#Me being weird again 👍
yourlocalsonia2 · 7 months
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wundrousarts · 9 months
Hi folks! It seems like people are discovering that there are people online who write some WEIRD! 👎 stuff for Nevermoor. Some tips and tricks for dealing with that:
Don't engage. Don't read the fics. Don't even comment to say how much you hate it.
Don't spread it around. It's gross as hell, I know! But being like "ew, guys, I found this gross fic" just means you're causing more people to seek out said gross fic, and that's just not great. If you don't want to see it, no one else wants to either.
If you can: block, mute, or filter. I don't really use any fanfic sites to know if these functionalities exist, but I'm sure people online have found ways. Edit: here's a way to do it on Ao3.
TL;DR: Ignore, Ignore, Ignore. 👍
(PS: Same thing goes for when people send weird inappropriate anon messages. Just delete them from your inbox and don't subject others to them.)
This is unfortunately something that's been present for years in the fandom, on both Ao3 and Wattpad. This is also why I essentially don't read Nevermoor fics unless they're for Mogtober, and even then I'm cautious. I have seen some weird stuff written about my favorite characters that I wish I could pluck from my brain and set on fire, or worse! But when I stumble across that stuff, I just quickly close the tab and pivot to something else to get my mind off of it.
We should not entertain these types of people in a fandom full of minors about a middle grade series, so: just don't engage with them, ignore them, filter them out, and maybe even drown them out with some fics of your own.
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traitorsinsalem · 10 months
bg3 is crazy for being a massive $70 larian + wotc collab game whose accessibility menu features subtitles that are present for less than half of all idle character dialogue and almost zero battle dialogue
#succ speaks#not to be the 'paizo wouldn't let this happen' guy but god this is actually insane#like why even have an accessibility menu at that point? i'd rather watch a youtube video with automatic captions#same energy as devs complaining that everyone was making their pcs a white human guy in early access while they had no asian human options#like bro i just want to know what bestie karlach is saying but if u make her mumble with no captions even tho i have subtitles on#tf am i supposed to do.....🤨😡😭💀#baldur's gate 3 is fun but this is pissing me off. like i'm prob not gonna keep playing this solo & only play online with friends#it's fun but. not fun enough to mimic the actual wacky bullshit i do with charisma rogues and bards in dnd or pf#i think i'm also used to having real humans around for ttrpg antics and dynamic character interactions so bg3 feels bland in comparison lol#also because irl i can ask people to repeat what they just said 🙃🙃🙃#joining the mob by accident was admittedly funnier in bg3 than it was in dnd though considering i stumbled into the base out of nowhere#i guess it just falls under ny philosophy that dnd is most fun when wotc has zero actual say in what happens and what we can do 👍#however as much as pf > dnd...bg3 > kingmaker. i think pathfinder is just to true of a ttrpg to adapt into a video game super well#like. the writing in wotr was WAY better than bg3 but still sometimes bad enough to be infuriating ESPECIALLY in regards to iomedae#but the weird ass iomedae stuff is also true in the adventure path itself and plenty of other people have complained about it#but hey at least in wotr the subtitles told me what she was saying every time she spoke 👍#wotr was still rly fun tho no hate to the game in general this is a quick slam of being pissed at bg3 again 🙏🙏
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aliensmoothie · 6 months
looking at the state of my emotions rn like i dont even know how we got here girl . ok .
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applejongho · 6 months
2/3 hell studying days over 👍🎉 just tomorrow and then the final
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
the good thing about asperger's no longer being a diagnosis is that it's just called level 1 autism spectrum disorder now. i know i probably shouldn't be poking around in the mental health of strangers online, but as an autistic person myself, your struggles resonated with me. ever since i've been able to accept, understand, and begin to provide myself accommodations for my autism, my mental health has improved tremendously. autism is also co-morbid with oodles of other conditions, so it is definitely possible to have autism and other conditions that may have overlapping symptoms
It's funny, I was diagnosed, accepted it, over analyzed and rejected it, subsequently forgot about it entirely, then when the only helpful counselor I ever had brought up the idea I was like: Oh yeah! That makes sense. And went through the same process over again. I will say, having someone point out that something might be inhibiting my ability to interact with people was extremely helpful. Because I just thought I was really bad at it and processed it as a point of failure (which was intolerable). At one point she said "You don't have to do things you don't want to just because you feel like you should" and I think about that a lot. That should have been obvious but it was like she slapped me with a fish
#i used to pretend to be a person a lot more. now im just like im too fucking tired to not be anything but myself#ill wear whatever weird patterns i want. ill avoid all eye contact and say whatevers in my head. bc usually its nothing#harmful. perhaps a bit blunt but usually in a way thst makes ppl laugh. with me or at me idk but whatever#ill be as weird as i want. i wear fucking white moon boots around everywhere lol. ay now im just being defensive bc#these r the things my sister would make fun of me for lol. point is im probably autistic and overthinking it#but in the past few yeas when the obsessive compulsive behavior started to become a more and more obvious problem i was like hm maybe its#something else and my brain restricts even the words i use in the context i use them so i became no longer allowed to say oh yea im#autistic. which is annoying. thr malignant force that is my obsessive compulsive tendencies. which again im not allowed to name bc its not#allowed without an official diagnosis bc thats how my brain work 👍#level 1 autism sounds Hilarious tho. the teired heavens of autism. ive only ascended to level 1. allegedly.#god. my brain. y do i have to plausible deniability myself. its like im waiting for someone to collect evidance and make an arrest bc of#messy liguistics. ay ay ay. there r 2 wolfs inside me. one is trying to drown the other lol#unrelated#me when i have to b around ppl: actually im an insect person. an alien studying humans. watch them go#but no no im not one of them. im simply an observer
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girlwithfish · 5 months
i have so much random small bullshit tasks on my to do list and i try to break down the clean my room stuff bc a lot of it is also unpacking and sorting stuff from my move bc i still have shit in boxes i need to find a place for or unpack lol so then i break those tasks down into parts of my room or like "bedside table" "desk" but now i have like a 16 bullet point to do list. other stuff is like call old employer HR about my tax forms bc i think it got sent to my old apartment. call x y z doctors. need to call my eye doctor bc my contacts never got delivered. email xyz. just stupid bullshit some that would take 5min each to do but it feels like the most daunting thing ever
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lighthouseas · 11 months
i need to start getting off tumblr more and going outside (not right now though it's raining) this shit is starting to flare up my anxiety
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bunnyfella · 1 year
I think if people had self-insert ocs and were nice about them to each other instead of aggressively shipping pairings so much that group A is mean to group B when in reality they're all just projecting onto one character or another and wanting the affection of the second character, I think things might be a little more. Chill.
