#National Shortbread Day
doctorfriend79 · 1 year
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😋   Happy National Shortbread Day!   😋
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murderousink23 · 5 months
01/06/2024 is Epiphany 🌎, World Day of War Orphans 🌎, Maroon Festival 🇯🇲, National Bean Day 🇺🇸, National Shortbread Day 🇺🇸, National Fruitcake Toss Day 🇺🇸
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Shortbread Day
Delicious buttery biscuits, perfect for any occasion, with a crumbly texture that melts in your mouth and a hint of sweetness.
There are very few foods in the world that can make a person think of Scotland quite so strongly as shortbread does. The only other close contender would be haggis–and that food tends to evoke rather mixed sentiments when mentioned to anyone outside of Scotland! Yeah, there are Scotch eggs too, but it seems an important reminder that while they are decidedly British in invention, it is somewhat harder to pin them particularly on Scotland.
Scotch whiskey is a beverage, after all, so it doesn’t really count when it comes to Scottish foods. While no Robert Burns Night observance would be complete without some shortbread, it seems that having a day dedicated to the making and eating of shortbread can’t really be a bad thing on its own.
After all, who doesn’t like shortbread? So now there are two different days where it is delightful (if not compulsory!) to enjoy shortbread. This is true, even though everyone knows that shortbread is good year round and no one really needs an excuse to make and enjoy shortbread on any day of the year!
Now it’s time to celebrate National Shortbread Day!
History of National Shortbread Day
For those who might be wondering about the history of shortbread itself, now is the time to learn a bit about it. As it turns out, shortbread has medieval origins and supposedly Mary, Queen of Scotland, invented modern shortbread in the 16th century by adding sugar to an existing recipe. Rumor has it that these were originally flavored with caraway seeds, but Queen Mary decided to sweeten it up a bit.
Of course, it can’t be verified whether or not that story is true, but it’s a fun idea to go along with. Honestly, that story sounds a bit like one of those popular myths such as George Washington’s cherry tree but, for all anyone knows, it could actually be based in fact.
What is known to be true is that Scotland has been inseparable from shortbread since the 18th century. After all, the first printed recipe for shortbread was published by one Mrs. McLintock back in 1736 and the association has stuck ever since.
While the mid-18th century was a critical period in Scottish history, even something as mundane as a recipe became a marker of national identity. Therefore, it is important to say that shortbread is delicious and is worthy of such an honor.
How to Celebrate National Shortbread Day
Celebrating National Shortbread Day is a delightful pursuit that brings with it thoughts of Scottish Highlands and plaid kilts. For ideas on how to celebrate the day, here are some ways to get started:
Eat Scottish Shortbread
Many people would probably say that the best way to celebrate National Shortbread Day would have to involve shortbread in some form or another! For some, that might mean going out to get those cute little boxes of imported Scottish shortbread in some specialty shops.
This sweet, crumbly, delicate treat is especially delightful when enjoyed with a cup of tea. Either keep it simple by having tea alone or with a friend, or go big and invite over a group of friends and family to celebrate by making and eating far too much shortbread!
Embrace Scottish Culture
Part of celebrating National Shortbread Day involves embracing a variety of cultural traditions and activities that are native to Scotland. This could be something small, like wearing a kilt to work for the day, or something large like taking a trip to Scotland. This would be a great day to spell everything in the British style by adding the ‘u’ (i.e., flavour, favour, labour and humour).
Learn Fun Facts About Shortbread
Made more for special occasions than everyday occurrences, shortbread comes with its own set of Scottish traditions. Learn about some of these bits of trivia and impress friends or coworkers by sharing them on National Shortbread Day:
Shortbread has been typically eaten for weddings, Christmas, New Year, and Burns’ Night, which is the celebration of Scottish poet Robert Burns.
For weddings, sometimes a decorated shortbread cake would be broken over the head of a new bride at the threshold of her new home.
Early on, Scottish bakers worked hard to defend their precious shortbread from being categorized as a ‘biscuit’ in order to keep it from incurring the special biscuit tax imposed by the government.
Shortbread is made in many shapes, including rounds, fingers or triangles (“petticoat tails”) which were reminiscent of the petticoats that would have been worn during the time of Mary, Queen of Scots.
Make Shortbread at Home
Some people might think that buying shortbread is not quite adequate. In this case, why not attempt to make your own version of shortbread right at home?
Although it might seem hard, it’s not really all that difficult to make shortbread. In fact, most recipes are fairly simple, basically involving just one part sugar, two parts butter and three parts flour. It is possible, of course, to add various things to it as well. Anything from dried fruits to chocolate chips to lavender would be a welcomed addition, but the basic recipe remains the same.
