sundeum · 11 months
EVERYTHING about the second season of good omens that we have seen so far has me completely obsessed. it is literally everything i have dreamt of and i can't believe i get to just watch it all unfold before my two very eyes. jealous crowley??? give it to me !!!! the slow realization that they've been in love this whole time??? yes!!!! the painful pining, tiptoeing around each other because they just don't know how to proceed, this whole time they've had an excuse for being around each other because essentially they had to 'thwart' one another and had the arrangement but now they are completely free of their respective offices and now comes the question of 'oh, what actually are we?'. not to mention that they're celestial beings whose relationship exceeds any human understandings so they don't even know how to go about defining each other. and in the new clip released today we see aziraphale hesitate when he says 'he and i...go back a long time', because perhaps he wanted to say more but he isn't sure where they stand either and what crowley is okay with and i want to HUG neil gaiman for creating the most delicious dynamic i've ever seen in any piece of media. them eventually and finally coming together in the end will make me explode with the pent-up feelings of having to watch them slowly realize that their beings are interlaced and one can't exist without the other; they exist only because the other exists and they only make sense together. and they will find their ultimate purpose and meaning in love and in each other.
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newt-with-a-big-hat · 5 months
I just watched Good Omens season 2 and I'm gonna be ☝🤓 about it for a second bcuz none of my friends watched the show and I cant rant at them (exploding them with my mind rn)
obviously spoiler and unhinged tirade warning
and no im not proof reading any of this
So I got really into the books before it was a show (Im not like other Good omens fans ok) *gets shoved into a locker* So I was pleasantly surprised with the first season because I thought my annoying grinch ahh would hate it. It was faithful to the original but it still made it new and interesting. The themes, story and the vibe was the same. They did put more of a focus on Aziraphale and Crowely and made them slightly softer but it worked and was swag. I also liked what they did with the ending even though it wasn't in the book.
So when season two was announced I was hopeful but also really nervous. The story had come to a logical end (Ig it could continue with a war between humanity and a heaven hell alliance and the end of season one basicallly implied that that would happen but STILL) and then the other writer for the book, Sir Terry Pratchet passed away (SIDE NOTE: i hate when people only mention Gaiman in regards to Good Omens, put some respect on my man Pratchet). I thought a lot of the humour and charm the book originally had was very Pratchetesque and it just wouldn't be the same without him . (no shade to Gaiman btw but yk what i mean)
I found out later (two days ago) that they the two authors had actually discussed a sequel previously and it would probably follow the plot of that heaven/hell vs humanity war, but past me didnt know that ok? my point about it not being the same still stands.
When season 2 came out i didnt watch it for a month bcuz i didnt have amazon prime. But when I eventually BOUGHT MY OWN SUBSCRIPTION AND GOT IT 100% LEGITIMATELY, JEFF BEZOS IF YOU'RE READING THIS PLS DONT COME BEAT ME UP, i finally had no more excuses to put it off.
In the begining (BIBLE REFERENCE?!??) i was really getting into it. Gaiman was POPPING off with those jokes. The naked Gabriel thing was an interesting premise. It was silly, cozy, and comfy.
and then it sort of stayed like that?
Like in Season one the main threat was the literal world ending. In season 2 it was Shaz standing menacingly outside the bookshop? And I know there was the whole threat of them being erased from the book of life, but that was mentioned once and then not really brought up again until the end where all the threats were just resolved in like 15 minutes? In season 1 Heaven and hell were a proper threat, but in season 2 they felt like submissive Beta males for some reason. it just felt kind of low stakes and too easily resolved.
OK so my next part might make some ppl mad (pls dont be mean to me ill cry) so I will preface this with saying: I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST A ROMANCE BETWEEN AZIRAPHALE AND CROWELY HAPPENING IN SEASON 2 lets be honest they were basically married in the book anyway so  💀
However it kind of overpowered the rest of the season. while season 1 was focused on a lot of different characters and plot happening, most of season 2 seemed to focus on their relationship. I did like some of it (that magic show episode was a banger) but no real plot actually happened during that time ( I straight up forgot Gabriel existed).
I also wasn't overly invested in the other romance between Maggie and Nina. It was cute, but it didnt hit like Newton and Anathema did. Gabriel and Beelzebub was cute (should have been me not Gabriel tho), but it was all smooshed into the last episode. It was a bit of an information dump.
The season felt like a different genre, with different stakes and a different overall vibe. Im gonna be honest, at some points it felt kind of... fanfictiony? if thats a good way to put it? It became more of a character driven show.
While I was doing some serious academic research (reading other tumblr blogs) I found out that this season was meant to be more relaxed and a smaller scale compared to season one and an eventual season 3. It was meant to be more focused on characters relationships and getting everyone where they need to be for the final season (which i assume is going to be like the sequel that Pratchet and Giaman planned ages ago). And it was also filmed during the Pandemic which explains its smaller scale.
I have mixed feelings on it. It was an enjoyable season, but it just didnt feel Good-omens-esque, and the fact that Im a ☝🤓 and grew up with book means I cant enjoy it as much as I want to. Im hoping season three will bring back the originals vibes and redeem season 2 for me.
Ok so aside form my main critisim, I also wanna talk abt the charactarisation of Aziraphale and Crowely and the Themes. This ones less of a problem for me but someone pointed it out and now its bothering me a bit.
When I watched the ending I was ready to throw hands with Gaiman himself because I didn't realize that there was gonna be a season three where the conflict was resolved. After I found out I was fine again UNTIL someone pointed out that they felt Aziraphale leaving for heaven was kind of out of character. The main message of season one is that neither heaven nor hell is good and both Aziraphale and Crowely are on their own, and humanities side. Both of them realize that, and theres a whole scene where they make a toast to the world. The fact that Aziraphale suddenly goes all "I can fix him" on heaven seems a bit odd. I've got mixed feelings on this becuase on one hand it is an interesting conflict to have, but it does sort of seem ooc for him to do. Im deciding to rationalize it by saying Aziraphales gone a bit silly and goofy from all the stress thats happening.
Someone else pointed out that the fact that Aziraphale and crowely met when they were both angels kind of ruins the significance that they became 'friends' despite being on opposite sides. I kind of see this point too, and I did prefer their first meeting being in the garden of eden (mainly becuase it was funnier) but im choosing to interpret this as they were aquintances as angels and only got to know eachother later.
