#Nobody besides Lex (because as mentioned above) knows about them
radiance1 · 29 days
Danny has been reincarnated.
Which was an odd thing to realize, it wasn't even a slow one he just... snapped into it one day. One moment he was staring at a wall out of boredom the next, well, he was staring for an entirely different reason.
It was a task for his now young -he thinks around three years old?- mind to work its way through the memories, but it wasn't like he had much else to do honestly. So, what does he know?
His name is Danny, like, his actual name and not just a moniker. He was once a halfa and he already knows he's going to be missing invisibility and intangibility. He, well, died. For like, a second time which actually makes sense because reincarnation-
He was a clone of two people from this thing called the Justice League which, weird name but probably some government or activist group. Wonder Woman and Superman. Which were pretty weird names to name your kids but eh.
He doesn't really remember much besides that from this life, or the one from before but he's an adult! He'll figure things out once he gets out of this containment tube thing.
Did he mention he was in a test tube? He's a tube baby now. He thinks? Or maybe it's more like he's being contained.
So he breaks out. Thank you apparent superstrength that he has no idea why he has but he's not going to complain! He then wandered around all of the other test tubes, able to remember just enough of English to see that yea, they're dead.
He probably was too, before he had memories zapped into him. Or a vegetable.
He then finds this really big container, checks it out, then opens it because the clone inside isn't dead!
'Project Match' it said. He'll just call him Match.
Was he thanked for helping him? Nope. You would think that he would be thanked or at least somewhat respected for saving this guy but nope!
He was, quite literally, held up by his leg and dangled in the air. Who dangles a three-year-old?! Well, he was technically and adult but still! The next few things were a blur but after pulling off the old Fenton charm he found him and Match outside as he tried to stop him from attacking random people.
Luckily the charms and privilege of the youngest (he's assuming he's the youngest, because he's physically three) was more than enough to get through to him. Sure, the guy couldn't form words, really aggressive for literally no reason, really weird but also absolutely cool looking eyes. But he worked around the first issue by developing their own personal language from like grunts and stuff, the second he once again used his youngest privilege to boss him around and the third a pair of sunglasses easily fixed.
He just had to steer Match clear of those random S crest mark thingies. Which was a weird thing to hate but hey, he's not there to judge.
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bigfan-fanfic · 3 years
Who is Batdad closest to outside Wayne manor? Does he have much of a life outside of the Wayne's? Who would Batdad consider his closest friends besides his family?
Honestly, Batdad doesn’t have much of a life outside of the Waynes. He doesn’t really have anyone other than the League to talk to. Clark would probably be his closest friend outside of his family because in a lot of ways they are similar.
Okay, let me talk about this. ( I came back up and decided to answer more concisely above and put this under a read more because it’s very, very long, and I cried three times while writing it and I have never had any visceral reaction to what I write ever before... oof. Just be warned if you ever feel anxiety or pressure that basically, that’s what follows)
Batdad basically denies his own wants and dreams because he wants to help Bruce. What this means is that no matter what Batdad wanted to be before (maybe he and Bruce were dating and he confessed his desire to be a writer and Bruce allowed himself the fantasy and said they’d buy an island somewhere, and Bruce would lounge on the beach and supply Batdad in kisses while he writes the best book ever), by the time Bruce gets back to Gotham from his training, Batdad has had to become what Bruce would have been if Thomas and Martha were there. 
He’s a public figure and philanthropist, carrying the legacies of Martha and Thomas on his shoulders. He has to keep Martha’s business running - no, not just running, thriving - and deal with corrupt officials, corporate espionage, and greedy businesspeople all but threatening him to take Wayne Enterprises public so they can trade stock, all while making sure Thomas’ charities are well-funded and the money is actually going where it should (see earlier greed, corporate and personal). This is all while having to attend galas and functions and fundraisers and events or risk pissing off any one of these people who can turn his life into hell - missing one event can lead to being blacklisted and then that means nobody goes to a charity gala, which means that there’s no hospital built for those in the Narrows.
All this and also consider that everybody in high society sneers at you because the only reason you’re there is because you’re engaged to Bruce and you lived with him ever since Martha and Thomas died. You’re besieged on all sides, because the snobs hate you, the press wonders if you’re even qualified to run a business, and there’s always envy and hatred from below because why aren’t you doing MORE to help them? You haven’t been trained in this - your parents were upper-middle-class at best; you met Bruce by chance, so it’s just you and Alfred and this crushing, all-consuming PRESSURE and the fact that none of it is enough, you aren’t doing enough, it’ll never be enough.
Oh, and at this point, you’re probably only in your mid-twenties at the latest. And it only gets harder because Bruce is back and crime fighting and now you have to worry about him dying on patrol, so every night you’re there to assist him (sleep? don’t know her) and patch him up and support him every day even though he pretends a little too well to be a drunken boor and a cheating asshole (sometimes he isn’t even pretending) and help him when he gets frustrated and then you adopt a kid after your first day off in years (day off, what’s a day off, you haven’t slept enough since you were eighteen and Bruce left you and Batman came back but you haven’t said a word about it) and now there’s school and making sure Dick eats enough and is happy and doing good and doesn’t get overworked on patrol and stressing on whether or not Dick is okay whenever he leaves the Manor and again, none of it is ever enough.
You feel like you’re in your fifties by the time you hit thirty and the Justice League forms and that means SO much more work not just physically but emotionally because Bruce can’t meet anyone new without determining a thousand different ways to kill them if necessary (except for Talia, apparently. And Selina. And Silver Freaking St. Cloud. And Julie Morrison. And any number of dalliances Bruce has had because somehow they’re all smarter. or stronger, or maybe he just has a weakness for tall women who don’t take his crap. Is that what you do? Is your loyalty and consistency and unconditional love actually what lets Bruce walk away so often to a woman’s bed? Is it because he knows you will still be there? Is it because you have put so much of yourself into this life, into your children, into the Wayne Legacy of Perfection and Excellence that it would kill you to leave? Is it because you’re just another tool to him, one that will be quickly replaced when you succumb to sleep-deprivation, or that thing you’ve heard about in the news where people are dying from overwork so often the Japanese have a name for it, or the fact that you’re doing the work of ten, no, twenty people and not once have you ever complained to Bruce or begged him like any reasonable person would to stop this vigilante nonsense and actually LIVE), but now you have to coordinate meetings and a thousand different secret identities and make sure everything’s kosher and nobody’s fighting and of course Bruce has a beef with the nicest freaking guy in the League and Clark keeps coming to you to see if you can help them work it out.
Oh, and then there’s Talia, aka the thorn in your existence and her child who literally has tried to murder you for the crime of being married to Bruce years before he had even heard of Talia, and now on top of all the above, you have to balance getting to know the kid and be reminded day in and day out by him that you aren’t enough, that Talia has such a deeper connection to Bruce, that you are an obstacle to his happiness, that she’s so much smarter and stronger than you, that you are weak and everything you touch becomes weak and tainted by you. And not to mention that you still aren’t doing enough because Gotham’s underprivileged are screaming in pain from everything they deal with and at least you are fed and clothed and you have a family you can support and you are rich and you need to be doing MORE. 
And nobody else in the League can even come close to understanding you because wow, you do so much, do you ever take a break? You come this close to crying when Oliver remarks that if he had to do that much work, he’d go back to the island he was stranded on for five years because he’s joking. For anyone else your life would be a living hell and he’s joking. How do you do so much; do you ever sleep; hah, Bruce, your husband is showing you up! And this is when they even acknowledge you, and you feel like a major-league prick for even thinking these thoughts because Bruce and the League put their lives on the line every day (oh god they’re always in danger and the stress of losing your boys - which has happened to you already - and Bruce and your friends who are the only ones you can ever actually talk to without worrying that you’ll give away someone’s identity) and you’re complaining about a little bit of paperwork? You get to go to parties and meetings while your husband fights to save lives and you’re complaining? How selfish are you? All you do, everything you do, it isn’t enough, it’s never enough, there’s always MORE MORE MORE and it never ever stops.