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ami-ven · 1 year
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Happy National Shortbread Day!
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scotianostra · 1 year
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January 23rd is National Pie day.
Is it really a year since I last posted on this? Last year I took us on a journey of our Nations favourite, The Scotch Pie, everyone has their go to Butchers or even Bakers for theirs. The Killie Pie is legendary, The Macaroni Pie is another legend, you can still get this elsewhere, but Greggs discontinued their version in 2015. The  Mince Tattie and Baked Bean Pie was always a favourite of mine growing up, our local bakers did a great job of this, sadly the bakers is no more. And this time of year you can find Bells Steak and Haggis usually on offer at the supermarkets throughout Scotland, especially for Burns Night, which is only a couple days away.
Anyway this year I want to concentrate on the Steak Pie.
Us Scots love a steak pie to celebrate the New Year and cannot get enough of them, according to industry experts. But why has it become an annual tradition across the country?
One theory holds that steak pie became the national dish at New Years because January 1 wasn’t generally taken as a holiday so families were too busy to cook.
They would buy steak pies to feed their families instead, this continues to this day as people want a delicious meal after the previous night’s celebrations. So you could say it was essentially one of the first ready meals.
Or is it that the Steak pie is the nation’s hangover cure on what is often the roughest morning of the year for many, after a night of celebratory drinking?
Another theory is that because it is a big meal you can keep warm and serve to visitors throughout the day, as people come to the house. I don't buy into that one, we Scots always put on a spread on the table, Shortbread, Black Bun, even Dundee Cake was waiting for any first footers and others coming through the door in the wee sma' hours.
In days gone by oor mammies used to cook their own steak pies. so here's a recipe for a traditional Scottish steak pie, as seen in the main pic.
Things you’ll need to make a Scottish Steak Pie
Large Pot/Pan
Mixing Bowl
Pie Dish.
800g Diced Beef Stewing Steak (Approx 2lb)
2 tbsp Plain Flour
2 tbsp Olive Oil/Butter
2 Large Roughly Chopped Onions
500ml Beef Stock (Approx 2 cups)
35ml Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, Pronounced – Wooster-sher ( Approx 0.14 cups)
1 tbsp Tomato Puree
1 tsp Dijon Mustard
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Now my mum always cheated buy buying ready made Puff Pastr, but you can make your own.
Add ons
Many Scots swear by a Steak and Sausage pie, rather than just steak alone. We don’t mind adding sausages also, but personally like to have just steak most of the time. However, this recipe is easy to adapt if you want to! We’ll share more in variations below, but you can add 4-6 sausages if you like as well.
ake your mixing bowl and toss the beef in the plain flour, this will help insulate the meat while browning as well as helping the sauce to thicken. You can season the flour to help add an extra depth of flavour if you’d like.
Heat your pan and oil/butter, once hot add the onions and cook until soft.
Once the onions are soft add the beef to brown it, this should only take a few minutes.
This process of browning simply means to lightly cook the surface of the steak to caramelize it and add a richer flavour to the meat.
Once browned add the stock, Worcester Sauce, Tomato puree, Dijon mustard and seasoning.
Bring the mixture slowly to the boil.
Once it begins to boil reduce the heat and allow to gently simmer for 2.5 hrs.
During this time stir occasionally and, if you have a gas stove that doesn’t have a low enough setting to simmer keep rotating the pan to avoid too much heat in one place.
If you’re adding sausages (see variations) then you can chop and add them about halfway through cooking. If they have a high fat content you may want to fry off in a separate pan or even boil for 10 minutes to remove some of the fat so that the pie won’t get too greasy.
Once the sauce is good and thick and the meat is breaking apart nicely tip the mixture into the pie dish, it should be roughly 3/4 full.
Preheat your oven to 180°C or 356°F, approx gas mark 4.
Cover the top of the pie dish with the rolled puff pastry, use your thumb or a fork to push down or crimp the edge of the pastry along the rim of the dish, helping to seal the mixture and the flavour in.
Make a hole in the centre of the pie to allow steam to exit during cooking.
Place your pie into the preheated oven for roughly 30 mins or until the pastry has risen and is golden brown.
You can find this recipe and more like it at https://scottishscran.com
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doc-avalon · 1 year
Holidays and items of note for May 29, 2023
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Memorial Day (U.S.)
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Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh (Baha'i)
The anniversary of the death in exile of Bahá’u’lláh, the founder of the Baha’i Faith.
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Oak Apple Day (England) or
King's Oak Day, is a day to celebrate the restoration of the monarchy in England after the rule of Oliver Cromwell, symbolized by an oak tree that hid King Charles II from his enemies. Anyone for stuffing Chuck III into an oak tree for the day, for, you know… tradition. it'll be fun!