Im just putting my trust in Neil Gaiman and Season 3
OK ITS OVER. Most people probably dont care all that much because they touch grass and go outside, but I just wanted to rant becuase something about it was really bothering me. If you actually read this far im giving you a gold star and a platonic forhead smooch. ALSO PLS FEEL FREE TO BULLY ME FOR MY TAKES BCUZ I REALLY WANT TO ENJOY THIS THIS SEASON AND MAYBE A DIFF PERSPECTIVE WILL HELP. OK BYE
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randomsufff · 10 months
No ok but I NEED to just spit out my personal analysis of what the fuck was going on in the last 10 minutes of episode 6 because I’m actually going insane just holding all these THOUGHTS in my brain and have quite literally been thinking of nothing else for the past few days.
Cause we all know what Crowley was saying: I love you, let’s finally acknowledge this THING between us, run away and be together with me, fuck everyone else. Quite literally the same mindset as when the Not-pocalypse was going on.
Ok let’s get into this whole scene from the very beginning shall we… with Metatron sending Aziraphale to break the news to Crowley:
“You don’t have to answer immediately, take all the time you need…Go on and tell your friend the good news”
Ok so this make it seem like Aziraphale haven’t accepted the offer right? With the good news being the offer itself, right? But THEN, (skipping ahead here sorry) after the whole kiss scene the Metatron comes in and says:
“Right, ready to start?”
So it seems like Aziraphale already accepted the position??? And it’s not the Metatron is forcing Aziraphale to make a decision right there and then because everything said after implies he was prepared to leave/ already made his choice. He doesn’t look taken aback or like that question came out of left field when The Metatron asks if he’s ready, he replies with a sound “No” when asked if there’s anything to take with him, and he starts to says “I think I..” when they start to leave, the rest of which I’m sure was going to be “I think I made a mistake” or “I think I want to stay, actually” which, again, SOUNDS LIKE HE MADE HIS DECISION BEFORE HE ENTERED THE SHOP
(Not to mention when Crowley asked: “Tell me you said no…” Aziraphale didn’t say: “I didn’t says yes either”, or “I haven’t told them my answer”, he just remained silent which implies he said yes)
So going back to the first line, we can only assume there was another offer made to Aziraphale, one he maybe didn’t tell Crowley about, and the “Good News” is 1) the offer of making Crowley into an angel and 2) Aziraphale choosing to go to Heaven.
What I’m going insane after is WHAT THE FUCK IS “You don’t have to answer immediately, take all the time you need” REFERRING TO
Ok… now moving on to literally everything else (beware- it is extremely long underneath):
So right after Metatron dismisses Aziraphale, and as Aziraphale walking to the shop, we linger on him and he looks NERVOUS and like, uneasy. There’s not a hint of that huge smile he gives Crowley when he gives his “incredibly good news” Which you might be like, obviously he was nervous, he’s about to break this huge news to Crowley. BUT, counterpoint, if Aziraphale actually thought that what he was about to say was this incredibly great news that Crowley would have absolutely loved to hear, he wouldn’t be nervous, right? He’d be fucking ecstatic from the moment he walked away from The Metatron. So that fact that he ISNT, makes me believe that either Aziraphale himself didn’t like the decision he made or he KNEW that Crowley wouldn’t like what he was about to say, but said it anyways (for what reason, we speculate later)
When he enters the shop, he even gives Maggie and Nina a tense smile. You know, a smile you would give someone passing on the street when you were absolutely stressed out of your mind but didn’t want anyone to see it.
AND THEN, he give this little look that so full of love and a little sigh that’s kind of like a “yes we do have a lot to say” in response to Nina’s “It seems like you two have a lot to talk about”, which just reminds you of how during this ENTIRE SEASON, we see Aziraphale be incredibly openly fond of Crowley. That he is just as smitten for Crowley, since probably before the Beginning. I mean, right after Beelzebub and Gabriel fucked off to space, Aziraphale was STARING at Crowley with such heart eyes that it looked like man’s was about to risk it all after everyone left.
And here’s where I can’t tell weather he’s genuinely excited over the news he’s giving or if he’s just gotten realllyyy good at pretending. He’s constantly looking out the window, to where the Metatron is waiting, at the cafe, and overall very jittery and nervous. And, granted, this could just be him getting excited over the news(for reasons we’ll talk about)- but again, it’s news that seemed to give him a bit of stress.
So then we go onto the flashback of the conversation between the Metatron and Aziraphale. And here’s where I can’t believe people think Aziraphale just ran back to Heaven at the slightest bit of praise because the Metatron point blank tells him, “you’re a leader, you’re honest…I need you to run [these enormous projects], you are just the angel for the job” and Aziraphale doesn’t look happy. He’s stressed and clearly uncomfortable. The Metatron is literally singing his praises about how needed and valued he is and he could not give less of a shit. AZIRAPHALE STRAIGHT UP SAYS “I don’t want to go to Heaven” after alllllllll that. THE ONLY THING that convinces Aziraphale to accept the offer is the presence of Crowley right by his side.
So QUITE LITERALLY Aziraphale accepted the offer BECAUSE of Crowley, and that is the lenses I will be looking through his dialogue with from now on.
“You could come back to Heaven and… everything, like the old times, only even nicer.” I think the “everything” part of this sentence is talking about everything Pre-Fall Crowley had: one who was happy and was beloved by others, one who had quite literally everything they wanted. One who LOVED creating nebulas and had such passion for the beauty of the starts that he complained that the universe isn’t just some “fancy wallpaper”. Someone who wasn’t outcasted for (what he now realizes) such a stupid thing as just asking questions and doubting intentions. And I’m not sure what re-sending (?) would entail, but according to Aziraphale it seems like he would still be himself, just have that official angel status. The “only nicer” referring to how they’ll know each other, how their relationship and history will allow them to truly be together in a way they weren’t, and COULDN’T before.
“Well obviously you said no to Hell, you’re the bad guys. But Heaven. It’s the side of truth, of light, of good.” SIR WHAT THE FUCK??? This line threw me off the most because honestly man what the fuck. Not even a “They’re the bad guys” it’s “YOURE the bad guys”. Unfortunately I feel like this confirms that Aziraphale does still think them as opposing sides. Sure they’re a team, but unlike Crowley who think they’re their own group: a THEM, I think Aziraphale still thinks them as a angel and a demon. I think he’s very aware they are still on “opposing sides”. Sigh… anyways through the Heart Eye lenses I think Aziraphale is referencing how… good Crowley is. Because as much as he protests how nice he ISN’T- he still saves kids, still condemns offing one’s self, care for humans well-being and safety. He’s constantly doing the RIGHT thing, and in Aziraphales eyes that is synonymous with the Heaven he wants/ images, the good guys. He doesn’t belong in Hell so therefore he must belong in Heaven.
