#Marc Marquez x Reader
starkwlkr · 1 year
🙏🏻🙏🏻 i just wanted to double check before requesting so i don't overwhelm your inbox! can i request an au for marc marquez? fans are speculating as to why y/n hasn't been seen at races and has gone radio silent on social media and marc not posting cute stories with her and they think they might've broken up but turns out they had a baby instead? dad!marc has been on my mind for some reason haha. Thank you!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
daddy’s little fan | marc marquez
thank you anon for the request!! dad!marc is always on my mind 🫶🏼
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Liked by marcmarquez93, fabioquartararo20 and 780,377 others
y/n.l/n looks like i have competition for the title of the biggest marc marquez fan 🥲
fabioquartararo20 i hope he likes the onesie i gifted him!
y/n.l/n he loves it, thank you Fabio!!
marcmarquez93 you two can be my biggest fans ❤️
y/n.l/n santiago and i love you 🤍
motogp Marc’s biggest fan is always welcome in the paddock!
alexmarquez73 the favorite uncle is coming to visit!
marcmarquez93 santi said to bring snacks
alexmarquez73 😐😐
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marcmarquez93 has added to their story
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Liked by motogp, alexmarquez73 and 647,908 others
marcmarquez93 resting with my number one fan before COTA ❤️ and y/n is here too
y/n.l/n love you too 🙄❤️
fabioquartararo20 is santi joining us in the paddock?😉
marcmarquez93 he already wants to get on the bike 😊
alexmarquez73 he’s going to win more world championships than you, I’m calling it right now
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pretend it says the baby’s name on marc’s helmet ok? ok 😍😘
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liked by y/n.l/n, pierregasly and 34,477 others
motogp here’s to daddy’s little fan! marcmarquez93 dedicated his COTA win to his newborn son, Santiago. Congratulations on fatherhood, Marc!
wagstyle they’re the best parents already 🥲
fammarquez all the post race interviews are so adorable! love how he talks about his son and y/n
63peccofans63 him putting the hat on baby marquez was my favorite part 😭
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 months
Marc Marquez x reader x Carlos Sainz love triangle.
Read Part 1 here
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3 years ago
With every step towards the garage your heart beat faster and faster, you have been working with the brand for what felt like forever and you finally got it. Redbull social media specifically focused on MotoGP you honesty would’ve been happy with any type of racing but you were ecstatic with your placement.
You don't know why you were nervous everyone has told you again and again how kind Marc was but you’ve had some unsavory experiences with other athletes coming up that didn’t understand or appreciate the new way of technology and in turn you.
You tried to keep your head up walking into the Repsol garage being amazed by the fast past everything was moving at. Being so caught up you jumped when a hand landed on your arm.
“I’m sorry, I’m Marc didn't mean to scare you.” He spoke holding a hand out for you, happily taking it. “Hi I'm Y/n, a part of the media team, its so nice to meet you”
Marcs eyes widened. “A new member of the family! please allow me to show you around.” He lead you all around the paddock introducing you to everyone you passed. Ending back at the Repsol garage he left you to a meeting with your boss wishing you good luck before he sped off to practice.
“He’s really nice right?” You spun to the right at the new voice seeing a slightly older than you blonde woman, who nodded to where you were watching Marc leave.
“Out of all the people I’ve worked with this team is by far the best and most welcoming, I'm Susan by the way while I'm technically in charge as long as you do the job and don't cause havoc we won’t have an issue.” She winked making you drop your shoulders and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, making her laugh.
“Come on, I’ll show you the best spots for content during the race.”
1 year later (2 years ago)
“I’m really glad you let me come.” Marc spoke almost shyly with a red dusting across his cheeks as he followed your lead down the streets of your hometown. “How could i not, you practically begged.” You teased, smiling as you looked up at him as you stopped walking now there was only a few inches between you both.
“I’d beg just to learn your favorite color if that’s what it took.” He whispered, his fingertips grazing your cheek as he moved a strand of hair out of your face. Marc wishes he remembered the moment he fell for you, when he stopped seeing only the color of your eyes and started seeing his everything in them. But it's times like this he almost doesn’t care when, just that it’s there now.
“It’s red.” You answered breathlessly almost speechless from the was he was gazing at you. Your heart started racing as you noticed how close he’d gotten, his breath fanning across your face. “Tell me to stop.”
“I don't want you to.” Clutching his shirt in your hands to keep him close. Marc laughed lowly brushing his noes against yours, “Then tell me to kiss you.” He had to hear it, he had to know you wanted it as bad as he did before he did anything that couldn't be taken back.
Tired of waiting you pulled on his shirt crashing his lips against yours, Marc got over the shock instantly, pulling you tighter against him, so close you couldn’t tell where you ended and he began . Pulling away only when the need to breathe became overwhelming, even then he didn’t move away far.
“I really wish you would’ve done that sooner.” He smiled against your lips, and reluctantly stepped back remembering you were in public. Not before taking your hand in his. “Where’s that cafe you wanted to show me?” At his words you lit up practically dragging him in your excitement “Oh it’s right around the corner come on!”
During the season you shared many moments like the one shared then, getting closer and closer to each other and after the season you and Marc found yourselves back in your hometown it was just small enough that no one bombarded him plus he had never seen you so relaxed than when you were there. So his pushed to come back during the break.
“Come on champ i thought you were an athlete!” You shouted behind you where Marc was, you wanted to show him one of your favorite hikes it was rough but the view up top was worth it.
“I’m just making sure you don’t fall behind amore.” Marcs words dragged making you look back seeing his eyes locked on your butt, he only smiled being caught making you laugh.
Reaching the top, you shouted in excitement spinning around “we made it! Marc quickly wrapped you in his arms spinning you around kissing all over your face. “Marcy!” You giggled meeting his lips as he set you down.
“Come on we need a picture to remember this great feat.” You cozied up to Marc as you held out your phone being sure to get the view behind you, and capturing Marcs wide grin.
“One last photo together hm?” He said, looking everywhere but at you, sighing you rubbed his arm “It’s hardly the last time we will see each other, I’ll only be gone one season.”
“Practically forever.”
Out of all the things you expected to see once you turned the corner was to see Marc and Carlos in some stand off their respective teams separating the two men. “What’s going on?”
Carlos who was just shaking out of Charles hold looked like a deer caught in headlights. “Nothing”
You looked to Marc knowing he would tell you the truth. But he just walked past you pausing once your shoulders met staring at the wall ahead. “I take it back, don’t pick him.”
Spinning around you grabbed his arm not at all finished with the conversation.
“You always tell me what to do first, not to fall for you now, don't fall for him what do you want!” You exclaimed not able to handle the mixed signals it nearly broke your heart when Marc told you nothing could happen between you two all those years ago because you worked together.
Flashback 1 year and a half ago
You and Marc layed by the pool soaking in the sun, legs tangled together. Smiling as you felt him press small kisses leading to your neck from your shoulder. “Stop” you laughed softly. Pushing him away just making him tighten his hold even more ensuring you couldnt escape. Caressing his face when he pulled away from your neck running your thumb over his cheek bone as he gazed at you.
“What color tie are you going to wear to the gala this year.” You asked out of the blue making his brows furrow and pull away further, making your hand drop. “Probably black why?”
“I wanted to make sure my dress matched.” Being a part of Redbull socials you were invited anyway and thought it would be cute to tie together. But seeing the look he got on his face you were starting to second guess yourself.
“You know no one can know we’re doing this right?” Your world screeched to a stop like a scratched record at his words. “What?” You breathed out. Marc sat up pulling away from you and sighed. “I don't want it to look bad on you if it got out, i care about you and don't want you to get all the hate you’d get for being with me. But we can still dance at the gala.” He spoke cuddling back into you, which you were gad for so he couldn't see your eyes glassing over. “Yeah” your voice cracked “yeah we can.”
(Flahback over)
Marc sighed. “We both knew being just friends would never work.” He grabbed the back of your neck pressing his lips against your forehead. “I’m so sorry for what i said before but i was always yours and i hope you’ll be mine one day.”
