#Kazuha is at least a little bit more of a “normal” wonderer/traveler
holybananaoafshoe · 6 months
Team Dynamics
Scary Dog Privilege 🐺 2/10
They go on many grand adventures…that always go wrong one way or another.
Xiao, at one point, contemplates creating an adepti good luck charm for Benny because Archons is the kid unlucky.
Do you know how many times he or Kazuha saved the kid from an unintentional demise? Too damn many.
Like Xiao is concerned for his well-being at this point.
How the hell does this kid function????
To be brutally honest, Xiao joined them not only to ensure the Walking Disaster’s safety, but to figure out how *vaguely gestures to Benny* he works.
I like to imagine Xiao as the tired babysitter from The Incredibles and Benny as Jack-Jack
He doesn't think the charm would help, but he makes one out of some leaves and twigs anyway and gives it to Benny.
Benny is so touched??? Xiao made him a good luck charm, but not just any! An adeptus good luck charm, so maybe it’ll help ward off the worst of it.
It uh…..certainly wards off like the minor bad luck like he doesn’t burn his food or stub his toe as much.
Kazuha? He’s just enjoying the chaos.
I like to think Kazuha joined Benny because it seemed like a nice change of pace and puts his observation skills to the test
Sadly, the wind can’t warn him fast enough on most days
He’s very observant (apart from the wind thing lmao) so he’s the first one to notice if something is bothering Xiao or if Benny is hiding how he’s feeling
Or if someone hides their wounds. 
Interpret that as you will. I like to think Xiao or Benny would. 
Xiao, to appear tough and because he’s used to working alone ever since his siblings passed. Benny because he wants to make sure the others are okay first, and maybe he feels bad about his luck rubbing off on them and doesn’t want to bother them more than he already has.
The Wind Thing™ is amazing to Benny and he’s in awe of Kazuha’s attunement to nature and the general awareness he has for their surroundings.
It kind of freaks Xiao out just a little.
A *tiny* bit. It’s just enough that when Kazuha first mentions that the wind told him something Xiao is giving him slight side-eye and a thought of Oh no he’s crazy flits across the back of his mind… until they investigate and find that Kazuha was right.
Xiao himself has really really good intuition from years of fighting, but nothing quite like the wind telling him something. 
If it works, it works, so long as Kazuha isn’t bothered by it, he supposes. (Part of Xiao wonders if it was an evil demon or spirit… he definitely Did Not spend a week or two trying to make sure Kazuha’s wind thing wasn’t something he should conquer or banish or get that kid with the high yang energy…. Chongyun, to exorcise)
His extremely calm demeanor is slightly off-putting to Xiao
Despite that, Xiao notices when Kazuha starts to slow down in a fight or when cracks start to show in his calm facade (more on this *later*)
I like to think Kazuha reacts more internally than he does outwardly.
Like Kazuha does show emotion, but is more low key about it.
*The stove explodes and Benny just laughs. He’s covered in soot and his clothes are singed, but he smiles and tells them he accidentally got the lizard powder he has on him too close to the fire* “Ah I should have been more careful, I must have forgotten to take this out of my pocket when I was with Klee and Albedo a few weeks ago…”
Kazuha: *staring wide eyed with a strained smile* I… see, it’s lucky we weren’t too close then. *pats Benny’s back and helps clean up the camp*
Kazuha internally: What the fuck was that? Holy shit, I thought we were going to die… I might actually die if I keep traveling with him holy shit. How is he still alive????? How am I alive???? 
((Xiao stopped being surprised at the unlucky after traveling with Benny for a week))
I also like to think that Kazuha and Xiao will look at eachother like they’re in The Office once they’re used to Benny’s luck
*Benny burns the food once again* “Aw, man, I left it on too long!” *Kazuha looks over to Xiao, who had just gotten back from collecting firewood, like can you believe this kid? And Xiao just shrugs*
How does Kazuha say the most profound shit casually like it’s any other Tuesday??? Xiao is somewhat convinced Kazuha either had 1. Something traumatic happen to him or 2. Was definitely a priest or something at some point. 
