#Malleus: we would never kidnap kids
bitethedustfools · 3 months
TWST Story Idea (10)
Twisted Wonderland is a very unique world. Their world has magic, and they have different species living together, ranging from mages, beastmen, fae, merfolk, and so on.
Yuu's world had something like those, but obviously, that was just in a story, a fiction, a drawing on walls and pots. Something that almost all people heard of but did not believe in their existence. Which is understandable because Yuu's world is just humans and animals, and that's it. There are no werewolves, no vampires or mermaids, not even a dragon, and so on.
Yuu had been the type of person who always has been interested in these kinds of things: mythology, folklore, and cryptozoology, and maybe a little bit of history. That's what Yuu loves in the whole world.
They know many things and the history of how it came to be. You can ask Yuu if they know about skinwalker, and they'll put up a presentation that they prepared for years, which somehow leads to other cryptids. The Beast of Gévaudan? Yuu's got a conspiracy board with a bunch of pictures of animals to prove this beast is actually so and so and where it ran off to. They are also very knowledgeable about Greek mythology, followed by Norse, Aztec, and so on.
So imagine Yuu got transported to Twisted Wonderland and got the shock of their life when they saw a beastman. Yuu expected to see a furry animal standing on two feet, the face a mix with man and animal followed by animalistic growls and piercing eyes. Not… not a goddamn handsome man with a pair of ears and tails!
Sure, they had seen this type before, but that's on some people's fantasy that they have written and drawn! Yuu is absolutely stupefied when they're face to face.
Every time Yuu met a new species, Yuu didn't fail to feel disappointed in what they saw. The dragon by the name of Malleus got a human form that he likes to use, and that has the most ridiculously handsome face Yuu has ever seen. Where is the fire-breathing dragon? Where is the gold they hoard? The wings? Yuu is not satisfied with this.
Yuu met Hades next, who was hailed as one of the prominent seven figures seen as a hero or something, which just conflicted with what Yuu knows about the Hades of their world.
Yuu took a look at the multiple figures next to him like the Fairest Queen, the Queen of Hearts, Maleficent, and Ursula, and was astounded to see that they also were hailed as heroes. Their story is so much nicer than the original story Yuu read that at least, 2 out of 4 stated above died horribly if Yuu is not mistaken.
The dwarves are just toddlers that can speak perfectly, the eels from the Little Mermaid are humanified, what was supposed to be a werewolf is not a werewolf at all. The ghosts are all the same as though they are copy and pasted many times, some had different clothes. Yuu saw Grim, and they're not sure what he is, but he's cute, so that's alright.
Halloween comes, and Yuu is ready to be the most terrifying monster of them all, and they did, but that's because the rest dressed prettily and not terrifyingly like Yuu expected!
Where's the horror? Where are the screams of terror and the nightmare fuel appearance?? Yuu wanted to see someone getting traumatized, and all they got is sparkles and annoyance. Those magicam monsters must be stupid and blind to be scared of such pretty faces.
The only highlight of the Halloween was the Spectral realm like yes! The gloomy atmosphere is here! The graves! The very gothic architecture is everywhere! It was what Yuu imagined where the wandering and unrest souls will go.
It got crashed by a disco ball, though.
In short, Yuu didn't like it.
This world is sh*tty and against everything Yuu believed in. It's like meeting an idol you like so much and find that they are not the same as your expectation or something.
Dissatisfied, Yuu complained to themself, unaware that NRC heard it. "This is not what I imagined them to be. What a let down…"
Seeing that NRC are full of prideful kids, naturally, they get offended being told by a magicless human that Twisted Wonderland filled with wonder doesn't excite Yuu in any slightest.
Now this. This made Yuu perked up, but at the same time, Yuu is also offended that the others think their world is nothing special.
Yuu made up their mind to take it as a challenge. Yuu won't lose to these rip-offs of their world. They're gonna prove their world is superior, and that's Yuu's pride as a human being from that world.
Twisted Wonderland might have 7-8 prominent figures, but Yuu's world has more, although they may not exist today. Yuu is gonna show them how there's charm in being a mystery and history.
Yuu proceeded to drop snippets of a bunch of mythology, folklore, and cryptozoology randomly in the different places.
Yuu would go camping with the friends and said in his world there used to be a Wendigo roaming around in the woods. They would describe vividly about its appearance and how it eats flesh and the origin of how it came to be, taking sadistic delight when said friends looked at each other shakingly.
Yuu would mention out of nowhere about how beautiful people would have been sacrificed to the gods to a rather vain person and said it's lucky they are not in Yuu's world.
They even talked about Salem witch trials down to the details when a group of their friends has a fight or something. Magic doesn't involve in that, of course, but they looked terrified that even humans would accuse and execute their own kin. A very dark history indeed.
The mer eel would have threatened Yuu about squeezing and biting and so on, and Yu would drop a myth in their world about eating mermaid would bring immortality and maybe that's why they don't exist anymore.
They even mentioned casually that the faes would replace human kids with theirs and also kidnapped humans as pets. They can also be invisible to the eyes so no one would know or even find them.
The others are terrified to hear what story sprouted out of Yuu.
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sassysnitch · 5 months
Twisted Wonderland Headcannons:
The Housewardens finding out they have a secret/long lost sibling
Authors note: I was thinking about how in 2012-2017 it was so common for people to make their OCs a long lost sibling of a canon character and that's how I got this idea. Enjoy(?)
🌹Riddle Rosehearts♥️
-If Riddle had a sibling all of the sudden it would either be an younger sibling or half-sibling for this situation to make the most sense.
-In other words: For Riddle to have a sibling and not know of them it would either mean his father was cheating/left his mom for obvius reasons and got with someone else, OR, they'd have to be born before him and have gone somewhere before he was born.
-Now his reaction at first would definitelly be shock. Right after a lot of questions for his mother.
-Would also be really angry and perplexed on why he didn't know he had a sibling sooner
-Despite his anger and confusion he'd most likely see connecting with his sibling as an important responsability
🦁 Leona Kingscholar 🐾
-Now for this one, Leonas long lost sibling would need to be older or else it doesn't really work.
-I'd say either said sibling was actually born before him AND Farena but went missing and so the parents had to make another heir and then Leona came after, or, said sibling is actually the second born and went missing so their parents had Leona to try and fill in the void in their hearts from the dissapearance of the missing child.
-Leona would also defenitelly be suprised, as well as in disbelief
-If it turns out the lost sibling is still alive, Leona probably wouldn't really mind them, but also wouldn't really see the need to fully connect.
-(he cares for them a little, don't worry)
🐙Azul Ashengrotto🔮
-Either younger sibling, older sibling or half-sibling could work in this situation, especially considering Azuls dad is kinda out of the picture.
-Would choke on his food/drink when he finds out about them
-I feel like he'd be somewhat eager to get to know them, concidering he was a rather lonely child (He was probably one of those kids who'd ask for a younger sibling as a gift on the Holidays)
-if said sibling is anything like him they're probably gonna become bisness partners (yay~)
✨Kalim Al-Asim🥥
-Considering Kalim has a bunch of siblings this can go either way
-The long lost sibling probably got kidnaped because of their status, survived, and couldn't find their way home until now
-Boi would be devistated to find out that one of his siblings was just, forgotten like that! He'd also feel sorry for what they went through
-But hey, once they go through a DNA test, (to really make sure they're an Al-Asim) all will be good, Kalim will also check up on them here and there, making sure they're adjusting back to their home well
⚗️ Vil Schoenheit 👑
-this one is also kinda easy, since we do know that Vil has a dad, but there's not really any information about his mom
-They've probably just been living with Vils mom their whole lives and that's why he didn't know
-his reaction would be the most dramatic "what" you've ever heard.
-would be very set on meeting them, he'd also most likely be a very caring brother
-(that's it I don't have any more ideas for Vil-)
💙 Idia Shroud 💀
-The sibling would probably have to older than him and Ortho for this scenario to work
-Once he's told about a "long lost sibling" he'd at first think his parents are talking about the original Ortho, is confused and somewhat scared when he's told that the conversation is infact not about Ortho.
-once he's calm he'd call it an "Anime plot twist of the century"
-Said sibling probably didn't want to keep on the STYX family bisness and went out into the world to pursue a diffrent passion and that's why they never met.
-Idia isn't super pumped about meeting this "long lost sibling" of his but is defenitelly curius about them and what they decided to pursue in life
🐉 Malleus Draconia📜
-Also would have to be older than him
-Would not be the only one that's suprised, the whole Diasomnia gang would have questions
-The sibling was most likely abducted as a child and suddenly have turned up now, this one however would probably not need a DNA test as long as they have the classic Draconia horns.
-They'd probably also be autamatically respected by Sebek and Silver, meanwhile Lillia is trying to figure out when exactly they could have been born for this situation to make sense, would be a total dad to them afterwards.
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Yandere Malleus, Jamil and Floyd with a darling that just broke up with them
Yandere Jamil Viper
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Do you know the best way to handle it when your partner wants to break up with you?
Well of course to manipulate their mind with magic *sarcasm*.
And then you can wonder why your partner called you possessive * more sarcasm*
Jamil doesn't like this at all.
He doesn't even understand how you can think something like that.
You are HIS partner.
This is a relationship HE has earned.
Jamil is possessive.
He wants to know why you want to break up?
Are you in love with someone else?
If you are Jamil take care of them.
Jamil will definitely use snake whisper on you.
At the same time, however, he is sad.
Jamil longs for true love.
He knows this isn't it.
But better than nothing.
"Y/N I can't stand this kind of disobedience. No, we are not different. After all I've put up with, I deserve this. You're leaving me no choice Y/N."
Yandere Malleus Draconia
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Wait a minute... That's illegal.
Or If you are in the Briar Valley area Malleus certainly makes it illegal.
You can't stop him.
It was a perfectly normal day for him.
Malleus just didn't know that you had had enough of his yandere behavior.
And that you finally had the courage to say it.
Malleus can be really scary.
At first Malleus would not react in any way.
He would just stare at you.
It's like his green eyes are drilling deep into your soul.
Finally, Malleus asks if you're kidding.
That seems unlikely to him.
But he wants to be sure.
You can hear the rumble of thunder when you say you're not kidding.
Malleus just says "No".
He's not going to let you leave him.
If Malleus hadn't kidnapped you he would now.
Say goodbye to your freedom.
After this, you really don't have it.
"No Y/N you heard me we are not breaking up. I don't accept it. Oh what am I going to do? I'm going to take you to my kingdom and make a law to prevent you from leaving me. No Y/N I'm not overreacting."
