risestarkiss · 5 months
Rise Ramblings #351
One of my favorite things about Rise is the utilization of nicknames in the show. This is the first iteration of the TMNT that really dived deep into nicknaming the boys. ❤️🧡💙💜
Also, the fandom has come up with quite a few great names of their own!
I wanted to list off some of the names from the show, some names I’ve heard around the interwebs, and some of the ones I’ve personally made up.
(Yeah. Those get a little out of hand. I’m apologizing from now. 😌)
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LEONARDO: Leo Nardo Leon Neon Leon Primetime The Blue One Baby Blue Bluey Cyan Blue Boy Lee Pepino Fruit Ninja & Blueberry (I’m sorry. 😞)
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MICHEALANGELO: Mikey Micheal Miguel Mike Magic Mike Orange Orange Pawn Orange Peel Doctor Delicate Touch Doctor Feelings Doctor Positive Doctor Rude One Love Angelo Angie Angel & Alan (I’m sorry. 😞)
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RAPHAEL: Raph Raphie Raph-a-roni The Red One Big Red Red Rover Red Reign R-Dawg The Red Angel of Preventing Harm Raphela Ella Ellie Strawberry Strawberry Jam Strawberry Cupcake & Cinnamon (I’m so sorry. 😔)
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DONATELLO: *takes a deep breath* Don Dee Deedee Dondon Donnie Donnie-D Donald Donna “Don, I tell you.” Dynamite Don DonTron Donathan Donnifer Donstantinople Don Stasinopoulos Dontertelli Don Tortellini Donatelli Spinelli Don Quixote Donkeytello Don Jamba Lambda “Don, a fellow.” *takes another breath* Vomitello Othello Othello Von Ryan ‘Thello Tello Hortense Mr. Science Bootyyyshaker9000 Alpha-Bootyyyshaker-9000 The Funny One The Purple One Purple Purple Knight Purple Boy Purple Jam Purple Jambalaya Grape Jelly Grapes Ube Smarts Brains Eyebrows & “The scientist formally known as, D.” (I will not apologize for any of these. Fight me.)
Bonus: DUOS! Raph & Don: Brains & Brawn, Strawberry Jam & Grape Jelly Leo & Raph: Sunrise Duo Mikey & Raph: Sunset Duo Leo & Mikey: Baja Blast, Portal Pals Leo & Donnie: The Disaster Twins & Double Trouble Donnie & Mikey: Smarts & Crafts, PB&J
Are there any that I missed? 😁
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crownleys · 6 months
One of the things I think about often with regards to Wayhaven is Rebecca's age, mostly because I think it can add a really interesting level of nuance to an individual player's/Detective's experiences within the game. From what I've seen Mishka has purposefully left it open to the player's interpretation, which I personally really enjoy and am glad for.
To me, Rebecca's age has a pretty wide window of possibilities -- she could have met Rook and had the Detective quite young, or with how career-driven she is, it could have been far later in life! And I do think those differences would shape the Detective's, the player's, and probably even Unit Bravo's impression of her just a little depending what her age is.
Edit: adding a readmore because I realize this got a bit long!
You could have a young Rebecca who had the Detective at maybe... 25 or 27, and if the Detective isn't much older than 25 themself she's only around 50 - which is a sharp contrast to a Rebecca who has an older child when she herself was older. If your Detective is 35, and Rebecca had them at 35 or even later, she could be older than 70!
You can be fit as hell at 70+ years old (and one of my favorite examples of this is Ginny MacColl, 71, mother of stunt woman Jessie Graff -- the both of whom are competing in the next season of American Ninja Warrior) but there are also physical changes a person's body experiences at that age. Bones can be less dense, muscles less elastic -- healing can take longer. Injuries can be more impactful.
Obviously Rebecca doesn't have to be that old, but I always have fun asking 'but what if that WAS the case'. Especially considering the immortal elements of Unit Bravo's powers. What must it be like to know someone for that long, to see them age, and be unchanged yourself? Is it more impactful for some of members UB than others? For the Detective, would her being older change how they feel about her showing back up? For something like the Auction scene in Book 3, would your Detective make a different choice on Rebecca accompanying them if they have a younger Rebecca vs an older one?
I'd love to hear from people about it too -- how old do you imagine Rebecca to be? Does her age make any difference to your Detective, positive or negative or otherwise? Is it different for different Detectives, if you have more than one?
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jadeazora · 6 months
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Here are my favorite Gym Leaders (and Nanu) to counterbalance my least favorite Gym Leaders!
Kinda debating whether I should have gone with Koga or Sabrina since he does become an E4 member a generation later, but decided to go with him since that came later. Genuinely tough call between those two, but Koga's design and personality just always appealed to me a little more. (Sabrina did scare the crap out of me as a little kid tho in her anime debut.)
Morty has probably had one of my favorite glow-ups in the series. I always wanted to cosplay him, but our only con is in August and I would probably die of heat stroke. 😅
Probably a weird pick, but I always liked how jovial Wattson was. (Tho there is a bit of a facade there, from what I recall he had a bit of a shady past in ORAS with the New Mauville project. That makes him pretty interesting imo.)
Volkner is such a goddamn menace that Lear probably wants to literally strangle half the time, but I love seeing more of that side of him on Pasio! (There's also him being friends with Flint, and having a fun dynamic with him.)
I will forever remember Brycen just throwing hands with Team Plasma in Generations, completely forgoing having an actual Pokemon battle with them. Instant favorite. Kick their asses!
I really always loved Valerie's elegant design, but her personality and wanting to actually be a Pokemon is a lot of fun too.
I would consider the Kahunas a Gym Leader equivalent too, probably just not counting Hala since he's an E4 member too within that Generation, but Nanu is just cool from looking after Acerola, to being a UB hunter within the International Police alongside Looker in his backstory, to getting one of the most morbidly funny lines in a Pokémon game when he meets the protagonist, to kinda being the first dark-type Gym Leader, I just love the dude and he's my favorite Alolan character! I was so happy when they gave him a supporting role in the postgame of SM.
Our first true Dark-type Gym Leader, Piers is definitely my favorite Galar character overall alongside Raihan, and it was a tough call between them, but I really liked how they gave Piers an extended role in the postgame where he was more actively helping the player deal with the Royal Pain in the Ass brothers, so he was who I went with. It's also adorable how he dotes on/frets over Marnie.
Larry is also an E4 member, so I'll probably do one of these and feature him for my favorite of the Paldea E4 (tough call between him, Rika, and Hassel tho), so Ryme is runner-up. Her battle was just a lot of fun with the crowd hyping you up. She had a cool personality too, I really enjoyed her a lot as a character. They never miss with Ghost users.
