neekaxiv · 2 years
A long time ago I used to really enjoy posting on Tumblr, either with my own content or reblogs for character aesthetics.
I loved answering asks and interacting with folks, I met a lot of people who I cherish and consider close friends in the beginning of my Tumblr escapades.
I loved early morning scrolling to find perfect 'Just Neeka Things' to add to my queue. I loved tagging people in things that reminded me of their characters and I smiled like an idiot anytime someone tagged me.
I loved taking the time to be clever with emotes to find a great pose for a screenshot and pair it with a dope ass song.
Hell I even loved the early days of modding I really enjoyed, being able to enhance my character or find a cute / badass outfit.
I even at the drive to extend that joy into my other characters too...Midnight, Nyloree, hell even my ttrpg cleric Mardove.
But all that love started to erode piece by piece.
Even before the mass exodus, I found it increasingly difficult to interact as time went on. More times than not a person who showed interest in RP was only after a quickie release with some ERP and/or they were extremely problematic with their attitude and their characters.
These days, I don't recognize half of the characters I see in screenshots. (Now this is mostly from Twitter but with folks poking their heads back here I'm sure it'll end up being the same) I'll never tell anyone how to play or find enjoyment.... But when your character doesn't even look like it belongs in the setting you're in, then what even is the point?
Why try to be clever with /gpose when a program will do everything for you including any number of poses or drastic body modifications?
I'm a firm believer that modding should be an enhancement of limitations set in character creation, not an entirely different character creation rule set. But again, to each their own.
Even if I had the time and energy to try to get back into my character (which I don't because full time career, grad school, buying my first home, and just generally getting older and being choosy with how my limited free time is spent) I don't think I could ever enjoy it like I used to because of any and all things listed above.
It's a sad thing to come to terms with tbh, but putting it into words does feel like it lifts some of that sadness off my shoulders.
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nyloreexiv · 4 years
Flower Aesthetics: Nyloree
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Bold what applies. Italic what is partly true or situational.
DAISY:   wears their heart on their sleeve. soft voice. minimalist clothing. laying in a field of tall grass. walking barefoot. puts other people’s happiness above their own.
BELLFLOWER:   very consistent friend. happy face with sad eyes. careful touches. hiding a blush. light giggles. makes friends easily. knows how to make you smile.
PROTEA:   proud. big gestures. African heritage. blushes easily. tries to look tough but is really just a big softie. content where they are. doesn’t love easily, but always deeply.
MOONFLOWER:   knowing smiles. doesn’t open up easily. late nights. tired eyes. soft skin. not as innocent as they seem. loose clothing.
BLEEDING HEART:   hopeless romantic. still laughs at dirty jokes. believes they can change the world. caring looks. dyed hair. kisses on the cheek.
SUNFLOWER:   big smiles. always looking for the positive. lots of friends. warm afternoons. basking in the sun. stares off into space a lot. sitting in comfortable silence.
DANDELION:   wishing for the impossible. shooting stars. light breezes through their hair. white clothing. whispered secrets. far off looks. kind eyes.
Tagged by: @the-everwanderer​ (( Thank You ^.^ ))
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nalukahvi · 5 years
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“Each of us carries a sleeping tiger inside, and we can’t predict when that cat will wake, stretch, and sharpen its claws.” ― Holly Robinson
One enormous commission that I have enjoyed working on very, very much for @neekaxiv featuring her character, @nyloreexiv ♥
All Rights Reserved; This work is not free-use and may not be taken, claimed, edited, copied, redistributed, or otherwise used without my consent. Reposting is 🚫, Reblogging is ♥
• • • ⦃ Twitch ⦄ • ⦃ Twitter ⦄ • ⦃ Commission Info ⦄ • ⦃ Ko-Fi ⦄ • • •
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the-everwanderer · 5 years
💭💭 - one for Neeka and one for Nyloree!
Neeka and Aslaug
“Oh you look good, really loving that hair” scanning the woman over a chuckle passed the Vieras lips “oh you’re definitely a woman who doesn’t take anyone’s shit, I like that” a devilish smile crossed their face “now girl tell me, where did you get those boots?”
