Have some Mario incorrect quotes written by my irl friend coincidentally named Mario
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You ever just get the urge to write an essay about errorink??? 
Every now and then I remember that people not into the ship think its just an “enemies to lovers” thing and its like OH BOY ITS SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT 
miniture ship ramble of one reason i love error x ink under the cut
For me Ive always found it a comfort ship because I just find their to be something poetic about the idea of how two people both under the impression that they could never be capable of love managing to somehow find a way to make it work: In a way I find the way people that dislike the ship talk about how “it could never work” to be ironic, cause to me thats like the whole point
like error as he exits his joker peak insanity phase and starts to realize how much hes isolated himself (insert the error clean freak amv) and ink as he slowly learns and tries to understand all the feelings hes been allowed to feel, and its just like, the idea that these indivuals that view themselves as very seperate to the rest of the world, putting themselves on a pedestal of cockyness and having put up walls without themselves realizing, both of them are under the impression that love is a feeling they are incapable of, that there are incapable of true meanigful connection with others, and that even if they were it wouldnt be enough, that ink deserves better than someone who cant express his feelings, and error deserves someone with a soul to share
and that these to indivuals who struggle to communicate are able to form their own social signals and laungauge between themselves and learn to understand each other and learn that relationships are worth the time to learn to understand someone, 
I like stories where error slowly overcomes some haphephobia for ink but I also love stories where ink and error make it work despite that, where ink despite being a very touchy person and not being top tier at expressing feelings for others manages to find other ways to express care for error, and the two are able to be content in their relationship despite it
This is why “love like you” is an errorink anthem to me, error sees how ink is so passionate about everything despite a lack of soul and how he manages to appreciate the muktiverse despite understanding the nilihsim and lack if meaning to it all, its how their both considered godly beings when both of them started out as just, remains of broken worlds, neither of them fully understand how they’ve come to admire and care for the other they just do
I also think theres some neat parallels to make with their “destoryer” and “creator” titles and backrounds, both were trumatized by staying in a blank infinite white space for too long, for error this cause him to be a minimilist claustrophobe and for ink this caused him to find comfort of clutter and fear wide blank spaces, error directly destroys worlds in universe, ink indirectly helps to create worlds both in but also out of universe, while the destroyer error than procedes to delicately hand make dolls and knit and crochet, while the creator ink has quite the talent for destorying his own relationships!
okay on the topic of ink’s relationships I find errorink even better with some past tense drink, (where ink and dream evvuentually reformed their friendship) 
personally I prefer narrative where there were never like, legit enemies, like on inks side it was just the opposing ideals but ink was otherwise always down to annoy chat with him :) and on errors side error hated him before he got to know him, and over time in tsundere fashion annoying traits became endearing ones, and I’d imagine more so than anything what could cause errors feelings to grow is that Ink still stuck around even though error’s not kind to him
It also doesn't necessarily have to be romantic, its top tier as an unlabeled queer platonic type thing as well, I prefer it romantic cause I think they have excellant romantic chemistry but its still perfection as just platonic
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your-local-uwu-artist · 6 months
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I am begging for help trying to decide how to color this hammer I've been on it for days now and I cant find a color that looks good please
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nastasia gets the gangs phones for communication, she texts important plan stuff or something to O'chunks who asks mr.L how to spell "i cant read" to which he's like "i cant spell???"
