#Nick Nygård
ineffablelunatic · 1 year
List five comfort characters, then tag five people!
Thank you @jovienna for tagging me!
Aziraphale - Good Omens. He is the most scrunkly and I look, dress, act and essentially am him. Total book nerd and I want a bookshop (also I'm an angel /hj). Also like Aziraphale, the only thing I think about is Crowley.
The Captain - BBC Ghosts. I think everyone knows where this is going but he's the Captain, come on guys! (And also special mention to Havers)
Nick Nygård - The Bone Season. He is MY BABY and a doctor and the nicest person and AAAA I imprinted onto him like a baby duckling
Crowley - Good Omens. Same reason, best demon, the long and shoulder length hair is his best look hands down
Jude St Francis - A Little Life. Such a sad book but it's my absolute favourite! Poor Jude though, can't catch a break (although Willem was my favourite character)
Special mention to any character played by Michael Sheen, David Tennant or Peter Sandys-Clarke! (e.g. Ned Burne-Jones, Robbie Ross, Miles Maitland, literally anyone David Tennant has played)
I'm tagging @captain-parks, @thattransboyaled, @its-a-hare-pom-pom, @hollow-ghost-fire and @spineless-lobster! Sorry if you've already been tagged and of course no pressure!
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 29 Group 143
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Light Alliance: Empress Caiatl, Commander Zavala, Ikora Rey, Eris Morn, Drifter, Crow, Misraaks, Eido, Mara Sov, Glint, Fynch, Young Wolf, Nimbus, Osiris, Saint-14, Banshee-44, Lord Shaxx, Saladin Forge, Devrim Kay, Suraya Hawthorne, Ada-1, Shaw Han, Failsafe, Petra Venj, Tess Everis, Kadi 55-90, Ana Bray, Elsie Bray & more
Seven Seals: Jaxon Hall, Nick Nygård, Eliza Renton, Paige Mahoney, Nadine Arnett, Danica Panić and Zeke Sáenz
Submissions are now closed!
Light Alliance:
you know it all started in destiny 1 with whole "we are guardians and we fight evil aliens and we are alone in this world" and with story progrsion it got to everyone teaming up and becoming friends to fight some super bad guy with a vape for a head. we have great family roles like: unwilling therapist, emo teen, badass huge woman, wizard (various flavours), grandpa with dementia, boy scouts leader, con man, thembo gaslight girlboss or various dilfs. a lot of canon queerness included as a bonus!
Seven Seals:
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
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sshannonauthor · 3 years
You said ages ago that if Nick could only save one thing he would save a bottle top. What was that referring to??
ScionIDE soldiers executed Nick’s younger sister, Karolina, for drinking alcohol, which is forbidden under Scion law. He found her with the bottle that doomed her, and kept the bottle top. 
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Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
I was tagged in this by @abookandacoffee (I swear all the tags I’ve done are because of you but I really appreciate it <3)
Relationship status: Single but that means more book time so yay
Lipstick or chapstick: Lip balm. Always. I can’t leave the house without it.
Last movie I watched: Ummm, I think it was Suicide Squad? I’m pretty sure that was last weekend. It wasn’t that impressive but the music was really good even though I was confused half the time.
Top 3 shows: 
1. The 100. Just. Clarke Griffin.
2. House MD. It brings back really good memories but also Jennifer Morrison is just my fave. And also Chameron will always stay in my heart.
3. Game of Thrones I guess. Or Once Upon a Time. OUAT because, yet again, JMo is in it and plays the main character. GoT because Dany and Robb Stark mostly. Plus their intro is so epic.
Top 3 book characters: 
You can’t expect me to answer this without it being a long winded response. You just can’t.
1. Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, my actual queen and all time favourite character. There is no debate with this one. At all.
2. Mor and Mare Barrow. There’s so much stuff we don’t know about Mor and I just love mysterious characters, so she’s naturally up here. Also refer back to my blog about both Aelin and Mor because they are just goddesses. I love Mare so much because she’s genuinely so so realistic and idk really why I like her this much. I tend to like the character that the fandom really doesn’t like
3. Okay. Well. This is a list of characters because they’re all my faves and I can’t order them. Also I usually put Mor, Mare and Emma together as my faves underneath Aelin, but idk, I’m not bothered writing anymore, but know that Emma is supposed to be up in no. 2 as well.
Ronan Lynch, Yael Reider, Mia Corvere, Emma Carstairs, Helene Aquilla, Kelsea Glynn, Kestrel, Jesper Fahey, Nick Nygård and Paige Mahoney.
I tag @christina-dh @a-court-of-dreams-and-assassins 
I’m not tagging nine people in this because I don’t know enough people that I know but don’t know enough to tag in this.
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suruntuoja-blog · 6 years
For the music ask! 3, 12, 34, 39 :)
Yay!3. a song tied to a specific moment in your lifeThere’s a lot, but one of those that have stayed with me through the years is Turisas - Into the Free. We’ve listened to it every time we’ve been moving houses12. a song by an artist who’s from where you’re from(town/city/state/country)Love Controlled Despair by Poisonblack. They’re from my hometown, Oulu34. a song you’d like your favorite artist to coverI really can’t decide, there are too many good songs (and favourite artists). But let’s say Wicked Game and Turisas. Nygård has the voice for it, and I’m currently in love with this Hula Hifi version39. the most played song in your music libraryThat’s a hard one since I don’t use Media Player or Spotify or anything. Currently it must be a tie between Zombie by Bad Wolves and Carry My Body Down by Nick 13Thanks for sending these to me!
