#Obviously I'm not making any rash decisions here I'm gonna sit on it and think about if I can really do medicine and chem and all that but..
smp-live · 2 years
idk I just feel like I need to ramble so. long tags ahead. yeah
#I first watched Techno's content three years ago - almost to the day#sometime within the past week would have been it#after my brother. a long time viewer. told me about his steering wheel challenge#Tomorrow is also the anniversary of a loved one's passing. Techno's content helped get me through it#and the rest of the worst summer of my life#His mc.c streams were the only reason I went on you.tube in the first half-year of lockdown. they gave me something to latch on to#I know he had a similar impact on my brother. Even now his channel is one of the only two I have notifications on for#His dedication and sarcastic optimism are things I look up to and aspire to be able to do myself#and his loved ones deserve the best. he deserved better#and this (building on previous feelings) is what's making me consider changing my major#I used to think I'd be happy if I did *something* in nuclear technology. made some advancement that bettered green energy#but I'm not sure if that's enough for me anymore#I kind of want to do medical physics. if when my time comes I can point at one person and say. ''I saved their life'' I will be happy#if I can look at this man who made millions of people's days better and say ''he put me on this path'' I'll be happy#and idk if I will otherwise#Obviously I'm not making any rash decisions here I'm gonna sit on it and think about if I can really do medicine and chem and all that but..#fuck man#ok if you read all this - or if you didn't. I love you. take care of yourselves. thank you for indulging in silly ol' me. bye <3
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unpretty · 3 years
another astielle askdump with spoilers up to chapter twelve~
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Okay. Now im liking leonas a lot less reluctantly. I love Toast. I love the way he delivered the story about Toast. I love that he CROUCHED DOWN to the KING IF MONSTERS to tell him about toast, the heroic pig that minnow butchered, ate, and put up a statue for
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oh i love The Story Of Toast, as told by Leonas, because while in-universe that is DEFINITELY a threat and a very effective one, out-of-'verse i'm just looking at it and nodding along like "yea i'd do that"
the best part about Toast is the look of unmitigated horror on my partner's face when they got to that part about what happened to Toast
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Okay, so the whole candy incident definitely plays differently knowing that Leonas was on the edge of fourteen at the time. Like, still not cool to yoink a kid out of her ageless, deathless fey existence without permission, but at least he was a likewise actual facts child just making rash decisions and hoping they turn out like he wants them to.
Minnow, eight, newly-armed: "do you like being a grown-up?"
Leonas, a tall middle-schooler: "... yes."
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Leonas being 5x as fussy outside of his spy chamber is a delight and he is finally having peaceful nights BECAUSE he's sleeping 5 feet away from his nightmares. The matching clothes made me scree and flail around. Honestly that reaction happened like 4 times the most recent chapter. I came for the red lined sections but now I'm thinking about the characters and plot for an hour after every new chapter
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I love getting to see a peak inside leonas's perspective!!! What a funky little neurotic mess. Poor man thinks 30 is middle aged bc hes been dreaming of his death his whole life. For a man that could hit 200 without being murdered thats very depressing! I love how minnow has so few attachments to social mores that she manages to fluster even ari with tentacle porn. I love the kind of ownership/connection minnow and leonas try to have over each other. I ADORE the matching outfits for leonas and ari in Minnow's colors. Which she WILL NOT ADMIT to despite being delightfully transparent. I love leonas thinking that minnow should have a crown too. I love that minnow is very obviously leonas's closest friend. I love the clearer description of karzarul as Very Obviously the moonlight king. I love how minnow is a force of nature that absolutely cant be argued with. A creeping lava flow of a person, the current pulling these royals in her wake. I love ari being a petty asshole about not getting to have enough sex with minnow, and i love the monster sex, which is also tentacle porn. Me, side eyeing karzaruls desire to be known as a monster, but in like a derogatory way while hes fucking someone. Me, side eyeing leonas and the poetic descriptions of ari. Hmmm, interesting 👀. This is just a fantastic story. Also the weird reincarnation time gap is only adding fuel to my "leland is the heir" fire.
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Also ill have to read back but we find out that leonas has seen tauril ari in his dreams a lot right??? More than any other form. I dont have a conspiracy theory yet but rest assured i WILL come up with one bc it feels Important. Also....i love that leonas has kept the tree and just dreams under it and looking for flaws, just thinking. Juxtaposed with sharing wild tart raspberries with Karzarul. Something about that picture just sticks in my head, its really lovely.
slightly smushed wild raspberries from the side of the road are definitely not on the list of approve royal foods to eat with a fancy specialized fruit tart fork
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I was trying to avoid reading astielle asks before I got time to read it. but I kind of got the vibe from what I saw that Leonas = Bad. and I was like 'aw that's a shame I kinda like him (despite obvious Problems) but then I got to later chapters and felt vindicated! anyway it's SO GOOD
"aw man i know he's evil but he's also kinda queer-coded--oh wait no i think he was just evil-coded actually"
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it was significantly closer to the first hero than it was to minnow
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Getting extreme joy from the fact that technically Kavid reminded Karzarul of Jonys this leading to the dream and also the clear foreshadowing that Jonys's Sunlit Heir dude slit his throat.
I'm also just sitting here with the whole Karzarul making willow trees for Leonas's nightmares and the now "I'm not here for you" etc
Minnow has two hands guys, also idk if she cares about monogamy. I'm just hoping for polyamorous romance enemies to lovers over here
minnow barely knows what a monogamy is and if she'd known about them she would have probably encouraged fran and harv to go for it, simultaneously. if it hadn't been so crowded she might also have asked kavid if he wanted to have a threesome with the king of all monsters in order to write the most badass song about it of all time. kavid would have said yes. karzarul would need at least ten minutes of convincing. kavid's song about it would imply that he interrupted their epic battle and with the power of his seductive wiles he brought about world peace.
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