#John B x sarah
like a MOTH to a FLAME
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you never do choose the right guys, but both of them don't wanna let you go...
[cheater+ex!jj maybank x fem!reader x toxic!rafe cameron]
warnings: cheating, insecure!reader
summary: jj cheats on you and you decide to break up
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Not going to lie, dating JJ in anyway was not expected.
Sure, you're best friends with Kiara and Sarah and friends with Cleo, but you didn't live exactly on the Cut or Figure 8. Your family is middle class, your dad is working as a computer engineer and your mother was a nurse, so not rich nor poor, just average.
Just normal.
That's why when you saw JJ sneaking out another girl out of the Chateau after a big party, you weren't surprised, just...disappointed.
You weren't really a Pogue, nor a Kook, it didn't feel like you were enough for either of those two sides.
Not matter how many times your friends told you otherwise, so when you saw another Pogue being pulled out of their house...
"JJ...?" A gentle whisper called out his name. He raised his head and stared straight into the [e/c] eyes of his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend.
Unlike you, Kiara wasn't shocked into silence.
"God, what is wrong with you, JJ!" She snapped, grasping your upper arm and pulling you away. He grabbed your other wrist, yanking you to him and breaking Kiara's grasp.
"It's not what it looks like, Princess. I just saw her in the kitchen and-"
"JJ, we saw you..." Pope grimaced, avoiding his friends betrayed gaze.
"I- JJ, why would you..." You choked on your words before tears started to fall. "Did I do something?" The pale hand he still had on your wrist started to burn.
"No! No, no, no, no, no!" He wiped the tears from your eyes before leaning in. That itself made Kiara nearly launch herself at him with an axe but Sarah quickly made a save.
"Jesus, Kie!" She whispered, giving the miffed girl a stern glare.
You pushed him away, turning your head away from him.
"I think we should-"
"No." You scoffed, the shock wearing off and leading to anger.
"Let's go and let them...talk." Sarah sent you a sympathetic stare, before leading the others back into the house.
Once they finally left, you focus back on the blonde boy in front of you with his regretful baby blue eyes.
"What do you mean by 'No'?"
"No, we can't break up." He bit his lip, staring down at the wet sands.
"Too bad, I wanna break up."
"I physically can't...that'll mean that you don't love me anymore..."
"I don't know why you still think I love you. You cheated on me!" Your anger alerted the shaggy, blonde, haired boy that there clearly should be begging involved.
"But you-I love you!" His desperate tone caught your attention, but you refused feel any differently.
You were lying, you were surprised JJ hadn't caught on. Of course you still loved him, that wouldn't change, but it needed to start somewhere.
And it started with a lie.
"Princess! Please..." But you left him standing there, alone.
Without you.
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banner creator posted on my pinned post
I genuinely thought I could go through the breakup and rafe being toxic and jj being jealous right here rn
it didnt happen
this will be a series.
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leaclark · 2 months
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kiara carrera mood board ✌️🐢🐚
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sylvies-casey · 1 year
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lydiaas · 1 year
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clubglee · 1 year
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JARAH + sharing clothes
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haeinsoul · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀٬ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⠀𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗋𝖾𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀
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xreaderbooks · 10 months
Paradise on Earth (20)
Chapter: 20. The Coastal Venture
Pair: JJ Maybank x Routledge! Reader
Summary: John B, Pope, JJ, Kiara, and You are on the way to help Sarah and retrieve the cross.
Warnings: language, violence, mentions of death and kidnapping
Word Count: 3.7k
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Chapter 19 | Series Masterlist | Navigation | Chapter 21
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The heat in the torture chamber was going to make you stab somebody. You’ve never felt this suffocated before.
“Let’s address the elephant in the room,” John B announces and focuses his attention on you, “Y/n.”
“Are you fat shaming me, JB?”
He narrows his eyes at you, “You know what I mean.”
“Is this even an appropriate time to be talking about this?” You wonder aloud. He couldn’t seriously expect to get into this right now, you hadn’t even found a way to leave this hell hole without getting caught by the crew members and now, he wanted to talk about your controversial sex life.
“Uh, yeah, ‘cause if I have to keep thinking about what Sarah might be going through right now, I’m gonna go crazy.”
