#Marin County Mart
formeryelpers · 4 months
Miette Patisserie & Confiserie, 2009 Larkspur Landing Cir, Larkspur, CA 94939
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I’m so happy that I came across Miette at Marin County Mart. I haven’t been to Miette in years even though I’ve always loved it. Their shops are girly cute, their cupcakes are adorable, and they have more than just candy. They make their own cupcakes, teacakes, macarons, cookies, and also some candies (marshmallows, brittle, etc.). The signs, the packaging, the wallpaper – all too precious.
You can grab and bag and help yourself to the bulk candy, sold by weight. They had my favorite candy, sour gummy skulls from Sweden. They’re hard to find. I also bought a couple of boxes of Miette cookies for gifting.
FYI, macarons are 50% off every day between 5 PM – 6 PM.
5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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jonfarreporter · 2 years
Seville Oranges are ‘the zest’ of inspiration to debut another line of soaps & creams for Caryl B
With the harvest glow of pumpkins comes the reminder that the winter holidays will be here soon. Amid the array of an Autumn/winter cornucopia there’s the familiar orange, especially Seville oranges in particular. And, one who understands the distinctive elements/properties of the Seville oranges is Caryl Brandes of Caryl B Personal Care Products- Gifts That Pamper!
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This October, as pumpkins and everything pumpkin spice/flavored make their annual appearance, Brandes debuted her Seville Orange line, now available in the Caryl B ‘Gardener's Soap’ and ‘Hand Cream.’
Known for a unique flavor and aromatic essence, the Seville Orange can do much more than make a delicious batch of marmalade. The bitter/acidic aspects of this particular orange have been utilized for centuries.
Introduced to Europe in the Seventh Century by the Islamic sultans who ruled the Andalusia area of Spain, oranges were used in perfume and medicine. Sailors in the days of early exploration were given citrus to fight off scurvy.
Historians believe the origin of oranges centered in Asia and can be traced as early as 300 BC. Just as in Arabic medicine, the Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine practitioners observed the orange could help exfoliate and moisturize the skin. And oh the aroma! It helped refresh as well as soothe.
In fact, it was the aroma that inspired Brandes as she said. “I love the fresh simple fragrance.”
While the orange is often associated with Summer and tropical weather, the peak of the Seville Orange is in Fall. It begins in November/December and runs through to February. Perhaps this might be why an orange was considered a rare and uncommon gift for Christmas in olden days.
With the introduction of oranges to Florida and California, it was easier for people in the United States to encounter an orange at winter time. During the Great Depression, oranges were a stocking stuffer and a prized treat.
As familiar as oranges are, be it as marmalade or as juice to go with a cup of morning coffee, they are often overlooked and underestimated.
In addition to providing Vitamin C and potassium, an orange helps the body make collagen. Categorized as a protein, as Hansa Bhargava, MD, of WebMD verifies, collagen heals wounds and provides smoother skin.
The Vitamin C in oranges helps to absorb iron to fight anemia. Sort of like the old adage “an apple a day…” an orange can invigorate the immune system, which is the body's defense against germs.
In today’s world of COVID-19 viruses and the alike, to use the natural properties of oranges in cleaning and washing is an added benefit. This is one of the reasons Caryl B has added the power of oranges to the ‘Gardener’s Soap.’ Made with Charcoal for a deeper cleaning, and Goat Milk for keeping skin moisturized, the Seville Orange makes it’s debut just in time for the upcoming holiday season. Caryl B products have been featured at the Marin County Farmer's Market in Larkspur and other locations around the San Francisco Bay Area. For details visit the Caryl B website.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
10 Years After Corey Stingley's Death, No One Charged in Killing — ProPublica
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Customers at a Wisconsin corner store subdued 16-year-old Corey Stingley, who died after allegedly being placed in a chokehold. A decade later, the youth’s father still fights for justice and awaits the findings from an unusual new inquiry.
When the clerk at VJ’s Food Mart confronted Corey Stingley, the 16-year-old handed over his backpack. Inside were six hidden bottles of Smirnoff Ice, worth $12, and the clerk began pulling them out one by one.
Stingley watched, then pivoted and quickly moved toward the door, empty-handed. But there would be no escape for the unarmed teen in the light blue hoodie.
Three customers, together weighing 550 pounds, wrestled the 135-pound teen to the floor of the West Allis, Wisconsin, store. They pinned him in a seated position, “his body compressed downward,” according to a police account. One of the men put Stingley in a chokehold, witnesses would later tell investigators.
“Get up, you punk!” that man, a former Marine, reportedly told Stingley when an officer from the police department finally arrived. But the teen didn’t move. He was foaming at the mouth, and his pants and shoes were soaked in urine.
He’d suffered a traumatic brain injury from a loss of oxygen and never regained consciousness. His parents took him off life support two weeks later. The medical examiner ruled Stingley’s death a homicide following his restraint in “a violent struggle with multiple individuals.”
That was more than 10 years ago.
None of the men, all of whom were white, were criminally charged in the incident that killed Stingley, a Black youth. Police arrested Mario Laumann, the man seen holding Stingley in an apparent chokehold, shortly after the incident in December 2012. But the local district attorney declined to prosecute him or the other two men, arguing they were unaware of the harm they were causing.
When a second police review led to a reexamination of the case in 2017, another prosecutor sat on it for more than three years, until a judge demanded a decision. Again, there were no charges.
Prosecutors move on, but fathers don’t. Refusing to accept that the case had been handled justly, Corey Stingley’s dad, Craig, last year convinced a judge to assign a third district attorney to look at what had happened to his son.
That prosecutor, Ismael Ozanne of Dane County, is scheduled to report back to the court on Friday. He could announce whether charges are warranted.
The case has parallels to a recent deadly subway incident in New York City. Both involve chokeholds administered by former Marines on Black males who had not initiated any violence. But unlike in Wisconsin, New York authorities acted within two weeks to file a second-degree manslaughter charge in the case.
While the New York subway incident grabbed national headlines, Corey Stingley’s death — which happened the same day as the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut — did not gain much notice outside of southeast Wisconsin.
Years later, Craig Stingley tapped an obscure statute dating back to Wisconsin’s frontier days to convince the system to take a fresh look at his son’s death. The law states that if a district attorney refuses to issue a criminal complaint or is unavailable to do so, a private citizen can petition a judge to take up the matter. Today, it’s loosely referred to as a “John Doe” petition, though in this instance there was no doubt who restrained Stingley’s son: Laumann, who has since died, along with two other store patrons named Jesse R. Cole and Robert W. Beringer.
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VJ’s Food Mart in West Allis, Wisconsin
No one is alleging that the men set out to kill Corey Stingley. His father is asking the prosecutor to consider a charge of reckless homicide or even a lesser offense for using extreme force to detain his son.
“He wasn’t trying to harm anyone. He was trying to leave that store,” said Craig Stingley, who thought his son made a youthful mistake. “I believe he was scared.”
“You Guys Killed That Kid”
VJ’s Food Mart is a typical small convenience store, packed with chips, candy, soda, beer, cigarettes and liquor. On Sunday mornings it offers a special deal on hot ham and rolls, a local tradition for an after-church meal. To combat theft, the store is equipped with security cameras.
On Dec. 14, 2012, Thomas Ripley and Anthony Orcholski stopped by the store for beer and snacks. Only a few steps in, they saw that three men had someone firmly pinned on the ground. This video contains footage of violence. Surveillance footage from VJ’s shows the minutes leading up to Corey Stingley’s death in 2012. Stingley enters the store, then puts bottles of Smirnoff Ice in his backpack. A clerk confronts Stingley when the teen tries to pay for an energy drink. Stingley snatches his bank card back, then three customers grab the teen and wrestle him to the ground. Credit: Courtesy Stingley family attorney
Security video shows Ripley and Orcholski pausing next to the pile of people and watching intently. In statements to police they both said they saw Laumann lying on the ground with his arms around Stingley’s neck in a “chokehold.” Beringer had grabbed Stingley's hair, they said; the third man, Cole, had his hands on Stingley’s back.
Ripley told police the teen was not moving and appeared to be limp.
“I don’t think he could breathe,” Ripley would later testify during a special review of the case to determine if there should be charges.
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Orcholski told a detective that he was concerned about the teen on the ground and may even have instructed the men to let Stingley go.
A decade later, Orcholski is still bothered by what he saw. “I’m upset,” he told ProPublica. “Three men thought they were going to be heroes that day because a 16-year-old boy was shoplifting. There could have been numerous different ways to restrain him other than choking him to death.”
The security video is grainy, and much of the confrontation took place out of view of the cameras.
Authorities had a third witness, though. Troubled by what he’d seen, store customer Michael Farrell felt compelled to go to the West Allis police station that evening and give a statement.
“I felt bad. I’m a dad,” he explained, court records show.
Farrell told police he could see through the store’s glass door that a man with a “crazed look on his face” had someone in a chokehold, very near the entrance. The guy was “squeezing the hell out of this kid and never let up,” he said. Farrell picked Laumann out of a photo lineup. (Farrell and another witness, Ripley, couldn’t be reached for comment for this story.)
Corey Stingley and his dad lived just a couple of blocks from the store, making them one of the few Black families in a predominantly white neighborhood and city on the border of Milwaukee. Comments from the three men who held Stingley down imply that they saw him as an outsider.
Ripley told police that Beringer, 54, held Stingley by the hair and shook the teen’s head a couple of times. “You don’t do that,” he said Beringer scolded Stingley. “We’re all friends and neighbors around here.”
With Stingley subdued, the store clerk held a phone to Beringer’s head so he could talk to a police dispatcher. “We have the perp, three of us have the perp on the ground holding him for you,” Beringer said, according to a transcript of the 911 call.
Police estimated that the men held Stingley down for six to 10 minutes. When Stingley stopped struggling, Cole later told police, “I thought he was faking it.”
He added: “I didn’t know if he was just, you know, playing limp to try and get real strong and pull a quick one, you know.”
When an officer arrived, she handcuffed Stingley with Beringer’s assistance but then realized that he wasn’t breathing and called for help.
Beringer walked outside the market, according to Farrell, only to be confronted by another bystander who said, “You guys killed that kid.”
“We didn’t kill anyone,” Beringer responded.
At nearby Froedtert Hospital, doctors concluded Stingley’s airway had been blocked while he was restrained.
He had petechial hemorrhages — tiny red dots that appear as the result of broken blood vessels — to his eyes, cheeks and mouth. A deputy medical examiner attributed this pattern to “pressure applied to the neck.” There also was a bruise at the front of Stingley’s neck, she testified.
She noted that his asphyxia also could be linked to compression of the chest.
Doctors put Stingley in a medically induced coma, attached him to a ventilator and inserted a feeding tube. As the situation became increasingly hopeless, his family spent Christmas at his bedside. Four days later, his parents made the agonizing decision to take him off life support.
“Mario Did Have a Temper”
In the New York subway case earlier this month, it took less than two weeks for the Manhattan district attorney to charge Daniel Penny, a former Marine, with second-degree manslaughter for the choking death of Jordan Neely, a homeless man who had yelled at other subway passengers. A prosecutor emphasized that Penny continued to choke Neely even after he stopped moving.
Penny’s lawyers have defended his actions by saying he was protecting himself and other passengers. Laumann, in contrast, never claimed Corey Stingley was a danger. But he did dispute that he put his arm around the teen’s throat.
Interviewed by police that night, Laumann, then 56, recalled “just leaning on him.”
Pressed by a detective, Laumann appeared less confident, saying, “A headlock is when you got your arms locked, right? And I didn’t have him locked.” He added: “I had my arm around like this, yeah, but I didn’t have him in a headlock. Unless maybe I did, maybe I — I don’t, no, I, I don’t remember that, no.”
His account conflicted with that of witnesses. And Laumann’s older sibling Michael, also a former Marine, isn’t so sure, either. Chokeholds are a part of basic combat skills, he said, used to restrain a person and take them down.
“That’s the first thing they teach you, not only in boot camp but also in subsequent infantry training. It becomes an automatic restraint, to save your own life,” Michael said. “I’m not saying that Mario did that. Because I don’t know the situation. But all I’m saying is that when you’re in the Marine Corps you’re taught how to save your own life. And to save the lives of your brotherhood. Sometimes it becomes, say, an automatic response.”
Michael Laumann said he and Mario — who died last year at age 65 — seldom talked, and when they did, the store incident never came up.
Mario Laumann, who worked in construction after leaving the Marines, lived about two miles from the store. His family had been dealing with a variety of crises. His wife was battling cancer. She had been arrested four years earlier for driving under influence of prescription medications. She died in 2013.
And, by the time of the encounter with Stingley, Laumann’s youngest son, Nickolas, was serving time in prison for sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl, intimidation of a victim and theft.
Writing online while in prison, Nickolas said his father would “scream at me” for drug use and “whoop my ass.” The police report about Stingley’s death notes that Laumann had been arrested twice for battery, but charges in both cases had been dismissed.
“Mario did have a temper,” another brother, Mennas Laumann, said recently.
The three men who held Stingley down didn’t know each other. Beringer, who lived next door to the food mart, told police he only recognized Laumann as “a neighborhood guy.”
Like Laumann, Beringer had had previous encounters with police. In 1996, Beringer pulled a gun on a Pakistani-born man and told him he hated “fucking Iranians,” according to a police sergeant’s sworn criminal complaint. Beringer pleaded guilty to misdemeanor gun charges and was jailed briefly then put on probation. A judge ordered him to complete a course in violence counseling or anger management and continue with mental health treatment, court records show.
Beringer, who no longer lives in West Allis, declined to talk to ProPublica. He came to the door of his apartment building and when asked to discuss Stingley’s death said, “No, no, see you later,” and closed the door.
The third man to wrestle Stingley to the ground, Cole, was a 25-year-old electrician who lived about a mile from the store. He’d gone there to get cigarettes. The prior year he had pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor, for carrying a Glock handgun in the center console of his car and a magazine with 11 hollow-point bullets in the glove box. Cole didn’t respond to ProPublica’s attempts for comment.
In the immediate aftermath of the incident, all three men cooperated with police.
Cole said that as he and the others tried to halt Stingley’s attempt to flee, the teen took a swing at him and landed a punch. He ended up with a black eye.
Asked by police why he restrained the teen, Laumann replied: “Because he’s a thief.”
“He Was My Buddy”
Several days after the struggle, West Allis police arrested Laumann and processed him for second-degree reckless injury. It was up to Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm to decide whether to prosecute him and the other men.
Chisholm eventually arranged for a judicial proceeding where sworn testimony could be heard. There, the three men invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in declining to answer questions. The original witnesses recounted seeing Stingley grabbed around the throat.
Though Farrell said he couldn’t recall telling police that Laumann was “squeezing the hell out of” Stingley, he didn’t back away from his original description of a chokehold.
Months went by with no word on charges. But Craig Stingley, a facilities engineer, couldn’t just sit and wait. He rallied support from politicians in the community and tried to keep the pressure on Chisholm.
