#Michael Campion
thebestestwinner · 1 year
Top two vote-getters will move on to the next round. See pinned post for all groups!
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filmpalette · 2 years
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Sweetie (1989) dir. Jane Campion
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hauntingsoundtracks · 10 months
The Piano, directed by Jane Campion
A Wild And Distant Shore, original soundtrack by Michael Nyman
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writing-sense · 1 year
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clamarcap · 2 months
Lezioni di piano (Michael Nyman 80)
Michael Nyman (23 marzo 1944): The Piano, colonna sonora del film omonimo (Lezioni di piano, 1993) di Jane Campion. Münchner Philharmoniker, dir. l’autore.
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chibrary · 2 months
VIDEO: "Two truths, one lie" (Shell Motorsport, 2024)
Charles: Welcome to two truths, one lie. You will take it in turns to tell your fellow drivers two truths and one lie. [A] When I was a kid, I dreamt of being a Formula 1 driver. [B] If I wasn't a racing driver, I would have wanted to be an architect. [C] I'm scared of tire degradation. [Laughs.]  Carlos: Lie is the third one. [A] My pet peeve is queuing in airports. [B] My favorite subject at school was art history. [C] When I was a kid, My lucky charm was a chili.  Charles: Okay. B. No way you liked history of art. Carlos: Correcto. Charles: [A] Shell Helix is the world's first carbon neutral motor oil made from natural gas. [B] Shell and Scuderia Ferrari celebrated their first race win together at the Dutch Grand Prix in 1951. [C] Scuderia Ferrari uses shell V power race fuel which contains 10% renewable bio components. [Laughs.]  Carlos: A and C are correct. [A] When I was at school, I once broke my arm playing football. [B] I was named after my dad. [C] The first album I bought was Michael Jackson.  Charles: I think it's C. Carlos: Yes, correct. I've never bought an album. Charles: [A] My favorite meal is any kind of pasta. [B] I once played piano for a prince. [C] For my 18th birthday, I did not that much of a big party.  Carlos: You never played the piano to a prince. You would have told me by now. Charles: You are true. Carlos: [A] My first pet was a mouse called Campione. [B] My guilty pleasure is hamburgers. [C] My favorite hobby is paddle.  Charles: The C is a mistake.  Carlos: I caught you! Charles: No! Carlos: [A] Shell race fuels and lubricants have powered Scuderia Ferrari to 10 Formula One Constructors' titles and 12 Drivers’ Championship wins. [B] Shell V Power Race fuel used by Scuderia Ferrari contains 99% of the same types of compounds as Shell V Power road fuels available to customers worldwide. [C] At least one Shell trackside analyst supports Scuderia Ferrari at every Grand Prix within the Shell trackside laboratory.   And the correct answer is? Charles: C! Carlos: Good job.  Charles: [A] One of my favorite pop singer is the Kooks. [B] I am allergic to amoxicillin. [C] My idol is Ayrton Senna. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. [Laughs]. I gave the, I gave the three right answers.
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diceriadelluntore · 6 months
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Storia Di Musica #300 - Miles Davis, Live-Evil, 1971
Quando si ascoltò questo disco per la prima volta, i critici ebbero un profondo senso di smarrimento: Come bisogna definirlo? Cosa è? È jazz? È rock? È qualcosa di altro? In parte era lo scopo del suo creatore, in parte perfino a lui, genio incontrastato delle rivoluzioni musicali, qualcosa "sfuggì di mano", divenendo addirittura qualcosa di altro dalla sua idea primigenia. Questo è un disco che parte da un percorso iniziato qualche anno prima, quando Miles Davis e il suo storico secondo quintetto iniziano ad esplorare le possibilità che gli strumenti elettrici e le strutture della musica rock possono dare al jazz. I primi esperimenti con Miles In The Sky (1968), poi con quel capolavoro magnetico che è In A Silent Way (1969), il primo con la nuova formazione elettrica, la quale sviluppa a pieno quella rivoluzione che va sotto il nome di jazz fusion con il fragoroso, e irripetibile, carisma musicale rivoluzionario che fu Bitches Brew (1970, ma registrato qualche giorno dopo il Festival di Woodstock, nell'Agosto del 1969). Davis è sempre stato curioso e non ha mai avuto paura di guardarsi intorno dal punto di vista musicale, ne è testimone la sua discografia. E nell'idea che il jazz stesse morendo, era sua intenzione innestarlo di nuova vitalità contaminandolo con altri generi, non solo il rock, ma anche il funk, il soul, la musica sperimentale europea. A tutto ciò, per la prima volta nel jazz (e questa fu l'accusa più viva di eresia), il ruolo del produttore, del suo fido e sodale Teo Macero, è proprio quello di cercare tra le sessioni di prove le parti migliori, o come amava dire Davis "le più significative", e metterle insieme in un lavoro sorprendente e meticoloso di collage musicale, che in teoria elimina la componente espositiva solista del musicista jazz, ma che allo stesso tempo regala una nuova filosofia musicale ai brani, del tutto inaspettata. Decisivo fu, nel 1970, il compito che fu affidato a Davis di curare la colonna sonora del film documentario A Tribute To Jack Johnson, di Bill Cayton, sulla vita del pugile che nel 1908 divenne il primo pugile di colore e il primo texano a vincere il titolo del mondo di boxe dei pesi massimi, quando sconfisse il campione in carica Tommy Burns. Per questa ragione fu considerato una sorta di simbolo dell'orgoglio razziale della gente di colore all'inizio del ventesimo secolo, soprattutto poiché nel periodo erano ancora in vigore le leggi Jim Crow, leggi che di fatto perpetuarono la segregazione razziale in tutti i servizi pubblici, istituendo uno status definito di "separati ma uguali" per i neri americani e per gli appartenenti a gruppi razziali diversi dai bianchi, attive dal 1875 al 1965.
