#Nonhuman F/O
v1-kisser · 2 months
People with robot / nonhuman f/os. Hello (shakes your hand)
You have to remember that the longer you spend with them, the more human traits they'll pick up. If there's tic or quirk that you have, a gesture you often make when you talk... They'll start doing it, too. Even if it's totally unlike them. That's what happens... when u love someone....
A few examples:
If they're made of metal or don't have hair of any sorts, imagine them raking fingers over their "scalp" when they're stressed or deep in thought.
Scratching behind ears that they don't have, picking at non existent nails, rubbing their eyes when it's time to rest even though they don't get sleepy
Mimicking common human vocalizations (Hums, stutters, filler words like "uh" "well" "so")
If they have a very professional or robotic way of speaking (or they just aren't 100% fluent in human language), shortening some of the words in their vocabulary (Don't know -> Dunno, etc) and using more contractions/casual words.
Building on that, using figures of speech and expressions that you use! Maybe they end up making up the most bizarre metaphors that really only make sense to them. (If you stop and ask them what tf they're on about, do they get embarrassed and say "Nevermind" ? Do they try to explain?)
I just think it's important. And adorable. So. Yeah you should consider it. Feel free to add on!!!!!!!!!
pro/comship dni thank you.
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lavaridgecookie · 29 days
Horror Movie Time with Sonic F/Os
General imagines for watching horror films with Sonic characters! What types they're into, what kind of movie watcher they are, etc. I originally wanted them to be able to be read as romantic or platonic, but eventually I just kinda went full romance.
Characters: Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Amy, Rouge, Omega
Spoiler warnings for Poltergeist and Alien, and a very minor spoiler warning for The Thing
Is more a fan of the 'campy' horror movies, although he'll also watch slashers - they get his blood pumping and his heart racing, and he lives for that. He doesn't like seeing you actually afraid, so he'll definitely take your tastes into account when picking a movie- if you say no to a specific thing, he'll tease you a bit but he'll pick something else.
Does NOT like supernatural horror. He will not watch ghost movies. He won't watch movies about doomsday scenarios. Basically, if he doesn't think he could fight it off in real life, it horrifies him and he can't stop thinking about it. What if that stuff happened to him? Happened to you? Haunts him for days or months afterwards. You made the mistake of watching The Thing with him, and for three weeks afterwards you had to talk him out of making you do the blood test every time you were apart for more than 5 hours.
He's fine with werewolf movies, for obvious reasons. Been there, done that, still tries to use his foot to scratch his ear sometimes.
All in all, he just wants to have fun with the movie, and with you. If you say 'tonight, we are watching a bunch of Disney Channel Original Scary Movies and eating our weight in popcorn,' he'll be just as happy as if you wanted to watch every Halloween movie.
Is a more all-around moviegoer, although since meeting you, he's found slashers are harder to watch. He can't help but think about you suffering through those scenarios, and ultimately dying.
Meanwhile, he loves sci-fi and supernatural horror. He's a product of science, he knows what it can do, so he can completely relax when watching movies like Alien.
In fact, and he'd never tell you this, he likes that one a LOT more after meeting you. He can easily see you in Ripley's place- resourceful, smart, trying to keep everyone alive. Going back for Jonesy seems like something you would do. He likes imagining you, triumphant, coming home to him.
Shadow likes it a LOT when you cling tightly to him- you can grab his arm as hard as you want, you can squeeze him like you're a boa constrictor, whatever. It doesn't hurt him, he's the Ultimate Lifeform! He likes the physical contact that he doesn't have to ask for, but he also very much enjoys knowing he makes you feel safe.
You should definitely expect him to start appraising the movie afterwards- he doesn't actually care, but he wants to talk to you and he's not great at conversations without a set topic. Please indulge him.
is kind of a weenie and and doesn't really like actually scary movies all that much. He's been through enough, thank you. He's much more of a children's Halloween movie guy- your Mostly Ghostlys, your Scary Godmothers, your Cry Baby Lanes. Basically, nothing scarier than Tremors.
If you do make him watch a horror film, he's shaking in the first five minutes, and once bodies start piling up he's crying into your shirt.
There is one exception.
He loves Tobe Hooper's Poltergeist. Everything about it speaks to him, and he loves sharing it with you. He'll hold your hand whenever Steve and Diane are supporting each other, and he'll pull you into his chest and hold you during the scary parts. Afterwards, he'll tell you about how he hopes you two can be together like that someday- how he'll never abandon you when things get tough, and how he knows you'll stick by him, too.
