#Molly is quiet and reserved
sketchz · 7 months
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molly and anne!
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roosterforme · 11 months
The Curveball Part 2 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Bob got Molly's phone number, but he hesitated, and now it could cost him. When he finally manages to go on a date with her, he should have done a better job of preparing his heart. Because he's completely hooked on Molly, but he's not the only one. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst, eventually 18+
Length: 5500 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story accompanies Batting Practice!)
Check my masterlist for more! Thank you to @mak-32 and @teacupsandtopgun for the beautiful banners!
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When Bradley needed a few days off from tee ball to go to Lemoore, Bob was thankful that Molly's sister was able to step up as Team Mom and help him prepare for the game on Saturday morning. 
It had been two days since he saw Molly. Two days since she kissed him goodnight in her car before he got into his truck and drove home with an erection. Two days since he managed to somehow not completely embarrass himself in front of his dream girl. 
But now her phone number was burning a hole in his pocket. Bob wasn't smooth. He wasn't sure what he should do next. Maybe waiting to see if she showed up to another practice was his best bet? Or was he supposed to call her today? Was she at work at the hospital right now? Maybe he should text her first instead? 
Flirting. Romance. Asking a girl out. He never did these things right. And Molly wasn't just someone random girl that he could try those things out on and not worry if he messed up. No, she was Molly. Bob would be lucky if he even got one chance with her. 
"I'm here to help," his Team Mom told him as he set up home plate.
"You're a lifesaver," Bob replied, handing over his clipboard. "Can you read down the list and check everything off for me?"
"Sure," she replied, following him as he set up cones. When she got to the bottom of the list, she asked him, "Did you remember to text the parent who volunteered to bring the snack?"
Bob groaned as he set down the last base marker. "No. Bradley usually does that the night before, and I promised him I would remember to take care of it this week."
"That's okay," she told him quickly. "I have bags of goldfish crackers in my trunk as an emergency backup plan."
Bob felt so relieved as he said, "You're the best Team Mom in the history of Team Moms."
She giggled, and he smiled at her. She sounded like Molly when she laughed. But then she said, "So, I talked to Molly a little bit this morning."
"Really?" Bob asked, picking up the tote bag of balls and looking at her like he was hanging on her every word now. 
"Mmhmm. She's kind of wondering why you haven't asked her out yet. She gave you her number. And it's been two days."
He was so flustered, he dropped the bag, sending balls rolling in every direction. He scrambled to pick them up, and she knelt to help him. "Does she really want to go on a date with me? Like just me and her?" he asked quietly.
"Yes, Bob. Probably more than one."
More than one. More than one date. Bob had only ever been on a handful of first dates and even fewer second dates. He wasn't the type who kept women coming back for more. He was too quiet and reserved. Too meticulous and not loose enough. He was probably honestly boring. But Molly wanted to go out with him, probably more than once. 
"Bob," she said, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Her feelings are a little hurt that you didn't text her yesterday. If you like her, you need to make a move."
Bob had hurt Molly's feelings. He'd had his phone in his hands so many times last night, just looking at her contact name and number. But he never did anything about it. And now the game was about to start, and Bob's phone was buried in the bottom of his gear bag. He was tempted to dig it out now and text her, beg her to let him take her somewhere on a date. 
Then the game started, and he went into coaching mode. But Molly was never far from his mind. When the game ended in a victory for the Tiny Eagles, Bob told her sister, "I'm going to text Molly right now. Does she have a favorite kind of food? And a favorite type of flower?"
She pressed her lips together, nodding and looking pleased. "Sushi. And those really ugly multicolored carnations." 
"Thanks," Bob said, forcing himself to take his phone out right now. As he walked back to his truck with all of his gear, he typed out and deleted several messages. Nothing sounded right. He might need to call Nat for help. God, even fourteen year olds knew how to flirt over texts. What was wrong with him?
Bob tossed everything into the bed of his truck and took a deep breath. Then he quickly typed up a message and hit send before he could rethink it. 
Hi, Molly. It's Bob Floyd. If you have an evening free this week and are interested, I would love to have dinner with you.
Then he stood there and nervously reread the message, already silently pleading for a fast response from Molly. Because maybe everyone else was actually wrong, and she was laughing right now at the idea of going out with him. At the thought of going out to dinner with a man who had to spend a full minute trying to come up with a response every time she spoke, because he got so flustered. 
He tossed his phone into the cup holder and drove home. And not that he was counting, but it took Molly six hours and three minutes to respond to him. And when she did, his hands started sweating.
Molly: Coach Cute Glasses! Sorry for the late response, I'm working a double today. On my lunch break now. Dinner? This week? Are you sure you want to? You don't need to feel pressured to go out with me just because my sister is a bully.
Bob dropped his phone onto his kitchen counter. Molly thought he only texted her because her sister told him to. No, this was bad. But she wasn't completely wrong. He just didn't know he should have contacted her already. 
Before he messed this up, he called Nat. She already knew about his crush on Molly. She kept calling him Cassanova at work. But Bob knew that Nat would help him without picking on him too much.
"Nat, I didn't know I was supposed to text Molly right away!"
"You didn't text her yet?" Natasha asked so loudly through the phone that Bob had to remove it from his ear.
"I sent her a message this morning. I asked her out to dinner."
Nat practically screamed. "Bob! You should have texted her like ten minutes after she left you at your truck on Thursday night."
"Nat, I don't know how to do this!" Panic rose inside him.
"Okay. It's okay. What did she say to you?"
Bob went into every single detail he could think of and sent Nat a screenshot of his text with Molly. And then Nat did scream at him.
"Text her back this instant! She's so unsure, Robert Charles Floyd! You need to reassure her that you've had a boner in her honor for weeks and would like nothing more than to wine and dine her!" Nat huffed as Bob juggled his phone and started to draft a text to Molly. "Between you and Rooster, my hands are full. And yet I'm the one who's not getting any pussy? Unbelievable."
Bob took a deep breath, verified his response with Nat and then ended the call. Then he hit send.
I've been thinking about you a lot. Pretty much nonstop. I want to go out with you if you're interested. 
And then Bob stared at his phone for sixteen full minutes until Molly wrote back. 
Molly: Thursday night? I could meet you at tee ball?
And just like that, Bob had a date. And now he needed to get a reservation at the best sushi restaurant in San Diego.
Molly: Well what do you think of when you think of me?
Bob was on cloud nine. He and Molly had been texting constantly for days. Sometimes it was just a quick greeting. Sometimes it was flirty. And last night she sent him a selfie of her at work during her overnight shift. She was smiling in her maroon scrubs with her name embroidered on the top. She looked sweet and happy, and Bob had shamelessly masturbated to the photo. 
When I think of you, I think of how bad your driving is.
Molly seemed to like it when he teased her. She told him over and over again how funny he was. Bob had never been this charming before. 
Molly: You fly in a fighter jet, Lieutenant Floyd. Get over yourself! No wait, I'll bet you drive like a grandma. A grandma with a big, huge.... pickup truck.
Bob was laying in bed now, so excited for dinner tomorrow night. 
You'll find out tomorrow when I drive us to dinner.
Molly: I can't wait.
After work on Thursday, Bob showered in the locker room, but instead of the baseball pants, he changed into jeans and a soft undershirt. He had a dress shirt hanging in his truck that he would put on for dinner. He just hoped he didn't get too sweaty at practice.
He took more time to fix his hair than he ever had before. It felt important that he looked good tonight. He had a vase full of the ugly flowers that Molly liked. Apparently you could only buy them at the gas station, and Bob laughed when they came to four dollars for a bouquet of a dozen. He bought three dozen flowers for Molly last night and put them all in an oversized vase. He carried them in to work this morning and left them in his locker all day so they wouldn't wilt. When he was ready to leave for tee ball, he grabbed the vase out of his locker along with his keys and wallet. 
When Nat saw him in the hallway, she squealed. And then her eyes went wide. "Bob, no. Those flowers are hideous. You need to stop and get her something better!"
He laughed at the appalled look on her face. "She likes these ones. I verified it with her sister. Even sent a photo to confirm."
Nat studied him for a minute. "She likes ugly flowers and top tier sushi? And she's hot. And she thinks you're charming. She's quirky, Bob. Molly sounds like a treat. Like somehow... this makes sense to me." She patted him on the chest and then added, "Have fun! Don't forget some condoms!"
Bob gripped the vase in both hands before it could drop to the floor. Was he really supposed to do that? Stop and buy condoms? For a first date? Surely Nat was out of her mind. Bob laughed and headed outside to his truck. He buckled the vase in with the passenger side seatbelt. 
"Condoms," he murmured, blushing. He was just hoping for some more kisses. He was going to let Molly take the lead on everything physical, and maybe after a few weeks and a few more dates, they'd start to need condoms. If he was lucky. If she wanted to keep seeing him.
When Bob got to the ballfield, he still felt calm, collected. But when his eyes caught on that blue car, his heart skipped around in his chest. Because there was Molly, and his brain was quickly flooded with all of the flirty text messages they had been sending back and forth since the weekend. 
She had on a rather short dress, and Bob was filled with desire. It was almost like he forgot how beautiful she was since he'd been absorbed by talking with her over text. He had learned a lot about her as they chatted late into the evenings. Molly bowls in a league. Her favorite color is neither green nor blue but greenish-blue. She volunteers at blood drives. She likes spending time with her nephew. And she sleeps naked. 
Bob had blushed for an hour when she casually told him that. And now he was blushing again and getting flustered. Because Molly was here. And she was beautiful to look at as well as lovely in every other way. Everything about her was a turn on to Bob. 
But he still wasn't so sure he could continue to impress and entertain her. He wasn't cool. He wasn't sexy. Bob embraced his nerd tendencies. He was often reserved. Methodical. Meticulous. Molly was spontaneous and silly. She was perfect. A spitfire. The opposite of him.
Molly walked down to the ballfield directly toward Bob, and then she did the unthinkable. She planted her left hand firmly on his chest like it belonged there. And then she kissed him on the cheek before brushing his lips with hers. Right in front of everyone. 
"Hey, Coach Cute Glasses," she said with a laugh that had Bob fiddling with his whistle. "I'm excited for our plans tonight."
"Hi, Molly." Bob mumbled as all the moms looked on. He could feel himself blushing as she patted his chest and went to sit on the bleachers. 
He wasn't sure how he managed to keep it together, but he finished practice without getting too sweaty. Molly was lingering by the bleachers and talking to her sister as Bob talked with some of the other parents and said goodbye to the kids. 
When he started heading for the bleachers, Molly shoved her sister and nephew toward the parking lot and said, "Bye!"
"Hey, I thought you told me you loved spending time with your family," Bob said with a laugh. 
"I do!" Molly insisted. "But would I choose them over a hot guy who promised me sushi? Nope."
You took Bob by the hand and he muttered, "I still find it hard to believe you're talking about me."
Molly rolled her eyes and said, "You know you're hot. Now you promised me a walk around the park before dinner."
Bob couldn't help but smile as she tried to pull him toward one of the walking paths. But he gently pulled her closer to him. "Let me put my gear in my truck first."
She walked with him to the parking lot, and when he tossed his tee ball equipment into the bed of the truck, he heard Molly gasp. She was looking in the passenger side window as she said, "Oh my goodness, Lieutenant Floyd. Did you buy me gas station flowers?" She turned to look at him with adoration in her eyes. "I love gas station flowers."
"I asked your sister what I should get," he told her as he blushed. 
Bob's limbs felt warm as Molly clapped her hands together and then bounced into Bob's arms. "I can't believe you took the time to ask my sister what I like," she whispered, lips brushing his ear. 
Bob's hands came to rest on her lower back as he held her close. "I want to know everything you like."
She hummed softly and kissed the side of his neck. "I like you."
Now Bob felt too warm. He needed to cool down. He swallowed hard and said, "How about that walk through the park?"
Molly was like a force of nature, always keeping Bob's full attention on her. She told him stories about work and her sister, and she constantly asked him questions about himself. He wasn't interesting, so he tried to turn the conversation back to her as quickly as possible each time. 
"So," she said eventually, chewing on her lip. "Bradley told me you don't have a girlfriend, but... how many women are you seeing?"
"Seeing?" Bob asked, looking at her pretty face and their linked hands.
"Yeah," she said softly. "I mean, I'm just curious if you're going on a lot of dates, but you don't have to tell me. Pretend I didn't even ask!"
Bob stopped in the middle of the path, and Molly came to a halt too. "Just you," Bob said slowly. He hadn't even considered that his original thought of Molly's collection of a hundred boyfriends could still be correct. Just because she didn't have a boyfriend, that didn't mean she wasn't seeing a bunch of other guys. And now Bob felt like an idiot. 
"Just me?" she asked, surprised. "Oh. That sounds nice."
He forced the words out. "What about you?"
"Well," she said, ducking her head in embarrassment. Bob could feel disappointment thrumming through his veins. He'd already gotten his hopes up when he'd been texting her late into the evening every night. But he had never once thought that maybe he wasn't the only guy Molly was chatting with. 
Then she cleared her throat. "Well, my ex, Casey, and I were kind of seeing each other again, but I cancelled on him after I gave you my number last week. I had high hopes, but when I didn't hear from you, I figured that you didn't want to go out with me."
"I'm sorry, Molly," Bob mumbled. He had hesitated, and it was going to cost him. He was so bad at all of this stuff, it was unbelievable. 
She smiled up at him. "I thought maybe I came on too strong for you."
"I liked it," he said softly. And then he decided to be bold and try to make her forget about Casey. He leaned down and kissed her. But his plan backfired. Because instead, she made him forget he'd ever looked at any other girls. When he finally pulled his lips away from hers, his glasses were crooked again. Molly adjusted them before he could, and then she pushed her fingers through his hair. 
She whimpered softly, which made Bob's entire body throb, and then she was in his arms and kissing him all over his entire face before settling back on his lips again. "I just love your glasses," she whispered against his neck as her hand trailed down the front of him to the button of his jeans. 
"Molly," he groaned, which was a bad idea, because her hand dropped a few more inches, and he had to grab her wrist as she ran her hand along his erection. "Molly, let's go get sushi."
She nodded at him. "Yeah, okay." 
He was aching for her, and now that he got a little taste of her touch, he wanted more. She sounded out of breath, and Bob was beginning to wonder if this is what chemistry felt like. This nonstop attraction. His inability to look away. His concern about being better for her than her ex. Better than anyone else. 
Molly held her vase overflowing with rainbow flowers while Bob drove toward the naval base. He had put on his dress shirt, and now the radio was playing softly as he followed every traffic law. 