Il disco di oggi somma tutte queste istanze, in maniera unica e per certi versi selvaggia, divenendo di fatto una sorta di manifesto che Il Signore Delle Tenebre ostenta alla sua maniera, cioè nel modo più sfavillante possibile. Live-Evil esce nel Novembre del 1971, ma è frutto di storiche serate live al The Cellar Dome di Washington DC, dove la band di Davis si esibì per diverse serate nel Dicembre del 1970, e una parte di registrazioni in studio sotto lo sguardo attento di Teo Macero, presso gli studi della Columbia di New York. Con Davis, nelle esibizioni al Cellar Dome, che come prima pietra dello scandalo usa la tromba elettrica, infarcita di pedali di effetti e di wah wah (amore trasmessogli da Jimi Hendrix) c'erano Gary Bartz (sassofono), John McLaughlin (chitarra elettrica), Keith Jarrett (piano elettrico), Michael Henderson (basso elettrico), Jack DeJohnette (batteria) e Airto Moreira (percussioni) e in un brano solo, come voce narrante, l'attore Conrad Roberts. Nelle sessioni in studio di aggiungono altre leggende, tra cui Herbie Hancock e Chick Corea (con lui nei precedenti dischi citati), Billy Cobham, Joe Zawinul e il fenomenale musicista brasiliano Hermeto Pascoal, la cui musica e i cui brani saranno centrali in questo lavoro. Tutto il magma creativo di queste idee sfocia in un doppio disco dalla forza musicale devastante, tanto che oggi alcuni critici lo definiscono un heavy metal jazz, che parte dalle origini più profonde ma sfocia in una musica caotica e sfacciatamente meravigliosa, trascinante e indefinibile, che gioca tutto sulle dissonanze, sugli ossimori, sui palindromi simbolici e musicali. E manifestazione più chiara ne è la copertina, bellissima, di Mati Klarwein, artista francese autore di alcune delle più belle copertine musicali, tra cui quella di Bitches Brew: lasciato libero di creare da Davis, pensò alla copertina con la donna africana incinta, come simbolo di creazione "primordiale", ma fu lo stesso Davis, a pochi giorni dalla pubblicazione, una volta deciso il titolo, che gli chiese un nuovo disegno, che accostasse il "bene" al "male" attraverso una rana. Klarwein in quel momento aveva una copertina della rivista Time che raffigurava il presidente Hoover, che fu presa come spunto per la rana del male, che campeggiò sul retro della copertina, e che vi faccio vedere:
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Musicalmente il disco si divide in brani autografi di Davis, che diventano lunghissime jam session di sperimentazione, di assoli di chitarra, sfoghi di batteria, con la sua tromba elettrica che giganteggia qua e la, che raccolgono quel senso di rivoluzione, anche giocata sulla sua storica abilità di comunicazione (Sivad e Selim, che sono il contrario di Davis e Miles, la seconda scritta per lui da Pascoal, languida e dolcissima), il medley Gemini/Double Image, scritta con Zawinul, e le lunghissime e potentissime What I Say, quasi una dichiarazione di intenti, Funky Tonk, rivoluzionaria e la chiusura con Inamorata And Narration by Conrad Roberts, che è quasi teatro sperimentale, e le altre composizioni di Pascoal, Little Church e Nem Um Talvez, musica che stupì tantissimo lo stesso Davis, che considerava Pascoal uno dei più grandi musicisti del mondo: il brasiliano, polistrumentista, arrangiatore, produttore, è una delle figure centrali della musica sudamericana, e essendo albino è da sempre soprannominato o bruxo, lo stregone. Tutti brani vennero "perfezionati" da Macero, e addirittura nelle ristampe recenti è possibile leggere nelle note del libretto l'esatta costruzione dei brani, ripresi dalle sessioni live e dalle registrazioni in studio. Di quelle leggendarie serate al The Cellar Dome, nel 2005 la Columbia pubblicò un inestimabile cofanetto, di 5 cd, The Cellar Door Sessions 1970 con le intere esibizioni del Dicembre 1970: le parti usate in Live-Evil sono nel quinto e sesto disco, nei precedenti ulteriori esplorazioni musicali da brividi, per una delle serie di concerti storicamente più importanti del jazz.
Il disco verrà considerato il capolavoro che è solo dopo anni, in un periodo, quello degli anni '70, dove Davis accettò apertamente di sfidare la critica con la sua musica. Da allora però, per quanto in parte ancora enigmatico e "difficile", è considerato l'ennesimo pilastro della leggenda Davis, in uno dei suoi capitoli musicali che ebbe più fortuna, poichè buona parte dei fenomenali musicisti che contribuirono a questo disco erano in procinto, o già alle prese, con esperienze musicali che partendo dalla lezione del Maestro, ne approfondiranno i contenuti, e ne esploreranno i limiti: sarà quest'ambito che legherà le altre scelte di Novembre e questo omaggio, che come i precedenti numeri miliari (1,50,100,150,200,250) è dedicato al formidabile uomo con la tromba.
