Was lurking the RE forum in hoping for new updates but instead got stumbled upon some rude imbecile trashing MOTH. Worst was she/he compared Hyacinth to the trashbag birdface aka he*nly. Like what? Birdface doesn't have the quality of Hyacinth's pinky finger. Those he*nly stans are weird. They hate Sovieshu for getting a concubine but in the same breath praises Chinese harem novel where there are multiple wives present. But get this, she/he is oppose to reverse harem like Latil having multiple male concubines. Make it make sense.
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Oh and they're seething cause Sovieshu's side story undid everything and Navier chose Sovieshu over he*nly. Lol did they forget Navier never wanted to leave Eastern empire in the first place? She didn't marry birdface out of love.
She/He claims to have read both novels yet makes so many false comparison and assumption about both of these. It's hilarious.
Oh they also hate that Rashta got happy ending and Glorym is Sovieshu's child.
Lmao it's actually amusing to see antis throwing tantrums in the discussions. I'm here like
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autumnfuzz · 1 year
I added Rashta cause fandom talks more about her than Navier even the haters basically making her the focus of the story.
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annabyannie · 1 year
Guesta will become a dad.🤯 The way girgol has always guessed Latil's pregnancies is cute and surprising. I really wish the next child was a boy.
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thisthirstisreal · 1 year
All I ever really wanted from MotH: these two 🧡
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saint-yaint · 2 years
Can we really talk about how the author had Navier go through harsher and sometimes seemly excessive (even for the plot) emotional/mental abuse everytime she rebuffed Heinrey's or Kaufman's romantic advances because of her commitment to marriage. Like I know everyone talks about Rashta's portrayal by Alphatart but let's not act that Navier wasn't put through shit during the beginning of the story and early in her remarriage to consistently push Navier to Heinrey and imo making Navier's personality one dimensional by the end of the novel. The same Male-motivated actions are displayed in Men of the Harem by Alphatart with Latil but moreso with Aini's consistent mental health deterioration. I just think Alphatart cannot write main or secondary female leads with out subjecting them to punishment to either being with the wrong man or not giving in to the right one.
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acertaincritic · 2 years
So I'm rereading and I can't help but wonder if this:
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is payback for this: 😏
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It happens merely a few chapters later... 👀
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sayakuran · 2 years
See, what Aini is trying to prove to Latil, is the same thing that Latil is planning to prove to his people, I'm talking about the idea of "I'm on your side, I'm not bad" Chapter - 792 
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coco2af1 · 2 years
I dont mind spoilers but can anyone let me know that in men of harem sir sonnaught and latil be together...i wish them to be together pls
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imma-write-stuff · 2 years
Latil Reuniting with Sister Reader Who is Married to a Foreign King May Include
Content Warning: Mentions of Pregnancy and childbirth (well it’s vague-ish idk how to describe it,)
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- You were the youngest sibling and the baby. Latil naturally is super protective of you since you was born. You were a shy and timid lady unlike your siblings and preferred to keep to yourself
- You were arranged to marry a prince from a very important country that was allies to your empire. 
- Latil was reluctant to let you go however your father said it’s important to secure alliances with other countries. And it was important for you step up and get out of your comfort zone. 
- Years later you were a fully fledged Queen, news spread you just given birth to a son and was able to secure the family lineage. Latil become the new Emperor, started a harem, and began focusing on building a new era.
- You couldn’t go to Latil’s coronation due to your last stages of pregnancy and dealing with childbirth. A day after her coronation a messenger gave her news of the birth of your son. She immediately send gifts to you and your family as a congratulations. 
-  Months past, you and your family came to visit, after so many years you finally got to see your sister in person.
- *At the throne room,*
Y/N: “Your Majesty Emperor Latil,”
- Tears filled your eyes as you bowed to your sister, Latil stand ups and walks to you.