While Benny is like 75% sure Kazuha is some kind of poet that writes under a pen name. 
He totally tries to discreetly figure out what Kazuha’s author name is lol and when he outright asks and Kazuha denies being an author all Benny can think is: “I see, he’s a private person and doesn’t want his identity to come out.”
*proceeds to try to “protect” Kazuha’s different identities anytime he thinks they’re getting exposed* 
It goes on like this until they learn about Kazuha’s backstory (more on this *later*)
Xiao is like 90% sure Kazuha is high in one way or another half the time, and honestly? He'd join him if he didn't have to be the fucking sane one in the group.
He’s just so happy to have travel companions tbh. 
Benny keeps the mood up and his happy-go-lucky attitude often rubs off on the others
Even Xiao will find himself smiling slightly at Benny’s excitement 
Though, his travel companions are a bit strange, but, hey, his dads at the guild taught him not to judge a book by its cover and it turned out Xiao and Kazuha are pretty cool!
And! They don’t seem to mind his bad luck!
Benny is the mastermind behind their expeditions and adventures, be it commissions that he gets through the guild or a rumor he’s heard in Liyue Harbor.
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Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost (...But I Am Very Lost.) - [6]
Kazuha & GN!Reader
CW- Injury mention.
A/N- I literally rewrote this so many times it's ridiculous. I think I will end this after 10 parts at least but idk.
The next few weeks were filled with the same daily routine: Wake up to see Kazuha, be blessed by the Kazuha, forfeit mortal possessions to Kazuha-
A lie of course, your life isn't that simple. But it is simple and you did establish a routine with Kazuha. Seeing as you were still very injured and were very much in a foreign land with not a mora to your name Kazuha- in all his graciousness- decided to stay by your side till you were in a much more stable condition physically and most definitely financially.
So every morning Kazuha would wake you up, assist you with getting ready, help feed and dress you as necessary and taught you the basics of the common currency and language while you did your physical therapy.
His hands hovered beside your waist as you stepped carefully down the inns hallway towards the balcony overlooking the river. Your balance wasn't the best still but it was definitely better compared to a few weeks ago when you first arrived in this world.
Even if you already knew the basics of how mora worked and have seen much of the languages and script of teyvat the way Kazuha described them was very poetic. Probably because he does so much poetry, definitely not because you're obsessed...clearly not.
You wonder when you'll stop feeling this way about him but you figured there's no harm. You do treat him normally even if you have your moments of adoration, and he doesn't mind it he's made that clear that he finds it more amusing than anything harmful.
Kazuha steps before you sliding open the door to let you through, watching over you as you wobble towards the benches. For such a small inn it sure is of great quality, you think hand stroking the furniture yet again admiring the craftsmanship.
"Are you a fan of wood working? I've noticed you're rather fond of examining the inns structure and the furniture within."
You hum to yourself. It's not so much you're a fan of woodworking but rather seeing and feeling objects you've only seen through a screen is something else. But you won't tell him that, at least not directly, wouldn't want him to have some sort of mental crisis now. So you nod before getting distracted by a few finches landing on the balcony railing.
"I just haven't seen stuff like this before, well not in person at least. Same with the finches."
Kazuha hums lifting a hand towards the little blue and yellow birds that hop happily. Surprisingly yet not one of the blue ones hops onto his finger and he kneels before you guiding the little bird onto your own fingers with a smile at your wide eyed expression.
ITS SO CUTE YOUR GONNA DI-oh it flew away...
You pout and your ears are blessed once more by his soft laughter.
"I hope you do not find it rude bit it sounds to me as if you have lived quite a sheltered life, and if not more of an isolated one." You have no idea my guy.
"Perhaps when you are well enough, I can show you much more that this world has to offer. If you are willing of course." You have never wanted to say "I DO!" so fast but you nod instead not trusting yourself to be chill.
"Then it is settled. When you are well again I will show you more of Liyue and perhaps, more provided nothing prevents you from traveling across the sea or farther inland."
