#Kelly gaffney
serenasoutherlyns · 5 months
with me tonight
T/K drabble. Ao3
“Kelly?” The voice came from behind her, unmistakable. She jumped.
Kelly made her excuses to the woman in front of her. “Tracey.”
“Fancy seeing you here.” The awkwardness hung in the air.
“I didn’t know you were,”
“Likewise,” Tracey said.
“Are you having luck?” Kelly hated these events, but she had been too single for too long.
“Not so much,” said Tracey, tilting her glass back and winking at Kelly. A warm feeling came over her. “I do wonder if that will change.”
Kelly couldn’t deny, she had thought about it before.
“I can see how it might,” said Kelly.
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fyeahamycarlson · 1 year
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Happy St Patrick’s Day
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have Meet Joe Black 1998 It also has Death Take a Holiday 1934
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themultifandomgal · 5 months
Hi! Can you write an imagine for Blake Gallo, with the prompt “I tried to move on, but nobody is you”
Blake Gallo- Nobody Is You
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Blake and YN had a whirl wind relationship. They met when Blake joined firehouse 51 and immediately they clicked. When YN got injured during a call and was told she could no longer be a firefighter she went a bit crazy. That was her life, now what was she going to do? This took a huge strain on her relationship with Blake and eventually YN broke up with him in fear that one day they would do nothing be argue with each other, and potentially start to hate one another.
Since YN’s accident she’s been trying to find herself again, trying to figure out what job she wanted to do and eventually settled on becoming nurse. Now she was in training, having to do placement at Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre.
YN sighs getting home to her apartment after a long day when she sees someone stood outside her door. Kelly Severide. Her best friend. Frowning wondering why he’s here, YN makes her way over to him
“YN. You need to speak to Gallo”
“Kel it’s been 4 months since we broke up”
“I know but… he’s not himself. He’s making mistakes, he’s sad all the time. I’m not saying get back with him, but I think you both need to talk to each other”
“I don’t know Kelly. You weren’t there when we split up. You didn’t see his face when I…” YN’s voice trails off as she looks down at her feet
“Please just talk to him for both your sakes” with that Severide leaves YN stood outside her front door with her thoughts.
Over the next few days Severide’s words stick in YN’s head. So much so that she gives in and heads to Blakes apartment. Hesitantly YN knocks on his door. When Blake doesn’t answer right away, YN turns to leave thinking that this was a mistake. Before she could actually leave though, Blake opens his door with a confused expression
“YN? What are you doing here?”
“Erm Kelly said you weren’t doing so good. Told me to talk to you, but i wasn’t sure….”
“If I wanted to see you?”
“Yeah” YN breathes out now looking at Blake
“Do.. do you want to come in?”
“Errrm ok, yeah” YN walks into the apartment that she was once very familiar with. Awkwardly silent they sat down on the couch next to one another “so erm how have you been?”
“Honestly? Not good. I miss you and I still don’t understand why we broke up. I know the accident was hard on you but I don’t understand why we had to brake up”
“I was jealous I guess. Jealous that you got to go to work at the firehouse everyday, while I sat at home recovering from a broken back having to also deal with knowing that I’ll never be able to work as a firefighter again”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” YN just shrugs in response, not really knowing why herself “I wish you had told me”
“And then what? Leave the firehouse because your girlfriend fucked here back?”
“I would have helped you through that. I would have took time off, taken you to therapy sessions, gone to couples therapy with you. I would have done anything for you, but instead you left me and then I find out your sleeping around. That hurt YN”
“I wasn’t… I didn’t…. I went on a couple dates, but I wasn’t sleeping around. I still loved you. Still love you”
“I still love you too. I tried to move on, but nobody is you”
“So what now?” YN asks
“Why don’t we start over. Hi I’m Blake Gallo” Blake holds his hand out for YN to take. YN laughs at Blake’s cute smile taking his hand in hers
“Hi I’m YN YLN” they shake hands laughing before Blake pulls YN in for a hug
“Don’t ever leave me again”
“I won’t”
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girlinlotsoffandoms · 4 months
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day four - head injury
notes: welcome back for febwhump day four! Squad 3 has made it to the hospital but will they all be ok?
this storyline got away from me so enjoy part two and part three will be up tomorrow!
read on AO3 or below
The doctors in the emergency department at Gaffney Medical Center were waiting by the ambulance bay for the ambulances carrying the members of Squad 3 to arrive. They first heard about a car accident involving firefighters when Ambo 57 arrived with the delivery driver. At first, they assumed it was just another unfortunate weather-related accident but that all changed when the medical team learned the driver was drunk and caused the accident.