Yandere Floyd Leech
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You are either really brave or stupid to dare to say such a thing out loud.
Decide for yourself which one you are.
Floyd laughs.
He thinks this is a funny joke.
Surely Shrimpy is only joking.
Is not that right?
But when Floyd sees your serious expression he realizes that you are not joking.
Now Floyd is no longer having fun.
He is really angry.
Floyd would quickly come closer to you.
Of course you can try to run away.
But that would only excite this eel.
Floyd would slowly start squeezing you.
He promises to stop only when you cancel what you said.
And Floyd is serious.
You might end up with a couple of broken bones.
When you tell him you were only joking, Floyd is immediately happier.
A smile adorns the face of this eel.
Floyd kiss on your lips and makes you promise never to say anything like that again.
A perfectly healthy way to solve relationship problems *sarcasm*
"No Shrimpy I won't stop until you say you love me and you're wrong. *Floyd waits a moment* Oh really? I love you too Y/N."
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moody-b1tch · 20 days
Keeping the tradition of bringing to the table things nobody asked for...
✨Headcanons about which NRC students have killed someone (and which would) ✨
Spoilers, violence and discussions of murder ahead.
• He's clean.
• He's clean, too. Despite the anger issues, he's a good boy.
• Clean, too.
• He's also clean.
• He would help a friend to hide a body, tho.
• He hasn't killed anyone, but he might have come pretty close to it during his delinquent days.
• Just. Think about it. A regular fight that went a little too far. A guy from a rival gang's head hitting the pavement a little too hard.
• I don't think Deuce could cope with having blood on his hands, tho. So, despite the chances of shit going wrong, I think his body count is 0.
• Another good boy.
• 50/50. Life in the slums was rough. We will never know.
• If he ever killed someone, it was 100% self defense, tho.
• Okay, hear me out. That unique magic of his? That's some scary shit.
• What if he discovered it in a really, really bad way? We don't know shit.
• We also don't know shit about that scar on his eye. If Kalim, without being royalty, has to deal with constant kidnapping and murder attempts, the second prince of the Sunset Savanna...
• Honorable mention to the stampede he and Ruggie created. He could've killed someone.
• He, killing someone? That generous soul could never.
• He's not getting his hands dirty.
• That's why he has Jade and Floyd.
• Maybe?
• Funny enough, I don't think it would be intentional. Just... Accidentally taking a squeezing too far.
• Yes. 100%
• Even if we ignore the hints about Jade cannibalizing his other siblings as a baby... C'mon guys. C'MON.
• Yes. I won't elaborate.
• Okay, I will elaborate.
• If part of his "job" implies dying for Kalim... Why wouldn't he *kill* for Kalim.
• Even if he didn't want to... One of the many fucked up situation involving kidnappers or hitmans must have ended with a traumatized little Jamil covered in blood.
• I'm 80% sure he has killed at least one person (and his memory probably suppressed it).
• It was probably an accident, tho. Pushing one kidnapper from a high place, a panicked outburst of magic...
• And, even if he was unable to intentionally kill to save himself... He 100% would kill for Jamil.
• No.
• He *wishes* we saw him like that, tho.
• Yes.
• No, I won't elaborate.
• What? I said I won't elaborate. I'm not a liar.
• He's clean.
• He 100% would've killed Neige if he hadn't been stopped.
• That was just blot poisoning, tho. Usually he would just daydream about it.
• He would say "yes", blaming himself for Ortho's death.
• Me, his parents, Ortho, Ortho 2.0 and his online bestie would say that's bullshit, tho.
• He hasn't killed anyone (yet) only because everyone around him baby sits him. And, well, divine intervention too, I guess.
• But he will. Some day. Is just a matter of time.
• Fr, slandering Idia in front of this kid is like playing Russian roulette.
Sebek & Silver
• I'm putting them together because they're in a similar situation.
• They're good kids with big hearts, but they're training to be Malleus guards.
• The situation with Malleus is extremely different from Leona or Kalim. But he's still royalty.
• So, if they have to, they will kill to protect Malleus. Or a loved one.
• It would fuck them up badly, tho :)
• He was a war general. He probably can't remember all the faces of the people he has killed.
• Still, I don't agree with the "daddy war crimes" headcanon.
• After experiencing all that violence, he is more self conscious about the value of a life.
• But he would 100% kill for his loved ones.
• The concept of an entity stuck with the emotional maturity of a child, and then a teenager for CENTURIES, with inmensurable magic power, is terrifying. Add to that the lack of constant parental figures? Is a recipe for disaster.
• So, yeah, he has probably accidentally killed a few while throwing a tantrum. Multiple times. Freezing the castle, floating the land, hitting someone with lightning...
• Also, I think he would intentionally kill someone if they fucked with Malleus loved ones. Or at least curse them.
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Crewel class have a potion accident now his half fare snow leopard daughter ( turn 10 ) and Leona ( turn 14 ) is now children and they both have memories and mindset of perspective age and both wondering around school ground together
C-daughter: Leona love I don't think we gotten kidnapped, we're in my father's work place * raised both arms up , following Leona behind *
Leona: How would you know!?! This could be a trick of what I herd some subspecies tends to kidnapped us kids! * Ears lower as he didn't liked the situation they both in and wanted to protect his future mate *
C-daughter: Leona... Well if grandmother have told me never trust a fairy because they kidnapped children, and nymphs can be trusted since they have closed bond with witches in the old days...
Leona: keep on forgetting your grandma is in a coven * punch his nose *
C-daughter: well no one say magic is for everyone, and it'll be easier if I know how to summon my magic beast
Leona: then why don't you?
C-daughter: you know my magic isn't that strong let alone my difficult background
They both arguing and them they both yawns as they getting sleepy and keeps on walking unaware they have a certain fae watching them together to the botanical garden to nap in Leona familiar napping spot
Leona: * looked at her napping in his arm, playing with her long braided black and white hair with longing, wishing he grow older so he can marry her as his mate then kiss her head gently*
It took a whole day till they both return to their actual age together
No, no, It'd be more like this
Half-fae Leopard Crewel Daughter Reader: Oh dear!
Leona: Come on!
Half-fae Leopard Crewel Daughter Reader: Father!
Crewel: Ah my darling pup! You motley cur! If you would have stayed awake and focused on your potion-!
Leona: How do you expect me to focus with (Y/n) breathing down my neck?
Half-fae Leopard Crewel Daughter Reader: Me over your neck? Fat chance! You were probably staring at me again!
Leona: Na Ah
Crewel Daughter Reader: "Uh-huh!"
*Skip to later during classes*
Half-fae Leopard Crewel Daughter Reader: *Sling shotting pebbles you sharpened at the back of Malleus' head with Leona*
Crewel: Ah how I miss those days!
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Could I pls request a Trey riddle and malleus being jealous of your real life partner? Thx you and thx a bunch!
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, murder, violence, blood, killing, religion, kidnapping, death, obsession
Riddle Rosehearts/Trey Clover/Malleus Draconia-Being jealous of your partner
You really decided to endanger your beloved... great....
Suddenly I can see him as the Queen of Hearts even more
You see, he is just always screaming “OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!”
How you don't hear it through the screen? I don't know man. I'm just an author writing this
Oh! Did your dear just feel something around their throat?
Probably just the wind... OR MAYBE....
Riddle needs to calm down somewhat does he do?
If you guessed feeding the flamingos then you were wrong
He is playing “Off with your head” bingo
Cater is crying somewhere, scared for the freedom of his throat
C-can you please tell him later through swooning that you like him?
Just so that his dorm members can more or less repeat the French revolution without the guillotine
And then suddenly it's really off with their head... Heartslabyul won't need to buy paint for a while
At least Riddle admits that he is jealous
But that neck of your dear one looks just so crunchable! Just imagining the sensation of their bones cracking under his fingers.. they felt something once more? How curious...
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When Trey woke up that day everything was perfect...
The sun was shining in golden rays through the window, birds were chirping, the baker became a Disney princess...
And then he choose war
There was ANOTHER person with you
And that wasn't even the worst
They were close to you! Hugging you!
Making it clear to him that they were your partner
Overseer! Just look into the mirror and you can see the grin they are throwing him! (It's all in his head dw)
You know, Trey was always someone who likes to solve things with words instead of violence...
But not today! Nu-uh! Time to get rid of the pest who dares to steal the attention away from him... *ahem* from your subjects!
Thank the Overseer Sadly he just isn't strong enough to actually influence your world...
So he does something we all do when we hear an especially annoying mosquito at night and that thing is somehow hiding every time you search for it: imagining it squashed against the wall
Well there are differences of course
For one, that mosquito will eat a cake before spitting blood, fall in over, bleed to death....
But hey, color-wise they will match with the strawberry cake on the table!
Whilst every other person would accept that they were just jealous and not imagine another persons death....
He is completely deluding himself. Him? At fault??! NEVER! He just has to get rid of that parasite over there!
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Uh... the world is ending in green flames
Ok but where did it all begin?
So here he was, the dragon fae, Malleus Draconia, himself catching the first glimpse of you
Basking for a millisecond in your presence....
And then it's the apocalypse
I am not kidding he will snatch you up and just drag you into TWST
Your dear? Oh just dangling from that wall over there.... thorns piercing their throat....
Red is a very fitting color for green, wouldn't you agree?
Sebek is preparing your room
Silver is trying to keep the damage outside of TWST
And Lilia is being Lilia by dangling from a tree eating popcorn
Please cuddle him! He will make you sleep those ninety-nine years of sleeping Aurora was able to slip away from
Tell him that you only belong to him! Only him! No one else!
The throne back home is polished, the temples cleaned till the last bit of dust is gone
Don't you see dear? You are truly loved here! Unlike back then with that... thing
Well, I do have to say though that crown looks pretty neat upon your head...
Oh, and you might be cursed to spend all eternity with him. Hurray!
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kousaka-ayumu · 1 year
Hello! Is it okay if I request Yandere malleus x Idia or you only take specific ships?. sorry for the bother
Note:nah it's fine, that is one of the ships that I like but not OTP level.
Warnings: this may contain kidnapping, non-consent kiss, implied stolklom syndrome, OOC(Out Of Character)(any warnings that I missed?)
Idia woke up in some sort of a room, he was lucky that he had his tablet with him, but the bad thing is that he was alone in a place that he never knew.
'How in the great sevens did I get here?' He thought to himself as he saw both of his hands has been cuffed and chained, the last thing he remembered was that he was out going to get some soda before passing out, like somebody knocked him out on purpose.
