#Kogarasumaru x Reader
syneilesis · 1 year
Unfinished Synfic #3
Touken Ranbu | Mikazuki Munechika x Saniwa!Reader, canon AU
Notes: Jiji my love, the raison I got into tourabu. I've always wanted to write for him. Basically this is what if the past isn't what is truly recorded in historical texts? I want to finish this, so my Kashuu fic has a companion lol
A botched mission forces them to retreat and return to the present time.
All of them injured, clutching their torso and limbs to prevent further bleeding, they watch as the last light fades into the familiar halls of the citadel, a biting blue under the cold midnight.
It’s the first time they’ve failed a mission. First time, and under Mikazuki’s command. It’s a double blow for him, who has campaigned far too many times in the past years and not once has his unit, led by him, returned defeated. The blood that’s dripping down his arm makes the painful humiliation too overwhelming for him.
It doesn’t help that once they’ve returned, you come running towards them, brows etched as though you’ve had your world upended, abruptly woken in the middle of the night, rushing to the hall in disarray that you’ve forgot to change into more decent clothing. The robe that you must’ve haphazardly shrugged on billows behind you, unable to cover your loose shirt and shorts. Your legs gleam under the moonlight.
“Everyone,” you cry, face crumpled, Hasebe on your tail.
“What happened?” Hasebe asks, looking at them one by one, assessing the damages.
“It’s chaos,” Shokudaikiri answers. He shifts to accommodate Ichigo better on his shoulders. “We didn’t realize that things were already too different until it was too late.”
And that is what grates Mikazuki the most: he wasn’t able to see. A leader knows the situation before charging in. Failing that, rely on your experience. And Mikazuki, if nothing else, takes pride in his long and rich experience. But the disparate details between what they know as history and the reality they dove into had been too much that it sideswept them, rendering them immobile. This isn’t like the previous gaffes that could be solved by brilliant improvisation. This is an anomaly, a glaring black streak against a series of neutral lines. Even worse: Mikazuki hates how the conclusion that might reveal itself before you would send you further down to despair.
“I have asked Kogarasumaru to take over your mission. We’ll talk about this tomorrow,” you say, but quickly catch yourself: “Later today, I mean. But first, I need you all to recover. Hasebe, please assist them.”
“Of course, Master.”
You cast them a look full of concern before nodding, and then turn to leave. The flash of something dark on your eyes compels Mikazuki to give voice to – regardless of the audience – the thoughts flooding his mind:
“And I need you to stop beating yourself over us. You have to rest before we talk.”
You halt on your tracks, and the halls seem to stop breathing. Despite their injuries the rest of the unit – Shokudaikiri, Ichigo, Shishiou, and Hotarumaru – and even Hasebe await with bated breaths over your reaction. Mikazuki watches your still form, frozen like a framed portrait.
You don’t turn back, but your head tilts, your moonlit profile cut across the grey blur of the background.
“Your health is a much more pressing matter than mine. Please get well soon.”
And the issue is dismissed like the wave of a hand.
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
Im glad to see that request is opened again! Can I request some headcanons for Mikazuki, Ichigo and Kogarasumaru being parental figures to saniwa (snw is not a child)? Please make it separately. Thank you and have a nice day!
Mikazuki Munechika, Ichigo Hitofuri, and Kogarasumaru Being Parental Figure to Saniwa (GN!Reader)
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♡ Mikazuki is an amazing person to have as a parental figure. He is kind and laid back. He would never judge you on whatever you have questions about and listen to them wholeheartedly.
♡ However he does have a problem at picking the right moments to tell one of his jokes. Sometimes, when he sees you upset, he will try to make a lighthearted joke to make you smile... Sometimes it may come off like he may not care but he does!
♡ He is also someone who wouldn't give you the answer you are looking for right away.
♡ He will beat around the bush and hint at things but he wants you to come to the answer yourself. Sometimes even letting you make mistakes for you to learn. He knows learning is hard but he wants you to be able to accept any mistakes you may come upon and be able to keep moving onto the future.
♡ If you need moral support, he is there with his favorite tea and some snacks.
♡ Mikazuki can be pretty scary at times since he can read people like the book. He will explain exactly what you did wrong but what though process made you come to that conclusion.
♡ All the while never demeaning you. He is very old and made plenty of mistakes himself. It would be hypocritical of him if he chastised you over making a mistake.
♡ Being human means making mistakes and learning from them to become a better you every day.
♡ He knows it's a hard pill to swallow and it hurts even more when that mistake involves others getting hurt along the way.
♡ But he is there with his hot tea, ready to wipe any tears you may shed along the way with his gentle smile.
♡ Even if there are days where you think you are not growing and becoming a better person, he is there to remind you how proud he is of you for continuing and not giving up.
♡ After all, change is never a straight line. It's a line with many bumps along the way and sometimes you may even fall backwards at times.
