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Oscar Wilde famously said that experience is just another name for the mistakes we make. This rings true, as long as we learn from those mistakes. In today's increasingly unpredictable world of constant change, information overload, multiculturalism, and technological disruption, mistakes are inevitable.
Most people dislike making errors, but management expert Tom Peters argues in his book Thriving on Chaos that we can't afford perfectionism. The quickest way to find solutions is through rapid testing, making mistakes, learning, and adjusting. He advocates that we embrace and even celebrate mistakes as opportunities for growth. He thinks we should become "mistake maniacs".
⭐Happy accidents⭐
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It's worth remembering that many discoveries and inventions have happened by accident. In the early 1970s, Arthur Fry wanted a bookmark for his church hymnal that wouldn't fall out or damage the pages. His colleague at 3M, Spencer Silver, had developed an adhesive that wasn't strong enough to stick two surfaces together (as planned) but left no residue after removal and allowed items to be repositioned. Fry put some of Silver's adhesive along the edge of a piece of paper. His church hymnal problem was solved, and the Post-it note was invented.
Viagra was originally developed to treat cardio-vascular problems. In testing, it must have become (very) clear that it wasn't just the heart that was affected.
And the famous inventor Thomas Edison made thousands of failed prototypes of his electric light bulb before finally succeeding. When asked why he hadn't given up, he explained that each failure had taught him something he needed to know for the next attempt. Edison was clearly a mistake maniac.
⭐Turn mistakes into experience⭐
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1. Accept the mistake
When you make a mistake, admit it as soon as you can first to yourself and then to others. The sooner you accept that a mistake has happened, and take responsibility for it, the sooner you can start learning from it.
2. Analyse and get feedback
Study where you went wrong, so you'll know what to do differently next time. It can help you in identifying solutions to future problems, too. It's helpful to get feedback from trusted colleagues. A mentor can give you advice on how they've managed similar situations.
3. Find the lesson to be learned
Keep a diary. Record your mistake along with your analysis and the feedback you received. Then, make a plan with specific steps to prevent the same mistake from happening again.
Some organizations have online mistake diaries that everyone can contribute to, in which mistakes and their solutions are posted.
4. Check your learning progress
Use a simple learning checklist at regular intervals to help you learn from these experiences.
5. Always be a learner
Develop a learning mindset and be prepared to take some risks. Prioritize where you want to develop, concentrating on one thing at a time. Put time aside for your learning. Share your goals with someone you trust, so they can encourage and support you. A mistake maniac is ultimately a lifelong learner.
⭐Essential phrases⭐
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1. Accept the mistake
I'm afraid that was my fault.
My approach to the problem was wrong.
I'm sorry but I messed up there.
2. Analyse and get feedback
Let's see what went wrong in the process.
I think I understand where I made an error.
Where do you think the mistake was made?
3. Find the lesson to be learned
I can see where I need to improve.
I've made an action plan to make sure this doesn't happen again.
I don't intend to make the same mistake twice.
4. Check your learning progress
Have I reached my learning goals?
I carry out a self-check on my progress at regular intervals.
I need to check whether my approach is working.
5. Always be a learner
One step at a time.
Have a look and tell me if
you think these goals are practical.
I've allocated time each week for learning.
⭐My learning checklist⭐
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Answer YES or NO:
Have I...
reached the learning goals I wanted to reach by this time?
clarified my learning targets for the next six months?
taken steps to improve how I manage my time for learning?
thought about things I haven't enjoyed doing and/or have not done well and considered how?
I might handle such things in the future?
thought about things I have enjoyed doing and/or have done well?
done anything specific to keep up to date?
concentrated on how to improve in the future?
learned something new about myself?
Follow @everythingaboutbiotech for more informative and useful posts.
Source: Business Spotlight
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b-mo15 · 2 years
We all make them....
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markbecera25 · 2 months
Persistence Pays Off: The Power of Perseverance in Achieving Your Goals
Persistence is key when striving for success. Keep pushing forward, learn from your mistakes, and never give up on your dreams. Your determination will ultimately lead you to achieve your goals.
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jeraldvillanueva84 · 2 months
Persistence Pays Off: The Power of Perseverance in Achieving Your Goals
Persistence is key when striving for success. Keep pushing forward, learn from your mistakes, and never give up on your dreams. Your determination will ultimately lead you to achieve your goals. #NeverGiveUp #PersistenceIsKey #StriveForSuccess #DeterminationMatters #LearnFromMistakes #KeepPushingForward #AchieveYourGoals #PositiveMindset #DreamBig #SuccessStory
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francislegazpi · 2 months
Persistence Pays Off: The Power of Perseverance in Achieving Your Goals
Persistence is key when striving for success. Keep pushing forward, learn from your mistakes, and never give up on your dreams. Your determination will ultimately lead you to achieve your goals.
