#Jason vorhees imagines
slasherwife · 1 year
Hiya! (Don’t know if requests are open but if not just ignore-)
how would the slashers react to their s/o who goes in and out of the hospital because of health problems?
Hope you Have a good day/night and stay safe! ^^
hiya my darling i especially love you and this is an adorbs ask 🥺 thank u for sending this in!! and sorry for the extreme delay 🥹💞
i decided to include brahmsy because i miss him dearly 🥹💗
Slashers with an s/o who’s in and out of the hospital
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summary you and your slasher husband must make time for your hospital checkups and whatnot. how does this impact the relationship and mental health of both of you?😇💕
warnings fluffff🥺🌷
thomas is the one to carrying you to the hospital if it came to it. every single time. he just loves you so much 😭💞 he can’t let you be in danger. he is the first one at your side every single time you are in need of help with your health.
he will be a mother hen. anything that hoyt requests you do, he will be at your side making sure you are safe and protected, whatever it is. unless luda is there to help, he will be at your side diligently to make sure his love is doing okay and that they don’t need help🥺🌷
he is insanely protective. thomas is like a protective force field around you, literally nothing can harm you while he is your beloved protector 🥺💞 tommy notices when hoyt purposefully gives you difficult tasks he knows you won’t be able to do, and since then, tommy has made it his personal goal to make hoyt afraid of messing with you. and boy, he can be terrifying🥲
when the time comes where you need to be on the way back to the hospital, tommy is pushing through everyone in his way to get to you. 🥺🫶 you are his heart, his baby, his beloved one. he is your sole protector and he will see to it that you get the proper care you need. don’t worry y/n, thomas is here to keep you safe.
he doesn’t mind doctors. just make his sweetheart healthy and there won’t be a problem🤗💗
jason is a little passive when it comes to medical stuff. i mean, he lived off the bare minimum after the lake incident, and then became undead so~~😂💞 but once he realizes the love of his life, the flower on his mountain, needs this medical care, he will do everything in his power to get them to it🌷
jason is very very understanding. 💕you had explained to jason that you are often in and out of the hospital for whatever reason. this might result in you disappearing for a few hours, to a few days at a time, but there was nothing you could do about it. 🥺 in those soft and expressive eyes of his, you could read, “i would wait forever for you.” 🌷💕
when you return, expect the softest princess treatment. jason has made the bed for you, lavished with new soft blankets and pillows. he has your favorite stuffed animals, and once you’re snuggled in, he gives your stuffies kisses before tucking them with you, and then giving you forehead kisses, and making a “shh~~” sound while stroking your hair😭🌷💗
he likes carrying you everywhere😭🥺 or at least holding your hand softly as he walks places. i think it’s a very soft manifestation of his possessiveness, and fear of losing you. he carry’s you like a baby, or like a baby koala, on your walks through the forest🥺💗 or if he needs to go somewhere and you want to go with him, he won’t hesitate on wrapping you in your favorite blanket and taking you with him💕🌷
with jason, you will be treated like the softest lil mushroom baby princess to ever grace earth🥺💞 unless you don’t want to be, at least let him tuck you in and hold your hand softly whenever you’re with him 🌷he’s just scared to lose you.
michael absolutely cannot stand doctors. as we all know, michael has not had very nice interactions with them growing up! in fact one could argue they ruined his life😭he definitely does not want that for you, but he understands that this is the best way for you to stay healthy💕🫶
michael’s trust issues causes him to stalk you your entire stay at the hospital. whether that be days or a few hours. it’s definitely not for distrust of you, but for the doctors he despises. he knows if they were to even slip up once, they would be in an inescapable world of hell from him🥺💕that’s his parter they’re putting needles in, one mishap and they are all dead😩
in a way, he becomes your doctor too, ironically. if you have specific medicine you need to take, you best BELIEVE michael’s going to be standing with your meds in hand outside your door, AS SOON as you wake up 😭💗he watches as you eat, drink, monitors your caffeine intake, hides, trashes, burns any food he seems unhealthy for you. he’s hyper fixated on your well-being even though it’s not obvious.
you honestly will not notice it, but he’s hyper fixated on keeping you alive. he has stayed up all night, multiple nights, to watch how much sleep you’re getting😖💞he makes sure your water is filled up enough to his liking, your portions are ample, and every single prescribed pill (if you are prescribed medication) is downed at the exact time it’s supposed to be consumed😇
you will not notice at all how protective michael is over you. when he doesn’t approve of one of your doctors (for whatever reason) they are gone, and another will come in. he pulls the strings, and he makes it seem so effortless. all for you, all for his love, his darling one🌷💞
he cries every time you leave. “don’t leave me~~” he sobs. but in a way he isn’t crying for himself, and somehow you know too. 🌷💕he knows you’ll always come back, it’s why he loves you so so dearly. but what if you are too sick to come home one day? what if you die in the hospital, alone, and he’s left alone forever without you? 😭
he notices that you are tired and weak after your hospital visits. brahms certainly is selfish but when he loves someone as much as he loves you, he will go to ends of the earth to please you and earn your praise🥹💗he will make you your favorite snacks, and bring you his favorite toys or read something from his poetry book 🥹💞 it’s his way of showing you he cares!
g-d forbid anything happen at the house. brahms isn’t good at remembering when you need to take any medication or any special instructions for yourself given by the doctor❤️‍🩹😖what if one day you forget and you pass out or something? he is so anxious because if this and tries his best to make sure you are looking healthy every day. he can’t ever lose you y/n!🥲💗
you will receive a very clingy boi once you arrive back home😖💗 once you step back into the heelshire mansion, expect a rumbling and brahms stepping out from the walls, encasing you into his warm arms mumbling incoherent speech, his grip tight on your hips and waist. he missed you so much 🥺🌷
brahms will be very sad every time you leave to go to the hospital, but he must come to terms with the fact that it must happen. he struggles with severe abandonment issues every since his parents and greta left him, but he will learn that you will always return to him🌷
bo sinclair
he will certainly not make a very big deal about it. and he will absolutely not relay any of your medical information to lester or vincent. you want to know anything about y/n? fuck off. it’s none of their business. he won’t like talking or hearing about your mortality or health, it makes him overthink and anxious and he doesn’t like feeling that way at all :(
generally, bo is extra gentle with you and extra angry with his potentially hazardous brothers. when you are feeling particularly sick, he’s speaking in hushed cooes while stroking your cheek🥺💕if you’re on the couch he makes sure both brothers know not to make any loud noises. he will tease you for being a couch potato while literally wrapping you in blankets and spoon feeding you apple sauce😭 he loves it when you visit him in the garage, talking to you is like a drug to him 🥺💞
bo goes extra lengths to make sure everything is in order. when the time comes around to make a trip to the hospital, bo is loading up the truck with necessities and blankets and whatever else you want. he has vincent help him sometimes. and he doesn’t want you to question a thing 🥹💗 of course he’s doing this for you, baby girl. sweet thing, just get in the front seat and let him take control. 🌷
he sits with you and holds your hand or thigh in the waiting room. when the doctor comes around he sits up and shakes the doctors hand like a suburban dad before they take you back to do screenings and go over your symptoms and medications😭💗bo stays in the waiting room with his knuckles brushing over his chin, and watching the clock.
