#Leaving Bannerman Road
classongoing · 7 months
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Hello everyone! It's week 4, and our second 'in-between' week, of our re-run through the Class Ongoing story so far! If you haven't checked it out already, you can find our last episode re-release from last week here.
Today we're resharing our third side-story, Leaving Bannerman Road, written by @intuitive-revelations, with cover art by @liria10.
After a surprise appearance from Sky Smith in Episode One: Fallen Soul, we go back to Bannerman Road, five years after the events of the Sarah Jane Adventures: Series 5, to find out what she's doing here in Coal Hill. Available here.
We also have the second installment of our new tie-in, The Lost Diary Entries of a Rhodian Prince, written as collab between @intuitive-revelations (who also illustrated), @avariciousambitions (who wrote this entry), and @bazwillendinflames. This time, Charlie writes about the events of Call of the Void, and their impact on Matteusz and himself.
As a reminder, The Lost Diary Entries of a Rhodian Prince is meant to double as a spoiler-filled recap of each episode from Charlie's perspective, so do not read if you're in the middle of reading that story, or planning to do so.
Please also be aware that Call of the Void and this entry directly discussing those events each contain mentions/depictions of attempted suicide. Please proceed with caution if these themes are at all damaging or distressing.
A text version is available here, at the same link as previously, PDF now updated to include Part 2.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 21 days
With all the mystery around who Ruby is and who her mom is, I really, really hope it isn't actually the Trickster like others have been saying, because while yes it would be nice to see something from SJA appear in current DW, it also would just feel weird at this point as the Trickster was such a Sarah Jane villain that it just feels wrong to give him to the Doctor as an enemy just because Sarah Jane is gone.
#like the way he had alot of connections to sarah jane versus none with the doctor#closest his brigade got was a connection to donna via the time beetle#but like hes always been a sarah jane enemy really#debuting via targetting her childhood friend and offering said childhood friend to switch sarah jane to her place to die#just because the future would be fucked without sarah jane#leading to a confrontation between the two in the place of non-existance or whatever its called#and just trickster earned a full spot on enemy list when erasing luke from existence and targeting maria#two kids sarah cares about fully#and then the next two times it was sarah jane's parents he tried to tempt her to save and therefore again mess up the timelien#and then got a guy as a minion to marry sarah jane but the doctor interrupted shit and ultiamtely thanks to sarah#the guy turns against the trickster and hes stopped#and i know the trickster was intended to return in S5 finale but like#i uh dont really like those plans they had for him and sky for so many reasons#literally ignored it in my fic when it comes to adult sky as it is#and last we got of him overall was fucking up sarah jane's funeral but getting defeated by everyone present#which...yeah that audio including that felt a lil weird and unneeded but#like i know people are saying they could be reusing the sky trickster plot with ruby but i really hope not#just because to me anyway it made no sense#especially for a villain whose focus has always been tempting others to cheat death and such#its how he causes chaos basically#let alone added unneeded shit to sky's character just to be an excuse to get rid of her at the end of S5#like at this point just do something different leave the trickster in SJA stuff...i would say have a luke audio with him#but as we know beyond bannerman road literally gave luke dust and made him pro-military and didnt even have him#talk with wormwood in her appearence so...
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lady-murderess · 6 months
At the end of the day, there is a reason 10's face came back, and that is literally just to say goodbye to NuWho. The 15th Doctor is a complete reboot, RTD has said it himself. But coming from a character standpoint, there was reasoning for it. 14 still had all of 10's qualities. Now, he wasn't as cold as 10, he was more open and not afraid to be affectionate, but even then he still carried the same amount of shame on his shoulders and tortured himself with his trauma. To be honest, 14 seemed tired.
Bumbling about the internet, I have seen people bring up the Metacrisis Doctor when it comes to this finale, but the difference between this bi-generation and the metacrisis was the fact that the metacrisis was a two way thing. Donna became a Time Lord and the version of him that came from both Donna and 10's hand is completely human with quite a bit of her personality in him, and the bi-generation is literally just two of the exact same Time Lords. And that's it.
And to be honest, in some ways 10 wanted to have his cake and eat it. A part of him wanted to settle down and also be a Time Lord, because let's face it, he'd never be able to say goodbye to that life he's lived for all those many years, he even said that when Donna and 15 told him to let go and he was scared. And more proof of that was in series 2's School Reunion episode (which is one of my all time favourites) when Rose confronted him on why he never mentioned Sarah Jane, and then later on in the series finale of 4 where he and DoctorDonna leave the Metacrisis Doctor behind with Rose. He loved Rose, always had, but he knew it would break his heart to see her grow old and die, so really the Metacrisis Doctor got to have his happy end because he was human.
I think 15 was the part of the Doctor that still had the urge to keep going and wanted to be finally free from the pain of the past. Every Doctor has their own personalities and ways of coping with things, and I think 15 just wants to be carefree and happy and that's just what I get from the trailer for Christmas special where he is literally in a club dancing so freely... something we've never seen from the Doctor before.
I won't lie though, I don't understand the issue with it being Donna he gets to have that happy end with. He couldn't have it with Martha, she has Mickey and her family, Sarah Jane has been dead for a long time, he never got to truly know the Bannerman Road Gang, and Jack is out there doing things with Torchwood, so he couldn't have gone with any of them either, and the rest of the companions in NuWho are pretty much dead. So, why not Donna?
It's said by quite a few characters during the 10th Doctor era that he never stays, and he'll even admit multiple times he'll keep on running. And after losing Rose, we all saw how he just ran faster and grew darker. Martha gave him a phone so she could keep in contact with him, and what did he do? He denied the fact that he even had a phone when it rang and Donna asked questions about it. And let's face it, if the universe hadn't pulled him and Donna together for them to meet again, he would never have seen her again after the Racnoss. She offered him Christmas dinner with her and her family and he just didn't.
Overall, every companion of 10's all have their happy ends except for her. Yes, Donna has a family and she loves them dearly, but for those 15 years she felt that something was missing. So, she didn't really get a happy end because she had no closure and it plagued her and her family. But now here she is and 14 here is, happy because they both have closure. So, I don't know... It just seems rather fitting to me.
At the end of the day, this whole thing was just finally letting this face of the Doctor, this version of himself who's most damaged and tired, just be happy.
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sandymybeloved · 9 months
I recently asserted that Sarah-Jane and the Bannerman Road kids rarely stumble across trouble, trouble comes to fuck with them. I have decided to test if my assertion is true, the numbers are as follows
investigative journalism (characters investigate a company/phenomenom/disappearace/whatever and find aliens): 9/37 stories
an accident (no matter what these characters would have been involved, wrong place wrong time): 5/37 stories
fuck you (antagonists are specifically messing with Sarah-Jane or the Bannerman Road kids, sometimes for the sake of it, sometimes because its part of their plans for world domination): 17/37 stories
fuck you Sarah-Jane (the antagonist wants Sarah): 10/37 stories
fuck you Luke: 3/37 stories
fuck you Clyde: 5/37 stories
fuck you Rani: 5/37 episodes
please note some of the episodes count for multiple categories, obviously every fuck you is targeted, sometimes at multiple people, but sometimes different characters get involved in different ways
also bear in mind I have a better memory of some episodes than others so some may be miscounted
the specific breakdown by story is under the cut
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[ID: graphical representation of the cummulative total of types of inciting incident \end ID]
Series 1 (Invasion of the Bane - The Lost Boy)
Investigative Journalism: 3/6 | Accident: 3/6 | Fuck You: 2/6 | Fuck You Sarah-Jane: 1/6 | Fuck You Luke: 1/6
Invasion of the Bane: Sarah-Jane does investigative journalism, Maria is on a tour of the factory when shit hits the fan (1 investigative journalism, 1 accident)
Revenge of the Slitheen: Slitheen infiltrate the kids new school (accident)
Eye of the Gorgon: investigating ghosts at an old peoples home (investigative journalism)
Warriors of Kudlak: Maria and Sarah-Jane investigate weird weather patterns and disappearances, Clyde and Luke play laser tag at what turns out to be the front for the alien's plans (1 investigative journalism, 1 accident)
Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane: the Trickster causes Sarah-Jane to die as a teenager so a meteor will destroy the Earth (fuck you Sarah-Jane)
The Lost Boy: Slitheen pretend to be Luke's biological parents so they can use his intelligence (fuck you Luke)
Series 2 (The Last Sontaran - Enemy of the Bane)
Investigative Journalism: 3/6 | Fuck You: 4/6 | Fuck You Sarah-Jane: 2/6 | Fuck You Clyde: 2/6 | Fuck You Rani: 1/6
The Last Sontaran: investigating strange lights around a telescope (investigative journalism)
The Day of the Clown: a clown follows Clyde and Rani, they then do investigations, but the clown following is the inciting incident (fuck you Clyde and Rani)
Secrets of the Stars: investigating a guy for who astrology works, his plan would have happened anyway, but the group are interested before that (investigative journalism)
