#Jaime-Style with cheese & sauce Burrito
rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Onion Day
Today, farmers in the United States are collecting millions of onions. They will be heading for store shelves to provide families with the fresh, nutritional, tasty power to improve meals and boost the body’s immunity. Onions have numerous advantages, such as enhancing meals with a variety of flavors. According to recent research, consuming onions also helps the body fight colorectal cancer and breast cancer, as well as heart disease and diabetes.
National Onion Day commemorates the incorporation of the National Onion Association in 1913. The organization was created to protect the interests of America’s onion growers, and onions remain their business to this day. Today, the group represents over 500 onion producers, shippers, packers, and suppliers across the country.
History of National Onion Day
In June 2022, the National Onion Association established National Onion Day to commemorate the organization’s 53rd anniversary. They officially incorporated on June 27, 1913, in Ohio, and represent almost 500 onion farmers, shippers, packers, and allied members across the U.S.
Onions are one of the world’s oldest cultivated vegetables, having originated in Central Asia and spread around the world. Some researchers believe the onion has been cultivated for at least 5,000 years. Onions were possibly eaten for thousands of years and cultivated all over the world at the same time, since they grew wild in different locations.
We rely on the onion to improve the flavor of our savory meals, whether we use a sweet, white, red, or ever-popular yellow onion. They complement meats and salads, making the versatile onion a culinary powerhouse. It’s the needed seasoning alongside our salt and pepper, whether added to eggs or pickled. While the onion is low in calories, it is also high in vitamin C and antioxidants, and can increase your dietary fiber and vitamin B6 intake. Unlike many other low-calorie ingredients, onions provide a high nutritional content without compromising flavor. And it makes no difference what you do to it; pickled or raw, caramelized, sauteed, or pureed — the onion adds a lot of flavor to a dish. With so many types to choose from, onions present numerous opportunities to reap the benefits.
National Onion Day timeline
3500 B.C. The Onion is First Traced in Egypt
The history of the onion can be traced back to this period, with a Sumerian document describing someone being in awe of the city governor’s onion garden.
1500 B.C. Ancient Egypt Worships Onions
To those who bury onions alongside their pharaohs, onions are a sign of eternity.
1913 National Onion Association Is Founded
On June 2, the National Onion Association is formally incorporated in Ohio.
2019 National Onion Day is First Celebrated
The National Onion Association establishes National Onion Day on June 27, to honor onion producers.
National Onion Day FAQs
Is an onion a vegetable or a fruit?
The vegetables are classified based on the edible part of the plant: leaves (like lettuce), roots (like carrot), bulbs (such as onions), and many others. Alternatively, fruits such as tomatoes and seeds such as peas are commonly referred to as vegetables.
Which country is the largest onion exporter?
According to FY18 data, China appears to be the top onion producer, but the Netherlands is the largest onion exporter.
Do onions aid in the treatment of infections?
Onions were worshiped for their medicinal powers by various civilizations. They have anti-inflammatory properties, relieve joint pain, treat ear infections, work as an antibiotic, and are an excellent expectorant for loosening up thick phlegm.
National Onion Day Activities
Add fresh onion to your favorite recipe
Learn how to grow onions in your backyard
Share the celebration on social media
For a flavor boost, be sure to add some onion in there. No matter how you slice it, onion pulls together some of the greatest flavors! Tell us how you like to cook your onions!
Gardening is fun! Furthermore, if you can cultivate some veggies like onions in your backyard, you can reduce the cost of your monthly groceries by harvesting them yourself.
Be sure to spread the word about National Onion Day by using the hashtag #NationalOnionDay on social media. Also, don’t forget to brag about your onion recipe or how you harvested your own onions.
5 Interesting Facts About Onion
They’ve been around for thousands of years
Sulfuric acid
Onions were worshiped by Ancient Egyptians
The biggest onion ever
The Big Onion
Onions have been present for thousands of years and, around 3,500 B.C, onions were harvested for the first time.
The reason you become teary-eyed when cutting onions is because of the sulfuric acid they contain.
They claimed that the spherical shape and concentric circles represented eternity — onions were used to cover the tombs of their monarchs and were important in ritual burials.
According to ‘The Guinness Book of World Records’, the biggest onion ever was cultivated by Peter Glazebrook, a British farmer, who grew a massive onion in 2011 that weighed just under 18 pounds.
Before it was known as the Big Apple, New York was known as the Big Onion, because it was a place where you could peel layer after layer without touching the center, kind of like an onion.
Why We Love National Onion Day
It encourages cultivation
It promotes culinary creativity
It boosts the immune system
Onions are an important, and healthy part of our diet. Why not grow and cultivate your own in your backyard?
Who would have thought onions, known for making us cry, could be so sweet and delectable with some creativity? These days, almost all culinary innovations use onion for a unique flavor.
Onions are rich in prebiotics. This helps to increase friendly bacteria in your guy, which helps to build immunity against viruses.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Eat What You Want Day
Drop your rules and restrictions around eating and just enjoy life a little by eating what you want on this health and body image conscious day.
Many people spend time stressing over their diet, and what they should or shouldn’t eat, mainly because today’s world is filled with magazine covers sporting perfectly toned, perfectly tanned models that constantly make us feel inadequate.
The various health food fads that seem to come and go every few weeks definitely don’t help, either—as it turns out, a gluten-free diet is not particularly good for anyone who isn’t actually allergic to gluten, juice cleanses deprive us of the protein and fat our bodies need to function properly, and taking too many vitamin supplements just makes our urine expensive when our bodies flush the excess.
If you, like many people these days, are beginning to feel disillusioned with all of these things, you will be glad to hear about National Eat What You Want Day.
History of National Eat What You Want Day
National Eat What You Want Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy to help people break away from the frustrating health and diet trends of our times, if for only one day, and just let go and enjoy life a little.
Most nutritionists seem to agree that giving yourself a break every now and again can actually be good for us, and that forcing ourselves to eat only low-calorie, tasteless foods for prolonged periods of time is likely to cause us to suddenly gorge on everything in sight when our determination wears off.
Why should you celebrate National Eat What You Want Day?
We’re big advocates of this holiday! A lot of people have a structured way of consuming food. They have to be careful about what they eat, otherwise, they will put on weight and their health will suffer. Not everyone is blessed with a naturally fast metabolism. However, National Eat What You Want Day gives you the perfect opportunity to have the freedom to choose what you want without feeling guilty about it. It is also perfect if there is something that you have wanted to try for a while but you’ve been holding out because you don’t want to cheat your diet.
How to celebrate National Eat What You Want Day
It shouldn’t be too hard to imagine how to celebrate this holiday, really. You can eat whatever you want, isn’t that enough cause for celebration? Everyone is different, so for some people, this will mean pigging out on junk food.
They will stop counting calories and go berserk, eating everything from ice cream to chocolate to cake and pie, and then some cookies with ice cream washed down with hot chocolate, and then some ice cream cake. You get the picture.
However, nowhere in the holiday’s description does it say that you have to take this route to gastronomic satisfaction. Aficionados of gourmet cuisine can choose to celebrate by splurging on a meal at a five-star restaurant. Do you love lobster, but rarely order it because of its price tag?
Understandable, but today is the day to take a break. So call the poshest place in your city and spend an evening feasting on your favorite delicacies and perhaps washing them down with a nice bottle of wine.
Or, alternatively, you can try to recreate a favorite childhood meal in your home. Did your Mom use to make the best macaroni and cheese? Call her up and get the recipe!
Nothing beats a good comfort food to make us feel full, happy and sleepy all at the same time, so forget about fat and carbs just this once and enjoy a bowl (or pot) of that filling, creamy goodness.
Or maybe you’re a strict vegetarian who can’t help but miss steak or shrimp every now and then—if so, maybe you should treat yourself to something you wouldn’t usually eat just to reward your body for the tasty things it has to go without on a daily basis?
The key is to eat something that you truly enjoy, so whatever food that is for you, get celebrating!
What is everyone going to be eating on National Eat What You Want Day?
You may be wondering what everyone else is going to be eating on this holiday. Data that was gathered by the Top Agency may give you some answers! They have revealed that the number one food Americans would eat every day if they did not have to worry about the consequences is pizza! This was closely followed by pasta, and then both burgers and ice cream were in joint third place. In the fourth spot, it was a tie between French fries, chocolate, and burritos or tacos. We then have donuts, cake, chips, and cheese and cookies.
Make National Eat What You Want Day fun
There are a number of different ways you can make this day fun! Why not switch the typical meals around? You can have dinner for breakfast, and breakfast for dinner! After all, who doesn’t love tucking into Chinese leftovers the morning after? Or, if you want to have breakfast for dinner, why not put together a fluffy stack of pancakes with some maple syrup and bacon for dinner? After all, no rules apply on National Eat What You Want Day, so you may as well switch things up a little bit!