♡ He is there through it all, ready to catch you when you fall back and feel like you can't get up again.
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♡ Ichigo is much kinder than Mikazuki in regards of telling you advice. Mikazuki wouldn't offer an opinion, instead letting you make your own. Ichigo will give his intake!
♡ If Ichigo thinks your plan may not be the best and you should fall back and change it up, he is the first one to say it.
♡ It's all out of care. It's not because he doesn't trust your instincts on your choices but rather wants you to see other sides of the situation as well to make sure your choices are thought out thoroughly.
♡ You may even grow a little irritated with him if it happens often because you may doubt his trust in your abilities.
♡ If you go through with your first plan and it does come out as a failure, you may see Ichigo a little heated under the collar for not listening but that quickly will change if he sees you just as beat up over it.
♡ He would gently pat your head and give a princely smile he is always known for, telling you it's okay and that it isn't the end of the world. You can try again.
♡ Ichigo will understand that he needs to hear you out more and will change that in the future, asking questions and making sure he understands all sides to your point before telling you to take it back to the drawing board.
♡ As an older brother to many siblings, he is very protective. Sometimes a little too much so and it will feel suffocating.
♡ He will work on that and let you make your own choices as well without his word. Especially if it's something he may not have too much knowledge about. He trusts you but sometimes he wants to be safe than sorry.
♡ Ichigo gives the best hugs. If you are ever upset about something that happened or a mistake you made, he will wrap you in his arms and give soothing circles on your back as he hushes your cries.
♡ You may even find yourself falling asleep in his arms from how calming it is.
♡ He wouldn't dare wake you and instead be perfectly still until you come to. Putting a finger to his lips if anyone comes in to not wake you.
♡ Ichigo is the best at emotional support and advice out of everything and will play as therapist at times where he will make you lay down and he would sit next to you as he asks you questions.
♡ If he thinks you did really well that day, he gives you a candy! The big brother spirit never goes away with him...
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♡ Kogarasumaru is a mix between the both of them. He is very kind and will give advice but also won't spell it out for you.
♡ You will find he actually has a catchphrase whenever you go to him for advice; "What may this father help you with?"
♡ He is the father of all the swords but in turn, will also take the position as your father at times. Being caring and trying to give the best advice he can to the young one under his wing.
♡ Kogarasumaru has a soft heart and can't handle seeing others cry.
♡ If you cry in front of him, he is handing you a handkerchief and sliding right next to you to rub your arm.. all the while saying "Oh dear.."
♡ Kogarasumaru has been around a long time so he is able to read others just as well as Mikazuki and have a fair share of battlefield knowledge at his disposal.
♡ Unlike Mikazuki, who would let you figure it out on your own, he would offer comments on how other people may be feeling due to certain actions to help you determine your reaction to situations.
♡ He understands that people can be hard to understand, especially in the heat of the moment. So he is there to be the neutral force to help calm the storm within your head all with his elegant smile.
♡ He never undermines you for things you may not be aware of. The learning journey starts somewhere for everyone, no matter how young or old they are. You showing interest in wanting to learn is enough for him to give his wisdom.
♡ Kogarasumaru will seem a little foolish at times where he will show his array of information about battle tactics and the compassion he has for the human emotions... But not understand how to get a fruit out of a tree.
♡ As long as you show as much respect for him, he will always hold you highly in his heart. He is willing to learn just as much as you are.
♡ You are a child he wishes to protect the most from hurt... But knows that he can't protect you from everything.
♡ He will always be there when you need him. His soothing advice and tissues for you whenever you find yourself needing them.
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toukenramblings · 3 years
Based off of these headcanons I’ve done, a sweet anon has asked for a platonic scenario with Koga-papa~! So here I amss. Thank you so much for being so patience!
Warnings: Angst? Hurt/comfort? KOga-papa being Koga-papa. I just like the idea of Koga calling the master ‘little one’
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“Dear little one,”
The master’s body shakes at jumps at the term, eyes pouring into crow’s own. “Yes?”
“Whatever is the matter?” dainty and slender talons place the stack of papers back down on to the wooden desk, painted lips curled downwards as a drooping flower would; the father’s pain palpable whenever a child is suffering. They sit at the window of their office, the scent of spring within their nostrils – of dew and flora, of sadness and loneliness despite the gaggle of boys outside, screaming and playing and laughing.
Everything the opposite of what was within.
“It’s nothing.” The master closes the window, latching it shut with a firm click, finite and striking, echoing. “Please don’t worry about me, Kogarasumaru.”
The crow does not speak for a moment, the frown only deepening, clipped wings instead of a wilting flower. “Come.” He speaks, suddenly sitting at the couch within the room, patting at the cushions; then came a pause, talons grazing against his own lap. “Lay your head on my lap, dear little one.”
