#NEW PINNED with updated info :D
sunspellers · 1 year
welcome to the sunfield!
☆♡ we are sunspell, collective pronouns they/them! our main is @krisgoatpher ♡ mutuals can ask for our simplyplural! ♡☆
- #our loves🌷 :: flower power, our partner system ♡♡
- #nautilos🌊 :: @winters--changeling
- #seraphims🪽 :: @sunflowerseraph
- #sunrise🌅 :: @hopelikesunrise
- #bluebell🫐 :: @blubellsys
- #ghosttown👻 :: @ghostcollective ♡☆
☆ KRIS (he/they/goat, 🐐) (@ninibleats)
♡ EZRA (he/it/she, 🕊) (@sunlightdivine)
☆ ASHER (he/vae/ze/crit/xe 🍀) (@cloversmile)
♡ LETHE (he/they, ⚖️🍇)
all alters listed are public. if you see an emoji tag and it doesn't match one listed here it's likely a private member
☆ BOREAS (he/they/gold/ache/bear/crit/em)
♡ EVAN (any pronouns, 🐬)
☆ ENZO/EJ (he/him, 🧃)
♡ FINCH (he/she/rat/clover, 🐮)
☆ GAIA (she/her, 🌹🗝)
♡ KAITLYN (she/her, 🌸⚔️)
☆ MARIA (she/he/div/❤️, ❤️)
♡ NIKI (she/he, 🥐🧨)
☆ STEVEN (he/they, 🍩)
♡ TIPPIE (she/they, 🍊)
☆ VALENTINE (he/she, 🩹)
♡ VIVIAN (she/they, 📌)
☆ ZELDA (she/her, 🪻)
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mamath · 3 months
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Wild Advent is BACK for one final round!! ❄️Winter Wonders❄️ is Kickstarting now with 9 pins and 1 fancy pin-ornament, including 4 completely new designs!! :D
This is the last leg of our collective pin adventure, with some of the fanciest pins yet! :) Lots of fun effects as always but the Wintery theme lends itself especially well to glittery pins and translucent enamels. 💙💙💙
I don't personally have a design in this Winter set but I believe my deer design from the Spring campaign have started arriving around the world :) So those backers will know how good the quality of these pins is!!
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The little spider two-part dangly pin will unlock at $12k (soon??) as a freebie for all backers pledging for 4 or more pins, which is amazing! I'd like to think we have long time supporters who will get a nice freebie in this final campaign ;3; Crossin' my fingers!
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Alstro and Cloverpuff (who are our showrunners) also got together to design this special starry "Wish Panda" two-part pin/ornament for this final leg of the Wild Advent project. The top star part is a pin with a hook on the back that the Panda hangs from. BUT ALSO you can detach the Panda (which has no pin posts of its own) and instead thread it through with a hook or ribbon to make a hanging ornament! Clever!! Not to mention all the cool effects like the crystal star inclusion and the gradient enamel. *v* Anyway, check out the Kickstarter updates for more info on this bab.
❄️💙Wild Advent: Winter Wonders💙❄️
Thank you everyone for your support (even if it's just a reblog or a nice comment it means a lot to us all and I do share them with the other artists when I see em) over the past year and change! It's so NICE to see this project coming together despite morphing quite a bit from its initial conception. :') It'll be really cool to see this massive set of pins finally exist!!