"I just knew you'd drive like a grandma," Molly said. "Your hands are at ten and two on the steering wheel. You don't go even a smidge over the speed limit. And you have absolutely no trash or anything in here." She glanced around the cab of his spotlessly clean truck.
Bob cleared his throat. "You know who taught me how to drive?"
"Who?" she asked, laughter in her voice. 
Bob turned to face her at a stoplight. "My grandma," he told her with a smile.
Molly erupted into laughter that filled his heart. "It shows, Uncle Bob! I love it!"
Okay so this was clearly the best date Bob had ever been on, and he wasn't even at dinner yet. He had no idea how a good night kiss would go since Molly had already kissed him. Quite a few times. And she had touched him, too. She made everything so exciting, he kept looking forward to more. 
"Have you been here before?" he asked, parking in front of what Payback and Fanboy had promised him was the best sushi restaurant around. 
"Of course," Molly said, crawling across the seat toward Bob once he climbed out of his truck. "It's the best." He could see down the front of her dress as she made her way across the seat on her hands and knees. Bob was going to ask what she was doing, but he was just staring at her. He reached out to help her climb down, and her body skimmed along his. 
"Did you come here on a date?" he asked as they walked into the restaurant, presumably just to punish himself. 
After Bob gave his last name to the hostess, Molly shook her head. "I brought my sister here for her birthday. And again after her divorce was final. Never on a date."
Bob liked that. Molly was looking up at him like he was transparent, but he didn't mind that either. 
When they were led to a table, he pulled out one of the chairs for her. When his fingers skimmed along her back, she looked up at him and followed him with her eyes until he was sitting across from her. Nobody had ever looked at him this way. It was so surprising, Bob felt completely off balance. 
When he stretched his long legs out, he bumped hers. "Sorry," he mumbled, but Molly hooked her ankles around his legs and pulled them closer.
"That's okay," she said. Bob listened to her order a beer, a salad and some sushi. He couldn't focus on the menu at all. Not with the way Molly was rubbing his calf with her foot. He said something to the waiter, so he must have ordered something for himself. 
Molly reached across the table and ran her fingers along his. "So, where are you from, Coach Bob? Your accent is cute."
He smiled down at his chopsticks. "I grew up on a ranch in Wyoming. My family moved to California when I was fifteen."
She bit her lip and stared at him before she said, "You're a country boy."
"Yeah," he replied with a laugh. 
"I'll bet you ran around in cowboy boots and collected bugs as a kid. You probably had your own wildlife preserve on the ranch."
"I did, actually," he confirmed with a grin. "I've always been a bit of a nerd. Interested in the ranch animals and the way things worked."
Molly seemed to understand him, and all of his interests and nuances didn't bother her at all. "Good lord almighty, a nerdy cowboy. I could definitely get used to that," she muttered.
Bob wasn't sure what to say. Maybe Molly was feeling like he was? Maybe the more she learned about him, the more she liked? I didn't seem at all plausible, but there was just something about the way she looked at him.
"Do you have a cowboy hat?" she asked innocently with her hands folded in front of her. 
"Not anymore," he said, and she was giggling now.
"I'll get you one," she whispered. "Or maybe I could wear it."
Bob could picture it. Molly, sitting on his lap, wearing a cowboy hat that was a little too big for her head before laughing and dropping it onto his head. 
"You'd look cute in it," Bob confirmed, and her eyes lit up. "You'd look cute in anything." 
"You know what I think I'd look great in, Lieutenant Floyd?"
Bob shook his head, mesmerized by the way Molly's lips looked when she spoke. "Tell me?"
Her eyes dipped down to his collar as she said, "That shirt you're wearing. It'll look pretty great on me tomorrow morning."
Bob's cock registered the meaning before his brain did. She was rubbing her foot along his calf and looking at him expectantly as she pressed her beer bottle to her lips. Was she suggesting a sleepover? Bob made a grunting noise, but he was saved from having to try to speak when their food was dropped off. 
As Molly picked up her chopsticks and went to take her first bite of sushi, Bob managed to say, "I'd like to see that."
She froze and looked at him. Her eyes were so expressive and unguarded. She wore her emotions on her face, and even Bob could tell that she wanted him. It didn't make sense, but it was true. It was obvious.
He sat a little taller and smirked as he started eating. Because if a woman like Molly was interested in him, even if he wasn't the only one, it was something to get excited about. 
"How's your sushi?" he asked, one eyebrow raised above his glasses.
"So good," Molly replied softly, her food still held in midair in front of her.
Bob smiled. "You haven't eaten any yet."
"I know," she assured him. "But when I do, it's going to be perfect."
Bob ate quickly after that, not really tasting his food. Molly seemed to be enjoying herself though, little moans and gasps of pleasure filled his ears as she ate. And she shared her food with him. He liked that. 
"Here, Bob. Try this one," she said, holding up her chopsticks instead of setting the sushi on his plate this time. Then she fed it to him and watched his mouth work as he chewed. "You're really sexy," she gasped before setting her chopsticks down. Bob watched her run her hand along the back of her neck as he ached for her. "I'm sure you get that a lot."
Bob almost never got that, but he didn't want to tell her. He didn't want her to think of him in any other way. 
"Molly," he whispered, pushing aside his plate as she ran her foot up along his jeans again. 
"Wanna take me home?" she asked softly, and Bob was nodding and reaching for his wallet. He dropped three fifty dollar bills onto the table, confident that would cover everything plus a tip, and then he was on his feet. 
Molly abandoned some uneaten sushi and the last few sips of her beer in favor of his arms. She kissed him on the cheek right there next to the table and whispered, "I just want to take you and my gas station flowers back to my place for the night."
Bob let her hook her index finger through his belt loop, and he followed her wordlessly toward the exit. He opened the truck door for Molly while she ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him softly. 
"Do you want me to take you to get your car?" he asked as her lips met his jaw. "Or... do you want me to-"
Molly dragged her fingernails along his scalp, and Bob's cock throbbed against her belly where she was pressed tight to him. She must have been able to feel him, but he wasn't embarrassed about it at all. She whined softly and kept kissing him as she spoke. "Take me home, Bobby."
Bobby. Shit. He was unbelievably turned on. Letting Molly take the lead physically was maybe a bad idea, because several of his shirt buttons were undone, and her lips were on his Adam's apple. She was so warm and sweet. Never hesitating to show him affection or tell him she liked something about him.
And he liked everything about her. What was he waiting for? Once again, Molly made the next move, pulling her lips away from him and patting him gently on the cheek as she climbed into his truck and got buckled in with her flowers. Bob felt cold where her body used to be pressed against him as he closed her door and walked around the bed of his truck.
But when he started the engine and turned toward Molly to ask for directions, she kissed him again and rubbed her hand up along his thigh. "Turn right out of the parking lot," she whispered. After a few miles of following her directions, Molly whined, "I even find it sexy the way you drive like an elderly person. What is happening to me, Lieutenant Floyd?" Her head was tipped back against the headrest, and her palm was resting so high on his jeans, she was about to nudge his erection.
"Molly," he gasped, unable to say much else. He had never been this turned on before, and now he was afraid she was going to want to have sex with him. He'd never done that on a first date. Or a second date. Or a third date. His last girlfriend made him wait until they went out eight times, which was fine, but then she lost interest in him after a few more dates. 
But Molly made him feel the same way flying in a Super Hornet did: she was exciting and fun, but the element of danger lurking beneath the surface made it even better. 
"Park there," she told him, pointing to her assigned spot in her apartment complex. And then her seatbelt was off, the vase was sitting on the floor, and she was straddling his lap. There was no way he could hide how hard he was, so he didn't even try. 
She devoured his lips, kissing him nice and slow while she took both of his hands in hers. Carefully, she guided his hands to her bare thighs, easing them up underneath her dress a few inches. Then she carefully worked on the rest of his shirt buttons while she kissed him. Molly's skin beneath Bob's rough hands was the softest thing he had ever felt. And the more he explored, the louder she got.
Then she wrenched her lips away from his, and Bob sat there staring at her as she looked at his mouth. There was a little crease of concern on her face as her brow scrunched up, and her eyes met his as she said, "Wait."
Bob started to pull his hands away from her legs, embarrassed now by how forward he'd been. "Sorry," he murmured, but Molly took his hands in hers once again and placed them back on her legs. 
She kissed his lips gently one time before she said, "I really, really like you, Bob...maybe we should slow down?"
"Okay," he agreed, realizing he was running purely on adrenaline at the moment. "Slow. Okay. Yes." That was the speed he knew best anyway. But Molly's lips were back on his neck and she was scooting a little more snug up against his body. 
"Slow," she murmured against his skin. And then slowly, she untucked his undershirt so her hands were on his abs, and Bob's head tipped back. Slowly, she kissed and nipped at his neck. Slowly, she rolled her hips against his. He had to squeeze his eyes shut as she slowly unbuttoned his jeans and licked his ear. 
"I thought you said slow," he whispered, panting as he gently squeezed her thighs in his big hands. "Molly."
"Keep saying my name," she gasped, shaking as he dug his fingertips into her soft flesh. "Bobby, please."
"Molly," he grunted, sucking in a breath and kissing her mouth. He swallowed down her soft whines and whimpers as he pushed her back against his steering wheel. She leaned back like she was on display for him, still rolling her hips gently against his.
Bob had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life. And as she ran her hands down over her own body, she stopped at the hem of her dress. "Keep saying my name," she demanded. 
"Molly," Bob whispered, watching her ease her dress up higher. "Molly," he groaned, both syllables coming out a little rough. She wasn't wearing underwear. Her bare pussy was resting on the fly of his jeans, because she wasn't wearing any underwear. "Molly!" 
His hands were on her waist and his lips were skimming across the soft swell of her breasts. Bob was rutting gently against her now, but he couldn't stop as she cried out one word. "More!"
"Molly," he panted, imagining how good he would feel wrapped in her warmth. "You said slow, honey."
"I don't want to go slow!" she moaned. "But I don't want you to think I always do this!"
Bob looked her in the eye. He didn't care if she did this all the time. He just wanted her feelings to be as strong as his, so maybe she'd want to just be with him now. Because he was already completely addicted to being around her. And if they had sex, he knew he wouldn't recover from it with his heart intact if she turned around and grew tired of him. 
"Molly," he whispered, running his knuckles softly along her cheek so she'd look at him. "I don't care if we go slow or fast or somewhere in the middle. But I really like you, too. And nothing's gonna change that."
She nodded as he cupped her cheek. "You're too sweet," she whispered, leaning forward and kissing him. She knocked his glasses crooked and let her forehead come to rest on his. "Let's go inside."
I am so obsessed with Mob. Don't forget, Bob fucks. Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls and everyone who bugged me to make Molly and Bob a thing!
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captainlunaxmen · 5 months
Bill Weasley x Fem!reader
This was a request, not for me, but I got permission to write it so... here it is.
The request: Hi! Can I request some Bill Weasley
x reader with prompts:
'If there was ever anybody meant for me, it's
"The closest thing to love at first sight l've
ever experienced happened when I first laid
eyes on you.
Where reader is best friends with
the twins so they invite her to
spend the summer at the Burrow.
Bill is also there and when they met
he's instantly attracted to her, they
spend time together and he starts
to fall for her but he doesn't think
reader would like him because of
the scars, but obviously with fluffy
ending, please? Thanks!
I changed it just a little to fit. Hope the anon who asked this will read it and will like it.❤️❤️
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I always loved it when the twins invited me over, whether it was for Christmas or summer.
It always feels like home.
When I was not at Hogwarts, I lived in an orphanage, so experiencing the Wealseys, experiencing a family, definitely felt good.
Maybe this is why they invite me so often, and I'm grateful for that. I usually spend time with Arthur, explaining the muggle world to him, or with the twins and their siblings playing Quidditch, or helping Molly cooking. Which is exactly what I'm doing now.
"Yes, exactly dear. Then you fold it towards you carefully." She instructs me as I knead the dough for the pie.
"Are you done stealing our friend, mom?" One of the twins asks as they both enter the kitchen, and I notice Molly playfully rolling her eyes.
"Yeah, mom, she is our friend." George agrees with his brother.
"She didn't steal me!" I defend, "I asked if I could help her."
"You don't need to do that." Fred tells me.
"Yeah, she already loves you." George adds, "probably more than she loves us."
"Oh shut up, you two." Molly laughs, waving them off.
"See? She is not denying it!" George feigns offence.
"I'm just spending time with my favourite assistant." Molly explains.
I smile at her as I finally finish my own pie.
"You're done." Fred notices, "C'mon, let's go."
"Why?" I ask, wiping my hands on a towel.
"You're our partner."
"And we have business to discuss."
I roll my eyes and look at Molly with an apologetic smile.
"Don't worry, dear. Humour them." She laughs again with that sweet motherly smile that always warms my heart.
"I'll come back later." I tell her.
I have no idea how I, mostly quiet and reserved, got friends with the loudest people at Hogwarts. But it happened, and now I basically help them run their shop in Diagon Alley.
Now, more than ever, I want to help them keep the shop open I this hard and dark time... that, after Dumbledore's death, will probably get worse.
I follow the twins to their room.
I take my seat next to Fred on his bed, and George sits on his.
"So... what was so urgent?" I ask.
"Oh nothing," Fred smiles proudly.
"I hate you." I say.
"You love us." George chimes in, "but we wanted to discuss the new products."
"Alright, alright. " I chuckle.
So we start to discuss what kind of things to start selling, at what price, how to organise the shelf and stands.
A good hour and a half, or a bit more, passes because Molly calls everyone down for dinner.
Finally, I'd say, I'm starving... especially for Molly's cooking.
"About time!" Fred exclaims.
"I'm starving!" George voices loudly, too.
"Same." I groan, following them down.
As we get down, I see the other Weasleys gathering around the table.
There's a new face, though, someone I've never seen before.
"Oh, look who finally decided to join us!" Fred says in his usual teasing tone.
"He's the missing one." George tells me, "you can finally say you've met the whole family."
"Bill!" George calls the tall man.
"Hi, George." The guy names Bill turns to George with a playfully annoyed face, and I notice an earring with a fang dangling from his ear.
"Meet our friend." Fred chimes in, "she met everyone except you... and we've been friends for years and years and years and years -"
"I get it, Freddie, thanks." Bill laughs.
"Come, Y/n." George calls.
As soon as his brown eyes meet mine, he freezes, I see him opening and closing his mouth without letting out a sound.