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markrosewater · 11 months
Hi Mark. I know every product isn't for everyone, and I'm trying really hard to be delicate and kind and not ruin the Doctor Who decks for fans. I really, REALLY don't like Doctor Who, for a mix of reasons both about the show and about my personal life, so I was planning to completely check out of this product, no problem. But the previews start and there's a suspend deck. Suspend is my favorite mechanic in Magic, and it's really lacked a way to make it viable in Commander. Now the game prints a deck all about it... But themed after a show I (I am trying to be delicate) really dislike. So my choices are to play cards that make me unhappy to engage with a mechanic I love, or lose out on the chance to build a deck I would otherwise enjoy playing. This is shaking my support of Universes Beyond and now I see why people don't like the idea. Can you please pass along that Universes Beyond comes with the chance to push fans out of products because of the IPs chosen, and to really strongly consider making in-universe versions of key cards from UB commander decks and draftable sets? Thanks for everything you do.
Here’s another way to approach this. I don’t know if a suspend Commander deck would exist if not for the flavor of Doctor Who. The concept came about because we were trying to capture the feel of the show in deck form.
That’s one of the big boons for Magic of Universes Beyond. It pushes us to mechanical places we might not have gotten to otherwise. The Timey Wimey deck, for example, is a very odd deck. I really don’t think we would have stumbled upon it otherwise.
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This is going to be a long massage and my English isn't so good, so pardon me.
First I gotta say I just saw and followed your blog tonight (but somehow managed to read your posts for the last 3 months I think) It's amazing how you know UB members so well like you're the writer, I can't even imagine myself there one day. I liked your posts (especially the one you said about M being totally perceptive towards the Detective. You know, the one Mishka said M wouldn't notice if the Detective didn't talk to M due to an argument, I totally agree with you there.)
So, to the question (I hope it isn't too cliché): How do you think UB would react if the Detective sacrifices themselves to save LI from mortal danger?
(Bonus: The danger being the Annunaki, and the Detective somehow takes down his protective barrier permanently, then dies smiling)
I’m so glad you like the blog and my answers! I do my absolute best to do these characters justice with all the comfort they’ve given me. You don’t want to go down the rabbit hole I have though to get here it’s a long, sad, hyperfixated journey lol
It’s no secret that thinking about the detective dying and UB’s reaction to that is my favorite flavor of ice cream so I may have answered this before but….
I think A would be able to go back to some kind of normalcy. Obviously they’re destroyed and traumatized by losing the detective, that was their soulmate, but A has lived a certain way for so long that I think they would go back to it. I see A keeping the detective’s memory like a little secret just for them and I don’t think they would ever want to talk about them on anyone else’s terms. I think A would only talk about the detective late and when the mood was right and maybe only with N. As for in the moment, it kind of depends on if they get one last moment with the detective before they take their last breath. I can only see A reacting with anger that the detective would do that and that anger wouldn’t even be all targeted at the detective but also A themselves for not doing enough of being enough to make it so the detective would never have to make that choice. Probably say things or phrase thing in a way they regret but don’t worry they’ll accidentally break something (other than their own heart) thinking about it later.
N is probably the one that hurts the most to think about and I feel like it’s heavily implied that the scenario of the detective sacrificing themselves period, let alone for N, actually destroys N as we know them so it’s so hard to say who they would be after. For some reason I’m getting the vibes that N turns into someone that a stranger can look at them and be like “That is a haunted man/woman” right away and I also for some reason see N starting to maladaptive daydream. I could see them thinking daydreaming about moments that will never come or seeing like the ghost of a memory whenever they pass by a bakery or something. Probably a lot of nudging and support from UB to keep them moving. In the moment, N would probably react to the detective’s sacrifice with denial. They didn’t just do that, that didn’t just happen, their breath and heart isn’t slowing, it just can’t be happening. If N gets to say anything to the detective before they go I think it would be panicked lies that N absolutely has themself believing that they’ll be just fine and to not fall asleep. Pretty promises are made to take them away from all this, leave it all behind, and take them somewhere where nothing can hurt them again if they just don’t close their eyes.
I feel like F would cope the best which isn’t saying a lot but I think they would. I also feel like they would honor the detective’s memory the best. I think whenever F would see things that reminded them of the detective they would have a sense of warmth and nostalgia rather than dread and would take any and every opportunity to talk about the detective to whomever would listen. Like people would be shocked to hear that the person F raves about is long gone because they would sound just as in love as they did before they lost the detective (please note this is also how I think N would be in the scenario that the detective died of old age, not by sacrificing themselves). F would probably have this feeling the the detective is always with them and some days are easier than others dealing with the fact they’re not. F can look back at memories and smile more than they’ll cry. The detective’s memory is one F tells sweetly and often. In the moment, I think F would also react to the detective’s sacrifice with denial. F has unwavering faith in the detective and sees them as so capable that it’s probably hard to fathom. I don’t know how much F would be able to say, choked by grief. F wants nothing more than someone to choose them, they just wish it would stop being like this.
M is also an owie because they lose more than their soulmate they also lose their personal little slice of peace. I think M won’t be much different to outsiders other than M remaining faithful to the detective (I don’t know if Sera has confirmed that but I’m 100% sure that’s what would happen) and continuing to not have one night stands or any physical relationships like they used to. Life would more or less be like it was before the detective and I think like A they wouldn’t want to talk about the detective to anyone (also like A, I think M would only let N try to). I think M would look at the stars even more trying to find the detective in them, maybe pause every time they see a hot chocolate or a carnival. The memories of the detective would burn but they would never let them go. If the detective is buried, I imagine they would always say this is the last time they’ll visit the gravesite so they can look at the stars with the detective one last time but it’s one of many “last time”s that they never follow through on. I think in the moment M reacts with anger and will tell the detective what they did was stupid. Ask them how could they. M is more put together than anyone else in these situations so I think they’re rapid fire trying to think of a solution. If the detective had expressed a desire to become a vampire I think desperation would make M (literally) bite to at least try even after they know the detective’s heart stopped.