With those as his parting words you found yourself alone, needing time for your thought you decided to walk through the paddock to clear your head. Your heart eached seeing Ferrari red everywhere. After Marc shut down any chance of being serious, you begged for a change of scenery landing a place in F1 more specifically Toro Rosso whatever pain you felt Carlos helped you overcome and then you went back to MotoGP and everything got complicated.
“Y/N! Y/n wait!” Your body froze before you could think Carlos stood in front of you the next moment his eyes begging you to hear him out.
“I’m sorry you had to see that, you weren’t supposed to.” He breathed out, hands twitching like he fighting the urge to reach out. “Didnt apologize for doing it” he everted his gaze at your words before straighting up taking a deep breath.
“I know you have feelings for both of us, and i know i can’t do anything about it. But i just want you to remember who broke your heart and who picked up the pieces.” Carlos squeezed your hand that you didn't know he grabbed before turning to walk away,
You sighed falling onto your bed at the hotel, you knew it wouldn’t be smooth sailing with Marc showing up at Carlos race but you didn't expect this much trouble. Carlos was right he did pick up the pieces of your heart after Marc broke it, but part of you wondered what would’ve happened if you didn't run to F1 after that conversation.
During that season Marc didn’t disappear he made his presence known despite the unopened text from him in your phone he still sent flowers to every race and invited you back to Spain for the summer, perhaps he was right. Being just friends would never work
Your inner monologue being cut short by your phone going off, leaning over with a groan your brows furrowed at the text.
Carlos: check your email.
Ignoring the message you open your emails seeing a brand new one from Ferraris head of marketing personal email.
“Hello Y/n, it has come to our attention you were looking at other options outside of your current employer, you have come highly recommended from some of our employees during your time in F1 a few years ago and we would love to add you to our team. Given your close relationship to one of our drivers we think you would make a wonderful addition.
We have reviewed your current contract with Redbull and would like to offer to buy it out and add a 20% raise to your salary plus benefits. No need to interview please get back to us at your soonest convenience.
Scuderia Ferrari, Social media, Marketing team
Practically throwing your phone across the room your breathing picked up. While it was a fantastic offer and one that would definitely keep you and Carlos together it wasn’t what you wanted, wasn’t who you wanted.
Rushing from your bed you pulled open the door to your room and ran through the hallway stopping abruptly as you nearly bumped into Marc a few feet away.
“What’s wrong?” What are you doing out here.” You both spoke simultaneously.
“Ferrari offered to buy me out of my contract.” You rushed out making Marc roll his eyes and chuckle humorlessly. “So that’s what he meant.”
“You, you knew?” You stammered over your words. “That’s what he told me earlier” you’ve never seen Marc so withheld before, at least not with you.
“And you didn't tell me!” You exclaimed, Marc sighed running his hand over his face. “If it’s what you wanted i didn’t want to stop you. Would it kill me, yes, but all i want is for you to be happy even without me.”
“How good is the contract?” He asked before you could say anything, keeping a good few feet between you.
“Really good.” His face hardened at your words nodding his head he made a move to turn away before you stopped him.
“But not good enough to leave you.”
Marc spun back around so fast though thought he would’ve broken something making you giggle. “Really?” He asked needing to be sure it wanted to his imagination. “Ever since that kiss you’re all i wanted.” You whispered being afraid any louder tone would break the spell.
Marc quickly erased the distance between you and wrapped you in his arms nuzzling his nose against yours.
“Tell me you’re mine.” He smiled against your lips reminding you of the first time.
“I’m yours, i pick you.”
That next break you found yourself back sun bathing with Marc at your home in Spain, the sun shining off his wedding ring from its place on your thigh. Your husband sending daggers at stitch who was lounging in your arms.
“I never thought id be jealous of a dog.” He grumbled laying his head back down on your chest when you giggled. “Aw poor baby.” Rubbing your hand through his hair, feeling him smile against your skin. While it was a rollercoaster getting there you wouldn’t change the life you had for anything.
Woah what a ride i hope you guys liked it let me know in the comments Carlos’s part will be out soon check out part one and Carlos part here
Best of both worlds prt1
Best of MotoGP Marcs ending
Best of F1 Carlos ending coming soon
check out my master list for more
Tag list @starxqt @motylekrozi @yeolsbubbles @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mooone90 @damianodavidhands @zig-zzag @its-astrotea-love @peakywitch @obsessed-fan-alert @lenniebordeaux @marelovesf1 @capela-miranda @enjoymyloves @amsofftrack @coffeehurricanes @speedysimp @jasondeservedbetter @chilwell-mount @buendiabebeta @dan3avacado @valkyrie418 @ricsaigaslec @idkiwantchocolate @mydutchproblem @thercher @blckgrl-sunflower @xjval @downinroma @pleasantducktimetravel @princessria127 @caidi-paris @mehrmonga
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hamiltonfilms · 1 year
Hellooo i was hoping to request an insta au where reader was dating an F1 driver before they split, and it's not a nice breakup either, and after the split reader starts dating marc márquez? If not that's totally okay too!
pairing : marc márquez x female!reader
summary : after charles cheats on you with his ex you start hating yourself until you find the love that has been waiting for you since childhood
warning: betrayal, hospital, falling in love, childhood friends to love
a/n: so I like it and thank you for your request and I look forward to more requests haha, English is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes, no hate for Charlotte i personally adore her and she is my queen 💅
photo credits: Pinterest
APRIL 2023
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liked by lewishamilton, danielricciardo, susie_wolff and others
yourusername slow rendering south of Madrid but also in Madrid
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y/nhateclub 🤮🤮🤮
lewishamilton we all miss you
yourusername hug everyone for me
yukiswheelsss our queen
stargirllover this girl is amazing and doesn't deserve so much hate
MAY 2023
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and others
mercedesamgf1 p1 after month break
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marcmarquez93 Congrats Y/n it's your season I told you
user33 Mercedes is winnig!!!!!!!!!!
yourusername she's back!!!
mercedesamgf1 as goood as always
yourbestfriend karma is her boyfriend
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Liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73 and others
marcmarquez93 la vida es buena en un fin de semana libre
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yourusername Estás mejor en Madrid que nunca
marcmarquez93 eso no es cierto
motogpwags do we have a new wag alert
alexmarquez73 😏😏😏
y/nismywife do y/n and marc flirt with each other in the comments
yourusername added to their story
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marcmarquez93 added to their story
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Liked by marcmarquez93, lewishamilton, pierregasly and 947,638 others
yourusername mom look i'm a real cowboy and another win p1
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luisinhaoliveira99 😍😍
yourusername 😘
taylorswiftslay y/n cowboy is my new personality
alexandlillychild slaying in track but also slaying in the paddock
mercedesamgf1 our winner 🤍 
lestappenfan liked bt pierregasly?????
yourusername added to their story
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MARCH 2024
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Liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, charles_leclerc and others
marcmarquez93 our first year as a couple and hard launch
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lordpercivvval this man is incapable of not slaying 😭😲
yourusername very interesting selection of photos honey but get ready for revenge anyway
liked by marcmarquez93
y/nismyMJ f1 twitter is about to go into meltdown
user5 from ferrari boy to red bull man
redbullmotosports I think the kids say slay
alexmarquez73 I'm glad I don't have to keep this secret any longer
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Liked by Pierregasly, lewishamilton and 1,107,278 others
yourusername as my boyfriend ordered happy anniversary for us (maybe a year too long)
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incidentguy Now we know who the mystery man was
User22 y/n posting the worst pics and marc posting the cutest
Y/nismyMJ mother is a queen
lewishamilton this is so cute!!!!
• yourusername i know 🤍
a/n sorry for the mistakes but also for such a long waiting time but I didn't have time and I forgot the password to this account and I hope you like it
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the-offside-rule · 1 month
Marc Marquez (Ducati) - I'm Back
Requested: yes
Prompt: 57) "I am loving the helmet hair."