I'm quite confused.
"Hi." I gently wave at him, "I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you."
I extend my hand towards him, and he watches it for a moment before taking it and shaking it.
"Likewise, I'm William... but, of course, you can call me Bill." He says, a little flustered.
"I like the earring." I tell him to maybe make him feel more at ease.
"Oh," he laughs, "Thank you. See, mom? It's appreciated."
"I give up." I hear Molly saying.
I stop for a second, noticing just now the scars on his face, and I wonder how he got them.
He notices me looking at them and quickly turns his head.
"Well, it was really nice to meet you, Y/n. I hope to see you around." He says before taking a seat at the table.
"Yeah, me too." I say quietly, sitting next to George.
I hope I didn't offend him...
I sit outside, enjoying the early breeze, and I read a book. These moments are my favourite. After all these years, the Wealsey silently adopted me basically, which means I do have a family. But the first times I was invited, I would just sit here in the quiet of the mornings and pretend I belong here.
"I thought I was the only early riser." A chuckle snaps me out of my thoughts, Bill closes the door and wraps a small blanket around himself against the early cold.
"You thought wrong." I smile at him and move a little aside to let him sit.
"Aren't you cold?" He asks, sitting down.
"I'm fine, thank you." I say, I see him giving me a sceptical look and putting half of the blanket around me too.
"Sure." He says, and I laugh.
We stay in a comfortable silence for a while before he speaks up.
"Egypt?" He asks.
"Uh?" I turn to him, and he motion to my book, "Oh. Yeah, I always find it so fascinating, for some reason."
"It really is." He agrees, "I got the chance to explore it because of my job, and I have to say it deserves the appeal."
"Really? What kind of job?" I ask, genuinely curious. The twins never talk a lot about their siblings.
"Curse-breaker." He says with a shy smile.
"Oh wow..." I sigh, "that's really cool."
"Is it?" He laughs.
"Yes!" I reply, surprised he doesn't agree, "you don't like it?"
"No, no, it's not that." He says, "most thinks it's pretentious."
"Nah, don't listen to them. They must be idiots." I tell him.
"Fred and George mostly." He adds.
"Doesn't make my statement false." I kid, and he laughs.
"I can see why they like you so much." He chuckles.
"I wasn't like this when I first met them..." I start, "so I really don't understand why they wanted to be my friends in the first place."
"Like what? Funny?" He asks, "or cute?" He adds so quietly I could barely hear it.
"Uhm... I... I don't know..." I stutter out.
"Sorry... sorry, I didn't mean to... it just came out... I'm sorry." He shakes his head, "Uhm... but tell me... uh, how did you meet the two idiots?"
"Well..." I clear my throat, smiling shyly at him, "they kind of bumped into me... while running from Filch."
"Yeah... I can definitely see that." He laughs again, I'm glad he doesn't feel so awkward anymore.
"Then... I kind of helped them hide." I say.
"Well, now I'm surprised." He teases sweetly, making me feel warm inside... it's a new sensation and... weird, but in a good way.
"Yep." I chuckle, "later that week they found me in the library and just... wanted to thank me, so they just stuck around, and now we're here."
"Thankfully." He says, and I look up at him, "Uhm..." he quickly averts his eyes, "I mean, everyone seems to love you so much... and I'm sure mom's happy she gained another daughter."
"Well," I let out a small laugh, "I gained a mother so... it's a win-win situation."
He looks back at me, a confused smile on his face.
"What do you mean?"
"I live... well, lived in an orphanage... so no parents." I tell him with a shrug.
"Oh..." he softly sighs.
"Oh, please, no. I'm sorry... don't feel bad." I softly laugh to let him know it's not a big deal, "yeah, it was harder when I was younger, but now... now I'm fine. Really. Your family welcomed me with open arms. Wide open arms, actually."
I see him smiling, thankfully. The last thing I wanted was to make him feel uncomfortable... again.
"I'm glad they managed to make you feel at home, then." He says, "among the caos, I mean."
"Oh, trust me, the caos is part of the charm." I gently nudges his shoulder.
"Yeah, I have to agree." He nods, "when I spend so much time away, I do miss this caothic environment."
"I bet."
I look up at him, finding him already looking to me. His eyes are even more beautiful up close. As we start to naturally lean in towards each other, Molly's voice breaks the silence.
"Stop testing your products in my kitchen!" She yells to Fred and George... for sure.
Bill and I move away from each other. I clear my throat with an awkward chuckle and stand up.
"I should... I should probably help the twins with their things... so they won't burn the whole house down." I say.
"Yeah... of course." He avoids my eyes as he nods.
"I'll see you." I gently say and he nods once again so I just get back inside.
Later in the day more members of the Order arrive, with the intention of discussing the plan of moving Harry from his muggle house to the Wealsey's.
"That's the plan." Lupin says, once Moody stopped explaining the plan of having people drinking polyjuice potion to turn into Harry and confuse any deatheater in case there would be an attack.
"Sounds like fun." George comments.
"We're not asking you to participate, so if any of you isn't sure about it, can back down." Lupin explains with a heavy heart, "only whoever volunteers will drink the potion. And only if you're of age."
Everyone looks at each other, I catch eyes with the twins, I nod at them and they stand up.
"We're in." They say in unison.
"Me too." I stand, too.
"Of course we are too." Hermione says gesturing towards herself and Ron who nods.
I unconsciously search Bill's eyes across the room. He meets my gaze and I notice something in his look, he's worried. Of course he is... three of his brothers just volunteer for a very risky mission, but the way he looks at me with those brown eyes...
I mouth 'it's gonna be okay' and he nods, subtly, but his worried look remains.
"Mundungus too." Moody says, interrupting our silent conversation, and Fletcher just nods defeated.
"Let's pair up." Lupin claps his hands. "Each 'Potter' will be assigned to a protector."
"How would we do that?" I ask, curiosity taking the best of me.
"Using same old pieces of papers with names on." He smiles shrugging, "Everyone, write your name down."
"I want to be the one to bring Harry here. The real one." Hagrid chimes in, "it fair."
Lupin nods, he then takes two bowls, gently offered by Mrs Weasley.
"Here the Harrys," he brings up the bowl in his left hand, "and here the protectors." He lifts the one in the right one.
We all do as he instructed.
He then sits down and starts taking out names.
Each one is assigned and only four people are left.
"Hermione, you'll be assigned to... Kingslay." Remus announces.
I see Kingslay sending Hermione a reassuring nod and she gives one back.
"So that leaves Y/n and... oh, Bill." Lupin says.
"Okay, everyone knows their places, right? We're leaving in an hour." Moody announces, sternly.
Everyone scatter around to get ready, so I take the opportunity to just step outside and take a big breath.
I'm not sure how I got tangled in this whole magic war, but I'm glad I did... even though it's scary.
"Are you okay?" I hear Bill's voice getting closer.
"Yeah, of course." I nod.
"You don't have to do it, you know?" He tells me.
"I know." I smile at him, "I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared, so scared I'm surprised I can still move."
He softly laughs.
"You're really brave." He then tells me.
"I'm no braver then the others," I reply, shrugging.
"You don't give yourself enough credit, I think." He nudges my shoulder.
"Thank you." I say softly, "I'm glad I got paired up with you."
"Me too. I promise to bring you home safe and sound."
"I promise too."
His soft smile makes me almost melt, if it wasn't for the cold breeze, it makes me feel safe, feels like home.
"Did the Twins warn you about the wedding?" He then asks.
"Charlie's? Yes, they did." I nod, "I think... is there something I should know?"
"No, well... if you can, try to avoid aunt Muriel." He whispers, as if he's afraid she might be here to hear it.
"I'll just stick to your side, then, you're my protector after all." I kid and I see his face getting a bit red.
"Well.. uh... of course." He stutters, "I'd rather fight deatheaters than deal with her anyway."
I genuinely laugh, unconsciously I lean my head on his shoulder and I feel him tense.
"Sorry." I say and straighten up.
I just look up at him and he does the same.
"No worries," he swallows.
He seems nervous, but not uncomfortable.
I don't know why I feel this pull towards him everytime we talk, but it's a nice feeling. I just hope I'm not making him uneasy or anything.
I catch his eyes looking down at my lips and mine falls to his.
Suddenly, he moves back, bringing a hand up to cover his scars, I can't help but look at him confused.
"Sorry," he lets out a nervous chuckle and stands, "I..."
He doesn't say anything more and just gets back inside, leaving me dumbfounded.
The clouds don't help spotting the bunch of deatheaters chasing us, I try to keep as many eyes out as I can, so I can help Bill who also has to guide the thestral.
Suddenly, I spot three hooded figures flying towards us.
"There are three coming!" I warn Bill.
I cast spells like never before, trying to stop them from coming any closer.
Some deatheater manages to hit me, luckily it's nothing major, but I let out a scream nonetheless.
"Are you okay?" Bill asks, blindly reaching behind him to check on me.
"Yes, don't worry."
I look around, and I can vaguely see Madeye and Mundungus far from us.
I stare at them, ready to interfere in case they need it, when I see a dark figure appearing...
"Shit!" I exclaim.
"He's here." I say.
"Fuck! Hold onto me." He says before turning the thestral around abruptly, but something catches my eyes.
"Wait!" I tell him.
"What's wrong?" He asks, breathless.
"Madeye he-" I start, but get interrupted by one more deatheater flying to us.
I got to cast one last spell to take down the last enemy I can see, before Bill starts to bring us down... ready to reach the portkey.
"What did you say?" Bill asks again, reaching behind again to be sure I'm still here.
"Madeye, I saw him falling from his broom." I tell him, tears already forming in my eyes.
"What? How?"
"I think, Mundungus tried to get away as soon as he saw him appearing... Madeye tried to keep him from going anywhere, but... you-know-who killed him." I say, trying to keep my breath as steady as I can, "I say a green light..."
"Ssh, sshh, it's okay." He tries to calm me down as we arrive to the portkey.
"I'm sorry.." I mutter.
"About what?" He asks, sadly turning to face me, "it wasn't your fault, you know?"
"What if I warned you earlier? What if I..." I lower my eyes to my hands.
"Hey, hey, look at me," he says, and I do, "it was no one's fault. We couldn't know."
He gently takes one of my hands and caress it gently.
"He wouldn't want you to cry for him, right?" He says, smiling in hope to make me smile too.
"He would probably scold me for it." I let out a weak laugh.
"Exactly." He kisses the back of my hand and then rides towards the portkey, that teleports us in front of the Burrow.
We see almost everyone else already here.
I can see Remus and Tonks close to each other, Harry, Ron and Hermione too. I spot Kingslay, I think I can see Hagrid inside, but there's something wrong.
I can't see Mr Weasley or Fred, maybe they're just not here yet... but Remus is here, so... where's George?
I get down from the magical horse and run into the house, as I do I lock eyes with Remus' guilty expression and I just run faster.
I rush into the house and spot Molly caressing George's hair, as I get close I notice the blood on him.
"George..?" I weakly call and Molly turns to me, she sends a sad smile towards me and I kneel in front of the sofa to take a better look at George.
"George." I call again.
"He's alive, dear... just a dark spell..." she reassures me.
"How?" I shakily ask, more to George than Molly.
I hear fast footsteps rushing in too and Fred is just beside me. This makes me feel so much better.
They're both still alive.
"How are feeling, Georgie?" Fred asks his twin.
George slowly open and closes his mouth before speaking.
"Saintlike..." he says, and I let out a relieved laugh, "I'm holey, I'm holey, Fred. You get it?"
"With the whole wide world of ear-related humour, you go for 'I'm holey'. Pathetic." Fred teases back, I notice he says this finally letting his shoulder relax.
"Well, Y/n still finds me the most handsome of the pair, I reckon." He subtly winks in my direction.
"I'm letting this one slide because you're hurt. And clearly brain damaged, if you make that joke of all you could choose from." I chuckle moving my hand out to caress his.
I notice now that everyone has gotten inside, i spot Bill's tense, yet relieved expression.
"Madeye is dead." He says and everybody looks at him.
"You-know-who killed him." I say. "Mundungus disappeared and he was caught off guard... I think."
I sense George's and Fred's hands on mine, for comfort and solidarity.
A wedding sounds absurd considering the times we're living, yet it seems exactly what we need.
A knock on the door catches my attention.
"Are you decent?" Fred's teasing voice calls from the other side.
"Sure." I laugh and he comes in.
"Are you ready?" He asks.
"Yap." I say, turning to look at him, "oh, look at you, never seen you so cleaned up."
"I take offence in that." He feigns hurt, "take it back."
"Oh, you know you're always so stylish." I stick my tongue out to him.
"That's what I thought." He winks, "I'm the most handsome of the pair."
"Sure." I laugh and sit on the bed to put on my shoes. "Is everything ready downstairs?"
"Yap, all guests are here. The party is ready to begin." He declares.
"Nice." I nod.
"Are you okay?" He asks, I can hear a hint of worry in his voice.
"C'mon," he says sitting next to me, "tell Freddie what's bothering you."
"It's nothing, Fred, really." I try to divert the subject.
"You don't fool me, young lady." He slightly glare at me.
I sigh.
"Plotting without me?" I look up to see George standing by the door, the bandages on his head as a reminder of the night before...
"We could never." I say.
"Our Y/n here has something on her mind." Fred is quick to say.
"I don't..." I say... not very convincing.
"Uh uh. Tell us." George sit on the other side of me.
"Do you think... uh... did I do something wrong to Bill?" I ask, quietly.
I can sense them sharing a look.
"Whatever do you mean, love?" George asks.
"It's just... sometimes it's like he wants to be anywhere else but near me... and maybe I did something to him... but I don't know what." I explain.
"Do you have a crush on our brother, L/n?" Fred asks teasingly.
"What? No, no... I just ... ugh!" I say laying back down on the bad covering my face with my arms. I hear them softly laughing.
"I'm sure you did nothing wrong." George says, "Bill's just... Bill."
"Yeah, whatever it is, I'm sure it has nothing to do with you. Stop worrying your pretty little head." Fred nudges me.
I nod, understanding, not entirely convinced, but I appreciate their effort.
"And..." George's teasing tone makes me glare at him, already knowing what he wants to say, "if you have a crush on him, we could help you..."
"I'm sure we really should be going, you know, plus I'll see if Molly need any help." I say standing up and quickly make my way downstairs.
As I rush down the stairs I bump into someone.
"Oh, I'm so so sorry." I say.
"No worries." Bill says and I instantly look up at him, feeling a little embarrassed since I've been talking about him with the twins a few minutes ago.