More and more information came out in the minutes that followed as the paramedics filled them in with what they knew. Goodwin also received a call from Boden at the scene, which gave the doctors more insight into what to expect. They were as prepped and ready as they could be to help their friends and fellow first responders, it was now just a waiting game for them to arrive.
Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, the sound of sirens could be heard closing in on the hospital. It was go time.
… … …
Stella followed Kelly’s gurney for as long as she could. She listened as Violet and Brett fired off their assessment and detailed their care of Kelly and the precautions taken during and after extraction. 
Stella stayed as close to Kelly as she could, watching as the doctors and nurses began examining him until Maggie gently steered her out of the room with the promise to update when she could. Brett and Violet tried to get Stella to go to the waiting room, but she pivoted when she saw Cruz get rolled in, Capp and Tony walking in behind him.
“Hey,” Stella said, walking over to them. “How we doin’?”
Cruz’s arm was wrapped against his ribs and he had some butterfly bandages on some cuts on his face. Capp and Tony had similar bandages on their faces, some bigger bandages on their arms where the glass cut them, and Stella could see bruises already forming on all of them.
Cruz shrugged his good shoulder. “Pain meds have helped. How’s Severide?”
Stella shook her head. “Still unconscious. There’s definite head trauma, we just don’t know how bad yet.”
The uncertainty and fear in her voice was unmistakable. Stella Kidd was usually unflappable on calls and in the aftermath, even with the worst calls, but Kelly Severide was her kryptonite. When he was hurt or in danger, she struggled to maintain her cool.
“I’m sure he’ll be fine Lieutenant,” Tony spoke up. “Severide’s tough.”
“Yeah,” Stella said quietly. She threw Tony a small smile, knowing he was trying to soothe her nerves.
“Let the doctors check you out,” she said, directed to Capp and Tony. “We’ll be in the waiting room. Cruz, I’ll call Chloe and let her know what happened.”
“Thanks Stella.”
… … …
Stella, Brett, and Violet were waiting in the waiting room for almost an hour by the time Chloe joined them. It took her a while to find a babysitter for Javi and Otis so last minute but Stella had had kept her updated and reassured until she could get to the hospital.
The rest of 51 arrived shortly after Chloe, having finally gotten the scene cleared up. There wasn’t much of an update anyone could give them since none of the doctors had been out to speak with them yet. But it was only a few minutes later when Capp and Tony entered the waiting room.
Boden rose from his chair. “Capp, Tony, what’s the verdict?”
“No concussions, nothing broken, just bumps, bruises, and some stitches on some of the deeper cuts.” Tony answered.
“Won’t even have to miss a shift,” Capp added with a small smile.
“Glad to hear it,” Boden said genuinely. “With the Squad truck out of commission, Headquarters is working on an action plan moving forward until the truck can be replaced.”
Capp and Tony nodded and grabbed a chair with the others to wait for news on their teammates. 
Dr. Ripley came out about 30 minutes later with an update on Cruz. They were going to keep him overnight to monitor his concussion and make sure his bruised ribs didn’t cause any complications with breathing. His dislocated shoulder had been reduced and was safely back in its socket and he’d need some PT to strengthen the ligaments that had been strained.
Cruz would be off work for a few weeks, but he’d make a full recovery. Dr. Archer took Chloe back into the ED to see Cruz before he was moved upstairs to a room.
With good news on three of the four members of Squad 3, the members of 51 settled back into the waiting room chairs to wait for news on Severide.  
… … …
It was another hour before Dr. Archer and Dr. Abrams entered the waiting room with an update on Severide.
Dr. Archer looked at Stella. “Do you want to speak privately somewhere?”
Stella shook her head. Speaking privately usually meant bad news and Stella wouldn’t be able to handle that on her own. “We can talk here. They can hear whatever you have to say.”