They flush and stutter, “B-But-“ “You do this all of the time for others, no? Why not let this father pamper you for a moment? It is only right.” Ruby lips speak nothing but the truth, and slowly do they follow his words.
First they sit next to him.
Second they lay their head on his lap.
Third…they still.
Wrinkles appear on their skin, from ages and ages ago, mirroring the crow’s earlier crown. But time had not been kind to either of them – both forever beings in a sense, both born of strife. If the father could take away all of the pains of his children, he would. His talons rake across the scalp of the sage, careful to not dig into skin and cause crimson to flow. The crow only hums softly, a song crafted on a bird’s wing from somewhere in sometime. He did not know.
The thrums of a hummingbird’s wing, the chirp of a nightingale, the serenade of the canary; wrapped into the raven’s beak and imparted on to the one that gave them life.
Wetness strikes the cheeks of the sage, soon staining the onyx fabric. The father does not cease, he only exists.
They all exist, but none have existed as long as he – or in a mortal form as long as their master. They all have experienced loss, but the master experienced it with a human’s heart firsthand.
They are alone.
Their dear master is alone.
Kogarasumaru did not want that to ever happen again.
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foolish-spectre · 2 years
Touken Ranbu:
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- Little Bird (Sanchoumou x Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Romantic) 
- You’ve Made a Mess Out of Me (Kasen Kanesada x Reader, Romantic, Smut)
- I’m Here, My Child (Kogarasumaru & Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Platonic/Familial)  - Valentines Day Special: Making Chocolates for You HCs (Kasen, Izuminokami, Mutsunokami, Romantic, Fluff) 
- Feathers of a Pheasant (Sanchoumou x Reader (Romantic, fluff-ish), also some Nikkari Aoe x Ishikirimaru) 
- My Own Private Gallery (Kasen Kanesada x Reader, Romantic, smut)
- Driving Headcanons with the Touken Danshi (Can be interpreted as romantic or just platonic, Headcanons, fluff, comedic) 
- Love/Regular Letter Requests!
Obey Me! Shall We Date?  
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Obey Me! Shall We Date?  - Beg for It (Lucifer x Reader, Smut, Slight romantic?, mostly sexual thou) 
The Sandman (2022) 
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- Always the Bridesmaid but Never the Bride Series (Dream of the Endless x Reader, romantic, angst)
The Batman  
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- Our Scars (Transmasc! Battinson x GN! Reader, angst, hurt/comfort, romantic)
Baldur's Gate 3
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- Preparing for a New Life (A HomeGoods Adventure) (Astarion Ancunin x Gender Neutral!Reader/Tav, Modern!AU)
- The Price of Freedom (Astarion Ancunin x Gender Neutral!Reader/Tav, Character Study, Astarion POV, Heavy Angst)
Shortcut to all writing (although it might not work keep in mind, Tumblr is weird):  - #my writing  - #my ramblings
- Also assume that these readers will either be gender neutral and go by they/them unless specified! Also because I’m non-binary and I can do what I want! More coming soon! 
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sword-brainrot · 2 years
hello! may i please request hcs of any touken danshi of your choice x a very energetic aruji who cooks some of the strangest meals for the danshi when they all eat together (they're very experimental and random person) and this specific danshi's desperate attempts to help them cook better meals.
Very Energetic Saniwa (GN!Reader) w/ Namazuo Toushirou And Kogarasumaru
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♡ Namazuo genuinely loves how energetic you are. He is someone who has a lot of energy as well so your personality matched his so well, he was sky high.
♡ One night when he was using the bathroom very late into the night where the sun was just about to come around once more, he saw that door to the kitchen was agape and the lights were on.
♡ Inside... it looked like a mad scientist broke into their citadel and was now making wildest creations they could muster up.
♡ Thank the gods that you turned around when you did because he was sure someone broke in.
♡ Ever since then, he would look at you from afar when you were cooking trying anything that you had gathered from the field or the store in your food. And... then you would ask the swords to try your food.
♡ Most of them made excuses, especially ones that were really about the art of cooking and was a little particular in the way their food is suppose to look/taste.
♡ When he heard you were offering your cooking, he was first in line. It... Was a strange taste in his mouth. Neither good or bad... Just.... Very Different.
♡ Ever since then, he decided to join you in the kitchen and help. He loves your creative side of just trying everything and seeing what sticks... And he follows your line of thinking.
♡ Two chaotic people in the kitchen at absurd hours making the strangest foods that can be imagined.
♡ And sometimes what happens in the kitchen during those hours stay between in the kitchen during those hours... No one needs to know how many times the fire extinguisher was used and for why-
♡ It probably started by Namazuo wondering how to use it in case it was needed... and then... maybe the kitchen was a mess and Kasen was about to wake up for his morning tea so it was a mad dash-
♡ Kasen would sometimes watch in horror and try to intervene to stop the madness... But the two of you were unstoppable.
