macabremelodyshipweek · 10 months
MacabreMelody Monthly( s )
Hello my loves! 
Over in the MM-Server we’ve come up with an idea to keep this little ship of ours afloat. It’s hard to keep making content when you don’t get any canon interactions, but luckily for us, we have many amazing creators in this small fandom of ours! Yes, I’m talking about YOU! 
Instead of having a ship weekend this year, we’ve decided to come up with some prompts every month, and dedicate a day in the month to said prompt! ( Don’t worry, you can still post your works if you’re not done on that specific date! ) 
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Anything goes! Get those creative juices spookin’ and feel free to use the tag #macabremelodymonthly or/and tag us in your posts! 
Now, without further ado, here’s the prompts for August:
4th- “The rest is silence” 11th- “I mean, do you?” 18th- “Falling with/for you” 31st- “Music for the soul”
We CAN’T WAIT to see what everyone comes up with! xx
( and of course thank you to one of our lovely server members for coming up with these awesome prompts! )
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youcancallmekathyp · 2 years
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MacabreMelody Ship Week(end), Day 2 - Love Language
Gift Giving // Words of Affirmation
Love is something you do for someone else, not something you do for yourself.” ― Gary Chapman,
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shadowversechronicles · 6 months
Shadows' Embrace
In the darkness, where the moon hides its face, and shadows dance, secrets embrace. Amidst nocturnal whispers and eerie replies, a tale of terror unfolds, beneath chilling skies.
In the forbidden forest, where trees murmur low, twisted branches whisper to the moon's soft glow. Among rustling leaves and elusive forms, mysteries awaken, creatures in storms.
In the forgotten mansion, where the wind does wail, doors creak, and darkness impales. An echo of laughter lost in time, resonates through hallways, a lament sublime.
Beneath the shroud of fear, the night holds tight, whispering tales, a threatening delight. Ghosts waltz in the moon's gentle light, weaving nightmares, an ancient foresight.
Stairs groan in the ghostly hour's spell, secrets are revealed, specters dwell. In the mirror, shadows dance and prance, an echo of the past, of souls in trance.
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hanatsuki-esperanza · 11 months
Lady Blackskull and Lord Wyvernwind, a Hades and Persephone story
Alrighty, let's go...
In the general mythos of Greek mythology, there exists the gods that reside in each corner of the world and represent different aspects, some of which being "life," "death," "hospitality," and "forge." But what mortals don't know is that the gods aren't actually immortal; they can be killed by other gods, empowered heroes, or devils, or they can choose to age and pass on.
Wyvernwind is the one of these gods, specifically one of the four wind gods that exist in the four corners of the world, and as the second-in-line for the throne, Bronte (as he's known to the mortals) (more commonly known as Dorian among the divine host) was never set to inherit the title/position, as it would go to his brother first. He was known to wander from land to land with his instruments in various mortal disguises, playing music for whoever would hear him.
Down in the underworld, Queen-Consort Delilah has been trying to lock down her step-daughter (divinely known as Adrienne) (private name Laudna), who wanders the depths of the deadplanes, making friends with the ghosts and listening to their stories and doing her best to avoid the palace and her stepmother. She hears mortals talk about a kind, attentive man named Dorian who played beautiful music that would ease their last moments. She began to become curious about this mortal man and wondered when he would arrive in her domain.
Shortly after Delilah married Laudna's father, she placed a curse on the bloodline that would slowly sap away their lives, leaving them as frail husks that would be easily killed. Delilah killed the King (nothing has ever been proven) but she realized that in casting the curse, she inevitably caused her own life to be tied to the life of the Blackskull bloodline (yes, Laudna gets a cool last name, the haters can pry it from my cold, dead hands). If the last Blackskull died, Delilah would perish. Thus, Delilah began setting up suitors for Laudna, who was not interested in any of them. Fearing that Laudna would one day wither away into nothing, thus killing Delilah, the Queen-Consort set her eyes on the world above to find a suitable "mate" for her step-daughter, and found Bronte resting. Trapping the young divine in a cold net and dragging him into the underworld, Bronte could only cry once for help before the earth engulfed him.
