#Jinsoul scenarios
kingmaker-a · 1 year
Not Friends | Jeong Jinsoul
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Mafia AU
Universe: Infinite possibilities
Car Thief Jinsoul x Assassin Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, mentions of illegal activities consistent with Mafia AUs.
Word Count: 2.1k
Genre: Fluff
Premise: Years had been shared between the two of you, long before she ran The Akira Slide, she was your car thief best friend. Long before the legend of Strider echoed through Tiger Clan halls, you were her awkward best friend.
Even on the roughest days, you'd be there for her.
It’s not often you find yourself dragged into the orbit of Jinsoul, at least not like this. Her gaze lingers over you with a drunken haziness. There’s the briefest glimmer of a smile, a joy so bright it competes with the blinding casino lights.
You slump into the chair opposite her with a tired yawn. Was this how she felt being at your beck and call at every hour of the day or night. 
“Does Lippie know you’re here?”
The question almost feels like an afterthought to her, responsibilities were nothing but a foreign concept to her alcohol addled brain.
She twists slightly under your gaze, “hm? I told her I had clan business to take care of.”
Her gaze lingers over the casino, the other patrons knew better than to sneak more than cursory glances at the two of you.
“Aren’t you gonna drink?”
You scoff, “and who would drive you home?”
Her jaw hangs open for the slightest moment, surprise etched into knotted eyebrows. A giggle trembles across her soft lips, a pointed thumb to the back rooms. "Rebel said I could crash here."
You roll your eyes, "what about your car?" 
"It'll be fine, plus I can always start a new project…" Her eyes twist over you, like a shade of colour in a monochrome world. 
It's a brief soft moment, wordless and drifting. You don't usually feel vulnerable or out of place but underneath the heat of her gaze it's impossible. 
Her eyes whisper like gentle fingers over each bump, each scratch and bruise. 
You were fine… You were always fine. Still, your suit was off kilter, messy and unprofessional. 
You'd lost your tie in the midst of a struggle, an improvised weapon for a messy time. 
Better than the time you had to use a shoelace… or a straw for that matter.
"What about your car?" 
Suddenly everything feels normal again and there's a stone wall between the two of you. A smile bristles across your teeth. "At home, where else?" 
Her brow weighs heavy, lost in the touch of your words, "so you walked from?" 
"Construction site down on southside… One thing lead to another and I'm here."
That was a simple way to put it, she didn't need to hear about you playing magical cars. 
Or being implicated in a kidnapping attempt. 
Or having to settle a debt with the Han Mafia. 
Or having to fight Black Family. 
There is something slightly off kilter about her gaze, worn away by the abrasiveness of recent days. Still there's an almost ephemeral, haunting edge that lingers on the tip of your tongue. 
You can't quite place what it means, but it's almost a misplaced worry. 
There's a hesitance that bounces in her fingertips, as they dance ever close to your face. 
So close, yet so far out of reach. 
A gloved hand grips at her wrist, your gloved hand. You tug her tender reach away with a reaffirming squeeze, mustering the best smile you can. 
Bruised and bloodied. 
"I'm fine, really I am." 
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Only now do you feel the weary edge in your bones, heavy with the weight of sin. Still you hold her on your back, despite every complaint your muscles make and the rain that drips down your face, creeping into every fiber of your dress shirt. 
Your blazer a haphazard attempt at shielding her from the worst of it. 
Despite the chilling cool breeze of the night air and the encroaching dampness that pervades your clothes, there's a blazing unabating heat that sparks every nerve in your body. 
Your skin bristles as she nuzzles deeper into you, her soft lips whisper across the bare skin of your neck like the honey soaked kisses of a lover. 
Her hands snake into your dress shirt, dancing just shy of your collarbone in a desperate plea for warmth or grip. 
Regardless, your heart chokes and sputters under her electrifying touch, your mind dances coyly with thoughts un-had; better left un-had. 
You fight through every fibre of your aching tired flesh, slowly hauling the two of you up your stairs. The garage is almost an afterthought as her lips whisper over your neck again. 
A drunken hazy murmur. 
"When did you get so strong Stride?" 
A smirk-lined huff parts your lips, "probably, after the second body I had to clean up?" 
She nuzzles once again, the conversation makes it easier to focus, to ignore the sparks that fly at every caress. 
Still, you can't help but feel a frown pressed against your skin, an imprint of her lips. 
You pause in your strides, your muscles ache less than the worry that weighs against you. 
"It's alright… I just realised you've changed a lot."
You haul her through your front door, dancing across wooden floorboards with a practised ease; avoiding every creaky board. Still your keys bang lightly against each other, as you do your best to shift them back into your pocket.
A delicate dance to avoid waking the living embodiment of chaos that was your dog; Doki the ever loveable rascal was an added weight of responsibility you didn’t need in this delicate moment.
Still, you pause as she slips ever so slightly, an aching groan of your biceps pulls her back into place.
"For the better I hope?" 
"Mm, yeah yeah of course," Despite her positive words, there's a disheartened weight to her words, melancholic and dry.
You slowly shift her weight off your back, placing her on your couch, a dull singular lamp light barely fights against the dark. 
There's an anxious pace to her eyes, as a frown paints its way across her lips. Only now, do you feel the void of air against your neck. 
You crouch down next to her, holding her gaze at eye level. 
"What's up?" 
"I-..." Her lips purse. "I miss how we used to be… Before all the mess."
"You mean before having to deal with Weaver and his lot?" 
The experience had affected you both differently, unsavory methods were your bread and butter after all. 
"Before Doki,” her features twitch, like each syllable is painful, “that's when you started changing."
Your features twitch and knit together begging for an elaboration. 
There's a decadence to behold in her hesitation. Unspoken words whisper at the edge of her lips just out of reach. Her eyes linger against yours twisting with turmoil. 
She releases a held breath. 
"Do you remember the nickname JK gave us when we first started?" 
You fail to see the relevance, yet you can see the waxing nostalgia that practically oozes from her lips.
"You were Carrot and I was Stick," you stretch your neck to the side. "Why?" 
It was lame, yet paradoxically cool. 
"We used to get paired up a lot huh?" there's a lingering reminiscent fog to her tongue, there’s a strange beauty to her caught in the basking flare of light. 
It was rare for her to not say what she thought.
"Well, yeah." It's as obvious as day to you. "Social situations aren't my strong suit, even Rose knows that."
"Aggressive negotiations are far from mine," there’s the slight quirk of a frown that tugs at the edge of her lips. "How is Rosie anyway?" 
A smirk lines your lips even as your eyes roll. 
"Annoying as ever, she keeps inviting me to social events to help me meet people."
You can't help but notice the way her grip tightens against a cushion, with an almost desperate strength to fight against escaping sand. 
A weird phenomena for sure, like an imposter that had taken the place of your best friend. 
She melts slightly under your narrowing gaze, perhaps she had more to drink than you thought?
“You have gotten more sociable lately.”
Her words almost feel wrong and unnatural, a foreign biting edge. You tilt your head to the side, trying to piece together what the hell was up with her. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
A deepening frown burns across her lips, a gust of wind in the form of a sigh, stressed and tensed like years of weight finally made apparent, it rattles against your bones.
“You used to need me.” 
You’d been through a lot in your years together in the clan, clashing blades, howling explosions and echoing bullets.
3am joyrides in a stolen car, laughter on the edge of her lips even as some bangs against the boot.
Nothing cuts or bites as deep as the twisted scorn and pain in her words. Your gloved hands grip at her calloused hands. A heart palpitating tension chokes at your core.
“Soul, you’re my best friend… I always need you.”
Even as the frown remains painted on her lips, you catch the slightest bloom of relief. Still, you realise you don’t hangout like you used to.
You adjust yourself, pulling yourself close to her even as she takes up all the couch. Your legs breathe a sigh of relief as you stretch, you lay your arm on her side brushing her bicep with a reassuring thumb.
She bristles slightly at your touch, even if the silence hangs in the air for what feels like centuries… It's comfortable.
“So… meet anyone lately?”
Her eyes roll with an annoyed smile, “who are you Rosie?”
Your hand clutches at your chest with an exaggerated grimace, "Hey now, I remember distinctly consoling someone whenever they had problems with their love life."
Tubs of ice cream and liquor had dotted your shared youth, lingering into the eves of young adulthood. 
She bites back a smile, another roll of her eyes. "I somehow remember scoring a date for my absolute loser of a friend with a certain wonderful lawyer." 
And she's been a wonderful asset ever since, even if a prickly thorn of curiosity when it comes to your love life. 
Someone would think you and Rose had never been lovers before. 
A laugh parts through your lips, a twisting jubilance gnashes at your teeth. “Your friend sounds like a catch.”
There’s the tiniest wiggle of her finger, tutting and taunting “I’m a catch.”
It’s almost habitual the way your hand interlocks against hers, a refusal. A cocky smirk lines your teeth, dances across your lips as you roll your eyes. 
“Yeah, sure you are chief.”
She pulls you closer with an annoyed grimace, a tight knit dance you’re unable to avoid, your muscles ache as you try to fight back. You catch the glimmer of her competitive edge glistening in her eyes, as you roll through a slow back and forth.
A smile tugs at your lips as your fingers crest her side, eliciting a barely hidden giggle as you tickle deep into her side.
A swift kick to your shoulder is your just reward as you crumple and roll, pulling your would-be assailant with you. Air echoes and sails from your chest as she lands on you with a thud.
Laughter bounces from her lips as a groan escapes yours. Her alcohol stained breath tickles your nose with ribbed jubilance, her hand still clutched, intertwined with yours. 
Her eyes linger against yours, a flash of surprise or perhaps even realisation as she inches closer, like she’s counting every individual eyelash, you can almost count each individual fleck of stardust lost in her eyes.
You hear the slightest creak of the floorboards, your senses honed to a razor-sharp edge. Yet they fade into nothingness as you hang on to every word.
There’s a hesitation, an anxiety that quivers on the edge of her lips as her lips purse.
“I know this might be dumb considering we’ve been friends for longer than I can remember…” her eyes narrow against yours, each beautiful individual fleck bounces with trepidation, gone was the hardened criminal, reduced to nothing but a hushed whisper.
The air is electric under her touch, as you hang on her silence, curiosity clawing at your chest and into your heart. 
“How come we never gave it a shot?”
You pop a smirk like you’d cock a gun or sharpen a knife, razor-sharp and witty. You lean dangerously close, a whisper away from her own features.
You fight desperately against a nervous dry gulp.
“Simple, you never asked.”
She devours you the moment the words leave your lips, leaving no moments for hesitation as her lips meld against yours. Your hands rake through her hair as you pull, tugging her closer with a hungry edge. 
It burns deep like a ravenous forest fire as her teeth bite against your bottom, searing her smile into every inch. The taste of honeyed sweet alcohol lingers on every inch of her lips, even if you could somehow get drunk off of her taste.
You knew it was her who was truly intoxicating.
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panda-writes-kpop · 3 months
Sweet Grape Slushie ~ Jinsoul
a/n: i'm still not over pjo s1, so you're getting another fic that can help cure the brain rot (ps i'll get back to requests after i post the dami b-day fic and work on the other march birthdays for idols and friends).
also, if you aren't aware, the slushie title comes from a prompt list I made a year(?) ago. Feel free to check it out below if you're interested!
tw: sad vibes for a sweet fic but it's okay bc I make the rules :), single parent! reader
Summary: You were a mortal. Jinsoul was a goddess. Your child was the best of both of you. Maybe it's time that the two of them meet.
♡ Masterlist ♡ ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ ☆ Prompt List ☆
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It wasn’t fair.
To you, to her, to your child.
Her child.
To be a child of a goddess is to be blessed with glorious purpose and unending strife. To have a mother you have never met and another parent who is struggling to cope with day-to-day life.
Sometimes, you wish you hadn't gone to that stupid aquarium and met a beautiful woman who captivated your mind, body, and soul. She was ethereal, among other humans, but you would learn that she was, in all seriousness, out of this world.
Things were good between the two of you for a while. Jinsoul was everything you could've asked for in a partner. You were together for years, and you wish you would be together right now.
