#Names of Allah - Al Quddoos
allahisourrabb · 1 year
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 Al Quddus meaning
the Very Pure, the Absolutely Pure
Al-Quddus means the Very Pure, the Absolutely Pure. It means the absolutely pure and clean. Allah is free from any impurity or imperfection.
What is the meaning of Allah's name Al Quddus?
The Most Pure, The All-PerfectAllah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
How many times is Al Quddus mentioned in Quran?
The phrase rūḥ al-qudus, commonly translated as the "holy spirit" or the "spirit of holiness", occurs four times in the Quran, in Quran 2:87 and 253, Al-Ma'idah verse 110, and An-Nahl verse 102.
Al-Qudoos (The Holy One) - ALLAH"S Attributes & Names
How many times is Allah’s Beautiful Name, Al-Quddus, mentioned in the Holy Qur’an?
Allah’s Beautiful Name, Al-Quddus, is mentioned twice in the Holy Qur’an, and both times this Name is mentioned in the same Juz’ of the Holy Qur’an.
Surah Al-Hashr is in the 28th Juz’ of the Holy Qur’an.
{He is Allah, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior, Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him.} (59:23)
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asma-al-husna · 2 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
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amxtullahhh · 7 years
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dailyhadeeth · 2 years
Sunnah During Witr Prayer
Hadith: Arabic Text followed by English Translation. 
عن عبد الرحمن بن أبزى رضي الله عنه أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم كَانَ يُوتِرُ بِـ ‏
(سَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الأَعْلَى ‏)
وَ ‏( قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الْكَافِرُونَ ‏)
وَ ‏( قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ ‏)
وَكَانَ يَقُولُ إِذَا سَلَّمَ ‏”‏ سُبْحَانَ الْمَلِكِ الْقُدُّوسِ ‏”‏ ‏.‏ ثَلاَثًا وَيَرْفَعُ صَوْتَهُ بِالثَّالِثَةِ ‏.‏
رواه النسائي (١٧٣٢) و صححه الألباني في صحيح النسائي
It was narrated from ‘Abd ar-Rahmaan ibn Abza (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to recite in Witr
Sabbih isma Rabbika al-A’la (Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High)…” [i.e., Soorat al-A’laa 87]
Qul yaa ayyuha’l-kaafiroon (Say (O Muhammad), ‘O al-Kaafiroon (disbelievers))…’” [i.e., Soorat al-Kaafiroon 109]
“Qul Huwa Allaahu ahad (Say (O Muhammad), ‘He is Allaah, (the) One)…” [i.e., Soorat al-Ikhlaas 112].
And after he said the tasleem he would say “Subhaan al-Malik al-Quddoos (Glory be to the Sovereign, the Most Holy)”, three times, raising his voice the third time.
Narrated by An-Nasai(1732) and is classed as Saheeh by Al-Albani in Saheeh An-Nasai
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from WordPress http://thesunnahrevival.com/2022/03/13/sunnah-during-witr-prayer/
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i-asifeq · 2 years
99 Names of Allah
Shaykh Mohammad Ibn Saalih al Uthaimeen رحمه الله تعالى says, I have collected 99 names _(of Allah سبحانه وتعالى)_ from what appears to me is established from the Quraan and the Sunnah
Shaykh رحمه الله تعالى said, I have read these at Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz رحمه الله تعالى to verify and he didn't negate to what I read from the names, so there is an agreement between me and him (shaykh Ibn Baaz) that these names are correct and established.
