#Mawhonic's Podracer
sw5w · 7 months
Tolpa Da Bunky Na Booty Cha Naga...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:54:04
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skygal-178 · 2 years
ENSLAVED [anakin fanfic]
A/N: Hii! so this will be my first fanfic on Tumblr. The uploads will probably be pretty slow, since I tend to take a while with writing. So beware of that. Anyways, I hope you like it and let me know what you think?
wordcount: 2.857
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Mos Espa Grand Arena, Tatooine
Boonta Eve
Nerves strike Shmi, when they arrive at the arena. Anakin on the other hand is filled with adrenaline. “This is so wizard, Ani. I’m sure you’ll do it this time.” Kitster says, the boys walk over to Anakin’s podracer together. Followed by Padmé, who joins the conversation. “Do what?” She asks, confused about what he means. “Finish the race of course.” Kitster replies, in an obvious tone. “You’ve never won a race?” Padmé gets a little agitated. “Well... not exactly...” Anakin states, suspiciously. “Not even finished?” The disguised Queen of Naboo is taken aback by this statement. “Kitster’s right. I will this time.” Anakin remains confident. That’s when Qui-Gon appears behind Anakin, placing his hands on the boys shoulders. “Of course you will.” Padmé gives Qui-Gon a doubtful look, before they all head off the starting positions. All the pilots await Jabba’s arrival. “Chowbaso! Tam ka chee Boonta rulee ya, kee madda hodrudda du wundee.[Welcome! To celebrate the conclusion of the Boonta festivities, we have contestant from the far reaches of the galaxy.]” Jabba kicks off the event. The crowd goes wild and the announcer starts introducing the racers one by one. Meanwhile Shmi is kneeling down in front of Anakin, giving him a big hug. “Be safe.” She says to him, looking right into his eyes. “I will, mom. I promise.” Anakin knows she’s serious and he feels her anxiety rise ever so slightly, whenever she thinks about Anakin racing and the dangers that come with it.
“..Kaa bazza kundee hodrudda![..Let the challenge begin!]” Jabba gives the start signal. And with that the pilots strap into their racing pods. Quin-Gon lifts Anakin into his pod. “Are you all set, Ani?” Qui-Gon asks, to which Anakin nods. “Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel. Don’t think. Trust your instincts.” Anakin shows him a small smile. “May the Force be with you.” Qui-Gon steps away, as Anakin puts on his goggles. Anakin flips a switch, and his engine starts. The other Pilots start their engines as well. Powerful energy binders shoot between the engines, as the incredible roar of high-powered engines igniting echoes throughout the Arena. On a bridge over the track, a green light at the center flashes. With that the pods shoot forward with a high-pitched scream. Anakin’s engine floods and coughs, then dies. All the other pods swerve around him and disappear down the track, while Anakin struggles to get his racer restarted. After a bit of trial and error, Anakin’s pod finally ignites and he zooms off.
The pods fly across the desert. Sebulba is running neck and neck with racer Mawhonic. They round the first turn in the track, side by side. Sebubla drives his pod into his rival, forcing him into the wall of a large rock formation. On the other side of the track, is Anakin much faster than the back-end stragglers and passes them easily. One of the pilots, Gasgano, won’t let him by. Anakin tries to pass him on one side and is cut off. He then tries to pass him on the other side and is cut off. As they come up on a cliff dropoff, Anakin back off, then guns it as Gasgano goes over the cliff. Anakin accelerates so fast, he sails right over top of Gasgano’s pod and speeds away.
Meanwhile in the Arena Jar Jar, Shmi, Padmé and Qui-Gon all watch the race on a small hand-held view screen. Worried when they don’t see any sign of Anakin anywhere.
On the race track Anakin is powering around corners and over hills and cliffs, passing other racers right and left. Sebulba is still in the lead. As he is being challenged by another racer, Xelbree, he slows down a little. Xelbree pulls alongside him, Sebulba opens a side vent on the racer’s engine and the exhaust starts to cut through the alien’s engine. The blast cuts along the engine until finally it explodes. Meanwhile Anakin is working his way through a dense mass of racers as they zoom over a dune sea, kicking up dust. His pod shakes violently as he goes over a jump. One of the podracers, Ody, catches one of his engines in the sand and the whoel thing explodes.