Jason is dead, Jason comes back, Dick is beaten within an inch of his life, the Joker kidnaps Tim and you are hanging by a thread because the last time the Joker took one of your kids and you couldn’t find them meant that there was an empty bed and too many memories but no time to grieve because Bruce threw himself into work without a care and you needed to do even MORE because you can’t lose him too. And even the League was supposed to help with this but it doesn’t because you can’t bear to lose anyone, because they’re family and not only that, the world has gotten careless because the supers will save them and crime is actually going UP somehow and if even one of the League dies, a city could be overrun by now because the police and government are all but useless and the skies are filled with supervillains and the only thing stopping the world from falling into utter disrepair is the League, and thus you. And through all of this you have to be doing better, have to be doing MORE because every new thing means all the rest of your work becomes that much harder and you haven’t slept properly in a decade now and you feel ancient but still, you can’t complain, you haven’t earned the right to complain because you are never hungry and you never go without and there are so many people who need your help and charities that depend on you to function and kids that need fatherly advice and affection and a League that needs managing and you don’t have time for a breakdown because if you’re gone for too long everything collapses and everyone you love suffers and forget about therapy because who the FUCK could you ever talk to about any of this without either revealing a hundred secret identities and putting everything at risk or sound like a whiny crybaby?
Selina and Talia are back and hovering around your husband again and they flirt with him like you don’t exist and it’s not his fault and you love him but you see Talia every day in Damian’s voice and manner and don’t even think about talking to Bruce about his infidelity because he has so many more important things to worry about and he’s already apologized profusely and anything else makes you feel selfish and you HAVEN’T SLEPT in what feels like all your life and every moment not filled with work is filled with stress about work and worry because every time you don’t see your boys is a moment they can be dead and you don’t know it and every moment Bruce isn’t at the Watchtower is another moment Lex Luthor has to enact some horrifiying plan or the Joker gets ahold of a nuclear weapon or something else unforseeably terrible happens and it is TOO MUCH but you still need to be doing MORE because it isn’t enough and you aren’t enough and nothing is ever enough.
Is there even a you anymore? There used to be a kid there who just wanted to help his friend when he lost his parents. A kid who got left behind to stay with that friend. A teenager with dreams and hopes and wishes and a sweet boyfriend who could maybe get past his grief and lead a good life with you. A young man with the chance to stop his lover from leaving, to stay with him and not give in. Where did he go? Is he still there, underneath the years? Or is he gone, and this being made of stress and fear and feelings of inadequacy and stifled complaints and sadness gone unsaid and trauma left to fester all that you are? That kid you once were gets further and further away with everything you do to help, every time you keep silent  because what good would it do to scream the way you want to, the way you’ve needed to for so many years but never let yourself?
And yes, your boys and your husband make it better, make it worthwhile, but it remains that you feel old, you’ve been tired since you were still 19. Your days are consumed with stress and your nights are filled with fear. And you can never say this now because it has been years, and you’ve lost that chance. The guilt would throw Bruce off his game and if he’s off his game, he could die and all of this would be for nothing. Quite against your will, you’ve been trapped in a no-win situation, and even death is no escape because you know that without you, it all comes crashing down and game over. You are Atlas, holding up the world and knowing that you have just enough strength to hold it up for eternity. And no one will release you from your prison.
But you have to endure it, and smile while you do so because if Bruce ever knew (or if he even cared to look), it’d all go falling down. You are the support, and the support’s support, but no one ever thinks that you might need assistance. What do you have going on? Being a dad? Working? Attending parties? It isn’t enough and you know it isn’t enough and everybody knows that it isn’t enough and they always, always need MORE.
I wonder now how Batdad does it. How he doesn’t break down crying. And part of that is because he is fictional, and I never thought about what it would be like to go through that level of pressure every day of your life. I hope someday Bruce comes to his senses. That even if he doesn’t let go of his grief, maybe he stops being Batman. And stops training Robins. Because yes, he gave them a home, but he manipulated them into being what he is. Who knows what good Dick could have done if he had just been Bruce’s adopted son. Maybe a philanthropist. Maybe he just would’ve had a happy life instead of one where he could die every day. Where he constantly has to reopen the wound of his parents’ deaths to convince him to keep at it. I want them to realize that they don’t have to, anymore.
But they won’t. Because they aren’t real. And they exist for our entertainment. And because we’ll keep reading the comics and watching the movies and playing the games, Bruce will always be Batman and never come to terms with his parents’ deaths in a healthy way and there will always be more threats to existence and even just to him personally.
And Batdad too, is trapped.
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sqoiler · 5 years
spoiler: into the stephanie-verse
Lex Luthor made a multiverse machine, in order to mine Kryptonite from other dimensions. It was kinda a good idea, except the machine was faulty, and kept dragging other stuff from the multiverse into Lex’s earth as well. 
The League was dispatched to deal with the alternate versions of themselves that were brought into their Earth. Before he left, Batman assigned everyone in Gotham to guard the city from the various monsters and Rogues who roamed the city. 
Spoiler had just finished a fight with a female version of Oswald Cobblepot and was headed to Nightwing to help him deal with a pair of mischievous twins, when the air in front of her opened up and a dark shaped tumbled through. Spoiler grabbed her bo-staff and dropped into a crouch, wary. 
The shape sat up, and Spoiler absorbed the dark cape and pointy ears, the purple flashes on the suit, and the golden curls tumbling down her back. 
Spoiler met her own eyes. 
“Shit,” the other girl said, and she stood, brushing off her knees. Spoiler lowered her bo-staff and straightened, looking at herself curiously. “Did you pull me here?”
“No,” Spoiler said. “Lex Luthor made a machine….”
“Say no more,” the other girl said, and Spoiler noticed a yellow bat emblazoned on her chest. Her mouth fell open. 
“Batgirl?” she gasped. She vaguely recognized the suit from the images of the other timeline that she’d seen, months ago. 
“Yeah,” Batgirl said. “And you’re Spoiler. I haven’t been Spoiler in years, but you make it work. I like the half-mask, it’s nice.”
“Thanks,” Spoiler said, feeling a little ridiculous. “Sorry, I’ve never met an alternate version of myself before.”
“Me neither,” Batgirl admitted. “Although you always hear about it, don’t you.”
“Yeah,” Spoiler agreed. This was seriously surreal. Seeing herself--same height, a little longer hair, but standing so confidently? Spoiler blinked and told herself not to compare. They were different, after all. “So, Batgirl, huh? How’d...how’d you land that?”
“Cass gave it to me,” Batgirl said, shrugging. “When B died. But he’s back now, don’t worry.”
“Huh,” Spoiler said, and she remembered the mentions of Cass as Batgirl, too. “So where’s Babs, then?”
“You mean Babs is still Batgirl in your universe?” Batgirl asked, eyes wide. “This universe?” She gestured around them. Spoiler nodded. 
“Yeah, nobody else has ever been Batgirl,” Spoiler said. 
“That’s so fucking weird,” Batgirl said. “Babs hasn’t been Batgirl since before I started out, and that was like five years ago. You mean she didn’t get shot?”
“She did, but there was an implant,” Spoiler said. “So she’s better.”
“Wow. That’s great but--how do you survive without Oracle?” Batgirl asked. “I want my universe back.”
Spoiler agreed with her, and wondered how to put her back. Should she take her to Batman? Hm. For all the multiverse shenanigans she’d heard about, she really didn’t know how to deal with them, what the protocol was.
“Let’s go find Drake,” Spoiler said. “He just got back from a multiverse adventure.”
“Drake? Like the rapper?” 
“No, like Tim. My boyfriend? It’s his new code name.”
