#Millie cameo
ellalba · 7 months
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Finally got this out of my WIPs, based on a clip in the Harley Quinn show that radiated Kylux vibes.
Just a quick colouring while I work on my art for the KBB. Can't wait to show you how it turns out!!!
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c-hrona · 8 months
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A Rough Night
Basically the thought process for this was:
“I really really want to do a comic full manga style” + “I really really want to draw TriStamp again” + “I really really want to draw some Wolfwood’s angst”
And that's it. That's the comic.
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jessfandrawer · 4 months
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Link to part 1.
Happy belated Valentine's Day 💝
I couldn't decide on a song! To keep with the Lord Huron theme I was thinking Mine Forever?
Here's a bonus drawing from the original concept. I just liked it.
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crowlore · 10 months
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errrrrm 👉👈 traditional sketches from drawpile night that i had to paste into the canvas like some kind of barnacle latched to the side of a much more digitally advanced ship
i had a lot of fun though 🥰
edit: replaced one of the pics with a cleaner one cause it was kinda blurry
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lemongogo · 1 year
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incorrectluxiem · 11 months
Luca, as Lucy, holding Barbie: Hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Millie, in a deep voice, holding Ken: Nonsense, Barbie. You’re staying home and having my kids
Enna: What the fuck are you guys doing?
Luca: Playing systemic oppression
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invinciblecrew · 2 years
behind closed doors (for Millie~)
"—look, seriously, Fourvolt, I respect you a great deal, really. But don't you think you're just sort of..." Phoebe raises one hand and circles her pointer finger next to her temple. Millie gasps in an offended tone, staring at the reactor core mechanic indignantly.
"I'm technically your senior, Lane—"
"Yes, yes I know, you're in the engineering department, you have seniority, I should respect you, blah blah blah, but—"
"And I have seven years on you!"
"And I have eight inches on you."
That shuts Millie up, and Phoebe only grins, getting back to whatever she's doing.
"Anyway, as I was saying, this Jones guy? Sounds like bad news. I mean, what, just— comes out of nowhere, wasn't even part of the colonists' roster? You're lucky I'm the best secret keeper on this ship."
"He's not bad news, I swear! Jesus, you sound like my mom. He's not bad news. He's not. And I know I sound like a stupid hopeless romantic, but, fuck, I'm in love with him! I'm head over heels for him! Some guy just shows up out of nowhere and boom, it's a cliché teenage romance film with love at first sight hitting me right where it hurts. I just— god, fuck." He's close to just chucking his tablet right into the reactor core, in all honesty.
"It's just... I... I've always wanted my life to be, like, a cool action-adventure film, okay? I wanna be swept up by a knight in shining armor. And I think an adventurer's a pretty good stand in for a knight. Whenever I'm near him I feel like my heart's gonna burst right outta my chest. I— I don't know. It's stupid. His life is so... so cool. So interesting. He goes on adventures for treasure and he goes to places that most people never get a chance to see. And, yeah, space is one adventure, and the colony's gonna be another, but..."
He trails off, turning his head to stare at the wall. Phoebe stands up and brushes off her hands.
"You want him to sweep you off your feet and take you on one of those adventures?" she guesses.
"...yeah," Millie replies. "Yeah, I really do."
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tamanone · 1 year
the OG Knives VA voiced the radio in episode 2 as well... everyone's comeing back for a cameo 🥺
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cwahsohnt · 2 years
Emma Hayes in the background shouting “It wasn’t that good!” about Erin’s goal, though...
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The second half of Bridgerton airs next week and I personally think it would be very sexy of them to include cameos of Ncuti Gatwa, Jonathan Groff and Millie Gibson
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 2 months
How I Would Change Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (if i was smart enough to direct and write movies)
DISCLAIMER: I loved GxK, and I believe it is an entertaining movie! This is just my take on how I would've liked to see things happen, with it connecting to the previous installments more, as well as tweaking some minor details here and there.
So, the biggest change I am adding is that Madison Russell from Godzilla: King of the Monsters and Godzilla vs. Kong. I was honestly surprised when I heard that Millie Bobby Brown wasn't involved in the project at all, and I feel like Maddie's presence could have really helped flesh out some of the human aspects of the movie.
The only other thing I am really changing from the movie is adding cameos that link the movies together better, as well as making some minor attempts at making the science less... fantastical. I am not deleting any scenes from the movie, just altering them and adding a few more. Hopefully, this keeps a good balance between the human aspect versus the Titan aspect. So, the movie would probably turn out to be approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes in length, compared to the 1 hour 55 minute run time. I am only going to have bullet points for the parts I am altering/adding, so anything I leave out from the movie is otherwise unchanged or doesn't have enough of a difference to warrant a bullet point.
During the scene where we see updates of MONARCH over the past few years, we don't just see Dr. Ilene Andrews in interviews, but also cameos from Dr. Ilene Chen and Dr. Ling Chen, and possibly some other cameos like Sam Coleman or Mark Russell. Less emphasis on being thankful for Godzilla's help (because yeah he's helping, but also thousands of people are dying directly from him), but more emphasis is placed on MONARCH helping with relief efforts, and the usage of the Titan Warning System we saw in MONARCH: Legacy of Monsters. Also, instead of the other MONARCH person we see in charge (who I think is Hampton, Rachel House's character?) we see Deputy Director Verdugo.