A/N: traumatized
F: honored (in a way)
M: Angry/overwhelmed
A/N/M/F: trapped in an eternity of grief :)
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notyoung-neil · 4 months
If you fucking know me or see my ACC (and my other blog accs) yk I love the OG ships like jophen/ startech (joseph x stephen) mobillce (mobile x wallace) and maybe a few other non-cannon ships like kimona (Kim x romona) and...fuck idk the ship name for hollie x roxie or Kim x Lisa but yeah those too. For neil, personally, I'm a nordegrim shipper :)) Sorry, neilphen fans :((
Since I imagine he's still on collage I assume he's taking sonthing/ changed courses into somthing more...movie thing? Idk. Mainly working with cameras, screen writing, anything movie based or whatever
Since for Joe I made him Hispanic, other scott as Chinese, I don't really know what to do for the quirky silly little guy like neil. Gimme some ideas if y'all ever see this
Has attachment issues. Or fear of being left alone or not included
He has eczema that flairs up during the winter. Sometimes, he cries silently because of how itchy he is and doesn't like the cream the doctors told him to use because it's a weird texture he isn't comfortable with
Whenever stephen is back home from work, they usually sit down and watch movies together or during dinner. Young neil yaps about a movie, and stephen replies with a dry and simple "mhm, " "yeah", "that's cool -" and sometimes the occasional questions. Neil doesn't mind since he knows stephen is tired
He sometimes steals money from stephen but not all the time. He pays stephen back quickly by making some dinner (that he fucked up)
Favorite games have to be anything RPG based and zelda. Maybe he also got into the virtual world hype like UB funkies, webkinz, neopets, or club penguin (mainly UB funkies)
If he dose have a job I imagine he'd work at the second cup just to hang out with Stacy more, maybe a comic book store, or at no account video with Kim so he can watch more movies for free
I imagine his interest related friends has to be hollie (bc I see hollie also being a cinaphile), Joseph (because he wants to learn how to operate cameras and stuff and make it look cool by editing) and Jimmy (fellow zelda and starwars fan)
He has acne/ acne scars and back acne (I think that's the term) and he always picks/scratches at it
Speaking of picking. He always picks at his fingers and sometimes peels off a good chunk to the point it is bleeding bad, so he has bandaids on his hands and fingers most of the time. He doesn't mind which sorta bandaid. He likes the colorful ones that have like a character on it, but he worries if he might be too distracting for him when he's in class
I love how ironic it is for him to wear a heart on his sleeve sorta shirt even though he doesn't really show his feelings that often. He has the same ass stare all the time, and I think it's silly. So I just imagine he would say whatever is in his head without second thought, or he would mumble it if he thinks it's weird. So whenever he talks about his feelings, like how he feels about the whole "band abandoning him" situation, he actually means It and doesn't really hide it at all.
Steph (Neil's older sister) got him a pair of headphones bc thier parents were always fighting and a Walkman so he can listen to some music. He still uses those headphones to this day even though their broken in half, the sound quality is terrible and the ear puff thingy is crumbling
Whenever he goes out to the mall or out with anyone, he either has his hands in his pocket or out, bc someone has to grab onto his wrist so he wouldn't stop and stare at things (it's mainly Stephen and Kim who has to grip onto his wrist and drag him along. He dont mind tho :/ meanwhile stacy just holds onto his hand and stares with him)
Whenever stephen has a day off and he sees neil playing video games, he asks neil if he finishes his homework. If neil says no, stephen takes away his Gameboy color, keep it in his room and tell him to do his homework. If yes then stephen would just shrug it off, ruffle his hair up and say "ight, cool"
Neil was probably the first to find out that stephen was gay when stephen brought Joseph over (make of that as you will)
He writes movie reviews online and hopes people will see em but his writing skills are ass and he just describes whatever he can and think "yeah that's good enough"
Stephen treats neil like family since well, steph (Neil's older sister) isn't in contact with him that much. And because of the name similarities, neil just treats stephen like steph
His "stuffy" are those hot rubber water bottles (I forgor the name but you pour hot water into them and they help you with cramps and aches and shit-) with a wool sleeve wrapped around it
Since this rp acc is a bit related to the stephen acc. He likes bone crusher a lot! Since he mainly stays home, he has a new buddy to talk to and hang out with. But he leaves all the chores to stephen like cleaning out the litter box or something
Ever since he found out stephen had a cat he was pissed that stephen named the cat "bone crusher" not Link, Skull Kid,Meowth,Litten or Shinx or somthing cool like that but he continues to call bone crusher, bone crusher.
He has a bike and takes it to his college campus. He has the gear for it, too. Helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves. Stephen said if he doesn't wear em he'll get into an accident, and that scared neil
Idk why, but i imagine him being the type to collect... something! Maybe anything to fill up his already messy room!
He's a maximalist (I think that's how you spell it), as you can see from his room
I imagine he has those window markers to doodle on his window or to doodle out ideas for another screen play
I imagine him and Stacy are pretty much on the platonic and cute relationship wise. Holding hands, cuddling all that sorta stuff and stacy likes to listen to Neil's rambles about movies and how good/bad they are
Neil likes it whenever he receives gifts :DDD and tries to pay back by acts of service or something idk. Even if it's his birthday or Christmas he makes sure he owes everybody a equal amount. For example (*COUGH COUGH* DS SITUATION) he's gotta pay back stephen by taking care of bone crusher for a day maybe, doing Stephen's chores and stuff
Not a neil headcannon but I imagine stacy trying to watch the movies neil recommend her so she can catch up and talk to neil abt it and I think it's really cute and sweet :DDD
Yk damn well he's got a BIG ASS forehead underneath all that hair. Justin Bieber lookin ah. No wonder why young neil is Canadian/j
Also not a neil headcannon. But I imagine everyone calling stephen, STEVEN (IDK HOW STEPHENS NAME IS PRONOUNCED. IS IT STEVEN OR STEPH-EM WJKDWKDJWN) that includes neil but Joseph calls stephen by his last name (stills) (joseph just calls everyone by thier last names to seem fancy and shit expect for Neil's. He just calls neil, kid or just neil because he doesn't know to how to read Neil's last name nor say it so...he just calls neil, neil)
Bases around one headcannon I saw. I forgor what acc and where it came from (I'll go ahead and credit them if I find it it) but since neil had like parents who always fought or is strict as hell he perfected the ways of walking around the house quiet af and accidentally scars ppl bc of this
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mezzy-1 · 8 months
Neon Headcanons (but also ~Deadlock?)
Another (modified) version of one of @eviethelesbian 's prompts.  At this point I’m like Thanos collecting Infinity Stones but I just write Valorant headcanons from a list.  One down, god knows how many more to go.
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My god she has no filter when speaking Tagalog, like it's not just that she swears but the sheer volume of it
Diagnosed by Sage, confirmed by damn near everyone she knows, she has ADHD
Despite being somewhat short she is excellent a basketball and when she learned the protocol had a court, she was estatic
Phoenix warned Gekko against challenging her, to which he ignored, and was shocked when Neon dunked on him
Also insanely fast too, if she decides to steal from someone’s plate it’s so quick that most people won’t notice
Will use her radiance to speed up basic chores.  Also to charge phones, hairdryers, tablets, and most appliances 
That last one is usually what happens when she decides to cook, and she LOVES cooking.  Most of the time she will offer to help cook even it isn’t her designated night to cook
Adobo is what most of the fandom knows her for, but it isn’t the only dish she can make.  
Sinangag, tocino, and sisig are usually her go to whenever she is asked to cook, but her favorite dish to make is anything with Ube
The shock value of purple food to the protocol and getting everyone’s reaction was entertaining to her.  Plus the flavor reminds her of childhood.
Misses her parents at times and occasionally will be reminded of them from something on a mission.  Afterwards, she’ll head to her room and probably fixate on a photo of them.  It’s a routine at this point.