Then he realized something Ortho wasn't with him! 'Wait! Ortho! He must be searching for me, great seven if only I got out of these chains!' He thought angerly as he tried he shake the chains off of him.
"I wouldn't do that my love." A voiced said, he saw Malleus Draconia, his boyfriend right next to him.
Both of them started dating as the fire haired male accidentally confessed his feelings to him during his rambling, Malleus accepted it without any hesitancion, it was a bit hilarious not gonna lie.
"Malleus-shi?!" The fire haired male said, freak out seeing his boyfriend right in front of him, "Why am I here? Where am I?" He said, but before he could say anything the dragon prince kissed him on the lips.
"I noticed that you always scared of other people and would often hide from them." He whispered in his ear "Maybe you could stay with me for the rest of your life, you can bring Ortho with you if you wanted." He said as he got closer to the fire haired male. "Or when we graduated, Ortho take over STYX, while you and I rule over the Valley of Thorns." He said again "You can think about it." The dragon prince said as he is leaving the room.
The fire haired male think about it for a while now,he did wanted to rule along side Malleus but he didn't wanted to dumped all of the responsibility of STYX unto Ortho, he needed to talk to the fire haired boy after this.
Then the dragon prince came back "Malleus-shi." He said "I accept the offer, but I wanted to talk to Ortho about it." He said and Malleus nodded "Sure, take your time."
So Malleus letting Idia go, the fire haired male went back to Ignihyde and talk to Ortho about it(He never told Ortho about the kidnapping that he experienced) and surprisingly he agreed to take over STYX.
Time skip cause I'm lazy
After both of them graduated NRC Malleus have taken Idia to the Valley to get married there, 4 years later both of them have 2 kids one was a crowned prince named Heracles Draconia, while the other one was a girl named Heiwa Draconia.
With Ortho he graduated from NRC(Night Raven College) and have taken over STYX.
The End.
A/N: I have to apologize that this was short af.
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sandbees · 3 years
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A few about the Great Seven interacting with Twisted Wonderland characters VIA Yuu. 👀 I only have one word summary; Chaos.
Who would meet the Great Seven first? Obviously the first years (along with Ortho and Grim). They’re Yuu’s best friends after all.
Actually, it was Friday, the last day of the week. And coincidentally, that night would be a special night at the House of Mouse. Ariel and her sisters would be performing that night.
Mickey told Yuu that that they could invite anyone to watch the performance. So Yuu went to get special permission to take their friends along with them.
After kidnapping Ortho After Yuu gathers everyone, they explain that they’re going out to see a special performance at their workplace.
Keep in mind that no one knows exactly what Yuu’s new job was except Grim and Crowley. So naturally everyone was in on it and curious. (Only Grim knows about Yuu meeting the Great Seven though)
Ace: So where do you work at?
Yuu: I work at a club.
Epel: ...As in a strip club or a book club?
Yuu: Wtf Epel? It’s like a club but no alcohol. It’s technically a restaurant but they have live shows and put on a lot of performances so-
Deuce: Oh! That’s cool, we get to see it together!
Yuu: Actually I’m not going to be with you guys. I’m on duty that day so I’ll be waiting tables. But I’ll join during break.
Ace: Really? Bummer.
Ortho: Aw, I wanted to hang out with you too! But it will be fun nonetheless. :D
Yuu tells them to wait downstairs as they go upstairs to get everything ready.
They are low-key nervous, because the House of Mouse isn’t...exactly normal by Twisted Wonderland standards.
Meanwhile, Grim was telling the first years about Yuu’s experiences there.
Grim: You know, the House of Mouse is really popular, I’ve heard about a lot of customers Yuu has met.
Deuce: This job must have been hard...I’m glad Yuu got it though!
Grim: Yeah, they pay them 5,000 madol! Isn’t that great?!
Sebek: 5,000 madol?! That’s a lot more than being a waiter.
Ace: In a week? I mean having a salary of 5,000 is pretty impressive.
Grim: Hehe, it’s actually 5,000 a day.
First Years: WHAT?!
Jack: To be able to pay that much...the owner must be wealthy.
Epel: Yuu lucked out!
When Yuu comes down, the first years are asking a billion questions.
How did you find a job with such a high pay??? Is the work good?? Is your boss nice to you?? Explain everything-
Yuu assured them that their job is just waiting a bunch of tables, and that they’re payed well because the place is very popular.
Anyways, Yuu tells them that they’re going now and leads them upstairs.
“Shouldn’t we be going to the hall of mirrors-?” “It won’t work.”
The group kind of loses their mind as Yuu casually pushes Ace into their mirror, Grim follows behind.
“Come on, or do I have to push you through the mirror like I did with Ace?”
Safe to say is that they go through the mirror and are greeted with a very lavish dressing room.
“Wait woah this isn’t Mickey’s dressing room.”
Yuu finds a note and read it out loud. Apparently Mickey moved the mirror to a new room so they could have privacy. Anything in the room is for their use.
“I’m going to cry. He’s so nICE I DON’T DESERVE THIS-“
Yuu is pretty happy with this arrangement, actually. They also begin to explain the club’s shtick to their friends.
“So this is basically a club for entertainment with live shows and also cartoons on the screen. Oh, and sometimes a cat named Pete tries to sabotage the show so he can kick everyone out and make this his club.” “Isn’t that illegal-“ “Not if there’s no police.”
So anyways Yuu leads them outside and they run into Goofy.
Sebek: Is that-?
Yuu: Hi Goofy, I’m bringing my friends to a table for the show-
Goofy: Yuu! There you are! You’re needed at table 14.
Yuu: What? But my shift hasn’t started-
Goofy: Reservations from Hades himself.
Yuu: Oh shit, ok yeah I’ll be there as soon as possible-
Ortho: Hades? As in the God of the Underworld?
Yuu: Yes, I’ll explain later, more importantly let’s go find you a table.
Ace: I think not telling us you actually met one of the GREAT SEVEN!
Yuu: I did tell you; and you didn’t believe me.
Everyone is vibrating in nervousness and excitement. Especially Ortho. I mean, this is the GREAT SEVEN we’re talking about!
Yuu decides to introduce them to Hades. But surprise surprise, it’s all of the Great Seven!
Yuu’s first year friends are going to pass out from shock. Oof.
With some inquiry, Yuu explains to the Great Seven that the friends they brought were from Twisted Wonderland.
Let’s just say that the First Years got invited to sit at their table. (Sebek is quaking at the idea of sitting with the Witch of Thorns)
So while Yuu leaves to start work (not after taking all of their orders first, of course), the Great Seven begin asking the first years + Grim questions.
The first years are expectantly tense, but they loosen up.
Ursula and Jafar are a little disappointed that no one from their dorm is present, but they seem to easily forget that after Yuu tells them that they know people from their respective dorms anyways.
Yuu also gives them a little more information they found about their respective dorms, so that they don’t feel...left out? (Satisfied is a better word for it)
Ursula pets Grim and Jafar feeds him crackers. Grim does not complain, he’s fine. He becomes more compliant as his tuna arrives.
And some of the other’s thoughts? Well...
The Queen of Hearts almost blew up in anger at Ace and Deuce. They are idiots that do nOT KNOW THE PROPER WAY TO SPEAK TO THEIR SUPERIORS AND THEY HAVE BROKEN AT LEAST 359 RULES ALREADY-
But somehow, the Queen of Hearts warms up to the idiotic duo. She sees them as...annoying children she has to babysit but they’re also really adorable that she can’t stay mad at them forever. Plus, Deuce is trying and Ace has these wonderful card tricks that would make her Jester cry.
So at first, she does not approve, but as the night progresses she does. 8/10 would meet the ADeuce combo again.
Scar and Jack...hm. Well, I don’t think they’d get along of Scar’s sense of morality and justice of the past was brought up. However, the villains all agreed to not bring up their villainous past because they didn’t want to scare away Yuu/make them wary and distrustful of them. Same goes for the first years.
Anyways, Scar is impressed at how buff Jack is. He isn’t surprised though - he expected residents of his dorm to be powerful. Scar lays down some well deserved praise and Jack eats it up with a tail wag. Jack also talks about his dorm and what the dorm represents. Scar’s ego rises 100x and Scar becomes somewhat...egotistical. Well, maybe not like in a “I’m shoving my ego in your face” type of ego but in a “This pleases me and I will treat you kinder” ego.
Basically, Scar opens up a little more to Jack as the night progresses. Like a mentor/student bond.
The Evil Queen and Epel...well, the Evil Queen was quite picky with how Epel was acting. Yes, he had the proper posture but really, he was using the wrong forks to eat that particular kind of food. She expected better from someone who came from her dorm. So she ended up chastising him and scolding him for being “improper”. Like Vil.
She was shocked to say when Epel accidentally snapped back at her, before returning to his more “princely” persona. Ah, so the child had more than meets the eye. She tried a different approach, as in trying to ease Epel into talking to her. Certainly, Epel was much more headstrong and willful than that naive Snow White.
So, the Evil Queen and Epel have a rocky start, but by the end of the show.
Hades and Ortho...well, that’s a combo you never see everyday. But I think Hades would basically adopt Ortho. As in suddenly he gets father vibes from the kid. He’s also particularly interested in his own dorm, and asks Ortho about it. Ortho’s pretty chatty with Hades, and is happy to tell Hades about his dorm! He also asks a few questions himself; which Hades happily obliged to.
...and then it turns into Ortho talking about Idia and how wonderful he is. And Hades is like, “damn, this kid has a wonderful big brother. How come my younger siblings act like shit to me-“
So Hades silently swore to the River of Styx to keep this child safe, and Ortho had a fun time interacting with Hades!
Sebek and Maleficent...well, it could have been worse.
Poor Sebek was tense and tight lipped for most of the night. He really wanted to make a good impression on Malleus’ grandmother. (I don’t think Sebek has met Maleficent yet so-)
Maleficent was patient, however. She knew Fae kind were raised to think of Maleficent as a high authority figure that should be treated with upmost respect. Unlike the other kingdoms; the Valley of Thorns praised Maleficent like a goddess. She didn’t blame Sebek for acting like he was.
So she started with baby steps. Talking about how wonderful it was to meet her grandson’s bodyguard, how Malleus must have grown to be a strong magician, how she wished she had stayed to know more about her grandson.
Actually, the breaking point between the tense atmosphere between the two was Malleus. Sebek opens up a little more as he continues to talk to Maleficent.
At the end of the night, they’ve only talked about Malleus, but Maleficent was content with that. After all, keeping up with what her grandson was doing was more than enough.