(Thinking about that shade of grey scene- and honestly the “you’re just of a bastard to be worth knowing” lines- I feel like Aziraphale DOES, or at least SHOULD, understand that things aren’t black and white. That there is nuance. But since he’s looking at Crowley through Gold Colored glasses, he thinks Crowley is straight up good- nothing else. He’s thinking “well Crowley SAYS he’s not nice but that’s obviously not true, so he’s just lying to save face and he’s really a great person deep down no matter what he says” (which- wow invalidating much Aziraphale, but that’s another convo). All of this just to say I think Aziraphale thinks Crowley deserves angelic status, way more then any other stuffy angel currently up there)
Then Crowley says “When Heaven ends life here on Earth, it’ll be just as dead as if Hell ended it”, and it doesn’t look like Aziraphale disagrees with that statement. Obviously right? Because that was the whole point of season 1. Aziraphale just looks… frozen? Almost kind of realizing that Crowley is very much not taking this as well as he thought? Isn’t hearing what he’s trying to say? I don’t know. Point blank, Aziraphale knows blindly following after Heaven is bad, he knows Heaven, AS IT IS, is bad. He knows that, which directly leads to his “If I’m in charge, I can make a difference.” line
Now AS CROWLEY SPEAKING, Aziraphale almost looks… taken aback? At first? Like, in a, this isn’t how I planned this to go what are you going to do rn way. He narrows his eyes a lot, which makes it look like he’s not so much confused on what Crowley is saying/ doing, but wondering why he’s doing it NOW. (Which kinda confirms they both very well knew what was happening b/w each other and said nothing like the dumb dumbs they are). He also glances at the window- again, at the Metatron. This conversation is very much not how he thought it was going to go, and he starts shaking his head as Crowley verbally rejects both Heaven and Hell. WHAT ARE YOU SHAKING NO AT, MAN? Trying to deny that Crowley is rejecting you? Trying to get him to stop saying blasphemous things about Heaven when The Metatron is right there??? Idk.
But as soon as Crowley says “…Just be an us. You and me, what do you say?” Aziraphale immediately jumps on that, says “Come with me” says they can be an “us” in Heaven, both on the same side, both doing good just as they have always done the in the centuries before. He goes from “I can make a difference” to “WE can make a difference”. THEY BOTH WANT THE SAME THING: TO BE TOGETHER RAHHHH. But most importantly- “we can make a difference”. I think the main point Aziraphale accepted the offer, like many people have speculated, was to make Heaven a place deserving of Crowley. I think he knows by now that the reason why Crowley was cast out of Heaven was incredibly stupid. That Crowley’s curiosity, objections, and connection to humanity make him a better person and angel then he is (I mean some of y’all forget Aziraphale was about to straight up shoot Adam in Season 1, not to mention it being his meddling in Scotland that lead to a young woman dying that night). So to have an opportunity to not only make Heaven acknowledge that casting out Crowley was a MISTAKE, but to possibly change they system so they can create a Heaven that encourages questioning and objection, to create a Heaven that is as ACTUALLY good as it should be, would be a dream.
Of course the “Nothing last forever”. A lot of people attribute this to him talking about material possessions (and it very well could be). But it also feel like Aziraphale was referring to this life they’ve carved out for themselves, this peace. His tone is slightly… pitiful? Sorrowful? Wistful? Perhaps Aziraphale knew realistically there’s no way they could have spent the rest of their centuries in this bookshop, that Heaven and Hell would eventually plan for either the end of them or the world yet again, put in motion what they think is inevitable.
Again, everything said after this has an emphasis on being TOGETHER. Then after Crowley refuses to respond or even look at him: “I don’t think you understand what I’m offering you”, which is clearly said in a angry, last ditch effort for Crowley to say something. Aziraphale is visibly frustrated while he says this line and he probably thinks he’s offering Crowley safety (wether that’s true or not remains to be seen) and everything he DESERVES.
Finally a passive aggressive “Then there’s nothing more to be said”. But, (as many others pointed out) dudes just as devastated as Crowley, is just as rejected.
The kiss? Not unwanted like some might say. I think it’s pretty established Aziraphales gone for the dude, and he definitely could have pulled away anytime. I mean, the reason it probably lasted so long is cause neither of them wanted it to end. Dude was fighting for his life not to reciprocate.
Ahhhh here we are at the elusive “I forgive you” line. As I said before, it’s a way to put himself above the things he as feeling. A way to emotionally run away from the inner turmoil Crowley confession and subsequent kiss created in him
(Quick 12/10 applause for Micheal Sheens acting chops on heartbreak so depressing it gets me feeling just as heartbroken as Aziraphale is :D)
Though shortly after the heartbreak turns into anger and he wipes away the kiss, frustrated in how much more complicated Crowley made things and how he didn’t accept his offer. When The Metatron comes in, Aziraphale immediately turns to wipe his tears and compose himself, putting on a cheery act. He tries to stall, almost calls after him to tell him he made a mistake, but when he turns to look at Crowley waiting out the window and decides to go to Heaven anyways, I can’t say with 100% certainty it’s for good reasons. It almost looks like he does it to SPITE Crowley’s rejection. That IN SPITE of Crowley rejecting his offer, he’s going to PROVE that he can change Heaven to be something worthy of Crowley. Idk, looking closely at his expression, it’s not an expression you make when you decide to nobly sacrifice yourself to the front lines for a loved one, it’s more of a side-eye,I’ll-show-YOU, scorned, lover look. And it’s that same look of- “hm I’ll show HIM” that Aziraphale puts on when following The Metatron.
When The Metatron mentions the next step of the Great Plan, and Aziraphale says “Yes, you mentioned that… can I know what it is?” Now this phrasing interests me because it implies that 1) Aziraphale noticed The Metatron’s mention of “Big Plans” and took note and 2) the light tone and passively asking way of “can I know what it is” vs something demanding like “and, what exactly are these plans?” makes me think he is very much aware of the precarious position he is in and how carful he has to be to keep his standing with Heaven and The Metatron light and friendly. He knows what he’s facing, he just thinks the ends (Crowley’s safety and happiness) justifies the means.