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kermahillway · 4 months
[Pinned] Intro
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Yo, call me Kerma! I'm a Norwegian artist who enjoys drawing stuff and things Important info: Content Warnings or CWs will be used for my gore art however I usually don't go into specifics. The tag I use is "Gore" or "Gore Art" If you'd like for me to use any other tags for specific, do let me know as I'd like for my profile to be approchable! :D I use every tag under the sun so you'll probably find what you may be looking for if you search it up on my profile. Boundaries: Do not sexualize me or my sona! It makes me extremely uncomfortable... Ask if you want to draw anything like that of my ocs. Do not repost/reupload my art anywhere without permission! This also goes for attempting to steal my art. All of it is watermarked, don't try anything, Bucko... What I will permit is if you use my art to create something new, again with credit. Ex: Voice dubbing, animated edits, etc You are allowed to draw fanart if you wish, I am down to see it! Drawing gore of my ocs is on the table but ask first! I don't care what pronouns you use for me. I'm not a woman or a man, for all you know I could be the rat living in your floorboards... Please no random DMs unless it is really important, we are moots, or if you have asked first! (I will update this post as I go along... I'm out of time sadly. I just really needed to get this out ASAP) Commissions/More info: https://kermahillway.carrd.co
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justabitscrewy · 1 year
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Izen and Sister Jon! Sister Jon being my beloved PC that got me into D&D to begin with, and Izen being my new sad boy that I delight in wounding my friends with. Working on a new pinned post with updated artist and OC info, but in the meantime, have some art!
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party-tower-au · 6 months
placeholder pinned post !! please read
here's a post with shit related to our au :^3
as a disclaimer, this blog IS LIKELY TO CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING:
- gore / violence (normal or candy gore)
- body horror
- drug use (alcohol / cigarettes)
- themes of trauma / abuse / transphobia (moreso mentioned than shown)
- shipping (specifically, the main ship here is peppizza (peppino x pizzahead), but we will also feature peppinoise (peppino x noise), noise+ette (noise x noisette), cheesecake (noisette x vigilante), and zellezano (pizzelle x pizzano))
if any of that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to navigate away
moving on... some useful links and guidelines!
LORE MASTERPOST - contains a run down on the plot, the characters, the ref sheets and all other important info related to this universe
read this if you're new to this blog/au!
OUR DISCORD - feel free to join if you're interested in talking to the creators and other fans! its a general pizza tower fanserver, but we do have spaces to discuss the au of course
our server also will have updates and sneak peeks regarding au content!!
ask rules:
- no nsfw! asks and their answers can have suggestive humor, but absolutely nothing explicit or overly sexual.
- for now, we will not include ocs in answers. only characters that will be showing up are anons and characters within the universe!
- we have the right to answer whichever questions we want, whenever we want. please don't pressure us to answer or your question will be discarded.
- i'll.. think of more later maybe
asks may be answered by either jeb (@canisdulcis) or sal (@salaad), we'll sign off with our names depending on who it is! some asks might even be answered by both of us!
hope you enjoy our little creation :^D
- jeb
(art below drawn by sal)
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cloudluvrrr · 17 days
Dainslief headcannons !?
DAINSLEIF MENTIONED IN NEW GENSHIN UPDATE 😱😱 havent touched genshin in years. unless they release my king i will return 🤞
but i felt like redoing some headcannons i made back in my early days 😓 IT WAS THREE YEARS AGO LMFAO
this is a long one pookies 🤞i also didnt proof read it HAHA
Dainsleif headcannons - 2021
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Souce d'espoir - Miharu Koshi
-- mostly fluff! some angst :)
-I feel like he wouldn't know what the feelings he had for you were.
-So you'd likely confess to him first: While you'd two would be taking a small stroll in Mondstadt. You'd stop by a cliff filled with dandelions, the small white tufts flying passed you two. As you quietly spoke the words, 'I Love You' to him. Looking up at him with watery eyes afraid of rejection. His world had gone silent as he saw you mouth the words. He'd been left speechless.
(do you guys see the vision yes or no comment down below 👇)
-After you two confess, he'd eventually visit you more in your small apartment. Bringing you small gifts from his travels, a simple white rose from Fontaine, a book from Sumeru, mochi from Inazuma and a hair pin from Liyue.
-More often than not these gifts were apologies for taking shelter in your home, when he couldn't find an inn (or he didnt have the funds)
-When in your home he'd always offer to help with literally anything. Cooking, cleaning, helping you with your hair or ironing clothes. The man does it all, how else would he have survived 500 years?