If you have got children, why not allow them to be in charge for once? Most of the time, parents are in charge of what’s for dinner. If we weren’t, children would probably never see a vegetable in their life! But, for this one day, why don’t you let your children decide what’s on the menu? You may end up with a random concoction of delicious treats, but it will certainly be a lot of fun, and it will get them interested in cooking as well, which is always a good thing.
Another way to make National Eat What You Want Day fun is to break your typical routine. For example, if you usually take a packed lunch to work, why not gather your colleagues and enjoy lunch together at a local restaurant? Of course, your children won’t be able to ditch their school lunches and dine out, but you can still make their packed lunches exciting. Look for fun ways to make their lunches, for example, you can cut their food up into different shapes and add some edible glitter to the mix to keep things exciting.
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Junk Food Day
Junk foods are usually, by definition, high in fats, sugars, salt, and calories. But more often than not, they are delicious! Junk food day is the perfect day to treat yourself. On Junk Food Day, you get to eat anything you want. Eat any amounts that you want, too. Tomorrow, however, it’s back to a healthy diet.
It doesn’t have to be candies either. Like bacon? Eat so much bacon! Like chili cheese dogs? Eat all the dogs you want. Onion rings, yes please. Pizza? Have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Junk Food Day is all about indulging in your favorites.
Please Note: Junk food may be hazardous to your health. After all, mom knows what’s best for you. Do so at your own risk. That risk includes having too much and Mom saying: “I told you so!”
Learn about Junk Food Day
Junk Food Day is a day that allows you to chow down on the foods that you usually would not. Junk foods, by their definition, tend to contain a lot of calories, salt, sugar, and fats, and they offer very nutritional value. You may think that it doesn’t do anyone any favors to have a day that is dedicated to junk food.
However, if you follow a healthy and balanced diet, there is nothing wrong with having one day of the year whereby you can eat anything that you want to. In fact, this is encouraged, because it means that you are more likely to eat healthily the rest of the time, right? Of course, it is up to you whether or not you decide to fully embrace Junk Food Day, but we know that we will be!
History of Junk Food Day
Upon searching for the history behind this food filled day, we found no information on the origin of this day. It was most likely created by a diet conscious individual or group who desired to eat junk food, without guilt, at least one day a year, sounds like a great idea to me. For it to become a “national” day it requires an act of congress. I don’t mind celebrating it anyway.
But, what about junk food? When did this start to come into our lives? Well, this coincides with the advent of packaged foods throughout the late 1900s. Of course, for decades, home-cooked meals were still the standard. However, after WW2, junk food really started to take off.
The population was traveling more and eating out more, and this resulted in fast food chains and the frozen food aisle really taking off. There were so many different foods for people to choose from. However, it was not until the 1970s that junk food started to get a bad name. This was when microbiologist, Michael Jacobson, actually coined the phrase. His aim was to try and curb our appetite for high preservative, high salt, and high sugar foods, which we were eating at a worrying rate.
Since then, there has been more knowledge and information about junk food, and a lot of food manufacturers have tried to make healthy versions of the junk food that we love the most! Nevertheless, if you have junk food now and again yet you generally maintain a healthy diet, it should not do you any harm! After all, we all deserve a treat now and again, right?
How to celebrate Junk Food Day
Celebrate this wonderful day by eating any sweet or salty treats you want! Bake cupcakes, make cookies, heat up some popcorn, buy some of your favorite candies. Invite friends over and have them bring in their favorites and make a junk food buffet and spend the rest of the day watching movies. You can always go get some fast food for fun. Take a cheat day from your diet and have dessert for dinner.
Consider trying some junk foods from other countries. Japan has a particular talent for making fun candy that you have to mix together. Look online to see if you can order special treats for the day. To name a few for you Korea has Cheong Woo Pumpkin Candy.
The Ukraine has Mr. Fizzy, a small hard candy that fizzes in your mouth. Columbia has Jet chocolates, a package of chocolates that also comes with a dinosaur sticker. Japan has Unican Mikita Melon Milk candy, a chewy candy with melon flavor. In Spain they have Violetas, sugar coated natural violets. In Poland they have a crunchy wafer-chocolate bar called Prince Polo made by Olza.
Another way that you can celebrate junk food is by creating your own versions of your favorite snacks. For example, instead of heading down to KFC, why not try making your own southern fried chicken? There are lots of great recipes online for junk food nowadays. In fact, you will see that there are some weird and wonderful creations, including different and unusual burger recipes and much more!
You may also want to decide to spend Junk Food Day with your friends. Why not host a junk food party? You can tell your friends that everyone has to bring carby and fatty foods. There are no green leafy foods allowed! Enjoy the day and indulge together. After all, it’s not like it is something that we all get to do all of the time, is it? So, you may as well make the most of it and indulge in those naughty foods. We won’t tell anyone!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Tortilla Chip Day
It’s no joke that many people take their food obsessions very seriously. One of these passions is the love for tortilla chips. Hence, there is a designated National Tortilla Chip Day to partake in. It allows for these fanatics to celebrate and indulge in their favorite snack.
Well, how can you blame them? These chips are crispy, tasty, and go well with all sorts of dips and sides. Snacks are necessary for satisfying one’s cravings and for having at parties and special gatherings. One may be wondering how this day emerged and ways to celebrate the occasion. Look no further because we have answers to these questions and can help improve a future snacking session.
Millions love to indulge in eating crispy and delicious tortilla chips, and that’s why there’s a special day dedicated to the food. For this reason, we come together to celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day once a year. It’s a chance for chip lovers all around to rejoice and make it known that the tortilla chip is a wise choice when hunger strikes.
They’re a sensation among a large group of people and only seem to be getting more popular over the years. There are so many ways to eat them and enjoy this snack that the options are endless. They’re known to bring the fiesta to any occasion and remain a well-liked snacking option to have around the house. They have the right amount of crunch and salty flavor to put a smile on anyone’s face.
The most common way to eat them among the public is to dip them in a salsa of choice. There are many reasons to love National Tortilla Chip Day and to indulge in the snack. For example, they’re a type of social food that brings people together and will make a party more enjoyable. Also, one of the best foods around is nachos, and where would this dish be without the tortilla chip? The chip goes well with any salsa, including those that are medium, strong, peach, chunky, and thin. People are even more excited about the fact that tortilla chips are naturally gluten-free!
History of National Tortilla Chip Day
Tortilla chips have become so popular because of how they came to be and how they taste. The chip is made from corn tortillas (which are made from corn, vegetable oil, salt, and water) and is then cut into wedges and fried. A person might be most familiar with the yellow corn tortilla chips that one can find just about anywhere, but know that they can also be made with red, blue, and white corn. One of the primary markets for tortilla chips is in the United States.
The chips were initially produced in masses in Los Angeles in the late 1940s. It may come as a surprise since tortilla chips are commonly thought of to be a Mexican food. Rebecca Webb Carranza was said to have made these chips popular because she decided to use the misshapen tortillas that the automated tortilla manufacturing machine rejected. She was able to turn them into a snack by cutting them into triangles and then frying them.
National Tortilla Chip Day Timeline
10,000 BC Tortillas are invented
Certainly the beauty of the Tortilla Chip would be nothing without its ancestor, the illustrious tortilla. It is developed right around the time that corn is first domesticated in the Sierra Madre region of Mexico. Mayan legend says the first tortilla was a gift to a king.
1600 The word “Tortilla” is first documented
Coming from the Spanish word meaning “little cake”, the word is first documented and was likely named such by Spaniards who were explorers in Central America.
1940s The modern Tortilla Chip is invented
While it is possible that some version of baked or fried tortilla pieces may precede this time, the invention of the Tortilla Chip as it is known today is credited to Rebecca Webb Carranza who cut mis-shapen tortillas into triangles and fried them.
1981 Frito Lay introduced Tostitos chips
Following on the heels of the popular flavored Doritos, the company introduces Tostitos, which is a plain tortilla chip that continues to top the charts in sales over the years.
2003 Tortilla Chips and salsa become Texas State Snack
Students at an elementary school in Texas contacted their state Representative to request that Tortilla Chips and salsa be designated a state snack.
How to celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day
Curl up on the couch with a movie and grab your favorite dips and a bag of chips to help celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day. Several dips tend to go well with these types of chips, so be adventurous and try them all. Experiment with flavors and textures until there’s one that stands out and makes your snacking experience more pleasurable.
It’s also a known fact among the public that melting cheese on top of tortilla chips makes the perfect snack. There’s even a hashtag to use when sharing photos and images to social media which is #TortillaChipDay. The chip is not only delicious to eat but also can bring people together to have some fun and eat a tasty snack.