“Tim picked his own fucking last name? That’s so stupid,” Batgirl said, and although Spoiler agreed, she didn’t say that. Spoiler checked her trackers, and found that Drake was across the city. She got out her grapple, and Batgirl did the same. 
“Wait,” Batgirl called a minute later, when they were already in the air. They landed on the roof of the next building and Spoiler turned to her expectantly. “Did you say that he’s your boyfriend?” 
“Yeah,” Spoiler said. “Is he not?”
“Not since like, middle school!” Batgirl cried, and Spoiler rolled her eyes. 
“We don’t live in the same universe,” she reminded her. “Our Tims are probably totally different.”
“Yeah, right,” Batgirl said, and then there was a flash of purple light and Spoiler turned to face it. Two people appeared. One of them was in a purple bodysuit with a lightning bolt emblazoned on the chest, blonde hair pulled into a messy ponytail. The other was wearing fishnet tights and a leather jacket, an armored purple unitard under the jacket and a skirt over that. Her blonde hair was long, nearly to her elbows, and free-flowing. The new pair blinked at Spoiler and Batgirl. 
“Holyfuckthat’susbutBats,” the girl with the lightning bolts said, her words tipping over each other, and Spoiler said, “Before today, I’d never been involved in multiverse shenanigans, and now this!” 
She gestured at the duo. 
“I’m Dart,” the speedster-Steph said, holding out a hand. Spoiler shook it, dumbfounded. 
“I’m Canary,” the other Steph said. “Violet Canary, but generally they just call me Canary.”
“Like Red and Gold Canaries,” Dart said gleefully. 
“....No,” Canary said. “I don’t know who that is.”
“Black Canary’s partners,” Dart said, rolling her eyes. “Cass and Jason.”
“Cass and Jason are Bats,” Batgirl said. “Not Canaries.”
“Not in my world,” Dart said. “What, in your universe is everyone a Bat?”
“Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Damian, Babs, Duke,” Spoiler rattled off.
“Duke?” Batgirl asked. 
“Yeah, none of those people are Bats in my world,” Dart said. “Dick’s a Super, Cass and Jason are Canaries, Damian’s a Lantern, Tim’s a Martian, Duke’s a Wonder, and Babs is Aquagirl. Or, well, she used to be, before the accident.”
“See?” Batgirl demanded, gesturing at Spoiler.
“I didn’t give her the implant!” Spoiler said. “It happened before I even started crime-fighting!”
“She’s not Oracle in your universe?” Canary asked, looking wildly startled. Spoiler threw her hands up. 
“Sorry that you guys landed in a garbage universe, I guess,” she said, and Dart patted her shoulder. 
“So this is your place, huh? Kinda nice,” she said. “You know, I’ve never really been in Gotham before? Not since I moved away, anyway.”
“Yeah, how the fuck are you a speedster?” Canary asked. “I’m not even a meta, and my job depends on me having superpowers.”
“I was going to ask the same question,” Batgirl said. 
“I mean, basically the same way everyone else did,” Dart said. “I made Wally tell me how he did it, who made Barry tell him how he did it, who made Jay tell him how he did it. And, uh, the rest is history.”
“But why were you with Wally--? Never mind,” Spoiler said. “We really need to find Drake.”
At Dart and Canary’s confused looks, Batgirl said in a loud whisper, “As in Tim. That’s his new codename. And yeah, we know it’s stupid.”
“Thank you, Batgirl,” Spoiler said loudly. “Let’s just go, yeah?”
“Won’t Batman snipe me?” Dart asked, and Canary asked Batgirl for a spare grapple. 
“He’s out of town,” Spoiler said. “Just follow us.”
“Sure thing,” Dart said. “Wait, what’s your codename?”
“Spoiler,” Spoiler said. “You mean you were never…?”
“I used to be Kid Flash, but never ‘Spoiler’, whoever that is,” Dart said. “Sorry.”
“Even I was Spoiler, and I’m not even a Bat,” Canary said, and Dart said, “Okay, we get it, I’m a weirdo among Stephanies. Let’s go.”
They went, and Spoiler wondered if the other Bats were also dealing with themselves. She was leading the way, which was weird, because she never led any ways. Maybe if it was just her and Tim, or something. 
Below her, Spoiler caught sight of a swarm of Clayfaces, and she had to stop. She yelled to the others to help her, and they dropped into the alley below. 
Fighting with only herself as backup was weird, Spoiler thought. Batgirl threw batarangs that had stuff inside them. Dart sped around confusing the Clayfaces and Spoiler brought her bo-staff down hard on one, but it just sloshed through his arm. Oops. 
“Cover your ears!” Canary yelled, and she threw a little device at a Clayface. It screamed, a loud noise that was what Spoiler assumed the Canary Cry sounded like. The Clayfaces barely reacted. 
From above, a dark shape descended. Spoiler could’ve cried in relief, even though she was sure it wasn’t her own Batman. 
Batman threw a device at a Clayface, which sent out some sort of signal that froze all the Clayfaces that weren’t already frozen by Batgirl’s batarangs. Icearangs? Whatever. 
Quick work was made of the Clayfaces, and then Batman led the Stephs back into the air. 
“You saved us!” Dart said. 
“Yes,” Batman said. Spoiler inspected their new friend. This Batman was shorter than Bruce, and the bat across her chest was purple. The eyes on the cowl glowed with purple light, but it was still unmistakably Batman. She had on purple lipstick, and Spoiler spotted a scar near her mouth. She knew who this was. 
“Holy shit,” Spoiler breathed, and beside her, the others seemed to come to the same conclusion. “You’re me.”
“I would argue that I’m me,” Batman said, her mouth twisting into a smirk. “But yes, I am another Stephanie Wayne.”
“Wayne?” Spoiler and Batgirl cried at the same time. 
“Fuck,” Dart said. “If that isn’t a weird last name to think of me having.” 
“It makes sense that circumstances would differ,” Canary said. “Although in my universe, I was never truly a Bat.”
“But Wayne?” Spoiler said, waving her hands. 
“Bruce actually adopted you?” Batgirl asked.
“No,” Batman said. “He left a portion of the estate to me in his will, and after I took up the mantle I changed my last name.”
“What the fuck,” Spoiler said, and Batgirl seemed of the same mind. 
“Why are you panicking? It’s not that weird,” Dart said. “And I mean, clearly you all aren’t Stephanie Allen.”
“Allen?” Batgirl repeated, her voice an octave higher.
“Sweet Jesus,” Batman said, and Spoiler pushed that image aside for examining at a later time. “The pair of you never shed ‘Brown’, didn’t you.”
“No!” Spoiler cried. 
“I’ve never even thought that was an option!” Batgirl said, sounding distraught.  
“I’ve just been daydreaming about the day Tim proposes so I can be anything besides a Brown,” Spoiler admitted.
“That’s disgusting,” Batman said. “You and Tim, really?”
“Why not?” Spoiler demanded. “Everyone seems to be of the same mind--what’s wrong with him?”
“I mean, besides that he’s an asshole?” Batgirl asked. “Uh, two words: Super. Girl.”
“I’ve never even met Supergirl,” Spoiler said, struggling to imagine herself dating Supergirl. 
“Tim’s dead,” Batman said flatly. “But I agree with Batgirl’s assessment.”
“I think Supergirl and Babs have a thing going on?” Dart said. “Maybe? But anyway I’m more of a Wonder Girl kinda gal myself.”
“Ditto,” Canary said. 
“Okay, I get it, you guys are hetero-shaming me,” Spoiler said, lifting her hands up. “For the record, I am bisexual.”
“Good,” Batman said. 
“Although, speaking of my lovely boyfriend, I should probably tell him about this….Stephplosion,” Spoiler said, waving her arms at them. She put her finger to her ear to comm Drake, but then the air folded in on itself on a roof within Spoiler’s line of sight and she saw a flash of a familiar color that made her blood boil.