Maybe you wouldn't be such a complete fucking failure if she was right next to you.
You can imagine her sweet smile as she wraps her arms around you and cuddles into your side.
"C'mon, babe, we can figure this out. It's you and me. What can't we face together?" She'd softly whisper into your ear as you sigh.
"Parenthood, apparently." You mutter as you look over at your child.
They patiently await for you to return with not a clue in the world of your internal dialog. They'd have to know about Jinsoul one day... why not now?
You weren't really mad at her, and if you were, it didn't last long. She was a goddess who had much more important people to deal with. Jinsoul didn't need your emotional baggage as well.
You just wanted her to send a sign that she was thinking of you two. Something that says "sorry for leaving a baby on your doorstep and deciding to never see you again!".
You're probably asking for too much.
Against your better judgment, you grab a nearby matchbox and light a match before dropping it in a half-drank milkshake. You said you were going to pay the bill, as your excuse to compose yourself before having a mental breakdown in front of your child, but only empty dishes greeted you at the hostesses' desk.
You hear rain gently knock against a nearby window as a small tear runs down your face.
A bell rings, signaling the entrance of another guest.
Soft footsteps approach you until someone stops to your left.
"You came." You say, looking directly at your child.
You don't need to hear her voice to know that she's right there, but you find yourself relaxing when Jinsoul addresses you.
"You called."
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huhjxn · 1 year
NEWJINS: [40] bad intentions?
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masterlist | previous | next
taglist: @vaeeeel @txtbrainrot @jmyjhjmj @captivq @falling-intoo-deep @twizoneorbit @winkura @yyeonmis @bzeus28 @boohirai @yumilovesloona @jisooftme @awkwardtoafault @chaerybae @mydearprim @cqndiedcherries @dexthzone @neuftaeng @rosiehrs @perfectsunlight @deadgirlwalking3 @urfriendlylocalidiot
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gahyeonszn · 9 days
could you do best friend jinsoul (gp) teaching reader how to give head….? :3
helping hand
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genre : smut
warning(s) : uhhhh none? idk!
note : rushed, terribly written, i’ve never sucked a dick in my life so i actually have no idea how to write dick sucking + this ask has been sitting in my inbox for forever i’m so sorry anon😞
you’d consider yourself to be pretty inexperienced when it came to sexual things and you were always down to learn more so you could become more experienced in life, but who would lend you a hand and help you out?
thats where your best friend, jinsoul, came into play. she was the most experienced person you knew, always talking about how good she made someone feel whenever you two hung out at your place. you always wondered just how good she made them feel, but it wasn’t your place as her best friend to just suddenly say something along the lines of “make me feel good too.”
however…who were you to deny if jinsoul was the one that brought it up?
something must have been in the air that one night that jinsoul came over, something insane was in the air…she came into your house with the most perverted smirk you had ever seen on her, you almost thought she was going to tell you about yet another body added to her fuck count, but this time was different.
“i was thinking…” she started off, staring at you while you finished up your homework at your desk as she was laid back on your bed.
“how about i give you some pointers on being experienced so that whenever you have your first time with whoever, it’ll be…special..” she trailed off, waiting for you to react, but you quite literally couldn’t. you were frozen in your seat after that, shocked at how your own best friend was suggesting such lewd things, but who were you to deny…you’d be lying if you said you didn’t wish for this day to happen, to finally feel what it’s like to have jinsoul in the way that others have had her.
“and how are you gonna give me pointers?” you asked, turning yourself around in your spinny chair, watching as her smirk grew.
“get on this bed with me and i’ll show you.”
and that you did, it took you barley any time to get out of the chair and sit directly in front of jinsoul.
“such an obedient thing already, you listen so well.” she said in a lewd tone and you could have sworn that if you opened your mouth in that moment, a butterfly would fly out due to how many butterflies you had in your stomach.
“now, whenever you get with someone, it’s important to make them feel good, yes?” she asked, to which you nodded. “so to make them feel good, it’s always important to start off with something to work them up.”
jinsoul started to shimmy her way out of her sweatpants, tossing them on the floor next to the bed, leaving her in only some loose fitting boxers.
“why don’t you slowly remove my boxers, hm? tease me a bit so i can see just how much you know, like a placement test.” and so you did, you moved from your sitting position to being on your knees, slightly hovering over jinsoul as your hands crept their way up her thighs to the band of her boxers. you looked at her with desperate eyes as you slowly dragged her boxers down, watching her slightly hard dick slip out of them. jinsoul wanted to ruin you in that moment, but she needs to go slow, to teach you of course.
“o-ok, now get closer and maybe even kiss my tip a little, maybe even make more eye contact to really have whoever you wanna please really weak in the knees.” she stuttered, feeling herself lose it slightly at the sight of you slowly lower your head down to kiss the sides of her shaft. jinsoul wouldn’t have thought you were as inexperienced as you say you are especially with the way you slightly fondled her balls while giving little licks to her tip, letting her precum settle on your tongue.
“like this, soul?” you asked, making eye contact with her as you licked a strip from the base to the tip of her penis, letting a bit of drool fall out of your mouth which ran down her tip.
“fuck, yes, just like that baby.” jinsoul said, gently grabbing a fist full of your hair, wanting to absolutely fuck your face until you’re gagging, but she held back.
“how about you suck my tip just a bit, really get it wet and coated with your saliva, for extra lubrication of course..” you listened, letting your lips wrap around her tip while swirling your tongue slowly around it.
“that’s it, just like that.” jinsoul praised, grunting slightly at the end. she slowly moved your head lower down her cock until she heard you gag about halfway and she just about lost it.
“cute, can’t go that far yet? it’s ok, i’m sure you’ll be able to take all of me after i’m done with you.” she said, lifting your head back up before anything else.
you looked at her with tears forming in your eyes, you wanted to be able to take all of jinsoul, but you just couldn’t, your gag reflex wouldn’t allow you…or at least you thought.
“god, i can’t anymore, i need to fuck that pretty face of yours…” jinsoul said quickly before getting a better grip of your hair before she forced your mouth on to her cock. from there, she fucked your face, only feeling herself get more desperate as you kept gagging around her length.
“oh fuck, i’m so close, just a bit more…” she whined, feeling your tongue go even more flat against her length with a bit of teeth added, both of those feelings just making her absolutely get lost in the feeling and eventually shooting load after load down your throat.
after she came down from her high, she slowly pulled out, closing her eyes and catching her breath before opening them again to watch you swallow the leftover cum that was on your tongue.
“thanks, now my throat is gonna be killing me for the next couple of days.” you said, hoarse, your throat completely ruined.
“that won’t be the only thing ruined after tonight.” jinsoul replied in a mischievous tone.
at least you lost your virginity to your best friend after that night!
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okayeojin · 2 years
loona reaction to accidentally revealing your relationship
☁️ :: mainly angst
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♡ :: heejin 희진
as heejin was excitedly talking to her fans on vlive, giggling amused at the way the comments would go crazy as soon as she did something as innocent as simply brushing her hand through her hair or biting her bottom lip as her eyes skimmed through the comments. a little "oh!" left her lips as a viewer pointed out a few new additions to her drawings neatly taped on the wall behind her. "yes! i added some recent pictures i drew lately" she exclaimed as she rolled with her chair closer to the wall and carefully removed said drawings from it, with the intention of showing them to her fans. "i've been drawing traditionally a lot, actually" she explained, resting the drawings on her desk. "but i have some... fairly recent digital pieces as well" she continued as she pulled out and unlocked her tablet. smiling at the screen she finally chose what to show her viewers, pulling out this pretty landscape view she had worked on for the last few days. flattered by the positive response, she felt like showing more, sliding her fingers on the screen in the wrong direction, accidentally revealing what many people immediately recognized was a portrait of you. you were wearing the same outfit as the most recent music show you and your group attended to... and overall some kpop fans would have recognized you regardless. her eyes shot wide open and her expression didn't really leave any doubts to the viewers. something was definitely up between the two of you. "that's...! they're just... i just admire them a lot and..." she would ramble before changing the subject and attempting to keep her live going, but the comments were not letting her off the hook so easily... so much that she eventually had to end it, and with a shaky sigh and teary eyes proceeded to text you.
♡ :: hyunjin 현진
hyunjin acted without thinking. and the shocked expressions on her members' faces or the stern look from her manager, and complete silence that fell over the whole room should have made her understand that she had messed up big time. it was a live interview, show, kind of thing, and the hosts were this group of over middle aged men, thinking that making fun of young girls is somewhat entertaining, and crossing many many lines while doing so. during a specific moment in the show, the girls were all called together to take a picture with the mcs, who didn't even think before grabbing some of them by their shoulders and pulling them closer. hyunjin was one of them. and she quickly pulled away, faking a smile. "oh what happened?" the host tried to joke "you have a boyfriend or something? is he jealous?" he continued while laughing in her face, at which she replied "yes, my s/o wouldn't be happy seeing you touching me like that", storming out of the set. unprofessional, she knew that. but she couldn't bear it any longer. you, who were watching the live from your phone, had your mouth wide open, not a single idea in mind about what you were supposed to do at that moment, until you got hyunjin's call. "i have to figure things out with the company about what just happened. i’m really sorry, love".
♡ :: haseul 하슬
she was peacefully on vlive, probably in her own dorm room with no supervision from any of the staff or even her manager -who was however watching her live just to keep the situation under control. she was answering questions from the fans, giggling and scolding her own members for leaving comments lovingly making fun of her, she even sang some songs that were requested by the viewers. she was having so much fun that she almost forgot she had invited you over at a certain hour, when she was almost sure she would have finished by then, but it wasn’t the case. she soon heard your voice on the other side of the door; you were surely being entertained by some of her members while she was still finishing up her live. she got so excited at the thought of going out with you, that she made a rookie mistake: she said her goodbyes, she thanked her fans for keeping her company, and she swore she had ended the live, but she stood up so quickly that her hand slipped and never properly clicked. she ran to greet you and loudly exclaimed “i missed you so much!! oh my god come here” and kissed you just loud enough that it was clearly heard by the viewers. then her phone would start going off with calls from her manager and she would get so confused but soon understand the situation and you could see her face going pale in an instant.
♡ : yeojin 여진
you had spent the whole afternoon together, drinking milkshakes while sitting in front of the ocean on the beach. you had cuddled the whole time and taken so many pictures as well, especially yeojin. it was a time so dear to her because for the very first time in months her schedule was free, no promotions, no fan meetings, no interview, no radio, no variety shows... she almost couldn't believe it was real, spending time with her s/o like this, without anyone's from her company supervision, without having to leave at a certain hour. "you look so good like that!" she exclaimed, snapping a picture of you, "oh my god the sunset! pose like this for me!" she continued, moving around to get your best angles. you chuckled, covering your face from some of the sand she was accidentally kicking around while moving, "let's get a picture together instead, you have enough of my face in that phone, i think" you suggested, extending your arm to invite her next to you. snapping a quick picture together, you admired how cute you both looked sharing the smallest peck on your lips, making yeojin shriek in embarrassment. "don't you think it looks good?" you asked, "i might post this!" you joked, to which yeojin surprisingly replied "you can". you raised both eyebrows at her "huh? this could be very risky for you, i don't want to ruin your career...", getting interrupted by your girlfriend "you have your profile on private anyways, right? here, i'll do it" grabbing her phone which was connected to your instagram account too, posting it and closing the app. "ther-" not even one second later, she got a call. from her manager, which instantly made her heart drop. you watched her expression with a puzzled look on your face, wondering what was happening. "i i accidentally uploaded the picture on the loona account and it got immediately taken down by the company, but 300 people had liked it already and there's probably screenshots around" she cried into your arms as you did your best to comfort her.