Nyloree and Aslaug
“I wounder if she’ll ever come to tea again?” the Viera thought to themselves “and hell, if she wont come willingly there are other ways to make people come” excitably giggling to themselves the Viera began to tap their feet “oh but if she does come, I will have to show her something new!!”
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Thank you for the ask!!!
Send 💭 for a thought my muse has had about yours
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nyloreexiv · 5 years
Dreams from another life
Echoes of a battle raged within the thick stone walls as she laid upon the cool surface of the floor. The feeling of warmth and fur was at her side, a stark contract from the cold stone. ‘Kumari’ she thought to herself, a hand reaching out for the source of the warmth as her gaze tried to follow suit.
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Red blotches stained the white fur of the over-sized tiger, the creature was dying after very clearly protecting his master. Ragged breathing came from the beast, the last few he would take before falling into an eternal slumber.
What struck her the oddest after she’d pulled her hand away to examine the blood was the shade of her skin.
Why was it purple?
With all the strength she could muster she lifted her head just enough to look down her broken form. Were those hooves? By the Twelve, what was going on? At the same time, she lifted her hand to touch her head only to find horns and tendrils?? 
A flood of memories assaulted her mind as she let her head fall back against the stone, there was no doubt that she was dying…she simply wished that she would pass at the same time as Kumari so that neither would have to witness their companion pass on.
 A gruff human with striking green eyes and a mess of brown hair. The bottom half of his face was mangled enough to make him instantly recognizable, though he normally covered it up. He was harsh but fair, someone she could always trust without a shadow of a doubt.
 A…one that looked like her now except male. He radiated light and that made her furious yet there was something about him that brought her an intense sadness, but she couldn’t seem to figure out why.
 A kind…panda bear? A feeling of familiarity, of the ocean and of a teapot lingered in her mind. It felt like home and like family. If she had to describe the sensation in one word, it would be peace.
 Green eyes blazed from a hooded figure as a clawed hand reached for her, she could feel nothing but fear and despair. She wanted to run as far as she could from the figure, to turn her back and never see it again.
Each thought, along with many others took what seem to be an eternity to go through. It was as if this torment would never end. She simply wanted to rest.
And now she would be allowed to.
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With one final exhale, both Nyloree and Kumari closed their eyes to leave this plane of existence. With the pair together, it was a peaceful though solemn moment.
Until the Viera awoke with a start, the sunlight burning her vision. First, she scrambled to ensure that her hands were in fact not purple, that her feet were not akin to goat hooves, her ears were rightly in place and not some strange horns and that it was simply beads that touched her neck, not some bizarre tendril that was attached to her head.
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Her next thought was about Kumari, panicked she looked for the young cub that had just started to stir beside her. His mother, Amara, was still resting behind the pair. In her old age it was hard for her to move much distance without needing to sleep. Soon she would pass and it would be up to Nyloree to raise the cub.
That’s right, they’d stopped to rest…she must have dozed off too.
“Elias, you’re not going to believe this twisted dream I had…” To an onlooker, it would seem like the Viera was talking to herself, or maybe the small tiger cub as she reached for piece of string that held a small silver ring for the little one to play with.
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But to Nyloree, the Thavnarian man was as clear as day, sitting on the other side of Kumari listening to his wife talk about goat people, panda bears and shadowy figures.
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nyloreexiv · 5 years
Never-Ending Survey: Nyloee
Rules: Repost, do not reblog, Tag 10 blogs
Tagged by: @nekun-uul (( Thank you ^.^ ))
Tagging: screw the rules, I tagged 10 on my main. so YOU. Open tag. Do it.
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FULL  NAME :  Nyloree Sasani
AGE : 24 in human-relative years
BIRTHDAY : Springtime
ETHNIC  GROUP : Viera (Rava)
LANGUAGE / S : Common
HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Golmore Jungle
CURRENT  HOME : Wherever she sets up camp for the night
PROFESSION : Hunter / Tracker
HAIR : Light brown with a smattering of blue streaks
EYES : Ice blue
FACE : Sad
LIPS : Average
COMPLEXION : Medium with warm undertones
SCARS : Many different scratches over her arms and torso, like a cat went a little too ham
TATTOOS : Markings under her eyes, appear to be tribal and the same shade of blue as in her hair
HEIGHT :  6′5″
WEIGHT : Average.