By the end of the night, the First Years enjoyed the special performance and their time with the Great Seven. Things went well especially when Yuu came to join during their break.
So when it was time to go, everyone had happily said their goodbyes as they were ready to return.
“Oh, before I forget...Yuu, I have almost completed the portals for the others so do expect one of us to pop in soon.” “Oh, ok!” “...THEY MIGHT VISIT US?!”
Everyone is low key excited to meet again though.
So, the first years go through the mirror and stay at Ramshackle, chatting away at their time at the House of Mouse.
Yeah, this was a looonngg write, I’m actually going to do the rest of the TW cast in another post. I hope you enjoyed this one! :)
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (Finale)
Summary: The ghosts may have left, but the wedding they officiated is not something to be easily forgotten. Will unsaid feelings remain hidden? Idia thinks so, after seeing you with your admirers. 
Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
After that 3-star difficulty sidequest, it was finally time for the ghosts to leave. They were filing out through a shimmering silver portal to the Land of the Dead, which you joked about jumping into “for the meme”. Idia was quick to discourage it. The joke would’ve been funny at any other time than right now. 
Each ghost made sure to give the newlyweds their congratulations. Each congratulation made Idia want to take off into the night, never to be seen again. It was beyond embarrassing. Unbearable. Way past his limit of social interaction capability. Things were getting way too much to handle for his now-empty Energy bar. 
While Idia longed for the comfort and isolation of his dorm room, you were the one who thanked the well-wishers and said the goodbyes—from a safe distance, of course. 
“When we return, I want you to meet our baby!” Eliza announced before she stepped into the portal. You and Idia shared a look. As if reading each other’s minds, you checked your schoolmates’ faces for their reactions—which did not disappoint. Different ways of saying “Don’t come back!” filled the hall, in varying degrees of anger and vulgarity. Before she disappeared for good, Eliza huffed and stuck her nose up in the air—an expression that tonight’s failed suitors knew all too well. 
At her departure, the portal shrunk into a mere speck until it completely disappeared. Then came the loudest cheers of the night serving as Victory fanfare. It was all over! But before he went, Idia hoped to say goodbye and take a look at you in your suit one last time. Or maybe even ask you to hang out tomorrow, depending on his current Courage level. 
While he silently rehearsed his thank-yous and good-byes, he wondered if you knew that you were still holding his hand. He decided not to mention it. 
Unfortunately, his brief moment of (weak) celebration was cut short when he noticed that the now-mobile Groom Rejects were approaching. They might as well have red bars floating over their heads to warn him of danger. He froze, contemplating whether to: 
> Bear it and stay with you just until he was prepared to say goodbye (+10 relationship points -20 comfort LV)
> Just run off on his own without saying anything, ignoring your calls. (-10 relationship points +10 comfort LV)
For now, he decided to stick with Option 1. Just a little bit longer. 
“That was amazing!” Deuce exclaimed, rushing over to give you a high-five. You laughed and  met other high-fives, low-fives, fist bumps, and head pats that came your way with that lovely smile of yours. 
Suddenly, Ace rips you away from him. Suddenly, you weren’t holding hands anymore. The loud first-year put his arm around you and Idia couldn’t help but notice how easy and natural it looked. Meanwhile, there he was: someone who needed to rehearse his goodbyes. 
Clearly, there was a huge level difference here and Idia was the one disadvantaged. 
“Our hero!” Ace yelled, inspiring more cheers. The distance between you and Idia grew as your wave of admirers and friends swept you farther and farther away. He was an outsider once again, stuck watching the fun from the sidelines. Their eyes sparkled. Their mouths smiled. Their loud voices laughed and praised you and laughed with you again. 
They loved you. And Idia was no different. 
Everyone’s Friend and the Weird Shut-in. Was there hope?
“Brother, I’m so glad you’re safe!” Ortho’s voice cut through his stream of thoughts. Immediately, he feels the weight on his shoulders lighten. 
He watched as his brother, his beacon of hope, made his way around your fan club until he eventually reached his spot. Ortho wouldn’t care if he looked like a loser, standing there awkwardly at the side all alone. Finally, he was saved. 
My savior! “Ortho! Thank you, thank you…” 
“No injuries… tense muscles… an increase in cortisol production,” Ortho muttered, frowning. “Are you okay?” 
Ortho nods. “We’ll return to the dorm, then. But before that, we should thank the Prefect.”
“Oh… right.” Idia looked over to you, still surrounded by your “fans” like the SSR character you were. You listened to Azul, who prattled on and on about something that was oh-so-interesting that you couldn’t take your eyes off him. And Vil judged your suit’s design, reaching out to fix something near your neck. You cracked up at something Floyd said. You posed and smiled beside Cater as he took a selfie with you. 
His mind raced as it continuously spotted the students on his list and everything they did. What was so interesting about Azul? What was so funny about Floyd? Did you like Vil’s hardworking, confident attitude? Did you think Cater had a way with words? 
He looked away. 
“Ortho, I’m going back to my room,” he said with a heavy heart, admitting Defeat. He was underleveled, had zero energy, and zero SP (social points). He’ll see you… some other time. After his cry-sesh, maybe. 
“Huh? Don’t you want to talk to the Prefect first?” 
“I’ll just… DM them later,” he lied. In truth, all he wanted was to drown himself in a video game while he gorged on candy and tried not to think about you. Ortho’s eyes narrowed, but followed him as he sneakily left the hall anyway. 
You’d understand, right?
Once he and Ortho were out, he looked back at the hall doors, hating himself for being too shy and cowardly to make a move. He imagined charging back into the room, wedging himself in between your friends, grabbing your arm, and pulling you away. Then he’ll kabedon you and—
Who was he kidding? He can’t do that, and you probably wouldn’t like that. 
“It was terrible, brother. Nobody wanted to help!” Ortho said, and Idia thinks he didn’t need to be reminded that nobody liked him. 
“When the Prefect and I reached Diasomnia, we expected them to reject us too…” he mused. “But Malleus Draconia agreed to help us! Can you believe it?”
“Wait… Malleus-shi?” 
Ortho nodded enthusiastically. “Yes… because the Prefect talked to him… and then he cast a charm on them to help us ward off those ghosts! It was really nice of him.”
“I see…” Idia knew that you and Malleus were friends. But to actually help you and him? Maybe your relationship with the Diasomnia dorm leader ran deeper than he thought. Why else would he go through that trouble? 
“The Prefect volunteered without needing to be asked, you know,” said Ortho, who he now noticed was observing him carefully. Idia tried to ignore the way his brother’s eyes lingered on him as they walked (floated in Ortho’s case). 
“...I’m so glad their plan worked!”
Wait, what?
“Volunteered? Their plan?” All this time, he thought you’d been forced to do this by the Headmaster! You did always rant about Crowley promising you different sorts of rewards if you did jobs here and there. But… you got yourself into this mess… all for him? 
Idia looked at the hand you held just moments ago and dared not hope again. Maybe you would have done this for anyone else in his place. Maybe you treated everyone the same, and it just so happened that he was the one kidnapped by a ghost bride. 
Still, he felt bad for not doing as Ortho said earlier. It was too late to turn back, however, as Idia and Ortho finally reached the Hall of Mirrors. 
“Finally… I’m so tired,” said Idia, meaning it in all ways. But as he put one leg forward to enter the door to Ignihyde, he heard someone’s voice, along with the scuffle of shoes against the floor coming closer and closer to where he and Ortho stood. 
“Idia, wait up!”
Oh no. It’s you. Enter now! Enter now!
But no matter what his head told him to do, he remained rooted to his spot. He stood still despite his pounding heart, that elevator-like feeling in his stomach, and the blaring alarms in his head. 
Object of affection at 5m…
Ortho was probably seeing his vitals going haywire and giving him that look again. He turned to look at his brother… only to not find him there. 
Help… oh no…
“Hey,” you gasped out, catching your breath. “When I turned around, you were gone…”
Yeah, same. Just like Ortho… 
No one said a word for a while. The silence was only filled by your heavy breathing as it slowly evened. Inwardly facepalming at himself, he decided to take the chance to tell you everything he should’ve said before he left. 
But before he could open his mouth and apologize for leaving, (gods know he had too many things to apologize for after tonight), he was taken into a warm embrace. 
“I thought I was too late.” you mumbled into his suit. 
At that moment, without anyone else around, nothing else mattered but the safety of your arms. And damn, how good it felt to be embraced. Did anyone else get these hugs from you? Idia didn’t think so. He hesitantly lifted his arms up and hugged back. 
Looking up at the domed castle ceiling, he wondered what he did to deserve something this good. 
It’s okay. I can have this. He allows himself to melt into your arms, head drooping down to rest against your neck. 
“G-good thing you weren’t,” he finally whispered back, freezing as he heard you sob against his chest. Oh no, oh no, what do you do when your love interest is crying? Quick, quick, pull up the archive of romantic scenes from your memory. 
“Hey, hey, I-I’m okay, you see?” he said, patting your back awkwardly. You let go after releasing another sob to wipe your eyes with your sleeve. 
“Sorry I got your suit wet,” you said softly, turning your face away. “I’m really, really sorry about what happened there too.”
“About what?”
“The whole wedding thing...” You took a quick look at him but immediately dropped your gaze to the ground. 
Idia blushed. “I-It’s okay! D-don’t worry about it… I-” 
Come on, say more! Ugh… I hate myself. 
You pulled at our vest and slipped something out of it—an envelope. “I… wanted to tell you everything through a letter.”
Tell me what?
“But… Eliza came and took you before I could give it to you.” You avoided his eyes as your fingers tightened around the white envelope. Idia’s breath hitched, expecting you to crumple it. But to his relief, your fingers relaxed. Then, as if it took all your courage, you handed it to him with a slightly shaky hand. 
“It's old-fashioned, I know but yeah... just read it!” 
In the hall’s silence, he could hear your breaths quicken once again. 
“Th-That’s all I came here for. Goodbye!” 
Before he knew it, you were running off. Your arm waved frantically from a distance as every step carried you farther, farther away. He lifted his arm to wave back but you never saw it. You were gone and all he had left was the letter. 
His curiosity made him impatient. With fast and purposeful steps, he sprinted on the way to his room. What did he feel? Excitement? Dread? An unpleasant mix of both? His room, feeling farther than usual, was the only safe place he could experience whatever it was.
After a lot of walking and almost slipping over someone’s spilled soda (he cursed the shoes those ghosts made him wear. His very own would never fail him like that), he found himself in front of the doors, which slid open, revealing Ortho already inside. 
“You left me there!” Idia huffed. 