♡ : vivi 비비
for the first time after a while she had decided to do a live all by herself in her own vocal room, showing her fans new paintings she had worked on or planned on doing, and she would cutely get closer to the screen to see the comments, before pulling back and giggling, and then answering. "when was the last time i went out with the members?" she read the comment out loud before puffing her cheeks and glancing upwards towards the ceiling for a second, clearly trying to recall the event, then letting out a "oh!" of realization and pulling out her phone, fiddling with it a bit before showing it to the camera she was streaming on. "this is a picture i took last week when i went out to drink with loona 1/3... subunit hangout" she giggled while zooming on the faces of each member present in the picture. she stopped chuckling all of the sudden, her heart stopped and her face visibly turned pale as a notification popped up on the screen, big enough for every viewer to see. from: the love of my life; <are you still up for that one date you promised me~? 💕>. the chat was going so crazy that she thought the whole app would freeze and stop working, or something... she was furiously giggling and looking around for any help, trying her best to cover it up, "that's my,, my friend yeah they.. they are joking, i mean-" but the sheer despair on her face was way too much to hide, and the tears welled up in the corners of her eyes weren't helping her case at all. then suddenly the door to her room opened just enough for only one hand to be seen, inviting her to step outside and she closed her live in a hurry, apologizing profusely in a shaky voice.
♡ : kim lip 킴립
it was a dumb mistake. very dumb. and she could never forgive herself for potentially ruining your life, other than completely destroying your privacy. she was doing a live for her birthday, and it was now well past midnight, reason why she couldn't stop yawning to save her life, apologizing every time she had to cover her mouth to release another one. but she had promised to stay up at least until two in the morning, and considering she had no schedules whatsoever the next day, she wanted to keep her promise with her fans. and despite some of them complaining that she should rest and go to bed, she wasn't letting go of her little personal challenge to stay up a bit more. "don't worry guys, we can uhm... listen to some music, i will stay up" as if she hadn't been playing songs for the last three hours already. then a comment caught her eyes, "what time is it?". it was written in english, meaning it was from an international fan with a different timezone, most likely. after reading it out loud, she pulled out her phone and pointed it directly at the camera, turning it on and showing the bright screen to her viewers. maybe it was her lack of sleep, or the fact that her hand was covering part of the screen, but her reflexes weren't fast enough and her brain didn't process fast enough that her lockscreen was her cupping your face and kissing you right on the lips, your cheeks puffed and all. it was a cute picture indeed. but not in that particular moment, when she suddenly realized and pulled her phone away from the camera and clutched it with both hands, resting it against her chest. her lack of explanation was loud enough for anyone to put two and two together (although the picture of her kissing someone on the lips was a very clear indicator that she had a romantic relation with someone), and at that point she cleared her throat and said awkwardly "it's 2am, time to go bye!", and turned the live off to plop down on her chair and cover her face with her hands, defeated.
♡ : jinsoul 진슬
jinsoul loves you. she loves you so much she is literally unable to take her eyes off you. and despite how romantic it sounds -and it is- it can indeed end up causing you two some troubles, especially considering the type of industry you both worked in, how demanding and scary it can be. that being said, it happened from time to time that your groups had a comeback at the same time, often meeting on the stage of music shows. you'd look so hot with your makeup done, you hair all pretty and your stage outfit so sparkly, you'd steal all the spotlight. at least to her. that one episode in particular was no different. while the winner groups' member were doing their speech, her eyes were constantly pointing in your direction, and she wasn't even being subtle about it, since her members would occasionally pinch her side to get her attention back. once the encore began, and everyone began moving around and greeting one another, she took it as a chance to swiftly make her way to you, ignoring gowon's hand trying to keep her in place. you ever so slightly bowed to each other as to not raise any suspicion by being to friendly or whatever, and she gently grazed her hand against yours, causing your blushing to increase. it's not until you both got off the stage that she decided to be bold about it and steal a little peck from your lips, which caused you to gasp loudly and look around frantically, as other idols who were able to see what went on looked at you weirdly. jinsoul simply chuckled, unknowing of the fact that you were indeed caught on camera, at the very corner of it, but it surely didn't go unnoticed by some viewers...
♡ : choerry 최리
as affectionate as she is, she would still try her best to behave around you, especially in public. she would literally teleport to another dimension away from you if she saw someone holding a phone, afraid of the possibility of being caught even just staring at each other. and it would be extremely painful to her, especially considering how one of her favorite activities of all time was clinging to your arm for as long as possible until you physically have to remove her. this time she really couldn't refrain herself, and the consequences of such a tender moment would probably haunt her for the rest of her career. you would usually spend your time with her and the rest of loona by passing off as part of the staff, so it wasn't weird for you to be "caught" with the girls during some of their schedules. this one time, however, choerry was incredibly worn out after a particular mv filming day that took so many takes to finish, that as soon as she saw you she wrapped her arms so tightly around your neck and her lips immediately found their way on yours. unconsciously behind caught on accident by one of the makeup artists filming an instagram story that got posted without much of second look, or review of it. as soon as the video began circulating, she would become insufferable, blaming herself to no end, even advising you to break up with her because she "ruined your life". tell her it's not her fault ):
♡ : yves 이브
she's so romantic. she has heart eyes whenever she looks at you and she can't even control it. bless her. however, because of this exact reason, the two of you could rarely ever hang out in public, since it'd be hard to believe you were just a friend of hers or a staff member. even when she sang love songs on stage, her voice was so filled with such emotions that not even her fans would believe that "she was thinking of orbits while singing". she is so full of love. it was after one of their stages that she was complimented about her voice, and the host commented how "it seems like you really resonate with the lyircs, huh? are they perhaps dedicated to a special someone or...?", he would inquire. yves would get so defensive it would be obvious she was trying to hide something. "oh no! haha, i mean... you know, friends and family, huh- my members yeah, and overall everyone who has supported us along the way" and she would start rambling to the point where one of her members had to stop her by physically placing a hand behind her back to prompt her to slow down. there would be a lot of speculations about who could be this "special someone" of hers, and it would get so stressful to the point where she felt like she couldn't do a vlive in fear of slipping up on her own words. until it happened. she got a call during a live while she carelessly had her phone on the desk with the screen facing up, and the word "love♥️" shined brightly on the screen. as she grabbed the device so fast it almost slipped out of her hands, her face turned as pale as a ghost and she began clumsly trying to explain herself, "that's haha it was my huuuh cousin-" but none of the viewers were buying it, so she had to quickly turn the live off and called you in between tears, apologizing before you could even ask what was wrong.
♡ : chuu 츄
she would constantly keep you on edge, jumping up on you from behind, hugging you unexpectedly, holding your hand while the possibility of being caught was still there, and if she happened to be needy enough she would even be so bold to kiss you somewhat publicly. your stress levels would be through the roof, to be honest. there wouldn’t be many rumors going around at first, nearly everyone was aware of her bubbly personality so her linking arms with someone other that her members wouldn’t be too big of a shocker. at least not so much that her agency had to make a statement or what not. she even went as far as to introduce you to her fans on live, giggling and telling her viewers about the way you’ve been friends since high school and still keep in touch. which wasn’t exactly wrong, except for the fact that you’ve been more than friends for a few years... it was during one of those lives that it all went downhill. you had been sitting behind the camera, looking at her and silently giggling from time to time at her antics, careful of not being caught by the viewers. but i guess you were looking a bit too adorable to her, reason why she just couldn’t wait and told her fans she had to go to the bathroom real quick, and therefore she had to momentarily mute her mic. except that she didn’t. and the sound of smooching was loud and clear to everyone. of course it didn’t take her too long to figure out what had happened as soon as she sat back down on her chair. immediate response was to shut down the live, get up suddenly to go talk to her manager, while ignoring your yells asking her what was wrong.
♡ : gowon 고원
she was at a radio interview when it all took place, her and the rest of the girls were each asked to describe their ideal date, and haseul suggested that gowon replied first. giggling at the request, she excitedly adjusted herself on her seat before leaning slightly closer towards the mic and began replying, explaining how bad she wanted to have a picnic in a field of pretty flowers, but the weather hadn't been on its best behavior to do so. the whole time her mind was wandering to you, thinking about how much you had begged her to go on a picnic, as you liked being outdoors so much. almost forgetting where she was, until the radio host asked her "ah so you like flowers?" to which she mindlessly replied with "ah my partner really loves th-" and as her breath suddenly cut short and her heart began pounding so hard, she started frantically looking at her members for help and comfort. they were trying to give her reassuring glances, sharing looks with the radio host too, who immediately caught on to what was happening and broadcasted the next song. gowon soon enough took off her headphones and stood up to call you, not even caring that the rest of loona was shouting her name. she profusely apologized to you on the phone, loudly crying into the speaker.
♡ : olivia hye 올리비아혜
she could not, for the life of her, explain how it all happened. she was careful, she has always been careful. protecting you was what had always mattered to her the most, as long as your identity and your own career was preserved, it wasn’t important what happened to her. not a single glance in your direction during music shows or music awards, not even a single reaction to your performance. it was fine, she would shower you with compliments and feedback about your stage once the night was over, maybe backstage, maybe on your way back, through messages, or phone calls. sure it was hard, you craved affection and she also felt guilty for having to ignore you more often that not, but what could she do... her job required this sort of behavior. it all went downhill during a vlive with the rest of the yyxy members, during which one of the fans asked if they had any other kpop idol they looked up to and why. she wasn't sure if she should've said it, but regarless, she said your name. and lowkey went on a tangent about how good you were at your job and how she liked the way you danced and performed. her own members started playfully teasing her, "ooh it looks like hyeju has a crush" and gently elbowing her. hyeju just chuckled in embarassment and before she coule deny it a flood of comments appeared before her eyes. <what? she's dating y/n?>, <omg haha this is crazy>, <i dont think they'd make a good couple actually>, <no way y/n managed to pull hyeju hahaha>. rather than being anxious about her relationship being exposed, she was getting more and more pissed by the second at the comments saying she was too good for you, and the ones badmouthing you. she stood up slamming her hands on the table, startling her members. "the one that's too good is y/n, you have no right to speak about them, so get their name out of your mouth. it's none of your business if we're dating or not!" and stormed out of the room, not wasting a second to call you, more angry than upset.
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masterlist˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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flooffybits · 2 years
Bump in the Road
Idol: Loona
marshmallow: Hi! I really love your works and ur one of my favorite writers in this app🥺 I'm not sure if request are open or not. But can I request loona 13th member maknae having a special stage performance (with other idols) for MAMA. And she's so nervous and not satisfied with her dance. And she keeps messing up due to how nervous she is. And she struggles to manage herself due to their heavy schedules that would end late at night, her homeworks and her dance practice with the choreographer making her overworked and eventually passing out in the practice room. If it's too hard for you. It's okay ig🥺♥️ It's been on my mind 24/7 
A/n: i was honestly not sure which song to pick at first but this seemed fitting. also i apologize for the delay and i hope you like it!
Word count: 4.8k
☕buy me a coffee☕
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Being an idol didn’t mean you stopped feeling starstruck whenever you were in the presence of other idols. As a matter of fact, it’s because you’re an idol that gets the chance of meeting others in real life that makes you even more nervous when you step into the practice room your manager directed you to.
Your members couldn’t come with you due to their own schedules, but they all wished you well for your preparation in your special stage for MAMA. You were a nervous wreck being around Itzy’s very own Choi Jisu and then (G)I-dle’s Nicha Yontararak due to them being your seniors, but you were even more nervous when you were fully introduced, Weeekly’s Park Soeun coming a little later than she intended and darn was her energy overwhelming you.
They were all very friendly, but given the fact that you were the youngest in this little unit made you squirm, sitting a little farther away before Jisu noticed.
“Y/n, come on, we’re not going to bite you.” She giggled while waving you over, noting the awkward air around you. “Lia is right, there’s no need to be so shy.” Nicha agreed with a kind smile. “If you want, we can just sit and talk before actually discussing the distribution and choreography.” You shift a little closer to Soeun as she happily beams at you.
“I promised the unnies that I would take care of you, so don’t worry.” Soeun tells you, throwing her arm around your shoulders once you were near enough and pulling you into a warm hug. “Sorry, I’m just… a little nervous.” You tell them and Jisu coos before poking your cheek. "Hey, we're all friends here. There's no need for that." She says in an attempt to cheer you up, but it does little in easing your concerns.
There were a whole lot of expectations on your shoulders due to this performance, but aside from that, you had upcoming tests to think about, too. Thinking about the amount of homework and studying you had piling up, you weren't sure if you would be able to do a good job with this.