"Uh... sorry" I repeat, looking away.
"It's no problem. Really." He smiles at me.
"I... I was looking for... for you mother..." I stutter out, "to see if she needed any help."
"Oh she was just outside, still congratulating Charlie and... crying too." He lets out a soft chuckle and I do too.
"Then I'll go congratulate him too, didn't get the chance yet." I smile at him and start walking out, looking for Charlie and Mrs Weasley and I find them right outside the big tent.
"Hey," I say as I near them, "congratulations, Charlie."
"Aahh, Y/n! Thank you!" He says cheerfully, once I'm close enough he brings me in for a big hug, which I reciprocate.
"I'm so happy for you." I tell him, "she seems like a sweet person... or... better a patient one." I tease.
"Alright, that's it." He says letting me go, "you're spending too much time with the twins. I'm adopting you."
"That's my duty," Molly chimes in, linking arms with me.
"Exactly, Charlie, stop stealing your mother's job." I jokingly glare at him, he smiles at me and then his eyes move to something behind me. I turn around seeing Bill walking to us.
"Congratulations, mate." Bill hugs Charlie and pat his back.
"Aah thank you! I'm so happy." Charlie has the biggest smile on his face right now, and it fills me with joy.
"You deserve it. I've never seen you so in love." Bill says.
"Well, I just hope you will experience it too, mate." Charlie sighs, "it's really the best feeling."
I smile at his words, he really loves his family... everyone in this family loves each other so much, it makes me feel at peace.
"Yeah... I can tell." I hear Bill say, I notice Charlie looking at me with a weird look.
"I'm sure you do," he then adds.
"Oh! Charles!" A voice calls from behind us, an old lady is walking towards us.
Molly is gone immediately, and Bill gently takes my arm to lead me away.
"That's... aunt Muriel." He whispers to me.
"Oh..." I chuckle, "thanks."
"No problem, I am your protector." He tells me and we enter the tent.
"Oh wow.." I say, "it looks really good."
"Yeah, I think despite the situation, Charlie got a great wedding anyway. Which makes me very happy." He tells me, and I notice just now he's sort of caressing my arm with his fingers.
"Yeah... I... I think he deserves it. You know, this is how I always wanted my wedding to look like, if I'm being honest." I say, "that... if I ever got married, that is."
"What do you mean 'if'?"
"Well, to get married you would need to find someone you love and someone who loves you" I explain with a shrug and a heavy heart.
"I'm sure.... I'm sure, you will have no problem in that." He tells me.
"I'm not so sure." I say, shrugging.
We reach a table and we both sit down, and I go back at looking around.
"It really is beautiful." I breath, "you all did a great job."
I turn to look at Bill, once again, already finding him looking at me.
"I think anyone would be lucky to marry you." He softly says, and it takes me a little off guard that my cheeks suddenly feel warm and I look away from him.
The music suddenly starts and we both turn to look at Charlie and his wife dancing for the first time as husband and wife. It's such a happy moment I don't want to miss one bit of it.
Soon enough more people join the happy couple and I too start to slightly move my feet to the rhythm. A hand is suddenly on top of mine, gaining my attention.
"Do you...do you want to d-dance?" Bill asks, stuttering a bit.
"Yes." I simply say.
We stand and walk towards the other people dancing, he carefully put his hands on my waist and I shyly put mine on his shoulders and we start moving with the music.
"This is my favourite parts of weddings." I casually say, to break the awkward silence.
"The dancing?"
"Yeah, everyone looks so happy, and it's the most peaceful part of it." I explain, "you know, everything coming before the 'yes' is like tense and uncertain. 'What if they change their mind?' Or 'what if something happens?', it's all about 'what ifs'. But the dancing... is when everything is settled and everyone is happy and can let out a sigh of relief. Does it make sense?" I chuckle.
"Makes complete sense. I kind of agree with you." He smiles, "I'll tell you a secret... Charlie was so nervous since he asked her."
"What? Really?" I ask in disbelief.
"Yeah!" He laughs, "he was so afraid she would change her mind any moment. There was one day I was visiting him, he told me he was actually waiting an owl to deliver him a letter saying she wouldn't marry him anymore. That's how tense he was."
"Oh, poor thing." I laugh, looking to Charlie dancing with his mother now, how happy he looks now.
"Yeah, took me several hours to convince him that was not the case." He tells me.
We laugh together for a moment before our eyes lock for the millionth time.
"Can..." I start, "can I ask you something?"
"Of course." He nods.
"Have I... have I made you uncomfortable in some ways?" I ask.
"What? No... of course not." He answers quickly.
"Are you sure?" I check, "I mean, you can tell me. Really it's no problem."
"I'm sure. You didn't do anything to make me feel uncomfortable." He replies, "I promise."
"Okay..." I nod, with small smile. "If I did something, though, I'm sorry."
"I promise, you have nothing to be sorry for." He reassuringly smiles at me, I smile back.
We stay in silence, looking at each other and, again, I feel the same pull towards I felt before, but this time, before anything could remotely happen, Kingslay's patronus appears.
It says the minister is dead and that the deatheaters are coming here...
The caos emerges as soon as the enemy arrives.
I look up at Bill.
"Stay close to me." He tells me and I nod.
We start fighting along the others, most guests disappear, most remains and fight.
I cast as many protection spells as I can while Bill and the other defends.
I can see Harry, Ron and Hermione disappear. Thankfully. But my attention is caught by another red-haired fighting far from me.
I rush to Ginny without even thinking and stand beside her, Lupin joins us soon.
A caos of "stupeficium" "expelliarmus" and "protego" surrounds us.
I spot someone aiming at a distracted Ginny, instinctively I step in between them, I try to yell, but too late.
I feel myself falling to the ground.
It's dark, I can hardly open my eyes, but I hear voices around me.
"She's gonna be fine." I hear someone says.
"Are you sure?" A pair of voices, this time, asks.
"Yes, I am."
I weakly open my eyes and move to sit up.
"Hey, hey, careful there." I recognise Bill's voice.
"What... what happened?" I ask, finally being able to look around. Noticing Fred and George too, I notice this is not a room I recognise.
"What happened?!" George asks shocked, "what happened she asks!"
"Unbelievable!" Fred agrees.
"So..?" I urge.
"You took a stunner for Ginny. A dark one." Bill explains.
"What were you thinking?!" Fred asks.
"I just saw him aiming at your sister and went on autopilot, I think." I say.
"What if it was a killing curse?" George basically yells.
"Could you not shout please?" I ask weakly.
They both sigh heavily and look at each other.
"You're okay." Bill chimes in from his place by the door, "that's important." He says this last bit more to the twins than to me.
"You scared the hell out of us." George says.
"Yeah, we thought we lost you." Fred nods.
"I'm sorry..." I mutter.
"No, we're sorry for yelling." Fred sighs, "we're thankful you're okay... and thank you for protecting Ginny."
I open my arms, asking them for a hug and they do, careful not to hurt me too much they wrap their arms around me.
"Where are we?" I ask, once they pulled away.
"Shell cottage." They both answer.
"In Cornwall." George keeps going, "it's by the sea."
"Oh... Nice."
"Yeah, we'll be using it as a refuge for a while." Freds explain.
"Especially until you feel better." Bill adds.
"We know you like the sea, so maybe it would help your recovery." George says, hopeful.
"I hope so." I smile at them.
"Let's leave her, boys, she need her rest not you two pestering her." Bill teases his brothers.
"We're not!" They both say, standing up and heading to the door.
"A little." I joke.
"You better rest well, young lady." Fred scolds me before following his brother out.
"I'll bring up some tea. Now rest." With this Bill exits and closes the door.
I lay back down, take a deep breath and close my eyes, hoping to get some sleep.
The sweet smell of the tea gently wakes me up.
I slowly open my eyes, noticing some rays of sun peaking through the windows.
I sit up, determined to stand up and walk downstairs. I put some clothes on and weakly walk out the room, holding onto the wall just in case.
I make my way downstairs, happy to hear voices coming from what I can imagine is the kitchen.
"Why don't you just tell her, mate?" Fred, I think, says.
"What do you mean why?" Bill asks back.
"What do you mean, what do we mean why?" George replies, "do you like her?"
"Of course, he does!" Fred intervenes.
"Then why don't you freaking tell her?" George repeats the question.
Now, I can't help but eavesdrop. Curiosity taking the best of me.
"Have you seen me recently?" Bill snaps.
"Bill..." George starts, but he's interrupted.
"No, George." Bill's serious tone, makes my heart ache, "how could she like me back when I look like this? Uh?"
"Bill, do you think she cares?" Fred's tone got more gentle.
"We know her, mate." George tries to reassure him.
"No." Bill firmly states, "she deserves better. You should know it, she deserves someone who doesn't look like a freak, and most definitely she doesn't deserve a werewolf in her life. What if I hurt her? What if..." he chokes. I can't see him, but I can tell he's crying.
"You love her, don't you?" Fred asks... or rather, states.
"Of course, he does." George confirms, "look how scared he is!"
"Of course, I'm scared!" Bill snaps again, "The closest thing to love at first sight l've ever experienced happened when I first laid eyes on her... and it pains me how much I want to be with her, but knowing she doesn't deserve to end up with someone like me..."
That's enough, I walk up to them and their head turn up to look at me, Bill's eyes widening at my sight.
"I think that's up to me to decide." I tell him, looking him dead in the eyes.
"I..." He's at loss words.
"We'll leave you to it." The twins says and walk out.
I sit down, so I can face Bill, I slightly wince as I do.
"Careful..." he whispers, "you... you should be resting."
"You'll soon realise I don't usually do what I'm supposed to do." I smile at him.
We stay silent, none of us knowing what to say.
"Sorry." He then says.
"What for?" I ask.
"I..." he lets out a nervous chuckle, "I don't even know..."
"Was that true?" I finally ask.
"I'm afraid so..." he sighs.
"Then, I'm afraid you're stuck with me." I say, feeling bold enough to take his hand.
"I..." he look at our hands, "you mean...?"
"But... you don't have to... I know you deserve something better than this." He tries to make me... reason I think, I softly laugh at this.
"Better than a hot, long-haired, curse-breaker with the kindest smile eyes I've ever seen? I'm not so sure about it." I grin at him, "what you felt the first time we met... I'm pretty sure I felt it too."
"Of course, I think if there was ever anybody meant for me, it's you."
He looks at me with the biggest smile, lets out a relieved laugh and comes closer to kiss me.
I'm a little taken aback, but I quickly kiss him back, my hand moves up to his cheek softly caressing his scars while his is in my hair gently playing with it.
Once we pull away we hear cheering from the other room, and we laugh watching Fred and George coming into view clapping their hands.
"Good job!"
"Go away you two!" Bill scolds them.
"Hey!" They call, "no naughtinesses while we're here, alright!"
They go away and leave us officially alone.
I look at Bill and he does the same.
"I love you." He whispers, coming closer once again.
"I love you too" I say before kissing him again.
And again.
And again.
And... again.
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cuffmeinblack · 1 year
Good girl
Strap yourselves in for some SMUT
You're used to the little flirtations Remus Lupin throws your way but he has something else in mind for this particular Order meeting, and Severus Snape likes to watch.
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Severus Snape x fem!reader (Lupin x fem!reader & Snape x fem!reader)
Rating: 18+ explicit
Remus has always been a quiet, reserved man. His smiles charmed you from across the room, he made excuses to talk to you after Order meetings, made you tea and held your hand. So you might have been forgiven for assuming that the man would be a tender lover, maybe a little vanilla. This evening you were proven very wrong indeed.
It had started innocent enough, the small flirtations you had grown so used to. Then the meeting had been called to order, the table in Grimmauld place filled to capacity. You stood behind the seated members, back against the dresser. Arthur was to give an update on his patrols, Severus would update the Order on his intelligence gathering. You listened attentively, until you felt a hand on your waist. Glancing sideways with only your eyes, you looked at Remus standing behind your right shoulder, who was clearly enraptured by the report Arthur was giving.
Ok, this was nice, you thought, a gentle hand on your waist. But the hand wandered south, following the curve of your cheeks, grabbing hungrily. It took all your self control not to gasp. The hand skimmed the lace trim of your knickers, following it down until it reached the back of your lips. You should have stopped it then, but the thrill was all-consuming. You shifted your weight slightly, parting your legs to give him easier access, being as quiet as possible lest anyone look at you and notice the furious blush that had spread across your face.
The hand began lazily stroking between your legs as the people around the table continued their conversation, their attentions turned to the head of the table where Arthur and Molly sat. Your breathing had become shallow as your pulse quickened. The fingers between your legs pulled the fabric to one side, exposing you completely, as they slid between your lips to meet the wetness they had created. A finger teased your opening, sliding the tip inside. Then two fingers.
Severus had begun his report as you struggled to maintain your composure, all you could think about was turning to the man behind you and throwing yourself on him. The fingers continued to tease you, your wetness now soaking your knickers, you could feel it on your thighs. You watched Severus sitting at the table as he talked, trying to concentrate on whatever important news he was discussing. He locked eyes on you as he talked and the fingers began their gentle stroking of your clit. Severus watched you and you couldn't bring yourself to look away in case you looked guilty.
Why was he directing his report to you? He finished talking and the rest of the Order began wrapping up with any other business. Severus was still watching you - God, did he know what was happening? Severus smirked. He knew. The scraping of chairs signalled the end of the meeting as the hand finally withdrew, leaving you gripping the dresser behind you for stability as you tried your best to maintain a neutral expression. Remus' voice behind you whispered, "Stay." You waved goodbye to the others, waiting for them to leave.
Severus stayed at the table, his gaze unmoving. The last Order member left and he withdrew his wand and flicked his wrist, causing the door to shut and click. You turned to Remus and started to ask the hundreds of questions you had swimming in your mind, but his lips met yours, silencing you. He grabbed your waist tightly, pulling you close. You could feel his erection pushing against your hip as you let out a shuddering moan. You glanced over at Severus, who was now making his way toward you.
"He likes to watch," said Remus. "Do you mind if he joins us?" he asked, planting soft kisses on your neck.
Your mouth drops open as you look between the two men. Never in a million years could you have imagined this scenario. You should be disgusted, perhaps, Severus was clearly using his Legilimency on you as you were being aroused by Remus. But the thought just ended up turning you on even more. You gave a tiny nod as Severus came to stand in front of you on the other side of Remus. He maintained the intense stare, sliding his hand up your skirt and between your legs, where your knickers were still pushed messily aside.