“Shit,” she said. 
“What?” Dart asked. Spoiler pointed. 
“There was some….orange over there,” she said significantly. 
“Jesus fucking christ,” Batgirl said. “If I have to deal with alternate Cluemasters I’m going to slaughter someone.”
“We need to check it out,” Batman said. 
“I’m only agreeing since there’s five of us,” Canary said. 
“I haven’t seen Arthur since I was eleven and I’m not about to start now,” Dart said, and Spoiler pushed down a surge of jealousy. Batman led the way, grabbing Dart to carry her across the gap. 
They stopped at the edge of the roof and looked down at the kid--the kid!--who was sitting on the rooftop below them. 
She had on an orange skirt and shirt with blue suspenders. Her tights--also orange--were ripped and she had on orange combat boots. Her bandana was pulled down from her face to rest around her neck, and her blonde hair was in tangles. 
Spoiler stared her thirteen year old self in the face and thought about fainting. 
“What the fuck,” Batgirl said flatly. 
“Don’t hit me!” the kid cried, scrambling to her feet. She had braces, Spoiler noted dimly. “Who are you? What happened?”
“We’re in an alternate universe,” Batman said. “Something’s wrong with the multiverse.”
“Lex Luthor,” Spoiler provided, dazed. “Mining for Kryptonite. Batman--my Batman--is taking care of it.”
“Oh,” tiny, orange Steph said. “So...who are you, then?”
Batman pulled off her cowl. Her blonde hair was short and messy and her face was--old. Spoiler pegged her to be late twenties, probably. Huh. The other Stephs were all teenagers like Spoiler. 
“Stephanie,” Batman said, her real voice jarring after the modulated one was gone. “I’m you, okay?”
“In an alternate universe, I’m Batman?” the younger Steph whispered. 
“Yes,” Batman said, her voice soft and kind of tender. Spoiler wondered what experience she had with kids. She realized that she could have a Robin. “And that’s Batgirl, and Dart, and Canary, and Spoiler. We’re all you.”
“Spoiler?” the younger Steph said, her eyes wide. “Holy fuck.”
“Language,” Batman said. 
“I’m thirteen, not a child.” The younger Steph turned and pulled off her backpack. “Look!” She opened it and pulled out a homemade black bodysuit and hooded cape. “Here’s my Spoiler outfit.”
“I’m going to cry,” Batgirl said. Spoiler’s heart was doing something weird, looking at this tiny version of herself wearing Cluemaster orange. 
“Oh, yeah, well. Being Spoiler is my biggest secret,” younger Steph said, putting her costume back away. 
“Why are you dressed like that, then?” Dart asked. 
“Well,” Steph said, drawing out the word. “I thought Dad might, like, kill me if I didn’t say yes when he asked, so I’m Cluekid by day and Spoiler at night. But, uh, I’m working on bringing down the empire from the inside.”
“Empire?” Spoiler repeated. 
“Yeah, Dad’s criminal empire,” Cluekid said. “I’m taking it down.”
“Criminal empire?” Batgirl said, sounding shocked. 
“By yourself?” Batman asked, putting her cowl back on. Cluekid pulled up her bandana. 
“Yeah, it’s like...someone’s gotta do it, right?”
“Was anyone else’s Cluemaster, like, vaguely incompentent at best?” Batgirl asked, and Spoiler and Canary rose their hands. “Criminal empire, really?”
“It’s super fun that you guys weren’t Cluekid, but leave me alone about it,” Cluekid said. “My dad’s the real deal.”
“Then what’s your plan for when he finds out you betrayed him?” Batman asked. Cluekid blinked slowly. 
“Well,” she said, then she stopped. 
“You don’t have a plan,” Dart said knowingly. “I can relate.”
“No, she does,” Batman said, horrified.
“You’re just gonna let yourself die?” Spoiler asked. Cluekid shrugged, her arms going up past her head. 
“If I have to!” she cried. “Someone’s gotta take him down and I’m the only one who can!”
“Dying’s no big D,” Batgirl said. “I do it all the time.”
Everyone turned to face her. 
“I mean, once, but that’s like, more than most people do it,” she amended, and Spoiler shook her head. 
“Jesus christ,” she said. “I have to get you guys out of here. I’m going to call Drake, and we’re going to find out how to return you guys. Except maybe Cluekid, cause your universe sucks.”
“Yeah, well, your universe has people leaking into it, so it can’t be all that great,” Cluekid shot back, and Spoiler had to admit she had a point. 
While they grappled towards the other end of town, Batman carrying Cluekid and Dart running below them, Spoiler put in a call. 
“Batman,” she said. “I have five alternate versions of myself with me.”
“Five Spoilers?” her own Batman asked, his voice gruff. 
“Five Stephanies,” she corrected. “A Batgirl, a speedster, a Canary, a kid, and, well. A Batman.”
“Interesting,” Batman said. “Luthor has been apprehended and once I turn off the machine, everyone should return to normal.”
“Okay,” Spoiler said, and Batman disconnected. Spoiler stopped grappling and the group gathered around her. “According to my Batman, you guys should just...go back soon.”
“It’s been nice getting to know you,” Canary said. “Although really weird.”
“Agreed,” Dart said. “I can’t imagine being a Bat.”
“I wish that would happen to me,” Cluekid said. “But…”
“It’ll be okay, kiddo,” Batman said. 
“Hey,” Spoiler said. “Batman, do you have a Robin? You’re pretty good with kids.”
“Yeah,” Batman said, smiling. “Her name is Carrie.”
“Hell yeah,” Batgirl said, raising her hand for a fistbump. Batman obliged, and from the corner of her eye Spoiler saw the universe begin folding in on itself. 
“Damn, this is me,” Dart said, looking at the wrinkle in the air. It was tied to her leg, so not a difficult conclusion to make. “Well, it’s been nice knowing you ladies. I wish all of you every success--especially you, Lil Steph.”
“Thanks,” Cluekid said, and Spoiler nodded at Dart before she vanished in a puff of purple lightning. 
“I’m going to turn on my earplugs,” Canary said. “Who knows what’ll happen when I get back--but anyway, I’m going to be in the dark, hearing-wise.”
“Okay,” Spoiler said, a little confused, and Canary gave everyone a smile. 
“It’s been real,” she said, and then she turned on her earplugs. She signed something at them--Spoiler knew only a few signs and couldn’t keep up. Batgirl nodded thoughtfully. 
“What’d she say?” Spoiler asked. 
“Oh, I have no clue,” Batgirl said. “Come to think of it, the signs me and Cass use aren’t strictly ‘real’ sign language.”
“She said that she turns off her hearing so it’s not damaged by the canary cry,” Batman said. Everyone looked at her. “What? My brother was mute and he had to talk somehow.” 
“Brother?” Spoiler repeated, and Batman said, “Damian.”
Damian, mute? 
Damian, Steph’s brother?
“I’m leaving,” Canary said loudly, and they turned to face her. She was vanishing just like Dart, and she gave a little wave, then pointed at Batman, who was also disappearing. 
“Goodbye,” Batman said, and then she and Canary were gone, leaving Spoiler with Batgirl and Cluekid. 
“I’m gonna be real with you guys,” Cluekid said. “I know it’s only been like two minutes but seeing myself, older and with a place in the world….it’s pretty inspiring to think that in another universe I grow up to be Batman.”
“Maybe you still can,” Spoiler suggested, thinking that she didn’t like the idea of this tiny version of herself planning her own death. 
“I don’t think so,” Cluekid said, smiling sadly. 
“I’ve been through a lot of shit,” Batgirl said. “I’ve even died before. You can’t let any of that stop you, okay? You just gotta push through it.”
“Keep on coming back,” Spoiler said. 
“However long it takes,” Batgirl said. Cluekid blinked, tears welling in her eyes, and then she reached for Spoiler and Batgirl, tugging them both into a hug. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Spoiler said, ruffling her hair, and then Cluekid was gone.
