ramblesbiab · 7 months
every lesbian polycule has
- the traumatized buff cute butch
- the traumatized plant mom femme
- the probably a little traumatized, emotionally intelligent robot
- the traumatized little gremlin man they found within a psychic creature and decided to keep (he likes the plants)
- the recently unfrozen cute butch (otherwise she would definitely have trauma too)
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yeoeiis · 5 months
4-year-old me giving my mom random items i found around the house as a christmas present
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ghostboybrainrot · 1 year
Out of Touch Part 3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, AO3
Edit: I'm starting the process of transferring these to AO3. Click the link above to subscribe and get updates more reliably! (But don't worry I'll keep posting on Tumblr, too.)
Martha saw the shadowy figure falling from the sky. Its form stuttered as it fell. Suddenly, with a flash of light it changed. It was more solid now but it was still falling too fast for her to be able to see clearly.
It hit the ground with a soft thud. And she realized what she was looking at.
He couldn't have been older than 16. He was skinny. Too skinny. His black hair was messy. He wore a ratty dark blue hoodie and jeans. His shoes were held together with duct tape.
Her core lurched at the sight of him. He looked so fragile. For a moment she worried he'd lost consciousness. Had he hit his head? A weak groan escaped his mouth, pulling her from her thoughts. It was raspy and dry. Not a noise she expected from someone so young.
At least he was awake. That ruled out anything too serious.
He was trying to stand but was struggling. He'd injured his leg. She saw him wince with pain.
When he finally pulled himself up, he needed to hold the wall for balance. She expected him to start walking toward the exit of the alley but instead he made his way deeper, toward a dumpster.
He looked back scanning the alley. His eyes swept over her hiding spot but didn't seem to register her presence.
Satisfied that he wasn't being followed he crawled behind the dumpster, and out of sight.
Slowly, she closed the distance between herself and the dumpster. She stayed in the shadows but angled herself so she could get a glimpse of him.
He'd made a makeshift blanket with some garbage that had been lying next to it. His eyes were closed. She could see his chest rising and falling slowly. She wasn't sure if he'd fallen asleep that fast, but judging by how exhausted he had looked she wouldn't be surprised.
Her core tightened in worry. This boy shouldn't be left alone. Especially not here. Not in this alley. It wasn't safe. She glanced around, nervously. No one else had seen the boy yet, but she didn't want to risk it. He was tucked away but anyone who spared more than a passing glance in his direction, could spot him easily.
It was late autumn and the air was cold. It was likely to get colder before morning. People froze to death in nicer weather than this. She had to do something. He needed help.
Maybe she could find him a blanket or a coat?
She didn't like the idea of leaving him alone. She worried someone would find him if she took too long. She would just have to be quick.
She gave the sleeping boy one more glance before she floated off.
There was a general store near here right? At least there used to be. She headed in the direction she thought it had been. She didn't couldn't find the shop but she kept going anyway. She had to come across something eventually.
She couldn't remember the last tile she'd been down this way. Had it always been this run down?
It was late which explained the lack of people but the buildings were falling apart. It looked like no one had lived here in a long time.
She had to travel several blocks before she found anything that looked like it was still in business. The small gas station stood bright against the darkness. There were no cars at the pumps and the small shop attached to it looked closed. But they might have some emergency supplies.
She floated through the locked double doors. She scanned the shelves. There were a variety of items a person would need on the road. Motor oil, washer fluid, ice scrapers. There were also plenty of snacks and cooler on the back wall was full of drinks of varying colors and sizes.
She found what she was looking for at the end of an aisle. An emergency blanket. She knew people kept these in their trunks in case they got stranded in the cold. It didn't look comfortable. But hopefully the material was warm enough.
She reached for it but her hands passed through. It had been a long time since she'd tried to interact with the living world. She'd been able to move small things but never something like this. And she'd never carried anything so far.
She kicked herself. What had she been thinking? She couldn't help that poor boy. He needed someone who could be there. Who could hold him. Comfort him. Talk to him. Someone alive.
How could she hope to help like this?
She thought back to the shadow that had flown overhead. The flash of light and the fall. Maybe the boy wasn't alive either. At least not in the way most were.
She shook her head to clear it. She could worry about that later. She could do this. She just needed to focus.
She closed her eyes as she concentrated. She tried to imagine what it would feel like if she could reach out and touch it. She reached forward and her hand met the fabric. She ran her hand along it. The material was as scratchy as she imagined, but she could feel it. Really feel it. She smiled as she tried to scoop it up.
It took some time but she was able to lift the blanket off the shelf. She had dropped it a couple times but each time she picked it up again it had gotten easier.
Encouraged by her success, she looked around to what else she could grab. She settled on a bottle of water, and a prepackaged pastry. She had to take extra time to balance them on top of the blanket. She managed to roll the food and drink into the blanket, to keep them from falling as she flew back.
Phasing through the doors with the items proved challenging as well but she had started to get the hang of it.
Finally, she exited the gas station arms loaded with her spoils.
When she arrived back the boy was still where she left him. Carefully, she set down what she was carrying. He was still breathing. Slow and steady. If she wasn't sure before she knew he was sleeping now.
She considered the best way to get the blanket around him. She decided to move the cardboard and plastic. She spread the blanket out over him attempting to tuck it underneath him to help keep in the warmth.
She tried to replace the plastic wrap and boxes to provide him with cover.
Suddenly, his eyes shot open. He focused his icy glue gaze on her and she gasped.