But you're able to put those on pause as you begin to practice with the other three idols. The steps weren't new, you already recall most of the parts since you've watched Blackpink's performance a handful of times. But that didn't mean it was always easy.
"Welcome home! How was practice today?" Chaewon was the first to greet you with a smile as soon as you trudged into the dorms, exhausted after a long day. "It was fine, we're almost done." You reply as you take off your shoes and change into your house slippers.
"You look tired." Jinsol notes with a pout when she sees your posture. Though she has bad posture herself, she knows that you were always making sure to fix your own. This time though, she sees the way your shoulders are hunched, your bag strapped to only one, making it droop lower than the other.
With a weak smile, you wave off her concern as you head for your room. "I'm okay, just going to clean up and then do some last minute studying." You inform them, making the older woman's pout deepen whilst Chaewon only frowned. "Be sure to get some sleep." She tells you and you can't help but giggle a little. "Says the one who stays up until four in the morning."
With one quick goodnight, you enter your room and change into more comfortable clothing before hopping into bed. With your desk lamp turned on, you cast your eyes around the room and smile a little to yourself when you see your roommates all sleeping peacefully in their beds. With that in mind, you keep any possible sound to a minimum as you start on your homeworks.
Since some of them aren't due for a while, you prioritized the ones that had a closer due date. Though you do get stuck on a few of them, especially with your essays since you weren't too sure about your grammar.
You don't even notice the rustling of the sheets from across your bed or the figure peeking out. You only know that someone's awake once your bed dips and a warm body presses against your side, nuzzling your shoulder.
"What are you still doing up?" You hear the sleepy voice ask, her eyes still shut as she laid her head against your shoulder. "I'm just finishing some homework, unnie." You say quietly, gently petting her hair as you lean into her.
Though her warmth was tempting, you quickly turned your eyes back on your papers while she pulled you impossibly closer. "It's late and you had practice the whole day." She mumbles into your shoulder and you hum in agreement before answering. "I'm almost done with this. I'll finish the others tomorrow." She makes a noise of content, though doesn't move to leave your bed.
While you hurriedly finish off your homework and put your materials away, you take a peek at the girl beside you before giggling and then turning your lamp off. She wakes a little at the movement but when she sees that you're getting ready for bed, she only smiles before snuggling closer to you. There's a mumbled goodnight from her and you close your eyes while allowing her to wrap herself around you.
"Goodnight, Yerim unnie."
"Unnie, I have to get going." You complain when Haseul continues to fuss over you, her brows pinched together as she made sure you had everything. "I just want to be sure that you have everything." The leader explained while checking over your homework.
When she deems it okay, she finally hands them back before patting your head as Kahei hands you a lunchbox. "Good luck today and don't push yourself too hard, alright?" You give them a tiny little salute before turning to leave the kitchen, only to collide into another person.
"You're leaving already?" You're held by the shoulders to not lose your balance by the group's resident rabbit. Heejin looks at you with a smile and you mirror it with a nod. "I don't want to be late for school, unnie." You answer and she purses her lips a little before nodding her head in understanding. "You have to head straight to practice after, right?"
When you nod one more time, she sighs before taking your hand and bringing you back to your shared room. "Uh, unnie?" You call out and she only opens up the box she has beside her bed before slipping a few packs of bread inside your bag.
"I'll try to come and visit you later to make sure you eat. Lip unnie said that you shouldn't be skipping meals so I'm making sure you have something to eat in between breaks." The first girl explained and you can't help but smile at your members' thoughtfulness. "Thank you, unnie."
Heejin lets you go with a big hug and the rest of your members present at the dorm all bid you farewell when you exit the dorms.
You're able to keep the smile on your face for a good portion of the day. But halfway through your classes, you start to feel your exhaustion taking its toll on your body when you can barely keep your eyes open.
Every class is like a battle of pure will when your pen starts to slow down in its note taking and you have to force your eyes to stay open. Though when the bell rings to indicate that your class is over, you jump a little, startled awake and forcing you to look up at the board.
People were already exiting the room, and when you look at the time, you move out of your seat to gather your things before heading out. Given you didn't have that many friends at school since Yeojin graduated.
It wasn't as though she were your only friend, but since the incident at your last school, you weren't particularly quick to be friends with others. Most of the friends you made were a year older and have left, but you did have at least three people you considered friends in your class.
You were just far too busy to get to talk to them at the moment with your tight schedules.
A squeak comes from you when someone calls your name, the sound of a car honking accompanies it. Looking behind you, you see Hyunjin waving happily at you with Jiwoo next to her. They're both grinning and waving you over.
"What are you guys doing here?" You ask curiously and Hyunjin opens the door for you to hop in. "We came to pick you up. Let's go, you don't want to be late." Hyunjin says when she takes your bag as Jiwoo reaches over to hug you, overly excited as she gives you a little shake.
Hyunjin makes a face, given she's stuck in the middle before pulling you both apart. "I'm right here!" She complained and you beam before pressing a kiss to her cheek. The cat gives you a push, but you can see the way she tries to fight off her smile.
"You guys didn't have to come all the way here." You tell them and Hyunjin ruffles your hair whilst Jiwoo pouts. "But we wanted to! You've been very busy and we wanted to see how you were." The older woman explained before pointing at your manager. "Oppa said we could drop you off but we can't stay too long."
Hyunjin pats her arm in a comforting manner while the man in the front chuckled. "I told you already, you have your own schedule today." He reminds and Jiwoo groans in protest. "But my maknae!"
"Our." Hyunjin promptly corrects, making laughter bubble from your throat. "It's not fair though! Ten minutes isn't going to hurt anyone!" Jiwoo went on and your manager could only sigh while shaking his head. "You know the rules, Chuu."
But said woman only huffs in disdain before turning to you. "Can't you make him?" She pleads and you coo a little at her expression before reluctantly denying her request. "Unnie, you're gonna see the performance eventually."
"Plus, maknae is going to be home later so it's not like you won't see her again." Hyunjin adds, though she admittedly did want to spend a little more time with you. "But she always comes home when I'm sleeping. Choerry only woke up that one time and got to cuddle."
You smile softly at the older girl before taking her hand as you rest your head on Hyunjin's shoulder. "I'll go to your bed tonight. How does that sound?"
By the way her whole face lit up, she was more than okay with that offer.
"Are you alright, Y/n?" You look behind you when Nicha comes walking over, a worried look on her features after she's noticed how you were constantly reviewing your practice. "Yeah, I was just checking to see if I could improve anything, unnie." You explain with a puff of air. "I feel like I need to practice a little more."
She blinks at your words before crouching down to place a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Take a deep breath for me." She suddenly instructed and you're a little confused as to why, but seeing the look on her face had you obeying, sucking in a deep breath and then slowly letting it out.
She adds a squeeze to your shoulder before finally sitting in front of you. "We still have some time to practice, but don't overwork yourself." She states softly. "Don't be so hard on yourself, okay?"
Her words stick to you throughout the entirety of practice. Even though you were trying to keep a clear mind, you still couldn't help but think about how you had to be perfect with the choreography. The small suggestion from the choreographer had you assuming that you weren't doing as well as you had hoped and the other three idols with you looked a little concerned when they noticed your silence.
"Yah, Y/n! Are you okay?" Soeun asked when she walked closer to you, spotting the frown that's beginning to form on your face. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking a little. I suddenly remembered my homework." You cringe at how lame that sounded, but she looked more than understanding. "I forgot that you're still in school."
Taking a quick look around, the older girl turned back to you with a kind smile. "Mind if I have a look at it?" She stretches her hand out to you and you quickly panic a little at her offer. "Oh! You don't have to, unnie. It's okay!"
But she waves your worries away. "Come on. We're a team, that means we help each other." As reluctant as you were, her persuasion manages to get you to grab your bag and show her the remainder of your homework. So while the four of you were on break, Soeun opted to sit by and help you as you worked.
"What's all this?" Jisu asks when she and Nicha finally decide to check on the two of you. Soeun points to you before grinning. "I'm helping Y/n with their homework."
You're too busy thinking over what you're doing to even notice the two older women. It's only when Jisu sits beside you to look over your shoulder did you snap out of concentration.
"Don't mind me. Keep going." She urges you to continue with your work before you turn back to your paper, sighing softly as your brows pinched together. "I'm stuck." You mumble quietly, a pout visible on your features and she can't help cooing at your expression before pinching your cheek. "What's the problem?"
You bring up the essay that's barely put together and Jisu carefully takes it from your hands. You watch as she reads what you've done so far and Nicha sits beside her to check too. "This is good, maybe try avoiding writing too much?" She suggests while pointing to one part. "You can be concise without dragging on details." Nicha agrees and you nod your head, noting their suggestions as you start to write again.
The three of them help you figure out the rest of your essay before you collectively remember that you had to go back to practice. You remind them of the time and it's not long before everyone is back into positions and trying again.
That's how the next few days follow. You manage to do bits of studying in between your practices, but eventually you find yourself growing more and more restless. One time during your breaks, you had to take a look around before frowning when you saw how the other three were able to flawlessly go through the choreography whilst you still stumbled every few times because of how your mind would constantly flit back to your homework.
You begin to feel bad whenever you had to ask the others for help, and you felt a little worse when you had slipped next to Jiwoo that one night as promised and had her cling to you the rest of the night.
You knew they were worried about you, too. It was clear whenever you came home much later than you should be. Sooyoung had to carry you to bed once when you bumped into her in the hallway to your room. She saw just how tired you looked, and with how your body sank into her embrace when she wrapped her arms around you, there was no way she would let you stay up later to study some more.
"Y/n doesn't look too good." Hyeju muttered as she brought her mug to her lips. "They were dead asleep when I checked on them." She added softly and Yerim sighed loudly while sinking into the couch. "She needs to sleep some more." She muttered while glancing at your shared room. "I can't wait for her to graduate. That would be a big weight off her shoulders."
"Wait, doesn't Y/n have school today?" Yeojin asked, confusion clear on her face when she checked the date and Hyeju gestured towards Jungeun and Kahei as they busied themselves in the kitchen. "The unnies said that one day wouldn't hurt." Hyeju answers quietly while staring down at her drink, quietly contemplating on what to do to possibly help you.
Yeojin takes that time to get up and check on what the older members are doing. However, as soon as she reaches your door, it bursts open and you stumble right into her in a hurry.
The two of you end up sprawled on the floor before you're scrambling to your feet, pulling the other up with you as apologies left your mouth in a frenzy. Yeojin had to place both her hands on your shoulders and looked you in the eyes, the best her height could let her.
"Y/n, inhale." You blink but quickly do as she says, inhaling deeply. "Now exhale." Again, you follow her instructions and slowly breathe out, earning a smile from the second maknae. "Good. Now why do you look so panicked?" She inquires and the worry is back as soon as she does. "I'm late for school."
When the words finally leave your lips, Yeojin lets out another breath before taking your hand and then pulling you to join them on the couch, never mind what she was planning to do in the first place.
"You're not going to school today." Hyeju informs you once you're seated and you blink a couple times, making your present roommate giggle. "We can't have you skipping practice but the unnies said you could skip one day of school so you could rest a little." They see that you're about to protest, so Hyeju quickly shuts you down before you can try. "We already asked our managers and they said you get a free pass today."
"... But my homeworks?"
"Already taken cared of." Haseul enters the room with Jungeun before petting your head. "Lip and I went to drop your homework off." She answers before placing down her purse. "We've also talked to some of your teachers and explained the situation so you don't have to worry too much." Jungeun adds when she sits next to you and stretches her legs.
Even with your older members' assurances, you still felt a little queasy with not being able to do these things yourself. You appreciated the help, of course, but you just couldn't seem to sit still.
And Yeojin was quick to notice.
"Y/n, it's just one day. You'll be headed for practice in a couple of hours, so don't think too much about it." She tries to reason and you glance at her before taking in another deep breath just as Jungeun places a hand on your knee, warm and comforting.
For the remaining hours, you sit with your members, doing your best to partake in conversation. Jinsol manages to calm you in the process, pulling you into her arms and cuddling you on the couch while Heejin and Chaewon talk about the brownies the latter had prepared a few days prior. You dozed off somewhere in between the conversation and Jinsol was more than happy to let you nap before you had to leave again.