-With the burden of living many lifetimes, he has the knowledge of 500 years. Often when laying in bed with you he'd start to ramble about small fun facts about the world and what was his world.
-He'd be very vulnerable with you, of fucking course he's not sleeping in his mysterious ass cape (😭) so you kept some pajamas for him.
-You'd left the small bedroom to let dainsleif change for a few moments before slightly opening the door, to see him looking at his topless figure in the mirror (😍). His eyes narrowing at he looked at the tainted flesh of his side, noticing you coming from behind and gently tracing it. 'it suits you', is all you said before he placed a gentle kiss to your temple as he quietly replied 'don't worry about it darling'
-as well as the tainted part i feel like he has small moles scattered around his body (whether it was there before the fall or they're small tainted bits) they're still cute.
-He often admires your from afar preferring to show his love through actions than words. Like small kisses on your knuckles, holding the door open for you, playing with your hair while cuddling.
-He prefers to call you by your given name, but sometimes if your lucky he'll call you 'darling', 'my starlight', love, 'my light' things like that. (idk he seems very astrological to me???)
-Since hes literally fucking broke, he often takes you on walks rather than actual dates. But when he does have some, he likes to look at the local food stalls persuading you to try a bit of everything.
-He'd overall adore you with all his being, giving you every bit of love and money he had on him. With the deep dread in his heart you'd one day you'd leave him all over again, just like before.
-of course the day you depart from the world, is a shattering one for him. He'd make sure to visit your grave often, cleaning it and leaving white roses when he could. His life returned to what it was before you, only with the lingering idea of you always haunting him.
i try to make this shit aesthetic but i yap too much 😔
i prefer to make small headcannons but yall this was brewing in my head for YEARS
hope you enjoyed my redo of my old ass headcannons 🥺🥺
Requests are open ^^ look at my navi for more info :D
-Love yall 💖
NOT sent from my iphone 😡
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(This blog is long overdue for a new pinned post soo-)
Hello to all the new people we got recently!!
This is a South Park AU blog for a comic called South Park Dimensions!
You can start reading from the prologue here and the comic updates every Saturday @ 7am EST!
And all current pages/thumbnails are available to our beta readers over on Patreon!
(As for info on the au and other things such as our commissions, discord, and redbubble those will all be bellow the cut. :D )
RedBubble | Commissions | AO3 | SPD Discord Server
(As for about the comic itself- Here’s some questions we’ve gotten a few times :D )
What is the comic about?
(As a result of time travel bs in the games and just South Park in general- Reality has gone a bit unstable. Portals are shuffling people off to where they shouldn’t be and others are looking to take advantage of it all)
(That’s the basic idea! As for the dimensions/ timelines involved here’s the current list. Originally this au was inspired by SP Phone Destroyer, but some things have been changed for plot stuffs.)
Main Timeline (Where the comic starts. Based mostly on SOT and TFBW)
Post Covid (Adult Timeline)
(^^ We’re slowly chipping away at designs for everyone! But! If you’re curious about someone in particular feel free to shoot us an ask)
Where can I read the comic?
(It’s just on this blog and Patreon atm! Here’s the link to the prologue again!)
(We also have been fleshing out other timelines on the comic’s AO3! But that isn’t necessary to understand the comic. Just extras :D )
How old are the sp kids?
(We were thinking this would fall between high school and college (So like 19-21 or something). So, they escaped one hell just to start dealing with another gsrksro)
Can I draw your designs?
(PLEASE DO- We get beyond excited seeing all the art people have made. Feel free to tag us too! We’d love to see it all)
(Anywho! We’ll be fleshing this out more soon hopefully! (Ask Box is always open for other comic questions or whatever. Have a great day and thanks for visiting our funky corner of the internet)
Anywho! Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day y'all :)
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drizztdohurtin · 25 days
Follower Milestone GIFTS FOR YOU
okay only one of them is a gift, the other one might turn out to be a curse, who knows!