surprisingly, bo is extremely good at taking care of you. it mostly comes from him taking care of vincent and lester all those years. he is absolutely terrified at the possibility of losing you to any sickness you may have, but masks it with teasing words and his overprotective tendencies😭💗
vincent sinclair
he is very scared of being incompetent at taking care of you. he might go to bo for advice, and will feel guilty for not going with you to the hospital when the time comes😞🌷. he gets bo to get you a car to use when you need to leave for your appointments, and will not eat and barely sleep while you are away.
he gets some sort of communication between you two so you can update him when you are away at the hospital😊 this way he can know when things are going well, and get better idea of when you will be home. this helps his distress and separation anxiety a lot🤗💝
when you return home, you are going straight to your room. you aren’t even inside the house yet and vincent’s warm arms are wrapped around you, his hard chest against your back, his face in the crook of your neck breathing you in. you are finally home🌷 vincent takes your hand gently and leads you into your guys’s shared room, cuddling with you in the bed running his artist hands up and down your body.
he makes you little trinkets to bring with you to the hospital. he thinks of it as him being with you in a way, and sees it as protection 😇💕this also calms his separation anxiety in a way, and it gives him an excuse to spoil you in endless gifts, for his goddess muse 😩💞
since i think bo would generally leave y’all alone, vincent would be an excellent caretaker and really takes on the role of a mental support system. the texting is a huge help to both of you, if you are having anxiety at the hospital, vincent is right there to calm your nerves 😇💕don’t worry dear one, your darling husband vincent will always be by your side 🌷
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shupito · 5 months
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For a funny content, I was wondering what kind of cat Jason would be. Since I'm a future crazy lady, I ended up with a raggedy maincoon
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I would like to request more slasher x reader whos on the period and is just emotionally exhausted and does a fall hug on them and sighs 😞
I actually looked up period aesthetic on Pinterest 🤦‍♀️ (didn't work, I had to instead looked up blood stain aesthetic)
Ps: why the fuck did I think it was a good idea to put blood stains pictures here, and also this might be the last post for this week and the next week, since my exams are only one week away I really need to start focusing on my studies. I love you all, byee :)
Slashers in this are: Michael myers, sinclair brothers, Jason, and lastly, Billy and stu
Relationship: romantic!!
Slashers with exhausted reader on her cycle!
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Michael sat rested on the couch of your living room. Letting himself sink into the soft cushion. This day was particularly satisfactory by far... Except for one thing.
You were ignoring him. You've stayed in your room with food and a bunch of other stuff saying you were on your period, you've explained to him before and stuff. But that didn't give you the right to ignore him. What did he even do anyway?
Deciding thinking about why his s/o's mad at him on their period isn't his thing, he shuts his eyes and prepares to pass out.
The silence and the comfy atmosphere. Not too hot not too cold, slightly slouching to his side now that the drowsiness is getting to him. Until he hears the door open ,your door open. he quickly sits straight waiting for your figure to come into the living room.
Are you mad at him right now? Are you going to yell at him? Did he forget to do something?
He sees you enter the room and make eye contact with him for a few seconds, waiting for you to do Or say something. He becomes a bit alert when you start walking towards him, you don't seem to have a bit of aggression in your manner and you just seem... Tired.
Next thing he knows you're on top of him with your hands around his body. Sighing loudly you don't do anything and he starts hearing you softly snore.
Maybe just these few times you can physically get this close to him. He takes a few breaths before his eyelids start feeling heavy again and he starts to feel less and less energetic.
Subconsciously he puts his hand on your back as the two of you slumber into a deep sleep together.
Sinclair brothers
Bo's not really the best in verbal comfort but he sure is one hell of a good physical one. He sat on the couch reading a newspaper after a long day of being mean. Having a cup of coffee on the small table next to the couch you kinda wanted to laugh. Your overly aggressive boyfriend sitting so quietly and almost innocently on the couch on a Thursday morning is really a contradiction to his usual behaviour. But the inner exhaustion is making you dramatic. Walking over to him he notices you. "What?" He questioned, not a single sound of roughness in them. Hmm, maybe he really was in a good mood today. Taking this as your sign you grab his newspaper and then fall on him dramatically, not forgetting to hug him as you do so. Sighing as you feel the warmth of his body seeping into yours. "What do you think you're doing?" He asks a bit annoyed and a bit more confused. You place the paper on the arm rest on the couch and just continue to rest on him. Bo stays quiet for moments before he wraps his arms around your waist. "Well you could've just told me if you wanted a hug." He chuckles a bit. Let's just hope this isn't cut short.
Vincent Although can't really talk or comfort you verbally, is willing to do anything for you. Acts of service, physical touch, gift giving... Anything. Especially since you're on this painful and tiring process called "a period" He's on his bed reading a book he got from a traveller. Flipping through the pages he hears steps coming towards his room. He memorised your footsteps by now and closed his book but kept his fingers in between where he was reading. He saw you in his sight and tilted his head as to say "is there something you need?". You smiled a bit and went towards him and your body went softly crashing into his. Tightly hugging around his neck and you sigh because honestly hugging him was the most comforting thing ever. Vincent's a bit startled but rubs your back as he realises you're just tired. He kisses the top of your head through his wax mask and he starts blushing and grins when you turn to him and his cheek. He couldn't help but fall for this side of you every single time.
Lester was the best at any kind of affection. So anytime you felt the bit of sadness you immediately went to him. Today or during the cycle was no exception, trotting over to find your lovely dearest boyfriend you needed someone to lay all your love on right now. You finally saw him, Lester who was dropping by for a few days to accompany his brothers was on a couch with Vincent, it seemed they were silently discussing something. Probably they broke the wooden floor and were planning on how to tell Bo without angering him. (Impossible) besides all that, you just wanted to feel your lover's warmth around yours. Lester who noticed you after Vincent did, immediately lights up with a goofy smile. "Hey baby! How are you doing?" You instantly knew he was referring to your cycle, you gave a small smile on your tired face. You walked over to him with your arms extended and fell on him. "Woah!" He relaxes after a few seconds. He strokes your hair as you lay quietly on him. (Vincent third wheeled his way out of the room.)