“Damn,” Batgirl said. “She says she’s inspired by us, but I’m inspired by her. She’s so brave.”
“Yeah, I know,” Spoiler said, her throat sort of rough. “Geez.”
“Well, it’s my turn next,” Batgirl said. “So, uh. Bye? I guess.”
“Have fun in your universe,” Spoiler said. “With Oracle and Supergirl.”
“Oh, I absolutely will,” Batgirl said. “Have fun with….Drake. Seriously, we give you shit, but if he’s good for you--”
“He is,” Spoiler said, trying not to think of their breakups. 
“Then that’s all there is to it, isn’t it,” Batgirl said. She grinned, and the air behind her began to fold. “Oh, what timing!”
“Goodbye, Batgirl,” Spoiler said. 
“Bye, Spoiler,” Batgirl said. “You know, it’s nice to see that somewhere out there, we’re still in the mantle we created.”
“And it’s nice to see that we’re in a mantle given to us,” Spoiler said, and Batgirl grinned. 
“Hell yeah it is,” she said, and then she was gone, and Spoiler was left alone. 
She sighed, and kept moving. 
dart from here & here
canary from here
batman from here 
cluekid from here--(don’t worry--she doesn’t actually die!)
(all are my own work!) 
& then spoiler’s from rebirth and batgirl’s from preboot canon AMEN
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Hold it Together (As We Fall Apart)
Summary: Kara and Lena try to move on after 5x08, slowly realizing their true feelings as everything crumbles around them. My first venture into writing Supergirl. Hopefully, you guys enjoy this and want me to continue. I look forward to diving further into Supercorp shipping!Note: Maybe include crisis/the aftermath of Crisis.Let me know if you think I should continue. :)
Kara let out a shuddering breath as she slowly brushed her thumb over Lena’s jaw, her eyes misted with tears. She wished that she could actually touch her best friend again, that it wasn’t just a photo she was touching but after what she’d done she wasn’t sure she would ever have the opportunity again. There was a light knock at her door and Kara looked up, surprised that she hadn’t heard anyone approaching. Usually, her super hearing would have picked it up. Her heart leaped with hope and she narrowed her eyes, using her x-ray vision on the door. Her heart sank in despair when she saw that it wasn’t Lena. “Kara?”
Kara begrudgingly set the photo she’d been holding onto the coffee table and got to her feet. She walked across the room, hastily wiping away her tears as she did so and opened the door to greet Nia.
“Nia.” Kara managed a meek smile at the sight of her friend. “What are you doing here? Did Alex send you?”
As Kara stepped out of the way to allow her entrance, Nia stepped into the loft, closing the door behind her. “No, of course not. Why would you even think…” She paused at Kara’s disbelieving stare. “Okay, maybe she called and mentioned you weren’t feeling great but coming over was my idea, I swear! I brought potstickers!” Kara blinked at the paper bag Nia was suddenly holding in front of her face. Usually, she’d be salivating at the thought of her favorite food but now her stomach just clenched uncomfortably at the thought of eating anything. “I-I’m not really hungry. Thank you though.” Nia’s brow furrowed in confusion at the response. That definitely wasn’t normal for Kara. “You heard me say potstickers, right?” She let her hand fall to her side as she watched Kara look away like she felt guilty at not accepting the offer of her favorite food. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for what happened with Lena.” Kara swallowed thickly against the lump that formed in her throat at the mention of Lena’s name. “It’s okay. I’m okay, I just need t-to figure out how to fix this. I’m not giving up on her. I can’t give up.” Nia watched as Kara made her way back to the couch, sitting back down. She carefully set the bag in her hand on Kara’s counter before she made her way toward her friend, sitting down next to her. “Maybe instead of the food, you could use some company instead?” Kara nodded, tears clouding her eyes at the thoughtful suggestion. She didn’t deserve such amazing friends. “I would like that. Thanks, Nia.” Nia moved closer to Kara, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to hug her from the side. “What are friends for?” She hadn’t expected the rhetorical question to garner a response from Kara and her eyes widened when a broken sob escaped the girl of steel. “Oh, I-I’m sorry…” Kara shook her head against Nia’s shoulder. “It’s my fault.” She replied through tears. “I should have been a better friend, I should have been honest. Instead, I was just a...a coward. And look what’s happened because of it.” “You did what you thought was best,” Nia replied gently, her chest aching as Kara’s tears soaked through her sweater. Her words were weak, not because she didn’t believe them - she absolutely did, with every fiber of her being, but because she knew that Kara wouldn’t believe what she was saying. “You don’t have to blame yourself.” “But it’s my fault!” Kara jerked away from Nia. Her eyes widened when she saw the surprise on Nia’s face. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” “I’m not afraid of you, Kara. Well maybe a little, you could...actually snap me in two if you wanted to. But I know you wouldn’t. I trust you.” “I should have trusted Lena.” Kara murmured, lifting her hand to wipe her face with her sleeve. She cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. She had cried more than she deserved to already. Even if she wanted to curl up into a ball and sob until she couldn’t anymore, she wouldn’t. “Let’s talk about something else. How are you and Brainy?” A smile sprung to Nia’s face at the mention of Brainy. “W-We’re good. Great actually. But are you sure you want to talk about that?” “Why wouldn’t I? It’s not like I broke up with my girlfrie-” Kara paused as her heart leaped in her chest for some unknown reason. “Lena is my best friend but that’s all.” Nia was unconvinced, especially as she looked down and saw the photo Kara had obviously been clutching before she got there. She reached down, carefully picking it up and set it down on the coffee table in front of them. Kara stared longingly at the picture. She missed those days. When Lena was her friend, when Kara could walk into a room and give the CEO a hug for no reason besides the two of them not seeing each other for a couple of days. When Lena didn’t hate her enough to imprison her in the fortress of solitude. Kara wished she’d made more use of that time she’d had with Lena. Now she might never get the chance again. “Kara?” Nia pressed gently, resting her hand lightly on Kara’s knee. Blue eyes flicked back to her own. “Did you hear what I said?” Kara silently shook her head. Nia smiled gently. “I said how about I go and warm up those potstickers for us and you try to eat something? We can watch a movie to take your mind off things.” “Right…” Kara said faintly, still lost in her own thoughts. She shook her head, forcing herself to focus. Alex had said she would be stopping by later and Kara was well aware of how her sister could get when she didn’t think Kara was taking good enough care of herself. “Thanks, Nia.” “Anytime.” As Nia got up to reheat their food, Kara sank into the back of the couch, her eyes glued to the picture. She had fought hard for Lena, sure, but she would do that for any of her friends...wouldn’t she? ---- Lena stared blankly at the plain white ceiling above her bed. She couldn’t sleep. Her thoughts tormented her too relentlessly for her to be able to catch a few precious minutes of sleep. Exhaustion would catch up on her. She knew that. Eventually, she would succumb to the blissful reprieve of slumber and she wouldn’t have to think anymore. She wouldn’t be stuck with thoughts of Kara racing through her mind. No, she corrected herself sharply, her brow furrowing, Not Kara. Supergirl. She isn’t Kara anymore. Not her Kara. Maybe she had never been her Kara. Maybe her Kara wasn’t even real. 