As a thank you for my 500 followers milestone, please enjoy my gifts to you all:
1) The Rolan Fic This fic is still a work in progress but I'm hoping to post a new chapter every 2 weeks depending on how things go this summer! As promised, I'm releasing the prologue and first chapter of it for my follower milestone. Enjoy!
Fic Info || Masterlist || Prologue || Chapter 1
2) Discord Server You can find the link to my server down at the bottom of this post! It is welcome to anyone and everyone above 18. It's meant to be a bg3 and d&d server, though all interests are welcome. I'm not entirely sure how I'll use it yet in terms of whether or not I will post project updates on there or not, I'll have to see how things end up playing out!
Another thing about the server is that I'm HOPING to be able to host some d&d one-shot sessions over there this summer, and you can find a little more info about it on this post here. When I know more info about it, I will not only make a post here on Tumblr but also let everyone in the server know what's going on!
3) NSFW Shadowheart art WIP Throwing this last one in here just as a thanks for everyone being so patient with me since mid-April when I had to start disappearing due to my hefty coursework and exams. Also thankful for all the kind wishes I've gotten since then on my studies and before exam week - I needed all the "good luck"s and "you'll do great"s bc your girl was SUFFERING
The WIP is extremely.... like it will be very clear that it's a work in progress HDSFAHH I haven't even started on her face 😭 But I hope you all still like it nonetheless, and the final version will be posted in all its glory on my Twitter (link in pinned), and I will post a censored final edit on here as well.
See it here! (or on X or BlueSky for a more..... more. version)
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nook-kid · 8 days
New blog theme ! :3
Gonna post my new pinned in just a bit, please check it out once I do that since all the links are new and have updated info in them ! :D
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lgbtempiremc · 3 months
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🌈 lgbtempire has RE-OPENED for 1.20.4, come join us at play.lgbtempire.net!
newly updated with a fresh survival map, custom textures (including furniture, plushies, hats, flowers, and more!), and exciting new events and features- we're excited to meet players new and old! join us through the java ip above, or check out our pinned for more info :D
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dreamingofmuses · 5 months
New Year's Resolutions: RP Edition
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Howdy all, Ash here. I've been having a think while with family this week, and I've decided I'm going to implement some new 'resolutions' to try and help make writing in 2024 be way more successful than in 2023. This will include things from the running of blogs to jobs I really want to get finished. I'm putting them under a read-more to keep the dash nice and clean.
I will say, this has taken me an hour to write up, and I'd recommend you doing likewise if you think there's little ways you want to improve.
Overall Running of Blogs
I'm going to experiment a new approach to running the blogs. For this, I'm going to put all active blogs to low-medium activity. In other words, even if I am personally lurking on mobile, I won't be constantly writing things if I'm not able to. (Work is just about to get super busy and I'm anticipating chaos)
A queue/schedule function will be used for all blogs. I intend to dedicate one weekday evening to working without interruption on replies. Taking commutes to the city and family visits into account, this is looking to be a Thursday, which is the only day I am neither travelling to the city nor have a guaranteed family visit. Of course, this may fluctuate, but that's what I'm hoping to work with, assuming those things stay as they are.
However! What all this means is that I am going to tentatively take skullandbowties off hiatus. With that blog being quiet, it should be possible to juggle it better now. Plus, it's officially off-season so the demand for him from new blogs ought to be low. I'm very smart :D
I also plan to update all pinned posts. I am aware some of them are marking a vacation from months ago.
Individual Blog Maintenance
Create "New Here?" posts to add to the pinned posts/info tags. This is going to be a very quick crash course on what to expect from the blog, especially where some characters might diverge from fanon expectations.