It were a particularly quiet and peaceful few days camp crystal Lake. Which was a very good thing which meant a longer spending time with your undead boyfriend.
Especially since being on the flow meant more emotional draining. And although your boyfriend wasn't the warmest in body heat, he definitely was the warmest in showing you his love.
He was on a bed just resting because he didn't really have anything else to do. He didn't wanna bother you since you said you were on your period and didn't wanna risk you getting mad at him. (He would be extremely sulky.)
In his train of thoughts he hears footsteps creaking and immediately gets up, did a trespasser come into the cabins without him knowing? He grabs his machete that was on the ground and prepares for any sort of unfamiliar faces, he sees your face and sighs. He drops his machete as he realises he almost hit you with it.
You see him and stare at him for a few moments. He tilts his head and you start walking over to him and jump on him with your arms around his body.
He presses his mask against your head as you sigh. He couldn't express how much he loves you if he were honest. He strokes your head as he thinks so.
Billy n stu
You knew who to go to when you needed some physical affection. Having two people around you was more than enough.
You couldn't bother telling them about the problems and pains of your period since they're both lowkey air heads.. Just one of them is a bit smarter but definitely more sassy with a shit more attitude.
You slowly made your steps over to where you heard bickering, you saw the two of your boyfriends who you could see were talking about a horror movie most likely. You lazily walk to them, damn. They still don't notice you yet.
You decide to just fuck it and throw your body to where they were and Billy made a surprise grunting noise as Stu just yelped.
"Jesus! You fucking scared the shit out of us Y/n!" Billy exclaimed. Stu made a small "yeah!"
You just sighed tiredly. You wrapped your arms around both of them. "Well, we were just about to watch a movie. Wanna join us?" You just nodded as you felt them adjust themselves around your grip.
You relaxed after you felt Stu hug you tightly as Billy started going through the tapes with his legs around yours.
You were starting to relax until they started bickering again. Damn they couldn't shut up could they?
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phntmeii · 9 months
Slashers Finds Out their SO Reads Smut/Fanfiction
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Loses their mind in a panic, not knowing what to do with this information. Has to call someone else to figure out how to react appropriately.
Billy Loomis, Brahms Heelshire, Stu Macher, Vincent Sinclair
Completely embarrassed that they found out this information and has questions. Will casually pretend they did not see it and never mention it.
PreMichael!Corey Cunningham, Jason Voorhees, Lester Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt
They cannot help their smug look as they print out certain paragraphs to tease their SO. Takes notes for later activities.
Bo Sinclair, PostMichael!Corey Cunningham, Freddy Krueger, Jennifer Check
Makes their SO read the work out loud to them to watch them squirm. Rewards them with whatever parts they were too shy to read out loud later that night.
Billy Lenz, Hannibal Lecter, RZ!Michael Myers, Patrick Bateman
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b-00-biez · 1 year
Please do slashers with a reader who giggles and covers her face when they compliment her because she is not used to being told nice things and is extra shy. Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Jason Voorhees and Brahms Heelshire, if it's not too much trouble! 🙏🏻 If they are too many, feel free to choose whichever you feel like writing for the most! Thank you before hand! ❤️
awwww thank you this one is so adorable!
Slashers with an adorable and shy s/o
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Jason Vorhees, Brahms Heelshire
Thomas Hewitt
He is also shy and if you return nice compliments hes gonna be shy about it too🥺
He really loves how you giggle it warms his heart and would punch Hoyt if he ever says something bad about it
You might act like that with Luda Mae but its very special when its just the two of you
You both were cooking dinner and the dipping sauce exploded in his face. You cant help but giggle
He was so embarrassed and kinda fell in love all over again? like his heart went OAJEJHFFOEBFKDBF
He just looks at you and you get all shy and flustered , he didn't even say anything!
He feels reassured that you feel flustered and actually see him as a man that makes your heart go crazy.
Bubba Sawyer
Also goes fucking crazy
Like youre just so fucking adorable
How the fuck did he even bagged you???
When you go shy he also goes shy
When you laugh or giggle and cover your mouth out of habit or shrink in bashfulness if he does something sweet for you
His brothers even tease him for it like "get a room!" or "those two love birds"
He does cute things too , if you cover your face he pries your hands off just to look at your blushing cheeks
The way he looks at you in pure awe just makes your cheeks even redder
Jason Vorhees
You both act like middle school couples
Like those cringey but sweet things you both do
Although he got robbed of growing up like a normal kid he just feels like a normal human being with you
You are so shy around him and it makes him feel at home
He stays silent but he gives you flowers and little antics from campers
If you cover your face when you're shy he just cups your cheeks and stares at you or pulls you closer into a hug!
Brahms Heelshire
He makes you blush in an old fashion way
He writes you letters even though hes literally just in your walls
He calls you stunning ,gorgeous, beautiful like a gentleman , like those guys in their 40s that are either still single or have a lovely wife
When you blush he caresses your cheek with his thumb and looks at you longingly saying your name so sweetly
He purposely makes you blush like holds you close from the back or pulls you in unexpectedly
I swear he loves how adorable and bashful you are around him so you better not act like that to other guys ahem ahem delivery boy
I'm sorry it's not that long, I got a little rusty after my hiatus😭💕 but hope yall like it
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differentlovelover · 11 months
Texting slashers “she’s busy” prank
Includes:Stu Macher,Billy Loomis,Jason Voorhees,Micheal Myers,Hannibal Lector(series)
Stu Macher
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After Stu read the response he headed over to the house right away and ran in looking for the “guy” who texted him
It took you a minute to tell him that it wasn’t real and you proved it as well and then he stops and stares at you causing you to giggle as he tackled you onto the bed tickling you
“You thought you where funny?!” He said threw his teeth which caused you to laugh harder and shake your head no. Then after you both layed in each other arms and hung out
Billy Loomis
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Billy don’t take you seriously anyways so why would be now?
I mean billy couldn’t even believe you since well- you are you-
Trust maybe one day you’ll get him and it will be good
Jason Vorrhees
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Translation:baby.want to hang out? Baby busy? Who? (You know his fingers are kinda big so he sometimes misses the keys)
Poor baby didn’t understand what you was talking about but knew it was not right
The audacity you had to do such prank on a innocent man like him
Once you came outside he looked at you confused with his head tilted
“I’m sorry my baby ignore what I said” you shake your head facepalming
He grunts to the door as if to ask is someone in there with you
“No I’m alone baby I swear I just just joking with you” you gently rub his stomach then pat it “lets go big boy” he blinks then follows you just happy your here
Micheal Myers
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Yes that is a picture of the outside of your window
He knew you wasn’t busy. He’s always watching you.