He likes it because throughout all the horrible things, everyone is looking out for each other. He loves that everyone lives. And if you like the movie, too? He's the happiest hedgehog that ever lived.
Is a big fan of slashers- the gorier the better! She's the kind to cheer when some idiot gets murdered. But she also much prefers watching them at home, with you. She wants her head in your lap, taking sips of red wine in between mouthfuls of heart-stoppingly buttery popcorn, just having a great time with you.
But, and you won't find this out on the first date, she's also a huge film buff and adores the cult classics. If you so much as mention cult horror, she'll start trying to get you to watch her Criterion Collection DVD of Hausu, and wants to discuss the finer points of horror.
And she is trusting you not to spoil her reputation by telling anybody else about this. Especially you shouldn't tell anybody that she LOVES Them!
She also really likes horror films with a romantic bent, and she keeps saying that she'll tease you during them but honestly when the time comes her eyes are glued to the goddamn screen... it's the perfect time to slip your hands into hers.
Likes two kinds of horror moves. She loves psychological horror- it keeps her guessing, keeps her engaged. When you watch with her, she likes to voice her theories out loud, and loves to hear your thoughts on it!
In the same vein, she also likes cult classics- her favourite is the 1962 film Carnival of Souls. Expect a lengthy discussion every time you guys watch a more 'cerebral' film- she really does like to hear how you felt about it! It helps her feel like she can see into your world a bit better.
But on days where she doesn't have that much brainpower to spare, she really enjoys a good horror/comedy. Her go-to is the Three Flavour Cornetto trilogy, but honestly she's not that picky. You guys watched Werewolves Within together and about died laughing. The genre is basically the mental equivalent of icecream to her.
Whatever you two watch, you are smushed up together in one corner of the couch. Doesn't matter who's in front and who's behind, one of you has your head in the crook of the neck of the other.
He also like slashers, and he's kind of unbearable to watch 'em with. Every time anybody dies, he either says 'That would not have happened to me' or 'I would not let that happen to you.'
It's kind of cute, but once you're an hour and seven deaths deep, it can get a bit annoying. That said, you appreciate him for who he is, so you knew this was a bit inevitable and you love him anyway.
Once you asked him what he would do to protect you from 'unkillable' slashers like Michael Meyers, and after a second of thinking, he picked you up, took you out to the gun range, put you down behind him, and proceeded to absolutely obliterate everything in front of him one long, sustained round of heavy fire. Probably used up at least $6k of artillery. He then turned back to you and stated 'Michael Meyers could not survive being turned into a fine mist'
You were still in your jammies, and you couldn't help but laugh so hard you fell over. God bless your loving sentry turret.
Hope you all enjoyed! These were fun to write for, and I'd definitely be willing to do more for other characters if requested!
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honeydew-wecantwo · 3 months
thinking about vampire bite aftercare because it wouldn't be that much different from when ur getting ur blood drawn at a hospital
imagine ur vampire f/o bringing you peanut butter crackers and apple juice and checking in on you every two minutes until u can stand on ur own
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sennamybeloved · 11 months
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★ dear selfshippers with winged f/os: imagine grooming/preening your f/os wings for them. it isn't something they'd trust anyone to do other than you. they trust that you won't hurt them, and additionally, they secretly (or not-so-secretly) enjoy being doted over by you.
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fo-enjoyer · 8 months
Imagine your nonhuman f/o that can read minds, reading your mind when you don't know.
F/o usually finds themselves in your thoughts more than theirs when you're around taking notes on your expressions, and how you act depending on what you're thinking. Perhaps it's all just a game to them and think it's fun or they're just awkward about bringing it up or some reason they can't tell you. whatever it is they're still there listening.
Maybe you're thinking about something that makes you flustered. A moment, a trait, ect being completely lost in thought, and conveniently they asked what you're thinking about or they may say/do something related to your thoughts conveniently making you flustered.
Or something more dreadful like an intrusive thought or a bad memory coming back when you least expect it. Thankfully your f/o was there the comfort you, and just knowing the right thing to say. As they make sure to take care with any needs you have.
It could be something more random like you thinking of the weirdest and craziest scenarios in your head, ponder over things that mean nothing to any other person as f/o secretly listen fascinately being amused.
The possibilities are endless, so as your thoughts!