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chantriavillareal · 2 months
Persistence Pays Off: The Power of Perseverance in Achieving Your Goals
Persistence is key when striving for success. Keep pushing forward, learn from your mistakes, and never give up on your dreams. Your determination will ultimately lead you to achieve your goals.
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amorgan120290 · 2 months
Persistence Pays Off: The Power of Perseverance in Achieving Your Goals
Persistence is key when striving for success. Keep pushing forward, learn from your mistakes, and never give up on your dreams. Your determination will ultimately lead you to achieve your goals.
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digital-b3 · 3 months
My Biggest Digital Marketing Fail (and What I Learned)
Hey everyone, I'm here to confess my biggest digital marketing blunder. It wasn't a catastrophic data breach, thank goodness, but it definitely taught me a valuable lesson about understanding your audience and staying authentic.
Here's the story: I was managing the social media for a local bakery known for its delicious, homemade pies. To capture attention and attract new customers, I created a series of highly stylized photos featuring their pies in trendy, minimalist settings. Think sleek marble countertops, perfectly arranged props, and zero crumbs.
I was initially thrilled with the visuals. They were clean, modern, and aesthetically pleasing. However, engagement plummeted. Likes and comments were scarce, and the few comments I received expressed confusion. "Where's the warmth?" one user asked. "This doesn't look like my grandma's pie!" another chimed in.
The truth hit me like a stale croissant. I had gotten so caught up in creating visually trendy content that I completely missed the mark on what truly resonated with my audience. They weren't looking for minimalism, they craved comfort, tradition, and the feeling of home.
So, what did I learn?
Know your audience inside and out: Don't just create content you find appealing, but tailor it to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience.
Authenticity is key: Don't try to be something you're not. Embrace the unique qualities and personality of your brand and let it shine through in your content.
Data is your friend: Track your results closely. If engagement is dropping, don't be afraid to analyze the content and make adjustments.
The outcome? I went back to the drawing board. I focused on capturing the warm, inviting atmosphere of the bakery. I used natural lighting, close-up shots of the pies, and images of happy customers enjoying their treats. Engagement skyrocketed, and the bakery even received positive comments about their "down-to-earth" social media presence.
This experience taught me that the human element is crucial in digital marketing. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about connecting with your audience on an emotional level. So, be true to your brand, understand your audience, and don't be afraid to learn from your mistakes!
What are your biggest digital marketing lessons learned? Share them in the comments!
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alinagentry90 · 4 months
How to Teach kids about Money Management
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Instilling a solid understanding of money management for kids is essential for their financial literacy journey. Begin by introducing fundamental concepts:
Earning: Explain how money is earned through jobs, allowances, or chores.
Saving: Encourage them to save a portion of their money for short-term and long-term goals. Use piggy banks or savings accounts to illustrate.
Spending Wisely: Teach the difference between needs and wants. Help them create a budget for spending their money.
Giving: Instill the value of generosity by encouraging them to donate a portion of their money to charity or help others in need.
Delayed Gratification: Teach patience and the importance of saving for larger purchases rather than instant gratification.
Understanding Value: Compare prices, discuss discounts, and teach them to shop wisely.
Setting Goals: Encourage them to set financial goals and create a plan to achieve them.
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odelssportslife · 5 months
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Embrace the journey of setbacks and failures, for within them lies the secret to success. Michael Jordan's wisdom reminds us that every missed shot, every loss, and every failure is a stepping stone toward greatness. It's not about avoiding mistakes but learning from them, bouncing back stronger, and ultimately achieving unparalleled success. Let resilience be your greatest ally on the path to triumph. 🏀💪 . . . .
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tmarshconnors · 5 months
"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever"
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Ambrose Bierce was an American short story writer, journalist, poet, and American Civil War veteran. 
Born: 24 June 1842, Meigs County, Ohio, United States
Died: Chihuahua, Mexico
Military Service: Ambrose Bierce served as a soldier in the American Civil War. He enlisted in the Union Army at the age of 18 and fought in several significant battles, including the Battle of Shiloh. His wartime experiences greatly influenced his later works, and he wrote a number of stories based on his observations during the conflict.
"The Devil's Dictionary": Bierce is renowned for his satirical lexicon, "The Devil's Dictionary." Originally published as "The Cynic's Word Book" in 1906, the collection provides humorous and often sardonic definitions for words. Bierce's wit and sharp commentary on various aspects of society, politics, and human behavior are evident throughout the entries.
Disappearance: One of the enduring mysteries surrounding Ambrose Bierce is his disappearance. In 1913, at the age of 71, he traveled to Mexico during the Mexican Revolution and was never heard from again. The circumstances of his disappearance remain unknown, and it has fueled speculation and intrigue for over a century.
Journalistic Career: Before gaining fame as a fiction writer, Bierce had a successful career as a journalist. He wrote for several newspapers, including the San Francisco Examiner, where he worked under William Randolph Hearst. Bierce's columns often showcased his sharp wit and criticism of contemporary issues.