"Y/n! How are you?" Jisu asks cheerfully when she sees you enter the room and Nicha gives you a quick hug. "I've been alright." It wasn't entirely true given your exhaustion, but they didn't need to be bothered by that. Your performance wasn’t too far away so you didn’t need any more distractions.
Soeun happily bounds over to you, nearly tackling you in a hug when she’s within arms reach. “I can’t believe it’s almost time! I’m going to miss hanging out with you!” She whines and you smile a little while patting her back. “We can still see each other after. Just text me and we’ll set a date.” You promise, Nicha nodding in agreement. “Yeah, Y/n is right. We can still hang out when we’re free.” She agrees while ruffling your hair and Jisu's face brightens before she's searching for her phone and holding it up.
"Let's take a picture!"
Neither you nor Soeun could decline as the two older girls each gave you a hug before taking the picture with the two of you giggling. Jisu plans to take another one once the performance is over, but the picture she managed to take now was perfect on its own.
Right after that, you all fall into routine and start practicing. Polishing was important and you kept a critical eye on your movements to make sure that you were doing everything right. Since you felt like you'd been slacking off, you made sure that you put extra effort into this practice since you wouldn't be meeting on the weekend. You had your other schedules to attend to and you needed to practice for Loona's performance too.
You're nearing the end of the performance, but right as you hear your part before the beat changes, you're hit with a wave of nausea. What caused it, you're not too sure but you're off your feet in seconds.
You had to shut your eyes and focus on your breathing. Your ears were ringing and the girls' voices were all muffled. You could only feel as if your head was placed on someone's lap and trying to ground you back, but due to your worn out state, you find it hard to get your eyes to open again.
By the time you come to, you were surprised to see your dimly lit bedroom. Slowly sitting up, you examine your surroundings before confirming that you were at the dorms.
"Hey, you." A soft voice gathered your attention and you found Sooyoung standing at your door, concern plastered all over her features. "How are you feeling?" She asks while stepping inside, a tray with food and water on it that she places on your bedside table.
She takes a seat next to you once her hands are free and your brows pinch together. "My head hurts a little, but… how did I get home?" You ask quietly, earning a sigh from the older girl before she's ushering you to lean back. "Chuu got a call from Lia. She said you passed out so Vivi unnie and Choerry went to pick you up since they were on their way back." She explains and you instantly grow quiet when you remember that you were with other people.
"We told you to take care of yourself, Y/n. What happened?" She's not mad. Even though she wants to scold you, her expression screams anything but anger. She's genuinely worried about your wellbeing and she wants to make sure that you're okay.
And that only made you feel worse because you know that the rest of your members felt the same.
"I…" Sucking in a deep breath, you pull your knees to your chest. "I was nervous…" You finally say aloud. "A lot was happening at school and I didn't want to fall back while making sure I did well with the performance too." You weren't the best when it came to time management, but the added pressure only made things worse for you.
Sooyoung could see the stress piling up and she could finally understand what you were going through. So with a sigh, she brushed your hair from your face before cupping your cheeks. "You need to take breaks in between. I know that you want to be perfect, but the truth is there's only so much we can do as people." She says firmly, ensuring that you're listening to everything she's saying. "You've been doing your best and that's what matters. You have people around you who are supporting you, so let yourself lean on us too."
Withdrawing her hands, Sooyoung gives you a small smile when she stands up. "Be more careful with yourself, alright?" When you give her a small nod, Sooyoung leans down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Sleep tight, kiddo."
While it is still a bit of a struggle to get rid of your habit of pushing yourself to the limit, your members make sure to watch you and help you relax to the best of their abilities. Your roommates make sure to get you in bed on time while Yeojin and Heejin opt to help you with studying to ensure that you understood the things you had troubles understanding before.
They make sure to keep a pace that they're sure you could follow and Jinsol is soon joining in, more than happy to be a helping hand. Plus, she would shower you with praise whenever you managed to grasp the concept they were teaching well.
Kahei makes sure you're eating properly. While she knows that it wasn't your intention, the girls figured out that you were forgetting to eat your meals on time. When it's time for lunch, she either calls you to join her and some of the other girls or brings the food to you if you're too busy with homework.
She knows that the girls helping you study will make sure you eat.
Everything runs smoothly from there, and without even realizing, it was finally the day of your performance.
Your body was thrown back a bit by the sudden force of someone colliding into you. And when you craned your head to check, you couldn't help but smile when you recognize Soeun's face. "How are you feeling?" She asks when she pulls away and you see Nicha and Jisu over her shoulder, both approaching you with smiles on their faces.
"I've been better. The unnies made sure I rested over the weekend." You tell them and Nicha beams before pinching your cheeks. "You better have. You made us worried during practice." She scolds lightly and you smile apologetically. "I know, and I'm really sorry for scaring you guys." You apologize before Jisu squeezed your hand.
"Well, seeing that you're all good now… ready to take the stage?" She asks carefully and you grin at all three of them. "Let's show them what we're made of."
The sound of fans cheering and fellow artists clapping as the platform rose and the spotlight found your figures. You inhaled to calm your nerves before raising your head, smiling when you spotted your members among the sea of people, and they all grinned back with a few waving happily.
As the familiar sound of Forever Young by Blackpink began to play, the screaming only grew louder throughout your performance as you all executed each step right. Weaving through each formation while you sang to your heart's content, the four of you enjoyed the stage while basking in the attention everyone gave you.
Glancing at each other, you threw smirks at the crowd. "Your girls are the revolution!"
If you didn't think the crowd could get any louder, that moment definitely proved you wrong as the roar of the crowd reached your ears. You could see a handful of other artists enjoying the performance too and you were more than relieved up until you reached the last pose with Soeun throwing an arm around your shoulders and Jisu wrapping her own around your waist.
While you did follow a majority of the original choreography, the four of you decided to have your own fun with the ending, and it looked like the perfect fit with how hyped up everyone had gotten with your performance.
Once backstage, the four of you are in another group hug, congratulating each other on a job well done. "Let's take a picture before we have to go!" Jisu exclaimed, excitedly pulling at Soeun's arm while Nicha hooked her arm with yours as you smiled at the camera, feeling much lighter now that the performance was over.
While you were nervous at first, the process did help you gain some new friends. But even when you were meeting them outside your schedules and getting over the nervousness of being an idol, you know that you always had people you could count on.
At the end of the day, your members would always be there to cheer you on and support you no matter how hard things might appear.
"Good job, kiddo! We knew you could do it!" Jungeun clapped your back before giving you a hug right before Jiwoo barreled into you and squeezed tightly. "You were so cool! I didn't know you could rap like that!"
"Good job, Y/n. We're really proud of you." Haseul beamed while pinching your cheek and Yeojin bounced happily while shaking your arm. "And to make it better, you're finally graduating next month!"
Yeah, you were more than content with yourself this time.
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c4llezz · 2 years
Requested: Yes. Hi there! Would it be okay to ask for a Jinsoul x idol!reader imagine; they've broken up(courtesy of Jinsoul lkl), but years later they see each other again(either a song collaboration or being on a show together) and Jinsoul realizes that she still likes, dare to say even loves them. But wouldn't it be selfish of her to ask for them back when she's the one who broke them up in the first place? Whether it is a sad ending or happy one is up to you, but there's the idea
TW: Not sure if there's one
Genre: Angst, mini fluff at the end
Word count: 1.9K
(Kind of) Inspired by Tate McRae's song hate myself
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Gif made by me!
Expect mistakes, happy reading!
Jinsoul knew your relationship wouldn’t last. You were both trainees and if any of you (or both) debuted, it was going to come to an end one way or another. You were in different companies though, she didn’t know if it was better or not. You didn’t have much time to spend with each other, but no one was going to know about you two and it was easier to hide your relationship from your companies.
Everything was alright, yes you had your fights here and there but it was good. Then one day the company told her she was going to make her debut, the first person she told was you and you couldn’t be happier. You invite her for a dinner celebration at your house, she accepted but left you there waiting. Jinsoul apologized telling you her boss had made her stay to talk about what she had to do, you told her not to worry and that you understood.
When she made her first appearance in the “Every day I need you” MV you send her tons of messages congratulating her, even when you couldn’t use your phone. Then it was her birthday and you tried to plan something for her, but both of you were busy. And when Singing in the Rain came out you send Jinsoul her birthday present, it was a blue beanie with her name carved on it and a small raining cloud.
She was overwhelmed with her work and when you spent time together she was always too tired to do something. You didn’t mind and let her sleep in your bed sometimes, or just listened to what she had to say about her day. You weren’t perfect, no one really is, but Jinsoul thought you were the closest definition; caring, kind, hard-working, smart and to top it all you made her happy.
She was getting too attached to you and she was scared. Jinsoul started to shut you out, whenever you asked her if she was alright she would answer “Yeah, just thinking” or “Yeah, just tired” which weren’t lies, but it was an excuse to not talk with you. She could see how you started to get tired of it, so she started ignoring you telling you she was busy or had plans with her members. She was hurting you and she knew it, maybe you deserved someone better. You had enough and tried to talk to her one night, but she ruined everything. She remembers it clearly.
“Look, I understand. You are busy, you have a contract and we can’t go out whenever we want because it’ll ruin everything.” You said, “But if you’d like to keep this going you have to put some effort here, a relationship is based on two people, not just one.”
“I’m trying my best, ok?” She started a little bit aggressive “I don’t have time with all the things I have to do!”
“I know!” You sighed trying to calm down not wanting to start an argument “I know. I just think we need to communicate more, especially you.”
Jinsoul took that comment really bad “Me? I think I communicate really good” you were about to clarify what you had meant but she didn’t let you “You know what, I think is better if we just break things off” The both of you were shocked by the words that came out of her mouth.
“W- What?”
“If you think we aren’t working we should break up” she was angry. Angry with her company for not letting her rest. Angry with the industry for all the things she had to hide or change. Angry with you for being so understanding, if she was in your shoes she’d already ended things the moment you told her you were debuting. And especially, she was angry with herself, for not being good enough for anyone around her, for being selfish and hurting you.
You shook your head “No, no. That’s not what said”
“Well, that’s what I’m saying” she wasn’t thinking at the time, she let the anger take over her.
You waited for her to say something, tell you it was some sick joke, that she didn’t mean it. When it didn’t come you nodded “Ok then, if that’s what you want” You started to walk to the door, before you opened it you turn to her for the last time “Good luck” you send her a sad smile and then walk out of the place she was living at the moment. Jinsoul didn’t have time to process what had happened with you because just a few months later her group was finally complete and debuting.
She never heard from you again until your company announced your solo debut. She felt proud, you had worked so hard for it and now you had the opportunity to live your dreams. Then all the memories of you supporting her when she told you about her debut came to her and the happiness she felt was replaced by regret and guilt.
Every time you had a comeback, the same feeling returned with thoughts of you hating her. She couldn’t blame you if you did, she broke your heart, she pushed you away. But you had a beautiful soul and you’ll never hate anyone, no matter how bad they treated you, you held no grudges against them. She had to hate herself for you.
Jinsoul felt like her heart was going to come out of her chest. Her company told her she was doing an OST for some K-drama with another artist, that artist being you. She thought she had already gotten over you, but when she saw you again she was proven wrong.
Yes, she had seen you before through her phone, but seeing you in person, talking with who she hoped was your manager, took her breath away. You had matured since the last time she saw you, your features looked sharper and your hair was dyed with a silverish tone. You looked beautiful.
She was so caught up in her mind that she didn’t see her manager walking to her with you by their side. “Jinsoul, this is Y/N. You will work together on the OST.”
You extended your hand for her to shake “Nice to meet you” you said as if you were strangers meeting for the first time, had you forgotten about her? She looked up into your eyes and noticed you moving your gaze to your hand, signaling for her to shake it.
With red ears, she did “Sorry, nice to meet you too.” Then someone from the crew started explaining what you were supposed to do. She didn’t pay any attention, just sneaking glances at you, hoping you would look her way. You didn’t, too focused on what they were telling you.