Supergirl had lied to her, used her. Made Lena believe that Kara Danvers was someone she wasn’t. Staring at the ceiling, Lena remembered the blinding fear she’d felt when she’d thought that Kara was in danger. She’d never felt fear like that before. “Kara, the safest place for you to be right now is with me.” Kara must have thought her to be such an idiot for saying that. It was laughable. A Luthor trying to protect a Super. Her feeble attempts must have been hilarious to supergirl. “Kara, are you okay?!” “Yeah. Mercy must have hired terrible marksman. They totally missed me.” Lena gritted her teeth and twisted onto her side, curling into a ball as tears prickled at her eyes. “I’m about to die but at least I lived without ever being a fool.” Lex’s words rang in her ears as if he were in the very same room as her. He was right, she had been a fool. She’d been a fool to turn her back on her vow to never let anyone in. She’d been a fool to trust Kara as much as she had. She’d been a fool to not see what was right in front of her. She hated Kara for doing that to her. She hated her. She hated her with every fiber of her being. “Kara Danvers, YOU are my hero.” Lena buried her face into her pillow, crying silently into the soft cotton. She wished she could just make it stop, that she could just forget it all. She’d prefer anything to this utter misery she was feeling. Kara Danvers had crushed her, had humiliated her. Had broken her as nobody else could. 
---- “Alex! Alex, help me!” Kara’s hands pounded against the small glass window of the pod she was confined in, her breath coming in short, panicked gasps. She could feel the burning agony of kryptonite coursing through her, seeping her power away. Outside of the pod, there was darkness, pure darkness with no sight of the person she was calling for. Alex wouldn’t be coming to save her this time. Nobody was going to come. Still, Kara slammed her hands frantically against the glass. She couldn’t get out. There was no escaping the prison she’d been trapped in. “Alex! ALEX!” “ALEX!” “Hey, hey, hey!” Alex caught Kara’s arms as her sister bolted upright in bed. The force with which Kara had sprung up with almost had Alex tumbling to the floor but she managed to steady herself before she could fall. “Kara! Hey, you’re okay. I’m here. It’s okay.” It took a moment but finally, Kara’s wide, tear-filled baby blue eyes focused on Alex’s worried face. “A-Alex, I-I…” “It’s okay.” Alex crawled further onto the bed and Kara fell forward into her arms, her tears coming thicker and faster. “It’s okay,” Alex repeated, gently running her hand over Kara’s hair. “It was just a nightmare. You’re safe, I promise.” “I couldn’t get out.” Kara choked brokenly into Alex’s shoulder. “I was calling for you a-and you weren’t...I couldn’t...a-and Lena…” Alex gently shushed Kara, trying to calm her down while also trying to quell the sudden feeling of fury blooming in her chest. Lena had better hope that she didn’t find herself in Alex’s path anytime soon. “I was so scared.” Kara whimpered into the shirt Alex had borrowed from her when she’d gotten there. “I didn’t think you were coming…” “Of course I was coming,” Alex said firmly. “You think a crazy Luthor and an impenetrable fortress would be enough to keep me away?” She felt Kara tense in her arms and gave her a gentle squeeze. “I’m just joking, Kara.” Kara nodded and slowly pulled away, wiping at her eyes. Alex didn’t miss the subtle tremble of Kara’s hands. “It’s been a long time since you had dreams like this,” Alex remarked softly. She remembered Kara used to have them all of the time when she was younger. Nightmares. Panic attacks at being in an even slightly enclosed space. Kara guiltily bowed her head. “I’m okay…” “No, you’re not.” Alex disagreed with a sad smile. “It’s okay not to be okay, Kara. It’s only me here. You don’t have to hide it from me.” Kara chewed thoughtfully on her lower lip for a moment before she nodded her head. “Will you stay here with me?” She jerked her head toward the pillow next to her own. “I don’t want to…” “Of course. I was sleeping here anyway. Nia’s crashed on your couch. I don’t think she wanted to leave until I got here and I was...really late.” Alex said sheepishly. “I didn’t have the heart to wake her.” As Kara lay down, Alex moved to lie next to her. As Kara turned onto her back to face the ceiling, Alex turned onto her side to silently watch Kara. Kara was silent for a few long moments before she spoke, her voice trembling. “I really...I love her, Alex.” Alex knew that Kara wasn’t talking about Nia. “I know.” Kara swallowed convulsively. “She’s my best friend.” She murmured before she turned onto her side. Alex stared at Kara’s back, wondering why her sister had felt the need to elaborate on what she’d meant. “Kara…” “Goodnight, Alex.” Alex sighed softly. Kara was stubborn. If she didn’t want to talk, she wasn’t going to talk. “Goodnight.” ----- A week later “You can do it, Danvers.” Kara mumbled to herself as she stared at herself in the mirror. Thankfully she had checked that nobody else was in the stalls before she’d started talking to herself in the mirror. “It’s just a day at work, that’s all. Just a normal day at work.” She tucked her hair behind her ears, letting out a slow breath. She hated to admit it but her work had suffered after everything that had happened with her and Lena. She could barely focus on anything anymore. Everything at CatCo reminded her of Lena. She knew that she couldn’t keep doing this to herself. She had to give Lena time and space, that was all. She needed to give Lena time to heal. As much as it pained her to do so. Kara was torn from her thoughts by her phone ringing in her pocket. She quickly scrambled to answer it, noticing it was Alex. “Hey, Alex. I was…” “Kara, it’s Lena.” Alex interjected before Kara could finish speaking. “Something’s going down at L-Corp. There’s talk of shooters. You can get there faster than us. I know she-” Kara didn’t let Alex finish what she was saying. She dropped her phone and tore her glasses off before fleeing the bathroom, followed by the building as her suit formed around her. Her super speed had never felt slower than at that moment and Kara was struck by the idea that she wished Barry was there to give her a boost. “Come on, come on…” Kara gritted her teeth to push herself faster. It could have only been seconds but it felt like hours before she finally burst into Lena’s office. She glanced frantically around, noticing the office was smashed up, the entire contents of Lena’s desk seemingly on the floor. Her super-hearing picked up the sound of a smash beneath her feet and without hesitation she dashed off again, making her way down to Lena’s lab. She crashed through the door, still at a speed that would easily rival the Flash’s. Her eyes widened when she saw Lena standing with her back against the wall, her eyes wide with fear as five heavily armed men pointed their guns at her and pulled the triggers. Without thinking, Kara flew across the room, pressing Lena against the wall with her own body. Time seemed to speed up around her again as she cupped the back of Lena’s head drawing it to her shoulder to shield her. Bullets hit her back, falling harmlessly to the ground but the men kept firing, clearly alarmed at the sudden presence of Supergirl. Kara held Lena throughout it, feeling the woman trembling in her arms. Her face was pressed into Kara’s neck, her hands clutching at Kara’s back under her cape. Kara couldn’t feel the bullets but she could vividly feel Lena’s nails digging into her shoulder blades through her suit. Guiltily, Kara couldn’t help but soak in the feeling of being so close to Lena. She’d missed it. Her warmth, her scent. Everything about her. Finally, the shooting died down and Kara reluctantly pulled away. Lena’s eyes met hers and Kara swallowed thickly. She hesitated for a moment before she remembered the men behind them and turned on them, anger blazing in her eyes. “Shit…” One of the men muttered, struggling to reload his gun as Kara advanced on him. Just as he lifted his weapon, he was hit with a punch to the jaw, knowing him unconscious. Lena let out a slow breath as Kara dealt with the mean who’d attacked her, disarming them one by one. Kara let the final mercenary fall to the ground and she made her way quickly back to Lena. “Are you okay? W-Were you hit?!” Lena silently shook her head. She was still shaken, she had to admit but she didn’t want to let it show. “I’m fine, Supergirl.” Kara grimaced slightly but chose to ignore Lena’s pointed comment. She looked down at Lena’s wrist, frowning slightly. “You don’t have the watch I gave you…?” “I have it somewhere,” Lena answered, trying to seem nonchalant about it. “I don’t see the need for it anymore. You can have it back if you wa…” “Why didn’t you use it?! What the hell were you thinking, Lena? You could have died!” Kara was close. Suddenly too close and Lena felt like she couldn’t breathe. “I