A for those that are established from Quraan are
(01) Allah الله
(02) al-ahad الأحد
(03) al-aala الأعلى
(04) al-akram الأكرم
(05) al-ilaah الإله
(06) al-awwal الأول
(07) al-aakhir الآخر
(08) az-zaahir الظاهر
(09) al-baatin الباطن
(10) al-baari البارئ
(11) al-barru البر
(12) al-baseer البصير
(13) al-tawwab التواب
(14) al-jabbar الجبار
(15) al-haafiz الحافظ
(16) al-haseeb الحسيب
(17) al-hafeez الحفيظ
(18) al-khafiy الخفي
(19) al-haqq الحق
(20) al-mubeen المبين
(21) al-hakeem الحكيم
(22) al-haleem الحليم
(23) al-hameed الحميد
(24) al-hayy الحي
(25) al-qayyum القيوم
(26) al-khabeer الخبير
(27) al-khaaliq الخالق
(28) al-khallaq الخلاق
(29) ar-raoof الرؤوف
(30) ar-rahmaan الرحمن
(31) ar-raheem الرحيم
(32) ar-razzaq الرزاق
(33) ar-raqeeb الرقيب
(34) as-salaam السلام
(35) as-samee' السميع
(36) ash-shaakir الشاكر
(37) ash-shakoor الشكور
(38) ash-shaheed الشهيد
(39) as-samad الصمد
(40) al-aalim العالم
(41) al-azeez العزيز
(42) al-azeem العظيم
(43) al-afwu العفو
(44) al-aleem العليم
(45) al-alee العلي
(46) al-ghaffar الغفار
(47) al-ghafoor الغفور
(48) al-ghaniy الغني
(49) al-fattah الفتاح
(50) al-qaadir القادر
(51) al-qaahir القاهر
(52) al-quddoos القدوس
(53) al-qadeer القدير
(54) al-qareeb القريب
(55) al-qawiy القوي
(56) al-qahhar القهار
(57) al-kabeer الكبير
(58) al-kareem الكريم
(59) al-lateef اللطيف
(60) al-mumin المؤمن
(61) al-muta'aali المتعالي
(62) al-mutakabbir المتكبر
(63) al-mateen المتين
(64) al-mujeeb المجيب
(65) al-majeed المجيد
(66) al-muheet المحيط
(67) al-musawwir المصور
(68) al-muqtadir المقتدر
(69) al-muqeet المقيت
(70) al-malik الملك
(71) al-maleek المليك
(72) al-mawla المولى
(73) al-muhaymin المهيمن
(74) al-naseer النصير
(75) al-waahid الواحد
(76) al-waaris الوارث
(77) al-waasi'a الواسع
(78) al-wadood الودود
(79) al-wakeel الوكيل
(80) al-walee الولي
(81) al-wahhab الوهاب
And from the Sunnah are
(82) al-jameel الجميل
(83) al-jawwad الجواد
(84) al-hakam الحكم
(85) al-hayyiy الحيي
(86) al-rabb الرب
(87) ar-rafeeq الرفيق
(88) as-subbooh السبوح
(89) as-sayyid السيد
(90) ash-shaafi الشافي
(91) at-tayyib الطيب
(92) al-qaabiz القابض
(93) al-baasit الباسط
(94) al-muqaddim المقدم
(95) al-muakkhir المؤخر
(96) al-muhsin المحسن
(97) al-mu'tiy المعطي
(98) al-mannaan المنان
(99) al-witr الوتر
Shaykh Mohammad Ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen رحمه الله تعالى have also referenced it from the Quraan and Sunnah and I _(the transcriber)_ have intentionally skipped it to make it brief. Those who wish may refer his book Sharh al-Qawaaid al Muthlaa شرح القواعد المثلى pg. 104 onwards. Any typing error (if any) is from me and Shaykh رحمه الله تعالى is from it.
“And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.” [Surat Al-‘A`rāf, 7:180]
Nothing outweighs the name of Allah (subhaana wa ta’laa)
The Messenger of Allāh صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said:
“Allah has ninety-nine names, and whoever preserves them will enter Paradise.” [Muslim 2677]
Spread the knowledge so it will be Sadqa-e-Jaaria (everlasting charity) for you and for me… in-sha’Allah.
