escadaman · 1 month
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'Ibn Ḥibbān (رحمه الله) said: “The wealth of an intelligent person is
his intelligence and what
he has put forward of his righteous actions.”
[Rawḍah Al-‘Uqalā' 21]
O Allāh‼️
Aid me in this illusionary dark,old 🌎 dūnyā‼️Amín‼️
➖️ Fātíāh 🕋
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k1ngtok1 · 1 year
I’ll study complex geometric theorem when I write, but mechanics is where I draw the line
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xaallo · 1 year
LTL armor that does this to blades and other melee weapons
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weekend-whip · 1 year
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Current writing project between LtLA chapters
Disasters. All of them. In different flavors
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mi6-rogue · 2 years
A spatio-temporal framework for modelling wastewater concentration during the COVID-19 pandemic
Preliminary report; The potential utility of wastewater-based epidemiology as an early warning tool has been explored widely across the globe during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Methods to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater were developed early in the pandemic, and extensive work has been conducted to evaluate the relationship between viral concentration and COVID-19 case numbers at the catchment areas of sewage treatment works (STWs) over time. However, no attempt has been made to develop a model that predicts wastewater concentration at fine spatio-temporal resolutions covering an entire country, a necessary step towards using wastewater monitoring for the early detection of local outbreaks. We consider weekly averages of flow-normalised viral concentration, reported as the number of SARS-CoV-2 N1 gene copies per litre (gc/L) of wastewater available at 303 STWs over the period between 1 June 2021 and 30 March 2022. We specify a spatially continuous statistical model that quantifies the relationship between weekly viral concentration and a collection of covariates covering socio-demographics, land cover and virus-associated genomic characteristics at STW catchment areas while accounting for spatial and temporal correlation. We evaluate the model's predictive performance at the catchment level through 10-fold cross-validation. We predict the weekly viral concentration at the population-weighted centroid of the 32,844 lower super output areas (LSOAs) in England, then aggregate these LSOA predictions to the Lower Tier Local Authority level (LTLA), a geography that is more relevant to public health policy-making. We also use the model outputs to quantify the probability of local changes of direction (increases or decreases) in viral concentration over short periods (e.g. two consecutive weeks). The proposed statistical framework is able to predict SARS-CoV-2 viral concentration in wastewater at high spatio-temporal resolution across England. Additionally, the probabilistic quantification of local changes can be used as an early warning tool for public health surveillance. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.14.22281081v1?rss=1%22&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr Read more ↓
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likethetailofacomet · 5 years
Love, Again
A/N: (flourish) With this chapter I do hereby proclaim the official end to “Learning to Love Again”! (cease)  It has been a long, bumpy, unexpected ride, and I want to thank each and every one of you that read, commented, liked, reblogged, yelled at me, threatened me, suggested songs, gave me input, helped me dig out of a plot hole, or messaged me to chat about this series and Drake and Claire. I enjoyed playing with these characters and bending the rules a bit so that they could have the chance at love that I felt like they deserved. I loved giving them backstories and motives. I answered some questions here, but left a few things still hanging in the balance- those things will come back into play very soon in the planned follow up called The Broken Bits...I left a few things broken, and I need to fix them. ;) 
Pairing: Drake x Claire (featuring: Liam, Olivia, Dan, Leo, and Bastien) 
Word Count: 5,116 
Tunes: Learning to Love Again, Mat Kearney AND Latch (acoustic), Sam Smith
“There was damage to the subscapular artery, which is why the procedure took as long as it did. You had lost quite a lot of blood by the time you arrived, Mr. Walker,” Claire's fingers tightened around Drake's as the doctor explained the extent of his injuries, recalling the scene in the ballroom and the pool of blood she'd seen him lying in. He squeezed back, as tightly as he could, reassuring her that it was alright as the doctor continued. “And once we got that under control we were able to repair the artery. We did have to open the bicep to access the entire affected area, which was unexpected, and does prolong the necessary monitoring period.” Drake flicked his eyes to his left arm. The medication was starting to fade and he could feel the sharp, deep, pain starting to return in his arm and back, his shoulder feeling heavy and unstable. “The blood loss and damaged artery had put a decent amount of stress on your heart, so we made the call to finish the arterial repair and close up. We will still have to go back in to repair the shoulder joint and scapula, but we needed to wait so as not to place too much stress on your body.”