Or cause a bajillion other problems but thats not my business.
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Hello! So I was wondering if it was ok to ask something, and please please PLEASE just ignore this if you're not in the mood to answer or anything like that, the last thing I want to do is make you feel pressured in any way about this, I was just wondering if I could ask how the writing was going..? I saw you mentioned that you've been getting a little bit done recently and was just curious about how things are going on that front, but I couldn't figure out how to word this without sounding like a peer-pressuring a**hole trying to make you write faster or something like that, so please don't take it that way, I'm just curious, but only if you're actually in the mood to talk about writing stuff! >-< I love your work a lot and you're a really nice person and I hope you're doing okay! Please totally ignore this if you don't wanna discuss fic stuff of course!
It's no prob, anon, I get what ya mean lol
Fic stuff is very slow-going right now, it's mostly just me taking notes and fixing certain details that didn't make sense in hindsight (I guess the one positive of a five-year hiatus is that I could take a refreshed look at my WIPs? haha...) Most notably of my changes so far is that I had to rearrange the chronology of my WIPs because there were some major pacing issues in the way I currently had it laid out, so now instead of the White Hat fic coming out after Bond and Happy Anniversary, that one's gonna be before Bond. (So, the next fic due to be posted, whenever that may be. Whether that's good or bad news is in the eye of the beholder, ha...) I've finished a few small scenes too, but not a whole lot to speak of.
Unfortunately I actually ended up losing a lot of notes as one of my documents got corrupted or something? I had a backup copy but it wasn't as up-to-date, so that's a bit of a bummer to lose some chunks, but what can ya do. //shrug// Most of the notes lost were on the shorter fics and not the White Hat one at least, so it wasn't really as big a loss as it coulda been, all things considered.
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louvelylouis · 2 years
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genderdog · 3 days
chat is it normal to feel completely desensitized to feeling constantly sick that when you’re actually sick you feel like it’s not enough to warrant it
#due to long covid or possibly weed usage or a mixture honestly still very unsure#i was incredibly nauseous pretty much constantly and would be sick daily for weeks at a time#that lasted like a year i still get flare ups of that if i over exert myself but it’s like basically fine now#but now i have disease that makes me nauseous and throw up and im like. okay 👍#this doesn’t feel like big enough of a problem#like those are my main symptoms but it feels like they’re meaningless bc ive had this just normally before#i haven’t been able to eat or even drink really without feeling or being sick#hoping i wont vomit again tonight almost every time ive eaten since yesterday i have and i had dinner like an hour ago#sorry so fucking tmi i feel really weird talking to anyone about this but i feel like i need to bc ??? fucked up idk#really fucking dehydrated also which is helping me not be sick but i think is giving me more of a headache#i have bad health ocd stuff also so i keep thinking im faking for various reasons anyways#i feel like thinking about this is going to make it reality even though i start thinking about it bc im feeling it#i keep trying to just make myself normal and not experience any of these symptoms bc i feel like i can control it (i cannot)#it’s only with nausea stuff bc it all surrounds emetophobia i know i can’t like stop a sore throat or something but this comes out of me#i could just not#sorry for talking way too in depth about my diseased body and mind#i had a super strong stomach as a kid like went 7 years or something without vomiting and then this shit started idk if the way i do it is#normal??? like this sounds so stupid but i feel like im subconsciously forcing it to happen bc idk how it’s supposed to be and it doesn’t#feel as bad as it should be#i think the fact it’s happening at all is bad but it feels like im being overdramatic#anyways yeah ive been feeling like shit lol i hate this stuff bc while i have the actual physical stuff i also start getting ten billion#mental problems about it as well#emetophobia#vent
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mx-paint · 4 months
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sameteeth · 1 year
laying in bed listening to bay of suvla bay
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wangkuans · 1 year
the layers me and this one person in my org have… if we both got over ourselves we wld be very good friends i think but neither of us are going to so i think we’re both just gnna be aggressively polite to cover up how much we just cannot click and cannot get along 👍 but anyway i think its just funny that i have spent basically most of the school year being filled w envy and comparing myself to him, wishing i was more like him and being insanely paranoid his friends secretly hate me (which is important to me bc i may have a Small Tiny Minuscule crush on one of his friends) and its definitely put a toll on our admittedly.. limited friendship which is bad bc im going to be working alongside him bc we’ll both be on the executive committee of our org.. and anyway it wld be funny if it wasnt so insane 👍
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darlingkisses01 · 1 year
I don't have any good reasons to send an ask I just wanted to give notification serotonin. Ball fart
ball fart
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