THEN, The Metatron mentions needing an angel who familiar with Earth, and seems to genuinely smile at that. I mean, I don’t think Crowley ever mentioned that Heaven was planning for a second Apocalypse, as there really was no time for discussion after Crowley came down from Upstairs. (Which really, they I hope they talk about that next season cause wtf Crowley) So I think this smile from Aziraphale is him thinking Heaven is finally going to work with and acknowledge the good of humanity.
Of course that is immediately crushed when The Metatron says “the Second Coming” and we can very clearly see how distressed Aziraphale is over the idea. And that dramatic musical cue too, as Aziraphale looks off in horror for a second. I think it HERE at this point, he decided to go to Heaven to learn more about this “Second Coming” to prevent it. He smiles disarmingly at The Metatron and quickly tries to pull himself together after this revelation and new goal. But before leaving realizes there’s no way he can contact Crowley about this, not anymore. Aziraphale is about to go somewhere Crowley can’t follow, to a place where Crowley can’t swoop in and save him if he massively fucks up. He’ll have to face the consequences of his actions directly.
He takes a breath before stepping in, one that feels like one would take before charging head first into battle, and it sort of feels like he’s convincing himself he’s making a choice that’ll benefit the greater good or something as he goes up.
(I’d also like the note The Metatron letting out a breath as soon as the door close, like he wasn’t sure that Aziraphale was going to completely follow him. I think he definitely planned this all to separate them due to how powerful and how unpredictable they are now that a second apocalypse is approaching)
I don’t know man, I. don’t. KNOW. Was Aziraphale faking all that giddiness in a last ditch effort to try and convince Crowley to accept an offer he knew he would refuse? Was he actually happy about the deal? Ok- the two theories I came up after alllll this that make the most sense are these:
1) He took the deal in order to reform Heaven to be a place worthy of Crowley/ to keep them safe etc., even though he knew Crowley wouldn’t like or approve of it. Crowley confessing threw off his whole explanation and he never got to fully explain this in the way he wanted. The kiss only complicated this decision further but ultimately still decided to go through with it because he genuinely believes he can fix the broken system to be what it’s SUPPOSED to be . Only after learning of the Second Coming does he decide he can also attempt to stop that, or at least gather as much info on it as he can and run if he fails.
2) He took the Heaven deal to double cross them from the start. He realized what The Metatron was trying to do and accepted to get first hand info/ snoop around Heaven easily. He argued what he lowkey believed to be true in order to convincingly fight with Crowley since The Metatron was watching them through the window across the street, and was trying to get Crowley to either subtly understand what he was doing or to get him as far from his as possible for his own safety. Unfortunately Crowley’s kiss and confession mucked that up and he never got to clarify his decision. He’s either frustrated that Crowley never let him explain and stormed off or is mad Crowley would ever believe Aziraphale would truly abandon him and decides to continue on with his plan to double cross since it’s for the good of humanity- THEIR side. Learning of the Second Coming only solidifies his resolve to learn more.
AND- if there really was a second offer The Metatron made like the beginning dialogue suggests. Perhaps the first of the two was a deal or passive threat Aziraphale couldn’t refuse. It was something that alluded Aziraphale should watch out and keep on his toes, something that would be easier to monitor if he was in Heaven.
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sonnetnumber23 · 9 months
Good Omens 2 Re-watch. Episode 5.
“You leave me with no alternative” – says Aziraphale to the musician preparing to promise to give him a book for free.
[Love the Doctor Who theme playing in the background, hehe]
“Nina and Maggie are depending on me. They just don’t know it yet.”
First of all, all those jokes about Aziraphale organizing a ball to dance with Crowley are actually very true. And I don’t think he’s doing it just to hold Crowley’s hand – he really wants to see Nina falling in love with Maggie so that he himself could believe that Crowley might open up to him someday at last. Again: he wants to have control over something; he wants to feel that he is capable to make someone happy, and to deal with his own problems himself too.
Secondly, Aziraphale could have just as well made all those people come to the ball – after all he made those men in suits leave his bookshop and never return – but he chooses to negotiate with them, manipulate them, but let them come on their own free will. He’s basically tempting them all, but “They don’t have to say yes,” as Crowley once put it. And Crowley is following him around watching this.
I love speeches they do in Hell. :D Dagon in the first season, now Shax. :D No wonder, Crowley was the one to record the greeting message. XD
Nina talking to Crowley is so much gentler than when she’s with anybody else. Both here and later when she tells his about Lindsay leaving. You just see how she feels him and relates to him. It’s like it’s easier for her to talk to someone for whom everything is harder than for most of other people. She’s all prickly with Maggie and Aziraphale because quite often they act like the world is a happy place made of rainbows and unicorns with kind people all around you. Compared to that Crowley must seem kind of more real to her, or at least less annoying, huh.
And God, oh God, Crowley’s face after that conversation. How can a person show so much emotion with their dark glasses on?
The scene on the terrace of the French restaurant leaves me with a whole bunch of complicated feelings. They’ve probably all been described already, but if I try to lay them out for myself…
The first time I watched I didn’t even pay that much attention to the “smitten” joke, because I was a bit disturbed by how little attention Aziraphale pays to Crowley’s concerns. “You’re being silly” is not the way you should calm down your demon, Aziraphale!
But, as I looked through the gifs later, and now during the re-watch, I came to realize that this moment also shows me that side of Aziraphale that I’ve been trying to feel and describe in these posts.
Now, we’ve got this “smitten” joke, which everyone likes to mention, and it’s great because it’s just in the middle of two POV’s, so to speak.
When Crowley starts talking, he’s damn serious. Though he doesn’t talk directly about all his concerns, he’s still very much in the state where he wants Aziraphale to listen to him, to hear his worries. “I spent last night worrying… He could smite me…” I wonder if little part of Crowley wishes in this moment that Aziraphale would think of the danger he’s putting Crowley in and give in, and give up his stupid idea to hide Gabriel further – at least for Crowley’s sake, and this way Crowley might keep him safe.
But then Crowley happens to stumble upon this unserious linguistic matter – “smote… smited?” – and his whole rant is compromised, as if he is too afraid himself to sound too pleading too desperate. Remember, he did completely the same when he was going to ask Aziraphale for holy water. “Walls have ear… trees have ears… ducks have ears. Do ducks have ears?” – absolutely the same. Poor boy, he just can’t speak seriously about his own fears, the danger he is in. :’( Too nervous, too afraid to ask… T_T
Crowley is known for talking a lot about how he is selfish and values his own existence above all, and yet he is always the first to take huge risks to save others. Like in every single historical minisode this season, and several times in the first season too.