He raises a hand before you can speak up.
"It's kind of you to worry but I will be fine. Should Captain Beidou need me she knows how to find me. I've already informed her of our current situation." Aw you wanted to meet her. And such a thought must have shown on your face because laughs again.
"You will meet her soon, perhaps even within the next month, her ship should be docking for supplies and by then your injuries should be fully healed." He takes your hand in his and closes your fingers over a little blue feather.
"There is much to see and many to meet but they are not going anywhere. So take your time and recover well."
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ricerice · 3 years
Genshin: Mafia AU 2 ャ翁温
YA GIRL PULLED THE KAZOO! Lauren bullied me into doing it, and now I have no primogems (that, and I also got c1 Mona :_)). Oh well, time to whale!
May all Kazuha wanters be Kazuha havers! If you don’t have Venti, he is so useful. He and Geo Traveller just helped me skip through the entire level 80 ascension quest.
Kazuha will also be added to the harem of Tumblr, if you wanted to know! Normally, I wouldn’t do a character I don’t know much about, but I fell in love with the pretty wind boy pt.3.
Credit: Jessica
Warnings: mafia behavior
Word count: 1028
“So that’s what happened.” [Name] told her friend, Venti, who was sitting next to her in a cafe. She had her head buried in her arms.
Venti licked the spoon of his sorbet. “I don’t see why you’re so upset over this. Seems to me like you’ll just eat food, make sure a few people don’t get murdered, murder a few people…”
[Name] lifted her head to glare half-heartedly at her friend. “Easy for you to say, you ditched your responsibilities a long time ago.”
“Ehe.” Venti chuckled.
Venti was part of the mafia before but quit due to him wanting to pursue a different career. At least, that’s what he told everyone. [Name] knew better. He quit because he was a lazy bum. Nonetheless, Venti had many connections and knew just about everybody, so he wasn’t completely for moral support.
However, that didn’t change the fact that sometimes [Name] felt like clonking him on the head. Like one time, when he was drunk and sung her an entire love song, and didn’t even bother denying it the next morning.
“Oh, that?” he had said. “Still, it cannot fully express your beauty.”
[Name] really did clonk him on the head for that.
“If you’re that worried,” Venti’s voice interrupted [Name]’s thoughts. “I can get in touch with an old friend of mine in the Liyue mafia. He’s a bit of an old man, but he’ll make sure everything runs smoothly.”
“Really?” [Name] said skeptically.
“Yes, of course!” Venti said with a chuckle. “It won’t be difficult.”
[Name] was still a little unconvinced about this, but she nodded her head anyway and gave Venti a pat on the head as payment. Not that she doubted Venti, but true allies, ones that stuck with you even after your mafia times, were few and far in between.
“Albedooooo.” [Name] draped herself over him, sighing dramatically. Albedo himself was seated in front of his computer, typing away.
“Yes?” Albedo said, quietly a little pleased that she was openly expressing affection.
“I’m bored.”
“I’m well aware,” Albedo hummed. “You’ve already said that four times.”
“Doooo something about it.” [Name] whined. She peered at his screen, resting her chin on his shoulder.
“Did Venti make you drink? This is very uncharacteristic of you.” Albedo remarked.
“No.” [Name] huffed. “This is what boredom does to you.”
Right now, it was around eight in the evening. [Name] and Albedo had just finished dinner, and Albedo was working (like the workaholic he is), and [Name] was lying on his bed like a starfish, motionless. That is, of course, until she came over to bother him.
“What were you doing before?” Albedo questioned. “You seemed quite content just lying there.”
“I was trying to think of nicknames for you.” [Name] said shamelessly. “Do you even know how difficult it is to find a nickname for ‘Albedo’?”
“And how were the results?”
“Yeah, I got nothing.” [Name] said.
“You may ask Kaeya for his opinion.” Albedo said smoothly. “I remember him conducting a similar experiment not long ago.”
“Kaeya?” [Name] asked, “You’re close with him?”