Stingley brought state Sen. Lena Taylor to meetings with the prosecutor to discuss the case. They came away discouraged. Taylor got the impression that the case was challenging for prosecutors on many levels. The video was not sharp, for one thing. Taylor also believed that race relations in Milwaukee County fed Chisholm’s concern that a jury might not convict anyone in the case.
At one meeting, Taylor said, she questioned what would have happened if the people involved had been of different races. “They wouldn’t let a group of Black guys do that to a young white guy, without any consequences,” she said.
More than a year after the incident, in January 2014, Chisholm announced he would not bring charges, on the grounds that the men did not intend to injure or kill Stingley and didn’t realize there was a risk to his life or health. “It is clear that the purpose of restraining Corey Stingley was to hold him for police,” Chisholm wrote in a five-page summary of his investigation.
“None of the actors were trained in the proper application of restraint,” he added
Corey’s mother, Alicia Stingley, was stunned. “It’s just mind-boggling to me, just the decision that was made that it was more so because he didn’t think he could win a case or didn’t think what they did was on purpose,” she said. “There were no repercussions for a grown man taking a young child’s life — by choking him.”
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For Craig Stingley, it’s inconceivable the men did not know his son was in distress during the prolonged time they held him down. Applied properly, a chokehold “can render an aggressor unconscious in as little as eight to thirteen seconds,” according to a 2015 Marine Corps instructor guide.
Chisholm is still the district attorney. Through an assistant, he declined comment, citing the new review. Among the questions sent by ProPublica to Chisholm was whether he investigated Laumann’s training in restraints as a Marine.
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“He was my buddy,” Stingley said, describing how he and Corey would watch sports together. A skilled athlete, Corey Stingley was a running back on his high school football team and a member of the diving team. He took advanced placement classes in school and made the National Honor Society at school, his father said. He also worked part-time at an Arby’s.
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His social media accounts include references to girls and partying. It also catalogs his love of Batman, the Green Bay Packers and Christmas and shows him gently mocking his friends and family.
Craig Stingley and his ex-wife filed a wrongful death suit in 2015 against the three men and the convenience store, which led to a settlement. Records show that Laumann’s homeowners insurance paid $300,000, as did Cole’s. (Beringer didn’t have homeowner’s insurance.) There was no admission of wrongdoing by the defendants. In court filings the three men said their actions were legal and justified, citing self-defense and their need to respond to “an emergency.”
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Corey Stingley with friends before a school dance Credit: Courtesy of Craig Stingley
A good portion of the proceeds from the suit went to pay for hospital and funeral costs and lawyer fees, Stingley said.
In the civil suit, an expert forensic pathologist hired by the Stingley family’s lawyer concluded the teen died because his chest was compressed and he was strangled.
“Once his airway became completely obstructed,” Dr. Jeffrey Jentzen of the University of Michigan wrote, “Corey would have experienced severe air hunger, conscious fear, suffering and panic with an impending sense of his own death for a period of 30 seconds to approximately one minute until he was rendered into a fully unconscious state.”
Craig Stingley still obsessed about what had happened and how to revive a criminal case. He relived his son’s death over and over, watching the surveillance video of his last moments frame by frame, looking for something new.
Using a movie maker app on his computer, he slowed the video down and grabbed individual frames. He concluded that Cole initially had his son in a headlock, but that Laumann too had an arm around his neck before bringing him to the ground. That conflicted with Laumann’s statement to police.
Stingley took his findings to the West Allis police, where a detective agreed they’d missed this detail. The department wrote a supplemental report for Chisholm, who asked a judge to appoint a special prosecutor for another look.
Racine District Attorney Patricia Hanson got the case in October 2017. But what followed was more waiting.
Stingley said he called Hanson’s office routinely in the years that followed, but she never met with him. Reached via email recently, Hanson declined to comment.
The case “has not even been assigned a referral or case number after three years in that office,” state Rep. Evan Goyke complained in a December 2020 letter to Milwaukee County Circuit Court Chief Judge Mary Triggiano. “This is unacceptable,” he wrote.
In later correspondence, Triggiano noted Hanson had refused to say when her decision would be forthcoming because in the midst of the pandemic, she had a lot of cases needing attention.
In March 2021, Hanson told the court in a one-page memo that she had reviewed Chisholm’s file and agreed with his earlier decision: “I do not find that criminal charges are appropriate at this time.”
“My Son Got His Humanity Back”
John Doe proceedings allowing citizens to directly ask a court to consider criminal charges date back to 1839, when Wisconsin was still a territory, according to an account in state supreme court records. The law is used infrequently, legal experts said, and rarely successfully.
Petitions have been filed by prisoners, by activists alleging animal cruelty in research experiments and by citizens claiming police misconduct. The efforts typically fail, ProPublica found in reviewing court dockets, news accounts and appellate rulings. In Milwaukee County, Wisconsin’s most populous, there were only 19 such cases in 2020, dockets show, including Stingley’s. None succeeded.
Other states have similar methods of giving citizens a voice, but none are exactly like Wisconsin’s. According to the National Crime Victim Law Institute, six states — Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma — allow private citizens to gather signatures to petition a judge to convene a grand jury to investigate an alleged crime. In Pennsylvania, individuals can file a criminal complaint with the district attorney; if rejected, they can appeal to the court to ask it to order the district attorney to prosecute.
Milwaukee attorney Scott W. Hansen, who has served as special prosecutor in a John Doe case, is critical of the Wisconsin process. He said it allows citizens to present a one-sided, skewed version of facts to a judge, “without benefit of cross-examination or adverse witnesses.”
The law, however, does state that the citizen’s petition must present facts “that raise a reasonable belief” a crime was committed.
Former state Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske described the John Doe petition as a check and balance on prosecutors by citizens. “If people believe a crime has been committed, and you’ve got prosecutors not living up to their responsibilities, and you think somebody ought to be held accountable, it’s a way to have some judicial review,” she said.
Stingley has known all along that the odds were against him, so turning to a longshot petition didn’t daunt him. Writing to Chief Judge Triggiano in late 2020, he alleged “dereliction and breach of legal duty” by the Milwaukee and Racine county district attorneys to conduct thorough criminal investigations into his son’s death.
Triggiano assigned the case to Judge Milton Childs. He formally appointed Ozanne, the first Black district attorney in Wisconsin, as special prosecutor last July. Ozanne’s inquiry has included reviews of court transcripts and interviews with West Allis police and others.
Craig Stingley was pleased that Ozanne and his staff met with him for several hours to listen to his concerns and to hear about his son.
“When I left that meeting,” Stingley said, “my son got his humanity back.”
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austinturner · 2 years
Five Reasons Why Filipino Cuisine Is a True Mix of International Flavors
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With resources from more than 7,000 islands and strong foreign influences, Philippine cuisine truly embodies the relationship between food and culture. Its historical experiences shaped the Filipinos’ culinary practices that led to the infusion of international flavors.
But other than the long and rich history, what makes Filipino dishes unique that makes gourmands come back for more? What makes these tasty dishes the “original fusion cuisine”?
Let us take you on an adventure and discover the reasons why Filipino cuisine is a true mix of international flavors. Read on to learn more!
#1 A Variety of Menu
From the thick and creamy sauce of kare-kare to the crispy, slow-roasted lechon, a range of mouth-watering dishes in the Philippines are influenced by different cultures, such as Spanish, Chinese, and Indian.
The various ingredients and cooking styles introduced by foreign countries helped shape the Philippines’ rich and varied cultural background. As a result, Filipino cuisine offers a diverse menu of balanced flavors that stands out as uniquely Filipino.
To cite a true favorite, the chicken porridge known as arroz caldo is a Chinese-Spanish-inspired dish which is best served hot, any time of the day.
And who would forget the most requested appetizer or ulam for every Filipino gathering, lumpiang shanghai? A Filipino version of Chinese spring rolls that goes perfectly well with sweet and chili sauce.
Pinoy cuisine is truly an explosion of flavors, and it is good to know that you can discover more at Manila Food Mart! Their menu allows you to satisfy your cravings with your all-time favorite Filipino dishes, making it the best Filipino restaurant in Orange County!
#2 A Mixture of Native and International Ingredients
As a land abundant in different spices, Filipinos love to enhance the flavors of their dishes by combining foreign and native ingredients.
For those who prefer a spicy kick in their meals, pork binagoongan is a dish that uses the native ingredient bagoong (shrimp paste) and Thai chili peppers. This recipe has a resemblance with the mouthwatering, spicy Bicol express but with the addition of coconut milk.
To add, the  juicy chicken inasal is another crowd favorite that every Filipino enjoys during get together. This char-grilled chicken is marinated in calamansi (Philippine lime) and lemongrass native to Sri Lanka and India, giving its savory-citrusy taste.
With a wide range of spices, each Pinoy dish will guarantee a flavorsome experience in every bite! Indulge your senses with the enticing aromas and rich flavors of Filipino foods in Lake Forest, where each plate is served with freshly prepared ingredients!
#3 Truly a Perfect Blend of Flavors
Every Filipino household must have the essential seasonings in their pantry to achieve the perfect balance of sweet, sour, and salty. After all, that is what Filipino dishes are known for!
Aside from the usual salt, pepper, and sugar combo, the use of vinegar, soy sauce, patis (fish sauce), and banana ketchup is crucial in preparing aromatic and delicious Pinoy meals.
Imagine the tangy and savory taste from the soy sauce and vinegar mix, boiled to perfection in your all-time favorite adobo. Or the combination of soy sauce and calamansi (toyomansi) as the dipping sauce for the popular pulutan, crispy pata.
Like your favorite home-style cooked afritada and chicken curry, the generous use of seasonings is the key to preparing flavorful, aromatic, and colorful Filipino dishes. At Manila Food Mart, you can expect the perfect blend of seasonings that make every Pinoy meal authentic.
#4 A Reflection of Various Traditions
Beliefs and practices from other cultures also have an influence that brought about the mixed cuisine of the Philippines.
Filipinos share customs with Malaysians and Indians in the so- called kamayan. This practice requires diners to use their hands instead of utensils when eating grilled or fried foods such as inihaw na bangus (grilled milkfish).
Not only does this complete the traditional Filipino dining experience, Pinoy foods are definitely tastier when we eat using our hand!
To cite more of these traditions, noodles are a must-have during birthdays and new year festivities as this usually represents long life and good luck for the celebrant. For this reason, Filipinos will always prepare their own version of Chinese noodles like our fully-loaded pancit canton or pancit bihon.
From appetizers to ulams and desserts, Manila Food Mart serves a vast range of Filipino dishes that bring you the culture and traditions of our country as well as the Pinoy spirit and excitement of whatever event or occasion you are hosting, making it the best catering in Orange County!
#5 A Platter of Creativity
Filipinos are known for using a variety of ingredients and serving styles to express their creativity, leading to the creation of delectable and mouth-watering dishes filled with unique flavors.
One of these dishes is the Spanish pastel de pollo, or chicken and mushroom pie that Filipinos turned into a dish called chicken pastel, an ulam that is perfect with steamy white rice.
The same goes for the Filipino-style spaghetti, which is not your typical pasta dish. This Pinoy version is abundant in ground beef, hot dogs, and the famous banana ketchup, which gives its distinct sweet flavor. This often comes in party tray sizes, making it the ultimate party hit!
If there is one field that Filipinos are creative in, then it is definitely preparing the most unique and colorful dishes in the kitchen. Experience creativity at Manila Food Mart, where you can have quality and creative Filipino dishes catered for you on your special occasions!
The Takeaway
Many of the recipes prove that Filipino dishes are a fusion of various cuisines all around the world but still continue to stand out because of their distinctive flavor, creativity, and traditions like how Turo-Turo is made available in Orange County.
And even though Filipino food draws inspiration from several influences, for Pinoys, it will always be about reminiscing the warm memories of time spent with family as well as surprising guests with catering services that capture the authentic Filipino dining experience.
So don’t miss out on the nostalgia and choose from a diverse menu of delicacies to let the unique aroma, flavors, and colors of Pinoy dishes in Orange County make you feel at home with  your loved ones.
Experience first hand “original fusion cuisine” with the best Pinoy food in Orange County, Manila Food Mart! We are waiting for you!
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summerells · 2 years
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5 Reasons Why MFM is the Best Pinoy Resto in Orange County
Orange County, California is a great place to live, work, and dine! Find several great dining places where you may chill while pampering your taste buds. How about visiting a restaurant that serves authentic and delicious Filipino recipes?
Discovering spots where you can guarantee superb Lechon or a very soothing Sinigang (your best comfort food) is such a gastronomic experience. Exploding flavors will undoubtedly send you back to those good old days!
Pinoy dishes know no bounds, and they will always find you! But in Orange County, Manila Food Mart is the best place to get your Filipino soul all content and fulfilled. Do you know why?
Here’s what to expect when you dine at Manila Food Mart! Read on!
1. Varied Menu
Which Filipino food do you crave today? A sizzling Sisig? Or perhaps some delicious bowl of festive Halo-halo? Whatever comes to mind, know that Manila Food Mart has it for you!
Manila Food Mart offers a vast selection of Filipino cuisine and at the same time, the quality of every food is never compromised! So rest assured that you will get your Lumpia extra crunchy or your Adobo perfectly marinated!
From fragrant rice to a great presentation of Turo-Turo meals, satisfy those taste buds with their menu which has so many unique flavors! You’re welcome to return at any time to enjoy all their flavorful dishes like Sisig, Crispy Pata and whatever authentic Pinoy dish you are craving for.
2.Budget-Friendly for a Hearty Serving
Do you find it challenging to find a restaurant that balances good food and price? Wait until you learn how Manila Food Mart serves your favorite Filipino foods that’s definitely within the budget!
You can complete your healthy protein intake from Beef Kare-Kare or Lechon Kawali. Or nutritious veggies from Chopsuey and Laing. Then top it all off with desserts like Leche Flan or a chilly fruit salad.
And if you want to enjoy more food with your group to celebrate a big day, they have all the Party Tray sizes for you and your guests!
Manila Food Mart can provide you with a hearty authentic Filipino meal that doesn’t require a hefty cost, making it the best Pinoy Resto in Orange County!
3. Delicious Close-To-Home Cooking
A Filipino standard requires finishing your plates down to the very last grain of rice to say that something was genuinely delicious!
From Manila Food Mart’s homemade cooking style, the delicious recipes will surely make you finish off your dishes and remind you of the best of your moments.
Probably it’s the way the vivid Ube ice cream accentuates the beauty of  a special Halo-Halo. Or how the jasmine rice perfectly matches the Adobo sauce! 
You can even combine Pancit Bihon with Lumpiang Shanghai, it’s all up to you! Because regardless of what every guest requests, Manila Food Mart will  guarantee that every dish is freshly prepared, and served with the warmest of smiles.
4. Turo-Turo Set-Up Provides More Authentic Experience
How can Filipino food be genuine without that Turo-Turo setup?
Turo-Turo means “Point and Point” in Tagalog and refers to a casual dining style. It is the colloquial term when you point to the food you want, much like a buffet. 
This feature of Manila Food Mart is what makes the food more authentic. This setup depicts how Turo-Turos has turned into a crucial part of Filipino culture.