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autistpride · 19 days
How many of these famous autists do you recognize? And this isn't even a complete list!
So many amazing wonderful people are autistic. I will never understand why people hate us so much.
Chloe Hayden
Talia Grant
Rachel Barcellona
Sir Anthony Hopkins
Dan Akroyd
David Byrne
Darryl Hannah
Courtney Love
Jerry Seinfeld
Roseanne Barr
Jennifer Cook
Stephanie Davis
Rick Glassman
Paula Hamilton
Dan Harmon
Paige Layle
Matthew Labyorteaux
Wentworth Miller
Desi Napoles
Freddie Odom Jr
Kim Peek
Sue Ann Pien
Henry Rodriguez
Scott Steindorff
Ian Terry
Tara Palmer -Tomkinson
Albert Rutecki
Billy West
Alexis Wineman- Miss America contestant
Jessica- Jane Applegate
Michael Brannigan
David Campion
Brenna Clark
Ulysse Delsaux
Tommy Dis Brisay
Jim Eisenreich
Todd Hodgetts
John Howard
Anthony Ianni
Lisa Llorens
Clay Matzo
Frankie Macdonald
Jason McElwain
Chris Morgan
Max Park
Cody Ware
Amani Williams
Samuel Von Einem
Susan Boyle
Elizabeth Ibby Grace
David Byrne
Johnny Dean
Tony DeBlois
Christopher Dufley
Jody Dipiazza
Pertti Kurikka
James Jagow
Kodi Lee
Left at London
Red Lewis Clark
Abz Love
Thristan Mendoza
Heidi Mortenson
Hikari Oe
Matt Savage
Graham Sierota
Mark Tinley
Donald Triplett
Aleksander Vinter
Hannah Gatsby
Robert White
Bethany Black
Damian Milton
Bram Cohen
Michelle Dawson
Carl Sagan
Neil Gaimen
Mel Bags
Kage Baker
Amy Swequenza
M. Remi Yergeau
Sean Barron
Lydia X Z Brown
Matt Burning
Dani Bowman
Nicole Cliffe
Laura Kate Dale
Aoife Dooley
Corrine Duyvus
Marianne Eloise
Jory Flemming
Temple Grandin
John R Hall
Naomi Higashida
Helan Hoang
Liane Holliday Willey
Luke Jackson
Rosie King
Thomas A McKean
Johnathan Mitchell
Jack Monroe
Caiseal Mor
Morenike Giwa- Onaiwu
Jasmine O'Neill
Brant Page Hanson
Dawn Prince-Hughs
Sue Robin
Stephen Shore
Andreas Souvitos
Sarah Stup
Susanna Tamaro
Chuck Tingle
Donna Williams
Julia Bascom
Ari Ne'eman
Sarah Marie Acevedo
Sharon Davenport
Joshua Collins
Conner Cummings
Kevin Healy
Poom Jenson
Amy Knight
Jared O'Mara
David Nelson
Shaun Neumeier
Master Sgt. Shale Norwitz
Jim Sinclair
Judy Singer
Dr. Vernon Smith
Miina Akkijjyrkka
Danny Beath
Deborah Berger
Larry John Bissonnette
Patrick Francis
Jorge Gutierrez
Lina Long
Johnathan Lerman
Julian Martin
Haley Moss
Morgan Harper Nichols
Tim Sharp
Gilles Tehin
Willem Van Genk
Richard Wawro
David Eastham
Christopher Knowles
David Miedzianik
Henriette Seth F
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carllsinwonderland · 2 months
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Ammetto di non seguire la Formula 1 da tantissimo tempo, questa è solo la seconda stagione che seguo. Ho iniziato a seguire questo meraviglioso sport un po’ per caso, ma sin da subito mi sono sentita molto legata a Michael, esatto, proprio il sette volte campione del mondo Michael Schumacher. Non so perché questo legame l’abbia sentito proprio con lui, ma così è stato. Questo legame non l’ho sentito solo con lui, ma con tutta la famiglia, con Corinna, con Gina e con Mick. Sapevo chi fosse Michael anche prima dell’incidente, ma non ci avevo mai prestato particolare attenzione, ma da quando seguo la Formula Uno questa famiglia possiede un pezzo del mio cuore. Gli auguro il meglio e spero vivamente che Michael possa riprendersi.
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rlyc00l · 4 months
Hey guys! I'm still writing even when I take a long time. :) I think awhile back I said I'd upload two chapters together but you know what, just to get one out there quicker here it is. It's a Maya chapter. Dumb bonus notes under the cut (for like, after you read the chapter)
So basically I tend to be a massive perfectionist with everything and I finally went "okay this is fanfiction and I take forever writing it and meanwhile, I'm trying to work on an actual novel, I'm gonna go easier on myself with this. Because it's for fun. For me."
I think Maya is fully capable of being a pretty bad person like all Vault hunters should be. It's more fun when they're morally flexible.