Another way to celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day is to throw a party and gather friends and family members and taste test a variety of dips with this chip of choice. As the party organizer and host, it might also be a fun idea to offer a nacho bar with a mix of toppings and the chips as the base. At the party, guests can converse over drinks and these chips and share about why each person loves this snack. If none of these ideas gets you excited about tortilla chips, then host a chip and salsa night. Mix it up by having everyone bring their favorite chip and salsa to share with the group.
As a way to involve the kids in the celebration, parents may want to make tortilla chips right at home instead of buying them. They’re simple to make and it’s an excellent activity for the whole family on a rainy day. Buy or make some guacamole, and all can enjoy a savory snack. Another idea is to make a chicken tortilla soup and use the chips to crunch on top to add texture and flavor. Otherwise, have a taco dip to eat the chips with and to enjoy on the side of your soup.
National Tortilla Chip Day is a time of the year many snack fanatics look forward to and will practice patience as they wait for it to arrive. There are so many reasons to love this chip and options for what one can dip it into and enjoy with it. The possibilities are endless, so it’s a wise idea to always have a bag handy at home in case the craving hits, and it’s time for a delicious snack. The best part about tortilla chips is that they draw people together and help to make any party or gathering complete.
It’s no wonder the popularity among the public has grown so much over the years and that this chip is in high demand. Have fun coming up with new recipes to try with tortilla chips and options for making an upcoming event more memorable by serving one of these many snack ideas.
National Tortilla Chip Day FAQs
Are Tortilla Chips healthy?
Although they are not the healthiest snack option due to fat and salt content, Tortilla Chips, when eaten in moderation, can be included as part of a healthy eating plan.
How are Tortilla Chips made?
Most Tortilla Chips begin with 100% corn tortillas, cut into triangles and then baked or fried. They are usually lightly salted after cooking, and can be eaten with salsa, cheese, bean dip and in a variety of ways.
Are Tortilla Chips gluten free?
Yes! As long as they are made from 100% corn with no flour or gluten-filled additives, Tortilla Chips are naturally gluten free.
Who invented Tortilla Chips?
Rebecca Webb Carranza, president of El Zarpape Tortilla Factory in Los Angeles, was likely the inventor of Tortilla Chips. After cutting and frying the mis-shapen tortillas, she found people liked them so she started selling them to the public for 10 cents a bag.
When is National Tortilla Chip Day?
National Tortilla Chip Day is celebrated on the 24th of February each year. A day that is closely related in spirit to this one is National Nachos Day on November 6.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 months
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National Burrito Day
Line up some meat, beans and cheese on a large flour tortilla. Fold in the sides, fold up the bottom and then roll on, my friend, roll on! And it’s the rolling that really makes the burrito come alive.
It’s time to celebrate and enjoy this simple but delicious food on National Burrito Day! 
History of National Burrito Day
The history of the burrito is couched in mystery because the concept of meats and cheeses rolled in tortillas is hard to trace! A variety of different types of foods that originate from Mexico include the tortilla with meat and cheese, such as the taco and the enchilada, taquitos, chimichangas or even quesadillas. But the burrito is a bit unique because it is larger than others and its history has grown out of the culture of Mexico but made its way into the southwestern portions of the United States where it became even more popular.
Burritos can be traced back at least to the 19th century, when these recipes were developed. In fact, one of the oldest mentions of the word “burrito” came in 1895 when it was mentioned in a book called the “Dictionary of Mexicanisms”.
Originally created with simple meat and cheese inside of a tortilla, and then probably sold by street food vendors, the burrito evolved into something more as the years went on. Sometimes called mission-style burritos the idea came for adding beans and rice as fillers, and then guacamole and sour cream for toppings. It was after this that the burrito developed into something more akin to what it is today, with some restaurants like Chipotle offering a huge range of options for preferred ways to fill a burrito.
In any case, the burrito is a hearty and delicious meal that is certainly worth celebrating! And that’s where the tradition of National Burrito Day, whether old or new, finds its place in the world.
National Burrito Day Timeline
16th Century
Ancestors of burritos appear 
Food wrapped in tortillas becomes a Mexican tradition.
Burritos first appear on US menus 
In the US, the first restaurant to put burritos on the menu was El Cholo Spanish Cafe in Los Angeles, California.
A Ciudad Juárez street vendor sells burritos
The story goes that this Mexican street vendor portioned meat out in tortillas, perfect for children, whom he called “burritos”.
Mission-style burritos evolve 
The Mexican food scene in San Francisco produces an extra large burrito that adds rice, guacamole and sour cream.
First Chipotle Mexican Grill opens 
Famous for their freshly made burritos, Chipotle opens its first store in Denver, Colorado.
How to Celebrate National Burrito Day
Getting in the spirit of National Burrito Day can be loads of fun and a tasty adventure. Get involved with the day by implementing some of these ideas for celebrating:
Try Making Burritos at Home
One super delicious way to celebrate National Burrito Day is to hang out with family or invite a group of friends over for a burrito bar. In fact, burritos are some of the easiest foods to serve when hosting a crowd! Those who have a quick cooking instant pot may choose to cook some pork or chicken with seasonings in just about an hour. A slow cooker or roasting in the oven are viable options as well.
Friends can be invited to bring the fixings such as large flour tortillas, black or red beans, rice with cilantro, guacamole, cheese sour cream, salsa, tortilla chips, jalapenos, hot sauces, and so many other yummy toppings! Line everything up and let each guest make their own burrito by piling on everything they love. It’s a fun way to serve a great meal without a lot of fuss.
Go Out for Burritos
One superb way to celebrate National Burrito Day might be to grab a friend or family member, head on over to a restaurant that serves burritos and order a delicious plate full. Perhaps this would be a locally owned and operated Mexican restaurant that serves up beef, chicken or bean burritos on a bed of rice. Or maybe it would be a quick lunch at a fast and fresh food burrito restaurant.
Don’t forget to ask if that favorite Mexican kitchen is offering any special deals or discounts in celebration of National Burrito Day!
Try out one of these Mexican restaurant chains that serves burritos:
QDOBA Mexican Eats. With more than 700 locations in the United States, it’s easy to find a delicious burrito nearby. Try the specialty chicken burrito that is customizable to each individual’s desired tastes and preferences.
Chipotle. One of the largest and most accessible burrito joints, this chain boasts almost 3,000 locations not only in the US, but also in Canada, Germany, France and the United Kingdom.
Moe’s Southwest Grill. This one is perhaps not quite as well known, but Moe’s is still a viable option that has up to 700 locations throughout the US.
Taco Bell. Sure, it gets a bad rap (or wrap?!) sometimes, but there’s no arguing with the fact that 7000 locations worldwide is nothing to overlook. And it’s probably the quickest service for burritos and other Mexican fast food around.
Enjoy a Tex-Mex Themed Day
Whether at work or at school, National Burrito Day brings with it many opportunities to enjoy and show appreciation for the culture behind this delicious food. In addition to eating burritos, don’t forget to stay connected through fun aspects such as festive music, delightful decorations, cultural dress and even some fun games.
One fun activity might be to grab a blindfold and play Pin the Tail on the Donkey. After all, the word for “burrito” really translates to mean “little donkey” in the Spanish language. Another fun game for a National Burrito Day party might be to have a cute pinata filled with candy and treats.
Create a Burrito Themed Playlist
Have tons of fun creating a festive playlist of songs celebrating the home culture of the burrito. Get started with some of these fun ideas for songs that give a nod to National Burrito Day:
How Do I Feel (The Burrito Song) by Hoku (2000). The songwriter penned this one in honor of a boy she liked who worked at a burrito stand. Sure, it’s a little silly, but it’s also rather fun.
Burrito by Pete Yorn (2003). Known for his ability to play the bulk of the instruments on his albums, Pete Yorn sings this song where he offers the listener a bite of his burrito.
O Burrito by Fernando Corriera Marques (2009). This tribute is sung as it should be – in Spanish!
The Burrito Song by Creed Fisher (2022). A strange but compelling song by Creed Fisher, this one is more of a kids’ song but certainly shows its love for burritos too. 
National Burrito Day FAQs
How to fold a burrito?
Fold a warm tortilla by folding in on the sides, folding the bottom up, and then rolling up.
Are burritos from Mexico?
Burritos may have gotten their start in the northern regions of Mexico, but they crossed the border to become “Tex-Mex”.
Can burritos be healthy?
Burritos made with low fat meat, beans, rice, and a small amount of cheese can be healthy.
Do burritos have rice?
Though original burritos would not have included rice, many people make them with rice now.
Are burrito bowls healthier than burritos?
People who choose burrito bowls instead of wraps can save on calories, carbohydrates and also be gluten free.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Tortilla Chip Day
It’s no joke that many people take their food obsessions very seriously. One of these passions is the love for tortilla chips. Hence, there is a designated National Tortilla Chip Day to partake in. It allows for these fanatics to celebrate and indulge in their favorite snack.
