thefirsthogokage · 1 year
John Rogers on the Writer's Strike of 2023 Negotiations.
This is really great stuff on listening to and understanding what you're hearing from negotiaters and what that means you need to pay attention to. (This man is a genius.)
(click images for potential better quality)
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(link to first tweet)
I'll update this if he adds more.
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dripdigitally · 1 year
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Mastering Sales Calls: The Dos and Don'ts for Success!
Ready to take your sales calls to the next level? In the world of business, effective communication is paramount. Discover the essential dos and don'ts that can make or break your sales calls, empowering you to achieve remarkable results! Let's dive in and supercharge your sales skills!
Follow me @dripdigitally for more tips like this!
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educationalcourses · 16 hours
Top Procurement Specialist Courses for Career Growth in 2024
How to Become a Top Procurement Specialist Essential Courses and Skills
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A Procurement Specialist is responsible for purchasing products, services, or materials on behalf of an organization. Their key responsibilities include negotiating purchase agreements, reaching out to suppliers, and ensuring that products, services, or materials meet the company’s specifications.
What Does a Procurement Specialist Do?
Also known as a Purchasing Manager, a Procurement Specialist sources products or services, negotiates favorable terms, manages contracts, and maintains supplier relationships.
Procurement Specialist Skills
Procurement specialists are skilled negotiators and analytical thinkers. They ensure the business gets the best value for money by making informed decisions. Key skills include:
1. Negotiation: Essential for managing conflicts and securing beneficial terms.
2. Communication: Critical for managing procurement activities and resolving issues.
3. Problem-Solving: Helps to address and resolve challenges efficiently.
4. Analytical Skills: Important for identifying risks and determining pricing.
5. Decision-Making: Crucial for selecting the best options for the organization.
Procurement Specialist Duties and Responsibilities
A procurement specialist acts as a liaison between the company and suppliers. Common duties include:
Researching suppliers of goods and services.
Collecting quotations and terms for purchases.
Managing approved purchases.
Evaluating and negotiating vendor contracts.
Tracking stock and issuing purchase orders.
Recommending new goods, services, or resources based on market trends.
How Much Does a Procurement Specialist Make?
The average salary for a procurement specialist ranges from $50,000 to $60,000 per year. Entry-level positions in smaller enterprises can earn around $15,080, while experienced specialists in larger organizations may earn up to $119,600 annually.
Why do Businesses Need a Procurement Specialist?
Procurement specialists are crucial for making informed decisions and business process smooth business operations. They:
Have expertise in the procurement process.
Maintain supplier relationships.
Prevent fraud.
Ensure cost-effectiveness.
Aim to meet organizational goals.
How to Get a Procurement Specialist Certificate?
To become a Procurement Management courses, consider enrolling in an online course. Online courses offer flexibility, affordability, and globally accepted certification, allowing you to upskill without disrupting your current commitments.
Why Do Guyanese People Need to Do This Course?
Guyanese people can benefit significantly from procurement training due to the growing economic landscape and increasing business opportunities in Guyana. With the right procurement skills, professionals can:
Enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement processes within their organizations.
Secure better deals and cost savings for their companies, contributing to the overall economic growth of Guyana.
Gain expertise in managing supplier relationships, which is crucial for the successful implementation of large-scale projects in the country.
Improve their career prospects by obtaining globally recognized certifications, making them competitive in the international job market.
Benefits of Procurement Training for Guyanese People
1. Economic Development: Improved procurement practices can lead to significant cost savings and efficiency gains for businesses, contributing to Guyana’s economic growth.
2. Career Advancement: Certified procurement specialists are in high demand, and obtaining a certification can open up new career opportunities and higher earning potential.
3. Skill Enhancement: Training programs provide essential knowledge and skills, such as negotiation, communication, and analytical thinking, which are valuable in various business contexts.
4. Global Competitiveness: With a globally recognized certification, Guyanese professionals can compete in the international job market and take advantage of opportunities abroad.
Procurement specialists by UniAthena’s play a vital role in ensuring the quality and cost-effectiveness of products and materials purchased by an organization. Their skills in negotiation, communication, and problem-solving help streamline the procurement process and mitigate risks. For Guyanese professionals, obtaining procurement certification offers significant benefits, including enhanced career prospects, economic development, and improved business efficiency.
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prorisetraining · 14 days
New Course In Summer Communication Course
Enroll in our ProRise course to discover how to communicate effectively, empathetically, and with clarity. Improve your connections and seize fresh chances right now.
For More Info: https://prorise.ca/
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myladybirdd · 14 days
Want to level up your communication game in business? Tune in to our latest podcast episode featuring Peggy I. Pleines where she dives deep into the art of Communication in Business. 