You brace yourself for the worst, “Oh God.”
He doesn’t say anything, he stays in his position on top of a stretch-wrapped box. “So?”
You glance to the side and back at him, “So, what?”
“We’re waiting,” He extends his arms outward to gesture to the crowded area of your friends. Kie took off her jacket and let out a breath, Pope was leaning his head against other containers listening.
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you, I’ve already apologized. Not that that fixes anything or takes anything back.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Pope said. “What’s done is done, we have much bigger things to worry about but since we’re getting into it; I just wanna know what your thought process was-”
John B cut him off, “Or whatever the opposite of that is ‘cause you obviously weren’t thinking clearly.”
“Alright, you know what, no.” You got up from where you were sitting cross-legged on the bottom of the container. “I wasn’t thinking and at that moment I didn’t regret it because he cared about me, I’m not going to go into detail about how or what he made me believe about him ‘cause I obviously didn’t know him as well as I thought…”
“So he manipulated you?” Pope asked.
“No, not entirely,” You risked a quick glance at JJ whose gaze averted from your own. “He made me feel like he cared, I was hurt and felt neglected. I’ve always been a part of the Pogues but it always felt like I’m just John B’s sister to you guys like I’m only along for the ride. I don’t have much to offer the group, Rafe made me feel seen as ironic as that is.”
“That’s some bullshit, Y/n,” John B scoffed.
JJ steps forward, “John B.”
John B stares at JJ with pure annoyance, “I don’t see how you’re not losing your shit over this, you’re always going on about how she’s like a sister to you, this is some high-level offensive shit and you’re all chill?”
“She was right,” JJ shook his head. “This isn’t the time, alright? We gotta figure out how the hell we're gonna get out of this, you know these things lock from the outside? This is your  fault and now we’re trapped in this death cage!”
“JJ, you’re not helping,” Pope was breathless as he spoke. All you knew was that there was not enough oxygen coming in to be wasting our breath on arguing.
“You don’t have enough room to talk right now, Pope, you said you had a plan, but what happened to thinking ahead?”
“I find your lack of self-knowledge disturbing.”
JJ laughs sarcastically, “Last I checked, you literally shot an oil container with the gat, remember that?”
“Oh my God, Shut up!” Kie who was perched on the highest stacked container, stretched her foot slamming it between the two boys against the other box parallel to hers. “Shut up! Pull it together.”
She removes her foot with a roll of her eyes landing on yours and puffing out a breath, mouthing the word boys to you. 
“Hey Pope, how do you kill a snake?” JJ asks randomly.
You lost track of how long you’ve been in here, looking out of the metal panel of the vent/window, whatever it was. It had to be around noon.
“You go for the head,” Pope answers with exhaustion.
“Exactly, but the head in this instance, is the bridge. To take the bridge, we need maximum firepower and I happen to know that there’s an armory on this ship in case of pirate attacks.”
“Pirate attacks,” You mocked in a whisper. Kie gets up from her place on the ground and walks behind JJ, through the middle of the columns of boxes, nodding for you to follow.
“You lost me,” She said as she passes him.
“I’m talking knives,” He tells her.
You pat his arm as he continues his nonsensical planning, “Killing everybody here is not a plan.”
“You too?” He waves his hand dismissively, “Alright, we lost them. I’m serious, if we get to the armory, I’m talking AKs, pistols, knives, double barrels-”
“Are you okay?” Kie searches your face with sympathetic eyes. “John B shouldn’t have called you out like that.”
You shrugged, “Yeah, to be expected honestly. I’m more worried about how we're gonna get out of here, he can bitch at me later.”
You caught a glimpse of light shining on her face and follow the beam to where sunlight was peeking through, hidden behind a barrel of tubing. “Hold up,” You carry the heavy roll and place it on another one beside it.
“Guys,” Kie calls out to the boys who were now bickering loudly, “Guys!”
With a look, they come over to where you and Kie were determining whether or not you all could fit through another vent. It was bigger than the other one, you’d have to find a way to pop it out.
“What was that about a Swiss Army knife not coming in handy?” JJ pulls one out of his pocket and climbs on top of one of the rolls and begins to remove the screws. “Okay, we raid the armory, get weapons, roll back here, and plot the next move.”