"My, my, Lupin, you have got her worked up," he says in a silky voice.
You whimpered softly as Remus pressed his hard cock into your cheeks, pulling your knickers down, which fell to your ankles. Releasing himself from his trousers, he pulled your hips back as he entered you from behind, emitting a low groan as you sighed with pleasure. Severus held your gaze as he brushed your mouth with his thumb, then planted a kiss on your lips. His tongue flicked over your lips as you moaned into his mouth.
Remus was thrusting into you deeply and slowly, his hands wandering from your hips to pull down the top you were wearing. The straps of your bra were pulled from your shoulders, exposing your breasts as Remus grabbed them, running his fingers over your hard nipples. You moaned in delight into Severus' mouth, who was now unbuttoning his trousers. Your eyes fell on his erection which only served to push you even closer to the edge. He took it in his hand, stroking the shaft. You felt a hand in your hair. It was Severus, deepening his kisses as he held himself in his other hand.
You couldn't help yourself as you reached out and wrapped your hand around his. He looked at you, before releasing his own hand and letting you take over. You moved your hand up, running your thumb over his head, causing the man to exhale a shuddering breath. The rhythm of your hand matched the thrusts of Remus driving into you from behind. You were pressed against Severus' chest as you continued to kiss him, though the kisses became sloppy, both of you breathing heavily and moaning into each other's mouth.
Remus was whispering your name in your ear as the thrusts became quicker. Your hand picked up the pace as Severus pulled at your hair. Your head was swimming, the sensations overwhelming. You were so close.
"Please, please," you begged nobody in particular.
Severus removed your hand from his cock and slid his own between your legs, to the swollen nub. He began making circular motions with his finger, the pleasure so intense you could barely stand. The pressure built until you felt you couldn't breath, until you tipped over the edge, the pulsing waves rippling through you, tightening around Remus' cock, who groaned and thrust into you, finishing inside you as you rode your orgasms together.
You were held roughly by the chest, leaning back into Remus and panting heavily, still gazing at Severus as he removed his hand from your clit. He was still hard, and you couldn't leave him unsatisfied. Removing yourself from Remus, you dropped to your knees, taking Severus in your mouth hungrily, using one hand to stroke the bottom of his cock and the other reached up to his chest, clinging desperately to his robes. It didn't take much to send him over the edge, with a low moan he finished in your mouth, thrusting gently as his body went limp.
"Good girl," Remus whispered in your ear. "Same again next week?"
I also uploaded to Ao3 incase you'd like to give Kudos if you liked it <3
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dreamy29 · 3 months
In the burrow
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Hi <3 This here them a gear headcannons like you would get for the 1st time in the burrow Pairing: light George x Reader Warnings: None ( implied fluff, a George Wesley in love) Trailer: You are Yn Yln and a good friend from Hermione Greanger and when Hermione was invited to the burrow, she just took you with her. What you didn't know was that George had taken a liking to you. Unfortunately, he's quite… reserved about that sort of thing
in 2 weeks the next school year at Hogwarts would begin
you would arrive in the foxhole with Hermione
of course everyone knew that you would come too (not) that's why you arrived completely unexpectedly with Hermione
but everyone was still happy that you were there too
it was a huge hustle and bustle while you all greeted each other
it was already late so you all ate together, but suddenly you remembered something: "Um… Molly? " you asked hesitantly. "Yes, darling? "she said, looking at you questioningly. Unfortunately, she talks quite loud (because she was sitting at the other end of the table) which made everyone look at you. "Well, I'm very sorry, especially because I came along unannounced, but where am I supposed to sleep? ", you ask. Thoughtful silence until someone says: "She can sleep with us. ". It was George who offered. "Everywhere else is full. Harry sleeps with Ron, Hermione sleeps with Ginny. Bill's sleeping at Percy's and Charly's on the couch. Where else would she sleep?" he said.
Molly had no objections and so the whole thing was settled. After the last cup of cocoa had been drunk, you said, "Good night!" to everyone and ran upstairs to the Weasley twins' room and then got ready for bed in the bathroom and changed your clothes
when you were ready you walked out of the bathroom and nearly bumped into George and Fred who were arguing about who would go into the bathroom next
you slipped between them and made your way into the twins' room
To your surprise, your bed was already made up
it was between George's and Fred's beds and it didn't look like an air mattress either, but just like the twins' bed
the twins' bed, just as long, just as wide and just as high
you could immediately recognise which bed belonged to whom
'well, never mind' you thought and lay down in your own bed
A narrow beam of light shone into the room through the gap between the door and the wall, which increased in size 5 minutes after you lay down.
It was George, apparently he had won the fight against Fred
his hair was wet and stuck to his forehead, indicating that he had been in the shower
He was wearing flaming red pyjamas that went wonderfully with his hair
You two looked at each other for a second or two until he seemed to have found his words again and said:
"Oh, Yn! I'm sorry! Did I wake you up? "
before you could answer, Fred came through the door and nearly ran over his twin brother in the process
He almost tripped over you too, but George was just able to grab him by the corner of his (equally flaming red) pyjamas and prevent such a mishap Fred is only named against your bed XD
when the last person in the house had gone to bed, it gradually became quiet in the house, which didn't mean that everyone was asleep
George and Fred were also still very much awake and talking animatedly about a new joke idea
you were almost asleep when suddenly the word was turned to you: "Well, Yn? How do you like it in the foxhole?" Fred suddenly asked you. "You don't like it, do you? It's…, too small, isn't it?" George added ashamedly. "No! I think it's great here!" you said, giggling.
After a while, Fred and George stopped talking and you were all finally able to sleep
you had a very restless sleep - you kept tossing and turning until you met with resistance
far too tired to think about it, you just lay there as it was so comfortable and you were finally getting warm
(George's view: )
It was already the middle of the night when I suddenly felt something
something had bumped into me and just stayed there
I turned round carefully and…
I had to suppress a squeak
It was Yn! She had snuggled up to me! She had been very restless the whole time and now she had finally fallen asleep. 'Oh God… she looks so beautiful… even when she's asleep' George thought to himself
He wasn't sure what he should do now
should he push you away, do nothing, or put an arm around you?
he decided in favour of the latter after a while
slowly and carefully, so as not to wake you up, he turned round so that he could hug you gently
'Oh, she's so warm and her skin…how can skin be so soft…She fits so perfectly in my arms' he thought
"Oh my God…" he murmured half asleep and melted away
he had imagined countless times what it would be like to hold you in his arms
it was a thousand times better than he had ever dreamed of
with the extremely tantalising thought of falling asleep like this every night, he also drifted off into his first dream
The next morning (your view):
you woke up, awakened by the sun's rays shining on your face
You were exceptionally warm, but not too hot, you felt something behind you and felt a gentle, steady throbbing. It was very cosy and pleasant just lying there. You could have fallen asleep again
It took you 2 minutes to come round properly, and after those 2 minutes came the shock of realisation - you squeaked out something like: "iiikkk!!!! ", you jumped up and had to exert a little more force than usual as you were being held down by 2 rather strong arms. You immediately ran to the bathroom, under the gaze of a confused Fred and a sleepy, yet guilty George
after you had washed your face in the bathroom, you almost stopped blushing and went back to the twins' room
Fred had asked you what had happened and you said you had simply been frightened by a spider
George didn't look at you, he just couldn't look him in the eye, but you looked at them both and shouted happily, "Good morning, Georgie and Freddie!" and scurried out of the room.
Please read: the characters are not mine and neither is the GIF. All credits go to the actual owners! if anything should be removed, please contact me.
Thanks for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed it! -do not read over again - If you want to make requests for other scenarios/headcannons, feel free to post them in the comments! Byee~
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jaskwritesthings · 1 year
all eyes on me
Rating: Mature
Summary: Training your wizards is a very serious endeavour that requires a great deal of cunning.
Pairing/s: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast
Tag/s: alternate universe, post-canon, lingerie, strip tease, teasing, flirting, genderfluid molly
Author Note: happy early birthday to the wonderful @glossolali!!! 🎉🎉🎉
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“Time for wizards to find their bed,” Molly said in a sing-songy voice he usually reserved for the youngest, most stubborn members of Veth’s camp.
The wizards, in question, were not paying attention to the slightly condescending tone, at all. Caleb hummed distractedly in the briefest acknowledgment that he had been spoken to, his eyes and mind still fixed on the crumpled and singed documents fanned out in front of him and Essek, each scrap of high quality paper holding secrets untouched since the Calamity.
“A few more minutes, Mollymauk,” Essek mumbled, his attention already pulled back towards a spell schematic that had captured his attention for some time now. It was half finished and mostly destroyed, but what he could translate was intriguing.
Once more, Essek cursed the gods for bringing Aeor low, the childish fit of rage that had robbed Exandria of an age of enlightenment and progress. There was so much promise and potential in their work, so much to learn and study, and more than half of what they’d found was turning out to be a test of their abilities to solve puzzles. It was a near endless source of frustration, but also excitement as more and more was revealed to them.
“That’s what you both said an hour ago,” Molly complained, a petulant note to their voice.
“Soon, Schatz,” Caleb placated emptily.
Molly sighed, loud and long, “How terrible…oh well, guess I’ll just have to entertain myself then.” He said in a tone that was too flippant and airy to do anything but set off multiple mental alarms of warning within his partners.
Caleb and Essek shared a knowing look, preparing for whatever mischief their partner had planned, and turned to face Molly. Neither were prepared for the sight waiting for them. Evidently, Molly had been entertaining themselves quite easily for the past hour in preparation for this moment.
The former circus entertainer was leaning against the frame of the door in a way that accented every curve and line of his body artfully, ever the fantastical performer even beyond the tent. Every move measured and designed for maximum effect. And it certainly had an effect on its intended audience.
The thin silken robe was a shimmering gold made of entirely of Caleb’s magic and mind which only added to its allure as it draped beautiful across Molly’s bared purple skin giving the rich darkness a delightful glow. The lacy suspenders and hazy stockings were the same burnt red as Molly’s eyes and only served to frame everything Molly had to offer. The fabric stretched along the length of his strong thighs, built over years of adventuring and performances that now spent many an evening wrapped around each of them tightly, holding them up or close, so very close, to him. Essek could almost feel the phantom heat against his own thighs, it made him shiver with want.
Their thick cock hung temptingly against their leg, peeking around the curtain of silk and beckoning them to come closer for a taste, out of the corner of Essek’s eyes he caught Caleb licking his lips in hungry anticipation.
Delicate golden chains dipped with iridescent jewels dangled from Molly’s pierced nipples, dripping like dew drops against the beautiful lace framed red corset that accented his waist and torso in a way that made them want to follow the lines with their lips and tongues until each path was well-marked and mapped.
Essek felt his mouth go dry as he took in the full work of art before him, and was unsurprised by the quiet Zemnian curse that came from beside him.
Molly pouted theatrically, “and the bed is so cold too.”
Essek whimpered in an undignified manner that he would deny to his dying day, as Caleb chocked on air.
“Bed sounds good,” Caleb said after taking a minute to locate his tongue and the common language once more.
“Does it now?” Molly smirked, twirling against the frame and arching his back in a playful stretch that he couldn’t even pretend was anything less than a show of his attributes, as his tail snapped like a whip through the air.
“Ja, time for bed,” Caleb said dumbly, apparently most of his braincells descending southward. Not that Essek felt all that intelligent in the face of such a wanton siren, Aeorian mages and their breakthroughs seemed so trivial in comparison to the divine being on display before them. The act of worship was far more understandable and reasonable now.
“Quite so, we’ve worked long enough,” Essek agreed quickly.
Molly chuckled as they dropped the act, relaxing into a more comfortable pose, wrapping the robe around their bared body and hiding away all the tantalising skin on offer. Caleb whimpered sadly as Essek felt his own disappointment flitter across his face, “Wunderbar, my loves, wizards need their beauty sleep after all and perhaps this’ll teach you about finding your bed a little earlier in the future.”
And with that abrupt bombshell Molly sauntered away without a single look over their shoulder, an air of smug satisfaction on a job well executed following them as they went, leaving Caleb and Essek to attempt to pull together enough thoughts to understand what just happened. Once the penny dropped, Caleb fell back heavily against the edge of the table, quietly chuckling to himself as Essek huffed and crossed his arms across his chest feeling quite peeved over the whole situation.
“Mister Tealeaf appears to be attempting to train us into better sleeping habits,” Essek grumbled after several minutes of silence.
Caleb laughed, “I would be more upset if their methods weren’t so…”
Essek’s tetchy mood quickly deflated as his thoughts drifted to Molly and the shining joy and delight that exuded from them, it was hard to stay mad in the face of Molly’s cocky grin and playful antics that kept them on their toes, made their lives far more interesting and enjoyable, “Enticing?”
“Ja,” Caleb exhaled in awe. Essek understood, he still wasn’t sure how he’d managed to win the hearts of not one but two brilliant people, but he was forever grateful to bask in their love for however long they granted it to him.  
“Perhaps we can convince him we’ve earned such a treat tonight?” Essek suggested slyly.
“He did get all dressed up, it would be a shame to waste it,” Caleb said conspiratorially. They shared a mischievous smirk before following Molly at a pace that wasn’t quite a jog, but was in no way a leisurely walk.
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ch-4-eri · 1 year
Okay so I totally understand if you don't want to write another George fic since the last two you posted were about him (and if so then please ignore this), but if you're okay with doing another one,,,, could you please do one were reader is either a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor and the reader is childhood best friends with the Weasleys (in the same year as the golden trio) but has been pining over George for ages..? I don't really mind what come after that tbh 🧘‍♀️
(Either way, I hope that you have a good day/night!)
Finally a Hufflepuff request I love Hufflepuffs so so much, second fave house after my own aka gryffindor for sure.
Also you guys can request a character no matter how much I’ve written for them before, I adore Georgie and would never tier from writing for him. Thank you for the request love I hope you enjoy 🧡
The trio went out to get to meet you since you’d been a Hufflepuff and the gryffindor’s common room wouldn’t allow anyone who was not one.
You were so excited to meet up with your best friends because of your schedule that was rather a little hectic.
You mentally squealed as you saw them walking down the steps to meet you, running up to them and crashing them all in a hug. Ron being in the middle where you rested your head on his shoulder with your arms around Hermione and Harry, Hermione was laughing at your enthusiasm.
You were usually quiet and reserved, but when it came to your friends you were so excited and bubbly around them. a complete different personality from you being around people you were not familiar with, pulling away to face Ron.
Your childhood best friend, just as his entire family had been.