Every hard-working Filipino understands how quickly they can grab a dinner after a long day by choosing from a wide range of Turo-Turo recipes. 
Feel the nostalgia and reminisce about how you spent your time in the carinderia during those good old days in the Philippines.
5. A Warm and Cozy Ambience
Maybe it’s in the aroma of steaming white rice or the crisp sizzle of the Sisig, but when we look for the best Filipino place, it matters to us that we can also enjoy that warm, nostalgic feeling of being at home.
The cozy and graceful Filipino interiors at Manila Food Mart would entice you to return time and again. Drown your senses with the smell, and the flavors of a truly Pinoy taste. Enjoy the genuine enthusiasm and hospitality of the staff at Manila Food Mart and make yourself at home once again.
Wrap it up!
Visit Manila Food Mart and surprise your guests with the distinct taste of Pinoy dishes.
Manila Food Mart wants to share the creative, appetizing, and diverse flavors of authentic Filipino cuisine.
Enjoy the uniqueness of Pinoy food and share the wonderful flavors to everyone around you and bring in the good vibes! 
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manilafoodmart · 2 years
5 Reasons Why MFM is the Best Pinoy Resto in Orange County
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Orange County, California is a great place to live, work, and dine! Find several great dining places where you may chill while pampering your taste buds. How about visiting a restaurant that serves authentic and delicious Filipino recipes? Discovering spots where you can guarantee superb Lechon or a very soothing Sinigang (your best comfort food) is such a gastronomic experience. Exploding flavors will undoubtedly send you back to those good old days!
Pinoy dishes know no bounds, and they will always find you! But in Orange County, Manila Food Mart is the best place to get your Filipino soul all content and fulfilled. Do you know why?
Here’s what to expect when you dine at Manila Food Mart! Read on!
1. Varied Menu
Which Filipino food do you crave today? A sizzling Sisig? Or perhaps some delicious bowl of festive Halo-halo? Whatever comes to mind, know that Manila Food Mart has it for you!
Manila Food Mart offers a vast selection of Filipino cuisine and at the same time, the quality of every food is never compromised! So rest assured that you will get your Lumpia extra crunchy or your Adobo perfectly marinated!
From fragrant rice to a great presentation of Turo-Turo meals, satisfy those taste buds with their menu which has so many unique flavors! You’re welcome to return at any time to enjoy all their flavorful dishes like Sisig, Crispy Pata and whatever authentic Pinoy dish you are craving for.
2.Budget-Friendly for a Hearty Serving
Do you find it challenging to find a restaurant that balances good food and price? Wait until you learn how Manila Food Mart serves your favorite Filipino foods that’s definitely within the budget!
You can complete your healthy protein intake from Beef Kare-Kare or Lechon Kawali. Or nutritious veggies from Chopsuey and Laing. Then top it all off with desserts like Leche Flan or a chilly fruit salad.
And if you want to enjoy more food with your group to celebrate a big day, they have all the Party Tray sizes for you and your guests!
Manila Food Mart can provide you with a hearty authentic Filipino meal that doesn’t require a hefty cost, making it the best Pinoy Resto in Orange County!
3. Delicious Close-To-Home Cooking
A Filipino standard requires finishing your plates down to the very last grain of rice to say that something was genuinely delicious!
From Manila Food Mart’s homemade cooking style, the delicious recipes will surely make you finish off your dishes and remind you of the best of your moments.
Probably it’s the way the vivid Ube ice cream accentuates the beauty of a special Halo-Halo. Or how the jasmine rice perfectly matches the Adobo sauce!
You can even combine Pancit Bihon with Lumpiang Shanghai, it’s all up to you! Because regardless of what every guest requests, Manila Food Mart will guarantee that every dish is freshly prepared, and served with the warmest of smiles.
4. Turo-Turo Set-Up Provides More Authentic Experience
How can Filipino food be genuine without that Turo-Turo setup?
Turo-Turo means “Point and Point” in Tagalog and refers to a casual dining style. It is the colloquial term when you point to the food you want, much like a buffet.
This feature of Manila Food Mart is what makes the food more authentic. This setup depicts how Turo-Turos has turned into a crucial part of Filipino culture.
Every hard-working Filipino understands how quickly they can grab a dinner after a long day by choosing from a wide range of Turo-Turo recipes.
Feel the nostalgia and reminisce about how you spent your time in the carinderia during those good old days in the Philippines.
5. A Warm and Cozy Ambience
Maybe it’s in the aroma of steaming white rice or the crisp sizzle of the Sisig, but when we look for the best Filipino place, it matters to us that we can also enjoy that warm, nostalgic feeling of being at home.
The cozy and graceful Filipino interiors at Manila Food Mart would entice you to return time and again. Drown your senses with the smell, and the flavors of a truly Pinoy taste. Enjoy the genuine enthusiasm and hospitality of the staff at Manila Food Mart and make yourself at home once again.
Wrap it up!
Visit Manila Food Mart and surprise your guests with the distinct taste of Pinoy dishes.
Manila Food Mart wants to share the creative, appetizing, and diverse flavors of authentic Filipino cuisine. Enjoy the uniqueness of Pinoy food and share the wonderful flavors to everyone around you and bring in the good vibes!
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30 Fun things to do in San Antonio
1. It Ain’t Texas while not A Rodeo Rodeo - Things to try to to In urban center
If you aren’t in city for the urban center Stock Show and Rodeo in February—one of the most important rodeos within the country—that doesn’t mean you have got to miss out on seeing this urban center tradition. The Tejas Rodeo holds events from March through Nov. Giddyup!
2. trying to find one thing Spookier? Take A Ghost Tour!
In a town therefore wealthy with history, there ar inevitably lots of urban center ghost stories, too—discover them 1st hand with butchery town Ghost Tours or the Sisters Grimm Ghost Tour. Check them out… goodbye as you don’t scare easily!
3. Become a part of The “CSI” Team At The Witte depository
maybe it’s additional edu-tainment than academic, however the Witte Museum’s CSI: The Experience—created in cooperation with the CBS show—will be a success with fans of the series. And if “CSI” simply isn’t your issue, the Witte features a rotating choice of exhibits regarding science and history, particularly Texas history.
4. Get In Some Historic Drinking Why can’t all history have happened during a bar? The Menger edifice Bar is, famously, wherever President Teddy Roosevelt recruited his Rough Riders whereas the Buckhorn Saloon boasts of being the oldest saloon in Texas—though the Menger would argue it’s the oldest unceasingly operated saloon. Visit the Menger for a cultured cocktail and therefore the Buckhorn—which is, as delineate, stuffed with a good assortment of horns, looking trophies, and alternative exhibits—for kitsch.
5. Visit The Exotic life At The urban center installation If you’re trying to find one thing additional exotic than the ducks and squirrels that inhabit the remainder of Brackenridge Park, venture into the urban center installation. Nearly a hundred years previous, the installation options over three,500 animals together with lions, tigers, and bears—oh my!
6. investigate associate degree E-Book At The Country’s 1st All-Digital Library Bexar County’s BiblioTech may be a library while not one physical book, providing solely digital books and audiobooks. however the power itself is price a visit, with a large number of e-readers, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers on the market to use throughout your visit.
7. Get Some searching In At La Villita And mart There ar countless places to buy in urban center, however none quite just like the La Villita Historic Arts Village—in the oldest a part of the city—or the outside, Mexican-style marketplace of mart. once you’ve exhausted your case searching, each have events throughout the year—not to say nice people-watching. You won’t notice something like them outside San Antonio!
8. Go Spelunking In one in every of San Antonio’s several Caves If you’re bored with all of the outside and recent air, and ar desire one thing a touch additional brave, head underground to explore one in every of the area’s several caverns. Natural Bridge Caverns, Cascade Caverns, and Cave while not a reputation all supply some spectacular sights.
9. For Above-Ground Excitement, Ride The Coasters At fete Texas If you’re trying to travel air sure, you can’t do higher than Six Flags fete Texas that options many high-octane roller coasters just like the Iron Rattler. however if you don’t have a style for thrill rides, there ar lots of milder rides and family-friendly diversion on supply, too.
10. Take Special wants Friends and Family to go to Morgan’s Wonderland Morgan’s Wonderland may be a completely different quite common, designed and designed to be utterly accessible to youngsters and adults with psychological feature or physical challenges whereas being a fun expertise for all guests.
11. See urban center From higher than At The Tower Of solid ground
Sure, metropolis likes to brag regarding its house Needle, however at 750 feet, San Antonio’s Tower of solid ground is taller. It’s the tallest building in urban center—and one in every of the tallest in Texas—and it provides you a stellar read of San Antonio and therefore the close Texas hill country.
12. Play holidaymaker At The watercourse Walk (Even If You’re A Local)
Yes, the watercourse Walk may be a holidaymaker destination, however it’s a holidaymaker destination for a reason—it’s an attractive place to spend associate degree hour, a day, or an entire day. absorb the sights, grab a bite to eat, and simply get pleasure from the city district.
13. See the most important assortment Of Asian Art within the South You wouldn’t extremely suppose to go to urban center to examine Asian art, however the urban center depository of Art on the north finish of the watercourse Walk has an intensive collection—as well as works from solid ground, Europe, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The crazy juxtaposition of east and (south)west is well-worth seeing.
14. See trendy Art In Spanish Colonial vogue The first trendy art depository within the state of Texas, the McNay Art depository is found within the former home of Marion Koogler McNay, a Spanish Colonial Revival mansion located on twenty three acres of improved grounds. even though trendy art isn’t your jam, the grounds ar an excellent place to wander and explore.
15. Skip The Museums And notice Some Street Art Instead For all the museums we’ve mentioned, you’ll notice art in urban center while not ever setting foot in one. We’re notably keen on F.I.S.H. by Donald Lipski, that options fish floating over the watercourse Walk below the I-35 flyover close to metropolis Street. If you retain your eyes open, you’ll conjointly notice murals everywhere the town.
16. Cheer On the house Team At A Spurs Game If you’re in urban center you’re responsible to root for the house team—and four-time NBA Championship winners, the Spurs, can provide you with masses to cheer for!
17. Brush informed Your Texas History At The butchery
nothing says Texas—or San Antonio—more than the historic butchery. And tho’ we’ve all detected the story, it’s price taking the time to go to. over simply the long-lasting facade, the butchery may be a four.2 acre complicated of gardens and exhibits—and ideal for a stroll before or once a ride down the watercourse Walk.
18. And investigate San Antonio’s alternative Historic Missions, Too Though the butchery continuously gets advert, urban center is home to over simply the one historic mission. Missions Conception, San Jose, San Juan, and Espada form up the urban center Missions park situated on the urban center watercourse.
19. wish to examine It All? Bike The Mission path From The butchery A hike and bike path runs from the butchery all the approach right down to the south Mission Espada. Rent a “B-cycle” from urban center B-Cycles and revel in the ride!
20. See The Nation’s Oldest Cathedral Built in 1750, the Cathedral of San Fernando in downtown urban center is that the oldest cathedral within the United States—and remains the middle of Catholic life within the town.
21. absorb Military History At Fort politico San Antonio features a massive military presence—enough to nickname the city “Military town USA.” Still a full of life military base, Fort politico is home to many museums and a grasslike, animal-filled quadrangle ideal for defrayment a day feeding the (rather demanding) birds.
22. Visit A Historic Homestead (Or 2 Or Three) Architecture lovers are in heaven. urban center is packed with historic homes, from the eighteenth century Spanish Governor’s Palace to the Steves Homestead and Villa Finale within the King William District.
23. See geographical region Fall colours while not confronting The weather condition
Texas might not be glorious for the dynamic  seasons, however that’s solely as a result of not everyone’s visited the Lost Maples State Natural space west of urban center. There, you’ll notice over two,000 acres of Bigtooth Maples and Texas Red Oaks that provides a sensible show each fall.
24. get pleasure from The Country while not exploit city The Lost Maples ar a touch of a drive, however Brackenridge Park offers 343 acres of out of doors diversion right within the heart of city. You’ll notice birds to feed, methods for walking or biking, playgrounds for the children, a links, and even a miniature railroad.
25. And Take Your Dog on Phil Hardberger Park - Things to try to to in urban center
Dogs ar allowed on-leash in Brackenridge Park, however at the 2 dog parks within Phil Hardberger Park , your hirsute friend will burst off the leash to run and play with alternative dogs.
26. notice Your Zen At the japanese garden For a touch additional Asian culture within the heart of urban center, swing by the japanese garden in Brackenridge Park wherever you’ll watch the swimming koi, relax by the water, or simply stroll the garden.
27. See Some ocean Life At SeaWorld SeaWorld - Things to try to to in urban center
You don’t have to be compelled to trek the 250 miles to town to examine marine life, as a result of the world’s largest marine park is correct in urban center with SeaWorld. make certain to catch up with Shamu and friends at the One Ocean show and take a swim with the stingrays at Aquatica!
28. Take A Spin At woman Bird Johnson Skate Park OK, therefore the town of urban center solely calls it woman Bird Johnson Park, however there’s a sizable—and free—skate park on the property. what percentage alternative 1st girls have their own skate parks? we tend to can’t consider any.
29. Entertain And Educate At The urban center Children’s depository San Antonio Children’s depository - Things to try to to in urban center Source: urban center Children’s depository
This kid-friendly—and, as a result, parent-friendly—museum focuses on interactive exhibits and learning through play. With 3 floors of show house, the urban center Children’s depository is bound to be a success with the miscroscopic ones.
30. Catch A Show At The butchery Drafthouse Or The Majestic Theatre The butchery Drafthouse Or The Majestic Theatre - Things to try to to in urban center
You can’t return through urban center while not catching a show. For recent run movies, strive the Texas original butchery Drafthouse Cinema, that serves up movies, food, and drinks tired identical place. For theater and alternative events, the historic Majestic Theatre is wherever you must go.
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Blessed with magnificent beaches, humbling mountain landscapes, and a blissful Mediterranean climate, Malibu is a famous city that lures even celebrities and socialites to leave foreign lands and permanently settle on its heavenly terrain.
Malibu brings both the resplendence of the Santa Mountains and the Pacific Ocean together, so expect a wealth of enchanting trails, state parks, campgrounds, and beaches.
It can be hard to choose where to go, so here’s our very own list of the best things to do in Malibu, CA to give you a glimpse of the city’s irresistible destinations.
1. The Getty Villa
The Getty Villa, located east of the city limits of Malibu, is an educational center and museum dedicated to ancient Greece, Rome, and other classical civilizations.
Why You Should Go
Featuring art that dates back to 7,000 years ago, the Getty Villa is nothing short of grand. In fact, it is a re-creation of an ancient Roman country house and offers performances, family events, lectures, Mediterranean-inspired food, and a wealth of resources on classical antiquity.
What to Do
Browse through the villa’s amazing exhibits, or catch an event if you can. If you’ve worked up an appetite from that, enjoy classical fare at the café, kiosk, or tea room.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Oceana Santa Monica, LXR Hotels & Resorts
2. El Matador State Beach
El Matador Beach is located within the Robert H. Meyer Memorial State Beach and is one the places to visit in Malibu that you should never miss!