Qui-Gon has sat down, quietly meditating. Padmé and Shmi search the landscape for any sign of the racers, catching a glimps of Watto laughing with his friends, confident in Anakin’s defeat. That’s when the racers come around the corner. Sebulba is first to enter the Arena, closely followed by all the other racers. Sure enough, coming around the bend is Anakin, quickly gaining on the pack. The corwd goes wild as the pods zoom off into the distance.
Anakin continues to gain on the other racers in the second lap. Shmi and Padmé feel the tension, as Anakin races through the arena for the beginning of the third lap. He is only four or five racers away from Sebulba, keeping his solid lead on the pack.
In the third lap, Terter is getting close to Sebulba, who purposely breaks a small part off his pod sending it into Terter’s engine and causing him to veer into Anakin. Unhooking one of the main straps that links the pod to his engines. Anakin struggles to keep it in control. As the pod swings near the broken engine strap, he manages to grab it and rehook it to the pod. Sebulba cuts the engine of Obitoki with his side exhaust and the racer crashes in a cloud of dust. A third racer, Habba, flies into the cloud and crashes into Obitoki’s pod. Anakin rounds the corner and heads straight into the dus cloud. He hits part of one of the engine, but regains control. Finally catching up to Sebulba, they run neck-and-neck over the rough terrain. Shmi, Padmé, Jar Jar and Qui-Gon all cheer as Anakin zooms through the arena. The lights in the tower indicate this is the fourth and final lap, making Watto begin to worry.
Once again Sebulba uses his exhaust port to try to cut through Anakin’s engines, but Anakin manages to avoid the action. On a tight corner, Anakin dives to the inside and takes the lead. Sebulba is furious. He stays right on Anakin’s tail, crowding him and oushing hom through the turns. He pushes harder and harder, giving Anakin a dificult time keeping keeping control. One of the parts on Anakin’s engine begins to shake loose. He sees it and switches over to an auxidiary system, while he tries to remain in balance. Sebulba takes this opportunity to pass him.
Anakin keeps trying to get around Sebulba, to no avail. Every moves Anakin makes, Sebulba is able to block. Finally, Anakin fakes a move to the inside as like he has been doing, then quickly go around on the outside. They are now racing side-by-side down the final stretch of the track. Sebulba veers toward Anakin and bangs into his pod over and over. The young boy struggles to maintain control as the steering rods of the two pods get hooked together.
A they head for the final stretch , Anakin fights to unlock the steering rods by trying to pull away from Sebulba. But the strain on the steering rods is tremendous. Resulting in Anakin’s rods beaks, and his pod starts spinning. The sudden release of the tension sends Sebulba into the rocks, making his engines instantly explode. Sebulba skids through the fireballs, blackened, but unhurt. He slides to a smoking stop, gets out of his racer, and throws what’s left of a shifter arm on the ground in anger.
Anakin flies through the explosion as the crowd stands, cheering loudly. Padmé and Jar Jar jump up with excitement, screaming for joy. Artoo and Kitster whisly hysterically. Qui-Gon and Shmi smile proudly, watching Anakin race over the finish line. As Anakin stops his pod racer, Kitster runs up hugging his friend tightly. Hundreds of spectators join them, lifting Anakin up onto their shoulders. They march off, cheering and chanting.
Down in Wattos private box, Several aliens walk out laughing and counting their newly earned money. Leaving Watto by himself, defeated. He looks up to see Qui-Gon standing in the doorway. “You! You swindled me! You knew the boy was going to ewin! Somehow you knew it!” Watto exclaims, pausing for a second. “I lost everything.” He adds, flying up to Qui-Gon and puts his face right up against Qui-Gon’s. Who simply smiles back at Watto. “Whenever you gamle, my friend, eventually you’ll lose. I’ll come by your shop later to pick up the parts and so you can release the boy.” Qui-Gon states, turning around to leave. ”You can’t have him! It wasn’t a fair bet!” Watto yells after him. Qui-Gon stops in his tracks and turns back around. “Would you like to discuss it with the Hutts.. I’m sure they can settle this.” “No, no! I want no more of your tricks! Just take him.” Watto backs down in defeat once more, and with that Qui-Gon walks out.