Another small change is that MONARCH isn't trying to "stay ahead of DC" here. I understand why they did that, but from my understanding of the previous iterations in the Monsterverse series, MONARCH was supposed to be considered trustworthy and the top Titan research group after King of the Monsters, especially after the fall of APEX. So, instead, MONARCH is just trying to find what answers they can give to the United Nations as soon as possible.
When Godzilla kills Scylla, we get an explanation of how Scylla was causing problems to the natural world, as well as directly challenging Godzilla for Alpha status, which was explored in Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted.
At the MONARCH school (which I really hope is a school for children of MONARCH employees, or at least a school funded by MONARCH, and not an indoctrination school), we see that Jia is a student at the school, and Maddie is there as well (I don't know what year this movie takes place in, but it takes place sometime after GvK in 2024. Timeline-wise, Maddie was 17 in 2024, and probably a junior/senior in high school, so depending on how long it's been since GvK, she could be a teaching assistant of some kind, or a senior in high school) and friends of each other. They both have visions as the Hollow Earth signal is received; Jia has flashbacks of her past on Skull Island and of her time in Hollow Earth, and Maddie has flashbacks of her encounter with Mothra, Godzilla, as well as when she faced Ghidorah and MechaGodzilla. Both of them also have the same quick flashing vision of the future events of the movie.
When Ilene comes to check on Jia after the incident of her drawing on the desk, Maddie is there, and there's a new scene where all three of them talk about what is going on. Maddie says that MONARCH is too rigid in their thinking, and mentions that there's someone who could help them.
In Miami, Maddie and Ilene meet up with Bernie, and Maddie is integral in helping Ilene convince Bernie to help.
During Trapper's introduction scene where he gives Kong his new tooth, we also have Nathan Lind and Mark Russell show up to witness the event. They are both there to say goodbye to the Hollow Earth transport team, and Maddie joins Trapper, Ilene, Jia, Bernie, and a MONARCH military member (instead of the asshole Mikael, it would be one of the G-Team members from Godzilla KOTM to add more emphasis on their death; either Jackson Barnes or Anthony Martinez would probably be the most recognizable ones)
Instead of Godzilla going to France's nuclear power plant and destroying the place to absorb the radiation, and therefore attacking the humans who attacked him (which kind of went against the whole "the Titans are the guardians of nature" thing and the previous characterizations of Godzilla in the Monsterverse), he goes to some abandoned nuclear site. I would say Chernobyl, but I doubt they'd put that in the movie due to Russia's Invasion right now. But just some abandoned nuclear plant somewhere would work.
Inside Hollow Earth, there are issues with the HEAV due to the signal disrupting the systems, but they are quickly able to figure out the best way to traverse the land; when Jia and Maddie sense the pulse, the HEAV lands until it is over, and then repeat. On their first landing, the G-Team member dies. After they find the Mothra temple, it is Maddie who approaches the glowing dragonfly and presses the button on the wall, allowing them to find the Iwi civilization.
In the scene where we first see Shimo, there is more emphasis and origin on the crystal that Skar King uses to control her; perhaps the crystal is a part of Shimo's ice crystals that we see on her back, and has strange properties due to the Hollow Earth's radiation? We also give Shimo more of a personality. When she first appears, Shimo would be curious about Kong, but flinch at sharp movements from anyone. And then when she is forced to attack, it'd be obvious that she doesn't want to, but Skar King forces her to with the crystal.
I want Shimo to have more characterization in the movie. I've seen people complain that she was just... kinda there. Like, her whole purpose was to keep Skar King from getting bullied too badly. So, by really showing that Shimo is being forced into this and that her natural state is curiosity and warmth (as opposed to her icy nature ;D ), it provides more depth to her character, making the viewers want to see her freed.
When Godzilla arrives at Tiamat's lair, they fight again, but instead of killing Tiamat, Godzilla is able to force Tiamat out like he did in Godzilla: Dominion. Again, too much unnecessary (although insanely badass) murder for a "guardian of nature". He goes into the hibernation to evolve himself.
In the Iwi civilization, we get a more scientific look at the Iwi culture. I don't understand the gravity thing the movie tried to go for, so instead I want to focus on the cultural aspect; they are similar in most aspects to what was seen in Kong: Skull Island, but there are clear differences in dress, the markings they wear, and their ceremonies. This would also be where we go into more detail about how essential Mothra is to this group of Iwi people, instead of her being shoehorned in when all we've seen previously was the Iwi and Kong's species. We see Jia figuring this out and clearly being happy at this. I would also go into them using crystals more, like how we saw with the guard's spears, instead of the gravity-based science. These crystals would be seen to have a mystic quality, explained by Mothra's radiation, perhaps.
When Kong arrives at the Iwi civilization with Suko, that's when Trapper leaves to go back to the Outpost to retrieve the gauntlet for Kong, THEN we go into seeing the lore behind Skar King and Shimo at the temple. This provides a better sense of time between Kong's arrival and his getting the gauntlet since it honestly felt way too fast.
Inside the crystal temple itself, we see the history of the war between Skar King and his ape versus Godzilla and Mothra. I'd love to have Shimo seen more as a threat, with them explicitly saying and having a longer conversation that Shimo was the one who started the last Ice Age, and that before she was captured by Skar King, she had frozen Ghidorah in Antarctica. There is perhaps slightly more exposition here, with the prophecy including not only the "Iwi from Skull Island", but "a girl touched by Mothra".