I had this note pinned to the side of the document that was like "The Office scene Michael kidnaps pizza guy" and it didn't end up being that useful as inspiration but I sure did keep thinking about it as I wrote.
I let my 11-year-old niece read P0is0ned because after finding out I wrote a fic she kept asking me to read it. She's fine with watching like, Fury Road and Aliens, and this isn't going to have anything worse than that lol. She pointed out several typos but said I'm at least as good a writer as Erin Hunter of Warriors fame (prime child compliment) and then kept bugging me for an update. Honestly, really good motivation.
Hey, are there good sites to post fanfic that aren't ao3 or ff.net? I think I've asked this before but has the answer changed? I'm still stubbornly refusing to go back to the former.
Oh also, normally, if I were like, writing something with any intention to be professional, I would describe Campion's face? However, in the past I've been very put off by people's Zer0 face headcanons that didn't align to my tastes so, I figure, just let people imagine what they want. THOUGH, they are not very human at all!
Boy, I sure hope Borderlands hasn't added a minor character named Campion since I've stopped looking. They sure did that with another character name I planned to use.
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alchemy-fic · 6 months
My book wishlist!
Egyptian Magic by E.A. Wallis Budge (1901)
Magic of the Ordinary: Recovering the Shamanic in Judaism by Gershon Winkler, David Carson (2003)
Ashkenazi Herbalism: Rediscovering the Herbal Traditions of Eastern European Jews by Deatra Cohen, Adam Siegel (2021)
Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion by Joshua Trachtenberg (1939)
Ancient Jewish Magic: A History by Gideon Bohak (2008)
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic & Mysticism: Second Edition by Geoffrey W. Dennis (2007)
The Green Mysteries: An Occult Herbarium by Daniel A Schulke, Benjamin A Vierling (2023)
Reading Sumerian Poetry (Athlone Publications in Egyptology & Ancient Near Eastern Studies) by Jeremy Black (2001)
The Literature of Ancient Sumer by Jeremy Black, Graham Cunningham (2006)
Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Stephen Bertman (2002)
Weavers, Scribes, and Kings: A New History of the Ancient Near East by Amanda H. Podany
Auguste Racinet. The Costume History (Bibliotheca Universalis) by Françoise Tétart-Vittu
The Arthur of the Welsh: The Arthurian Legend in Medieval Welsh Literature by Rachel Bromwich (2009)
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English: Seventh Edition (Penguin Classics) by Geza Vermes
Thomas Aquinas: Selected Writings (Penguin Classics) by Thomas Aquinas, Ralph McInerny
The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion by Thorkild Jacobsen
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) by Graham Coleman, Thupten Jinpa
The Egyptian Book of the Dead (Penguin Classics) by Wallace Budge, John Romer
History Begins at Sumer: Thirty-Nine Firsts in Recorded History by Samuel Noah Kramer (1981)
The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character (Phoenix Books) by Samuel Noah Kramer
Welsh Witchcraft: A Guide to the Spirits, Lore, and Magic of Wales by Mhara Starling
An Annotated Sumerian Dictionary by Mark E. Cohen
A Sumerian Chrestomathy by Konrad Volk
Toward the Image of Tammuz and Other Essays on Mesopotamian History and Culture by Thorkild Jacobsen
Early Mesopotamia by Nicholas Postgate
Amulets and Talismans by E. A. Wallis Budge
Mundane Astrology by Michael Baigent, Campion, Nicholas, Harvey, Charles
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filmparaden · 6 months
Trouble Every Day (Claire Denis, 2001)
Wings Of Desire (Wim Wenders, 1987)
Sympathy For The Devil (Jean-Luc Godard, 1968)
Dekalog (Krzysztof Kieslowski, 1989)
Russian Ark (Aleksandr Sokurov, 2002)
Tale Of Tales (Yuriy Norshteyn, 1979)
Time Regained (Raoul Ruiz, 1999)
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes (Werner Herzog, 1972)
Grey Gardens (Albert & David Maysles, Ellen Hovde, Muffie Meyer; 1975)
One From The Heart (Francis Ford Coppola, 1981)
Man With A Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003)
Sombre (Philippe Grandrieux, 1998)
Cul-de-sac (Roman Polanski, 1966)
Brown Bunny (Vincent Gallo, 2003)
Le feu follet (Louis Malle, 1963)
The Swimmer (Frank Perry, 1968)
A Special Day (Ettore Scola, 1977)
La maman et la putain (Jean Eustache, 1973)
The Battle Of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)
The Big Lebowski (Joel & Ethan Coen, 1998)
Touch Of Evil (Orson Welles, 1958)
Playtime (Jacques Tati, 1967)
The Long Goodbye (Robert Altman, 1973)
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003)
Rashomon (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004)
A Summer's Tale (Eric Rohmer,1996)
The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr, Ágnes Hranitzky; 2011)
Baby Doll (Elia Kazan, 1956)
Daisies (Vera Chytilová, 1966)
Unsere Afrikareise (Peter Kubelka, 1966)
Thérèse (Alain Cavalier, 1986)
La jetée (Chris Marker, 1962)
Le gamin au vélo (Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne, 2011)
Les 400 coups (François Truffaut, 1959)
The Piano (Jane Campion, 1993)
I'm Not There (Todd Haynes, 2007)