You peaked out the window seeing him standing there staring at you. You giggle nervously and open the door for you
He went inside and looked around then walks back to you as he picked you up over shoulder. “Micheal I’m sorry!-“ you laugh as he takes you to the bedroom and sits you down forcing you to watch the TikTok he sent you.
Hannibal Lector
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Oh lord. He never speaks with the single word. You know you definitely upset him.
He called your phone as you answered “hey Hanni-“ “y/n. Where are you?”
You show your office room with just yourself and your desk and other things. “I’m here alone Hanni- it was a prank-“
He looked at you as he kept his normal nonchalant expression but his eyes slightly looked around the room then he leans back “oh really?..”
“Yes I promise” you sit the phone down looking at him.
“Well in that case..how about you show me just how busy you are right now.” He slightly gave a sly grin as he looked at you.
You blink as you look back- lets just say you probably would prank him again after that-
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Could you do headcannons where they shower/bath together but it's fluff??
Fluffy? Bathing fluffy? With THEM? Goodluck, but it sounds fun enough to write🥰 you didnt mension what slashers should I put in so imma go with who I think would fit in this headcanons
They/them, mostly sfs, Request open
Bathing with slashers headcanons
Vincent Sinclair
Will get flustered 100% but he won't even think about doing anything sexual
He will be soo anxious he will ask about everything! 'Is it okay if he touches s/o hair, can he massage them??? Can he go near them'
If s/o washes his hair or massages him he will probably fall asleep
Tbh s/o needs to gain a lot of trust if he even lets them enter bathroom when he is without mask. So don't even stare at his face for too long he will get insecure
Billy Lenz
Surprised hes in bath with somone and its fluffy? Me too
But imagine
This guy will forgor about all his nasty thoughts as soon as he sees bubbles in bath, or bath bombs or any kind of water decoration
He will check is water tastes difrenlty after bath bomb
Will ask nicley for second and third bathbomb
Will splash them and declare bath war
Litteraly hes going to lay on top of them and relax
Also if they wash his hair he will hiss
Spooked of loud shower noises
Brahms Heelshire
Oh a bath? With them? Oh my how splendid
Wanna remind yall that Brahms is british
Hes gonna be all nice 🥰 if s/o promises him reward afterwards of course
He gonna look like wet dog, and he will stare into their soul
He will literally toss them into bathtub tbh. Why he has to be only one feeling like cat in puddle
Will splash playfully. And look where he shouldn't look at
This devil loves laying in chilly water😔
Also it sounds weird but pls help him shave he never did that and he looks bab
Asa Emory
Goodluck this guy bathes in water that hot theres steam around bathtub
Maybe he's just burning his skin on purpose?? Incase there was anybugs on him?? Or maybe he just likes feeling of his homeland, hell
He falls asleep in there, no matter if s/o is there or nah
But he will cuddle, ah wet cuddles yay. Tbh its rare for him to cuddle so ig he just needs hot atmosphere (litteraly)
Some bugs only mate in hot weathers anyway
Will take good care of them. Wash their hair, take out all creams and gels they use in their normal skin routine.
Jason Voorhees
You either have to have huge bathtub or lay on him for whole proces
He gonna be so nervous, he doesnt want them to get spooked by his face
Hes also terrified of water so s/o has to give him a lot of support and understanding so he can warm up to the idea of being in huge box filled with water
Will do lil splashy to cope
Water will be soso dirty afterwards, this guy was soso dirty he almost shines now
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
Jumping onto the menstruation station, may I request Jason Brahms and Michael x reader on their period? Reader doesn't have to be a woman ^^
May I be 🦊 anon please?
Various slashers x reader on their period
Yes yes you can be fox anon! I'm still new to emoji anons so I dont.. know what all it is.. is it just a means for an anon to ID themselves without giving away their blog, or is there more to it?/genq
First time writing for Michael I think! Woo! Hope it's okay since i dont read much stuff for him and it's been a minute since I've seen the halloween movies <\3
Characters: Jason, Brahms, Michael Myers (OG/2018)
Notes: reader is GN but AFAB
CWs: mentions of canon typical violence
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Oh he definitely does not know what a period is, do you really thing Pam ever told him? If anything he might have heard mentions from campers while he was.. sizing them up before his attack.. but even then that's being generous! Very anxious the first time you have your cycle around him, but he seems to calm down significantly when you explain. It's not so much that its blood, it's the fact that it's coming from you and he doesnt understand why. Very caring, wont let you do anything around the cabin. Takes you out for fresh air, he doesnt mind carrying you! He feels so so helpless if he cant take your cramps away.. generally hes an angel with how he treats you, even with the learning curve!
Between the three hes the most.. normal about it. Nonchalant, even. Hes not at all phased by blood, that much is obvious thanks to the occasional nights where he comes back home covered in the stuff. Hes a little.. uncaring.. when it comes to helping you. Is that the correct word? He will silently grab you a blanket or some pain killers if you need it- but hes not going to cuddle with you on the floor.. comfort is not Michael's field of expertise, either... though it's not like this behavior is new from him
Similar to Jason he probably doesn't know what a period is, or at least not a lot of the details. He's probably heard of it but other than that hes clueless. Pesters you when you start getting down, whether emotionally or physically- it's his own way of seeing if you're sick. Explain to him what's going on because otherwise hes going to bother you about your chores.. oh.. you're hurting and bleeding? You dont.. need to see a doctor, right? No? He does some of the duties around the house- cooking, cleaning, things like that. Hes not totally helpless, though his cooking... could use some work. Tries his hand at making your favorite meals.. fails miserably because hes always had his meals cooked for him.. watching someone cook can only teach you so much, especially when you're watching from the walls
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Slashers thoughts on Butt Stuff
Minors DNI 18+
Had this idea brewing in my head and wanted to write it down. Also, I have a feeling that RZ Michael is an Ass man
Slashers: Michael Myers (OG and RZ), Jason Voorhees, The Sinclair Twins, Thomas Hewitt, and Brahms Heelshire
CW: Anal sex, Watersport (from RZ Michael), and Near accidents
Michael Myers
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You think about Spicing Up you and Michael's relationship
You and Him were on the couch watching a show re-run on TV when you had to ask him about your idea through his ear
Michael was in shock,"You want me to put my dick in there???" He asked with wide-eyes
He may need time before committing to the idea
Getting into bed, he started to eat you out, Savoring his tongue inside you. "You still want me to fuck your ass?" Michael asked in between eating you out, "What?" You asked as he put his finger in his mouth. "Give you Anal." He said as he sticks his finger into your bum, making you squirm as he fucks you with his hand.
"Oh God yes, please fuck my ass Michael." You said as you flip to your stomach and spread your cheeks as far as you can. Michael had to take it slow, starting to rim you, making you moan from the sensation. Spitting on the entrance to make it wet, easier to slip in. Sliding into your pussy he wanted to use your slick to make it feel good. Lining his tip up with your ass, he slowly pushed in.