That didn’t sound like a stable plan.
“The armory is on the third deck, aft, near the laundry room.” He instructs Pope and John B, “Let’s roll.”
“JJ, hold up.” Pope stops him before he can fully take out the vent, “I don’t think we should all go out there, it’s too risky.”
John B and Pope give each other an unspoken message, and your brother confesses, “I’m just gonna be honest, I think you should stay here.”
JJ had a puzzled look, “What?”
“I have Sarah that I’m gonna go after and Pope has the cross, also, if you go out there there’s a hundred percent possibility that you’re gonna do something stupid.”
“Okay, first of all, I think the correct terminology is ‘ballsy’, that is it,” He tries to debate but Pope pulls him down from his spot that was blocking the exit. “I’m a field player.”
John B shushes him, “If we go out there and we get in a bind, we need someone to look out for us. That’s what we need.”
That was the only way you figured he could convince JJ to stay behind with you and Kie, no doubt he felt a little betrayed by the boys.
“Okay, I get it, I get it.” He tunes out the rest of John B’s words, “I’ll be on ‘B team’.”
“I never said B team,” John B states.
Kie sputters motioning to you and herself, “Sorry, are you calling us ‘B team’?”
“Did ‘B team not just find our way out or am I totally tripping?” You say, looking between JJ and Kie.
Pope grasped JJ by the shoulders, “Just hang back and hold down the fort.”
“Great, looking forward to it,” JJ purses his lips. “You guys have fun, it’s your funeral, your game. I’ll be in here, on the bench.”
He backs away into the area the five of you were once suffering in, Kie grabs both Pope and John B and gives them, her last words of wisdom before sending them on their way. John B didn’t so much as give you a last glance before climbing out of the small window.
The lack of flowing oxygen in the container was concerning, you grew up with struggling winters and no electricity during hot summers but this felt like hell. Especially now with the conversation that you were witnessing.
JJ began to express his dream of traveling the world with the riches you were in the process of acquiring and surfing every coast he comes across.
“When all this is over, and we’re just rolling in the dough.” He speaks with half-lidded eyes, sweat beads down his neck with his head leaning against a netted crate. “I’m gonna get a new board, deck it out, and I’m gonna go on a surf trip. I don’t know where, but the world’s calling.”
You felt so faint and fatigued from the heat, yet the thought of JJ being excited about a future when all his life he’d been told he wouldn’t have one, made your heart warm.
“Name a place,” He tells Kie.
She rolls her head in thought, “Spain.”
“Then after Spain, South America, or South Africa.”
You raise a brow, “You’ll go to South Africa?”
“One of the South places,” He shrugs. “Then Micronesia maybe, and then… and just ride. Wherever the wave takes you, you know?”
“So that’s the plan if we were to get a ton of cash, that’s the dream. Surf trip?”
You watch Kiara as she asks and that’s when you notice, the hope in her heart that’s shining through her eyes, the soft smile as JJ describes the end goal of this adventure. JJ resembles the freedom and lifestyle she craves to escape the Kook life her parents have for her.
“Ripping jungle break all day long, bamboo hit, cooking a fish on the fire, and after that, you go back out and just hit the waves again. That’s the dream.”
Then, at the same time after listening to the blissful life of adventure, you and Kie respond at the same time. “Sounds perfect.”
Your and Kie’s eyes meet at your matching answers, the nonverbal confirmation that you both wanted it. You both wanted the dream and you wanted it with JJ.
Kie recovered faster than you did, “Got room for one more?”
JJ chuckles casually and taps your knee that bumps into your other one from the way you were sitting. The little tap gave you hope.
“You got your passport?” He sideglances you before asking her.
She grins, “You don’t have a passport.”
“Hell no, I don’t have a passport, that’s the Kookiest thing ever.” They laugh in sync, and your hope is gone.
Thankfully you hear a whistle come from outside the vent and you immediately jump up to open it, passing it to Kie who was right behind you. Pope climbs through, then John B, you were about to cover the hole when Pope stops you.
A girl wearing a workers cap pops up from the other side, “Jesus Christ! I kill you, John B!” she threatens your brother with a thick West Indies accent.