The full weight of how close he'd come to death seemed finally to settle in and he swallowed a hard, dry lump in his throat, nodding at the doctor. He tilted his head to the side to look at Claire, who was still gazing intently at the doctor who had saved Drake's life, listening as he went on about medications, the anticipated second surgery and therapy that would follow. His eyes fell to the bandages that covered her throat and wrist, and he was reminded of how close he'd come to losing her. As that chilling fact settled in his chest, right next to his own brush with mortality, he felt a strangled breath escape him, felt his lungs burn as his ribs contracted and expanded with his quick breathing. His sudden alarm drew Claire's attention immediately, her free hand joining the other one, both grasping Drake's as his eyes found hers, and she saw the fear inside them.  
The doctor was checking the monitors attentively, and Claire held her breath until he spoke. “It's alright, Mr. Walker, you're going to be fine, you were very lucky.” He finished taking notes on his chart and said that a nurse would be by in a few hours to take him for some tests and scans before exiting the room.
Claire brought one hand up to Drake's face, her thumb moving slowly back and forth across his cheek. “Hey,” she whispered softly, leaning her top half over the bed, trying to be as close to his as possible. “What's going on in there?” she asked, bringing her fingertips to dance over his forehead.
Drake closed his eyes as her touch lingered over his face, over his temples, fingers eventually brushing back his unkempt hair. He couldn't believe he'd come so close to never feeling that again, to never hearing the way her voice vibrates in her throat when she whispers, to never watching the way a certain strand of hair would always fall across her eyes as she leaned forward. “Berkley,” he finally choked out, eyes still closed, and she paused her movements, returning her hands to his. His dark eyes opened and latched onto hers, and she saw for the first time just how deep they went- down, all the way into his heart, into his soul, into the hidden parts that made him who he was. He slid his fingers between hers as he spoke. “I almost lost you,” his eyes filled with pain as they roved over the place on her throat where a gash had been fixed with nine stitches, to the place on her arm where a bullet had grazed her as she tried to help him. “I've never been more scared in my life, Claire, and it wasn't because of this,” he nodded down at his shoulder and chest. “It wasn't getting shot, it wasn't that I could have died...” although that part wasn't great, either. He swallowed as his voice cracked a bit, throat still sore from the tubes that had been necessary for him to breathe during surgery. “It was the thought that I might never see you again, might never ...hold you again...Claire, I was terrified of losing you.”
Claire took a shaking breath as flashes of the last 48 hours cut through her mind- the waiting, the agonizing expanse of time, the hum of the florescent lighting, the acrid, chemical smell that permeated the paint on the walls; the weakness, the way she felt boneless and frail, how she had relied on Olivia and Bastien for all but air. She blinked a few times, clearing her mind. “Drake,” when she finally spoke she stroked her thumb over the pulse point on his wrist, heard him release a low breath at the light touch. “I was so, so scared that I might lose you, too. So scared...” she bent to kiss the spot she'd been stroking, felt his skin warm beneath her lips. “But I'm right here,” she softened her eyes. “I'm here, because of you. You saved my life, Drake...”
He ached with the need to hold her, but his injuries rendered his arms useless. “Berkley,” he said softly as tears threatened to slide down her cheeks again. “Don't think for one second that you didn't save mine, too.” He struggled, using all of his strength and will power so as not to grimace, but he picked his hand up off the bed and folded his fingers around her wrist, drawing her eyes to where he touched her. “You were my reason to hold on, Berkley...you gave me something to look forward to...you taught me that there's something worth fighting for...you saved me, Claire Berkley, long before this.”
Claire wasted no time in bringing her lips to his before kissing him slowly, like air, like breathing. She felt the little hiss of breath he let out when her mouth found his; felt the way his whole being was reaching and stretching, trying to connect to her- felt the way that her soul was trying to curl around his inside that kiss. “Lets not do all this again, then, huh?” she gasped as they broke the kiss, but smiled as his own lips twitched upwards. “You saved me, I saved you...we're good on this now, right?” she was crying but her smile was bigger than her tears and it caused his to grow, too.
“Sounds like something I could get behind, Berkley,” his eyes flicked down to her lips, summoning her for another life giving kiss. “I love you, beautiful,” he mumbled against her mouth.
“I know you do, you big softy,” she said, leaning her forehead against his. “And I love you. And we're going to get you through this, and then Drake, you know what we're going to do?” That dreamy quality that he hadn't heard in weeks was back in her voice and it made him feel like finally, they could live without fear.
“Tell me, Berkley,” he said, looking at her though his lashes, still holding her wrist, his fingers moving over her skin.