“Couples need alone time, brother,” replied his brother, innocently blinking.
“Wh-wha… we’re not a couple!” 
“Hmm? I could’ve sworn the signs were all there...”
A blushing Idia threw off the silly coat those ghosts made him wear and threw it over his desk chair. He sat on the bed, fingers racing to open the envelope. Ortho watched with great interest as two sheets of paper covered in your handwriting slipped out.  
Unfolding the first page, Idia took a deep breath and began reading:
Hey Player 1!
Sorry I couldn’t make it tonight last night. Maybe you can show me your new manga tomorrow? I know how excited you are about it.  I’m writing this while Grim’s asleep. He’ll never let me hear the end of it otherwise. 
I figured that this would be the best way to communicate my thoughts and feelings. This way, you won’t feel pressured to respond immediately. You can open and read it whenever you’re ready, in the safety of your room. I know it’s old-fashioned. But to me, a handwritten letter feels more personal—like I’m giving you a piece of myself. So here’s that piece of myself. Please, handle it with care. 
Beware. I’m about to get sentimental and mushy and cheesy and everything you cringe at! I hope you read on, anyway. 
First of all, I want you to know how much I admire you. Right from before we were friends, I was impressed by your intelligence and knowledge with technology. I’ve seen nothing like it back home. I always wondered why you hide yourself and those talents away. My curiosity drove me to want to get to know you. I’m glad I did. 
You were closed off. To you, I was just another normie. Do you remember? Your dismissal annoyed me, so I challenged you to a 1v1 match. I thought I was good, but you crushed me. I guess that’s where it started: our friendship… and something else. Soon, I found more and more reasons to admire you. Honestly, I find more with each passing day. 
I should have known, right from when songs started to make me think of you, that I was falling. I started to see you as, well, more than a friend. Your quick mind, your expressive hair, your soothing voice, your precious grin… your voice when you talk about things you love, your love of cats, and your candy, and your cold hands… Okay, I think you get the point.  But if you have time, I could go on forever. 
There’s something different in your eyes when you truly care. You say you’re bad at being sentimental and feel-y, but that’s okay! We express love differently. I see your love pour out in the way you perfect every detail on Ortho’s modifications, anyway. I’m sure he knows how much you love him. 
I want you to know how special you are to me. You’re so amazing, Idia. I wish you knew that. I want you to know that. 
I know it’s hopeless. You’re the young master to a noble house. I’m just… me. A homeless, magicless foreigner with nothing to my name. Nothing to offer but my feelings (and my superb gaming skills of course). I’m not asking nor expecting to be your special someone. But hey, I can be a top-tier teammate. A worthwhile BG opponent. A movie buddy. And most importantly—a friend. 
Our time together has always been a highlight of my difficult stay in NRC. The times we hung out in your room were my refuge from the outside world’s demands. Somewhere I was untouchable and safe from harm. Safe from demeaning remarks. Even if you never get back to this letter and decide you never want to see me again, I will always treasure the matches we played, the movies we watched, the candy we shared, and the memes we laughed over.
That’s all of it, really. Please don’t sleep too late. Watch your sugar intake. Listen to Ortho. Take care of yourself. 
Oh, and enjoy your new manga. 
Your best raid teammate, 
Player 2
Wide amber yellow eyes glistened as they repeatedly flitted over the words. A shaky thumb caressed the smudged ink from where a fallen teardrop marked the paper. Burning different shades at once, fire-hair slowly released itself from the tie it was forced into. Now free, it swathed Idia’s back in warmth like it should.
“Th-This can’t be real!” he sputters as he waved your letter around like he was fanning a bonfire. In a way, he was. 
However, Idia knew his hair wasn’t the only thing that kept him warm. He stared at the letter and it stared back. But no matter how many times he blinked, the words remained the same. You felt the same. 
“What have I done to unlock this route?” Idia clutched the letter to his chest, but noticed he was wrinkling it. “Nooo!” He quickly smoothed it over again. 
“They… they like-like me!” Saying it out loud made it more real. It was a fact! It was true all this time! Thinking of everything you did tonight: rescuing him like a true hero, running after him because you couldn’t keep your feelings secret for much longer… he couldn’t stop himself from swooning. 
“Like-like… did you mean love?”
“L-love?” Idia exclaimed. He suddenly felt dizzy, so he fell back onto his bed and talked to the ceiling. “It’s too early for that word!” 
But he knew the effect which that word had on him didn’t go unnoticed by Ortho. Well, at least he knew now that Idia wasn’t suffering from an illness. Can love be considered an illness? Idia recalls a documentary that said it was. Back then, he ate that up. Love made people do crazy things, after all. 
But ‘illness’ wasn’t an apt word to describe this dizzying happiness surging through him, was it? It was way too wonderful for a word like that.
“I’m so glad the Prefect finally confessed!” Ortho bounced happily, reflecting his brother’s joy. “I knew they would do it soon!” 
Mouth hanging open, Idia looked at his brother. “Wait… you knew?”
“I’ve known for a while,” Ortho giggled. “Vitals can’t keep secrets!” 
Contrary to plan, Idia didn’t touch his video games, nor gorge on candy, nor cry himself to sleep. Instead, he replayed the night’s events in his head over and over like a song he couldn’t get enough of. It had been two hours and thirty-five minutes since he read your letter. Two hours and thirty-five minutes since his world was turned upside down. In his reflection on the dark screen of his off tablet, he almost looked different. He saw someone who was admired. Wanted. Loved. 
Was that what you saw whenever you looked at him?
Ortho told him what the next move was: asking you out. He was scared. You might have changed his view of himself a bit, but that didn’t mean he was suddenly ready to go the distance and conquer the world, or whatever those overenthusiastic extroverts say. The night was still too much, and maybe he still needed those three weeks of being a complete hermit. 
Okay. Maybe with your help, I'll get there little by little. 
Perhaps you could watch a movie in his room... Would you be okay with that? You always hung out with him in there. But what if you wanted to do something outside? Eh, maybe it all didn’t matter, as long as you were together. 
When he put on his headphones, he knew which song to choose right away. There was one forgotten song in his music library that he couldn’t bring himself to delete. A love song. It wasn’t a bad one, because Idia would never keep a bad song in his music library. It’s just that the lyrics  were too happy—its singer so blissfully in love that it amplified the loneliness that had always been there.
Now playing: “Immortal Flowers” — SERPINA
This time, it’ll be different. Tonight, he puts it on repeat. He listens to it with a head for once clear of uncertainties. Instead, he thinks of fluffy otome scenarios. 
That date idea would have to wait. For now, he’ll imagine and dream of you, with your warm smile and open arms—skin basking in the glow of blue fire light. 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
There you have it! Thank you for reading. I had fun writing this 4-part series. Would love to hear some feedback! 
Btw, the title of the song Idia listens to at the end comes from “Conversations with Persephone” by Nikita Gill. “What Hades gave me was a crown made for the immortal flowers in my bones.” 
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Surprises of all kinds, found after a shopping trip goes wrong. Content warning for coarse language, sexuality, threats of violence, mentions of suicide and incest, and copious amounts of headcanons.
As always, there is more in my Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction tag, and send me a message if you liked it, I crave positive feedback.
TXT: where the fuck are you guys it's already quarter past
After a few minutes, you got a ding.
M: idia doenst want t leave something about a person see you aftr he needs freind
Oh goddammit, it's so fucking hard to get him out and about. At least Mal was with him.
You looked to Grim at your feet. "Looks like it's just us, buddy."
It was just you and Grim browsing through the dollar store, when a boy in a ratty shop apron came up to you. "Ma'am?"
You turned to him, and he coughed. "Uh, Miss. You're not supposed to have pets in the store."
Grim bristled at him. "I'm not a pet!"
Poor kid, he looked so startled. And you decided to make it worse, because yanno, why not. "How dare you refer to my son as a pet! Does he look like a pet to you?"
He looked between your face and Grim's, confusion growing. "Wh-"
"I know the resemblance isn't the strongest, but honestly! How could you say such mean things about him!"
Grim, bless him, actually caught on and decided to play along for the chaos of it. "Why are you being so mean to me? My mom works hard to keep me happy! She said I could pick out a toy today!"
The confusion had turned to anger. "That's not your kid! You're too young and he's an animal!"
Grim looked up at you, mock tears in his eyes. "I'm your kid, right? I'm not adopted like the boys at school say?" He started sniffling. "I'm not adopted, right?"
You clapped your hands over Grim's ears and glared at the now horrified shopboy. "Look what you've done! I hadn't told him yet!"
He just fled in horror, and it was all you could do to keep from laughing.
The village on the island wasn't the worst appointed. Being equidistant between two prestigious magic schools, it had a few places worth going, and after hitting up your personal favourite, you went to a small park, settled down on a bench, and started unwrapping your prizes.
You have a love for gashapon machines that bordered on a serious problem. In your biweekly trips to buy snacks and supplies to stock up your miserable, beautiful dorm, you easily fed 3000 madol (which you think was about thirty-five dollars or so at home, but couldn't be sure) into the long rows of machines in the drug store, coming out with tiny keychains, figures, and various useless but wonderful little totchkes that you kept lined up in rows in your bedroom. The joys of tiny presents! And the containers were useful too; for a creature who heavily insisted he wasn't a cat, Grim lost his shit like one every time your rolled a ball with a bell inside across the floor.
You were marveling over a tiny, perfectly realistic jellyfish on a phone strap as someone sat down heavily beside you. "Is that," they pointed to Grim poking his way around the cattails by an ornamental pond, "yours?"
"... Yes?" You turned to examine your seatmate. Charmingly strange looking, they sat impeccably robed in forest green velvet and squinted at you from behind perfectly round sunglasses. Flat-faced and thin-lipped, they reminded you of a toad, with their roundness and severe expression.
"Ah, then you are the one I am looking for. You're the pet of the prince."
"I'm a friend of his. Is that a problem?" You decided to keep opening your prizes, and pulled out a heavy ball from the bottom of your bag.
"His Highness does not have human friends."
"And yet, I am." This one, unwrapped, was the chase in the set: a tiny cauldron the size of a thimble that seemed to be actual cast iron. The chill of it was pleasant in your hand, and instead of returning it to your bag, you left it in your lap.
This presumptive stranger leaned in. "You're a diversion. A distraction from what he should be learning. Instead he plays with mortals and lets them forget their place."
"If it was so important that he didn't play with mortals, then why was he allowed to attend here?" You got a cheap set of rings on a goldtone chain in this one. Boo. You'd wanted the miniature necklace of the set for your doll. "He's very happy with the company of us all."