You gasps from the stretching of Michael's cock, it was feeling so good. Michael groaned from how tight your ass was around him. It took him a bit before he started thrusting. You squealed from the new form of pleasure, Michael was going at you with his pace he loves to make you feel amazing when having sex.
"Oh God, Michael, I'm going to cum it feels so good." You said as he picked up the pace. "Fuck, I'm not too far either. God your making me cum so soon with ass play." Faster and Harder he wanted to each his climax from the tightening of your ass. You screamed in pleasure as your orgasm ripped through your body, and with Michael not far behind, he felt his legs shaking as cums into your ass.
Taking a breather from how interested both your orgasm were as he lays on top of you. "Holy Fuck, that was incredible." You said, "Fuck my legs are shaking from that intense orgasm. I think busted more than usual." Michael said. "Hun, do you want to quickly clean yourself? I'm so wet from the first round." You said with a smile. Michael nodded as he pulled out. A wet pop was made as his seed leaked out of your ass. "I'll be back." Michael said as he kissed your forehead before making his way to the bathroom.
Jason Voorhees
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You want me to do that with you??
Are you sure I wouldn't tear your butt-hole? I mean, it's quite big, and you're who ha handles it really well
OK, maybe another day
Jason didn't know how to let you know he wants to do the thing you mentioned a few days ago. You were on top as you kissed his lips as he held your hips. He slipped your pj shorts to start to finger your pussy, you moaned as you felt his finger massaging your walls. He slipped his wet finger and placed it on your other hole before pushing it in.
You knew what he was implying. Your suggestion from a few days ago. "Do you wanna try it?" You asked him, and he nodded in reply.
Get into position on the bed he placed one hand on your hip as he placed his weeping tip above your ass, letting his pre-cum make your butt-hole wet enough. Slowly pushing himself into your hole, the stretch felt so good you couldn't help but shake in pleasure as Jason was completely inside
Being careful as he can, Jason thrusts into you hold as he felt how tight it was, even tighter than your pussy. You moaned in pleasure as Jason pushed in and out of Anal opening. He started to pick up the pace as the fiction was making him close to cumming.
You started to rub at your nub as you felt your orgasm near. Before you know it, you felt your Orgasm came as you squirt, Jason moaned as he released his semen into you. Having a breather from the round, Jason pulled out before something was lurking, not too far behind. "Oh God, Jason. You loosen me up." You said as you bolted to the bathroom holding it in.
Jason just stands in the bedroom, wided-eyed, realizing that you nearly had an accident on bed.
Michael Myers RZ
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You want Michael to go all out with your "other hole" so you go on to tell him
What took you so long? "You know I always put my fingers in there to make you squirm on my Cock."
Michael wastes no time in taking you to the bedroom. Getting you naked and going to town on your ass, he stripped down and started rimming. You were already squirming before he's even in. Spitting on your hole, it doesn't take too long to put his finger in while putting is cock in your pussy. "Fuck, Michael." You said as he gives you an appetizer before the main course, "Give me a little sugar to lube me even more." He said as he pulled out.
A mix of drool and pre-cum fell on the sheets as you suck on him. He watched as you took him full without gagging, "Now, time for what you're waiting for." Michael said as he pulled out of your mouth before you got into position. Spreading your ass cheeks, he pushed his heavily lubed up Dick into your anus before pounding away.
You screamed in pleasure as his shaft moved back and forth, making you open up a bit more. Until he pulled out, thinking he was already cumming till you felt something warm landing on you. "MICHAEL WHAT THE FUCK??!!" You Blurted out at your tall man who stopped his waterworks. "Figured you wanted a small golden shower." Michael said with a smirk, "Not at this moment, go to the bathroom geez. And bring a towel before leaving." You said he made his way to the bathroom. This wasn't the first time he had done that nor his last.
"Now, where we." Michael said as he placed you on to his dick before fucking you standing up. "Fuck, I could cum twice in ypur tight ass." He remarked as he pounds away.
Becoming a babbling mess from pleasure, it didn't take too long before you had an Orgasm. Michael continued long till, once, twice, and until finally cumming. After a short period, he started up again, trusting with his semen acting as lube. He wasn't kidding about wanting to cum in your tight ass twice. "Oh fuuuuck, you're so tight. I could cum again any minute." He said as he held your legs.
Once, twice, another Orgasm ripped through your body, and his followed closed behind as he came once again. He fell back into the bed, exhausted and panting Michael, and yourself on the bed. Michael slowly pulled out as his cum leaked out. "Holy Fuck, I'm beat." You said in between breathing, Michael kissed your neck, "You want to have a break before going again?" He asked as he rubbed your tummy.
"Yes." You replied as you both readjust on the bed.
Bo Sinclair
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Being with Bo for so long, you want to spice up your sex life
When you're both alone, you tell him your idea
Oh Kinky
You wanna do some Anal, eh?
"Didn't know you're where that experimental like that darlin." He said in remarked of your proposal. "Say, Why don't you make your way into the bedroom, and I'll meet'cha there?" Bo asked with a sneaky grin on his face as you started towards your shared room while Bo started to move off the couch to catch up to you.
After a little wetness was placed in the right spot, Bo slipped in with ease as you shaked as he stretched your anal opening.
Bo groaned as he thrusts, feeling the tight walls around his cock. He could cum any second from how tight you where. You moaned and gasped as he started to pick up the pace. "Fuck, Bo, Fuck me, Fuck my ass." You moaned, "God, your going to make me cum so soon darlin." He groaned.
Just as you're reaching your climax, Bo followed closed by as he released his load into you. You panted as your body fell on the bed when your arms gave out. Feeling his hand smacked your ass as he pulled after finishing. "Such a good girl you are." Bo said as he kissed your back.
Vincent Sinclair
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You and Vincent have been together for nearly a year now
You want to make your sexy times a little more
When you both do some foreplay you tell Vincent your idea
Hold on what?
Vincent had to process the idea, Anal sex? You want to do that instead of the normal routine?
Vincent wasn't sure if he was going to like anal sex, but being a man who changes his mediums in his art, he may try it out of curiosity.
Using lube, you bought a few months ago to make it easy for him to slip in. He put a little more on his finger before slipping it in. Curling his fingers as he was fingering you before slipping in his other finger. Starting to fuck you with his fingers, "Oh Vince." You said as you held the pillow on his bed.
Slipping his fingers out before lining himself up, leaning down towards your ear, he said a hush tone, "Just breathe." Vincent slipped in your Anus
You moaned as Vincent started to slowly trust, being gentle as he does. A throaty groan as he kisses your shoulder. Vincent started to move a little faster, the sounds of skin smacking against skin is always intoxicating when you both have sex. Vincent felt how tight your ass is, feeling every inch going back and forth as he started to pick up the pace.