Why You Should Go
El Matador Beach is a spectacular seafront location perfect for the usual swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing, with the added bonus of cave adventures during the low tide.
What to Do
Ready your cameras for El Matador’s impressive arches and unique rock formations. Don’t forget to wait for the low tide after swimming to visit the cave!
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Calamigos Guest Ranch and Beach Club
3. Zuma Beach
Zuma Beach is a 2-mile-long shoreline bordering a massive sandy area. Unlike other beaches in the city, there are no residential buildings on its shores.
Why You Should Go
One of the largest and most popular beaches in Los Angeles County, Zuma Beach is often considered to be one of the top attractions in Malibu. Its wide taupe sands and gentle summer waves beckon beach lovers here to go swimming, scuba diving, surfing, and fishing.
What to Do
The squad will absolutely love all the fun things to do in Malibu, California waiting for them at Zuma Beach. On top of the classic beach activities, there’s kiteboarding, bodyboarding, bodysurfing, beach volleyball, and windsurfing.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Malibu Beach Inn
Related: Best Beaches in Malibu
4. Adamson House
The Adamson House was built in 1929, featuring an extensive use of decorative tiles inspired by Mediterranean Revival design.
Why You Should Go
Sometimes dubbed the Taj Mahal of Tile, the Adamson House’s exterior and surrounding landscape flaunt a vibrant Mediterranean scene, while a rustic Old World countryside charm permeates the house indoors.
What to Do
Step into the forgotten era of Spanish-Moorish design in California, and make your way through the gardens and historic rooms. Afterwards, check out the shop for unique gifts along this motif.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel
5. Malibu Country Mart
Nestled between the majestic mountains and the glistening sea, the Malibu Country Mart was founded in 1975.
Why You Should Go
Malibu Country Mart, the heart of the downtown Malibu’s Civic Center, has a generic name, which hides away its extravagant countryside ambience, upscale boutiques, and al fresco dining experiences.
What to Do
Immerse yourself in Malibu’s calming, laid-back setting as you shop ’til you drop and dine ’til you’re filled. If you brought the little ones along, there’s a small playground just for them.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Santa Monica Proper Hotel, a Member of Design Hotels
6. Malibu Bluffs Park
Malibu Bluffs Park spans six acres of community park facilities overlooking the Pacific.
Why You Should Go
Part-wilderness and part-park, the Malibu Bluffs Park offers families multipurpose sports fields, a playground, trails, picnic tables, a whale watching station, and community events at the heart of actually 83 acres of undeveloped wilderness.
What to Do
Escape the rush of urbanization and commune with the abundance and power of nature at Malibu Bluffs Park. Hike the trails, listen to the distant waves, have a bite in the wilderness, and encourage the love for outdoor recreation to the kids.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: The Anza – a Calabasas Hotel
7. Escondido Falls
The Escondido Falls drops from a 150-foot multi-tiered cliff, the highest in the Santa Monica Mountains.
Why You Should Go
Dependent on rainfall, Escondido Falls is best visited in the early months of the year. It takes an adventure through 4.2 miles of oak woodland, riparian woodland, and coastal sage scrub to be rewarded with such a sight to behold.
What to Do
One of the top fun stuff to do in Malibu is embarking on the outdoorsy journey to Escondido Falls. Hike the Winding Way and soak in the natural ambience to recharge your soul!
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Sheraton Agoura Hills Hotel
8. Malibu Wine Safaris
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Malibu Wine Safaris takes you around Malibu’s largest vineyard to introduce you to its furry friends!
Why You Should Go
Aboard a trusty safari vehicle, Malibu Wine Safaris carries you through Saddlerock Ranch on a fun safari adventure that ends in wines and hor dourves.
What to Do
Explore the 1,000-acre Saddlerock Ranch with Malibu Wine Safaris and meet zebras, water buffalo, llamas, giraffes, and more! The adventure then serves you locally grown wines in a private wine tasting location.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village
9. Point Dume State Beach
Point Dume State Beach is one of the most breathtaking things to see in Malibu, noted for its vast, rugged beach landscape.
Why You Should Go
Featuring over one mile of shoreline and 34 acres of sand, Point Dume State Beach is a hidden gem that boasts views of the entire Santa Monica Bay and Catalina Island in the distance.
What to Do
Despite its rocky features, Point Dume State Beach actually has perfect spots for swimming, surfing, scuba diving, and fishing. Whale watching is also common from December to April.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Homewood Suites by Hilton Agoura Hills
10. Malibu Coastal Adventures
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Malibu Coastal Adventures is a consistently five-star rated tour operator that takes you along the Southern California coast.
Why You Should Go
Looking for the top things to do in Malibu with kids? How does an ocean adventure aboard a luxury catamaran sound? And you won’t just sail aimlessly around; you can meet and interact with sea life along the way and explore amazing marine landscapes too!
What to Do
Try stand-up paddleboarding, explore incredible sea caves, grab a fishing pole to catch some lunch, or snorkel around exotic kelp forests! Meet whales, dolphins, and sea lions as you go.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Hilton Garden Inn Calabasas
Related: Best Things to Do in Southern California
11. The Grotto Trail
Nestled on the idyllic Santa Monica Mountains, the Grotto Trail leads you to a secret oasis hidden in a canyon.
Why You Should Go
If you’re looking for cheap things to do this weekend, why don’t you take the squad on a short 3-mile round trip into the mountains? The trail leads you to a narrow canyon with caves, a creek, a little waterfall, and an enclosed pool.
What to Do
Experience the beauty of the majestic Santa Monica Mountains as you journey through a rare coastal Mediterranean ecosystem with occasional wildflower blooms.
Looking for things to do in Malibu tonight? You can also reserve a spot at the campground to listen to coyotes and watch the stars glisten in the dark!
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Calamigos Guest Ranch and Beach Club
12. Malibu Creek State Park
Malibu Creek State Park is a massive 8,000-acre mosaic of woodlands, tallgrass, and slopes surrounding the 14-mile Malibu Creek.
Why You Should Go
The Santa Monica Mountains is indeed home to a treasure trove of hidden gems, one of which is the ancient sprawling paradise surrounding Malibu Creek. This state park is so pretty it has been the location of a couple of popular films.
What to Do
Malibu Creek State Park offers a lot of the free things to do in Malibu for backpackers. Hike, bike, climb, kayak, camp, and watch wildlife as you explore the Santa Monica Mountains. For a full experience, the park offers free docent-led tours too!
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel
13. Solstice Canyon
Located off Corral Canyon Road from the Pacific Coast Highway up on the Santa Monica Mountains, Solstice Canyon is a popular sight with a wide array of hiking trails.
Why You Should Go
Another contender for scenic adventures into the Santa Monica Mountains is Solstice Canyon, a favorite among families, hardcore hikers, and history enthusiasts. Solstice Canyon features ruins, coastal sage scrub, and a perennial waterfall, all populated by roaming wildlife.
What to Do
Hike the wide trails and enjoy picnics along the way. A trip to the waterfall shows you several ruins too, like a stone hunting cabin and ranch house. If you’re looking for a more challenging adventure, opt for the Rising Sun Trail.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Courtyard by Marriott Los Angeles Woodland Hills
14. Malibu Riders
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Malibu Riders is a top-rated horseback riding tour company that guides guests through Malibu’s most beautiful trails.
Why You Should Go
With Malibu Riders, you get to ride through the city’s most amazing trails, lush forests, and stunning landscapes aboard gentle horses. You don’t need to be experienced. Just come and enjoy the relaxing ride.
What to Do
First choose your adventure. You can enjoy a ride through forests, up mountains with ocean views, or to a famous ranch formerly owned by 20th Century Fox. Arrive about an hour ahead of the ride schedule for briefing, and enjoy the trip.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Hampton Inn & Suites Agoura Hills
15. Leo Carrillo State Park
Named after a local conservationist, Leo Carrillo State Park is bordered by 1.5 miles of breathtaking coastline.
Why You Should Go
Campers with an affinity for the water are always drawn to the sycamores, coastal caves, reefs, and tidepools of Leo Carrillo State Park. The park also features lovely trails for back-country hiking.
What to Do
Book a spot on the park’s famed campgrounds and enjoy a beachy camping trip involving swimming, surfing, beachcombing, caving, and diving.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Quality Inn & Suites Thousand Oaks – US101
16. Malibu Hindu Temple
Amidst the green state parks of the Santa Monica Mountains rose a Hindu temple built in 1981.
Why You Should Go
The Malibu Hindu Temple is one of the largest Hindu temples in the Western world. It’s actually an active temple that hosts Hindu ceremonies, activities, and cultural programs.
What to Do
Looking for things to do in Malibu for couples? This temple makes for a unique experience with a foreign culture.
Tour the grounds and marvel at the intricacies of Hindu architecture inside out. Check out their official calendar to catch an event. If you’re hungry, the temple has a kitchen that serves delicious vegetarian meals.
Recommended Hotel Nearby: Hilton Woodland Hills/ Los Angeles
17. Neptune’s Net
Neptune’s Net was started in 1956 by a retired aerodynamicist from NASA.
Why You Should Go
Done all the best things to do in Malibu, CA? Reward yourself with a warm tasty meal at Neptune’s Net, a popular restaurant that has been featured in countless movies and shows.
What to Do
Even when it’s raining or cold, Neptune’s Net’s popularity never dies out. Treat yourself with the deep-fried seafood well loved by locals until today. Enjoy the postcard-perfect views as you chow down on Malibu fare.
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newf-surfboard-net · 3 years
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Beer, Marin County California, the beer list at Marin Brewery at Marin Country Mart. #beer #beerstagram #marincounty #sanfrancisco #travel https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZunojrVe7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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formeryelpers · 4 months
Marin County Mart, 2257 Larkspur Landing Cir, Larkspur, CA 94939
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This shopping complex, which used to be known as Larkspur Landing, has gone completely upscale. Honestly, it looks a lot like an outdoor shopping mall in Malibu and Brentwood, Los Angeles, and I suspect that the same developers were responsible for the three. It doesn’t feel really like a Northern California mall to me, but it is very attractive and pleasant. Also, some of the businesses are only found in the Bay Area and some are national.
It's not a huge mall but it has nice shops including Diptyque, Fred Segal, Design Within Reach, Topdrawer, Veronica Beard, etc. There are clothing stores, stationery stores, a toy store, home décor stores, fragrance stores, a bookstore, spas, fitness studios, a bank, post office, and lots of restaurants. Restaurants are more casual than formal and include a wide range of cuisines. Some of them are Souvla, Shake Shack, Rustic Bakery, Pressed Juicery, Johnny Doughnuts, Miette, Hog Island Oyster, and El Huarache Loco. I saw lotions from Italy, candles from France, and lots of lovely things to covet.
There are grassy areas, lots of restaurants with outdoor patios, and it’s walking distance to the ferry. The farmer’s market is every Saturday morning. Parking was easy to find.
5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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jonfarreporter · 7 months
Holiday season is coming! How about something with Vetiver!
As the holiday season is approaching quickly, many businesses and merchants are preparing for the annual array of holiday craft fairs and Christmas markets/boutiques. Among them is Caryl Brandes of Caryl B - Gifts That Pamper!
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As November begins, Brandes will be featuring her line of high-quality lotions, creams and bath salts as she returns to the annual Sonoma Women’s Club in Sonoma, less than a block from the historic plaza.
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And then by the middle of November, she will be bringing her products to the Marin County Mart Farmers Market in Larkspur. Located between the Larkspur Ferry Terminal and the new SMART Train Station, the Mart serves the communities of Marin County, as well as San Francisco locals who want a break from The City.
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Then for Thanksgiving weekend, Brandes will be at the Crocker Holliday Artisan Market in downtown Sacramento at the Scottish Rite Center.
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Described by co-chairs of the fundraiser, Lesli Pletcher, Jean Schaffer, Connie Spickelmier & Pamela Trump as “a tradition” and the place to find “one-of-a-kind treasures.”
Proceeds from the annual event support participating artists, Crocker Art Museum’s exhibitions and educational programs. Proceeds also go to Creative Arts League of Sacramento’s arts outreach to Mustard Seed School, Stanford Settlement, Sojourner Truth (SoJo); to low-cost art tours, and other important community programs in the Sacramento area.
During the three-day weekend artisan-crafts-extravaganza, Brandes will be among over 100 artists and craftspeople all providing the best in original works and special products.
Brandes strives to create the best in personal care items and just about every season she debuts a new item or product line variety.
Just in time for the holiday season, Brandes is introducing Warm Woods. “It’s really yummy with notes of Sandalwood, Cedar, Amber, Musk and Vetiver,” said Brandes.
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Vetiver is considered to have health benefits and has been used for centuries like aloes, lavender and lemongrass. Like Sandalwood, Vetiver can be traced back to India. The Kannauj region was a major center of trade for this and other aromatic plants, herbs and spices.
During the reign of Emperor Harshavardhana, trade and demand for this perennial plant was so great, a tax on Vetiver was introduced. A very enduring plant it is both resilient and non-evasive.
Used in cosmetics, skin care and aromatherapy, Vetiver has been known in India for more than two millennia and is used in making soap. Naturally antiseptic, Vetiver it has been used to treat acne and skin abrasions.
Because Caryl B products are specifically designed to travel easily in purse, handbag or carry-on luggage, it’s all in the packaging. “This year I am concentrating on gift boxes pre-made or the customer can ask for specific items/fragrances,” Brandes said.
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Caryl B schedule for the remainder of the Fall is as follows:
Sonoma Women’s Club on weekend of November 4 & 5 from 10 AM to 4 PM at 574 First Street, East in the town of Sonoma.
Marin County Mart Farmers Market in Larkspur at 2257-C Larkspur Landing Circle; for two consecutive weekends of November 11 and November 18, from 9 AM to 2PM.
Crocker Holliday Artisan Market, Thanksgiving weekend of November 24, 12 Noon to 5 PM, November 25, from 10 AM to 5 PM and November 26, from 10 AM to 4 PM at the Scottish Rite Center, 6151 H Street, downtown Sacramento (cross street is Carlson Drive).
For more details visit each of the events’ websites in the links within the highlighted text.
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To learn more about Caryl B and to order directly from Caryl Brandes, visit the Caryl B website.
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austinturner · 2 years
5 Reasons Why MFM is the Best Pinoy Resto in Orange County
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Orange County, California is a great place to live, work, and dine! Find several great dining places where you may chill while pampering your taste buds. How about visiting a restaurant that serves authentic and delicious Filipino recipes?
Discovering spots where you can guarantee superb Lechon or a very soothing Sinigang (your best comfort food) is such a gastronomic experience. Exploding flavors will undoubtedly send you back to those good old days!
Pinoy dishes know no bounds, and they will always find you! But in Orange County, Manila Food Mart is the best place to get your Filipino soul all content and fulfilled. Do you know why?
Here’s what to expect when you dine at Manila Food Mart! Read on!
1. Varied Menu
Which Filipino food do you crave today? A sizzling Sisig? Or perhaps some delicious bowl of festive Halo-halo? Whatever comes to mind, know that Manila Food Mart has it for you!