"Too happy. He forgets his place." The toady eyed the glittering paste gems before looking away. "Above you. Instead he crawls into your lap and serves you like a dog."
You froze. "Now, where did you get that idea?"
"We have sources." They leaned in further, smiling. A barely perceptible line of triangular teeth, sparsely placed and translucent in tone. "Foul things happen to the unwanted lovers of heirs, don't you know?"
"I am a wanted friend." 
"You're a parasite who should flee."
You realized something, and turned to face your strange benchmate. "Why are you threatened by me?"
They scoffed. "Why would we be threatened by you?"
"If you weren't," you said, dropping your voice as your leaned in, "then you wouldn't be here trying to put the fear into me." They leaned back, glasses slipping off their nose. The eyes in their face were exquisite, shining gold and black speckles with a ring of gold around an oval pupil. You could help but laugh. "Pretty eyes. You really are a toad. Who sent you? The Thorn Witch? Can't be, I'm not worth her time and if I was, she'd've sent a fucking letter."
"We're a concerned party, preventing our future king from making the mistake of dealing with filth." 
Well, that one pissed you off. You grabbed their wrist, feeling bumps and warts on their skin through the fabric, and pressed the tiny cauldron to the back on their hand as they started screeching.
"You," you looked them dead in their impossibly lovely eyes, "You go back where you came from, tell them I'm not a threat to whatever stupid bullshit they're worried about, and never bother us again. Or I will make you swallow this and you'll beg the precious prince you're so damned worried about to burn you alive to stop the pain."
You'd never seen anyone run so fast in your life when you let them go.
"Hey, Grim! We gotta go."
"I'm gonna kill that fucker."
"Killing them might start an international incident. If one hasn't happened already. You burnt them with iron, Yuu."
"I should have done worse! Whoever the fuck they were, that's two friends they've tried to threaten to stay away from you! That we know of!"
It turns out that the mystery toady had been the person to scare the piss out of Idia the night before. Not that they'd gotten far into their leave-the-prince-alone spiel, Idia had simply kicked them square in the stomach and fled, assuming another kidnapping attempt.
"It wouldn't have been my grandmother. In the last letter I got from her, she said it was very nice that I was making friends. She said to keep making them, even."
"She'd probably care if she knew you were sleeping with said friends." Idia was curled into the corner of his bed, and from the looks of it hadn't slept since his own encounter.
"No she wouldn't."
"You sure about that?"
You'd said that that was only going to happen once. Everyone agreed. But when all three of you settled in to play a game or watch a movie, hands moved and bodies flushed and you all seemed to find yourself tangled and gasping. And it didn't seem to require all three of you - you no longer had the strength to say no to Mal's obvious advances, and you'd walked in on your boys more than once. At least you were still friends? Really, really close friends?
"She wouldn't."
"Could they be worried about heirs?" That seemed logical. Even if no accidents were happening, they might not know that.
"That's not possible."
You raised an eyebrow. Everything worked right, and you all knew it.
Mal looked back at you. "Yuu, I hatched from an egg. I could have you both five times a day for a decade and all there would be to show for it is you couldn't walk. I cannot have children with either of you without magical intervention."
Idia made a truly impressive death rattle before mumbling something about the end of his bloodline, and you just nodded. "Makes sense."
"It's quite interesting, really, it requires numerous spells and potions, that if not kept up on, the babe will-" Malleus placed his hands together, back to back, and mimed the motion of tearing something open.
You flinched. "That's awful, goddamn."
"I have a direct ancestor who took a great deal of human women as breeding stock and simply let them be eaten from the inside out. That's what started one of the earlier human/faerie wars." 
"... Wow."
"I am not proud of her."
"Can we please talk about anything else?" Idia looked ready to be sick. "I don't want to think about any of this."
"Sure, let's grab one of your doujins."
"So you're already engaged?"
"As soon as it was clear I would survive to adulthood, yes. Idia, what is this series?"
"Nyan Neko Sugar Girls. It's not that great storywise, but it has great gags." He reached over and grabbed the next one in his pile. "It's not that unusual. My mother wanted Ortho to marry my cousin Alecto when they grew up, before..."
"Before he made a lifestyle change?" That seemed the politest way to put it.
"Before she went to the criminal ward."
You shut your book with a soft thump. "What?"
"I remember the trial." Mal sighed. "Strychnine in the sugar bowl at Sunday dinner. I made sure to get the newspapers sent to the palace."
"Mother was heartbroken over it, until she realized that the wealth of that entire Shroud branch defaulted back to us." Idia shrugged. "It's sad. She was just eleven. I still send her emails."
"Why the fuck would an eleven year old poison someone?"
"My uncle said she couldn't get a puppy until her grades went up."
"What the fuck." You'd lie down if you weren't already doing so.
"It's the curse." He sighed. "We thought she might've been from an affair? But that proved it."
"My dearest Shroud, you can't guarantee it was from the curse." Malleus turned a page. "It might have been trauma from her mother's death."
You could see more bad history incoming. "Oh no."
"Alecto was from Uncle Jo's first marriage, to my dad's cousin Alita. She had a sister, but when her mother drowned herself, she only took-"
"Is this normal for your family? Or is that just some exceptional bad luck?"
He leaned in, lamplight eyes flashing. "Out of all the Shrouds of my generation that are still capable of inheriting, I'm the most mentally sound."
Both you and Mal had to stop and really consider the implications of that.
"So, Mal. Yours isn't that closely related?"
"Fifth cousins at most when they're finally born."
You sat up. "What?"
"I'm supposed to marry the third grandchild of the Hollyoak Baron. They're a well-respected family, and of snake fae descent so little aid will be needed for conception. His eldest child is in..." He had to think about what words to use. " I believe the term is 'middle school'?"
"They really planned it that far ahead?"
Mal shrugged, the movement rolling down his whole body. "I cannot complain. It gives me a very long time to learn how to be a husband before I have to be one."
"But what if you don't like them?"
"Marriage is chiefly a contract to produce heirs. I'll learn to like them, and ideally love them."
"And if you don't?"
"I'll still treat them as kindly as I can."
"And I suppose you'd take a lover."
"Maybe. They can too, as long as all the children are mine. For legal reasons," he added.
Idia, snapping out of his thoughts, tapped Mal's shoulder. "Does the Hollyoak Baron have any friends who are toad faeries?"
It was Mal's turn to sit up. "That... He could be worried that if I have favourites at school, I'll resent my betrothed for not being either of you. Or that I would attempt to break it off entirely."
"That still doesn't tell us how he found out about..." You gestured around the room.
Idia rolled his eyes. "All that would have to happen is any one student from the Valley of Thorns writing a letter home."
"But -"
"Malleus, you're not shy in your affections. At all."
"Yes I am," he bristled.
"You have to put me down. I have class."
He made a slightly different mmph and shook his head.
You tried to pat his head, but your arms were securely pinned to your sides. "I know they're fantastic, but you have to stop."
He still refused to remove his face from your chest, making a noise that could have been purring if it cane from anyone who was a proper mammal.
"Mal, we're blocking traffic."
He still wasn't putting you down, instead swaying slightly in place.
A familiar long-fingered hand with dark nails reached from behind you and tugged at Mal's lapel. "Malleus, please stop, it's ten AM and everyone is staring."
Mal finally put you down - only to switch targets, wrapping his arms around Idia's waist and pulling him flush, fixing him with such a look of besotted fondness that you immediately felt like you were intruding.
"You look beautiful today."
Idia immediately burst into a ball of pink flame.
"... Perhaps I am a bit obvious."
Idia stared up at his ceiling. "You'd be at home in my otome games."
You chimed in. "What would be obvious, in your mind?"
"Very easy. I finish the paperwork declaring you Lord and Lady of the Bedchamber and have you officially ensconced as Court of Thorns royalty, ensuring you're both taken care of for the rest of your days."
"... Finish?"
"It seemed the easiest thing to do if either of you chose to visit my homeland."
You swatted his leg. "And you didn't think to ask us first?"
Mal was starting to clue in that he had once again overreached himself. "... Surprise?"
"I'm okay with it."
You glared over at Idia. "That's not the point."
"Look, if I ever get disinherited, I have a place to go. He won't make me go outside if I don't want to. I'll bring Ortho. It'll be great."
"They don't even have dial-up over there, Idia. Lilia told me he had to get all this stuff installed to play his MMOs."
Idia pointed at Mal, easy smile turned to outrage. "How dare you try and trap me!"
It honestly seemed like Mal and Idia had switched expressions, the look of worry on his face so strange. "It's a protective measure! If you're titled, people will get in trouble if they try and remove you!"
"That's still... wait." The gears were turning in your head. "If you finish that paperwork, whoever sent Mixter Toad is going to get in so much more trouble."
Everyone went silent as they considered this.
"... As soon as I get the official permission from my grandmother. She won't like it very much, but if I explain..."
Idia turned to Mal. "You were going to make your human fucktoys official members of the Court of Thorns without telling your grandmother, the queen. Who has a notable and often justified dislike of humans."
"I simply prepared ahead."
"I - "
"Malleus." You leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You're so goddamned stupid. Love you."
He didn't say it back with words, but you got the message loud and clear.
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hazard-queen · 4 years
When he can't sleep (Leona, idia, azul, malleus)
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Leona kingscholer
• "No way! Ruggie, you must be kidding me, right?" You said to ruggie in disbelief as your eyes widened
• "I really hope that i was kidding but nah" said ruggie rising his shoulders and his swaying his hands
• "If he continued like this no one will remain alive in savanaclaw!" Said jack rushing his hand on his hair
• What happened? I will tell you! Something abnormal happened and can be the end of the world if it continues like this! Leona didn't sleep in two days!!!! The guy who falls asleep before his head reaches the pillow, and this of course this left him in a bad mood! Picking fights with almost everyone and everything and even with the flys that lands on his face!
• "You have to do something about this (y/n)! " Said ruggie helpless
• "How much will you pay? why me tho?" You said worried
• "Ummmmm cause we are afraid to go speak to him he will kill us cause you are the most one close to him!" Said ruggie with worried smile
• "Yes! He won't get mad at you i mean get annoyed if you tried to talk to him!" Said jack worried
• "We count on you!" Said both ruggie and jack leaving you dumbfounded not even giving you a chance to reject! Oh well (y/n) the future of the humanity in your hands now!
• You stood there in front of the door not knowing if you have to knock or to just get in no one dies before their time so you just decided to knock the door and let what happen happens!