“Alright, we’ll start from the bottom and work our way up. His right leg is swollen with deep bone bruising from where the metal had pinned him in the truck. X-rays show nothing’s broken, but we’ll take updated images when the swelling reduces. He has some concerning bruising on his abdomen and we’re keeping a close eye on any internal bleeding but so far, there’s nothing to be concerned with.” Dr. Archer started with the breakdown of Severide’s injuries. He saw everyone’s faces grow more concerned with each update he gave, and Dean was dreading telling them the more serious issues their friend was facing.
“A few of his ribs are broken but we’ve wrapped them and we’ll have one of our Respiratory Therapists work with him. His right humerus is broken as well. By some miracle, it’s a clean break and should heal perfectly without surgery. All spinal scans came back clear of any injury, but we’ll continue to take spinal precautions until he’s awake and we can run more tests.”
“He’s still unconscious?” Stella asked, her voice fearful. It’d been a while since she’d used her paramedic training but she knew Kelly being unconscious this long wasn’t a good sign. 
Dr. Abrams stepped forward. “He is. He has a skull fracture just above his right temple. It’s linear, which is the best-case scenario, but it’s caused quite a bit of swelling and pressure. We’re monitoring his ICP closely and we have him on medication to help reduce the pressure and swelling. We’ll be moving him to the Neuro ICU for monitoring and we will be ready if more intervention is needed.”
“Intervention as in brain surgery?”
“Yes, if necessary. We’re hoping to avoid that, but should we need to intervene, we’re prepared to do so.” Dr. Abrams answered.
Stella was panicked at this point and everyone could see it. Brett grabbed onto her arm to comfort her and Boden walked up behind her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“Is he going to be okay?” Boden asked, his voice thick.
Dr. Abrams and Dr. Archer were quiet for a moment and shared a look. Neither of them wanted to break the news. “At this point,” Dr. Abrams started slowly. “It’s unclear. The bruising, the broken bones…they’ll all heal with time. Neurologically? Until he wakes up and we can do more testing, we won’t know.”
Stella was unable to hold the tears back any longer. She appreciated the doctors being straight with her but she hated what they were saying. Kelly would be okay. He had to be. “Can I see him?”
“He’s going to be taken down soon for updated scans and then he’ll be moved up to the Neuro ICU. Once he’s settled, you’ll be allowed to see him.” Dr. Archer confirmed. “It should take a few hours so I recommend going home, changing out of your turnouts, maybe grabbing some food before you come back here.” 
Stella opened her mouth to say something, but Boden cut her off. “Thank you, Dr. Archer. You too Dr. Abrams.”
The doctors nodded. “When you get back just go straight up to the Neuro ICU waiting room. A nurse will take you back as soon as they can.” Dr. Abrams added before he and Dr. Archer returned to the ED.
Boden moved around to stand in front of Stella. “Stella, go home. Get changed, pack a bag, eat something. Then, you can come back here.”
“But Chief—” 
“But nothing. I know you want to be here for Kelly but you need to take care of yourself too. It’s been a hard morning, take a minute to breathe and regroup.”
She didn’t like the idea of leaving the hospital without seeing Kelly, but Stella knew Boden was right. Kelly was going to need her, and she needed to be ready. She nodded, but a fresh round of tears filled her eyes. 
Brett wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
… … …
Stella was back at the hospital after just an hour. She showered, packed a bag (including some of Kelly’s things in there), and scarfed down a quick lunch before heading back to the hospital. 
Not surprisingly, she was the first one back at the hospital. Stella checked in with the nurse behind the desk on the Neuro ICU floor and Kelly was still not back from his scans. She tried to wait it out in the waiting room but her nerves were too bad to sit there by herself. 
She texted Chloe for an update on Cruz and decided to visit them after Chloe sent her his room number. Cruz was looking significantly better, even after a few hours, and it was clear he was feeling better as well.
Stella was able to update him on Capp and Tony but when it came to updating him about Kelly, she faltered. The update Dr. Abrams and Dr. Archer had shared with her earlier still rang clear as day in her ears and she didn’t think she could get through repeating them without completely breaking down.
But Cruz idolized Kelly and was a good friend to them both. He deserved to know.
“Kelly is uh…he’s in bad shape.” Stella’s voice cracked. “The doctors don’t know what his outlook is. They won’t know until he wakes up and they can run more in-depth tests.”
“He’s still unconscious?”
Stella nodded.
“That’s not good, is it?”
“No, it’s not,” Stella shook her head and sniffled.”But they’re doing everything they can for him. They’re going to keep him in the Neuro ICU to monitor him and hopefully, once his body has some time to heal and the swelling goes down he’ll wake up.”