FINISH. WILF'S. BIO. It's not actually relevant to anything being written on the blog itself at present, but I really want to flesh out his character and show that he was stuck in stories for years, decades even! The doc has the word count to 4,888 at this precise moment. This is a mix of summary and brainstorm. Since it's getting a 'little' out of hand, I intend to have a 'tldr' at the start that people can read, and then longer versions if they're curious to get the full story. Maybe even have it that they can jump to particular parts but... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Likewise, Noah's version of Space needs to be finished. This one is going to be a summary, but it's a case of making sure the pieces are in place sufficiently to have parts match canon Space, but also make it clear that there is a lot of differences between canon and what he went through, with his plot entirely spiralling away for 'Part 2'. This is at 5,794 words, and the ending has yet to be ironed out...
(I am going to stop creating needlessly long-winded projects for myself that realistically add nothing of value to my blogs. These two projects are exhausting...)
Theauthorlives is returning to a very small multimuse. Any muses that aren't ones I genuinely enjoy writing are being fully archived, unless they are muses that get no traction but I want to keep the possibility open. Details of that will be shared when I do this.
Redo some muse icons (not all of them!). Though the selection I have for particular sets is a lot, I still feel like I'm missing some expressions or poses. I would like to remake one batch of icons for three characters, and finish iconning a third. Replies seem to be shifting toward iconless, but I like them for asks or IC commentaries.
OOC/Mun Related stuff
Following matters that have happened both online and IRL, I've decided to take a step back from actively engaging with people. My focus will be people that I have been in good communication with for the last twelve months (as well as people I don't talk to frequently but am on friendly terms with) rather than people I feel I have to 'chase' after. Saying that, I'm going to try and not let past experiences meddle with anything in with new writing partners - whether these are brand new to the community or people I've not had the chance to properly interact with prior to this. Just be aware that I might not be super outgoing at first. (This is where setting limits and boundaries is good practice, everyone! Don't sell yourself short, and don't spread yourself out too thinly!)
Which is where I now say I want to send even more asks! Not just memes or sentence starters, but general questions about headcanons or muse opinions. I want to get people thinking more.
My stance on Discord still stands, in that it's solely for OOC stuff, but I'm not giving it out to everyone. However, I have been in two group servers that have little-to-no connection with writing rp threads in them. I would hope that I can fully regain my sense of comfort using Discord as a whole.
Art related
Despite socially stepping back, I still want to keep some semblance of 'community' where my blogs are active so people don't feel isolated. For instance, I want to do something that encourages invasions of ask boxes. That was good fun to watch as the chaos began to spread, and when people are good-humoured to go along with my silly ideas.
I want to have one huge art-related event at some point this year. I'm not entirely what or how to do it, but I think it would be a great excuse to practice something. Portraits, comics, something like that. I'll have a think. (For those who remember, the water gun event was supposed to have an art conclusion but plans for that fell through.)
I want to try and upload drawn responses to heythereneighbor once a week if I can. Obviously, this is depending on how busy it is.
I'd also like to try doodling more on other blogs? But I'm not sure if this is even something people want to see anymore. People might prefer I focus on writing if I have free time instead of doodles or little comics.
... the writing blog. I need to do stuff with that in general. Whoops.
Finally, I want to do what I can to the best of my abilities on a particular day. I've always told people over the years that real life comes before rp, and I still stand by that. Whether I'm around or not every day isn't the end of the world. The communities I write in are a lot slower paced than they were when I started, which is great! I need to remind myself that I don't need to be writing just because I have a bit of free time.
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weary-golden-soul · 5 months
The character, Keith B., is a 16 y/o boy living in rural New York, on a small farm near the mountains.
He’s doing relatively well, but some of the people in his life are not what they seem.
He cant interact with other characters from the real world; to him, you all are texts he is receiving.
He used to be a recurring character on @codebreaker-0 ‘s blog, which I’m more active on.
WARNING: This blog WILL contain heavy topics.
Keith has a rough life (his parents kicked him out because they’re homophobic & he lives with a cousin, this comes up often) and many of the people in his life struggle with mental health and chronic illness. There also might be hints at addiction and past abuse, as well as violence. Swearing will be frequent too. Posts with heavy topics will have a note at the top but please keep this in mind & take care of yourselves.
When speaking in character text will just be typed normally.