"Oh God, Vincent." You said as you held on tight to pillow as he held tight. He was getting closer and closer to orgasm. You pushed back into him to push his dick further in till your legs shake as you came. Vincent continued thrusting, back and forth, and paused as his orgasm came. Pulling out before he could finish, letting the rest of his semen land on your legs.
Kissing your cheek before he went to go grab a towel before continuing your night.
Thomas Hewitt
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Him being a big guy he can get pussy drunk, he always keep the special time feel like the first time
When it's just you and him, you tell him about your idea for spicing up the bedroom
Tommy is so confused about it
You want to have sex in your butt??
"Come on, Tommy. Let's do something new while we're alone for a month." You said as you gently yanked on his tie. His cheeks got red from that comment. He knows that his mama, Charlie and Monty, are gone for a month to visit family in North Texas. Oh what the hell I guess we should experiment, he thought.
Leading upstairs to your share room to get down and dirty.
He definitely needs a good release. He had a hard on that hurt like crazy.
Stripped down to your bare skin, he decided to eat you out to have your wetness dripping to your other hole. He was a bit scared of hurting you, so he has to use as much slick as he can. Using one of his thick fingers to insert your anus to add more wetness. You got into place as he rubbed his cock before he started to insert himself into you.
Thomas, being a big guy he was staring to have trouble getting in. "Oh jeez." You said as you hear your husband trying and failing in trying to enter. A frustrated huff as he spits above your anus as he tried again. You decide to help by pushing him inside before you both know it. His tip finally slipped in.
You gasps as the fiery stretch continues as Thomas finally pushes all the way in. He had to pause from your whimpering. He felt how tight your ass was around his shaft, but he had to wait till you gotten used to his size. When you were ready, he started to thrust, slowly and carefully.
You felt his dick moving back and forth as you moaned and groaned from the new sensation. "Tommy." You said as he started to pick up the pace, he moaned in pleasure as he rubbed your sides. Leaning down, he kissed at the crook of your neck as being careful not to hurt or tear anything while experimenting.
An hour passed by the time you and Thomas finished having your new experience. His semen leaking out of your now expanded anus on to the sheets. Thomas rubbed your sore bum as your head on his chest.
"I think we should do this not too often, so I'm not sore afterwards." You said, Thomas grunt as in agreement with that.
I think you're going to need a pillow before sitting.
Brahms Heelshire
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He's taken a back from what you asked him
"You want me to do what??"
It's it supposed to be where you know what comes out of??
People like doing that?? I didn't like it when you tried to stick your fingers up where the sun doesn't shine.. 😖
"I don't know if I'll like it compared to you." He said underneath his mask.
"Come on, Brahmsy. Don't you always get curious about how the other hole can bring pleasure?" You asked him as you lightly squish his jaw line with one hand. "What if it will hurt??" He asked. "Unless you lube it up really well." You replied.
After a bit of trial and error, Brahms managed to get inside your anus as he thrusts in your large intestine so quickly from the new sensation.
"Bloody hell, feels really good." He said through shakey breaths. You moaned from his quick thrusts. At one point, he slipped out, but he quickly pushed himself back in before continuing thrusting
"Oh Hell, Y/N, Im going to cum." Brahms said as he picked up the pace under he pulled out and painted your back with his semen as your orgasm came to an end. "Oh Crap." You said as you quickly bolted to the bathroom. Confused, Brahms went to the door where you were in. "You alright love?" He asked.
"Yeah, you just loosen me up a bit." You replied
Brahms realized what you meant by that.
Didn't know how to finish up with Brahms part, but I went quick cause my right hand has been hurting for a week now. Anyways
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sadhornyygirl · 8 months
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Day 1: Baths
Day 2: Balcony Sex
Day 3: Creampie
Day 4: Face-sitting
Day 5: Size Difference
Day 6: Mirrors
Day 7: Fingering
Day 8: Swinging
Day 9: Sleepy Sex
Day 10: Lingerie
Day 11: Spanking
Day 12: Lapdance
Day 13: Roleplay
Day 14: Exhibitionism/Voyeurism
Day 15: Masturbating
Day 16: Hotel / Motel
Day 17: Anal Sex
Day 18: Hate - Fucking
Day 19: Thigh riding
Day 20: First Time
Day 21: Sex toys
Day 22: Period Sex
Day 23: Double penetration
Day 24: Phone Sex
Day 25: Quickie
Day 26: Cockwarming
Day 27 : Squirt
Day 28: Daddy Kink
Day 29: Sex Tape
Day 30: Lactation
Day 31: Halloween Party
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Here's the link for all my horny fuckers
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slasherwife · 1 year
Hiii :)
I was wondering if I could request the slashers reaction to their S/O being insecure about their freckles? Their face is covered with different shades and some even overlapping of freckles. They have even tried covering them up with foundation but they always seem to show through. Thank you! :D
yes my dove!! i’m really sorry abt the long wait i hope this is good 🥲🌷
Slashers with an S/O with freckles
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summary you the beautiful y/n have been blessed with gorgeous freckles, like raindrops on your ethereal skin 💞 your slasher husband finds them so angelic on you, but sadly you disagree, and try to cover them up!! slasher husband not happy :(🥺🌷
warnings female pronouns!
sweet creature, your freckles are what his dreams are made of. he wishes to kiss each one so that their wearer might know how deeply he loves her. he connects them like constellations when you guys are together and you don’t notice. he sees and names each one because ever freckled star is so unique from the last. he adores and worships your freckles to say the least💞🌷
thomas loves deeply with a tender passion, every bit of you. and your freckles are what give you the most character, they are what captivated him when he first saw you. sun shining behind your head like a halo, a soft smile and those gentle freckles layered onto your ethereal face and shoulders, he thought he had strayed into a dream😖💞
it would absolutely break him, if he knew you were trying to hide them out of shame. thomas knows very well the pain of low self esteem, thomas self mutilated his own face because of how much he hated how he looked💔 he would never in a trillion years want you to go through that same kind of pain, even if you were only using makeup to cover them up. 😣🪷
he would go to his knees once he knew what was happening, holding your hands and begging you to stop what you were doing. while your hands were in his comically large ones, you would see his eyes holding the utmost sadness in them, almost making you tear up unexpectedly😣💕 “don’t cover up, please my y/n.” he spoke, which was an extremely rare occurrence.