In this scene, I want to explore Maddie's connection to Mothra. In the Godzilla: King of the Monsters Official Novelization, it is implied that there is some connection between Mothra and Maddie after the scene in the Temple of the Moth. It is hinted at when Maddie has a vision of Mothra while she is unconscious during the Boston battle. I would love to explore that more, and there'd be a deeper explanation in the Official Novelization, something with Mothra bonding with Maddie since there weren't any twin priestesses like there usually is, perhaps.
This is when Trapper returns and gives Kong the gauntlet, and when Jia sends the latter up to bring Godzilla down to help.
Maddie and Jia both go up the crystal temple to the top, where they find that Mothra has a cocoon up there; Maddie realizes that this is what Mothra must have been doing before she arrived in Boston to help Godzilla (I remember reading somewhere that the director said that Mothra was likely off laying an egg during her absence between showing MONARCH where to find Godzilla and her arrival in Boston. This would work really well in my opinion, and a lot better than her materializing out of magic crystal dust.
When Kong arrives on the surface to summon Godzilla, they still fight a bit. However, it becomes clear early on that Godzilla really isn't into the fight; he has obviously been sensing the signal the whole time, so he knows that something is happening with Skar King and Shimo. With previous movies (and especially MONARCH: Legacy of Monsters) trying to convey Godzilla's intelligence, it isn't a far stretch to suggest that Godzilla would figure out that Kong is trying to get his help. Still, the fight goes on for long enough that Mothra arrives to keep them from beating each other up too much. We see Jia and Maddie reach out to Kong and Godzilla respectively.
When Skar King arrives at the Iwi civilization, the Iwi tribe uses their knowledge of the region's radioactive properties (again, nothing gravity-based science-wise because that was all confusing and likely very bad science) to try and send energy through the crystals, messing with the portals from Hollow Earth.
There is no more anti-gravity fight scene. Although I enjoyed it a lot (seeing Godzilla swim through the air and the apes use the rocks to climb around were honestly so cool), it doesn't fit with the "improved" science I am attempting to do. Another ground fight, but they go around the tunnel so they're all still fighting on different planes.
Due to the close proximity to the surface, Ilene is able to warn MONARCH, and they work with the United Nations to evacuate Rio de Janeiro, since there is a tunnel appearing there. This brings us back to the beginning, where I wanted to do away with the "be grateful for Godzilla even though he destroys thousands of people's lives every time he's on the news" thing at the start.
When Skar King and Shimo arrive in Rio de Janeiro, since Kong, Godzilla, and Mothra are unable to stop them due to the immense amount of apes in Skar King's army, there is a lot of destruction. We see Skar King force Shimo into starting another Ice Age, though again, we see that she really doesn't want to do what he says. She starts freezing the city, and the MONARCH evacuation teams there panic as they get closer to their position, before Godzilla, Kong, Jia, Maddie, Trapper, and Bernie (the humans are in the HEAV, with a brief exposition that Mothra was staying back to stop all of Skar King's apes from destroying the Iwi civilization).
This fight is pretty much the same, but the civilians are barely present, and we only see them evacuating a few people away in the HEAV. The final battle still focuses mainly on the Titans, with a heavy amount of emphasis on the crystal from Skar King's whip. I'd keep the absolute bullying that Skar King got the same, but the explanation for this is that Skar King is much older now, and his opponents over-leveled themselves expecting him in his prime.
Mothra arrives from the tunnel, and this is what distracts Skar King long enough for Suko to use Kong's axe to break the crystal that controls Shimo. Once this happens, we see that Shimo can feel it, and she immediately stops attacking Godzilla and looks around in curiosity and amazement. She flinches when Skar King is trying to order her around while he is being bullied by Kong, but with a trill from Mothra and a growl from Godzilla, she joins in bullying her tormentor.
After the fight, there is more of a delay before the ending; we see Bernie on the news talking about his podcast, achieving his movie-long wish to be believed; we see Maddie saying goodbye to Mothra as she leaves and Maddie reunites with her dad and also Josh from GvK; Jia stays with Ilene, but she has a newfound connection to the Iwi sister tribe in the Hollow Earth; Mothra flies across the ocean while Godzilla swims below her to emphasize the symbiotic relationship, and they both take a nap in the coliseum (Godzilla is considerably more careful as he steps through the city this time); Kong returns to the Hollow Earth with Suko and Shimo, and he leads the apes out of their imprisoned area and to the main area of Hollow Earth, where his kingdom is.
For an end credits scene, it'd be Ilene and Jia in the Iwi civilization, where they get permission from the priest lady to see a special part of the temple, where it reveals prophecy-art of Kong, Mothra, and Godzilla fighting against their next enemy.
Obviously, without anything known about future projects, we don't have any end credits scene for this movie. If there is another movie (I thought I saw somewhere that Adam Wingard wanted to direct a trilogy of Monsterverse movies, which means another GxK installment could be in the future, perhaps?), I don't think they'd do what many people want and bring back a Toho villain. Based on the trend of what they've done in the series so far, the next installment would include an original villain with some connection to both of them. So I'll list out some options of what I'd like to see, of both Toho villains and original villains:
Toho: Hedorah, Biollante, Destoroyah, and my personal choice; Battra.
Original: Methuselah, Leviathan, another threat from space (not SpaceGodzilla, since that'd be difficult to work out in this series I think, but maybe something along the lines of Ghidorah's family, since I think they were briefly mentioned in the King of the Monsters Official Novelization), or another threat that goes against Hollow Earth and the surface. Maybe a giant worm-like creature or burrowing Titan could be a good idea, since it'd be able to go back and forth between the two worlds. It'd provide a nice background for how the portals are made.