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nadiside · 1 year
You don't like my f/o? Good, more for me 🤗
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sanguineships · 8 months
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whether you imagine yourself in the clutches of a mysterious vampire whom you not know, or you are picturing the hungry embrace of the your fanged love one, you will find yourself laid in bed when your heart begins to race. something thirsted for you.
extra : blood, dark themes. sfw, but sensual.
word count: 950~
authors note: i haven’t done one of these before so my apologies if it’s clunky at all. either way, enjoy, and do let me know what you think!
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The weight of daylight had finally began to sink into an evening glow. You’d been sitting outside after a long day, stirring a drink leisurely and admiring the rich oranges fading into the horizon. Your emotions were in a bit of an unsteady state and the tire of life was sitting on your shoulders. It was a relief that tomorrow, there wasn’t too much to do. Perhaps a chore here and there but nothing that would be particularly exhausting.
As the sun finally finished its fall, you remembered the full moon is tonight. Hopefully, before you went to bed, you’d remember to spy its glory. Or maybe you’d wake up in the middle of the night and see it. Sleep hadn’t come so easily as of late. Something about the moon had always called to your heart. Such beauty had always drawn you toward a nocturnal lifestyle, but it had never seemed sustainable.
Eventually, you walked back inside and undressed, then switched to your night attire. You caught yourself waving a hand toward your face. A mist of sweat wept from your skin. Regardless of the season, this bedroom had always held onto heat. A sigh of irritation escaped you while you pulled the collar of your shirt, and then in a final gulp of thirst you decided to open the window.
A rush of cool air blew over your flesh, comfortable shivering dancing along your spine. It was soothing, and refreshing. Curtains fluttered toward you, making a subtle flapping noise. However, the screen needed to replaced. You’d taken it out a while ago, and the natural thought of self preservation crossed your mind. Nonetheless, it had already been decided to brave the dangers of leaving the window open in trade for a peaceful, much needed sleep.
After getting a drink, you finally fell into bed and pulled a light cover over yourself. Still you shifted for a while, tangling amidst the sheets. The ticking of the clock was agitating, but not enough to stand up to actually turn it off. The flapping of the curtains came harder, almost like they were wings. About a half hour passed, though, and with some deep breathing you managed to calm down.
Caught in between the uncomfortable state of dream and sleep, it crossed your mind that the wind had picked up. Perhaps it was to rain, although you’d not seen many clouds from the window earlier. But quick changes of weather weren’t the most unusual thing. The branches outside clattered a bit, thunder rumbled in the distance. Without even realizing the severity of it, your heart was pumping hard. Harder than it should be.
Now, you were really caught in confusion. Was it sleep paralysis? Hallucinations? Your half asleep mind did not allow you to move nor squirm, as if something had taken hold of you and forced you into the state of incoherent sleep. Finally, you understood that it was not just branches clattering, but the sound of scratching at the window as something climbed up into your room after it had landed on the ledge. Your heart ran so hard you could practically taste the iron in your mouth, unable to move or scream. It truly had happened, someone was here to take your life!
A soft tickling sensation met your bare neck. It was hair, rubbing against the tenderness of your living throat. There was no breath, nothing that you truly recognized as human. A long, drawn out moment enraptured you with true and horrifying fear. The pulse in your throat was a drum to your ears, which washed out the thunder. Thump. Thump. Thump.
That “something” grabbed you, roughly held your shoulder and pulled you into position. As lightning cracked, and rain began to hit the ground, a sharpness thrust down against your neck. You groaned from the pain, a smaller whimper vibrating deep from your chest. It knew you were partially awake, and lulled you into this even more vulnerable state in order to keep you docile.
After the initial pierce, the blood from your veins left sweet and slow. It was like it was torturing you, knowing that something inside you sang pleasure. One you were not intended, nor supposed to feel. Yet the touch of the hand on your shoulder, the depth of teeth against your neck and lightheadedness had brought fluster. A guilty smile perked from the corners of your lips. It did not mean fear was gone.
This was when the creature allowed you more movement. Your eyes opened slightly, and before you was a gorgeous and faded face. Blood dripped from those handsome lips, your own delicious essence on the mouth of a man you found to be enthralling. He’d found you to be a treat— a special gem to quench the thirst parching his throat. What a bountiful wine press to the monster. Perhaps this is why you’d been feeling so tired, where the mysterious wounds had come from.
