#James and Audrey's faces are priceless
owlsie-hoot · 8 months
"Right Hand Man" 04x03 - on tonight on Channel 5
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Ask fandom game for Atlantis!
The first character I first fell in love with:
Milo James Thatch. How could I not? Look at him, he's adorable!
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 (Also, whenever 6yo me and friends played pretend with the characters of this movie, I was always Milo. And I wore glasses at the time, and he was the first movie hero I'd seen that wore glasses, so it was kind of a 'ooh, someone like me!' thing)
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
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Commander Lyle Tiberius Rourke. I actually think Disney kinda dropped the ball a little bit with this one. He could've been a much more dynamic character, especially with the background they give him on the collector's edition dvd (his struggles in school gives me 'undiagnosed learning disability' vibes and he definitely has some form of PTSD from his time in the military. As much combat as he saw and as many times as he was wounded, there's no way he doesn't). A friend and I were even saying he could've been a sympathetic antagonist who wanted to try and end World War 1 (which literally begins July 1914, a few months before the movie takes place) making him kind of a 'Justified Asshole' for you AITA readers (basically, it'd be like "on one hand, yeah, what he did sucks, but also, we Get It. He had a good reason, and there really was no good option here') Instead, the motive they give him (make a fuckton of money) is kinda stupid because it was hinted earlier on that everyone's already going to make a fuckton of money just for going on this expedition.
Basically, the more I looked into him and asked questions and looked beyond just what we see onscreen (because there IS more there. He's a human, and humans are nowhere NEAR as simple as just what we see onscreen), the harder it was to hate him.......Also, I wrote some fanfics with a canon-divergent version of him that I now adore. More on that in a moment.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
Helga Katrina Sinclair. She creeped me out from the get-go, from the first time I saw this movie (in theaters, which was AWESOME). Like, the instant I saw her, the 'EVIL!' alarms in my brain went off. If I'd been asked to guess who was the main antagonist of the movie before seeing the end, I definitely would've said her. She still gives me the creeps, and I find it incredibly easy to write her as a main villainess in my fanfics (especially Heart of Hell, where she goes full-on evil queen Disney villain on steroids, doing shit even Disney's most evil don't do)
That said, I have read some AU versions of her (that make her not so evil) that I do like.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Gotta go with Rourke again. Poor guy is pretty universally hated by the fandom (undeserved, I think, but I'm not going to start another Rourke rant here. I'll spare you this time, but he seriously does not deserve the amount of hate he gets.)
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Probably Kida. Don't get me wrong, I still like her a lot (badass warrior princess/queen FTW!!) Just not the way I used to, mainly because I no longer ship her with Milo. (No offense to him, but she really doesn't need a man. Let her be the epic queen she is on her own.)
The character I would totally smooch: 
Milo, because the look on his face would be priceless and hella cute. And Rourke, just to see the look on his face as he realizes THAT'S why I needed the stepstool (he's 6'4", I'm 5'2")
The character I’d want to be like: 
Milo again! (I kinda am in that I'm a frickin' nerd. However, I am not a genius with near superhuman intelligence)
Also Audrey. She don't take shit from anybody, but she's really sweet to her friends and even if she's really snarky with them, you can tell she really cares about them.
The character I’d slap: 
Gaetan "Mole" Moliere, and affectionately unless he says whatever he said to Kida. Slapping him seems to be a thing in this group.
A pairing that I love:
Scholmander (Milo/Rourke). This should NOT be a surprise to anyone here who knows me. This became a thing for me because I at first thought "no way could it ever work without being toxic/abusive", then I saw a part of an edit someone did, then wrote a fanfic, then went "holy shit, it works without being toxic/abusive!", wrote three more fics, and now I've written a bunch more, I have more planned, I RP it on here, and it's canon to me now. I love them so much.
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A pairing that I despise: 
Rourke/Helga. Well, anyone with Helga, really, but especially this. I honestly think if he didn't have her so close to him all the time, he might not have acted as 'evil' as he did in the movie. I think she has a lot more influence than anyone, even Rourke, thinks. The best thing I can compare it to is that she's like Grima Wormtongue in LOTR. Except she's not serving another power, just herself. (And yes, I have read stuff/looked at art for this, and it just felt wrong, gave me those Wormtongue vibes)
Also don't like her with Milo. That just SCREAMS 'toxic/abusive' with all the emotional/psychological manipulation and gaslighting that would likely occur because he's got such a gentle heart and is a little naive at times, thus easily taken advantage of.