“Have you gotten to see him yet?”
“Not yet. They sent us home while they took him for more scans. Once he’s settled in his room we’ll be able to see him.”
Cruz nodded, then smiled to try and lighten the mood. “When you get to see him, tell them they had to cut up his beloved Squad jacket. That’ll wake him up.”
Stella laughed but her smile didn’t reach her eyes. “Yeah, I bet that’ll do it.”
She hung out with the Cruzes for a few more minutes before Brett texted her and informed her that Kelly was in his room and ready for visitors. Stella quickly said her goodbyes and hurried back to the Neuro ICU floor.  
By the time Stella made it back to the floor, only Boden, Brett, Mouch, Violet, and Carver had made it back to the hospital. Once Stella joined them, the nurse escorted the group of six down the hall to Kelly’s room. It was the closest one to the nurse’s station, another insight into just how serious his condition was.  
Boden and the others stayed outside while the nurse escorted Stella into the room.
They’d cleaned all the blood off of his face and stitched up the wound on his temple, just a few inches above the birthmark she loved so much. His right arm was splinted to keep the bone in place and she imagined he had similar wrapping on his ribs below the hospital gown.
The most unnerving thing was how still and quiet he was, and not in his usual brooding way.
“Dr. Abrams will be in later to go through the results of the scans, but the swelling in his leg has already started to go down. It looks like the meds are doing their job.” The nurse, Emily according to her name badge, said. She touched Stella’s shoulder in passing before she left the room. “Hang in there.”
Stella dropped her bag in the corner and moved to Kelly’s side, pulling up a chair. She grabbed Kelly’s hand and held on tight. “I love you, Kelly Severide. Come back to me. Please.”
Boden and the others lingered outside the ICU room, giving Stella a bit of privacy and time with Severide before they went in to see him. It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes….then suddenly Stella shot up from her chair, alarms started blaring, and Severide’s body began to shake as nurses ran in.
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kwebtv · 23 days
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From the Golden Age of Television
Harvey - CBS - September 22, 1958
A presentation of "DuPont Show of the Month" Season 2 Episode 1
Running Time: 90 minutes
Art Carney as Elwood P. Dowd
Loring Smith as Dr. Chumley
Larry Blyden as Dr. Sanderson
Charlotte Rae as Myrtle Mae
Ruth White as Mrs. Chumley
Raymond Bramley as Judge Gaffney
Fred Gwynne as Taxi Driver (E. J. Loffgrin)
Elizabeth Montgomery as Miss Kelly
Marion Lorne as Veta Louise Simmons
Jack Weston as Wilson
Katharine Raht as Mrs. Chauvonet
Trivia: Elizabeth Montgomery and Marion Lorne appeared together in the series "Bewitched". Fred Gwynne and Charlotte Rae appeared in the series "Car 54, Where Are You?"
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❝ One had to be a particular kind of brave to be a trauma surgeon at Gaffney Chicago Medical Centre, given how hectic and, occasionally, dangerous the hospital could be. Of course, there was a very thin line between brave and stupid, and Wyatt could fully admit that he fell on both sides of that line. No matter how much he loved being a surgeon, loved being able to help and heal people when they needed it most, he had to admit that the stress of knowing that no patient was a guaranteed save and working with an extreme shortage of medical supplies did not always make his job the easiest in the world.
But he always had a bright spot in his life: his friendship with Leslie Shay. Wyatt had met the badass blonde EMT when they were still in middle school, and almost from that first moment, the two of them were thick as thieves, sharing almost everything and coming to regard each other as the siblings they’d never had. Leslie was the first person Wyatt had come out as bisexual to, and he, in turn, was the first person to become aware of Shay’s own sexuality. They’d even gone into the medical field together - although both would always say that their friendship hadn’t influenced their career choices at all, they’d simply been meant to be together in pretty much all aspects but the non-platonic one.
Truly, Leslie Shay is the dearest friend Wyatt could ever have - and when she introduces him to her roommate Kelly Severide, a tough firefighter with the nicest gap-toothed smile Wyatt as ever seen, Wyatt isn’t sure he’s ever been more grateful to her. The only problem? Severide may be attractive as hell, but he’s also closed-off emotionally, infuriatingly reckless, and very likely straight.