♡ It didn't happen often but the two of you actually did make some strange combinations of foods and... actually it came out great! It took a while to convince the other swords to actually give it a try but even Kasen had to admit defeat that it was tasty.
♡ YOU WON ONCE SO NOW YOU BOTH ARE TRULY UNSTOPPABLE. Now the team knows you can make the weirdest things taste good with the right amount of sugar...
♡ Namazuo would never limit your creative genius. Perhaps he could help you more to hold back a little bit where is the fun of that? He likes the early mornings of laughter as the two attempt at the wildest dishes. Even if it ends in failure (or smoke), it some of his best memories in the citadel.
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♡ Kogarasumaru is someone who is somewhat picky with the foods he eats and doesn't eat too much in general.
♡ So the day you brought out a dish in front of him, Maeda, and Yamabushi with a big smile on your face.. He felt his heart ache slightly. He didn't even know what he was looking on the plate... or the odd smell that linger into the air.
♡ Yambushi was very encouraging and actually ate the dish as if it was edible.
♡ However... Maeda and Kogarasumaru took one bite and their faces paled at the realization that there was no possible way they could swallow the piece.
♡ Kogarasumaru especially felt bad because he never wants to limit your creative genius and loved how passionate you are at your craft.
♡ So he offered to help!
♡ He doesn't know how to cook. A fact he realized far too late when he entered the kitchen and began to make tea out of panic to calm his nerves since he wouldn't know where to begin.
♡ "Allow Father to help you, young one" he said the day before and now he poured the tea with sweat beads sliding down his head.
♡ Kogarasumaru is no fibber and came forth with the truth right after he took a single sip of his tea. He is a man of his word, he was going to help even if he was more ignorant on the topic compared to other swords.
♡ He would stop you from going overboard with constantly adding ingredients to the dish, especially since he knows that the two foods were completely different in taste.
♡ But he didn't want to take away all your creative energy since he does love that about you so he would ask Shokudaikiri for cooking books to help him understand the craft.
♡ Goodness it was much more complicated than that he originally thought.
♡ He began to admire you way more for how dedicated you were to this hobby and how passionate you were to make something new and tasty.
♡ Kogarasumaru would carry in cooking books to the kitchen to discuss with you on what to start on and what the two of you could add in to make the dishes more fun and creative.
♡ They weren't all winners but it was something fun for the two of you to try out every so often!
♡ Anytime you would become depressed over a dish not working out, he was there to give you encouraging words and some tea. He never wish for you to stop you adventure in this craft and would do everything in his power to lift you onto your feet again so you start again.
♡ When you came up with the ideas and came to Kogarasumaru with such a bright smile. He would welcome wholeheartedly and follow you to the kitchen to help however he could.
♡ No matter how picky Kogarasumaru is, he always tried your dishes. Even when he thought he wasn't going to like it from the look or smell.
♡ Kogarasumaru even got others to try in case it was just his taste buds that did not agree with the dish.
♡ When the dishes came out to your liking and tasted amazing, he would give a proud smile as you leaped around the air and ran to everyone to make them have some of your new creation.
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foolish-spectre · 2 years
Feathers of a Pheasant
Pairing: Sanchoumou x Saniwa (Reader, they/them), Midare & Saniwa (platonic/familial), Nikkari Aoe x Ishikirimaru (romantic, i love this pairing a lot ok shush) 
Content Warnings: blood, violence, death of a minor character, transformation, alcohol because Nihongou (also mentions of drunkeness), a lil bit of insecurity but this is supposed to be something fun I wrote during my winter break then forgot about, curses
Word Count:  3734ish words 
Characters: Sanchoumou, Saniwa, Kogarasumaru, Nihongou, Midare Toushirou, Norimune Ichimonji, Kikkou Sadamune, Yagen Toushirou, Nikkari Aoe, Ishikirimaru, Nikkou Ichimonji, Nansen Ichimonji, Kasen (mention, ya’ll know the drill)
A/N: I wrote this during my winter break and was inspired by a fic where it has a similar premise but I won’t spoil it ehe, also I wanted an excuse to write more of Sanchoumou, also Midare goes by any pronouns in this and is non-binary, but i think I refer to them by she/they/he, also I like Midare a lot because they my child, also this team is based off one of the units I actually have in my game with: Sanchoumou (Captain), Kogarasumaru, Nihongou, Midare Toushirou, Norimune Ichimonji, Kikkou Sadamune, it’s called Family + Kikkou btw lol. Sanchoumou (dad), Kogarasumaru (grandpa), Nihongou (drunk uncle), Midare (the child obviously), Norimune Ichimonji (grandpa on dad’s side), Kikkou (pet- /THIS IS A JOKE) but yeah I have a lot other fics to post but im very lazy and procrastinating on writing my final paper, so imma post some fics soon I need to get off my ass.....