The main hanger is almost deserted as racers depart. A few droids haul in the wreckage from the race. Jar Jar gives Anakin a great hug, followed by Padmé and finally his mother. “Okay gee.. Enough of this..” Anakin squirms out of his mothers grip. “It’s so wonderful, Ani. You have brough hope to those who have non. I’m so very proud of you.” Shmi exclaims proudly to her son. “We owe you everything.” Padmé adds. “Just feeling this good was worth it.” Anakin replies, smiling proudly at himself aswell.
In the background, Qui-Gon has harnessed the containers with the parts from Watto to the borrowed Eopies. “Padmé, Jar Jar let’s go get these parts back to the ship.” He states, climbing onto the Eopie in front. “Good-bye, Padmé” Anakin gives her a little kiss on her cheek, making her smile kindly. Jar Jar grabs Anakin’s hand and starts shaking it vigorously. “Byen, mesa palo. Yousa one bomblaster boyo.” To which Anakin replies with a laugh. “Take care of youself, Jar Jar.” Padmé climbs on behind Qui-Gon and Jar Jar wings up ontop the second Eopie. “I’ll return the Eopies by midday.” Qui-Gon states. Shmi replies with a nod in acceptance, as they wave them off.
Naboo Spacecraft, Tatooine Desert
Artoo cruises ahead of the two Eopies, as they come to a stop in front of the sleek Naboo Royal Starship. Obi-Wan comes out of the ship and joins them. “Start integrating these parts into the ship. I have to go.. bring the Eopies back. I won’t be long.” Qui-Gon states, somewhat unsure. “Another passenger?” Obi-Wan immediatly senses his Master’s thoughts. Qui-Gon sighs deeply, knowing better then to lie to his Padawan. “The boy who’s responsible for getting us those parts. There’s something.. special about him. I sense a strong connection to the Force.” The Master explains. Obi-Wan just nods, and helps him back onto the Eopie.
Slave Quarters Row, Mos Espa
Anakin and Seek, another slave boy, are rolling on the ground, fighting. About a dozen or so kids are surrounding them, yelling. Suddenly, a long shadow is cast over the two boys. The stop fighting and look up at Qui-Gon towering over them. Kitster standing beside him. “What’s the problem?” Qui-Gon asks. Anakin gets up from the ground. “He hit me.” He replies defensively. “And...?” “And it made me angry, sp I hit him.” Were you friends?” Qui-Gon continues asking questions. “NO! The boys scream in unison. “So are you friends now?” “NO!” They yell again. “Then your fighting didn’t solve anything, did it?” Infiltrating pain is not an effective way for change.. Come on, Ani. I have some news.” Qui-Gon finally states and Anakin walks off towards his Hovel. Seek is left standing in the street scratching his head in confusion.
Skywalker Hovel, Slave Quarter Row
Shmi is cleaning up as Anakin bursts through the door, followed by Qui-Gon. “Mom, he;’s back! He sold the pod. Look at all the money we have!” He exclaims in pure excitement, as he pulls a bag filled with coins out of his pocket. “Oh, my goodness. That’s wonderful.” Shmi replies, smiling gratefully at Qui-Gon. “And Anakin has been freed.” He adds, looking directly at Shmi. “What?!?” Anakin asks, in disbelief. “You’re no longer a slave.” Qui-Gon confirms his earlier statement. Shmi is stunned, scared and happy at the same time. Anakin however is jumping for joy. “Did you hear that, Mom?” He quickly turns from his mother to Qui-Gon. “Was that part of the prize, or what?” He asks. “Let’s just say Watto has learned an important lesson about gambling.” Shmi gives Qui-Gon a knowing look. “Now you can make your dreams come true, Ani. You’re free!” Shmi give Anakin a big smile. “Is he to become a Jedi?” She asks QUi-Gon after. “I’m mindful of coincidence here. Nothing happens by accident. He is strong with the Force, but may not be accepted by the Council.” Qui-Gon replies, picking his words carefully. “A Jedi! Mighty blasters, you mean I get to go with you in your starship and everything!” The excitement is staying strong in Anakin’s reaction to this news. Qui-Gon kneels down to Anakin’s level. “Anakin, training to be a Jedi will not be an easy challenge. And if you succeed, it will be a hard life.” “But it’s what I want. What I’ve always dreamed about. Can I go Mom?!” Anakin looks up at his mom, hopeful. “This path has been placed before you, Ani. The choice is yours alone to make.” Shmi tells him. Anakin thinkds for a moment, before looking from his mother to Qui-Gon. “I want to go.” “Then, pack you things. We haven’t much time.” “Yippee!” Anakin jumps up with excitement once again. He runs by his mom for a hug and starts to make his way to his bedroom.