So, there it is! I hope you guys enjoyed it and like my ideas for how Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire could have been improved. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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shuchu · 2 years
oh and maybe if u dont mind you could add some nsfw headcanons to touching drunk boys at my last request (〃ω〃) u dont have to if u dont want to ofc !!!!!! <333
༶•┈┈┈♛ drunk luxiem & shoto at a party ♛┈┈┈•༶
characters: vox akuma ; mysta rias ; luca kaneshiro ; ike eveland ; shu yamino ; shoto
cameos: elira pendora ; pomu rainpuff ; finana ryugu ; reimu endou ; nina kosaka ; millie parfait ; alban knox ; sonny brisko ; uki violeta ; fulgur ovid
take note: gn!reader ; streamer!reader ; contains NSFW material (minors dni) ; reader is in a relationship with the boys ; all of nijien meets up in person to throw a party celebrating the 1 year anniversary of nijien (to make writing the headcanons a little easier)
author notes: thank you anon for the request & the kind words!! ♡( ◡‿◡ ) your first ask is now in the shadow realm because when i was copying the rough draft onto here from my notes, i accidentally posted the unfinished work with your previous ask (メ﹏メ) but anyways, putting my idiocy aside (≧▽≦). this is my first official nsfw post so i hope that i did well and that this was to your liking! i found this kinda tough to write. i had to think of different party games the boys could play with other nijien members for the sfw part because i didn’t want there to be too many repeats (it gets boring imo). if any of the boys are ooc i’m sorry o(TヘTo). as usual, feel free to leave some feedback and/or send in requests! decorative dividers credit to: @/mykaesu on twt  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
enjoy lovelies! ♡
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you and vox rocked up to the party, fashionably late
a few of the nijien members would come up to say hi to the both of you upon your arrival
you then split up with vox to go hang out and chat with people 
you were in the middle of a conversation with pomu when you hear nina call you over to a table
when you get to the table you see that they’ve set it up for beer pong except that you’ve been told, they put shots of vodka in the plastic cups
you’d be put in a team with alban, reimu and mysta
when you ask, “who’s going to challenge us?”
you’d hear a familiar voice come from the opposite side of the table saying, “and that would be us my dear.”
you see vox, sonny, uki and finana standing opposite the 4 of you, with vox smirking at you
“well well well, if it isn’t my dear boyfriend…ready to be midrunk?”
“such bold words my love, let’s find out shall we?”
you take the ping pong ball and throw it skilfully into the plastic cup at the very front
“bingo, drink up babe.” vox downs it in one go and licks his lips after, looking right at you as he did that
it was vox’s go and he also, got it in the cup at the very front, he looks at you waiting for you to pick it up
you huff and down it in one go as well before moving to the side to let alban have his turn
as the game went on, it was obvious that both you and vox were pretty good at aiming because the both of you were the ones downing most of the shots
in the end, your group won and vox had to down the remaining shots on behalf of his group as a punishment
you walked to vox and smiled, “you have to eat your words now because i won.”
“hmm…i only lost because uki and finana kept missing the balls, alban and reimu were surprisingly pretty good so you had an advantage. don’t let the win get to your head my love.” he chuckles and leans down to give you a kiss
as the night goes on, you and vox had many drinks with your friends, having fun chatting and hanging out with them
reimu, pomu and nina pulled you onto the dance floor to dance and by that time you were already drunk
the four of you were dancing to your hearts’ content before you feel a hand snake around your waist and your back met a firm wall of muscle
“having fun my love?” you hear a familiar voice whisper in your right ear.
you know that it’s your boyfriend, so you smirk, a devious plan forming in your head 
you started moving your hips slowly, swaying to the rhythm of the music, hearing vox groan in your ear
“sweet thing, you better take responsibility for what’s about to come after this.” vox leans down, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck
after a while, you feel something hard pressing against your ass and you smile knowing you’ve achieved your goal
vox spins you around, presses you close to him and captures your lips in a heated kiss
as the both of you are making out, vox slides his hand down from your waist to your ass, gently kneading it 
vox pulls away from you and leads you to a secluded area, he sits down and you straddle him
“now that we’re alone…kinda…” he chuckles. “shall we…continue what you started darling?”
you giggled and started moving your hips again slowly, vox planted his hands on your hips and squeezed, admiring how incredibly sexy you looked right now
vox groaned again and moved his hand to your lower back, pulling you close to him and latching his lips onto your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses on the sensitive skin
you moan softly and tilt your head back, giving him more access to your neck. you feel a slight pain and you gasp, as vox leaves a hickey on your neck
vox kisses up to your jaw then your lips, pulling apart briefly just to say, “we’re going back to the hotel sweet thing, you can’t keep teasing me like this.”
when you and mysta arrive at the party, you’d both go round saying hi and chatting with your friends for a little bit
mysta then suggests that the both of you play some mario kart with shu and luca
you both have such a fun time playing mario kart with them
mysta would mald because he would get last place every cup, making you laugh when he rages
“ohhh COME ON!! i was 1st place and all because i got fucked by so many red shells, i got pushed all the way down to last!”
luca laughs and makes that funny snoring noise from tik tok, “AAAAUUGGGHH.” 
mysta chuckles and makes the same noise too, “AAAAUUUGGGHHH red shells.”
after mario kart, both you and mysta decided to challenge each other to beer pong and to make it even more fun, you replaced the beer with vodka
“ready to get trashed in vodka pong babe?”