didn’t want you!” She pushed at Supergirl’s chest but of course, the Kryptonian didn’t budge. “I don’t want you. That’s why I didn’t call you.” Hurt flickered across Kara’s expression, her anger replaced by pain. “Lena…” Lena gritted her teeth and looked away. She couldn’t stand it. The way Kara said her name. Gentle and reverently. Like she cared. She was momentarily distracted by Alex rushing into the room with a few other agents. “I believe I made my feelings perfectly clear, Supergirl. I don’t want you here.” Kara’s lip trembled. “Lena, I’m sorry. I just…I know you don’t want to see me. I know you...hate me. That I hurt you more than...more than I can imagine but don’t do this. Don’t put yourself at risk to get back at me. I’m not worth it. I’m here if you need me. It doesn’t have to be as a friend but I can protect you if you’re in danger and...” “You’re rambling, Supergirl.” Lena snapped, effectively silencing Kara. “You’re the very last person I would want to protect me after what you’ve do-” “Alright, enough!” Alex suddenly appeared between them, her hand going to Kara’s arm. “Supergirl, leave. I’ve got this from here.” “Alex…” Kara’s teary eyes turned to Alex. Pleading with her. “I won’t hurt her,” Alex said softly. It was a promise she hoped she could keep. “Go.” Lena stared at Kara as the woman glanced at her one last time before she flew off. She barely had time to breathe a sigh of relief before Alex turned on her, anger written across her face. “I understand that you’re angry and hurt. That you feel betrayed.” Alex said, keeping her voice low. “But what you’re doing is cruel. What you’ve done to her is cruel!” Lena’s eyebrows shot up. “I’m being cruel?! What about what she’s…” “How could she tell you?!” Alex interrupted sharply. “You barely even liked Supergirl! She thought you’d hate her. That you’d stop being her friend.” “That’s not the…” Alex held up a hand. “I’m not finished! Do you know she’s been having nightmares since you locked her in that prison?!” “What?” Lena’s brow furrowed in confusion. “She knew I wasn’t going to kill her, she…” “She’s claustrophobic!” Alex hissed, trembling with anger. “And you attacked her with Kryptonite even though you know how she feels about it!” Lena stayed silent, at a loss for words. She hadn’t known that. How hadn’t she known that? Alex scoffed and turned to walk away. Lena may have still been her friend but Alex was too angry to even look at her. She was surprised to see that during her exchange with Lena and Supergirl, the other DEO agents had dragged the mercenaries out of there. “Alex.” Alex paused near the door, debating whether she should respond to Lena or not. She turned her head slightly. “What, Lena?” “I wasn’t Supergirl’s biggest fan at times,” Lena spoke softly, the crack in her voice betraying her feelings. “But I was Kara Danvers’. I would have hoped she’d known that. That she would have trusted me. Clearly, I misread our friendship.” Alex let out a soft sigh. “She adores you, Lena. She made a mistake, that’s all. Who doesn’t?” Lena opened her mouth to answer but she stopped as Alex walked away. Trembling, she slid down the wall, her hand going to her chest. She could still feel Kara’s warmth. TBC?
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rawiswhore · 4 years
Bart Gunn x Fem Reader- “Do The Bartman”
I'm about to type perhaps the world's only Bart Gunn fanfiction.
In 1998, the WWF has a new look, a new logo, a new era and a vast difference to the WWF of yore.
Stone Cold Steve Austin is now the face of the company, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, Lex Luger, Kevin Nash, Sunny/Tammy Sytch and other 90's WWF wrestlers are gone, Isaac Yankem is now Kane, Hunter Hearst Helmsley is Triple H and no longer a classy 1800's Jane Austen gentleman, and Marlena is now Terri Runnels.
The WWF audience went from hardly holding up any signs throughout the 90's to the entire audience filled with people holding up signs and posters.
This year, you're really blown up in popularity in the WWF, making people forget about Sunny, guest starring on various TV shows, being considered for movie roles, being on the cover of non-wrestling magazines, and even making headline news.
1998 is your year.
It's the year the Attitude Era really began and blew up, the WWF began calling itself WWF Attitude and they really cranked the attitude up that year.
Even though this year there are many things in the WWF that are really going over with the audience, which includes yourself, there was something in the summer of 1998 during the Attitude era that didn't quite connect and go over with wrestling fans, even back then.
What was it?
The Brawl for All.
Where lower card wrestlers such as the Godfather, Johnny Maro, and other wrestlers that don't headline the WWF a la Stone Cold and the Rock box.
As in, do Muhammad Ali/Joe Frazer/Mike Tyson/Evander Holyfield boxing.
Except these wrestlers have almost no training in boxing and it doesn't involve ears being bitten off.
Even during the Attitude era, the Brawl for All didn't go over.
There is a certain wrestler in the Brawl for All who never did quite make it big in the wrestling world besides perhaps with the Smoking Gunns and sadly, the Brawl for All.
Who is he?
Bart Gunn.
The former partner to Billy Gunn in the Smoking Gunns and a partner in the severely short lived, one night only New Midnight Express.
Bart is the Marty Jannetty to Billy's Shawn Michaels.
Bart looks so much better now with longer hair, no facial hair, and without that cowboy look he had a few years ago.
He was pretty cute in 1996/1997, but Billy was the hotter one, and in 1998 he's gotten a lot hotter.
He looks like Val Kilmer and Randy Orton with long hair.
Since Bart has grown his hair out and shaved his face, you've gotten a crush on him, and even though he really wasn't used that much in the WWF besides the Brawl for All, now is your chance.
The Brawl for All is when people see him the most during his sexiest (in your opinion).
One night, in August of 1998, when Bart showed up for every Brawl For All, after a match he did was over, he walked back to the locker room, shirtless and completely sweaty.
When he entered the locker room, you were waiting for him in there, standing there topless, albeit a towel was hanging behind your neck and covering your breasts, and some short boxing shorts.
The camera showed you dressed in this outfit, and the males (both grown men and underage boys) in the audience offscreen got out of their seats and started cheering, going "yyyyyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!".
You could even hear some of those corny "wolf whistles" in the audience.
You could hear the pops from the males outside, even if they were shown off screen.
"Well, aye carrrrumba Bart" you purred, walking up to him and your lips spreading a naughty smile, rolling the "r" in the word "carumba".
"Aye carumba, indeed!" Jerry Lawler shrieked. "Don't have a cow, Bart!"
You were standing right in front of Bart, your torso pressing against his torso, he looked surprised, his eyes growing bigger and mouth breaking out in a smile.
"Bart" you said, pressing your chest on his chest and your eyes looking up at him. "You're probably the sexiest man in the WWF right now".
Though, many women will beg to differ.
"Triple H grew that facial hair" you said, your eyes looking down at his chest and your index finger running up and down his sweaty chest. "That made me lose my attraction to him".
You stuck your bottom lip out and pouted in sadness.
"He is getting a little sexier now that he's shaved it this month" you admitted. "Though he's not as hot as he used to be".
Your eyes were eying Bart's body up and down.
Offscreen, some of the women in the audience got out of their seats and cheered, agreeing with you about how Triple H did lose his looks when he grew that facial hair.
"And Shawn Michaels hasn't been here during the majority of this year" you pouted, your face looking sad and glum, your eyes looking down at the floor.
All of the females in the audience screamed and shrieked their heads off, some of them going "yyyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaahhhh!!" and one woman shouting "You go, girl!".
"Though he has returned" Bart replied, saying that matter of factly.
Your eyes looked back up at him again, your lips breaking out into a faint little smile.
"But only temporarily" you frowned, your lips turning down into a frown (that rhymed) and your eyes looking down at the floor again.
Which is a shame, he got even sexier when he returned in the summer of 1998.
"And Billy Gunn has cut his hair!" you whined.
Why did Billy cut his hair into that silly little Backstreet Boys hair?
Plus, Rob Van Dam is back in ECW, the Hardy Boyz and Davey Boy Smith cease to exist, and even Bret Hart has left the company.
"But there is that cute little Val Venis" you mentioned, your eyes looking up at him and your lips widening your face to create a naughty, shit eating grin.