“We're going to live, Drake. Just live. Just us.”
Just us. His heart fluttered and a warm wave rippled through his entire body that had nothing to do with the new round of medication that the doctor had set up before leaving the room earlier. “Just us,” he said softly as his eyelids became heavy and he let sleep take him back under. Claire sat with him, ghosting her fingers over the exposed skin of his forearm, until she too, had fallen asleep, woken only by the nurse that had come to take Drake for testing.
“Why don't you go get some rest, wash up and maybe have something to eat, ma'am,” the nurse was young and bright eyed, but had a soft, warm voice, and Claire nodded, kissing Drake's knuckles gently before the woman wheeled him out of the room.
.  .   .  .  .  .
Dan had landed in Cordonia International exactly ten hours after speaking with Olivia. He'd gotten a cab and headed directly for JFK, practically before they'd even hung up the phone. He hadn't even bothered to tell himself that he'd sleep on the plane- he knew better than to think that he'd be able to rest until he saw Claire, saw that she was alright, put his arms around her and felt her, solid and safe. The headlines had been hard to read, and harder to believe- Alex had been killed, along with two other members of the rebel group he'd joined up with. Cordonian police, in cooperation with the Royal King's Guard had detained the remaining members, all of whom were due to stand trial, all of whom would likely never see the outside of a jail cell again. The King had been killed, his wife gravely injured, and Liam, Claire's friend the Prince...or, King, now... had also suffered injuries in the attacks. There was nothing in the news that spoke of Drake Walker's heroics, but from what Olivia had told him, Dan owed Drake everything for saving the life of his best friend. There was space in the news for articles about how this all would shake things up at court, questioning the stability of the to crown, speculating on whether or not there were more rebel forces, waiting quietly for the right time to strike, but there was no space for a common citizen who'd risked his life to save the life of a foreigner, and that point wasn't lost on Dan. Headlines or not, Drake Walker had become one of Dan's favorite people and he hadn't even met the man. Leaning his forehead against the window in the plane's cabin as it made its descent into the Kingdom of Cordonia, he silently hoped he'd get the chance to.
He'd taken another cab right to the hospital, sending Olivia a text before he'd even pulled up to the curb. I'm here. Where do I go? He didn't bother pocketing the phone, holding it in one hand as the other dragged across his face and covered a yawn. The phone buzzed not a full two seconds later.
I'll be right down
He waited where she'd instructed him to be dropped off, kicking his shoe against the curb. He sniffed the cool afternoon air, looking around the back alley where he stood. Dan had never left the country before, but had always wanted to travel. This wasn't what he had in mind, but there was no where else in the world he'd rather be. Claire needed him, and he needed her. A door to a stairwell opened and a stunning red haired woman appeared. She was tall and thin, wearing sleek black pants and a casual black top, scarlet lipstick coloring her plump lips. Her sharp eyes flashed, green and attentive, and he beckoned him over as she called out. “Dan?” she crossed her arms over her chest but stood straight as she addressed him.
He took a step in her direction, his hand outstretched to greet her. “Duchess Olivia, or...I,” he nervously stuck his other hand in his pocket as she shook his hand firmly. “I'm not sure what to call you...” He shrugged.
Olivia noted the bags beneath his eyes, the wrinkles in his clothing, and surmised that he'd slept about as much as she had in the past few days. She noted his strong jawline and the dark, inked lines of a tattoo peeking out from beneath his shirtsleeve. “Just Olivia is fine,” she said coolly, trying not to let her eyes linger too long on any one aspect of the attractive stranger in front of her. “I'm glad you're here,” she said, reclaiming her hand and letting it fall to her side.  
“Yeah,” he said, a humorless, exhausted laugh leaving his mouth, causing the few days of growth on his lip and chin to twitch. “Wish it was under better circumstances, but hey...” he cleared his throat. “I'm, uh...I'm glad I'm here too...thank you,” he said, a note of genuine sincerity taking the place of sarcasm and snark. “Thank you, for...everything you did for C...I...well, just thanks, hmm?” he pressed his lips together and nodded, gesturing with his hands, hoping they'd make up for his lack of speech.
“You're welcome,” Olivia returned his nod, studying the nervous use of his hands. “Follow me, I'll take you to her,” she inclined her head towards the door to indicate that he should follow her, his sneakers silently one step behind the click of her low but fashionable heels.
“I uh, I heard that the prince... er, King, that he was also injured?” Dan asked tentatively as they climbed the staircase.