“says you, you’re going to be drunk by the end of this from all the shots that you’ll have to down.”
“nah nah nah…i’m sure i’m going to win, my aim is pretty good if i do say so myself.”
mysta was able to get the first few ping pong balls in and so did you, however, the vodka shots were impacting mysta’s ability to throw his ping pong ball properly for his following attempts so he ended up having to down more vodka shots
you, on the other hand, didn’t have to down as many as mysta did because he kept missing the cups
you ended up winning and having 3 cups untouched on your side
“what were you saying earlier babe? about winning?” you taunted
mysta hiccups and says, “s-shut up, the alcohol impacted my ability to throw the ball well okay? down the rest of your shots babe.”
“hmm okay, why not?” you say as you pick up the remaining cups to down them
after that, the both of you split off to hang out and chat with different friends, playing different party games with them as well
while you were chatting with nina and uki, you didn’t notice mysta sneak up behind you until you feel his arms wrap around you and his chin on your shoulder
you put your hand on his arm and brush your thumb slowly against it. “hey babe, what’s up?”
“i missed you baby so i wanted to come see you.”
you giggle and excuse yourself from the conversation to tend to your obviously drunk boyfriend
nina and uki see what’s going on, they give each other a look, chuckle and wish you good luck before walking away
you turn around in mysta’s embrace to face him, cupping his cheeks in your hands and giving him a few pecks on the lips. “you’re adorable.”
mysta pouts at that and says, “no i’m not, i’m cool. not cute, cool, babe.”
you hum and giggle at your boyfriend’s words
mysta leans forward to kiss you again, this time deepening the kiss, nipping at your lower lip slightly
when you pull back a little to catch your breath, mysta looks into your eyes, then down to your lips with hooded eyes and back to your eyes before licking his lips. “you’re so sexy, you know that right?”
you chuckle and kiss the tip of his nose gently. “oookay you’re DRUNK drunk…”
“noooo, i’m not drunk” he hiccups. “i…i…i want more…” mysta leans in again to kiss you
he kisses from your lips to your jaw then down to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses on your neck and sucking on the sensitive skin a little, eliciting a soft moan from you
he takes your hand in his and guides it to his crotch, you gasp feeling how hard he is under the fabric
“b-babe, we shouldn’t do this here…let’s continue this back at the hotel okay?” you feel your face burning and you try to pull away from mysta, hoping that none of your friends were watching your obvious pda
after much whining from mysta, you managed to convince him to return with you to the hotel where the both of you continued your fun. wink wonk
“oi, luca! i challenge both you and y/n to darts, loser drinks!” alban shouts across the room.
“sure! we’re coming!” luca grabs your hand and walks to where alban is
“what’s the punishment drink alban?” you question
“tequilla.” alban gives you a cheeky grin
the game commences and the three of you were surprisingly tied in score
“alright one last dart for the each of us” alban announces
alban hits a bullseye, you hit a double 20 and luca hits a single 20
“arrghhh nauuurrr, i lost.” luca grumbles
“you gotta drink the shot of tequilla now luca!” alban says gleafully
luca shakes a little bit of salt on the back of his hand, licks it up, takes the cup and drains it before sucking on a lime
after that, you and luca went to chat with your friends
mysta, elira, pomu and shoto would ask the both of you to join them for karaoke
you and luca would sing so many different songs with your friends, having a ton of fun singing fun songs like all stars, barbie girl and the rick roll song 
you and luca would take turns getting drinks from the bar for each other if the other is singing
luca ends up drinking many mixed drinks throughout the night — vodka cranberries, lemon martinis and espresso martinis
whereas you end up drinking a few sangrias and raspberry cosmopoliltans
you were tipsy at best but luca was gone, he was drunk from all those mixed drinks he was drinking
luca and you were sitting together on the couch, chatting with millie, pomu, finana, sonny, uki and fulgur with a bunch of tequilla shots on the table in the middle in case any of you wanted some
out of the blue, luca leaned to the right to whisper in your ear, “sit on my lap babe, i wanna cuddle you.”
the request seemed innocent enough so you obliged, lifting yourself up and moving to the left to sit on luca’s lap
luca’s big tattooed arms wrap around you once you made yourself comfortable on his lap
you then start engaging in conversation again with your friends that were sitting around the table
luca would reach out to grab the salt shaker and a shot of tequilla with a lime resting on the side of the cup to drink to a few more shots
luca waits till you finish your conversation before whispering in your ear again, “babe, can i borrow your hand for a second?”
you would think that he wanted to hold your hand but luca holds your hand gently, flips it over so your palm’s facing down and pours a small amount of salt on it
luca reaches out to grab a shot of tequilla, licks up the salt on the back of your hand slowly, downing the shot and sucking on the lime that was perched on the side of the cup
after he was done with the lime, he brought the back of your hand back up to his lips placing soft gentle kisses all over
luca turned his attention to your neck, leaving kisses on it as well
“mmm…babe…your skin is so soft, i just wanna bite it and kiss it.” b-boss? o_O
your face burned up from luca’s actions and words, “l-luca, don’t…we’re still with our friends. you can do that later…”
luca hums and grabs your face gently by your chin, turning you to face him. he leans in and brushes his lips against yours slowly, whispering against your lips, “it’s okay, it’s not like they are paying attention to us now. but if you really want we can move to the other side of the room where there’s lesser people.”
you nod and stand up, excusing the both of you from the conversation with your friends
after luca plops down onto the couch, he pulls you onto his lap again, making you straddle him
he leans forward and captures your lips in a passionate kiss, with his hands running up and down your back leisurely
he kisses you till you’re lightheaded and you had to pull back to come up for breath, he chases your lips, wanting more
“honey…i don’t think i can control myself any longer, i want more.”