Well, how can you blame them? These chips are crispy, tasty, and go well with all sorts of dips and sides. Snacks are necessary for satisfying one’s cravings and for having at parties and special gatherings. One may be wondering how this day emerged and ways to celebrate the occasion. Look no further because we have answers to these questions and can help improve a future snacking session.
Millions love to indulge in eating crispy and delicious tortilla chips, and that’s why there’s a special day dedicated to the food. For this reason, we come together to celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day once a year. It’s a chance for chip lovers all around to rejoice and make it known that the tortilla chip is a wise choice when hunger strikes.
They’re a sensation among a large group of people and only seem to be getting more popular over the years. There are so many ways to eat them and enjoy this snack that the options are endless. They’re known to bring the fiesta to any occasion and remain a well-liked snacking option to have around the house. They have the right amount of crunch and salty flavor to put a smile on anyone’s face.
The most common way to eat them among the public is to dip them in a salsa of choice. There are many reasons to love National Tortilla Chip Day and to indulge in the snack. For example, they’re a type of social food that brings people together and will make a party more enjoyable. Also, one of the best foods around is nachos, and where would this dish be without the tortilla chip? The chip goes well with any salsa, including those that are medium, strong, peach, chunky, and thin. People are even more excited about the fact that tortilla chips are naturally gluten-free!
History of National Tortilla Chip Day
Tortilla chips have become so popular because of how they came to be and how they taste. The chip is made from corn tortillas (which are made from corn, vegetable oil, salt, and water) and is then cut into wedges and fried. A person might be most familiar with the yellow corn tortilla chips that one can find just about anywhere, but know that they can also be made with red, blue, and white corn. One of the primary markets for tortilla chips is in the United States.
The chips were initially produced in masses in Los Angeles in the late 1940s. It may come as a surprise since tortilla chips are commonly thought of to be a Mexican food. Rebecca Webb Carranza was said to have made these chips popular because she decided to use the misshapen tortillas that the automated tortilla manufacturing machine rejected. She was able to turn them into a snack by cutting them into triangles and then frying them.
National Tortilla Chip Day Timeline
10,000 BC Tortillas are invented
Certainly the beauty of the Tortilla Chip would be nothing without its ancestor, the illustrious tortilla. It is developed right around the time that corn is first domesticated in the Sierra Madre region of Mexico. Mayan legend says the first tortilla was a gift to a king.
1600 The word “Tortilla” is first documented
Coming from the Spanish word meaning “little cake”, the word is first documented and was likely named such by Spaniards who were explorers in Central America.
1940s The modern Tortilla Chip is invented
While it is possible that some version of baked or fried tortilla pieces may precede this time, the invention of the Tortilla Chip as it is known today is credited to Rebecca Webb Carranza who cut mis-shapen tortillas into triangles and fried them.
1981 Frito Lay introduced Tostitos chips
Following on the heels of the popular flavored Doritos, the company introduces Tostitos, which is a plain tortilla chip that continues to top the charts in sales over the years.
2003 Tortilla Chips and salsa become Texas State Snack
Students at an elementary school in Texas contacted their state Representative to request that Tortilla Chips and salsa be designated a state snack.
How to celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day
Curl up on the couch with a movie and grab your favorite dips and a bag of chips to help celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day. Several dips tend to go well with these types of chips, so be adventurous and try them all. Experiment with flavors and textures until there’s one that stands out and makes your snacking experience more pleasurable.
It’s also a known fact among the public that melting cheese on top of tortilla chips makes the perfect snack. There’s even a hashtag to use when sharing photos and images to social media which is #TortillaChipDay. The chip is not only delicious to eat but also can bring people together to have some fun and eat a tasty snack.
Another way to celebrate National Tortilla Chip Day is to throw a party and gather friends and family members and taste test a variety of dips with this chip of choice. As the party organizer and host, it might also be a fun idea to offer a nacho bar with a mix of toppings and the chips as the base. At the party, guests can converse over drinks and these chips and share about why each person loves this snack. If none of these ideas gets you excited about tortilla chips, then host a chip and salsa night. Mix it up by having everyone bring their favorite chip and salsa to share with the group.
As a way to involve the kids in the celebration, parents may want to make tortilla chips right at home instead of buying them. They’re simple to make and it’s an excellent activity for the whole family on a rainy day. Buy or make some guacamole, and all can enjoy a savory snack. Another idea is to make a chicken tortilla soup and use the chips to crunch on top to add texture and flavor. Otherwise, have a taco dip to eat the chips with and to enjoy on the side of your soup.
National Tortilla Chip Day is a time of the year many snack fanatics look forward to and will practice patience as they wait for it to arrive. There are so many reasons to love this chip and options for what one can dip it into and enjoy with it. The possibilities are endless, so it’s a wise idea to always have a bag handy at home in case the craving hits, and it’s time for a delicious snack. The best part about tortilla chips is that they draw people together and help to make any party or gathering complete.
It’s no wonder the popularity among the public has grown so much over the years and that this chip is in high demand. Have fun coming up with new recipes to try with tortilla chips and options for making an upcoming event more memorable by serving one of these many snack ideas.
National Tortilla Chip Day FAQs
Are Tortilla Chips healthy?
Although they are not the healthiest snack option due to fat and salt content, Tortilla Chips, when eaten in moderation, can be included as part of a healthy eating plan.
How are Tortilla Chips made?
Most Tortilla Chips begin with 100% corn tortillas, cut into triangles and then baked or fried. They are usually lightly salted after cooking, and can be eaten with salsa, cheese, bean dip and in a variety of ways.
Are Tortilla Chips gluten free?
Yes! As long as they are made from 100% corn with no flour or gluten-filled additives, Tortilla Chips are naturally gluten free.
Who invented Tortilla Chips?
Rebecca Webb Carranza, president of El Zarpape Tortilla Factory in Los Angeles, was likely the inventor of Tortilla Chips. After cutting and frying the mis-shapen tortillas, she found people liked them so she started selling them to the public for 10 cents a bag.
When is National Tortilla Chip Day?
National Tortilla Chip Day is celebrated on the 24th of February each year. A day that is closely related in spirit to this one is National Nachos Day on November 6.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Food in Morro Bay, CA
A burrito in Mexico is, historically, a regional name, among others, for what is known as a taco, a tortilla filled with food, in other parts of the country. In modern times, it is considered by many as a different dish in Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine that took form in Ciudad Juárez, consisting of a flour tortilla wrapped into a sealed cylindrical shape around various ingredients. The tortilla is sometimes lightly grilled or steamed to soften it, make it more pliable, and allow it to adhere to itself. Burritos are often eaten by hand, as their tight wrapping keeps the ingredients together. Burritos can also be served "wet", i.e., covered in a savory and spicy sauce, when they would be eaten with a fork and knife.
Burritos are filled with savory ingredients, most often a meat such as beef, chicken, or pork, and often include other ingredients, such as rice, cooked beans (either whole or refried), vegetables, such as lettuce and tomatoes, cheese, and condiments such as salsa, pico de gallo, guacamole, or crema.
Burritos are often contrasted in present times with similar dishes such as tacos, in which a small hand-sized tortilla is folded in half around the ingredients rather than wrapped and sealed, or with enchiladas, which use corn masa tortillas and are covered in a savory sauce to be eaten with a fork and knife.
The word burrito means "little donkey" in Spanish, the diminutive form of burro, or "donkey". The name burrito, as applied to the dish, possibly derives from the tendency for burritos to contain a lot of different things similar to how a donkey would be able to carry a large burden.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Corn Chip Day
National Corn Chip Day is celebrated on January 29 every year. Corn chips are loved by people of different races and ages. It is crispy, crunchy, and made out of cornmeal. The chips are extremely spiced with salt flavor and packed in the bag for longer life. Corn chips can either be eaten alone or with different dips at any time. They’re tasty, they’re yummy, they’re crunchy and they’re called corn chips. National Corn Chip Day would not be complete without savoring that strong taste and flavor of the corn chip.
History of National Corn Chip Day
Corn chips have been available to eat since 1932. Charles Elmer Doolin is the man who popularized corn chips. Doolin owned a candy store, but he needed to increase his stock by including corn chips. Unfortunately, all the fried tortillas he attempted grew stale very fast. But as history goes, one day he tried out fried corn dough strips sold by a local gas station. He loved it, and as soon as he got the recipe, Doolin enriched it and immediately sold bags of it from his shop in 1932. In 1945, Doolin came to an agreement with Herman Lay (of Lay’s potato chips) to distribute Doolin’s Fritos across the country. By the 1950s, Fritos had evolved into a bestseller of corn chips across the United States. The two companies (Frito and Lay) were incorporated in 1959, after Doolin’s death, to be known as Frito-Lay.