Olivia faltered and he saw her clutch the railing a bit tighter for the briefest of seconds. “Yes,” she said after clearing her throat and without turning around. “He's going to make a full recovery, though, Drake too.” She stated the facts as though she needed to hear them as much as Dan did. “They're both very strong...very lucky...”
“Lucky to have people like you on their side,” Dan said as they reached the top. Olivia faltered again, caught off guard by the compliment. She wasn't used to them, not on her personality, not on her character.
“Oh, I don't know,” she said quietly. “I think they'd be fine without me...” she shrugged her shoulders and tried to shrug his sentiments with them, but his words and they way that he spoke them stuck.
“Olivia, just take my word for it,” Dan laid his hand gently on her shoulder, her skin tingling through the fabric of her shirt, not used to the touch.
She nodded, sniffed and averted her eyes. “Well, alright. Thanks.” she sighed. “Anyway, they took Drake for some testing a little while ago. Claire's in the waiting area just through there,” she pointed to the double doors ahead of them. “I have to go make some calls,” she made up an excuse not to follow him, not wanting to be there in the way of Dan and Claire's reunion.
Dan could tell that she was giving him space, and smiled. “Okay, sure,” he said. “Well, I'll see you around then.” She had already started dialing a number on her phone, shooting him a glance before bringing it to her ear and returning his smile with a smaller one of her own. He pushed through the doors and on instinct, his eyes found her immediately. “C!” he called, and hastened his steps to close the distance as quickly as possible.
Claire's eyes widened and she stood bolt upright at the unmistakable sound of Dan's voice. “Dan?!” she felt a relief she didn't even know that she was missing come over her as she looked up and saw him only a few feet away. “Dan! ” she said again as his strong arms came around her in a brotherly hug, pulling her into his chest. Hugging Daniel was like coming home for the holidays and smelling your favorite meal cooking. It was like being wrapped in a warm blanket after coming in from the storm, like laughing forever at your favorite joke, finding it just as funny the hundredth time as it was the first. Hugging Daniel was to feel family. She felt his uneven breath on her scalp as he held her tight.
“C, oh my god, I'm so happy you're okay, you're safe...I  was so worried when you didn't call me,” he was speaking directly into her hair and she could feel him shaking slightly. She was immediately filled with guilt for not getting in touch with him.
“I'm so sorry, Dan,” she felt tears slip past her eyelids, felt her throat tighten. “I'm..I was...”
He peeled her away from him to look her in the eye. “Hey, no, that's not what I meant, okay? I know Drake was...hurt bad and...look I understand why you didn't call, okay? I'm just so glad you're safe.” He pulled her into another hug and she threw her arms back around him, holding on to the big brother the universe had given her later in life. They embraced for a few long moments before sitting back down, Claire filling him in on everything that had happened, his arm around her the entire time.
After about an hour, Dan drifted off to sleep. The jet lag and general stress of not knowing if Claire was safe, of helplessness and worry had finally caught up to him. Claire stretched and yawned, took a few moments to answer some messages from Hana and Maxwell. She checked the time and saw that there was still at least another hour before she could expect Drake to return based on what the nurse had told her, so she took advantage of the comfort of having Dan with her to get some sleep.
. .  .  .  .  .  
Drake's scans and tests had all gone without a hitch- they were still waiting for the results, but nothing had happened to inhibit the diagnostics. A nurse informed him that “Ms. Berkley” had fallen asleep in the waiting area, and asked if he wanted her to be woken up.
“No,” he said with a slight shake of his head, “no, thank you, ma'am...she should rest,” he knew how little sleep she'd been getting, and was glad to know that she'd found some. The nurse smiled and nodded, leaving his room. Drake sighed, imagining Claire asleep curled up in a chair in the waiting area, wishing that she could curl up against his body instead. It would be a long while before that was an option, according to his doctors, and while he hated that fact, not much could dim the happiness in his heart just knowing that they were both alive and safe and that they'd have a lifetime of curling up together to look forward to.
A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts, as Bastien appeared. He'd been in the previous evening, shortly after Drake had woken up, and the two had shared a moment of appreciation for the others' safety. Drake had wanted to talk to Bastien about the dream he'd had, about the woman, Annabelle, that he could almost remember- ask him why she'd been part of his vision, why she'd come to him along with the most influential people in his life... but he hadn't even talked to Claire about his dream yet. He could wait to bring it up with Bastien, too. He sensed that Bastien needed to focus on the here and now, and if he was being honest with himself, that's what he needed as well.  