But all of a sudden Anakin stops in his tracks. Shmi and Qui-Gon give eachother a knowing look, seeing that Anakin has realized something. “What about Mom?” He turns around to look at Qui-Gon. “Is she free too? You’re coming, aren’t you, Mom?” Anakin asks, looking between the two adults. Qui-Gon steps up. “I tried to free your mother, Ani, but Watto wouldn’t have it.” He tells the young boy. “But the money from selling..” He pauses, his mood quickly switching. “It’s not nearly enough.” Shmi comes over to her son and kneels beside him. Taking both his hands in hers, she draws him closer. “Son, my place is here. My future is here. It is time for you to let go.. to let go of me. I cannot go with you.” She tries assuring him, but she can see the sadness in his eyes is only growing with her words. “But Watto’s angry, Mom. You’re in danger. I can’t leave you. Not now.” “You’re also in danger, Ani. I will be fine.. you will be fine. We must each find our own way.” She keeps assuring him, but to no luck. Anakin takes a small step back, straightening his posture and looking straight into his mother’s eyes. “I want to stay with you. I don’t want to leave you behind. I can’t.” Anakin states, more serious now. “You can’t stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting. Listen to your feelings; you know what’s right.” There’s a bit of concern in Shmi’s voice. Qui-Gon comes to stand behind her, laying a hand on her shoulder. “It’s like you said, the choice is his to make. If he wishes to stay, then that’s what he’ll do.” Qui-Gon states, recieving a thankful smile from Shmi as she looks back to her son. Anakin takes a deep breathe, but in he knows in his heart what he wants. And so the decision is made. “I want to stay. I can’t leave you, Mom.” Anakin finally states. Hugging his mother, before turning to Qui-Gon one last time. “Thank you, Qui-Gon sir. For everything.” “Thank you, Ani. And never forget to follow your instincts, they will never let you down.”
When Anakin has made his way into his bedroom, Shmi turns to Qui-Gon. “Do you really think he made the right choice to stay.” She asks him, still a little worried about her sons future in slavery. “If there’s anything I know about the Force, it’s that it always finds a way. Anakin’s connection with the Force remains, that’s not gonna change. As long as we trust in the Force, Anakin will find his purpose.” Qui-Gon tells Shmi. His words settle her worried feelings. Suddenly Qui-Gon’s comlink starts to beep. “Master, are you almost ready? We have ot leave soon, I got a message from the Council requesting a report.” Obi-Wan’s voice speaks through the comlink. Qui=Gon presses a button to reply. “I will be there as soon as possible, Obi-Wan. Get the ship ready to take off.” “Yes, Master.”
Qui-Gon turns back to Shmi. “Thank you again, for everything. You’ve given my son hope again.” Shmi states, before grabbing her poncho from the coat-rack by the door. “Now I will bring you back to your ship, a speeder will be faster.” Qui-Gon nods and follows her out.
next chapter
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Star Wars Alien Species - Gran
Kinyen, an agriworld ocated in the galaxy's Expansion Region on the Corellian Trade Spine. It is the homeworld of the Gran.
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The peaceful nature of Gran society was a reflection of their homeworld, Kinyen. Kinyen boasted large and rolling grasslands and highlands, a dense and beautiful forest, and one of the longest and clearest rivers in the Bes Ber Bikade sector. The beauty of this planet, and the need for primitive Gran to band together for defense against predatory animals, helped the Gran develop strong bonds of home and family in their society (once they became a civilized species, the Grans set aside fenced nature preserves for the carnivores which once threatened them). Grans also mated for life, forming such strong bonds that they generally died within days of a mate's death. It was rare for any Gran to leave their planet of origin once they had taken a mate.