Your mother and Molly were best friends at hogwarts. Molly and Arthur, as were your mother and father the couples that ended up together and got married, you lost your father in the very war Harry stopped for 12 years. you’ve never met your father, he died when you had been just one year old. and from that you grew up surrounded by Molly and Arthur with their children and you couldn’t have it any other way.
And of course growing up around such amazing boys (and the lovely Ginny) meant that you had to catch feelings for a special one, Ron’s older brother and the youngest twin.
George Weasley had been only two years older than you and was always protective of you, George always loved playing with you when you both had been kids and the more you grew up the more attached to him you’ve found yourself to be.
He started growing up and getting taller, more handsome. Losing that baby face of his in a more defined jawline and his hands getting slimmer as his body from all the quidditch he’s been practicing since he’s started school.
You always found yourself gawking at your best friend, you couldn’t help it. He was absolutely gorgeous and you were right by it.
George was there for you in everything, any fall that caused you a scratch he’d always be the one to clean it up and lighten up the mood if you felt any pain, he had your heart in the palm of his hands and he was so careful with it.
Remembering when the hat sorted you into Hufflepuff and the teasing you got from George, saying he’d always known that’s where you’ll
Be. Saying you were his softie, and his only softie.
“I’ve missed you guys so much!” You said. Pulling away and standing next to Hermione, making your way to sit down somewhere.
“You guys, Fred and George asked me to meet them there too.. saying they have something to show us.” Ron said, walking faster as you caught up with them.
Your heart jolting as you heard the mention of his name, no matter how much you could see him a day your heart never failed to jump at the sight of him.
“I hope they’re not lighting someone on fire.” Harry joked which caused all four the loudest laughter, knowing the twins that wasn’t too far fetched.
“Most likely.” You said, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Finally, took you years.” Fred popped up from behind Ron, shoving his head downward as you caught him from falling, giggling as Ron went to give his brother the same shove.
“guys come here.” George spoke, your heart doing that same jump at the sigh of him, kneeling down with candy in his hands before he stood up, towering over you. He acknowledged you’d been there sending a wink your way before he gave you the candy first.
“You have to kill me before I eat something you guys made.” Hermione mumbled. Fred rolled his eyes. “It won’t kill you, try it.”
“Come on.” George had his attention on you only, ignoring Fred and Hermione bickering over the candy he wanted everyone to try. As well as George was too, but you trusted George. It’s probably just a candy, not a bomb.
You grabbed it from his hand, making your fingers brush together as you unwrapped it.
“I’m not eating it! That’s final.” Hermione shouted at Fred as Ron and Harry agreed to eat it as well.
You took a bite. It was exactly the kind of chocolate you’d buy, your eyes widened as you shoved it in your mouth entirely. Catching Hermiones eyes in horror, expecting you to collapse or choke up but it was actually really good, you didn’t feel like you’d die or your stomach about to explode.
“Oh my god you’re crazy!” Hermione sighed, Harry and Ron looked fine too. You leaned your head and gave them a thumbs up, them returning it to you.
“So what do you think?” George asked you, his hands on his hips.. both his smirk and Fred’s a little concerning but they wouldn’t hurt you Even though you kinda started doubting it.
“Did you put something in it? I mean it’s good don’t get me wrong.” You put your hands up in defeat, George pouted. “I thought you trusted me.”
“I do, of course I do. But like- yeah it’s good I liked it.” You defended, George’s eyes lit up at your approval before you looked away as the blush crept up your cheeks.
“It’s actually just chocolate for now, we’ll put something in it soon. We just wanted to make sure it’s a good tasting chocolate.” Fred said, Hermione took a sigh of relief as Ron and Harry did too.
Fred and George only high fived walking away, but George was looking back at you. You smiled and waved at him, hoping you’d catch him later.
It was later that day as your hang out with your friends came to an end, walking back to the Hufflepuff tower to just nap or maybe do something else.
Still being on the lookout if you’d see George anywhere, you gave up and continued on your way before you heard a whistle.
Turning around you saw him walking towards you, Fred nowhere next to him. You immediately started smiling as he stood in front of you with the same smile on his face. “What are you up to?” He asked, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you next to him.
Dangling his arm off your shoulder made you feel so many things you couldn’t understand and wouldn’t know how to explain. “I was going to nap.” You chuckled, knowing how he’d find that boring.
“Rubbish, you said you liked it right?” He changed the subject, pulling the same chocolate you had earlier. “You can have the rest.” It was indeed many of them, you couldn’t help but smile. He knows you loved chocolate, as George knew everything about you.
“Thank you Georgie.” You stood on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek softly, unwrapping one as you started eating it.
“Alright uh- I’ll be on my way. You go nap if you want.” George took his arm off of you and walked off. “George, wait! Hey-“ you yelled after him but he seemed like he was in a hurry.
Did you say something you shouldn’t have? You were frozen in track before you went back to the Hufflepuff common room.
Staying up all night to think about why did he run off? Was it because you kissed his cheek? You probably should have asked if it was okay, maybe he got uncomfortable. Or maybe he had someone else and wouldn’t want you to kiss his cheek randomly like that.
He had someone? You sat up in your bed, no. No he can’t have someone else- he was yours and you were sure of it.
Okay, okay maybe you needed a slight humbling second. Why wouldn’t he have someone else?
He was perfect, tall funny charming. Everything.
Your heart breaking at the thought, you were shaken up by hannah abotts snoring as you exhaled and placed your head back on the pillow. Trying to fall asleep.
It was a month later after Fred and George made that good chocolate that they turned into a funny prank, also a quidditch game between gryffindor and Hufflepuff that ended up in gryffindor winning.
You were happy for your friends and it upset you that they were partying without you, George hasn’t brought up the way he walked off on you that night but you were probably overthinking it.
You still wanted to badly ask about it and if you made him uncomfortable or if it bothered him.
You were waiting outside the gryffindor common room hoping any of yours friends would come out and you could ask for George, you wanted to ask about it and you will, your brain was eating away at you and you wanted this done for.
You thought that this was going to be a long night before you heard laughter that you so well recognized.
George laughing with a bunch of gryffindors wanting to enter the tower before he caught your eyes, he looked a little out of it.
“Am I dreaming or is that you here?” George giggled. “No you’re not dreaming, congrats on the win.” You smiled up at him as he smiled down at you back. “Thanks, sorry for your loss.”
“We’ll get over it.”
You couldn’t take the tension and wished you weren’t standing here in front of him but you were. “George, can I ask you something?”
He made a hand gesture for you to continue. “Did I make you uncomfortable that night? You walked off on me..” you asked, he raised a brow in confusion trying to think of it. His eyes looking off to the side before they met yours again, shrugging. “Sorry I forgot, but you never make me uncomfortable.” George mumbled, you understood why he looked like that. He was drunk.
“Come on let me get you some water.” You grabbed his arm and lead him to the Hufflepuff tower making sure he doesn’t run off as you got that water, your bottle that you left beside your bed.
You filled it just before you went to look for him. “Here drink this.” You opened it for him, George complied. Drinking the water as you both took a walk around.
“Better?” You sat him down on the steps, going next to him. “Why would you think you made me uncomfortable?” He started, lifting the bottle up to his lips. Taking another sip.
“I kissed your cheek, I thought that was it.” You hugged your knees close and looked at him. “You didn’t.” He responded, wiping his mouth.
He certainly looked more awake than when you’d found him. “You’re not mad gryffindor won?” George started after sitting in silence for a moment, it was pretty cold but the tension made you feel a lot warmer than you imagined.
“Why would I be mad, you guys are brilliant.. Harry is the best seeker. Better than diggory.” You mumbled which caused George to burst out laughing. “No way, I’ve never seen a girl dismiss cedric like that.” He continued laughing as you shrugged, Cedric was charming and a good seeker but you’d always pick Harry over him.
“Don’t get me wrong I like him.. but yeah.”
“You like him?”
“Just as a fellow house mate, definitely not in love with him or anything.” You shuddered at the thought of ever falling for anyone else that wasn’t George.
You felt his eyes burning the side of your face as you decided to turn your head and face him. “Liar.” He mumbled, taking another sip of the water.
“I’m not lying.”
“Rubbish! It’s Cedric, everyone is in love with him.” George seemed convinced which to say the least infuriated you.
“I’m in love with someone else.” You slipped, immediately regretting it as you shut your eyes.
“What..? who? Why don’t I know who you’re in love?” He asked, you knew George loved being a nosey guy but he didn’t know for obvious reasons that it was him. Not Cedric, not anyone else.
“It doesn’t matter but I can assure you it’s not cedric, he has a girlfriend anyway.” You dismissed the subject, at least tried to before George started again; “that doesn’t mean you can’t be in love with him.” He said which made you wonder why you were talking about cedric diggory in the first place.
“George, I don’t love the guy.” You finally said, hopefully he’d drop it. “Come on it’s Cedric.” He took another sip and the last before he placed the bottle between you both, chuckling at the teasing which was honestly pissing you off.
“The guy I’m in love with isn’t even a Hufflepuff, alright? Now drop it before I smack you.” You mumbled, his laughter died down as you mentioned that. “Then who is it?”
“No, you need to go to bed. Now let’s go.”
“Let’s stay here for some more, please?” He pouted as you rolled your eyes and nodded, staying there with him for another hour and a half. He was doing most of the talking as you listened, thinking about how he knows you liked someone now.. he wouldn’t drop it.
the Hufflepuff common room seemed a little tense from the loss as everyone was comforting cedric for losing last minute as some were scolding him. You scratched the back of your neck, recalling how you told George Harry was better than him.
Cedric caught your eye as you walked in. giving him a small wave. “Better luck next time, ced.” You awkwardly spoke. “What are the gryffindors saying?”
He stood up and walked towards you, oh no.
The entire house knew how close you’d been to the gryffindors, of course that would have a time where it came to bite you in the ass.
“I didn’t get to talk to them, party.. you know.”
“So you didn’t get anything?” He asked, his gray eyes staring into yours as you took a step back. His adrenaline must have still been pumping.
“Cedric, what? I can’t just get info for you I’m not a spy.” You awkwardly chuckled, he blinked twice and nodded. “Alright sorry, thanks though.” Cedric sighed and walked back to his friends. “Come on ced.” His friends walked him back up the boys dormitory.
Exhaling a breath you were holding, you weren’t comfortable with confrontations. Seeing some girls glaring at you, probably from your huge chance of getting Cedric to talk to you without trying.
“Goodnight.” You told them with an awkward smile and ran up to your dorm room, getting to sleep off this weird night.
You were sat in the library the next day, Hermione finding you there with a horrified expression, not expecting you to be there but you felt like reading and losing yourself somewhere else and in a book.
Her expression worried you enough you shut the book. “Hermione you okay?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed she walked closer to you.
“I don’t know if I should tell you this, but George was a mess last night.” She started, your heart dropped.
You left him fine and sobered up, what could have possibly went wrong?
“He was fine when I left him, what happened?” Hermione noticed you got all worried and quickly started explaining.
“He got drunk after you left him, someone probably left it and he drank all of it and started mumbling things.” She continued, still having that ‘I shouldn’t be saying this expression.’
“Yeah? What did he say?” You curiously leaned forward. “He said he was in love with you and that he wanted you there with him, even asked us to bring you but you know we can’t.” Hermione cleared her throat as your heart had probably fell into your lap, nothing could have prepared you for this.
“What?” You asked as Hermione only nodded, knowing well you heard her and that there was nothing else to be added. “Ron and Fred barely got him to sleep because he refused to unless you were there.” She flipped through the book in her hand as your heart slowly felt like it wasn’t where it had been few moments ago.
You didn’t respond, you honestly expected her to tell you anything but this. He was drunk confessing his love to you to his friends and his brothers, feeling all the way flustered you stood up. “Where are you going?” Hermione asked, removing her eyes from her book as you shrugged. “I don’t know.”
You just knew you had to leave the library and go to George. You didn’t want to waste any time, he loved you too so why not just go tell him you were in love with him too?
You were being so impulsively idiotic as you caught his eye, many students around as they were leaving a class and you had no idea what you were doing and what was happening when you ran to him with your arms around his neck and your lips on his in a passionate kiss.
You felt him tense under you but he quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and depend the kiss. Everyone around you made ‘ooo’s’ and ‘aw’s’ some even mumbling horrible words but you didn’t care, you cannot waste any more time not being with him and that’s exactly what you’re doing.
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stormlit · 19 days
regency era starter call let's gooooo. please specify!
(regency muses/aus behind the cut for your reference)
francesca b.ridgerton, of the famous b.ridgerton brood, much more reserved than her siblings but still just as sharp, an incredible pianist and lover of music. new debutante, not loving the attention.
lady sybil c.rawley, whose family is recovering from an inheritance issue where all her father's heirs seemed to die, a debutante a couple of years ago and diamond of her season, popular and well-liked but extremely compassionate with it, rumoured to have Political Opinions and to care greatly about the servants and dreary causes.
amalia braganza, newish to society and a recent inheritor of her popular cousin's estate, strangely only attends events that are held at night. unmarried spinster but content with that, loves to cause a bit of gossip by ignoring social norms. definitely not a vampire, definitely did not kill said cousin (who she was never related to at all), definitely isn't lying about her noble status because she used to be a maid. knows everything about everything, hates cruel rich people.
molly o's.ullivan, lady's maid to miss kitty donaldson up until her terrible illness and death before this season, which molly nursed her through to the end. remains in service for a little while before suddenly leaving to become caretaker of a house on baker street for a traveller of a friend, turning it into a boarding house for the needy, especially those considered unworthy by society. remains in close contact with other servants. forthright, even to lords, and fiery, but with the warmest heart.
miri weber, seamstress and tailor, proving both off the rack clothes for the less affluent middle classes and bespoke gowns or waistcoats for nobility. seems to have a magic touch. quiet, polite, and warm, though she can't hide her rougher upbringing (at least in the way she talks; she hopes nobody ever finds out she was part of a criminal gang).
nate fauré, untitled but from a respectable family, father in politics. he's an army captain who has recently returned from france, having been away fighting last season, is very much Not Okay and not having the greatest time trying to pretend to be part of society again while people talk about him like he's a war hero. highly loved and respected by his men, not loved so much by upper brass, desperate to get out of the army asap because it's destroying him.