“Bas,” Drake greeted him, trying to sit up a little straighter against the pillows.
“Relax, Drake,” Bastien put his hands up. “You have a visitor,” he stepped aside and opened the door wider to reveal Leo, and Drake's eyes nearly dropped out of his head.
“Rhys!” Drake exclaimed as Leo entered the room.
Leo's eyes washed slowly over Drake, taking in the bandages and monitors, his pale complexion, the slightly clouded look in his eyes. “Shit, Walker, you look like Hell,” he said, trying for a joke but coming up just a touch short.
Drake scoffed. “Yeah, yeah, I know, this is a lot, huh?” He knew Leo's way was to cover everything with sarcasm. In that way they were quite a bit alike...well, until recently, anyway, when Drake had learned that it was alright to feel things, and to show it.
“You...you okay, Drake?” Leo asked, a look of shock on his face that he was trying to get rid of by blinking repeatedly. He'd just been in to see Liam, had just met Claire, spoken with Olivia...he'd just learned all the details and seen all the damage, and Drake knew he was having a hard time processing it all, but also that he was having a hard time with the guilt he knew Leo felt for not being around for Liam through the season.
“I will be,” he said assuredly. “Got too much to look forward to, not to make it now.”
Leo nodded. “Yeah, I just met her,” he said with a smile. “You got a good one, Walker. Don't fuck it up.” The joke was back in his voice, a sparkle in his eye that Drake had known to be pretty much constant.
“No intention to do any such thing,” he promised.
Leo cleared his throat. “Good,” he said with a smile before sitting down. Bastien dragged the second chair in the room closer to Drake's bed. “Now, as happy as I am to see you in...relatively...one piece, I'm here on official business for my brother.” He nodded in the direction of Liam's room. “He wanted to come in here himself- he's been wanting to come see you- but the doctors say he can't get out of bed for another day or so, and this couldn't wait.” Leo paused to make sure that Drake understood the gravity of what they were about to discuss. “Drake, you know Liam has a different viewpoint of how the country should be run...different from our father's...different from any other King in Cordonia's history...” Drake nodded. He did know, and he supported, Liam's open mindedness. He knew that the Cordonian citizens were growing tired of the old fashioned ways of the nobility and the crown. “Well,” Leo continued with Bastien's steely eyes focused on Drake, ready for his reaction. “Well, Liam has decided that his first act as King will be to... to dissolve the Monarchy.” Drake's eyebrows flew up and he searched Leo and Bastien's faces. Bastien nodded once and Drake felt a shock that wasn't necessarily unwelcome pass through his mind as he started wrapping it around the idea of a Kingless Cordonia. “He wants to institute a Common Council, with one representative from each Duchy...well, they'd be referred to as Regions...” Leo went on to explain Liam's plans for a new government in Cordonia, one that would give more power to the people, more of a say in how their country was lead, more of a chance to have their problems heard and their questions answered. Each representative would serve a 2 year term, at the end of which their Region would vote on whether or not they are happy with their representation. If so, that representative would serve another 2 years should they choose to stay on, and if not, another election would be held to find a suitable replacement. Liam would serve as the first Head of Council, but would be subjected to the same 2 year terms as the Regional Representatives. Future Heads of Council would be elected from existing Council members, by the Council.
There were still quite a few details to iron out, and clearly a lot of legislation and paperwork that would have to happen, and Drake's head was spinning slightly. But the more Leo spoke, the more he could hear Liam in his words, and the more he knew that this was exactly what Cordonia needed. He looked over to Bastien again, and thought he saw something that looked like hope in the man's tired eyes. He realized that it never occurred to him that Bastien might have been putting a life on hold to serve in the King's Guard, and that now that there wouldn't be a King to guard... Drake found himself wondering for the first time what life might be like for Bastien once he was no longer bound by duty. Again, a conversation for another time.
“He's appointed me as the Representative from Fydelia,” Leo went on, mentioning Cordonia's capital. Most of the other appointments are still up in the air...Olivia will likely be chosen for Lythikos...but...Drake,” Leo wasn't quite done, his eyes still serious as he hit Drake with Liam's last bit of news. “He wants you to serve on the first Common Council of Cordonia, as the Representative from Valtoria. He...he wants you there to support him...to help him lead... to help him take care of the people.”