• "GET LOST!" you heard a loud growl from behind the door that makes scare runs in your spines
• "L leona....it's me....(y/n)!" You said worried ready to leave at any second, but what you didn't notice that both jack and ruggie and even some more students of savanaclaw were watching over you even worried more than you!
• The door opened and there stood leona all tired and you could see how bad he wants to sleep, "um...are you ok?" You asked
• "And why wouldn't i?" Said leona crossing his arm on his chest
• He reached his hand to his head to massage it, "tch...this headache" said leona annoyed
• "Maybe that's because the lack of sleep! Not sleeping well for two days of course will cause you headache!" You said innocently
• "Who told you i didn't sleep well in two days?" Said leona rising an eyebrow
• "Your eyes said that! It looks tired! Btw! I have a medicine for headache! Do you want to have it?" You asked with a smile
• "No! I like to have headache that makes me feel my head's exploding from time to time......GIVE IT TO ME!" said leona with a yellow smile oh my he's really moody!
• Leona took the medicine and finally the headache is gone! You felt happy for him! But suddenly he pulled your arm, "l leona ! What's wrong?" And as you were wondering what could it be leona restd his head in your embrace and placed your hand on his head, "you know what to do, right?" You nodded as you started brushing his hair with your hands then after some time you felt his breathe calm, you could even hear some faint snores, leona has finally fall asleep! Thank you (y/n)! The world is a safe place now because of you!
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Idia shroud
• It can't be he's online in the game all of this could it be? Since 3 am till the next day it's almost midnight! Could it be that the server broke down or something?
• You play the same game with idia and you won't deny he told you that he's waiting for this event like months ago since they announced it on another servers....did he even eat? Sleep? Go to class?
• You heard knocks on the door, opening it you saw ortho standing there worried
• "(Y/n) please help me!....ni-san!" If he could cry there would be waterfalls from his eyes
• "WHAT? did he get kidnapped again by ghosts?" This all could get in your mind right now cause nothing is dangerous can happen to someone who never gets out from his room
• "No! He's playing this game since yasterday! He didn't sleep or eat he looks all tired but he never leave his place! I'm worried about him!" Said ortho sadly
• You accepted to go help him as first! you could never refuse a request from ortho cause he's cute, second! You were also worried about idia, third and most importantly you don't want ortho to blow up your drom if you refuse!
• You didn't have time to knock cause ortho dashed into the room! " see?" Said ortho pointing his hand to his brother who didn't even move his eyes from the monitor
• He looked all tired and sleepy and even more pale!
• "IDIA!" You yelled at idia which made him jump from his place, " (y y/n)! When did you get here?"
• "Idia did you eat anything? Did you sleep?" You asked worried
• "7"
• "7 hours?" You tiled your head
• "7 minutes!" Said idia as he looked back to the monitor leaving you as if a shock hits you
• You didn't speak! You snatched the gaming console from his hand, idia gasped from the quick action
• "Nooo~ please give that back to me i need to complete this event!" Said idia reaching his hand to take it back but alas, you were dead serious
• "Eat something first!" You said crossing your arms to your chest and ortho did the same as you
• "No! Tch...look....why don't you feed me while i play?" Said idia with a plea
• "Fine!" You gave him the console as you brought some food and juice with you , you shoved the food into his mouth and placing the juice by his lips as he took some sips then went back to play! Hardly he could open his eyes! He's used to stay awakr for late times but not for two days! His eyes were closing but he kept on shaking his head it's 2 am now!
• "Idia! Why don't you take a rest and let me continue the event for you, you know, i also play this game" you said to idia and he didn't think much, he handed you the console and sat by you watching you play
• "You know, you're not bad!" Said idia weakly
• "Hehe i know!" You said with a grin, you felt a weight on your shoulder, you looked to your side to see idia's head leaned to you, he has finally fallen asleep, he looked so peaceful when he's like that
• "Isn't he cute?"
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Azul ashengrotto
• "Ugh we are swimming in work recently shrimp-chan!" Exhausted floyed sopke helplessly
• "I don't know when this all gonna end i really miss the feeling when i could sleep!" Said jade rising his arms and waving his hands also helplessly
• "Are you really that busy tho? Oh! How's azul doing?" You asked since you didn't see him any soon
• "Well he also isn't sleeping well or taking any rest i guess we've been really busy recently " said jade thinking
• "Can i go see him!" You asked with a plea and of course the twin couldn't say no since they know that azul missed you and all but didn't had any time to go out
• You poped up your head from the door happily, "azul I'm here!" You saw him, he was a mess, not even looking at you and flipping papers here and there talking to himself
• "When did you sleep last time?" You stood in front of his desk, he's doesn't even know you're here yet...i guess
• "Yasterday noon it was for an hour or so" said azul busy thinking about his work then he suddenly rised his face to meet yours, his eyes widened and also yours! His face was pale and his eyes were tired just like idia even more, his face was opened in "O" shape
• "(Y/n)! When did you get here? I didn't see you coming in!" Said azul fixing himself and paper on the table
• "Can i probably help you?" You asked looking at all those papers on the table as you reached your hand to hold one of the contracts
• "No! That's not concern you! The twins are doing it all!" Azul yelled at you snatching the paper from your hand which made you jump in your place
• It of course made you sad but you didn't say it, azul won't forgive himself if he knew you that it hurt you
• You went to the kitchen to make him some coffee! (My favourite) it's really good in regaining himself and focus
• Silently you placed the cup by him on the desk, he looked at it then looked at you in appreciation, he knew what he said isn't proper so he frowned
• " I'm sorry (y/n) i really didn't mean it but i have so many pressure on me, i didn't sleep in days and even if i put my head on the pillow i don't sleep, I'm really tired" said azul looking down sadly
• "Don't be! I understand everything, i just can't see you all this tired and can't do anything for you!" You said with worried expression
• Azul sigh giving up, " can you just stay here to watch the work while i rest on the sofa for a bit?" Said azul with a weak smile and you of course gave him a wide ones
• He layd himself in the sofa closing his eyes then everything went silent, you took some close steps to him seeing his breathe was steady and you could even hear him snoring lightly, you took off his glasses placing it on the table by him and covered him with a jacket
• You placed a small kiss on his forehead and he began sleeptalking, he muttered "i love you" but you managed to hear him, You giggled
• "I love you too"
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Malleus draconia
• Your dorm was under maintenance and you had nowhere to go! Of course dorm leaders offered you a stay in their dorms for a while but they didn't do anything when malleus came along grabbing your wrist dragging you to diasomania silently
• "Did you plan to stay anywhere else?" Asked malleus still dragging you not even making an eye contact with you
• "I i just thought you were busy so i didn't want to be a burden on you!" You said with a pout
• "A burden? (Y/n)! You should have came to diasomania the second you left the dorm, not waiting for others to offer you a stay!" Said malleus as he stopped and gave you a serious look
• And from this look you could tell how tired he was, you wanted to ask him when the last time did he sleep but you just didn't want to bother him
• Going to diasomania thay prepared you a separated room where you could stay and sleep, they even brought you dinner to your room! But of course the change of the place made it harder for you to sleep so you decided to go for a walk
• You saw malleus' room is still has light, shouldn't he be asleep now? Should you go ask about him? You finally decided to knock the door and see what's wrong with him
• "(Y/N)! What are you doing here in this late hour? Do you need something?" Said malleus surprised by your visit
• "Nothing! I saw the lights on so i was wondering if you can't sleep, are you alright?" You asked with a worried smile
• "Oh is that so? Oh Don't bother yourself, i don't want to be a burden on you!" Said malleus rising an eyebrow crossing an arm to his chest and swaying the other in the air
• You recognise that he's paying back the word to you
• "It doesn't feel good hearing it from your beloved ones is it?" Asked malleus with a smile holding his chin but he spoke again " sigh, i just can't sleep well recently"
• "What can i do for you? Do you want a glass of milk? Mint tea? coffee? anything?" You asked him but you know this won't help till an idea came to your mind
• You sat there patting on your lap offering malleus to put his head there with a wide smile, he chuckled on your childish action but he did as you wanted, he rested his head on your lap aware to not stap you with his horns and closed his eyes
• You run your hand on his head which made him half open his eyes then closing it again, you started humming your favourite song and playing with his hair till you noticed his chest is moving slowly and his breathe was steady, you didn't bother asking him, you knew he was already asleep
• Malleus felt safe in your existence by him,his only beloved ones
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yandere-wishes · 5 years
Twisted Wonderland; Yandere! Dorm Leaders // Ideal Darlings//
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Riddle Rosehearts.
Riddle wants someone confident and bold yet who will follow his every command. His perfect darling would scream out orders to their subjects, whilst still maintaining their poise and elegance. However, never would they dare yell at him! Their only words to Riddle will be about how much they adore him, love him, worshipped him!
After all, Riddle would be giving them the most ideal life by his side. Never would one of their wants go unattended. He'll shower his darling in gifts, from luxurious ballroom dresses to the most expensive pastries. All to show his love and devotion. But nothing ever comes without a price...
In exchange for all that Riddle provides -be it whether or not his darling even wants any of it- he'll want you to please him in every way. To utter nothing but praises and compliments to him. They'll always have to be close to him.
After all his little rose should be forever grateful to him.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Azul is so incredibly manipulative that he could morph anyone into his ideal darling. All it takes is a wish on his darlings part and a contract from him! But  Azul does have a type so to speak. He loves naive young darlings who are oblivious to the real nature of things.
Someone so sweet and trusting that they'll fall for any sweet lie. All Azul has to do is convince them that he is only looking out for them, with the best intentions at heart. He'll feed me fables, swear to them that the world is full of threats just waiting to take advantage of a poor unfortunate soul such as her.
If his darling shows signs of resistance or defiance than he'll talk them into a contract. Maybe one in exchange for a better mark or a new phone. Something, anything, little or big it doesn't matter!
The payment, however, will be rather odd, it simply states that they'll have to become Azul's darling. Knowing no better they agree, and oh what a terrible mistake that was!
After that Azul will have his darling locked up in his room or office, never to enter into the cruel world again. Oh, but of course he's twisted the facts so much that his little darling believes this is all to protect them!
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Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim is such a soft yandere! He's also so very social and would desperately want a lover who is as open-minded and amiable as he is! He wouldn't mind if his darling is shy or even more outgoing than he is, as long as they love him than he's happy.
Sure sometimes he can go a little overboard with his punishments. Or maybe come off as a little pushy depending on who you ask. But at the end of the day, his darling will forgive him, they didn't have a choice.
He would also like his lover to be rather adventures and risk-taking. To throw caution to the wind and just laugh and have fun.