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fantomcomics · 5 years
What’s Out This Week? 12/4
We’re still pretty stuffed from Turkey Day, but we’ve got room for some fresh new titles!  
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20XX #1 - Lauren Keely and Jonathan Luna
This sci-fi thriller for mature readers imagines a not-so-distant future-a world of norms and syms, divided by fear. Syms, a small percentage of the population with telekinetic abilities, form gangs to survive. But division only breeds more division, and Mer and Nuon experience this firsthand as they become entangled in the often dramatic, sometimes violent, but always complex social landscape of sym gang rivalries in Anchorage, Alaska.
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Power Rangers Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (of 5) - Ryan Parrott and Simone Di Meo
The Power Rangers arrive in New York City to find Tommy Oliver (a.k.a. The Mighty Morphin Green Ranger) but soon discover he's joined forces with the villainous Shredder and the Foot Clan! As the Rangers are sent reeling by this betrayal, they're confronted by another (fr)enemy... the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Can these heroes find a way to work together to defeat the bad guys and save the world from total destruction?!  
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Vampironica New Blood #1 - Frank Tieri, Michael Moreci and Audrey Mok
Riverdale's own bombshell bloodsucker is back! Following the events of the Jughead the Hunger vs. Vampironica crossover, Veronica returns to her own universe, still a vampire. She's not the same, and she knows it. And now she needs answers. But she may not be ready for what she's about to discover!
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Over The Ropes #1 (of 5) - Jay Sandlin and Antonello Cosentino
Step Over the Ropes and into 1990s wrestling. Set in a fictional world, Over the Ropes dives into sports entertainment's biggest era. A young high-flyer named Jason Lynn goes off-script in a match to win the world title and sets the southern territory on fire as the face-painted wrestler, Phoenix. Jason's battles between the ropes are only outperformed by his struggles outside the ring. First dates. Crooked promoters. Cage matches. Factions and families. No matter what problems smack him with a steel chair, Jason lives by his catchphrase: I. Will. Rise.
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Angela Della Morte #1 - Salvador Sanz
Angela Della Morte works for Dr. Sibelius, the most brilliant mind of the century. Using a new technology, Sibelius Labs are capable of separate soul from body. Using this tech Angela's soul can get into other dead host and take control of their bodies in undercover missions. But as the souls travels the void to get into their new receptacles, they must elude a tenebrous lifeform. This creature feeds with the substance of which the soul is made. It is the most dangerous predator in this new ecosystem, and its name is: Death.
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Kill Whitey Donovan #1 (of 5) - Duncan Sydney and Natalie Barahona
After Anna Hoyt's sister commits suicide, she sets off for Atlanta to kill the man responsible for destroying her family - her fiancé, Jim "Whitey" Donovan. But Anna, a spirited though pampered daughter of a prominent doctor, can't do it alone. To get through the hell that lies between her Alabama home and Atlanta, she makes a deal with one of the Donovan slaves, Hattie Virgil, who has an agenda of her own. In exchange for a chance at freedom, Hattie, a survivor, will lead this unlikely pair on a quest that will change them both forever.
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The Butcher Of Paris #1 (of 5) - Stephanie Phillips and Dean Kotz
In 1944, as Swastikas flew over Paris, one of the most notorious and prolific serial killers in history turned the occupied city into his personal hunting ground. Under the guise of opportunity and freedom, a killer preys on those desperate to flee . . . until a gruesome discovery alerts the police. In a city on the brink of war, the hunt for a serial killer begins as a French detective races to catch the villain before the Nazis beat him to it. The Butcher of Paris is a historical, true crime thriller about a killer wanted by both the Nazis and allied forces for the death of nearly two hundred victims.
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James Bond #1 - Vita Ayala, Danny Lore and Eric Gapstur
New series, new team, new missions! VITA AYALA (Morbius, Age Of X-Man), DANNY LORE (Queen Of Bad Dreams) and ERIC GAPSTUR (James Bond 007) present a fresh take on the world's greatest secret agent. When a priceless piece of art is found to be fake, investigations lead down a rabbit hole of international crime and corruption. But what the hell does James Bond know about the world of art forgery?
Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantomites?