Again, the shock that wasn't completely a shock passed through his chest and mind, and he found himself nodding as words fell out of his mouth. “Tell him I accept,” Drake didn't need to think twice. He knew that if Liam needed him, he'd be there, and he was actually feeling oddly confident and sure about all of this. If Claire could teach him how to love again after all the pain and damage that he'd had in his life, surely he and Liam and the rest of the Council could teach the country to trust their leaders again. This would be different from a ruling noble class- Liam was calling for the end of titles, the end of rule being passed down based on a name. Several of the estates owned by the royal family would be donated to the State of Cordonia, to be converted into museums, or used as academic buildings. He knew there would be push back from some of the older families- Lord Pyke's smug, yellowed face came to mind- but he knew that ultimately they would have the support of the people, that ultimately, this would save their country from slipping into constant turmoil. Drake wished he could go and speak with Liam in person, wished he could look him in the eye as he made the promise to support him, to take on his new role with integrity and responsibility.
“You should tell him yourself,” Leo said, picking Drake's phone up off of the bedside and handing it to him. “But, unofficially, welcome to the Council,” Leo stood and held his hand out. Drake struggled and grimaced, but was able to shake Leo's hand, a unifying look passing between them- Leo and Drake had a lot in common, but a distaste for the way things had been going in Cordonia was the largest one, and now they'd get a chance to help Liam change things. Leo let go of Drake's hand and exited the room.
“Bas,” Drake looked at the man who'd been his father figure for the past twenty two years. “What do you think of all of this?” he shook his head slightly.
Bastien gazed down at his mentor's son as he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. “I think that this is exactly what Cordonia needs. I think Liam is doing the right thing. And Drake?” Drake had been nodding along with Bastien, but looked into the man's eyes when he said his name. “You are the right man for the job. Even if you reach a point where you doubt yourself. Remember, Liam chose you for this position. It's not a default, it's not a favor. He chose you, Drake Walker. Claire chose you...” Bastien finished with his sleeves. “You've come a long way, Drake. You have a long way to go, a lot of work to put in, but you're on the right road, with the right people...your father...he'd be very proud of you, I hope you know that.”
Drake felt Bastien's words resonate in his heart as he followed Leo out of the room. He stared at the phone in his hand before dialing Liam's number, holding it up to speak with his best friend. It rang twice before Liam's voice was coming through the speaker. “Drake?”
“Hey, Li,” Drake tried to sound nonchalant, but the truth was that they were both overwhelmed with relief and happiness at the sound of the others' voice.
“Hey, didn't anyone tell you not to go throwing yourself in front of bullets, Drake?”  
“Not sure anyone thought they'd have to,” Drake joked.
There was a brief moment of silence before Liam spoke again. “I'm...shit,” he cleared his throat. “I'm glad that...”
Drake knew what he was trying to say. He knew he couldn't fathom losing Liam any more than he could losing Claire or Bastien, knew Liam felt the same. “I know, Li. Me too,” he said, clearing his own throat. “But sounds like we have a lot to talk about...” he changed the subject to the Council, accepting Liam's offer to serve. They would have a lot of work to do once they were out of the hospital.
“But you need to focus on recovering, first and foremost, Councilman Walker,” Liam said, “Cordonia needs you in top form...and so does Claire,” Drake could hear the smile in his friend's voice, and knew that even though he was hurting from the loss of his father, from Kiara's betrayal and the shock of everything that had happened, he knew that Liam was still happy for Drake and Claire and the love that they'd found.
“Yeah,” Drake said, as his door opened and a sleepy-eyed Claire walked towards him. “Hey, brother, you focus on that, too,” the ended their conversation as Claire crossed the room to stand next to the bed. Drake could barely keep his eyes open. He had so much he needed to tell her, but it would have to wait for the morning as he felt sleep start to wrap itself around him like a blanket.
“Hey, you,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss his cheek lightly, her feather soft hair tickling his skin like magic.
“Hey, Berkley,” he mumbled, turning his head so that his lips would find a bit of skin near her jaw. She sunk into the chair beside his bed and her fingers found his. She laid her head down on her arms, her breath warm against the skin of his wrist as she resumed the position they'd fallen asleep together in earlier that day. “Berkley,” he said her name again, both of them barely awake. She hummed a response. “Berkley, everything is going to change soon...but not you...not us...wherever you are, so am I...always, Berkley. I love you.”
“Gra go deo, Walker,” she yawned the words but he felt the warmth and the truth behind them despite how tired she was, how battered they both had been, how much they'd all been through. “Forever, Drake,” she said through another yawn as her eyes slipped closed. “I love you, forever.”