As long as Kalim's darling his willing to love him and have fun then that's all he wants.
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Vil Schoenheit
Let's not kid ourselves we know that Vil's ideal lover will have to be stunning on the outside, hat's the only way he'll notice them. However, there is a certain personality type that he can't help but show some interest in. Any darling that's cunning, rebellious and a daredevil. There is a part of him that's repulsed by his fascination in this kind of person, that's why he's rather cold and cruel with his darling when he first kidnaps them!
He desperately wants a darling that is the definition of grace and beauty. So he'll put his darling through so many lessons all with extremely harsh punishments and designer rewards *wink wink*. Very soon his beloved will be so utterly regal and polite, no one would ever think that they use to be a delinquent trouble maker.
Oh but Vil knows, behind closed doors, he's the only one that is permitted to see their outlaw like personality.
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Idia shroud
Idia will want a darling who is much like him, an outcast of society, an introvert who can assist him with his new programs and new inventions. Never will is darling treat him like the other, irk him to go out to sleep to "take care" of himself.
His darling needs to be as self-destructive as he is. In all Idia is a bit delusional he expects his darling to fall into his arms, kissing him and thanking him for taking away her less freedom. That this way she'll never have to socialize with anyone ever again!
Oh, and will that make Idia so happy! He can remain in his room, alongside his darling and Ortho for as long as he pleases. They can share dark jokes, build new things together and love each other forever and ever.
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Leona Kingscholar 
Leona is very split amongst his preferred types of darlings. On one hand, he wants a lover who is passionate and firstly one who will follow whatever plan he comes up with, who is devoted to him no matter what. One the other hand though... the second prince likes innocent darlings who have a bit of a childish naive side to them (I headcanon he was a younger sibling kink, don't look at me like that!!). He really wants a darling that he can overpower and manipulate to do whatever he wants. To obey him and accept him as the one in charge of his darlings life. He wants absolute control of his darling, they have to do everything he tells them to. 
However brains are also very important to Leona, he wants someone witty and smart, who can keep up with his intellect. He may not seem like it but Leona is incredibly intelligent, he simply lacks motivation in academics. Thus is darling will have to have a good head on their shoulders, they should be able to think clearly. 
Overall Leona just wants a darling who will love only him. Is that too much to ask for? Everyone is always gushing after his brother. So just once he wants one person to solely to love him, and you will be the one to love him
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Malleus Draconia 
Malleus is incredibly possessive and controlling, his ideal darling would have to be very obedient and on the more timid side. They will never talk back to him nor defy any advances he makes. They will also have to be on the more gloomier and realist side, someone mature enough to accept and embrace life for the tragedy that it is. They will, however, have to hold a rather cheerful and joyous attitude around him. Being all so loving and tender with their lover. It's teeth rotting and a very obvious lie but Malleus doesn't care also long as they have their darling than nothing else really matter, not even his darlings their opinion on the matter.
He will undoubtedly drug his darling to fill his every need. When he's gone his beloved must be fast asleep so they don't plot any escape plans. When he's feeling needy than he'll give is darling an insane amount of aphrodisiacs. When he simply wants to spend some time and talk then he'll just give his lover a small duse of ecstasy to awaken them. 
Malleus desperately wants to show his beloved he loves them and he does so by trying to spend every moment that they are conscious with them. With that logic in mind, it should be okay for Malleus to drug them so they fall asleep when he is absent...Right?
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night-raven-dorms · 5 years
Can I request the Diasomnia boys helping the reader who has anxiety?
R&R Time
A little relaxation never hurt anybody.
Nobody liked them.
Nobody wanted to do them.
And sure as the sun that nobody was going to be relaxed in the next couple of weeks.
And what were you and a group of friends doing to prepare for the upcoming exams?
Making Pillow Forts. Yes, you heard correctly, you, Lilia, Malleus, Silver, and Sebek were all in a pretty spacious and comfortable pillow fort. So you maybe asking yourself Why am I in a pillow fort? Well, that’s because this pillow fort was made for you.
You had been cramming for the past three days now, and the four boys could see you torture yourself as you stressed out, cried over, and studied material you would need, already knew, and didn’t know. You admitted to skipping out on meals and rarely taking breaks, so that night, Sebek and Silver led you (although it was more like kidnapping you away from your study materials) to a pillow fort Lilia and Malleus had been working on.
Which is what led you to the situation you were in now: Everyone in their pajamas with a buffet of food in a magically big pillow fort. You fiddled with the fabric of your night clothes. “Are you sure I can’t just bring my stuff in here?”
“Nope. Nuh uh. Absolutely NOT! This is a study free zone where we all relax. No school materials allowed.” Lilia replied back.
“Lilia c’mon I have to study.”
“No you don’t. All four of us could practically sense your anxiety about midterms from across the campus. Besides relaxation is going to help.”
Silver added, “The old man is right you know. Everyone needs a break once in a while. Even the top students.”
“Besides if you don’t rest, you won’t be able to remember anything.” Malleus continued.
Sebek joined in, “I agree! It’s not healthy if you over stress yourself in any sort of way. I understand that your anxiety is causing you to think as though you can’t remember anything, but I can assure you that you will do great. Do not be afraid.”
Hearing them tell you all these things made your heart swell. You didn’t deserve them yet here you were stuck in a pillow fort with them like you were kids again. You smiled at all of them with tears of happiness threatening to fall. “Thank you guys.”
Lilia gave you a warm hug, “Now now, this isn’t a place for crying. We need to see you really smile! How about some cake my dear?”
That night the five of you shared laughs as your worries became long forgotten. It was very long passed midnight when you finally fell into a blissful sleep after so many all-nighters. That is until you woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. You were panicked and panting, and when you tried to get up, you were grounded by an arm around your waist. Rather, your head was laying on Sebek’s shoulder, Malleus’ arm was wrapped around your waist, Silver held onto your free hand, and Lilia’s head rested on your thighs.
You looked between all of their sleeping faces and smiled as you slowly drifted back to sleep. Peacefully knowing they would be there for you when you wake up.
I hope this is okay, and I apologize if this isn’t how you wanted it. If you want me to redo it, just let me know! Still, even if I messed up, I hope you enjoyed it!
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sandbees · 3 years
Parent! Yuu
Or, Yuu kidnaps adopts a child, and the first years + dorm leader’s reactions (and Crowley’s too)
Grim: Nyaa...today was relaxing...
Yuu: Yeah...you know, visiting the village here is pretty fun. I can’t believe Headmaster allowed us to visit for the weekend.
Grim: Tch, I’m dreading tomorrow.
Yuu: Ah, it’ll be Monday, right? At least we’ll see everyone...
5 year old child: *In a box, crying*
Grim: Is- is that a child?
Yuu: ... *Walks over* Hey, are you ok?
Child: N...No. Mommy and daddy left me here.
Grim: ...
Yuu: ...
Yuu: This child is ours.
Grim: Wh- Yuu! We can’t take care of-
Child: :’(
Grim: ...
Grim: Ok, we’re keeping the child, I guess. But as my henchmen!
Yuu: *Holding a 5 year old and Grim* Hello headmaster. :)
Crowley: Hello, Yuu.
Crowley: waIT
Yeah, Yuu is going to give Crowley a heart attack. And he might ban them from going to the village again if they don’t explain right now. When the explanation is given, he graciously allows Yuu to adopt the child, but they have to pay for the necessities.
First Years:
I’d imagine their first reaction would be to scream.
Especially Deuce and Ace. They would be freaking out, because Yuu left for the weekend and the come back with a child.
“Who’s the father/mother?! I’m going to kick their ass-“
“Watch your fucking language in front of the child, Deuce!”
If people didn’t know Yuu had a kid, then they do now.
They’re going to be off put by the fact that Yuu has a kid, and are going to dump a thousand questions on them. It’s going to be a looonnnggg story on Yuu’s end.
But when they do get the full story, they’ll agree to babysit for Yuu if they need extra help.
They ask for the kid’s name (Percy/Penny or any other name you deem suitable)
I have a headcannon that the child Yuu picked up is twst Peter Pan-
Anyways, the first years do warm up to Yuu’s kid. (Though they’re slightly jealous that Yuu’s kid is taking away the attention of Yuu-)
This is a recipe for a Found Family AU and I’m a sucker for those-
Ace is like the cool big brother
Deuce is the dad that tries his best though he might mess up
Jack is the mom that’s overprotective but loves their kid to bits
Epel is the wine aunt/the cool uncle
And Sebek is the strict mother but at the same time the loving dad
Yuu’s kid is basically in the most chaotic but loving family.
Dorm Leaders:
When Yuu walked into the dorm leader meeting with a child, someone screamed. Who screamed? I don’t know, probably Riddle.
Vil is immediately on Yuu, scolding them for “being irresponsible” and “what did you do at the village”?
In reactions, the people who are shocked to speak are: Riddle, Azul, Idia, and Malleus
Vil is just scolding Yuu and Leona does not care (sort of. Another annoying brat? Goddamit Yuu)
Kalim is ecstatic! What’s the kid’s name? How old are they? Who’s the father/mother? (Who can the dorm leaders send someone after?) He’s so happy for them!
You retell the story; and honestly they’re open with letting a child run around the school (as long as they do not cause trouble)
Riddle is going to be a very strict and protective mother, but he’s also going to spoil the child with sweets Trey makes.
Leona is like the lazy uncle that babysits the kids and lets them do whatever they want. Sometimes he’ll humor them but don’t expect much from him.
Azul is never letting the kid go near Mostro Lounge. N o. There will be chaos and Azul will not put up with that. Still, he’s like that uncle that will occasionally give a lollipop to you when you see them.
Kalim is just so excited to hang out with your kid. He’s going to spoil them r o t t e n. Jokes to Yuu about them being parents together. The “fun” parent. (Jamil and Yuu worry when Kalim takes the kid on a joyride on the magic carpet)
I don’t think Vil would bother talking to Yuu’s kid unless they were interested in his passions. If they do, I imagine Vil being someone the kid looks up to; a guardian that they can look up to.
Idia is like a really cool older brother if you interact with him enough. Yuu can always trust Idia and Ortho to take care of their kid if they are busy. Idia shows Yuu’s kid cool games that they might be intrested in, and Ortho would show them the cool things he can do.
Malleus thinks the child is very...friendly around him. He’s happy that they aren’t scarred of them like everyone else (like new-adoptive-parent like kid, huh?). Malleus and Yuu definitely take the kid night walking in the forest whenever they can’t sleep.
In short, Yuu adopts a child and it becomes a Found Family AU which can be a self insert or something idk-
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