Realism and Occult Themes: While Bierce is often associated with realism and satire, he also explored supernatural and occult themes in some of his works. His short stories such as "The Damned Thing" and "An Inhabitant of Carcosa" incorporate elements of horror and the supernatural, showcasing a different aspect of his storytelling.
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gaming-beast · 5 months
Common Mistakes in Valorant You Should Avoid - A Beginner's Guide to Pro Gaming
Discover the common mistakes in Valorant you should avoid in order to become a pro-level gamer. Learn the ten most common mistakes players make in order to improve your gameplay and increase your chances of success.
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Stay Safe on the Road | Analyzing Dash Cam Incidents for Better Driving
Welcome to our latest video, "Stay Safe on the Road: Analyzing Dash Cam Incidents for Better Driving." In this insightful presentation, we delve into real-life dash cam footage to explore and understand various incidents on the road. Our primary goal is not to sensationalize accidents but to shed light on common mistakes, raise awareness, and provide valuable insights for all drivers.
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naukriwizard-1 · 9 months
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Improve Your Score in UWorld Self-Assessments
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cryptoandbitcoinforall · 10 months
🚫⛔ Oops, made a crypto blunder! Learn from my mistake! ⛔🚫
Did you know that once you send cryptocurrency to the wrong address, there's no going back? 😱 That's right! Cryptocurrency transactions are irreversible once they are broadcasted to the network and confirmed on the blockchain.
Here's a quick rundown of the process: 1️⃣ I initiated a cryptocurrency transaction, and my wallet sent it to the network of nodes. 2️⃣ Miners or validators picked up the unconfirmed transaction and included it in a block, verifying and confirming it. 3️⃣ Once the network reached consensus on the validity of the transaction, it became part of the blockchain—forever!
No central authority can cancel or reverse the transaction, and I'm left with no recourse unless the recipient kindly sends it back. 😢
So, learn from my mistake! Always double-check the recipient address and the amount before confirming any crypto transaction. It's vital to be cautious and attentive to avoid losing your precious funds. 💡
Let's stay smart and secure in the crypto world! 💪🌐 #cryptotips #cryptolessons #learnfrommistakes #cryptocurrency #cryptoeducation #beinformed #staysecure #bitcoin #ethereum #blockchain #HODL #cryptocommunity
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flourishwithfreda · 11 months
💫 Trust Your Intuition: Harnessing the Power of Inner Guidance 🌟✨
Your intuition is a powerful tool that can guide you in making decisions, navigating challenges, and living an authentic and fulfilling life. Here are some insights on trusting your intuition:
1️⃣ Cultivate Self-Awareness: Start by cultivating self-awareness and developing a deeper connection with your inner self. Take time to quiet your mind, practice mindfulness, and tune in to your feelings and sensations. The more aware you become of your own inner workings, the better you can recognize and trust your intuition.
2️⃣ Recognize the Signals: Intuition often communicates through subtle signals, such as gut feelings, hunches, or a sense of knowing. Pay attention to these intuitive nudges and learn to distinguish them from fear-based thoughts or external influences. Trust the wisdom that emerges from within.
3️⃣ Embrace Stillness: Create moments of stillness and solitude to allow your intuition to speak. Engage in practices like meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. These activities help quiet the noise of the external world and provide space for your intuition to emerge.
4️⃣ Practice Decisiveness: Trusting your intuition involves taking decisive action. Once you receive intuitive guidance, have the courage to act upon it. This may mean making choices that defy logic or societal expectations. Embrace the courage to follow your inner compass, even if it seems unconventional.
5️⃣ Reflect on Past Experiences: Take time to reflect on instances where you trusted your intuition and it proved to be accurate. Recall moments when you ignored your intuition and the consequences that followed. Use these reflections as reminders of the power and reliability of your intuition.
6️⃣ Quiet the Inner Critic: Our inner critic can often drown out the voice of intuition. Cultivate self-compassion and silence the critical self-talk that may undermine your confidence in your intuition. Trust that you have the innate wisdom to navigate your life's journey.
7️⃣ Seek Alignment: Pay attention to the feeling of alignment and resonance when you are on the right path. Your intuition often guides you toward choices that are in alignment with your values, passions, and purpose. Trust the feelings of joy, excitement, and deep resonance as signs of alignment.
8️⃣ Learn from Mistakes: Embrace the fact that sometimes your intuition may lead you astray or present lessons to be learned. View mistakes or missteps as opportunities for growth and refinement of your intuitive abilities. Each experience deepens your connection with yourself and strengthens your intuition.
9️⃣ Practice Patience: Trusting your intuition is a lifelong journey. Be patient with yourself and the process. As you continue to cultivate trust and embrace your intuition, it will become an invaluable guide in all areas of your life.
💫✨ Trusting your intuition is an act of self-empowerment and a gateway to living a more authentic and fulfilling life. Embrace the guidance that emerges from within and allow your intuition to lead you toward your highest potential.
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