BUILD : Athletic
FEATURES :  Beads and feathers hang from her hair and ears at all times
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : An unruly mess, looks like she took a hunting knife and hacked it off herself
USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  Lost in thought, not always there
USUAL  CLOTHING :  Leathers and fabrics that have been sewn together into some form of outfit. Her boots are the only thing that look halfway expensive
FEAR / S : Being alone, the water, losing her companions
ASPIRATION / S :  None at the moment
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Kind, compassionate, resourceful
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Delusional, one track mind, aggressive when provoked
TEMPERAMENT : Melancholic 
SOUL  TYPE / S : The Scholar
VICE HABIT / S : Somnus
FAITH : The Twelve
GHOSTS ? : Yes
REINCARNATION ? :  She hopes so
EDUCATION  LEVEL : Self-taught, basic
FATHER : Uknown
MOTHERS :  Njlori
SIBLINGS : Several, but she knows of none
EXTENDED  FAMILY : Her tribe (ex-family)
NAME MEANING / S : OOC: none IC: Adapted it to be easier for those outside her tribe to say, but similar to her mothers
BOOK :  Survivalist guide
DEITY : Oschon
MONTH : Late August
SEASON :  Autumn
PLACE : Deep in the woods away from prying eyes
WEATHER : Overcast but warm
SOUND / S: Crackling fire, Kumari sleeping
SCENT / S :  Smoke, fresh rain
TASTE / S : Berries, smoked meat
FEEL / S :  Kumari’s fur, crunchy leaves
ANIMAL / S :  Tigers, but also all woodland creatures
COLORS : White, Black, Brown, Green
TALENTS : Surviving, hunting, tracking
BAD  AT :  Talking to other people, expressing herself, magic
TURN  ONS : Kindness, compassion, a million dollar smile that reaches one's eyes
TURN  OFFS : Cruelty, being asked too many questions
HOBBIES : Hunting, training her companions, traveling, wood carving
TROPES : Uuuuuh. Loner, hunter, tribal... I can’t think of a specific trope off the top of my head
QUOTES : “Sshhh, you’ll frighten them.”
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  Alone. It would follow Nyloree through her decision to leave her tribe, to her happy life with Elias to his untimely demise and her being unable to cope with it. 
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Melancholic violin and piano scores
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :   She was my first real RP character in WoW, to be honest I had no idea what I was doing and just sort of made it up as I went.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :    After I left WoW I felt like Nyloree had been ruined for me, I couldn’t look at the game or think about her without all the issues I had surfacing. With the introduction to Viera, and my own personal healing I thought now would be a good time to reintroduce her and get to know her now that (I like to think) I know what I’m doing a little more.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : She is very tragic. The reason why Neeka was born in the first place was it was taking a toll on my mental health to be playing a character that was always upset for some reason or another.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  Uuuuh depression?
Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?          
A7 :  She would likely feel upset that I created her circumstances, but she wouldn’t wish ill upon me
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 :   I’m not sure! I need to get her with some people to figure that out because I haven’t had a chance to RP her in this world yet! Back in WoW it was fun to see her as a Draenai talk with other Draenai who worshipped the light (spoiler she was bitter because the light didn’t save her husband)
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : I don’t know yet! I’m thinking nature, tribal vibes, and tigers are a good start though!
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : An hour
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neekaxiv · 5 years
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Pre-Viera Nyloree with Kumari & Kai
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nyloreexiv · 4 years
Elements - Nyloree
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Bold what applies. Italic what is partly true or situational.
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped and torn styles of clothing / i play a sport / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy traveling / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love candle light / i see emotions in colors not words
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder(Not exactly recovered) / i can love unconditionally
Tagged By: @the-everwanderer​ (( Thank You ^.^ ))
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neekaxiv · 4 years
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Got invited to the Crowfall beta this weekend.
Little bummed they’re going the route of classes are restricted to certain races, it made it impossible to make my characters their actual classes and close to their races (Also the character create is very limited)
But here’s my ladies!