Does have some fear of her electricity causing a blackout, and only uses it at its maximum while training
Has flashbacks to when she couldn’t control it, and the times it got out of hand and caused a citywide blackout for about a week
The flashbacks include the time her power caused someone to go into cardiac arrest, a day that still haunts her
Reyna often tries to get her to move beyond guilt to draw out more power, which Neon is aware of but at the same time, it feels good to not be careful and let loose
Training is usually a mix of target practice and using radiance to outmaneuver training dummies.  At times, Reyna will drop in to teach her to be more decisive or give her advice
Sage is keeping an eye on this, but more out concern for Neon’s wellbeing.  When Neon is distressed, it's often Sage that talks with her about whatever troubles her
Fade is still making amends for what happened in Istanbul.  Contrary to most of the fandom, you can’t just psychologically scar someone and then become gfs
Don’t worry, they eventually found common ground after Fade apologized and the two began to realize they had some things in common
Eventually it was Neon that actually forgave her and the two began spending time together and trusting each other more on missions
They aren’t ‘inseparable’ but Fade stays close to Neon whenever she’s out of her room, and Neon visits her at times
She’s everyone’s big sister and although she is homesick, she believes she is helping the world.  Also the relationship between her and Fade is also a reason to stay…
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Iselin is in therapy, both physical and mental.  It was a bit difficult for her to talk to anyone, but Sage managed to crack her.  It wasn’t pretty, and to keep her stable she was put on medication
Anxiety and PTSD attacks were common in the days she was still adjusting to the protocol.  Gekko’s crew were forbidden from entering after she saw them and her heart rate spiked
Eventually she managed to feel more at ease, and the medication was issued in lower amounts to compensate.  That’s when prosthetic fittings began, courtesy of KJ
Surprisingly, she was able to make a lot of progress towards dealing with her trauma.  Therapy works, also a surprisingly good support structure
Sova is her support person, and the two are usually together whenever they can be because they work together so well 
They are siblings, not by blood but by dynamic and they are competent but one is usually paying attention and the other isn’t
After Sova, her favorite person at the protocol is Skye.  The hiking the two often do is not only relaxing but strenuous so it's usually only them 
It was a bit hard for her to trust the animals Skye made at first, but they were sort of exposure therapy for her
She and Skye love doing anything together, and Skye is one of the few people Iselin lets her guard down around
Not that she’ll admit this, but she has created a private file with KAY/O for a bit of a dark reason.  It is called ANI/-/ILLATION (0)
It details precise methods on how to kill every radiant and artifact using agent and what to fight them with.  It was a drafted by KAY/O in the future and is a failsafe to prevent a Radiant War
KAY/O doesn’t want to tell her, but she was not only a general during it but died to Skye killing her in the future
Getting back to lighter topics, Iselin’s personality is organized but she will offer to help people if they want.  Mainly with gun maintenance and drills
She has a soft spot for a lot of the younger agents and despite being ‘serious’ will join in on conversations and casual life
Do not however challenge Deadlock to bets and games, she will take it seriously and always give 100%
The radianite still in her body from the Bear glows in the dark and responds to radianite and strong emotion.  She hates it but everyone says it's cool
Omen and her were on bad terms initially (trauma did cause that) but the more they worked together the kinder the two were
Now Iselin has a sweater from Omen, and she wears it around the base when she can.  She loves the material and the fact it's her favorite color, green.  It reminds her of spring.
The prosthetic arm felt alien at first but now it's like a part of her.  She doesn’t feel any shame for it anymore and she’s turned into a sign of resilience.
As a joke, Breach asked if she could do that with it.  She jabbed him in the gut and he toppled over, she yelled “what do you think now, drittsekk?” at him and left
(For the record KJ did install a function for that, but never told her.  Oh well…)
She is serious, organized, but never stern.  She may still be recovering and finding her footing after tragedy but she is surrounded by people that are moving her forwards
Fun Little Glitch
So Neon and Deadlock were in the common room and Neon being Neon she got curious about the prosthetic arm
Iselin permitted her to look it over and touch it, and gave her a rundown of what it was.  Then Neon went to check the hand size in comparison to hers
Just as she was pressing their hands together, a small spark from Neon’s hand shocked Iselin’s hand, and it went full death grip
It would not let go, and the initial panic caused them to trip over each other trying to pull the hand apart
Sova walked in after hearing the commotion, and saw the two on the floor.  He tried to help by grabbing both wrists and pulling
It did nothing and his next suggestion was to disconnect the arm and then pull.  Iselin had to explain the prosthetic arm can’t be removed and was kind of pissed he suggested it
He shrugged and said they should just go to KJ’s lab and wait, which was a problem cause A: it was on the other side of the base, and B: she was out on a mission
So Tala and Iselin had to walk through the common area, then the mess hall (Jett, Phoenix, Reyna, Harbor + Astra, and Gekko), then past the conference room (Brim and KAYO), to the medical bay (Sage, Viper, and a hurt Yoru), and finally to KJ’s lab
It was beyond embarrassing for the two and led to plenty of confusion and remarks (mainly from Jett and Yoru)
Fade poked her head out of her room and invited Tala in, but then immediately regretted it when she realized she had been stuck to Iselin.  Not wanting to be rude, she made her peace with it
From time to time people would drop by and try and see the conjoined agents only for Fade to greet them at the door and shoo them off
It was a strange situation for everyone, Tala being with Fade and Iselin while in Fade’s room was different.  It didn’t help that there wasn’t much to do aside from scroll the internet and watch Fade add to her conspiracy board
Eventually when it got late and they realized that KJ was gonna get back late, they all sort of gathered around on the floor and just hung out
Fade was prompted by Tala to read out loud what she was reading while she layed on the cushions dotting the room.  Iselin just slumped against the wall
The morning KJ arrived, she was ushered to the room by a very excited Jett and Phoenix.  Brimstone was less than enthused about the fact 3 agents were together in a room overnight
The three had all collapsed together and were laying on the floor, and yes Jett took a photo before they all woke up
KJ walked over to Iselin, put a gadget up to the wrist and the grip stopped.  Now that the two were separated, Tala and Iselin thanked KJ enthusiastically.  
Fade hated the fact everyone was looking in her room and quickly got everyone out the second she could
A few adjustments later, the arm set to work without any problems due to increased voltage
Some time later after a successful mission, Iselin went to help up Neon and extended her prosthetic arm
“Iselin you can let go now”
Iselin started to panic and then Neon began to panic, right before Iselin released her grip and smiled at her
“Ok ok, you got me Iselin… Hey, you want to try that on Fade?”