And here he suddenly bares his fears to Aziraphale hoping that the angel would see that if Crowley is afraid then it’s serious and he should be afraid too.
But the thing is that he gets a completely opposite effect.
Aziraphale suddenly feels more confident. He feels responsible, and therefore he feels the strength he needs to carry out this responsibility. We’ve already seen him like this: when he tries to snap Crowley out of his panic after Warlock’s birthday and come up with a plan, at the end of the world in season 1 starting with the refusal to fight the war and further; we’ll see it later, when he “does the thing with the halo” because nothing else and no one else is helping.
And he enjoys it. You can clearly see it while he’s convincing Crowley that he has nothing to fear. It’s not because Aziraphale is oblivious of the danger or doesn’t care about Crowley’s safety. He does, he’s just met Shax after all. He just can’t help and enjoy the feeling of being brave and sure and ready to act and protect – for once. He wants it so much – to feel capable, to feel competent. I wrote in the previous rewatch posts why.
We’re so used to the (head)canon that Aziraphale loves playing damsel in distress and letting Crowley save him. But this season states it quite clearly – if partly as a joke – that he does it for Crowley more than for himself. “Saving me makes him so happy.” That’s a joke, because Aziraphale knows perfectly well that most of those times he did need saving. But whether he does or doesn’t need saving, Aziraphale is always ready to admit that Crowley has done something wonderful. He knows Crowley loves it. And Aziraphale knows he would love it too. “There must be something I could do for you.”
So yeah, maybe he is a bit intoxicated by this feeling, maybe he is too sure and optimistic about Gabriel, maybe his plan is a bit rubbish (though let’s admit – the ball plan worked better than Crowley’s rain plan), but his motives are pure.
[Oh God, I wish so much to finally see a situation where Crowley would have to rely on Aziraphale for something big and Aziraphale will be capable enough to save the day and Crowley…]
Should we or do we even have to talk about all the moments where people call Crowley nice in this season? Apart from Aziraphale, there’s Jim and Mrs Sandwich and really Nina would do so too if she wasn’t Nina. It’s so… On one hand, it’s for fans and all, and it works – I do a little delighted noise every time Crowley can’t help being nice and someone mentions it.
[My theory is that there wasn’t enough nice and deep Crowley in S1, so now we’re getting what they owed us.]
On the other hand, doesn’t it sound a bit like foreshadowing to you? Or, like the things we ought to pay attention to. Crowley doing good just because “why not” and because “I do what I please”, kind of proves Aziraphale’s point which is: Crowley hasn’t ever been bad, he deserves Heaven as much as (if not more than) other angels do.
I’m really not a fan of Aziraphale messing with people’s emotions. I know he means well, but making people feel fine and even happy while they have all reasons to be upset looks far too much as robbing them of their free will.
That’s a bit like the thing he does with Crowley at the end, isn’t it – thinking he can make him happy even if Crowley doesn’t want it, thinking he knows better what’s best for him.
And this is such a striking contrast with the beginning of the episode where Aziraphale goes to great lengths to get people come to the party on their own free will.
Again, I think this comes from the notion that this time round he’s responsible, he has an idea, and he is so excited to see it work, to be able to save the day. For once. He enjoys being in charge so much, he even asks Crowley to go out so that he can surprise him with the new bookshop look later.
The same comes for the ending where Aziraphale is so happy to be the savior that he doesn’t even listen to the person he’s trying to save.
I can understand him, I know how easy it is to cross this line and not even notice it, especially when you’re feeling euphoric about something.
But of course it was wrong both times. It even reminds of that horrible moment in S1 when Adam makes his friends smile while they’re crying.
The whole atmosphere of the ball surrounded by demons is so NeilGaimany, it suddenly feels as if the stakes are higher than you expected. At least for a moment. I must say I like it that in the end it turned out that no humans were hurt after all.
Crowley throwing himself between Maggie and the demons is a moment that makes me jump a little. It’s not Aziraphale, Aziraphale isn’t even around to be impressed, and Crowley doesn’t know yet who those ominous creatures are – and his instinct is to defend the human and to stop something bad from happening.
And oh how much I love the fact that Crowley talks to those demons as someone of a higher rank! :D I love being reminded that Crowley was cool and actually very high-up in Hell. And he still has a lot more power than average demons or angels.
[I really suspect that one of the reasons I liked this season so much on the first watch was because it gave me all my favourite things about Crowley, lol.]
Aziraphale looking at Maggie while she and Nina are dancing – there’s so much gentleness and hope, and longing in that face! He wants the same for himself so much. And he hopes for it.
At the same time Crowley is worrying crazy, the whole weight of all these people’s fates on his shoulders. And Aziraphale isn’t listening to him. There’s already a lot of great heartbreaking meta about the way they keep things from each other and then not listening when the other one tries to talk.
I just want to stress how brilliantly the POV in this scene is done: with Aziraphale, we desperately want Crowley to take his hand and dance and talk and appreciate the beautiful thing he’s created to solve their problem (because as Aziraphale sees it, if they fool Heavens, Gabriel won’t be discovered – he doesn’t know yet that Shax has already acted on her threat). And with Crowley, we get frustrated with Aziraphale for not listening, for acting recklessly and putting them all in danger. And at the same time both of them just want to hold hands. XD
And then it’s Aziraphale who puts himself between Shax and the humans (and Crowley). He is confident and I like it just as much as I like cool and bossy Crowley. And when Gabriel volunteers to go out Aziraphale says he will protect him because he promised, and he’s still doing it with his confident, guardian-angel voice, which even sounds a little bit lower than his usual voice. He has it in him – the Aziraphale he wants to be: brave, competent, true to his word. And it comes naturally to him, even though he doesn’t always have resources to keep fighting.
There’s such sad irony that we’ve heard him be like that when he defends the Earth, humans, Gabriel. But we’ve never heard or seen him defending Crowley, have we? We’ve actually seen him defending other things and people from Crowley. Which is just… Uuuugh! Again, it’s all so natural: he sees Crowley as equal, even as someone stronger, cleverer, cooler – so Crowley doesn’t need, can’t need Aziraphale’s protection, not in this way, surely?
I hope so much that we’re yet to see Aziraphale putting Crowley above all else and defending him with all he has. I’m sure Crowley’s going to explode. Or at least I will.