“Mmm.” Albedo said, his voice noncommittal. “We’ve spoken a few times.”
Before [Name] could ask more, the door to Albedo’s room slammed open. In came a crashing little girl in red, holding a big backpack in her arms.
“‘bedoooo! Are you almost finished? I wanna play with Miss [Name]! And I want fish!”
This was Klee, Albedo’s adopted sister. Actually, it was Albedo that was adopted, but they looked so similar it was difficult to tell. Klee was not a part of the mafia. Albedo had considered adding her in due to her talent for making bombs but [Name] talked him back to his senses every time.
“She’s a child, Albedo!” [Name] yelled at him. “You can’t possibly be thinking of making her join the mafia!”
“She’ll be safer!” Albedo shot back. “I just don’t want her to be in danger.”
“Danger?” [Name] scoffed. “What do you think we do all day, play cards? The world of the mafia is guns, violence, death, and you want to bring a little girl into it?!”
“WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY DO?” Albedo screamed.
Albedo took a deep breath, sinking to his ankles. In all [Name]’s years of knowing him, she had never seen him look so hopeless. “I… I know what the mafia is like. But despite that... how can I keep her safe if I barely even know where she is half the time?” he choked.
[Name] crouched down next to him, pulling him to her chest. “She’ll be okay, Albedo.”
Albedo released a shuddering breath, relaxing into her embrace. “I hope so.”
[Name] shook her head, clearing her mind from those memories. “Sorry, Klee, but your brother isn’t finished yet.”
“Aw.” Klee pouted. “Okay…”
[Name] bent down to her level, placing a finger on her lips. “But… If you’re good, I’ll take you to whatever restaurant you like.”
“Really?” Klee said happily. “Any place I want?”
“Yes.” [Name] giggled. “But you have to keep this a secret. You know your brother doesn’t like you eating out too often!”
“Yayyy!” Klee cheered, running out the room. “Fish!”
Unbeknownst to [Name], Albedo was watching her with a fond smile. Even more than his research, Albedo treasured his sister, and seeing Klee and [Name] getting along so well filled him with a beautiful warmth.
“[Name]! Can we have fried fish, pleeeease?” Klee begged [Name].
[Name] gave her a pat on the head. “I don’t see why not.”
“Yay!” Klee said. “Come on, Miss [Name]! Let’s go!”
“Yes, yes, I’m coming.” [Name] laughed. As she walked with Klee to the restaurant that she wanted, [Name] made eye contact with a man with orange hair and wearing a wine red shirt. When she made eye contact, she could have sworn she saw him smirk. He raised his hand in a ‘come here’ motion, and when [Name] looked for him again, he disappeared into the crowd.
[Name] spent had a great time with Klee (and Albedo, once he got out of his room), but still, her mind wandered back to the orange hair.
‘That couldn’t be… right?’
Notice that everyone in the mafia calls [Name] Lady [Name], even respected figures like Jean and Diluc. Wonder why that is 🤔.
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yzkhr · 4 years
"Kazuha, I'm fine now."
Hattori Heiji spoke with uncharacteristic gentleness towards his childhood friend whose entire attention is on the wound around his stomach. Tooyama Kazuha only regarded him with a panicked look.
"Are you sure? What if it still hurts? What if--"
Before she could continue on her rambling, he held the warm hand inspecting his injury as he gave her the best smile he could manage.
On a normal day, Kazuha's worrying would only be troublesome and annoying for Heiji. He'd just ignore her and tell her how stupid she is, and that he wouldn't die over something so little.
But right now, he couldn't blame her. Even he thought he was going to die, without confessing his feelings first. There was nothing scarier than that moment of realization for him. So he understood, just how much pain he had made the woman he loves go through, and lets her.
The final battle versus the Black Organization was easily the most horrifying thing he had experienced over his seventeen years of existence. He grew up being surrounded by criminals but he had never seen people who saw human life as nothing but piece of paper they can crumple anytime they want. At least, culprits he detains knew guilt and have a minimum amount of reason, but the men in black doesn't. They kill either because you're in their way, or because they just want to.