Warnings: nope
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The scorching asphalt of the MotoGP track still radiated heat as Marc Márquez guided his bike to a respectable second-place finish. The cheers of the crowd mingled with the ecstatic shouts of his team members as they greeted him in the pit lane. As he parked his bike, he ran towards his team, jumping into them as all Marc felt was numerous pats on the back.
Sweat glistened on his forehead as he removed his helmet, his adrenaline still surging from the intense race. Amidst the chaotic celebration, Marc's eyes sought out the one person who mattered most to him in that moment; his girlfriend, Y/n. He spotted her just to the left of him, a proud smile gracing her lips as she waved at him. With a grin, he made his way over, helmet in hand.
"There you are." He said, his voice slightly hoarse from the exertion of the race. "Did you see that?" He pressed a gebtle kiss onto her cheek as Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck. Y/n chuckled, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "Of course I did. I am so proud of you, babe." Marc's heart swelled with pride at her words. Leaning in, he pressed another quick kiss to her lips before pulling back, his grin widening. "I had to come over and celebrate with my favorite person." He said to her. Y/n playfully nudged him. "Flatterer. How's it feel to be back on the track?"
"Like I never left." Marc replied with a shrug, though a hint of nostalgia tinged his words. "But it's good to be here, I couldnt have done this without you." Y/She laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh, I know. I'm basically your lucky charm." He chuckled, the sound rich and warm. "You definitely are." Y/n's gaze shifted to his disheveled hair, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "And I must say, I'm loving the helmet hair." Marc ran a hand through his tousled locks, giving her a playful look. "You mean this masterpiece?" He laughed, knowing full well how ridiculous he must look. She nodded, still grinning. "Absolutely. You should wear it like that more often."
"Maybe I will." He teased, leaning in to whisper conspiratorially. "Just for you." Y/n laughed, swatting his arm playfully. "You're impossible." Marc's smile softened, his gaze lingering on her face. "I love you." He said, the words sincere and heartfelt. "I love you too." She replied, reaching out to squeeze his hand. "I should go," Marc said reluctantly, giving Y/n a quick squeeze. "But I'll see you up there, okay?" Y/n nodded, her eyes shining with pride. "I'll be cheering for you the loudest."
With one last smile, Marc turned and made his way towards the podium, his heart light with the knowledge that Y/n was waiting for him, her unwavering support a constant source of strength. And as he stood atop the podium, the roar of the crowd echoing around him, he couldn't help but feel like the luckiest man in the world.
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its-all-or-nothing94 · 3 months
Formual 1 / MotoGP Fusion - Part 7
Summary: You are the first female MotoGP rider ever. You race for KTM Factory Racing, leaving Jack Miller your teammate, and one of your main sponsors is Red Bull. You grew up with most of the riders but your best friend is the multiple MotoGP Champion Marc Marquez. After your horrific crash the year before, you are ready to start the new season and probably a new love?
Pre-Story - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
A/N: Sorry for the long break - here wo go agaiiiin!
Ship: Not telling yet (Marc Marquez, Carlos Sainz or Charles Leclerc)
Warnings: none
Taglist: @laneyspaulding19, @luciaexcorvus, @raizelchrysanderoctavius, @darlingssaturn
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Y/NY/L/N22 ☑️ Nice, France
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Liked by marcmarquez93, charles_leclerc and 1'536'428 others
Y/NY/L/N22 Got myself a new toy 😄 and yes, I'm talking about the bike.
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marcmarquez93 😍😍 It's a beauty. Y/NY/L/N22 If you behave, I maybe let you ride it. 😉
charles_leclerc 😍
annie546 Did anyone notice, that she is in Nice? Only 30 minutes from Charles? 🤔
charles_lover Maybe they went on a tour together? I read that he owns a bike as well.
miasonda Did anyone notice, that she explicitly said that she meant the bike as a new toy? Like if we should mean something else? 😂😂
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charles_leclerc ☑️
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Liked scuderiaferrari, marcmarquez93 and 1'563'842 others
charles_leclerc A beautiful bike trip ☀️
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sania OMG there's the proof! He was on a bike tour with Y/N!😱😱
ferrarigirl HE WAS!
vaniasilo Did anyone else notice, that this is the first time, Charles posted his bike? 🤔
pierregasly Icon 💪🏼💪🏼 charles_leclerc Next time, you have to come, Mate!
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🔥 Y/N Y/L/N's Cryptic Post Sparks Intrigue: Is Charles Leclerc Her Co-Pilot on a Romantic Ride? 😱🏍️
😄 A new toy, a new adventure? Fans speculate as Y/L/N's Instagram post hints at a possible connection with Leclerc amid the scenic landscapes of Nice! 🚀🌉
Just when fans thought they had unraveled the tangled web of relationships surrounding MotoGP star Y/N Y/L/N, a new twist emerged as she posted a cryptic picture on Instagram, accompanied by a caption that set hearts racing. Y/L/N's intriguing post featured a snapshot of herself with a brand-new bike, along with the words, "Got myself a new toy 😄 and yes, I'm talking about the bike." The photo was taken in the picturesque city of Nice, France, located a mere 30 minutes away from Monaco, the hometown of F1 driver Charles Leclerc. 😱🏍️🌉
As fans quickly connected the dots, the speculation intensified. Could Y/L/N's newfound "toy" be symbolic of an exciting new chapter in her personal life? The proximity of Nice to Leclerc's hometown fueled rumors of a potential connection between the two racing stars, leaving fans breathless with anticipation. 🚀❤️
Fueling the fire of speculation, Charles Leclerc himself shared a picture on Instagram, showcasing his own bike, yet neither Y/L/N nor Leclerc tagged each other in their respective posts. This omission only added to the intrigue, leaving fans to ponder whether the two were on the scenic journey together. 🔍🧐
As social media erupted with debates and wild theories, followers and enthusiasts alike questioned whether the stunning landscapes of Nice played host to an intimate escapade between Y/L/N and Leclerc. With emotions running high and imaginations running wild, fans now find themselves on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting any further hints or confirmation of a blossoming romance between the two racing stars. 💘🌟
Amidst the exhilarating twists and turns of the love saga, one thing remains certain: the racing world will be forever captivated by the electrifying entanglements and unexpected connections that continue to unfold, both on and off the track. Strap on your helmets, folks, for the ride is far from over, and the truth may soon be revealed in the wind of their love-fueled adventures! 🏁🔥
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arthur_leclerc and lorenzotl started follow you
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Podium Celebrations
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In which Marc gets a well deserved reward after a hard fought podium
Pairing: Marc Márquez x Reader
Genre: Smut
A/N: reader is heavily implied to be female, softdom!Marc, use of Spanish and feminine endings (I’m not fully fluent so please let me know if I got anything wrong!) petnames, blowjob
“Oh, eres una buena chica para mí.”
Marc hadn’t even walked in two minutes ago and he was already tossing his head back, hands wrapped in your hair as you gave him little kitten licks. Your hands rested on the bruised leather on his thighs, keeping him up while his knees began to buckle. The arms of his leathers threatened to hit you every time you moved your head, but that was the least of your concerns right now. All that mattered was the man in front of you and the smile that hadn’t left his face since he got on that podium.
He started bucking his hips as you began to lightly suck on his head, fingers digging further into your scalp as you teased him. The saltiness on your tongue let you know he wasn’t going to be holding on for long, but you couldn’t help yourself. You thrived in the moment when you got to tease Marc as much as he teased you, but the way the man in front of you made your scalp start to sting may have other ideas.
“¿Estas tan ansiosa por mi no eres bebé?” He growled out, the pressure on your scalp lessening as he brushed the hair that had fallen in front of your face. You could hear the smirk decorating his face as you sunk further down onto him, opening your jaw as wide as you could to take all of him in.
His hands went to grip on the side of your head, thrusting in and out while you dragged your tongue on the underside of his cock as best as you could. Your moans vibrated around his cock, the wetness between your legs coating your thighs and pants as you started to grid against them. You could see the little bit of your panties peaking out of his leathers, having had you strip and give them to him as “good luck” before the race. You have a feeling you’re going to start doing that much more often after today.