You and Val Venis are a match made in heaven, considering he's a ladies' man and porn star, and your character is a slutty nymphomaniac.
Some women in the audience even got out of their seats and cheered for you.
Many people would ship you and Val and say the two of you should form a tag team together.
Val is pretty hot, but he's kind of a butterface.
"But he's not as cute as you are" you purred, wrapping and draping one of your arms behind his head, your forearm resting across his shoulders, your voice sounding sexy and seductive.
Though your voice almost always sounds sexy and seductive, that's your character.
And speaking of Val Venis, you may as well say this...
"Bart, your last name is Gunn" you mentioned. "Does that mean you have a big 'gun' in your pocket?"
One of your hands was in between his thighs, grabbing onto his balls, although they were covered by his shorts and the camera was showing you and Bart above the forearms.
Bart looked down when he felt you grab his nuts.
He couldn't help but giggle sheepishly and embarrassedly.
"And is your gun cocked, loaded and ready to shoot?" you added.
People in the audience, both men and women, yelled and shouted when you said that.
You sounded like Triple H with his sexual innuendo in D Generation X.
Bart was speechless and didn't know what to say.
"Y'know, it's fitting you're a boxer in the Brawl for All" you purred. "Because you're a total knockout".
No, that sound effect didn't happen, but it may as well.
That joke is a classic corny dad joke.
"I may as well say that about her!" Jerry Lawler shrieked.
The camera then zoomed in to your face, where your face turned and you looked at the camera.
"I'm about to do the Bartman" you said. "And get bent!"
Wonder if the audience remembers that song and knows what it's referencing?
Everyone in the audience got out of their seats and cheered for you, not because of the Bart Simpson references, but because it's implied you're about to have sex with him.
Nobody better lay a finger on Bart (Gunn)'s butterfinger except for you.
The camera then zoomed out, now showing your head, neck and torso as well as Bart Gunn.
"You don't have to eat my shorts, Bart" you told him, both of your hands gripping onto the elastic waistband on your hips and pulling your shorts down. "But you can eat what's under them"
The camera didn't show your vulva or below your ass, but people could see you pull your shorts down.
Everyone in the audience, especially the males, got out of their seats and cheered their heads off, going absolutely nuts.
The camera then cut away from this, which definitely disappointed the people in the audience who hoped to see you and Bart get it on.
The whole point of this was to show some Bart Simpson-related sexual innuendo.
And next year, actually, at the end of 1999, when Stone Cold Steve Austin added beer to his character and gimmick, you, in a comedic moment, gave Stone Cold a white polo shirt, blue jeans, a box of pink donuts and a 6 pack of beer.
Because he, to you, looks like a redneck Homer Simpson with his bald head and beard, complete with his infatuation with beer.
Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon is probably the most iconic feud of the Attitude era, and when you think about it, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon is like Homer Simpson and Mr. Burns.
Homer and Stone Cold are bald, bearded men who love beer, and Vince and Mr. Burns are Stone Cold and Homer's billionaire bosses.
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wikiblair · 5 years
Don´t mind me... I just put something in here. I need to get this out of my system, so I am sorry for everybody who will be reading this by some accident...
Kara Zor-El was silently howering above National City. It was quiet night and yet she didn´t share the peace of the city below her feet. It was the year 2025 a today´s date mark the anniversary of the biggest battle she ever had to win. It was dreadful fight. She lost many loved ones that day. But what stings most was the dead of Oliver Queen, disaapearence of Barry Allen and especially, dead of the only person she ever loved. And will be loved if she was honest with herself. Kara never forgave herself. Lena Luthor´s death fall on her head and on her head only and she know it. She knew from the moment Lena draw her last breath in her arms. 
If she wasn´t such a selfish coward, Lena would never get mad at her and Kara would be near her when the crisis strike. But no. She had to keep her secret to herself so long that was Lex Luthor himself and not her, who told Lena who Kara really was. And even though Lena told Kara she would be always her best friend, Lena´s action prooved othervise..  Lena sold CatCo, stopped coming to game nights, because she was “too busy to have a social life” and took away Kara´s full acces to L-Corp. As the time goes, she even stopped picked Lena´s calls and stopped answering her texts. Every time there was a big event in L-Corp such as launch of new invention or gala for charity new owner of CatCo send a differend reporter. Never her. Andrea never said a word, but Kara thought Andrea was just fullfilling Lena´s wish.
Kara always thought she have enough time. Enough time to tell the truth, enough time to tell how in love she is, enough time to fix their relationship.. And every time she was so wrong. Because only a short time after Lena shut herself from Kara and her friends, Barry Allen was knocking (figuratively, because dimensional portals don´t have doors) on her apartment with ominous news. And he needed her help. Little did she know that this fight would not stop on Earth-1. That it would spread through the whole multiverse, including her earth. But when she found out, it was too late.  Lena thought she has enough wit and enough invetions to help. She stubbornly went head first towards the danger. And that cost her her life. She was fighting with one of the toughest goons of Anti-Monitor, yet she still thought she can beat him. Opposite was the true. 
Just when Lena thought she won, that she find a way and beat him, she lost her vigilance. She turned around to see how others are doing and if she is not needed anywhere else  when he get up and pierce her bodyarmor. Strenght of that blow was ubelieveble. And even though nanobots could absorb most of the kinetic energy, it wasn´t enough. His sword made from N-th metal pierce not only the armor, but Lena´s body as well. And Kara saw that. She saw everything. It was like she was watching it in slow-motion. From the moment when Lena turned around to her, through the moment that goone get up to the moment when the blade went through Lena´s body. Kara tried to push her speed over the limit but she was still late. She blown the creature away from Lena´s body and rushed to her. She completly lost interest of anything around her, besides Lena´s bleeding body.
“What have you done??? Oh Rao, what have you done?” asked Kara repetitvly, while she cradled Lena´s faltering body in her arms. Lena coughed a little blood. “What have to be done. I would do that again.” Lena smiled despite the pain she HAD to feel. “I just hope I was useful to you Kara.” “Don´t you get it? You were always useful to me. You were the source of my strenght. Every time I thought I am done with this world, when I felt like giving up on humanity and let them destroy themselfs I saw you. Your determination to help, to proove yourself. And I thought that if you can do that, so do I. I am so sorry I lied to you for so many years about who I am. And I am so sorry that I never told you how much I care about you. How much I love you. How much I am in love with you. Please, I have so many amends to make, you have to stay strong and keep living!” The last part came as a sob from Kara´s mouth. 
Lena smiled again. “We both know I don´t last long. I can survive this even thoug my nannites are doing their best. The organ dammage is too severe. I can feel it But I am glad I have this last moments with you. I don´t want to die and let you thing I am still mad at you. I am not. I forgave you. I was just too proud and too stubborn to make a first step towards our reconciliation. My Pride was always my weakness. And it was just my pride who stopped me to tell you I am in love with you too. I am for quite some time. But as I said, I was too proud to say something in fear you will reject me. Now I know how big of a fool I was. I am so sorry Kara.” There was another fit of caugh with blood. “I just hope you will forgive me one day. And above all I hope that one day you will forgive yourself. It´s not your fault. It never was. I love you zrhueiao ” And with that she smile one last time and exhale her last breath and her heart stopped beating for good.
That was five years ago. Lena has absolutely beautiful funeral. All of a sudden everybody somehow forgot that she was Luthor, and fully focused on her good deeds. Nobody mention her evil family. But Kara didn´t go to the funeral. Neither as Kara nor as supergirl. She just can´t. It hurt too much. And after that, she definitely abandonned her Kara Danvers persona. She just can´t be somebody, whos direct action led to the death of love of her life anymore. She never forgave herself despite the fact she was broking her very own promise. So here she was. Supergirl, girl of steel, girl without anything to loose. Silent guardian angle of a city her love want to make better...
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