The Messenger of Allāh صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ said: “Whoever directs someone to a good, then he will have the reward equal to the doer of the action.” [Muslim 1893]
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aesthete-artists · 4 years
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Part 3 ALLAH IS DIFFERENT TO ANY OTHER NAMES When you call Allah, you say Yaa Allah (with the Alif and Laam before, meaning ‘The’). The linguistic scholars and scholars of the Salaf all said you say Yaa Allah. Do you ever say Yaa Al-Jabbaar, Yaa Al-Kareem or Yaa Ar-Raheem? No, you say Yaa Kareem, Yaa Raheem, Yaa Ghafoor (you take out the ‘Al’). In Allah, you say Yaa Allah with the Alif and Laam before it. Unique, unlike any other names of Allah. Some like at-Tahhaawi and Ibn al-Qayyim used that as proof to substantiate that that is the mighty name of Allah, the one if one uses it to make a supplication, Allah will answer .. THE NAME ALLAH BY ITSELF IS NOT A DHIKR It is in Du’aa, it is in praise, it is in glorification, it is in the Shahaadah, but by itself it is not a form of Dhikr that we were taught by the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. So you do not go and say Allah, Allah, Allah one hundred times. You do not hold the beads and say Allah one hundred times. You say Alhamdulillah, you say Bismillah, you say Laa Ilaaha Illallah. You say Yaa Allah I need this, but Allah, Allah, Allah alone is not a form of Dhikr that we were taught. . ALLAH IS THE NAME THAT ALL HIS OTHER NAMES FOLLOW The name Allah does not follow any of the other names, the other names of Allah follow the name Allah. Let me explain it with an example because you might have heard this statement before, but an example is going to clear the confused faces that I see. Al-Quddoos, Al-Azeez, Al-Jabbaar, Al-Khaaliq, all those are names of Allah. You do not say Allah is the name of Al-Azeez, you do not say that. You do not say Allah is the name of Ar-Rahmaan. You flip it and you say Al-Quddoos is the name of Allah. The first one is improper to say. You say Al-Azeez is the name of Allah, Ar-Rahmaan is the name of Allah. So the other names follow the name of Allah. . . To be continued FROM THE EXPLANATION OF THE THREE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF ISLAM BY SHAIKH AHMED MUSA JIBRIL... . Dm to order and customise #Arabic calligraphy #calligraphy #Arabic #Islamiccalligraphy #qurancallligraphy#diy##homemade#hyderabad #art #artistsoninstagram #hyderabadartists #artist #artonsale #ALLAH https://www.instagram.com/p/B4pzi3Nls2g/?igshid=1nk6sxo89avfv
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edcmedrese · 4 years
Good afternoon everyone❗🏞 . Guten Tag❗🌅 .
نَهَارَكَ سَعِيد [НахI`арокя саI`ид/ Nah`arokia Sa`id]❗🌅 . Ди дика хилда шуна массане❗🏞 . С добрым днем всех Вас 🌞 _____________________________ Аллах1а цIи (Имя АллахIа/ The name of Allah): 🇦🇪ألْقُدُّوسْ [Аль-Къуддус/ Al-Quddoos] . 🇳🇮Ingush: ЦIенавар [Tsenavar] . 🇷🇺Russian: “Святой/ Безошибочный” [Sviatoy/Bezoshibochnuy] . 🇬🇧English: The most holy [Дзэ моуст Хь`оли] . 🇩🇪 German: Der Heilige [ДегI ХIейлиг`э/ Der Heylig'e] . 🇫🇷 French: Sacré [СакгI`э/ Sakr'e] _____________________________ Лелаш дола сурта📽 доаладаьд (Видео от/ Video from): @ahmed_abdurakhmanov . Моттиг 🏞(Место/ The place): Шолжа шахьар [Sholja shahar] . (Сунжеский район Республики Ингушетия/ Sunzha’s district of the Republic Ingushetia) _______________________________ Follow us (хьатIаязле/подписывайтесь на): @e.d.c_medrese_✔ @e.d.c_medrese_ @e_d_c_medrese (at Ингушетия, Сунжа) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-1WSBOgRLV/?igshid=62ude7abccbs
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asma-al-husna · 7 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
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asma-al-husna · 11 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
6 notes · View notes
asma-al-husna · 2 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
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asma-al-husna · 1 year
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
6 notes · View notes
asma-al-husna · 2 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
6 notes · View notes
asma-al-husna · 3 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
‎اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
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asma-al-husna · 2 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
And Allah knows best.
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asma-al-husna · 3 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Quddoos— The Most Pure, The All-Perfect— on two occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is the absolutely pure in essence and attributes. Al-Quddoos is free from and far above any worldly imperfection, and He is beyond all human understanding of purity and perfection!
The Most Pure, the All-Perfect
Quddoos comes from the root qaaf-daal-seen, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to be pure and clean. The second is to be far removed from impurity or imperfection, and the third main meaning is to be sacred or blessed.
This root appears ten times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-qudusi (“the Holy [spirit]”) and al-muqadasi (“the sacred”).
Linguistically, quddoos is on the intense structure of the attribute of quds, which refers to cleanliness or tahaarah and comes from the verb qadasa. Al-Quddoos is ‘clean’ or free from any partner, spouse, or child, from death, from injustice, lying, forgetfulness, error, poverty, and stinginess. Laa ilaaha illa huwa– there is no God but He.
Al-Quddoos Himself says: He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure . . . [Quran, 59:23] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. [Quran, 62:1]
Subhanallah and alhamdulillah
They said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ [Quran, 2:30]. The angels glorify and praise Allah al-Quddoos continuously and so does the whole universe. Al-Quddoos created us human beings to worship, glorify, and praise Him as He gave us something different: our hearts.