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hetagrammy · 3 months
Your fan kiddos are interesting :0 (maybe it's because I also like making fan children lmao)
I would love for you to elaborate more on them
Aw thank you! <3 Not sure what to elaborate on, so I'll elaborate a little more on their personalities and relationships with each other (feat. some relatively old art) under the cut. Warning for my word vomit haha
So first of all, there's the age differences. The kids are sort of grouped together in two halves with the oldest four and the younger three. Sebastiano and Caterina are twins, Felice is two years younger than them, and Una is a year younger than Felice. Saoirse is a little less than four years younger than Una, Brigid is three years younger than her, and Maria is three years younger than Brigid. Therefore, there's a roughly 14 year gap between the twins and Maria.
Sebastiano and Caterina were the first to really come into being, Sebastiano especially because he'd originally just been Seborga. Sebastiano being the only boy came from this ongoing joke about him sort of being the James Maguire of the family, and it got boosted by Lovino just sort of having girl dad energy. Sebastiano kind of got the best of both his parents: he got all of Molly's amiability and Lovino's charm, but neither of their tempers. He's a bit of a lady's man like his dad was, albeit a lot less subtle with how he goes about it. He 100% uses his younger sisters to get girls to like him because he's doing the bare minimum by taking care of his baby sister (don't be fooled though, he would do anything for Brigid and Maria):
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He also tends to act with his heart before his head a lot of the time, so he doesn't come off as the sharpest tool in the shed.
Caterina got the brain cells Sebastiano didn't, and her personality tends to be a bit bigger. She's very blunt and exacting when she needs to be with people, but she's more patient than she seems. She'll get annoyed and she'll show it, but it takes a lot for her to blow up. She's the first to take charge, she has a strong sense of herself and her authority as an older sibling. She's a lot like Lovino in the sense that she cares a lot about the people she's close to, she just doesn't know how to express that in a typical way. She's also got an interest in things like the occult on the down low that a lot of people don't expect out of her, which can be kind of funny. She's superstitious like her Ma.
Felice is the quintessential middle child. She got Molly's mischievous streak and Lovino's penchant for dodging work, all of which comes from a sense of play. She jokes on people and roasts them, but it's rarely meanspirited, even if it can go too far sometimes. She and Caterina tend to snipe at each other, because Felice is really clownish while Cat is more reserved and responsible. At the end of the day they both have things they are jealous of and admire in the other (Cat's drive and Felice's sociability). Felice and Sebastiano on the other hand have a very ride-or-die attitude with each other and get up to shenanigans a lot.
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Una is the most mellow of her siblings, but she's still got a lot to her. Though quiet, she's spacey and eccentric rather than shy. When she does speak, she doesn’t have a filter, so she tends to ask or state things that are socially inappropriate. She also often takes things literally and is slow to pick up on sarcasm. Only thing shielding her from being a target is that she roasts people without even meaning to. However, she’s also much smarter than people perceive her to be in an academic sense. She's also rarely judgmental of others even if she's blunt about them. Caterina is actually very close with her because Una ironically tends to misconstrue her the least.
Saoirse has some of the bigger age gaps within the siblings, and for a while people thought she was going to be the last child. As a result, she tends to act with so much youngest sibling energy even if she isn't. She's very dramatic and reactive, and she will snitch if pressured or incentivized because she is her father's daughter through and through. She's also good at measuring risk, and she is very attentive and loving and bubbly when she's in a good mood. She just has a lot of emotions and a lot of anxiety, and is still learning how to manage that. She starts to channel that into gardening when she gets older though, she and Lovino run that garden like it's the damn navy.
Brigid is perceptive and precocious, and very book smart. She's like Molly was at that age but if you replaced the mischief with sarcasm. She's the most introverted, and she's really content to stay out of the spotlight rather than compete with six other strong personalities for it. She likes to help Lovino cook, which she seems to have a talent for. She and Maria are two peas in a pod. Saoirse also loves Brigid, they had that deal where Saoirse hated the idea of a younger sibling until she was actually born and then was just sold. Asking to carry her around, dragging her everywhere, talking to her all the time. Brigid is used to it.
Maria is very much so the tagalong kid type. She looks up to Caterina so so much and they have a very Lilo and Nani sort of dynamic. Surefire way to tell them apart when I draw them as young children (aside from Maria's freckles) is that little Caterina wears two bows on either side, Maria wears one bow at the back of her head because she's trying to imitate Caterina (who started wearing that style as she got older). She's more sheltered and she's also very nosy, she wants to be in everyone's business. She's always underfoot with one of her siblings, if not one of her parents. They're all also very protective of her, but she's like Molly in the sense that she cares a lot about being self-sufficient and playing an active role in things. Essentially, she's the baby who's getting it figured out.
But yeah, that's the kids and how some of their dynamics are!
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maplemouse-warriors · 6 months
Firestar x graystripe x ravenpaw hypokits
Adderstorm - Dark gray tabby tom with green eyes and a white chest. Quiet and reserved, and an excellent stalker.
Barleystem - Black and white tom with yellow eyes. Laid back, loves to tell stories and make small talk. Too friendly to be allowed on border patrols, he WILL walk across the border if he sees someone to chat with.
Oakleaf - Dark ginger tabby molly with green eyes. Ambitious and strong-willed. Drags her brothers into whatever mischievous nonsense she’s up to.
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moonstrider9904 · 26 days
Hi Moon! Congratulations on 1300 followers! 🥰 The love letters for the celebration is such a good idea. If you don't mind, I'd like to request one!
I'd like my letter to be from Commander Cody.
I'm a very shy/quiet/reserved/introverted person, so I'd imagine the relationship would be pretty slow burn-y and built around mutual trust—I feel like we'd have to be friends first before venturing into romantic territory. I'm also not sure where else I'd logically meet Cody (or any clone for that matter) other than 79's 😅 which is ironic because (a) realistically, 79's would be WAY out of my comfort zone and (b) since he's always busy being a marshal commander, I doubt Cody would have a ton of time to visit 79's. So meeting him there would be pure luck/chance!
Cody would definitely be able to make me laugh a lot with his dry humor! Which I love because I need that in my life 😅
I love the relationship dynamic where two people are each other's "safe person"—the person you look for in a crowded room, save seats for at a dinner table, talk to about anything and everything, ask advice and help from, and always feel comfortable around, no matter where you are in the galaxy. Someone you think of as an equal and a best friend. That with Cody is my literal dream 😩
I think Cody would enjoy pretty relaxing activities after being on the front all the time. Stuff like going on walks/runs together, cooking together, watching TV/movies and reading books, playing card games and other strategy-centered games, etc. I just want my guy to chill whenever he has the opportunity to!
Physical traits: I'm pretty tall (5'10") with slender build, and I have dirty blonde hair cut just below my shoulders and hazel eyes. Personality traits: I'm someone who takes my schoolwork seriously, I like helping people, I like making people laugh, I'm practical, and I go with the flow (little bit of a people-pleaser 😅). My MBTI type is INFJ-T, if that helps at all!
It's up to you whether or not to add NSFW/suggestive themes! I don't care either way. I prefer subtlety when it comes to that kind of stuff and I'm definitely not a PDA person (I don't think Cody would be either). Surprise me! 😌
Sorry if that was too detailed 😅 Thank you so much for doing this, and congratulations again!
@starstofillmydream Hi there! Thank you for sharing all this. I personally had a lot of feels while writing this one. I really hope I did you justice and that you like this little love letter from Cody - I imagine him being so romantic and gentlemanly, like a knight of some sorts. ✨
Moon's 1300 follower celebration - a love letter from your man
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My dearest Molly,
I just wish I could be by your side. This siege threatens to take everything that's left within me, and I just need your comfort, your voice, your presence. I see you every time I lead my men into battle, and I hear you in my mind on every cold night before I can get some shut eye. I miss you, my darling, but it comforts me to know that my fighting will make the galaxy safer and brighter for you. For both of us.
Some days, I ponder on our past, and if I haven't told you before, a part of me wishes I'd told you I loved you sooner. I wouldn't change our story, but right about now, some extra time with you seems like heaven. Because you are that for me, you know? You're everything I want to return to. And I hope you keep this letter close and reread these words, as much as I will replay you saying them in my mind with every sunrise: I love you. I love you so much. Soon we'll be in each other's arms again, my dear, and that's a promise.
By the next time I see you, we'll probably have spent months apart. I'll understand if you want to make it a special occasion, and by all means, take the lead on any plans you want to make. You know my tastes are simple, and all I really need is to be there next to you. Besides, I want it to be memorable for you. As long as we're together and I can hear your beautiful laugh while gazing into your hazel eyes, that will be enough for me.
But I must go again now. I'll let you know where I land after this siege, and as soon as I know when I'll go home, you will be the first to know.
Ever yours,
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Alley Cats on a Rusted Roof (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: Rhett’s hiding from his mother and (y/n) and it’s not long before the other men in the extended family come to join
Notes: Based off of the “Mike and Molly” episode where Joyce goes crazy with the spring cleaning and the guys are all roosted up on the roof and singing John Denver
 Granite Trail Reservation
Wabang, WY
Rhett couldn’t get to the Redwood’s fast enough. Cece had already gone nuts with the spring cleaning, making him, Perry and Royal clean out the attic, rake the yard and the rest of the ranch work on top of that. He needed a day, but knew he wasn’t going to get anywhere else......plus it didn’t really help that the Duttons had come down from Montana to visit and that the kids were all running amuck.
He pulled up to the smaller ranch he had known so well and the house that once had been a good sized mobile home with other pieces and extensions built off of it. In the yard roamed a few horses while the barn out back housed the other animals and critters that called this place home. As soon as Rhett pulled to a stop, he went up and knocked at the screen door.
“The hell are you doing here?” Wes chuckled when he answered the door.
“You gotta hide me dude,” Rhett told him. “Ma’s going crazy with the spring cleaning and I can’t take it anymore.”
“You’re in luck,” Wes told him. “Gutters need cleaning and the roof needs re-shingling.”
Rhett groaned and ran his hand over his face.
“C’mon, what can it hurt?” Wes asked him. “I go up to the roof when I hide from Nora.”
Rhett rolled his eyes and followed Wes as they grabbed a ladder and headed up to the roof. “You gonna want lunch?” Wes asked him.
“What do you have?”
“Might go down to the corner and grab a sandwich later,” Wes answered. “Uncle said he’s gonna come by and see if he can help get one of the fences repaired.”
Rhett and Wes set to work cleaning out the gutters, a job that was less then pleasant and not one they necessarily looked forward to. Rhett gagged when he hauled out a dead rat that had probably been there since the beginning of winter, cringing as he thought of Bartholomew, the cream colored little rat Hannah had kept as a pet.
“Oh God, it’s nasty,” Rhett gagged. ‘So nasty!”
“Chuck it across the yard,” Wes told him. “Buzzards will probably get at it.”
Rhett and Wes continued to scoop out the nasty muck from the gutters when they heard someone climbing up the ladder to the roof. “Ta 'c meeywi, knuckleheads,” Wes’s father greeted.
“Mornin Russ,” Rhett replied.
“Dad, what the hell are you doing?” Wes asked him.
“I’m hiding from your mother,” Russ chuckled.
“You’ve got knee surgery in three days,” Wes reminded him. “You shouldn’t even be up here.”
“If I’m gonna go, it’s gonna be after at least three beers and in peace and quiet,” Russell told him. “And not with your mother nagging my ear off at every hour of every day.”
Russ hauled up a small red beer cooler with him, his knee creaking and popping as Rhett and Wes both helped him up. “You hiding too Rhett?” Russ asked him.
“Yeah, Ma’s goin crazy with the spring cleaning,” Rhett answered. “Last I heard, (y/n), Monica and Beth were all cleaning the silver.”
Russell made a face. “And I thought our end was bad,” he laughed.
The three of them scraped the last of the gunk from the gutters, hosing it out as best they could until the water ran clear. The sun was shining high in the sky and not a cloud to be seen. The grass rippled in the warm breeze as it blew across the hills and through the pines while somewhere high in the sky, a flock of birds took off from the treetops.
Another truck pulled up barely a half hour later and out jumped Royal, John, Thomas and Mo, each one of them hoping to find a spot up on the roof to hide from the women of the house. Kayce and Rip weren’t too far behind them, both of them exasperated and ready to relax.
“Ya’ll got any spots up there?!” Royal called to Russ.
“C’mon up!” Russell answered.
The men climbed up the ladder, perching themselves up on the roof before digging into the cooler and settling in like roosters perched on the roof of a coop.
Cecelia Abbott pulled up to the house, noticing the three trucks parked in the dirt driveway. She smiled and shook her head as she got out and made her way to the front door. 
“Cece!” Winona Redwood said happily. “Whatcha looking for?” 
“My clueless knucklehead of a son and his equally clueless knucklehead of a father,” Cece answered. 
“Check the roof, I think we have a nice assortment up there,” Winona told her. “You gonna want anything before you go? I need to run down to the corner and get a box of salt.” 
“I’ll help make lunch as soon as I find’em,” Cece half laughed. 
Cece rounded the corner to find the ladder, lured by the off kilter singing of a group of men who sounded more like screechy alley cats than actual singers. Sure enough, she climbed up and there they all were. 
“Aye, Calypso, the places you've been to The things that you've shown us, the stories you tell Aye, Calypso, I sing to your spirit The men who have served you so long and so well” 
Cece suddenly chimed in, the men turning their heads and each one with an “oh shit” look on their faces before they too joined her and finished off the song. 
“Oh hey, darlin,” Royal greeted. “I didn’t know you were here.” 
Cece gave him “the look”, one hand on her hip and the other still gripping the ladder. “Neither did I,” she said sternly. 
Each of the men meekly hid their beers, knowing what was bound to come next. 
“Now pray tell, why did ya’ll sneak away from your chores?” 
None of them really wanted to answer but Cece could tell what all of them were thinking. 
“Well,” she said. “I’m gonna go into town with Nona for a bit. Chores can wait till tomorrow.” 
As soon as she was gone, the men thanked God above that they had gotten out of their spring chores. Yet one thing still stuck with them even as they started singing the song once more. 
Cece always did....and always would, scare the ever living crap out of them. 
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What is, or was, Emily's favorite subject in school?
Is she quiet or outgoing?
What hobby does she enjoy the most?
Emily's favorite subjects are probably science, English/reading, and technology/computer classes. She is also good at math.
Emily, like Molly, is quiet and shy until you get to know her. However, she is more reserved and less prone to outbursts than her older sister.
Emily likes reading, skating, listening to music, baking, and playing video games. Her favorite hobbies are probably reading or learning about new technology.
Thank you for asking! Your questions made me think and I'm looking forward to integrating these into the story.