Killer Of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1978)
The Piano Teacher (Michael Haneke, 2001)
Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch, 1995)
The Women (George Cukor, 1939)
Pickpocket (Robert Bresson, 1959)
Paper Moon (Peter Bogdanovich, 1973)
Don't Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker, 1967)
Little Fugitive (Ray Ashley, Morris Engel, Ruth Orkin; 1953)
Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger, 1969)
The Night Of The Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
The Ice Storm (Ang Lee, 1997)
Man On The Moon (Milos Forman, 1999)
Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick, 1999)
Enter The Void (Gaspar Noé, 2009)
Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000)
The New Land (Jan Troell, 1972) 
Los olvidados (Luis Buñuel, 1950)
Border Radio (Allison Anders, Dean Lent, Kurt Voss; 1987)
Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)
The Adventures Of Prince Achmed (Lotte Reiniger, 1926)
Les triplettes de Belleville (Sylvain Chomet, 2003)
Brief Encounter (David Lean, 1945)
Gare du Nord (Jean Rouch, 1965; segment of Paris vu par... )
Vagabond (Agnès Varda, 1985)
Slap Shot (George Roy Hill, 1977)
Le sang d'un poète (Jean Cocteau, 1932)
Breathless (Jim McBride, 1983)
Stop Making Sense (Jonathan Demme, 1984)
Upstream Color (Shane Carruth, 2013)
Saturday Night And Sunday Morning (Karel Reisz, 1960)
Gadjo dilo (Tony Gatlif, 1997)
Rebel Without A Cause (Nicholas Ray, 1955)
A.K.A. Serial Killer (Masao Adachi, 1969)
The King Of Comedy (Martin Scorsese, 1982)
The Hours (Stephen Daldry, 2002)
In A Lonely Place (Nicholas Ray, 1950)
The Honeymoon Killers (Leonard Kastle, 1969)
Meshes Of The Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943)
When We Were Kings (Leon Gast, 1996)
Broadway Danny Rose (Woody Allen, 1984)
A Woman Under The Influence (John Cassavetes, 1974)
To The Wonder (Terrence Malick, 2012)
Beavis And Butt-head Do America (Mike Judge, 1996)
Araya (Margot Benacerraf, 1959)
Kes (Ken Loach, 1969)
Skammen (Ingmar Bergman, 1968)
Duel (Steven Spielberg, 1971)
The Bridges Of Madison County (Clint Eastwood, 1995)
The Man Who Fell To Earth (Nicolas Roeg, 1976)
Roma città aperta (Roberto Rossellini, 1945)
Diva (Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1981)
Limite (Mario Peixoto, 1931)
The Fountain (Darren Aronofsky, 2006)
La cérémonie (Claude Chabrol, 1995)
The Draughtman's Contract (Peter Greenaway, 1982)
Amour fou (Jessica Hausner, 2014)
Happiness (Todd Solondz, 1998)
Hausu (Nobuhiko Obayashi, 1977)
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead (Sidney Lumet, 2007)
Gomorra (Matteo Garrone, 2008)
The Full Monty (Peter Cattaneo, 1997)
Låt den rätte komma in (Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
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movies I watched in 2023
(taking a cue from @stenka-razin)
The Power of the Dog (2021, dir. Jane Campion)
Love, Simon (2018, dir. Greg Berlant)
Gamer (2009, dir. Brian Taylor & Mark Neveldine)
Men (2022, dir. Alex Garland)
The Menu (2022, dir. Mark Mylod)
Only Lovers Left Alive (2013, dir. Jim Jarmusch)
The Dead Don’t Die (2019, dir. Jim Jarmusch)
A Touch of Sin (2013, dir. Jia Zhangke)
Lost Girls & Love Hotels (2020, dir. William Olsson)
Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist (2008, dir. Peter Sollett)
In the Mood for Love (2000, dir. Wong Kar-Wai)
The Woman King (2022, dir. Gina Prince-Bythewood)
Charlie’s Angels (2000, dir. McG)
Goodbye, Dragon Inn (2003, dir. Tsai Ming-Liang)
Nope (2022, dir. Jordan Peele)
Ash is Purest White (2018, dir. Jia Zhangke)
Shoplifters (2018, dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda)
Three (2016, dir. Johnnie To)
Nobody (2021, dir. Ilya Naishuller)
Charlie’s Angels (2019, dir. Elizabeth Banks)
The Wonderland (2019, dir. Keiichi Hara)
Rebels of the Neon God (1992, dir. Tsai Ming-Liang)
Tetris (2023, dir. Jon S. Baird)
There’s Something About Mary (1998, dir. Bobby and Peter Farrely)
The Whale (2022, dir. Darren Aronofsky)
The Fabelmans (2022, dir. Steven Spielberg)
Throw Down (2004, dir. Johnnie To)
Tár (2022, dir. Todd Field)
Yi Yi (2000, dir. Edward Yang)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022, dir. Ryan Coogler)
Catch .44 (2011, dir. Aaron Harvey)
Spaceballs (1987, dir. Mel Brooks)
Bottle Rocket (1996, dir. Wes Anderson)
An Autumn Afternoon (1962, dir. Yasujiro Ozu)
Ant Man & The Wasp: Quantumania (2023, dir. Peyton Reed)
Flight of the Red Balloon (2007, dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien)
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023, dir. Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley)
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013, dir. Joel and Ethan Coen)
Good Morning (1959, dir. Yasujiro Ozu)
Casino Royale (2006, dir. Martin Campbell)
Quantum of Solace (2008, dir. Marc Forster)
Skyfall (2012, dir. Sam Mendes)
Spectre 2015, dir. Sam Mendes)
No Time To Die (2021, dir. Cary Joji Fukunaga)
Octopussy (1983, dir. John Glen)
GoldenEye (1995, dir. Martin Campbell)
First Reformed (2017, dir. Paul Schrader)
Zoolander (2001, dir. Ben Stiller)
The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie (2022, dir. Masato Jinbo)
Mainstream (2020, dir. Gia Coppola)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005, dir. Tim Burton)
