#OC: Ivan Inanis
bloodredx · 8 months
Day 18: Found Family
Placing her teacup back on the saucer with a gentle clink, Lady Serena looked out across her garden as the flowers swayed in the breeze. It was a peaceful night, the moon full and bright cast long shadows over the courtyard. Across the ways, her ward was muttering to himself as he pulled weeds. The words he mispronounced were the ancient ones she taught him. A hint of a smile touched the corner of her lips.
“Having a good night, my lady?” Elysia’s voice was soft as she poured a refill of warm blood into Serena’s now empty cup.
“Certainly.” Her fingers wrapped around the warm cup, indulging in the gentle heat.
“You seem pleased with something.” The calming blue of her eyes sparkled in the low light.
She stifled a small chuckle. “Nothing of note, Elysia. Just take it as the internal musing of an old woman.”
Elysia pulled out her own chair after pouring a cup for herself, taking a seat and adjusting the skirt of her dress with precision. “I don’t think that you’ve ever mused. Not like that.”
“No, I don’t suppose I have.” She took another sip, eyes drifting up to the roof to see her consort meditating, his silver curls following along with the breeze. Serena had half the mind to believe her was redirecting the wind himself, he may well could have been. She focused again on her lady-in-waiting. “Is Ivan well?”
Elysia now smiled herself. “I think he’s fine. Things have calmed down for us recently. Thank you for that.”
“It was nothing, really. Considering… everything…” Serena closed her eyes a moment, reflecting solemnly. “I really ought to be the one thanking you.”
“Oh, I-“
Serena raised a hand to stop her. “Speak nothing on it. The comradery is far more than enough in recompense.” The normal frigidness in her tone had evaporated. “Truly, you and the others mean more than I have words for.”
Elysia turned her head, not sure of what to do or say. The Lady spoke candidly often, especially in her work, but never about herself or her emotions. Yet somehow, it felt right, not forced or artificial like some other words. As if some turmoil had finally begun to settle down within her lady’s heart. “Seems like we’ve settled into place.”
Smiling behind her teacup, Serena agreed softly. “So it would seem.”
(OC-tober prompts by @oc-tober2023 can be found here. Elysia and Ivan belong to @gi-ie-ru.)
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