#MASSIVE storytime and ramble in the tags
ashenburst · 2 months
Don't let them fool you. You can find your twin flame at the club
#MASSIVE storytime and ramble in the tags#so I met this girl last week#and immediately#I don't even understand how or why (we're both very jumpy and excitable so I suppose the energies amplified each other!)#literally while telling our names to each other#we started squealing and jumping and screaming at each other#my friend who was nearby later told me it was eerie watching us like that because it was as if there were two of me#anyway anyway we clicked really well obviously#and we've been chatting on Insta and THIS GIRL#since we had to dive into life philosophy... ofc we did#first topic#our views are the same! down to the tiny constructivism details! and while it's so weird finding someone who is the exact same#it's very revealing as well#for you inevitably reflect#on who and how you are#and frankly#I've been feeling VERY down these two past semesters and I hated how the toxic environment I got stuck in#shut me down#even though I was still my usual cheerful self it was just... lonelier and I missed my friends who were doing MILES worse than me#but!#to see another sun like that#it motivates. a lot. and I'm very difficult to motivate#but I've been getting better recently! I have felt and understood my problems and am working on them#and fuck it I'm taking this meeting (and so many other wonderful things) as a sign that I'm back on the right track#it sure feels like it - like I'm finding myself again#so all in all#a very surprising yet wonderful encounter and the beginning of a beautiful friendship. time to scream again#:D#lux rambles
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autumnsnuggling · 3 years
About my blog
Hey guys, welcome to my blog (which was previously known as 'thelightfury115').
This is my happy place, the place I come to take a breather from real life insanity. Things that help me do that will therefore be reblogged here. Mostly, this will be drarry, but also literally anything I find amusing or important. I also post original content when real life allows me to be creative, most of which is drarry fics (you can find my AO3 here). Do not repost my works without my permission.
This blog ships and lets ship. This blog knows that J K Rowling is a massive bigot and does not support her in the slightest. This blog knows that trans rights are human rights. This blog doesn’t kink shame. This blog doesn’t character bash (if I state I don’t like a character I’ll tag it as #anti [insert name here]). This blog is made by an adult and therefore may have explicit content (always tagged #nfsw or #nsfwish). It’s your responsibility to filter those tags if you do not wish to see them. This blog does not support reposters as they are stealing other people's property. This blog will never be put behind a paywall (seriously Tumblr, what the fuck.).
Tagging System:
To try and find my stuff (Tumblr willing), I endeavor to use the following tags (though older stuff will likely not follow all of this):
#drarry - for anything drarry
#non hp - for anything not Harry Potter related
#my writing #autumnsnugglingwrites - for my original stuff
#mental health
#storytime #story time - for the wonderful random rambles or reddit things that get reblogged around here
#things that make me happy
#long post - for anything I deem long lol
#signal boost - for things I’d like to get more publicity
#writing struggles - for everything to do with writing that isn't actually writing 😂
In front of any triggering content, I usually put tw ‘word’, so for depression I’d put ‘#tw depression’. Anything you’d like me to add a tag to, please let me know <3
Finally: Asks, Prompts, and Tags:
I absolutely love getting asks, whether that’s for a fic, advice, drabbles and headcanons, or just to say hi. You’re always welcome to send me an ask, but with fic requests I can’t make any promises I’ll get to them fast (or at all) due to real life. I also have a few squicks (infidelity being the main one), so those requests/prompts will just be deleted sorry. I also love being tagged in things and if I can, I will do it, but I don't do piccrews because I'm weird lol ♥️
Hope you enjoy my blog! <3
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njmphadora · 7 years
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. || tagged by @cathawayinspace (thank you so much sweetie!!!!! <3)
tagging: tagging the last 31 mutuals in my notifs (without doubles and excluding the ppl i just tagged in my handwriting thing, sorry!!!) - @grrangvr @lydias-martin @lunasdaydreams @kcenobi @weascleys @totally-ravenclaw @constellationddraco @slytherkinq @gxnevras @brekkcrs @oliverswood @rosevtyler @merlinssbeard @ginnweasley @loopylvpin @doradelacour @preciousnewt @mytholgie @jesprefahey @lumox okay i lost count but that’ll do right oaky cool
Coke or Pepsi: diet coke mmhmm
Disney or Dreamworks: i honestly don't know which films are which i'm sorry i've been corrected on this so many times tho i just love them both
Coffee or Tea: literally both - okay (ramble warning) so there's this scene in gavin & stacey (best show ever if you haven't seen it then watch it seriously) where whatshisname the weird quiet one.... deano yeah he asks for "key" which is like bottom half tea top half coffe i think and honestly i can relate like that sounds disgusting but also incredible in some way anyway sorry back to the tag game...
Books or movies: if i really had to pick it would be books but i don't think i'd survive very long without films holy christ life would be so boring
Windows or Mac: i passionately love mac but at the end of the day..... windows.... always windows... windows xp if i can get it pls
DC or Marvel: idk i think i like spiderman a bit ?? which one is that??
Xbox or Playstation: xbox but literally only because it has the "i made a game with zombies in it" game which is incredibleee to watch people play stoned
Dragon Age or Mass Effect: wat ???
Night owl or early riser: night owl *owl emoji*
Cards or chess: cards deffo
Chocolate or vanilla: depends what you're talking about and how hungry i am and if i've eaten any proper food lately is this ice cream or chocolate or ?"?!?!!?! so many unanswered questions !!!
Vans or Converse: converse
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: what are these things ???
Beach or forest: the beach on a cold sunny day
Dogs or Cats: urgh bothhhhh??!??!!
Clear skies or rain: clear skies :)
Cooking or eating out: eating out mmhmhmmm
Spicy food or mild food: lmao my tastebuds are pathetic mildddd
Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: omg there's nothiiing quite like christmas (altho i fucking love passover too so there's that)
Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too cold - storytime here, so i for some random reason always find it slightly difficult to breath so i can'tttt surrviivee in stuffy rooms i always have to have my window open because i need fresh air but that's what blankets were made for really and big warm jumpers
If you could have a superpower, what would it be: i would love to be able to read minds omg my anxiety would have a WILD TIME i'm not sure if it would get overexcited or disappear but either way, it would be hella interesting to see
Animation or live action: animation
Paragon or renegade: idk what these are
Baths or showers: i just frickin love showers
Team Cap or Team Ironman: is ironman the tony stark guy???
Fantasy or Sci-Fi: i love sci fi so much but definitely fantasy
Do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? If not do you think you will in future? not really ???? i'm so bad at finding favourite quotes idk why because there are honestly some books that knock me dead but it's not like one quote ?? it's a whole massive paragraph, in context, when you know the characters and the events and the specific chapter and what's in it yknow??
Youtube or Netflix: omg netflix it's my number 1 visited site and i am deeefinitely not a youtube person
Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: lol
When you feel accomplished?: when i've actually done some productive, even if it's something so insignificant and small, like, idk, it makes me feel really really good.
* Where do you see yourself in five years time? okay so this is my new question and the hardest thing ever to answer i'm sorrryy but to apologise, i now have to answer it first... okay, so, i see myself married tbh.... probably in my own house... hopefully... not owned obvsly rented but still... maybe planning children idkdidkdkdkdkdkddkdkdkdk
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