[On a side not: I wonder whose clothes were the suit and the furry coat the Gabriel is wearing at the party? :D Did Aziraphale just have them in the bookshop?? Why?? XD]
Ahaha, hellish bureaucracy and Crowley’s bluff is just so Good Omens, I love it.
But he isn’t listening to Aziraphale just as Aziraphale didn’t listen to him. :( Well, he’s absolutely got his reasons: Aziraphale has put them all in danger, and after all demons are Crowley’s field of expertise. But still. It leaves Aziraphale again feeling his failure, feeling that he’s just been put back in his place.
I think the joke “saving me makes him so happy” is both a joke and Aziraphale’s little attempt to get back some of his self-esteem before the inevitable battle and after he’s just been put down by Nina. It’s interesting how Nina’s words echo in Shax’s line later in E6 “…Crowley’s moral support angel”.
Earlier I wrote about Aziraphale robbing humans and Crowley of their own free will. So here we kind of see the reason why he doesn’t see how wrong this is: people keep pointing out that he has no will of his own. And it’s a sore spot. Because on one hand he’s spent his whole eternity being told that his opinion and actions don’t matter. And on the other, he keeps relying on Crowley, because he doesn’t find it bad to rely on someone he loves and trusts. Just like he wishes he could rely on God. And that’s why he can’t see his error: he’s doing what’s in these people’s interests, he’s saving them, surely they’ll be happy to entrust their lives and will to someone who loves them?? Aziraphale would be. He always is.
I know some of these conclusions contradict each other but that’s because the characters’ feelings are so conflicted. They feel so much at every given second, and they have so much background that is not easy to shake off.
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sarucane · 9 months
Glorious Good Omens S2 Missable Details
I watched Good Omens S2 roughly 507 times the last few weeks (been a rough month, it kept me afloat and I'm eternally grateful), point being:
Tumblr Reader, please benefit from my wild-obsession and read on for good deep-cut bits to pay attention to on your next rewatch:
Episode 1
-Crowley has a very slightly different accent in the opening scene. It's a bit more "proper" and "angelic."
-Maggie's shop is called "The Small Back Room," and she tells Nina it started out as a corner of Aziraphale's bookshop...one of his back rooms.
-Crowley's newspaper says that voters named Tadfield the best village in England--and that the weather there remains perfect.
Episode 2
-There are crows visible and audible in the background riiiight after Crowley "smites" the goats.
-"Jim's" bendy-fan book is a Terry Pratchett's first Discworld novel "The Colour of Magic"
-Someone wrote the whole article! Apparently business at "The Resurrectionist" slowed down when "Everyday" got old, but now people are showing up just to witness the miracle.
-The fellow at the pub who Aziraphale miracles out of a chair has a newspaper that mentions Milton Keynes. Most of the article is out of focus, but Milton Keynes is a city that, in the book, both Crowley and Aziraphale took credit for.
-Job, when introduced, is leaning against a pile of steaming manure. I'm aware that I'm an idiot for not noticing this right away...
Episode 3
-Jim is using a mug that Aziraphale had in the first season. Either he or Aziraphale has added the label in the interim.
-Muriel doesn't say "cup of tea," she says "cuppatea," because she didn't properly hear what Aziraphale said.
-At some unshown point, Crowley takes over body-hauling duties for Elspeth
-Beezlebub hauls their chair horn-ed chair around to 2-3 rooms over the whole season--and is also, on reflection, clearly quite worried about Gabriel here and in episode 1.
-Aziraphale finds the surgeon's whiskey to be a step too far, smell-wise.
-Laudanum courtesy of Cut-me-own-throat-Dibbler. It's a miracle the thing had any effect on Crowley, it was probably mostly rat urine and even more questionably sourced water.
-When Crowley tells Elpeth to leave just before she exits stage left, he calls her "hen," which is what Wee Morag almost always called her.
Episode 4
-Mark Gatiss's (Nazi Male Sidekick) arm is falling off half the time because he's the one who was holding the books that Crowley demonically saved. The nazi's arm was sticking out of the rubble, holding the suitcase, to make it easy to retrieve the books. Hence it got tugged by both Crowley and the scavengers, and fell off by the end of the episode. Serves the book-thief right.
-The Nazi Zombies hang in the Dirty Donkey to spy on the fellas in the bookshop--the same pub Crowley and Aziraphale visit in E2, and the pub that the heaven elevator commanders in E4 and E5
-Aziraphale gets nervous and seems to jump to the end of his act when he asks the audience who has experience with firearms. He hasn't told Crowley that this will be the cue. So, quite reasonably, Crowley does not raise his hand when asked if he has experience with firearms.
-Listen to the credits all the way through to the end of the music here: the audio changes. I don't know music well enough to know what happened, but it's fun.
Episode 5
-The owner of "Marguerite's," the French restaurant, is in fact named Justine. When she goes into Aziraphale's shop for the ball/business meeting, her accent has changed completely.
-All the candles we see on the chandeliers, as well as the candles in the next episode, are battery-operated.
-Nina's the only one this season who gets to drop the f-bomb.
-Mrs. Sandwich and the whole sequence. Google Discworld+seamstress guild if you don't get it.
-The music shop owner took the Doctor Who manual with him when he fled the demons.
Episode 6
-When Crowley changes his clothes to look angelic, the only thing he's wearing that's ACTUALLY white are his hilariously dumbass white slippers.
-The box that Gabriel came with is now storing a bunch of books, pamphlets, and papers. Two of these are the lost Shakespeare plays mentioned in the original Good Omens novel: Golde Diggers of 1589 and The Comedie of Robin Hoode.
-Gabriel's first 2 memories appear after he goes down an orange-red tunnel. But after he and Beezlebub have their first "background" meeting, the tunnel becomes blue. The whole thing ends (after bookending, Crowley says "let there be light" in the first episode and Gabriel says it in this one) with Gabriel's eyes turning purple...blue+red.
-Background acting appreciation: 1) look at Gabriel when Beelzebub says Shax could be Grand Duke of Hell, 2) look at Aziraphale in the corner when Crowley talks to Shax about his apartment, he's nodding vaguely while staring dreamily and it's adorable, 3) also rewind and check out Martin Sheen in episode 2 when the angels come to the shop, he's in the background being terrified and it's amazing
-...I can't resist: based on episodes S01E06 and S02E06, one way or another this'll end with nightingale song
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paperbunny · 9 months
S2, E1: The Arrival, Pt. 2
Not a meta, just a tribute.