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End of the Middle Ages Day (Historic)
On this day in 1453, Constantinople fell to Ottoman invaders led by Sultan Mehmed II attacked the city and overthrew Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos. Many intellectuals fled the capital city for asylum in Italy and started a revival of learning based on classical Greek sources.
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National Coq Au Vin Day. (France)
and I don't care what it sounds like there is no chocolate in it, just chicken.
National Elderly Day (Indonesia)
Veterans Day (Sweden)
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National Biscuit Day (U.K.)
Did you know what we in America call crackers or saltines were called Cabin Biscuits on the Titanic and you could get them with gruel for breakfast if you were in third class.
Below is a link to tell you all about the most British biscuits of all.
Is it ironic that on going there they want you to take their cookies?
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curatorsday · 1 year
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Friday, January 6, 2023 - National Shortbread Day
I tried a new shortbread recipe. I don’t like it as well as my usual recipe but you can’t go wrong with butter, sugar, and flour! I added a bit of orange zest too.
Happy National Shortbread Day!
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Continued from here with @scarlxtleaves!
As soon as Lupin took his seat, Sisi's head rose. Tucked in front of the fire, the dog now possessed a newfound interest in the gentleman thief: particularly, his proximity to the plate of shortbread biscuits. Meandering over, the corgi took a seat at Lupin's feet, giving the man the largest, saddest eyes he could seemingly muster, partnered with a pathetic whine. Sonia laughed, refilling her own teacup after Lupin had filled his.
"Don't believe him for a moment," She advised through giggles, adding a cube of sugar and splash of milk, just as she liked it. "He's already gotten two shortbreads out of me. He's simply acting like no one has deigned to bestow him with the treats he deserves."
The dog seemed to understand, shooting her a disappointed look as Sonia took a sip of her drink. At least her tea managed to stay in her mouth and not end up back in her cup, which was the fate of Lupin's beverage at her decision. She raised her eyebrows, surprised: had he expected something different? Certainly by now it was clear that divulging anything about a potential heist to Sonia, currently on holiday from being the Princess of Novoselic, would ensure she offered both her opinion and her participation in the scheme. Except in this case, she'd have to don the tiara again: quite literally, in fact.
"Novoselic has never been invaded and I certainly don't intend for that to commence now," She replied matter-of-factly, her belief in her nation stronger than any terrorist threat. "But consider this: the best possible distraction would be to comfort the attendees and staff in question. And there's no better method to do that than to use me, just as I am: I'll be a novelty, after disappearing for some months now. And while I'm capturing the attention of whomever you need me to, surely you can slip in as someone innocuous and do what needs to be done."
It wasn't as if her days were particularly full of responsibilities, either: at least not the ones she was used to. Topping up Sisi's kibble, helping decide what to prepare for meals, and choosing films to watch at night were hardly taxing for her, someone whose diary was chock full of meetings and appearances, tours and balls. Attending the Imperial Family's gala would be reminiscent of her old life, her true life: what she was living in, a Japanese mansion with five men and a dog engaging varying degrees of criminality, was more akin to a forced-upon holiday.
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And like all holidays, it would eventually come to an end. Something Sonia had yet to reckon with as she straightened in her seat, setting down her cup and saucer. "The Comte may not approve, but it has the potential to take care of two capers in one evening, which is efficient and he seems to be a man who respects efficiency. Though if it is a gala, then we will need an appropriate vehicle for royal transport, and for weapons...I'm thinking that I should be equipped with a pistol and holster, a concealed knife, a straight razor blade, and a vial of poison. That should do it!"
She rattled them off the way most people would share a grocery list, beaming with satisfaction. Even before he'd suggested it, Sonia had put thought into such situations. Partly to avoid subsequent kidnappings, recent events aside, but partly due to her own overactive imagination and a perchance for serial killers, horror, and murder mysteries. In fact, it was effort on her part to request practical weapons and nothing too fantastical.
"What is the target, by the way?" She asked, petting Sisi's head in order to distract him from the biscuit plate. And to distract her from mentioning what, inexplicably, gave her discomfort: If both plots succeed, I'll be on my home to Novoselic for good.
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askwhatsforlunch · 1 year
Burns Night Dinner
If you know me --and even if you don’t-- you might know or suspect I am a bon-vivant! I love food, I love eating and I love cooking and baking. And I love trying new things, discovering tastes and making meals from all over the world. Perhaps it is because I also love travelling, and one can only go to so many places a year (not many) and so in the meantime I cook! In that same spirit, and because I believe food (like literature and language) is such a wonderful way to discover a culture, I often make feasts  for National Holidays celebrated, well again, all over the world. Thus, on Burns Night, and indeed during all the day of the 25th of January, I pour myself a good Scotch Whisky or two, read Robert Burns’ evocative poetry, and dine on Scottish cuisine! Here are recipes for a delicious Burns Night Dinner. Have a good one friends, whether or not you’re a Scot!