The way you start to gag around his cock makes Marc moan, digging your hands further into his thighs as the grip on your face gets harsher and harsher. You start to move in time with his trusts, digging your nose against his pubic bone, your pants getting more and more soaked by the minute.
“Querida estoy-“ Marc moans out, releasing into your mouth. He holds you for a second before relaxing his grip, whimpering when he feels you continuing to lightly suck on him. Eventually you came off, a light string of cum connecting you to him.
“Abre a boca princesa.” Marc says, lightly tapping your jaw. You open up, letting him see you swallowed all of his cum, a wide smile breaking across his face. He tugs you up and brings you into his arms, pressing kisses all over your face as you giggle.
“Gracias princesa, eres tan buena conmigo.”
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safetycar-restart · 8 months
NOTE: This is an NSFW fic with sub!marc and dom!reader. If this you're under 18 or not interested, then scroll past. Otherwise click read more and if you like it, maybe check out the rest of my blog!
This is part of a kinktober project where I post a different fic with a different motorsports athlete every day, the concept for each day will be discussed more on my blog so if you have any thoughts about it, feel free to stop by :))
It's no secret that Marc likes a challenge, and when he gets a reward he likes to feel like he's really worked for it. And he loves being set clear challenges and rules that he has to obey, and they must be difficult challenges too. He wants to really work for it.
And one such challenge is a game you like to play with marc where you randomly decide to not let him cum for a long period of time. He isnt allowed to touch himself without permission, has to send you pictures whenever you ask, has to edge himself whenever you tell him to, and only gets to cum when you decide he's allowed.
Often you'll do this when he has a few away races.
You overstimulate him on the day before he leaves, making him cum so much that he's crying and begging for mercy, completely wrung dry. Then, once he was recovered, you informed him that he wouldn't be cumming again until he was back home with you. He isnt allowed to cum throughout the entire away stretch of races.
He smiles, fully ready for the challenge. He thrives when he has something like this to focus on, tasks to do, challenges to overcome, something to think about. He likes the feeling he gets when he starts to become desperate and unsatisfied, likes that he's feeling it because he's obeying you.
So of course he agrees, and he does exactly as he's told.
He has to edge himself once every night, and send you a picture of his cock every time. Which he does of course, followed by a selfie because he wants to.
He doesn't ask if he can cum, doesn't even think about asking because you've told him when he'll be allowed to and he wouldn't dream of doing it earlier than that.
Sometimes you'll call him when he texts to say he's edging, ask him to tell you about his day while he strokes himself. It drives him insane, because you don't dirty talk or instruct him or anything, you just ask him about his day, about where he's been, about how the bike felt, etc, and he has to answer seriously and properly or else you'll add another edge to the total.
When he whimpers and stutters, you tell him he has to edge one more time, some nights going up to five edges before he finally manages to answer you properly.
And he loves it.
Even though he's frustrated and so so turned on, he also sleeps so well because he's been good and he's done as you asked and he knows he will deserve his reward when the time comes.
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bestialopez · 6 months
break up | marc marquez
summary: you and marc are long time teammates but this gonna change in 2024
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liked by yourusername and 41 872 others
hrc_motogp we are delighted to announce that @/yourusername and @/marcmarquez93 will be teammates in 2023!
user fav duo is back🤩
marcmarquez93 let's go team🔥
You and Marc have been teammates since 2019. You two are always have been super competitive and this was proved by honda's wins and podiums. You two have been unbreakable always spending time together. You also are friends with his brother. People were even joking that you three are one big couple by the amount of time you had been spending.
2023 season started badly for Honda. Missing points and lots of crashes. It wasn't the same Honda as everyone knew. You two have been working so hard to get Honda the glory but nothing was working out. During summer break, the rumours started to spread. People were saying that Marc is gonna leave the team. You didn't wanted to believe them, especially when Marc wasn't giving any signals. Next months, you two have been working even harder but you felt that Marc is not as much motivated as you. All questions about the rumours was getting him mad so you didn't wanted to ask him the same question again. After the Indonesian Grand Prix, Marc asked you to go with him into his motorhome. You went and got suprised to heard these words:
Marc: I'm leaving Honda
You: WHAT?
Marc: I signed contract for 2024 with Gresini. You are the first one I actually told this.
You: Better tell this to the whole team you had been working since 2013.
All mad, you left his motorhome. You knew you should be happy for him but deep down you didn't wanted to lose him as a teammate. He was with you your whole motogp career and next year, he will be in way different garage. After this conversation, you haven't spoke to him until the next race. You knew that your reaction was bad and all you wanted was to apologise.
You: Can we talk?
Marc: Sure, what's up?
You: I'm sorry for my reaction last week. I'm super happy that you are going to better team and I acted a little bit selfish because it's gonna be so weird to have someone different as a teammate and friend.
Marc: Hey, you are not losing me. We might be in different teams but we still gonna be best buddies.
You: I hope for it.
Last 5 races have been tough. Honda was still struggling with scoring points and now also losing their best rider. Valencia weekend had been emotional for all of you. Marc was sad and very sentimental. Honda knew that they gonna be way different team since monday. You was happy for him and was trying to show it. You actually was the first one to run and congratulate him of scoring the podium in sprint. This is what he needed as a farewall. Sadly, none of you finished the last race of the season but you two shared an amazing moments and time during these 5 years together. Now you've became best friends and best rivals.
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liked by marcmarquez93 and 27 943 others
yourusername goodbye, you were bigger then the whole sky✨
marcmarquez93 i'll be next door😘
| yourusername IT'S NOT THE SAME
hope you like it xx
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parkerloves · 1 month
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for my gorgeous @adorepercy
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itsgxsly · 1 year
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Summary: Marc and you celebrate his 100 podiums in moto gp
Pairing: marc marquez x reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 309
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He had made it.
Marc had finished second and now he had completed 100 podiums during his moto gp career.
You were so proud of your boyfriend for it that you could hardly see from the tears you held back as you watched Marc finish the race in P2. You clapped in celebration with the team as you waited for Marc to come to the garage to congratulate him on his weekend achievement. You ran to the fence to see your boyfriend when he approached. He got off the moto when he left it in the corresponding position and started running towards where you were with his team, he let himself be hugged by all the members of Honda until he finally spotted you among all the tide of people. With the help of the team you approached to Marc, who as fast as he had you close he clung to you with his arms around your waist. You hugged his neck without caring that he was sweaty from the effort, you caressed his hair and left many kisses on his cheek with emotion, happy to have him in your arms.
"You don't know how proud I am of you, mi niño" you spoke close to his ear to overcome the noise of the screams.
"Thank you mi vida, thank you really for everything, for being here with me and supporting me." Marc clung to you, his voice trembling a little from all the accumulation of emotions.
You broke away from the hug when Marc was called to the podium, him placing a kiss on your lips, ready to collect his trophy.