“l-let’s head back to the hotel then luca, we can continue there okay?”
“babe shall we go play some mario kart? with shu and mysta perhaps?”
“yeah sure babe, let’s go ask them.”
after the both of got a hold of shu and mysta, you guys headed towards the bean bags set up around the tv near the centre of the room
ike looks at you with a playful grin, “you’re going down babe.”
you smirk at him, “oh yeah? watch me eveland.”
the first round, you got 1st place with ike close behind in 2nd, shu in 3rd and mysta in 4th
“oh COME ON! if i had hit you with that red shell just seconds before you crossed the finish line, i would’ve won.” ike grumbles
“sorry ikey, maybe you’ll beat me in the next round.” you taunt
true enough, ike won the second match with you in second, mysta in 3rd and shu in 4th
at the end of the cup, you ended up with the most points, with ike 1 point behind you, shu in 3rd and mysta in 4th
you and ike laugh as the both of you watch mysta rage at losing to shu by a point
ike interlocks his fingers with yours, “congrats on the win my love, would you like some drinks? we can chill at the bar for a little bit and chat with whoever’s there.”
you both head to the bar and you see vox and nina sipping on some cocktails and chatting
you and ike both greet them before ordering your drinks
you got a margarita, whereas ike got a sapphire martini
ike and you sat at the bar sipping and chatting away with vox and nina
after a few drinks you start to see the effects of alcohol hitting ike, he was getting a little louder and bolder as he spoke
ike kept drinking a few more different drinks, ordering a blue lagoon margarita and a lagoon punch, whereas you had stopped for the night, knowing that if you went any further, you’d be drunk
after chatting a bit more, vox and nina took their leave, so did the both of you
you guided ike to a couch where ike plopped down and rested his head against the back of the couch
you chuckled, knowing that ike was definitely intoxicated 
you were looking at your phone, scrolling through twitter and seeing your twitter feed fill up with fan art of all of nijien partying so you like a few of them and retweet a few
“you look so adorable when you smile babe.”
you turn your head around to see ike grinning at you, then, you realise that while you've been looking through all the fan art you must've been smiling
"aww thank you ikey, you're pretty adorable right now too." you giggle
ike turns to his right slightly so that he can face you and moves closer to you
you put your phone away and turn to face ike too
he grabs your chin gently with his slender fingers to tilt your head up slightly and leans forward to gently press a soft kiss to your lips
he pulls away slowly, his hot breath fanning your lips
he looks into your eyes, back to your lips and back to your eyes again before leaning in to kiss you again
ike's hands moved from your chin, down your neck and finally resting on your chest
he brushes over your nipple slightly through the fabric, making you gasp into the kiss
ike takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, your tongues tangling with each other
ike pulls back just a little to let you catch your breath, he hums and licks his lips, "you taste sweet, sweetheart...i want more of you."
you both scurried back to the hotel as fast as you could wanting to finish what was started
“omg no way, they even have super smash bros? who’s nintendo switch is this? might be vox’s…” you hummed as you look through the different games on the nintendo switch
“let’s play some smash bros then, i’ll go ask 2 more people to join us. wait right here babe.” shu says before walking off
after a few minutes, you see shu walking towards you with luca and reimu walking alongside him
while luca and reimu were picking their characters, shu turned to you saying, “ready to lose babe?”
you roll your eyes and chuckle, “bring it on yamino, let’s see what you’ve got.”
after a minute and a half, luca and reimu were eliminated, leaving both you and shu to face off
you were at a slight disadvantage, left with only 1 stock whereas shu had 2
you charge towards him and just as shu prepares to counter whatever attack you had planned, you jump over his head and dealt a smash attack from behind, leaving shu no time to react
-1 stock for shu, you both were now tied and luca was commentating the whole thing with reimu giggling on the side
shu keeps running after you trying to finish you once and for all with a smash attack but you kept dodging and grabbing power-ups to help you take down shu’s health
“omg y/n how are you not dead yet, what the heck? i knocked you off the stage 3 times now.”
finally you see an opportunity to finish shu, you grab him and do a smash attack, sending him flying off the stage, resulting in a K.O from how low his health was
“oh gosh that was close, one more smash attack from you and i would’ve been the one who lost.” you sigh in relief
you and shu made an agreement earlier that whoever loses has to drink
you look at shu expectantly and shu groans, “fine fine…i’ll go order a drink from the bar. do you want anything babe?”
shu got a purple rain and for you, a sangria
with your drinks, you and shu head off into the crowd, mingling and chatting with your friends all whilst sipping on your drinks and getting more when they run out
shu ends up getting drunk because vox and mysta would get him to drink with them, you stopped 1-2 drinks before shu, so that you could bring him back to your hotel safely
you were an arms length away from shu, catching up with pomu, finana, alban and uki when you suddenly felt shu intertwine his fingers with yours, brushing his thumb against the back of your hand gently
you smile and continue on with the conversation
a few minutes pass and shu moved to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you and leaving little kisses on your nape
another few minutes pass and people from the group that you were chatting with slowly left one by one to go do something else
you turn around in shu’s embrace to give him a few soft pecks on his lips
when you pull back, shu leans forwards and captures your lips again, kissing you with a bit more fervour
shu holds you and rotates the both of you so that you guys switch positions, you didn’t realise you were standing that close to the wall till your back hit it
you gasp and shu took the chance to slip his tongue in, making you groan softly
as your tongues dance with each other, you moan softly and shu groans a little in response to that
shu pulls back slightly to catch his breath and you do the same
when you open your eyes you realise that shu has caged you in against the wall, one hand on each side of your head
you look at shu and he’s looking at you with hooded eyes. his eyes move down from your eyes to your lips and he licks his lips
“b-babe? are you okay?” you ask him softly
“mhm, yeah, i’m good. i’m very good actually. the sounds you make when i kiss you is intoxicating. i wanna hear more.”