Ah, well. Wyatt is more than happy to spend his days saving people’s lives and teasing the hell out of Dr. Halstead rather than uselessly pining over a guy he can never have. Except that now he can’t seem to stop running into the firefighter when he meets up with Shay, and every time it gets harder and harder to shove the attraction to the back of his mind.
He’s pretty sure he’d rather be facing with a whole hospital full of injured people than dealing with this shit. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski, @luucypevensie, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @claryxjackson and @bobfloydsbabe since I know they also have One Chicago OCs.)
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Justice Like Lightning - Onslaught Book 2
We check in on some other teams that start with x that aren’t the X-men! London has a bad time and there’s some drama with brainwashing and evil clones. We talk about being Mystique simps and how much we hate Hank McCoy.
Excalibur #100 
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Published: August 1, 1996
Writing: Warren Ellis
Pencils: Casey Jones, Randy Green, Rob Haynes
Inks: Tom Simmons, Jason Martin, Rick Katchem, Rob Haynes
Lettering: Richard Starkings, ComicCraft
Colors: Ariane Lenshoek, Jim Hosten
Editors: Suzanne Bob, Gaffney Harris
Best Words: 
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Best Panel:
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Best Person: Kurt Wagner
Worst Person: Xavier/Onslaught
Moira for retroactively lying about the Xavier files. 
Wolverine 104: The Answer At Last! The Beginning of ONSLAUGHT!
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Published: August 1, 1996
Writing: Larry Hama
Pencils: Val Semeiks
Inks: Chad Hunt
Letters: Richard Starking
Colors: Joe Rosas
Best Words: 
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Best Panel: 
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Best Person: Elektra
Worst Person: N/A no one was really awful in this issue
Wolverine because the looks like that, jk but it triggers uncanny valley response in me
X-Factor #125: Re-Creating Havok in McCoy’s Image
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Published: August 1, 1996
Writing: Howard Mackie
Pencils: Page 1-23 Jeff Matsuda, Page 24-37 Stefano Raffaele
Inks: Al Milgrom
Color: Page 1-23 Glynis Oliver, 24-37 & Kevin Somers
Letters: Richard Starkings
Editor: Kelly Corvese
Best Words:
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Best Panel: 
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Best Person: Mystique
Worst Person: Evil!McCoy/Dark Beast
X-Factor #126: The Beast Or Not The Beast... That Is The Question
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Published: September 2, 1996
Writing: Howard Mackie
Pencils: Stefano Raffaele
Inks: Al Milgrom
Color: Glynis Oliver
Letters: Richard Starkings
Editor: Kelly Corvese
Best words:
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Best Panel: 
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Best Person: Sabretooth
Worst Person: Random
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laevenderhaze · 2 months
One Chicago
.✰* Clarke Abram .✰* Emiri Brisin .✰* Emmet Pierce .✰*Kendra Forester Severide .✰* Melanie Brendan .✰*Olivia Casey
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.✰* Carson Constantine | Medical Resident / inventor. | Louisiana | 27+ | heterosexual
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When she was younger she had no idea that she would actually be classified as a genius of sorts. High IQ due to photographic memory - she knew that she wanted to make a world of difference in the medical world like her dad. Her father, a well respected general surgeon laid the foundation for the path Carson wished to walk. But it isn't just treating people that she wants to do, she wants to invent new ways to save lives. Just don't watch any medical dramas with her, she'll feel compelled to note everything they're doing wrong. Carson is smart, informative, caring, funny, humourous, punctual, steadfast but she is also stubborn, cocky, stand-offish.
.✰* Clarke Abram | Firefighter of Truck 81. | Originally a New Yorker | 30+ | Bisexual
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Born and raised in New York, the youngest of six kids and the only girl, Clarke has been running with the boys for as long as she can remember. Everyone in the house seems to be in public service so it's no surprise that Clarke would want to do the same much to her father's displeasure. He does not approve of her lifestyle choice ( that and her bisexuality ) so moving to Chicago was not a hard choice to make. Still trying to prove herself to the boys, Clarke doesn't let anyone keep her down. Not unless they buy her dinner first.