The Mark of the Berserker: this one is difficult to call, ultimately the main antagonist of the episode is Clyde's dad, the episode would have ended a quarter of the way through were it not for Clyde's dad stealing the pendant Rani found, him then getting Clyde to leave with him is what got everyone else involved. Ultimately this one is a combination of Rani investigating why that boy was acting strangely, and Clyde's dad taking Clyde and causing the actual problems (investigative journalism, fuck you Clyde)
The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith: the Trickster lays a trap for Sarah-Jane so cause the world to descend into a dystopian hellscape (fuck you Sarah-Jane)
Enemy of the Bane: Miss Wormwood shows back up and asks Sarah-Jane for help, it is a trap but thats how our group get involved (fuck you Sarah-Jane)
Series 3 (Prisoner of the Judoon - The Gift)
Investigative Journalism: 2/6 | Accident: 1/6 | Fuck You: 4/6 | Fuck You Sarah-Jane: 2/6 | Fuck You Luke: 1/6 | Fuck You Clyde: 1/6 | Fuck You Rani: 2/6
Prisoner of the Judoon: Sarah-Jane tracks a pod and they find an alien fugitive (investigative journalism)
The Mad Woman in the Attic: Rani's friend has been emailing her about weird stuff at a themepark local to him, as she is pulled into it by investigation from someone not in the main group, I'm not counting it as investigative journalism (fuck you Rani)
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith: another trap by the Trickster (fuck you Sarah-Jane)
The Eternitiy Trap: this one is tricky, as far as I remember, the group are asked there by some scientist friends, but I don't think it counts as a fuck you deal (investigative journalism, fuck you nobody)
The Mona Lisa's Revenge: the Mona Lisa comes to life while the kids are at the art gallery on a school trip (accident)
The Gift: the Blathereen give the group a gift that turns out to be a bioweapon (fuck you everybody)
Series 4 (The Nightmare Man - Goodbye Sarah-Jane Smith)
Fuck You: 6/6 | Fuck You Sarah-Jane: 4/6 | Fuck You Luke: 1/6 | Fuck You Clyde: 2/6 | Fuck You Rani: 2/6
The Nightmare Man: a being haunts Luke with nightmares (fuck you Luke
The Vault of Secrets: Androvax returns and asks Sarah-Jane for help, its a trick but thats how our group gets involved (fuck you Sarah-Jane)
Death of the Doctor: the Doctor fakes his death, Sarah-Jane, and by extension the group, are invited to the funeral (fuck you Sarah-Jane)
The Empty Planet: everyone on Earth disappears, except Clyde and Rani because they were grounded by the Judoon in a previous story (fuck you Clyde and Rani)
Lost in Time: another tricky one, investigative journalism least them to a man who spreads them all throughout time, except the man wanted to be found so its more like a trap (fuck you everybody)
Goodbye Sarah-Jane Smith: a woman ingratiates herself with Sarah-Jane and the gang so she can make Sarah-Jane believe she's loosing touch, and ultimately take over the Earth (fuck you Sarah-Jane)
Series 5 (Sky - The Man Who Never Was)
Investigative Journalism: 1/3 | Accident: 1/3 | Fuck You: 1/3 | Fuck You Sarah-Jane: 1/3
Sky: a baby is dumped of Sarah-Jane's doorstep (fuck you Sarah-Jane)
The Curse of Clyde Langer: Clyde gets a splinter, then his life falls apart (accident)
The Man Who Never Was: the group investigate a company launching a revolutionary new computer (investigative journalism)
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shining-m00nlight · 1 year
It’s tragedy that binds us!
The Starks are coming to Riverrun to celebrate the birth of Robb Tully, Rickard Stark's first grandchild and heir to Riverrun. Making his mother, the Lady Catelyn Tully recall the tragic beginning of her marriage to her heir's father, Eddard Stark.
A little Birthday/Christmas present for @ladycatofwinterfell
“Are you well, my lord?" 
Catelyn Tully asked her husband as he was staring out of the windows of Riverrun, worried lines all over his young face.
"I'm fine, my lady. Thank you for inquiring about my wellbeing. It is most kind of you." 
Eddard Stark answered and while his word sounded truthfully spoken, the Lady auf Riverrun couldn't quite believe him.
So she asked again: "Are you nervous about your family coming to visit?"
Eddard turned his head back towards the river running outside the castle, apparently not wanting to look into her eyes.
"I am of course happy to see my family, my Lady. I am awaiting their arrival!" he answered. 
Catelyn felt like he was intentionally avoiding her question as well as her eyes. It made her heart feel quite heavy. Since they had married a year ago Cat had come to appreciate so many of her husband's qualities but it hurt her more than she was willing to admit, that he would always be closed off towards her and would neither share his thoughts or feelings with her.
At the beginning she thought he would just need some time to warm up, they had been married rather quickly after all. But as time went by and her husband stayed closed of to her, she started to worry about the reasoning her husband could have for not wanting to be close to her, in more than the physical way of their marriage bed. 
Maybe he resented her for being the reason he had to leave the North, which she knew he had a great love for. Or maybe he didn't like the fact that because of their marriage he was not the ruler of land or a household but merely a consultant to his wife. She knew how men generally thought about women and ruling. She had heard her own bannerman question whether or not she should rule. 
She didn't quite believe this was the cause for her husband's distant behavior because she had not heard words of complaints from her husband himself. Her Uncle Brynden had reported that her husband never agreed with the barbs drunk men make about ruling women and defended her should the man say something against their Lady. 
But she still tried to cling to this explanation because it would hurt less if her husband felt resentment towards her because she was a ruler and he was not, than the thought that her husband might just resent her for who she was as a person. 
To think that he found her lacking as a wife. That he might not like the way she looked, or laugh, or genuinely behaved. That he wished he married someone other than her. That he believed he would achieve more happiness with this other wife. That he was unhappy with her and that he blamed her and her family for this unhappiness.
They had married on the day that was supposed to be her wedding day with his older brother Brandon. Their wedding hadn't been their own and it had been rippled through with grief and sadness. A bit over a year ago then Stark had packed for their journey to the Riverlands to marry their eldest son and heir to the oldest daughter of Hoster Tully. In their last correspondence with Hoster Tully himself they had been assured they would be met with happiness and a big feast fitting to celebrate the marriage of the young couple.
Instead they were met with grief and sorrow. During their time on the road horror had visited Riverrun. 
Hoster Tully's young heir of only seven years had decided to go for a swim in the river that flows around Riverrun. But the weather that day was as unpredictable as the gods. In a matter of minutes, the sunny day turned into a storm that transformed the slight current of the river into a dangerous death trap. 
While trying to bar the windows against the storm a maid had spotted a little red dot amongst the blue water and had screamed and immediately ran for the Lord of the castle. 
When Hoster Tully heard the news that his son might be drowning, he did not wait a second to run outside towards the river. Yelling at people to find his son, still hoping the maid was wrong and his son would be found safe in the castle. But he wasn't. 
By the time Lord Tully reached the water, the message of what was happening had reached the rest of his family. All three wanted to follow their Lord to the river. Brynden however ordered Lysa and Catelyn to stay behind and to stay safe from the storm. Lysa obeyed but Cat could not stay behind if her brother was in danger. 
She followed Ser Brynden as soon as he turned his back to his nieces. Lysa yelled at her to come back but the older sister didn’t listen. When they had reached the river they found a small figure on the river bank. 
The red hair marked the person clearly as Little Edmure. But nothing else reminded Cat of her baby brother. Never had she seen him so still and silent. He was always loud and lively. Even when he sneaked into her bedchamber late at night, because of his bad dreams, he would toss and turn the whole night, snoring and sometimes even talking. 
And now nothing moved. Not even his hair or his clothes moved in the wind, they were so soaked through that they did nothing but cling to the little body. Catelyn would only feel the horror of seeing her dead little brother with his skin turned blue from the cold water later, in the moment however her heart was pumping the blood through her veins at an almost violent speed, not letting her stop to take the time to grieve. 
She frantically looked further down the river, to find her father. Her eyes quickly located him. He was still in the rushing water, only his head and his arms above the service, clinging to the land. Apparently he had found the strength to heap Edmure out of the water but had lost it for himself. 
Though different from his son, the Lord of Riverrun was still stubbornly clinging to life. He stared directly into his daughter's eyes. Catelyn thought the look in his eyes might hunt her forever, full of grief, lost and hopeless. Brynden and Cat both started to move towards their loved family members at once, but so did the large tree branch that the storm had ripped off the trees close to the river.
Her knightley Uncle had almost reached his brother when the Lord was caught by the brauch. It hit him in the head and dragged him further down the river, limbs tangled in branches and leaves.
Ser Brynden cried out, out of fear, grief and helplessness. Another thing from that day, that would give Lady Catelyn nightmares for years to come.
Having already lost family, Cat watched in terror as her Uncle Brynden dived into the waves without any regards for safety. The only thought in Catelyn’s head was that she would lose the three men of her family all at once. 
Instead of jumping in the river she followed the tree that took her father down the river on foot. Only in the back of her mind did she notice that the storm almost stopped. As if the Stranger had decided that he claimed enough that day. Running along the shore she could see her
Uncle's arms and head peek out the water now and then, making her more focussed on her father's whereabouts.
The river turned a corner and effectively stopped the tree and her father from moving further down the water. Catelyn saw Brynden fight with the leaves and branches to get to his brother. Cat was about to jump into the water herself when she heard her Uncle call over to her: 
“Stay there little Cat! Please! I got your father. Just help me pull him out of the water."
