wouldn’t want you to have a bad time on a horizontal surface either.” It was nice flirt back and forth, something from a more simple part of Lil’s life rearing up than what the last while was. 
At the drink choice she nodded thinking it was a good choice and focusing back on Anita. “True - I guess I have been stuck in my comfort zone lately.” Something like that at least. Lil was in a holding pattern, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It was making her on edge, although she had to admit the tequila was making it a little looser now. Clinking Anita’s glass Lil echoed the statement with a laugh.
 “Oh now that’s also a great deal. I’ll have to take you up on it. You’ll have to let me know what you might want in return,” Lil said, taking a sip of the drink and pausing for a moment. “After all, I don’t think you should be giving away trade secrets for free. I’ll have to get you dinner at least.” 
“A lone trouble maker. I like that.” Anita certainly got up to her fair share of trouble, both now and in her adolescence, but back then it was always accompanied by her sisters - who often caused far more of a scene than she ever did. She shook the thoughts away, focused instead on the evening and how she hoped it might unfold. “I doubt anything you do is boring. Even listing off things.
The comment about more bruises than necessary caused Anita to slightly raise one of her eyebrows, she didn’t know if the comment meant what it did in her head but she was certainly interested in finding out. “I don’t think either of us would have a bad time on a horizontal surface, especially not together.” It was hard to put her finger on, but there was something about the other woman that simply drew Anita in. She was interesting. “If you ever need any help busting out of your comfort zone, I’d be happy to help.”
“I hope you take me up on every offer I make tonight.” Anita smirked as she placed her glass to her lips again, savoring a slow drink as her mind danced around for an appropriate response to the question about what she would want in return. “Oh, I wouldn’t give away all my trade secrets for free. Gotta keep ya coming back.” Anita adjusted how she was sitting in the stool, placing her glass down on the counter and leaning in a bit closer to Lil. “ Drinks and dinner? If I didn’t know any better I’d say that sounded like a date. ” 
Lil chuckled at the idea leaning back slightly to give a ‘bow’ to the idea. Out of her siblings she had always been the one to cause problems. Maybe she should have been ashamed by that, but well she didn’t feel like she was in the wrong most of the time. Besides, even if she had been more well behaved it wouldn’t have been better. She would have just been more tired then she already was. 
At the comment Lil couldn’t help but smile and said, “Oh I’m certain that it wouldn’t be a bad time.” It had been a long time since she felt flirty in person and it was fun to talk to the other woman, especially about nothing particularly deep at all. At the suggestion she nodded and said, “First one I’d call.” 
Lil’s eyebrow raised slightly a look of amusement in her eyes as she said, “I wouldn’t dream of denying one.” Leaning arm on the bar she turned more to Anita and continued, “Of course. I wouldn’t want to be a freeloader. - Sure.  If you’d like to go on a date I’d love to take you on one. If not, just drinks and dinner. You are fun to be around.” The drinks finally made her a bit more brave and less nervous, Lil didn’t mind either scenario. Normally she would insist it wouldn’t be a date, a fear of commitment pressing on her bones closer than most other things, but Anita didn’t seem to be one to take all of that particularly seriously. That and if she was honest she did want to see the other again. 
“Guess I gotta give you my number then, so you can make that call whenever you feel so inclined.” Anita said with a smirk before reaching across the bar and grabbing a pen and a napkin. She quickly jotted down her first name followed by her cell number before offering it over to Lil. “And please, feel free to use it for any other reasons too. No limitations.” It was more of a line than it was the truth, but it was one that she had learned tended to work out pretty well. And in the event that someone took the no limitations caveat too seriously, the technology to block phone numbers was always at her fingertips. 
There was a pang of hesitation, it felt, in her response to the joke about a date. For how much of a player she was, Anita didn’t have the same disdain for the word that she noted many others seemed to. A date didn’t mean anything serious, to her. Maybe that wasn’t the case for everyone, but Anita didn’t view it as anything more than an agreement to enjoy the company of another person in a romantic context. “Drinks and dinner and fun with a woman like yourself? I’m sure it will be a night we won’t forget no matter what we call it, mami.”
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