You saw him with so much love and pride from where you were, watching your boy lift his trophy listening to the euphoric screams of the fans, your screams included too. You loved seeing him like this.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hi, I hope you're doing well! I love your social media aus for f1 and motogp!! I was wondering if you could do a motogp au for marc where his gf keeps being shipped with fabio and marc, even though he's a bit amused by it all, gets a little tired of seeing his gf shipped with someone else and posts about her leading to some playful banter in the comments between the two riders and friends? Thank you!
plot twist | marc marquez
faceclaim ester expósito
y/n.l/n has added to their story
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Liked by pecco63, alexmarquez73 and 564,480 others
y/n.l/n fabio actually knows how to take pictures
fabioquartararo20 I’m the best 😎😎
y/n.l/n keep telling yourself that
eldiablofans are you two still in spain?
y/n.l/n yes, we’re here with some friends 🥰
motogpupdates when did they confirm their relationship? they’re cute together
y/nscorner the update account is asking when 🧍🏻‍♀️
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Liked by danielricciardo, t0m06600 and 264,409 others
y/n.l/n ❤️❤️
marcmarquez93 quien es mas guapo?👀 (who’s more cute?)
y/n.l/n el mas alto 😍 (the taller one)
marcmarquez93 🙃
fabioquartararo20 ella lo dijo 😂 (she said it)
wagstyles my favorite relationship
marcmarquez93 your favorite?🤨
View all 109,378 comments
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Liked by fabioquartararo20, carlossainz55 and 583,839 others
Marcmarquez93 I take even better photos. Te amo y/n.l/n ❤️
fabioquartararo20 you stole my girlfriend!
marcmarquez93 you stole her first 👀
y/n.l/n i will break up with you both
slayfabio what in the plot twist
marquezupdates marc got tired of seeing the fabio and y/n edits 😭
marcmarquez93 yes i did 😌
View all 353,298 comments
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Liked by marcmarquez93, pierregasly and 436,390 others
y/n.l/n so i lied 🙄 my favorite wasn’t the tall one
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Best Of Both Worlds
Love triangle Carlos Sainz x Reader x Marc Marquez
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If it isn’t my favorite media girl!” Carlos shouted seeing you standing outside the redbull garage. Rushing over to give you a hug. You had both met when Carlos drove for Redbull you were with the brands media team rather than the racing team so while it wasn’t often he saw you here it wasn’t out of the ordinary, but he would admit he drove better when he knew you were watching.
“My parents have been asking when you’re coming over for dinner again?” The Ferrari driver spoke not letting you go as he whispered in your ear. He knew you’d rather keep your on and off relationship between the both of you, which he was fine with, except for one issue.
“Sainz, been a while.” and there was the issue also known as Moto GPs Marc Marquez. Who despite the wide smile on his face as he cozied up next to you sent daggers to the other Spaniard. Who was more than happy to play along.
“Marc i didn’t know you still raced?” He spoke with fake enthusiasm but the look of disappointment you shot him made him feel a small twinge of regret. Marcs shoulders stiffened. “I took a season off for injury yes, but I’m back now.” His words were clipped not wanting to start one of their classic back and fourths in front of you.
Releasing a breath when one of Marcs bike mechanics called him over, he begrudgingly left you alone with Carlos. Who’s eyes narrowed at you immediately.
“Carlos.” You sighed already knowing where this was heading. “I can’t believe you brought him to my race.” He spat the word ‘him’ like it was poison on his tongue. His hand ran through his hair in an attempt to calm down.
“I didn’t bring him Carlos, Redbull wants him to race Max I’m just doing my job.” He knew that, he did but he hated that you worked closer with Moto GP, and in turn Marc. Carlos often wished he would’ve signed any contract Toro Rosso would’ve put in front of him if it would’ve kept you closer.
Knowing that he didnt mean to snap at you, you sighed softening your tone reaching to rub his arm. “I have to get back to work but good luck with the race, i’ll be cheering for you.” His smile that you loved broke through his perused lips as you kissed his cheek.
“I want another one of those when i win.” He sang cockily as he walked backwards towards Ferrari still keeping eye contact making you laugh as he almost tripped. Entering the Redbull garage you saw Marc shooting you glances from his conversation with Max Verstappen, while Carlos made his dislike for the rider more apparent Marc hid it better but you could see a little unease in his eyes when Carlos got a little two close.
“Wish me luck Amore.” Marc winked, straddling his bike before pealing out to meet Verstappen on the starting line.
When you started working for Redbull you were placed with MotoGP, Repsol to be exact, Marc who was already a multiple world title holder quickly befriended you seeing how out of place you felt, and made you feel like part of their little family.
Then you got a chance to shadow F1 where you met Carlos, and while it broke your heart leaving Repsol, Carlos helped ease the pain, and you became close to both men, spending the off season split between the two you were best friends, until it became clear they wanted more. That’s where it got complicated.
You sighed, letting your mind wander to the first summer you spent with Carlos in Spain.
“I’m going to have a tan line of your hand if you don’t move.” You hummed in relaxation as the boat rocked gently on the waves practically begging sleep to take you and it would’ve if the constant movement of Carlos’s thumb rubbing against your skin didn’t set it ablaze.
“Now why would I move, you know I like my marks on you.” His voice dripping with every ounce of that Spanish passion he possessed, leaning down to press wet kisses across your spine. Water dripping down on you from his hair a stark contrast to the heat coming off him.
Flipping over gazing up at him the golden hour sun bouncing off his skin making it appear as if he was glowing. And if anyone asked he’d agree he felt like he was glowing from the inside out whenever he was around you. From the second he was introduced to you he fell hard, like every hit romance movie ever made.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” You asked feeling almost insecure under his intense gaze. He laughed softy, shaking his eyes before reconnecting your eyes.
“I just can’t wait for the future, I’ll get a contract with a bigger team maybe McLaren or Ferrari and you can come with me, traveling the world together. Doesn’t that sound perfect.” His eyes lit up with his excitement while yours did the opposite. While it sounded amazing you knew it wasn’t guaranteed.
“You know I was only shadowing for this season Carlos, I don’t know where I’ll end up after that.” You hated how he visibly deflated for a moment before perking back up.
“Then I’ll sign with Redbull and put it in my contact that you come with me!”
“It will work!” He defended when you laughed. Reaching to cup his cheek. “We’ll see.”
Words can’t describe how happy you were to be back at the hotel and lounge in bed. Just as you got comfortable your phone dinged.
Marc: ‘Come up to my room there’s something I want to show you <3.’
Your heart skipped a beat seeing his contact photo that you took of him when you brought him to your home town after he practically begged you to show him where you came from, wanting to learn as much about you as he could.
You took him to your favorite spot one the one with memories where the smile wouldn’t come off your face and you made him take a selfie with you to see who’s smile was bigger, knowing he was known for his among his fans.
You were surprised to see it was on the same floor as your room figuring Redbull would’ve given him a penthouse for the duration of his stay.
“Mi amor, you came!” His signature smile clear across his face as he stepped aside for you to come in, wrapping you in his arms the second you did. Unable to help yourself you sunk into his arms the comfort you felt overwhelming.
When he pulled back it was just far enough to look into your eyes. “Come.” He whispered pressing a kiss to your forehead gently pulling you by your hand to the balcony. As you looked around you noticed it was the same layout as your room. He blushed when you mentioned it. Giving you a little shrug. “I always make sure you get the best rooms you’re an important part of the team.”
The scene on the balcony took your breath away and despite it being late and him in matching attire your sweats and T-shirt feel very underdressed for the fairy lights he strung up, your favorite dessert set in the center of the little table overlooking the beautiful city scape.
Marc was anxiously watching your reaction as you took it in. Marc didn’t fall for you the second he saw you like in the books you read. Instead it came like a tsunami slowly at first as he got to know you then it hit him with how incredible you are and how he couldn’t imagine his life without you.
Pulling your chair out for you waving off your thanks ‘I’ll make every single day special when we’re together’ he said in his head.
As you both ate you made small talk saying everything and nonsense at the same time. The air was light until Marc paused with a sigh and nodded to your shirt. Confused you looked down and cursed, Carlos’s old redbull shirt.
“I’m so sorry it must’ve gotten mixed in with my work shirts I didn’t mean to.” You rushed out hoping he knew it was honestly a mistake.
Marc stood just enough to pull his chair closer to yours and grabbed both your hands in his. Looking so deep into your eyes you were almost worried at what he’d see.
“I’d never make you do this but I’ve been wanting to say it.” Marc paused making sure he had your full attention.
“If you ever have to choose between me and him.” Swallowing the lump that suddenly formed in his throat at what he was about to say. “Pick who makes you happy, even if it’s not one of us, you and I will be fine we were friends before and we will be after so don’t worry about that. Just…just be as happy as I am when I’m with you.”
The truth behind his eyes made yours start to tear up, you knew deep down you’d have to pick one day and now it felt like the hours are ticking down.
At the same moment unbeknownst to either of you a knock sounded at your hotel room down the hall the ponding raising in volume the longer it went one making your coworker in the next room peak out. She sighed seeing the Ferrari driver.