Laudna, naturally, is not amused with this when she walks into dinner and finds out what happened.
"Delilah, put him back at once."
"Sorry dear one, mother knows best."
"You're not even my mother!"
Dorian, naturally, is also not amused to be in this situation, even with all the family drama going on and keeps trying to find a way out of the underworld. He has little success because villains like Anders and Ripley are preventing his escape. Laudna *would* have helped him if she knew what was going on, but she entered a stance of "I won't see him or pay attention to him, so Delilah will have to put him back. There's no way she can get away with kidnapping a god...right?"
This goes on for a little while under Laudna happens to pass by Dorian's chambers one night as he's playing his instruments, and becomes intrigued. Eventually, they get to talking, and develop a tentative friendship.
"You play quite well, Lord Bronte."
"Just Bronte is fine, Adrienne."
Their friendship grows as time passes, with Laudna showing Dorian different parts of the underworld (with an escort, of course, to make sure Dorian doesn't run off) and him coming to appreciate the different aspects of the underworld. He's not a fan of the eternal damnation area, but eh, there are unsavory parts of the above-world (as he slowly begins to refer to it) as well. Laudna reveals that she doesn't remember ever going above, and Dorian promises to take her one day.
It's all going well, until one day...
"Hold on...there's someone in your room."
"What, how can you tell?"
"I'm still a Blackskull, this is our domain," *Laudna rolls up her sleeves*, "and I'm going to teach them a lesson."
She opens the door, and-
"Dorian?!" Laudna repeated in confusion, eyes swinging between the tattooed halfling and the man she had come to consider a friend.
When Dorian had been captured by Delilah and cried for help, the breeze, ever a servant of the wind gods, had carried the message to Dorian's closest friend, a young war god who served as the protector for the Zephrah goddess. Orym had enlisted the help of a skilled beastman named Chetney, and they tracked down the place where Dorian had disappeared to. Entering the underworld, Orym had bravely dodged ghosts, ghouls, and suspicious watchmen while trying to find a lead as to where his friend was. A friendly attendant named Fresh Cut Grass gave him a tip, and he made his way into the castle.
"I'm here to break you out of here!"
"It's not as bad down here as the elders make it out to be Orym, and Adrienne is, she's very nice."
"So does this mean the wedding's still on then?"
Delilah, deciding that enough was enough, decided to set up a wedding ceremony and invite many of the gods to ward off rumors of foul play and black magic.
Dorian and Laudna panic a bit, especially when Orym reveals that the wedding is in 3 days. There is much panicking, but Orym helps calm them down to make a plan. The nature behind Delilah's rise to Queen-Consort is suspicious to the Zephrah, so he'll do some digging to find out if there's anything that can be used against her. Dorian and Laudna try to plan, and realize that neither of them have used their divine abilities to the fullest before. Dorian had incredible magic based around songs used for healing and protection, while Laudna could harness the full might of the underworld to launch devastating attacks.
"So...your real name is Dorian?"
"Yeah...we never traded names before, but the circumstances weren't good..."
"No, I like it, it...fits you."
"Thank you."
"My name is Laudna."
"It's beautiful."
"It was my mother's. My real mother, not Delilah. I think she would have liked you."
"O-oh, well..."
"You wouldn't happen to have any connection to the mortal bard Dorian, do you?"
"Well, about that..."
Day of the wedding comes, Delilah strolls into Laudna's room and reveals she caught an interesting intruder poking around the library, and asks if Laudna knows anything. A Deception check is rolled, NAT1. Delilah, sensing blood, casually remarks that it would be a shame if anything were to happen to him, especially if something happens on Laudna's big day. Laudna sends a message to Dorian, who takes the news about as well as one might imagine.
