#Matéo Gustav
tf2shit · 2 years
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original and separate versions under the cut 😊
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tf2shit · 2 years
Hello how you all doing red team!
Have you meet blu team
(Gives cookies to)
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tf2shit · 2 years
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He angy😳😳😳
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tf2shit · 2 years
For those of you who enjoy my blog and/or my ocs, I’m runnin a poll over on twitter to find out which oc I should draw next for a certain art challenge I’m doin
So if you’re interested, pls check it out, thx :)
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tf2shit · 2 years
#78 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 20!
20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic, platonic and familial love, how would they do so?
“Romance is the love of someone, not your family nor friends, who is close to you in a...lovey-dicey way, I suppose. Platonic is the way you love your friends, when you don’t want to kiss or...have relations with them, it’s platonic. Familial love is the way you love your family. Point blank.”
#79 goes to Elliot (Soldier) for 32!
32. Do they have a go to story in conversation? Or a joke?
Elliot usually follows along with any conversation, thinking abt her own experiences, until a spot opens up where she can talk about all the stories she’s thought up.
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tf2shit · 2 years
#67 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 36!
36. Do they actively seek out romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?
Matéo used to scavenge for love, half the time, he was successful in finding romance....but it always came at a price, one he could never afford..... so he stopped chasing it. However, he has found out, that he can never escape it, as love still finds a way to taunt him over and over. As it has made him long for a teammate, and an enemy....
#68 goes to Murray (Heavy) for 3!
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Because he’s away from his kids so much, Murray usually calms himself into sleep by looking at old photographs of his children, or reading the letters they sent him every week. It always brings a big smile to his face 😊
#69 goes to Nathan (Scout) for 22!
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Nathan becomes very uptight when he’s jealous, always around someone to ‘subtly’ complain to. Usually ends up being Matéo or Kira. His hands start to shake, his voice would crack a lot, overall, he doesn’t react well with jealousy.  —————————————————————————
#70 goes to Tank (Demoman) for 19!
19. What’s their favourite number?
The number 0. Because it’s what everyone will have when they die. His words, not mine-
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tf2shit · 2 years
#42 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 22!
22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Matéo does his best to not reveal his more unpleasant emotions, such as jealousy. But when he does slip up, you can see Matéo gets rather stuck up. Instead of his fair, calm, and collected self, he turns into an entitled mess, throwing small tantrums, and talking shit about teammates who haven’t done a thing. Matéo has only let this side of him show when he’s alone. That, or he’s discussing something with Murray that gets him very worked up lol
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tf2shit · 2 years
#91 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 32!
32. Do they have a go to story in conversation? Or just a joke?
Matéo has stockpiled thousands of stories and funny little tales from throughout her years, and if pressed enough, she will reveal all. :)
#92 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 26!
26. What’s their preferred mode of transportation?
A good train ride, or by bus does just fine for Ugiene.
#93 goes to Kira (Sniper) for 4!
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Fairly difficult. Kira doesn’t like people. At all. So naturally, she assumes that everyone is a terrible human and that they’re all out to get her. But if you do manage to earn her trust, you better not do anything to screw it up, otherwise, bye bye life, hello heaven’s gates.
#94 goes to Nathan (Scout) for 31!
31. Who are they most glad to have met?
Definitely ALL of his teammates on RED!
......well, almost all.....
#95 goes to Elliot (Soldier) for 24!
24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Talking about sex or sexual things doesn’t really faze Elliot, unless it’s with the person she has sex with. Then she’s all like: 😳😳😳
#96 goes to G. (Pyro) for 35!
35. How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
Hell yeah!!!! G.’s always supportive about whatever their friends like or are talking about!!! They’ll always want to hear everything!!
#97 goes to Yusevez (Medic) for 3!
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night?
He just lays down, and starts sleeping :/
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tf2shit · 2 years
#29 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 42!
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
While I can’t tell you what his goal is, as that’s a part of The RED Arc, I CAN tell you that Matéo will stop at nothing until he finally reaches the goal he’s been striving for since the age of 10
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tf2shit · 2 years
#52 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 8!
8. What were they told to start/stop doing most often as a child?
Write. Everyone told him he wrote too much. Matéo wrote so much that his hand would cramp, that it seemed like his imagination was endless, that it seemed like paper and pencil were his one true love.
Matéo doesn’t write anymore.
#53 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 18!
18. What embarrasses them?
Personal stories. Of mistakes and such. Ugiene doesn’t like to remind itself nor others how human it really is.
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tf2shit · 2 years
I’m so late to this, another day has started :/
#54 goes to Kira (Sniper) for 31!
31. Who are they most glad to have met?
Elliot. Without Kira’s loving girlfriend, she swears she would’ve ended up dead.
#55 goes to Yusevez (Medic) for 2!
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Relatively easy, Yusevez has a keen sense of laughter and rather enjoys jokes. So making him laugh isnt tough, as long as you’re funny.
#56 goes to Ugiene (Engineer) for 8!
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
STOP. WEAPONIZING. THE. HOUSE. Ugiene was constantly, and literally, weaponizing everything it laid eyes on, much to it’s parent’s dismay....
#57 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 1!
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Y E A R S. Matéo has an ungodly amount of patience for pretty much everything and everyone.
#58 goes to Elliot (Soldier) for 3!
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night?
....Kira 😳😳😳😳😳😳
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tf2shit · 2 years
#23 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 41!
41. How do they feel about children?
Matéo likes to pretend he doesn’t like children, but he has a huuuge soft spot for kids. He’d never want any of his own, as he’s aware his job would most likely disturb the peace between himself and a child, nevertheless, he would most definitely enjoy the company of someone else’s children, a babysitter is definitely something he’d rather take up rather the title of “parent”. Matéo does find himself being a father figure to his teammates occasionally, since Nathan, G., Elliot, and even Ugiene look up to him, but he’s more okay with this since they are grown adults lol
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tf2shit · 2 years
#13 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 19!
19. What is their favourite number?
oddly enough, 19. Matéo believes luck comes right before karma, and given he thinks 20 is an unlucky number, his favourite is nineteen bc A) it’s a “lucky” number, and B) it’s the date of his birthday :)
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tf2shit · 2 years
#11 goes to Matéo (Spy) for 6!
6. Do they consider laws flexible or immovable?
Immovable. No one is above the law, not even family. Matéo believes that the world would be better off if everyone served their time and owned up to their mistakes.
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