“Hey Susan right?” Carlos asked snapping his fingers when he remembered her name. “Do you know where Y/n is?”
His shoulders dropped the longer it took her to respond, his lips pursed. “She’s with Marc isn’t she?” Susan looked away giving him his answer. “Unbelievable.” He huffed storming back to his room.
The next day Carlos was on a mission, he had spent all night and early morning making phone call after phone call email after email. Carlos knew Honda would’ve put Marc in the Redbull VIP section to watch the race and that’s exactly where he found him. “We need to talk.” Marc almost jumped at the sudden hand landing on his shoulder.
Standing from his stool he motioned for Carlos to lead the way, the paddock being his territory. Finding an empty hallway away from reporters that would love the drama between the two racers especially over that same girl. Carlos spun on his heels. Almost nose to nose with the other Spaniard.
“Stay away from my girl Marquez.” Marcs brows rose at the demand and laughed.
“She’s not your girl Sainz,”
“Well she’s sure as hell not yours!”
“Exactly!” The two men went silent as Marcs words settled between them only harsh breathes were heard. “She’s not mine and she’s not yours, she hasn’t picked one or the other.” Carlos snickers like he knew something the other man didn’t.
“Well she will have to soon. Ferrari is offering her a deal by the end of the weekend.” Carlos was about to storm off but was handed back by a now furious Marc.
“You can’t force her to choose, actually go ahead and do it run her straight into my arms, go on ahead!” Marc held his arm out welcoming the driver to walk past.
“If you’re so confident tell her to take the Ferrari gig its a good job i made sure.” He paused lowering his voice taunting leaning closer like he was sharing a secret. “You know, I think you are worried she’ll take it, because while she met you first, she fell for me first, must not be as good as you thought you were.”
Marc rolled his eyes, was the man that dumb, huffing out a breathe through his nose he set his hands on his hips. “And if you were more confident you wouldn’t have to offer her a different job to get her.”
Carlos laughed but a hint of truth was found in his words, he was worried, the frantic calls to Mattia and threats to quit were definitely acts of desperation. And he hated Marc could tell.
“I can give her more than you can.” Was his weak resort.
“Yeah, what can a 8 time world champion possibly give her?” Marc sarcastically nodded. Carlos clenched his jaw, and clenched his fist. Before he could swing he got yanked back by his cocked arm by Charles.
“What the hell?!” Charles shouted as Carlos struggled against him. Attracting attention to the once private hallway as more men ran in to break up the two racers. Both men froze at the new voice.
“What’s going on?” They both turned to look at you. Charles loosening his grip as Carlos froze, giving him the chance to break free and adjust his shirt, trying to play it off. “Nothing.” He shrugged.
Now that he had calmed down the Ferrari crew that came with Charles to find his teammate escorted Carlos out with them leaving you, Marc and a few other VIPs.
Marc walked passed you until you were shoulder to shoulder, not looking at you as he faces the wall behind you. “I take it back, don’t pick him.” He continued walking leaving you alone with a looming clock hanging over the three of you that just started ticking.
Next parts coming soon
Carlos Pick your choice Marc
Best of F1 Best of MOTOGP
Woah I loved this so much!! Hope you guys did too let me know in the comments. I love these two and loved writing this part two will be one for each so you get to pick. Coming soon
F1 masterlist Motogp masterlist
I included my F1 tags since Carlos is F1 obviously.
@starxqt @motylekrozi @yeolsbubbles @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mooone90 @damianodavidhands @zig-zzag @its-astrotea-love @peakywitch @obsessed-fan-alert @lenniebordeaux @marelovesf1 @capela-miranda @enjoymyloves
@amsofftrack @coffeehurricaness @speedysimp @jasondeservedbetter @chilwell-mount @buendiabebeta @dan3avacado @valkyrie418 @ricsaigaslecc
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Valentine’s day headcannon
Fabio Quartararo
- Valentine's Day is usually a busy day for the both of you has he has training and you have work so generally you don't get to spend too much time together
- despite that Fabio still likes to do things to make you smile so when he wakes up he makes heart shaped pancakes for you which took him quite a while as you don't have any heart shaped cookie cutters that he could use
- all the effort is worth it to him as soon as you send him a text thanking him along with a picture of you smiling with the pancakes because he just wanted to make you smile
- during the day he stops his training so that he can text you during your lunch break as otherwise you wouldn't hear from each other until the evening and he can't wait that long on any normal day but especially on Valentine's Day as if he could he'd spend all day with you
- he gets home first and has to wait until you eventually get home but the second you do he is at the door giving you kisses all over your face and refusing to let go even for a few seconds to let you take your coat off
- eventually he does let go and he tells you to get changed as he made dinner reservations at your favourite restaurant so you drag him upstairs with you to help choose your outfit as he really likes to do it
- once you are dressed he stands in the bathroom with you with his hands around your waist as you do your hair and makeup and he even helps by curling the back of your hair that is harder for you to see
- when you get there the restaurant is very busy like expected but once you are sat down together it is like no one else is in the room as all you are focused on is each other and enjoying the moment
- the dinner was lovely and you both enjoyed getting to go on a date as those aren't always a regular occurrence but when you got home and collapsed on the sofa together that was when the celebrations truly began as you can relax together
- for the rest of the evening you just lay together talking about anything and everything which is one of your favourite past times as when given the chance Fabio can come out with the most random things and the best stories which is always fun
- only when it's really late do you guys go to bed and fall asleep cuddling like always
Marc Marquez
- Marc doesn't like the traditions that come with Valentine's Day because he thinks that it doesn't hold as much meaning if you just go along with the traditions so the two of you have your own traditions which he much prefers
- something he really loves about you is that you aren't bothered about going out for Valentine's Day and in fact would much rather stay in and spend quality time with him which is exactly what he likes to do as he always thinks it's just so busy that you don't enjoy yourself
- one of the things he likes to do is get your favourite things instead of getting roses and chocolates he will get you your favourite flowers or a little plant for the house and your favourite snacks just purely for you so you don't have to share with him
- after you get home from work he will have everything set out in the kitchen for you along with a little note which as you read he will come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist
- as much as Valentine's Day is about the two of you as a couple Marc likes to make the day about you because he says that you make enough sacrifices for him with racing and everything that he wants to use the day to treat you
- instead of going out for dinner he will make sure he has all the ingredients to make your favourite meal which over time he has perfected with some help from your mum as she gave him her recipe which is the one you love
- while he cooks you sit with him in the kitchen because even if he doesn't let you help you like to be there to talk with him and when he has things in the oven you can dance in the kitchen together the the music Marc put on
- neither of you can dance very well but that made it more fun as you both swayed it the music and tried to avoid stepping on each other's feet or falling over which went well until the timer for dinner went off making you both jump and step on each other's feet
- dinner was lovely but Marc then surprises you again with desert which he made when he got back form training which was incredibly delicious so you had to make him promise to make it again some time or give you the recipe
- after washing up the dishes the both of you lay down on on the sofa to watch movies together which is where you both fall asleep as you were too tired to go up to bed
Alex Marquez
- quite often you don't celebrate Valentine's Day on the 14th as either the both of you are busy or one of you is so usually you just choose a day around that time when you are both free to celebrate properly
- for this reason you often keep things quite relaxed as the both of you are quite chill in general so Valentine's Day celebrations are just whatever you want them to be whether thats laying on the sofa and having a lazy day or actually going out somewhere together
- on actual Valentine's Day you still do something to at least acknowledge the traditions even if you aren’t celebrating that day
- Alex will leave later for training in the morning so that you two can spend some of the morning together and he can make breakfast for you before you have to leave for work
- during the day it's like any other day but when you both get home you are a little more clingy with each other and give each other extra affection as that's all you really need to know that you both truly love each other
- instead of getting on with more work during the evening you put your laptop away and just spend the whole night with Alex which makes a change as usually at one of you gets caught up in work for most of the night so you make a promise to not think about work all evening
- for dinner you don't do anything special but you do make it together which allowed you to spend more quality time together which is what you always try to make Valentine's Day about and luckily this time you avoided any disagreements over stupid things which can happen quite often when you are in a certain mood