[ Actions are like this. ]
[ When the mod is talking, it’ll be like this. Call me mod candy! ]
Pinned post will be updated in the future when needed. For now, proceed with caution and have fun :D
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e-adlirez · 1 year
do you know how many geronimo stilton and thea stilton books there are? i’ve been trying to find all of them but i can’t seem to pin down the numbers
Italian or English? That affects the numbers here.
If we're talking about the Italian books then uh gimme a second to die before tallying them up :D /j
But if we're talking English, let's talk brass tacks.
Geronimo Stilton as a franchise has a lot of series, I'm sure that's a given. However, we also need to consider the offshoots under the Geronimo Stilton franchise. Let's exclude the ones that fall under the Thea Stilton franchise, and because of its small size, let's lump Creepella's miniseries in with them.
This means that for the Geronimo Stilton franchise, we have the main series, the Special Editions (the gold-bound ones), the Kingdom of Fantasy series (and Imaginaria but I guess Scholastic lumps them together for some reason), the Journeys Through Time, the time travel graphic novels published by Papercutz, Cavemice, Spacemice, Micekings, Heromice, Creepella Von Cacklefur, the Mini Mysteries, the Classic Tales, the anniversary editions, the Reporter Graphic Novels, the new graphic novels, and one or two short books that didn't end up in the other tallies (Strange Case of the Dragon Dance, for example).
As of now, we have 82 books in the main series, 7 special editions (if we're counting A Christmas Tale and A Christmas Catastrophe here), 18 Kingdom of Fantasy books including The Phoenix of Destiny and The Dragon of Fortune, 8 Journeys Through Time, 20 time travel graphic novels, 15 Cavemice books, 12 Spacemice books, 8 Micekings books, 11 Heromice books, 9 Creepella Von Cacklefur books, 6 Mini-Mysteries, 11 Classic Tales, 11 Reporter Graphic Novels (with 2 on their way), 4 books from the new graphic novels, and let's add Strange Case of the Dragon Dance as an extra 1. (Do let me know if there are more short stories similar to this one so I can add them on.)
That makes a whopping 223 books, and we're only talking about the Geronimo Stilton franchise :D
Now, for the Thea Stilton series. This is significantly easier to count, but in kind of a sad way. Thea Stilton as a series is strangely being overlooked by Scholastic for whatever reason, resulting in ONE BOOK BEING PUBLISHED PER YEAR. WE'RE STARVING HERE AND THEY ALREADY DEPRIVE US OF MORE ;;W;;
Anyway, Thea Stilton books. This means the main series, the Mouseford Academy series, the Graphic Novels, the Special Editions, the Books of the Heart/Classic Tales series, and the newly concluded Treasure Seekers series. Very easy to count, right? Hah, WRONG. Unlike the Geronimo Stilton books, which are numbered officially, the Thea Stilton books will have to be counted manually. I mean, the Geronimo Stilton Wiki is starting to catch up and update its info anyway, so I'll be using that (it's also where I got the other numbers, along with some extra research).
OKAY THEA STILTON BOOKS, we currently have 35 in the main series (with The Cave of Stars coming to bookshelves by June if our date is right), 20 Mouseford Academy books (but only 17 of which are available to the general public for some reason), 8 graphic novels, 9 special editions, 3 Classic Tales, and 3 Treasure Seekers books. That totals up to 75 books, excluding the upcoming Cave of Stars and the 3 (4?) Mouseford books whose existences I can only mark for sure with pictures on GoodReads and literally nowhere else :D
If you're asking for only the English books then that's all dandy.