Cullen Skink
Whisky Cured Salmon
Main Course
Burns Night Scotch Broth
Side Dish
Rumbledethumps (Cabbage and Potato Gratin)
Dessert and Cake
Victorian Fruit Cake
Biscuits and Treats
Scottish Shortbread
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cathyburnhammartin · 5 months
National Baking Month
We’re celebrating National Baking Month with a recipe from yesterday’s look at National Arkansas Day. Arkansas Possum Pie does not contain opossum… or any other meat. It’s a creamy layered pie with chocolate and cream cheese in a melt-in-your-mouth pecan shortbread crust. Okay, you could opt for Super Simple and use a prepared, store-bought 9” graham or shortbread crust, but the crust is the only…
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brookston · 5 months
Holidays 1.6
Apple Tree Day
Armed Forces Day (Iraq)
Blessing of the Waters (Greece, Turkey)
Carnaval Blancos Negros, Day 3: The Day of the Whites (Colombia)
Carnival season begins (until Shrove Tuesday)
Children’s Day (Uruguay)
Cuddle Up Day
Daruma Ichi (Takasaki City, Japan)
Dezome-shiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Flying V Day
Four Freedoms Day
Greek Cross Day
Haxey Hood (Traditional Old English race, pushing a leather tub to a local pub)
Hornschlittenrennen (Horn Runners Race; Germany)
I Am A Mentor Day
International Day of Astrology
International Jewish and Proud Day
Insurrection USA Day
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
Maroon Festival (Jamaica)
Missionary Childhood Day
National Davis Day
National Samantha Day
National Share a DAG Day
National Smith Day
National Standard Poodle Day
National Take a Poet to Lunch Day
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day
National Technology Day
Nurse Day (Mexico)
Parents and Parents-in-Law Day (India)
Pathet Lao Day (Laos)
Phi Day
Schoolhouse Rock Day
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Day (Abeldane Empire)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 5.22]
Shorinzan Daruma-Ichi (Shorinzan, Japan)
Surb Tsnund (Armenian Christmas)
Swap Day
Take a Poet to Lunch Day
Wassailing the Apple Trees (UK)
Wheel of Fortune Day
World Day of War Orphans
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bean Day (New Orleans)
Dry Bean Day
King Cake Day
King of the Bean (a.k.a. National Bean Day)
National Shortbread Day
Walker’s Shortbread Day
1st Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [1st Saturday]
National Bacon Day [1st Saturday]
National Rib Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Straw Bear Day [Saturday before Plough Monday]
Independence & Related Days
New Mexico Statehood Day (#47; 1912)
Feast Days
Aleksandra Ekster (Artology)
André Bessette (Roman Catholic Church)
Baldassare Verazzi (Artology)
British Comedy Quotes Day (Pastafarian)
Charles E. Pont (Artology)
Charles of Sezze (Christian; Saint)
Christmas (Original Date) (a.k.a. ...
Christmas (Armenian Apostolic Church, Amish)
Coptic Christmas (Egypt)
Día De Reyes (Kings Day; Mexico)
Heilige Drei Könige (Liechtenstein)
Kolmekuninga Päev (Belgium, Estonia)
Little Christmas (Ireland)
Old Christmas
Reyes Magos (Spain)
Sure Tsnund (Armenia)
Sveta Tri Kralja (Croatia)
Christmas Eve (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine)
Day of Kore Underground (Pagan)
Epiphany (a.k.a. ...