As she is being prepared for her wedding by Ripley, Laudna finds a book in her dresser, one with devilish script on it. Managing to send Ripley away for a brief spell Laudna reads it, finding necrotic spells and rituals to weaken gods, summon devils, and many other dark things. Orym had found it in the library and slipped it into Laudna's room before returning to the library to look for more. Laudna managed to inform Dorian of her findings before Ripley returned, and took the unhappy couple to the wedding grounds, where death flowers weakly bloomed and a divine host was waiting for their arrival. Dorian saw Cyrus in the crowd, along with other familiar faces, but he had no way of conveying the truth of what was happening or what was about to occur...
 "As Queen of the Underworld," Delilah began, holding her hands aloft.
"Queen-Consort," Dorian mumbled under his breath. Delilah missed it, but Laudna didn't.
"I hold the authority to join souls in everlasting matrimony. Do you, Princess Adrienne Blackskull, and you, Prince Bronte Wyvernwind, join yourselves together to continue to Blackskull bloodline and bring a new era to the underworld?"
"Um, no."
And all chaos breaks loose, resulting in a huge fight as devils swarm the area, Chetney arrives with the rest of BH (having been led to the spot by the original Bell himself (in ghost form), Orym getting broken out by a spectral Imogen and Will, gods fighting for survival, and a huge 2-v-1 of Dorian and Laudna against Delilah.
"You can't possibly win, Delilah!"
"Oh dear daughter, I've been winning ever since I married your father!"
"Since you murdered him!"
"What difference does it make?"
Laudna gets a killing shot lined up on Delilah, but before she can fire it-
"Un, un, un, dear, I wouldn't do that."
Delilah had a knife against Dorian's throat, using him as a shield. Laudna could take her shot, but it would cost her the closest friend she had.
"As queen, you have to make hard choices sometimes." Delilah scolded her step-daughter, knife pressed lightly but firmly against the wind god's artery. The death goddess grit her teeth, necrotic energy bubbling and hissing in her palms, eager to find a home in the devil-born's gut.
"Laudna...it's okay." Dorian said, their eyes meeting.
"Hostages don't talk!" Delilah snapped, her fingers twitching enough that the blade dug into Dorian's throat, a trickle of purple blood dripping down to stain his shirt.
"I'm only a secondson, and you'll be queen one day. An amazing queen."
"SHUT UP!" Delilah screamed, digging her knife in further.
"You're kind, creative, incredible, you want what's best for your people. Not like her."
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Delilah's voice cracked and shattered, and in response the windows of the building exploded. Laudna's shot flew true, crushing Delilah's skull and knocking her away from Dorian. But the damage was done.
"No, no, no, no!" Laudna tore strips of her ruined wedding dress into bandages, pressing them against the gash that Delilah had torn out of Dorian's throat as one last, cruel act against Laudna. "I can make it better, I can-"
"Laudna..." lapis eyes met obsidian, "it's okay...death...it's natural, even for us..."
"Go to the surface...plant a tree for me...? See the world...live..."
And he died, his body growing as still and cold as the corpses that littered the underworld.
But Laudna refused to accept it. She was now queen, and captured the soul of Dorian Wyvernwind in her arms, flowers blooming in her hair and all around her as she wove divine magic into the form of her closest friend, who could perhaps be the one she loved most of all. But she was a young goddess, forced into the title of Blackskull too soon, and she could only restore Dorian to a half life. For half the year he could walk the above-world, our world, and for the other half he must return to the underworld.
 And that, my listeners, is why the winds turn cold and unforgiving during the year, because Death has reclaimed her husband, who eventually accepted her proposal and married her for real after many years of flirtations, pining, angst, and frustrated ghosts who had to watch them dance around each other.
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linzer-art · 2 years
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Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips We should just kiss like real people do
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asktheghosthost · 3 years
(macabremelodies) “Please pay no mind to the frustrated sounds and noises coming from the other room.”