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As the proud head of the Ichimonji clan cut down the last foe, Sanchoumou sheathed his blade and let out a sigh of relief. The mission seemed to draw to a close, with minimal injuries and the unit ready to relax, Sanchoumou was about to call the team back home to the citadel. But just as everyone was about to teleport back, Midare noticed a barely alive HRA soldier creep up behind Sanchoumou, “Captain look out!” 
But it was too late, on the foe’s final breath, they lunged towards Sanchoumou and grabbed him. In a flash of sickly, green light, the two disappeared and Midare and the rest of the unit desperately searched for their captain. Fearing for the worst, Nihongou uncorked his sake bottle and poured some onto the ground to commemorate their lost captain. Meanwhile Norimune didn’t think for a second that Sanchoumou was dead; his heir wouldn’t go down so easily. The retired head scoured the now empty battlefield for any traces of his successor, his eyes landing on a pile of Sanchoumou’s clothes with a lump moving around underneath. 
“Over here!” Norimune exclaimed and the unit circled the pile of clothes. Did Sanchoumou disappear and was kidnapped by the History Retrograde Army? Or was his body disintegrated by the touch of the fallen soldier? Or- before any of them could ask any questions, Kikkou poked the moving mass to be met with a squawk. Shrugging off the clothes, a white pheasant emerged with just as a confused look as everyone else. A moment of silence passed and the only one who pieced together what had happened was Kogarasumaru who picked up the confused pheasant and started petting him to calm him down. 
“It seems that our captain here has grown a few more feathers,” Kogarasumaru smiled while cradling the now transformed Sanchoumou like a baby. The bespectacled pheasant couldn’t help but calm its startled feathers to Kogarasumaru’s gentle sways. When Nihongou connected the dots, he tried to stifle his laughter but burst out with tears in his eyes. While the Great Spear of Japan was laughing his guts out, Midare, being the 2nd tantou ever summoned to the citadel, was already rolling her eyes into the back of her head on ways to explain this to you. 
Norimune breathed a sigh of relief that his successor wasn’t dead but was already thinking of ways to fix this. They couldn’t go to Yagen unless they wanted him to dissect and study poor Sanchoumou, maybe he could ask the young kitten of the Ichimonji clan? No… sure Nansen was cursed but he sure didn’t know how to reverse it. That meant that the only two people that could have any hope of curing Sanchoumou of this curse were those two. Making up his mind, Norimune whispered his plans to Midare and they turned to everyone else, “Alright everyone! I’ll transport us home due to our captain being… incapacitated at the moment, so make sure to grab everything of Sanchoumou’s!” 
Kikkou without any second thoughts grabbed Sanchoumou’s clothes but clarified to everyone, “I’m not gonna do anything to them, besides I prefer my own!” Everyone else besides Nihoungou who was hollering at the whole situation gave a side eye to the pink haired uchitanaga. Without any second glances, Midare transported the unit with their now feathery captain back to the citadel. 
Once home, Norimune ponders, “Should we tell the Saniwa about this predicament because maybe they could help reverse-“ 
A loud squawk from Sanchoumou interrupted him, he vehemently shook his head at the idea. 
“Eh… Sanchoumou, Saniwa is a powerful magician, they can surely reverse this curse no problem.” 
Sanchoumou continued to shake his head violently  and began to flap his wings in protest. 
Norimune sighed, “Alright, alright, I’ll keep your secret.” 
Midare immediately whispered to the unit, “Alright, no one is going to tell anyone else about this. This stays under wraps until we know how the curse works and if it can be reversed. If anyone asks, Sanchoumou went to perform an errand and won’t be back for some time.” 
Kikkou tilted his head, “But wouldn’t that raise questions?” 
Norimune answered his question, “Not if I say it was true, even though I’m a retired old man now I still have some influence.” 
Kogarasumaru calmed down the flustered pheasant, “You hear that, your secret is safe with us.” 
Sanchoumou’s feathers relaxed once more and they all decided to cover Sanchoumou with a cloak and sneakily ran over to the only two people that could possibly solve this in secret. 
“Oya? What brings you five here today?” Nikkari cheekily asked while in Ishikirimaru’s lap. 
Ishikirimaru calmly asked while caressing Nikkari’s hair, “Yes, how may  we help all of you?” 
No one was willing to step up and say the ridiculous predicament their captain has gotten himself into. Midare sighed and unveiled the new Sanchoumou, “Our captain was cursed and we need your help!” 
Nikkari lifted his head from his paramour’s lap and deepened his mischievous smile, “Now this is quite the problem~” 
Ishikirimaru immediately scanned the slightly rattled pheasant, “A potent curse indeed. Hand me Sanchoumou if that’s alright.” 