Today in the U.S., Fritos is one of the oldest and most recognized corn chips. A corn chip is usually prepared from cornmeal and is fried in oil, or baked. Apparently, corn chips or Fritos are often confused with the tortilla chip as the two of them are produced from cornmeal, which is baked or fried in hot oil. It often has the shape of a small scoop of pasta and a strong aroma and flavor of roasted corn. The chips are seasoned with a lot of salt and are thick, crispy, and very crunchy. They’re healthy and perfect for every season but, like everything else, should be eaten in moderation.
National Corn Chip Day  timeline
1930s The Corn Chip Is Born
Corn chips are first made.
1945 Corn Chips Are First Distributed
Doolin comes to an agreement with Herman Lay (of Lay's potato chips) to distribute Doolin’s Fritos across the country.
1950s Fritos Become Popular
Fritos becomes a best-selling corn chip in the U.S.
1959 Fritos and Lays Merge
The two companies (Frito and Lay) form a merger, after Doolin’s death,  known as 'Frito-Lay.'
National Corn Chip Day FAQs
Are corn chips and tortilla chips the same?
Corn chips are made out of ground lime-cooked masa that is shaped and deep-fat-fried, while tortilla chips are made from pieces of baked tortillas that are deep-fat-fried.
Are corn chips good for weight loss?
They’re those myths that corn chips are very fattening, but that’s not 100% true. Corn chips can actually be a diet-healthy alternative when eaten in moderation.
What are some dips used to eat corn chips?
These are some of the best-rated dips for corn chips: Salsa, Spicy Vegan Butternut Queso, Creamy Tahini Dip, Pepita Pesto, Roasted Garlic, Salsa Verde, Red Lentil Hummus, Roasted Red Pepper Dip, and Green Pea Guacamole.
How to Celebrate Corn Chip Day
Eat corn chips
Host a corn chip party
Make it at home
Eat corn chips and have fun doing it. With the varieties of corn chips to enjoy from, you can buy a lot and mix them up. That way you get a different but similarly delightful flavor in every chip.
With the idea of mixing up different chips, you can get different dips as well for a little party. Play games, live, laugh, love, and eat crunchy corn chips.
Got a little time on your hands? You can get to learn about corn chips and how to prepare them at your home. Don't forget the dips!
5 Amazing Facts About Corn Chips
Chips and dip straight out of the bag
Fritos were the first corn chips
Frito Chili Pie
Lay popularized Fritos
Fritos had a restaurant in Disneyland
In some regions,  pouring the chili into a bag of corn chips and eating the mixture directly from the bag is a norm.
The first corn chip is the Fritos Corn Chip, initially sold in the 1930s.
'Frito Chili Pie' is a type of pie invented in the 1960s by Teresa Hernández, a cook in Santa Fe.
Fritos became huge after joining up with Lay's.
After Disneyland opened in 1955,  Casa de Fritos happily opened its doors for visitors to have a taste of Mexican specials like tamales and enchiladas.
Why We Love Corn Chip Day
Corn chips are healthy
We get to eat a lot of chips
It's a day to get together
With just three basic ingredients: corn, salt, and veggie oil, corn chips are lower in fat than regular chips and can be a healthy option when enjoyed in moderation.
Maybe we're on a diet and badly craving chips. Corn Chip Day is an excuse to eat as much as we can, without feeling guilty. Did we mention how low it is in fat?
What shouts “party!” louder than a big bowl of chips? especially assorted chips. They can be sneaked into any type of party, and enjoyed.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Bean Day 
Because National Bean Day on January 6 falls in the middle of winter, it’s the perfect excuse to cook a favorite comfort food. Wondering why National Bean Day is held on January 6? That’s the same day as the famous geneticist, Gregor Mendel, died in 1884. Mendel used bean plants and pea plants to develop theories on genetics in plants. So the formation of National Bean Day has more to do with scientific development than how good bean recipes taste. But don’t let that deter you from enjoying eating beans on this holiday!
National Bean Day timeline
7000 B.C. Ancient Beans
The native tribes of Peru and Mexico cultivate bean crops.
1551 New Varieties
The term ‘kidney bean’ is coined to differentiate the bean type from other common beans.
1734 Jack and the Beanstalk
The English fairy tale about a boy who discovers magic beans appears as 'The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean.'
1854 Two Peas in a Pod
Father of genetics Gregor Mendel conducts research experiments on heredity using different varieties of peas.
National Bean Day Activities
Attend a Chili Cook-off Competition
Perfect your own baked beans recipe
Come up with a bean-related craft idea
Beans certainly aren’t the only ingredient in chili. But as any serious chili cook knows, finding the right beans is the key to make or break your recipe. The first chili cook-off took place in 1967 in Texas, so cooks have had plenty of time to perfect their techniques … and find the best kinds of beans to use. And if you like vegetarian chili, beans will be the primary ingredient.
If chili is one of the most popular bean-based foods for people to create their own recipes, creating a personalized baked beans recipe is a close second. So don’t be afraid to experiment with some baked beans recipes on National Bean Day. Try a few different types of beans or add some different ingredients to give your baked beans recipe a unique flavor. And, if it helps, you can even sing the “magical fruit” song while cooking your recipe.
Dried beans are great in recipes, but they also work really well for creating craft and art projects for kids. For example, you could create a mosaic that includes a variety of seeds and different sizes and colors of beans. This can be a lot of fun for kids. And bean art puts macaroni art to shame, especially on National Bean Day.
Why We Love National Bean Day
There are so many different kinds of beans to try
Beans are an economical source of protein
Beans aren’t just for dinner
If you choose to celebrate National Bean Day by trying a few different kinds of beans, you’ll have a whole bunch of them to sample. Green string beans, pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, and red kidney beans are among the most popular types of beans grown in the United States.
If you’re looking to save a bit of money on your food bill, beans are among the most cost effective foods you can eat. And if you’re looking for a source of protein that’s quite a bit cheaper than beef or chicken, beans are the answer. A cooked bean’s weight is between 6% and 11% protein.
Some kinds of beans are best served for dessert. Jelly beans are one of the most popular candies around. Heck, there’s even a chili flavor of Jelly Belly jelly beans. And Boston Baked Beans are great candies too. Even though jelly beans and the candy-coated peanuts that make up Boston Baked Beans aren’t the same as traditional beans, they still taste great. So go ahead and eat some candy beans on National Bean Day.
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rabbitcruiser · 11 months
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National Eat Beans Day
National Eat Beans Day (or National Eat Your Beans Day) occurs on July 3 each year, and we guarantee it will be a holiday that will give you a whole new appreciation for legumes as a food group. And if not, perhaps our fun facts and riddles will have you full of beans.  Try this one on for size — ‘I am a bean, very lean. I am not fat, I’m sure of that. Like all beans, I’m small and round — but unlike others, I don’t grow in the ground’. Giving away the answer would be too easy, but we’ll give you a hint — this may be a kid’s favorite kind of bean. It may also surprise you to know that beans are not strictly classified as ‘veggies’ either since legumes by definition are any seeds or fruits that grow within pods or the edible pods themselves, which grow on leguminous plants (i.e. those belonging to the pea family). This opens up a whole world of beans to us, which should be exciting, especially for those who grew up being forced to eat beans as a vegetable.
History of National Eat Beans Day
Though the exact date and reason for National Eat Beans Day being made a holiday are not known, we do know that the history of the bean itself predates even the invention of the pots used to cook beans.  Bean cultivation dates back as early as 7,000 years ago, making it a staple that has stood the test of time, and we’re not surprised. With amazing health benefits, legumes are plant-based, protein-packed powerhouses of nutrition. So this also means that they’re for everyone, no matter the diet or lifestyle choice. It’s very rare to find a person allergic to beans too, though some legumes can trigger allergic reactions, such as peanuts.
Beans are originally from wild vines which grow in Central and South America. This is known as the common bean, and since then, thousands of bean varieties exist today and are cultivated all over the world. They are one of the most versatile crops and can be grown almost anywhere. 5,000 years ago the lima bean and other varieties were a popular favorite among the Incas and Aztecs, and the popularity of beans is so much so that they are worth a mention in Homer’s “Iliad,” where he uses beans as a metaphor. Ancient Egyptians seem to have also been partial to beans and lentils, as paintings and physical evidence shows that bodies were buried with beans, to nourish them on their journey to the afterlife. By the 1500s, with the advent of trade via ships, beans began to reach all the corners of the globe and more varieties began to be cultivated. Though often viewed as a poor man’s food, beans have been an important source of nourishment for people in dire circumstances; such as the soldiers who fought in the First and Second World Wars, or the Europeans who were dying out due to the spread of the plague in Europe, during the Middle Ages. Who would have thought beans could be such lifesavers.