Befana Day (Italy)
Nollaig na mBan (Ireland)
Þrettándinn (Iceland)
Race of the Three Kings (San Pablo, Peru)
Theophany (Eastern Christian Church)
Three King's Day (Florida, US Virgin Islands)
Three Wise Men Day
Trettondagen (Sweden)
Epiphic (The Season of Bad Noise, Devoted to the Indefinable; Church of the SubGenius)
Extra Cuddles Day (Pastafarian)
Gustave Doré (Artology)
Haley Hood (England)
José Campeche (Artology)
Nalujuk Night (Inuit)
Pinky (Muppetism)
Romulus (Positivist; Saint)
Taos Pueblo Deer or Buffalo Dance (Native American)
Tursi (Slavic pagan fertility rite of Jar-tur, the bull) 
Twelfth Day (a.k.a. Twelfthtide)
Twelve Holy Days #12 (Pisces, the feet; Esoteric Christianity)
William McGonagall Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [4 of 37]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Day (because Christmas decorations come down this day. It's a sad day for all.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [5 of 30]
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Animated Disney Film; 1950)
Agent Carter (TV Series; 2015)
The Body Machine (Science Rock Cartoon; 1979)
Casanova Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1951)
Come Fly with Me, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1958)
The Danny Kaye Show (Radio Series; 1945)
Don Quixote de la Mancha (Novel; 1605)
Frampton Comes Alive!, by Peter Frampton (Live Album; 1976)
Hare We Go (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Hell’s Fire (MGM Cartoon; 1934)
High School DXD (Anime TV Series; 2012)
Inspector Morse (UK TV Series; 1987)
County Fair (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Land of the Lost Jewels Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Luvcast U.S.A. (Animated TV Film; 1973)
My Hero, Zero (Schoolhouse Rock! Cartoon; 1973)
Pill Peddlers (Heckle & Heckle Cartoon; 1953)
Pluto’s Heart Throb (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Polly Wants a Doctor (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
The Revenant (Film; 2015)
Schoolhouse Rock (Animated TV Series; 1973)
Shape of You, by Ed Sheehan (Song; 2017)
SWAT Kats: A Special Report (Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon Special; 1995)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Film; 2012)
Wheel of Fortune (TV Game Show; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Erminold (Austria)
Bogdan, Bogdana, Bogomil, Bogomila, Iordan, Iordanka, Teodosii, Yordan, Yordanka (Bulgaria)
Baltazar, Gašpar, Melkior (Croatia)
Tri králové (Czech Republic)
Aabel, Aabi, Aabo, Aap, Aapo (Estonia)
Harri (Finland)
Balthazar, Gaspard, Mélaine, Melchior, Tiffany (France)
Raimund (Germany)
Fani, Fotika, Fotine, Fotini, Fotis, Jordan, Ourania, Peristera, Photini, Photis, Theofania, Theofanis, Theopoula (Greece)
Boldizsár (Hungary)
Baldassarre Gaspare, Melchiorre Raffaello, Rafaelo (Italy)
Arnita, Spulga (Latvia)
Arūnas, Arūnė, Baltazaras, Kasparas, Merkelis (Lithuania)
Åslaug, Aslaug (Norway)
Andrzej, Balcer, Baltazar, Bolemir, Epifania, Kacper, Kasper, Melchior (Poland)
Evgenia, Klavdia (Russia)
Antónia (Slovakia)
Baltasar, Epifanía, Gaspar, Melchor (Spain)
Baltsar, Kasper, Melker (Sweden)
Cheyanne, Cheyenne, Howell, Hoyle, Kahlil, Khalil, Melchior, Rowan, Talullah, Tiffani, Tiffanie, Tiffany (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 6 of 2024; 360 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 1 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 25 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 24 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 6 White; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 December 2023
Moon: 26%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 Moses (1st Month) [Romulus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 17 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 16 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 1.6
Apple Tree Day
Armed Forces Day (Iraq)
Blessing of the Waters (Greece, Turkey)
Carnaval Blancos Negros, Day 3: The Day of the Whites (Colombia)
Carnival season begins (until Shrove Tuesday)
Children’s Day (Uruguay)
Cuddle Up Day
Daruma Ichi (Takasaki City, Japan)
Dezome-shiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Flying V Day
Four Freedoms Day
Greek Cross Day
Haxey Hood (Traditional Old English race, pushing a leather tub to a local pub)
Hornschlittenrennen (Horn Runners Race; Germany)
I Am A Mentor Day
International Day of Astrology
International Jewish and Proud Day
Insurrection USA Day
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
Maroon Festival (Jamaica)
Missionary Childhood Day
National Davis Day
National Samantha Day
National Share a DAG Day
National Smith Day
National Standard Poodle Day
National Take a Poet to Lunch Day
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day
National Technology Day
Nurse Day (Mexico)
Parents and Parents-in-Law Day (India)
Pathet Lao Day (Laos)
Phi Day
Schoolhouse Rock Day
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Day (Abeldane Empire)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 5.22]
Shorinzan Daruma-Ichi (Shorinzan, Japan)
Surb Tsnund (Armenian Christmas)
Swap Day
Take a Poet to Lunch Day
Wassailing the Apple Trees (UK)
Wheel of Fortune Day
World Day of War Orphans
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bean Day (New Orleans)
Dry Bean Day
King Cake Day
King of the Bean (a.k.a. National Bean Day)
National Shortbread Day
Walker’s Shortbread Day
1st Saturday in January
Great Fruitcake Toss (Manitou Springs, Colorado) [1st Saturday]
National Bacon Day [1st Saturday]
National Rib Day [1st Saturday]
National Play Outside Day [1st Saturday of Every Month]
Straw Bear Day [Saturday before Plough Monday]
Independence & Related Days
New Mexico Statehood Day (#47; 1912)
Feast Days
Aleksandra Ekster (Artology)
André Bessette (Roman Catholic Church)
Baldassare Verazzi (Artology)
British Comedy Quotes Day (Pastafarian)
Charles E. Pont (Artology)
Charles of Sezze (Christian; Saint)
Christmas (Original Date) (a.k.a. ...