Kogarasumaru made sure Sanchoumou was ok before handing him to the ootachi, “It’ll be alright.” 
Sanchoumou steadied his breathing and let himself be examined by the two lovers. Ishikirimaru hummed, “Hmmm… a curse such as this normally wouldn’t take too long to solve but considering that it was made by someone on the brink of death… it’ll be a little more difficult than usual to break.” 
“Although ghost slaying is my forte, I do know my way around malevolent forces, but you need to trust me on this,” Nikkari warned with his signature smile. 
Sanchoumou nodded, determined to get out of this form as quickly as possible. 
The wakizashi looked to his beloved for his partnership, Ishikirimaru gave a look to him that said ‘Of course I will.’ The two placed the confused Sanchoumou down on the floor and grabbed both of their blades to the shock of the rest of the unit. They whispered to each other for a brief moment. 
Ishikirimaru and Nikkari’s eyes gave off a chilling glint and quickly unsheathed their blades. Before any of the others could scream or shout, the two slashed the blades at Sanchoumou and a bright light covered the room. Ishikirimaru and Nikkari were the only ones to notice a fading dark mist disappear into the void. A quick moment passed and Sanchoumou’s teammates opened their eyes to a still alive pheasant. Hell even the Ichimonji head looked at himself in confusion, but Nikkari could only chuckle. Ishikirimaru sighed and gave Nikkari a knowing glance, “My apologies but we didn’t want to alert the curse on what we were trying to do. Because it was far more intelligent than we thought.” 
Midare grew concerned, “How so?” 
Nikkari answered with a dark look in his eyes but a constant smile, “The curse is permanent without any intervention and would persist long after the accursed person’s death. It would then mutate and transform the poor bird into something more menacing and more akin to an oni with feathers. The afflicted one soon no longer recognizes any of its loved ones and only focuses on getting its revenge and satisfying its bloodlust.” 
Ishikirimaru shook his head in mock dismay, “Well in an extreme case, yes, but essentially the curse would possess the afflicted and transform them into something that represents its soul. Once transformed, it worms into the victim’s mind to make them accomplish the curse-user’s goals regardless of whether the victim is alive or not.” 
The only calm ones of Sanchoumou’s unit were the two old men, Norimune teasing his successor, “Good thing, we got rid of your curse hahaha! But I can’t imagine this small thing beating me quite yet!” 
Sanchoumou ruffled his feathers in both shock and embarrassment. 
Kogarasumaru’s calm demeanor remained, “But why is this small one still a pheasant?” 
The sacred ootachi answered, “Well, curses that involve transformation normally only last a few days to weeks typically. Only serious transformation curses require a clause to break the curse or are as serious as the one mentioned. I was worried that fully resolving the curse would activate something even worse so Nikkari and I decided to make the curse a much milder version. So the curse will last a week at least but will most definitely resolve itself by the next full moon.” 
Midare was going to have an aneurysm, how was he going to cover for her captain for 2 weeks?! Kogarasumaru saw the tanto’s distress and rubbed their back, “It’s alright, we’ll figure something out. You’re not alone in this, besides I think Sanchoumou already has an idea.” 
Sanchoumou was already carrying a brush and some paper in his beak and laid it down. He tried to write with the brush but it was illegible so he dipped his claws into the ink to write out a message. It read, ‘I’ll distract Saniwa in this form and I need someone to disguise as me to avoid suspicion.’ Everyone’s eyes went to Norimune, the old man chuckled, “It seems that I must be the head of the clan once more.” 
After agreeing with Nikkari and Ishikirimaru to have a checkup every night in regards to Sanchoumou’s curse, the team thanked the couple and went to report to Saniwa. Luckily for them, Yagen and you were walking down the hallway they just entered. You warmly greeted the team, “I was wondering where all of you have been? Did something happen, never mind that I’m just glad all of you are safe. But where’s Sanchoumou?” 
Yagen also piped up, “Yeah, where were all of you? All of you need to have a check up so we can be sure there’s no injuries on any of you.” 
Nihoungou surprisingly answered, “Sorry, sorry! I wanted to celebrate with my great team of mine and we got carried away, hahahaha! We got so drunk that Sanchoumou passed out!” 
Everyone followed Nihoungou’s lead and proceeded to act like they were drunk except for the aforementioned Sanchoumou and Midare. She just wanted to go back to her room and get her beauty sleep, what the hell. Sanchoumou meanwhile was wondering what Nihongou was thinking. 
Yagen’s pinched his nose, “Well I certainly believe you Nihongou but just make sure that everyone gets checked for injuries alright?” 