Using the human heart to reflect on His creations, His perfection and greatness, it realizes that glorification and praise of the Creator is inevitable. So we praise and thank Al-Quddoos (alhamdulillah) and glorify Him (subhanAllah) as He is high above anything that does not befit Him. Isn’t it a blessing to have such a perfect lord, and aren’t we blessed to be able to praise Him?
How can you live by this name?
1.Have a pure belief in Al-Quddoos.
Believe in the oneness of Al-Quddoos and make sure your creed (or aqeedah) is pure by studying the types of tawheed and their practical meanings in your daily life from trustworthy sources, like Kitaab ut -Tawheed (The Book of Tawheed) by ibn Abd Al-Wahhab.
2. Praise Al-Quddoos.
Say alhamdulilah and subhanAllah from the bottom of your heart. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam used to say in his prayer while in the bowing position (ruku): subboohun quddoosun Rabbul-malaa’ikati war-rooh (praise and Holiness be to You, Lord of the angels and the Soul). [Muslim] You can add this beautiful invocation to enhance your prayer.
3. Purify yourself through prayer.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked the companions: If someone bathes in a river outside of his house five times a day, will there be any impurity left on him? [Muslim] Visualize your prayer as cleansing your body and soul. Your prayer also protects you: indeed the prayer prevents from the indecency and evil. [Quran, 29:45]
4. Give the best sadaqah.
Give zakah (obligatory) and sadaqah (charity) to “purify” and increase your wealth. Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth a charity by which you purify them and cause them increase. [Quran 9:103] Remind yourself when you give sadaqah to give the best, as Allah is Al-Quddoos and He deserves the best to be given for His sake. Aishah radiyalahu anha used to perfume the charity she gave!
5. Don’t be unjust.
Allah does not wrong a person even to the amount of an atom’s weight [Quran 4:40]. Even if people do dhulm (injustice) to Him, Al-Quddoos never does injustice to people. Allah ‘azza wa jall also made injustice and oppression forbidden for you; so don’t be unjust to anyone, family or stranger, child, adult or even to animals.
6. Be clean.
Be clean inside and out and strive to purify and keep renewing your intentions when you do a good deed. Be thoughtful with your wudu; do your best to not only keep your belongings and house clean, but also your environment by not throwing litter and by removing harmful objects. Consume healthy and permissable food and drink— bought with halaal earnings— and teach children this way of living.
7. Let the Quran purify you.
And who is more truthful than Allah in speech? [Quran, 4:122] The speech of Al-Quddoos is pure and is a cure, healing, and guidance for you to purify yourself. So turn to the Quran to seek cure from the diseases of your heart, let the ayaat help you to improve your character, and recite the Quran daily to clean your heart and bring tranquillity to your body.
8. Ask Al-Quddoos.
The Prophet salallahu’ alayhi wa sallam used to ask Al-Quddoos at the beginning of prayer:
‎اللهم باعد بيني وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب اللهم نقني من خطاياي كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي بالثلج والماء والب
O Allah, distance me from my sins just as You have distanced The East from The West, O Allah, purify me of my sins as a white robe is purified of filth, O Allah, cleanse me of my sins with snow, water, and ice. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Use and reflect on this supplication as it contains all forms of purification: distancing (moving far away from dirt and deficiencies), removing dirt or filth, and washing or cleansing, so no impurity remains at the end.
O Allah, Al-Quddoos, we know that You are the absolutely pure beyond imagination. Lead us to a sound belief in Your oneness, help us in purifying our hearts, deeds, and intentions, and guide us to purify our bodies and keep our environment clean. Aid us in performing the best salah, giving the best charity, and helping us to turn to the Quran so we can come to You with a pure heart, ameen!
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asma-al-husna · 3 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Malik— The King and Owner of Dominion— on five occasions in the Quran. He is the King, the owner and ruler of the whole creation. Al-Malik gives authority to whomever He wants in this world, and He has supreme authority and is ruled by no one!
The King, the Ruler, the Owner of Dominion
Malik, Maalik and Maleek all come from the root maa-laa-kaa, which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to have possession and ownership. The second is to have power and ability and the third main meaning is to control and have authority.
This root appears 206 times in the Quran in ten derived forms. Examples of these forms are malakat (“possess”), mulku (“dominion”) and al-malaa’ikatu (“the angels)”.