When the small meeting ended your manager started talking to you, Jinsoul watched as you nodded your head answering something back. Then you turned to look at her and she turned her head faster than the light, closing her eyes praying you hadn’t caught her staring at you. No more than 30 seconds later you were by her side.
“Hi,” you said “So, my-”
“Hi” she interrupted after getting out of her shocked state from seeing you sitting beside her “Sorry, sorry. You were saying something and I interrupted. Wh- What were you saying?” She could feel her face starting to burn.
You weren’t annoyed by her actions and even chuckled at her behavior “Just that my manager is talking to yours to schedule our meetings. I hope you pay attention to this since you were quite distracted before” you say teasingly, then proceed to add a quick “No offense” thinking you sounded rude.
Her eyes widened. If you knew she was distracted then you knew she was looking at you all the time. Now her face was on fire, her ears, cheeks, and nose were bright red “Sorry, I’ll be focusing all the time. I swear.”
“You don’t have to do that. It’s ok” When you smiled at her she felt as if she was going to melt. Gosh, how had she missed that smile. No, she hasn’t, she hasn’t missed that beautiful bright smile, at all. You heard your manager call your name “I have to go. Nice seeing you again.”
She couldn’t stop thinking about you and all the time you had been spending together didn’t help. Even if you physically changed, you were still the same gentle person she had met. You were so nice to her, never bringing up the past, something she was grateful for. You were also nice to all the staff helping you on the project, (no that she wasn’t) buying them coffee when it was too early in the morning or food when it was late in the afternoon.
All the feelings she had buried down were climbing up again, like a zombie trying to get out of their tomb. The zombie being her feelings and the tomb being her heart. She wanted you back, but it was selfish for her to think about it when she broke up with you. But then again, you seemed to still like her too.
That made her think about everything again. You were both idols, if people found out about your relationship they were going to ruin it. You wouldn’t have privacy and both of you would get hate comments regarding the topic. She wasn’t going to put you through that. So she distanced herself again, only talking to you about the song and if you tried to ask about any other topic she would give a short answer and then change the topic to the song again.
But this time you weren’t as calm as the last time she did it. “Stop,” you said angrily “Stop doing that.”
“Doing what?” she asked, dumbfounded by your sudden outburst.
“Pushing me away! I’m getting tired of your behavior, Jinsoul. Can’t you just talk to me like a mature person? If you don’t want to be here you can leave. If you don’t want to be friends again I’m not going to force you, but stop giving me mixed signals.”
She shook her head “Is not that”
“Then what is it?” You rolled your eyes when she didn’t answer and stood up ready to walk out of the room, but she grabbed your wrist.
“I’m scared. I’ve always been.” she started “I was getting too attached and I knew I was going to get hurt if something happened, so instead I hurt you and I’m really sorry for that.” She sighed “I don’t understand why don’t you hate me, I do. I hate myself for everything I did to you, and I’m selfish and arrogant and a coward. I don’t want you to get close because I’m scared of what could happen if I told you I still love you.”
Your eyes widened at her words “You… love me?”
“See, I knew I shouldn't have said anything” she turned to look away.
“Hey” you gently grabbed her chin for her to look at you “I still have feelings for you too, but I don’t want this to be like it was before. Is going to take time, but we can work on it, together. Communication is the key and if you want this to work you have to do your part, okay?”
She nodded “Can I kiss you?”
You snorted and shook your head “Small steps”
She gave you a smile “Right, sorry.”
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aww-alice · 1 year
LOONA x fem!Reader - Princess of the Sun
A poem in which the sun princess Y/N has to make a decision which moon princess to marry. <3
warning: suggestive
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The princess of the sun opens her eyes
She shines upon the world, she brings the sunrise
The darkness of the night makes way for her light
As she is ecstatic for the events of tonight
A ceremony long awaited
A galaxy of days and nights will be created
As the Sun and the Moon entangle together
And golden rings signify their “forever”
Although first , she has to choose
With which princess the ceremony ensues
For the moon’s princess isn’t just one,
They’re twelve, and they all love the sun.
Is she going to choose princess HeeJin?
The one who’s hand is always reaching
Bringing Y/N’s fingers to her lips
And kissing them softly, causing an eclipse .
And if not, will it be princess HyunJin?
With whom she truly loves indulging
In countless, abundant pleasures
The one who makes her feel so treasured ?
She could go for princess HaSeul,
The one who takes her on adventures in the castle
And any time that princess Y/N would cry,
She would fill up with stars the entire night sky .
Ecstatic for her choice is also princess Vivi,
With whom she entrusts herself so freely,
Since there’s never any hint of doubt
Cause that’s what true love is all about .
At that moment, in her mind appears princess Yeojin,
And all the countless moments they spent watching
Over the whole endless Universe, and yet
It’s only princess Y/N that she wanted to get .
For princess Kim Lip, she feels a great adoration
As she introduces her to so many sensations ,
Especially in the crystal moonlit abyss
As their lips lock into an eternal kiss .
And then, there is princess Jinsoul,
The one that adores to take control .
Of Y/N’s pretty body, leaving moonlight on her skin
Always and forever lighting a fire within .
In her heart sparkles princess Choerry,
Glorious, celestial, like a fairy .
Her lips taste like candy, her fingers taste like cherries,
Princess Y/N is her sunshine and the one she wants to marry.
Princess Yves’ adoring eyes appear in her mind
And the burning desire when their hands entwine .
As graceful as Yves is as she is kind,
She loves to tell princess Y/N “You’re mine.”
She touches her lips as she thinks of princess Chuu,
There aren’t many things as pretty as those two .
Lips softly pressing against each other, oh yes, it is true,
That to make princess Y/N happy, there’s nothing Chuu wouldn’t do.
Princess Gowon, her moonlight shining,
On the sun’s princess, their destinies aligning .
All the things she whispers in Y/N’s ear
Makes sparkles all around them appear .
And finally, princess Olivia, the one
Who always melts the heart of the princess of the sun .
The one with which she’s spent the most nights together,
The princess that swore she’d adore her forever .
And finally, she’s made the decision.
It is time to uphold the tradition.
“Are you ready, princess Y/N?” asked the Cosmos, “With your decision as to who you’ll marry?”
“Yes, dear Cosmos,” Y/N smiled gracefully.
“I am ready.” 💖☀️
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notsofloofy · 2 years
Friends? Not Really
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Warning: guns, threats, blood, violence, manipulation, Yves is insensitive
little tip☕
Jungeun flinches a little when a bullet narrowly misses her head and embeds itself into the wall behind her when she enters. The angry look on Jinsol’s face was enough to tell her that they were on the same boat.
She had screwed up.
“I told you that this wasn’t a game, Jungeun. Do you know how much you’ve cost us?” The older woman seethes, getting to her feet to march over to the blonde who could only cringe as she holds herself up. “Oh, please, we both knew that she wouldn’t have gotten out if they didn’t take her.” She retorts, limping past the noirette and then crashing on the couch after dropping her keys on the table.
Jinsol scoffs while crossing her arms. “I get that you want to prove something to Heejin, but could you not do that when stakes are this high?” She tells the younger girl and Jungeun only shrugs, a playful grin on her face even when she knows that Jinsol’s blood was boiling.
She was scared of how much the older woman could control herself.
“Relax, unnie, as long as she’s alive, we can still get her back.”
The latter can only roll her eyes before she reached over the bar counter and tossed a first aid kit in the blonde’s direction when she walked to her room. “Don’t get blood on the couch again.” Is all she says before disappearing and Jungeun sighs while opening up the kit and then doing a better work with her leg.
“Last time wasn’t even my fault.” She grumbles to herself, huffing as she applies antiseptic on the wound.
Heejin carefully watches the steady rise and fall of your chest as you lay peacefully on her bed. She’s noted the various bruises and cuts on your body and treated most of them. Based on what Sooyoung told her, she could only imagine what Daewoo had done when he was alone with you.
Though that alone caused her brows to furrow because she remembers shooting him twice on the chest. Maybe she should have gone for the head so she was sure. But still, with those wounds he shouldn’t have made it considering their location.
She can only assume that one of his group members was around to get to him in time.
“Will she be alright?” She asks once the older woman was done putting her things away, earning a deep sigh before she nodded her head. “She should be fine. Aside from the bruising, it looks like Daewoo had no intentions of killing her.” She mutters while casting you another worried look and Heejin hums before nodding her head.
“Thanks for coming on short notice, unnie.” Heejin says appreciatively and the latter keeps quiet for a while before exhaling deeply. “Just make sure she doesn’t know about me.” She states and Heejin stares curiously at her, confused at the adamant secrecy. “She’s going to find out eventually, unnie.”
“I mean it, Heejin. Not a word.”
The brunette purses her lips before letting out a sigh and nodding her head. “For taking care of us, it’s the least I could do.” The latter only smiles, though Heejin can see that it’s a little strained, though opts not to comment. “I’ll see you later. Keep her safe and update me.”
WIth one more nod, Heejin leads the older woman to the exit. “Be sure to tell Sooyoung that she’s not off the hook either.” Heejin only chuckles before waving a hand. “I’ll be sure to inform her once she comes back, Haseul unnie.”
With a final goodbye, Heejin is left with you again and she uses the time to fix her things before cleaning herself up. Since Haseul said you would take a while, she figured it wouldn’t be too bad to make sure she was comfortable, too. Sooyoung wouldn’t be able to help her for now since she was sure the latter was still doing her best to cover her own trail the way Heejin did.
Now, they only need to wait for you to wake up.
In the afternoon, Heejin is dressed in more comfortable clothes, looking as though she didn’t just get out of a building covered in gunpowder and debris. She had a few scrapes and bruises from the fighting, but they were nothing she couldn’t deal with. She was used to them anyway.
You, on the other hand, were a completely different story.
As soon as she hears you groaning and shifting in bed, the brunette leans against her door frame while watching you. She can see the grimace right away and quickly stops you before you decide to sit up.
The panic was evident.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” She states softly, drawing your attention to the door and she steps inside to place the tray on the nightstand. “Your wounds are still healing, so don’t move too much. I had someone check on you and you have a bruised rib from the beating Daewoo gave you.” She explains while taking a seat and then giving you a once over. “I thought people have told you to be careful?” She asks and you know she isn’t asking for an answer as she let out another sigh.
She pauses for a moment, quietly analyzing you before gesturing to the food and bottle of water she’s prepared for you. “Take those. You need it.” There’s no hostility in her tone, but it doesn’t make you any less hesitant to take the offered food, especially not with what you’ve been through for the past few days.
But Heejin doesn’t force you. She doesn’t have to because she knows that your body needs it and you would have no other choice, really.
“I know you have questions.” She announces after a little while when you decide to take the water. Since it was still sealed, you assumed that she couldn’t have tampered with it. “And I can give you answers, but you have to answer some of mine afterwards.” She negotiates as you quietly stare at her.
Obviously you had questions. However, there were far too many for you to even know where to start.
"Where am I?"
Heejin raises a brow, but her expression gives nothing away. "You're at my place." Is her simple response and you nod once before actually taking the time to think about what you want to know first.
Thankfully though, Heejin doesn't have to wait long.
"Who are you really?"
It’s a simple enough question, one she has no problem answering. "Jeon Heejin, hacker and technology specialist." You would have laughed had you not gone through hell last night with this girl there to rescue you. "But I thought you were just…"
She doesn't need you to finish when she rolls her eyes. "Being a music major is a cover up so I could keep a close eye on you." She adds, not only to her answer but to your ongoing list of questions. "Why would you want to keep an eye on me?"
This time, she does pause to think on how she'll answer you. It wasn't difficult per se, but she needed you to be able to grasp the situation without panicking.
"You're the only clue we have to figuring out your parents' whereabouts."
"And what do my parents have to do with anything?"
The answer is so vague that it barely answers anything. It only served to confuse you even more. "Even the guy last night was asking about them… why?" Heejin rests her chin against her fist with her elbow on the armrest of the chair she was occupying. "They really did their best to keep you in the dark, huh…"
Breathing out, she opens the drawer on the bedside table and then grabs the folder placed inside then handing them to you, letters and receipts along with a few pictures of people you could tell were your parents, though looking a little bit different, immediately greet you when you open it.