Manila Food Mart offers a vast selection of Filipino cuisine and at the same time, the quality of every food is never compromised! So rest assured that you will get your Lumpia extra crunchy or your Adobo perfectly marinated!
From fragrant rice to a great presentation of Turo-Turo meals, satisfy those taste buds with their menu which has so many unique flavors! You’re welcome to return at any time to enjoy all their flavorful dishes like Sisig, Crispy Pata and whatever authentic Pinoy dish you are craving for.
2.Budget-Friendly for a Hearty Serving
Do you find it challenging to find a restaurant that balances good food and price? Wait until you learn how Manila Food Mart serves your favorite Filipino foods that’s definitely within the budget!
You can complete your healthy protein intake from Beef Kare-Kare or Lechon Kawali. Or nutritious veggies from Chopsuey and Laing. Then top it all off with desserts like Leche Flan or a chilly fruit salad.
And if you want to enjoy more food with your group to celebrate a big day, they have all the Party Tray sizes for you and your guests!
Manila Food Mart can provide you with a hearty authentic Filipino meal that doesn’t require a hefty cost, making it the best Pinoy Resto in Orange County!
3. Delicious Close-To-Home Cooking
A Filipino standard requires finishing your plates down to the very last grain of rice to say that something was genuinely delicious!
From Manila Food Mart’s homemade cooking style, the delicious recipes will surely make you finish off your dishes and remind you of the best of your moments.
Probably it’s the way the vivid Ube ice cream accentuates the beauty of  a special Halo-Halo. Or how the jasmine rice perfectly matches the Adobo sauce!
You can even combine Pancit Bihon with Lumpiang Shanghai, it’s all up to you! Because regardless of what every guest requests, Manila Food Mart will  guarantee that every dish is freshly prepared, and served with the warmest of smiles.
4. Turo-Turo Set-Up Provides More Authentic Experience
How can Filipino food be genuine without that Turo-Turo setup?
Turo-Turo means “Point and Point” in Tagalog and refers to a casual dining style. It is the colloquial term when you point to the food you want, much like a buffet.
This feature of Manila Food Mart is what makes the food more authentic. This setup depicts how Turo-Turos has turned into a crucial part of Filipino culture.
Every hard-working Filipino understands how quickly they can grab a dinner after a long day by choosing from a wide range of Turo-Turo recipes.
Feel the nostalgia and reminisce about how you spent your time in the carinderia during those good old days in the Philippines.
5. A Warm and Cozy Ambience
Maybe it’s in the aroma of steaming white rice or the crisp sizzle of the Sisig, but when we look for the best Filipino place, it matters to us that we can also enjoy that warm, nostalgic feeling of being at home.
The cozy and graceful Filipino interiors at Manila Food Mart would entice you to return time and again. Drown your senses with the smell, and the flavors of a truly Pinoy taste. Enjoy the genuine enthusiasm and hospitality of the staff at Manila Food Mart and make yourself at home once again.
Wrap it up!
Visit Manila Food Mart and surprise your guests with the distinct taste of Pinoy dishes.
Manila Food Mart wants to share the creative, appetizing, and diverse flavors of authentic Filipino cuisine.
Enjoy the uniqueness of Pinoy food and share the wonderful flavors to everyone around you and bring in the good vibes!
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trends11-blog · 4 years
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It’s the week to savor summer patios and this is a townhome I designed inspired by Marin County, California. The exterior slatted wall on the right was a big discussion point and so were how the windows were mulled. There was a lot of back and forth, but in the end, these were the modern accents we needed. @themarvinbrand // I borrowed the lounge chair from the local design mart and they were custom made by @sutherlandfurniture. There was only one so we had to move it and shoot this shot twice to get this visual. It was so important to mix #luxury brands that I spent a lot of time working with local showrooms to make it happen. // The two little seagrass stools were local finds from a home decor store. They weren’t quite the right color so I whitewashed them and sealed them myself. I’m not a huge #DIYer but when needed, I’ll get out my faux finishing techniques and make it work. I loved the live grasses featured in the planter so much I planted a row at my own home right after shooting this! #patio #deck #deckdecor #outdoorliving #designinspo #designinspiration #entertainingathome #homedecor #interiordesign #outdoordecor #outdoordesign #outdoorforniture #design #outdoor #garden #outdoorlivingspace #patiodecor #homedecor #architecture #gardendesign #exteriordesign #outdoors #furniture #interiordesign #design #homedecor #patiodoor #outdoorfurniture #windows https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9N7bLlF3y/?igshid=1dvgfrf5lfgw0
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Exclusive Travel Industry Podcasts - TravelNewsAsia.com
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Not everybody has the time to watch a 15 or 20-minute in-depth interview in video format. Not only does video drain your mobile's battery a lot faster than just audio, a lot of the time you cannot just put it down and listen to what's being said without the phone turning the audio off when the screen goes dark. That's why in 2016 we started making podcasts of all the interviews that we do, and they have proved very popular. Links to the corresponding video interviews can be found in each podcast's description below. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or would like to sponsor our podcasts please do let us know. Thank you. In this exclusive interview, John Roberts gives us an update on the status of elephants in Thailand, what the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation (GTAEF) does, as well as how the year 2019 ended and what they have planned for 2020. John tells us what Jungle Bubbles are, who is staying in them, how many elephants people can expect to see, whether they are safe, and how they plan to expand this rather unusual idea. All that and much, much more in the interview. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. In this exclusive interview, filmed in February 2020, Jim Jones, CEO of North Wales Tourism, tells us how 2019 ended, how that compares to 2018 and what targets they have for 2020. We discuss visitor arrivals, spending, and why Jim feels that Conwy has potential as a tourism destination for tourists from overseas. Jim tells us where the international visitor arrivals are coming from, why he has spent so much time trying to build Japan as a key source market, what they are doing to address language issues, how they use technology to promote the destination and what it is about North Wales that he believes will appeal to tourists from Asia. All that and much, much more in the interview. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Surf Snowdonia, now called Adventure Parc Snowdonia, was born in 2008 when an aluminum works with over 100 years of history was purchased and turned into the world's first inland surf lagoon with a handful of glamping pods for people who wanted to stay. Since then, the site has expanded enormously and will soon be home to Hilton's second hotel in Wales, with the other Hilton being in the capital, Cardiff. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. The venue cymru in Llandudno, North Wales, recently completed phase one of a multi-million GBP renovation and expansion project. In this exclusive interview you will learn what type of events venue cymru can now handle, what trends they are seeing, how the international expansion of airports such as Liverpool, Manchester and Cardiff has helped the business, and whether there is still more work to be done. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Exclusive FHD video interview with Mr. Cyng Goronwy O Edwards, Mayor of Conwy, North Wales. In this interview, Goronwy tells us about new developments that are happening in the area, including a new Hilton hotel, how Conwy uses sport to promote the destination, and why North Wales is fast becoming known as the adventure capital of Europe. All that and much, much more in the podcast. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Exclusive interview with Brid Collins, General Manager of The Quay Hotel and Spa in Deganwy, Conwy, north Wales. In this interview, filmed at the hotel on 7 February 2020, Brid tells us more about the hotel and north Wales as tourism destination. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Farmer Gareth Wyn Jones is one of the most positive, forward thinking and inspirational people I have ever had the good fortune to meet and interview. I genuinely wish there were more people like him promoting sustainable living, protecting heritage and helping create new and sustainable tourism experiences and initiatives, not just in north Wales - but around the world. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. In the county of Conwy in north Wales, the Gwinllan Conwy Vineyard has seen its business grow rapidly since it opened in 2016. Today, the vineyard, located in the hamlet of Llangwstenin, has the capability of producing up to around 10,000 bottles per year and this could well increase to 20,000 in the near future. Colin Bennett explains what wine from the Gwinllan Conwy Vineyard is all about, and what plans they have for the future. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Aerobility has two simulators, a small fleet of aircraft, a dedicated and passionate team, and impressive dreams of expanding the admirable work they do to not only other parts of the UK, but the world as well. To learn more about Aerobility's plans for 2020 and beyond, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com visited their headquarters at Blackbushe Airport in Hampshire and sat down with Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Mike Miller-Smith MBE. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Despite the strength of the Thai Baht many would argue that Thailand still represents excellent value for money as a destination, and with approximately 39.77 million people visiting the country in 2019, the numbers seem to suggest that many agree. So how has the strong Baht, Brexit and other UK-related issues impacted Thailand's tourism industry? (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Khun Chiravadee Khunsub, Director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand - UK, Ireland and South Africa tells us about TAT's plans for the Thailand Travel Mart Plus (TTM+) 2020. Filmed at TAT's office in London on 8 January 2020, Khun Chiravadee tells us when and where TTM+ 2020 will take place, why that city was chosen, what the theme will be this year, and how many buyers and sellers are expected to attend. Khun Chiravadee tells us how many buyers from the UK will be going and how those buyers will be chosen, and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Simpson Marine is one of Asia's largest yacht dealers. With offices around the region, Simpson Marine recently appointed Howard Prime as the new Country Manager for Thailand, based in Phuket. Simpson Marine represents some of the biggest names in yachting, including Sanlorenzo, Monte Carlo Yachts, Fairline Yachts, Beneteau, Lagoon, Aquila and Viking, to give them an enviable portfolio that caters to a variety of wealthy clients and their different needs. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Seaplanes in Thailand? In this interview, filmed at the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show on 21 November 2019, Dennis Keller, CBO of Siam Seaplane, tells us more about the company, why they were attending the boat show, what being in 'Development Phase' really means, when they hope to be fully operational and what exactly it is the company will do once they are. We discuss the types of seaplanes the company will operate, whether they already have the planes here in Thailand, how they have been configured, and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. On the first day of the IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Yanik Hoyles, IATA's Director of Industry Distribution Programmes, to ask him about NDC (New Distribution Capability). Yanik tells us how the certification levels within NDC, such as Level 4 and @scale, differ from one another, why they are important, what needs to be done to go from one level to another, and so very much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Exclusive interview with Mr. Pitayakom (Fah) Yangsuksathaporn, General Manager of the Vince Hotel Bangkok Pratunam. In this interview, filmed in the rooftop bar of the hotel on 1 November 2019, Khun Fah tells us about the location of the Vince Hotel Bangkok Pratunam, where the hotel's guests are coming from, how 2019 compares to 2018, what its USPs are, where all the creative ideas come from, which other events the hotel will attend this year, what guests can expect from the property, what plans they have for 2020, and whether there are more Vince Hotels planned. All that and much, much more in the FHD video and podcast. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. It has happened to most frequent travellers at one time or another, you arrive at your destination only to find that the baggage you checked-in a few hours earlier somehow missed the flight. How does that happen, are more bags being delayed or lost now than in previous years, and what technology can airports and airlines use to minimise, or even eradicate, this problem? Those are just some of the questions that Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com put to Peter Drummond, SITA's Portfolio Director Baggage. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
The Evolution of Airline Chatbots - Interview with Jonathan Newman, CCO of ( caravelo (
Exclusive interview with Jonathan Newman, CCO of ( caravelo (. In this interview, filmed at the IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Jonathan to tell us more about his company, the AIRS2019 event, IATA's accelerator programme, their new office in Kuala Lumpur, and much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
SITA Baggage User Conference 2019 in Bangkok 5-7 November
The annual SITA Baggage User Conference 2019 is taking place in Bangkok, Thailand from 5-7 November 2019. While media are not invited to attend, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com was able to sit down with Peter Drummond, SITA's Portfolio Director of Baggage, to ask him more about the event. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Airline Distribution - Interview with Rakesh Narayanan of Sabre Travel Solutions
Exclusive interview with Rakesh Narayanan, VP and RGM South Asia & Pacific, Sabre Travel Solutions - Airline Sales. In this interview, filmed at the IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium in Bangkok on 29 October 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Rakesh to update us on the latest industry trends and developments. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium 2019 - Interview with Stephan Copart
IATA was in Bangkok, Thailand last week for the second annual Airline Industry Retailing Symposium. Around 45 people from IATA joined hundreds of high-level delegates who had flown in from around the world to network, share ideas and learn the latest ideas, trends and solutions in airline retailing and distribution. Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com was at the the IATA AIR Symposium and used the opportunity to sit down with Stephan Copart, IATA's Head of Projects & Innovation, to learn more about the event. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
ATPCO and Routehappy - Interview with Robert Albert at IATA AIR Symposium 2019
Robert Albert founded Routehappy in 2011 in New York, USA. The company was acquired by ATPCO in February 2018 and fully integrated in February 2019. In this interview, filmed on 29 October at the IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium (AIRS) in Bangkok, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Robert to give us an update on the company, NDC, NGS and the industry in general. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Vern Insurance Technologies - Interview with Marton Elodi at IATA Air Symposium 2019
Exclusive interview with Marton Elodi, Co-Founder and Head of Project, Vern Insurance Technologies. In this interview, filmed on 30 October 2019 at the IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium 2019 in Bangkok, Marton tells us why he was attending the event and explains what it is that Vern Insurance Technologies does. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Awesome Trip - Interview with Mark Corbett, Chief Innovation Officer, at IATA AIRS 2019
Exclusive interview with Mark Corbett, Chief Innovation Officer, at Awesome Trip. In this interview, filmed on 30 October 2019 at the IATA Airline Industry Retailing Symposium 2019 in Bangkok, Mark tells us why IATA invited Awesome Trip to the event, what he hoped to achieve from attending, and what he thinks of it. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Cambodia Airways - Exclusive Interview with Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director
Aviation in Cambodia. One of the biggest challenges that Cambodia's tourism industry has faced over the years has been the lack of air connectivity. There are airlines in Cambodia, but none have expanded rapidly enough - regionally, or long haul - to really help tourism development within the country. Could that be about to change? Exclusive interview with Mr. Lucian Hsing, Commercial Director of Cambodia Airways. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
How's Business in Cambodia? Exclusive Interview with MD of Dara Hotels, Richard Dusome
How's Business in Cambodia? Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Richard L. Dusome, Managing Director of Phnom Penh-based Dara Hotels. In this interview, filmed on 12 October 2019 at the Cambodia Travel Mart, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Richard what he hopes to get from the CTM 2019, what sorts of buyers his hotels have met and how he would like to see the event grow in the future. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Palace Gate Hotel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia - Interview with GM, Thy Sothea
Exclusive interview with Mr. Thy Sothea, General Manager of the Palace Gate Hotel in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. In this interview, filmed at the Cambodia Travel Mart on 11 October 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Thy to tell us more about his hotel and why the property was exhibiting at CTM2019. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Lynnaya Urban River Resort & Spa in Siem Reap - Interview with Kan Chansathya, GM
Exclusive interview with Mr. Kan Chansathya, General Manager of the Lynnaya Urban River Resort & Spa in Siem Reap, Cambodia. In this video, filmed at the Cambodia Travel Mart 2019 on 11 October, Kan tells Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com why his property decided to exhibit at the CTM 2019, how his property differs from the many others in Siem Reap, where the hotel is located, which markets the hotel attracts, and how 2019 has been, in terms of business, compared to 2018. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Urban Tales Phnom Penh Interactive Tours - Interview with Mey Leang Samir