he could never miss your absolutely ethereal freckled stars. jason isn’t one to really pay attention to physical attributes, but with you, it was different. you were an angel. sent straight from heaven to be with him. to say he wasn’t utterly captivated by your outer beauty as much as your inner beauty, was an understatement😣💕🪷
he’d be the one to want to trace your freckles, but be too afraid to hurt you. jason is an extremely gentle being when he wants to be, but he overthinks very much and can’t trust himself around you as a result :( 💕😭. until he’s comfortably enough and you help him through, he will fantasize about your soft supply skin under the decrepit pads of his fingers, and count the stars on your skin from a healthy distance💞😣
he instantly wants to know who made you want to cover up your freckles. the stars on your skin are gifts of the divine, who on earth would be so jealous and malicious as to make you think otherwise? jason would like to take it up with them for making his angel goddess feel like this. no one would make it out alive🥺💞
you say the girls in the magazine don’t have freckles, which is why you wanted to cover your up. jason is livid about the disgusting vermin showing off their bodies in the magazine, and hates how he cannot hurt them for hurting you😣💕 he can tell his anger isn’t helping anyone, so he just lets you crawl into his arms while he wills himself as careful as possible to graze his knuckles softly against your cheek, admiring all the pretty dots on your angelic skin. his gaze was enough to show that if the outer world didn’t like your freckles, jason lives for them🥹💞💕
again like jason, michael doesn’t really pay attention to physical attributes at all. he might when he’s aroused and steals a good playboy magazine. but when he met you, things turned around. he found you beautiful. pretty. captivating. he’s only felt aroused by some women, but he’s never felt that way about a person. he loves you, in his own toxic way, maybe. he sees you as his mate, his parter, who he found because of fate and circumstance. you’re his partner who he would absolutely burn down the world for, maim and kill, do anything for🥹💗
it’s hard to see into michael’s mind, but i believe he thinks it was your freckles that first made him feel that you were beautiful. he thought your freckles made you pretty. he thought you were beautiful, because of them. and to think you’d try to cover them up almost feels like he’s being denied some of the most beautiful things about you, and he feels betrayed as your lover.
he catches you in the act, sitting on the floor in front of a mirror, smearing makeup onto them. he grabs your wrist before you could make another steak down your cheek, and you look up to michael heavy breathing against his mask, staring down at you. he is confused to say the least, but in a way too, he understands why you are doing it. he tries to go down to your level, sitting on his knees while he uses his sleeve to wipe the makeup from your face, wanting to see you beautiful constellations that he loves so deeply😖💞💕
to begin, brahms being the hot adult child he is, will throw a tantrum once he finds you messed up your face. your face is for him y/n!! don’t go covering up things that shouldn’t be covered up 😣💕 it throws him off, shows him there’s a change in his usual schedule and he doesn’t like it. plus his baby’s freckles are his favorite thing ever! he can’t count them when they’re all covered up my love😇💞
when he first ever saw you, he nearly collapsed. you were the most beautiful creature he ever saw or could dream up, ever. he loves every part about you. you are his dream come true. and to think you would want him!! he will die happy because of this my darling🌷💕 please don’t cover up something to precious to him!!🥺
he will be angry and throw a fit. gosh y/n you’re making him fix this now? well since you’re so cute he’ll let it slide, just sit still. he gets a clean wash rag and begins wiping away the makeup. nope!! don’t move, not til he’s done😇💞once your tears have dried and he deems you back to your beautiful gorgeous natural self he adores, he will kiss the tip of your nose and pinch your cheeks. hell then giggle and provoke you to chase him through the house in a game of hide and seek 🥺💞
bo is really the only one who’s genuinely confused as to what motivates you to cover up your freckles. he understands the purpose of makeup (to an extent😀), but your freckles are a normal occurrence in your skin, why would you want to essentially delete them from yourself? he will blushingly admit that they make you look pretty anyway 🥺💕you’d have to explain why you are doing this to him 😭 he doesn’t not have the brain capacity to understand why you are covering up your gorgeous freckles.
bo had always not so secretly thought your freckles were so g-d damn cute, and seeing them crease with every smile and laugh you let out, and the ones on your forehead fold when you were surprised or focused, he was made so in love with you it was hard to contain. he believed g-d had taken extra time working on you, for sure. 🌷😭💕
he caught site of your face when he was waiting to go to the bathroom and you were finishing up your makeup. when you went past him, he did a double take, “sweet cheeks? come back here now.” he said, grabbing your sweet face in both his palms examining your newly painted face. “the hell happened to all your dots?” he laughed, searching your eyes for an explanation🥺💕
you explain it to him, and he clicks his tongue in disapproval. he doesn’t really know what to say, though he thinks he should tell you something reassuring about your new apparent insecurity, but he’s not very good at comforting people🥲💕 he only asks that you go back and take the makeup off, without sounding demanding, asking gently, which is rare for bo. “why don’t cha take it off for me angel, yeah? you’re just so pretty when i can see all of you.”
let this man comb his eyes through every part of your face in amazement and shock at your beauty, please gf it’s all he wants to do. vincent has a very keen eye for beauty so the fact that he chose you should be a clear message that you are the most ethereal being ever crossed paths with him🥹💞 vincent more than anyone, worships your freckles. you are just so unique and angelic and perfect. you are his forever muse and he’s absolutely obsessed with you 💗
when i say that thomas begged you not to cover up your freckles, vincent absolutely beseeches you to not cover them up and to let them show. they are just so beautiful on you y/n, my queen goddess y/n, let me stare at you forever😣🌷 vincent just sighs in affection for you whenever he sees your ethereal face with your delightful freckles layering and spotting like rain drops onto your skin. he just simply loves you y/n.
please don’t even try to cover them up my dear, vincent will feel like he’s been betrayed in a way. don’t you ever listen to him y/n? vincent always knows best. your freckles are a beauty unsurpassed about you my darling flower. 💞🌷and that’s fact. if you do, he will so everything in his power to try to convey that your freckles are a blessing and that they shine like stars. he loves them so much and begs you let them show. he only does this, because you are hiding them out of insecurity. he hates this and wants you to proudly show them🥹🌷
regardless of if you listen to him or not, he will want to show you some extra love. he will gently coax you to a peaceful sleep in his arms, stroking your hair with the utmost gentleness and calmness that you fall asleep within minutes🥹🌷 he just wants you to feel safe
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shupito · 4 months
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Inspired by that one scene in Freddy vs Jason. I'm relearning anatomy, again, so I'm kind of in an artblock?? I just wanted to draw something violent :>
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Hey I was thinking of something really cute and I couldn't get it out of my head 😅 what if slashers ( Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Freddy Krueger.) Reaction to child! Reader putting a bandaid on them and kissing it when they get like a scratch or something. My little niece does that to me and I think it's so cute 🥹
AHH MY REQUEST IS SUCH A MESS RN BUT THIS IS TOO CUTE sorry if this was choppy, it's 10 pm rn and I have no energy.