@macabremelodies "Wolfgang... Saying that only drives my attention over to said sounds and noises. If you hadn't said anything, I probably wouldn't have paid any mind." Beau narrowed his eyes in mock suspicion. "Are you torturing someone?"
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macabremelodies · 6 years
(Mortal years) "You're not going to believe me if I tell you, so why even tell you?"
“Because, firstly, you seem clearly distressed and generally agitated. Secondly, your daughter also seems upset, perhaps because you are and thirdly, my son is fretting over her,” Wolgang replied, adding as his expression softened, “so I became concerned and was hoping I could help.”
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Character interview: Ezra Gaser
What is your name? 
Ezra: Ezra Gaser!
Do you know why you were named that?
Ezra: I’m a prankster spirit whom once in life ran a prank shop that likes to mortal for fun! 
Single or taken?
Ezra: Single?Hmmmm....*Looks at Hannhson*
Hannhson: Ezra don’t even think about I’m taken!
Stop being a Mary Sue!
Ezra: Huh?What’s a “Mary Sue?”
What’s your eye color?
Ezra: Ice color blue!It creeps alot of mortals out!Oh well!
How about hair color?
Ezra: White!In death!Because I’m a skeleton,I’m just skin and bones!
Have you any family members?
Ezra: No.I was put at an adoption center when I was a baby!
Oh, how about pets?
Ezra: Nah!
Now tell me something you don’t like.
Ezra: Folks who can’t take a joke!Like a prank for example,my friendly happy haunts who can’t take a joke or can’t take a prank like geez lighten up bit will ya?How about mortals?Yeah some of them can take a joke or do pranks of course they can! 
Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Ezra: Hitchihking with my buddies,annoying Hannhson which ends up with me being turned into an chair which is worth it,pulling pranks...I forget!
Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
Ezra: Well...me and Hannhson don’t get along...Sometimes!
Ever … killed anyone before?
Ezra: WHAT?!NO NO NO!I’m a happy haunt!We do not kill!But if you ask Hannhson she’s an expert on the paranormal!
What kind of animal are you?
Ezra: I’m not an animal!
Name your worst weaknesses?Sighs.
Ezra: Being suck into an vaccum cleaner and flash pictures!
Do you look up to anyone at all?
Ezra: No.Not really.
Are you straight, gay or bisexual?
Ezra: Asexual!
Do you go to school?
Ezra: I was home schooled by my adoptive mother when I was growing up!
Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
Ezra: Why yes...*Looks at Hannhson*
Hannhson: E....This is you’re last warning...don’t try anything FUNNY!
Do you have fangirls / fanboys?
Ezra: Huh?What’s a “Fangirl and fanboy?”
What are you most afraid of?
Ezra: Can we move to the next question?
What do you usually wear?
Ezra: My trench coat,my hat,my bowtie,my under coat,pants,and shoes with plats on them!
//Note from Mun: I have NO IDEA what Ezra wears so please send me an ask in words of what type of clothes he wears.lol.
What’s one food that tempts you?
Am I annoying you
Ezra: Nope!Not the slightest!
Well, it’s not over!
Ezra: *Rolls eyes*
What class are you ( low class, middle class, high class )?
Ezra: I was home schooled by my adoptive mother!
How many friends do you have?
Ezra: WHY OF COURSE!Gus,Phineas,Hannhson,and the rest of my Happy Haunts!
What are your thoughts on pie?
Ezra: Great!
Favorite drink?
Ezra: Cranberry Juice!
What’s your favorite place?
Ezra: New Orealns where I live of course!
Are you interested in anyone?
Ezra: Hmmm....*Looks at Hannhson*
Hannhson: EZRA I’M GONNA GET YA!*Hisses like a cat*
That was a stupid question…
Ezra: *Is a chair* Yeah....
Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Ezra: All of the above!