Christmas (Armenian Apostolic Church, Amish)
Coptic Christmas (Egypt)
Día De Reyes (Kings Day; Mexico)
Heilige Drei Könige (Liechtenstein)
Kolmekuninga Päev (Belgium, Estonia)
Little Christmas (Ireland)
Old Christmas
Reyes Magos (Spain)
Sure Tsnund (Armenia)
Sveta Tri Kralja (Croatia)
Christmas Eve (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine)
Day of Kore Underground (Pagan)
Epiphany (a.k.a. ...
Befana Day (Italy)
Nollaig na mBan (Ireland)
Þrettándinn (Iceland)
Race of the Three Kings (San Pablo, Peru)
Theophany (Eastern Christian Church)
Three King's Day (Florida, US Virgin Islands)
Three Wise Men Day
Trettondagen (Sweden)
Epiphic (The Season of Bad Noise, Devoted to the Indefinable; Church of the SubGenius)
Extra Cuddles Day (Pastafarian)
Gustave Doré (Artology)
Haley Hood (England)
José Campeche (Artology)
Nalujuk Night (Inuit)
Pinky (Muppetism)
Romulus (Positivist; Saint)
Taos Pueblo Deer or Buffalo Dance (Native American)
Tursi (Slavic pagan fertility rite of Jar-tur, the bull) 
Twelfth Day (a.k.a. Twelfthtide)
Twelve Holy Days #12 (Pisces, the feet; Esoteric Christianity)
William McGonagall Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [4 of 37]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Day (because Christmas decorations come down this day. It's a sad day for all.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [5 of 30]
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Animated Disney Film; 1950)
Agent Carter (TV Series; 2015)
The Body Machine (Science Rock Cartoon; 1979)
Casanova Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1951)
Come Fly with Me, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1958)
The Danny Kaye Show (Radio Series; 1945)
Don Quixote de la Mancha (Novel; 1605)
Frampton Comes Alive!, by Peter Frampton (Live Album; 1976)
Hare We Go (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Hell’s Fire (MGM Cartoon; 1934)
High School DXD (Anime TV Series; 2012)
Inspector Morse (UK TV Series; 1987)
County Fair (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Land of the Lost Jewels Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Luvcast U.S.A. (Animated TV Film; 1973)
My Hero, Zero (Schoolhouse Rock! Cartoon; 1973)
Pill Peddlers (Heckle & Heckle Cartoon; 1953)
Pluto’s Heart Throb (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Polly Wants a Doctor (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
The Revenant (Film; 2015)
Schoolhouse Rock (Animated TV Series; 1973)
Shape of You, by Ed Sheehan (Song; 2017)
SWAT Kats: A Special Report (Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon Special; 1995)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Film; 2012)
Wheel of Fortune (TV Game Show; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Erminold (Austria)
Bogdan, Bogdana, Bogomil, Bogomila, Iordan, Iordanka, Teodosii, Yordan, Yordanka (Bulgaria)
Baltazar, Gašpar, Melkior (Croatia)
Tri králové (Czech Republic)
Aabel, Aabi, Aabo, Aap, Aapo (Estonia)
Harri (Finland)
Balthazar, Gaspard, Mélaine, Melchior, Tiffany (France)
Raimund (Germany)
Fani, Fotika, Fotine, Fotini, Fotis, Jordan, Ourania, Peristera, Photini, Photis, Theofania, Theofanis, Theopoula (Greece)
Boldizsár (Hungary)
Baldassarre Gaspare, Melchiorre Raffaello, Rafaelo (Italy)
Arnita, Spulga (Latvia)
Arūnas, Arūnė, Baltazaras, Kasparas, Merkelis (Lithuania)
Åslaug, Aslaug (Norway)
Andrzej, Balcer, Baltazar, Bolemir, Epifania, Kacper, Kasper, Melchior (Poland)
Evgenia, Klavdia (Russia)
Antónia (Slovakia)
Baltasar, Epifanía, Gaspar, Melchor (Spain)
Baltsar, Kasper, Melker (Sweden)
Cheyanne, Cheyenne, Howell, Hoyle, Kahlil, Khalil, Melchior, Rowan, Talullah, Tiffani, Tiffanie, Tiffany (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 6 of 2024; 360 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 1 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 25 (Ji-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 24 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 6 White; Sixday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 December 2023
Moon: 26%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 6 Moses (1st Month) [Romulus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 12 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 17 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 16 of 31)
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murderousink23 · 1 year
01/06/2023 is Epiphany 🌏, World Day of War Orphans 🌏, Maroon Festival 🇯🇲, National Bean Day 🍛🇺🇲 (going to have rice and beans at some point today), National Shortbread Day 🇺🇲
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rabbitcruiser · 20 days
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National Strawberries and Cream Day
Add the perfect mix of sweet and creamy to your celebrations this National Strawberries and Cream Day, which is held each year on May 21. Fresh strawberries and cream is a great treat to indulge in on a hot day. Plus, as these lovely red berries are in season in May, it is also National Strawberry Month.