If we're talking about the Italian books, though.... can you give me perhaps a year or two to mentally prepare myself for that? :'D There's so many of them, I swear. Learning the general numbers alone is gonna make you enter a forbidden garden of realizing just how much Scholastic is depriving us of content, and just how well-fed the Italians are by getting regular content of everyone's bespectacled Mickey Mouse but better figure and the five girls who became everyone's lesbian awakening. And the fact that they're getting it so regularly that there was an entire ITALIAN INTERVIEW talking about Elisabetta Dami's ridiculously fast publish rates and asking her how the hell she manages to put out that many books so quickly. Yeah. If you wish to ruin your innocence and begin affectionately envying Italy with all your heart, then feel free to look it up :D
Anyway byeeeeee--
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zelda7999 · 1 year
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Pinned post O’Clock! :D 
I’m Zelda! (He/Him) 
I’m a disorganized mess who hyper-fixates easily! Currently hyper-fixating on the FNAF Daycare Attendant, Hazbin Hotel and FFXIV! So that’s what 95% of my blog is gonna be other than memes and personal art!~ 
I do Art and Writing! If you wanna find my art I put it under #My Art and for my Writing I put it under #My Writing
I accept writing prompts constantly if it’s for characters I love, so feel free to send them to my inbox! Or to send me questions, ideas, thoughts, n etc! Honestly, please ramble to me, I am so willing to chat slkdafhjasjdkf
My current writings are: 
New Horizons - A Reader X Eclipse fic - Tag for it is #New Horizons A fic based off of Lavenoon’s Accidentally Undercover AU, which you can find the master list for here! As for New Horizons you can find the Ao3 for it here!
Found Family Loading... - DCA Fic - Tag for it is #Found Family Loading... As a kid your parents used to drop you off at the Superstar Daycare daily, and now as an Adult you've come back! Not just to see Sun & Moon (mostly to see them) but also to start your new job as DCA Handler! You can find the Ao3 for it here!
My Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/zelda7999 Commissions, tips and more can be accessed in Kofi! 
Commission information: Zelda7999 Commissions Info
My Twitch: ‘cause I stream sometimes! 
My other tags: #Ask Zelda, #LOVE LOVE LOVE (Used for posts I adore), #Zelda Talks &  #Zelda Rambles, BELOVED MUTUALS! I will add more tags as I go! All tags are added at the bottom of this post for easy access! :D 
If I think of anything else to add I’ll update this post! 
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fandomsoda · 1 year
Personal project masterpost
Alright so I have realized all my stuff is too much for the pinned post but I can make this masterpost and update it periodically. This will include: links to intro posts/refs, links to doodles/additional official art, and the given hashtags for each individual thing. Fan art/asks with art and most text posts will not be linked here, but you can search my blog/tumblr by the official tags in order to find stuff. Note: for additional small things such as fun facts about characters not on their official refs, check out the “#oc factoids and asks” tag and search with the tag of the given character/project. Yeah sorry you have to do some digging yourself, I can’t update this post every single time I make something new. Anyway let’s just jump into it. Last updated: 8/6/24 (d/m/y)
Omega Lab (#omega lab au, #omega lab)
Ref sheets for all mainline characters (Test’s tags: #test!sans, #test omega lab | Glow’s tags: #glowstick!sans, #glowstick omega lab | Tizzy’s tags: #tizzy!sans, #tizzy omega lab | Bio’s tags: #biohazard!sans, #biohazard omega lab)
Tizzy and Biohazard doodle
Glowstick and Test doodle
promotional piece
dynamic elaboration drawings
Sanses in alt subcultures (#alt sanses my beloveds) [casually known as Altverse but that is NOT its official name, do not tag it as such.]
Also the official tag is what you can use to browse MY blog. It’s not a title either. Just tag your art with the characters included.
Pastel goth!Dream (#pastel goth!dream sans)
additional Dream drawing
Alt!Killer (#alt!killer sans)
Classic 2000’s emo!Nightmare (#emo!nightmare sans)
NM pixel doodles
Scene!Ink (#scene!ink sans)
scene!Ink pixel doodle
Scene!Ink’s small psa
scene!Ink featured in my 2023 Inktobertale
Scenemo!Cross (#scenemo!cross sans)
Because things are often misinterpreted with this AU, it has its own clarifications tag. “#alt utmv clarifications” is the tag, if you’re ever wondering something about it then check there. If one of those posts doesn’t have an answer, just feel free to ask me yourself.