What’s your type?
Ezra: Huh?
Any fetishes?
Ezra: What?!No way!Mortals only have that!
Seme or Uke?
Ezra: *Confused*
Camping or indoors?
Ezra: Outdoors!As a child I would like outdoors to feel the nature around me!
Who asked me to interview you?
Ezra: @shroudedinadaftdisguise @askthehatboxghost @ask-the-hatbox-ghost @istheroomstretching @devilshenanigans-fm 
@beatinghcart @beatingheartbride
@macabremelodies @crystxl-mxdame
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edlinklover · 4 years
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I got to be part of a Vocaloid Horror zine over on Twitter called Macabre Melody!! I contributed both a piece and a print that’s part of the merch bundle!
Physical Zine: https://macabremelody.bigcartel.com/
Digital Zine: https://gumroad.com/macabremelody
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Engore: *Groans*
Mun Spooks: What's the problem?
Engore: Math problems.
Mun Spooks: Oh I can help you let me see! :)
Mun Spooks: Um here's a easy one what's 6x3?
Engore: *Looks at Spooks at shrugs*
Mun Spooks: 6x3!?
Engore: I don't know.
Mun Spooks: *Yelling* 6x3!?
Engore: I don--
Mun Spooks: *Yelling more* 6x3!?
Mun Spooks: SIX 3s!
Mun Spooks: WHAT IS IT!?
*I go silent*
Mun Spooks: Get Dalbert!
Engore: Why?
Mun Spooks: DALBERT!
Dalbert: *Comes downstairs* What's the problem?
Mun Spooks: Homework!*I hand the paper to him*
Dalbert: *Looks at the paper* What's 6x3?*Looks at Engore*
Engore: I don't know!
Dalbert: 6X3!?
Engore: I DON'T KNOW!
Dalbert: What's 6 plus 6?
Engore: Oh! 12!
Dalbert: NOW ADD SIX!
Dalbert: WHAT IS IT?!
*He goes silent*
Dalbert: Get Taddy!
Engore: WHO?!
Taddy: *Comes in* BOOM! WHAT?!
Dalbert: Homework!*Hands him the paper*
Taddy: *Looks at it* I TAUGHT YOU THIS! WHAT'S 6X3?!
Engore: I DON'T KNOW!!!!
Engore: HOW MUCH!?
Taddy: HOW MUCH?!
*He goes silent*
Wolfgang: *Can be seen pouring dish soup all over the place* ...
Taddy: ...
Wolfgang: *Looks at Taddy*
Taddy: *Looks at the dish soup* ... *Counts* 1,2,3,4,5,6,7...
((ooc: Engore- @askthebrokenones-fm ,taddy- @thegrimorganist , wolfgang- @macabremelodies ))
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the-rocking-horse · 5 years
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Granny and Betsy having tea with Wolfgang... As he looks on at Betsy wondering who allowed the horse in. Inspired by a very small Rp we had with Macabremelodies
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ONE DAY MORE!!! I am incredibly excited to see what everyone came up with for the ship weekend!!! ( And no, of course I am not done yet, why are you asking? xD )
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youcancallmekathyp · 2 years
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MacabreMelody Ship Week(end), Day 1 - Battle ( Couple )
“Here we go. How do we look?”
“You look amazing, as always.”
“You got some goo, or...”
“Yeah, yeah, game face!”
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asktheghosthost · 5 years
(macabremelodies) *rolls eyes at*
"Don't make me feel self conscious just because you can move both of your eyes in sync. That hurts my feelings, Wolfy. I'm telling Granny."
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macabremelodies · 6 years
"Sarcasm is a foreign language to you, isn't it?" Beau cupped his chin in his hand as he continued to watch the organist play.
“No, I don’t believe so. I just don’t have the capacity to tolerate those who cannot grasp the concept of the common courtesy it takes to mind their own business.”
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@thegrimorganist @macabremelodies
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