Her Uncle managed to free his brother and started to drag him through the water. Cat took the last steps towards the shore, bending down to pull her father out of the cold, grabbing him under his arms, laying him down as gently as she could on the ground cradling his head on her lap. The cold water soaked through her dress, making her shiver.
Her Uncle jumped out of the water, to her side taking his brother's head between his hands trying to check for signs of life. When Ser Brynden lifted his brother's head from her lap, Catelyn cried out. Her blue dress was stained not only with water but with blood, a lot of it. She tried to inspect the wound but she didn't know what could be done against the bleeding she found. So she ripped a big part of the cloth from her dress to press it against the wound in hope it would stop the bleeding. 
Brynden was still trying to get Hoster to wake up but with every second Catelyn lost more and more hope that her father would ever awake again.
"Come on brother, you stubborn old man. Open your eyes. Come on, open them!" 
Brynden pleaded with his brother. Telling him to open his eyes over and over again. But her father never opened his eyes again. Hoster Tully was gone and only his body remained.
Later his body had been sent down the river with the body of his little boy in his arms and lit up on fire by his brother's arrow, as his daughters watched. It felt ironic to Cat that they had fought so hard to get them out of the river just to send them back into it a few days after.
So when the Starks arrived, Riverrun was still in mourning for their Lord and his young heir. Even so, Riverrun was packed to the brim. Most of its bannermen had been on their way to Riverrun because of the upcoming wedding or had been ready to travel as soon as the Ravens, informing them of Hoster Tully death, arrived. 
They hadn't been able to send a raven directly to the Starks, while they were on the road, but they had sent one to Seagard, to inform them of the situation.
The Bannermen of the Riverlands were good loyal people, at least most of them and they wanted to pay their respect to their Lord. But Uncle Brynden had warned his niece that night that even the most honorable man would not pass the chance to gain power when it was in front of him.
He had been right. The Starks hadn't arrived in time for the funeral, so the Lords of the Riverlands had tried to use this occasion to gain something from her fathers death. As soon as the boat had descended down the river some Lord had raised the question of who was the Lord of Riverrun now. Some Lords claimed Ser Brynden should claim the title for himself as the only male Tully left, others were in favor of Lady Catelyn taking her fathers seat. 
Later Cat noticed that those most opposed to her had brought their daughters with them. Probably to fling them at her Uncle as soon as he agreed to become the Lord of Riverrun.
Those men were sorely disappointed when Ser Bryden shut their idea of him becoming Lord down almost as soon as it hit his ears. He made it clear that his brother would have wanted his daughter to rule the Riverlands after his passing, if his son couldn't just as he had desired before Edmure was born.
Lord Cox had not been willing to give up this quickly and had brought up that the Lady Catelyn was to leave in the matter of weeks to the North as Lady Stark, so how could she rule the Riverlands.
Catelyn had told him politely but firmly that this was business between her family and the Starks and was not of his concern. Even while her heart and head were in shambles, feeling utterly confused about the rapid changes her father’s and brother's deaths were bringing to her life, she knew she could not allow the Lords to talk over her by letting her Uncle speak for her.
At that point she did not know what would happen when the Starks arrived but she was not gonna show any insecurity in front of her people. Not just her Lords were talking about what might happen to Riverrun and her betrothal to Brandon Stark. She and her Uncle talked about it amongst themselves for hours and hours.
They both knew that Cat had to become Lady of Riverrun. Brynden was strictly against becoming Lord, refusing to even engage with the thought of usurping his nieces. He also didn't have children nor was he planning on ever having any. So even if he would ascend his brother's seat, he would have no heirs so it would fall back to Cat and her children anyway.
Cat also understood that she would not be able to marry Brandon if she was to become Lady of Riverrun. She could not rule the Riverlands, live in Winterfell, run the castle and raise the next Lord of Winterfell at the same time.
The thought of losing Brandon might have hurt Catelyn more if her heart wasn't already filled with grief and her head wasn't trying to find a solution for the mess her family's tragic loss made in her life.
She liked Brandon. He was handsome and fun and he made her heart spread up when he smiled at her. But she knew she would survive this loss. She was not worried that she would mourn her potential marriage to Brandon for too long.
She was however worried about losing her family's good standing with the Starks. Her father and Rickard Stark had gotten along well. They were both delighted in the alliance that they created through the marriage pack. Now she had to tell Lord Stark that she could not marry his son and their alliance would potentially be lost.
While Catelyn thought Rickard Stark was a man that was able to understand that this was not a purposefully slight against his family, she also knew that he was a man of pride and if a man's pride gets hurt he can become a dangerous person.
She needed to find a solution with the Starks, so when they left her home they were still her allies and if not that at least they would still feel positive towards the Tullys of Riverrun.
Cat still wasn’t sure what she would do by the time the Starks arrived but she knew she would not falter. She greeted the Starks in the courtyard. It seemed they had gotten the letter she sent to Seagard for they looked all grim and when Rickard Stark dismounted from his horse to greet her.
He did so by saying: "Lady Tully, it is a pleasure to see you again. I am sorry it had to be under such dire circumstances and I’ll have you know I am very sorry for your loss." 
She thanked him for his words and then greeted his three children. The youngest, Benjen, had been left in Winterfell. The whole ordeal was awkward. Brandon kissed her hand gently but without his usual sparkle or charm. She wasn't the only one who knew her fathers death would change things between them.
Catelyn had never met Eddard and Lyanna Stark before and meeting them under these circumstances had not made it a light affair. Eddard had looked at her with cold eyes, not knowing anything about him yet, she thought he did not care that she had just lost her father. 
A year later she would know better of course. She still thought Eddard was a cold person, but he wasn't an unfeeling or unkind person. He just wasn't able to show feelings to people he was unfamiliar with. Lyanna wasn't cold but she was clearly uncomfortable in her skin as well.
They had moved inside the castle rather quickly. After the Starks had settled in she had the evening feast served. It had been a continuation of the awkward mood. Throwing a welcoming feast in this situation felt wrong but the Starks were still honored guests at Riverrun and the feast, together with the other festivities, had been planned for almost a year, ever since the date for her and Brandon's wedding had been decided.
During the feast her Uncle Brynden had sat on her left side, together with Lysa while Lord Stark sat on her right side. The whole night was laced in a veil of uncertainty. Catelyn and Rickard had talked, neither quite knowing which toppings were fitting and which they would have to put off till later. Their guests were uncertain about how to behave as well, not wanting to be disrespectful towards their deceased Lord but losing more and more of their composure the more wine was served.
At the end of the night Cat was just happy to lay down in her bed and get a few minutes of peace, trying to put her mind at rest and finally falling asleep.
The next day started early for Catelyn, she had met up with her Uncle before they broke their fast together, to again discuss the different possible outcomes of the day. The one her Uncle thought was the most likely was that Rickard Stark would want Lysa for his heir if he couldn't have Catelyn. 
The day before Cat would have been inclined to agree. She had noticed the way Rickard Stark's eyes had followed her sister the night before. Not in a way that was inappropriate, but in a thoughtful, calculating way. But she had also recognised a certain disappointment and dissatisfaction in his eyes. She would have been offended on her sister's behalf, if she didn't understand what Rickard saw. 
He saw a grieving child. Catelyn hadn't been afforded the luxury of mourning her father properly. She had too many things to worry about. But she wanted to give her sister the chance to grieve, to be able to say her goodbyes to father and Edmure without her mind being distracted by other obligations. 
And so her sister did and Rickard Stark could tell. Lysa was present only for a short time and then disappeared again looking underly unhappy. She didn't talk to people, would only cling to her Uncle or Cat if there was an opportunity and if there wasn't she would be sitting or standing alone hugging herself. Catelyn couldn't imagine Rickard truly judged Lysa for grieving her father and brother but the North was hard and unjust. One couldn't let grieve get in the way of important things or one might starve or freeze to death. At least that's what Brandon liked to tell her.
So no, she wasn't as sure as Brynden was that Lord Stark wanted Lysa as the next Lady of Winterfell. But she was certain that he had the same goal as her in mind, keep the alliance standing and find an alternative way to remain allies.
Lord Stark, the Blackfish and Catelyn decided to gather in her fathers solar. Rickard Stark had referred to it as Lady Tully's solar, which pleasantly surprised her. His tone and words had conveyed his confidence in the fact that she actually was ruling the Riverlands and not her Uncle. She felt guilty when she heard it being called hers, she wanted it to still be her fathers, she didn't want her father to be dead. 
She shouldn't think about it at that moment though and she couldn't show weakness in front of Lord Stark. No matter how courtess and empathetic he had been about her father dying, he was here to retain a strong ally. Catelyn had to be strong herself or Lord Stark wouldn't even consider her an ally worth having.
Almost as soon as they were seated, the Stark patriarch started talking. It didn't surprise Cat, Lord Rickard was not a man for unnecessary words.
"Lady Tully, you know you have my deepest sympathy for losing your father and brother in such a horrible accident. But I realize you also know that this changes the arrangement I made with your father. You understand I wanted you to be my oldest son's wife and I believe you would have made a fine Lady of Winterfell. And from all of the reports your father gave me as well as the once from your bannermen I am confident that now you will continue to be a fine Lady of Riverrun. Unless you're planning to give your title to your Uncle?"