.✰* Emiri Brisin | Medical resident, neurology. | Turkish | 27+ | heterosexual
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Medicine was always the dream, and to study it in the United States the bigger dream. So when she was granted that chance she took it without a second thought. It took awhile to get the blessing from her family but they know she can do great things. Medical school was one thing, but being thrown into Gaffney for residency is a whole other world all together. Emiri, who hopes to one day to step into Neurosurgery is going to do everything she can to keep with the big strides of everyone around her. At least her English is getting better. Emiri is patient, sweet, hard working, a great listener, a fast learner, but she is also too quiet, timid, shy
.✰* Emmett Pierce | Continued Patient at Gaffney | English | 26+ | heterosexual
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After suffering a sports accident, it changed Emmett's entire world. He had his future mapped out but things change. More so when you go from walking to rolling. After 18 spinal surgeries as well as some issues with his heart Emmett is no stranger to Gaffney. In fact he knows everyone by their first name, knows their families, knows their favorite coffee or sandwich order. He sees these walls more than he sees home, though he doesn't mind. He's made friends and he's got a brand new outlook on life. Some might feel sorry for Emmet, but he's counting his blessings. After all he's taken up new hobbies. The boy can really paint. Emmett is artsy, funny, loving, a great hype man but he is also cynical, grouchy
.✰* Kendra Forester-Severide | half-sister of kelly severide, bartender. | Chicago native | 30+ | heterosexual
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Kendra Forester-Severide, she wears the name but it's not like the man ever claimed her as one of his own. Her mother let her have it as some kind of connection she never wanted. After all she grew up without him so what was the point? It wasn't until later in life she even learned that this man had other kids and they were in the same damn city. To say she's angry is an understatement. But Kendra, or Kenny as she goes by isn't going to let that mess with her energy. Bartending one of the bars in downtown Chicago,a college drop out when her mother got sick she's just doing what she can to keep the lights on. She never asks her other family for help though Kelly has offered. But she's not sure where she really stands with him yet. Kenny is determined, loving, family-oriented when it comes to her mom, friendly, cautious but she is also untrusting, fickle, flighty, blunt and rude.
.✰* Melanie Brendan | former addict, nurse in training Sister to Tyler. | Chicago Native | 23+ | heterosexual
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The youngest of the Brendan clan, she is the sister of the 'renowned' ( He made me put this here ) Trauma surgeon, Tyler Brendan. A former soccer star a tragic knee injury left her unable to play, which left her unable to go to college on scholarship after a botched knee surgery. Because of this she became addicted to drugs since her doctor at the time would not believe the pain she was in. Self medicating was the only way she could make it stop which in turn ruined her heart. It was with the help of a family friend and wonderful heart surgeon, Doctor Patrick Hadler that Mel has a second chance. While she is in no hurry to get back on the soccer field she has new dreams and ambitions such as becoming a nurse in the hospital that saved her life in more ways than one. Melanie is funny, big-hearted, helpful, strong, compassionate but she is also callous, deceitful ( the drug use ) , opinionated.
.✰* Oliva Casey | Daughter of Matt Casey & Sylvie Brett. | Chicago Native | 20+ | heterosexual
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Olivia was practically raised in Firehouse 51 with not only her parents but her uncles and aunts as they would be affectionately called. Not only that, her uncle Kelly and Aunt Cass had her best friend, Sam and together the two of them have gone through everything together. School, flues, chicken pox, heartbreaks, causing trouble, and whatever they could. Olivia is currently debating on her path in life as fighting fires is not something she aspires to be, but maybe being in medicine, or maybe she'll take a different route entirely and try something different from her parents and their world. There is so much out there for her in this crazy city of Chicago. Though she talks about making waves and maybe moving west someday she knows that her heart resides right here with family. Olivia is headstrong, resilient, gentle, loving, funny, diligent but she is also naive , childish
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dublinsradar · 6 months
Ultimate New Year's Eve Dublin Guide 2023!
New Year's Eve in Dublin is always like no other! People getting together with their loved ones, drinking pints, singing pop and cultural songs, and finally ringing in the year to end the night off.
Say goodbye to 2023 the correct way and take a look at these music events that Dublin are hosting this year that are going to be unforgettable!
Dublin’s New Year’s Festival is a mixture of free and ticketed events and not only offers a New Year's Eve event but also events on the 29th and 30th of December and January 1st 2024!