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sunnycore · 2 months
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Rattlesnake is a Southern Rock band that becomes rivals to The Wandering Cryptids. Their story is rife with success, controversy and tragedy, all of which leads them to legendary status.
The band's heavily inspired by The Allman Brothers Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Mountain and Molly Hatchet. You can listen to their playlist here! You can read more about the band under the cut:
Dale Gator-Dale is the oldest of the Gator brothers, and is the band's rhythm guitarist. He's a gentle giant with a big heart, and he tends to be too trusting and naive. He often serves as a peacemaker.
Doug Gator-Doug is the second oldest brother and is the lead singer/keyboardist. He's hot headed and strong willed, which often gets him into trouble. He's subconscious about his small stature and gets mad when people bring it up.
Rory Gator-Rory is the youngest of the Gator brothers and is the lead guitarist. He's very creative, optimistic and hyper, and tends to get himself into mischief. Rory is socially awkward, but he can be very friendly when he's comfortable enough.
Daniel Blackstone-Daniel is a close friend of Dale's and is the rhythm guitarist and sometimes lead guitarist. He's a stoic and reserved guy, often coming off as unfriendly. Really Daniel can be very nice, but he has a hard time trusting people.
Statch Walkman-Statch is another friend of the brothers and the second bassist. Statch is a moody guy who acts like he doesn't like or care about anyone, even though he very much does.
Bill Rommer-Bill is a friend of Daniel's and Statch's, and is the band's lead bassist. He's a quiet, chill dude that rarely talks and has a fascination for cars and motorcycles. He's the smartest one in the entire group.
Mojo Lerezzo-Mojo is the band's leading drummer and percussionist. He's a very extroverted, bombastic guy who loves to party and have fun. He can be gruff sometimes but he's also a kind-hearted man.
Lamar Williams II-Lamar is the second drummer of the band. He's one of those guys that's way too nice for his own good and is pretty much a golden retriever in human form. Lamar is very passive and tries to avoid conflict as much as possible.
I really love these guys. For the first time in forever I actually feel inspired to work on these dudes and their story, thanks to their redesigns. Sometimes you gotta fix characters several times before you get them right. :D I'll upload their Toyhouse pages once they're done.
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juno-box · 6 months
Hoi! anon again!! so i wanted to ask something abt Dotwd this time. i wanted to ask if you had any "what-ifs" abt twdg & Dotwd. like what if lee & clem went with lilly during episode 3?
Ooooh you don't know WHAT you just asked me o(〃^▽^〃)o
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[None of this is canon to DoTWD, by the by]
So on a Discord call with my friend, I remember he asked me this SPECIFICALLY. Because we were watching a TWDG "What If" vids on YouTube and one vid was what if Lee went with Lilly. So he asked me, in the context of DoTWD, how would that play out if it were to happen.
Well, not-really-spoilers-anymore but Ben is written to be Rachel's brother. And personally, I can't see Ray leaving Ben permanently in any scenario, that's just not her. Not to mention Lilly doesn't trust Ben at fucking all. So how would that work out?
Lee would have to lie to her. But the minute she realizes, and Clem does, she'd be piiiised. I don't think she'd talk to him for a minute. Hard snub him. Personally, I believe Ray would abuse any opportunity to get back to him.
But the one I wrote for is Lee leaving her with Kenny, Ben, Travis and Chuck. Since Lee isn’t there, neither is Clem. She’d be crushed along with Kenny who’d rightfully feel betrayed. The train would take longer w/o him, meaning they’d put Duck down before leaving, and Katjaa would die just the same as in canon. This also means they missed Christa and Omid.
I think Ben would confide in Travis about what happened, and Travis would be the one to tell him to keep that shit quiet.
They get to Savannah. Molly tolls the bells and they get to the manor. Since there’s only 4 of them, they’d all go together down to River Street and see no boats. They find Molly (after Kenny gets his ass folded) and she helps them get back to the manor with Ray’s convincing. Meaning no Vernon.
So, they’re herd and stuck moping the boat situation. Ray wanders outside to be alone. I should to mention that Ray would be really quiet and reserved since Lee took Clem and left with Lilly. I mean, seeing your father figure literally abandon you and take your surrogate sister with him for someone who tried to kill your brother and killed another member of the group is a lot for a now 9-year-old to fully process. I think like she would feel confused and hurt more than anything. As to how she’d find the boat; she’d probably just open it for no reason, she’s naturally curious. When she finds it, she runs inside and gets the guys (Molly sticks around still).
Kenny inspects it and says all it needs is gas and a battery. Travis suggests Crawford, they go to Crawford. Minus Brie and Vernon, Molly would handle the role of where everything is but it’ll take long due to less people. Ben doesn’t do that dumb thing Telltale made him do for comedic effect but let’s say the walkers banging on the door causes the axe to slip from the handles and it’s go time. Ben, thinking it’s the end of the line, confesses, and Travis has to stop Kenny’s (big) ass from mauling Ben. Kenny says he’s not getting on that boat with them, but Ra says she’s not leaving anywhere without Ben, and Travis is more on the lines of “I know he fucked up royally but we can discuss this when we aren’t about to die”.
They get through to the armory and Kenny gets that shotgun and covers them from behind. The get to the window leading out. Molly, Chuck, Kenny go first.
That bell goes off next to Ben and he gets snatched by Oberson like in canon. Travis would be the one to grab him, but he’s struggling. Ben tells him to let go, but Travis won’t hear it. Ray calls for Kenny to help them. Kenny comes back, but the look he gives Ben, it’s full of contempt, malice and disregard as he looks away and descends the ladder.
Travis isn’t strong enough to hold onto him alone. And Ben eventually slips from his grasp, and lands on the bottom of the bell tower. Crack.
Travis just stares until he hears Chuck hurry them from the ladder. Having to drown out Rachel’s gut turning screaming, he grabs her and escapes the tower.
The way home was awful. The time there was worse. Travis could get the girl to calm down even for a second. Throwing every object she could pick up at the fisherman, screaming any insult she could conjure at him until Molly told Travis all the noise was going to draw attention. Travis had to drag the poor child upstairs and lock her in the office until she just stopped. She did, after and hour. When she ran out of projectiles to throw at him, and energy to throw them. After a while, she just wanted to hide, and wanted Travis to go away.
Travis obliges, and he leaves her. He sits at the top of the stairs and just… thinks. He can still feel Ben’s grip around his hand.
He keeps replaying it, over and over. The sound of him screaming as he plummeted to his death, the sickening crack as his body collided with the wood, Rachel’s mortified screeching, and Kenny. Watching. Ignoring. Complicit.
Travis sees Kenny come near the stairs.
T: “Don’t. Don’t you fucking come near us.”
The older man doesn’t argue, and returns to the bottom of the stairs.
Eventually, it was time to leave. The boat was repaired. The choice of who was coming was to be made there and now. Kenny didn’t want to in Savannah any longer.
Molly opted to go on her own. She was always better on her own anyways.
Chuck was still displeased with what happened at the bell tower, but seeing as he had no other plans. He chose to go.
Travis, on the other hand, didn’t know what the fuck to do. It hasn’t been three hours and he’s being forced to chose between staying behind in a dead city or going with the asshole who was complicit in his best friend’s death. At that point, he retreated back into the office with Ray, who’d bawled herself into a restless sleep. He had to think of them; himself and Ray. She’d have another meltdown if he chose to tag along with Kenny in that stupid, fucking boat. Hell, he’d have to make sure she didn’t murder the man or toss him overboard in his sleep. On the other hand, staying in Savannah with no chance to make it out alone was a death sentence.
Travis shook the girl awake. Tiredly, she looked at him, silent.
T: “… he fixed the boat.” R: “…” T: “He said—” R: “I don’t care.” T: “…” R: “…” T: “We can just get on. Ride until we dock somewhere, and go our own way. How’s that sound?” R: “…on our own?” T: “On out own. Anywhere you want.” R: “Anywhere?” T: “Mhm.” R: “… we can’t stay?”
Travis shook his head.
T: “This city’s tapped dry. And it’s full of walkers. I’m not gonna promise anywhere else is safer, but Savannah’s dead. I’m sorry.” R: “… Then mama’s dead, too, isn’t she?” T: “…” Rachel sat up, slumped. R: “…I don’t really care… I’ll wherever you go… just don’t leave me too, okay?”
Travis realized, he hadn't even fully processed that they'd both been abandoned at the same time. Just, discarded. Not even an after thought.
T: “Promise.”
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mortisward · 1 year
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full name: john thomas ward alias: father ward birth date & age: april 3rd, 1953 / 23-34 (verse dependent) gender identity: agender pronouns: he/him, they/them sexuality: demiromantic, asexual species: human  ( husk ) place of birth: palmyra, new york ethnicity: korean marital status: divorced occupation: catholic priest (formerly)  religion: catholicism 
height: 6’2” eye color: blue weight: 185 lbs hair style/color: dark brown hair, short hair and bangs distinguishing marks: a scar on his left cheek, multiple scars on his hands, back, and thighs  faceclaim: kim young-kwang (live), hexion millatrio (animated)
suffers from: ptsd, panic/anxiety attacks, mild anxiety, coulrophobia (extreme and irrational fear of clowns), delusions   history: was admitted into the Yale Psychiatric Institute in which he stayed there for a month, during this time he was “treated” for his “delusions” 
positive traits: noble, loyal, determined, tenacious, persisting, ethical, honorable, conscientious, humane  negative traits: mentally unstable, self-loathing, guilt ridden, stressed, depressed, morbid, lonesome, despondent mood: quiet, reserved, apathetic, anxious greatest fear: to lose faith in his beliefs/religion priorities: perform his religious duties, finish his first botched exorcism life philosophy:  " i have to finish what i started. "
residency: rural connecticut  family: meredith ward (mother, deceased), unknown father  affiliation: catholic church (formerly), father allred (formerly), order of the second death (verse dependent), farther garcia (demon fighting ally), lisa pearson (childhood friend)  relationships: molly (ex-wife) 
blessed: even after being physically injured he is able to recover divine protection:  his cross allows him to get back up after being harmed holy manipulation: by raising his crucifix, john repels enemies and harms them, victims will go so far as to use their own abilities to leave him soul manipulation: can affect a person's soul purification: he can exorcise evil spirits from objects, he can exorcise the spirits directly to kill them, he can instantly rebuke multiple spirits from multiple people nonphysical interaction: he can ward away spirits battle field removal: can rebuke demons and send them away/banish them stealth mastery: actively hides from demons resistance to: sonic scream, super scream, sonic sound wave possession: can fight off being possessed
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✞ OVERVIEW ✞ ( credit. )
john thomas ward, born in 1953 to MEREDITH WARD and an unknown man, lived out his early childhood in palmyra, new york. soon after, his mother becomes fatally sick, seemingly happening out of nowhere before passing. after her death, he is transferred to Snake Meadow Hill Church's Orphanage where his mother often time volunteered her time. this was a medium-sized active convent located in sterling, connecticut - a once peaceful place turned into a gathering hub for malevolent and violent demonic activity. this is where he meets LISA for the first time, the two quickly becoming close friends. the orphanage had just reopened after the widespread rumors of six orphans who were presumably murdered by a "thing in the cornfield". MIRIAM BELL , the woman hired to clean up the church and take care of the orphans disappeared with 4 out of the 6 soon to be missing orphans. local authorities were involved with this case now, as the church was unable to keep this a secret. once they arrived, they saw miriam dragging the last two orphans, a set of twins, down to the basement. terrified, they both decided to seal the basement, hearing unspeakable demonic voices coming from down below. a note is left that reads "the devil is real, and nobody should go down the basement" before they are inevitably killed. the orphans have disappeared indefinitely, and the church closed for the second and final time. during this time, john & lisa escaped the church, however, continue to stay haunted from the six orphans that were killed. miriam had done something unexplainable to john and lisa that makes them walk away as husks; since they were supposed to be killed and turned into stick dolls. however, she had let them get away, and nobody knows why. decades pass and john lives out his life, getting married to his wife MOLLY and gets a job as a catholic priest. he soon begins to train under FATHER ALLRED , his mentor and companion for future exorcisms. father allred hears wind of a family in need of their expertise, THE MARTIN FAMILY. this family consists of bob martin (the father), cindy (the mother), amy (the eldest daughter), and nate & jason (the younger twin sons, both whom are not real). the parents contacted the catholic church to hire an exorcist to help AMY MARTIN , a teenage girl possessed by a demon. john is father allred's assistant for this case and they both make it to the martin family's home, a secluded two story house in the middle of the woods. during the exorcism taking place in the basement, amy's parents wander downstairs momentarily watching the girl bearing an eerie smile and mocking the priests. john leaves father allred to escort bob & cindy back upstairs, and when he returns, allred is dead and amy is missing. he now ventures back upstairs where amy's parents are now missing as well, john finding them dead scattered throughout the house. fully understanding that he has to face the demon alone, john takes allred's crucifix to resume the exorcism. however, amy is far to powerful and he's alone, terrified, and realizing that he might never escape the house alive. he prays for god to rescue him, and with no response, he pleads for ANYBODY to come. a WHITE ENTITY appears before him, asking him what he wanted. begging for his desire of going home, the entity reminds him that, if he swears upon it, amy's possession will have a stronger hold on her. ( amy will never be able to get exorcised if makes this deal. ) however, john repeats that he just wants to go home - he swears on it with the entity. afterwards, he is free to walk out of the house without getting killed by amy, where paramedics and the police were awaiting their arrival.
both john and amy are taken into police custody, where they suspect john to be the culprit behind the three murders. unable to respond with a straight narrative, they both are transmitted into Yale Psychiatric Institution. DR SPINEL is his main doctor where for the next month, does whatever he can to john, in the name of regaining his "lost sanity". the doctor states that john "believes that he's a hero sent by god to protect the innocent and that he needs to believe in evil spirits and paranormal occurrences for everything to make sense". john slowly is manipulated into thinking that he is suffering from "delusions" in order to escape the consequences of his actions. after being prescribed heavy medication, abused and traumatized during his time at the institution, his nightmares being to subside now claiming that amy was driven to killing her parents due to how controlling they were, and then father allred for using old church rituals to dispel evil. little did he know how the nightmare's would soon haunt his reality once more.
denounced as a priest by the catholic church, he soon gets released and amy is charged with the murders that happened at the martin's family home. the Church doesn't want the public to know about the failed exorcism and how two trained priests were bested by this teenage girl, hence john's release. regardless, amy is left behind, the case being deemed as an accident and john is able to return back to his now, broken home.
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