You tilted your head willfully. So you’d have what you want. It was his want to drink of you, and yours to taste yourself upon your own tongue. You took your hand and drug it across the stunned face of the monster, who was used to disgust and fear. Both reactions were arousing. With this hungry hand you took him by the chin and kissed him with fervid intensity, not allowing his lips to leave yours before you were satisfied. A confusing mixture of warm iron and startling coldness greeted your mouth, his lips moving with yours aggressively.
When you pulled back, his eyes narrowed from a pleasured delight, a smile of reddened lips crinkling the corners. You willed his hands to dance across your body and so they did, where he pulled you into a dark embrace and lifted you a slight. The storm had calmed with the beast’s hunger. From this position which he continued to take your blood, and you saw the moon’s voluptuous shape enchanting the skies and stars, and gazed as the stormy clouds slowly ate it up.
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veryvaughnny · 1 year
I wasn't supposed to tell you this but your f/o was telling me about their plans to marry you.
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stomachacheships · 1 year
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Tearing up over this. Imagine your vampire f/o making sure you're eating enough 🥺😢
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downpourshipping · 3 months
My nonhuman f/o giving me love bites and nips and rubbing against me out of just a primal need for affection oughh I’m normal!!
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stars-self-ships · 2 months
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This is what it's like talking about your non-human romantic F/Os to your friends who don't self-ship.
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imagineyourmonster · 1 year
Imagine your f/o purring as you’re cuddling with them.
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starseverance · 11 months
Two imagines for a naga or scaled F/O
Imagine tracing your F/O's scales with your fingertips; running your hands over the ridges and feeling their unique outlines. You admire their colouration as they shift closer to you, the movement making their scales glimmer in the light.
Imagine the way they slither over to you, seeking your warmth. Being cold blooded can be challenging, especially in the cooler months, but having you there always helps.
As requested by @the-13th-rose, sorry for the looong wait!
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fo-enjoyer · 2 years
There's so many ways to self ship and have f/os and they are all valid!
The self shippers who only has one f/o
The self shippers who have multiple and switch between them
The self shippers who have multiple but only cares about one at the moment
The self shippers that don't have any f/os at the moment
The self shippers that only have family f/os
The self shippers that only have platonic f/os
The self shippers that only have romantic f/os
The self shippers that has a mix of the three or just two of them
The self shippers that polys with 2(or more) f/os
The self shippers that polys with f/o's canon
The self shippers that don't actively ship with their f/o all the time
The self shippers that care about canon
The self shippers don't care about canon and do what they want
The self shippers that only do imagines and never actually showing their f/o
The self shippers not comfortable showing their f/o
The self shippers not comfortable sharing their f/o
The self shippers comfortable sharing their f/o
The self shippers that use oc to ship
The self shippers that use s/I to ship
The self shippers that have some sort of talent like drawing, writing, whatever else. they constantly do for their f/o.
The self shippers that actively share the stuff they make for their f/o
The self shippers that are to shy to show stuff they made for their f/o
The self shippers who use it's the cope with their life
The self shippers who just having fun
The self shippers who are really horny
The self shippers who are asexual
The self shippers that are aromantic but still have romantic f/o(s)
The self shippers that are aromantic and only have platonic/family f/os
The self shippers that are not aromantic and still only have platonic/family f/os
The self shippers who are WLW or MLM
The self shippers that have queerplatonic f/o(s)
The self shippers that get over their f/os quickly
The self shippers that gets over their f/os after months to years but do eventually get over them
The self shippers with really obscure f/o
The self shippers with a really common f/o
The self shippers who self ship on main
The self shippers that self ship on a side account
The self shippers that secretly self ship because fear of judgment
The self shippers that ship their f/o(s) with other characters in cannon
The self shippers that are uncomfortable by their f/o(s) being shipped with other characters
The self shippers that hate and don't support the problematic people in our community
That's it. just don't support them.
The self shippers that are adults (that ship with f/o(s) that are canonly adult(s))
The self shippers that are minors
The self shippers that have nonhuman f/o(s)
The self shippers that have villains f/o(s)
The self shippers that have robot/AI f/o(s)
The self shippers that can never/rarely find imagines that fit with their f/o(s)
There are plenty more I could list here but this post is probably long enough. Just know you are always valid!
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nadiside · 2 years
The touch starved urge to give my f/o"s hugs all day after everything they've been through.
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veryvaughnny · 2 years
Craving a bunch of cheek and neck kisses from my f/o (completely fluffy)
Just imagine after a long day of missing your f/o and thinking ab each other, you're laying in bed, cuddling, and they start giving you cheek kisses and neck kisses and all the hugs and everything
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