Equinox Flower (1958, dir. Yasujiro Ozu)
You Only Live Twice (1967, dir. Lewis Gilbert)
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3 (2023, dir. James Gunn)
The Gangster, the Cop, the Devil (2019, dir. Lee Won-tae)
Leap Year (2010, dir. Anand Tucker)
The Worst Person in the World (2021, dir. Joachim Trier)
Palm Springs (2020, dir. Max Barbakow)
Days (2020, dir. Tsai Ming-liang)
Kindergarten Cop (1990, dir. Ivan Reitman)
Barbie (2023, dir. Greta Gerwig)
Babylon (2022, dir. Damien Chazelle)
Shin Godzilla (2016, dir. Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi)
The Flash (2023, dir. Andy Muschietti)
Asteroid City (2023, dir. Wes Anderson)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023, dir. Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic)
The Little Mermaid (2023, dir. Rob Marshall)
Mulan (2020, dir. Niki Caro)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984, dir. Wes Craven)
Fitzcarraldo (1982, dir. Werner Herzog)
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022, dir. Halina Reijn)
Frances Ha (2012, dir. Noah Baumbach)
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003, dir. Peter Weir)
A Nightmare on Elm Street, Part 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985, dir. Jack Sholder)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987, dir. Chuck Russell)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988, dir. Renny Harlin)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989, dir. Stephen Hopkins)
Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991, dir. Rachel Talalay)
Wes Craven’s New Nightmare (1994, dir. Wes Craven)
Renfield (2023, dir. Chris McKay)
Theater Camp (2023, dir. Molly Gordon and Nick Lieberman)
Shiva Baby (2020, dir. Emma Seligman)
Friday the 13th (1980, dir. Sean S. Cunningham)
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981, dir. Steve Miner)
Friday the 13th - Part III (1982, dir. Steve Miner)
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984, dir. Joseph Zito)
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985, dir. Danny Steinmann)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986, dir. Tom McLoughlin)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988, dir. John Carl Beuchler)
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989, dir. Rob Hedden)
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993, dir. Adam Marcus)
Jason X (2001, dir. James Isaac)
Freddy vs. Jason (2003, dir. Ronny Yu)
Friday the 13th (2009, dir. Marcus Nispel)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010, dir. Samuel Bayer)
Easy A (2010, dir. Will Gluck)
Saw (2004, dir. James Wan)
Saw II (2005, dir. Darren Lynn Bousman)
Saw III (2006, dir. Darren Lynn Bousman)
Saw IV (2007, dir. Darren Lynn Bousman)
Saw V (2008, dir. David Hackl)
Saw VI (2009, dir. Kevin Greutert)
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010, dir. Kevin Greutert)
A History of Violence (2005, dir. David Cronenberg)
Infinity Pool (2023, dir. Brandon Cronenberg)
Dracula 2000 (2000, dir. Patrick Lussier)
Mean Girls (2004, dir. Mark Waters)
Jennifer’s Body (2009, dir. Karyn Kusama)
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972, dir. Werner Herzog)
Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979, dir. Werner Herzog)
Murder on the Orient Express (2017, dir. Kenneth Branagh)
Death on the Nile (2022, dir. Kenneth Branagh)
A Haunting in Venice (2023, dir. Kenneth Branagh)
The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023, dir. André Øvredal)
Samurai Reincarnation (1981, dir. Kinji Fukasaku)
Legally Blonde (2001, dir. Robert Luketic)
Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase (2019, dir. Katt Shea)
The Last Duel (2021, dir. Ridley Scott)
Paint Your Wagon (1969, dir. Joshua Logan)
Thanksgiving (2023, dir. Eli Roth)
The Devil Wears Prada (2006, dir. David Frankel)
Shogun’s Shadow (1989, dir. Yasuo Furuhata)
The Conjuring (2013, dir. James Wan)
Win A Date With Tad Hamilton (2004, dir. Robert Luketic)
The Conjuring 2 (2016, dir. James Wan)
The Nun (2018, dir. Corin Hardy)
Le Samouraï (1967, dir. Jean-Pierre Melville)
The Nun II (2023, dir. Michael Chaves)
Bottoms (2023, dir. Emma Seligman)
Annabelle (2014, dir. John R. Leonetti)
Gran Turismo (2023, dir. Neill Blomkamp)
Battles Without Honor And Humanity (1973, dir. Kinji Fukasaku)
Jigsaw (2017, dir. The Spierig Brothers)
Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021, dir. Darren Lynn Bousman)
Saw X (2023, dir. Kevin Greutert)
Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse (2023, dir. Joaquim Dos Santos, et. al.)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023, dir. Jeff Rowe)
Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny (2023, dir. James Mangold)
Air Doll (2009, dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda)
The End of Summer (1961, dir. Yasujiro Ozu)
Air (2023, dir. Ben Affleck)
No Hard Feelings (2023, dir. Gene Stupnitsky)
Oppenheimer (2023, dir. Christopher Nolan)
Yakuza Wolf (1972, dir. Ryuichi Takamori)
Yakuza: Like A Dragon (2007, dir. Takashi Miike)
Spencer (2021, dir. Pablo Larraín)
Moneyball (2011, dir. Bennett Miller)
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023, dir. Steve Caple, Jr.)