[Starting at 22:22] Ep 1, Pt. 1
('Allo 'Allo 'Allo) Muriel is perfect and I am so happy that everyone instantly loved her.
(General Omens) The matchbox says "Out of his mouth go burning lamps and sparks of fire leap out." Job 41:19 This is interesting because it doesn't seem like it applies to Gabe or Jim, unless the sparks are the prophesies that he says, which seems redundant since those were pretty clearly prophetic and don't need any extra hints. Crowley as Aziraphale did shoot flames from his mouth, though. The extended passage is all about the Leviathan which could be a reference to Crowley the Serpent but I hope it's a more interesting forewarning of Guardian!Aziraphale when he gets to work upstairs. It could just as easily be a warning about the power of God as wielded by the Metatron though. Important but not clear to me where to point it.
(General Omens) The coffee cup on the wall of the shop outside (above the outdoor seats, near the "or") has orange flame-like whisps instead of white or light grey that one would expect to signify steam. Ominous coffee business. The coffee shop is blue whilst the record shop is orange. Opposing colors.
(Nina the Mirror) Interesting that the coffee shop is called Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, considering the lack of liberty Nina clearly has in her personal life. Nina and Aziraphale both taking up for others whilst trapped themselves. Sure, Az is technically unemployed, but he's certainly not free.
(General Omens) Not sure if there will be more to the story about the coffee shop being essentially USA-themed, such as a Greasy Johnson tie-in, but for now it just seems like another little UK joke about things getting set in the US or otherwise America-coded for the sake of mass marketing.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) He wants Crowley to be calm, he wants himself to be calm. He's also not familiar with the effects of espresso. And neither he nor Crowley are acting like it's at all unusual to be hanging out together, though they've not been together in this shop it seems. Eccles cakes? *pointed look at Crowley* Some eccles cakes please. He's just as nervous to show Crowley as he is about the problem itself, but not telling Crowley isn't even on the table. Because Crowley is there allll the timmmeeee and is an integral part of his world, too, of course.
(Nina The Shit Stirrer) How's your naked man friend? NINA. You know that this little book man has never brought this slinky goth fellow into your shop and you have no idea what their business is. But you just HAD to mention the naked man in front of Aziraphale's man-shaped friend. And she was so happy to do it. Has she seen the Bentley and Crowley coming and going? How much does she suspect? Is she poking that situation because of the volatility of her own?
(General Omens) "You're a dark horse Mr. Fell" First Dark Horse mentioned, of at least three.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) Immediate embarassment! Where was that embarrassment when it was the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD? But no, in front of Crowley suddenly you're shy.
(Domestic Moments) The tone of "go back a long time" is so sweet. They really aren't trying to hide much at this point, despite aggressively refusing to Address The Situation. And how nice that Crowley gets to be introduced. No "friends" no obfuscation. No labels, either, but there's a real tide change even so. And Nina does a cute little curtsy-ish move in response. Maybe she has a sense about how long "a long time" could be.
(Crowley With A Purpose) He's so happy that he has actual news. Is he happy that there's something to do, or that something bad might be happening to Gabriel? Both? The IMMEDIATE interest in getting into the bookshop. I can't imagine that he thinks Aziraphale would be harboring a recreational naked man for sexy reasons, but he certainly isn't laughing about it either. He asks Aziraphale if he can help, and poor Az seems to have had whatever his plan for a soft launch of the problem was completely obliterated by Nina's bomb dropping. Also that coffee cup was SO EMPTY.
(Domestic Moments) Despite Az clearly getting his plan for easing Crowley into the problem messed up, they are off to the shop. Whole plate of eccles cakes in hand, and no "after you" needed at the door. This is a well oiled partnership opening doors and holding things as needed. Nina watches them steal her plate. Why is the closed sign stuck on with tape? It's like he's not even trying to pretend he is ever open.
(Maggie the Strange) She stops Mr. Fell to thank him, while he's clearly in a rush, and he tries to give her eccles cakes. No intro for Crowley this time. Was her purpose just to make sure we noticed the Eccles Cakes? Because we did. Everyone is upset that he just stole the whole plate. People need to slow down on the "not going to parties" and "not being that kind of teenager" meaning that she's some inhuman being, because some of us were also not that teenager. More talk of names. Maggie gives her a record because it's the same name, Nina hasn't accepted Maggie giving her name yet. She's still Skinny Latte.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) (Domestic Moments) Why are you closing all the blinds, sir? Jim!Gabe has been in here for awhile with the blinds open, so maybe it's more about the reaction of Crowley that's concerning? Crowley who has his own place for his glasses, who seems entirely at ease in the shop, and who says "Do we know a Jim?" we! I love that we. And the casual conversation. Go on and guess. I know a storm comes later, but we really did get so many soft, romantic moments.
(Heavenly Scandal) (Domestic Moments) So much of the Jim!Gabe is scandal but also tied up in the sweet domesticity. Crowley is pissed and scared but neither lashes out at the other in a real way. Aziraphale isn't scared of him, just worried about the whole mess. Jim!Gabe already trusts Az enough that he looks to make sure there's nothing wrong when Crowley first confronts him.
(Domestic Moments) The warm yellow-ochre walls. I thought people were exaggerating the yellow thread through the story but no. That's pretty intentional looking. I don't know if it's Az's favorite colour, but it certainly seems to be a color that makes him feel at home. Is there more than one room up here? Is this the room that Jim!Gabe ends up staying in? No bed up here it seems, though I don't know if our collective hearts could have handled A&C standing alone in a room near a bed. Az doesn't seem against the idea of getting rid of Jim!Gabe at first, just unsure of what to do. Crowley immediately is ready to dump him in Dartmoor. Az can't bring himself to not help. Would he go to Gabe to help him? Likely not. But once the person-shaped-being is in your care, is it your fault if harm comes to them?
(Husbands at War) This fight is well-trod soil. Neither seems legitimately angry at the other, but rather they fall immediately into defending their side in well-worn territory. Az wants to stay and help/fight/fix, Crowley wants to not make themselves a target/save their peace/refuse to get involved. There's strong arguments for both sides and we have our seeds of future conflict. Az tells him if he wants to leave he can, and that reaction from Crowley, "Is this how you want to do this?" as though this is one of a few versions that the argument takes.
(Bookshop Omens) The eccles cakes. Four of them. Next to a horse. Four horsemen? What are the cakes about!?