Urban Tales Phnom Penh recently launched a rather unique way to explore the Kingdom of Cambodia's capital city. In this exclusive interview, filmed on 12 October at the Cambodia Travel Mart 2019, Ms. Mey Leang Samir tells Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com what the tours are all about, and why they are unique. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Cambodia Airports - Interview with David Thompson, CCO
Exclusive interview with David Thompson, CCO of Cambodia Airports. Filmed on the first day of the Cambodia Travel Mart 2019, David tells us about the three airports that Cambodia Airports manages - Phnom Penh (PNH), Siem Reap (REP) and Sihanouk (KOS), how this year compares to last year, and what expansion plans they have for the future. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Cambodia Travel Mart 2019 - Interview with Hosted Buyer, May Yap
May Yap, the Contracting Director of Malaysia's Asian Overland Services Tours & Travel SDN. BHD. was one of the hosted buyers at the Cambodia Travel Mart 2019 in Phnom Penh. Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with May on Sunday, the last day of the travel trade show, to ask her whether the show met her expectations and how she would like to see it improve in the future. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Phnom Penh Tourism - Interview with Tour Guide, Rorn Saroun
What is the difference between the Central Market and Russian Market in Phnom Penh, Cambodia? Which is the most popular with tourists? What else is there to see and do in Phnom Penh? In this interview, filmed on 12 October at the Cambodia Travel Mart 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Rorn Saroun, an English language tour guide in the Kingdom of Cambodia's capital city, to tell us more about Phnom Penh. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
How's Business at the Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit? Interview with Sammy Carolus, GM
Exclusive interview with Mr. Sammy Carolus, General Manager of the Hyatt Regency Bangkok Sukhumvit Hotel. In this interview, filmed in the hotel's popular rooftop bar and entertainment venue - Spectrum - on 27 September 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Sammy how business at the hotel has been since it opened in December 2018. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Hahn Air - Exclusive Interview with Jörg Troester, Head of Corporate Strategy, Industry and Government Affairs
Hahn Air, a German scheduled and executive charter airline as well as a leading provider of ticketing and distribution solutions for other airlines and travel agencies, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Jörg Troester, Head of Corporate Strategy, Industry and Government Affairs, to ask him what the 20th anniversary means to Hahn Air, why they chose to host one of the seven parties in Bangkok - as they do have an office in Manila and New Delhi, how important the Asia Pacific region is to the company, and how NDC is going to change the industry. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Norwegian Cruise Line - Exclusive Interview with Felix Chan, Vice President Asia
Exclusive interview with Mr. Felix Chan, Vice President - Asia, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings. In this interview, filmed in Bangkok on 23 September 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Felix how 2019 compares to 2018, what the passenger numbers are like this year, and what targets NCL has for 2020. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Interview with CEO of Vistara TATA SIA Airlines, Leslie Thng
Exclusive interview with Mr. Leslie Thng, CEO of Vistara TATA SIA Airlines. In this interview, filmed at the Centre Point Chidlom Hotel on 28 August 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Mr. Thng why the airline chose Dubai and Bangkok as its first international routes after Singapore, and what future plans the airline has - from dedicated cargo to new routes, cabin crew and much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Interview with Khun Poomiphat Navanukroh (Tom), Group Director - Travel Industry, Cape & Kantary Hotels
As the Cape Panwa Hotel is the long-term title sponsor and host of the annual Phuket Raceweek sailing regatta, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com took the opportunity to sit down with Khun Poomiphat Navanukroh (Tom), the Group Director - Travel Industry for Cape & Kantary Hotels, to ask him about the event and the company's plans for the future. In this exclusive interview, filmed at the Cape Panwa Hotel on 21 July 2019, Khun Tom tells us about three new properties the hotel group plans to open in the next few years, how they will be branded, where they will be located, and how many rooms each will have. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2019 - Interview with Captain Lyn Evans
Lyn Evans, Managing Director of Sydney-based Elam Cabling Group, is taking part in her 3rd Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek. Steven Howard took the opportunity to sit down with her on 19 July to ask her why she likes the event so much, how many people travel with her from Australia to compete, how this year differs from previous years, how she would like to see it improve and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2019 - Interview with Claire Canning
Despite being very new to sailing, Claire Canning has already taken part in many events around the world, and tries to get out on the water as much as she can. Claire tells us why she enjoys attending the Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek and how this year's edition compared to 2018, why she loves sailing so much, where she has sailed and in what events, and why she loves this particular event when compared to others around the region. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2019 - Interview with Bernard 'Buck' O'Brien
Semi-retired in Phuket, but originally from the outback of Australia, Bernard 'Buck' O'Brien sat down with Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com on Saturday 20 July 2019 to talk to him about the Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2019, his love for Thailand and why he has chosen to retire there. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2019 - Interview with Organiser, Byron Jones
The 16th Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek came to a thrilling end on Sunday, but with totally unprecedented and unpredictable weather conditions wreaking havoc with race schedules, it was not easy sailing for organiser, Byron Jones. In this exclusive interview, filmed at the Cape Panwa Hotel on 20 July 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Byron about Phuket Raceweek, how 2019 compares to previous years, where sailors are coming from, and how he would like to see the event grow and develop. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2019 - Interview with Captain Craig Nicholls
Exclusive interview with Captain Craig Nicholls, Managing Director of Northside Air Conditioning & Heating in Australia, about sailing in Thailand, his impressive Phuket-based yacht and the Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2019. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
What Dreams Are Made Of - 500 Rai Resorts in Thailand's Khao Sok National Park
What dreams are made of - the 500 Rai Floating Resort on Lake Cheow Lan, Khao Sok National Park, Surat Thani, Thailand. Thais have long known about the beauty of Khao Sok National Park in Thailand's southern Surat Thani province, but the destination is still not very well known amongst travellers from abroad. That's about to change. Atirat Danphattharaworawat, Managing Director of 500 Rai, tells us all about his two amazing resorts. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Transforming Pattana into a Leading Sports Training Hub - Interview with Rujirapun Juangroongruangkit
The Pattana Golf Resort and Sports Hub in Sriracha, Chonburi, Thailand is undergoing a major transformation. The owners of what started off as an impressive golf course and resort some 13 years ago, are looking to turn Pattana - located just 90 minutes from Bangkok, into one of the leading sports hubs in not just Thailand, but the region. With so much happening at Pattana, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Ms. Rujirapun Juangroongruangkit, Executive Vice President, to ask her more about these exciting plans and developments. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Outstanding Views of Bangkok from Shama Lakeview Asoke - Interview with Sukamal Mondal, GM
While many properties offer outstanding views of part of the city, few, if any, can offer you unobstructed views of almost the entire city whilst still being in the heart of Bangkok. And that's what makes the Shama Lakeview Asoke on Sukhumvit Soi 16 truly unique. With this in mind, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Sukamal Mondal, General Manager of the Shama Lakeview Asoke, to ask him more about the property. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
aava Resort & Spa in Khanom, Thailand - Interview with Kati Hakkinen
The luxurious aava Resort & Spa in Khanom, Thailand, is no stranger to the annual Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) and has attended the last nine, including the most recent edition in Jomtien, Pattaya last week. In this exclusive interview, filmed on the first day of TTM+ 2019, Kati Hakkinen explains where Khanom is in Thailand, what its attraction is, and what is the best way to travel there. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Khanom, An Emerging Destination in Thailand - TTM+ Interview with Racha Kiri Resort
Khanom may not be a name you are familiar with yet, but it is certainly somewhere that you should consider the next time you are looking for a beach holiday in Thailand that will get you away from the throngs of tourists that many of the other destinations receive. Located approximately 90 minutes from either Surat Thani or Nakhon Si Thammarat airports, Khanom is an emerging destination that was, considering its size, well represented at last week's Thailand Travel Mart (TTM+) 2019 in Pattaya. Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Khun Sillapat Watcharapong, Director of Marketing at the Racha Kiri Resort in Khanom, to ask him about his resort and Khanom as a destination. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Pai Tourism - An Emerging Destination in Thailand
Pai, part of Mae Hong Song province in Northern Thailand, was exhibiting at TTM+ 2019 and Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Ms. Phatchareeporn Ruecha of the Pai Tourism Business Association to learn more about Pai as a tourist destination. In this exclusive interview, Ms. Phatchareeporn tells us more about Pai, how to get there, what the average length of stay is, where visitors are coming from, how many 5-star hotels there are in Pai and what Pai is doing about Airbnb, plus much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Hospitality Management Interns from Philippines Interview with Mia Danielee L. Leonoras
How do so many Filipinos end up working in hotels and hospitals around the world, what is the process, how does it work, and what choices do they have? As many are very young, are they not scared about leaving home, are their families not worried about their safety, and wouldn't they prefer to work in their own country? These are just some of the many questions that I asked Mia Danielee L. Leonoras (23), in Halong, Vietnam on 26 May 2019. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Team Hollywood P52 Yacht Owner and Captain - Ray Roberts
Ray Roberts missed a couple of recent Top of the Gulf Regattas in Pattaya, Thailand but is back stronger than ever this year with his very fast TP52 yacht - Team Hollywood. Having won nearly all of their races, Ray tells us what makes the TOG Regatta so special and why he decided to compete in this year's event. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Para Sailing and the SV14 Two-Person Dinghy - Interview with Yacht Designer
Exclusive interview with Mr. Maarten Voogd, Co-Founder Simonis Voogd Yacht Design. In this interview, filmed at the Top of the Gulf Regatta in Pattaya, Thailand on 1 May 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Mr. Voogd about the two-person dinghy, which markets it is selling well in and why, and where the company would like to sales grow. We discuss the technology behind the SV14 and what technologies and materials could change the boat in the future. All this and much, much more in the podcast. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Hong Kong Disneyland  - Interview with Edward Goh, VP Commercial Strategy
Exclusive interview with Mr. Edward Goh, Hong Kong Disneyland's Vice President - Commercial Strategy. In this interview, filmed at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel on 12 April 2019, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Mr. Goh about their recently released annual figures. We discuss the increase in visitors to the park, which three markets enjoyed double digit growth, and Mr. Goh explains why he feels that those markets in particular are doing so well. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Ibis Hong Kong North Point  - Interview with Wilson Choi, GM
Exclusive interview with Wilson Choi, General Manager of the Ibis Hong Kong North Point. In this interview we discuss how business in 2018 compared to 2017, and what targets the hotel has for 2019. We talk about where the hotel's guests are coming from, the average length of stay, their average age, what the hotel is doing to improve on some of those figures and what trends Wilson is seeing. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan  - Interview with Simone Hansen, GM
How's business in Hong Kong? Exclusive FHD video interview with Simone Hansen, General Manager of the Ibis Hong Kong Central & Sheung Wan Hotel. In this interview, filmed at the hotel on 8 April 2019, Steven Howard asks Simone about the property, why its location is important, what the local area has to offer, and how convenient it is to get to and from the airport. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Siam@Siam Design Hotel Pattaya - Interview with Dmitry Chernyshev, GM
How's business in Pattaya, Thailand? Exclusive FHD video interview with Dmitry Chernyshev, General Manager of the very cool Siam@Siam Design Hotel Pattaya. In this interview, filmed on 7 March 2019, Steven Howard asks Dmitry about the hotel, why the property's location is such a great selling point, where his guests are coming from, and what he is doing to balance out the guest portfolio a little better. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Miss International Queen 2019 - Interview with Miss USA, Jazelle Barbie Royale
In this exclusive interview filmed on 7 March 2019, one day before the Grand Final, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Jazell why she has come so far to compete, why she chose Miss International Queen (มิสอินเตอร์เนชั่นแนลควีน 2019), who she feels is her strongest competitor, and what it would mean for her to be crowned Miss International Queen 2019. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Miss International Queen 2019 - Interview with Alisa Phanthusak
Exclusive interview with Alisa Phanthusak, Managing Director of Miss Tiffany's Show Pattaya, about Miss International Queen 2019. In this interview, filmed on 23 February 2019, Khun Alisa tells us how this year's Miss International Queen will differ from in 2017 and how many participants the event attracted this year. We also talk about where the contestants are coming from, whether the number of applicants looking to take part has increased, and what challenges the event still faces. Alisa also tells us how people around the world will be able to watch the finals on 8 March 2019 LIVE, plus much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Interview with Austrian Wine Producer Manfred Ehrenhofer of Sigma Vinum
Exclusive interview with Manfred Ehrenhofer of Sigma Vinum. In this interview, filmed at the Bangkok Wine Expo 2019 on 22 February, Manfred tells us more about his company, how many bottles of wine he produces annually, how many of them are exported, why he was attending the Bangkok Wine Expo for the first time, what he expects to get from the event, and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Austrian Wine Interview with Eva Moosbrugger of Schloss Gobelsburg Wines
Exclusive interview with Eva Moosbrugger of Schloss Gobelsburg Wines from Austria. Filmed at the Bangkok Wine Expo on 22 February 2019, Eva tells us more about her family's wine business, how many bottles they produce each year, how many of those are exported and to which countries. We discuss how the family would like to change the export business, what challenges it faces, and what limitations there are with regards to the numbers it can produce. All that and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Yoo Hotels Opens Regional HQ in Bangkok; Partners Onyx Hospitality
Exclusive interview about Yoo Hotels & Resorts' expansion plans in Asia Pacific and beyond. In this interview, Andrew Pang tells us why Yoo has chosen Bangkok for their regional HQ, we discuss the company's expansion plans, why Yoo feels it is the right time to launch a new hotel brand, how the two hotel brands under yoo differ, what targets the company has in terms of the number of properties in the region and globally within the next few years, and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Austrian Wines and Bangkok Wine Expo 2019
What plans does Austria have for the upcoming Bangkok Wine Expo 2019 which will take place at the Shangri-La Hotel on 22 February. Mr. Gunther Sucher, Commercial Counsellor at the Austrian Embassy in Bangkok, tells us how many wine producers from Austria will be participating this year, how that compares to last year and what they expect to get from the event. We also discuss Austrian wine in general, how much of it is exported, where most of the exported wine goes and how important the Thai market is to Austria's wine industry. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Austrian Tourism Industry Update - 2019
Why should people visit Austria when they travel to Europe and how does it compare to other popular tourist destinations in the region? How many visitor arrivals did Austria welcome in 2018, how does that compare with 2017 and what is the target for 2019? How many Thais travel to Austria every year and how long do they stay? These are just some of the many questions that Steven Howard of TavelNewsAsia.com puts to Mr. Gunther Sucher, Commercial Counsellor at the Austrian Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Bangkok Elephant Boat Race and River Festival 2019
The inaugural Bangkok Elephant Boat Race and River Festival will take place near the Anantara Riverside on 29-31 March 2019. What's it all about? Tim Boda of Minor Hotels unveils a lot of previously unknown details about this very exciting new event. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
How's Business at FLC Grand Hotel Halong?
How's business at the most luxurious and newest hotel in Halong, Vietnam? Exclusive FHD interview with Mr. Roland G. Svensson, General Manager of the newly opened FLC Grand Hotel Halong in Vietnam. In this interview, filmed in the lobby of the hotel on 18 January 2019, Steven Howard asks Mr. Svensson how business has been in the very busy 7 days since the hotel opened. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
How's Business at The St. Regis Astana?