- Latil: “Spare the formalities and get over here,”
- Both of you embrace and cried tears of joy. You two spend most of the day together to catch up. Latil was cautious to tell you about the events that happen over the years. She knew you were still mentally and physically recovering from a tricky pregnancy and childbirth. 
- In the evening you two ate dinner together enjoying the peaceful silence. Latil was amused, you were still quiet and introverted. She’s thankful that hasn’t changed. At the same time she noticed how graceful and wise you became. Perhaps the marriage was the best choice.
- Latil: “(King’s name) treated you well?”
Y/N: “Yes, he’s been very tender towards me, especially after (Son’s name) is born. He’s been visiting to make sure we’re doing okay. The labor was so long I thought he wouldn’t come out.”
Latil: “That’s good, I was hoping he’ll take care of you. How’s (Son’s Name)?”
Y/N: “He’s growing so fast and is healthy.”
- Latil smiled seeing how happy you were, part of her envied that. She looked back and thought of what she might’ve have with her ex. But she quickly pushed those thoughts aside, no need to think of the past.
- Y/N: “Next time I come and visit I will bring (Son’s name) I would love to have him meet his aunt,”
Latil: “That would be perfect! I look forward meeting him when he’s old enough to travel.”
- The next few days was a mixture of politics and hanging out when not busy. Eventually you had to return to your home. Latil was as always reluctant to let go but she’s glad to know she can trust you and was proud to see the woman you had become.
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roseunspindle · 2 years
Latrasil Valentine Tarium
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myfallengrace · 6 months
Hello everyone! I made a server for the webtoon "Men of the Harem." If you'd like to join, please use this link: https://discord.gg/U4aCbZEghh
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fishingandlifehack · 1 year
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Garcia Haute-fidélité Spinner, quelqu'un ici l'a-t-il déjà appliqué ? Je suis évidemment attirant de humanisme si ceci fonctionne dans le bonheur et semble dessous l'eau. Jixleas / 1672374619 #Pêche ID : 63af09256d14ccomment pêcher, le fils pêche, l'oiseau pêche, tout le monde pêche, le corbeau pêche, le chien pêche, l'ours pêche, l'enfant pêche, le garçon pêche, l'ours pêche dans la rivière , pour attraper, la belle fille attrape du poisson, le chat attrape du poisson ! pêcheur de chat, comme un corbeau attrapant du poisson, pêchant avec ses mains, nous attrapons le plus gros poisson, de pêche, de pêche, de pêche, de poisson, de pêche au brochet, de pêche à la carpe, quoi attraper, de pêche, de pêche à la carpe, de poisson pêché https://wpwsocash.com/?p=15299&feed_id=42/
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annabyannie · 11 months
Girgol is just as I imagined.😍 I am so in love with this vampire. ❣️
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sirsirgirl · 2 months
If you think this woman doesn’t look like Latil…
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Check the digital book cover.
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It could just be a coincidence because both were probably drawn by the same artist. But don’t tell me it isn’t sus 👀
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leekingsman · 1 year
[–«Blessings upon her majesty, the Empress of Empire from her most devoted and humble servant»–]
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(The villainess is a marionette has finished it second season with confirmation that Cayena wants to become Empress, we'll see what the future holds)
(and I also wanted to add other female leads who are already or will be Empresses / emperors of their empire, because why not? Who doesn't love a woman in power!)
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wapdyn · 9 months
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“I think if Mermaids did exist, they would be like you, Latil. Apparently mermaids smile warmly as they wave at a person to approach them. If they don’t, they take out their anger by dragging the person and sticking their head under the water. That’s not all. They sing as they please whenever a ship passes by and then ask for a toll fee. They’re practically thugs, right? I thought of you as I heard this story. I think you’re my mermaid. Then am I the sailor who was captured by you? When will you let go of my soul, Latil?”
The mermaid panel omg… was this like a Meradim foreshadowing lmao? Hyacinth accidentally insulting Latil then flirting with her in their letters 😭 he’s so unintentionally funny.
I never thought we’d see a mermaid form of Latil 😂
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