He ended his speech with a question. 
Catelyn answered him in a calm manner to not seem unsure or to eager but she made sure her answer was clear: 
"I do not, my Lord. I was my father's heir once before, prior to my brother's birth. It would not be my fathers wish nor is it mine to have my Uncle rule over the Riverlands. And I am quite certain it isn't his either," she added with a small smirk towards her Uncle, who gave an amused snort in agreement. 
"And I am aware that this is not a situation, either of us wanted to happen. You honor me with your words Lord Stark, my Lord father and you honored me when you agreed to make me the Lady of Winterfell and it saddens me that this future is not to be, but as you and my father honored me I want to honor the allyship you created between our great houses."
"I am quite pleased to hear that Lady Tully. I am certain you have thought of possible ways to keep our alliance standing as much as I have these past few days and I guess you have also thought about the possibility of marriage between your sister and my eldest," Lord Rickard stopped to give her time to respond. 
"I have." Catelyn simply confirmed not wanting to say more. Lord Rickards words did not sound like a proposal but merely the rekindling of a passing thought. But apparently something on her face had given away the thoughts she had earlier on Brandon and Lysa marrying.
"I can see that you came to a similar conclusion like me. They are not terribly well suited for each other. My Brandon is quite the wild spirit, as I'm sure you noticed and he is in need of a strong wife that can rein him in properly." 
Catelyn had to stop herself from defending Lysa, because deep down she knew Rickard Stark was just speaking her own thoughts out loud. Lysa would probably love the idea of marrying Brandon, he was after all very handsome and charming, but Brandon would forget about her rather quickly. Lysa would spend the rest of her life, alone, forgotten and missing the finerys and beauty of the south.
"I have thought of a solution that I deem acceptable but that might perplex you at first. I would still like you to marry my son, but Brandon is obviously not an option anymore. That’s why I would like to propose that you marry my second son, Eddard."
As Rickard had predicted Catelyn was stunned, that was not something she expected.
"You would like me to marry, Eddard? To be my consort, here at Riverrun?" She asked to make sure she hadn’t misunderstood him.
"Yes", Rickard answered. "I know it might sound unorthodox to you. But I do believe you and my Eddard would make a good marriage. Eddard might not appear to be the warmest person. I know, but he is a good soul. He would be a loyal husband to you and would undoubtedly always support and aid you in your rule. You are a young woman, who recently came into a position of great power through tragedy, you are aware that you have a need for an heir yourself now and for support. Believe me, ruling on your own is terribly lonely, and I am certain that my second son can give you this. Right now you need someone stable by your side and no one is more stable than my Eddard, he isn't easily shaken." He added the last part with the tiniest bit of a smile, that spoke of fondness towards his son.
Catelyn had to think quickly, she needed to run this proposal and what it would mean for her, through her head, before giving an answer. She quickly asked Lord Rickard another question to keep him talking.
"You would send your son to live in the south for the rest of his life?" She hoped she won some time with this question. 
She knew how important the North and their connection to it was to the Starks. But she was also aware of Rickard Stark's ambition. Lord Stark was not a dishonest man, she believed most of the things he told her to be true, possibly a bit exaggerated to sell his proposition better, but mostly true. 
She was aware that this was an ambitious scheme by Lord Rickard. Having two sons at the head of two great houses is not something a lot of Lords can claim to have accomplished. And with his daughter soon to become the Lady of Storm's End, Rickard Stark would have his children, and his house set up in a powerful position. She had also heard how close Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark and Lord Arryn are. While there was no official alliance the Starks, Baratheons and Arryns were close to each other thanks to the boys fostering.
The Starks would gain a lot by having Eddard married to her but she would receive just as much. She was well aware that not everyone would be happy, that she would rule instead of her Uncle and having the largest Kingdom of Westeros backing up her claim, especially if she had a child that was half Stark, would make everyone think twice about speaking against her. Being part of this large alliance of great houses Rickard Stark worked so hard to create came with certain implications as well. 
She was taken out of her thoughts by Rickard Stark finishing answering her question: "... lived in the Vale for years. He will do fine here and it is not too far from the North to visit." 
Catelyn looked at the Lord of Winterfell having decided what her answer should be: "Your proposal has a lot of merit Lord Stark and I see this as benefiting both of our houses. I am inclined to agree and I am sure we will have to discuss a lot of details in the time to come. But I shall let you know one thing I shan’t be moved on. That is in the matter of my children's names. My children shall be by your son, they shall be half Stark, be proud of that and understand what it means, but they will be Tullys. They will be my heirs, my fathers heirs and the future rulers of the Riverlands, so their names will be Tully. If you and your son can accept that he will not be having any children called Stark by be, I would like to accept your offer of marriage." 
This marriage would give her a lot but Catelyn was not willing to end her family's name for it.
Rickard Stark looked at her with a cold expression, calculating. She knew he did not expect her to answer this way. That the childrens names potentially could have been a part of the negotiation was something to expect, so she decided to make it clear immediately that this was not a matter that was up for discussion for her. Catelyn wanted to be steadfast on this matter, if Rickard Stark believed she would let the Tully name die, he would be reaching too far.
Obviously having come to the conclusion that she would not allow discussion Lord Stark gave her a short nod with his head and agreed with her words.
After that they discussed more details and plans. Now her Uncle decided to take part in the discussion as well to help them decide certain details. They came to the conclusion that they would keep the wedding date and most of the arrangements Hoster and Rickard had made but would simply swap out one brother with the other and arrange some things new to fit the new circumstances.   
Catelyn did feel guilty for it. It seemed cold on her part to agree to swap the brothers as if they were not people with feelings and desires, but she knew that this was necessary. And so she married Eddard Stark shortly after her fathers death, both events changing her life forever and irreversibly. 
----------------------------------Flashback End----------------------------------------
Now a year later they were standing by the window awaiting Ned's family to arrive again. This time Riverrun wasn't mourning the death of their Lord and his heir, but celebrating the birth of their Ladys first son. 
Robb Tully was born three moon turns ago and they decided that now was a good time to officially introduce their son to the Lords of the Riverlands by holding a feast in his honor. Catelyn and her husband had also invited the Starks, they had not expected all of them to come but apparently Rickard Stark’s first grandchild was worth traveling to Riverrun again after only having made the trip just a year ago.
Her husband was worried about his family coming to visit. Not that he told her. Her husband didn't think her worthy of hearing his concerns. 
Family was a hard topic between them. Neither of them were ever comfortable enough to let their guard down to talk freely. Cat was often still overwhelmed with grief everytime she thought about her family and talking about Ned's family would always include Brandon and Brandon was a topic they both seemed to avoid at all costs. 
Sometimes she wanted to push, make her husband share his inner thoughts with her but she was too afraid of what she might uncover if he did. 
Instead she stood next to her husband, looking out off the window waiting. Trying to give him comfort that he probably didn't want from her, for the worries he would not share with her and hoped that their marriage would become stronger one day.
When the Stark banners appeared in the distance, Catelyn Tully's last hope was that this visit would not open up wounds off the past so deep they could destroy them forever. 
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idolbound · 4 months
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In her game of thrones verse, Meredith Stannard is born just beyond the perimeter of the Crag in 275AC to noble parents, and the youngest of two daughters. Her parents are one family who are part of the many bannermen that support House Lannister. From birth, Meredith always bore a resemblance to her older sister Amelia, though there was something about her that was quite striking - her hair just a little more golden, her eyes just a little more blue - but no one ever questioned it. After all, her parents and sister died at the hands of rogue brigands passing along the road by their farm when she was just five years old. Her father had told her to run down the road until she was finally met by a knight of the name of Ser Wentworth Kell, who was returning from the north of the Westerlands to the south. Scared and alone, he followed Meredith to the site of where her parents and sister Amelia were left beaten and bloodied, robbed of what belongings they had with them, save for a few things in the house. When asked if she had any remaining family, the poor girl shook her head 'no.' Feeling sorry for her, he took her under her wing. It was an unorthodox thing to do, as a man of his status but he felt guilty for simply leaving the girl to fend for herself. He took her with him into the city, where he faithfully served the Lannisters of Lannisport.
For years, he raised Meredith as if she were his own, and as much as his fellow knights teased and belittled him for it, he trained Meredith with the sword, eventually taking her on as his page, then squire. She grew into a tall, thin, but beautiful young woman with piercing eyes and golden, wavy hair. She grew into herself and her plate armor, wielding a great sword many would assume too much for a girl of her stature.
However, Ser Kell began to show signs of early dementia - forgetting where he was, taking ill, and unable to resume his duties to his house. Meredith attended to him while he wasted away, and before his passing, he left her his sword and his armour, and his steed. When he died, Meredith took his place, even if the other men gossiped and mocked her - she cared little, proving them wrong every time she entered the training grounds.
A capable rider and even better lancewoman, Meredith made somewhat of a name for herself, taking up arms for the Lannisters in the field, despite being rather young. While questions of finding an appropriate suitor were always directed at her, she chose to ignore them - which, in turn, helped with her inclinations towards the fairer sex, keeping them private.