Exclusive interview with Mr. Luciano Sozzo, General Manager of The St. Regis Astana, one of the most luxurious hotels in Kazakhstan. In this interview, filmed in the Presidential Suite of The St. Regis Astana on 14 December 2018, Steven Howard asks Mr. Sozzo how business has been since the hotel opened in September 2017. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Looking Ahead with Air Astana
Exclusive interview with Mr. Richard Ledger, Air Astana's Vice President of Marketing and Sales. In this interview, filmed at Air Astana's offices at Astana Int. Airport on 14 December, Steven Howard asks about the airline's latest aircraft - the snow leopard. We discuss which routes the aircraft will be used on, what the livery means, and what timeframe the airline has to retire the aircraft that the Embraer E190-E2 will replace. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
How's Business at the Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur?
Exclusive HD video interview with Vinod Narayan, Hotel Manager of the luxurious Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur. In this interview, filmed at the hotel's very cool bar on 4 December 2018, Steven Howard asks Vinod how business has been since the hotel opened just a few months ago. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Simpson Marine - Interview with Richard Allen, Group General Manager
Exclusive interview with Richard Allen, Group General Manager of Simpson Marine. In this interview, filmed on board a Monte Carlo Yacht MCY 96 which was at the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show 2018 earlier this month, Steven Howard asks how yacht sales have been this year when compared to 2017, which markets are doing well, which areas of ASEAN and Asia Pacific region hold the most opportunity for growth and what's holding those areas back, plus much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sailing in Thailand - Exclusive Interview with Scott Finsten, OMYC Harbour Master
Exclusive interview with Scott Finsten, Harbour Master at the Ocean Marina Yacht Club in Jomtien, Pattaya, Thailand. Scott tells us about the state of sailing in Thailand, who is sailing - Thais or foreigners, what they are sailing, and how does he see the lifestyle / sport developing in the future. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Disabled Sailing Thailand - Interview with Peter Jacops, Founding Member
Exclusive interview with Peter Jacops, Founding Member of Disabled Sailing Thailand. In this interview, filmed at the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show on 2 December 2018, Steven Howard asks what Disabled Sailing Thailand is all about, why and how it was founded, what its expansion plans are, and what difficulties they have faced. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sky Marine Group Interview with Ms. Thanaya Pleenaram, MD
Exclusive HD video interview with Thanaya Pleenaram (Nana), Managing Director of Phuket-based Sky Marine Group. In this interview, filmed at the Ocean Marina Pattaya Boat Show on 2 December 2018, Steven Howard asks Khun Thanaya about her business which includes yacht sales, hull cleaning and maintenance, as well as luxury yacht charters. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Compass Edge Finland - Interview with Deiv Salutskij
Exclusive interview with Deiv Salutskij, Managing Director of Compass Edge Finland. In this interview, filmed in London on 5 November 2018, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Deiv to tell us how this year's business compares to 2017 and what plans Compass Edge Finland has for 2019 and beyond. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Korean Air - Exclusive VIP Interview
Exclusive interview with three of the top executives from Korean Air. In this interview, filmed at Korean Air's headquarters at Gimpo International Airport on 16 October 2018, Steven Howard asks Mr. Keehong Woo - Executive Vice President, Mr. Sam Noh, Senior Vice President & Head of Cargo Business Division and Mr. Bo-Young (Daniel) Song, Managing Vice President Passenger Network & Sales to tell us more about the airline and its plans for the future. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Closing Press Conference from AAPA 62nd Assembly of Presidents
Closing press conference conducted by Mr. Andrew Herdman, Director General of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines, on 19 October 2018 about the resolutions passed at AAPA 62nd Assembly of Presidents in Jeju, South Korea. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Asia Pacific Aviation Industry Update
Asia Pacific airline leaders have travelled to the popular tourist destination of Jeju Island in South Korea this week for the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) 62nd Assembly of Presidents. In this presentation, Mr. Andrew Herdman, Director General of the AAPA, gives a valuable insight into what is happening to both the passenger and cargo side of the business, how this year compares to last, what we can expect moving forward, and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
World's Best Airport Hotel - Interview with GM of Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Singapore
How's business at the multi-award winning Crowne Plaza Changi Airport hotel in Singapore? Often voted the best airport hotel in the world, Steven Howard sits down with Bruno Cristol, General Manager of the hotel, to ask about the awards and why he feels the property is worthy of such an impressive and much sought after title. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
What is a Moxy Hotel - Interview with Matthias Y. Sutter
Moxy Hotels are a relatively new brand within Marriott's rapidly growing portfolio and there are currently only three open in Asia - two in Japan and one in Indonesia. As Mr. Matthias Y. Sutter, GM of the JW Marriott Phuket, has first-hand experience working for the two hotels in Japan, we asked him to tell us more about the brand and what it stands for. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and Sustainable Tourism - PHIST Interview
 What could the World Wide Fund for Nature, or WWF as it is more commonly known, possibly have in common with the hotel industry? In this exclusive interview with Maggie Lee, Market Transformation Manager at WWF Singapore, we ask Maggie about this, and much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa - Interview with Matthias Y. Sutter, GM
The JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa was one of the very first major resorts to open on Mai Khao Beach on the north west coast of Phuket island, and this year celebrates its 16th anniversary. In the interview, filmed in a Royal Suite on 25 September 2018, we discuss which are the top five markets for the hotel and how that differs between green (low) season and the peak November - May season. We also talk about the Chinese market and Matthias tells us how the sad events of 2018 have affected the number of guests to the hotel and whether their numbers have started to pick up again. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sustainable Hotels - Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Interview with GM, Bruno Cristol
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Bruno Cristol, General Manager of the multi-award winning Crowne Plaza Changi Airport hotel in Singapore. Often voted the best airport hotel in the world by frequent travellers, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Bruno on 28 September 2018 to ask him about the Crowne Plaza's green credentials. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Saving Boracay, Philippines - Interview with Cyndy Tan Jarabata
Boracay is one of the most beautiful places on earth. The island has been a powerful magnet for both local and foreign tourists for many years, first mainly with backpackers and partygoers, but in recent years some luxury hotels have opened changing the demographics of the island's visitor arrivals. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sustaining Tourism - Interview with Founder & CEO of Greenview, Eric Ricaurte
Exclusive HD video interview with Eric Ricaurte, Founder & CEO of Greenview. In this interview, filmed at the JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa on 25 September 2018, we ask Eric for his thoughts on the inaugural PHIST (Phuket Hotels for Islands Sustaining Tourism) forum which was held at the resort on 24 September. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sustainable Hotels - Interview with GM of JW Marriott Phuket, Matthias Y. Sutter
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Matthias Y. Sutter, General Manager of the JW Marriott Phuket Resort & Spa. In this interview filmed at the resort on Mai Khao beach in the north of Phuket, we ask Mr. Sutter about the different sustainable initiatives the resort is undertaking and what plans they have for the future. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
PHIST (Phuket Hotels for Islands Sustaining Tourism) Forum 2018
In this interview filmed in the morning of 24 September 2018 before PHIST got underway, Steven Howard asks Anthony Lark, President of the Phuket Hotels Association, to tell us more about PHIST, how its success will be measured, why the event has been created, and whether they have ambitions for PHIST to become an annual event that attracts an even greater number of delegates from the Asia Pacific region, if the dates for 2019 have already been decided and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Diving in Phuket, Thailand - PHIST Interview with Karen Lewis
Exclusive HD video interview with Karen Lewis, Sea Bees' Dive Centre Manager at the JW Marriott on Mai Khao Beach in Phuket, Thailand. In this interview, filmed sat on the beach on 23 September 2018, Steven Howard asks Karen about diving in the area. We discuss how diving in the rainy season differs from diving in the peak season, and what marine life divers can expect to see. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. 
Raya Heritage Resort Chiang Mai, Thailand - Interview with GM
Exclusive HD video interview with Ms. Naphat Nutsati, General Manager of the new luxury 5-star Raya Heritage Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In this interview, filmed at the resort on 18 September 2018, Steven Howard asks Khun Naphat about the property, the different suites, location and which luxury hotel consortium the property is about to join and why. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. 
Raya Heritage Resort Chiang Mai, Thailand - Interview with Executive Chef
Exclusive interview with Khun Somyot Pokpong, Executive Chef of the newly opened Raya Heritage Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In this interview, filmed at the resort on 17 September 2018, Steven Howard asks Chef Somyot what guests can expect from the F&B outlets at this luxurious Chiang Mai hotel. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. 
Pattana Golf Club and Resort in Chonburi, Thailand - Interview with MD
Exclusive interview with Mr. Thomas Tapken, Managing Director of the Pattana Golf Club and Resort in Sriracha, Chonburi, Thailand. In this interview, filmed on the 27-hole Pattana Golf Course on 6 September 2018, Steven Howard asks Thomas about the property, the golf course and the exciting plans for the future. We talk a little about the very first full-length Triathlon that will take place at the resort in October, and you will learn when some of the new projects will become reality. We discuss Sriracha as a destination, how guests can get there, and how the golf course compares to other courses in the area and on the 'other side' - in Hua Hin. All that and much, much more in the podcast and video. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. 
Danesfield House Hotel & Spa in Marlow, England - Interview with GM
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Anthony Cox, General Manager of the Danesfield House Hotel & Spa in Marlow, England. In this interview, filmed in the Oak Room of the hotel - a member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World - on 10 August 2018, we ask Mr. Cox about the property's incredible history, how the renovation of a few years ago has been received and what plans there are for future renovations. You will learn about which markets the hotel attracts the most, what part visitors from Asia Pacific play in those figures and how the hotel is using technology. We also discuss RAF Medmenham, the hotel's highly respected F&B outlets, the spa, Tom Kerridge, and Marlow as a destination for travellers from within the UK and also further afield. All that and much, much more in the podcast. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
World Travel Market 2018 - Interview with Simon Press
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Simon Press, Reed Exhibition's Senior Exhibition Director - World Travel Market. In this interview, filmed at Reed Exhibition's offices in Richmond near London, England on 27 July, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks what sellers, buyers, trade visitors and media can expect from this year's World Travel Market - or WTM as it is more commonly known. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
airBaltic Airbus A220-300 Interview with Martin Gauss, CEO
Exclusive interview with Mr. Martin Gauss, CEO of airBaltic. In this video, filmed on board an airBaltic Airbus A220-300 (previously known as the Bombardier CS300) at Farnborough Airshow 2018 on 16 July, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Mr. Gauss about the aircraft, why it is so popular, what makes it special and what plans they have for future orders. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Dusit Thani Bangkok - Is it Really Going to Close?
Is the Dusit Thani Bangkok closing or not? If it is closing, when will it close and is that date final - or could it change again? Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Khun Titiya Xuto, Vice President Operations Thailand and General Manager of the Dusit Thani Bangkok, on 5 July 2018 to ask her these questions and many more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Jake Needham an American Author in Southeast Asia
Jake Needham, a successful American lawyer and screenwriter, is today one of the most popular writers of thrilling fiction novels in Southeast Asia. In the past eighteen years, Jake has published ten popular crime and spy thrillers which are set in three of the region's most exciting and colourful countries - Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand. In this interview, which took place on Friday, 6 July 2018 in a suite at the Dusit Thani Bangkok, Jake gives us a little insight into his career, books and love of the region. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
R Photo Hotel and The River Hotel in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand
Ms. Jidlada Polchangkwang, spokesperson for the R Photo Hotel and The River Hotel in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand, tells us about the two hotels. In this interview, filmed on 29 June 2018 after the Mekong Tourism Forum 2018, we ask Ms. Jidlada which markets are staying at her hotel, how the two hotels differ, what plans they have for the group's third hotel and when it will break ground and open, plus much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
How's Business in HK? Interview with GM of The Park Lane Hong Kong, a Pullman Hotel
Exclusive HD video interview with Luc Bollen, General Manager of The Park Lane Hong Kong, a Pullman Hotel. In this interview, filmed in the new Executive Lounge of the hotel on 4 April 2018, we ask Mr. Bollen how 2017 ended compared to 2016. We discuss what impact opening an expanded and much nicer Executive Lounge has had on business, who is using the lounge and you will learn what exciting plans the hotel has to make it even bigger and better. Plus we talk about technology, the new room categories, RevPAR, occupancy rates and so much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Mekong Mini Movie Festival Open to Professional and Amateur Videographers
Jens Thraenhart, Executive Director of the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office, used last week's ASEAN Tourism Forum in Chiang Mai to unveil details of the inaugural Mekong Mini Movie Festival. Mekong Minis is a short-film competition that aims to celebrate the rich travel diversity of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). It offers awards across several categories for the best movie submissions that capture the essence of GMS daily life and travel. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Khon Kaen, Thailand to Host PATA Destination Marketing Forum 2018
Khon Kaen, Thailand will host the PATA Destination Marketing Forum 2018 (PDMF 2018) from 28-30 November. The event, formerly known as the PATA New Tourism Frontiers Forum, will be held under the theme “Growth with Goals” and is being hosted by the Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) and the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Philippines Tourism Press Conference at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Ms. Maricon Ebron, Officer-in-Charge, DCOO for Marketing and Promotions, Philippines Tourism Promotions Board, gives a press conference at the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Thursday. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Myanmar Tourism Press Conference at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Mr Hla Myint, Myanmar's Director of Tourism Promotion Department, and Mr. Khin Zaw, Advisor for Union of Myanmar, give a press conference at the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Thursday. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Tourism Malaysia Press Conference at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand
Datuk Seri Mirza Mohammad Taiyab, Director General of Tourism Malaysia, gives a media briefing at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 25 January 2018. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Media Briefing at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai
Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Media Briefing at ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 24 January 2018. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Year of Change for Compass Edge - HD Video Interview with Anita Chan, CEO
It's a year of change for Hong Kong-based company, Compass Edge. Exclusive interview with Anita Chan, CEO of the rapidly growing company, Compass Edge. In this podcast we ask Anita how business was in 2017 when compared to 2016, and what targets they have for 2018. We also discuss her latest investment which has resulted in a new join venture being established. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
RatiLanna Riverside Spa Resort in Chiang Mai - HD Video Interview with GM
Exclusive HD video interview with Ms. La-Iad Bungsrithong, General Manager of the RatiLanna Riverside Spa Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In this interview, filmed in one of the resort's luxurious suites on 23 January 2018, we ask Khun Bungsrithong to tell us more her resort and tourism to Chiang Mai in general. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Compass Edge Opens European HQ in London - HD Video Interview with MD, Cho Wong
Compass Edge, a leading Hong Kong-based technology solutions company for independent hotels, has expanded its rapidly growing operations to Europe with the opening of an office in London, England. The office, which will be headed by Cho Wong as Managing Director, is responsible for increasing the number of hotels in Europe that make use of Compass Edge's comprehensive portfolio of solutions. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Karma Sanctum Soho Hotel London and Group's Expansion Plans - Interview with Mark Fuller
Making a Difference: The Truants. Exclusive interview with Mark Fuller, CEO of Sanctum Hotels. In this interview, filmed at the Karma Sanctum Soho Hotel in London on 15 November 2017, we ask Mark about The Truants and their recent cycling trip in Kerala, India to raise money for three children's charities. The Truants raised over £540,000 from the Kerala trip and have now surpassed the £3 million milestone. Where should they go next? Listen to the interview and send them your ideas. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Karma Sanctum Soho Hotel London and Group's Expansion Plans - Interview with Mark Fuller
What is the Karma Sanctum Soho hotel in London, which markets is the property attracting, how does this year's Occupancy and RevPAR compare to last and what targets does the hotel have for 2018? Those are just some of the questions we put to Mark Fuller, CEO of Sanctum Hotels, in an exclusive interview filmed at the roof top bar of the Karma Sanctum Soho in London on 15 November 2017. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Oriental Residence Bangkok - Interview with Sukamal Mondal, General Manager
Exclusive interview with Mr. Sukamal Mondal, General Manager of the Oriental Residence Bangkok on Wireless Road in the heart of Bangkok. He tells us how RevPAR and Occupancy rates have been this year when compared with in 2016 and what targets the Oriental Residence has for 2018. We also discuss markets, which countries the Oriental Residence is focusing on and what trends Mr. Mondal is seeing develop. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Exclusive Interview with Steve Chang, Senior Vice President of China Airlines
Exclusive HD video interview with Steve Chang, Senior Vice President of China Airlines. We discuss the upcoming launch of flights to London Gatwick on 1 December, why the airline has chosen London Gatwick rather than London Heathrow where it used to fly from between March 2010 and March 2012, and whether China Airlines has given up on operating from London Heathrow altogether. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Closing Press Conference from AAPA's 61st Assembly of Presidents in Taipei
Closing press conference of AAPA's 61st Assembly of Presidents in Taipei, Taiwan by Mr. Andrew Herdman, Director General of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines. Your browser does not support this audio element.