mimi will send mr.l very stupid memes, as well as pictures of boyband members for him to rate
mimi set up O' chunks contacts for him that way all of their phones would have dimentios contact name be "that bitch"
dimentio texts with emojis like the way old people think teenage girls text intentionally just to annoy people
Mr.L is always quick to respond to Nastasia's texts
mimi's contact for mr.L is "ellie is a dweeb <3" in like a secretly affectionate sibling name and dimentios is "ellie💚" in like a patronizing "i cant wait to monolougue about my evil plan later" kinda way
Mimi's contact name on Mr.L's phone is "minecraf🕸️creeber"
O chunks on Mimis is "himb'O chunks"
Mr.L and mimi constantly judge each others taste in memes
they also scend each other ascii art alot
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like that one
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and that
lots of cats lots of miku and lots of crewmates dfnakjs
nastasia is forced to come to terms with motherhood as everyone starts texting her "whats for dinner"
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your-local-uwu-artist · 5 months
YOOOOO zombie apocalypse Button sounds so cool-
Actually come to think of it, how would zombies work in this AU- Maybe it has to do with dark matter possession? Maybe they take on a more eldritch or uncanny appearance? :O
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probably like a new form/type of dark matter possesion: I imagine it infecting dream land and thus kirby and co start their resistance! with the main organization being the 'defense' 'research' and 'morale' segments: defense is fighting off zombies, and designing the kingdom to keep zombies out. Research is coming up with magical means to help like sheilds and of course searching for a cure: and morale is the upkeep of the town and civilization so not everything becomes a wasteland.
I think it'd be funny if King Dedede is somewhat immune due to prior possession experience. King Dedede is leader of the 'morale' segment, Meta knight the leader of defense and I'm not certain abouut research segment actually
I'm thinking Button would do a combination of the design side of things in the defense segment and mostly be working in the research segment. I decided that for the bad and good endings the deciding factor is at some point the 'star resistance' were essentially thinking of splitting up, and depending on whether or not they do we get the good, bad, and bitter sweet endings!
in the good ending a cure is found! obviously damage is already done as many zombies have been killed: but other zombies can be revived/turned back. I'm thinking Button loses his dark eye completely at some point in this ending. I'm not certain how yet.
in the bad ending Button doesn't make it in the split of the star resistance, traveling with the redeemed villains gang and without the organization that the greater star resistance provided things take a left turn and Button ends up getting infected at some point.
theoretically the star resistance could reunite and a cure could still be found! however I'm thinking theres a set of conditions as to if someone can be completely un-zombiefied: conditions that Button wouldn't fit. Maybe Button could get better to some extent, but definitely a tragic 'came back different' scenario. still! I can imagine Taranza teaching zombie!Button how to knit and crochet again and Kirby showing zombie!Button pictures of patchland. Meta knight teaches him how to read, and maybe he could even commuicate through sign language over time. so it's not completely bad: hince why I'm calling it the bitter sweet ending
anyway! I like to think the cure would be some sort of cutsey fantasy potion: where everyone has to figure out the ingredients and maybe kirby and bandanna waddle dee go on the quest to gather them.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 5 months
OKAY GUYS so i made this
originally cause I drew these while listening to the song
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and I wanna add some pictures to make the text animations just more fun and I can't decide if I should stick to the original inspo and draw Haku (one of my pokemon ocs), or if I should use another character~
some ideas of other characters I could use are pmd Dusknoir, I could also use this (still unamed lmao) character
I could also be that one guy and use these gijinka designs I made of characters from the rpg 'the outbound ghost' a game which I'm pretty sure i'm litterally the only guy on tumblr to draw fanart for
anyway~ I'm also open to suggestions if any other character in which the song + the background goes with :3
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your-local-uwu-artist · 5 months
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okay so as previously mentioned this is Jame-Joe on the left and Joey-Janes on the right. They're twins and both porcelain dolls. They're also the apprentices of an 'alchinkmest' called Blaksindr (Pronounced like 'black-cinder')
basically alchinkmy is a form of magic that involves the mixing and making of special inks and anything that runs off of said special inks. The premise of the overall story concept is about the twins unraveling some mysterious and exploring a whimsical and strange fairytale world while going on chores for their master.