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sirius · 7 years
4. and 39. with Remus/ Sirius you can choose. I love your blog alot💜
So I already did both these prompts for Sirius so I chose Remus instead! This is pumped full of feels, take care when reading. 
Also, some domestic Jily that no one asked for, but got anyway…
4. “Walk out that door and we’re through,” and 39. “Please come home, I miss you.” 
prompts | masterlist
Harry Potter had his mother’s eyes. He resembled his father, with a tornado of jet black hair and a mischievous yet charming grin, but the shape and color of his eyes were purely Lily. He was, quite simply, adorable. And you loved him so.
Bouncing him on your leg, Harry stretched two, pudgy hands out in front of him and curled his little fingers around your hair, giggling loudly.
“Don’t you yank my wig off, you little gargoyle,” you joked and Harry burst into a fit of giggles as though he understood your joke.
“Always knew that wasn’t your real hair,” James grinned, “And my son is not a gargoyle. He’s a baby troll.”
“Are you suggesting that Lily got freaky with a troll?” you asked and James barked out a laugh.
“What can I say? She’s kinky. Besides, who needs monogamy anyway?”
“At least the troll was more satisfying than you ever were,” Lily remarked, padding into the living room wearing a wicked grin. You choked on your laughter.
“That’s not what you said last night,” James smirks, sending a wink to his wife. He reaches out to catch Lily as she passes, she tries to dodge him, but he’s quicker and she shrieks a laugh as he collects her into his arms, pulling her onto his lap. Lily slaps his shoulder and he kisses her cheek.
“I don’t need to hear the details,” you cringe and James chortles.
“Come on (Y/N), you’re into it…” he waggled his brows, “I’m sure Lily wouldn’t mind an extra body in our bed.”
You snorted and Lily shook her head, biting her lip. “Why did I marry you?”
“For the sex, of course.” James remarked, flippantly.
“Fifth-year Lily would not be impressed, to say the least,” You retorted, “No matter how good the sex is…”
“Oh, I think I’d send fifth-year-Lily to her grave if she knew,” Lily mused, “and I wouldn’t be here, sitting on this ones lap, talking about it with you.”
“I think all that hate was just unresolved sexual tension,” James mused, though his grin was devious, “I knew you were having wild, sex dreams about me…”
“Harry, you poor, poor boy,” you remarked, as Harry launched into a fit of hysterics, “You’re going to be stuck with these jokers for the rest of your life. I pity you already.”
“Well, ya ‘know, he can’t stay innocent forever,” James remarked, though his eyes twinkled slightly as they observed his son. Pride, awe, love. There were stars in his eyes and Lily and Harry were his universe. Your smile was soft and genuine.
“Not while Sirius is around,” Lily retorts and you snort in agreement.
“Why in Godrics name would you name Sirius fucking Black his godfather. The poor boy already has to put up with James Potter as a father,” you mock-scolded Lily.
“His persuasion techniques are irresistible,” Lily grinned with a wink.
“I knew you and Sirius were fucking,” James shook his head in shame, “And to think you wouldn’t invite me…”
“Please,” Lily scoffed, “You had six years with him all to yourself. You ought to learn how to share…”
“What do you think I was doing before when I invited (Y/N) to one of our…meetings,”
“You do realize that your ten-month-old son is right here, don’t you?” you piped up, and Harry let out a delightful squeal as if to prove your point.
“Like I said, he can’t stay innocent forever,” said James, matter-of-factly.
At that moment, Harry mouth stretched into a soundless yawn and you grinned goofily at how adorable it looked on him.
“It’s his bed time,” Lily noted, rising from her husband’s lap. You handed Harry to Lily and she cradled him in her arms, beaming down at her son as he gazed up into her eyes. It was the perfect portrait of a mother’s love, a rare and priceless piece of art.
“Here, Lily, I’ll take him,” James offered, standing and stretching his arms out for Harry, “You can have a chat with (Y/N) here,” he gave her a knowing look. Lily nodded. She planted a tender kiss to Harry’s forehead and brushed some of his wild hair aside, gazing lovingly at her now-sleeping son. James, Lily and Harry; they were a masterpiece. Your heart swelled, ribs cracked, ribcage fractured. Nothing’s indestructible.  
When James had left, Lily threw herself into the armchair previously occupied by James. She sighed, airy and contented. You knew how she felt, you had felt it before.
“James is a lot of things but subtle isn’t one of them,” you noted and Lily chortled.