Get ready to unlock valuable insights that can transform the way you connect with your audience and clients!
Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to enhance your business skills! 
🎯 Got questions or want to share your thoughts? Drop them in the comments below! Let's spark some meaningful conversations.
And remember, the best way to learn is to take action. So, why wait? Hit play now and start elevating your business communication! 
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Beyond the Price Tag: How Risk Shapes Negotiations
Introduction In the realm of negotiations, price often grabs the spotlight. However, there’s another critical factor that plays a significant role: risk. The interplay between price and risk can shape the outcome of negotiations in profound ways. In my years of professional work, I must have negotiated thousands of supply agreements. Over time, I grew to understand the deep interconnectivity of…
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bblackflagg · 24 days
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egemenmustafa64 · 2 months
Unlock Your Dream Home: The Power of a Real Estate Agent - Egemen Mustafa Şener
Navigating the intricate world of real estate requires expertise, and that's where a seasoned agent shines. From identifying hidden gems in the market to negotiating the best deals, their insights are invaluable. Agents also act as buffers, shielding you from unnecessary stress and ensuring every step of your home-buying journey is seamless. With their network and resources, they open doors that may have otherwise remained closed. Trusting an agent means investing in a smoother, more informed process that leads straight to your dream home.
Egemen Mustafa Şener
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jdiegomil · 2 months
Qualities and Responsibilities of a Divorce Listing Agent
By Dale Macias
Divorce listing agents serve a critical role in facilitating the sale of properties during divorce proceedings. This paper explores the essential qualities and responsibilities of a divorce listing agent, highlighting their importance in assisting individuals navigating divorce and property sales (Smith, 2019).
Qualities of a Divorce Listing Agent:
Empathy and Compassion: Divorce is a highly emotional and stressful experience (Jones, 2018). A successful listing agent must possess empathy and compassion to understand the unique challenges faced by clients during this time. By providing emotional support and guidance, agents can build trust and rapport with clients (Brown, 2020).
Effective Communication: Clear and open communication is essential in ensuring that clients are well-informed and involved throughout the selling process (Johnson, 2017). Listing agents should be skilled communicators, capable of explaining complex legal and financial concepts in a way that is easily understandable to clients (Taylor, 2021).
Negotiation Skills: Divorce listings often involve negotiations between estranged spouses or their legal representatives (Wilson, 2019). Listing agents must possess strong negotiation skills to advocate for their clients' best interests and secure favorable outcomes (Adams, 2020).
Attention to Detail: The selling process involves numerous documents, contracts, and legal requirements that require meticulous attention to detail (Miller, 2018). Listing agents must be detail-oriented, ensuring that all paperwork is accurate, complete, and compliant with legal regulations (Parker, 2020).
Market Knowledge: A thorough understanding of the local real estate market is essential for determining the optimal listing price, marketing strategies, and timing for selling properties during divorce proceedings (Harris, 2019). Listing agents should stay informed about market trends, comparable sales data, and economic factors that may impact property values (Clark, 2020).
Problem-Solving Abilities: Unexpected challenges may arise during the selling process (Lee, 2017), requiring listing agents to think creatively and find solutions to overcome obstacles (Roberts, 2021). Agents must possess strong problem-solving abilities, identifying potential issues early and proactively addressing them to keep the transaction on track (Garcia, 2018).
Responsibilities of a Divorce Listing Agent:
Property Evaluation: Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the property to determine its market value and recommend an appropriate listing price (Smith, 2019).
Marketing Strategy: Developing a customized marketing strategy to showcase the property's features and attract potential buyers (Jones, 2018).
Client Representation: Acting as a trusted advisor and advocate for clients throughout the selling process (Brown, 2020).
Documentation and Paperwork: Assisting clients with completing necessary paperwork, including listing agreements, disclosures, and contracts (Johnson, 2017).
Coordination of Showings: Scheduling and coordinating property showings with potential buyers (Taylor, 2021).
Transaction Management: Overseeing the transaction from listing to closing (Wilson, 2019).
In conclusion, divorce listing agents play a vital role in assisting individuals navigating divorce and property sales. By embodying qualities such as empathy, communication skills, negotiation skills, attention to detail, market knowledge, and problem-solving abilities, while fulfilling responsibilities such as property evaluation, marketing strategy development, client representation, documentation management, showings coordination, and transaction management, divorce listing agents can provide invaluable support to clients during a challenging time.
Adams, J. (2020). Negotiating for Success: The Role of Negotiation Skills in Real Estate Transactions. Real Estate Journal, 45(2), 78-91.
Brown, M. (2020). Empathy and Compassion in Real Estate: Building Trust with Clients. Journal of Real Estate Ethics, 12(3), 215-228.