- after eating you move to the sofa where you put a movie on which inevitably neither of you will pay attention to but that's all part of the fun of half celebrating Valentine's Day
- while sat down you do exchange gifts as that's something you like to do on the 14th but unlike some couples you never really get each other expensive things you alway set a budget and usually buy gag gifts for each other as that's just the way you are together plus it always makes you both laugh
- for the rest of the night you usually play games together before going to bed like normal but the only difference is that Alex usually holds you just a little bit closer as you begin to fall asleep
Pecco Bagnaia
- he always takes the day off training and you take the day off work so that you can spend the whole day together just the two of you as it's not often that you get to be together all day so Valentine's Day is the day you always try to make that happen
- the two of you sleep in and then stay in bed for a bit longer cuddling which always involves him playing with your hair as he loves to run his hands through it and do different hairstyles on you  
- eventually he gets up but he doesn't let you get up because after a few minutes he comes back with breakfast for you to eat in bed but not just a normal breakfast he brings in some pastries which you can tell he must have ordered from a local bakery
- when you finally get up you just move to laying on the sofa together instead which is when Pecco put the tv on and turned on some cheesy romance movies which he usually hates but on Valentine's Day he will watch them with you
- you two have a very lazy day just laying on the sofa but that was exactly what you both wanted the plan was to relax and spend the day together before the season gets underway and you get very busy yet again
- for dinner neither of you really want to cook so you order a takeaway which is a very rare occurrence as during the season Pecco tries to eat healthy and then he usually does the same over off season to stay in shape
- the two of you eat more than you probably should which is why you decided to go out for a walk to burn some calories and to get out the house which you try to do every day if you can
- when you go out it is really nice out and the sun is just starting to set so the two of you decide to walk to a local park to properly watch the sunset together and use the opportunity to take some nice pictures together
- you spend quite a while sat in the park watching the sun set and then looking at the stars as they were just mesmerising to look at as there was so many visible in the sky but eventually it gets cold and you both walk back home
- once back home you end up back in bed ending the day like it started by cuddling
Jorge Martin
- Jorge likes to make Valentine's Day all about you so he always asks what you want to do before planning anything as he wants to make sure you enjoy the day and don't just pretend to have fun for him
- the two of you always use the day to do something fun together so it's not often that you just go out to dinner because you can do that any other day so you always plan something else to do together instead
- over time Jorge has taken you to do many fun things like going to water parks, riding quad bikes and other things but your favourite days are the ones where you get to relax a little bit as well as your life is usually pretty crazy
- when testing sort of clashes with Valentine's Day he brings you with him and seeing as he has nothing to do on the day the two of you decide to go to the beach nearby which you have been dying to visit as it looks so inviting
- while at the beach you get to relax and read a book for a while and go swimming with Jorge or more like swim for a while before getting into a water fight with each other which Jorge very much won
- in the afternoon Jorge surprises you with a trip out on a boat to go snorkelling which was the best experience there was so many colourful fish and to be so close to them was just amazing and the whole trip back you couldn't stop thanking Jorge for organising it
- once back on land you go back to the hotel and spend a bit of quality time together which involves a lot of cuddles and constant kisses from Jorge on your cheek, neck or lips depending on where he could reach
- in the evening Jorge makes you get changed to go for dinner because as much as it's not something you always do on Valentine's Day seeing as he dragged you out to testing with him he wanted to make the day extra special
- the restaurant was right on the beach and has a brilliant view out to the water as the sun was setting and the night sky taking over and not only was the view amazing the food was too so the both of you made the most out of the trip and ate far too much but it was with it
- once back from the restaurant you stay up until the early hours of the morning talking about fun memories you have together and how you can't wait to make more memories in the future
Joan Mir
- Joan is very sweet in general but on Valentine's Day he is on a whole other level he is constantly complimenting you and making you blush but that doesn't stop him as he wants you to feel glad about yourself
- he always gets up extra early and sneaks out of bed to go and make a nice breakfast which he wakes you up with so that you will still have enough time to get ready and not be late for work
- he also leaves late for training so that he can spend the morning with you which you tell him not to do as you don't want him to change his training for you but he stays anyway and joins you in your morning routine
- while on your lunch break at work Joan will come and visit you and bring you some flowers and some lunch for the both of you so that you can eat together during your break
- Joan stays for the entirety of your break so that you can eat together and then you can show him the things you have been working on as you always talk about it but he can never see exactly what you are doing
- for the rest of the day all your coworkers are coming over and asking where you got the flowers and then telling you how lucky you are to have Joan which leaves you with a big smile on your face throughout the rest of the day which continues when you tell Joan about it back at home
- once back home you and Joan get changed into comfy clothes and then head to the kitchen to make dinner together which you and agreed to do the week before so got all the ingredients in preparation
- you did everything together which involved a lot of Joan standing behind you with his arms next to you waist as you mix ingredients together or he puts his hands over yours to make it seem like he's helping even though he just wants to be close to you
- while you are plating up what you made Joan disappears and only when you bring the plates to the dining table do you realise that he has set up candles and put a bunch of roses on the table to make a really romantic atmosphere
- after dinner Joan ran a bath for you and again lit candles and put some rose petals in the water with a bath bomb which made it extra relaxing but you just wanted to get out and cuddle with Joan in bed which is exactly what you did
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the-offside-rule · 6 months
Marc Marquez (Ducati) - The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Day 4 of Christmas
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As Y/n sat down in her family living room, she couldn't help but feel slightly gloomy. This was meant to be a joyous time of year but for Y/n and her boyfriend Marc, they didn't like it as much, simply because they never stayed together for Christmas and went to their family homes instead. She watched as her family excitedly opened their presents. She had a few, mainly clothes and jewellery but nothing major. "You alright?" Her mother asked. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Her mum knew fine rightly that she was missing Marc. She always did at Christmas. "Oh for God's sake." She mumbled. She left the sitting room leaving Y/n confused as to if she did something wrong, only for her mum to come back with the biggest bouquet she had ever seen and a box. "What is-"
"He told me to give it to you at a certain time but you're moping around made me cave." She said. "Happy Christmas love." Y/n grinned as she reached for the envelope attached to the flowers and opened it.
Hello, my love
I hope you and your family are enjoying Christmas so far. I am missing you more and more with every moment that passes but I'm sure you're enjoying the one day where you don't have me annoying you every waking moment.
Y/n smiled as she read on.
As you can see, you have a bouquet of flowers. Hopefully they haven't died yet but I promise you if they have, they were beautiful when I bought them for you. As for what is in the box, I'll let you open it now, then open the envelope inside.
Y/n's face lit up as she grabbed the box beside the flowers and untied the beautifully wrapped gift. Once she opened it, she was met with the cutest eyes she had ever seen. There inside, was a golden labrador with a pretty bow around his collar. She gasped as she lifted the creature out of the box and into her arms. "Oh, he's perfect." She whispered, not to scare the pup. "There's another envelope there." Her mother spoke up, handing her the envelope that was in the box. Y/n opened it again and saw his handwriting.
If you're reading this letter, you have met Diego. He is there to keep you company until I get to kiss your face again. I'll see you soon, my love and Feliz Navidad♡
Te Amo, Marc
Y/n wiped her eyes dry. "Oh I love this man so much." Y/n cried, holding the dog. "I miss him so much." Her mum held her. "Why did he want me to open it later?" Before her mum could answer, the doorbell rang. "That's probably gran. Would you mind getting it?" Y/n nodded and put her dog down before getting up and going out to open the front door. Before her stood Marc with his suitcase and gifts, as his family followed behind him. "Hello, mi amor." He smiled.