Hey brother, we’re all learning to love again. 
tagging: @ooo-barff-ooo  @sleepwalkingelite @zaffrenotes @brightpinkpeppercorn @jovialyouthmusic  @mind-reader1 @endlessly-searching-for-you @notoriouscs @endlesstaylormckenzie @agent-bossypants @andy-loves-corgis @drakewalkerrosenberg @akrenich @nekkidmolerat @indiacater @thequeenofcronuts @the-everlasting-dream @the-whiskeywife @roonarific @stopforamoment @mkatschoicesblog @mfackenthal @drakewalkerisreal @jlouise88 @drakesensworld @gibbles82 @gardeningourmet @iplaydrake
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zaffrenotes · 5 years
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one of several reasons I've been quiet as of late... stitching and watching/listening to stuff on Hulu before the episodes expire.
quietly panicking as I debate how to fill in all that ivy...🤦 LoL what was I thinking.
for @likethetailofacomet @ooo-barff-ooo channeling Bas
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borismartinez0 · 4 years
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"Thanks u for the venom!🥀" What's your favorite song? . . . . . . Hashtags ~ ( #emos #emo #emobility #emogroup #emofashion #emogoth #emoboy #emogirl #emoguy #emostyle #emohair #scene #sceneboy #sceneboys #scenegirl #scenemodel #scenehair #emoscene #alt #alternative #alternativeboy #alternativegirl #alternativehair #emohairstyle #goth #gothic #borismartinez #tattoo #myspace #features ) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-Ut_q-ltLa/?igshid=1h4r3zp1et7un
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not-rotting · 5 years
The newest chapter of LTLA... 👏👏👏👏👏 I love you for that!!!
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escadaman · 1 month
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الحقيقة تبرز بوضوح أكثر من الأكاذيب ‼️
جمعة مباركة اتقوا الله جل جلاله وتوقفوا عن الحماقة هنا الناس رمضان مبارك ‼️
➖️ Islämísm ✨️✨️🇲🇦✨️✨️🇺🇲✨️✨️ 🕋
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johnvive06-blog · 6 years
Quick reservation for Boston Wedding Limousine
Boston’s LTLA Limousine Service has set the standard and provides best services for the remainder and has supplied transportation Boston limousine services for over two decades. Now our services provide you services with new style & you can hire our Limo, limousine car for Boston Airport Car Service, special occasion and more. We take pride in our Boston Prom Limo Service and transportation business and we love what we do. If you are in need of having luxurious limousine car in your special day from one place to another you’re in the right place. When you need Limousine Service in Boston for corporate and private use, LTLA has all your needs covered! Our first priority is our customers and making sure they have a stress-free vehicle shipping experience from start to finish. Our Reviews and 100% rating ensure that you are in great hands. With experienced motorists, Limo To Logan Airport in Boston provides a limo experience that’s fun, safe, and affordable.
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We are also available for Boston Night Out Limousine, Boston Concert Limo Service and more. For special wedding occasion also -For Brides, limousines can also be decorated indoors, and color organized along with your bridal theme to your wedding transportation in Boston. Our friendly staff and reliable Motorist are happy to meet and exceed any and all of your expectations when it comes to your transportation service and hiring for special occasion. We want to give you the complete information before hiring our services- Think about how much time it will take to get to your own destination. Give us the information about special occasion or concert or airport pick date and time. You may prefer the vehicle to be available before so that you can take some time to savor a leisurely ride around town. And remember, you're free to think outside the automobile and car model when it comes to wedding transportation according to budget.