National Eat Beans Day timeline
700 B.C. The French Revamp Vegetable Soup
The French begin to add chickpeas to their vegetable soup, making it a heartier meal in every way.
800 A.D. Chickpea Cultivation Helps Save Lives
Emperor Charlemagne orders the cultivation of chickpeas to save people from the ravage of war, and it works.
1700s Beans Spread Across the World
With the increase in trade, beans begin to be traded all over the world.
1920s Beans Help Ward Off the Great Depression
Beans become the poor man’s meat during the Great Depression in America, enabling many families to survive.
National Eat Beans Day FAQs
What are the healthiest beans to eat?
The top nine healthiest beans/legumes to eat are — chickpeas, lentils, peas, kidney beans, black beans, soybeans, pinto beans, navy beans, and peanuts.
Is it bad to eat beans at night?
Yes, eating beans at night is not recommended. This is because beans can cause indigestion or gas problems, so it’s better to stick to eating that bowl of chili during the daytime.
Is it okay to eat beans every day?
Yes! Not only are beans low in fat, but they are also great sources of protein and fiber, and they come packed with nutrients like iron, folate, calcium, and potassium. This can help protect against high cholesterol which may lead to heart disease. The recommended portion size of beans/lentils is 25-38 grams a day.
National Eat Beans Day Activities
Eat beans
Grow your own beanstalk
Fix up a care package
Yes, you guessed it. Sometimes simplicity is everything. In this case, we’re keeping it real simple, by telling you to go eat some beans — green, black, red, or yellow — the choice is yours. Boil them, bake them, saute them, mush them, or eat them raw; beans are bound to have your body thanking you for years to come.
Though we cannot guarantee a hen laying golden eggs at the end of it, we can guarantee that there’s nothing better than the feeling of eating your own home-grown produce. And what’s more, the golden glow of health which your beans will bring you is worth far more than any golden egg-laying hen!
One of the things we love about beans is how affordable (we daresay cheap even) they are. So why not take the time to gather some different types of legumes, a hand-written little booklet of recipes, and give them to a family who may need extra beans.
5 Recipes We Bet You Never Thought Used Beans
Beanie brownies
Honey-roasted chickpeas
Navy bean pesto
Bean burger
Alfredo sauce
These ooey-gooey delicious brownies come with a surprising twist — black beans are the star ingredient!
Step aside, caramel popcorn, as this delicious, crunchy snack takes over the coffee table at your next movie night.
Pureed navy beans with any greens can make an amazing and hearty pesto sauce.
All the flavor, all the protein, but not meat. Perfect for everyone, even those hardcore meat lovers.
White beans can make the perfect, silky alfredo sauce, which will cause all to go “mama mia”!
Why We Love National Eat Beans Day
Beans are healthy
Beans have a variety
Beans are cheap
If we have not said this enough times already, we will say it again — beans are so good for you. Not only are they amazing sources of protein and fiber, but they also contain folic acid, iron, potassium, and calcium, all of which are beneficial to prevent all sorts of medical conditions.
Some say that there are as many as 4,000 varieties of beans out there. If that doesn’t inspire you to start exploring and experimenting in the kitchen, we don’t know what will. Trying out different beans can also bring you one step closer to exploring a whole new cuisine or culture, and variety is the spice of life, after all.
We’re glad that beans were overlooked by the rich snobs throughout history so that we all can enjoy the delicious benefits of beans without feeling the pinch in our pockets. For something to be cheap and nutritious almost stretches belief.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International No Diet Day
Drop your rules and restrictions around eating and join a movement of no-shaming body positivity and health-focused education on International No Diet day.
There has been a long-standing movement to shed the shame typically associated with being less than Hollywood perfect. The photoshopped images found in fashion and beauty magazines have been marked as a direct cause of a rising instance of eating disorders among the youth.
Too long has health been associated with unrealistic body types and unhealthy, dangerous fad diets. International No Diet Day has been pushed forward with the intention of promoting healthy lifestyles for all body types.
History of International No Diet Day
International No Diet Day was first started by Mary Evans in 1992. The purpose of the day was to help men and women around the world to appreciate their own bodies. Having gone through anorexia herself, Mary began Diet Breakers, which is her organization. She then created the first International No Diet Day, bringing attention to the cause, and of course, her organization as well. Now, the day is used to help tackle tough issues regarding diet and body awareness, focusing on a number of agendas. This includes the following…
Educating people about the right way to diet responsibly and effectively
Having all people take a one-day break from their diets
Celebrating the diversity of different shapes and sizes
Bodies can be beautiful at all shapes and sizes, with both the svelte look of the athletic beach nut and the more Grecian and Rubenesque body types merely exemplifying the natural body type. Considering that the failures of dieting often result in yoyo-ing weight, with all of the weight lost being regained in almost every case within 5 years. To combat these incredibly unhealthy habits organizations all over the world have been engaged in forcing the fashion industry to label those images that have been modified, or outlawing the use of photoshop altogether.
How to celebrate International No Diet Day
Celebrating International No Diet Day is best done by recognizing that your own body is beautiful exactly as it is. De-emphasizing your efforts to shed weight to look a particular way, it is far better to celebrate the holiday with efforts at beginning to live a healthier lifestyle altogether. Worry less about your final goal, and more about getting out and being active and keeping your body healthy. Losing weight rapidly or shooting for unrealistic body types is an excellent way of causing yourself harm in the pursuit of greater health. Instead, love your body by finding active hobbies and love yourself the way you look!
There are a number of different ways that you can participate in International No Diet Day. This includes the following…
Help end weight discrimination, fatphobia, and sizeism.
Understand the inefficacy of commercial diets and learn about the diet industry.
Embrace body diversity and challenge the idea of one ‘right’ body shape.
Declare a day that is free from dieting and obsessing about shape and weight.
Compliment colleagues on contributions, achievements, and skills, rather than focusing on appearance.
Here are some of the suggestions that we have to help you make the most of this day…
Eat what you love! Don’t worry about the calories or anything like this. Instead, eat what you truly want to eat because it tastes good. Let that be your only concern today.
Throw away your scales. Don’t judge yourself based on a number. You will be surprised by how liberating this feels.
Instead, celebrate and embrace your intrinsic qualities, such as your uniqueness, quirkiness, kindness, or strength, for instance!
Be adventurous and cook something that you have always wanted to but you have never cooked before.
You can also use International No Diet Day in order to make people aware of different eating disorders. There are so many ways that you can go about this. If you have had your own personal experience and you feel ready to share it, you may take this opportunity to start a blog about it. You could also decide to fundraise for those who are struggling with eating disorders. Whether you raise funds or you simply raise awareness, you are going to be doing a great thing to help a lot of people.
However, you should not feel guilty about simply using this day as an opportunity to look after number one! After all, we all need to care for ourselves as well. Why not make a list of all of the things you love about your body? Now is the perfect time to start focusing on the positive rather than the negative. Most of us have a tendency to focus on the things we dislike instead of focusing on what we do like about our bodies. Today is the perfect time for you to change this!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Burrito Day 
Line up some meat, beans and cheese on a large flour tortilla. Fold in the sides, fold up the bottom and then roll on, my friend, roll on! And it’s the rolling that really makes the burrito come alive.
It’s time to celebrate and enjoy this simple but delicious food on National Burrito Day!
History of National Burrito Day
The history of the burrito is couched in mystery because the concept of meats and cheeses rolled in tortillas is hard to trace! A variety of different types of foods that originate from Mexico include the tortilla with meat and cheese, such as the taco and the enchilada, taquitos, chimichangas or even quesadillas. But the burrito is a bit unique because it is larger than others and its history has grown out of the culture of Mexico but made its way into the southwestern portions of the United States where it became even more popular.
Burritos can be traced back at least to the 19th century, when these recipes were developed. In fact, one of the oldest mentions of the word “burrito” came in 1895 when it was mentioned in a book called the “Dictionary of Mexicanisms”.
Originally created with simple meat and cheese inside of a tortilla, and then probably sold by street food vendors, the burrito evolved into something more as the years went on. Sometimes called mission-style burritos the idea came for adding beans and rice as fillers, and then guacamole and sour cream for toppings. It was after this that the burrito developed into something more akin to what it is today, with some restaurants like Chipotle offering a huge range of options for preferred ways to fill a burrito.
In any case, the burrito is a hearty and delicious meal that is certainly worth celebrating! And that’s where the tradition of National Burrito Day, whether old or new, finds its place in the world.
National Burrito Day Timeline
16th Century Ancestors of burritos appear
Food wrapped in tortillas becomes a Mexican tradition.
1930s Burritos first appear on US menus
In the US, the first restaurant to put burritos on the menu was El Cholo Spanish Cafe in Los Angeles, California.