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trollsedits · 27 days
Get to know me…. 2.0
I know my introduction was lacking a lot of things such as stuff that I like to do and stuff so yeah get to know me 2.0
-As I mentioned I’m Vietnamese American I was also born in the Philippines
-My pronouns are She/Her :^)
-I personally would say My favorite youtuber are ItsFunneh and Krew (I don’t watch them as much as I use too b/c of school)
-My favorite Troll is Floyd and Branch
-I love Ube flavor anything like ice cream, Cake, brownies etc
-My favorite cake flavor is Red Velvet and Ube
-I like to cook and bake in my spare time so I sometimes would cook and bake and bring it to my friends and family I recently made red velvet cupcakes w sweet cream cheese frosting and I added Oreos on top and a pitch of sea salt :^)
-I love listening to Lana Del Rey, Troye Sivan, The Weeknd, Charli xcx etc…
-I love dressing up to the point where is considered Cosplay (Is so expensive to cosplay characters)
-I love shopping especially online shopping haha
-My favorite fast food place is Jollibee (The best fried chicken ever and the gravy is sooo good if you never had jollibee I suggest you try it I love it!!! my childhood food )
-I can speak English and Vietnamese I only know basic words in Tagalog,korean and Spanish not too much of it doe but I can speak perfect Vietnamese
-I love cats and dogs but prefer cats more haha
-I love dark chocolate you can hate me all you want but dark chocolate is my guilty pleasure
-My favorite fruits is Strawberries and bananas
-I also love Steven universe <3 my favorite character from SU would depends but I personally love lapis lazuli and peridot haha
-I love ramen I eat them almost everyday if I could but I had to cut back cuz too much sodium
-I’m Obsessed with collecting false lashes I have a ton of them from big huge one to natural small looking one I currently use the semi small looking one that will make my eye stand out
-I did cheer in high school and competitive cheer
-I’m a introvert
-Still childish af can’t even grow the F up but that’s okay :^)
-Favorite kind of pasta dishes would be Alfredo & Carbonara
-I’m a Pisces ♓️
-My Birthday is on Feb 22
-I absolutely hate Valentine’s Day (Not because I’m single even if I was taken I still hate it anyways no matter what sorry)
-My favorite holiday is Halloween & Lunar new year I always look forward to those holidays
-My favorite quotes would be….. (I have multiples)
“Singing Killed my grandma!” -Branch Trolls
“Waffles are just pancakes w abs.” - ItsDraconiteDragon Krew
“Friends don’t lie.” - Elven Strangers Things
“You clod.” - peridot Steven universe
“Jojo, have you learned nothing!” - Abby Lee Miller Dance moms
“Don’t be stupid, be Stoopy.” -Itsfunneh krew
“I dump your ass.” - Elven Strangers Things
“S.U.E.” - Gold3nglare Krew
“Family.” -Lunar3clispe krew
That’s all I could think off in the back of my head I have more but it hasn’t spark me up yet haha
-I Play Roblox & Minecraft sometimes (Plz don’t ask for my user is personal and I don’t play that often sorry)
-I sometimes fainted when I get my blood drawn so I would usually close my eyes and look away and my mom would have some sweet Candy to help me afterwards
-If I would describe myself in three words it would be Kind,super shy, and independent
-if I could live anywhere in the world I would probably live in Canada because Of ItsFunneh and krew haha
-I have many phobias I can’t name them all but My most well known fear is Acrophobia Fear of heights I can’t even go in roller coaster or anything and I’m also afraid of numbers or anything that has to do with math I get dizzy when I look down from very high places so yeah definitely scared of heights
-I prefer to sometimes keep my hair long as-long my mom let me get Korean bangs cuz is more of my style I sometimes cut it short I once cut it super short people made fun of me and misgender me and spread lies about me so I stop having my hair short for a while if I do it would be like after a break up
-Favorite school subject would be history (Currently majoring in that field) least favorite subject is math obviously
-the color of my hair light brown to semi blonde because I been bleaching it but I will bleach it again hopefully to go blonde been wanting to be blonde for a while but hate having to damage my hair 🤧
-do I like my age? Hell yeah I do I have privilege to do things that I wasn’t able to do ;D (My parents always think I take advantage of it)
-Favorite dessert is Ice cream and cheese cake
-I’m not allergic to anything in general if it is it would be pollen or like fish skin like those salmon fish skin crackers is only minor nothing serious but I do avoid it also I’m highly allergic to people Bullshit so please don’t give me your Bullshit I ain’t dealing with that
Anyways, I’m pretty sure I did cover everything but if I miss any you can always DM me and asked me some questions (Please no personal question like name etc…)
Like+ Follow Are Very much appreciated! 💕
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
I caught a Xurkitree in Pokémon Go, can you review it?
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Xurkitree was probably my favorite UB up until Blacephalon came along. The idea of an electrical tree with zip-tie leaves and copper "roots" is really interesting, complete with it planting itself to harvest energy. I also love its seemingly carefree personality, what with it wiggling constantly.
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And honestly, I have no complaints about the design. The simple pale blue, copper, and black palette works perfectly and the design is easy to read and understand. Having the head basically just be an electrical burst is really cool, and the lack of a face makes it feel properly alien. Likewise, the tail being an electrical plug makes sense, and I love how far up it starts on the body; really drives home that this is mostly a bunch of wires in the shape of something vaguely humanoid at best.
It's also worth noting that this thing is 12 feet tall. Not the tallest UB by far, but the mental image of these things just towering about in power plants and rooting themselves into the ground like giant trees to siphon power is genuinely eerie.
Overall, a very solid UB with a clear theme, a clever twist, and an effective design. And, most importantly, Wiggles(TM).
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zutaralesbian · 1 year
Officially finished a first play through of all the romantic routes in book 3. Gonna give my review/thoughts on all of them. Probably a long post ahead because I have a lot of feelings even if no one but me cares lmao. (Obviously, spoilers under the cut)
The overall book
I’ve already seen someone in the tag say that this book had their least favorite plot but favorite relationship scenes. And I think I have to agree with that. The villains of this book just…did not intrigue me the way the villains of the first two books did. I’m not sure why but something about them didn’t hit. HOWEVER the romance and friendship scenes were excellent, the best of the series so far. And because I typically care more about characters than I do plots, that saved it for me.
Gonna ramble about the routes in order of the way I played them. (Since I only play the femslash routes, I’m going to be referring to the characters only by their female names in order to not complicate things. But obviously most of it applies to the male versions too.)
Ohhhhh Ava. My personal fave but the one that hurts the most lol. And this book (especially the ending) was no different. Though to her credit, we DID get a lot more from her than I thought we were going to get. Ava showed far more vulnerability in this book than she did in the first two books combined. From telling the detective her backstory (which was unbelievably sad btw. I totally get why she’s so emotionally guarded), taking the detective on that car date and letting them in on something that gives her personal enjoyment, and affirming to the detective more than once that she’s afraid to lose them.
And then….that kiss/confession scene. Like many others, I predicted that we were going to get a kiss only for Ava to take it back. But it DID kind of surprise me that she was so honest about it and did confess that she knew there was something between them. I kind of figured it was going to be an impulsive scene with no actual confessions. So this was better than I imagined. Still, it was a gut punch. And while I sympathize with Ava’s trauma and I don’t think she owes the detective a relationship, it is kind of coming off as her (unintentionally or not) playing with the detective’s feelings. So because of that I do think she sort of deserved the verbal smack-down your UB bestie gives to her towards the end. (In my route, Morgan accused her of caring more about protecting herself than she did about protecting the detective…and atm I’m kind of inclined to agree with that.)