I'm still coming up with a name for this story idea! I'm thinking it would be cool as a short animated series, like a 12 episode format. some names for it I've considered are "Ink-chanted" or something with Hollow in the name. I'm still working on building this story idea but I'm already proud of what I've come up with :D the protags kinda scrinkly dare I say
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your-local-uwu-artist · 5 months
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this is Jame Joe :D he's a porcelain doll in a fairytale inspired world and also hes a lot like Wirt and Dipper in personality-etc
I need to color him and I don't know what to do: if you copy and paste the above into an art program and use a multiply or darken layer you can use it like a coloring sheet
here are some color palletes that are the vibe I'm going for: something very fall/autmn-y and soft, maybe with some purplish reds, blueish greens and orangish yellows
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I am begging you guys for help
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your-local-uwu-artist · 8 months
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it's a novi stars Una Verse inspired redesign >:D bassically what if novi stars but more alien and also gorgeous bjds instead of something designed for mass-production
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is it too late to enter the @kirbyoctournament ?
idk i decided to post this on a whim cause some of my mutuals are doing it dsjkfna
i designed them as a sona, but for the like, in-universe version of them I decided to call him Button ( for people who have paid attention to my ocs before i'd call them a "semi-self insert" like Sunny is )
Name: Button (Pronouns he/they)
INTP-A, Autistic(+adhd) pansexual, nonbinary, They're very cheerful and upbeat, will get super happy over the smallest things. while their known for being energetic, at times they are instead stoic, calm, apathetic, and quiet
He's very optimistic and go with the flow, they see no point in dwelling on what already happened or is out of their control. They can have a hard time understanding social cues, obligations, and norms, despite sometimes struggling to understand others, they always put in an effort to show the bare minimum of kindness to everyone. he is very logic centric, and tend to approach emotional matters the same way they would practical ones. He can often be insensitive on accident, due to how blunt they are. He can also sometimes let his pride and stubborness get the better of him
likes: coffee, manga, drawing, collecting figurines, apple juice, soft things, when the sun makes surfaces warm, bright colors, sharing and receiving passionate infodumps
dislikes: when the weather changes too fast, tomatoes, sleeping in late, loud crowded spaces, slimey textures
original came from the yarn dimension but left when they were young in search for an unidentified something.
while young!button general personality was always the same, young!button had an almost opposing outlook
basically they used to sorta hate everyone, and preferred solitude. They were arrogant, stubborn, too prideful for their own good, and didn't care if they hurt other's feelings, and had a strong anger against the universe. they were on their way to becoming a villain, but after a couple of bad "friends" and a couple of good ones, they decided they weren't "better off alone" and changed their ways for the better.
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Being in the SPM fandom is fun because I'll be looking for Mr.L content and come across my own posts
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your-local-uwu-artist · 5 months
so here's a dumb thought experiment I had in the shower: if Pokemon Talk actually interviewed every Eeveelution, there by completing the Eeveelution brothers, what would you think their characters would be like?
When I was younger, I wanted Espeonto be a love interest for Unbreon (and honestly he deserves one). I wanted Espeon to be someone that validated Umbreon, someone that actually took him seriously.
So I came up with this: Espeon claims to be a magical Wizard who fights against the wrath of the floor tentacles. Everyone thinks they're crazy except Umbreon who is absolutely smitten with them. At the end of the episode Espeon actually summons the floor tentacles (who are some eldritch tentacle monster) and they defeat it with the help of Umbreon and then they make out of something. Very bare bones idea, but obviously this would get expanded on in an actual episode
and then I remembered they never did a Vapoureon episode and I had no ideas for that. Best I could come up with was that they allude to the copypasta during the episode once and never again.
Feel free to add your ideas, that's why I'm sending you this ask anyways
I'd love to see umbreon find love (and espeon would be perfect because psychic type and you could add more jokes about like conspiracy theories) but also how fucking funny would it be if this is what happened after they 'made out or smth'
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your-local-uwu-artist · 6 months
speaking of shit-posts
Every now and again I think about making a Sanrio Human Influencer AU and then I debate on weather this concept is cursed or not
anyway maybe a little cursed but more importantly it is cute and could be adorable and they could turn out shippable and simpable
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your-local-uwu-artist · 6 months
how's the smurfing going?