Eventually, Meredith made her way to King's Landing with her bannerman when Tywin Lannister called for arms to protect the city from Stannis Baratheon. Fighting at the shore, Meredith stood out among her fellow men - rumours certainly flew then that her connection to House Lannister were, perhaps, a little more than just out of her oath. They called her "the Stannard woman" though some men would snicker and call her 'one of them' when her back was turned. It did not bother her, truly; she fit the bill of "fair-haired, tall, and handsome" like many of the Lannisters past and present.
In her time, however, she began working closer amongst the Lannisters of King's Landing. Questions of her parentage lingered in her mind, and she studied the House's histories, trying to piece together just who could be her real father, if that was to be the case. She studied Lord Tywin and his siblings and record of their children, and so on and so forth. Lord Gerion Lannister was one such name that garnered her attention, who was now supposedly lost at sea and had one bastard daughter, with no record otherwise beyond a common mother.
With her family gone, the only possible evidence was in the diary of her mother that Meredith kept close with her amongst her few personal belongings. A part of her feared reading it, but even if it contained the truth, Meredith had no way of enforcing a claim that she was a true Lannister - she would be declared a bastard, and it would fall on deaf ears.
In her time, however, she began looking to serve closer to the members of the Lannister family, actively in power in the search for truth - but, in some ways, for power, too. One such stroke of luck came one night when Meredith was in the halls of the keep, finding Queen Cersei herself in the arms of her twin brother, Jamie. Being caught all but red-handed, she swore to secrecy - if Cersei was to allow her to be part of her personal guard. Accepting the bid for her silence, Meredith actively serves the Queen Regent, though deep down, she hopes to somehow make a move - or simply influence the Queen's course of action.
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blueboxphenomenon · 9 months
Department C19
Covid 19
Suspicious if you ask me.
What’s next an illness of called TW3?
Seems their misinformation team has go downhill since Miss Smiths day. (Speaking of Miss Smith where did those two children of hers come form? There is no prior records of these two before she adopted them. Aliens put I her care by her former superiors at UNIT?)
Right? Personally I believe Covid-19 was of alien origin, linked to the plastic disease Adam Lang reported later in 2020. They say the virus originated in China, and Lang was found in Hong Kong...
I take it you're referring to Sarah Jane Smith (God rest her soul)? There is a birth certificate for Luke Smith, and adoption papers, yet it's hard to find any record of his actual activities. Like, the official stuff is there, but there's no internet footprint or social footprint before 2008.
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There was also this incident, where Smith was arrested on suspicion of having abducted "Ashley Stafford" and having him live under the name "Luke Smith." She was released on UNIT orders and that seems to have been the end of it. Either she did abduct Luke and UNIT covered it up, or, more likely, Luke merely bore a strong resemblance to Ashley. Neighbours of the Stafford family before their move to Ealing did not recognise Ashley (or Luke) at all when he was reported missing on BBC News. So that's all very murky...
Sky Smith is a huge mystery. Not only are her origins as mysterious as Luke's, but also seems to have vanished off the face of the Earth at some point. While Luke has been leaving footprints since 2009, Sky does not seem to appear on any records after 2012.
Perhaps someone can convince Rani Chandra or Clyde Langer to reveal what really used to go on with the Bannerman Road team, and therefore where Luke came from and Sky went? Miss Chandra seems like the best to ask, given her journalistic escapades. She hasn't let becoming a highly praised journalist stop her from writing pieces on Wester Drumlins or the secret race of oceanic dinosaur people.
Since Miss Smith's passing, I haven't really had the heart to press any of them myself. I hear the funeral was huge, and we all felt her passing. I know she was involved in a few cover-ups, but I feel like she and her team did a lot of good under that cloak of secrecy. I think she even left a few clues in her novels. It's a shame we'll never truly know the full extent of it.
Always worth a try contacting Rani at [email protected] I suppose!
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Chapter Thirty-Three
Out of nowhere, the computer on the desk begins to ping. "What's that?" Sophie asks, looking around.
The female Slitheen steps forward, gazing at the screen, "MITRE. It's gone online."
Jack looks over at the journalist, "It's the Xylok. He's using the headset on that kid."
Nathan approaches the computer as well, "Massive telekinetic levels. They're off the scale."
Beneath them the ground shakes, and Sophie grabs Jack for support, while gazing out the window, "The moon is moving toward us!" she calls over her shoulder.
"But it's not possible," Mr. Jackson says, as both he and Maria rush for the windows as well.
"Luke isn't possible. Mister Smith isn't possible. But together, they're bringing the moon crashing down on Earth," Sarah Jane says.
"But the moon, it's like a quarter of a million miles away," Maria says, from her place at the window.
"Three hundred, eighty four thousand, four hundred kilometres," Sophie states, without hesitation. Everyone else in the room just blinks at her, "What, I'm an astronomy nerd. Is that a crime?"
"No matter how far away it is," Jack starts, "Everyone will die long before it hits us. The gravitational effect will tear the earth in half. H*ll, it's already started."
"Everyone but you," Sophie mutters near his ear.
"Hush," Jack whispers, and smiles at her.
"At least I'll be able to tell my family that you're dead, Sarah Jane Smith," the Slitheen child says, "I'm teleporting back to the ship."
Maria's dad grabs the kids teleportation device off his wrist, "No. You're as much to blame for all this as Mister Smith. You're staying here."
"And even if you did try to leave," Jack starts, "Your ship would be torn in half by the gravitational disturbance. You'd die, not that I care much."
"On the other hand, if you help me, we might all just have one chance to survive," Sarah Jane says, shooting a glare at the Captain. She then turns to Mr. Jackson, "I need you to destroy Mister Smith."
The man rushes to the computer, and sits down, typing furiously. Jack moves over to stand behind him, watching over his shoulder. His phone starts ringing, cutting through the silence. He grumbles a curse under his breath, and answers the phone, "Chrissie?" He listens for a few moments, and then states, "Chrissie, calm down."
Jack's mobile starts to ring as, and he grabs it out of his pocket, and glances at the caller, before hitting the end call button, and shoving it back into his pocket. "Was it Ianto?" Sophie asks.
"And you hung up on him?"
"He'll get over it."
Mr. Jackson looks down at his mobile, "The phone line's gone."
"Look, we're almost out of time, Alan," Sarah Jane says, walking up on the other side of the man.
He's still focussed on the screen in front of him, "I get paid by companies to block cyber threats. I understand viruses, I know how they work, but Mister Smith, he's more than a computer."
"He is an alien," Sophie shrugs.
Maria comes and stands directly behind her father, "Dad, you're our only chance."
"Well then, this is my best shot," he states, changing tactics. He inserts a disc in the drive, and starts to type like a madman, "The FBI had to stop a cyber terrorist from using this to destroy the entire international banking network."
"How'd you get a hold of it?" Jack asks.
Alan ejects the disc, and hands it to Sarah Jane, "You're not the only one with unorthodox contacts."
The journalist shows the Slitheen the teleport control, "Time to show me how this works."
Jack leans over to Sophie, and shows her his Vortex Manipulator, "It is an emergency," he says.
She sighs, but pulls her sonic out of her pocket, "Fine, but I'm disabling it after."
She sonics the device, and then both Jack and Sophie teleport out, directly after Sarah Jane."
Jack and Sophie appear in the attic of 13 Bannerman Road, and the woman's knees almost give out, "Gosh, I forget how much I hate travelling by Vortex Manipulator."
She shakes her head, and focuses on the scene in front of her. A boy is standing near the screen, the MITRE headset on his head. Mr. Smith is speaking. Sophie tunes back in, "The collision of the moon and Earth will release the Xylok from the planet's crust, where it has been buried for sixty million years."
"You're going to kill billions," Sarah Jane says, stepping toward the computer.
"The Xylok are a crystalline life form. We crashed here as what you would call a meteorite. But buried beneath the Earth, our crystals have re-grown and become strong again, but nevertheless remain trapped."
"But, you're a part of the original crystal," Jack says, stepping forward. "You're in contact with it?"
"The release of the Xylok is my purpose," the supercomputer says. "Sarah Jane gave me the chance to fulfill it. The chance to plan."
"All this time, you used me. Mister Smith, you're evil."
"No. Effective. We will do so much more than the human race. The universe is served better by our survival."
Sophie steps forward, brushing Jack aside, "Any race thinking its superior to another race is evil. No matter their reasoning. Aliens, and people, have been using the excuse of 'purpose' as a reason to kill, harm, and hurt those that are lesser than them. That is evil, Mr. Smith."
"I am not evil."
Sophie scoffs. Sarah Jane takes a few steps back, "So what have you done with Clyde?"
A boy is ejected from within the computer, and he lands on the floor in a heap. "Am I not merciful?" the computer asks.
Clyde shakes his head, sitting up, "What a dream."
A gun once again pops out of the Xylok, and he aims it at the group. Jack ushers Sophie and Clyde behind him, and tries to usher Sarah Jane toward him. "You made all this possible, Sarah Jane. I owe you the mercy of a quick death."
"What about other people?" the journalist asks, backing up, "Don't they deserve mercy? You've been here millions of years, you've seen us evolve. Don't we matter to you?"
"Only my purpose matters."
"You can change your purpose," she says, bumping into the wall. Jack moves so he's standing in front of her as well.
"No, I told you, Sarah Jane. We all have a purpose. Yours is to die so that the Xylok will live."