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Summary of The Bone Season
Eliza: Paige no
Nick: Paige no
Nashira: Paige no
Scion: Paige no
Warden: Paige yes
Paige: Paige yes
Everybody: Paige no
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sshannonauthor · 4 years
hi samantha, I'm about to start my tbs reread and I was trying to remember the lgbtq+ characters in the series. I remember that Paige is demi and Nick is gay (?) but I know there are more and I was wondering if you could make a more complete list? it's totally fine if that's too much work! btw tbs is one of my favorite series of all time, tysm for writing it <3
I think this is all of the characters who are queer on the page so far:  
Chelsea ‘Cutmouth’ Neves – bisexual 
Ivy Jacob – lesbian 
Jaxon Hall – asexual 
Nick Nygård – gay 
Ognena Maria – trans woman; she’s also a wlw, though that isn't clarified yet
Paige Mahoney – demisexual (I think there are some clear indications of this throughout, but it's made clear in The Mask Falling) 
Pleione Sualocin – although all of the Rephaim are the non-human equivalent of pansexual, Pleione is explicitly described as having a female mate, Taygeta Chertan, in The Song Rising
Zeke Sáenz – gay 
There are gay and bisexual characters introduced in The Mask Falling, and Warden is established as queer. There are other characters who I imagine as LGBTQ+ but haven't been clarified as such yet. 
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sshannonauthor · 4 years
When was the night that Paige told Nick how she felt about him? Was she still avoiding him when she refused the ride home and got captured?
It was mid-2058. It’s very insightful of you to guess that – even though it’s been a while by the time Paige is arrested, she is still trying to avoid spending too much time alone with Nick, as she doesn’t want to confront that night and fears he might try to bring it up. They had an awkward period for quite a while. It isn’t until post-Sheol that their relationship really returns to normal, as they have more pressing matters to focus on. 
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sshannonauthor · 4 years
How would the TBS/Priory characters react being in quarantine? Ie, what would they do, who would annoy who, etc. Crossover between both your fictional universes optional (but intriguing). I could see Warden being the best prepared since Nashira kept him confined to Magdalen for so many decades, and Jaxon getting up to some wild antics. Hope you’re well and oodles of virtual hugs from the States xx
Warden would, as you say, be just fine in quarantine. Paige would be a bit more restless and frustrated. (You’ll actually glimpse the ways they both react to being stuck inside in The Mask Falling, as they’re meant to stay hidden in a safe house for a month so Paige can start to recover from her ordeal.) 
Jaxon would be all right lounging in his boudoir for weeks on end, as long as he had enough absinthe and cigars to get him through the experience. He’d send the Seven Seals out for supplies, which would eventually infuriate Nadine and Nick. Being the medic of the group, Nick would be constantly worried about the others contracting it and would hand-sew masks for them if he couldn’t steal them from work. 
Like Warden, Sabran would be okay, as she’s used to being confined (albeit by choice in a large home). She barely left her palaces for 14 years. Ead and Loth were both able to live in that environment for a long time, so they’d manage, even if Ead is more of an outdoor girl by nature. Tané would handle it worst, as she wouldn’t be able to swim in the sea or fly with Nayimathun. 
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sshannonauthor · 4 years
Did Nick know the free world or was he born when Sweden had already been in Scion?
Nick is Scion-born. He knew a lot about the free world through his mother, though – Bryndís Ingadóttir. She was born in Iceland. 
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sshannonauthor · 4 years
Nick/Zeke POV in book 4? Pls?
Just Paige. 
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sshannonauthor · 4 years
Is nick gay
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sshannonauthor · 5 years
finished reading Priory Of The Orange Tree, and I LOVED it! Started rearing The Bone Season, and now I'm curious, is there queer content? #fingerscrossed
Yep! There’s an explicitly gay character in the first book, then more queer characters introduced/clarified as LGBTQ+ as the books go on. The main romance is F/M, but the main character is demi, her love interest is pan (or the non-human equivalent of it), best friend is gay, boss is ace, queer side characters. 
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sshannonauthor · 5 years
While I would not consider myself to be a very religious person, I am PRAYING that Nick survives however long it takes for him and Paige to reunite (and preferably much longer, as I absolutely love him). Reunion scenes are the best (and you always do such an amazing job with them!!) and anyways this is all I've been able to think about the last two weeks whoops!
Nick is up to some fascinating shenanigans in Sweden . . . 
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sshannonauthor · 5 years
It's been a minute since I last read the series so I might've just forgotten, but do we ever find out who Jaxon's mollisher was before Paige? Or what happened to them?
Nick was his mollisher. He was struggling to balance his Scion job with his responsibilities to the Seven Seals, so Paige took over.
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sshannonauthor · 6 years
Does Nick know that Paige and Warden are actually together or just the one side (i.e., that Paige is attracted to Warden but may or may not have done anything about it)?
He knew they spent the night together at the chandlery, so he assumes they’re quite intimate. 
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