The Grans were also very protective of their families, and were some of the most devoted parents in the galaxy. This was because of their very powerful and sensitive sight, which could sense the emotions of their mates and their children. Gran society maintained its balance by setting up strict career quotas, and making sure young Gran were educated for a specific job that best served his or her talents. While other species who value freedom tend to criticize such a rigid social system, to the Gran it was both logical and essential. Gran religion revolved around the worship of the goddess Doellin.
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Gran had a strong need for companionship—a Gran left alone for too long would go insane or die of loneliness. Generally, they needed other Gran for companionship, but some Gran were able to form sufficiently strong bonds with aliens. The most feared punishment among the Gran was exile. Lone, outcast Gran, often wearing black to avoid painful memories of the colorful cities of their homeworld, were generally given a wide berth by experienced spacers. Grans isolated from Gran society were often unreliable, easily bribed, and easily addicted to drugs and liquors, though they were shrewd and often under-estimated. Conversely, Gran within their society were peaceful and amiable, with a keen sense of their place in society, and unselfish instincts putting the greater good ahead of their individual wants.
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With such close bonds formed throughout the Gran community, it was unsurprising that they concentrated their cities into very small areas, so they were never out of touch with their many relatives. These cities, while hosting a majority of the population of Kinyen, also hosted the small government of the Gran. The government was a loose group of delegates from the major Gran families who usually controlled different aspects of Gran society. One delegate was selected randomly every three and a half standard years to be the leader of this group. It was only due to the very peaceful sensibilities of the Gran race that this system worked at all. Indeed, the only known major conflicts between Gran took place very early in Kinyen's history, before 10,000 BBY. Even these wars resulted from matters of survival, rather than strong emotional conflicts between the Gran or rival nations.
The Gran on Kinyen had maintained a peaceful civilization for over ten millennia before the fall of the Galactic Republic. During an expansionist period circa 1000 BBY, colonies were established on Hok and Malastare. However, the emigrating colonists left a significant imbalance in Gran society on Kinyen.
Feeling they were destroying too many families, and diluting the Gran race, the government reacted with isolationist policies and prohibited unauthorized emigration from Kinyen and limited offworlders to special alien quarters in their cities. This protected the Gran society, but it also isolated the Gran on Hok and Malastare who had begun to form strong bonds to their new homes. The Gran colonies continued independently, keeping the strong social bonds of Gran society but with loosened social codes. The looser social codes allowed for more corruption in the upper levels of colonial Gran society.
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One of the most infamous examples was the Gran Protectorate of Malastare, which subjugated the native Dug population, treating them as little more than slaves and even relocating them to the western continent of their own planet. The behavior of Malastare's Gran was unusual, as most Gran on Kinyen were peaceful, calm beings who abhorred violence, and preferred peaceful ways to adapt to difficult situations. The high corruption rate, as well as the brutality towards the Dugs, led some Gran on Kinyen to conclude that the Gran of Malastare were no longer real Gran.
A number of Gran on Coruscant joined the Black Heth criminal gang and fought the Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Gran of Malastare had a great deal of power within the Galactic Senate during the later years of the Galactic Republic, represented by the thought to be corrupt Aks Moe and his successor, the influential Loyalist Committee member Ask Aak. Aak later took Aks Moe's seat in the Galactic Senate. Other Gran Senators such as Kharrus and Philo also played important roles in the Galactic Senate during the Clone Wars. Hok also produced a well-known Gran in that era, the podracer Mawhonic.
During Emperor Palpatine's reign of terror over the galaxy, Gran became less influential. At one point, the Galactic Empire demanded access to all parts of Kinyen, and leveled one of Kinyen's cities when the Gran protested. This forced the Gran of Kinyen to collaborate with the Empire. Some Gran during the Imperial era secretly supported the Rebel Alliance, usually by peaceful means such as supplying food to the Rebels. Most Gran disapproved of violent revolt, however, and even Rebel sympathizers insisted that no military actions were acceptable on their homeworld.
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Gran could easily be identified by their three eyes and their goat-like snout. Female Gran also had three breasts. Gran were also able to sense one another's emotions and disposition by noting subtle changes in body heat and skin color. The Gran had excellent vision, able to resolve more colors than most species, and even able to see into the infrared. Gran had two stomachs, having evolved from herbivorous grazing animals who lived in herds on the mountains and highlands of Kinyen, surviving on the local silvergrass, for which Gran kept their taste. Gran chewed and digested their food quite slowly, savoring the flavor carefully. A single meal could take almost an entire day to finish, but a Gran would often not need to eat for several days afterwards.