29th December 2023:
NYF are kicking it off at the National Museum of Ireland at Collins Barracks. Headlining is The Divine Comedy with The High Kings as the special guests. The other two stages will be hosted by All Tvvins, Lucy McWilliams, Big Sleep, Aonair, and DJ's Ed Smith, Sally Cinnamon and Kelly-Anne Byrne. Gig is set to start at 6pm and end at 11pm. Tickets are €39.90. Start the New Year’s celebrations off with this party, you won’t want to miss out!
30th December 2023:
NYF are back at Collins Barrack for the performances from Chasing Abbey, Ryan Mack and Jen Payne, with DJ sets from Emma Power, Shelly Gray and Dec Pierce's Block Rockin' Beats will be keeping the energy up throughout the evening. Tickets are €29.90. 
31st December 2023:
NYF are offering two events on New Year's Eve, one for the early sleepers and one for the night owls!
If you have kids or just want to be home before the bells go off, then this is the event for you. Dublin Castle are hosting Midnight Moment - Matinee at 4pm until 7pm with music from Moncrieff, Lea Hart and Lucy Gaffney before a visual and musical display that will lead the crowd into the countdown to 'midnight'. Sounds like a magical evening that will be ideal for everyone and have you home just in time for bed! Ticket prices start at €7.90
Now for the party goers! The amazing Picture This will be playing from 8pm along with Lea Hart and Moncrieff who will be hanging around for the afternoon. There will be a stunning light up pyrotechnics show to send us all into 2024. This one is not to be missed. Tickets are €49.50. 
January 1st 2024:
We all love a free event don't we? Well if you do, Dublin Castle have Jerry Fish, the Dublin Gospel Choir, Code of Behaviour and the New Brass Kings taking to the stage between 1 and 5pm on New Year's Day! No tickets required, you can just show up. Cure yourself with this event after a long weekend of activities, we know we will!
Plenty of events happening in Dublin to keep you busy. Make sure to get in contact with Radar to sort out your Travel, accommodation and friends that are also going to these events. Get the best deals and have a hassle free weekend as we are always just a message away!
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
Rob I. Miller — Companion Piece (Vacant Stare)
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Companion Piece by Rob I. Miller
In my review in February of Blues Lawyer’s All in Good Time, I spotted Rob Miller as the power pop element in that sometimes brashly punk, sometimes C86 wistful Bay Area foursome. Now Miller’s first solo album confirms the diagnosis. Eleven scruffy, wistful gems with clever wordplay and chiming guitars prove Miller’s skill at the articulate, tuneful bummer.
The touchstones, clearly, are Teenage Fanclub and Big Star, though executed on a smaller scale; Sebadoh in deft melody and offhand execution (“Clean,” especially, sounds like a Gaffney song); and occasionally, when Miller turns things up, the rough romanticism of Paul Westerberg (as on “In Circles” and “Hide”). These tunes bend jangle-y guitars into rainbow arcs, and if there’s a lot of fuzz and clatter, it doesn’t hide the shimmer, just diffuses it.
“Wedge,” for instance, flares up in a gloriously serrated TFC-esque guitar tone, socked in with ricocheting, kit-battering drums (producer Andrew Oswald played drums, the sole other player besides Miller). That ragged roar continues throughout the piece, though tamped down to admit Miller’s gentle vocals; he doesn’t insist you pay attention to the singing, but you do.  
Miller has a penchant for wordplay, inserting contradictions and oppositions into his breezy lyrics. The shambling chorus for “Wrong for Us,” is one example, with its sidelong assertion that, “I think you are right/this is wrong for us.” “In Circles” observes that Miller is “Falling out of love/with the part of me that loves.” They’re not flowery, these lyrics, but they pull you up short, subverting expectations and deflating cliché.
You might want to compare Miller to Tony Molina, another songwriter who distills hooks and lines into lo-fi gems, but Miller is more expansive. He’s got the time that Molina never had for a medium-sized guitar solo or an extra verse; none of these songs clock in much under the power pop ideal of two minutes 30 seconds. Moreover, Miller’s songs seem less intricately crafted and more lived in, smart and capable but left a little raw. The title suggests that this album echoes and reflects and relates to Miller’s work with Blues Lawyer, but it’s good enough to stand on its own.
Jennifer Kelly
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serenasoutherlyns · 1 year
like the warmth of the sun
Kelly pulls Tracey away from an edge. Tracey follows her lead.
Law & Order: Trial by Jury. Tracey/Kelly, Guest appearance Jack McCoy.