Aviation Industry Update - Media Roundtable at AAPA's 61st Assembly of Presidents in Taipei
Very in-depth update on the aviation industry by Mr. Andrew Herdman, Director General of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA). This video is of Andrew speaking at the Media Roundtable on 24 October, the day before the start of AAPA's 61st Assembly of Presidents in Taipei, Taiwan. He covers almost every aspect of the airline and air cargo industry in the first 30 minutes of the video and then takes Q&As from the media attending the event. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
How's Business at The Sherwood Taipei? Interview with Achim v. Hake, General Manager
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Achim von Hake, General Manager of The Sherwood Taipei. In this interview, filmed at the hotel on 23 October 2017, we ask Mr. von Hake how the year has been when compared to 2016, and what targets they have for 2018. We also discuss how a hotel, which for many years was the only luxury hotel in the city, maintains its relevancy when up against so much new 5-star competition. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 in Chiang Mai, Thailand - What Does TAT Have Planned?
What does the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) have planned for the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2018? Scheduled to take place in Chiang Mai from 22-26 January, with the TRAVEX component on 24-26 January, Dr. Walailak Noypayak, Ph.D., TAT's Executive Director - ASEAN South Asia and South Pacific Region, tells TravelNewsAsia.com what delegates can expect from the 37th edition of this very important annual travel trade show. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Dassault Falcon Jets - Interview with President Asia Pacific
Dassault Aviation's Falcon Business Jets. Exclusive interview with President Asia Pacific, Mr. Jean Michel Jacob on 3 October 2017 at the MJETS Terminal at Don Mueang Airport in Bangkok, Thailand. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
137 Pillars Suites and Residences Bangkok - Interview with GM
The 137 Pillars Suites and Residences Bangkok opened in April 2017. Just a few months later, how's business? On 29 September 2017, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com sat down with Mr. Bjorn Richard Richardson, General Manager of the property, to ask him this. We discuss what percentage of guests are leisure vs corporate, which markets the hotel is attracting, how the Residences differ from the Suites and much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo - Exclusive Interview with Mr. John R. Rolfs, General Manager
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. John R. Rolfs, General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo and Vice President Japan & Korea. In this interview, filmed in a luxurious suite at The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo on Sunday, 24 September 2017, we ask Mr. Rolfs to tell us more about the property. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Wales Tourism - Interview with Jim Jones
Exclusive interview with Jim Jones, Managing Director of North Wales Tourism. In this video, filmed at the Tourism Expo Japan 2017 on 22 September 2017, Mr. Jones tells us why Wales is exhibiting at the show for the very first time. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Macao Tourism Update - Interview at Tourism Expo Japan 2017
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Fumihiro Sakakibara, General Manager - Japan, Macao Government Tourism Office. In this interview, filmed at the Tourism Expo Japan 2017 in Tokyo on 22 September 2017, we ask Mr. Sakakibara to update us on the status of tourism in Macao. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Nimitr Restaurant at 137 Pillars Suites & Residences Bangkok - Interview with Chef Nanang
Exclusive HD video interview with Nanang Prasetya Aditama, Specialty Sous Chef Gastronomy, 137 Pillars Suites & Residences Bangkok. In this interview, filmed in Nimitr Restaurant on 29 September 2017, we ask Chef Nanang about his passion for cooking and how he is enjoying his recent move to Bangkok, Thailand. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Serviced Apartments and Hotels - HD Video Interview Oakwood Asia Pacific
Exclusive HD video interview with Martin Fluck, Director of Operations North Asia for Oakwood Asia Pacific. In this interview, filmed in The Resident's Lounge at the Oakwood Premier Tokyo Midtown on 26 September 2017, we ask Martin to tell us more about Oakwood's plans for North Asia, especially Japan. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Oakwood Hotel & Apartments Ariake - HD Video Interview with Jon Loeffelholz, GM
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Jon Loeffelholz, CHRM, General Manager of the Oakwood Hotel & Apartments Ariake, Tokyo.  In this interview we discuss what the relationship is between the Oakwood and the Sunroute Hotel Ariake, both of which are in the same building, what facilities they share, plus much, much more. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Malaysia's Tourism Minister Gives Keynote Speech at Opening of Tourism Expo Japan 2017
The Honorable Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Abdul Aziz, Malaysia's Minister of Tourism and Culture, gave a keynote speech at the opening of Tourism Expo Japan on Thursday, 21 September 2017. In his speech, the Minister gives an update on the status of tourism in Malaysia, as well as some insights into the direction he is leading the country's tourism industry. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sustainable Tourism for Development - Ministerial Round Table at Tourism Expo Japan 2017
The Tourism Expo Japan 2017 Ministerial Round Table in collaboration with UNWTO took place on 21 September 2017 at Tokyo Big Sight. Each Tourism Minister was given 3 minutes to describe what their country is doing to promote and enhance 'Sustainable Tourism for Development'. For once, Dr. Taleb Rifai was unable to attend as he was attending a family wedding. He instead sent a video message to delegates which can be heard at the beginning of the podcast. This podcast is around 80 minutes long. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Japanese Sake - Brief Introduction by Yuto Kaneyasu of The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo
In this video, which is in Japanese with English subtitles, Mr. Yuto Kaneyasu, the Sake Sommelier at The Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo tells us about Japanese Sake. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Bhutan Tourism Update at Tourism Expo Japan 2017
Mr. Tashi Tenzin, Head of Services Division, Tourism Council of Bhutan, gives delegates attending the Tourism Expo Japan 2017 forum an update on tourism to Bhutan. His presentation took place as part of the Asian Tourism Leaders Forum on 21 September 2017. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
What’s Going to Happen to The Dusit Thani Bangkok Hotel - HD Video Interview
What exactly is going to happen to The Dusit Thani Bangkok hotel, when will it close, what about the staff, when will the new Dusit Thani Bangkok open and what will it be like? In this exclusive HD video interview with Ms. Sukanya Janchoo, General Manager of The Dusit Thani Bangkok, Steven Howard of TravelNewsAsia.com asks Khun Sukanya about the hotel, its markets, RevPAR and these major changes. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Aviation Industry Update from AirAsia and Emirates Airline at WTTC Global Summit 2017
Tony Fernandes, AirAsia's Group CEO, and Gary Chapman, Emirates' President Group Services and dnata, took to the stage at the WTTC Global Summit in Bangkok for a VERY interesting session. Warning: contains a bit of strong language. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Opening Press Conference of WTTC Global Summit 2017 - UNWTO
Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of UNWTO, speaking at the opening press conference of the WTTC Global Summit in Bangkok Thailand on 26 April 2017. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Opening Press Conference of WTTC Global Summit 2017 - Union Pay
Mr. GE Huayong, CEO of Union Pay, speaking at the opening press conference of the WTTC Global Summit in Bangkok Thailand on 26 April 2017. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Opening Press Conference of WTTC Global Summit 2017 - Jamaica
Jamaica's Minister of Tourism, the Honourable Edmund Bartlett, speaking at the opening press conference of the WTTC Global Summit in Bangkok Thailand on 26 April 2017. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sport Tourism, the 2017 HK7s and The Park Lane Hong Kong, a Pullman Hotel - Interview
Sport tourism, the 2017 Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens and The Park Lane Hong Kong, a Pullman Hotel - Interview with Mr. Luc Bollen, General Manager of the 5-star hotel in Causeway Bay. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Future of Avani Hotels and Resorts - Exclusive Interview with Group Director
Exclusive HD video interview with Alejandro Bernabe, Group Director of Avani Hotels and Resorts. We talk about Avani Hotels' future plans and what exciting new developments are in the pipeline. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Panama Hats - Exclusive Interview with MonPanama
What is a Panama Hat, what is a Montecristi, how are they made, why are they so famous and what does Ecuador have to do with them? Those are just five of the many questions we put to Mrs. Anne-Claude Toral, Managing Director of Thailand-based MonPanama. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
2017 King's Cup Elephant Polo and Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation - Interview
Exclusive HD video interview with John Roberts, Group Director of Sustainability and Conservation, Minor Hotels Group. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Travelodge Hotels’ Brands and Expansion Plans in Asia Pacific
 Exclusive HD video interview with Stephen Burt, Chairman of Travelodge Hotels Asia. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sabre Airline Solutions
Exclusive HD video interview with Dasha Kuksenko, Vice President and Regional General Manager of Sabre Airline Solutions - Asia Pacific. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Ascott’s Brands and Expansion Plans for Philippines / Thailand
Exclusive HD video interview with Arthur Gindap, Regional General Manager of The Ascott - Philippines and Thailand. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Filipino Cuisine
Interview with Margarita Forés who is not only one of the most famous female chefs to ever come from the Philippines, she is also Asia's Best Female Chef 2016! (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Ascott Makati - HD Video Interview with GM
Exclusive HD video interview with Ms. Joanne Golong-Gomez, General Manager of the Ascott Makati. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Ascott Bonifacio Global City, Manila, Philippines
Exclusive HD video interview with Philip Barnes of Ascott Bonifacio Global City in Manila, Philippines. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
PAL First to Use Sabre’s AirVision Commercial Analytics
Dasha Kuksenko, Vice President and Regional General Manager – Sabre Airline Solutions, Asia Pacific, talks about Philippine Airlines (PAL) being the first airline in Asia Pacific to use Sabre's AirVision Commercial Analytics. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Colombian Chef in Singapore
Exclusive HD video interview with Fernando Arevalo the Executive Chef of Artemis Grill on the 40th floor of Singapore's CapitaGreen building. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sustainable Hotels and MICE
Exclusive HD video interview with Grace Kang, Managing Partner of Greenview Hospitality. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Latest Hotel Marketing and Online Booking Trends
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Daniele Beccari, Global Head of Travel at Criteo. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Japan Tourism Update
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Hiroshi Sawabe, Executive Director of the Office of International Tourism, at JATA (Japan Association of Travel Agents). (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Myanmar Tourism Update
Unexpected and exclusive HD video interview with Myanmar's Minister of Tourism and Hotels, H.E. U Ohn Maung. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Kazakhstan Tourism Update
Exclusive HD video interview with Zhanat Kazkenova, Head of Division, Tourism Industry Department, Ministry of Investment and Development, Republic of Kazakhstan. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Sabre Travel Network
Exclusive HD video interview with Wade Jones, Senior Vice President - Marketing and Strategy at Sabre Travel Network. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Future of Travel Technology with Sabre's SVP Design
Exclusive HD video interview with John Samuel, Senior Vice President - Design at Sabre. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Travel Apps, Social Media and Airports with Anupam Bokil
Exclusive HD video interview with Anupam Bokil, Vice President - Product and Technology at Sabre Travel Network Asia Pacific. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Travel Technology Exchange (TTX) 2016 Interview SVP Sabre Asia Pacific
Exclusive HD video interview with Roshan Mendis, Senior Vice President - Sabre Asia Pacific. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Fancy Travelling to Space? Interview with XCOR Space Expeditions Asia
Exclusive HD video interview with Alex Tang, CEO of XCOR Space Expeditions Asia. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
New Hotel Group's Expansion Plans for Asia Pacific
Exclusive HD video interview with the Founder & CEO of Miners Hospitality, Mr. Mendes O. Cavin. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Birth of a Luxury Thai Hotel Brand
Exclusive HD video interview with Mr. Christopher E. Stafford, Chief Operating Officer of the newly formed 137 Pillars Hotels & Resorts. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element.
Brunei Tourism and Sharia Law
Ak Zulkhairi Pg Abdul Razak, Tourism Officer - Tourism Marketing and Promotion Centre of the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism - Brunei Darussalam, replies to an important question at the ATF 2016 in Manila. (video) Your browser does not support this audio element. Read the full article
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formeryelpers · 4 months
Souvla, 1805 Larkspur Landing Cir Suite 14, Larkspur, CA 94939
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Fro-yo girl here. Souvla opened in Larkspur on the Marin County Mart on November 6, 2023. The menu seems to be the same as the SF locations: The regular menu includes spit fired all-natural meats (Vande Rose Farms pork shoulder, Freebird free range rotisserie chicken, Thomas Farms lamb) served as a pita sandwich or salad, with a sweet potato option for vegetarians. They also have sides, Greek beverages (including their own wine) and Straus Family Creamery organic Greek frozen yogurt with Greek toppings or plain ($5). Toppings include sour cherry syrup, olive oil & sea salt, baklava crumbles & honey syrup, and Cretan wildflower honey.
* Frozen Greek yogurt with Greek sour cherry syrup ($6). There’s one size and one flavor, plain. So good! Creamy but not heavy, tangy even sour, natural tasting, lightly sweetened. The texture feels airier and fluffier, even more so than the yogurt at other Souvla locations. The sour cherry syrup isn’t that sour but it does enhance the tang of the froyo. The portion is generous to satisfy without being meal-sized.
The shopping center had plenty of parking. The Souvla location also had plenty of seating, though most of it was outdoors. There’s a cute pick up window on the side where they gave me my froyo. Lots of people go there just for the froyo. It’s the only froyo option at the Marin County Mart.
You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.
4.5 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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May 18, 2018 2:40 p.m.. Marine deputies with the Douglas County Sheriff's Office will hold a free boat safety inspection event at the Roseburg Bi-Mart ... from Google Alert - event https://ift.tt/2kb2FaJ
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