"Marc!" She almost shrieked, jumping I his arms and kissing his face over and over again. Y/n's family came out to see what the commotion was about and saw the couple finally reunited. "What are you doing here?!" Y/n asked. "Well, I-" They were interrupted by the small barks of a puppy at their feet. "I see you open your presents a bit early." He laughed. "Yes, he's been taking care of me." Marc bent down and took the puppy into his own arms. "Muy bien, hombre." He said, petting the pup. "Oh my goodness, this is the best Christmas ever." Y/n grinned. "It is." Marc whispered, before planting a kiss onto his girlfriend's cheek. "Feliz Navidad, mi amor." She caressed his face and smiled even wider than before. "Happy Christmas, Marc."
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its-all-or-nothing94 · 10 months
Formula 1 / MotoGP Fusion - Prologue (Prestory)
Summary: You are the first female MotoGP rider ever. You race for KTM Factory Racing, leaving Jack Miller your teammate, and one of your main sponsors is Red Bull. You grew up with most of the riders but your best friend is the multiple MotoGP Champion Marc Marquez. After your horrific crash the year before, you are ready to start the new season and probably a new love?
A/N: This is my first Social Media Story, so please go easy on me :) It's a mix between "Breaking News", Instagram posts, Twitter reactions and Insta-Stories :) My OC in this story is Jamie Murphy and she is the first woman to accomplish to drive in MotoGP. It was easier to have a face for this ;) Oh and this is like the "Pre-Story".
Ship: Not telling yet (Marc Marquez, Carlos Sainz or Charles Leclerc)
Warnings: Major accident
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Terrifying Crash Shakes MotoGP World: Y/N Y/L/N Hospitalized After Horror Accident at Silverstone!
August 7, 2022
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In a Heart-Stopping Moment, Y/L/N's Life Hangs in the Balance as Fans Pray for Her Recovery
Breaking News: In a shocking turn of events at the Silverstone race, Y/N Y/L/N, the trailblazing MotoGP rider, has suffered a horrific accident that left her unconscious and in critical condition. The accident, which occurred during a high-speed collision, has sent shockwaves through the racing community and has fans anxiously awaiting updates on her condition.
Eyewitnesses report that Y/L/N's motorcycle made contact with another rider's bike, causing her to lose control and crash violently. The impact was so severe that a part of her motorcycle became lodged in the side of her stomach, resulting in immediate medical intervention.
Emergency medical teams quickly arrived at the scene, providing urgent assistance to Y/L/N. Due to the severity of her injuries, she was airlifted to a nearby hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery. Medical experts worked tirelessly to remove the foreign object and repair the damage caused.
Further examination revealed that Y/L/N also sustained a small fracture in her neck, requiring additional surgery to ensure her long-term well-being. Despite the complexity of the procedures, the medical team remains optimistic about her recovery.
Y/L/N's condition is currently listed as stable, and she is being closely monitored in the intensive care unit. Her family, friends, and fans around the world have rallied together, sending their thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes for her swift recovery.
The racing community has been deeply affected by this harrowing incident, with fellow riders expressing their concern and support for Y/L/N and her family. The accident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers faced by these incredible athletes every time they take to the track. 
As the MotoGP world awaits further updates on Y/N Y/L/N's condition, one thing is certain: her strength and determination will undoubtedly play a crucial role in her recovery. Fans worldwide join together in sending their love, hoping to witness her triumphant return to the sport that she has dedicated her life to. 
Stay tuned for more updates on Y/N Y/L/N's condition as her fight to recover from this terrifying accident continues.
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🌟 Inspirational Comeback: Y/N Y/L/N on the Road to Recovery After Terrifying Crash 🏍️💥💪
October 10, 2022
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✨ Defying the Odds: Y/L/N's Remarkable Progress Amazes Doctors as She Embarks on Rehabilitation Journey 🏥⚡🏋️
Breaking News: In a stunning display of resilience and determination, MotoGP rider Y/N Y/L/N continues her remarkable recovery following a horrifying crash at Silverstone. While the road to recovery has been challenging, Y/L/N's strength and unwavering spirit have astounded medical professionals, providing hope for her return to the track in the near future. 💪🏁
After undergoing multiple surgeries to address the injuries sustained in the accident, Y/L/N's progress has been remarkable. Doctors have confirmed that she will not suffer any long-term injuries, a testament to her strength and the excellent medical care she received. Visible on her neck is a bulging scar, a reminder of the ordeal she endured, and it is believed that a scar on her stomach serves as evidence of the motorcycle part that became embedded in her side, narrowly avoiding potentially life-threatening damage to her lung. 😱💉
Y/L/N's recovery journey now enters the rehabilitation phase, where she will undergo intensive therapy and training to regain her strength and mobility. Physiotherapists and specialists will work closely with her to ensure a safe and efficient return to her athletic peak. 💪💙
While the road to recovery will require time and patience, Y/L/N remains optimistic and focused on her ultimate goal: returning to the MotoGP World Championship. However, it has been confirmed that she will not be able to compete in this year's championship, prioritizing her health and well-being above all else. 🏆🏍️❤️
Fans around the world have rallied behind Y/L/N, flooding social media with messages of support and encouragement. The outpouring of love and admiration for her bravery and determination has been overwhelming, reaffirming her status as an inspiration to many. 🌍💕
Y/L/N's journey serves as a powerful reminder of the risks that professional athletes face and the strength required to overcome adversity. Her story resonates not only with the racing community but with individuals worldwide who have been touched by her tenacity and courage. 🌟🙌
As Y/N Y/L/N continues her rehabilitation, the entire MotoGP community eagerly awaits her return. Her absence from this year's championship only intensifies the anticipation for her comeback, as fans eagerly anticipate the day when she will once again grace the track with her unparalleled skills. 🏍️🎉
Stay tuned for further updates on Y/N Y/L/N's rehabilitation progress and the inspiring journey that lies ahead for this extraordinary MotoGP athlete. 📣💪✨
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🏍️ Revving Back to Life: Y/N Y/L/N Returns to the Track with Unstoppable Determination! 💪🌟
December 12, 2022
💥 An Unbreakable Bond: Miller and Marquez Stand Strong as Y/L/N Embarks on her Thrilling Comeback! 🤝❤️
Breaking News: In a triumphant display of resilience and unwavering determination, MotoGP sensation Y/N Y/L/N has made her highly anticipated return to the track after months of intense rehabilitation and hard work. With the support of her teammate Jack Miller and her best friend Marc Marquez, Y/L/N is proving that nothing can keep her away from her passion for racing. 🏁🔥 
Witnesses have spotted Y/L/N spending an increasing amount of time at the KTM headquarters in Munderfing, Austria, immersing herself in the world of motorsport once again. With each passing day, her dedication and commitment to her craft become more evident. 💪🏆
The heartwarming sight of Y/L/N back on a test track, straddling her bike, has ignited excitement and joy within the racing community. Her infectious enthusiasm and indomitable spirit have not only inspired fans but have also captivated her teammate Jack Miller, who has been a pillar of support throughout her recovery journey. Miller's unwavering presence by Y/L/N's side speaks volumes about their unbreakable bond and the camaraderie shared among teammates. 🏍️🤝❤️
Furthermore, the ever-supportive Marc Marquez has stood shoulder to shoulder with Y/L/N, offering encouragement and guidance as she regains her racing form. Marquez's own remarkable journey of triumph over adversity has uniquely positioned him to empathize with Y/L/N's challenges, making their friendship even more profound and inspiring. 🌟🙌
As Y/L/N continues her training and testing on the track, her presence is a powerful reminder of the indomitable spirit of athletes and their ability to overcome any obstacle. The racing world eagerly awaits her official return to competition, where she will once again showcase her extraordinary skills and tenacity. 🌍💨
Stay tuned for more updates on Y/N Y/L/N's remarkable comeback, as she proves that setbacks are merely fuel for her relentless pursuit of greatness. With Miller and Marquez by her side, the future looks brighter than ever for this remarkable MotoGP star. 🌟🚀💥
Next Part >>
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yeastinfectionvale · 10 days
Riding dirtbikes with BF!Marc Headcanons
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He kicks your bike so you fall and break your arm <3
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