“Who is this?” Kie begins to panic.
“Just relax, okay?” He tries to ease her mind, “I told you I had a surprise. Remember I told you about the girl we met in the Bahamas that saved us?”
You took in the appearance of the girl standing above you and tried to match her face to the name your brother told you, “This is Cleo?”
“She’s gonna help us,” John B said more to Kie than to you. You wondered what it was gonna take to get John B to forgive you.
“Next time, ask me,” Cleo retorted.
John B and Pope updated you all on what happened when they left the container, the only thing they succeeded in doing was getting the crew's attention, getting Cleo on your side, and not grabbing any weapons on their way back.
“This is why I should have gone with you,” JJ emphasized. For once, you would’ve agreed with him, if only so that you didn’t have to sit through Kiara fawning over JJ.
“Let me get this straight,” Cleo cuts in. “You five, with no weapons, decided you were gonna hijack this tramp steamer on your own? Do you have any idea who these people are?”
She stares you all down like a mother scolding you for touching a hot stove, “Eberhimi, if he catches you, he’s gonna kill you. Dead. Cut off your fingers.”
“What about waiting until we get to port?” Kie suggests. “At least then, if something goes wrong we have a place to run.”
You shake your head, “We can’t wait, by now they already know we're here.”
“I’ve run this scenario over a thousand times in my head, our best chances are on this ship.” Pope adds, “There are fifteen crew members and six of us, three-to-one odds, that’s the best it’ll get. If we wait till we get there, they’ll trap us.”
“We have no chance,” Kie protests.
“There’s something else,” John B spoke, and by the look on his face- it had to be bad news. Your stomach sunk, and your mind immediately went to Sarah, Was she hurt? Dead? “Ward’s alive.”
The worst thing he could have said, your father's killer was alive, the peace you thought you had when he was dead was ripped away from you once again. There was no winning against him.
“He’s alive, and he’s on this boat. It was all a setup, blowing up the boat, the confession to Shoupe. Think about it, that was to clear Rafe’s name.” John B glances at you, “And he does what? Goes to the Druthers, and what’s on the Druthers?”
“Scuba,” You exhale your answer, your back hitting a corner of a box.
“Ward’s alive, he’s got the gold and the cross.” JJ’s boots slam down on the metal as he climbs off the crates he was hanging on to. “And Sarah.”
“Thanks for rubbing that in,” Kie looks up to the ceiling.
“He’s just gonna get away with everything again, huh?” JJ shakes his head in denial, “Not happening. We’re not watching this movie again, right, Pope? You said we need the win, and with her,” He points to Cleo. “We’re going to the bridge and we’re gonna take it right now.”
“Let’s do it,” John B nods.
“I’m with you, and I wanna be the one to take that bridge,” Pope agrees with a new fire in his eyes.
Cleo snickers, “He’s gonna take that bridge?”
“Yeah,” JJ defends Pope.
“He couldn’t even take me.”
You giggled at that, as much as you would like to believe in Pope, he would definitely need help.
“First of all, I was going easy on you.”
“I went easy on you,” With the knife in her hand, you would bet on her.
John B shushes them both, “Relax, both of you.”
JJ takes the silence as an opportunity to say his plan aloud, “If you’re with us, we can use that knife to hold it up against the captain’s neck then we go on the intercom and make him tell the rest of the crew to meet up in the forward hull. Once they’re in the same place, we lock them in there and we take back what’s ours.”
“I like it, it could work,” Pope concurs.
“Are you with us?” JJ meets Cleo’s eye to ask her seriously.
She takes a second, “No. This is stupid.” Cleo looks at you sharply. There was a man shouting orders from outside to check the containers, she hops onto the platform and opens the vent. She hops out, and you all hear her shout a name.
You were starting to think about how John B was wrong to trust her when you heard her tell the men that were trying to open the container that she searched it already. You all breathe a sigh of relief.
“She’s on our side,” JJ says. “Pope, you’re up, we’ll wait for your signal.”
Pope pulls the vent from the hole once more, climbing out. You watch as he follows Cleo with no trail before covering it up again.
You were getting anxious about how long it was taking, how long does it take to take over a bridge anyway?
