#Seven Seals
danskjavlarna · 8 months
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Here you'll find either a bang or a whimper: my collection of vintage end of the world imagery.
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spaceintruderdetector · 6 months
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saskieenkeli · 1 year
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Revelation 6:1–2
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
And I saw and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
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jbfly46 · 11 months
No idea why the Bible says 7 seals when there’s 8.
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lightman2120 · 1 month
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karryalane · 6 months
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rikushiwolf · 2 years
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graceandpeacejoanne · 2 years
Revelation 5: A New Song
even as John stared in wonder at the fantastic image before him, the Lamb moved to the throne and took the scroll from the One sitting there. When that happened, an eruption of Sensurround experiences poured forth.  #Revelation5 #SevenSealedScroll
A New Song In what seems to have been a stream of movement, John experienced a climactic moment of heaven-wide worship and exultation. From the depths of despond, heaving wracking sobs, John soared to the heights of jubilation as the slain Lamb, Who was also the Lion of Judah, came into his view. The touch of an elder’s hand and words of reassurance dried John’s tears, and perhaps his eyes…
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hotmama0229 · 2 years
Pay Attention
There is a lot of mischief afoot. Pay attention to the news but don’t let them convince you that this ain’t dictated by them. The famine is here slowly but surely. Times are hard but about to get worse. Please prepare yourself and your families if you don’t already have a backup plan.
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
Bruce dies in the Past
So! When Bruce was sent back in Time and got stuck in the Past, he was never saved. Tim failed to bring him back to the future, and Bruce was stuck in the Past for the rest of his Natural Life.
Then he died, came back as a Ghost, and regained his Lost Memories.
He didn't really know what to do, he was stuck Millenia in the Past, his Family won't be born for Literal Ages, and most of all he is Dead. He doesn't really have alot of options.
If you go with the Idea that Batman is a Liminal, then you could say that his Obsession was Protection. And that Obsession was focused primarily on Gotham and his Family.
So what is a Ghost to do when the object of his Obsession had been ripped away from him? He breaks a little. Bruce kind of goes Insane.
He decides that if he is going to he stuck in the Ghost Zone, he may as well protect it as if it were Gotham. So, he finds the quickest way to do that...by becoming the Ghost King.
So, he finds the Castle of the Ghost King, and challenges him to Single Combat. And he manages to Win. But the King needs to choose their Title, and he doesn't think he wants to include the name of Batman in the distant Past. It may affect the Future.
So, he chooses the name, Pariah Dark.
Bruce Wayne, is Pariah Dark.
He started as a Good King, but gradually he let his Broken Obsession get to him. Becoming King did nothing to fill the void in his Core, so he fell more and more into Insanity. It didn't help that he became the King in such a vulnerable emotional state. The sudden Power Increase caused his mind to fracture even more.
The Seven Ancients didn't seal away Pariah Dark just to save the Zone, they also did it to save Pariah himself.
Then one day, Pariah's Seal is Broken and he is presented with a Portal to the Human Realm. A Human Realm where enough time has passed that Gotham finally exists again. He may have gotten a little overexcited, he'll admit.
Thankfully, Danny was there to knock some sense into him.
He took the Throne and the power associated with it from Pariah, leaving him as just Bruce Wayne again. The existence of Gotham and his Family in the present world helped mend a few of the Cracks in his Core, and for the first time in Centuries Bruce Wayne felt somewhat whole again.
Basically, Bruce dies in the Past, goes Insane because his Liminal Obsession was broken, and becomes Pariah Dark when he takes the Throne of the Ghost Zone.
Unfortunately, his Broken Obsession was only aggravated by the sudden Influx of Power, and he went Insane. When Danny took the Throne from him, he took the power that was clouding Bruce's Mind and helped him heal a bit.
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igwanasuchus · 23 days
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an average pico day drawing BUT with a catch
every character sorted by year
virtual seal from club a seal (1999) by tom fulp
the negotiator from the provoker (2000) by seriousness
the cat from retarded animal babies (2003) by dave
adam android from the amazing adam android (2005) by hotdiggedydemon
leslie and brianne from wacky lesbian hour (2005) by keith stack
the trio from an awesome halloween (2006) by egoraptor
the orange from orange roulette (2012) by matzerath
the hero from labyrinth: sos (2014) by pestoforce, luis castanon & genclops
gappy from gappy (2019) by leviramirez
manon and cybermare from loveweb (2021) by shadok
octillery from octillery's misadventures (2021) by vidyabatter
pistol and knife from pistol for president (2021) by strobeinteractive
pengu from pengu saves christmas (2021) by stannco
ninjiro and jeniffer from moon's eye saga (2022) by metalsonic655
the cat from seven fridays cat (2022) by edusilvart, benedique & goruposstudios
gameen from using the (2023) by kingcrowned
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darkpitlesbian · 3 months
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hello yugioh fans its been a while. anyways i have discovered bedman in sevens
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jbfly46 · 11 months
Someone had to do it sometime, and now there is a trail to follow.
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lightman2120 · 1 month
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karryalane · 6 months
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Because I made a deal with that old woman.
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