History of National Strawberries and Cream Day
Strawberries have been traced back to the Roman Empire. Ancient Romans believed this fruit alleviated symptoms of melancholy, fainting, inflammation, fevers, throat infections, kidney stones, bad breath, attacks of gout, as well as diseases of the blood, liver, and spleen. However, food historians think the Greeks knew about strawberries even before this.
The fruit was also a symbol of wealth and luxury in Victorian England. As they were a perishable food, strawberries were only available in season, increasing their demand. After evolving into a luxury, they began to be served during afternoon tea among the wealthy.
History also tells the tale of how this fruit’s harvest and availability coincided with the Wimbledon tournaments, which is as much about strawberries and cream as it is about tennis. While we still don’t know exactly how this dessert became such an integral part of Wimbledon, some sources credit King George V as the one who introduced this delicious treat to the tennis tournament. Some believe the seasonality and popularity of these red berries played a part in it becoming Wimbledon’s snack of choice.
As for how this quintessentially British dish came to be, stories of its origin say Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, a close confidant to King Henry VIII, was the brains behind it. King Henry VIII’s court fed approximately 600 hungry lords and ladies twice a day. The chef there came up with the idea to pair sweet strawberries and clotted cream together in a dessert that did not require cooking, and voila, a delicious treat was born! Another version of this story says Cardinal Wolsey mixed these two ingredients at a royal banquet, and whatever the royals ate instantly became fashionable. It was even customary for newlyweds to eat strawberries and cream for their wedding breakfast!
National Strawberries and Cream Day timeline
1509 The First Time this Dish was Served
According to rumor, strawberries and cream are first served together by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey at a banquet during Henry VIII's reign.
1550 Its Popularity is Going Strong
Tudor traveler Andrew Boorde publishes an ode to this dish, saying, “Rawe crayme undecocted, eaten with strawberyes or hurtes (whortleberry, bilberry) is a rurall mannes blanket. I have knowen such blankettes hath put men in jeoperdy of theyr lyves.”
Late 18th century First Cultivated Garden Strawberry
What we now call the 'garden strawberry' is first cultivated in this period, in Brittany, France.
1877 Offered at the First Wimbledon Tournament
200 spectators at Wimbledon court are offered strawberries and cream.
2012 Tesco Launches a New Sandwich
British retail company Tesco launches a strawberry and clotted cream sandwich, made of slices of berries between two cream-layered pieces of white poppy seed bread, with a dollop of strawberry jam — this is no longer on the market.
National Strawberries and Cream Day FAQs
Is there a National Strawberry Day?
Each year, on February 27, America celebrates National Strawberry Day.
What months are strawberries in season?
As it is grown in varied locations around the world, strawberries are said to be in season from January to November.
Are strawberries hybrid?
A strawberry is actually a multiple fruit that is many tiny individual fruits embedded into one. Cultivated strawberries, which are hybrids of two parent species, can adapt to different weather and growth conditions.
What is National Strawberry Ice Cream Day?
National Strawberry Ice Cream Day is celebrated on January 15, to pay tribute to one of the choicest flavors of ice cream.
How To Celebrate National Strawberries and Cream Day
Make it, of course!
Read up on the history
Learn the different ways strawberries can be used
Cook a special strawberry and cream dessert your way. Eat it for breakfast, lunch, or even tea. If you want to mix things up further, you can add a little granola for texture, drizzle some chocolate sauce on top, flavor your whipped cream with amaretto liqueur, or even sprinkle some brown sugar on top. You can even channel your inner chef and create a trifle with alternating layers of strawberry, cream, and sweet pastry.
This day gives us a great chance to learn more about the strawberry and how this tempting treat came to be. Reading about the stories that (maybe) led to the creation of this dish, we see how cuisines from around the world can eliminate boundaries and borders.
Preserves! Jams! And much more … this one fruit can be turned into many versatile dishes to satisfy every sweet craving you ever had. Save some for celebrating National Strawberries and Cream Day, while the rest can be used in multiple different ways, as per your needs (or the demands of your taste buds).