Linguistically malik refers to the attribute of mulk; which points to power and ability: They do not possess ability. [Quran 13:16] Mulk also means possession and ownership: To Him belongs the Ownership of the heavens and earth [Quran 2:107] as well as control and authority: O my people, sovereignty is yours today, [your being] dominant in the land. But who would protect us from the punishment of Allah if it came to us? [Quran 40:29] Al-Malik is simultaneously the Ultimate King, Ruler, and Owner of all beings.
Al-Malik Himself says: So high [above all] is Allah, the Sovereign, the Truth . . . [Quran, 20:114] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah , the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise . . . [Quran, 62:1] The Sovereign of mankind . . . [Quran, 114:2]
A breathtaking scene with the King
Describing an amazing and humbling moment on the Day of Judgment, the Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Allah will grasp the earth and fold up the heavens with His Right Hand and proclaim, I Am the King! Where are the kings of the earth? Where are the tyrants? Where are the arrogant? [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] No one will speak and the kings and rulers of this world will be left with none of their “power.”
How can you live by this name?
1. Stay within the limits of Al-Malik.
Would you drive 60 mph while in a 30 mph zone when you know a camera is ready to record you and fine you accordingly? In your daily life keep reminding yourself to remain within the bounds set by Allah, al-Malik, your King, and imagine both His punishment and reward.
2. Don’t use the name Al-Malik.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam also said: The most despicable name to Allah is a person who calls himself the king of kings, while there are no owners except Allah [Al-Bukharee, Muslim]. The name Al-Malik belongs to Allah ‘azza wa jall only.
3. Be patient and be a king in the Hereafter.
The real sovereignty in this world for you is to strive for self-control. Don’t be a slave of money, fashion, or desire, but suppress your desires and constantly strive against the whims of your ego to please Al-Malik. As is beautifully quoted: Desire can turn kings into slaves and patience can turn slaves into kings! Recognize His ways of bestowing kingship: Say, O Allah, Possessor of sovereignty, You give kingdom to whom You will and take it away from whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent! [Quran, 3:26] So be patient in times of hardship and in striving to stay away from what is forbidden by Al-Malik and He will give you an eternal kingdom in the Hereafter in-sha-Allah.
4. Ask Al-Malik.
Whenever you feel disheartened tell yourself Allah ‘azza wa jall is your Malik and you are part of His Kingdom. He does whatever He wants [Quran 36:82] and when something “bad” happens to you, know this is from His wisdom and that no matter how impossible your situation or ambitions seem, you can always ask Him only for a way out. Nothing is impossible for Al-Malik.
5. Be just.
All kings and owners, just or unjust, are low compared to Al-Malik. You are responsible for whatever you have authority over, and you will be accountable for it. In reality you don’t own anything; it all belongs to Al-Malik. So be just to your spouses, children, and even animals, and remind yourself that you will be dealt with by the King on the Day of Judgement.
6. Humble yourself in heart and body.
Never be arrogant, and keep reminding yourself that you are an ‘abd (slave) of Al-Malik, no matter how rich or self-sufficient you might feel. Al-Malik reminds you of what your priority in your daily-life should be: Then High above all be Allah, the True King. [Quran 20:114] Be humble in your heart but also in your speech and appearance. Using foul language, speaking poorly of others, or having an arrogant body posture are not features of a believer who humbles himself or herself for Al-Malik— He sees you 24/7.
7. Praise Al-Malik.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, whoever says: la ilaha il Allahu waHadu, la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulk, wa lahul Hamdu, wa huwa ‘alaa kuli shayyin Qadeer -None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, alone, without partner, to Him belongs all sovereignty and praise, and He is over all things omnipotent- 100 times he will receive the reward of freeing ten slaves,one hundred hasanaat will be written for him and one hundred misdeeds will be washed away. He will be shielded from shaytan until the evening. No one will be able to present anything better than this except for someone who recited more than this. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] The Prophet also used to say immediately following the witr prayer: Subhaan al-Malik al-Quddoos (Glory is to the King, the Holy) three times, and raising and extending his voice on the third time and then saying: Rabbil-malaa’ikati warroohi ( Lord of the angels and the spirit) [An-Nasaa’i].
O Allah, Al-Malik, we know that You are our only King and Owner. Help us in following Your commands and in being Your righteous slaves, and adorn us with patience and humility.  Guide us in being just in all our daily affairs, and admit us to Your Kingdom of Paradise, ameen!
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