Knights of the Zodiac (2023, dir. Tomek Baginski)
Dragonball Evolution (2009, dir. James Wong)
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hauntingsoundtracks · 10 months
The Piano, directed by Jane Campion
All Imperfect Things, original soundtrack by Michael Nyman
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A priest with a gun sets the scene in TV’s newest ‘whydunit’
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Jay Ryan, Luke Arnold and Bella Heathcote star in Scrublands. Credit: Stan
The story starts with a bang. A priest in his white and purple robes strides out of a country-town church with a rifle – yes, a priest with a rifle – and starts shooting parishioners, leaving five of them dead. Father Byron Swift is then himself shot dead in self-defence by the local copper. Thus begins the saga of Scrublands, a new mini-series set in regional Australia – and obviously there’s no mystery about whodunit.
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Jay Ryan stars as the gun-toting Father Byron Swift in Scrublands. Credit: Stan
In fact, at first there’s no mystery about anything at all. The priest had recently been accused of paedophilia, and the official explanation is that he got himself killed rather than face up to the crime. But then, a year later, burnt-out Sydney Morning Herald journalist Martin Scarsden arrives in town to write a perfunctory story about how the town is faring 12 months on, and starts to smell a rat.
Based on former journalist Chris Hammer’s best-selling novel of the same name, Scrublands is a thriller set in a remote country town, Riversend, which has been battered by years of drought, fire and flood, is reeling from a terrible act of violence, and harbours a profound distrust of outsiders generally, and anyone in the media specifically.
Producer David Redman, whose credits include Charlie & Boots and Strange Bedfellows, says distilling the novel, a whydunit rather than a whodunit, into a four-part series is no mean feat. “It’s amazing how much story you can tell in four episodes,” he says. “It’s pacy. No one’s going to fall asleep in this one, particularly not after the opening scene. It’s such an iconic and unusual way to start, as far as making sure you have an engaged, attentive audience.”
Writer Felicity Packard (Underbelly, Janet King) agrees. “The opening scene is pretty much what takes place in the novel. That’s a really powerful way to start. You’re not hiding your light under a bushel, it’s right up there in episode one, scene one.”
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Luke Arnold plays burnt-out Sydney Morning Herald journalist Martin Scarsden in Scrublands. Credit: Sarah Enticknap/Stan
Director Greg McLean has form when it comes to filming Australian crime drama. His CV includes the legendary outback horror flick Wolf Creek. Packard enthuses about his vision. “He has such a strong idea of what he’s doing. He’s already got the edit in his head, so he know what he’s shooting for. He doesn’t just shoot the shit out of things, he knows what he wants.”
The story revolves around two men, the charismatic and dedicated but mysterious priest Byron, played by Jay Ryan (The Creamerie, Jane Campion’s Top of the Lake) and the jaded, frustrated journalist Martin, played by Luke Arnold (Michael Hutchence in INXS biopic Never Tear Us Apart). Linking the two is Mandy Bond, played by Bella Heathcote (The Man in the High Castle, Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows), the beguiling owner of the local bookstore-cafe who has a few secrets of her own.
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Bella Heathcote in Scrublands. Credit: Narelle Portanier
It was McLean who introduced Heathcote to the project. “I’d worked with him on Bloom [with Bryan Brown and Jacki Weaver] a couple of years ago and he and I were going to do another project together and that didn’t happen sadly, and he said, ‘I’ve got this other great project.’ He sent me the first two episodes, and I was hooked, I wanted to know what happened next.”
Heathcote’s character, who had studied at uni in Melbourne before returning to look after her dying mother, fascinated the actor. “Mandy just seems so tough and cool. No bullshit, the way she carries herself through life, the way she interacts with people in the town. I just really admired her. So often she has those quips I wish I had in any given situation!”
Instinctively playing her cards close to her chest, Mandy has to decide if she can trust the journalist who’s just shown up in town. Martin, meanwhile, is reassessing his commitment to unearthing the truth after an investigative story that spun horribly out of control.
“Martin is someone who was jet setting around the world righting wrongs, bringing justice to the world,” Arnold says. “This truth is so important that you know, if I’m going to hurt a few people along the way, it’s worth it if the story gets out.”
“There’s been the tragedy of a massacre happening here and the media stomping around, and is Martin going to contribute to that, or through setting the story straight can he help give this town a new future?”
The other main character in the story is the fictional town of Riversend. Film crews worked on location around Maldon, near Bendigo, and at the more remote Nyah West, up in the Mallee. “The advantage we have over the book is we can show things,” says Redman. “So visually, I don’t know if it’s literally a thousand words per image but we are definitely able to express the sense of isolation very quickly through what we show.”