I see Ava finally giving in at some point during book 4. Mostly because at this point…where else can her route go? They’ve kissed and feelings have been confessed. There’s no taking that back. It can only go up from here now, right? (At least I hope lmao). I’m wondering if the detective is going to move into the warehouse in the near future now that they’re officially a member of Unit Bravo? That could also be interesting on this route.
I love Ava and desperately want her to finally be happy. But she needs to stop sabotaging herself 😩
Favorite scene: The car date! I loved that we got to see a lighter, more peaceful side of her during it. Plus that wrist kiss 🥺
While Ava is my favorite member of Unit Bravo, I do have to confess that Morgan was probably the MVP of book 3 specifically. Both her romance route and her friendship scenes were excellent in this book. Her character development is so apparent. I love how the detective steadily notices Morgan using less and less sexual innuendos in their conversations together as the route goes on. Not because Morgan has lost interest, but because she’s becoming legitimately afraid of the possibility of something happening to the detective…and grappling with the realizations that she really does not want to lose them. I was initially surprised by the lack of sex in her route, but the fact that there wasn’t one until near the end was really fitting imo. And at that point, it wasn’t just sex, it was making love. (Whether Morgan fully realized it or not). The route was just so emotional, in a way I wasn’t fully expecting.
I think at this point, Morgan knows that the detective is very important to her. She just isn’t fully sure how she wants to define the relationship. But I see her getting there very soon. I used to say that I saw Morgan fully giving in to her feelings before Ava (and I still think that) but maybe they’re both going to get there in book 4. Just Morgan towards the beginning/middle and Ava probably at the end.
Favorite scene: The shower scene. It was so tender and sweet. I loved that it was completely non-sexual and just Morgan helping the detective with their wounds. It’s possibly in my top 3 scenes of the series so far in general tbh.
I enjoyed Nat’s route this book way more than I thought I was going to. I like her character but her route has always admittedly been my least favorite…mostly just because I found it the least interesting. However, that certainly started changing here.
First off, it was surprisingly spicy. I already mentioned this in another post but I’ll say it here too. I find it very funny that Nat comes off as so scandalized by the sexual stuff in Morgan’s route but then in her own route…we get a potential outdoor sex scene, and one against a pool table lmao.
But outside the shallow stuff, I also liked all of the internal conflict with Nat. Her route is arguably the fastest burn. (I know Farah’s was kind of fast as well, but Farah at least hasn’t dropped the L word yet. At least not on my play through). Nat fell hard and fast. HOWEVER I think the reason for that might be because there’s a lot of angst coming in her route in the future. It’s obvious she’s keeping something about her past a secret from the detective…something dark. And she’s afraid that if the detective finds out about it, they won’t love her anymore. I’m very intrigued to find out what that is. My guess is she spent a period hunting and killing people before she joined the agency and found redemption. Whatever it is, it’s sure to be juicy.
Favorite scene: Their first sex scene. I loved that it comes right after the detective’s first love confession.
I saved Farah as my last solo route because I wanted to get some fluffiness in before delving into the pain the triangle was bound to bring me. And it definitely delivered. Her route had me smiling like an idiot throughout most of it.
But I also enjoy the complexities of Farah’s character. It’s very apparent that she has abandonment issues. Even though she’s obviously happy being with the detective, she also isn’t 100% sure that the detective isn’t going to eventually leave her, which breaks my heart. (And that’s probably part of the reason the L word hasn’t been dropped on her route yet). In a way, she’s almost as emotionally guarded as Ava and Morgan but she just hides it better. (Using a sunny and happy persona).
My hope for her is that she eventually gets to a place where she can talk to the detective about those insecurities. My guess is eventually, something big is going to happen that’s going to finally fully prove that the detective is in it for the long haul with her. Maybe she gets kidnapped and the detective goes through a lot to save her, or something like that.
Favorite scene: The movie date :)
Love Triangle
Not gonna lie, I’m not a huge fan of the love triangle. Partly because I always feel bad and making the decisions stresses me out lmao. But because I want to see everything, I have a detective for it.
The drama is heating up. Nat is beginning to realize there’s something going on between Ava and the detective, she just doesn’t want to accept it yet. And they’re starting to fight more :( I take solace in the fact that the author has already said that A and N’s friendship will be okay in the end, no matter what happens with the triangle. But I’m assuming we’re in for some more drama before things settle.
Being that Ava is my fave, I’ve pretty much always planned to have my detective eventually choose her, even though I feel bad about hurting Nat. But ngl, this book only further cemented that decision. I know there’s probably traumatic reasons why Nat is so overprotective of the detective but Ava was right when she said she was smothering them. I find Ava’s way of handling things (obviously wanting to protect the detective but also acknowledging they’re strong and should be able to get the chance to fight for themselves) far more attractive, personally.
(Side note: It’s interesting that there’s kind of been a role reversal between Nat and Ava on that front. In the beginning, Nat wanted to tell the detective the truth about the supernatural whereas Ava wanted to keep them in the dark. But now, Nat wants the detective to sit out of the fighting while Ava thinks they should get to be involved).
I’m wondering when the triangle is going to be resolved? My current guess is by the end of book 4, being that’s when I think Ava will finally give in on her solo route as well).
Basically, everyone in Unit Bravo needs therapy.
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agentnatesewell · 7 months
I WAS CODE DIVING AND I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS. So the Tina dinner scene in M’s route, there is a scene where the code is wrong so it doesn’t show up in the game. Tina asks M how easy the process of someone turning into a vampire is and M freaks out. They shut down and say they’re not answering anymore bullshit questions. In one of the choice responses MC has M sounds sad
WHAT!! I did the Mason / Tina route and I definitely don’t remember this! But it really makes me wonder how much M remembers of their past, and what they have to suppress that the ritual itself doesn’t repress. And if they themselves don’t remember, have they heard about it elsewhere? I’m sure no one in UB actually talks about it
I need to review if we know how M feels or would feel about the detective turning 👀 as in - would they wish this on who they care about vs never wanting to be without them?
Those dinners were really something else, huh? I don’t really know who came out of them unscathed from all the personal questions
One of my favorite aspects of the M route in book three is actually seeing their stark, open reactions. Especially this one here
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I wonder how you get to that specific dialogue in book three to get that from Tina / M !
Ah, I feel so much for M. I just want them to be comforted, live in some sort of peace for just a second.
Thank you for letting me know! Please let me know what else you find!
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letsgethaunted · 6 months
Hauntie of the Week!