“You think he’ll pull it off?” You ask Kie. Right as she opened her mouth to respond, the order from an unrecognizable voice was heard through the intercom.
“Repeat. All hands and all passengers report to the tween forward hull immediately.”
“Sounds like he did,” JJ responded. “Let’s split up, once they’re all in the hull, Kie, Y/n, and I will lock them inside.”
“Is that really a three-person job?” John B asks JJ.
You look at him suspiciously, “I’d go with you if you wanted me to, but...”
“Now is not the time guys,” Kie tells you both.
“Fine, I’ll find Sarah and get the lifeboat.”
“We’ll meet you, load the cross, and get out of here,” Kie confirms the plan.
JJ climbs out first, John B after, then Kie, and You. You glance behind you to check if there was someone coming before walking after the rest of them. John B went his separate way as soon as you all made it inside the ship. You and Kie followed JJ to the forward hull, knowing you’d get lost on your own.
There are still a couple of crew members making their way inside, huffing and complaining as they went.
“How many?” JJ whispers to where you and Kie were pressed against the metal wall. You hold up three fingers as you counted the men walking. You heard Wheezie talking to Rose, and walking behind them was Rafe.
You almost gasped as you saw him, and moved your head out of sight. You were sweating from the nerves and anxiety of potentially getting caught as well as the heat. “That’s all of the crew,” You whisper to JJ.
“Except Ward, we need Ward.”
“We can’t wait,” Kie tells you both. JJ begrudgingly nods for you all to go ahead with the plan. You, Kie, and JJ push the heavy metal door shut, the crew members from the inside were pushing it to stay open. You plant your feet as you push against them, using all your strength, and JJ officially closes the latch.
You heard their footsteps run away from the door they were fighting against you. “There’s another door!”
The three of you bolt to the other side, the crew members were too late. JJ managed to close the smaller exit before they could fight against it. With no crew members to stop you, JJ found a lower ground where the cross could be.
You climbed down the ladder where there was a wooden box, the shape of the cross, was. A blanket was lazily thrown over it, you, JJ, and Kie uncover it.
JJ smiles at you both, “Surf trip.” He reaches out his hand to do your secret handshake, he had a different one with both you and Kie.
The ceiling began to open, and Pope was standing on top, Finding this cross was a huge step in the right direction, Ward may be alive but the Pogues were going to take back what was rightfully yours, one by one. Sarah, The Cross, your lives.
You, JJ, and Kie let out shouts of excitement as Pope pumps his fist in the air, “The time where people do shit to us and we just sit back and take it is over!”
With final whoops of encouragement, Pope rushes to the crane as you, Kie, and JJ prep the cross for him with the thick rope hooked on each side of it.
“It’s ready for you Pope!” JJ shouts at him.
Pope lifts the cross quicker than he should, you shout him a warning, JJ directs him to move the cross more to the middle but he moves it far to the left. The Cross swings at a barrel of wrapping, knocking it over.
“Too far, too far!” Kie exclaims.
You hear a faint, “My bad!” coming from inside the crane.
“Your other middle!” You told him. JJ helps him by moving the extra rope from the cross and guiding it to where it isn’t hitting the ‘ceiling’ until he finally had it in the air.
You and the others go back to the upper deck from the same ladder, passing where Pope was with the crane and the cross, making sure it was clear before moving forward in your search for the lifeboats and John B. You kept going until you saw a man who looked boiling mad.
“I don’t see him,” JJ said.
“J,” You called his attention as he was looking over for John B. You and Kie shared a concerned look.
The man pulls out a machete, “Of course, there’s more of you. Get down on your knees.”
“Yeah that’s not gonna happen,” JJ speaks right before the man swung his machete down on JJ. He manages to dodge it and gets a hold of his forearm, pushing it onto the wall, you and Kie hold it down as JJ punches him. Kie lets go, and you open the metal emergency kit door, slamming it in his face, knocking him back.
Kie looks over to the lower level and calls for John B as JJ attempts to fight off the guy who’s two times his size. JJ gets shoved on the ground, his head hitting the floor, the man makes his way to Kie who had her guard down.
“Kie!” You yelled out her name as a warning and jump on the man's back, your right arm around his neck- choking him and your left arm pulling against his with his hold on the machete to keep him from swinging it at your friend.