"Your parents were supposed to bring back a few… valuable items from Hong Kong." She begins with a look of disdain on her face. "They never showed up at the assigned rendezvous point after getting the pay…" She trails off and your eyes widen when you look back at her, discarding the folder on your lap as you realized what she was implying.
"They stole the money…" You finish for her and she hums in confirmation. "Along with the packages." She clarifies taking the files and then storing them away to where they belonged. "Now that left me, along with a few other people, to figure out where the hell they are. But we aren't all good people." You note as her eyes narrow and you quickly understand what your role in this whole thing is.
So you change the subject in hopes of getting out of the tense atmosphere.
"You keep mentioning other people involved. Are they-"
"Sooyoung unnie, Jungeun-ssi, and Jinsol-ssi. You're familiar with them." She didn't wait because she already knew this was bound to come out. The three made it painstakingly obvious anyway.
You keep quiet, afraid to find out what your supposed friends are hiding from you before Heejin decides to let you know anyway.
As harsh as it was, you were already more involved than you should be. There was no point trying to hide the truth from you at this point.
"Jeong Jinsol, hiding under the guise of a psychology student. Notorious for manipulating her way through jobs." She starts with the eldest, the person you were technically closest with. "She knows human emotions and she knows how to play with them. She'll feed you lies, tear you down without you even noticing. And when you're most vulnerable?" She almost looks sympathetic when she looks at you, knowing how you had truly seen the older woman as a close friend.
"She takes what she wants when she wants it."
She pulls her phone up to show you a profile - Jinsol's profile. And the various details along with murders under her acquired tasks makes your heart stutter.
"Ha Sooyoung is my partner in this job of tracking you." She moves to another profile and you see the maroon haired woman's picture. Though her hair color was different, it was still her.
"Major in dance and joined the theater project to be in your field. She's a well known con artist in our field of work ever since she began and sh-"
"But I wasn't originally part of that project." You cut her off and Heejin sends you a look before smiling sarcastically at you. "After what I've just said, you still haven't figured it out?" She muses and your face goes pale when the information slowly but surely sinks in. "... She caused the accident."
Nodding, Heejin continues like it's no big deal.
"To make sure she would be able to interact with you, Sooyoung unnie managed to open the spot for you. She was already aware of Mr. Son having you in mind. All she needed was an opening."
You're shocked to find out that Sooyoung had planned your involvement with the play. Even going so far as to break someone's leg to make sure they wouldn't be able to come to campus enough to continue directing the play.
But then again, it would explain her cold and careless actions towards you when she was getting you out of that building last night.
"And then we have Kim Jungeun, the perfect law student with a great sense of justice." She scoffs a little as she speaks while turning to the next profile. "The perfect representation of a wolf in sheep's clothing. She puts out the image of aiming to be a lawyer but it's just so she can find a loophole for every crime her and her group gets into in the event they're caught." There's something in the brunette's tone as she speaks, but you're too distracted to even notice.
When you finish reading over the file, you let out a shaky breath before shaking your head, dropping it to your hands and shutting your eyes tight in hopes of waking up from this nightmare.
But when you look back up, you see Heejin staring at you with the same empty look in her eyes.
This was real and you were in the middle of it all.
"I…" You had no idea what to say. After finding out that you've been living a lie, how could you? You didn't know your parents' true nature nor did you even realize that your friends were using you.
When she sees the struggle that's happening in your head, Heejin lets out a breath before she uncrosses her legs and gives you a proper look. "Listen, I know this whole thing is fucked up, but I'm going to need you to trust me when I say I have no plans on getting you in trouble."
"How do I know you're not lying either?" You can't help but snap at her, and she doesn't hold it against you as she shrugs her shoulders. "Because unlike the other three, I chose not to be your friend because I knew it would be messy whether you found out or not." She answered simply, and it made sense.
Out of the four, Heejin had started off hostile and only kept you at arms length, only speaking when she deemed it necessary. She didn't see the need to earn your trust and she gave you no reason to feel betrayed by her actions either.
Checking the time, Heejin finally stands up before heading to the door, nodding to the untouched food. "Eat up. Your doctor gave me strict orders that you shouldn't skip meals." She tells you before gently shutting the door behind her when she leaves.
The alarm of someone nearing the venue notifies Heejin in the living room, so she pulls up her tablet to check and then hums when she recognizes the familiar vehicle. Tapping on one of the icons, she lets the gates open for the person to enter before placing the tablet back on the table.
It takes her approximately eight minutes before the front door opens and closes, the familiar footsteps greet her ears before the person's voice does.
"That was faster than I expected." She chimes and Sooyoung huffs out when she drops to the couch, a few bruises on her face and a bandage wrapped around her left bicep. "Surprisingly, she didn't think it was necessary to keep chasing me when she saw that I was leading her away from Jungeun." She says casually and Heejin raises a brow. "She figured out that you didn't have her, didn't she?"
"No shit."
"You bought us time, so it's alright." The younger of the two responds before she gestures to the room you were in. "She's awake, still making sure to understand the situation." Sooyoung's brows pinch together, but she sighs in the end. "You told her?"
"Of course." Is Heejin's immediate response. Sooyoung should have already known. She always knew the latter's stance ever since they started planning this whole job.
Nodding, the older woman then turned on her heel after peeling her jacket off. "Has she said anything yet?" She questions and the younger girl shakes her head. "No. She's still in a state of shock so nothing past what she's recently been through." Heejin explains before Sooyoung starts to walk down a different hallway.
"Alright, well I'm going to clean myself up for now." She doesn't wait for a response and Heejin just dismisses her without question when she turns back to her laptop, various codes and clips on the screen for her to crack into.
Even when she's so busy dealing with whatever files she was trying to break into, she still manages to catch the hesitant and heavy footsteps that are slowly approaching. It doesn't take her much to know that it was you since the only other person in the house was Sooyoung.
"You shouldn't be out of bed." She calls out and you hold a hand to your side as you lean against one of the columns inside the unusually large house. The silence causes her to look over, spotting the pained look on your face before she lets out a deep sigh.
"What are you doing?"
You struggle to answer, the intimidation towards the latter only growing as she stands up to approach you. "... I thought I heard someone." You mutter quietly that she ends up quirking a brow. "And?" She probes for any further explanation and you shift a little in place when she's finally standing in front of you.
"I just wanted to be sure."
You were afraid.
And for some reason, Heejin can't help the frown that makes its way to her face before she lets out a breath. Her posture softened a little before she glanced at the time. "Come on, I'll make you something to eat so you can take your medications." She mumbles while heading for the kitchen. 
This time though, she waits a little to make sure you're following, much to your surprise and relief. Your body was already complaining enough with leaving the bed and even walking out into what you assumed was the main room.
The kitchen is quiet as Heejin works. The only thing you could hear was the sound of her cutting up vegetables, the sizzling of the meat, and the clattering of metal against metal. You could tell that she was used to cooking with how she moved around the kitchen with ease, though when you remember the small detail about her being a killer… well her knife skills weren't that shocking to figure out.
"Nice to see that you're up and about." You flinch at the sudden sound of someone talking behind you, forcing you to quickly turn around, much to your injuries' chagrin. Though as soon as you see Sooyoung come in from your peripherals when she joins you at the counter, your whole body stiffens when the images of last night and Heejin's revelation resurface in your mind.
You don’t say anything when she takes a seat, but Heejin does send her a side eye glance. "The usual for you?" She asks and Sooyoung hums as the latter begins grabbing another batch of ingredients. "Thanks."
For a moment you believed that she wouldn't bother talking to you after that. But when she turns in her seat to face you, all hopes are thrown out the window when she starts to address you once more.
Eyeing your visible injuries, she rests her cheek against the hand propped up on the counter. "So, I know Heejin has probably given you a rundown on the basics and what you need to know." She started and you try to keep a calm expression as she continues to invade your space. "I'm also aware that you have yet to give us answers in return." Heejin doesn't even turn around to look at the two of you as she works on the meals, though you weren't all too surprised.
"Do you have any ideas on where they could possibly be?" She didn't need to clarify, but that didn't make it any less frustrating. "I don’t know…"
But that didn't look like the answer Sooyoung was looking for as she clicked her tongue in disdain. "You want to get out of here, I know you do. But unless you cooperate with us, it's impossible for me to just let you out those doors." She says while crossing her arms. "So you either tell me, or Heejin, where your parents are or…"
You were not anticipating her next moves. Honestly speaking, you were already expecting the worst, but the gun to your jaw as Sooyoung stared you down?
That was not it.
"I'll force it out of you."
There's the sound of a pan being tossed into the sink before Heejin places your plates on the counter. "You should know that traumatizing her isn't going to help. She's already shaken as is."
Sooyoung rolls her eyes at that before she slips the gun back behind her. As calm as she looked, you can just feel how she's ready to blow your head off if you piss her off.
"Unnie, seriously. We don't need her having another panic attack." Heejin scolds and the latter finally relents, stepping back and then taking her food.
"We're scouting the place tomorrow." She doesn't look back when she makes an exit. "She's coming with."
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gaypeople4itzy · 1 year
Rest bubble
with Loona’s Jinsoul
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wordcount : about 0,7k
warnings : None :o pure fluffy fluff !!
Your eyes opened softly as you began recognizing where you were. Finals were coming next week and you had spent the last few days craming your brain with loads of information it struggled to remember. Absolutely stressed out, you had been barely talking to your desr girlfriend, who was growing worried of you. Being the understanding person she is, she waited for a little while before deciding you needed an official break
At your door yesterday evening, she had somehow managed to convince your parents to let you sleep over at her place, them too thought you needed to rest, at least for a night. So you left the house with barely anything, as Jinsoul happily carried your stuff she had packed previously, while you were too focused on studying to notice her roaming around the room
After walking and talking for a while, she suddenly stopped. Putting your stuff carefully on the ground, she turned to you and took you in her arms. Patting your back gently, she spoke
“I’ve been so worried about you, you know that my love ? I’ve missed you a lot”
You let out a small laugh, it was only a few days after all. You leaned in to kiss her, not before apologizing to her of course, letting her know that your mind had been wandering about her that wholeeeee time !!
Happily taking one of your hands in hers, she took your stuff with the other, and continued moving towards her apartment. Her parents had been out on vacation for about a week, so you two would have the place to yourselves that night !
Bringing you inside, she offered you dinner as you thanked her a thousand times, grateful to get to spend time off with her
It wasn’t very late when you began feeling tired, your eyes closing by themselves when you felt her reassuring arms around you. You were put to sleep in no time
Now you were laying down, the bed empty. You were wondering where Jinsoul had gone, though you felt like you needed to rest more. You barely had energy left as you had not has a proper night of sleep since the weekend
You fell asleep once more
Woken up by the smell of donuts, you were met with a platter of sweets and the beautiful face of your girlfriend, a wide smile all over her face. Still barely awake, you leaned in to kiss her, feeling at ease whenever her lips were on yours
Curious about how long you had slept, you asked her what time it was. You were a little surprise to realize it was already the afternoon, you had needed this nap more than anything
In an attempt to get out of the bed, you shifted to your side and put your feet on the ground. Though quickly enough, you were stopped by Jinsoul, insisting on having you spend a day in bed. There was no time to work, just time to take care of yourself today. And how were you supposed to say no to such an offer ?
Jumping back in bed, you let her take you in her embrace while she peppered kisses all over you. Feeling just so warm despite the cold outside, you decided to let yourself relax for a bit. Time went by fast as she fed you the breakfast she had prepared and played games with you, letting you win just to see your pretty smile (her words). The evening came by fast and you found yourself asking Jinsoul if you could stay just one more night, to which she responded
“If it were up to me, you would never be leaving this place again.. Of course you can stay my love !”
Resting in her arms as she ordered your favourite food and put on a movie you liked, tonight sounded like much more fun than technical studies
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zeonove · 2 years
PAIRING: hyejoo x jinsoul x fem! reader ; words: 720
CATEGORIES: loona, hyejoo, jinsoul, smut, trio¿
A/N: IT'S MY FIRST TIME, I'm sorry if the narration is horrible or other things that are not coherent or I don't know, ugly.