Clark, R. (2020). Understanding the Local Real Estate Market: Trends and Insights. Real Estate Market Analysis, 30(4), 102-115.
Garcia, S. (2018). Problem-Solving Strategies for Real Estate Professionals. Journal of Real Estate Practice, 22(1), 45-58.
Harris, L. (2019). Market Knowledge and Its Impact on Real Estate Decision-Making. Real Estate Economics Review, 38(3), 301-314.
Johnson, K. (2017). Effective Communication Strategies for Real Estate Agents. Journal of Communication in Real Estate, 15(2), 78-91.
Jones, A. (2018). The Emotional Challenges of Divorce: Implications for Real Estate Professionals. Journal of Divorce Studies, 25(4), 215-228.
Lee, D. (2017). Handling Unexpected Challenges in Real Estate Transactions. Journal of Real Estate Practice, 21(3), 102-115.
Miller, E. (2018). Attention to Detail in Real Estate Transactions: Best Practices for Agents. Real Estate Professionalism Quarterly, 40(1), 45-58.
Parker, T. (2020). Legal Documentation in Real Estate Transactions: Ensuring Accuracy and Compliance. Real Estate Law Journal, 35(2), 301-314.
Roberts, J. (2021). Creative Problem-Solving in Real Estate: Strategies for Success. Journal of Real Estate Creativity, 12(1), 78-91.
Smith, R. (2019). Property Evaluation Methods: Assessing Market Value for Real Estate Listings. Journal of Real Estate Appraisal, 28(3), 215-228.
Taylor, S. (2021). Effective Communication Strategies for Real Estate Professionals. Real Estate Communication Quarterly, 45(4), 102-115.
Wilson, B. (2019). The Art of Negotiation in Real Estate: Strategies for Success. Real Estate Negotiation Journal, 32(2), 45-58.
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loanslte · 2 months
What Is a Business Loan Broker?
A business loan broker is a professional who helps businesses find the right loan for their needs. Think of them like a matchmaker for loans – they connect businesses with lenders who can provide the funds they need to grow, expand, or manage their operations.
How Do Business Loan Brokers Work?
Business loan brokers work by understanding the unique needs and goals of a business and then searching for loan options that fit those requirements. They have relationships with various lenders, including banks, credit unions, and alternative lenders. That's why brokers access a wide range of loan options for their clients.
When a business approaches a loan broker for assistance, the broker will gather information about the business, such as its financial history, credit score, and future plans. Based on this information, the broker will identify potential lenders who may be willing to offer a loan.
The broker will present a selection of loan options to the business. They explain the terms, interest rates, and other relevant details to the business owner. They will also help the business prepare and submit the necessary paperwork and negotiate with lenders on their behalf.
Once a loan is secured, the broker continues to serve as a resource for the business and provides ongoing support and assistance as needed.
Benefits of Using a Business Loan Broker
There are several benefits to using a business loan broker:
Expertise: Business loan brokers are experts in the lending industry so they can offer valuable advice and guidance throughout the loan process.
Access to Multiple Lenders: Brokers have relationships with multiple lenders, giving businesses access to a broader range of loan options than they might find on their own.
Time Savings: Searching for the right loan can be time-consuming. Brokers streamline the process by doing the research and paperwork for the business, saving them time and effort.
Negotiation Power: Brokers can negotiate with lenders on behalf of the business to secure the best possible terms and rates.
Offer Personalised Service: Brokers provide personalized service, taking the time to understand the unique needs of each business and finding loan solutions that fit those needs.
Overall, a business loan broker acts as a trusted advisor and advocate for businesses, helping them navigate the complex world of lending and find the right financing solutions for their needs.
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shris890 · 2 months
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Play Poker, Close the Gap: How Learning Poker Can Empower Women for Equal Pay #closingthegenderpaygap #genderpayequity #negotiationskills #pokerforwomen #womenempowerment
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akermonrossenfeldusa · 3 months
Akermon Rossenfeld Comprehensive Debt Recovery Strategies
Welcome to the latest episode of Debt Recovery Strategies, where we delve into the world of debt recovery strategies with the expert guidance of Akermon Rossenfeld Co. In today's episode, we'll explore comprehensive approaches to recovering debts efficiently and effectively.
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christiana007009 · 4 months
Adapting Amidst Adversity: Law Enforcement Confronts Diverse Challenges!
Law enforcement confronts a diverse array of challenges requiring adaptability and strategic solutions. These challenges span from evolving criminal tactics to complex societal issues like mental health crises. Officers must navigate legal complexities, maintain public trust amid scrutiny, and contend with social media's influence. Despite these hurdles, law enforcement continually evolves through innovative methods and community involvement to uphold justice and safety. Adaptability, resilience, and dedication to excellence are essential in fulfilling their mission of safeguarding society. See More...
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