You meanwhile were concerned for the “missing” tachi, “Should I go look after Sanchoumou then, I can bring some-“ 
Kikkou interjected with a faux slurring of his words, “Oooooh Saniwa won’t you look after me instead?~ I’ve let myself go and don’t you think that requires punishment~” 
Nihongou swore he saw your eye twitch before you calmly replied, “Ok just take care of Sanchoumou and let me know if he needs anything. Midare, thanks for being such a champ, as a reward I’ll buy you that new kimono you've been talking about.” 
Maybe this was worth it after all, Midare with her signature, cheerful smile, “Of course Saniwa! Midare’s got you covered, and can you buy me that new hair pin as well <3?” 
“Yes of course Midare, you’re doing such a great job.” 
“Fufufu! Now that’s what I like to hear!” 
Kikkou interjected, “What about me?!” 
“Get some rest you drunkard,” you rolled your eyes and just as you were about to excuse them, “Hey… why do y’all have a pheasant?” 
Well fuck. 
Norimune, while trying to be as coherent and pretend drunk as possible, “Welllll…. it seems that my successor caught a bird while drunk uhahaha! So we’ve been taking care of this thing while our captain was drunk!” 
Sanchoumou’s little bird eye twitched. 
You were skeptical but you looked at the pheasant in question and found your heart growing warmer at the sight of him, “Well make sure to set the poor thing free later but he is a cutie.” 
If birds could blush then Sanchoumou would be a tomato. 
Kogarasumaru smiled, “Well it seems that this small bird has gotten attached to us and won’t seem to leave.” 
You shook your head in disbelief, “Alright, alright, all of you get some rest, I’ll take care of this little guy for now.” 
The father of swords gingerly handed Sanchoumou to you and you held it gently. The feathery Ichimonji couldn’t help but coo and nuzzle into your embrace, “He’s an affectionate little guy huh? Don’t worry I’ll make sure Kasen makes you some good food.” 
As you waved the unit goodbye, you headed back to your room with Yagen. He was still skeptical of the bird, so the tanto examined for a few moments before bidding you good night. You set the pheasant down next to your futon and looked around for proper bedding for your new guest. Sanchoumou, wanting to help you, grabbed some pillows while you got a small cloth to cover him during the night so he wouldn’t get cold. 
“Thank you.” 
He chirped in response. 
A few days had passed since then and various team members from Sanchoumou’s unit came to pick him up and take him to see the sacred sword and ghost slasher. Things were looking optimistic all things considered, Ishikirimaru told them that the curse should resolve itself in a mere couple of days. But Sanchoumou’s disappearance had been whispered about and the rest of the Ichimonji clan who hadn’t been informed of what happened were getting worried. 
Nansen was growing antsy at his missing boss and Nikkou began searching everywhere for the clan leader. Midare pulled their teammates aside to give Norimune a makeover, Sanchoumou was there to supervise and everyone except Nihongou helped the former head become the current leader of the Ichimonji clan. Nihongou was drinking booze and tried to help but booze and careful precision never really mix well, do they? Midare decided to put a mask over Norimune’s mouth to avoid even more scrutiny and all things considered, it was a success??? 
Norimune knew Sanchoumou well enough to fool someone at a glance but Nikkou and Nansen were harder to fool. The sunglasses-wearing pheasant corrected the old man multiple times and everyone couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. So thankfully Nansen was fooled but Nikkou seemed skeptical but didn’t seem to speak up about it. (I don’t have Himetsuru so he’s off doing his own thing) 
Meanwhile you were getting more and more comfortable with the pheasant in your life. Sure it was a bit awkward at first to sleep next to a random bird but you got used to it. Sanchoumou’s heart was rapidly beating against his feathery chest while next to you. Being so close to you in this form was a curse and a blessing, a curse in that he couldn’t communicate any of his deeper thoughts to you clearly. But a blessing in that he felt like he was getting closer to you and heard things that he would’ve never even dreamed of. Yet he couldn’t handle it for too long since he mostly escaped through the flight of his wings after he was sure you were asleep. 
One night before bed, Sanchoumou was preening his feathers since he got into the habit while waiting for the curse to wear off. You were staring at him and he turned to you and tilted his head in confusion, you laughed, “Sorry, you’re just so cute like this. And you remind me of someone… um can I tell you a secret?” 
There was a beat of silence. 
“What am I doing, talking to a bird…” 
Sanchoumou, to dissuade you from backing down, nuzzled his head against your hand to urge you to speak. You smiled, “Alright, ok. Um, so you remind me of this guy I really like. He’s super cool and handsome, like nothing could phase him. Yet he’s so gentle and kind, he’s the full package. But I’m scared to tell him because he probably wouldn’t like someone like me.” You paused a bit for thinking ‘fuck it’ this bird wouldn’t know who Sanchoumou is, “His name is Sanchoumou and I really like him, keep a secret for me ok?” 