Jack levels a gaze at the supercomputer. He's ready to attack, but Sarah Jane continues, "You think I'm defenseless?" she asks. Sophie watches as Sarah Jane types something into a keypad in the walls behind her. She grabs a handle, and yanks it open, "Well, meet my dog. K9, protect me!"
K-9 pops out of the hole, his laser gun popped out of the mouth area on his face. "Affirmative, mistress."
He starts to trade shots with the Xylok, and Jack visibly reacts. He grabs Clyde and Sophie, and pulls them to the ground. "Miss Smith, might I do the honors," he asks, as he ducks a blast from the computer. Sarah Jane slides the disc across the floor, and the Captain grabs it.
"Maximum defence mode. Take care. Safe to proceed, mistress. I have the unit covered."
"Alright, dog," Jack nods, and approaches the computer. The Xylok moves its gun, and aims it at the Captain. The blast wrecks through his body, and he yells out, falling to the ground.
Sophie stands up, and ducks under the next blast from the computer. She grabs the disc from Jack's unmoving hand, as Clyde shouts out, "Oh my gosh, so he dead!"
Sophie loads the disc into the supercomputer, and the blasts stop coming. A sigh of relief is heard through the room. Sarah Jane approaches Jack, and checks his pulse. She looks sadly down at him, "I'm sorry. And thank you."
"Do you wish me to continue firing, Mistress?" K-9 asks, approaching the journalist.
"Just be ready if I need you, K-9."
"Very good, mistress."
"Is he dead," Clyde asks again, gesturing at Jack.
Sarah Jane sighs, and looks down at the Captain sadly, "I'm afraid he is. I'm so sorry Sophie."
Sophie shrugs, and walks over to K-9.
"What have you done to me, Sarah Jane?" Mr. Smith asks, "I feel. I feel strange."
"It's a computer virus, Mister Smith. It's closing down your databanks. You're losing your memory."
"The speed of light is thirty six. No, eighty four. The Metrabeelen Cosmic Cluster is home to sixty eight thousand life forms. Sixty seven. I'm forgetting it all. Sarah Jane, help me."
Sophie looks up at the screen, and Sarah Jane half smiles at the computer. Clyde is still staring at Jack's body on the floor.
"Without your memories, you have no purpose, Mister Smith," Sarah Jane says, "Without purpose, you can't destroy the Earth. Put the moon back into its original orbit before its too late. And set Luke free, now!"
"I've forgotten my purpose."
"Your purpose is to save the Earth, Mister Smith. That is your new purpose. To save Earth."
Sophie starts to pat K-9's face, smiling, "Hello, K-9. Oh, how I've missed you."
"Hello, Mistress Sophie!" The computer shuts down, and the dog turns to the journalist, "The unit is non-functional."
"Mum!" Luke says, as he takes the headset off. Sarah Jane pulls him into a hug.
Clyde rushes over to the window, gazing at the sky, "We did it. It worked. The moon's going back."
All of the sudden, Jack gasps, reaching out blindly. Sarah Jane, Luke, and Clyde jump. He takes a few deep breaths, "Did we win?"
Sophie walks over to nudge him with her foot, "Yeah, no thanks to you."
"I got shot!" he argues.
"But did you die?" she retaliates, and offers him a hand.
Taking it, he pulls himself up, "Yes, actually. I did die."
Sophie shrugs, "Yeah, you seem to do that a lot."
He shoves her lightly, "Ah, shut up."
"Is everything satisfactory, mistress?" K-9 asks, breaking Clyde, Luke, and Sarah Jane out of their shocked stupor.
"Affirmative, K9."
"Must return to the distortion, Mistress. Without my immediate attention, black hole will turn critical in zero point four two time spatial increments."
"Go now," she smiles, "Good dog. I'll see you again soon."
The dog vanishes into thin air. Sophie's eyes widen, "That reminds me." She pulls her sonic from her back pocket, and points it at Jack's Vortex Manipulator.
He sighs, "Guess I shouldn't be surprised."
About a half an hour later, Alan and Maria Jackson roll up in the Torchwood car. "I see you did it," the man smiles.
"Come on," Sarah Jane says. "We should be able to see the Slitheen leaving if we move quickly."
They walk out into the back garden, and stare at the night sky. A meteor flies through, heading upward. "There they go," Luke says.
"Back to Raxacoricofallapatorius," Sarah Jane smiles at her son.
Jack wraps an arm around Sophie's shoulders, "And good riddance!" he shouts.
"Will they be back?" Alan asks, turning to the journalist.
"Oh, I expect so. Sooner or later."
"What about Mister Smith?" Maria asks.
"Yeah, can we ever trust him again?" Clyde follows.
The older woman chuckles, "The Armageddon Code has wiped his circuits. He'll reboot with a new purpose, to safeguard the world."
A feminine voice clears their throat at the gate to the garden. Maria runs over and hugs the woman. Sophie walks over to Sarah Jane. "I think that's our cue to go. It's been good seeing you, Sarah."
The journalist pulls her into a hug, "You too, Sophie. Don't make it so long next time."
"Course not." Sophie turns away, and grabs Jack's hand before he has the chance to flirt with Maria's mum.
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burntlikethesun · 2 years
Having now watched nearly everything RTD has written, I feel like I can predict the new companion's surname lol
He's already used his favourites Tyler (literally was his sixth use), Harkness (his third use!) and Jones (used like a billion times)
Cooper (Rose in Bob and Rose, Gwen in Torchwood)
Jericho (literally all projects, Rose's school, family in his Seventh doctor novel)
Coltrane (Daniel in Cucumber, Henry in It's A Sin, loads of side characters in DW, and bit characters in other projects like Mine All Mine)
Costello (Suzie in Torchwood, Cliff in Cucumber)
Baxter (Eccleston's character in The Second Coming before he knows he is Jesus is Stephen Baxter, Freddie in Cucumber, Jill in It's a Sin, Fran in Years and Years)
Bannerman (the family in The Grand, the road in SJA)
Morris (Colin in It's a Sin hyphenated with... Jones lol, Kate in the Grand)
Sullivan (Romey in Queer as Folk, Lance in Cucumber)
Naismith (family in Century Falls, father and daughter in DW)
Of course he could do a Donna Noble and use a new name out of nowhere! But I'm posting this so I can revisit it this time next year lol. My bet is on Baxter.
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classongoing · 3 years
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“I don’t want to move to Foxgrove. I don’t want to leave London.”
Readers were likely surprised by the sudden reappearance of Sky Smith, now attending Coal Hill Academy in the same year as the Class gang. But why's she studying here now? And why isn't she still living with her mum?
We briefly return to Ealing 5 years after the events of 'The Sarah Jane Adventures - Series 5' in our second side story: LEAVING BANNERMAN ROAD.
This short was written by Matt Jordan (@intuitive-revelations), with cover art by Anne-Laure Tuduri (@liria10).
Available here.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 4 days
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^^^my current mood, because oh my god, its actually finished and published- After seven months, I finally got around to actually doing an update to this story, finishing it's first adventure/episode in a way in the process! I did not intend for it to reach 40 pages, but oh well! I'm free until I have to write its second adventure/episode in a way lol.
Anyway, turns out Mr. Zagan's comment about Luke forcing his hand means starting the Bane's invasion of Earth, leaving Luke and Abigail and The Girl scrambling to stop it in time or else Earth will be lost...
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wcnderiing · 2 years
What plots do you want for Howard and co.?
For Munday, anonymously ask the mun something you want to know about them, their portrayal, or what they will/won’t write.
Oh boy!! This is a big boy one, so I'm going to go through muse by muse. Long post alert!
EDIT: I realise that this has become me gushing about my muses and I will not be apologising
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Howie has developed a quite astonishing amount of lore over the last five years. He is drastically different to the character he is based on at this point.
My current brainrot exists in his MCU verse, and in that I'd love to explore his time after he develops superpowers.
In his main verse, I'd love to see more UNIT adventures - Howie is a phenomenal tinkerer, and has used that to help UNIT in their endeavours to protect the earth a few times. I would like to explore his skills, going beyond him fitting the trope of being the accident prone genius. He's prone to injury, yes. But he's also a brilliant engineer, and I'd like to look at that more.
I'd also love to explore his mixed feelings towards the Doctor. Unlike a lot of people who look back fondly on their adventures in time and space, Howie really doesn't. So exploring that would be very interesting
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Flick is a ballsy, adrenaline seeking badass with a reckless streak and a strong sense of loyalty. She holds family in VERY high esteem and she would take a bullet for her team, given the need.
That being said, I've not written a hell of a lot of her on my old blogs. As a UNIT military officer and field medic, my writing of her has been limited. I'd like to see who she is outside of work, and how that differs to her being on the job.
So I'd like to see domestic Flick. And Flick as a mum! In her canon, Flick and her future wife will become mums.
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Ah, Lauri. The ray of sunshine with a serious eye for detail. She had a very bad run in with some silurians a few years ago. But despite the adversity she's faced, she remains stubbornly optimistic and insists on seeing the best in people.
I'd love to explore how she came to UNIT. And I'd love to see her have some moments of bravery. I've toyed with her being a companion for the Doctor before but never fully explored it. I think she'd love to meet some historical figures!