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A recessive genetic mutation sometimes caused some Gran to suffer from misshapen extremities, with hands and feet swelling to abnormal sizes. While not affecting the individual's ability to do finer work, the handicap nonetheless often resulted in social isolation. Gran scientists intently studied the trait to attempt to find a cure.
A typical Gran stands 1.6 meters or 5.3 feet tall and weighs 80 kilograms or 176 pounds.
Grans age at the following stages: 1 - 10 Child 11 - 15 Young Adult 16 - 40 Adult 41 - 62 Middle Age 63 - 79 Old
Examples of Names: Ainlee Teem, Aks Moe, Ask Aak, Baskol Yeesrim, Cera Vixe, Cruegar, Kea R- Lan, Mawhonic, Nadin Paal, Ree-Yees, Vee Naaq. Languages: Gran speak, read, and write their own language of Gran, as well as Basic. However, they also tried to make their servants, such as the Dugs, learn Gran language. Grandma's tongue sounds like goat/sheep bleating and baaing.
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libertineangel · 2 years
As it's May the 4th, I thought I'd share the story of my encounter with Darth Vader.
To celebrate the release of TPM, there was a travelling exhibition of props, art etc from across the films, and I went with my family, my parents being original fans and myself being an autistic 2-year-old with a special interest.
It was so fucking cool and I'd go again now if I could, right in the entrance I sat in Mawhonic's actual Podracer and there were costumes & props in big glass cases, the iconic matte background paintings, and speakers playing the film scores throughout. My overexcited self always wanted to run ahead a bit and absorb as much as I could as quickly as I could, I was never usually the type of child to run off but I couldn't help myself.
Now all the rooms were naturally very well-lit, so it very much caught my attention when one little one off to the side wasn't. The door was open and unobstructed so clearly it was fine to enter, it just seemed entirely black, shadow completely impenetrable, so with a little trepidation I went to look in the doorway. Turns out there was some slight illumination, just two very dim red lights off to one side, and I took a few steps into the room proper and all of a sudden the darkness felt engulfing, such a drastic change was a lot for my 2-year-old autistic brain to handle, especially when I noticed that the music also didn't play in here, the sudden darkness and silence seemed so oppressively stifling and the doorway felt so distant...and then I realised that it wasn't entirely silent.
There was one single rhythmic noise, and as I recognised an all-too-familiar mechanical breathing I looked around for some sensory input, anything to help break this terrifying atmosphere, I anchored myself by the dim red lights and looked up to find, in an alcove between them, Darth Vader himself towering over me out of the shadows.
I ran out of the room back to my parents in an absolute panic.
Obviously really I know it was just the costume but in that moment it felt real, and I can only imagine I caught a glimpse of how it'd feel to be some hapless Rebel cornered by the real thing.
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thedarthray · 3 years
Hasbro - Episode 1 Podracers
Hasbro - Episode 1 Podracers by Darth Ray Via Flickr: To celebrate Episode 1 in 3D in 2012, Hasbro re-released every podracer they have ever created plus one new one. Each podracer includes his team flag. Podracers are from the Toys 'R Us "Podracer Pilots", Walmart's "Mos Espa Arena", and Walmart's Mawhonic.
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future-lab · 4 years
MAWHONIC Podracer Pilot STAR WARS 3D Clone Wars TCW MOC Walmart Exclusive
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$8.99 (0 Bids)
End Date: Aug-23 19:11
Bid now | Add to watch list
source https://www.ebay.com/itm/MAWHONIC-Podracer-Pilot-STAR-WARS-3D-Clone-Wars-TCW-MOC-Walmart-Exclusive/203079292846?hash=item2f487817ae:g:q7EAAOSwYkdfOeaY
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gamex2020 · 4 years
N64 Games
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                N64 Star Wars Games Ranked
Just like The Simpsons video games we mentioned in our last article, Star Wars games have found their way onto almost every game console for all generations. Four Star Wars games were released on the Nintendo 64, which is more than its predecessors (3 on SNES and 2 on NES). Of the four Star Wars N64 Games, two revolved around Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, one around the original trilogy, and one around Star Wars Legends.