The town author Chris Hammer created is inherently cinematic, Arnold says. “The idea of the kind of isolated town that was really wrecked by the event, picking up the pieces, so lent itself to screen”, Arnold says. “These key moments, these key locations, the bookstore-cafe being the centrepiece for a bit of romance.
“This was a beautiful country town, there was the chance for a flourishing community, but what happens when a town gets tarred with this, all people now think of when they hear Riversend is this awful massacre. If you’re a business owner, if you’re a local, if your family has grown up here what does this do to yourself, your future, your investment in your community and your family?”
There’s always the temptation, Redman says, to make films in studios, citing his movies Charlie and Boots and Strange Bedfellows, both starring Paul Hogan, as examples that benefited hugely from breaking out and working on location. On this production, recent floods gave them plenty of detail to work with. “In Baringhup [near Maldon] there was a caravan park we were using for some of the scenes. In October last year it was 2 metres under water so all the caravans were ruined, these were people’s houses. We could’ve created that visually on a backlot somewhere, but you wouldn’t have got the same feeling that these are people’s homes.”
Also, filming on location can produce moments of visual serendipity. Packard recalls a scene where Martin is talking to the sympathetic local cop Robbie (played by Adam Zwar). “At the end of the scene Robbie’s left sitting on a park bench. Greg McLean didn’t call ‘cut’ straight away, just waited to see what the actors might do. The actors didn’t do anything, but a flock of 200 corellas came swooping down and circled around him and then took off. The whole crew just gasped.”
With its dramatic scenery and the increasingly murky activities of the townsfolk, the series has all the hallmarks of an Australian thriller, but still, the heroes, villains and victims of this tale are not the usual suspects. “There’s an awful lot of stories about young women being killed,” says Packard. ”Not that it’s great to see five men being shot dead, but we’re doing something quite different there, it’s a different sort of crime.”
Scrublands premieres on Stan on November 16.
Source: The Sydney Morning Herald
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50 Favorite First Viewings of 2022
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1. AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001) (dir. Steven Spielberg)
2. Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy (2021) (dir. Ryusuke Hamaguchi)
3. Cure (1997) (dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
4. Something Wild (1986) (dir. Jonathan Demme)
5. Sweet Charity (1969) (dir. Bob Fosse)
6. Double Indemnity (1944) (dir. Billy Wilder)
7. An Angel at My Table (1990) (dir. Jane Campion)
8. Ganja and Hess (1973) (dir. Bill Gunn)
9. In the Mood for Love (2000) (dir. Wong Kar-wai)
10. The Lady Eve (1941) (dir. Preston Sturges)
11. Barton Fink (1991) (dir. Joel & Ethan Coen)
12. The Wedding Banquet (1993) (dir. Ang Lee)
13. Watermelon Man (1970) (dir. Melvin Van Peebles)
14. Smooth Talk (1985) (dir. Joyce Chopra)
15. Exotica (1994) (dir. Atom Egoyan)
16. Drive My Car (2021) (dir. Ryusuke Hamaguchi)
17. Paths of Glory (1957) (dir. Stanley Kubrick)
18. Smiley Face (2007) (dir. Gregg Araki)
19. Heat (1995) (dir. Michael Mann)
20. Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (1968) (dir. William Greaves)
21. Fox and His Friends (1974) (dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
22. Bright Star (2009) (dir. Jane Campion)
23. Tape (2001) (dir. Richard Linklater)
24. Magick Lantern Cycle (1948-1981) (dir. Kenneth Anger)
25. La cérémonie (1995) (dir. Claude Chabrol)
26. Aliens (1986) (dir. James Cameron)
27. Better Than Chocolate (1999) (dir. Anne Wheeler)
28. The Hudsucker Proxy (1994) (dir. Joel & Ethan Coen)
29. Häxän (1922) (dir. Benjamin Christensen)
30. Burn After Reading (2008) (dir. Joel & Ethan Coen)
31. The Story of a Three-Day Pass (1967) (dir. Melvin Van Peebles)
32. 2046 (2004) (dir. Wong Kar-wai)
33. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002) (dir. Park Chan-wook)
34. The Last Detail (1973) (dir. Hal Ashby)
35. Charade (1963) (dir. Stanley Donen)
36. Far from Heaven (2002) (dir. Todd Haynes)
37. Broadcast News (1987) (dir. James L. Brooks)
38. The Man Who Wasn't There (2001) (dir. Joel & Ethan Coen)
39. One Week (1920) (dir. Buster Keaton)
40. The Learning Tree (1969) (dir. Gordon Parks)
41. Clue (1985) (dir. Jonathan Lynn)
42. A Simple Plan (1998) (dir. Sam Raimi)
43. Poison (1991) (dir. Todd Haynes)
44. Fishmans (2021) (dir. Yuki Teshima)
45. Masculin Féminin (1965) (dir. Jean-Luc Godard)
46. Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai (1999) (dir. Jim Jarmusch)
47. Lenny (1974) (dir. Bob Fosse)
48. Kuroneko (1968) (dir. Kaneto Shindo)
49. Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) (dir. Vincente Minnelli)
50. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1952) (dir. Howard Hawks)
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