at that your eyes widen and you blush all the way up to the tips of your ears and you struggle to even say anything — becoming a stuttering and spluttering mess
you suggest that the both of you head back to the hotel so that shu could continue whatever he wanted to do in private
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“hey shoto, y/n! come play beer pong with us!” vox calls out to the both of you from the table on the right side of the room
shoto and you walk over to vox, seeing millie, pomu, finana, fulgur and uki surrounding the table
you both say hi to all of them and vox starts splitting you guys up into two teams
you, vox, pomu and uki end up on the same team, with shoto on a team with fulgur, finana and millie
you and shoto both go first, you throw your ping pong ball into the middle cup with ease whereas, shoto missed
“ohhh my god. that should’ve been in what the fuck?” shoto says exasperatedly
vox chuckles and says, “drink up boy.”
shoto downs the beer and hands the ping pong ball over to fulgur
the game ends and shoto’s team has 2 cups more than your team does
uki looks at shoto and says, “finish the beer shoto.”
“wait what? why do i have to?”
“unless you’re a pussy and don’t want to.” uki chortles
shoto tuts and says, “alright fine bitch, i’ll finish it,” finishing the rest of the beer, “there, done.”
you give shoto a peck on the cheek for finishing the beer, he chuckles and gives you a peck on the lips
shoto spots a twister mat and starts pulling you towards it
shoto calls over finana and uki to join the both of you for twister and the game commences once they arrive
as the game progresses, your body is being stretched and twisted in ways that you didn’t think was possible
“your ass looks amazing from this view that i have babe.” shoto smirks
“babeeee.” you whine
“what? i can’t admire my partner’s ass?”
shoto was the first to fall to the ground, getting disqualified. “nah…there was no way in hell i’d be able to move my hand all the way back there and not fall.” shoto huffs
finana was the next to fall and then uki, making you the winner of twister
“pretty flexible huh babe?” shoto smirks at you
you swat at him, getting him to stop. istg this demon slayer hangs out with that demon way too much (≧▽≦)
you both then head to the bar to get some drinks which will help cool the both of you down after playing twister
you and shoto both had about 4-5 mixed drinks, shoto was intoxicated but you were tipsy at best
the both of you had moved away from the bar and were chilling on a couch scrolling through twitter
shoto moves a little closer to you and shows you a very nsfw fan art of the both of you
you gasp and shoto chuckles, “this fan art’s kinda hot not gonna lie. they drew your thighs and ass so well.”
“babeeee!” you whine at him again
shoto leans in and kisses you, your lips moving against his naturally, kissing him back
shoto leans away a little and says against your lips, “i love your ass and thighs, you’re so sexy…”
he then pushes you down gently on the couch and captures your lips again, kissing you passionately
his hand that was cupping your cheek moves down your neck to your waist and stopping at your inner thighs, slowly rubbing it
you moan softly and shoto groans in response
you pull back slightly and breathed out, “w-we should continue this back at the hotel babe…”
“we better hurry because i don’t think i can wait.” shoto says as he licks his lips, flicking his eyes down to your lips
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jessfandrawer · 4 months
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Lyrics from I Will Be Back One Day by Lord Huron
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A while ago I said I had a post-Trimax comic idea. It proved to be far too complicated drawing-wise, so I had to abandon it. Instead I've condensed several ideas from that and other potential pieces into this. I tried to keep everything as simple and relaxed as I could so finishing would be easier. Some things might look messy though.
In The Wind from the same album (Lonesome Dreams) is a good companion song. That one feels more like Meryl's perspective. I could probably connect anything to Lord Huron, but Trigun fits especially well with several tracks.
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anthurak · 7 months
So with Hazbin Hotel finally releasing in just a couple more months, I thought I’d talk about what might be the biggest underlying question a lot of us have:
How much, if any, crossover will there by with Helluva Boss?
Now to start with, despite Blitzo and Moxxie having originated conceptually as side-characters/villains in Hazbin, I think we should NOT be expecting any kind of major or even minor appearances of I.M.P. in Hazbin Hotel. And frankly, I think that’s a GOOD thing. These two shows really should be allowed to stand on their own without relying on any kind of crossover/cameo appeal. Not to mention that these two casts of characters don’t really have much reason to cross over, given that they occupy pretty different circles. Like just the fact almost all of Hazbin’s cast (human Sinners) are confined to the Pride Ring of Hell while Helluva’s cast are often traveling between the various rings and even going to Earth kind of limits the potential points of interaction. All in all, despite how much many of us might hope for it, I think we should be expecting appearances from the I.M.P. crew in Hazbin Hotel. Though barring one, VERY SPECIFIC possible scenario I’ll dive into later.
Instead, the potential crossover between these two shows that I’m actually very curious about comes not from Helluva’s main characters, but rather from some of the supporting cast.