it's going good! my google doc is at over 5 pages, I got some nice sketches and the responses have been very helpful and fun >:D (shout out to isopod guy) the only problem is trying to not make my bias of who's my favorite smurf to be tooo obvious fndkjsa
plus the constant struggle between needing to do research and rewatch episodes and read wikipedia articles and the fact that i get what i call 'withdraw-l'... bassically I can only go so long before I just gotta doodle fdnjak
anyway: I SUPPOSE i might as well explain what the fuck I've been doing (if anyones noticed a lack of posts in the past handufl od days: the reason for my absence is that I was busy iwth my smurfing fdja )
bassically I've always had a LOT of questions regarding the smurfs, (many of which I've had sense childhood) and it's been plaguing me because nobody else seems to care to answer these questions, I'll be like 'what chemichal do you think makes them blue?' and 'what form of asexual reproduction do you assume they use' and 'i don't think it makes sense that they'd crush on smurfette, i'd imagine their mono-sex mono-gender society wouldn't really have those concepts or well, be heterosexual for that matter' and everyone responds with 'what aere you on' (the autism spectrum) 'why are you asking me this?' (i want to here your answer) and 'it's just a cartoon' (AND SOMETIEMS YOU GOTTA ASK SCIENTIFIC QUESTIONS ABOUT CARTOONS) so I decided if I must do everything myself so be-it.
essentially I'm planning to make a very silly half video essay half my nonsense 'if i was in charge of a smurfs reboot' video. heres some of the doodles so far!
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vanity's always been my favorite so i'm having a hard time convincing myself to draw some smurf other than him fndasjkfnask (Azrael has always been my second favorite lol) I'm really excited to draw more fo smurf village! mushrooms houses my beloved <3 tbh the village is def a plus for the live action films, while giving the smurfs eyelids and lashes and pecs did not work I do enjoy seeing cute fantasy mushroom village in a photorealistic style <3
anyway one very fun thing i learned about while researching is about these really pretty very epic and pog mushrooms that are native to new zealend and just the most brilliant shade of blue
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these things are blue-tiful! And there are actually pigmented! (a lot of things in nature aren't actually blue and rather the structure of it refelcts light and shit to give it a blue appearance) the thing that gives em the blue pigment is a kind of 'azulene' but somehow just a brighter varient: they're so whimsical looking!
a funny thing I've found just through research is that a LOT of people aren't aware of smurfettes origin story, or thought that the origin story was from the live action films, this is so strange to me cause like ????? it's been there sense the begining comics, and theres plenty of episodes where it's mentioned
I'm also suprised by how many people seem to be fond of the new female smurfs: so I guess I'm on the unpopular side here, I've always imagined them as sorta sexless and generless, and that female smurfs (excluding artificially made ones like smurfette) just discovered and decided they preferred feminine gender expression/presentation. (i do wish i included a question asking if people as kids assumed them sexless, cause i always have)
idk I'm still working through the new cgi series and my cartoon pirating site doesn't have the second season, so maybe I'll change my mind on them
ufdnsjafnsdk sorry for rambling the hyperfixation has taken hold lmao
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your-local-uwu-artist · 6 months
What does Button think of Marx? (and by extension- are Marx and Magolor friends in your au?)
marx and magolor are friends :3
Button gets along okay with Marx, not close friends but more than just acquaintances. Maybe a bit of a rivalry under the context of magolor's attention lol. Marx at the least doesn't mess with/prank/tease Button too much because little bro is sensitive and Magolor would be mad at him. As a trio Magolor and Marx are the negative influence on Button, Button and Magolor are a positive influence on Marx, and Marx and Button are little menaces to magolor! fdsadnasjk
I think they probably started out awkward and while they still wouldn't choose to hang out one on one they have gained a mutual respect over time. seeing as Button has that planet popstar brand cheer, optimism and love and friendship for all attitude, Marx would view him as what should be an easy target, but whenever Marx tries to actually take advantage of Button, Button would start playing up his obliviousness in a way where it is subtle yet somewhat obvious that they know what marx is up to and won't fall for it. I think this would gain Marxs respect, and for Button (who grew up being mistreated) someone respected him is all he needs to respect them
he does make the list of 'potential shippable characters with button' lol, I don't plan on ever making a canon Button ship but theres some fun potential dynamics and more so after labeling the 'button stans' I feel we're gonna need some ships. Like: that's next on the 'fandom to-do list', we got this mfer an animation, a gijinka, some fanart/cameos, he needs ships now
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