You heard JJ shout at you, “Y/n, no!”
You couldn’t hold him back, he slams his back against the railing which meant that you would take the hit, your spine hit the edge making fall off his back and onto your feet. He then, with full force, elbows you in your stomach. You couldn’t breathe, he literally knocked the wind out of you and as he swung the machete at Kiara, she ducked and the blunt end of it hit you in the head and you went straight into the water.
JJ dove in after you, Kie kicked the man back and went in after him.
“Y/n!” Kie swam after you.
JJ held you in his arms, desperately trying to keep you afloat while also keeping himself up. “Y/n, c’mon, stay with me, baby!”
“John B!” He dully heard Kie shout. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, he was struggling to keep you both up but he didn’t care how much his arms ached, he would make you sure you were alive.
“Y/n, please,” He begged. “John B’s coming alright? He’s coming, Kie!”
The lifeboat came around the corner of the ship in the distance.
Kiara continued to scream for John B to rescue the three of you. At the sight of you, unconscious in JJ’s arm, John B felt sick. Pope, John B, and Sarah cried out for you as Kie helped JJ swim with the weight of your body.
John B pulled you from JJ’s hold and into the lifeboat, JJ hovered over your body, “C’mon, Y/n.” He held your cold cheek in his palm, wishing- willing for you to wake up. The lifeboat stopped moving.
“What’s going on?” Sarah asked.
“We’re stalling!” John B pulls the string to start the engine back up again.
“You serious? We’re sitting ducks,” Pope panics.
JJ looks up to the ship and sees Rafe pointing a gun at the boat, you were all in. He moves his body in a position where he’s covering you in case Rafe starts shooting, while John B keeps trying the motor.
Miraculously it starts, and speeds away, as soon as you all were in the clear, everybody turns their attention back to where you lie, unmoving.
“I’m sorry, alright?” John B crouched on your left, holding onto your hand. “I am so fucking sorry.”
JJ was beginning to feel anxious, the start of an anxiety attack forming in his chest, “Wake up, Y/n, wake up!” He had both of his hands on your cheeks, shaking you ever so slightly. Your eyes shot open, and you were coughing out water. “There you go, cough it out, baby.”
The first thing you saw was blue, your throat felt raw from the salt water you unknowingly consumed, your lungs were screaming, and your head was throbbing like you had a migraine that was splitting your head open but the only feeling that mattered was the one you felt when you saw him looking at you the way he was right now.
His eyes held words you wished you could understand, tears appeared as if they were about to spill over, and they did as he grinned so wide, his cheeks wrinkled his eyes.
“No CPR needed, huh?” Kie commented with a smile.
You broke the intense eye contact you had with JJ and felt a hand in yours, you looked to the hand's owner and saw your brother. He immediately engulfed you in a hug. “I’m not, not talking to you again.”
“Don’t lie to yourself, JB,” You hugged him back with feeble arms, relieved that he was no longer upset with you. “I’m sorry.”
“We’re all good, lil’ P,” John B ruffled your wet hair before letting you go. JJ was mute as he beamed down on you.
“Hey,” Your voice came out small.
His lips parted, once again, in a bright smile “Sup?” He brought your head to his chest, grabbed a piece of cloth, and dabbed at the side of your head that stung.
“What the hell happened?”
“The blunt end of a machete,” Kie explained.
“Next time, duck,” Cleo joked.
You chuckled, “I’ll try to remember that next time, thanks.”
Way into the distance, on the ship you had barely escaped from, the members of the crew were hoisting the cross from the water. The plan you all thought would work, and was working, had gone wrong. You were left with nothing. Ward had the cross, the gold, and the retribution you all thought you had when Ward was dead is gone.
At least Sarah was now safe and with her people, you thought as you and the girls sat against a couple of palm trees along the shore of a remote island.
“Good job, guys” Sarah cheered for the boys as they brought in the lifeboat from the water.
“Anybody knows where we’re at?” JJ threw out the question you were all wondering.
“Deserted beach, unknown island,” Pope answered as he settled down next to Cleo.