Robo-Ink aka Oil (#robo ink, #oil!ink sans, #robot!ink sans)
Based entirely on the simple (initially joke) proposition: “alternate multiverse where everything is the same except Ink is a robot”. Oil hails from a whole separate multiverse just like the usual one, accept for him being the way he is. Slightly different in personality, but you only really realize it when putting the two characters in the same interaction. Either way, he is my pride and joy and a great project so far.
No ref sheet currently exists for this character
initial conceptualization sketches
full-body further conceptualization sketch dump
more anatomy elaboration
Faeverse (#faeverse, #faeverse au) [please read info]
Ok so Faeverse isn’t actually entirely my creation, it’s a shared project with me and @dinosaurzzz. I’m just the lead character designer and artist, I don’t own it. Faeverse is a retelling of Underverse with a twist of Xvials and fae folklore from various cultures. Some things are critically changed in this au, so I’m begging you, if you’re going to make fan content, to read ALL OF THE INFO we have about it, including the masterpost about a core character Dino made which is linked in the below ref sheet.
Fae!Ink ref sheet (#fae!ink sans, #leánnan sídhe!ink sans)
Very pretty Fae!Ink doodle sheet
Omega!Cross (#omega!cross) [on hiatus]
Omega!Cross is a half-wolf version of Cross who was inspired by the works of some of the other creators in my general orbit, for posts featuring him interacting with the other 6 wolf!Cross’s, check out #wolf!cross gang shenanigans!
this project is currently on standby due to the stress I get when creating it. There may be the occasional thing here and there but for now don’t expect any big additions to Omega’s story. It’s a mess right now.
Omega!Cross ref sheet
just some expressive doodles
his canonical identities!
Design clarification text post
design clarification doodle
full doodle sheet 1
Canon height diagram
lore teaser
R34L17Y_D3C4Y (#r34l17y d3c4y, #reality decay)
R34L17Y_D3C4Y (pronounced “reality decay”), or R_D for short, is an Undertale alternate multiverse where all outcodes, multiversal beings, or beings that have been separated from their original universes gain weirdcore designs and qualities. I started it over on my Reddit but am moving it here.
Explanation/lore post
Fresh’s ref (#reality decay!fresh)
Wink’s ref [Ink] (#wink reality decay, #wink r34l17y d3c4y, #wink!ink sans, #rd!ink sans, #reality decay!ink sans, #wink rd)
Spinner’s ref [Error] (#spinner reality decay, #spinner rd, #spinner r34l17y d3c4y, #spinner!error sans, #rd!error sans)
Blossom’s ref [Dream] (#blossom reality decay, #reality decay!dream sans, #blossom!dream sans, #rd!dream sans, #blossom rd)
Annulus (#annulus sans, #annulus!sans)
silly one-off OC of mine
ref sheet/info post
Miscellaneous utmv ship kids
Dagger Striper [Killer x Ink] (#dagger striper)
Brightspex [Ink x Dream x Cross] (#brightspex)
Homestuck fantrolls
Gradient blood trolls concept post/initial art of my primary fantrolls (#gradientblooded trolls)
Primary three fantrolls sprite post (Spiral’s tag: #spiral circus | Orbovo’s tag: #orbovo weaver | Rodiea’s tag: #rodiea lassos)
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madaobimonday · 7 months
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey so far!
Those were some great insights, and following your responses we’ll stick with the existing format for the Monday event.
Due to your feedback, I will also work on organising another little madaobi event soon, so stay tuned for more updates on that. :D
Furthermore, you can now submit suggestions for new MadaObiMonday prompts into the ask box, if you so wish! (I added more detailed information in the general info post that’s pinned on top of the blog. Please note that your submitted prompts will get credited to you unless you actively choose to remain anonymous.)
And if you haven’t seen the aforementioned poll yet, you can still fill it out!
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