Name: Juno
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From: Newcastle, UK
Started listening to LGH: from the very beginning! 2019
Favorite episode of the pod: Definitely the UB-65! I think it's got everything - the sea, horror, compassion. You're gonna shit yourself and cry at the same time
Tell us something haunted! Personal haunting, favorite haunted story, etc: I've had a lot of ghost problems in the past, including an attachment that lasted 3 years. When I was 16 I drown and was legally dead for close to 2 minutes. When I was drowning - it was the most intense and peaceful experience of my life. I felt this intense calm, like the call of the void was finally upon me. When I came back I actually came back Hellenist and became oathbound to the goddess Ceto.
What hobbies do you have? Embroidery! I like dabbling in GIFs and video making as well! I've made a lgh gif set on Tumblr as well
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Favourite Music: country and musicals
Favourite Show: Supernatural
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Favourite Movie: Batman 1989
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Do you have any pets? yes
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Do you want to be the next Hauntie of the Week?
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markrosewater · 10 months
Hey, Mark! This yearly (3-year?) announcement was the most excited I have ever been as a MtG player. This last standard year didn't have many things I was excited for but the next three are everything I like about MtG: new planes, return to my favorite planes and some amazing UB collabs. Please high five every single person responsible for this! Extra high fives for return to Tarkir, return to Lorwyn, Bloomburrow, Fallout and Jurassic Park!!!!
Will do!
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hifirushimagines · 1 year
Not to be a total lesbian but uhhh friendly Rivalry between Rekka and Mimosa for a polyam Reader?
They have two hands you know?
⊱ ────────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───────────── ⊰
Rekka and Mimosa fight over Reader
TW; Love triangle, rivalry, mentions of fighting
Notes; This one has been in my ask for quite a while and I'm sorry for not getting to it sooner, plus I might need to make a part 2 to this
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⊱ ────────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───────────── ⊰
The first person to fall first is Rekka meeting the Reader who was hired as a workplace assistant to her and the other bosses, she didn't think of them much more then just another assistant for them to just get things. Lately she starts to call for them more often then the others
Rekka fell for the way they smiled whenever she called for them, when they cheer for her as she does her entry and the way they laugh when she jabs at any of the workers or bosses, sometimes she catches herself watching the Reader as they play with the SCR-UB bots
Sometimes Rekka will see something that reminds her of them like a piece of clothing, their favorite snack or something they mentioned in a passing conversation. Buying said item and wrapping it (the best she can) and gifting it to them either directly or sending one of the flying bots
Then came along Mimosa who demanded for the Reader due to a upcoming concert because she needs them cause her hands are full, so Rekka unfortunately decides let Mimosa have Reader for the time being until then
During the time Mimosa has been nothing more then difficult then it should be for the Popstar having to make sure her schedule to organize, that she has her double shot white mocha when she yells for it and booking appointments to meet with certain people
But in time Mimosa starts to soften up on Reader going from constantly demanding and yelling to asking and thank yous, it was a strange sudden change truly but never the less it was nice
Mimosa has been a lot nicer to the point it made everyone think she was replaced but it was Reader just being themselves, making Mimosa have eaten and drunk that day, telling her to take daily breaks when things starts to get to her and checking up on her after practice
She couldn't help but fall in love with them as she continues to work them much to the dismay of Rekka visiting Reader and taking her time with them, so Mimosa did the one thing she does best and make drama yelling for Reader to help her with scheduling because one of her clients just rescheduled and she needs to find another time
Rekka became frustrated as Mimosa leads Reader away wrapping her arms around theirs as they walk away, but not without Mimosa sticking her tongue out at her making her more mad
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baconcolacan · 1 year
I miss my country so EW HEADCANON TIME
This isn’t really a general HC and more of a personal way I approach this character, so you’ll really only see this interpretation from me and within my blog (unless someone else likes this too lol).
This goes out to my countrymen who weren’t born in the motherland. Ily muwah.
My personal interpretation of Eduardo is that he has Filipino blood in him. His grandmother was a Filipina who married a Spaniard, they moved to the UK at some point, where Eduardo’s mom could have met his dad.
(slightly sad thing ahead but something that DOES happen) Eduardo’s mom isn’t too connected to her heritage, fully taking on the culture and attitude of England instead. So for a while, Eduardo was also unable to really speak either Spanish or Filipino as a kid.
At some point, his grandmother moves in with them, and she’s all too happy to share her heritage and her husband’s heritage to her apo <3 (grandkid). Whenever Eduardo’s parents leave him with her, she’d tell him stories and teach him things, mostly Filipino since that IS her culture but she makes sure he knows his Spanish roots too.
Growing up, he was very close to his grandmother, and would often spend a lot of his days in the kitchen with her. He knows how to cook most fil dishes but its a bit hard to get the right (according to his grandma) ingredients out in London.
His favorite snacks are Ube bread and Suman <3
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harveyb-wabbit92 · 2 years
My Prompts: Subway boss Ingo x {F} Reader.
From my prompt list prompt number 8:
Person A: “Cute kid, your husband must proud.”
Person B: “About that…they're yours.”
[TWs: accusations of cheating, stalking.]
Y/n was back in Nimbasa after such a long time.... It's been 5 years since she last step foot in the city, don't get her wrong, it's not that she doesn't hate the place, she was born here after all! It's just this holds so many sad memories that she couldn't stomach the thought of living there anymore especially since....
The y/hc woman winced as she saw an advert for the Gear station play across the giant LED screen the UBS studio had installed in the station's platform, it showcased footage of the twins battling, the strength and flashiness of their battle styles made the trainers and tourists coo in wonder and amusement, But all it did for Y/n was dig a rusty dagger deeper into her heart.
You're probably wondering why those two train nerds would cause Y/n pain? Well, You see,Y/n and Ingo Trevithick used to date....
it was pretty good relationship, or so Y/n thought. She wasn't sure what went wrong But, one day Ingo just started acting cold towards her, Emmet tried to reassure her that things at the station were just stressing him out. So, Y/n decided she'll help her boyfriend unwind a little and surprise Ingo at work with his favorite lunch, instead Y/n was in for the surprise, She met up with Emmet and they made their way to the single battle-line.
Where the two were horrified when they saw Ingo kissing another woman?! "Ingo!" Emmet barked in disbelief causing to two to jump away, Ingo went pale when he saw Y/n there watching him. "Y/-" before he could say anything Y/n threw the food she'd prepared at Ingo before screaming. "If didn't want me anymore then say it! Instead leading me on for months!" Ingo tried to reach out out to her. but, Y/n recoiled from his touch and slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me! I wish I never met you..." she said through angry tears before running out of the station and eventually she moved out of Unova entirely; she ended up moving to Galar where she was offered a job at the Pokémon nursery, She had no reason to return Unova until...
"Mommy, I wanna see the big wheel!"
Y/n blinked looked down at her five year old son and his pink Wynaut, as they excitedly tugged on her pant legs, see it was his birthday last week and Y/n promised she'd take him wherever he wanted to go for holiday, S/n said he wanted to go to Nimbasa...