1940s A Ciudad Juárez street vendor sells burritos
The story goes that this Mexican street vendor portioned meat out in tortillas, perfect for children, whom he called “burritos”.
1961 Mission-style burritos evolve
The Mexican food scene in San Francisco produces an extra large burrito that adds rice, guacamole and sour cream.
1993 First Chipotle Mexican Grill opens
Famous for their freshly made burritos, Chipotle opens its first store in Denver, Colorado.
How to Celebrate National Burrito Day
Getting in the spirit of National Burrito Day can be loads of fun and a tasty adventure. Get involved with the day by implementing some of these ideas for celebrating:
Try Making Burritos at Home
One super delicious way to celebrate National Burrito Day is to hang out with family or invite a group of friends over for a burrito bar. In fact, burritos are some of the easiest foods to serve when hosting a crowd! Those who have a quick cooking instant pot may choose to cook some pork or chicken with seasonings in just about an hour. A slow cooker or roasting in the oven are viable options as well.
Friends can be invited to bring the fixings such as large flour tortillas, black or red beans, rice with cilantro, guacamole, cheese sour cream, salsa, tortilla chips, jalapenos, hot sauces, and so many other yummy toppings! Line everything up and let each guest make their own burrito by piling on everything they love. It’s a fun way to serve a great meal without a lot of fuss.
Go Out for Burritos
One superb way to celebrate National Burrito Day might be to grab a friend or family member, head on over to a restaurant that serves burritos and order a delicious plate full. Perhaps this would be a locally owned and operated Mexican restaurant that serves up beef, chicken or bean burritos on a bed of rice. Or maybe it would be a quick lunch at a fast and fresh food burrito restaurant.
Don’t forget to ask if that favorite Mexican kitchen is offering any special deals or discounts in celebration of National Burrito Day!
Try out one of these Mexican restaurant chains that serves burritos:
QDOBA Mexican Eats. With more than 700 locations in the United States, it’s easy to find a delicious burrito nearby. Try the specialty chicken burrito that is customizable to each individual’s desired tastes and preferences.
Chipotle. One of the largest and most accessible burrito joints, this chain boasts almost 3,000 locations not only in the US, but also in Canada, Germany, France and the United Kingdom.
Moe’s Southwest Grill. This one is perhaps not quite as well known, but Moe’s is still a viable option that has up to 700 locations throughout the US.
Taco Bell. Sure, it gets a bad rap (or wrap?!) sometimes, but there’s no arguing with the fact that 7000 locations worldwide is nothing to overlook. And it’s probably the quickest service for burritos and other Mexican fast food around.
Enjoy a Tex-Mex Themed Day
Whether at work or at school, National Burrito Day brings with it many opportunities to enjoy and show appreciation for the culture behind this delicious food. In addition to eating burritos, don’t forget to stay connected through fun aspects such as festive music, delightful decorations, cultural dress and even some fun games.
One fun activity might be to grab a blindfold and play Pin the Tail on the Donkey. After all, the word for “burrito” really translates to mean “little donkey” in the Spanish language. Another fun game for a National Burrito Day party might be to have a cute pinata filled with candy and treats.
Create a Burrito Themed Playlist
Have tons of fun creating a festive playlist of songs celebrating the home culture of the burrito. Get started with some of these fun ideas for songs that give a nod to National Burrito Day:
How Do I Feel (The Burrito Song) by Hoku (2000). The songwriter penned this one in honor of a boy she liked who worked at a burrito stand. Sure, it’s a little silly, but it’s also rather fun.
Burrito by Pete Yorn (2003). Known for his ability to play the bulk of the instruments on his albums, Pete Yorn sings this song where he offers the listener a bite of his burrito.
O Burrito by Fernando Corriera Marques (2009). This tribute is sung as it should be – in Spanish!
The Burrito Song by Creed Fisher (2022). A strange but compelling song by Creed Fisher, this one is more of a kids’ song but certainly shows its love for burritos too.
National Burrito Day FAQs
How to fold a burrito?
Fold a warm tortilla by folding in on the sides, folding the bottom up, and then rolling up.
Are burritos from Mexico?
Burritos may have gotten their start in the northern regions of Mexico, but they crossed the border to become “Tex-Mex”.
Can burritos be healthy?
Burritos made with low fat meat, beans, rice, and a small amount of cheese can be healthy.
Do burritos have rice?
Though original burritos would not have included rice, many people make them with rice now.
Are burrito bowls healthier than burritos?
People who choose burrito bowls instead of wraps can save on calories, carbohydrates and also be gluten free.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Corn Chip Day
National Corn Chip Day is celebrated on January 29 every year. Corn chips are loved by people of different races and ages. It is crispy, crunchy, and made out of cornmeal. The chips are extremely spiced with salt flavor and packed in the bag for longer life. Corn chips can either be eaten alone or with different dips at any time. They’re tasty, they’re yummy, they’re crunchy and they’re called corn chips. National Corn Chip Day would not be complete without savoring that strong taste and flavor of the corn chip.
History of National Corn Chip Day
Corn chips have been available to eat since 1932. Charles Elmer Doolin is the man who popularized corn chips. Doolin owned a candy store, but he needed to increase his stock by including corn chips. Unfortunately, all the fried tortillas he attempted grew stale very fast. But as history goes, one day he tried out fried corn dough strips sold by a local gas station. He loved it, and as soon as he got the recipe, Doolin enriched it and immediately sold bags of it from his shop in 1932. In 1945, Doolin came to an agreement with Herman Lay (of Lay’s potato chips) to distribute Doolin’s Fritos across the country. By the 1950s, Fritos had evolved into a bestseller of corn chips across the United States. The two companies (Frito and Lay) were incorporated in 1959, after Doolin’s death, to be known as Frito-Lay.
Today in the U.S., Fritos is one of the oldest and most recognized corn chips. A corn chip is usually prepared from cornmeal and is fried in oil, or baked. Apparently, corn chips or Fritos are often confused with the tortilla chip as the two of them are produced from cornmeal, which is baked or fried in hot oil. It often has the shape of a small scoop of pasta and a strong aroma and flavor of roasted corn. The chips are seasoned with a lot of salt and are thick, crispy, and very crunchy. They’re healthy and perfect for every season but, like everything else, should be eaten in moderation.
National Corn Chip Day  timeline
1930s The Corn Chip Is Born
Corn chips are first made.
1945 Corn Chips Are First Distributed
Doolin comes to an agreement with Herman Lay (of Lay's potato chips) to distribute Doolin’s Fritos across the country.
1950s Fritos Become Popular
Fritos becomes a best-selling corn chip in the U.S.
1959 Fritos and Lays Merge
The two companies (Frito and Lay) form a merger, after Doolin’s death,  known as 'Frito-Lay.'
National Corn Chip Day FAQs
Are corn chips and tortilla chips the same?
Corn chips are made out of ground lime-cooked masa that is shaped and deep-fat-fried, while tortilla chips are made from pieces of baked tortillas that are deep-fat-fried.
Are corn chips good for weight loss?
They’re those myths that corn chips are very fattening, but that’s not 100% true. Corn chips can actually be a diet-healthy alternative when eaten in moderation.
What are some dips used to eat corn chips?
These are some of the best-rated dips for corn chips: Salsa, Spicy Vegan Butternut Queso, Creamy Tahini Dip, Pepita Pesto, Roasted Garlic, Salsa Verde, Red Lentil Hummus, Roasted Red Pepper Dip, and Green Pea Guacamole.
How to Celebrate Corn Chip Day
Eat corn chips
Host a corn chip party
Make it at home
Eat corn chips and have fun doing it. With the varieties of corn chips to enjoy from, you can buy a lot and mix them up. That way you get a different but similarly delightful flavor in every chip.
With the idea of mixing up different chips, you can get different dips as well for a little party. Play games, live, laugh, love, and eat crunchy corn chips.
Got a little time on your hands? You can get to learn about corn chips and how to prepare them at your home. Don't forget the dips!
5 Amazing Facts About Corn Chips
Chips and dip straight out of the bag
Fritos were the first corn chips
Frito Chili Pie
Lay popularized Fritos
Fritos had a restaurant in Disneyland
In some regions,  pouring the chili into a bag of corn chips and eating the mixture directly from the bag is a norm.
The first corn chip is the Fritos Corn Chip, initially sold in the 1930s.
'Frito Chili Pie' is a type of pie invented in the 1960s by Teresa Hernández, a cook in Santa Fe.
Fritos became huge after joining up with Lay's.
After Disneyland opened in 1955,  Casa de Fritos happily opened its doors for visitors to have a taste of Mexican specials like tamales and enchiladas.