Sanchoumou never wanted more than to transform back and confess his feelings back to you. But he could do nothing but longingly look into your eyes and coo at you. You chuckled at this pheasant’s concern for you, “Do you think he likes me back?” 
Sanchoumou chirped in confirmation. 
“I hope so too.” 
As much as he wanted to stay, as soon as you fell asleep, he flew out of your room and into Nikkari’s and Ishikirimaru’s room like he did every night. Nikkari knew from the desperate look on Sanchoumou’s eyes that he wanted to be free. “Alright, just be patient, since your time is coming a lot sooner than you’d think.”
And he was right since the next night, Sanchoumou’s body felt heavier and rushed himself into the bathroom. Feathers turned to flesh, wings turned to hands, claws turned to feet, and his beak turned into his mouth. The strange sensations flooded throughout his transforming body and he was trying his best not to scream, with a few, soft whimpers escaping. He needed to remain the  cool, steadfast leader that everyone needed. He shouldn’t have let his guard down, he should’ve been more alert, he should’ve been- His bombarding thoughts caused him to sweat and he lifted his hand up to wipe the sweat off his brow only to realize he was human again. 
A sigh of relief and pain escaped Sanchoumou’s clenched teeth, he looked down and of course he was naked. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he considered wearing a towel until there was a knock on the bathroom door. A soft voice from the other side said, “I’ll put your clothes in front of the door, it’s good to have you back captain!” 
“Thanks Midare,” when Sanchoumou spoke, it felt weird to him as if he hadn’t been using his mouth properly in forever. But stretching his body and getting used to being human again, he then went to go put on his clothes. He was surprised at how tight fitting his clothing was but he guessed it was because he hadn’t been wearing clothes for at least a week or two. 
Straightening his clothing and hair out, Sanchoumou made his way to you. But right as he was about to knock on your door, he stopped, how the hell was he going to explain what happened to him. He didn’t want to lie but he didn’t want to tell you out of fear that you would be disappointed in him. He needed to be a good leader and this was an embarrassment, what a joke. His hand slightly trembled but thankfully you opened the door before his resolve could waver even further. 
Your eyes were full of concern, “Sanchoumou where have you been? All of us have been worried sick about you… I’ve been worried sick about you.” 
“My apologies, my little bird but there’s something I need to tell you.” 
You know that he calls you little bird as just a nickname but something in your heart just flutters whenever he calls you that. “Yeah of course, what do you need to tell me?” 
“Let’s take this inside,” Sanchoumou moved, the two of you inside your room and closed the door, “The reason behind my absence is entirely my fault, I let my focus slip and was ambushed by an enemy.” 
Your eyes widened in fear, “Are you hurt?! Do you need me to get Yagen? Do you want me to heal you?” 
Sanchoumou’s heart beated a bit faster when he saw you fret over him, “Don’t worry, little bird, I’m fine. Instead the foe… turned me into a pheasant.” 
A moment of silence blessed the two of you, until you connected the two dots, “So you were the cute pheasant?!!!” 
“Yes, indeed I was. I’m happy that you find me cute however.” 
“Wait does that mean you were the one I told my crush to???” 
“Yes and-“ 
“I’m so sorry, you can ignore it. It’s ok I uh-“ 
He held your hands and looked deep into your eyes, “I wanted to tell you that I was just as infatuated with you as well.” 
“… Really?” 
“Yes, really.” 
“I can’t believe it.” 
“Believe in it.” 
You had such a stupid smile on your face and Sanchoumou wanted to kiss you. 
“But wait, why didn’t you just tell me from the start that you turned into a bird?” 
Sanchoumou’s face blanched, “I… was ashamed and didn’t want to disappoint you.” 
“You silly goose! You could never disappoint me Chomo, you’re enough, you’re more than enough. Everyone cares about you regardless if you’re a fearless leader or not!” 
“Thank you, my dear. But I think it’s more proper to say pheasant than goose.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh when he said that and he felt enchanted by your laughter. He leaned in close so that your foreheads touched and you closed the distance with a kiss. 
Springing into action, Sanchoumou laid you onto your futon and began to show how much you truly meant to him. 
Midare was showing off the new kimono that you bought him, “Saniwa, Saniwa!! Doesn’t this look pretty on me?” 
You sat in Sanchoumou’s lap and the two of you praised and cheered on Midare’s mini fashion show, “You look great Midare, like you always do!” 
“Hehehe of course! But I guess I have the captain to thank for this or should I say Dad~” 
You couldn’t help but grow flustered at the implication, but Sanchoumou was all for it, “Dad doesn’t sound half bad, doesn’t it my dove?” 
Just as you were about to hide your face, Sanchoumou kissed up the length of your neck to prevent you from hiding from him. You giggled and playfully squirmed at his affection and Sanchoumou continued his loving attack on you. Midare gagged a little at the display of affection but was happy that you two were happily in love.
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