(Existential Crisis Crowley) His peaceful existence is at risk. He's so mad he's recognizing his own lack of control and tries to self-regulate. Did you learn that from a Richard Curtis film, Crowley? Or does Az have a self-help section?
(Nina the Observant) She sees Crowley smoking before the people on the street seem to. Everyone stops and watches though. There's no way that there isn't some kind of low grade miracle on this street that prevents these strange events from sticking in the brains of the passersby. Man smokes and yells and then is hit by lightning. Everyone watches and no one seems to retain it except Maggie and Nina. Also Nina I'm pretty sure those aren't auto locks. There's no sign of anything auto about the regular looking deadbolt.
(Heavenly Scandal) Why do I like Uriel so much? Michael does have the best claim to be Supreme Archangel Pro Tempore, as Duty Officer. I love the bureaucracy. It's great. Micheal is basically pulling a Dwight Schrute move. Saraquel is the one Muriel went to. Is Saraquel not an Archangel? Or are they just a more approachable one? It doesn't seem like they have a dog in the fight over who is the next SAAPT.
('Allo 'Allo 'Allo) Muriel is a scrivener, which immediately makes me think of Bartleby the Scrivener. I've been told that the job of scrivener comes up in games and stuff enough that it might not be a direct reference but it seems pretty pointed to me? Maybe it's just English Nerd Brain. The story tracks though, potentially, for where Muriel could be headed. From google, about the meaning of Bartleby: "...as the narrator is forced to admit, “Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive resistance.” Refusing to kow-tow to the demands of his employer, and working to his own individual rule, Bartleby represents a challenge to capitalist, corporatist ideologies." Part of Bartleby's problem, from what I remember, is living in a place with no joy or interaction, and realizing that he can actually say no. Isn't that eerily similar to Muriel?
(Heavenly Scandal) Uriel looks at Micheal like, you want to be in charge so you get to touch the Material Object. Michael is not thrilled.
(Existential Crisis Crowley) He's sitting in that street, in his car, looking like the Saddest Boy-Shaped Husband. He's not having a good time, and now his little corner of peace is in high danger. He looks SO SAD. I didn't notice how sad he looked on previous watches. It's interesting to me that C always uses the honorific for Beeze. Lord Beelzebub. He also slides riiiiight into being cool and collected as soon as he realizes he's not actively in trouble. It's not a kidnapping, it's an offer. Watching him squirm immediately when he realizes this is about Gabriel is pretty fun. Crowley the suave, chill snake is just a flimsy cover for Crowley the clingy movie dork who uses affected disinterest as a defense mechanism. He's still one of Hell's best (ex)employees though. He's not suprised that Beeze wants to use his talents, but he is surprised that it's coming with an offer of a reward. "Doesn't seem like the kind of thing you're likely to say". Neither of them actually say anything solid. Hell is clearly better with contractual language.
(General Omens) Crowley says Extreme Sanctions don't exist. Beeze says they do. This remains to be seen.
(Nina The Mirror) More being mean to Maggie for no reason, then trying to make it up.
(Maggie The Strange) Maggie doesn't drink. That isn't weird. The "No Judgement" that feels awkward is a little strange. Especially since she waits til Nina is in the middle of a sip to say it.
(Maggie/Nina) They have a *moment*. It's a nice little conversation but doesn't seem very weighty. Not what you'd expect from a meet-cute.
(Husbands at War) I liked the use of Loverboy here. I seem to be in the minority. I hope it comes back again in S3, but I thought it was sweet. He's hauling ass to get back to his Angel. When it comes down to it, he's a good old fashioned loverboy. He always comes back.
(Eldritch Tendancies) I know things were a bit different in S1 but there seems to be NO concern about hiding from the human folk. Just explode on the street and then magically power-on the whole cafe. No big.
(Maggie The Strange) (Nina The Observant) Why doesn't Maggie seem to have the same level of awareness that Nina has? Also, one of Lindsay's texts says "I'm a real person. I Matter. Why don't you care about me?" Is someone not real? When the text is on the screen, the camera is on Maggie. [38:53]
(Domestic Moments) Aziraphale you petty bitch. He is just sitting in the chair waiting. Crowley sails in (does he have a key or did Az leave it unlocked for him?) and then suddenly Az puts on his glasses and starts pretending to look at his random papers. Our stage is set for the Dance of the Repressed and Afraid. This scene is so much funnier now that I've noticed that Az is clearly being a bitch on purpose. And that he is possibly delighted to have the chance to make Crowley do the dance, since Az clearly has done all the Dances lately.
(Husbands at War) The dance erases the tension and lets them move on without actually resolving the fight, but that's not really an issue here because Crowley has new intel. They immediately shift into planning and figuring things out. When it comes down to it they are both always on eachother's side. Az is nervous about doing a miracle, and it does sound like they've never done one together. Why they do it together this time isn't totally clear upfront but I guess it keeps the power used smaller on each side and shielding him from the other side helps prevent red flags being raised.
(Jim!Gabriel) He and Crowley don't like eachother, in this moment. Crowley is being "nice"-ish. But they make great faces at eachother.
(Husbands at War) Az suggests splitting the miracle and Crowley listens. Later we see Crowley not listen and steamroll Az. Unfortunately this isn't a great argument for listening to Az, since the teeny tiny miracle does NOT fly under the radar. There's a lot of wide angle or fisheye lens used here. And the chair Jim!Gabe is sitting in is on top of the portal. That might be a red herring, might not. Portal isn't active, but it could explain why alarms went off in heaven but not hell.
(Good For Me) I noticed the portal being under the chair. Also note that the rug is currently a general faded beige-y rug. Also Jim!Gabriel offers his hands crossed, left offered to Az and right to Crowley. They look distasteful (?) about it and awkwardly reach across to take the "correct" hand.
(Husbands At War) Crowley tests the waters, so to speak, and pokes at the air to feel the miracle. Az is happy that things seem to have worked. He reassures Jim!Gabriel and Crowley is still only in the fight to protect the Oasis, not Jim!Gabe.
(Heavenly Scandal) Michael seems to be ignoring the klaxon alarm on purpose? And Uriel is like, if you want to be Assistant To The Regional Manager, then you need to fix this. The miracle shows up as pink, and Saraquel is the one operating the globe thing. They refer to Aziraphale as a former angel, and there's no reference to Crowley. I really don't think that heaven or hell knows or understands much about the Az-Crowley situation. They clearly know there's something odd there, but I don't know what their impression of it is.
End Ep 1.
Ep 1, Pt. 1
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