For more information visit our site http://www.limotologanairport.com/
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billypan · 3 years
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英國變種,英國變種,英國變種。 華航/諾富特群聚,比部桃嚴重,最值得注意的點,我認為是*英國變種病毒。我一周前臉書上的圖(圖A)就能看出傳播比部桃快。英國變種,是目前世界主流病毒(占56%,圖B),而台灣最近提交GISAID的基因定序,都是英國變種(圖C)。 症狀方面,感染英國變種的人,比其他變種更容易*咳嗽,喉嚨痛,疲勞或肌肉酸痛。英國變種,人體病毒載量較高,重症比率增加,住院率,轉加護病房比率都較高。總體上,死亡風險多出61%。 感染力方面,英國變種Rt實時繁殖數量比,比加州變種高20%(圖上部桃藍線是加州變種,紅線是華航英國變種群聚,斜率高於藍線),比武漢原始株高50% - 70%,已有許多包括實驗室培養,超級電腦蛋白質模擬,流行病學研究証實。意味著英國變種傳播能力更強,台灣需要比以往更積極的防疫策略。加州變種在台灣晃一下不見,英國變種呢?目前沒看到減緩走勢。 雖然搞了一年多,很累,但沒辦法,大家皮要繃的更緊。 部桃裏有防疫經驗的醫護,穿上全套隔離裝,加州變種都能突破。而英國變種的穿透力,還要更高。何況諾富特防疫旅館的感染控制能力,完全不能和醫院比,病毒一進去,群聚感染就出現了。 防疫層級方面,英國研究要控制英國變種病毒的社區傳播,第1級第2級沾沾醬油效用不大,第3級LTLA才有效,英國的第3級是啥?差不多就是封城了,宵禁關餐廳關健身房不能出城在家工作停課等等,和台灣第三級差不多。 台灣真要講"超前部署",意味著把三級的防控措施提前到二級裏。但這會搞的整個社會雞飛狗跳,不知道部長和桃園雙北市長敢不敢。防疫世界排名居首的纽西蘭很激進,兩個社區感染個案就封城7天,還封了好幾次。纽西蘭統計裏,英國變種占76%,疫苗接種率2%,台灣不到0.2%。 命名方面,英國最早叫VOC-202012,PANGO系統叫B.1.1.7,Nextstrain系統叫20B / 501Y.V,意思都是一樣的。 預防方面,Moderna疫苗對英國變種的保護力略有降低。在雙盲研究裏,AZ疫苗對英國變種的保護力是70%,相對非英國變種的80%保護力也是低了一點。廣泛注射AZ的英國,單日確診從最高的七萬降到現在不到兩千,單日死亡數降到百分之一。以群體而言,疫苗對英國變種還是很有效的。 再說一遍,有機會,快去打。 分子血清診斷方面,要注意某些快篩試劑偵測不到,偽陰性。而絕大部份的RT-PCR偵測英國變種沒問題,只有少數,比方某中國廠牌,因為序列不符合病毒變異,偵測不到。 進化方面,英國變種的產生,據研究和免疫功能差,新冠病毒慢性感染的個案有關。病毒在一個病人體內就能練蠱,練成絕世奇毒....XD 英國變種病毒,重創英國,連首相強生都感染,很糗。但英國醫學研究功底深,建立了系統化基因監測網路,英國變種在PubMed上能查到170篇醫學論文,應該是目前變種中最多的。知恥進乎勇,英國變種污名隨便你叫沒關係,英國靠自已努力快速地研發出疫苗,接種率達到75%,還是戰勝了變種病毒。 https://bit.ly/3h0ioYA
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batdongsanvntop · 3 years
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Empire City 1BR for sale - LTLA foreigner quota
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weekend-whip · 1 year
I have. A LOT OF THINGS TO SAY!!!!!!
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I think this is the first time you’ve written a swear word and I am suspecting that me writing swearing in our dms/the cracked!legacyverse fics has infected you. EITHER WAY POP OFF KAI!! GO OFF ON GARMADON YOU LITERALLY HAVE EVERY FUCKING REASON TO NOT TRUST HIM!! YOU 👏 ARE 👏 IN 👏 THE 👏 RIGHT!!! 👏
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BUT THE GROUP!!!!!!!!!!! THE ONE YOU WERE TALKING ANOUT!!!! IS ANTONIA GONNA GET INVOLVED???????? AND BRIDGET MAKES AN APPEARANCE!!! AND OLIVIA!!!!!!!! SHARK PJS!!! (I’m imagining her in a onsie you’d find for like a five year old only bigger and you can’t change my mind) AND POP OFF QUEEN YOURE DOING AMAZING SWEETHEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told you it was gonna be a thing asdfghgjhhgfds it was just REALLY far in the future aaaaa
It ISN'T (and it's not the first from specifically Kai either) BUT I will concede it's probably the most significant usage...so far.
YUP IT'S THE GROUP!!! Figured I'd lay some groundwork before Season 2 >:3 Antonia...gets involved...eventually. To some degree. But we gotta get there first!
GRAAAAAH no one is more ready for Kai's Potential than meeeee! I'm fired up *-*)9
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why is ltla getting an anime
it's not even really yuri
it's more like a cliche shounen harem manga with the protag made into a girl at the last minute
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nakedpersimmon · 7 years
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Favorite pics of Nez at the Live Talks Los Angeles event on April 27th in Santa Monica, CA. (More pics on the LTLA Facebook page HERE.)
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