Watching the downfall of the terrible institution was satisfying, to say the very least. Finally, they were gone and everything else can start going back to normal. Well, If only things would progress so smoothly as he had hoped.
Of course, casualties were made. Their team were heavily wounded. Many agents—mainly the FBI, CIA, and Secret Police— were injured, some even died. He didn't left unharmed either. He had a huge gash in his stomach—which was pretty deep— and a bullet wound on his left ankle.
When Kazuha approached him as they were directed to the nearest hospital, he saw how cold her gazes were, so different from her usual fiery look. She stayed quiet the whole time as the nurse treated him, just giving him nothing but shallow—but tinged with worry— glances.
Seeing that Heiji won't back down, the brunnette sighed and slowly backed away. She stood up from the chair beside his bed, laggardly making her way towards the door.
He wanted to stop her and talk to her, but her verdant eyes filled with pain and a bit of anger wasn't so appealing to deal with right now. Instead, he just regarded her a stare, wishing—begging— she'd turn around.
Kazuha slid open the door, along with it are Heiji's hopes of his stupid actions being forgotten.
But, as if the Gods heard his silent plea, she stopped midway of exiting the room. He held his breath, waiting for her next move, not minding the ache at his middle cause by his hitched breathing. It was like that for a few seconds, until she finally turned her head sideways, ponytail slightly moving to the opposite direction, with her expression unreadable.
"I'm still mad at you. So you better make it up to me."
And with those parting words, she left, letting Heiji huffed in relief. It wasn't the most comforting words he heard from her, but it was a sign that she'd talk to him and give him a chance to explain. For Heiji, that was everything he needed to hear so he can move on to his next concern.
Instantly, his thoughts travelled to her. If Kazuha, his childhood friend, was this mad at him for just being involved, then she must be furious, knowing that her boyfriend was in the middle of it all.
After a few seconds of hesitation, Heiji stood up, swallowing his fear of facing his best friend's girl. After all, he knew he deserved at least some punches.
The hallway was quiet, with only little people roaming around. Nurses and patients paid him no mind, too busy with their own lives. He felt glad, for once not liking the attention of others seeing him in a pathetic state.
His eyes looked for her. He tried to spot her tall figure, her long straight chesnut hair, her leaned back with her toned muscles from doing karate, uncharacteristically for a girl. Unfortunately for him, the area was infested by only ill patients in wheelchairs accommodated by their family members and staff rushing left and right towards their respective positions.
Minutes pass of searching, and he found himself on the quiet part of the institution. Individuals got fewer and fewer and when Heiji was about to head back and asked the others instead, his irises finally found what they were looking for.
There she was, sitting on one of the blue waiting chairs, contrast to the white paint all over the hospital. Her head was down, her form lifeless. Heiji felt a pang of guilt in his chest, knowing that he was a big part of her devastated state.
Once again, hesitation set inside of him, not wanting to face the woman that they had all done wrong. But he couldn't leave her alone either, after seeing that she was just outside the Intensive Care Unit.
Heiji didn't want to believe it, but it has to be him. He was the most injured one of them all, after being tortured by Gin. It was a miracle they managed to get him to the hospital in time. He took one last gulp, and walk towards her tired form.
Mouri Ran was aware of his presence but she made no indication to ascertain his assumption. She just kept her head tilted down, fingers intertwined and expression hidden by the strands of her hair. He tested the waters first by calling her name but she didn't budge at all.
The feeling of unsettlement was getting to Heiji even more but he decided to ignore it. Ran needed him right now, and he owed her a lot. They owed her a lot.
He sat down beside her and imitated her current position, waiting to see if she would do something. She didn't.
Time ticked down, Heiji finally decided to be the one to speak.
Her voice was hoarse and barely above a whisper that if he wasn't near her, he wouldn't have heard it.
He shook his head slowly, as if Ran could see his answer that way.
"No. I can't--"
Once again, she cut him off.