Also: some more cat mum!Lauri. Because she loves her cats and when she leaves UNIT she opens a cat sanctuary.
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The young fallen angel! Lover of floristry, protector of her friends and flighty teleporter!
Okay, I know exactly which period of Anna's life I'd like to write more. I'd like to explore her life as an angel, before she fell to earth and lost her memories. I'd love to see her as the apprentice guardian angel she was, and in contrast, I'd like to see her years after she fell, as the guardian watching over the Bannerman Road kids.
So those are the muses I've written for a few years. Now for the ones that are still very new to me.
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Aisling is my newest muse! She's an earth fairy, a teacher and a devoted mother. At the moment, i only really write her with @ordinaryheroines on discord, but I moved her over here when I launched this blog in hopes of developing her.
So - I'd like to see her life as a teacher and a botanist. I'd like to see her coming to terms with becoming a single mother. I'd like to see her being fiercely protective of her students. I'd just like to see more of her to be honest, and I'd like to understand more about the world she lives in
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While new to Tumblr, I like to think I know Corinne very well. She was my D&D character for a few years, and since coming back to Tumblr I've rewritten her story for the Skyrim universe. However that can be "generic fantasy" setting if the interaction calls for it.
For Corinne, I'd like to see moments of self sacrifice for her. I'd like to see moments of unexpected strength for her. I'd love to see her have moments of realising that her history as a servant does not need to dictate her worldview, nor must it dictate her view of herself.
Mostly I'd like to see her being the blind badass and book nerd that she is.
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Out of everyone on this blog, I think Lucy needs fleshing out the most. The majority of what if written with her is her life as a freshly turned vampire, and her relationship with Rosemary.
That being said, I'd love to see her at points throughout the last hundred years, how she has evolved from silver screen starlet to west end actress, and the friends (and perhaps enemies) she has made along the way
I'm not massively sure what I'd like to do. But I would like to do more of it.
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Honestly? Tom is just here for when I can convince @writingperhaps to get their butt on here. But maybe I'll want to branch him out one day. For now he's the teddy bear medic of UNIT.
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Ana Hopkins [ Main verse Time Line]
ANA’S TIMELINE Doctor who/Torchwood
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ANA’S TIMELINE Doctor who/Torchwood Updated
1992: Annabeth Brooke mayfair- Hopkins was born on Gallifrey Half witch/part Gallifreyan and part human. 
Shortly afterwards she was left on Earth, on the doorstep of Alex Hopkins.
1999: At the age of seven, on New Year’s Eve Her father took his life and the lives of the entire Torchwood team, leaving Annabeth as an orphan. And she was taken into care, where she was moved from home to home until a suitable family could be found. And she was watched over by Captain Jack, all her life, from a distance. He rarely made his presence known, unless she was in danger
Feeling he failed Alex the least he could do was be there for his Employer’s child.
And he did promise Alex that he would take care of Ana and let her just be a child, without any Aliens or Torchwood being part of her life. It was a promise Jack would be unable to keep for very long.
2005: by the age of thirteen Ana was attending Deffry vale school in London, whilst living in a children’s home. She had been in a variety of foster Homes but none had quite worked out. 
The teachers at her school mostly turned out to be Krillitanes. She assisted the Doctor, but he refused to let her travel with him, believing she was too young at the time.
But that meeting with the Doctor and Sarah Jane smith led to Sarah Jane giving her a home ( this is before Luke and Sky) And she lived at 13 Bannerman Road 
2006 - By the age of 14  the teachers felt she was at higher level than the other students, but wasn’t quite ready for A levels. Ana had expressed an interest in attending Glenalmond College, in Scotland. She comes home in the holidays.  it is around the  age of 14 she realises her love for ice skating and starts training.
2007-  Whilst away she gains a brother,  just a year younger than herself
2008: by the age of 16 she goes off the handles engaging in reckless and inappropriate behaviour and her ice skating career is dead in the water which results in Ana been suspended from the sport.
2009  Ana returns to London at some point for the wedding of Sarah Jane, being one of the bridesmaids
it’s mere months later When the 456 came for the kids. She remembers trying to hide the younger kids at the school, despite the government trying to force their way in and taking the younger students. Shortly after the events  she decided she would like to go to university earlier than planned, at the age of 17
2010: Ana  is still at  Oxford at the age of 18, when Luke goes to oxford too.  Ana takes up modelling  to earn money when she doesn’t have classes.
it is during 2010 that Ana meets Jack, in a bar. An unplanned and random meeting. Unaware her drink was spiked by older students. Jack got her out of there and took care of her. Told her he was a friend of her father.  Ana invited Jack for dinner to thank him for saving her that night. 
She’s not  aware of what Jack has lost, as he is quite closed of her, even with her.  Ana  & Jack become friends. mostly they keep in touch over phone calls and instant messenger. Occasionally, when coming back to Earth he meets her once or twice. And sometimes he would  come and watch her skate, offering her some much needed advice and encouragement before becoming her skating partner.
She’s on Earth during the Master’s madness when everyone changes but Ana doesn’t and she flees not knowing what was happening.
She tells herself it was just a bad dream and the events never occurred. But she knows deep down all those things happened.
2011:  Its around this time  that Sky is adopted , gaining another sibling.
She now lives in America  career hoping first as a teacher, than later as a paramedic and gets drawn into miracle day  This pulled Ana into investigating, alongside Jack.
During  their time together Jack opens up to her, tells her about losing his team. How he had married and then lost his wife and  he tells her about Torchwood  how Torchwood Cardiff was destroyed. And she assists Jack during this time.
Afterwards Ana and Jack who are just both rather broken people,  spend time together in America.
She is just 19 years old when  her skating career is rebooted with Jack’s help. And they start to slowly try to heal. Their chemistry on the ice, often makes people speculate on whether they are a couple or just friends.
2012   When Ana is not skating or modelling, she starts to assist Jack  and Gwen, who are working as freelancers for Torchwood. She’s 20 years old when Jack finally asks her out on a proper date.
2017: Torchwood is officially brought back and Jack takes Ana on as an intern, training her to be a field op.  Jack and Ana also marry  some time after bringing Torchwood back
2018  their first children together are born when Ana is  26 years old.  Twin girls Paris Danni Harkness & Venice  Quinn Harkness.   Named where they believed  they were concieved on their honeymoon 
2019: Torchwood are on the run again from the Committee this time. And Ana & Jack go into hiding, leading to them living an ordinary life and they welcome a son who they named Jack.
2020 Ana and Jack return to help the Doctor during the events of the lone cyberman. They also return again when the Earth is in danger from the Daleks, realising they is still a need for Torchwood juggling Torchwood with being parents.
2021 Their marriage doesn’t last long because of Jack’s secrets and getting himself thrown in jail and they briefly separate but Ana who is now coaching students was heading back to Cardiff, determined to give the marriage another go but the plane didn’t reach its destination for six years, but it was only hours for Ana. 
2026 Ana has to adjust to been gone for years and world had moved on. Their kids had all left by starting careers of their own or gone to College/university. And Jack had married Malcolm. However both men wanted Ana to be part of their lives . 
2027. Ana married both Jack and Malcolm in a intimate ceremony on Alpha in the 28th century.
2028. Ana, Jack & Malcolm welcome four children into their family.  Two sets of twins Two boys & two girls with Malcolm & Jack been the fathers.
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klaradox · 3 years
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Tytos Lannister was the Lord of Casterly Rock and the head of House Lannister during the reigns of kings Aegon V, Jaehaerys II, and Aerys II Targaryen. He is the grandfather of Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion by his eldest son, Tywin Lannister.
An amiable and jovial gentleman, Tytos was called the Laughing Lion prior to the death of his beloved wife, Jeyne Marbrand. However, he was also weak willed, eager to please, slow to anger, quick to forgive, and too trusting by half. He saw the good in everyone, great and small, but this trust blinded him to threats to House Lannister.
Tytos was a fat man, he loved eating cheese and cakes, and drinking beer. While Lord of Casterly Rock, Tytos loaned money to lords who never bothered to repay him, and his bannermen openly ignored his orders. Guests at his court were allowed to mock him to his face, called "twisting the lion's tail".
According to semi-canon sources, Tytos was a squire in his youth but was never knighted. He loved watching tourneys, but never participated in one.
Tytos was the third-born son of Lord Gerold Lannister and Lady Rohanne Webber. His elder twin brothers were Tywald and Tion; Tywald was slain in the Peake Uprising in 233 AC. Tytos married Jeyne Marbrand at Casterly Rock in 235 AC and had five children with her. Tytos became the heir of Casterly Rock in 236 AC, after the death of Tion at the Battle of Wendwater Bridge during the Fourth Blackfyre Rebellion.
According to Maester Beldon, Ellyn Reyne, widowed after the death of Tion, tried to seduce the new heir, Tytos, so he would set aside Jeyne for Ellyn. Tytos apparently was so intimidated by Ellyn that he failed to perform and in shame confessed to Jeyne, who forgave him but not her good-sister, Ellyn. Jeyne informed her good-father, Lord Gerold, who hastily wed Ellyn to his elderly bannerman, Lord Walderan Tarbeck.
Gerold took firm control of the westerlands and was determined to do everything he could to prepare his unpromising new heir for lordship. Gerold was not blind to his son's flaws though and knew Tytos would be unsuitable for the positions of Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West.