Here are the Star Wars N64 games ranked:
4. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Release Year: 1996UPC:
Current Value: $10-$12
Are you shocked that this game is ranked lowest? Although Shadows of the Empire is the most popular and well-known Star Wars game on the Nintendo 64, it was rated the lowest out of the four Star Wars games released, with an average rating of 6.5/10 across reputable review sites.
The game has a great story that’s divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter takes place at the beginning of the fifth Star Wars film – Empire Strikes Back. The second chapter involves a face-off against Boba Fett to save Han Solo. The third chapter has players protecting Luke Skywalker while recovering the secret plans for the second Death Star. And finally, the fourth chapter requires players to rescue Princess Leia from Prince Xizor in order to beat the game.
Unfortunately, the game received its low reviews due to poor controls, awkward camera angles, and mediocre level designs after The Battle of Hoth.
3. Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Release Year: 1999UPC:
Current Value: $6-$8
The first Phantom Menace video game released on the N64 with an average rating of 7.5/10. Based on the pod race movie scene, players must race around different circuits, each set becoming progressively more difficult (think Mario Kart 64). Players can earn money by winning races and can spend this on upgrades for their podracer at Watto’s shop.
The game has 23 playable characters, 17 of which need to be unlocked. Competitive players should note that the best Star Wars Racer character is Ben Quadinaros. Not only is his podracer huge, he also has the strongest and most effective boost in the game.
Star Wars Episode I Racer Tier List
Ben Quadinaros
Bullseye’ Navior
Mars Guo
Ebe Endocott
Boles Roor
Elan Mak
Aldar Beedo
Anakin Skywalker
C-Tier & Lower
Dud Bolt
Ody Mandrell
Ark “Bumpy” Roose
Bozzie Baranta
Clegg Holdfast
Fud Sang
Neva Kee
Ratts Tyerell
Slide Paramita
Teemto Pagalies
Toy Dampner
Wan Sandage
Fun Fact: Star Wars Episode I: Racer had its own limited edition bundle for the N64!
2. Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo
Release Year: 2000UPC:
Current Value: $19-$21
The follow-up to Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Battle for Naboo follows the events of the film Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The game offers 15 levels for players to complete with the following available aircraft: Naboo N-1 Starfighter, the Naboo Bomber, and Police Cruiser. Land and watercraft are also playable on various levels.
The game received positive reviews, with an average rating of 8/10. It’s commonly praised for it crisp controls, addition of ground vehicles (which Rogue Squadron didn’t have), and story line.
1. Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Release Year: 1998UPC:
Current Value: $10-$12
The first installment of the popular Rogue Squadron trilogy, which was concluded on the Nintendo Gamecube. Rogue Squadron was the 2nd Nintendo 64 game to support the Expansion Pak (after Donkey Kong 64).
The story takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, and revolves around the missions of Luke Skywalker and Wedge Anitlles to form the Rogue Squadron. Similar to Shadows of the Empire, the game is divided into four chapters. The final chapter takes place six years after the Battle of Endor with Wedge Antilles battling the remnants of the empire; this was the first post Return of the Jedi content in a video game!
The game received great reception with an average rating of 8.5/10 and holds a special place in the heart’s of Star Wars fans. We highly recommend playing this game if you haven’t!
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sw5w · 7 months
Bonapa Keesa
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:54:01
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sw5w · 3 months
Mawhonic's GPE-3130
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Complete Podrace Grid Sequence 06:30
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sw5w · 3 months
Clegg Holdfast and Mawhonic Start Their Engines
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Complete Podrace Grid Sequence 05:42
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sw5w · 3 months
A Pit Droid Clears the Grid
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Complete Podrace Grid Sequence 04:48
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sw5w · 6 months
Mawhonic's Podracer Crumbles
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:00:50
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sw5w · 6 months
Mawhonic Veers Off
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:00:48
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sw5w · 6 months
Aggressive Driving
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:00:47
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sw5w · 6 months
Racing Through Mushroom Mesa
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:00:43
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sw5w · 6 months
Entering Mushroom Mesa
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:00:42
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