Thank you for reading! It's a little on the short side. I have another part after this almost finished but it wasn't quite ready so I split it in two and posted the first half! I do plan on posting to AO3 in the near future as well. (GhostBoyBrainRot on AO3 as well if you wanna subscribe.)
To everyone who guessed Jason. Don't worry Danny is going to be running into the batfam soon! >:)
But until then enjoy Martha! She's a little lost but she's got the spirit xD Hehe
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Hope this helps! And thanks for reading!
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sweetie147 · 1 year
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here's another enstars textpost from a non-enstars textpost account lol
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kirbyepicyarn134 · 1 year
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i have a little soft spot for 1912 hyde
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columboscreens · 2 years
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pyrjunnie · 2 years
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“Godspeed spider-FREAK.”
Made my very own Norman Osborn/Green Goblin for an au I am making with my s/o…
Also making a doc ock soon, no worries.
Edit: never mind tumblr is too cruel enough to not lemme add the third photo. >:(
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Can you please do something funny with Screech? I like this tiny gremlin
>:]]]] of course!!!! ((don't we all))
how about some good ol' headcannons
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
screech has learned to do the "sloww turn" and just stare. it scares everyone. maybe not figure, how could it? but to everyone else, freaky.
you: "hey! screech!"
*the sound of a door creaking, as it turns to look at you.*
"... nevermind."
he is baby rage. and certified ipad kid, it even does those, very loud, annoying coughs, making his entire ipad screen covered in black goo.
sometimes. it vomits like a cat. idk why, it does. its horrible
it's tentacles grow tiny hands to play roblox. it's a roblox kid (obv), but it will get scream in fury if someone says minecraft is better.
he likes to roll on the bed sheets, its only purpose? to make you mad
it loves to hide in corners of dark spaces to scare you, it finds that very funny :]
when screech was learning to speak, he watched a lot of youtubers. those really loud youtubers who play with slime and "iNsAne challenges" (mr beast)
screech can also grow tiny legs and run around. strange, but funny to watch it fall face first into the ground.
it can't wear headphones (it would sink into him) so it just plays it's games and videos, VERY LOUDLY.
it loves to inhale food, it can't eat so????? it just loves the textures, the weirder the better.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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azraeldigabriel · 10 months
Starting Red Valley, so far I like it!
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wwindblumee · 1 year
Have doth found thyne bitches?
Not yet, my liege.
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bagool-the-wizard · 6 months
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Somebody ate a hole in the flour.
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Any idea who it could be?
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pixelmagpie · 4 months
Been battling a cold so drew my friend's entirely unhinged half orc wizard - Grunt - in procreate.
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witchwhodoesvoodoos · 10 months
one great detail i absolutely love about nimona is that when ballister and nimona were up against a batallion of soldiers, they fucking decked them without breaking a sweat especially ballister like have you seen his moves? if i were up against him i would've dug a grave of my own cause there's no way in hell im fighting a guy who can wave a sword like a dance ribbon that man is a beast who the fuck would try and headbutt a soldier wearing a literal metal helmet and shakes it off like it's nothing????? no concussion???? blunt trauma????? he had proved time and again why he's on top of his class and im not even surprised ambrosius was the only one who can keep up with him (couple goals fr)
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hey-its-cweepy · 2 years
Name: Kenzo Matisse
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 19
Birthday: August 20th
Star sign: Leo
Height: 6'4
Hair color: Light grey
Eye color: Red
Occupation: Student
Dorm: Ignihyde
School year: 3rd year
Club: Science club
Best subject: Animal language and math
Dominant hand: Ambidextrous
Likes: "Borrowing" (stealing), observing people, fixing things
Dislikes: Being called a thief, hair pulling, getting wet
Favorite food: Ice cream
Least favorite food: Pickles
Hobbies: Doodling designs (he's not good at it though)
Talent: He's really good at fixing things, even capable of bringing things that were seemingly gone for good back in pristine condition!
Personality: Kenzo has a bad habit of stealing unattended items and then saying its "borrowing". Usually its to "study" human habits since he's not from this world (but sure as hecc not from earth)! He'll also try to fix any unattended broken items (before keeping them), although he WILL give back items if you verify its yours! He's a bit sour, but he just needs a bit of time!
Unique Magic: Creation: Allows the user to create almost anything imaginable from seemingly thin air, however, the longer the object is in existence for, the more blot is built up. On top of that, the user cannot create living beings.
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rodatirhaalo · 6 months
I think my favorite little parallel between Ascended vs Spawn Astarion has to be this little, probably even unintentional, detail in the epilogue:
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Mr Vampire Ascendant, when confronted about freedom, asking the pc if they'd prefer sleeping in the dirt over "living" in his prescribed decadence.
Meanwhile, if left as a spawn Astarion is like
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*Passes several chairs, rugs, a pile of pillows, and two log benches to plant his pretty little ass in the dirt*
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I raise you: What if Rise Mikey had a cat tho
Just a little doodle of a potential pet for the brothers! I named him Slice because Klunk is usually orange like a pizza slice, and Raph’s pet turtle in ‘12 is named Spike or Slash. They found him eating pizza in a dumpster.
Like all friendly orange cats, he shall be loyal as a dog and dumb as a rock! Mayhem probably begrudgingly tolerates him. His paws are big cause he’ll grow to be be a big fella someday.
Partially inspired by my housemates’ cats, who are silly and big respectively.
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