Neeka: Fae Assassin
Nyloree: Wood Elf Ranger
Mardove: Human Cleric
Midnight: Half Giant Champion
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neekaxiv · 4 years
OOC Facts;
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Favorite Colours: Blacks and Reds (I know, playing into that edge lord vibe)
Last Song Listened To: Smash Into Pieces - All Eyes On You 
Favorite Musician/Singer: Tied between Brendon Urie and Dan Avidan (Danny Sexbang)
Last Film Watched: My Hero Academia: Hereos: Rising
Favorite TV Show Watched: Way too many to make a single choice. Altered Carbon, West World, Castlevania, The Expanse, really the list just keeps going
Favorite OC: I mean, Neeka hands down. Don’t get me wrong I love Midnight and Nyloree and am really starting to adore Mardove even more but Neeka will always be my go-to not just because she’s ‘easy’ to play but because I love her that much
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Savory followed by sweet
Sparkling Water, Coffee, or Tea: There are places for all three, coffee first thing in the morning, sparkling water during the day and tea in the evening
Pets: My furbaby Emma pictured up top. 
Tagged by: @kich-rp (( Thank you ^.^ ))
Tagging: YOU. Do it if you’re comfortable with a little OOC on your blog <3 Consider yourself tagged by me ( @me so I can read!)
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nyloreexiv · 5 years
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A lovely sketch of Nyloree done by the very talented @nalukahvi!
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nyloreexiv · 5 years
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Nyloree & Kumari
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neekaxiv · 5 years
Things I Like RP Partners To Know
I like to be called: Generally Neeka. I’ve been known by that name for so long now that it just feels natural. I tried to distance myself from the name Nyloree for a long time due to some pretty heavy shit with me leaving WoW, but now that I’m trying to reinvent her in FFXIV I’m not opposed. Quite a few people also call me by my real name, Kylie. I’m not picky.
My favorite colours are: reds, black, purples. Totally depends on my mood
Gender: Female
One thing you should know about me (or several):
I like many others suffer from depression. Some days I’m happy and chatty and planning things only for when those things happen to not be able to commit. I try really hard to not let my moods affect my relationships with my friends and my RP partners, but it happens. That’s why I much prefer discord RP because I can have a few days to shake off the funk before replying. 
I’m a huge introvert who doesn’t like to instigate conversation. This isn’t me not being interested in you, it’s me not knowing what to say.
I’ve had some pretty shitty things happen to me in the online world, which can make me pretty forward and blunt about things such as writing so as not to repeat said things. 
To extend the last point, this is why communication is so important to me. If you’re not comfortable telling me when something is wrong, or I don’t feel comfortable enough with you, then a RP partnership isn’t going to last long.
We actually get to a stage where our characters start getting frisky and you ask me what /I’m/ doing? I’m going to tell you that I’m cleaning the toilet in between posts and then drop your ass. Keep it IC.
One thing you should know about my muse(s)(or several):
Neeka is a sexual character, I am not. She will attempt to sleep with you if she likes you, or it’s in her benefit. I am not a horndog looking to ERP with everyone and ignore the fact that she’s in a committed relationship. 
The Neeka you meet might be someone completely different than the Neeka someone else meets. This isn’t me being unable to decide what type of character she is, it’s different masks that she wears. Not many people have seen the REAL Neeka.
Midnight is more of an NPC character that’s used for other’s people's stories. She’s become business associates and family to several of my friend's characters. Think of her as a plot device. She is essentially a mob boss who doesn’t lose, as such, it’s rare for me to put her in any type of situation where she might come to blows with someone else because: 1. it’s not fair for me to put a leash on her and 2. it’s not fair to you for me to god mod her.
I don’t know Nyloree yet. I’m keeping some things from her from WoW, which means she will be slightly mentally disturbed and a loner. She’s not supposed to be likable like Neeka is.
First Language: English is my first and only language.
RP Blogs/Main Blog: Main blog is: @neekaxiv, other RP blogs are @witchinghourxiv & @nyloreexiv . I also have joke Larry blog @larryxiv As you can see, I’m very inventive with my blog names.