“Plan A, huh Pope?” JJ leaned his forearm against the tree to your left, you looked up at him from where your head lay on Kie’s lap. “That went well.”
“This is the lowest we can go,” Pope said. “We literally have nothing else to lose, the cross? Gone.”
You sat up, letting the weight on your hands that dug into the sand as you listed another thing off. “The gold? Gone.”
“Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I’d say we’re at a dollar fifty.” JJ reminded the group.
“That’s more than I got on me,” Kie commented.
“Somehow that doesn’t make me feel better,” Said Sarah.
“Yeah, you’re right. But, we’ve had some good stuff happen.” Your head snapped to John B, wondering what speech of optimism he was going to muster up.
“Name some,” Pope told him.
“The boiler room, if the boiler didn’t explode, I wouldn’t have gotten away from Rafe. I couldn’t have gotten the zodiac and gotten us out of here.” He mentioned, and pointed to the lifeboat the newly branded ‘Zodiac’.
Cleo, who was to the right of John B, looked amused. “That wasn’t luck, that thing was gonna blow the second I stopped feeding it.”
“Stealing my thunder, Cleo.”
“Okay, Pope,” He redirects. “You’re related to Denmark Tanny, that’s crazy.”
“And I lost all of his inheritance,” Pope shut down John B’s next point. You knew where he tried to go with it, and you admired him for trying to keep the group's spirits high, but you were all literally on rock bottom.
You’ve accepted your fate, after your near-death experience, all that had bothered you before had drifted away just like you and that Pogues did. All except one, human-sized thing that was stuck on this island with you.
“You know what,” John B stood and faced the ocean with his arms out wide. “Guys, this is it. This is the Pogue life. We are in the Caribbean, it’s our own little slice of paradise, with my best friends- with my family. I wouldn’t wanna do it with anyone else.”
You raised your hand and pursed your lips, “Can you say that again in like two weeks? When we’re still here, starving, and fed up with me.”
“Y/n, you almost died, the love’s gonna last a ‘lil while- don’t ruin the moment.” He put up a hand as if to stop you from speaking. “Look, while you guys were complaining about every little thing, JJ?”
The blond who was stabbing his pocket knife in the tree, paused after sinking into the bark, humming in response.
“I was looking at those burly lefts,” John B points to the waves forming on the water.
“There are some slabs out there,” JJ agrees.
“Kie, you see that?” John B attempts to persuade her.
She shakes her head, “No boards.”
“Well, we can bodysurf till we make some boards.”
“They are tasty,” Pope refers to the ocean. “There’s nobody around, we could squat here for a bit. Kind of belongs to us now, huh?”
“You got a point,” You shrug. “Seven-way split.”
“Poguelandia. I claim thee Poguelandia,” JJ pipes in with a posh accent. You noted how he carved ‘P4L’ on the bark of the tree right below where his knife was embedded, emphasizing your ownership of the island. Then returns to his normal voice, “I like the ring of it, I’m gonna make a flag. It’s gonna have a chicken on it with a coconut bra, smoking a J, in crocs.”
The image of it came to mind and you laughed, it was a little blurry but you didn’t doubt that JJ would make a real visual as soon as he could find the materials.
“I could use a J,” Kie confessed.
“Can we vote on this?” Sarah asked, John B reached out to her and pulled her out of the sand.
“‘Til death do us part?”
You looked away from their little moment, slapping your hands together to get rid of the sand that got stuck, when you looked up a hand was extended out to you. The owner of it being JJ, you took his hand and allowed him to wrap his arm around you.
“What’s up?” You ask him as he guides you along the coast, away from the group. You looked back to where Kie and Pope were teaching Cleo the Pogue handshake, Sarah and John B were a couple of feet behind you and JJ.
“Just wanted to check in on you,” He let his arm slip off your shoulders once you were far enough away from the others.
Besides your severe thirst for water, the pounding in your head had gone from a blinding headache to a dull throb, and despite the fact that you were on a deserted island? You were well.
“I’m good,” You told him honestly.
“You cared the shit out of me,” He let out a sigh. “You know, earlier?”
“When I got knocked the fuck out?” You laughed. “Yeah, well, he was going at Kie and I couldn’t just not do anything.”
