#Le Nouveau Cinémonde
tina-aumont · 7 years
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Tina Aumont: What a Girl!
As soon as Tina appears in the streets of Rome, she advances in a concert of admiring whistles. From the "accatone" to the dandies of the Via Veneto, all express themselves in the lyrical mode: "Oh, there, que ragazza!" It is because our Tina is a very beautiful one, indeed. Over time, the daughter of Jean-Pierre Aumont grew with a luxuriance that evokes the tropical flower. Moreover, she is a star in the Peninsula. After having tried in some commercial films, she was chosen by Bertolucci, who makes the "new cinema", as a partner of Pierre Clémenti in "Partner": it is a duet that we can not wait to contemplate.
Tina pictured by Angelo Frontoni. Photo and caption from Le Nouveau Cinémeonde from 1968.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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Tina Aumont: dreamy or perverse?
Tina (ex-Marquand) seems to be sorry for all those who would like to admire her in France: her career is done either in Italy or in England and, in fact, since "La Curée" by Vadim, she did not work anymore in French studios. In Rome, where she recently shot a "Carmen" with Franco Nero, Tina will soon start "Partner", under the direction of young Italian filmmaker Bernardo Bertolucci, with Pierre Clémenti as a partner. "Will you be perverse, dreamy, pure, a pretty monster?" she was asked. Tina, fluttering her eyelashes, replied: "It takes a certain look for a dreamer to pass through a perverse and vice versa. So we'll see!"
Scan and caption from French magazine “Le Nouveau Cinémonde”, 9th April 1968.
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tina-aumont · 7 years
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April 1967
Merry and funeral
Tina Marquand, the restless daughter of Jean-Pierre Aumont and Maria Montez, likes so much hairy men that she has now decided to marry one: he is called Frédéric Pardo, who is said to be Sarte’s pupil, he is painter. Here we see the couple, fairly cheerful despite the funeral clothes, in Rome, where Tina interprets “Troppo per vivere, poco per morire” aka “Your turn to die”. Tina was once married: with actor Christian Marquand. The young actress announced that she had decided to take the father's last name. She will be called Tina Aumont. (Tempo, 2nd May 1967)
Bella and Pardo
Hairy she, hairy he: seen from the center (if it wasn’t for her miniskirt) almost we don’t distinguish them. On the other hand, there are no doubts. She is Tina Marquand, the beautiful daughter of Jean Pierre Aumont and Maria Montez, he is the most beautiful Frédéric Pardo, a sculpture of a noble Parisian family, rich in palate, intellectual, surrealist painter and (most importantly) boyfriend, friend and accompanist of the beautiful Tina. They are both young, really young, she is twenty-two, he is twenty-three, and yet they have a failed marriage before: she, Tina, is the wife of actor Christian Marquand (twenty years older than her) married three years now; he is the ex-husband of a pretty exponent of the "Paris-good" who hastened to plant as soon as he met Tina. It seems decided that they will marry soon, according to their claims. Both swear and pervert that they finally found the ideal man and woman. And to try their "identity" they decided to adopt the same hairstyle. (Eva, 7th May 1967)
Who's Who?
He or she? Without the miniskirt of Tina Marquand, returned Tina Aumont, one could rightly ask who is the girl and who is the boy in this strange couple that forms she with Frederic Pardo, that she wants to marry. He divorced his youngest for Tina, who has, as we know, divorced Christian Marquand, "this friend of papa", being decidedly too old for her. (Cine Revue, 4rt May 1967)
Tina Marquand: "How do you find my fiance?"
Tina, it is known, when she was still the wife of Christian Marquand, frequented the "Bus Palladium", "Castel" and the "New Jimmy's". Then the (very) young woman left for the United States to film a western with Dean Martin ("Texas Across the River") and announced her divorce. Since then, it has not happened a year, and Tina announces her new marriage: this time, it is on the painter Frédéric Pardo that she has set her sights. Pardo, who has been painting since the age of 12, is the pupil of Jean-Paul Sartre. (Le Nouveau Cinémonde, 30th May 1967)
Scans and captions from different vintage magazines.
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