@imaginaryoperagloves @whiteberryx @voltives @sit-drink-smile @lesbiancabot @lavenderr-mothh, I'm sure there are other people to tag but I could only think of y'all
please read this i haven't posted in so long
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fyeahamycarlson · 8 months
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One actress. Four fantastic roles.
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 2 years
We're Halsteads
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MUrudCg
by megsmulti
“And our second addition is the newest member of Squad 3.” Kelly smirked. “Maddie Halstead.”
Everyone besides the two officers looked shocked. Did they just hear that right? Halstead? They were all too familiar with that last name.
“Wait. Halstead? As in-,” Otis questioned. He was amazed that he could form a coherent thought at this moment in time. Nobody else could.
“Yes, as in the stubborn ass detective and impulsive as hell doctor who are also my older brothers,” Maddie retorted back. ***************** Join Maddie Halstead as she acclimates to a new life at Firehouse 51.
Words: 3225, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Chicago Fire, Chicago PD (TV), Chicago Med
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Maddie Halstead, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Kelly Severide, Stella Kidd, Matthew Casey, Hailey Upton, Christopher Herrmann, Natalie Manning, Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Sylvie Brett, Emily Foster, Brian "Otis" Zvonecek, Joe Cruz (Chicago Fire), Wallace Boden
Relationships: Jay Halstead & Original Female Character(s), Will Halstead & Original Female Character(s), Jay Halstead & Will Halstead & Original Female Character(s), Firehouse 51 Crew Members (Chicago Fire) & Original Character(s), Intelligence Unit & Original Character, Gaffney Chicago Medical Center & Original Character
Additional Tags: Halstead Sister, first responder trio, season 7 to now AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MUrudCg
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remixinc · 2 years
Skaters Vote from Colin Read on Vimeo.
A charity PSA for SKATERS VOTE, part of a big push to energize the skate community to vote in the 2020 election, and explain that voting is an easy way to stay activated and to make your voices heard.
Made by skaters, for skaters. Visit skatersvote.com/ for more info.
STARRING: Tony Hawk Leo Heinert Connor Kammerer Jessyka Bailey Colin Read Jae Cooper Mark Gonzales Jesse James Clement Oladipo Grady Smith Nick “Buggy” Ferro Angel Delgado Matias Candia Mark Suciu Dylan Gaffney Taji Ameen Aaron Wiggs Adam Zhu Jenny Irving David Giuseppone Leo Gutman Huy Nguyen Brad Williams
VOICES: Tony Hawk Jae Cooper Mark Gonzales Theotis Beasley Alexis Sablone Matias Candia Brad Williams Lee Smith Aaron Wiggs Taji Ameen Leo Gutman Guy Mariano Samarria Brevard Leo Heinert
Director & EP: Colin Read
Project Lead, Skaters Vote: Anthony Pappalardo
Producer: Leon Derriey
Segment Producer: Cameron Cuchulainn
SEA COW: Creative Directors: Jacob Ireland & Colin Read
DP: Eric Schleicher
2nd Unit DP: Andrew Price
1st ACs: Dylan Gaffney Alex Huang Tom Van Scoyoc
2nd AC: Cody Kussoy
Swing: Harry Kroessler
LA Unit DP: Cameron Sanchez
Music Producer: Kat Hom
Score & Sound Design: Bennett Eiferman
Editor: Colin Read
Post Facility: Company3
Color Producer: Anna Kelman
Colorist: Joseph Bicknell
Production Design: Alex Fogt
Photographer: Cole Giordano
Additional Camera: Sam McCormick
Cameras provided by:  Eric Schleicher Cooper Winterson Christian Banda Colin Read
Created with support from: HUF KCDC
Special thanks to: Company3 Derrick Dykas Jim Thiebaud Tia Gonzales Ben Kelly Amy Gunther Ellington Jacob Rosenberg SCG
shots.net/news/view/colin-read-directs-new-film-encouraging-skaters-to-vote lbbonline.com/news/legendary-pro-tony-hawk-energises-skate-community-to-vote-in-refreshing-psa/
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voltives · 3 years
do i need to start paying people to watch trial by jury? because i will genuinely do so— it has a very very beautiful ms bebe neuwirth in 2005 and an uncanonical, lawyer lesbian couple of which i am head over heels for.
you also have this shot which is, imo, great. the way tracey turns is literally hilarious.
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