Specifically, I’m very curious if we’ll get cameos from the other Sins.
Because whereas Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie or even Stolas run in entirely different societal circles than either Charlie or the Sinners she’s trying to help, with the Sins it’s an entirely different situation.
Not only are the other Kings of Sin we’ve met the fellow rulers of Hell alongside Lucifer, we’ve also gotten implications that they do see each other more or less as family. Which by extension, could very well mean they are family to Charlie as well. Basically, Ozzie, Bee, Mammon and the rest could absolutely be presented as Charlie’s aunts, uncles or cousins, depending on whether Lucifer is an ‘older brother’ or outright ‘father’ to the group as a whole.
Which all taken together means that the Sins actually have all the reason to make an appearance or two in Hazbin. Like we know from the trailers that we’re going to have a flashback to Charlie’s childhood of her spending time with her father. Imagine how cool it would be if said flashback included a couple cameos from the other Sins?
Obviously I don’t think we should expect Asmodeus, Beelzebub or any of the rest to be any kind of major recurring presence in Hazbin Hotel, especially when we consider that the vast majority of the action of Hazbin is going to be locked to the Pride ring. But it does feel very natural or even outright necessary to the narrative that they make an occasional appearance. Particularly when we consider that it’s pretty much inevitable that Hazbin dives into the backstory of Lucifer, Lilith and the creation of Hell as a whole, at which point it would be pretty weird if the other sins DIDN’T show up in some major capacity, especially if they are indeed fallen angels like Lucifer.
And of course I think we can all agree that it would be pretty awesome just to see any of the Sins show up in an episode of Hazbin, even if whatever they’re doing is largely unrelated to the events of Helluva Boss. Like imagine an episode or arc where Charlie and Vaggie have a big argument, and Charlie ends up getting advice from ‘Uncle Ozzie’? Like even if you haven’t seen Helluva Boss, the idea of Charlie getting relationship advice from the King and Embodiment of LUST is hilariously surreal on its own, but the fact that it would almost certainly be actually GOOD advice just makes it funnier. While those who have seen Helluva can appreciate, among other things, the parallels between Charlie’s relationship with Vaggie and Asmodeus’s relationship with Fizzerolli.
Now with that all being said, as I alluded to earlier there is ONE specific scenario where I can see the I.M.P. crew making AN appearance in Hazbin Hotel:
Given the fact that Blitzo and Moxxie did originate as Hazbin side-characters, I do think it wouldn’t be surprising if we got an episode of the show meant to pay tribute to this fact. Basically have an episode where Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie and Loona show up as one-off pseudo-villains as an episode-long ‘in-joke’ referencing the origins of Helluva Boss and giving the team a chance to give an idea as to what Blitzo’s and Moxxie’s original roll in Hazbin would have been.
Say, Charlie and co. are dealing with a sinner who is particularly fixated/obsessed with ‘unfinished business’/grudge from their life with Charlie trying to get them to let go of that grudge by convincing them there just isn’t anything they can do about it from Hell. Cue perhaps Angel Dust ‘helpfully’ mentioning that he’s heard of some people who do exactly that, or perhaps simply a rather familiar jingle can suddenly be heard over a nearby TV, and we’re off to the races.
Again, more or less doing an homage to what Blitzo and Moxxie likely would have originally been doing as Hazbin side-characters.
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stargazerlily7210 · 15 days
So. I have a theory about the whole dangerous/terrifying secret that's so horrible it can cause even Carla to turn on Ruby, and even Kate Stewart and UNIT, who had all the psychic training/defenses weren't immune to it, thing.
Now, I don't really think we'll be finding out exactly what they experienced/heard/saw. Because that unsatisfying/uncomfortable lack of answer there really adds to the lingering fear factor, as many have pointed out, already.
That said.
What if it's nothing to do with anything The Woman/Ruby's Ghost is telling them, (cause she seems to only have eyes for Ruby, anyway).
What if somehow, getting close to/paying close attention to The Woman somehow reveals to the person that the woman IS Ruby. Causing a glass shattering moment for them, revealing that Ruby is somehow not of this universe/can't actually exist/is a cosmic anomaly that the human brain can't process. Causing the unavoidable, uncontrollable, instinctual, terrified reaction and inability to put it into words/explain it.
Bonus: I think this won't be the last we see of this Old Ruby. If purely because of the marking/scar we can clearly see on the actress in the Unleashed episode, that, seemingly intentionally, was never really made visible in the episode itself. (side note: I love the fact that this woman is just a sweet older lady apparently named Hilary Hobson. Not some fake identity to hide who the actress is or something. Especially because I totally called The Woman being Old Ruby trying to help, but only because I thought, like many people, that Hilary Hobson was actually Millie Gibson in old person prosthetics a la Family of Blood and Sound of Drums.)
Bonus Bonus: As far as I'm concerned, the Mrs. Flood cameo was a stroke of genius. In one fell swoop, we get the excitement of seeing her again, but we get confirmation straight from the horses mouth that The Woman has nothing to do with her. So we can focus on the terror of what's actually happening, instead of getting distracted by Mrs. Flood theories. As the only other resident mystery older woman until this point, aside from Susan Twist who we already saw wasn't The Woman.
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vashsusedundies · 8 months
hiiiii do you have anything with Meryl? :)
i've got some, not much of 98 meryl yet but some of stampede and badlands rumble 🫶🏻 with some cameos from wolfwood and milly.
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