Age Range:  under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ |  70+
Am I okay with NSFW?: yes | no | some nsfw    With the understanding that there is a VERY clear IC/OOC line. Break that and I won’t be fine with NSFW anymore (At least in the sexual nsfw sense)
My favorite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut | action | plots  I’ll RP whatever is fun, most likely depends on my mood as well as the dynamic between the characters being written. Not interested in smut for the sake of smut, to me that’s no different than trolling for cybersex.
OC friendly?: yes | no | depends
RP blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc | Aesthetic
Tagged by: @nerd-ology (( Thank you ^.^ ))
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neekaxiv · 5 years
Start of a new semester
Today marks the start of my second to last semester to finish up my B.S. 
This summer has been a whirlwind of ups, downs and really really downs along with an inconsistent schedule throughout those months. I had issues both online and offline, but I’m not about to ignore the good parts of both on and offline as well.
I found this summer to be challenging because I would see friends or even mutuals who were suffering from way worse problems than myself which would leave me feeling like I was self-absorbed or ungrateful for what I have. It’s been a long and difficult road to remember that a ‘problem’ is subjective to a person. (I blame growing up always being told shit like there were starving children in Africa when I didn’t want to finish eating dinner.)
But, today is the start of a new routine and a new schedule for me. Work schedule becomes consistent, I know when I’m working and when I have off every week from now until the middle of December. I’m going to have to get a feel for my classes to see how much of myself I’m going to have to dedicate to them, but in general, I have a pretty fantastic set up in being able to do school work at actual work. 
We’ll see how this first week treats me but with a stable routine, I’m planning on churning out more content for Neeka, Midnight and even Nyloree.
I may not have a lot of time to RP with new folks in-client (Unless they’re cool with there being a hard time range of like 2 or 3 hours) but Discord threads seem to work well for me. (Especially ones that are a slower burn type deal) because I have the freedom to reply while at work as well. 
All of that to say, I’m feeling pretty confident about this new semester, having structure and stability is important to my mental health and being able to do things like write with folks. 
If you’ve wanted to poke me about some RP but I’ve always seemed like a disaster over the past few months, well now is the time to do it as I’m settling in and finding my groove.
For now, coffee and some positivity asks!
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neekaxiv · 5 years
People I’d like to know better
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– one  /  Name / Alias: Kylie, Neeka, Nyloree, Hey you
– two  /  Birthday: June 17th
– three  /  Zodiac Sign:  Gemini 
– four  /  Height: 5′4″
– five  /  Hobbies: Gaming, movies, reading, occasionally baking
– six  /  Favorite colors: Reds, blacks, purples
– seven  / Favorite book: Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan. Really that whole series
– eight  /  Last song listened to: 16 - Highly Suspect
– nine  /  Last Film Watched: Once upon a time in Hollywood
– ten  /  Inspiration for Muse: Neeka started out in WoW of all places as a way to get away from the constant tragic RP that came with my Nyloree. She was a party girl who just wanted to have fun. When I brought her to FFXIV I wanted to keep her positive and fun, but also have a serious streak to her. She’s actually changed quite a bit over the years and frankly, I really like where she is at now.
– eleven  /  Dream Job: I’ve never been a person who has had a dream job or career. There was never a spark of “I want to do this for the rest of my life.” so I’ve always chosen the route of doing something that I’m good with the end goal of it being lucrative. 
I was a pharmacy tech right out of high school because I had no idea what else to do, I was really damn good at it. But retail sucks your soul and doesn’t pay that well so I finally decided to buckle down and go to school.
I changed majors three times, never knowing what it was I wanted to do and finally decided on a business degree because it turns out I’m really good at business and my concentration of Information Systems lets me stay working with technology without having to commit to Computer Science or something like that. 
So now I’m going down the road of IT in higher education. Something like a database administrator or business analyst because it’s hella job security and is generally lucrative. (Oh and I’m good with databases too) so it checks all the things I want in a job.
– twelve  / Meaning behind your URL: I was not very original with this, I wanted it to be simple and easy to remember. Soooo neekaxiv was born lol.
tagged by: @breaking-from-grace T(( Thank you ^.^ ))
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neekaxiv · 5 years
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Nyloree Sasani
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