5 Fun Facts About Strawberries
The only fruit with seeds on the outside
They herald the spring
They give your workout a little boost
They help your teeth look good too!
They are all over the world
A single strawberry has around 200 seeds, and each one has the genetic potential to become a new variety — that’s why breeders can develop so many varieties.
Strawberries ring in the spring season — in a way, they are the first fruit to ripen during this season.
Strawberries are rich in nitrates, and a study shows people who ate such foods before exercising burned 100 more calories than those who did not.
The fruity acids in these berries help remove stains, which can help whiten your teeth.
These berries are grown around the world and boast more than 600 variants.
Why We Love National Strawberries and Cream Day
Ode to the versatile fruit
This day promotes in-season eating
It makes us happy
We use this day as another excuse to worship this summer fruit. Refreshingly sweet (and sometimes a teeny bit tart), strawberries mixed with clotted and sour cream are a match made in heaven. We would happily celebrate every day as Strawberries and Cream Day if we could. Not only do they tickle our taste buds, but strawberries also bring us so many health benefits. From boosting immunity to increasing HDL (good cholesterol) and lowering blood pressure, strawberries provide us with an array of health benefits.
This day is celebrated in a month when these berries are in season, promoting sustainability and better consumer habits. Not only is in-season produce better for your health — a strawberry grown in May tastes much richer than one artificially ripened in another season — it also helps fulfill your body's needs as per the season's requirements. Plus, buying local is great for the environment, too. Think of how much fuel emissions you are reducing when you buy food that did not have to travel very far to get to you!
Popping these sweet and sometimes tart red fruits into our mouths is tantamount to a taste of happiness. Really! Strawberries are very rich in vitamin C, which is responsible for the production of endorphins in our brain, the hormone that makes you feel happy.
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bestmessage · 5 months
National Walker’s Shortbread Day Messages and Quotes
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This post includes a collection of Happy National Walker’s Shortbread Day messages and wishes. The National Walker’s Shortbread Day greetings and quotes make a perfect share on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.
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enterprisewired · 9 months
McDonald’s Is Giving Out 50-Cent Double Cheeseburgers in Honor of National Cheeseburger Day
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In celebration of National Cheeseburger Day, McDonald’s is treating its fans to an enticing offer. On September 18th, for one day only, customers can enjoy 50-cent double cheeseburgers without the need for an additional purchase.
 App-Exclusive Deal on National Cheeseburger Day
To savor this delectable deal, patrons must place their orders through the McDonald’s app. This exclusive promotion allows for a wallet-friendly indulgence in the beloved double cheeseburgers.
Earlier this week, McDonald’s sent ripples through the fast-food industry by announcing the removal of self-serve soda machines from all its U.S. locations. This change will be phased in gradually, with completion expected by the end of 2032. The decision aims to ensure a consistent experience for customers and crew members, encompassing all ordering methods, including McDelivery, app orders, kiosks, drive-thru, and in-store dining.
News of the soda machine removal prompted mixed reactions among fans of the Golden Arches. Many took to social media, with one user expressing concern about losing the ability to mix different sodas to their liking. Another user simply questioned, “Why?????”
The Refill Dilemma
Some social media users raised the issue of refills, wondering how this change would affect the refill process at McDonald’s. The discussion underscored the diverse ways in which customers engage with the self-serve soda stations. Summer’s Sweet Surprises:
Amidst these changes, McDonald’s had some delightful surprises for its patrons this summer. In July, the fast-food chain introduced a limited-edition flavor of its beloved McFlurry: the peanut butter crunch McFlurry. This delectable treat combines vanilla soft serve with a blend of crispy cereal mix and chocolate peanut butter cookie pieces, as described on the official McDonald’s menu spotter page.
Adding Flavor to Spring
Back in April, McDonald’s delighted customers with the release of the strawberry shortcake McFlurry. This delightful dessert featured the addition of strawberry-flavored clusters and shortbread cookies, elevating the classic soft-serve experience.
As McDonald’s continues to evolve its offerings and services, National Cheeseburger Day serves as a reminder of the brand’s commitment to satisfying the taste buds of its dedicated fans.
To celebrate National Cheeseburger Day, McDonald’s will be offering double cheeseburgers for only 50 cents.
This exclusive deal is available on September 18th and does not require any additional purchase. To take advantage of this offer, customers must place their orders using the McDonald’s app, according to People magazine.
Earlier this week, McDonald’s created quite a buzz by revealing its plans to gradually discontinue the use of self-service soda fountains, as reported by the Deseret News. Instead, customers will now have cashiers assist them with drink refills.
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