Y/n at first thought he meant Nimbasa town, Nope! He wanted wanted to go to Nimbasa city! He saw commercials for the amusement park on the TV and was adamant he wanted to go to the big amusement park! Y/n always had a hard time saying no to her boy, especially when he hits her wit' the dreaded baby-doll eyes... She was weak!
Back in Galar lot of people were shocked Y/n when announced she was pregnant with her Ex's child they tried to convince her put the baby up for adoption since it was obvious Ingo wasn't going to be in the picture. But Y/n decided to go against what everyone was saying and kept the baby, and that was probably the best decision she's ever made! When S/n's was born he instantly filled a hole in Y/n's heart that Ingo had left behind.
Y/n smiled at her kid's excitement and ushered him along towards the station's info kiosk call a cab. "We'll do that in a minute hon, first we gotta check into the hotel an-" Y/n voice trailed off when she thought she saw familiar set of uniforms sifting through the crowd of pedestrians, That shouldn't happen! It's Wednesday, Ingo and Emmet are usually on the 11:40 From Nimbasa to Anville! Y/n quick pulled her cardigan's hood up and did the same with her son.
*shit...did the twins change their schedule?*
It's been five years, of course the stations routine would've changed over time. Shit, Y/n didn't account for this! She kept her head low cautiously glanced over her shoulder, She saw Ingo pacing outside the Grind Station waiting for Emmet. Luckily, it seemed like the twins hadn't noticed her, So, maybe if they're quick about this, Y/n and S/n can walk out of out of the station without any pro-
"Mommy, look a ghowst!" S/n happily shouted, Y/n choked on air and whipped her head around to see her son excitedly pointing up at Chandelle, Ingo's Chandelure! who was curiously hovering around and sniffing S/n with this perplexed look on her face, probably wondering why this little human looked and felt similar to her trainer?
Then she noticed Y/n standing nearby; the ghost lamp suddenly lit up brightly and let out a loud excited trill, causing Ingo to stop dead in his tracks; he whirled around assuming someone was messing with Chandelle! Instead he saw his Pokémon circling around a shifty looking person who was desperately trying to pull a child and Wynaut away with them!
Thinking he was witnessing a kidnapping in progress, Ingo immediately took out his crime whistle and blew it! He directed depot agents towards the situation! They apprehended the perp! One of the depot agents tried to take the boy from them only for him to cry and scream at them to let him go and get away from his mommy!
Chandelure further escalated the situation by hissing a spitting fire at the agents! Causing Ingo to freak out at her! Then Emmet came back from the coffee shop and gawked in disbelief at the chaos in front of him.
He was only gone two minutes! what the hell? He had no idea what to do! before his eyes landed on the person the Depot Agents were trying to restrain; his jaw hit the floor when he realized who it was!
He dropped his coffee and blurted out "Y/N?!" a tense silence filled the station as the stunned agents let go of Y/n, they watched as the boy his Wynaut ran into her arms sobbing, the depot agents looked around nervously, they didn't know what to do, Emmet ushered for them to go away and silently gestured for Y/n to follow him to the station master's office.
He tried to get Ingo to follow. But it was clear his brother wasn't ready to face Y/n at the moment. After all, a whole lot a stuff just spilled out into the open, he's was trying to process it all....
Needless to say, things were terribly awkward between the younger Trevithick twin and his brother's ex girlfriend while they sat in the office; Especially since he was the one who had to clear up the situation that happened five years ago; turns out Ingo wasn't cheating on Y/n, that woman they saw kissing him that day was a stalker, She forced herself on him when he rejected her advances.
That woman had pretty much made up an entire fantasy relationship with Ingo in her head! Emmet almost didn't believe it when Ingo told him, it just seemed like one wild and far fetched lie! That was until the stalker started spouting off nonsense about how she and Ingo had been secretly married for years; Even making up details of their secret affair. Such as getting married in Alola and having their honeymoon in Kalos! Those were places Ingo has never visited once!
In fact the whole reason Ingo had been acting so aloof and secretive towards Y/n was because he didn't want her to get involved in his mess, He was worried the stalker woman would react violently and try to do something to hurt her, which the stalker succeeded in doing, but not in the way Ingo was thinking! 
Emmet explained after everything had been settled and the stalker was arrested and sent away; Ingo had gone looking for Y/n so he could apologize properly and explain everything to her, but it was like his girlfriend had just disappeared into thin air.
Needless to say, Y/n felt numb... All this this she thought Ingo was the worst! just another jackass on her list of loser exes she needed cut out of her life! Heck! She needed to talk to him... Y/n looked down at her son and his Wynaut who were being distracted by Crustle and Eelektross, She needed tell him about S/n, Emmet sensing her inner turmoil got up from his desk. "Do you want me to go fi-" the white clad was cut off by the office door opening and Ingo walked in there was another awkward pause before Emmet excused himself, leaving the former couple + a child by themselves.
Y/n was expecting Ingo to start rambling or immediate apologize for the whole situation that led to their break-up, but she noticed he seemed more fixated on S/n... He had heard the boy call her mommy! Oh, he probably thinks...As if prove her point Ingo finally spoke up. "Cute kid, your husband must be proud..." He muttered while keeping his eyes downcast to floor, it was too late...Y/n had found someone else there was nothing for him now.
Until Y/n spoke up. "About that..." she gestured for her son to come over to her, Ingo's mouth felt dray as removed the boy's hood and hat from his head showing off a mop of silver hair and pair small arrow like sideburns. "He's yours..." Ingo stared down the boy confused boy in startled...
He was his? his son? "I-- y-You were?" Y/n nodded warily and lifted up her shirt showing a C-section scar on her belly, Ingo's jaw began to quiver as he looked at the scar than back at the boy, he couldn't wrap his mind around it...Him, a father? after few moments of deep breaths Ingo found his voice. "What's your name?" he asked the boy who was clinging to his mother's leg, he stared up at strange man in front of him, then looked at his mom who nodded reassuringly.
"S/n..." he murmured Ingo repeated the boys name, there was another pause as Ingo tried to figure out what to say next...How does one have conversation with a son you didn't know existed until now???
He then noticed the pink Wynaut who also huddled up next to S/n, so Ingo used that to start a conversation with him; Wynaut was S/n's pride and joy! He caught her all by himself! Ingo was impressed he and Emmet weren't allowed to have any Pokémon until they were 8! However.... Judging by the stern look Y/n was giving S/n there was way more to the story then what was being said... Ingo would like to hear if they let him.
Needless to say, things started out very rocky for them at first, but with some therapy and careful soul searching Y/n and Ingo got to together again, and though it was tough; they slowly managed to rebuild their trust and mend their relationship, they seem going stronger then ever before! And Emmet was verrry delighted to find out he was an uncle! He spoils the crap out of S/n whenever he sees him and S/n has quickly adjusted to his new family dynamic, he was super happy he's got a awesome strong daddy and uncle to teach him about Pokémon battles!
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