Why We Love Corn Chip Day
Corn chips are healthy
We get to eat a lot of chips
It's a day to get together
With just three basic ingredients: corn, salt, and veggie oil, corn chips are lower in fat than regular chips and can be a healthy option when enjoyed in moderation.
Maybe we're on a diet and badly craving chips. Corn Chip Day is an excuse to eat as much as we can, without feeling guilty. Did we mention how low it is in fat?
What shouts “party!” louder than a big bowl of chips? especially assorted chips. They can be sneaked into any type of party, and enjoyed.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
For one red-hot day a year, the world’s chili heads, heat-seekers and extreme eaters can take their passion to extremes. International Hot and Spicy Foods Day sparks a wildfire of events, from habanero-eating challenges to fancy-dress contests and cook-offs of popular recipes. Among serious aficionados, it also re-kindles the great debate: which chili pepper tops the official Scoville heat scale?
There’s no denying the daredevil nature of some of the celebrations. However, people who like a meal to tingle their taste buds, not make their eyes water, shouldn’t feel left out. Enjoying a touch of heat in our cooking is a worldwide human trait, so what better day to invite your family and friends to discover a different cuisine? Thai, Indian, Creole and Caribbean dishes are all famous for their blends of aromatic ingredients, but many cultures boast their own favourites. After all, variety is truly the spice of life…
Learn about International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Did you know that people have been using hot spices in their meals and recipes for more than 6,000 years? It seems that we have always loved a bit of spice! If you are a fan of curry or you love a bag of Flamin’ Hot Doritos, you’re definitely going to enjoy this day, as you’re encouraged to add some spicy food to your daily diet. There are so many different types of spices that are used to create hot and spicy foods today. This includes everything from hot chilli powder to paprika and cumin. Today is all about celebrating these spices. After all, our diet would be pretty boring without them, right?
History of International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
Hot and spicy food has been traced back to recipes that are as old as 6,000 years! That’s a long time ago! While the dishes that we enjoy today may have changed, there is no denying that we still love spicy food. Not only has spicy food been adored for so long because it tastes incredible, but also because it offers a number of different health benefits as well.
Spices can help to kill bacteria. The likes of turmeric and cumin have been shown to have powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This means that they can be effective in terms of fighting any of the harmful bacteria in your body. Spices can also assist in fighting inflammation too. In Ayurvedic medicine, the inflammatory properties of garlic and ginger have been utilized for many centuries as a treatment for a number of different conditions, such as headaches, autoimmune disorders, and arthritis.
Spicy foods can also help to speed your metabolism up. There has been data drawn from a number of different studies that show that certain species, like pepper chilies, turmeric, cinnamon, and cumin are able to slow down your appetite and increase your metabolic resting rate. Who knew that spices were so powerful?
How to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day
When we think about hot and spicy food, we tend to think about Asian cuisine. You will see that chillis are regularly used in Indian, Chinese, and Thai cooking. Why not host a themed night and have your friends and family around? There are plenty of different dishes that you can enjoy, ensuring that everything is not simply designed to blow people’s taste buds off!
If you are looking for the spiciest cuisine in the world, you may want to try Sichuan. It is a cuisine that is well known for its bold flavors. The spiciness of the food is what draws a lot of people in. However, it’s not just about heat, heat, and more heat! There are lots of exciting flavors in Sichuan food, and so you really are going to have an amazing taste experience with this cuisine. You could either try to cook some Sichuan food yourself or go to an authentic restaurant.
As the name indicates, this is a type of food that has come from China’s Sichuan Province. The provincial capital of Sichuan is called Chengdu, and it is actually deemed one of the best places in the whole country for food. It has an excellent reputation for fiery hot pots and spicy dishes. There are lots of exciting street snacks to try here too, with everything from savoury jelly noodles to poached wontons.
When people talk about Sichuan food, they tend to only focus on the heat. However, it is much more exciting than that. This is because the cuisine consists of seven basic flavors, which are as follows: aromatic, salty, hot, sour, sweet, bitter, and pungent. Therefore, you really are going to enjoy some exciting food. Of course, chilies are at the heart of the meals cooked. From pickled chilies, to fresh chillies, to dry chilies; they are all incorporated.
In fact, apart from enjoying some delicious hot and spicy food on this day, another thing you can do is learn more about the different chilies that are available around the world. There are so many different types, including Carolina Reapers, Ghost Peppers, Habanero, Red Cayenne Pepper, Serrano, Guajillo, Poblano, Peppadew, and much more. They all bring a different level of heat and a different type of flavor to dishes. It is definitely interesting to learn more about the different options that are out there, and we are sure that it will enhance your cooking skills as well!
Another fun way to celebrate International Hot and Spicy Foods Day are by having a cook-off with your friends. Invite a few of your loved ones over and see who can create the best hot and spicy dish! It is always fun to do something a bit different with the ones that you love, and this gives you the perfect opportunity to do exactly that!
You can all have fun trying out each other’s different creations. They may be a few disasters along the way, but that simply adds to the fun of it, right? If you are feeling brave, you could even have a chilli eating competition. You will need to get some different chillis and find out how they rank on the heat scale. You can then find out who is able to handle the most heat! Make sure you have got plenty of water on hand!
Of course, you don’t need to go all out and become the next Masterchef on International Hot and Spicy Foods Day if you don’t want to! There are plenty of different ways that you can embrace some spice without needing to cook a complex meal. We all know that a pepperoni pizza will go down well in most homes! You could add a few jalapenos to your burger or fajitas in honor of this day! Other easy dishes that will ensure you are part of the trend include spicy meatballs and spicy Mexican pasta salad. You can turn anything into a spicy dish with the right seasoning!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Bean Day 
Because National Bean Day on January 6 falls in the middle of winter, it’s the perfect excuse to cook a favorite comfort food. Wondering why National Bean Day is held on January 6? That’s the same day as the famous geneticist, Gregor Mendel, died in 1884. Mendel used bean plants and pea plants to develop theories on genetics in plants. So the formation of National Bean Day has more to do with scientific development than how good bean recipes taste. But don’t let that deter you from enjoying eating beans on this holiday!
National Bean Day timeline
7000 B.C. Ancient Beans
The native tribes of Peru and Mexico cultivate bean crops.
1551 New Varieties
The term ‘kidney bean’ is coined to differentiate the bean type from other common beans.
1734 Jack and the Beanstalk
The English fairy tale about a boy who discovers magic beans appears as 'The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean.'
1854 Two Peas in a Pod
Father of genetics Gregor Mendel conducts research experiments on heredity using different varieties of peas.
National Bean Day Activities
Attend a Chili Cook-off Competition
Perfect your own baked beans recipe
Come up with a bean-related craft idea
Beans certainly aren’t the only ingredient in chili. But as any serious chili cook knows, finding the right beans is the key to make or break your recipe. The first chili cook-off took place in 1967 in Texas, so cooks have had plenty of time to perfect their techniques … and find the best kinds of beans to use. And if you like vegetarian chili, beans will be the primary ingredient.
If chili is one of the most popular bean-based foods for people to create their own recipes, creating a personalized baked beans recipe is a close second. So don’t be afraid to experiment with some baked beans recipes on National Bean Day. Try a few different types of beans or add some different ingredients to give your baked beans recipe a unique flavor. And, if it helps, you can even sing the “magical fruit” song while cooking your recipe.
Dried beans are great in recipes, but they also work really well for creating craft and art projects for kids. For example, you could create a mosaic that includes a variety of seeds and different sizes and colors of beans. This can be a lot of fun for kids. And bean art puts macaroni art to shame, especially on National Bean Day.
Why We Love National Bean Day
There are so many different kinds of beans to try
Beans are an economical source of protein
Beans aren’t just for dinner
If you choose to celebrate National Bean Day by trying a few different kinds of beans, you’ll have a whole bunch of them to sample. Green string beans, pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, and red kidney beans are among the most popular types of beans grown in the United States.
If you’re looking to save a bit of money on your food bill, beans are among the most cost effective foods you can eat. And if you’re looking for a source of protein that’s quite a bit cheaper than beef or chicken, beans are the answer. A cooked bean’s weight is between 6% and 11% protein.
Some kinds of beans are best served for dessert. Jelly beans are one of the most popular candies around. Heck, there’s even a chili flavor of Jelly Belly jelly beans. And Boston Baked Beans are great candies too. Even though jelly beans and the candy-coated peanuts that make up Boston Baked Beans aren’t the same as traditional beans, they still taste great. So go ahead and eat some candy beans on National Bean Day.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Excellent Food and Drinks on My Vacations (No. 2)
I travelled a lot; and still do. I love to eat and have a nice drink. Here are some of the best foods, drinks and wines I had to pleasure to enjoy. It starts with this year and goes back in time. I hope you like the pics as much as I loved this food.
Please contact me, if you want some further information about the food and/or restaurants.
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