My gm asked me where the bandaids were while I was writing this woah.
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Michael 🔪
Michael always got hurt during his killings. Of course he did it was consequnces for his actions it was no biggie.
But one little person didn't think so.
You secretly got a bandaid from the bathroom the night before since you knew when Michael would attack and get hurt.
Your parents were sure that they weren't gonna get hurt this night since they never did. But still didn't allow you to go out.
But that didn't stop you, you waited till it was 12 or 1 am and climbed down from your window (pretend you live in the ground floor if you don't) and worked your tiny legs away to your waiting friend.
You saw your massive friend behind a tree and you ran up to him with the bandaid in your hand and you saw that he had a small cut on his bicep.
And you immediately went to the rescue.
Michael had spotted you as per usual but what he didn't understand was why did you have a bandaid in your hand. Did you get hurt?
His question was soon answered as you took out the seal and gently placed it on his wound. Michael, confused but felt something warm inside him at this interaction.
But made him look like my profile picture was when you placed a small kiss on the bandaid. Omg.
"I hope you get better Michael." baby you said with a cute small and he thought he was having a seizure because his body shook from the wholesomeness and wanted to go pounce on someone so it'd go away.
Every now and then he purposely gets small scratches or wounds, just small enough not to freak you out but big enough to alert you. He loves likes them get better kisses from his illegally adopted kid.
Jason 🪓
Jason in the winter, sometimes gets scratched by carrying big logs of trees and although it was nothing compared to the injuries he gets from victims, you still wanted your dad to be unscathed nonetheless. There wasn't much visitors in the the camp in winter anyway.
He placed the fire wood inside the fireplace but he was careless and small little red lines on his forearm appeared after dropping them near his arm. You were watching him while it happened, he brushed it off and turned to you but saw you nowhere.
After 3 minutes of searching you around the house, with a non pleasant feeling coiling in his stomach, he saw you coming out of the bathroom.
He was about to mutely scold you but you held something in your hands.
He waited for you to reveal what you were holding but you pointed to the chair in the room and he figured you wanted him to sit down. And so he did.
You went over to his side and bought his arm out and carefully placed the bandaid on his lined arm. Jason was a bit shocked but slowly melted as he giggled at the thought of his child caring for him.
And he almost died when you kissed it. He placed his huge arms around you and almost cried thinking about what he did to deserve such an angel baby like you.
He had been so lonely without his momma, he was so lucky to have you by his side. Besides his anger, you were one of the many reasons he still wants to live.
Pamela just adores his baby boy with his grandchild bonding.
"don't be so clumsy next time dad :)"
He was one lucky daddy.
Thomas 🩸 ⛓️
Thomas didn't get love nor cared for, that was for sure. And he thought you wouldn't be any different but he still loved you regardless.
You heard your dad rear his chainsaw as your family had found yet another bodies of food. One victim was persistent and your dad almost cut his leg off! It was unfortunate he couldn't see how on edge you were.
But you made sure today, you were show him how much you cared for him. And so that he should be more careful from now on.
Though he wasn't hunting, but he got burned by accidentally brushing the palm of his hand against the hot pan luda was cooking on.
Now he sat on the couch looking at his now red palm. Seeing this, you rushed to the garage and found a med kit, now looking through the med kit you finally found a bandaid.
Now walking back the living room you saw hoyt yelling at Thomas for whatever reason and went back to his car. Thomas getting ready to get up, was pushed back down by a small, weak, body.
He looked over and saw you, showing him a bandaid and quickly ripping off the seal and placing it cautious on his palm. This was a surprise to Thomas but he didn't budge, scared that he might mess u somehow and make you angry.
He was so happy to have received something so pure and lovely from his little kid. He was smiling so big. And he made sure to always protect and be with you when he realised you had kiss on where the aid was placed.
"be careful papa"
Freddy 💤
Such things as scratches or wounds never bothered Freddy, as he could always just regenerate them back in an instant.
And he was always in the dream world anyways. But his intentions weren't harmful when it was towards you. But didn't really think you would patch him up if he got hurt, if anything you probably think he's a scary high ranked dream demon who is unbeatable.
After messing with some poor people, he had a deep cut on his shoulder and he thought what your reaction would be of you saw it. Would you freak out? Would you cry? Would you scream?
Fun was all about freddy's life so why not test it out. He brought himself into the outside world and found you in your couch.
He surprised you by yelling boo in your face and it worked, now the shocked expression on your face was even wider when you saw the leceration on his shoulder. He was laughing at your face but shut up and looked at you as you ran somewhere.
Well... He had his answer now. How boring though. As he was about to mess with you more, you appeared with a bandaid in your hand as you climbed on the couch and placed it on his shoulder. It was now Freddy's turn to get shocked.
Now he couldn't believe what he saw when you kissed on the yellow thin piece of paper. "I don't like seeing you get hurt."
He was shocked but he couldn't help the smile creeping on his face, out of nothing but pure happiness. Damn you reminded him of his mom... So angelic like.
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phntmeii · 9 months
Slashers x Naïve!Sunshine!SO
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Absolutely must protect SO at all costs. Keeps their SO away from their work so they stay innocent.
Jason Voorhees, Lester Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt, Vincent Sinclair
Completely infatuated with their SO. Their work centers around their SO, specifically against love interests or harmful people.
Billy Loomis, Brahms Heelshire, PostMichael!Corey Cunningham, Jennifer Check, Stu Macher
Doesn’t care to keep them away from their work. Takes their trusting personality as an opportunity to manipulate them as an alibi/helper.
Billy Lenz, Bo Sinclair, Freddy Krueger, Hannibal Lecter, Michael Myers, Patrick Bateman
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b-00-biez · 1 year
Slashers and how big are there pp in my opinion
Warning: A bit graphic on describing their schlong
Characters: Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Pyramid head, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Brahms Heelshire, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba sawyer
Larger than average
not too thick, not too long either
Hes more of a shower
Im sorry but its like a bit shorter than average just like a few
A little bit of veins
Hes a grower
Lord have mercy
like bitch it was big but then it got bigger?!
Bless your heart for anyone who gets to sleep with this big boy.
Michael Myers
He a lil hairy
larger than average and moderately thick
A grower as well but like
This old man doesnt get too horny so this is like a rare occasion
Its longer than you expected but not too thick
It could slap you on the face just saying
Hes a shower
A rich dick
A bit hairy and stinky.
Its like a fact that he got veins
Hes average but when it grows
Goddamn it would look appealing ngl
This boy THICK
Like it aint much in length just average but like ITS THICK
A grower and a shower
Like its thic but then it grows and it got three c already
Would 100% rip you apart
And boy he got big balls too
like he would grow but not as much as hes showing rn
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