This time, Heiji wanted to comply. But a part of him was stopping him from doing so. He could leave Ran alone and be free of this nervousness, or he could stay and try to alleviate a bit of her pain.
Heiji chose the latter.
"I won't."
Finally, Ran looked up, letting him see her. Her visage was tired and lost, different from her usual kind and cheerful countenance. It physically pained Heiji to see her like that, so he had to avert his eyes away.
Silence took over the two, the kind of silence rendering him deaf. Eventually, he sensed movement from her, and saw her from the corner of his left eye sitting properly, tense.
"You knew."
It was neither a question or a suggestion. It was nonchalant, as if she was stating a fact, which in this case, was what she just did.
He nodded, giving confirmation. He leaned a little towards the plastic chair, his stomach hurting from his previous hunched forward position.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
It was a basic question, but somehow it was difficult to answer. He had many chances to tell her, ever since he found out that the little brat living with the Mouris was really the missing highschool detective. So why didn't he? He could only think of one reason, though personally, it wasn't enough.
"It wasn't my secret to tell."
She sighed, seeming to expect his common response.
"Then why didn't he tell me?"
Even without any particular mentioning, it was obviously Kudo Shinichi they were talking about, who's currently fighting for his life. Instinctively, he glanced at the doors of the ICU, silently praying for his best friends health, and for his own survival to this interrogation.
Unlike Heiji, Ran stared straight ahead at the painted white wall. She didn't want to look at where he was right now, knowing she'll just burst out crying. She had to be strong, since Hattori was already giving her a chance to know the truth.
"I'm not sure, but I think it's to protect you."
Ran eyed him suspiciously from her peripheral vision, not convinced with his answer. But Heiji wasn't lying. He may not fully know Kudo's reasons, but he had a rough idea.
"From what?"
"From getting hurt by them."
She smiled, but it was screaming fallacy that even someone as dense as Heiji could figure it out.
"I was still hurt."
He couldn't offer a reply to that.
"When was he planning to tell me?"
He wanted to give a satisfying answer, like how Kudo would explain everything after everything was over. But that would be a lie. And Heiji was a bad liar. All those times he kept calling Kudo with his real name almost getting him figured out resurfaced in his head, and Heiji wondered how did they last long at pretending.
He chose to stay quiet.
Ran seemed to get it, as she finally faced Heiji.
"He wasn't planning to tell me anything at all, was he?"
The guilt in his face gave it away.
"Nee-chan, I tried to convince him to tell you more than once, specially before the final showdown, but he just wouldn't budge."
He tried to explain his side, trying to make Ran understand.
Ran simply stared, boring holes in his face.
"Then why didn't you tell me before you guys went and sacrifice yourselves out there? When do you want me to find out? When you're dead?"
She raised her tone a bit, showing frustration.
"If I told you, you would have followed us. I'm not sure Kudo would like that."
She laughed a little, pain so evident that Heiji visibly winced.
"Am I weak Hattori-kun?"
"That's not what I--"
"Then why didn't you let me help? I could've done something!"
Her shout alerted a few but she didn't seem to care, glaring at Heiji as he flinched. He sighed, mentally wishing Kudo was here to be the one to explain since Heiji didn't know what exactly was his best friends mindset for lying to her.
"I told you, he didn't want you to get involved. He didn't want you hurt, nee-chan."
He spoke gently, trying to cajole the agitated Ran. It was weird how calm and modest he was, while Ran was now the one looking like she wanted to punch someone. Unfortunately, the cajoling didn't work.
"You already knew what you were doing would hurt me, but somehow it didn't stop you, so what exactly was the difference?"
He stuttered, trying to find a good answer, but failed to do so. Ran pressed on, not waiting for his response.
"What if it was Kazuha-chan? Would you want her to keep secrets from you? To be in danger while you're safe? To possibly die without you knowing a thing!?"
Heiji visibly froze at the mention of his childhood sweetheart's name and seeing the hurt enter his usually cheery green eyes, Ran knew she went overboard.