A/N 2: hyejoo blode and jinsoul with blue hair
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— y/n unnie! thuth or dare? — began a game for the least of all, hyejoo. the three of them were sitting on the floor in a circle doing nothing fun, the trio playing "boring" childish hand games.
"umm... dare." - you answered confidently. you knew in advance that she would do something racy, that characterizes her, being a sassy.
- well... give me a kiss with tongue for more than ten seconds...? I don't know. — this type of questions in a joke tone is common and it is because the great trust that exists between you gives rise to that they do it between you.
— no problem for me on that, but I need jinsoul to count the seconds. — the named just nodded her head, that was enough. you approached the one who suggested the challenge and without giving the matter much thought, you kissed her.
it is an extremely good kiss, her lips collided so well between yours. you loved to feel the softness of them. even when sometimes when you kiss her, her red lipstick is impregnated.
- hey, time is up! I hope I am be the next one or they can forget about me.— the girl with blue hair joked with a laugh. jinsoul's voice made them separate from the kiss.
"you're fucking jealous, jindori." - you smiled and instantly understood what wanted so you approached her, ignoring the rules of the initial game. jinsoul was not going to resist, in fact she take you for the neck to get closer to her body.
jinsoul's lips had an exquisite taste, like alcohol with some fruit. inexplicable, but delicious. I really wanted you to kiss her, she kissed you with such enthusiasm that you couldn't control her and of course, she wasn't going to miss the opportunity to try to touch any part of your body.
you weren't going to stop her, it doesn't bother you that she's so horny. actually doing it with her is amazing, she's so good and hot.
but, what about hyejoo? your intention is not to leave her aside. she looked at them attentively, although she had her eyes direct to you, guessing your every move, you decided to look at hyejoo, maintaining eye contact. she smiled at you, her gaze emanating intense lust. you weren't going to last long without touching or feeling her, they both knew it well.
you don't know how, but you had jinsoul on top of you, she is very cunning and mischievous. however, the blonde should not be left out of this frenzy of crazy hormones. both looked at the minor as if it were a kind of invitation for her to join the journey. she understood and approached both of them.
the blue-haired girl smiled coquettishly at the youngest, she got off your lap and climbed on top of hyejoo, you don't know if she was conscious or not, but hyejoo lay down on the floor.
—um, hyejoo... you have beautiful boobs.— she brought her hands to the younger girl's tits, massaged them to her liking and then started rubbing her nipples on her sweater since she didn't even mind wearing a bra. hyejoo wasn't afraid to keep her from panting.
you approached both, placed closer to the body of the youngest of her. not to be left behind, you began to undo the buttons of the shirt that jinsoul was wearing, you left a long line of kisses from her jaw to her neck. all this while she kept playing with the blonde and her nipples.
you unzipped her pants, her panties were already fucking wet. you put a hand inside and reached her clit, rubbed it with two fingers and she moaned, arched her back and her head went to the ceiling with her eyes closed.
you looked at hyejoo, her boobs were so tempting. your desire to suck one or both was inevitable, you bit your lip and without waiting much longer, you brought your mouth closer to one of her breasts without stopping fucking jinsoul rubbing her clitoris faster now.
they both moaned at the same time. you love having them at your mercy, you liked that they always want to have sex with you and no one else. without a doubt, this afternoon went from being boring to something better than expected
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huhjxn · 1 year
NEWJINS: [33] past and present
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masterlist | previous | next
taglist: @vaeeeel @txtbrainrot @jmyjhjmj @captivq @falling-intoo-deep @twizoneorbit @winkura @yyeonmis @bzeus28 @boohirai @yumilovesloona @jisooftme @awkwardtoafault @chaerybae @mydearprim @cqndiedcherries @dexthzone @neuftaeng @rosiehrs @perfectsunlight
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solarsa · 19 days
Witch! Jinsoul Headcanons
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♚ She is half mermaid/witch
♚ Locked up most of her life for what she is
♚ In the time she was born there were a lot of fights between witches and mermaids
♚ So mixing those two creatures and a child like that being born caused a lot of ruckus
♚ Both of her parents were killed for the betrayal of their kind and Jinsoul was placed under a close watch of witches
♚ When she got older she started showing signs of magic
♚ Her magic is Water Manipulation
♚ Her magic mingled with her being a mermaid and if she wanted she could become water herself
♚ However she had this kind of spell prohibited in case she tried to run away, she was placed under an even closer watch
♚ When she was 17 she ran away thanks to her skills and traveled the world, usually being close to the sea or any kind of water really
♚ Learned to control water as she wanted and a lot of spells with it
♚ Not long after she was found by a fire user witch, that wanted to start a coven with her
♚ Jinsoul was hesitant about joining her but after the witch reassured her that she is okay with what Jinsoul is - she joined her
♚ That was Jungeun
♚ Later on they met another elemental user, who was half werewolf/witch and controlled plants
♚ That was Choerry
♚ After solving issues between Jungeun and Choerry she joined their small coven
♚ The Odd Eye Circle was born this way, as a coven of strong elemental magic users
♚ They traveled some more until a group of powerful witches found them
♚ The Loona coven...
♚ Her familiar is a Siamese fighter fish
♚ She has her room colored in blue and with a swimming pool in her room, as she needs a lot of water to survive on a daily basis
♚ In the swimming pool she has about 100 Siamese fighter fishes
♚ Sometimes she walks around the whole mansion leaving wet footprints on the floor and her coven members get angry about it
♚ When she performs good magic blue dust falls from her fingers
♚ She is the strategist of her coven and often helps rescue creatures that are locked up like she was
♚ From time to time she leaves and goes to find other mermaids that would know her parents
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galaxywantwish · 2 years
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-JinSoul x f.reader
-cute fluff
You like to poke jinsoul’s face when she is not aware of you. And she always give you an annoying face when she know it’s you who always poking her. But you really find that her face(cheeks) really soft like a mochi . You really want to squish or pinch it but you are afraid that she will be angry so you stay at the level of poke.
This time, jinsoul sleeping on the couch. Your devil in your mind is coming out to tell you to pinch jinsoul’s cheek but you still don’t have the courage to do it. But you are like mouth-watering her cheeks, you don’t want to pinch it only but also have a bite of it. You finally can’t resist it and your hand starts approaching her face then her cheek. You gently pinched her cheek,she doesn’t feel anything and just continue to sleep. You make sure she is still sleeping then you become braver and kiss on her cheek. Then you bite more like suck on her cheek, the thing that you want happen the least is happening right now. JinSoul is wake up. You immediately get up from her face and run towards your room. You cover yourself with a blanket.
"Baby!!!! Come out!! Before I come and get you !!" Jinsoul shout at you at the outside. You thought you definitely fuck up this time, you should resist to do it. You just not dare to move. Then, you heard she open the door, she just take away your blanket. You can only keep your head down but Jinsoul use her way to make you look at her. You meet her eyes and you tear up.
" Don’t cry baby, I am not mad at you but you need to tell me what did you do to me when I was sleeping?" Jinsoul pat your head and said.
"Sorry, jinsoul unnie" You rarely called her unnie since you two become official.
"I-I-I poke unnie’s cheek, pinch and bite it too. I am really sorry "you cuddle her while you saying.
"Why you want to bite my cheeks and I already tell the same thing to orbit that is only my cheekbone that it’s not really being soft…" jinsoul sighed and said.
"But,but it really looks like a mochi, so soft so delicious to me … please don’t mad at me " you said softly but Jinsoul still able to hear it. Jinsoul cupping your face and blow a kiss on your lips.
"After this kiss, it will be your punishment for biting me without my permission which is I am not allowed you to sleep with me!" Jinsoul said.
"Does that mean if I get your permission then I can bite it?" You asked and she hit your shoulder hard.
"How come you focus on this ,I am go back to my room and don’t come to my room." She gently push you away and attempted to leave. But you get off the bed and hug her from the back.
"No, I can’t sleep without you…Don’t leave me…pleaseeeeeee" you said cutely.
"I mean what I said. By the way, I love you and good night." Jinsoul is able to break free from your hug and kiss you on your cheek before she actually goes back to her room. You are so defeated and you can only laying down on the bed but not able to sleep.
-Next day morning
You wake up, no you didn’t sleep at all, so you just get off the bed and ready yourself to accompany your girlfriend to their group schedule.
When you and her get on the car, you immediately fall asleep with your head resting on your girlfriend’s shoulder after your greet at other members unnie. Other members are taking photo of you.
"What did you to do her last night? She looks like a panda in real life. Hahaha" Yves said.
" I just don’t let her to sleep with me. Nothing else." Jinsoul said.
"Well, are you mad at the poor baby yesterday?" Heejin asked.
"No, I am not mad at her but is hard to explain, just let it go or ask her yourself." Jinsoul said then back to listening to the music.
"Don’t leave me…I am sorry…" You said while you still at your dreaming world and jinsoul just slowly hold your hand.
"Poor little girl, she must be so sad that you don’t let her sleeping with you, you know how your girlfriend clingy to you huh?" Yves said again and the member all laughed but Jinsoul pretend to not hear it.
-skip to the working time
You woke by jinsoul and you just follow where they go and holding jinsoul’s hand with your sleepy face on. While they are having photoshoot, you sit there and watch them. Your girlfriend is so pretty with the makeup on but you like her bare face more for sure.
After jinsoul finished her part then she remove her makeup and she sit next to you while waiting other member’s turn finish. You are doing the usual thing- cuddling with her.
"Sol ah, can I touch your cheeks? Please?" You show your puppy eyes to her. JinSoul glares at you but after seeing your puppy eyes, she give in. You poke first,then you rub it, lastly you pinch it. JinSoul gasped at you for pinching her own cheeks.
"Yah, don’t pinch it like this, it hurts!" Jinsoul said. You say sorry and kiss on her cheek for apology. She blushed when you kissed her. Then you kiss again but this time you stay a little longer and you gently suck it.
"Where are you learning this, you are lucky that I love you. You naughty baby." Jinsoul didn’t mad at you this time but she is blushing hard right now because she noticed some of the members are watching both of you .
"Ooooooohhhh, jinsoul unnie is blushing !!" Yeojin excitingly said.
"Stop it!! I am not blushing!!! It was just so hot here" Jinsoul obviously is making excuses but you join her too.
"Don’t tease my jinsoul , she said is hot then it is." You said. The member, especially Hyeju and Yves disgust what did you say then rolling their eyes. You don’t care and continue to cuddle with jinsoul.
"Soulie, can I sleep with you tonight ? I really can’t sleep without you, you know? If not I will become panda baby soon" You whispered to Jinsoul.
"Awwww, my baby is so cute that I can’t resist her request!" Jinsoul replied.
"Hey, the pabo couple!!! Time to go, just wait until go to the dorm!" Haseul yelled at you two.
"Shut up!!! We are coming!!" You and jinsoul said in the same time.
Well, at least you get to sleep beside your precious girlfriend tonight again. Happy ending, right?
In conclusion, jinsoul’s cheeks is really soft like mochi. You keep thinking about it while you are on the way to her dorm.
Thank you for reading this story,sorry again for any mistakes I made in this story.
Share your thoughts on this story,your own ideas/plot with me or any question you want to ask/chat with me though my little box. You can dm me as well if you want?
I try my best to answer,expands your idea into a story if I am interested in it .
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chvrrycola · 1 year
greek mythology! au x jung jinsoul
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daughter of poseidon! jinsoul promising you that she’ll make sure your journey isn’t too bad the night before you have to get your boat.
shushing you as you wait at the ferry terminal and hugging you if you were still nervous.
watching as your eyes widened when you saw the waves breaking as you walked across the top deck, only to feel the boat’s swaying gently settle as soon as she stepped out after you.
guiding your head to rest on her shoulder as the rocking of the boat on the now calm sea lulled you to sleep.
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gahyeonszn · 10 months
loona masterlist!
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✰ heejin
take it (M)
✰ hyunjin
✰ haseul
✰ yeojin
✰ vivi
✰ kim lip
✰ jinsoul
helping hand (M)
✰ choerry
✰ yves
✰ chuu
✰ gowon
✰ hyeju
✰ ot 12
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