“He’s still learning.”
“Good luck.” You smiled, “You have a beautiful family, Lily.”
Lily’s lips curled into a soft smile, and in that smile, you saw a beauty that only true love could induce. Agape. The definition was written on her lips, sparkling in her eyes. She’d found her happiness. You’d only just lost yours.
“So do you,” she whispered, very softly, almost tentative. She knew the subject was still raw, wounds were still exposed from the fight you had had with the love of your life. The memory of it stung the gashes on your heart, it stung behind your eyes.
“I don’t know anymore,” you sighed, “I mean, he’s still beautiful. He’ll always be beautiful…”
“Fights happen. Ugly words get said and, for a while, everything’s on fire and you want to launch yourself into the sun. But it gets better. It really does.”
“Sounds like personal experience?”
“Hey, just because I love James doesn’t mean he’s not still a git. We’ll always bicker. But that’s just who we are. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
That smile again. Agape.
“Remus he – he loves you, (Y/N). I’ve never known a man to be so in love with someone. It’s like a scene from an Audrey Hepburn film…”
There it was again, the pieces of your heart expanded and swelled, flowing over your ribs, leaking into your soul. Images flashed before your eyes as you thought of the other night.
“Walk out that door, and we’re through” He growled, low and animalistic. It was fierce and threatening, a wolf’s warning. Each word sunk its teeth into your heart and tore chunks from your chest.
“He doesn’t want me there,” you said after a beat of silence, “He doesn’t want me anymore.”
“That’s not true,” Lily whispered, “He’ll always want you.”
“Walk out that door, and we’re through.”
“Maybe once,” you said, pensive and sad, “But not anymore…”
Silence clouded the air like a fog of unspoken pain. Pain snuck out of your eyes, trailed track marks down your cheeks, and stuck to your chin. You swatted it away and felt the salt soak your skin. Lily reached across and covered your hand with her own, all smooth skin and slender fingers. You looked up at her, watery gaze staring into her own.
A knock on the door scattered your thoughts. You started. Lily leapt to her feet and minced toward the door. The door swung open and murmured voices resonated through the kitchen. The sound of footsteps and you rose to your feet, turning to see who the unexpected visitor was.
Lily entered the room and stood off to the side. And then…
“Remus,” you whispered. It was only when you said his name that you realised how much your lips loved the word, how effortlessly it rolled off your tongue, how it danced in the air and filled your heart with more love than it could contain.
Remus stared into your eyes, pain written in every soft line, every wrinkle, filling every corner of his elegantly handsome features.
“(Y/N),” he rasped. Your heart sung and your soul wept.
“I’ll give you two some privacy,” said Lily, before disappearing up the stairs to James and Harry.
You averted your eyes. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“I had to see you.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“(Y/N),” he was pleading, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please come home, I miss you.”
“Remus,” you began, your voice tight, “Y-You hurt me. I can’t just come home. I want to, but I can’t…”
Remus nodded. “I understand. Sometimes, when you’re a werewolf, it’s hard to tell who is prey and who isn’t and sometimes, you end up hurting the people you love the most.”
You fell silent at that. Even your thoughts were quietened. He rarely ever spoke about his problem when you were together. In fact, the last time he had mentioned it was before the two of you got together, in your sixth year at Hogwarts. It had been a warning, a ‘I’m impossible to love because I’m a monster and monsters do not deserve love.’ You had vowed not to leave him, yet here you were. You had abandoned him for two days.
Every cell in your body burned for him.
“The truth is, I love you so much, I can’t breathe without you. For two days, my lungs screamed for you because you give me the desire to want to breathe. I need you.” Remus stepped forward, closing the distance between the two of you. He cupped your face in his strong hands, and you let him. You let him press your foreheads together as he continued to mumble ‘I need you, need you, you.’
I need you, need you, you. 
Tears filled your eyes and dripped from your lashes. He kissed them away, planted tender, sweet kisses to your entire face, as though his lips were a brush and he was painting you. And then, he found your lips. He kissed you. And you kissed him back.
When he kissed you, it truly was like a dying man taking a gulp of fresh air. You realized how much he needed you, how much you needed him. You had been so lost in your own skin, your bones so fragile, your heart lifeless and empty, your soul trapped in a limbo. And now here he was, kissing you passionately, a warm embrace that filled your lungs with air and painted your skies blue.
And then you felt it. Agape.
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