Tytos became Lord of Casterly Rock in 244 AC after the death of his father, Gerold. Bannermen and merchants took advantage of the weak-willed Tytos, who was eager to please. The power of House Lannister waned and many other neighboring Houses grew in strength. Many said that the Lion of Lannister was no longer a beast to fear and japed about toothless lions.
According to his daughter Genna, Tytos agreed to marry her to Emmon Frey, the second son of Lord Walder Frey, just to please the Lord of the Crossing. The betrothal was announced at a feast in 252 AC, with most of the lords of the west in attendance. Upon the announcement, Lord Roger Reyne, the Red Lion of Castamere, left the hall in anger and Lady Ellyn Tarbeck laughed aloud. The rest of Tytos's vassals sat on their tongues, and only Tytos's eldest son, Tywin Lannister, spoke out against the wedding because he thought it an uneven match. Tytos later sent Tywin to King's Landing to serve as a royal cupbearer at King Aegon V Targaryen's court.
House Reyne power grew under Tytos's poor leadership, as did their close allies in House Tarbeck, as Ellyn was Roger's sister. Lady Tarbeck was not slow to take advantage of Tytos's willingness to part with large sums of gold, borrowing heavily and using the money to restore the crumbling Tarbeck Hall, strengthening the curtain walls, rebuilding its keep and furnishing its keep with a splendor to rival any castle in the west.
Normally jovial, Tytos became sorrowful after his wife, Jeyne, died within a moon of giving birth to a son, Gerion, in 255 AC. Conditions in the westerlands became dismal in the following years; bandits and outlaws prowled the roads, while bannermen ignored Tytos's orders and saw to their own affairs. Thrice in his reign, King Aegon V Targaryen sent the forces of the Iron Throne to intervene and restore order to the west, but conflict resumed after the king's knights departed.
During the War of the Ninepenny Kings, Lord Tytos answered the call of the new king, Jaehaerys II Targaryen, sending eleven thousand westermen under the leadership of his younger brother, Ser Jason Lannister. Tytos also sent his three eldest sons—Tywin, Kevan, and Tygett Lannister—to fight in the conflict. Tytos remained at Casterly Rock, taking Gerion's wet nurse as his mistress. Roger Reyne took command of the westermen on campaign after the death of Jason at Bloodstone.
Battle hardened from the war, Tytos's sons were determined to restore the power of House Lannister. Lord Tytos protested feebly before returning to the comfort and embrace of his mistress. Tywin began by demanding the repayment of the gold his father lent out; those who could not repay immediately had to send a hostage to Casterly Rock until their debt was settled. He charged his brother, Ser Kevan, with command of five hundred veterans knights to rid the westerlands of robber knights and bandit outlaws. Some hastened to obey, and Ser Harys Swyft is said to have stated, "The lion has awoken." Unable to pay his loan at the time, Harys agreed to surrender his daughter Dorna into Kevan's custody, and elsewhere collectors were met with sullen resistance and open defiance. Lord Reyne reportedly laughed when he read Tywin's edicts and counseled his friends and vassals to do nothing.
Lord Walderan Tarbeck rode to Casterly Rock to confront Lord Tytos, confident he could easily cow Tytos to rescind his son's edicts. Tytos was not present when Walderan arrived at court, however, and the young Tywin ordered Lord Walderan imprisoned for disloyalty. In return, Ellyn Tarbeck seized three Lannisters—two Lannisters of Lannisport, as well as Stafford Lannister, whose sister Joanna was betrothed to Tywin—and threatened them harm unless Walderan was returned. This awoke Lord Tytos, who ignored Tywin's suggestion that Walderan should be sent back to his wife in three pieces, one for every Lannister taken. Tytos returned Walderan unharmed and forgave the Tarbeck debt to House Lannister.
Less than a year later in 261 AC, Walderan and Roger renounced Tytos in the Reyne-Tarbeck revolt. Acting without his father's leave, Tywin destroyed Tarbeck Hall and Castamere and extinguished Houses Reyne and Tarbeck.
While his son and heir, Ser Tywin, was named Hand of the King by the newly-crowned King Aerys II Targaryen in 262 AC, Tytos remained at Casterly Rock, though after the destruction of the Reynes and Tarbecks by his heir, none of his remaining vassals caused further trouble.
One autumn, Tytos came between a lioness and her prey. The lioness tore into Tytos's horse and was about to attack him as well, when the kennelmaster of Casterly Rock came to his rescue with his dogs, losing his leg and three dogs in the process. Out of gratitude, Tytos gave the kennelmaster lands and a towerhouse and took his son as a squire, thereby creating House Clegane.
In his last few years, Tytos became very fat and took a new mistress, a commonborn daughter of a candlemaker. She helped herself to the late Jeyne Marbrand's jewels and clothes and also began ordering about household knights, dismissed servants, and sat in attendance when Tytos was absent. While Tywin was in King's Landing In 267 AC, Tytos died of a heart attack while climbing stairs to see her. Tywin, the new Lord of Casterly Rock, ordered a walk of atonement through Lannisport for his father's mistress.
The only influence Tytos had on his son was that Tywin mistrusted laughter and that he became a hard man. Tytos did not forget his children when he died, and left behind a generous inheritance for Tywin, Kevan, Genna, Tygett, and Gerion.
This image will be featured on my upcoming map of the Westerlands.
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this-geek · 3 years
Do you have headcannons on the chandra family in sja thanks
Thank you for asking. Headcanons are so fun. I do in fact have some Chandra Family headcanons. Let’s go.
On their 1 year anniversary, Haresh wanted to send a message to Gita through flowers because he knew how much she loved them, so he looked into the language of flowers except he’s colourblind and got the colours mixed up and instead of the bouquet representing Love and commitment it was more Sorrow and mourning. She thought it was very sweet he had tried so hard but never lets him live it down.
Gita went to college for a business degree and worked as a secretary for several years before bloomin’ lovely. Haresh went to University to study Education and history. They met when he was an NQT while Gita was covering one of the school secretary’s maternity leave.
Gita’s family did not like Haresh. This is an irony that she will not stop pointing out to her husband when he complains about Clyde Langer.
They really struggled to have a baby and had started to give up when Gita got pregnant with Rani.
When she told Haresh, she gave him a packet of seeds, which they planted and when Rani was born Haresh took a bunch of those flowers to the hospital, they used to give Rani one of these flowers for her birthday every year.
They feared for a long time that Rani would grow up lonely, but their daughter had a huge imagination and made friends fairly easily.
When her dad would come home from work and tell her about her day Rani would write ‘news articles’ about his student's shenanigans, he would pin these behind his desk and soon his older students started to compete to get into an article.
Moving to Bannerman Road was the first time that Rani and her dad actually went to the same school and found the transition a little difficult.
It was the garden of their Bannerman road house that really sold Gita.
Rani was 10 when Bloomin’ Lovely began and the early days were filled with her being an unofficial walking advert. When she got a little older she also had to deliver a few things on her bike.
Both sets of Rani’s grandparents adore Clyde. Her maternal set has him draw their dog every time both of them visit. Clyde very much enjoys hearing them talk about Haresh, who they still don’t like.
Years later, Rani’s flat is filled with flowers and plants because there is no garden and Gita insists it makes the place bigger and homier.
Once all of their children have left home, Gita and Sarah Jane start to regularly go for tea. Gita never does learn to say, Sarah Jane.
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ddagent · 4 years
That secret Braime family idea is fantastic. Any headcanons for it so far? Like, did he start knocking her up when she was escorting him back to Kings Landing? In this AU does he still have children with Cersei? Is Brienne still a sworn sword to Sansa? How would she even navigate a secret family if she is in service to her? So many questions, sorry. But I am intrigued.
Everyone is really intrigued, which excites me! I have been informed of two very similar stories, now, and was already familiar with a third, so I’m not sure how much I’ll progress with this idea. Version one is here. I’ll now talk about version two! 
Jaime knocks Brienne up for the first time at Winterfell.
The King is visiting and, bored, Jaime clashes with Lady Stark’s mentee-turned-sworn-sword. Both are surprised when their battle of wills turns physical. 
Brienne gives birth to her daughter at the same time Jaime is captured in Whispering Wood. The official father is a Stark bannerman who perished in the battle.
They next meet at the Stark camp where Brienne saves him from being murdered. She divulges that she bore his child and, while she still loathes the very core of him, she won’t see him perish. 
The next time they bed together is on the road to King’s Landing. 
Jaime, both heartbroken that he has another child he cannot claim and surprised by his own emotions, asks often of his daughter and what Brienne tells her of her father. He divulges some truths of his own. 
A prisoner exchange is made in Maidenpool. Brienne goes into labour just before Catelyn and her children are due to leave for the Twins. Brynden Tarth saves Catelyn and Sansa before he is even born. 
News reaches the capital of the Red Wedding. Jaime believes Brienne and his daughter have perished. 
So, this version has a lot of Everybody Lives™, but it also has Jaime and Brienne at Winterfell, which I love. Jaime is Confused a great deal of the time about how Brienne awakens something in him. Also, I’m picturing his face when the news of the Red Wedding comes to the capital and it breaks something inside of him.  
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