She looked away, her eyes travelling at the room where Shinichi was being operated on. She was a mess. After all the revelation and happenings, she couldn't think straight at all. That's why she begged everyone to stay away from her, not wanting to deal with anything else.
But Hattori didn't seem to get the message. Now he was dealing with all her exasperation that clearly wasn't meant for him. He had his own issues to deal with, consoling an emotionally unstable Ran shouldn't be one of them.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
She bowed her head, her tone apologetic. It took a while for him to say anything at all, so Ran willed herself to face the great detective of the west.
It was his turn to stare at the wall, being swallowed by his thoughts. It made Ran feel bad, knowing she stroke a never.
"Hattori-kun, I'm-"
Her apologies died mid air as he finally brought his attention back to her. Expression serious, so unlike the reckless and fun Hattori she had known.
"I would hate it. I wouldn't like her to do something so dangerous alone. She would be an idiot if she wouldn't tell something so important."
Ran was stunned, not expecting an answer from her inquries that were supposed to be rhetoric.
"But," he continued on. "I know that Kazuha didn't intend to do that just to make fun of me. She had no intention to hurt. And I'm pretty sure that Kudo's the same. If there was one thing I know from that guy, is that he would never hurt nee-chan if he had a choice. It just so happens that both choices would hurt you, and he chose to keep you in the dark, than to tell you everything and get you in something so dangerous."
It was her turn to be speechless. Ran had known Hattori to be prideful and obnoxious, sometimes more than Shinichi. He was also childish and dense, specially in terms of love. However, there will always be these kinds of moments where he would completely blow her away with his deduction skills and meaningful words.
"He loves you, Nee-chan. More than what you can imagine."
With that, Ran broke.
The tears she desperately tried to hold back was now pouring endlessly, blurring her vision. Heiji getting caught off guard with her crying, panicked.
He didn't mind his aching stomach and immediately tried to find a handkerchief or a towel to wipe her tears. Unfortunately, there was none.
Ran buried her face into her palms, and tried to speak.
"I knew that. I knew that he just wanted to keep me safe. But that's also what I want. I'm scared Hattori-kun. What if he won't wake up? What if he leaves me all alone? You did something for him. You guys were there when he needed you the most. But what about me? I didn't do anything. I couldn't do anything at all. I-"
In the desperate attempt to comfort and calm down the crying woman next to him, Heiji put his arms around her shoulder and let her crying face lean on his. She sobbed harder, inclining at the comforting brotherly touch.
"That's not true nee-chan. You did a lot of things for him. You were his reason for fighting. I'm sure Kudo would have given up a long time ago if it weren't for you."
It was true. If it were Heiji, he would have just gave in and let his childhood happen again. He was sure there were time Kudo thought of that but because of Ran, he didn't give up.
"I'm scared, Hattori-kun. He can't die on me. Not without telling me everything. Not without making it up to me. Not without achieving his biggest dream. He can't die."
She said almost incoherently against his ears, choking at her own tears. Seeing her break down was also physically hurting him. He was so used to the strong and smiling Mouri Ran she showed in public that he almost forgot that she can be this fragile and weak. Heiji was amazed how she managed to keep up such an amazing act of being fine for so long.
The only thing he can do to alleviate just a bit of her suffering was to whisper at her ear his own share of comforging words while staring at the operating room, a determined look on his face.
"He won't die nee-chan. I'm sure of it. Kudo would never die just like that. He finally defeated those bad guys. I'm sure that he won't ever leave you again. If he did, then he's the biggest Ahou in history of Ahous."
Hattori Heiji had never been close to Mouri Ran compared to others. They were friends, although they never really got to interact that much. However, that didn't stop Heiji from admiring the woman. She was so kind and naive at times that you just want to protect her. But she didn't even need you for that, knowing she can defend herself better than ninety percent of men out there.
Right now, Heiji was the only one who can understand at least a portion of what she's going through. Right now, they're both losing an integral person in their lives, their best friend. And they found at least a little solace from that, knowing they're not alone.
Am I the only one who loves this underrated pairing?
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