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you, dude,” He fiddled with your fingers as he was holding your hand. You wanted to know what he meant- what he truly meant- by that.
“You’d survive, J,” You playfully pushed his shoulder. He didn’t budge. “It would suck, losing your only form of amusement, all of you would be losing an asset to the team.”
He didn’t laugh, he was standing in front of you, his back covering the view of you from the group and openly searching the features on your face. Your neck was tilted upwards, doing just the same. You'd be lying if you said you didn’t expect something to happen right now.
The way his face was the one you saw when you woke up, according to Kie he jumped into the water the moment you were hit, the way he was looking at you then- the way he was looking at you now. Everything that happened between you in the past, it had to mean something.
“Y/n, JJ!” John B’s shouting broke through the tension around you and JJ. “C’mon, we gotta get started on provisions!”
“We’re going!” You shout back, though you weren’t sure it was loud enough. You step to the side to move past JJ, “We should go before-”
He took a hold of your face with both of his hands and you thought that he was gonna do it, he was going to kiss you. Instead, he kissed you on your forehead and said “I just need you to know that I care about you, alright?”
You flushed, “Yeah. I care about you too, J.”
“Not that I’m letting that happen ever happening again, but I didn’t want you to die without me telling you.”
“Right.” That was not what you were expecting, you had to admit that you were disappointed, knowing JJ had a difficult time expressing his emotions but when he acts like this it builds up your hope.
Before the sun went down fully, you all had started a fire with Pope’s lighter and dry wood. Everyone was surrounding the fire, just like you all would in your backyard. The only thing lacking was the beer and the lights that JJ had strung up when he bought ‘the cat’s ass’.
With the fresh breeze and ocean spraying on you, JJ exaggerating his side of the story on the ship, Cleo showing off her knife tricks to Sarah who had John B’s arm around her, Pope correcting JJ on whatever parts he got wrong, and you and Kie leaning against each other for warmth.
It felt right, you felt at peace, like you were home. John B was right, you wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else. 
Last Chapter of Season 2! What do you guys think?
Credit to @ steffi55 on wattpad for the idea to switch from JJ getting hurt to Y/n
Chapter 21
@jbassettjmaybank - @deanwherescas - @thtbwltts - @nerdypartytrashpsychic - @random-girl-army - @wisegirlies - @instabull - @sexyfoxlady - @bubs-world - @sdawn03 - @mendesclines - @obx-pogues-4-life - @mentalforfics - @p-prettybitch - @namacissi - @dczedhee - @inkandpen22 - @royalavenger - @ayeitsjustmee - @80strashbag - @onlyangel-444 - @freds-slut - @poppet05 - @itsjuststaticnoises - @ahnneyong - @lovepizza567 - @jasminfelling - @rana03 - @loki-loveer - @rana030 - @lostinatimeline - @boldlypessimistic - @clinelyn - @a-j-stuffs - @yunhobug - @syd223sworld - @strawberry--fawn - @mysticalavenuecheesecake - @itsmytimetoodream - @natashtessabeth12 - @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles - @chervbs - @or-was-it-just-a-dream - @newbooksmell777 - @afterzonee - @hana-1235 - @ilovesteveharrngton - @s1Ingwns
(if your name is crossed out that means tumblr won't let me tag you, I apologize for the inconvenience)
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obxhub · 2 years
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#supportive wifey <3
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endless list of my all time favourite tv ships; ♡ sarah cameron & john b routledge {Outer Banks} ↳ “I told you I wasn’t going to leave you, right?  I got you... I got you.”
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[i tried to make the first one encapsulate this entire series but no.
that didn't work
hope you love it!]
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outer banks mood board 🌅 🌊⚱️
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clubglee · 1 year
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Maybe this isn’t El Dorado. Maybe my dad was wrong. And I brought you here and put you in danger for no reason. Stop! Even if this ends up being nothing…if all it leads us to is this Godforsaken hole in the ground, I’m glad I did it even if you aren’t. Sarah, I got you shot. I mean you’re basically homeless because of me. You lost everything, Sarah, because of me. Not everything. JOHN B ROUTLEDGE & SARAH CAMERON in OUTER BANKS (2020-) | 3.10, “Secret of The Gnomon” — requested by anonymous
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